Riverside County Auditor-Controller Report On FY 2021/22 Overtime Spending
Riverside County Auditor-Controller Report On FY 2021/22 Overtime Spending
Riverside County Auditor-Controller Report On FY 2021/22 Overtime Spending
Full Transparency
Fiscal Year 2021-22
Full Transparency
Overtime Monitoring
Overtime Monitoring
Table of Contents
Riverside County Sheriff’s Department .................................................................................. 5
Riverside University Health System – Medical Center………………………………………....... 8
Riverside County Department of Public Social Services....................................................... 11
Riverside County Probation Department .............................................................................. 14
Riverside County District Attorney ........................................................................................ 19
Riverside County Fire Department ....................................................................................... 23
Riverside University Health System – Public Health……………………………………………. 26
Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health……………………………………. 29
Riverside County Registrar of Voters ................................................................................... 32
Riverside County Department of Child Support Services ..................................................... 34
Riverside County Human Resources ................................................................................... 37
Riverside County Building and Safety .................................................................................. 41
Riverside County IHSS Public Authority ............................................................................... 43
Riverside County Office on Aging......................................................................................... 46
Riverside County Code Enforcement ................................................................................... 49
Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner ....................................................................... 53
Riverside County Office of Economic Development ............................................................. 56
B. Total Number of Employees by Department Earning over 50% of Base Pay. ........... 62
C. County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay ..... 63
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
In Fiscal Year 2021-22, over one hundred twenty-one million dollars ($121,920,942) in overtime
was incurred by county departments. Nine departments exceeding $1 million in overtime expense
were selected for monitoring in this report, representing 93% of the total overtime cost incurred
by the County of Riverside overall. The departments include, the Riverside County Sheriff’s
Department (Sheriff), Riverside University Health System – Medical Center (RUHS-MC),
Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), Probation Department (Probation), Riverside
County District Attorney (DA), Riverside County Fire Department (Fire), RUHS – Public Health
(RUHS-PH), RUHS – Behavioral Health (RUHS-BH), and Riverside County Registrar of Voters.
Eight additional departments, Riverside County Department of Child Support Services, Riverside
County Human Resources, Riverside County Transportation and Land Management (TLMA) –
Building and Safety, Riverside County IHSS Public Authority, Riverside County Office on Aging,
Riverside County TLMA – Code Enforcement, Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner, and
Riverside County Office of Economic Development were also selected for monitoring based on
the criteria of overtime expense exceeding fifty percent (50%) of prior year overtime expense. In
addition to the overtime costs that was paid to county employees, we have also included costs
for overtime hours that were banked 1 through the fiscal year. These costs were converted from
hours to overtime costs using the hourly rate paid to respective county employees and is reflected
in the total overtime cost documented throughout this report. See Schedule A for a complete list
of overtime, and the percentage of overtime to total salaries and benefits by department for Fiscal
Year 2021-22.
As it pertains to the use of overtime labor, reasonable and necessary expenditures enable the
county to continue to provide services despite labor shortages due to vacancies, sick leaves,
mandated service levels changes, and operational and seasonal workload spikes. Appropriate
overtime is a cost-effective response to short-term labor shortages or spikes in service demands
as compared to hiring additional employees. However, long-term overtime or uncontrolled uses
of overtime represent significant risks of increased direct and indirect costs.
Unnecessary overtime may be effectively managed through management control activities such
as pre-approval of overtime, adjusting staffing levels to service demand levels, regular
management monitoring of overtime, and informing and communicating management’s objectives
regarding cost containment and service delivery to all employees. In addition, long-term overtime
may help obscure fraudulent overtime with employees padding timesheets with overtime hours
not worked.
Banked overtime refers to the hours worked by county employees, accumulated at one and a half times the hours
worked by respective employees, and used in the future at the choosing of the employee. These hours are paid at
the regular hourly rate.
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
In calendar year 2021, the number of Riverside County employees earning at least 50% of their
base pay in overtime totaled 407 (See Schedule B for total by department), with the highest
employee earning 314% of their base pay in overtime (See Schedule C for the list of employees).
Overtime is an area of high fraud risk that needs continuous monitoring and strong internal
This report also includes charts to compare actual versus budgeted overtime. These charts can
be used as a tool to determine if departments are accurately budgeting based on historical trends
of actual overtime expenses.
Other impacts from long-term use of overtime include increased employee turnover, reduced
employee productivity, increased risk and increased litigation costs arising from error, omission,
and fatigue.
Nine Riverside County departments with reported overtime in excess of $1 million and eight with
overtime increase in excess of fifty percent of previous year overtime costs were selected for this
monitoring report. Those departments are named above.
Extracts from the county’s financial system were queried as of June 30, 2022, compiled, and the
information forwarded to the departments for their response. Each department was asked to
provide its rationale for the use of overtime, protocol to approve overtime, and if they had identified
ways to mitigate and/or reduce this expense.
This report includes overtime, salary and total labor costs paid by county departments as well as
any accrued overtime balances (in dollars) that will be of impact (in the future) in cost to the
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department is a public safety agency with 5,034 authorized
positions including law enforcement professionals, administrative and support staff, with a
combined budget of over $898 million in fiscal year 2021-22. The Sheriff provides court security,
civil process services and execution of court orders, maintenance and operations of correctional
facilities, and law enforcement services. In addition, the Sheriff is responsible for the Coroner
investigations and Public Administrator estate functions. The Sheriff has 10 stations and five
correctional facilities providing services to county unincorporated areas, 17 contract cities, one
tribal community and one community college district.
In fiscal year 2021-22, the Sheriff reported $681,485,706 in labor costs, of which $66,179,664, or
9.7%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $5,199,211, or 8.5%, more than
the overtime expense of $60,980,454 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total
Riverside County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 269 or 66.1%
are Sheriff employees earning an average of 68.3% over their base pay in overtime, with the
highest earning 313.7% over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays Sheriff’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 1. Overtime expense incurred by the Sheriff for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
Sheriff $44,915,880 $63,546,181 $71,250,710 $60,980,454 $66,179,664
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 1. The Sheriff’s total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
Sheriff's Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 538,249,756 $ 556,293,830 $ 914,586,425 $ 626,499,353 $ 681,485,706
Regular Salaries $ 312,784,557 $ 305,578,440 $ 319,345,145 $ 326,053,293 $ 334,622,914
Overtime Paid $ 43,065,379 $ 61,439,718 $ 68,550,553 $ 58,347,347 $ 62,658,725
Overtime Banked $ 1,850,502 $ 2,106,463 $ 2,700,157 $ 2,633,107 $ 3,520,940
Total Overtime $ 44,915,880 $ 63,546,181 $ 71,250,710 $ 60,980,454 $ 66,179,664
Overtime % to Total Labor 8.3% 11.4% 7.8% 9.7% 9.7%
Overtime % to Regular
Salaries 14.4% 20.8% 22.3% 18.7% 19.8%
Overtime $ Change From
Prior FY $ 18,630,301 $ 7,704,528 $ (10,270,256) $ 5,199,211
Overtime % Change From
Prior FY 41.5% 12.1% -14.4% 8.5%
*Includes all benefits and labor taxes paid
Graph 2. The Sheriff’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
Sheriff Department
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $35,001,716 $33,209,932 $51,594,748 $53,063,030 $51,618,536
Actual OT $44,915,880 $63,546,181 $71,250,710 $60,980,454 $66,179,664
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“What management controls exist to limit the use of overtime to emergency and non-
routine purposes that are critical to department operational goals?
A review of our overtime expenditures reflects the fact that nearly 42% of Sheriff’s Department
overtime spending last year was reimbursed – via grants, court security funding, special event
charges, and payments from the cities that contract with the Sheriff’s Department for law
enforcement patrols. So, the overtime for those operations caused no “budget overruns” or
unanticipated charges and did not impact Net County Cost.
The Sheriff’s Department monitors, and controls overtime daily at all bureaus and stations.
Overtime is approved through the chain-of-command and is ultimately reviewed and approved by
each Commander. Detailed overtime reports are produced every pay period and reviewed by the
Sheriff’s Executive Staff on a monthly basis.
What plans, if any, does your department have to reduce overtime costs?
Overtime at the Sheriff’s Department is by any standard well within existing professional
parameters. It is tightly managed. The Office of the Sheriff, which embraces continuous
improvement and innovation, is always happy to discuss ways to further reduce overtime. At the
same time, it is the department’s duty to prevent a different, countervailing kind of cost; that of
underutilizing overtime, and risking a failure in public protection.”
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside University Health System – Medical Center is a full-service hospital offering
occupational and physical therapy, complete laboratory testing, pulmonary treatment and
diagnostic services. As a 439-bed teaching hospital located in the City of Moreno Valley, the
Medical Center offers training programs for nursing students, medical residents, and allied health
professionals. Medical services were provided by 4,668 authorized positions with a budget of
$982 million in fiscal year 2021-22.
In fiscal year 2021-22, RUHS-MC reported $440,066,090 in labor costs, of which $20,044,080, or
4.6%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $1,047,015, or 5.5%, more than
the overtime expense of $18,997,065 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total
Riverside County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 49 or 12.0%
are RUHS-MC employees earning an average of 70.3% over their base pay in overtime, with the
highest earning 136.3% over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays the Medical Center’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 3. Overtime expense incurred by RUHS-MC for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
RUHS - Medical Center $21,009,550 $21,178,354 $20,023,339 $18,997,065 $20,044,080
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
RUHS - MC's Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 413,175,522 $ 436,599,271 $ 479,457,979 $ 391,414,812 $ 440,066,090
Regular Salaries $ 214,816,174 $ 231,519,232 $ 243,433,649 $ 251,826,818 $ 264,124,133
Overtime Paid $ 20,506,800 $ 20,861,320 $ 19,830,398 $ 18,776,634 $ 19,684,080
Overtime Banked $ 502,750 $ 317,034 $ 192,941 $ 220,431 $ 360,000
Total Overtime $ 21,009,550 $ 21,178,354 $ 20,023,339 $ 18,997,065 $ 20,044,080
Overtime % to Total Labor 5.1% 4.9% 4.2% 4.9% 4.6%
Overtime % to Regular
Salaries 9.8% 9.1% 8.2% 7.5% 7.6%
Overtime $ Change From
Prior FY $ 168,803 $ (1,155,014) $ (1,026,275) $ 1,047,015
Overtime % Change From
Prior FY 0.8% -5.5% -5.1% 5.5%
*Includes all benefits and labor taxes paid
Graph 4. RUHS-MC’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $20,830,020 $18,379,217 $18,377,284 $19,583,116 $17,273,448
Actual OT $21,009,550 $21,178,354 $20,023,339 $18,997,065 $20,044,080
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“1. What internal controls exist to actively monitor the use of overtime to emergency and non-
routine purposes that are critical to department operation goals?
The daily report identifies for both managers and administration the development of potential
overtime problems before the end of a pay period. The Finance Director also monitors overtime
daily and by pay period to safeguard that the facilities overtime is within normal limits based on
available staffing and hospital volumes.
3.What plans, if any, does your department have to reduce overtime costs? If unable to reduce
overtime cost, what justification do you have to maintain overtime at a high level?
The above-mentioned efforts have given RUHS Medical Center the ability to decrease overtime
consistently for each of the last three years despite rising labor costs when based on patient
volumes. The overtime costs as a percent of regular labor costs have decreased from 4.4% three
years ago, to 4.1% in 2020, and were at 3.6% in FY 2021. This year however the percent
increased to 4.3% of regular salaries in 2022. The adjusted patient volume during the period from
2021 to 2022 increased by 21.4%. Total hours worked per adjusted patient day decreased from
34.93 in FY 2021 to 30.42 in 2022 a 13% drop per adjusted patient day. With the current staff
shortages, we have seen this past year it has been very difficult to continue to drop the overtime
Due to the structure of the pay system, the facility is reaching a floor in overtime hours. We will
continue to keep overtime at a minimum by guaranteeing all overtime used is necessary.”
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Department of Public Social Services provides federal and state mandated services and
assistance with offices throughout Riverside County. The department is comprised of five
divisions as follows: Administrative Services, Adult Services, Children’s Services, Self-Sufficiency
and Public Authority. In fiscal year 2021-22, the department had over $1.2 billion combined budget
and 5,056 authorized positions. DPSS works in partnership with community-based organizations,
providing temporary financial assistance, temporary employment services, abuse and neglect
protection services and healthcare coverage access to low income.
In fiscal year 2021-22, DPSS reported $400,435,337 in labor costs, of which $12,138,524, or
3.0% was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $2,902,720, or 31.4% more than
the overtime expense of $9,235,804 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total
Riverside County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 26 or 6.4%
are DPSS employees earning an average of 59.4% over their base pay in overtime, with the
highest earning 82.3% over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays the DPSS’ overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 5. Overtime expense incurred by DPSS for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
DPSS $6,011,989 $6,791,811 $8,770,404 $9,235,804 $12,138,524
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
DPSS' Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 326,669,983 $ 332,664,246 $ 419,554,789 $ 368,382,959 $ 400,435,337
Regular Salaries $ 213,918,398 $ 215,687,745 $ 219,599,997 $ 231,551,111 $ 236,228,209
Overtime Paid $ 5,437,201 $ 6,367,041 $ 8,506,739 $ 8,987,143 $ 11,738,680
Overtime Banked $ 574,788 $ 424,770 $ 263,665 $ 248,661 $ 399,844
Total Overtime $ 6,011,989 $ 6,791,811 $ 8,770,404 $ 9,235,804 $ 12,138,524
Graph 6. DPSS’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $6,438,710 $6,344,964 $6,565,650 $6,853,115 $7,172,893
Actual OT $6,011,989 $6,791,811 $8,770,404 $9,235,804 $12,138,524
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“The Department of Public Social Services follows labor laws when using overtime time and
ensures proper authorization and utilization through management review and preapproval.
Utilization of overtime is also monitored and controlled through periodic reporting of expenditures
and the budgetary impacts are reviewed regularly with department executives.
The department utilized overtime to ensure appropriate workload coverage affected by caseload
increases and staffing dynamics. Some of our programs are mandated to operate 24-hours a
day, 7 days a week and to respond to emergency situations, which results overtime.
The department will continue to monitor overtime utilization while ensuring that critical services
continue to be provided in accordance with established regulations. For the report period,
overtime represented approximately 5% of total salary expenditures.”
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Probation Department had 917 authorized positions with a combined budget of over $150
million in fiscal year 2021-22. The combined public safety and public assistance department
has three major budget units: Field Services, Institution Services and Administrative/Business
Services. Probation has fourteen offices throughout the county providing supervision, referral,
and oversight of counseling and treatment services to juveniles and adults on probation. They
are responsible for out-of-home care for minors who are wards of the Juvenile Court. In
addition, the department operates three juvenile detention facilities to house youth pending
court hearings or placements and two youth treatment and education centers.
In fiscal year 2021-22, Probation reported $93,731,680 in labor costs, of which $3,590,292, or
3.8%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $297,626, or 9.0% more than the
overtime expense of $3,292,666 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total Riverside
County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 1 or 0.2% is a Probation
Department employee earning 50.8% over the base pay in overtime (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays the Probation Department’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal
Graph 7. Overtime expense incurred by Probation for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
Probation $2,028,773 $2,522,099 $3,063,018 $3,292,666 $3,590,292
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Probation's Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 91,343,691 $ 89,484,034 $ 140,890,493 $ 91,472,962 $ 93,731,680
Regular Salaries $ 58,488,585 $ 55,611,257 $ 53,862,187 $ 53,398,181 $ 51,937,106
Overtime Paid $ 1,722,036 $ 2,148,401 $ 2,694,816 $ 2,892,832 $ 3,114,095
Overtime Banked $ 306,737 $ 373,698 $ 368,203 $ 399,834 $ 476,197
Total Overtime $ 2,028,773 $ 2,522,099 $ 3,063,018 $ 3,292,666 $ 3,590,292
Graph 8. Probation’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
Probation Department
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $1,200,000 $2,146,349 $1,800,000 $2,028,928 $1,734,016
Actual OT $2,028,773 $2,522,099 $3,063,018 $3,292,666 $3,590,292
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Probation Department has three major budget units that contain authorized positions:
Juvenile Institutions, Field Services, and Administration. The Probation Department has 917
authorized positions with a current department wide vacancy rate of 21.48%, or 197 positions, an
increase from the previous overtime audit response vacancy rate of 16.50%, or 152 positions. The
current vacancies are allocated as follows:
Juvenile Institutions - 332 authorized positions, vacancy rate - 21.69%* (72 positions) Field
Services - 490 authorized positions, vacancy rate - 20.82%* (102 positions) Administration - 95
authorized positions, vacancy rate - 24.21%* (23 positions)
* The current vacancy rate does not include positions in a reduced work status, such as those
with return-to-work restrictions; positions currently occupied but vacant due to FMLA leave and/or
workers compensation claims.
Probation continues to be aggressive in its efforts to fill funded vacant positions. One of the
greatest challenges facing the department is the inability to hire qualified applicants. During fiscal
year 2021/22, the department had a total of 2,379 applicants for its Probation Correction
Officer and Deputy Probation Officer positions. Of the 2,379 applicants 842 were tested and 51
applicants were successfully hired. Throughout the fiscal year the department has had a net increase
of 10 vacant positions.
To address the ongoing recruitment and retention challenges facing the department, Probation has
implemented new processes that will streamline and expedite the hiring process. To date, the
department has implemented a new testing program, contracted with multiple outside vendors to
provide background investigation services and upgraded its background investigation system from a
paper-based system to a completely electronic digital application system.
For each office within the Probation Department, the employee details the purpose for the overtime
and the number of hours worked on the back of each time sheet as justification, and signs/ dates the
front of the timesheet. The timesheet is forwarded to the appropriate supervisor who reviews and
approves by signature/date on both the back justification and next to the employee's signature on the
front of the timesheet prior to Human Resources processing for payment. As included in the attached
department policy number 328 referencing Overtime, Section 328.3: " Overtime work is discouraged
and is limited to emergencies and the performance of urgent necessary functions. Whenever possible,
overtime is to be authorized in advance by the immediate supervisor." This method of internal control
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
ensures that the supervisor is aware of the overtime being worked and has authorized the overtime
prior to being worked.
Field Services and Administration Budget Units: Approximately 56% of the Field Services and 39% of
Administration overtime expenditures, are reimbursed via outside funding and other revenue streams.
For the Field Services budget unit, the overtime expenditures are for specialized operations, such as
the Public Safety Realignment (AB109), Community Corrections Performance Incentive Act (CCPIA),
Youthful Offender Block Grant (YOBG) Aftercare Program, and JJCPA-Successful Short-Term
Supervision (SSTS) operations, which are funded via grant allocations and reimburse the Probation
Department for overtime activities. The remaining overtime expenditures for the Administration budget
unit are for various operations required to support the department.
Juvenile Institutions Budget Unit: For the Juvenile Institutions budget unit where most of the overtime
occurs for the department, Title 15-Section 1321 governs the mandated functions associated with the
child custody and care duties, transportation requirements, court hearings, medical appointments,
mandated training, etc. of the juvenile institutions which are operated 24 hours, 7 days per week. The
code section specifically details the requirements for the minimum staffing levels associated with the
operations of the juvenile detention facilities located in Murrieta and Indio, and a secured detention and
treatment facility in Riverside.
Based on the code section, there is a 1 to 10 staffing requirement during the day or waking hours, and
a 1 to 30 staffing requirement during the sleeping hours. The overtime associated with the juvenile
institutions is a direct result of the existing vacancies within this budget unit, currently at 21.69%, and
the Title 15-Section 1321 mandated requirements for minimum staffing levels. To maintain and ensure
the proper control of available staffing resources within the Probation Department, the department
continues to be diligent in training all detention and treatment facility schedulers to minimize overtime
usage while ensuring that all detention and treatment facilities maintain compliance with Title 15 staffing
requirements. One of the key tools that the Probation Department has implemented to ensure the
proper allocation of available staffing resources while maintaining Title 15 compliance and ensuring
officer safety is an electronic scheduling system within each detention and treatment facility that allows
the schedulers to maximize available staffing resources when evaluating the need for overtime usage.
Additionally, the electronic scheduling system allows the scheduler and manager to generate real-time
usage reports, as opposed to waiting for the end of the pay period for the time to be keyed into the
PeopleSoft system and payroll calculated to generate usage reports. Additionally, the department's
Executive Team and division managers receive regular overtime reports detailing overtime by location
each pay period. The Executive Team also receives an overall monthly budget update that includes
an overtime recap report, year-to-date figures in comparison to prior years' activity/costs, and end-of-
year projections for overtime. This high-level briefing allows the Executive Team to stay on top of any
anomalies with overtime usage and take immediate action to stem possible over expenditures.
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Similar to the Field Services and Administration budget units, there is a revenue offset/reimbursement
factor associated with the Juvenile Institutions overtime expenditures. Approximately 33% of the
overtime expenditures are reimbursed via outside funding and other revenue streams (i.e. Standards
for Training and Corrections "STC" and YOBG). The STC funding is utilized for juvenile institution staff
required to attend training associated with their job duties and responsibilities.
To maintain service delivery and meet state mandates while adhering to COVID-19 guidelines, the
department has seen an increase in overtime costs. While the department has implemented
teleworking guidelines where possible, there is still an ongoing impact due to the COVID protocols of
mandatory quarantine where applicable, resulting in overtime cost for relief staff.
From the department's perspective, the total overtime cost of $3,277,072 for fiscal year 2021/22, is
only 2.08% of the department's budget. In addition, this cost is offset by grant funding and other
revenues by approximately 37% or $1,199,032 resulting in a net overtime cost of $2,078,040.
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County District Attorney has six offices throughout Riverside County, comprised of
814 authorized positions, including attorneys and support staff, and a budget of over $158 million
in fiscal year 2021-22. The DA provides public protection through criminal prosecution,
investigation and victim services.
In fiscal year 2021-22, the DA reported $81,354,185 in labor costs, of which $3,221,233, or 4.0%,
was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $892,582, or 38.3% more than the
overtime expense of $2,328,951 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total Riverside
County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 4 or 1.0% are DA
employees earning an average of 58.8% over their base pay in overtime, with the highest earning
66.6% over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays the DA’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 9. Overtime expense incurred by DA for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
District Attorney $1,609,153 $1,985,922 $1,920,498 $2,328,951 $3,221,533
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Graph 10. DA’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
District Attorney
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $0 $1,535,395 $1,450,000 $1,700,000 $2,000,000
Actual OT $1,609,153 $1,985,922 $1,920,498 $2,328,951 $3,221,533
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The District Attorney’s Office (DAO) is reporting total overtime for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2022, as $3,175,812. This represents only 2% of DAO total labor costs, demonstrating a
commitment to the use of overtime only when emergent situations arise. Of this $3,175,812 a total
of $2,001,067, or 63%, was reimbursed by outside funding (various federal, state, and local non-
county revenue sources) at no cost to the County. Therefore, the total overtime (OT) paid out of
general fund discretionary NCC dollars is approximately 37% or $1,174,745.
The DAO’s has seen an increase in overtime in FY 2021/22 primarily due to reimbursable OT
from the Stagecoach and Coachella festivals which returned this year after a two-year hiatus due
to the COVID-19 pandemic. The OT resulting from these festivals has been paid if full as of June
30, 2022. As mentioned in previous reports there is ongoing activity performed by the DAO’s
Bureau of Investigation (the Bureau) in the deployment of Countywide teams and vertically
assigned investigators to address criminal activity. The DAO’s office continues to utilize various
special operation teams within the county as the acceptable approach to curtail these criminal
activities. The Office continues to ensure that fiscal responsibility is still the ultimate target without
compromising the primary countywide objective of public safety. Fortunately, most of the costs
were offset by the department’s aggressive pursuit of alternative non-county funding sources.
Of the $3,175,812 in total OT costs, 92% (or $2,909,551) was attributable to the Bureau. Most of
this cost as reimbursable with no cost to the County. The Bureau serves as the law enforcement
arm of the DAO.
The Bureau conducts both primary and supplemental investigative activities (surveillance, search
and arrest warrant service, suspect transport, witness interviews, suspect interrogation,
witness/attorney/dignitary protection) and provides trial support to meet a stringent conviction
standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. A core mission of our Bureau includes the
countywide investigation of all OIS’s and incidents wherein there is a serious likelihood of death
or death results, for a determination of criminal liability of involved officers. The Bureau is the first
responder agency for all Public Corruption investigations, as well as Financial Crimes (Insurance,
Real Estate, Consumer Fraud, Worker’s Compensation and Health Care Fraud). The Bureau
maintains our constitutionally supported presence in innovative criminal justice programming
through participation on several multi-jurisdictional task forces, including Sexual Assault Felony
Enforcement (SAFE) Team, Gang Impact Team (GIT), Inland Regional Corruption Task Force,
DEA Narcotics Enforcement Team, Real Estate Fraud, AB-109 Post Release Community
Supervision (PRCS), Anti-Human Trafficking, and the Riverside Auto Theft Interdiction Detail
GIT, a Bureau led task force, has grown over the past fiscal years to respond to emerging criminal
threats. GIT accounts for a significant overtime cost, as that team is deployed to assist multiple
agencies throughout Riverside County. These investigations are primarily used to apprehend
highly dangerous fugitives that are responsible for significant criminal activity and pose a
P a g e 21
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
continuing danger to the citizens of Riverside County. Among the fugitives apprehended by GIT
during this fiscal year are over 110 known Homicide Suspects.
Additionally, the DAO actively seeks out a variety of grants and alternate funding sources to help
ease an already strained budget. Many of these funding streams specifically include overtime. Of
our total OT costs of $3,175,812 63% (or $2,001,067), was funded by various federal, state and
local grants, thereby having no effect on Net County Cost (NCC). These figures show the vigilance
of the DAO not to burden the already stressed County discretionary revenues. Some of these
grant sources include but are not limited to the Department of Insurance, Department of
Homeland Security, United States Marshall Service, Real Estate Fraud and Consumer Fraud.
The Net County Cost (NCC) effect after consideration of all our various federal, state and
reimbursement were just under 37% of total OT costs, or $1,174,745.
All overtime worked by any staff in the DAO, including the Bureau, require prior supervisorial
review and approval. Each requested use of overtime is vetted on a case-by-case basis before
authorization is granted. As a law enforcement agency, it should be noted that all work cannot be
accomplished within the traditional work hours of 8am-5pm. There are several attorneys,
investigators, and technicians assigned to various special duties including regional task forces
that often work after hours. Often the initiation of criminal investigations requires immediate
enforcement action including search and arrest warrant service and criminal investigations.
In addition to the preventative measures taken via supervisory review on the timesheet, the DAO-
Administrative Managers and supervisors, also review detail overtime usage on a year-to-date
basis. These reports are received on a bi-weekly basis to permit executive review and allow for
corrective action if warranted. Finally, the DAO employs alternative work schedules in appropriate
assignments to mitigate OT costs and preserve limited external and internal funding.
After final analysis of the payroll reports and communication to the supervisors, the Deputy
Director of Administration-Finance provides a verbal report to the Executive Staff at Executive
Monthly Report (EMR) scheduled quarterly presentations. This report analyzes year-to-year
trending, year-to-date costs, and year-end projections of DAO overtime usage.”
P a g e 22
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Fire Department, in cooperation with the California Department of Forestry
and Fire Department, operates ninety-two county, volunteer, city and state fire stations, providing
Fire Department, fire prevention, rescue and medical emergency services to county
unincorporated areas, twenty-one cities and one community services district. The department is
comprised of 305 authorized positions with over a $358 million budget in fiscal year 2021-22.
In fiscal year 2021-22, Fire reported $32,658,029 in labor costs, of which $2,605,963, or 8.0%,
was incurred for paid overtime. This was a decrease of $154,187, or -5.6% less than the overtime
expense of $2,760,149 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total Riverside County
employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 10 or 2.5% are Fire employees
earning an average of 72.6% over their base pay in overtime, with the highest earning 153.2%
over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays Fire’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 11. Overtime expense incurred by Fire for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
Fire $2,326,906 $2,397,521 $2,494,412 $2,760,149 $2,605,963
P a g e 23
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Fire's Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 26,072,892 $ 27,212,252 $ 34,535,572 $ 29,513,118 $ 32,658,029
Regular Salaries $ 16,045,501 $ 16,443,550 $ 17,134,353 $ 17,327,311 $ 18,379,292
Overtime Paid $ 2,206,214 $ 2,275,079 $ 2,386,223 $ 2,617,400 $ 2,477,709
Overtime Banked $ 120,692 $ 122,443 $ 108,189 $ 142,749 $ 128,253
Total Overtime $ 2,326,906 $ 2,397,521 $ 2,494,412 $ 2,760,149 $ 2,605,963
Graph 12. Fire’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
Fire Department
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $1,100,000 $2,167,940 $1,720,923 $1,569,866 $1,720,923
Actual OT $2,326,906 $2,397,521 $2,494,412 $2,760,149 $2,605,963
P a g e 24
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“In response to your letter dated July 14, 2022, the Fire Department uses overtime for emergency
response, coverage in our Emergency Command Center, call back for any type of maintenance
issue or logistics (fleet, facility, com/IT, warehouse, etc…), and as workload deems
necessary. Our support staff responds to the needs of our firefighters during emergency incidents
and at times overtime is necessary with a 7/24/365 operation.
The overtime is governed by the appropriate County MOU (LUINA or SEIU). We have several
employees scheduled on call back / standby for the Department’s after-hours emergency needs.
The call back overtime is authorized and paid based on the emergency needs and the MOU.
Each Bureau Manager/Supervisor, schedules employees on call back / standby and ensures after
hours coverage for emergency incidents at all hours of the day.
Our Emergency Command Center (ECC) is a 24-7 day a week dispatch center that requires
staffing at all times. Overtime is used when employees are out sick, on medical leaves,
unforeseen vacancies, and at times for vacations. We had several vacancies and high turnover
in our Emergency Command Center last year that increased overtime. We had an average of
sixteen (16) positions or 23% of our ECC workforce vacant for FY 21/22. As of July 2022, we
have twenty-one vacancies, and we continue to hire. We continued to have a very high turnover
during the fiscal year and will continue to collaborate with County Human Resources on
recruitment and retention of our dispatchers. The ECC utilizes a scheduling system to monitor,
schedule, and track overtime use to ensure the staffing needs are met on a daily basis.
Overtime is reviewed with each timesheet submittal and again after every pay period. All overtime
related to emergency incidents are coded in the HR system to an incident project code. This
allows for greater review and cost recovery. Overtime unrelated to emergency incidents is
monitored and approved by each individual supervisor/manager. In addition, a report of overtime
and banked overtime is provided to management after every pay period for review. The Fire
Department Executive Team and particularly the Fire Chief monitors the biweekly overtime
P a g e 25
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside University Health System – Public Health is responsible for preserving and
protecting the health of the Riverside County residents. Its functions include control and
prevention of chronic and communicable diseases; responding to public health emergencies;
monitoring, analyzing, and communicating data reflecting health indicators and risk; registering
vital events of births and deaths; along with other critical services. Services were provided by 955
authorized positions with a budget of over $101 million in fiscal year 2021-22. Furthermore, of the
407 employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 16 or 3.9% are RUHS-PH
employees earning an average of 67.6% over their base pay in overtime, with the highest earning
103.7% over base pay.
In fiscal year 2021-22, RUHS-PH reported $85,620,905 in labor costs, of which $2,277,134, or
2.7%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was a decrease of $2,856,305, or -55.6% less than
the overtime expense of $5,133,439 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total
Riverside County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 16 or 3.2%
are RUHS-PH employees earning an average of 68.9% over their base pay in overtime, with the
highest earning 92.9% over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays RUHS-PH’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 13. Overtime expense incurred by RUHS-PH for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
RUHS - PH $137,261 $163,606 $1,507,435 $5,133,439 $2,277,134
P a g e 26
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
RUHS - PH's Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 59,789,693 $ 59,542,795 $ 76,965,595 $ 88,954,644 $ 85,620,905
Regular Salaries $ 40,018,455 $ 39,717,255 $ 40,669,367 $ 42,330,672 $ 44,486,934
Overtime Paid $ 130,105 $ 161,249 $ 1,505,346 $ 5,129,712 $ 2,272,973
Overtime Banked $ 7,157 $ 2,357 $ 2,090 $ 3,727 $ 4,161
Total Overtime $ 137,261 $ 163,606 $ 1,507,435 $ 5,133,439 $ 2,277,134
Graph 14. RUHS-PH’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $16,689 $35,088 $99,520 $9,700,309 $135,219
Actual OT $137,261 $163,606 $1,507,435 $5,133,439 $2,277,134
P a g e 27
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“The Riverside University Health System – Public Health (RUHS–PH) department is responsible
for preserving and protecting the health of Riverside County’s 2.4 million residents and visitors.
Since January 2020, RUHS–PH has led the COVID-19 emergency response efforts and activities,
including case investigation; contact tracing and case management; vaccination and therapeutics
dissemination; laboratory testing services; data analysis; and producing impact reports. The
department also authors and manages the implementation of the countywide COVID-19 protocols
and isolation/quarantine procedures. As a result of this ongoing effort, the department continued
to experience overtime for staff that is directly attributable to the COVID-19 emergency response
and recovery through a 7-day per week schedule that often necessitated after hours response.
RUHS–PH’s overtime costs are funded by state and federal grant funding.
All overtime must be pre-approved by a supervisor or manager and all timesheets are reviewed
and approved accordingly. RUHS–PH will continue to monitor overtime utilization, while ensuring
that critical services continue to be provided during the ongoing pandemic.”
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health provides treatment and support
services to transition-age youth, adults and seniors who have a mental illness and/or substance
abuse addiction, and children who are seriously emotionally disturbed. Services are provided by
2,429 authorized positions, which include psychiatrists, clinicians, peer specialists, and
paraprofessionals provided in clinics, county detention centers, and by contract providers
throughout Riverside County. The department had a combined budget of over $492 million in
fiscal year 2021-22.
In fiscal year 2021-22, RUHS - BH reported $185,062,538 in labor costs, of which $2,562,998, or
1.4%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $339,289, or 15.3% more than the
overtime expense of $2,223,708 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total Riverside
County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 3 or 0.7% are RUHS -
BH employees earning an average of 59.7% over their base pay in overtime, with the highest
earning 62.4% over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays the RUHS - BH’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 15. Overtime expense incurred by RUHS-BH for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
RUHS - BH $2,514,008 $2,544,388 $2,248,102 $2,223,708 $2,562,998
P a g e 29
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
RUHS - BH's Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 167,887,904 $ 168,435,020 $ 280,391,234 $ 173,762,163 $ 185,062,538
Regular Salaries $ 107,324,233 $ 107,441,701 $ 105,589,514 $ 107,443,233 $ 109,551,628
Overtime Paid $ 2,264,126 $ 2,368,066 $ 2,170,651 $ 2,110,827 $ 2,469,202
Overtime Banked $ 249,882 $ 176,322 $ 77,451 $ 112,881 $ 93,796
Total Overtime $ 2,514,008 $ 2,544,388 $ 2,248,102 $ 2,223,708 $ 2,562,998
Overtime % to Total Labor 1.5% 1.5% 0.8% 1.3% 1.4%
Overtime % to Regular
Salaries 2.3% 2.4% 2.1% 2.1% 2.3%
Overtime $ Change From
Prior FY $ 30,381 $ (296,286) $ (24,394) $ 339,289
Overtime % Change From
Prior FY 1.2% -11.6% -1.1% 15.3%
* Includes all benefits and labor taxes paid.
Graph 16. RUHS-BH’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
Behavioral Health
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $2 $1,500,000 $2,225,000 $2,225,000 $2,225,000
Actual OT $2,514,008 $2,544,388 $2,248,102 $2,223,708 $2,562,998
P a g e 30
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“In FY 21/22, the Behavioral Health Department (RUHS-BH) recorded overtime amounting to
Overtime is utilized in the case of excessive consumer service workload or other emergency use
that exceeds the timeframes required for completing the work. The overtime amount of
$2,469,202 was predominately used by Detention, Psychiatric, and Clinical Staff, including
Psychiatrists, Clinical Therapists, Behavioral Health Specialists, and Nurses. Approximately $2.0
million (81%) of overtime was worked in the jails and by Psychiatry and Clinical Staff due to
consumer service workloads and staffing needs for difficult to recruit positions. Psychiatrists are
exempt from overtime rates and therefore are paid at straight time.
RUHS-BH has a policy in place that requires overtime to be pre-approved by the supervisor or
manager. All overtime in excess of 16 hours per employee, per pay period, is brought to the
attention of the Director or Assistant Director for approval. In addition, Human Resources provides
a quarterly report to Management that details the number of overtime hours by employee.
Annually, the manager shall evaluate the need and directly seek approval for overtime routinely
in excess of 16 hours per employee by classification, per pay period.
As RUHS-BH continues to work toward filling positions, overtime will continue to be utilized to
meet client service needs.”
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Registrar of Voters conducts elections for federal, state, and local
government entities. They have one office in Riverside County which is comprised of 40 full time
employees. To conduct the various elections throughout the County, the department relies on
temporary employees/poll workers.
In fiscal year 2021-22, ROV reported $11,613,126 in labor costs, of which $1,040,670, or 9.0%,
was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $171,698, or 19.8% more than the
overtime expense of $868,972 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total Riverside
County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 1 or 0.2% is an ROV
employee earning 101.1% over their base pay in overtime (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays the ROV’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 17. Overtime expense incurred by Registrar of Voters for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
ROV $420,025 $731,667 $744,663 $868,972 $1,040,670
P a g e 32
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 9. Registrar of Voters total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
Registrar of Voters Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 4,137,953 $ 5,096,650 $ 6,930,580 $ 7,227,957 $ 11,613,126
Regular Salaries $ 1,783,920 $ 1,825,337 $ 1,993,548 $ 2,308,746 $ 2,139,861
Overtime Paid $ 405,002 $ 713,386 $ 727,598 $ 860,972 $ 1,033,253
Overtime Banked $ 15,023 $ 18,280 $ 17,065 $ 8,000 $ 7,416
Total Overtime $ 420,025 $ 731,667 $ 744,663 $ 868,972 $ 1,040,670
Graph 18. Registrar of Voters’ comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in
Registrar of Voters
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $224,147 $430,000 $681,350 $1,200,000 $1,000,000
Actual OT $420,025 $731,667 $744,663 $868,972 $1,040,670
P a g e 33
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Department of Child Support Services works with parents and guardian to
ensure court-ordered financial and medical support is provided to children and families. Services
include locating and establishing paternity, as well as establishing, modifying, and enforcing court
orders for child support and health coverage. The department provides their services with a total
of authorized 329 full time positions.
In fiscal year 2021-22, DCSS reported $34,219,613 in labor costs, of which $671,308, or 2.0%,
was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $563,904, or 525% more than the
overtime expense of $107,404 for fiscal year 2020-21.
The following chart displays the DCSS’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 19. Overtime expense incurred by DCSS for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
DCSS $792,928 $497,140 $86,117 $107,404 $671,308
P a g e 34
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 10. DCSS total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
DCSS Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 25,885,740 $ 25,759,028 $ 35,106,691 $ 30,026,425 $ 34,219,613
Regular Salaries $ 16,941,815 $ 17,102,704 $ 19,149,737 $ 19,765,804 $ 20,900,494
Overtime Paid $ 788,074 $ 479,204 $ 71,983 $ 106,449 $ 666,249
Overtime Banked $ 4,854 $ 17,936 $ 14,133 $ 955 $ 5,059
Total Overtime $ 792,928 $ 497,140 $ 86,117 $ 107,404 $ 671,308
Graph 20. DCSS’ comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in dollars.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $0 $90,000 $0 $101,087 $100,000
Actual OT $792,928 $497,140 $86,117 $107,404 $671,308
P a g e 35
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“1. The internal controls that exist to actively monitor the use of overtime to emergency and
non-routine purposes that are critical to department operations goals are the following:
• Managers must provide a clearly defined outline and plan for the non-routine OT
projects. All OT projects must be directly related to our Strategic Plan and improving
our Federal Performance measures and/or state DCSS projects.
• Managers take proposal to each respective Deputy Director for approval
• The Deputy Directors review / refine the plan and receive approval from the Assistant
Director and Department Head
• Department Head must approve OT prior to OT being worked
• Supervisors must be on site while staff is working OT
• Staff must provide an email and/or Sign-in Sheet for OT work
• Employees are given a not to exceed maximum hours per Pay Period for OT work.
2. The following are the department monitoring controls that DCSS has to prevent the abuse
of overtime:
• Time and attendance records are kept of work performed during OT period by the
supervisors and/or managers
• The work performed during OT are closely monitored by the immediate Supervisors
and /or Managers
• Supervisors and/or Managers audit and sign off on employee timecards for each pay
• Each division provides a summary of the results of the OT worked which is reviewed
weekly and monthly for progress.
** Note: The State of California authorizes the utilization of Overtime pay as a means to
increase performance measures for Local Child Support Agencies.”
P a g e 36
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Human Resources is responsible for supporting all life-cycle stages of
county employees which include interviewing, hiring, and onboarding. In addition to the
onboarding of all county employees, Human Resources is charged with negotiating union
contracts, planning retirements, investigating issues in the work environment, review overall
compensation, benefits, and deal with all aspects of risk management. Human Resources
provides their services with a total of authorized 4,705 full time positions. The department had a
combined budget of over $239 million in fiscal year 2021-22.
In fiscal year 2021-22, Human Resources reported $42,201,664 in labor costs, of which $169,871,
or 0.4%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $116,987, or 221.2% more than
the overtime expense of $52,884 for fiscal year 2020-21. Furthermore, of the 407 total Riverside
County employees who earned at least 50% of their base pay in overtime, 13 or 3.2% are Human
Resources’ employees earning an average of 68.9% over their base pay in overtime, with the
highest earning 92.9% over base pay (See attachments B & C).
The following chart displays the Human Resources’ overtime expenses for the past five fiscal
Graph 21. Overtime expense incurred by Human Resources for the most recent five fiscal years.
Axis Title
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Human Resources $9,103 $3,592 $33,875 $52,884 $169,871
Axis Title
P a g e 37
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 11. Human Resources Voters total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
Human Resources Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 45,190,970 $ 43,867,882 $ 54,158,724 $ 37,549,906 $ 42,201,664
Regular Salaries $ 27,475,945 $ 26,928,330 $ 26,987,039 $ 24,892,684 $ 24,295,532
Overtime Paid $ 958 $ 3,348 $ 32,167 $ 52,265 $ 166,920
Overtime Banked $ 8,145 $ 243 $ 1,708 $ 619 $ 2,950
Total Overtime $ 9,103 $ 3,592 $ 33,875 $ 52,884 $ 169,871
Overtime % to Total Labor 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.4%
Overtime % to Regular
Salaries 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.7%
Overtime $ Change From
Prior FY $ (5,511) $ 30,283 $ 19,009 $ 116,987
Overtime % Change From
Prior FY -60.5% 843.1% 56.1% 221.2%
* Includes all benefits and labor taxes paid.
Graph 22. Human Resources’ comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in
Human Resources
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $0 $0 $2,000 $10,300 $68,705
Actual OT $9,103 $3,592 $33,875 $52,884 $169,871
P a g e 38
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“1. What internal controls exist to actively monitor the use of overtime to emergency and non-
routine purposes that are critical to departmental operational goals?
Human Resources, as an internal service department, provides critical services to all County
departments. Overtime must be approved by an employee’s supervisor/manager prior to
being worked and should only be incurred to maintain critical services or in response to an
emergency situation.
HR’s finance team reviews overtime usage on a monthly basis to ensure proper cost allocation
amongst HR teams and provides periodic reports to the HR executive team for review. Any
overtime usage that is outside of expectations or exceeds prior fiscal year usage for a
particular HR team is reviewed by management to ensure the usage was incurred for
allowable purposes.
3. What plans, if any, does your department have to reduce overtime costs? If unable to
reduce overtime cost, what justification do you have to maintain overtime at a high level?
The Recruiting team is responsible for managing recruitments for all open County positions in
cooperation with the hiring Departments. Recruitment and hiring activities at the County
continue to increase, and in 2021 there was a need to process 900+ TAP employees very
quickly for the June election. In order to meet these critical operating demands, overtime was
necessarily incurred for this team.
The Assessment and Background team is responsible for working in cooperation with the
Recruiting team to conduct pre-employment assessments and background checks to prepare
selected applicants for employment. Recruitment and hiring activities at the County continue
P a g e 39
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
to increase, and in 2021 there was a need to process 900+ TAP employees very quickly for
the June election. In order to meet these critical operating demands, overtime was necessarily
incurred for this team.
The RUHS Employee Services team exists as a contracted additional service provided by
Human Resources to RUHS. Among other duties, this team is responsible for time and labor
data entry into the RUHS Kronos timekeeping system each pay period. In January and
February 2022, there was a global Kronos outage that required the team to process payroll
manually. Due to this time-sensitive and labor-intensive task, overtime was necessarily
incurred for this team during those months.
Workers Compensation
The Workers Compensation team is responsible for managing all workers compensation
claims and cases for the County. In FY21-22, there was a drastic increase the number of
workers compensation claims submitted due to covid-19. Due to Federal requirements
regarding the timing of responding to and processing workers compensation claims, the
volume of submitted claims was larger than the team could process according to the required
timelines during normal working hours. Due to the time-sensitive nature of workers
compensation claims processing, overtime was necessarily incurred for this team.”
P a g e 40
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency – Building and Safety is
responsible for providing construction permits related to services such as grading, building plan
checks, front counter service assistance and building/construction inspections. Further, it assists
the Emergency Management Department with post-disaster assessments and CalFire with
emergency fire damage assessments. Building and Safety had 43 authorized positions to provide
its services throughout the Riverside County and had a budget of over $9 million in fiscal year
In fiscal year 2021-22, Building and Safety reported $4,069,039 in labor costs, of which $138,160,
or 3.4%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $64,172, or 86.7% more than
the overtime expense of $73,989 for fiscal year 2020-21.
The following chart displays the Building and Safety’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal
Graph 23. Overtime expense incurred by Building & Safety for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Building & Safety $38,617 $37,306 $49,341 $73,989 $138,160
P a g e 41
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 12. Building and Safety Voters total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
Building & Safety Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 3,579,379 $ 3,392,380 $ 4,297,160 $ 3,400,237 $ 4,069,039
Regular Salaries $ 2,366,348 $ 2,251,363 $ 2,106,926 $ 2,114,546 $ 2,346,626
Overtime Paid $ 38,617 $ 37,306 $ 49,341 $ 73,989 $ 138,160
Overtime Banked $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Total Overtime $ 38,617 $ 37,306 $ 49,341 $ 73,989 $ 138,160
Graph 24. Building and Safety comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $55,000 $41,756
Actual OT $38,617 $37,306 $49,341 $73,989 $138,160
P a g e 42
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County In-Home Support Services Public Authority is managed by the Department
of Public Social Services. It was established by the Board of Supervisors to act as employer of
record for Riverside County’s IHSS care providers. Their services are to recruit, train, maintain
and mobilize a registry of in-home care providers to assist the elderly and individuals with
disabilities with a preference to remain in their home. Services are delivered through the 69
authorized positions and a budget of over $7 million based on FY 2021-22 budget data.
In fiscal year 2021-22, IHSS Public Authority reported $5,271,695 in labor costs, of which
$116,061, or 2.2%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $73,126, or 170.3%
more than the overtime expense of $42,935 for fiscal year 2020-21.
The following chart displays the IHSS Public Authority overtime expenses for the past five fiscal
Graph 25. Overtime expense incurred by IHSS – Public Authority for the most recent five fiscal
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
IHSS Public Authority $21,120 $86,288 $33,431 $42,935 $116,061
P a g e 43
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 13. IHSS – Public Authority total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
IHSS Public Authority Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 5,420,528 $ 4,480,083 $ 5,070,936 $ 4,702,839 $ 5,271,695
Regular Salaries $ 3,475,990 $ 2,870,507 $ 2,630,270 $ 2,906,155 $ 3,028,138
Overtime Paid $ 15,193 $ 72,927 $ 30,492 $ 41,774 $ 113,950
Overtime Banked $ 5,929 $ 13,362 $ 2,939 $ 1,161 $ 2,111
Total Overtime $ 21,122 $ 86,288 $ 33,431 $ 42,935 $ 116,061
Graph 26. IHSS – Public Authority’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense
in dollars.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000
Actual OT $21,120 $86,288 $33,431 $42,935 $116,061
P a g e 44
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“The Public Authority follows the Department of Public Social Services’ procedures and controls
for monitoring and approving overtime. Overtime expense is reviewed throughout the year and
consistently compared to budgeted information. Additionally, when overtime is requested,
justification is required. The request and justification are reviewed and approved by the
employees superior.
Some of the overtime incurred is the result of the Public Authority having to operate 24 hours a
day and 7 days a week to meet growing customer needs. Additionally, the Public Authority
experienced a significant increase to our attrition rate during the period reviewed. This, coupled
with labor market challenges, led to additional overtime being necessary to sustain operations.
To address this, the Public Authority has prioritized employee recruitment and retention, in
addition to continuing to explore technology solutions to increase efficiency. Finally, the Public
Authority has made efforts to integrate services in order to gain efficiencies. For the report period,
overtime represented 5.9% of total salary expenditures.”
P a g e 45
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Office on Aging serves as the Area Agency on Aging through the
administration of funds allocated by the California Department of Aging under the Federal Older
Americans Act and the Older Californians Act. The Office on Aging provides no cost assistance
to qualified older and disabled adults to promote dignity, independence, and well-being amongst
the growing aging population in Riverside County. Programs and services include care
coordination, case management, material aid, nutrition programs, long-term care ombudsman,
counseling, and education through outreach and engagement. In fiscal year 2021-22, Office on
Aging delivered its services with 91 authorized positions and a overall budget of $19,613,291.
In fiscal year 2021-22, Office on Aging reported $9,295,027 in labor costs, of which $62,904, or
0.7%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $33,588, or 114.6% more than the
overtime expense of $29,316 for fiscal year 2020-21.
The following chart displays the Office on Aging’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal years.
Graph 27. Overtime expense incurred by Office on Aging for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
Office On Aging $4,649 $2,337 $10,228 $29,316 $62,904
Table 14. Office on Aging total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
P a g e 46
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Office on Aging Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 5,694,241 $ 5,771,883 $ 7,984,080 $ 7,053,154 $ 9,295,027
Regular Salaries $ 3,303,856 $ 3,378,523 $ 3,787,203 $ 3,955,941 $ 5,107,948
Overtime Paid $ 2,659 $ 1,997 $ 9,560 $ 26,371 $ 62,400
Overtime Banked $ 1,990 $ 340 $ 668 $ 2,945 $ 504
Total Overtime $ 4,649 $ 2,337 $ 10,228 $ 29,316 $ 62,904
Graph 28. Office on Aging’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in
Office on Aging
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $0 $2,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000
Actual OT $4,649 $2,337 $10,228 $29,316 $62,904
P a g e 47
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“1) Overtime at the Office on Aging tends to be project-specific and time-limited. Supervisors
review and monitor all employee-initiated requests for overtime to ensure that it is for non-
routine purposes; other overtime events are established by department executive leadership
(e.g., Director, Deputy Directors), are evaluated as emergency and non-routine (e.g., OT for
staff to deliver senior meals when a provider shut down for COVID; evening and weekend call
center coverage to assist with COVID vaccine appointments), and most often have a defined
end date, or are regularly monitored for ongoing need, if the emergent need continues.
2) All overtime has to be pre-approved and authorized by staff supervisors, who are expected
to approve via email to ensure tracking. Timesheets are further reviewed by supervisors to
ensure that OT approved does not exceed OT claimed.
a. Hiring difficulties resulting from the impact of the COVID pandemic, required staff to carry
additional caseload and to work longer hours in order to maintain services to our
vulnerable clients.
b. An increase in clients with specific and unique needs, as a result of the pandemic,
required staff to work longer hours.
c. OoA staff provided assistance to Department of Social Services (DPSS) as part of their
Command Post project. This temporary project required staff to work on their Fridays off
and Saturdays.
As the impact of the pandemic decreases, the need for unique and/or additional services to
our clients should decreases. As a result, we anticipate a reduction in the amount of OT hours
that staff need to work. Additionally, we have received no assistance requests from other
departments. Lastly, as we continue to fill staff vacancies, caseloads are expected to reduce
to more manageable levels. The department anticipates that OT usage will decrease as the
factors listed above have less impact on the department.”
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Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency - Code Enforcement
ensures compliance with county ordinances as well as various state and federal regulations.
Common compliance matters they monitor are accumulated rubbish, excessive outside storage,
inoperative vehicles, and state or federal water quality control acts. In fiscal year 2021-22, their
enforcement services were provided with 54 authorized positions and a budget of over $11 million
in fiscal year 2021-22.
In fiscal year 2021-22, Code Enforcement reported $5,939,930 in labor costs, of which $53,754,
or 0.9%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $51,479, or 2,263.2% more than
the overtime expense of $2,275 for fiscal year 2020-21.
The following chart displays the Code Enforcement’s overtime expenses for the past five fiscal
Graph 30. Overtime expense incurred by Code Enforcement for the most recent five fiscal years.
FY 2018 Actual FY 2019 Actual FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022 Actual
Code Enforcement $51,242 $35,016 $11,312 $2,275 $53,754
P a g e 49
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 15. Code Enforcement total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
Code Enforcement Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 5,056,677 $ 4,620,200 $ 6,022,250 $ 5,629,372 $ 5,939,930
Regular Salaries $ 3,384,904 $ 3,029,701 $ 3,266,274 $ 3,668,648 $ 3,646,716
Overtime Paid $ 47,691 $ 28,968 $ 11,060 $ 1,913 $ 49,881
Overtime Banked $ 3,551 $ 6,048 $ 252 $ 361 $ 3,873
Total Overtime $ 51,242 $ 35,016 $ 11,312 $ 2,275 $ 53,754
Graph 31. Code Enforcement’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime expense in
Code Enforcement
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $15,000 $7,500 $15,575 $15,750 $15,750
Actual OT $51,242 $35,016 $11,312 $2,275 $53,754
P a g e 50
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“The Code Enforcement Department utilizes overtime sparingly in accordance with our
Policies and only in the following categories: Special Events Operations, State funded grant
programs and special circumstances including natural disasters and emergencies. These
categories and their authorizations are further described below.
On April 27, 2021, the Board of Supervisors approved Item # 3.4: Revision to Ordinance 858
- Fireworks. This revision modified the citation penalties and authorized Code Enforcement to
expend $30,000 for overtime related to holiday enforcement over the Fourth of July Holiday
weekend. As these charges would have occurred from July 2, 2021, through July 4, 2021,
they appeared as charges against the FY 21/22 budget. This operation was a volunteer
program whereby the Department sought qualified individuals who wanted to work one or
more of the three shifts. The schedule was prepared and approved by the Department Head
and Human Resources, with Side Letters established with both LIUNA and SEIU.
Based on the success for the first year's operation, on June 7, 2022, the Board of Supervisors
approved item #3.50 which again authorized Code Enforcement to expend $30,000 on
overtime related to Fireworks enforcement. Once again, the shifts were filled by volunteers.
The schedule was set by the new Special Enforcement Team (SET) Supervisor, approved by
the Department Head and Human Resources, with Side Letters established with LIUNA and
In April 2022, after a two-year COVID hiatus, the Coachella & Stagecoach music festivals
returned to the desert on three consecutive weekends (Friday-Sunday). At the request of the
District 4 Supervisor, Code Enforcement assisted the Sheriff's Department in Parking
Enforcement, Land use violations (unapproved party venues) and noise complaints. This
operation was also filled with volunteers from the Department and overtime was paid. As this
operation was also well received it is anticipated that it too will continue next year. There are
no other anticipated large scale uses or need for additional overtime during the current fiscal
All overtime is reviewed and approved by a Code Enforcement Supervisor and the Department
Head in advance, when practicable. An exception would be any time a field staff person
responds to a life threatening, exigent circumstance which requires actions past the end of a
normal shift to safely resolve the matter. Overtime may be approved in such instances. Any
need for extended hours on matters other than the Coachella Music Festival and the Fireworks
Operation may be handled through the use of flex time during the same FLSA work week, at
staff request.
In years past, Code Enforcement has endeavored to stay away from overtime by allowing flex
time. Flex time allows an employee to work more than their scheduled hours in a day, then
"flex", or take off, the same amount of time on another workday within the same FLSA work
P a g e 51
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
week. Flex time has been used successfully to allow for staff to attend evening and weekend
community events at the request of the Board of Supervisors. These events include, Municipal
Advisory Council meetings, Town Halls, holiday celebrations, special operations, and ribbon
cuttings. Flex time is permitted on a case-by-case basis and must be pre-approved by a
The Department is also responsible for the implementation of Community Development Block
Grants (CDBG) and a Tire Grant. These are State Funded and often require after hours and/or
weekend work in order to fulfill our commitments based on our staffing levels. These Overtime
shifts are fully reimbursed through the State grants and do not impact the General Fund.
While the County has been fortunate not to experience recent natural disasters over the past
two years, the Code Enforcement Department has been called upon in years past to perform
a number of duties during periods of fire, flood, or other emergencies. Should these
circumstances present themselves again, Overtime may become necessary in order to protect
lives and property.”
P a g e 52
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner oversees the protection of the agricultural
industry of the county. It is also responsible of ensuring the health and safety of county citizens
and promoting confidence and equity in the marketplace through education and enforcement of
laws, regulations, and ordinances enacted by the State of California and the County of Riverside.
It manages four main programs which include Consumer Protection, Environmental Protection,
Pest Prevention, and Weights and Measures and delivers its services with a total of 55 full time
authorized positions. The department had a combined budget of over $7 million in fiscal year
In fiscal year 2021-22, Agricultural Commissioner reported $5,231,064 in labor costs, of which
$45,973, or 0.9%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $45,735, or 19274.1%
more than the overtime expense of $237 for fiscal year 2020-21.
The following chart displays the Agricultural Commissioner’s overtime expenses for the past five
fiscal years.
Graph 32. Overtime expense incurred by Agricultural Commissioner for the most recent five
fiscal years.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Agricultural Commissioner $83,720 $131,685 $41,831 $237 $45,973
P a g e 53
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 16. Agricultural Commissioner total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
Agricultural Commissioner Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 4,510,973 $ 5,099,982 $ 6,420,290 $ 4,924,515 $ 5,231,064
Regular Salaries $ 3,000,996 $ 3,180,146 $ 3,203,777 $ 3,212,924 $ 3,176,206
Overtime Paid $ 70,709 $ 124,898 $ 41,790 $ 237 $ 35,612
Overtime Banked $ 13,011 $ 6,787 $ 41 $ 10,361
Total Overtime $ 83,720 $ 131,685 $ 41,831 $ 237 $ 45,973
Graph 33. Agricultural Commissioner’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual overtime
expense in dollars.
Agricultural Commissioner
Overtime Trend Between Budget to Actual (Dollars)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $0 $5,000 $70,903 $200 $119,300
Actual OT $83,720 $131,685 $41,831 $237 $45,973
P a g e 54
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“1. What internal controls exist to actively monitor the use of overtime to emergency and non-
emergency routine purposes that are critical to department operational goals?
Overtime is only allowed in order to accomplish the mission of the Agricultural Commissioner’s
Office. Within that mission, the department has State mandates and industry demands. The
Assistant Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer monitors overtime by-weekly and communicates
overtime allowances with Deputy Agricultural Commissioners/Sealers. Most overtime allowed
by the department is directly tied into contractual programs funded by the agricultural industry.
3. What plans, if any, does your department have to reduce overtime costs? If unable to reduce
overtime cost, what justification do you have to maintain overtime at a high level?
Continue to train personnel in all programs we manage to ensure that everyone becomes
proficient and can perform a multitude of activities. Recruit and retain personnel to avoid
turnover and prevent major interruptions in inspection schedules. Continue to monitor
overtime on a regular basis and enforce current procedure to avoid abuse and reduce costs.
The department will cease the allowance of overtime if contractual mandates and industry
demands have been met.”
P a g e 55
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
The Riverside County Office of Economic Development works to facilitate regional economic
development efforts that promote job growth, investment, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Services are provided with 84 authorized positions and a department budget of over $75 million
for fiscal year 2021-22.
In fiscal year 2021-22, the Office of Economic Development reported $4,760,822 in labor costs,
of which $36,796, or 0.8%, was incurred for paid overtime. This was an increase of $23,558, or
178.0% more than the overtime expense of $13,238 for fiscal year 2020-21.
The following chart displays the Office of Economic Development’s overtime expenses for the
past five fiscal years.
Graph 34. Overtime expense incurred by Office of Economic Development for the most recent
five fiscal years.
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Office of Economic Development $116,808 $184,423 $207,077 $13,238 $36,796
P a g e 56
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Table 17. Office of Economic Development total overtime cost to total labor cost in dollars.
Office of Economic Development Total Overtime Cost to Total Labor and as a Percentage of Regular Salaries
Year FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Total Labor* $ 7,135,491 $ 7,393,745 $ 8,755,462 $ 4,644,973 $ 4,760,822
Regular Salaries $ 4,739,597 $ 4,579,633 $ 4,464,614 $ 3,054,259 $ 2,945,196
Overtime Paid $ 100,055 $ 173,160 $ 202,804 $ 9,206 $ 34,188
Overtime Banked $ 16,753 $ 11,263 $ 4,274 $ 4,032 $ 2,608
Total Overtime $ 116,808 $ 184,423 $ 207,077 $ 13,238 $ 36,796
Graph 35. Office on Economic Development’s comparison between budgeted vs. actual
overtime expense in dollars
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Budgeted OT $38,000 $32,154 $35,610 $2,502 $2
Actual OT $116,808 $184,423 $207,077 $13,238 $36,796
P a g e 57
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
“The Office of Economic Development has multiple service components in different divisions
providing varied services to all areas of the county. For some of these divisions, overtime will
remain a consistent part of services provided during holidays and weekends.
For most of Fiscal Year 2021, Riverside County was under Public Health restrictions causing
severe interruption of our departments normal course of business. During this time, staff
worked from home and our department was prevented from hosting community events or
being open and available to provide services to the public. This is reflected in Fiscal Year
2021 having a 27% decrease in overtime from the prior year. Fiscal Year 2022 was the first
full year of service since the pandemic, and the increase in overtime of 43% to Fiscal Year
2021 is reflective of that return to normal service levels. A more accurate comparison of full-
service level overtime would be between Fiscal Year 2020 and Fiscal Year 2022 which shows
a $7,524 or 4% increase in overall department overtime.
1) What internal controls exist to actively monitor the use of overtime to emergency
and non-routine purposes that are critical to department operational goals? Emergency
overtime would primarily be within the CSA division where public water/sewer services require
24/7 response time and within CSAs that have public parks or other public services that may
require emergency maintenance. The CSA field division has approximately 25-30 staff with 6
supervisors. As a small department, all emergency overtime maintenance needs are approved
through direct supervision, who are accessible through work issued cell phone.
2) What monitoring controls do you have to prevent the abuse of overtime? Our
department utilizes an Overtime Request Form that must be provided to HR for each Pay
Period. The form lists Comp Hours Worked, Paid Overtime Authorized, and Holiday Worked.
Hours must be listed as either Planned or Unplanned, a justification added, and approved by
supervision/management. Overtime is reviewed with operational managers with monthly and
quarterly financial reports.
3) What plans, if any, does your department have to reduce overtime costs? If unable
to reduce overtime cost, what justification do you have to maintain overtime at a high
level? The desert region water/sewer service CSA 51, CSA 62, and CSA 122 constitute over
53%, over $100,000 of the departments total overtime expense. These public utility services
mandate 24/7 response and staff must be State Certified. These requirements, along with the
remote location in Lake Tamarisk and Desert Center make staff recruitment and retention
extremely difficult leading to the need for overtime.
The remaining overtime is primarily due to weekend or after hour events and emergency
maintenance needs. Regarding the special events, the sporadic and irregular nature of the
P a g e 58
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
events make attracting and training TAP staff difficult, leaving the need for full time employees
to work. Regarding the emergency maintenance, each maintenance event is evaluated to see
if response can be delegated to our contracted landscaping vendor or can be postponed for
regular hours of operation. If the maintenance is urgent, department staff respond on
The department will continue to look for solutions to minimize overtime in all areas.”
P a g e 59
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule A
Full Transparency Schedule
Countywide Overtime by Department: Fiscal Year 2021-22
Total Employee Overtime Pct
Salaries and Benefits FY 2021-22 OT/S&B
Sheriff $681,485,706 $66,179,664 9.7%
RUHS - Medical Center $440,066,090 $20,044,080 4.6%
Department of Public Social Services $400,435,337 $12,138,524 3.0%
Probation $93,731,680 $3,590,292 3.8%
District Attorney $81,354,185 $3,221,533 4.0%
Fire Department $32,658,029 $2,605,963 8.0%
RUHS - Public Health $85,620,905 $2,277,134 2.7%
RUHS - Behavioral Health $185,062,538 $2,469,201 1.4%
Registrar Of Voters $11,613,126 $1,040,670 9.0%
Department of Waste Resources $26,174,731 $972,473 3.7%
Riverside County Information Technology $54,763,534 $896,584 1.6%
RUHS - Community Health Clinics $53,297,063 $809,872 1.5%
Emergency Management Department $10,407,169 $687,520 6.6%
Department Of Child Support Services $34,219,613 $671,308 2.0%
Department of Animal Services $14,690,685 $682,233 4.6%
Facilities Management $33,262,476 $686,187 2.1%
Department of Transportation $55,017,379 $613,205 1.1%
Assessor County Clerk-Recorder $43,603,841 $505,541 1.2%
Flood Control District $43,393,122 $353,804 0.8%
Human Resources $42,201,664 $169,871 0.4%
Department of Environmental Health $22,658,619 $157,611 0.7%
County Service Areas $3,382,902 $151,918 4.5%
Department of Building & Safety $4,069,039 $138,160 3.4%
In-Home Support Services Public Authority $5,271,695 $116,061 2.2%
Housing, Homelessness Prevention, and
Workforce Solutions $16,100,643 $97,965 0.6%
P a g e 60
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule A
Full Transparency Schedule
Countywide Overtime by Department: Fiscal Year 2021-22
Total Employee Overtime Pct
Salaries and Benefits FY 2021-22 OT/S&B
County Counsel $16,204,513 $33,681 0.2%
Auditor-Controller $8,923,567 $26,066 0.3%
Waste Resources Management District $1,449,976 $15,682 1.1%
Purchasing and Fleet Services Department $8,845,756 $14,159 0.2%
Children and Family First Commission $5,772,864 $18,538 0.3%
Treasurer-Tax Collector $9,690,468 $24,283 0.3%
Public Defender $41,226,448 $15,933 0.0%
Department of Planning $3,408,901 $4,092 0.1%
County Airports $1,098,533 $4,276 0.4%
Veteran Services $1,526,377 $2,385 0.2%
Board Of Supervisors $7,989,331 $1,502 0.0%
Palo Verde Cemetery $133,655 $779 0.6%
Edward Dean Museum $165,547 $461 0.3%
County Executive Office $7,922,394 $163 0.0%
Salton Sea Authority $374,413 $63 0.0%
Beaumont Library $1,184,700 - -
Coachella Valley Assoc of Gov $47,384,218 - -
Coachella Valley Cemetery $769,800 - -
Cooperative Extension $246,194 - -
CV Mosquito & Vector Central District $7,543,752 - -
Edgemont Community Services $134,652 - -
Elsinore Valley Cemetery $377,277 - -
Law Library $574,613 - -
Local Agency Formation Comm $625,493 - -
Murrieta Cemetery District $256,585 - -
Palm Springs Public Cemetery $400,089 - -
Palo Verde Valley Library $273,024 - -
San Jacinto Valley Cemetery $486,865 - -
Summit Cemetery District $1,122,740 - -
Temecula Cemetery Endow ACO $347,697 - -
$2,703,723,346 $121,920,942 5%
P a g e 61
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule B
Total Number of Employees by Department Earning over 50% of Base Pay
Pct of Employees
Department Number of Employees Earning Over 50% of
Their Base Pay
Total 407
P a g e 62
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Sheriff's Communication Riverside County
Emp 1 $120,265 $377,297 313.7%
Supervisor B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 2 Deputy Sheriff $103,557 $175,199 169.2%
Senior Emergency
Emp 3 Medical Services Fire Department $80,360 $123,088 153.2%
Sheriff’s Communication Riverside County
Emp 4 $27,561 $38,763 140.6%
Supervisor B Sheriff
Sheriff's Lead Investigator
Riverside County
Emp 5 $123,042 $168,122 136.6%
III B Sheriff
Riverside University
Emp 6 Institutional Nurse $108,702 $148,143 136.3%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 7 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $155,867 $207,120 132.9%
Emergency Services Emergency
Emp 8 $84,318 $104,049 123.4%
Coordinator Management
Riverside County
Emp 9 Correctional Deputy II $72,716 $84,573 116.3%
Sheriff's Communication Riverside County
Emp 10 $130,404 $150,247 115.2%
Supervisor B Sheriff
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 11 $143,267 $163,712 114.3%
Investigator IV B Sheriff
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 12 $86,872 $96,250 110.8%
(OS) Sheriff
Licensed Vocational Nurse Riverside University
Emp 13 $55,359 $61,187 110.5%
III Health System
Licensed Vocational Nurse Riverside University
Emp 14 $49,973 $54,923 109.9%
II Health System
Riverside County
Emp 15 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,711 $124,809 107.9%
Riverside County
Emp 16 Deputy Sheriff B $110,866 $117,726 106.2%
Emp 17 Assistant Nurse Manager Public Health $127,715 $132,436 103.7%
Supervising Office Riverside University
Emp 18 $43,970 $45,461 103.4%
Assistant I Health System
P a g e 63
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 19 Sheriff's Investigator II B $122,659 $125,718 102.5%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 20 $132,153 $135,221 102.3%
III B Sheriff
Community Services Riverside County
Emp 21 $72,882 $74,448 102.1%
Officer II Sheriff
Administrative Services
Emp 22 Registrar Of Voters $87,950 $88,905 101.1%
Sheriff's 911
Riverside County
Emp 23 Communication Officer II $73,277 $74,001 101.0%
Riverside County
Emp 24 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,711 $116,369 100.6%
Licensed Vocational Nurse
Emp 25 Public Health $51,508 $51,590 100.2%
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 26 $149,571 $146,814 98.2%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 27 $148,469 $145,187 97.8%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 28 $137,239 $133,658 97.4%
Investigator IV B Sheriff
Riverside University
Emp 29 Nursing Assistant $39,446 $37,667 95.5%
Health System
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 30 $12,476 $11,892 95.3%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside University
Emp 31 Nursing Assistant $38,398 $36,490 95.0%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 32 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $68,763 $65,330 95.0%
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 33 $141,127 $132,172 93.7%
Investigator IV B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 34 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $113,921 $106,688 93.7%
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 35 Human Resources $36,305 $33,727 92.9%
P a g e 64
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 36 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $160,630 $148,079 92.2%
Riverside County
Emp 37 Sheriff's Sergeant B $148,402 $136,623 92.1%
Riverside County
Emp 38 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $63,404 $57,832 91.2%
Riverside County
Emp 39 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $74,911 $68,293 91.2%
Riverside County
Emp 40 Deputy Sheriff B $108,782 $98,377 90.4%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 41 $25,600 $23,035 90.0%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Emergency Medical Emergency
Emp 42 $21,031 $18,910 89.9%
Service Specialist Management
Riverside County
Emp 43 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $74,549 $66,679 89.4%
Senior Emergency
Emp 44 Medical Services $90,686 $80,827 89.1%
Sheriff's 911
Riverside County
Emp 45 Communication Officer II $63,791 $56,337 88.3%
Senior Geographical
Emp 46 Information System $27,871 $24,528 88.0%
Riverside County
Emp 47 Sheriff's Sergeant B $146,534 $128,090 87.4%
Riverside County
Emp 48 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $127,817 $111,704 87.4%
Correctional Corporal (OS) Riverside County
Emp 49 $89,931 $78,084 86.8%
-84 Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 50 Deputy Sheriff B - 84 $112,149 $96,790 86.3%
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 51 Human Resources $24,724 $21,285 86.1%
Riverside County
Emp 52 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,455 $55,199 85.6%
P a g e 65
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 53 $98,882 $83,964 84.9%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Emp 54 Registered Nurse IV Public Health $111,974 $94,756 84.6%
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 55 $87,378 $73,427 84.0%
(OS) - 84 Sheriff
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 56 Human Resources $60,617 $50,814 83.8%
Diem - SEIU
Riverside County
Emp 57 Correctional Deputy II $58,628 $49,086 83.7%
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 58 $102,975 $86,090 83.6%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside County
Emp 59 Deputy Sheriff B $108,439 $90,623 83.6%
Emp 60 Temporary Assistant Human Resources $19,118 $15,970 83.5%
Riverside County
Emp 61 Deputy Sheriff B $111,277 $92,941 83.5%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 62 $128,223 $107,026 83.5%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 63 $124,304 $103,699 83.4%
III B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 64 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $73,707 $61,229 83.1%
Sheriff's Investigator I B Riverside County
Emp 65 $122,787 $101,686 82.8%
(OS) Sheriff
Riverside University
Emp 66 Office Assistant III $49,003 $40,490 82.6%
Health System
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 67 $109,990 $90,853 82.6%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside University
Emp 68 Nursing Assistant $36,834 $30,387 82.5%
Health System
P a g e 66
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 69 Public Social $58,709 $48,309 82.3%
Practitioner III
Riverside County
Emp 70 Sheriff Corporal B (OS) $120,438 $99,028 82.2%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 71 $132,685 $108,749 82.0%
III B Sheriff
Clinical Laboratory Riverside University
Emp 72 $99,192 $81,250 81.9%
Scientist - I Health System
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 73 $122,957 $100,674 81.9%
III B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 74 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $63,935 $52,022 81.4%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 75 $135,370 $109,321 80.8%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside University
Emp 76 Institutional Nurse $107,835 $86,860 80.5%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 77 Sheriff's Sergeant B $118,532 $95,404 80.5%
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 78 $102,826 $82,591 80.3%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside County
Emp 79 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $83,668 $66,980 80.1%
Riverside County
Emp 80 Deputy Sheriff B $101,989 $81,640 80.0%
Riverside County
Emp 81 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $113,982 $90,869 79.7%
Riverside County
Emp 82 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $114,310 $90,908 79.5%
Health Education
Emp 83 Public Health $61,200 $48,595 79.4%
Assistant II
Emp 84 Registered Nurse V Public Health $117,724 $93,411 79.3%
Riverside County
Emp 85 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $51,887 $41,096 79.2%
P a g e 67
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 86 $131,661 $104,206 79.1%
III B Sheriff
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 87 Public Social $94,073 $74,375 79.1%
Riverside County
Emp 88 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $81,554 $64,104 78.6%
Riverside County
Emp 89 Deputy Sheriff B $110,010 $86,074 78.2%
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 90 $149,571 $116,627 78.0%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 91 $145,648 $113,565 78.0%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 92 $141,127 $109,650 77.7%
Investigator IV B Sheriff
Department Of
Emp 93 Eligibility Supervisor Public Social $58,425 $45,304 77.5%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 94 $129,734 $100,069 77.1%
III B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 95 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $112,043 $86,405 77.1%
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 96 $148,447 $114,210 76.9%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 97 Correctional Deputy II $62,095 $47,660 76.8%
Emergency Management Emergency
Emp 98 $95,580 $72,742 76.1%
Program Supervisor Management
Riverside County
Emp 99 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $60,084 $45,499 75.7%
Riverside County
Emp 100 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $121,580 $92,045 75.7%
Riverside County
Emp 101 Sheriff's Sergeant B $121,770 $92,135 75.7%
Riverside University
Emp 102 Institutional Nurse $85,699 $64,825 75.6%
Health System
P a g e 68
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside University
Emp 103 Institutional Nurse $89,807 $67,675 75.4%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 104 Deputy Sheriff A $92,491 $69,578 75.2%
Riverside County
Emp 105 Correctional Corporal (OS) $88,330 $66,438 75.2%
Riverside University
Emp 106 Institutional Nurse $93,251 $69,995 75.1%
Health System
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 107 Human Resources $37,735 $28,297 75.0%
Riverside County
Emp 108 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $83,409 $62,479 74.9%
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 109 Public Social $73,584 $55,115 74.9%
Riverside County
Emp 110 Sheriff's Sergeant B $148,988 $111,533 74.9%
Senior Public Information
Emp 111 Fire Department $102,268 $76,555 74.9%
Sheriff's Investigator I B Riverside County
Emp 112 $119,522 $89,196 74.6%
(OS) Sheriff
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 113 $138,909 $103,099 74.2%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 114 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $119,886 $88,949 74.2%
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 115 $146,634 $108,794 74.2%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 116 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $32,945 $24,422 74.1%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 117 $132,084 $97,740 74.0%
III B (OS) Sheriff
County Services
Emp 118 Service Area Manager III $80,123 $59,220 73.9%
Community Services Riverside County
Emp 119 $56,602 $41,106 72.6%
Officer II Sheriff
P a g e 69
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Department Of
Emp 120 Eligibility Technician III Public Social $59,652 $43,158 72.3%
Admissions and Riverside University
Emp 121 $47,198 $33,969 72.0%
Collections Clerk Health System
Public Safety Info
Emp 122 Fire Department $80,839 $57,593 71.2%
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 123 $83,253 $59,182 71.1%
(OS) Sheriff
Emergency Services Emergency
Emp 124 $82,310 $58,415 71.0%
Coordinator Management
Riverside County
Emp 125 Deputy Sheriff B $95,255 $67,408 70.8%
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 126 $142,058 $99,775 70.2%
Investigator IV B Sheriff
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 127 $84,319 $59,139 70.1%
(OS) - 84 Sheriff
Riverside University
Emp 128 Nursing Assistant $40,279 $28,239 70.1%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 129 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,455 $44,859 69.6%
Riverside County
Emp 130 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,728 $80,290 69.4%
Riverside County
Emp 131 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $51,993 $35,963 69.2%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 132 $125,172 $86,544 69.1%
III B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 133 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $84,803 $58,550 69.0%
Public Safety Info
Emp 134 Fire Department $80,911 $55,860 69.0%
Riverside County
Emp 135 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $109,491 $75,235 68.7%
Senior Emergency
Emp 136 Medical Services Fire Department $83,447 $57,285 68.6%
P a g e 70
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 137 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $154,815 $105,923 68.4%
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 138 $88,316 $60,348 68.3%
(OS) - 84 Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 139 Deputy Sheriff A - 84 $87,365 $59,637 68.3%
Riverside County
Emp 140 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,572 $78,866 68.2%
Riverside County
Emp 141 Deputy Sheriff A $96,439 $65,809 68.2%
Riverside County
Emp 142 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $129,153 $87,527 67.8%
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 143 $112,725 $76,327 67.7%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside County
Emp 144 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $63,174 $42,707 67.6%
Information Technology Information
Emp 145 $32,973 $22,253 67.5%
Systems Administrator III Technology
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 146 $106,469 $71,796 67.4%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside County
Emp 147 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $116,205 $78,248 67.3%
Riverside County
Emp 148 Sheriff's Sergeant B $141,333 $95,152 67.3%
Riverside County
Emp 149 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $75,924 $50,969 67.1%
Correctional Corporal-S Riverside County
Emp 150 $106,648 $71,355 66.9%
(OS)-84 Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 151 Sheriff’s Investigator II A $96,928 $64,616 66.7%
Supervising District
Emp 152 District Attorney $158,981 $105,902 66.6%
Attorney Investigator
P a g e 71
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 153 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $135,550 $90,198 66.5%
Emp 154 Registered Nurse II Public Health $82,017 $54,512 66.5%
Riverside County
Emp 155 Deputy Sheriff A (OS) $108,440 $71,983 66.4%
Riverside County
Emp 156 Deputy Sheriff B $100,922 $66,944 66.3%
Riverside County
Emp 157 Sheriff's Investigator I B $112,075 $74,301 66.3%
Riverside County
Emp 158 Sheriff Corporal B (OS) $123,171 $81,594 66.2%
Correctional Deputy II-S Riverside County
Emp 159 $90,568 $59,897 66.1%
(OS) -84 Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 160 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $63,935 $42,124 65.9%
Riverside County
Emp 161 Deputy Sheriff B - 84 $104,496 $68,822 65.9%
Riverside University
Emp 162 Office Assistant III $49,207 $32,384 65.8%
Health System
Sheriff's Investigator I B Riverside County
Emp 163 $110,353 $72,593 65.8%
(OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 164 Office Assistant III $49,704 $32,684 65.8%
Riverside County
Emp 165 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $114,705 $75,398 65.7%
Riverside County
Emp 166 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $120,280 $79,027 65.7%
Riverside County
Emp 167 Correctional Deputy II-S $83,873 $55,039 65.6%
Riverside University
Emp 168 Institutional Nurse $107,456 $70,424 65.5%
Health System
Riverside University
Emp 169 Nursing Assistant $30,766 $20,128 65.4%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 170 Sheriff's Investigator II B $121,252 $79,003 65.2%
Riverside County
Emp 171 Deputy Sheriff B $97,964 $63,470 64.8%
P a g e 72
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Senior Fire
Emp 172 Communication Fire Department $64,276 $41,588 64.7%
Riverside County
Emp 173 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,283 $74,589 64.7%
Riverside County
Emp 174 Deputy Sheriff B $90,586 $58,599 64.7%
Riverside County
Emp 175 Deputy Sheriff B $100,260 $64,849 64.7%
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 176 $106,601 $68,913 64.6%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside County
Emp 177 Deputy Sheriff A (OS) $100,253 $64,598 64.4%
Riverside County
Emp 178 Correctional Deputy II $77,979 $50,216 64.4%
Sheriff's Investigator II B Riverside County
Emp 179 $120,414 $77,493 64.4%
(OS) Sheriff
Correctional Deputy II-S Riverside County
Emp 180 $92,054 $59,206 64.3%
(OS) -84 Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 181 Sheriff Corporal B (OS) $114,607 $73,692 64.3%
Riverside County
Emp 182 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $62,878 $40,427 64.3%
Emergency Services Emergency
Emp 183 $63,291 $40,576 64.1%
Coordinator Management
Riverside County
Emp 184 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $51,887 $33,207 64.0%
Emp 185 Temporary Assistant Human Resources $8,496 $5,431 63.9%
Riverside County
Emp 186 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $103,557 $66,196 63.9%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 187 $132,685 $84,803 63.9%
III B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 188 Correctional Sergeant - 84 $111,651 $71,252 63.8%
P a g e 73
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 189 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $110,897 $70,602 63.7%
Riverside University
Emp 190 Nursing Assistant $33,639 $21,341 63.4%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 191 Deputy Sheriff B $109,599 $69,477 63.4%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 192 Public Social $63,955 $40,513 63.3%
Practitioner III
Riverside County
Emp 193 Correctional Deputy II $80,661 $50,964 63.2%
Riverside County
Emp 194 Correctional Sergeant - 84 $96,742 $61,049 63.1%
Riverside County
Emp 195 Sheriff's Investigator I B $110,702 $69,721 63.0%
Clinical Laboratory Riverside University
Emp 196 $99,009 $62,191 62.8%
Scientist - I Health System
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 197 $127,641 $80,090 62.7%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Emp 198 Temporary Assistant Human Resources $12,264 $7,694 62.7%
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 199 Public Social $81,533 $51,124 62.7%
Riverside University
Emp 200 Nursing Assistant $40,411 $25,337 62.7%
Health System
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 201 Human Resources $50,879 $31,888 62.7%
Diem - SEIU
Riverside County
Emp 202 Correctional Deputy II-S $82,344 $51,549 62.6%
Riverside County
Emp 203 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $60,035 $37,513 62.5%
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 204 $140,047 $87,414 62.4%
Investigator IV B Sheriff
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 205 $131,607 $82,118 62.4%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Emergency Services Emergency
Emp 206 $88,326 $55,104 62.4%
Coordinator Management
P a g e 74
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Behavioral Health
Emp 207 Behavioral Health $45,228 $28,216 62.4%
Specialist III
Riverside County
Emp 208 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $59,633 $37,201 62.4%
Riverside County
Emp 209 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,321 $40,085 62.3%
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 210 $84,439 $52,527 62.2%
(OS) - 84 Sheriff
Support Services
Emp 211 Public Health $54,818 $34,087 62.2%
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 212 Public Social $93,215 $57,881 62.1%
Riverside County
Emp 213 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $121,023 $74,902 61.9%
Riverside County
Emp 214 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $113,555 $70,201 61.8%
Riverside County
Emp 215 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,096 $39,562 61.7%
Riverside County
Emp 216 Deputy Sheriff B $111,277 $68,615 61.7%
Riverside County
Emp 217 Deputy Sheriff B $92,909 $57,245 61.6%
Riverside County
Emp 218 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $54,643 $33,661 61.6%
Community Services Riverside County
Emp 219 $72,673 $44,742 61.6%
Officer II Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 220 Sheriff Corporal B (OS) $118,017 $72,630 61.5%
Riverside County
Emp 221 Correctional Deputy II $58,058 $35,649 61.4%
Riverside County
Emp 222 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $35,469 $21,767 61.4%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 223 $131,480 $80,656 61.3%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 224 Correctional Corporal - 84 $99,444 $61,000 61.3%
P a g e 75
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 225 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $117,828 $72,274 61.3%
Riverside County
Emp 226 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $59,039 $36,156 61.2%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 227 Public Social $55,286 $33,702 61.0%
Practitioner III
Riverside University
Emp 228 Nursing Assistant $40,914 $24,815 60.7%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 229 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $81,058 $49,065 60.5%
Riverside County
Emp 230 Sheriff's Investigator II B $123,554 $74,570 60.4%
Riverside County
Emp 231 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $75,039 $45,250 60.3%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 232 $135,370 $81,250 60.0%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 233 Sheriff Corporal B $118,941 $71,244 59.9%
Supervising Behavioral
Emp 234 Behavioral Health $65,336 $39,012 59.7%
Health Specialist
Riverside County
Emp 235 Deputy Sheriff B - 84 $116,287 $69,366 59.7%
Supervising District
Emp 236 District Attorney $162,111 $96,357 59.4%
Attorney Investigator
Riverside County
Emp 237 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $78,040 $46,347 59.4%
Riverside County
Emp 238 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $82,958 $49,238 59.4%
Sheriff's Corrections Riverside County
Emp 239 $52,601 $31,218 59.3%
Assistant I Sheriff
Fire Apparatus Technician
Emp 240 Fire Department $69,547 $41,272 59.3%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 241 Public Social $55,122 $32,636 59.2%
Practitioner III
P a g e 76
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside University
Emp 242 Office Assistant II $12,314 $7,286 59.2%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 243 Sheriff Corporal B - 84 $110,180 $65,167 59.1%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 244 Public Social $82,810 $48,895 59.0%
Practitioner III
Emp 245 Registered Nurse IV Public Health $87,533 $51,650 59.0%
Riverside County
Emp 246 Correctional Deputy II $63,155 $37,213 58.9%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 247 $135,370 $79,616 58.8%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Emp 248 Program Coordinator II Public Health $56,991 $33,468 58.7%
Emp 249 Registered Nurse IV Public Health $108,072 $63,454 58.7%
Riverside University
Emp 250 Institutional Nurse $102,640 $60,233 58.7%
Health System
Correctional Corporal (OS) Riverside County
Emp 251 $102,223 $59,928 58.6%
-84 Sheriff
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 252 Public Social $59,264 $34,674 58.5%
Practitioner III
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 253 $146,199 $85,185 58.3%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Emp 254 Temporary Assistant Human Resources $57,868 $33,710 58.3%
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 255 Human Resources $36,365 $21,147 58.2%
Riverside County
Emp 256 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $62,750 $36,489 58.1%
Senior Fire
Emp 257 Communication Fire Department $82,632 $48,025 58.1%
Riverside County
Emp 258 Deputy Sheriff A - 84 $110,869 $64,224 57.9%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 259 $128,684 $74,426 57.8%
III B (OS) Sheriff
P a g e 77
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 260 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $114,427 $66,127 57.8%
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 261 Public Social $84,222 $48,606 57.7%
Emp 262 Registered Nurse III Public Health $93,303 $53,817 57.7%
Riverside County
Emp 263 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $76,356 $44,016 57.6%
Riverside County
Emp 264 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $63,995 $36,865 57.6%
Emp 265 Crew Lead Worker Waste Disposal $57,129 $32,897 57.6%
Riverside County
Emp 266 Sheriff's Sergeant B $130,411 $74,954 57.5%
Riverside County
Emp 267 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $107,565 $61,786 57.4%
Riverside County
Emp 268 Sheriff's Investigator I B $112,468 $64,372 57.2%
Senior Mental Health
Emp 269 Behavioral Health $54,367 $31,060 57.1%
Peer Specialist
Riverside County
Emp 270 Sheriff Corporal B (OS) $111,650 $63,786 57.1%
Riverside County
Emp 271 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $51,887 $29,584 57.0%
Emp 272 Temporary Assistant Human Resources $5,984 $3,410 57.0%
Riverside County
Emp 273 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $106,636 $60,496 56.7%
Riverside County
Emp 274 Sheriff's Investigator II B $120,777 $68,485 56.7%
Riverside County
Emp 275 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $52,051 $29,496 56.7%
Riverside County
Emp 276 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $74,904 $42,399 56.6%
Support Services
Emp 277 Public Health $54,400 $30,788 56.6%
Riverside County
Emp 278 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $82,928 $46,930 56.6%
P a g e 78
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 279 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $76,831 $43,472 56.6%
Riverside County
Emp 280 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,165 $36,287 56.6%
Riverside County
Emp 281 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $113,441 $64,001 56.4%
Licensed Vocational Nurse Riverside University
Emp 282 $56,394 $31,798 56.4%
III Health System
Riverside County
Emp 283 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $76,270 $42,996 56.4%
Riverside County
Emp 284 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $118,370 $66,718 56.4%
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 285 $82,965 $46,735 56.3%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside County
Emp 286 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,455 $36,304 56.3%
Riverside County
Emp 287 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $116,635 $65,604 56.2%
Riverside County
Emp 288 Sheriff Corporal B - 84 $121,161 $68,121 56.2%
Senior District Attorney
Emp 289 District Attorney $154,500 $86,810 56.2%
Investigator B-III
Correctional Deputy II-S - Riverside County
Emp 290 $81,661 $45,881 56.2%
84 Sheriff
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 291 Human Resources $33,115 $18,586 56.1%
Emp 292 Registered Nurse IV Public Health $105,202 $58,746 55.8%
Riverside County
Emp 293 Correctional Deputy II $81,245 $45,338 55.8%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 294 $121,057 $67,532 55.8%
III B Sheriff
Registered Nurse II -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 295 $69,887 $38,986 55.8%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
P a g e 79
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside University
Emp 296 Office Assistant III $34,274 $19,117 55.8%
Health System
Riverside County
Emp 297 Deputy Sheriff (OS) - 84 $107,494 $59,894 55.7%
Riverside County
Emp 298 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $74,904 $41,691 55.7%
Riverside County
Emp 299 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $68,941 $38,313 55.6%
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 300 $107,145 $59,509 55.5%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Correctional Deputy II-S - Riverside County
Emp 301 $86,919 $48,271 55.5%
84 Sheriff
Emp 302 Crew Lead Worker Waste Disposal $68,308 $37,912 55.5%
Riverside County
Emp 303 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $76,561 $42,479 55.5%
Temporary Assistant - Per
Emp 304 Human Resources $18,989 $10,521 55.4%
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 305 $83,713 $46,235 55.2%
(OS) Sheriff
Sheriff's Investigator II B Riverside County
Emp 306 $120,414 $66,208 55.0%
(OS) Sheriff
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 307 $85,315 $46,864 54.9%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Riverside County
Emp 308 Sheriff's Sergeant B $147,862 $81,116 54.9%
Community Services Riverside County
Emp 309 $71,241 $39,064 54.8%
Officer II Sheriff
Community Services Riverside County
Emp 310 $72,062 $39,473 54.8%
Officer II Sheriff
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 311 $106,462 $58,310 54.8%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
P a g e 80
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 312 Sheriff's Sergeant B $150,158 $82,238 54.8%
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 313 $87,700 $48,012 54.7%
(OS) - 84 Sheriff
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 314 $91,730 $50,198 54.7%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Support Services
Emp 315 Public Health $55,525 $30,229 54.4%
Senior Accounting Riverside County
Emp 316 $58,174 $31,627 54.4%
Assistant Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 317 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $115,065 $62,532 54.3%
Department Of
Emp 318 Social Services Assistant Public Social $29,889 $16,226 54.3%
Riverside County
Emp 319 Records/Warrants $46,864 $25,376 54.1%
Assistant II
Riverside County
Emp 320 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,919 $35,142 54.1%
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 321 Public Social $94,073 $50,900 54.1%
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 322 $136,968 $74,068 54.1%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Senior Accounting Riverside County
Emp 323 $61,760 $33,346 54.0%
Assistant Sheriff
Senior Sheriff's 911 Riverside County
Emp 324 $83,843 $45,233 54.0%
Communication Officer Sheriff
Senior Sheriff's 911
Riverside County
Emp 325 Communication Officer B $99,882 $53,875 53.9%
Health Services Assistant -
Emp 326 Department of Public Public Health $23,592 $12,711 53.9%
P a g e 81
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 327 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $83,559 $45,020 53.9%
Riverside University
Emp 328 Institutional Nurse $83,884 $45,194 53.9%
Health System
Sheriff's Corrections Riverside County
Emp 329 $53,575 $28,834 53.8%
Assistant I Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 330 Deputy Sheriff B $99,849 $53,703 53.8%
Riverside County
Emp 331 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $114,290 $61,450 53.8%
Registered Nurse III -
Medical Riverside University
Emp 332 $6,316 $3,389 53.7%
Center/Community Health System
Health Center
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 333 $87,691 $46,955 53.5%
(OS) - 84 Sheriff
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 334 Public Social $27,917 $14,947 53.5%
Riverside County
Emp 335 Sheriff's Sergeant B $150,114 $80,254 53.5%
Senior Fire
Emp 336 Communication Fire Department $56,076 $29,978 53.5%
Riverside County
Emp 337 Correctional Deputy II $62,187 $33,191 53.4%
Riverside County
Emp 338 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $83,378 $44,293 53.1%
Senior District Attorney
Emp 339 District Attorney $160,680 $85,244 53.1%
Investigator B-III (OS)
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 340 $138,504 $73,450 53.0%
III B (OS) Sheriff
Fire Apparatus Fleet
Emp 341 Fire Department $80,113 $42,465 53.0%
Riverside County
Emp 342 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $118,500 $62,591 52.8%
P a g e 82
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 343 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,728 $61,106 52.8%
Riverside County
Emp 344 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $75,633 $39,863 52.7%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 345 Public Social $58,071 $30,550 52.6%
Practitioner III
Riverside County
Emp 346 Deputy Sheriff (OS) - 84 $91,444 $48,050 52.5%
Riverside County
Emp 347 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $132,929 $69,842 52.5%
Riverside University
Emp 348 Nursing Assistant $35,061 $18,381 52.4%
Health System
Riverside University
Emp 349 Medical Assistant $24,326 $12,745 52.4%
Health System
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 350 Public Social $56,407 $29,533 52.4%
Practitioner III
Department Of
Social Services Supervisor
Emp 351 Public Social $92,713 $48,518 52.3%
Riverside County
Emp 352 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $116,977 $60,957 52.1%
Riverside County
Emp 353 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $63,210 $32,787 51.9%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 354 Public Social $63,409 $32,860 51.8%
Practitioner III
Riverside County
Emp 355 Sheriff's Service Officer II $48,953 $25,320 51.7%
Riverside County
Emp 356 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $68,755 $35,485 51.6%
Riverside County
Emp 357 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $46,846 $24,167 51.6%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 358 Public Social $86,246 $44,409 51.5%
Practitioner III
P a g e 83
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Riverside County
Emp 359 Deputy Sheriff B $109,615 $56,420 51.5%
Riverside County
Emp 360 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $140,803 $72,462 51.5%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 361 Public Social $59,883 $30,809 51.4%
Practitioner III
Riverside County
Emp 362 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,711 $59,504 51.4%
Riverside County
Emp 363 Sheriff's Sergeant B $148,403 $76,309 51.4%
Riverside County
Emp 364 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $76,486 $39,327 51.4%
Riverside County
Emp 365 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,252 $33,003 51.4%
Riverside County
Emp 366 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $72,310 $37,127 51.3%
Supervising Animal Care
Emp 367 Animal Services $67,699 $34,682 51.2%
Riverside County
Emp 368 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $49,813 $25,481 51.2%
Riverside County
Emp 369 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $59,872 $30,599 51.1%
Riverside County
Emp 370 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $117,285 $59,935 51.1%
Licensed Vocational Nurse
Emp 371 Public Health $53,754 $27,467 51.1%
Correctional Deputy II-S Riverside County
Emp 372 $92,700 $47,360 51.1%
(OS) -84 Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 373 Correctional Deputy II $80,060 $40,896 51.1%
Riverside County
Emp 374 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $71,272 $36,349 51.0%
Sheriff's Investigator II A Riverside County
Emp 375 $116,619 $59,447 51.0%
(OS) Sheriff
Behavioral Health Riverside University
Emp 376 $6,968 $3,548 50.9%
Specialist II Health System
P a g e 84
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 377 $81,915 $41,697 50.9%
(OS) Sheriff
Behavioral Health Riverside University
Emp 378 $41,070 $20,901 50.9%
Specialist I Health System
Riverside County
Emp 379 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $64,165 $32,645 50.9%
Riverside County
Emp 380 Deputy Sheriff A - 84 $110,060 $55,983 50.9%
Riverside County
Emp 381 Sheriff’s Sergeant B $134,309 $68,308 50.9%
Probation Corrections
Emp 382 Probation $64,123 $32,560 50.8%
Officer II
Riverside County
Emp 383 Deputy Sheriff $73,905 $37,516 50.8%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 384 Public Social $82,810 $42,032 50.8%
Practitioner III
Riverside County
Emp 385 Deputy Sheriff - 84 $63,436 $32,187 50.7%
Riverside County
Emp 386 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $78,462 $39,789 50.7%
Riverside County
Emp 387 Sheriff's Investigator I B $112,384 $56,889 50.6%
Riverside University
Emp 388 Radiologic Supervisor $110,719 $55,866 50.5%
Health System
Riverside University
Emp 389 Nursing Assistant $40,380 $20,298 50.3%
Health System
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 390 Public Social $73,691 $37,008 50.2%
Practitioner III
Riverside County
Emp 391 Correctional Deputy II - 84 $84,928 $42,637 50.2%
Riverside County
Emp 392 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $112,873 $56,663 50.2%
Riverside County
Emp 393 Correctional Sergeant - 84 $95,639 $47,962 50.1%
P a g e 85
Overtime Monitoring Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Schedule C
Riverside County Employees Earning More Than 50% of Their Base Pay in Overtime Pay
Pct of
County Regular Overtime Overtime
Job Title Department
Employee* Pay Pay Over Base
Emergency Services Emergency
Emp 394 $88,666 $44,461 50.1%
Coordinator Management
Riverside County
Emp 395 Correctional Corporal (OS) $96,645 $48,448 50.1%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 396 Public Social $59,141 $29,571 50.0%
Practitioner III
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 397 $139,818 $69,892 50.0%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 398 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) - 84 $119,886 $59,876 49.9%
Admissions and Riverside University
Emp 399 $55,236 $27,555 49.9%
Collections Clerk Health System
Sheriff's Lead Investigator Riverside County
Emp 400 $122,084 $60,876 49.9%
III B Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 401 Sheriff's Sergeant B $147,930 $73,747 49.9%
Department Of
Social Services
Emp 402 Public Social $59,883 $29,819 49.8%
Practitioner III
Sheriff's Master Riverside County
Emp 403 $147,874 $73,538 49.7%
Investigator IV B (OS) Sheriff
Riverside County
Emp 404 Correctional Deputy II $50,449 $25,079 49.7%
Riverside County
Emp 405 Deputy Sheriff B (OS) $115,283 $57,302 49.7%
County Services
Emp 406 Public Works Operator II $62,418 $30,992 49.7%
Correctional Deputy II Riverside County
Emp 407 $81,891 $40,620 49.6%
(OS) Sheriff
*Employee names are not included in this table to maintain privacy.
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