2020 06 15 Foreva Composite TFC1100 Eurocode en V2
2020 06 15 Foreva Composite TFC1100 Eurocode en V2
2020 06 15 Foreva Composite TFC1100 Eurocode en V2
TFC 1100 •
High performance strengthening
Dry lay-up application
• Alkali resistant
• Low aesthetic impact
• Excellent weather resistance
• Large recessed defects can be filled with a resin • The adhesive layer is applied on the concrete
mortar or a shrinkage compensated cementitious substrate at a rate of approx. 1250 g/m² using a
mortar. short nap roller.
• Protruding defects must be eliminated by sanding • Apply fabric directly into uncured resin applied on
or by softening their shape with a chamfer. the substrate. The fabric must be laid from one
• Sharp edges or plane breaks must be cut by a end to the other without folds and without
chamfer of at least 25 x 25 mm. excessive stretching.
• Even though it may fit into an undulated profile, • Using a hard roller, press the fabric against the
the reinforcement is not able to resist excessive substrate until visual signs of resin are observed
push-out forces. Accordingly, in strongly concave bleeding through the fabric.
areas (radius of curvature less than 40 cm), the • Apply approx. 750 g/m² of resin to complete the
reinforcement is advantageously anchored to the composite using a coating knife, passed in the
substrate with carbon fibre anchors (Foreva® direction of the fibers.
WFC). • Apply additional layers as necessary to meet the
• The concrete surface must be prepared, by project requirements. The next strip can be
sandblasting, grinding or other mechanical applied directly on top of the uncured resin of the
means, in order to create a sufficient roughness last strip already laid,
and to remove the surface layer providing usually • If a final resin-cement based coating is provided,
little cohesion. throw on the fly dry sand of 0.5 - 1.5 mm onto the
• Surfaces must be dusted before application. uncured resin of the last strip.
Conditions of application
• Anti-UV protective coating.
• The reinforcement must be installed on a • Fire protection coating.
substrate with a temperature higher than 5°C, and
at an ambient temperature between 5°C and Safety
• Surfaces may be dry or damp, but free of standing • Make certain the most current versions of SDS of
water. The substrate temperature must exceed the products are being used.
the temperature of the dew point of at least 3°C.
• Keep surfaces free from dust.
Resin Mixing
• The mixing of the resin must be performed
according to the instructions of its product data
• Mark the positions of the specified locations of
the fabric in compliance with the construction
• Carefully cut the fabric to desired length using a
sharp pair of scissors.
Foreva TFC1100-EC EN
V2 15/06/2020
Foreva® Solutions
Extending life span of structures