Sakamoto Math

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ASM Sc. J.

, 13, 2020

Application of Sakamoto Math Method in

Solving Mathematical Word Problems for Year
5 Pupils
Wong Pei Wen1, Norulhuda Ismail2, Marlina Ali2*, Sharifah Osman2, Corrienna Abdul Talib2

SJK(C ) Ming Chih, No.5, Jalan Hijauan 2, Horizon Hills, 79100 Puteri Iskandar, Johor
School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Mathematical word problem solving skills has always been a concern in Malaysia because pupils are
unable to cope with the word problems given. Thus, Sakamoto Math method was introduced to deal with
the pupils’ difficulties in solving word problems. The purposes of this study were to investigate the
effectiveness of using Sakamoto Math method and to compare the pupils’ performance in solving word
problems between the application of Sakamoto Math method and conventional method. In addition,
comparison of pupils’ attitude towards the application of Sakamoto Math method and conventional
method in solving word problems was also investigated. Quantitative methods were employed in this
study. Year 5 pupils in a Chinese elementary school (SJKC), Nusajaya, Johor were assigned as a control
group and an experimental group with 33 participants in each group. All the participations took part in
the pre-test and post-test and the results were analysed through inferential statistics which are Paired
Samples T-test and Independent Samples T-test. Pupils’ attitude was then recorded in the questionnaire
and analysed by using Wilcoxon-Signed Ranked test. There was a significant difference on pupils’
performance and pupils’ attitude between the application of Sakamoto Math method and conventional
method. It proves that Sakamoto Math method is effective in solving word problems. In conclusion, this
study suggests that different visualization approaches could be prepared to overcome the pupils’
difficulties in solving word problems.
Key words: Mathematics, word problems, Sakamoto math method

I. INTRODUCTION understanding, skill proficiency, and mathematical

Mathematics is one of the crucial subjects in the school Unfortunately, many students are still weak in solving
curriculum. The essential component of teaching word problems. According to Syed Abdul Hakim and Mohini
mathematics is to foster the ability to use mathematics in (2010), pupils can understand the word problems given but,
solving daily problems and develop an attitude of seeking a they are unable to apply the knowledge to the problem-
logical explanation. In Malaysia’s Primary Mathematics solving process. It is said that Malaysian pupils are poor in
Teaching and Learning Syllabus (2013), the central focus of solving word problems even though they have mastered the
the framework is mathematical word problems solving arithmetic skills (Mokhtar et al, 2001). Leong (2014) states
where routine and non-routine problems must be that the reason for the students’ failure to solve
introduced, and pupils need to be guided on how to solve mathematical word problems is they used traditional
them. These types of problems stress on conceptual approach such as key words strategy and computation skills.

*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]
ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, 2020

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2002)

claimed that students need to develop multiple strategies for
solving problems such as looking for patterns or using
diagrams to help students be successful problem solvers.
Teachers who exhibit explicit strategies in problem solving
benefit pupils in developing their problem-solving skills
(Hembree et. al., 1992). Therefore, it is vital for teachers to
keep on exploring and updating new problem-solving
approaches to improve students’ understanding and to
master mathematical word problems. The Sakamoto Math method is now being widely used in

One of the approaches is the visual approach which is a developed Asian countries like, Singapore, South Korea and

strategy to develop pupils’ thinking skills using diagrams to Japan. However, in Malaysia’s mathematics education,

represent a mathematical word problem (Smith, 2003). A Sakamoto Math method is still not well known and not yet

visual approach called the Sakamoto Math method is used in utilized in learning and teaching in school. Therefore, in this

this study to see if it improves students’ problem-solving study, the effectiveness of using Sakamoto Math method in

skills. The method was developed by Dr. Hideo Sakamoto solving mathematical word problems in the Malaysian

from Japan in 1975 and has seen a tremendous growth context is investigated.

during the past decade. There are three simple basic steps
involved in the method which is grasp the relation, diagram, II. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
and writing. The following is an example of the Sakamoto
Math method: The objectives of this research are as follows:
Problem: There are teachers and students who bought i. To investigate the effectiveness of using Sakamoto
tickets. The price of each ticket for a teacher is RM20 while Math method in solving mathematical word
for a student is RM8. The number of tickets bought by the problems.
teachers is of the total number of tickets bought. The ii. To compare the performance of pupils between
amount of money collected from the students is RM416 using Sakamoto Math method and conventional
more thanfrom the teachers. What is the total amount of method in solving mathematical word problems.
money collected? iii. To compare the attitude of pupils towards the
application of Sakamoto Math method and the
Solution: conventional method in solving mathematical word


This study was conducted among Year 5 pupils at a Chinese

medium elementary school, in Johor. In this study, a quasi-
experimental pre-test and post-test control group design was
employed to achieve the objectives. The samples chosen to
take part in this study involved two classes. The two classes
were class 5B (experimental group) with 16 male and 17
female students and class 5C (control group) with 18 male
and 15 female students. Both groups have moderate level of
achievement with 33 pupils each.
The participants in the experimental group learned to
solve mathematical word problems with Sakamoto Math
method and the participants in the control group used
conventional method to solve mathematical word problems.

ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, 2020

A pre-test and post-test were given to both groups of IV. DATA ANALYSIS
participants with a total of ten items each. The items were
developed based on the Mathematics Syllabus and Standard The data gathered was analysed using Statistical Package for
Document of Curriculum and Assessment (DSKP) of Year 5 the Social Science (SPSS). Paired Sample T-Test was
Mathematics. The pre-test and post-test were administered conducted to analyse the effectiveness of Sakamoto Math
to measure pupils’ performance in solving mathematical method based on the performance of the experimental
word problems before and after using Sakamoto Math group. An Independent Samples T-test was conducted in
method and conventional method. order to compare the performance of the control group and
In the control group, conventional method which is the experimental group in the pre-test and post-test.
Polya (2004) and chalk and talk method was introduced to Wilcoxon Signed Rank test was used to measure the mean
the 33 participants. During the treatment, the researcher ranks of participants’ attitude towards Sakamoto Math
listed down Polya’s four steps on the whiteboard which were method and conventional method
‘understand the word problems’, ‘devise a plan’, ‘carry out
the plan’ and ‘look back’. The researcher demonstrated IV. RESULTS
examples from the Year 5 Mathematics textbook to enhance
participants’ understanding. Participants were requested to
complete a set of treatment tasks which contained twelve A. To investigate the effectiveness of using
mathematical word problems over four sessions.
Sakamoto Math method in solving mathematical
In the experimental group, Sakamoto Math method was
word problems
used, also over four treatment sessions. The three steps of
Sakamoto Math were listed on the whiteboard in every
A normality test was conducted with the pre-test and post-
session. Examples were given in each session with the help
test scores of the experimental group and the distribution of
of a diagram model. Participants in the experimental group
the scores were found to be normal with p>0.05 (Table 1).
were also requested to complete the same twelve
This means that the data gathered fulfils the normality
mathematical word problems as the control group but, by
assumption of the t-test.
using Sakamoto Math method.
From table 2, the mean score for the pre-test
Finally, questionnaires on attitude towards the Sakamoto
(M=67.9470, s=16.20459) and post-test (M=82.8636,
Math method and conventional method were distributed to
s=9.88431) shows an increase of 14.9166. It is concluded
the experimental group, after the post-test. Attitude is a
that there is a significant difference between pupils’
psychological tendency expressed by evaluating a particular
performance before and after Sakamoto Math method in
entity with some degree of favour or disfavour (Eagly and
solving mathematical word problems (t (32) = - 5.333, p <
Chaiken, 1993). It is a judgment constructed based on beliefs
0.05, two tailed).
and readiness and are primary indicators of a person’s intent
to perform a behavior (Ajzen, 1991). The items in the attitude
Table 1. Normality Test results
questionnaires are a five-point Likert-type. Examples of
items in the questionnaire for the Sakamoto Math method
and Conventional approach are as follows:
Statistic df Sig.
1. The Sakamoto Math Method is an interesting
method to solve mathematics problems
Pre-test Sakamoto Math Method 0.970 33 0.489
2. Sakamoto Math Method helps me to solve
mathematical word problems easily
Post-test Sakamoto Math 0.963 33 0.321
3. Conventional method is an interesting method to
solve mathematical word problems.
4. Conventional method helps me to solve
mathematical word problems easily.

ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, 2020

Table 2. Paired Samples T-test Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Pre-test 33
67.94 16.20
- 5.333 32 0.000
Post-test 82.86 33 9.88

B. To compare the performance of pupils means that the students in the control group and the

between using Sakamoto Math method and experimental group are of equivalent performance.

conventional method in solving mathematical word

problems Table 3. Levene’s Test for the Equality of Means

Levene’s test for Equality of

Before conducting the Independent Sample T-test, Levene’s Variances
Test for Equality of Variances was carried out (Table 3) with Equal variances F Sig.
the result showing p = 0.867; p >0.05. Thus, it is assumed assumed 0.028 0.867
the variances between these two groups are equal which

Table 4. Independent Samples T-test Statistics

Groups Mean Std. Deviation t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Control 68.37 9.84
- 5.96 64 0.00
Experimental 82.86 9.88

Based on the result shown in table 4, the mean scores of

the post-test obtained in these two groups were different
Table 5. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Statistic
where the control group (M= 68.37, s=9.84) demonstrated
Mean Asymp. Sig.
poorer performance than the experimental group (M=82.86, N
Methods Rank (2-tailed)
s=9.88). The t-test shows t (64) = - 5.968, p < 0.05, two
tailed which suggest that using Sakamoto Math method has
a positive effect on pupils’ performance in solving 8.10
method 33 0.000
mathematical word problems. Specifically, the results 18.06
Sakamoto Math
suggest that by applying Sakamoto Math method in solving
mathematical word problems, the pupils’ score will increase
compared to the pupils who were using conventional method
to solve mathematical word problems. Table 5 shows the attitude of participants from the
experimental group towards the application of
conventional method (mean rank= 8.10) is lower than
C. To determine the attitude of pupils towards
Sakamoto Math method (mean rank=18.06) in solving
the application of Sakamoto Math method and the
mathematical word problems. Besides that, the asymptotic
conventional method in solving mathematical word
significance (two-tailed) shown in Table 6 is p = 0.000, p <
0.05. Thus, there is a significant difference of pupils’
attitude towards using Sakamoto Math method and
conventional method in solving mathematical word

ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, 2020


The result of analysis shows a few positive changes. There Having excellent problem-solving skills can promote high
was an increase on the pupils’ performance in solving performance in solving mathematical word problems in
mathematical word problems after applying the Sakamoto pupils. It is a way for pupils to compete globally in
Math method in the treatment. The pupils in the Sakamoto education. As suggested by Woodward et. al., (2012),
Math method group also performed better in solving teachers need to integrate the activities of problem solving
mathematical word problems compared to the conventional in their instructions and incorporate visual aids such as
method. diagrams into the mathematical word problems taught.
Pupils were found to be more confident in solving Besides, Papic (2012) suggested that by promoting
mathematical word problems as Sakamoto Math method mathematical problem-solving skills which involve higher
teaches pupils to grasp the relationship of the questions and order thinking skills at the early age, can prompt their
draw the linear diagrams when solving the mathematical learning opportunities in solving mathematical word
word problems. The three simple steps also encouraged the problems.
pupils’ positive attitude towards problems solving concept. The use of Sakamoto Math method seems to trigger
The students have better understanding in solving the students thinking skills to solve mathematical word
mathematical word problems when they applied Sakamoto problems. This method can be used in mainstream class
Math method because they were given the opportunity to and low achievement class so that the learning process
transform the word problems situation into diagrams and becomes more meaningful. Other than that, Sakamoto
apply their mathematical knowledge through exploring the Math method can also be implemented in secondary
word problems situation (Lester and Kehle, 2003). This schools according to their proficiency level. Pupils can
allowed them to enhance their higher order thinking skills share the knowledge they gained in Sakamoto Math
and apply their critical and logical thinking skills method with their peers during group discussions.
independently without spoon-feeding from the teacher. Indirectly, it will encourage pupils to be more independent
Also, it encourages students to form long term memory of as well as responsible towards their own learning in solving
mathematical knowledge. mathematical word problems.
Aside from that, through the survey, most of the pupils Although conventional method is a strategy used by
gave positive feedback towards Sakamoto Math method most mathematics teachers for certain period of time in
compared to the use of conventional method. Through the their teaching of solving mathematical word problems,
analysis, it can be concluded that Sakamoto Math method is teachers should put more effort in preparing their
an interesting and suitable method to solve mathematical mathematics lesson and always keep themselves up to date.
word problems and is able to enhance pupils’ critical Pupils will lose interest in learning as well if the same
thinking skills. Based on the analysis of questionnaires, approaches are repeated. Teachers should try to apply
pupils were clear about the three simple steps of Sakamoto visualization strategy such as Sakamoto Math method so
Math method and were ready to use this method in their that pupils can understand better as they learn by drawing
problem-solving worksheets in the future. This is in line with a diagram to picture the word problem’s situation.
Moyer, Bolyard and Spikell (2002) in their research that by
using visualization strategy in solving mathematical word VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
problems, the pupils’ learning became more enjoyable and
pupils perceive that it stimulated learning. In conclusion, The authors would like to express sincere gratitude to
the application of Sakamoto Math method has showed its Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for their financial
effectiveness in solving mathematical word problems and funding through RUG Vote No Q.J130000.2531.18H44.
this method seems to attract the pupils’ interest in the lesson.

ASM Science Journal, Volume 13, 2020


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