Gas Meter Calibration Instructions

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RX-517, 4 GAS

1) Power it on, complete initialization (press “ENTER” when questions pop up)
and wait for warm up to finish
2) ZERO CAL: Hold “ZERO” key -> Wait and press “ENTER” when finished
3) GAS CALIBRATION MENU: Hold both SPAN keys together (“+” and “-“)
4) Span gas HC (Connect and open span gas bottle “ISOBUTANE 0.9% Vol (50%
LEL) + AIR Balance”) -> Press “ENTER” -> wait and adjust value with “+” or
“-“ keys to match bottle value -> Press “ENTER” to finish HC calibration
5) Span gas OXY (Connect and open span gas bottle “OXYGEN 10% Vol +
NITROGEN Balance”) -> Press “ENTER” -> wait and adjust value with “+” or
“-“ keys to match bottle value -> Press “ENTER” to finish OXY calibration
6) Span gas H2S (Connect and open span gas bottle “H2S 25 PPM + NITROGEN
Balance”) -> Press “ENTER” -> wait and adjust value with “+” or “-“ keys to
match bottle value -> Press “ENTER” to finish H2S calibration
7) Another H2S menu will pop up (for high H2S values), just press “ESC” to
RX-415, HC + O2

1) Power it on, complete initialization and wait for warm up to finish

2) ZERO CAL: Hold “ZERO” key -> Wait and press “ENTER” when finished
3) GAS CALIBRATION MENU: Hold both SPAN keys together (“+” and “-“)
4) Apply gas HC (Connect and open span gas bottle “ISOBUTANE 0.9% Vol
(50% LEL) + AIR Balance”) -> Press “ENTER” -> wait and adjust value with
“+” or “-“ keys to match bottle value -> Press “ENTER” to finish HC
5) Apply gas OXY (Connect and open span gas bottle “OXYGEN 10% Vol +
NITROGEN Balance”) -> Press “ENTER” -> wait and adjust value with “+” or
“-“ keys to match bottle value -> Press “ENTER” to finish calibration
RX-415, HC

1) Power it on, complete initialization and wait for warm up to finish

2) ZERO CAL: Hold “ZERO” key -> Wait and press “ENTER” when finished
3) GAS CALIBRATION MENU: Hold both SPAN keys together (“+” and “-“)
4) Apply gas HC (Connect and open span gas bottle “ISOBUTANE 0.9% Vol
(50% LEL) + AIR Balance”) -> Press “ENTER” -> wait and adjust value with
“+” or “-“ keys to match bottle value -> Press “ENTER” to finish calibration
GX-8000, O2

1) Power it on, wait for warm up to finish

2) AIR CAL: Hold “AIR” key -> Release when “RELEASE” prompts on screen
3) GAS CALIBRATION MENU: Press “RESET” and “DISPLAY” keys together
4) Scroll to “AUTO CAL” with “>” and “<” keys - > press “ENTER” -> Apply span
gas (Connect and open span gas bottle NITROGEN 99.999%) -> press
“ENTER” -> wait until around 0% Oxygen on screen -> Press “ENTER” ->
“PASS” appears on screen -> Scroll to “NORMAL” with “>” and “<” keys - >
press “ENTER” to finish calibration and enter measuring mode
GX-8000, O2

1) Power it on, wait for warm up to finish

2) AIR CAL: Hold “AIR” key -> Release when “RELEASE” prompts on screen
3) GAS CALIBRATION MENU: Press “RESET” and “DISPLAY” keys together
4) Scroll to “AUTO CAL” with “>” and “<” keys - > press “ENTER” -> Apply span
gas (Connect and open MULTI GAS bottle with CO 50 ppm, H2S 25 ppm,
BALANCE -> press “ENTER” -> wait until values on screen are close to bottle
values -> Press “ENTER” -> “PASS” appears on screen -> Scroll to “NORMAL”
with “>” and “<” keys - > press “ENTER” to finish calibration and enter
measuring mode

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