Standard Progressive Matrices
Standard Progressive Matrices
Standard Progressive Matrices
C, D, and E were administered in the psychological testing lab of the university. The subject was
seated comfortably on a chair. The room was well lighted, and the temperature was normalized.
The response sheet was displayed along with the manual. The questionnaire booklet was opened.
The standardized instruction was delivered to the subject. She was told that this test was just all
about the observation of figures. All the confusions the participant had were clear. The subject
was very cooperative and relaxed and consumed 30 minutes in finishing Standard Progressive
Matrices. She did not hesitate or show any problem in understanding the instructions. She
interestingly participated in the test. According to her reported feeling, she enjoyed doing the test
Behavioral Observation
The participant was a 27 years old female who had a dusky complexion and normal build.
Her clothing was tidy and appropriate to the season. She was wearing shalwar kameez and was
very neatly dressed. Most of the time she was enthusiastic and maintained eye contact. The
participant reported that her mood was much good and she was feeling relaxed. There was
congruency in his mood, affect, and cognition. She had a very cooperative and friendly attitude
Her rate of speech and flow was normal. Her voice was high in tone and clear and there
was clarity and relevance in her conversation. She appeared to have no difficulty in speaking.
She was providing detailed information for the question asked by her without any hesitation or
fear of being judged. Her judgment was adequate, and her attention and concentration were good
as observed during the interview. Her recent, remote and immediate memory was intact.
The interpretation of the Standard Progressive Matrices includes the quantitative and
Quantitative Interpretation
Percentile: 35th
Grade: III-
Qualitative Interpretation
The quantitative analysis of the test showed that the participant obtained a raw score of
41 which indicates that she misinterpreted 19 designs. The percentile corresponding to her raw
scores falls in the range of 25th-75th. After careful calculations, the percentile is 35th which means
that 55 people are performing above her and 34 people below her. The 35th percentile falls in the
category of grade III which means that the participant is intellectually average. It is evident from
the results that she has average observation, thinking, and an average ability of reasoning by
analogy. She also has an average ability to make perceptual relations. The discrepancies among
expected scores and obtained marks are -1, 0, +1, +2, 0 which shows that the participant remains
consistent in her thoughts which means that method of reasoning by analogy is followed
Standard Progressive Matrices were administered and the total or raw score that is
obtained by the participant is 41 out of 60. She got 35th percentile, so she is “Intellectually
The Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) was designed to measure a person’s ability to
form perceptual relations and to reason by analogy independent of language and formal
schooling. The score of the subject showed that she got 35th percentile and grade III which means
The test was administered in the testing lab of the university. The overall environment
was conducive, as there were fewer noise distractions in the testing lab. Before starting the test, a
brief history of the participant was taken, and then she was given instructions regarding the test.
Test Conditions
C, D, and E were administered in the psychological testing lab of the university. The subject was
seated comfortably on a chair. The room was well lighted, and the temperature was normalized.
The response sheet was displayed along with the manual. The questionnaire booklet was opened.
The standardized instruction was delivered to the subject. She was told that this test was just all
about the observation of figures. All the confusions the participant had were clear. The subject
was very cooperative and relaxed and consumed 35 minutes in finishing Standard Progressive
Matrices. She did not hesitate or show any problem in understanding the instructions. She
interestingly participated in the test. According to her reported feeling, she enjoyed doing the test
Behavioral Observation
The participant was a 24 years old female with average height and weight. She had a fair
complexion and normal build. Her clothing was tidy and appropriate to the season. She was
wearing shalwar kameez and was very neatly dressed. She seemed confident and enthusiastic.
She maintained her eye contact with the trainee clinical psychologist. Rapport building with the
participant was not difficult for the trainee clinical psychologist as she was very cooperative,
friendly, and active. She had an adequate orientation of time, place, and person. The participant
reported that her mood was good and she was feeling relaxed and fresh. There was congruency
Her judgment was adequate and her attention and concentration during the session were
also good. Her rate of speech and flow was normal. Her voice was normal-pitched and clear and
there was clarity and relevance in her conversation. She appeared to have no difficulty in
speaking. She was giving detailed information about herself and was very responsive. Her recent,
remote and immediate memory was intact. She was sitting very comfortably on a chair and her
The interpretation of the Standard Progressive Matrices includes the quantitative and
Quantitative Interpretation
Percentile: 50th
Grade: III+
Qualitative Interpretation
The quantitative analysis of the test showed that the participant obtained a raw score of
54 which indicates that she misinterpreted 6 designs. The percentile corresponding to her raw
scores is 50th, grade III indicating that the participant falls in the category of intellectually
average individuals. The 50th percentile means that 50 people are performing above her and 49
people below her. It is evident from the results that she has average observation, clear thinking,
and average ability of reasoning by analogy. She has an average ability to make perceptual
relations. The discrepancies among expected scores and obtained marks are 0, 0, 0, 1, and -1
which shows that the participant remains consistent in her thoughts which means that method of
Standard Progressive Matrices were administered and the total or raw score that is
obtained by the participant is 54 out of 60. She got the 50th percentile, so she is an “Intellectually
average individual”.
The Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) was designed to measure a person’s ability to
form perceptual relations and to reason by analogy independent of language and formal
schooling. The score of the subject i.e., 54 showed that she got percentile and grade III which