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Sedentary Lifestyle

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Perceived Effects of Sedentary Lifestyle on the Physical

and Mental Health of Grade 8 Students during

Online Distance Learning

Pampolina, Katrina Andrea

Perez, Ronn Denzel

Rueda, Piona Theres A.

Salonga, Stephanie Ingrid

Magdame, Leslie Joy

Perez, Ronn Denzel

Chapter 1

The Problem and Review of Related Literature and Studies

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a shift in the lives of many people. To avoid the spread

of the virus, restrictions were imposed to limit human movement and physical interactions

(Dunton et al., 2020). One of the restrictions made was the cancellation of face-to-face classes to

not risk the health and safety of many students. To continue the education of students amidst the

pandemic, online distance learning was conducted. In online distance learning, education is

delivered through the use of technology. Thus requiring internet and digital devices (Basilaia, &

Kvavadze, 2020). It involves students sitting for long hours staring at their devices for learning

whether in a synchronous or asynchronous environment. Synchronous classrooms create learning

spaces by utilizing web and videoconferencing technologies allowing a real time interaction

between teacher-students. Students could be in the mode of sitting, slouching and even lying

whole day in their classes. Asynchronous classes give students the freedom to study at their own

pace. While most asynchronous classes still have submission deadlines, students can interact

with materials, peers, and instructors on their own time, often over a long period of time.

(Wintemute, 2021). Both of these learning environments involve the use of their devices while

sitting, leading to a more sedentary lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle is defined as one in which the majority of one's time is spent sitting,

reclining, laying down, or squandering energy with little to no physical exercise (Tremblay et al.,

2017). Some activities resulting in a sedentary lifestyle include television viewing, playing video
games, using a computer, sitting at school or work, and sitting while commuting (Jochem et al.,


Online distance learning as a result of regulations for the safety of the population during

the pandemic has largely affected the lifestyle of the university and ordinary students. Factors

affecting the decline of physical activity levels leading to a sedentary lifestyle during this life

stage include greater time demands, such as in work and class time (Calestine et al., 2017).

Despite the fact that online learning makes it simpler for students to acquire education due to its

flexibility, it conceivably drives them to an inactive way of life and related medical problems

(Wang et al., 2012). You may delete this, include this s rrl

Due to the pandemic, a change in lifestyle occurred such as less physical activity and

practice of unhealthy diet (Ammar et al., 2020a). Physical inactivity leading to a sedentary

lifestyle is also considered another pandemic. (Hall et al., 2020). For children and youth (5–17

yrs), the World Health Organization recommends 60 min of daily physical activity with

moderate to vigorous aerobic intensity, with muscle and bone strengthening thrice weekly

(WHO, 2010).

Since school-related activities for online distance learning requires students to sit for

hours facing the screens of their devices, their sedentary behavior has increased. As a result,

students have been physically inactive and concerns about their physical health are raised. Some

common effects on physical health due to long hours of sitting and slouching include fatigue,

back pain, or muscle and joint pain (Mehdi, 2020). Having a sedentary lifestyle presents various

health risks. According to the World Health Organization, a sedentary lifestyle is associated with
increased risk of mortality, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, colon cancer, high blood

pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, spinal disc herniation, depression, and anxiety.

Studies related to this research show that there are significant health risks to the physical

health of people with sedentary lifestyles. However, its relation to the mental health of people

particularly depression and cognitive function remain controversial and uncertain (Park et. al,

2020). The researchers aim to fill the gap through this study.

This study aims to explore the perceived effects of a sedentary lifestyle on physical and

mental health of grade 8 students in where?. The researchers want to know the effects of

sedentary lifestyle to the students’ sleep, diet, physical activity, and _____ what aspect of

mental health will u consider? Dpat yung applicable….The researchers want to conduct this

study because having a sedentary lifestyle due to online distance learning is common and

relevant among students nowadays. It is because, in this time of pandemic, students conduct their

online learning by sitting and staring at their devices for long hours, potentially leading to a

sedentary lifestyle. The researchers aim to explore more about this topic by focusing on the

effects of having a sedentary lifestyle based on the perception of the students. As it is associated

with different health risks both on physical and mental health. This is to learn about the

consequences on their physical and mental well-being.

The results of this study can benefit the grade 8 students and other students as they are

vulnerable to sedentary lifestyles because of the transition of learning. Through this study, they

can be aware of the possible risks and implications of sedentary lifestyles, in that way they can

be encouraged to avoid this kind of lifestyle. Aside from that, this study will also be significant

to parents and teachers, following the researchers' discovery of the impacts of a sedentary
lifestyle they can guide the students on how to attain overall well-being. Furthermore, the study

and its results will show the underlying conditions that could help and benefit the people with

this kind of lifestyle. With that, they can know what to improve on to avoid the effects and have

a better lifestyle.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter will explore the literature that is relevant to the study. The different works of

literature that were gathered by the researchers are from local and foreign studies that were

conducted in the past years.

Online Distance Learning

The outbreak of COVID-19 made an impact on the education system worldwide.

Educational institutions closed to ensure the safety of the people. In response to this, to not

postpone the education of many students, educators shifted from face-to-face classes to online

distance learning because it was the only possible solution at that time. Dhawan (2020) stated

that the new setup for education allows flexibility since students can learn anytime and


Singh and Thurman (2019) define online learning as a mode of education that requires

internet access and the use of devices (laptops, mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc.) that take

place in synchronous or asynchronous environments. Synchronous and asynchronous learning

are methods on how teaching is carried out to students for online distance education (Lotfi et. Al,

In his/her study, Perveen (2016) defined synchronous learning as a mode of learning and

teaching for distance education that occurs simultaneously through the use of technology. This

type of learning environment requires the presence of the teacher and the students. Synchronous

virtual classrooms provide opportunities for teachers and students to interact and collaborate in

real-time. Using different platforms, it resembles traditional classroom-based learning. Although

the main difference is “participants access it remotely via the internet.” In addition, this learning

environment provides immediate feedback as students have direct communication with their

teachers. On the other hand, asynchronous learning is known for its flexibility because students

can acquire materials for learning anytime and anywhere. In this learning environment, students

are provided with learning materials such as lectures, handouts, activities, PowerPoint

presentations which they can access through their Learning Management Systems (LMS) or

other platforms used by the school. LMS includes the course content of the students and allows

communication between teacher-students. Since an asynchronous learning environment provides

an education that can be accessed depending on the students’ preferred time, Murphy,

Rodríguez-Manzanares & Barbour (2011) describe it as self-paced, independent, and student-

centered. Therefore, it relies on the students’ self-discipline.

Online distance learning depends greatly on technology compared to traditional face-to-

face learning. Different tools and platforms are used to deliver education to students. Google

applications and Zoom are some of the tools and software that education sectors employed to

respond to the transition from classroom-based learning to online learning facilitated by the

internet (Basilaia, & Kvavadze, 2020).

However, according to Wang et. Al (2012), too much time spent online using the internet

may result in a poor lifestyle in teenagers. The researchers further reported that long hours spent
on the internet result in late bedtimes leading to late waking times. The energy level of teenagers

lowers and potentially leads to a sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Tremblay et al., (2017) reported that sedentary lifestyle is frequently used as a catch-all

term for people with low levels of physical activity (PA), but it is a distinct term that refers to

any wakeful state of sitting, lying, or reclining in which energy expenditure is ≤ 1.5 metabolic

equivalents (METs). Ainsworth et. Al (2011) defines metabolic equivalent task (MET) “as the

ratio of work metabolic rate to the standard resting metabolic rate (RMR) of 1 kcal/(kg/h)”. In

classifying the METs based on their intensities of physical activities, 1.0 – 1.5 METs are

considered engaging in sedentary behavior, 1.6 – 2.9 METs depict light intensity, 3 – 5.9 METs

is moderate intensity, and lastly above 6 METs means vigorous intensity.

In 2015, Deliens et. al came up with a study that aimed to identify the determinants that

led to a decrease in physical activity and an increase in sedentary behavior in university students

as well as to suggest ideas to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behavior. Several

studies stated that physical activity and sedentary behavior have an effect on health as a frequent

engagement in a sedentary lifestyle including watching the television, computer use while sitting

for long hours for work and academic purposes are connected to several health risks such as

obesity. Some studies also showed that an increase in a sedentary lifestyle can result in poor

well-being, risk of depression, and weak cognitive function. In terms of the intervention to avoid

this kind of lifestyle, the research suggests that taking into consideration the opinions of the

population involved would be the most effective. In this study, it was also reported that past

studies about the factors of having a sedentary lifestyle were only limited to TV viewing.
Therefore, further research about sedentary lifestyles is needed other than TV viewing. Factors

such as computer use and studying should still be explored.

Researches have proved that the global pandemic and the restrictions that come with it

have a negative impact on physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. Studies show that due to the

pandemic, the sitting time of the individuals has increased to more than 15% compared to the

beginning of the pandemic. The change in lifestyle is associated with weight gain as it was

reported that the average weight gain during the pandemic is 0.64 kg (Bhutani, et. Al, 2021). The

objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in physical activity, sedentary behavior, and

bodyweight before COVID-19 and during COVID-19. The researchers used a survey that was

distributed to the sample population of Kent State University consisting of students, faculty,

staff, etc. The survey contained questions about their age, university role, and gender. The

participants involved were also required to report the status of their physical activity, sedentary

behavior, and body weight before the cancellation of face-to-face classes and at the time of the

survey. Since one of the restrictions imposed during the pandemic is the cancellation of physical

classes, it has affected the everyday lives of the participants. In identifying the effects on

physical activity, the Godin physical activity questionnaire was used. For the sedentary lifestyle

of the participants, specifically their sitting time, the International Physical Activity

Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used. Lastly, the bodyweight of the participants was also asked. For

the statistical analysis, the researchers employed the analyses of variance (ANOVA) with

repeated measures on time points were used to assess changes in physical activity; sedentary

behavior; and body weight. Post hoc analyses of any significant effects were performed using t-

tests. “A priori significance was set at α ≤ 0.05 and all data were analyzed using SPSS Version

26. The results showed that there were no substantial changes in physical activity from pre-
cancellation to post-cancellation of face-to-face classes, but there was a 17 percent rise in

sedentary behavior and a tiny but statistically significant increase in overweight of 0.59”

(Barkley et. Al, 2021).

A sedentary lifestyle comes with different health risks. Park, et. Al (2020) conducted a

study entitled Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks

which aims to examine the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the overall health of individuals. It

also aims to promote healthy living by addressing the improvements that should be made in the

lifestyle of the people. About 31% of the global population in ages 15 and above is considered

physically inactive. On average, Koreans spend 8.3 hours a day engaging in sedentary activities

while Americans are said to have an average of 7.7 hours of sedentary time a day. People spend

their leisure time in television viewing, video viewing, and cell phone usage, which are factors

that contribute to engagements in sedentary lifestyles (Fennell, et. Al, 2019). Jochem et. Al

(2019) added more examples of sedentary activities such as playing video games, computer use,

long hours of sitting at school or at work and sitting while commuting. The researchers reported

that if individuals continue their physical inactivity leading to sedentary behavior, there would be

adverse effects on their health. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risks of mortality. In a research

evaluating the risk of mortality in people with more than 10 hours of sitting time compared to

those with less than 5 hours of sitting time, it proposed that the hours of sitting time is associated

with mortality. The risks of mortality are increased since having a sedentary behavior is involved

in the possibility of having cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, dyslipidemia (metabolic

dysfunction), hypertension, osteoporosis, musculoskeletal diseases, and cancers. A study

proposed that the risk of cancer in people engaging in longer sedentary time increases up to 20%

(Schmid et. Al, 2014). Obesity is also one of the impacts of a sedentary lifestyle. In 2020,
Ohlsson et. al reported that longer sedentary time leads to weight gain. In addition, studies show

that having sedentary behavior is related to depression and cognitive function. However, its

relation to depression is still controversial because some studies positively correlate sedentary

behavior to depression while some show no correlation between them. Meanwhile, the

association of sedentary lifestyles to cognitive function is also uncertain. To achieve the

objective of promoting a healthy lifestyle to address the sedentary lifestyles in many people, the

researchers proposed that engaging in physical activities from time to time can lead to health

benefits and can balance the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Citko, et. Al al (2018) researched the “Sedentary Lifestyle and Nonspecific Low Back

Pain in Medical Personnel in North-East Poland”. The aim of the study was to evaluate the

effects of a sedentary lifestyle and its associated metabolic factors on nonspecific low back pain

in medical personnel. The researchers used a questionnaire based on the Nordic Musculoskeletal

Questionnaire and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) that include

questions about their musculoskeletal pain, height, body mass, BMI, frequency of physical

activity, and everyday activities. The study suggests that a sedentary lifestyle including

prolonged sitting at work and for leisure times leads to nsLBP. In connection with that, having a

sedentary lifestyle gives rise to reduced muscle power and strength. In addition, a risk of

vertebral disc herniation is linked to engaging in a sedentary lifestyle. The results show that a

sedentary lifestyle increased the risk of recurrence of nsLBP.

A study by Hussain et. Al (2016) supported this claim as the study stated that lifestyle

factors (sedentary lifestyle and physical activity) are associated with low back pain (LBP). In

particular, the researchers focused on one of the common activities in a sedentary lifestyle which

is television viewing, and its relation to LBP. Different researches have shown that greater
television viewing time leads to several health problems such as obesity. Aside from that, long

hours of sitting are risks for developing LBP. The researchers utilized standardized

questionnaires with Australians as the participants. Physical activity and television time were

assessed. Questions about the participants’ engagement in moderate-intensity activities and

vigorous-intensity activities were asked. To assess their television viewing time, two categories

were included (< 2 and > 2 hours/day). On the other hand, the Chronic Pain Guide Questionnaire

(CPGQ) was employed to evaluate LBP intensity. In the end, the researchers concluded that long

hours of television viewing are connected to an increase in the occurrence of LBP in women.

Aside from that, no other significant relations were found. The researchers also found that

sedentary behavior particularly TV watching for more than 2 hours a day among inhabitants in

Australia leads to low back pains as it involves prolonged sitting. However, the study is only

limited to one sedentary behavior which is television viewing. No data on other sedentary

activities were reported in this study such as computer use. Therefore the research may have led

to an underestimation of the strength of the associations of the variables in the study. The

findings suggested that prolonged hours of television watching and other sedentary behaviors

including computer use should be focused on to avoid risks of low back pains, especially in


There are several demographic factors that are associated with sedentary behavior.

However, there are several inconsistencies. Some studies showed that adults aged 60 and above

engage in more sedentary activities compared to younger adults. Some studies proposed that a

particular gender is more sedentary than the other, while some studies also show that gender is

not significant in evaluating sedentary lifestyles. Racial differences are also considered in some

research. In addition, some researchers claim that adults with higher education also have longer
sitting times, but not all. In order to address these inconsistencies, the researchers used

Classification and Regression Trees (CART) decision tree modeling to identify which

demographic variables are involved in different sedentary activities. Since the main focus of this

study involves sedentary time during TV watching, computer use, and driving, the participants of

the study self-reported the hours they spend doing these activities per day. The researchers

included the age, sex, race, employment, and type of residence in their demographic profile.

Physical activity was also measured. The statistical analysis used by the researchers is

descriptive statistics. To describe categorical variables, frequencies and percentages were

utilized. Meanwhile, for continuous variables, means and standard deviation were employed.

After analyzing the results, it was reported that “the mean daily hours of television viewing was

2.7 (SD=1.6); computer use was 1.1 (SD=1.4), while mean driving time was 1.0 (SD=1.2) hours

per day. Overall mean sedentary time was 4.8 hours per day (SD=2.3). One in five adults

(19.9%) reported high activity (≥50 excess MET hours/week), 53.8% reported moderate activity

(10–49.9 excess MET hours/week), while 26.3% reported low levels of physical activity (<10 

excess MET hours/week)”. Considering the different demographic variables, the decision tree

models showed different significant characteristics of the respondents that are more likely

involved in each sedentary activity. (Patterson et. Al, 2018)

A study by Calestine et. Al (2017) stated that greater time demands for work and school

purposes affect the decline of physical activities in university students thus leading to a sedentary


Physical Health
Koipysheva et. Al (2018) define physical health as the “normal functioning of the body at

all levels; a normal course of biological processes that ensures individual survival and

reproduction; a dynamic balance between the body’s functions and the environment;

participation in social activities and socially useful work; performance of basic social functions;

the absence of diseases, painful conditions, and changes; and the body’s ability to adjust to the

constantly changing conditions of the external environment.” Add more about the physical

health emphasizing body pain and obesity or weight gain.

Mental Health

Mental health is an integral aspect of the overall health of a person. The World Health

Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his

or her own abilities and is able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and

fruitfully, and make a contribution to his or her community”

Giuntella et. Al (2021) researched “Lifestyle and Mental Health Disruption during

COVID-19” and reported that a mental health crisis has arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appraises that as of June 2020 almost

33% of US grown-ups were experiencing anxiety or depression. The rates are just twice higher

for youthful grown-ups, a populace that has as of now seen a huge expansion in the

predominance of psychological wellness issues over the previous decade. More than 60% of

people aged 18 to 24 years old were assessed to be in danger for depression or anxiety and a

quarter revealed thinking about self-destruction in the earlier month. These appraisals address a

huge expansion in depression rates contrasted with around 11% of all grown-ups in 2019 and
around 25% of undergrads before the pandemic. The rise in depression has happened while stay-

at-home requests, grounds terminations, and social removing measures have made significant

disturbances to daily existence, modifying the way individuals live, work, study, and cooperate.

Adolescents are vulnerable to risks of mental health problems due to their lifestyle

behaviors. A study by Teychenne et. Al (2015) suggests that a sedentary lifestyle is associated

with mental health. Some studies involving the population of women and adolescents show that

mental health issues including depression and self-esteem have a positive relationship with a

sedentary lifestyle. Meanwhile, not much evidence has been researched about a sedentary

lifestyle and its relation to anxiety and other mental health issues. The researchers associated

anxiety with the constant worry that affects the daily life of a person and may be connected to

other serious diseases. The researchers hypothesized that engaging in a sedentary lifestyle can

lead to anxiety. Studies show that one of the common sedentary activities which are screen time

affects the sleep and mood of a person that can result in anxiety. The association of sedentary

behavior with anxiety as one of the common mental health problems is still undefined. Therefore

the researchers aim to study the relationship between sedentary behavior and anxiety. The

researchers made sure to consider the health of the respondents, possible risk of anxiety in the

respondents, screen time and sitting time of the respondents, and other indicators leading to a

sedentary lifestyle such as computer use and television watching. For their method of collecting

data, they used a modified version of an eight-component rating scale. They also employed the

best-evidence synthesis in concluding the results of their data. This is to know how much

evidence was obtained. Most of the data was acquired from the self-reports of the respondents

about their television/computer/device use, sitting time, and other sedentary activities. To test the

risk of anxiety among the respondents, the researchers also utilized self-reports including Screen
for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED), the Behavioral Risk Factor

Surveillance Survey, the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10), the General Health

Questionnaire. The results show that among the nine different studies performed some show a

positive relationship between the variables, while some have no relationship. The researchers

then conclude that “based on the best-evidence synthesis, there was moderate evidence for the

overall relationship between sedentary behavior and anxiety risk.”


A sedentary lifestyle is common among students nowadays because of the demands of

online distance learning. It is characterized as a lifestyle involving long sitting and lying times

and engaging in physical inactivity. Some factors that contribute to a sedentary lifestyle include

television watching, computer usage for work and academic purposes, and video gaming. Studies

have shown that longer sedentary times are associated with detrimental physical health effects

since it contributes to various diseases, therefore, increasing the risk of mortality. On the other

hand, the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on mental health have inconsistencies because some

studies show a positive relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and mental health while some

studies show no relationship between those two variables.

In this study, the researchers want to identify the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the

physical health and mental health of the students who now have online distance learning as the

modality for their education. Students spend most of their time sitting in front of their devices

whether during synchronous or asynchronous learning environments to accomplish their school-

related activities, therefore resulting to longer sedentary times. The researchers then aim to

determine its effects based on the perception of the students.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the perceived effects of a sedentary lifestyle on

the physical and mental health of Grade 8 students in Canossa College during online distance

learning in the school year 2021-2022. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Gender

1.2. Hours of computer usage

1.2.1. Academic Activities

1.2.2. Non-Academic Activities

1.3 Body Mass Index

2. What are the effects of having a sedentary lifestyle on the students’ physical health?

3. What are the effects of having a sedentary lifestyle on the students’ mental health?

4. In what way does a sedentary lifestyle affect the students?

5. How do students manage the impact of having a sedentary lifestyle?

Conceptual Framework
The figure below presents the conceptual framework of the study. The researchers used

the input-process-output model.


Profile of the respondents Acquiring data
The Perceived
survey/questionnaire Effects of
Hours of computer usage Analysis of data with
Sedentary Lifestyle
the use of descriptive
(Academic and Non-
statistics on the Physical and
Academic Activities)
Interpretation and
Mental Health of
Body Mass Index representation of
data Grade 8 Students
Sedentary Lifestyle
during Online
Physical Health
Distance Learning
Mental Health

The study's conceptual framework is represented above. The demographic profile of the

students including the gender, hours of computer usage, and body mass index will be data that

will be gathered. In addition, the perceived effects of the students engaging in a sedentary

lifestyle in terms of their physical and mental health will also be used. Lastly, the data about how

they manage the effects are also included in the input. In the process part, the researchers will

collect information using a survey questionnaire. After collection, the researchers will analyze

the data using descriptive statistics. The researchers will next interpret and represent the data.
The output in this study is to identify the perceived effects of sedentary lifestyle on the physical

and mental health of grade 8 students during online distance learning.

Revise this based on the diagram…pede start saying that this study will gather data

including demographic….sedentary lifestyle, physical health andmental health to obtain

the needed information. Then define physical health n ang focus nyo lng ay body pain and

obesity. Define mental health n ang focus ay being anxious and feeling depressed. Then

discuss the process…..as stated s framework…leading to your output.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to determine the perceived effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the physical

and mental health of students. Include kung ano lang ang kasama s physical health at mental

health. It also seeks to gain information on how students manage the effects of the sedentary

lifestyle brought to them by online distance learning. The study includes the profile of the

students in terms of gender, hours of computer use for academic and non-academic activities,

and BMI. This research is limited to all the Grade 8 students who are enrolled in Canossa

College San Pablo during the school year 2021-2022. The selected students will come from all 3

sections of the grade 8 level. Why grade 8 lang?include your reason The students will be

given a survey questionnaire to answer. How to give survey? Online? Through what app,

through what platform

Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined for better understanding:

Body Mass Index. A widely used measure of adiposity or obesity based on the following

formula: weight (kg) divided by height squared (m2).

In this study, this would be one of the factors to determine if the physical health of the

students was affected. It will be categorized as obese, ____ put the category

Computer usage. Hours spent by an individual using the computer.

In this study, computer usage refers to the hours spent by students using their computer and other

devices that may contribute to a sedentary lifestyle.

Depression. A mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest and

can interfere with your daily functioning.

In this study, this refers to how the mental health of the students can be affected. This is one of

the aspect of mental health characterized by_______ based s inyong questionnaire

Health risks. In this study, this refers to the chance or likelihood that something will harm or

otherwise affect the students’ health.

Low back pain. A pain, muscle tension, or stiffness localized below the costal margin and above

the inferior gluteal folds, with or without sciatica, and is defined as chronic when it persists for

12 weeks or more.

In this study, this might be one of the effects of having a sedentary lifestyle of the students. This

is one of the aspect of physical health characterized by_______ based s inyong

Mental health. This refers to the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of the students.

It affects how the students think, feel, and act. In this study, it is the dependent variable that may

be affected due to the sedentary lifestyle, such as anxiety and depression.

Metabolic equivalents. A unit of measurement of heat, or energy, produced by the body.

In this study, this refers to the unit of measurement that will be used to determine if there are

changes in the energy consumed by the students.

Metabolic rate. This refers to the rate of energy that the students will be using at a given period.

Moderate-intensity. Activities that get you moving fast enough or strenuously enough to burn

off three to six times as much energy per minute as you do when you are sitting quietly.

In this study, this refers to the intensity of how much energy that the students will be using

during their engagement in physical activities.

Obesity. Abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.

In this study, this refers to the possible effect of having a sedentary lifestyle. This is one of the

aspects of physical health measured by the respondents’ Body Mass Index

Online Distance Learning. A form of education whose main element includes the physical

separation of teachers and students with the use of various technologies.

In this study, this refers to the modality of learning of the students. Include the synch and


Pandemic. A disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents. It affects more people

and takes more lives than an epidemic.

In this study, it refers to the factor that leads to online distance learning.

Physical Health. It represents one dimension of total well-being and refers to the state of the

students’ physical body and how well it’s operating. In this study, it is the dependent variable

that may be affected due to the sedentary lifestyle, such as body pain and obesity.

Physical activity. Any bodily movement produced by contraction of skeletal muscle that

increases energy expenditure above the basal level.

In this study, this refers to the bodily movements give example of bodily movements being

done by the students.

Physical inactivity. In this study, it refers to how students do not engage in the recommended

level of regular physical activity. Choose between physical inactivity or activity.. isa lang


Physical problems. Any physical damage to the body, poor physical condition, an illness, or

disease that the students may be experiencing.

In this study, this refers to the physical damage that the students might be experiencing.
Screen time. Time spent using a device such as computers.

In this study, it refers to how much time the students engage with their devices leading to a

sedentary lifestyle.

Sedentary Behavior. Any activity involving sitting, reclining, or lying down that has a very low

energy expenditure.

In this study, this refers to the activities that involve little to no movement at all of the students

that can affect their physical and mental health.

Well-being. A state of happiness and contentment, with low levels of distress, overall good

physical and mental health and outlook, or good quality of life.

In this study, this refers to the quality of the students’ physical and mental health.

Vigorous intensity. The activities that lead to harder breathing, or puffing and panting.

In this study, this refers to the activities that have a high level of intensity that students engage in

for their physical activity.

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