Introduction To Value Added Tax
Introduction To Value Added Tax
Introduction To Value Added Tax
Introduction to Value Added Tax (VAT) - The excess of input over output VAT is
tax refundable or creditable
The value-added tax (VAT) is a form of
consumption tax (from 0% to 12% imposed on each 4. Tax burden:
1. Sale, barter, exchange, or lease of goods,
properties, or services in the course of trade - VAT is a sales tax designed to be borned
or business in the Philippines and by the consumers, with sellers acting
2. Importation of goods into the Philippines, merely as tax collectors
whether or not in the course of trade or
business 5. Legal liability:
1. There is sale (actual or deemed sale) and 2. Total VAT sales invoice or VAT purchase
2. The seller-taxpayer is VAT-registered. invoice amount
RATES OF OUTPUT VAT Gross sales per VAT invoice or gross receipts per
VAT invoice
The output VAT rates that may be applied to a. Sales or receipts, gross of VAT
sales or exchange of goods or services are b. Purchases from VAT person, gross of
1. Regular VAT rate of 12% on domestic sales; c. Sales, inclusive of VAT
2. Zero percent (0%) VAT on d. Purchases, inclusive of VAT
a. Export sales
b. Zero-rated sales Computation:
c. Effectively zero-rated sales
Given amount x 12/112 = VAT or
Given amount/9.333 = VAT
Computation of VAT
2. Zero-rated (0%) on
▪ Zero-rated purchases; or
▪ Effectively zero-rated purchases
▪ Sardines, mackerel
▪ Milk
▪ Refined sugar
▪ Cooking oil; and
▪ Packed noodle based instant meals