Mechanical Bowel Obstruction Scaled

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Mechanical Bowel Obstruction and Ileus: Pathogenesis and clinical findings ‘Authors: Yan Yu, Wayne Rosen* Amtimotity Diabetic ——Post- Post abdominal peviowace ta btn bach Besar, Sepsis drugs gastroparesis operation ) surgery Iennifer Au Maroy Roman eee eee eT IMD tne of puiation Nerves coordinating bowel Hemia (ne Adhesions Note: peristaisare disrupted past surgery) + Complete obstruction typically + Congenital abnormality presents with acute abdominal Hews: functional bowel Mechanical obstruction: physal | 6 negpisms Daare eae ‘blockage’, no peristalsis blockage of bowel lumen present with ether acute or a Inflammatory bowel disease (180) Ehvone abdeminal pain Ifcomplete obstruction; —e Obtiaton (oat) & absent bowel movements Gas from swallowed air, bacterial fermentation, & CO2 ‘made via HCO3- neutralization) & ingested gastro- Ifpartial obstruction: —® 4 frequency of bowel movements Intestinal (Gi) contents accumulate before obstruction | Since gas/air sounds hollow to percussion —e Abdomen tympanic to percussion Irritation of autonome nerves Bloating, cramping, anorexia ‘Accumulated Gi contents contain salts and other In visceral pertoneum Diffuse visceral abdominal pain, ‘osmotically active solutes that osmatically draw ‘water into the Gl tract Lower effective arterial blood Flat/low jugular venous pressure IVP), | Velie > dyaton ae rere ‘Severe abdominal pain (may come in waves), yd parca anal toni pig Contiued bowel dsteton & shacocrtrunsts punch —e Peete padre iioty contents against the obstruction Rese ee ‘ luminal pressure over time: obstruction) or absent bowel sounds (ileus) ifobstruction proximal (loser mouth), higher luminal pressure may — Nausea/vomiting Eeeeesiera eae 1 pressure squeezes shut Intestinal blood vessels > = ——> bowel perfusion Bowel ischemia and infarction, tissue necrosis, possible ‘perforation +/- bacterial invasion (see relevant slides) ‘Lagend: Pathophysiology Mechanism Sign/Symptom/Lab Finding Complications | Re Published December 15, 2021 on

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