FWD Term Life Plus Insurance: Policy Contract
FWD Term Life Plus Insurance: Policy Contract
FWD Term Life Plus Insurance: Policy Contract
Thank you for choosing FWD Singapore Pte. Ltd. We’re pleased to protect you so that you
can focus on living life to the fullest.
The first thing you should do is talk to one of our consultants about your concerns or complaints.
Step 1
Call our hotline at +65 6820 8888 (9am to 10pm – Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm – Saturday
(excluding public holidays)). The consultant may be able to resolve your concerns or complaints. If
Talk to us not, they may refer you to a manager.
The consultant will try to resolve your complaints or concerns as soon as possible.
If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved, you can write to:
Step 2
FWD Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Call or write to 6 Temasek Boulevard,
our Customer #18-01 Suntec Tower Four,
Engagement Singapore 038986
Tel: +65 6820 8888
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.fwd.com.sg
Step 3 If we cannot arrive at a mutual agreement, you may approach the FIDReC, a free, independent and
fair dispute resolution centre for resolution of disputes between financial institutions and consumers.
You can lodge your concerns or complaints by post, online, or in-person. The FIDReC’s details are:
Seek an external
review from Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre
the Financial 36 Robinson Road,
Industry Dispute #15-01 City House,
Resolution Centre Singapore 068877
(FIDReC) Tel: +65 6327 8878
Email: info@fidrec.com.sg
Website: www.fidrec.com.sg
You need to remember to quote your policy number in any communication with us or with FIDReC.
Start End
The policy will end after this benefit is paid. We will deduct
any monies you owe us on your policy before we pay any
Spouse benefit
If we pay the death benefit or terminal illness benefit under
this policy, your legal spouse can ask us to issue him/her a
new complimentary insurance policy without any
■ with a sum insured of 50% of the death benefit under this
policy, or S$250,000 (whichever of the two is lower)
payable if he/she dies or suffers from terminal illness; and
■ with a policy term of 1 year.
What we will do
■ Review your request and cancel your policy.
■ We will write to you to confirm the cancellation.
If you tell us to cancel your policy within the 14 You can choose not to renew this policy by writing to us 30
calendar day free-look period, we’ll give you a full days before the end of the period of insurance.
refund (less any fees and expenses) – see page
2 (14-day free-look period) for more details. Reinstatement
If your policy (including any add-on rider plans) ends because
No reinstatement after cancelling of non-payment of policy premiums, you can reinstate it
You will not be able to reinstate (restart) your policy after within three years of it ending if we agree. You cannot
you cancel it. reinstate your policy for any other reason (for example, if you
had ended the policy cover).
When your policy ends
We only cover events that happen after the reinstatement
Your policy (including any add-on rider plans) will end on
the earliest of the following dates:
■ When the total benefit amount we have paid under this
policy (including any add-on rider plans) equals to the We may refuse your reinstatement application or adjust the
death benefit sum insured; terms of this policy. If we approve your application, this policy
will be reinstated on the date we confirm in writing (the
■ This policy has reached the coverage end date;
“Reinstatement Date”). If this policy is reinstated, we will only
■ We do not receive the premium within the 62-day grace
insure events that take place after the reinstatement date.
■ When we receive your notice in writing to terminate your
What you need to do
policy; or
■ Contact us within three years from the date of
■ Any other event that leads to a termination, as stated in
this policy, such as providing inaccurate information,
submitting a fraudulent claim, or if we are required to do
■ Complete a service request form and pass it to us.
so under the laws or regulations of Singapore. You need to select the reinstatement service option.
■ Pay us all unpaid premiums and interest due (at a rate
If you choose to terminate your policy early and you have to be determined by us) and the administrative fees,
paid your premiums, your policy will continue to provide if any.
coverage up to the day before the next due date for the ■ Confirm that the health of the person to be insured
premium payment. still qualifies for cover (by answering the questions in
the service request form).
Coverage renewal option
The coverage renewal option is available on the renewable What we will do
plan, where the period of insurance stated in the policy ■ We will review your request, and if we are satisfied
schedule is “one year”. If this policy (including any add-on that you have met our requirements, we will reinstate
rider plans) is valid at the end of the period of insurance, we (restart) your policy on the same or adjusted terms.
will automatically renew this policy by one more year. Otherwise, we will not reinstate your policy.
■ If we reinstate your policy, your cover will be
The premium we charge you for the next year will be the reinstated from the date we tell you.
same as the premium that we charge people who have the
same age, gender, occupation, sum insured, and smoking
status as yourself on the day this policy is renewed. We will
not take into account any changes in your health, but any Important note
conditions we made when we first issued this policy (such You will not be covered for any event that
as charging higher premiums because of a health condition takes place before your policy is reinstated.
you had) will continue to apply to your policy.
Policy owner / Person insured You should regularly check if your nominees are still
Minimum age when Must be at least 18 years
you can apply old. Changing your nominees
Only you (the policy owner) can change the nominees.
Maximum age when Must be younger than 60 However, depending on the type of nomination you have
you can apply years old. selected, the nominees may need to consent to the change.
Assignment of benefits
You can transfer the benefits under your policy to someone
else through an assignment. For us to record this assignment
of benefits, you need to provide us the completed required
form and necessary documents. We will not be responsible
for checking the validity of the assignment.
We may also apply specific exclusions to your policy when we offer to issue your policy. If any specific exclusion applies to
certain benefits, we will record the details in a policy endorsement.
Suicide or self-inflicted act We will not pay any benefit under this policy if the claim arises, from suicide, attempted
suicide or an intentional self-inflicted act, within two years from the start of your policy
cover, the last reinstatement date (if your policy has been reinstated or the date that we
approve an increase in the sum insured (in respect of that increase).
Unlawful acts We will not pay any benefit under this policy if the claim arises because you or the person
insured deliberately participated in an unlawful act or failed to act in accordance with the
We will deduct any monies you owe us on your policy before we pay any claim.
You can change your chosen method any time. See page 7
(changing your premium payment method or frequency) for
First premium Your first premium is due on the coverage start date.
Annual, semi-annual, quarterly Due at the frequency you choose. You need to keep paying your premiums until the
or monthly premiums coverage end date as shown in the policy schedule.
If you miss your premium We give you a 62-day grace period after the due date to pay your premium.
payment Your policy ends from the date the premium was due if we do not receive your premium
within this period.
If your policy ends because you missed a premium payment, you can apply to reinstate it. See page 8 (reinstatement).
Changes to your policy to comply with the law If you don’t, we may not pay your claim, and your benefits
under your policy may be affected. In some cases, we may
We have the power to make any changes to your policy
cancel the policy. See page 14 (disputing payments) for more
required to comply with any law (not just Singapore laws). If
we need to make a change, we will write to you 30 days in
If we were given the wrong age and gender
We rely on your information If we discover that we were given the wrong age or gender,
we may adjust the amount of the benefit or premiums to
Read all parts of your policy to make sure they are reflect what the benefit or premiums should have been if we
correct were provided with the correct age or gender in the first
This policy is issued based on the information you gave us
during the application process. It is important that the
information is correct, and you were truthful and accurate If we would not have issued this policy if we had known the
with all of the information you provided. This information correct age, gender or any other details, we can declare your
helped us to decide if you were eligible for the policy, and policy void. If we do, we will cancel your policy and treat it as
how much you need to pay. never having existed. We will refund any premiums paid
without interest, after deducting any benefits we have paid.
The law as per Section 25(5) of the Insurance Act requires that
we inform you of your duty to fully and faithfully tell us
everything you know or could reasonably be expected to If you need to change your information, or if you
know that is relevant to our decision to insure you. Otherwise, have any questions, please call our hotline
we have the right to either decline your claims or terminate at +65 6820 8888 (9am to 10pm – Monday to
this policy and treat it as never having existed. In the event Friday, 9am to 1pm – Saturday (excluding public
that we decide to maintain your cover, we may charge an holidays)).
additional premium.
Application form Refers to the information you or the person insured (or both) provided to us when
applying for this policy. Our decision to issue this policy is based on the information in
the application form.
Coverage start date Refers to the date the first premium is due, and the date cover starts under your policy.
This date is shown in your policy schedule.
Coverage end date Refers to the date your policy ends. This date is shown in your policy schedule.
Endorsement Refers to any additional document attached to this policy outlining adjustments to the
standard terms and conditions that we have made as a condition to providing this
This person must not be you, your spouse, relative or business partner.
Period of insurance Refers to the period of time between the coverage start date and coverage end date
(both inclusive) as shown in your policy schedule.
This person must not be you, your spouse, relative or business partner.
Policy issue date Refers to the date as shown in the policy schedule.
Premium Refers to the scheduled premium payments for this policy as shown in the policy
schedule or endorsement.
Policy illustration Refers to the document attached to the policy when you bought this policy. It provides a
summary of this product, its benefits, and the premiums that you will need to pay.
Policy schedule Refers to the documents attached to this policy that shows important information about
you and this policy: the policy number, your personal details, period of insurance, sum
insured, frequency of premium payment, and premium payable.
Terminal illness or Refers to any medical condition that, in the opinion of a medical practitioner, is
Terminally ill expected to lead to death within the next 12 months.
We, our, FWD, us Refers to FWD Singapore Pte. Ltd., the issuer of this insurance policy.
You, your, yourself, person Refers to the person who is the owner of and insured by this policy as shown in the
insured policy schedule and endorsement.
Your premiums 3
Amount 3
When you need to pay premiums for your rider 3
Premium rates are guaranteed during the 3
period of insurance
Premium rates upon renewal of the base plan 3
are not guaranteed
What happens if you don’t pay on time? 3
Refund of premiums after we approve a claim 3
FWD Term Life Plus - Total and Permanent Disability add-on rider policy contract v1.0
FWD Total and Permanent
Disability add-on rider
Thank you for choosing FWD Singapore Pte. Ltd. We’re pleased to protect you so that you
can focus on living life to the fullest. This rider provides additional protection if the person
insured suffers total and permanent disability (“TPD”).
Totally and permanently Means that, before your 65th birthday and due to accident or sickness, you:
disabled or Total and ■ Are disabled to the extent of being completely unable to engage in any
permanent disability
occupation, business or activity for income, remuneration or profit. The disability
must continue uninterrupted for at least six consecutive months from the time
when the disability started and must, in the view of a medical practitioner, be
deemed permanent with no possibility of improvement in the foreseeable future;
FWD Term Life Plus - Total and Permanent Disability add-on rider policy contract v1.0 1
Your rider benefits
Summary of your benefits At any point in time, the TPD benefit payable will not be more
than the death benefit sum insured or the reduced death
This section describes the main benefits of your rider. To benefit sum insured (if applicable).
understand the full details about what we pay and how we
pay it, you should read the following section (detailed rider
If you have made a claim for other benefits which reduces the
death benefit sum insured to be less than the TPD benefit sum
insured, we will cap the amount payable for the TPD benefit
You can claim the following benefit while the at the reduced death benefit sum insured.
rider is in place.
Once we pay the reduced TPD benefit, death benefit or
terminal illness benefit, the rider and the base plan will
The TPD benefit ends on the coverage end date, as stated in terminate automatically.
your policy schedule, or on the policy anniversary of when
you reach age 65, whichever comes first.
What we pay
We will pay you 100% of the TPD benefit sum Total and permanent disability benefit
insured if the person insured suffers total and
If during the time this rider is valid:
permanent disability.
■ You first experience symptoms that may lead to you
becoming totally and permanently disabled; and
2 FWD Term Life Plus - Total and Permanent Disability add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Your premiums
Your premiums are the amount you pay for protection. It is important to pay your premiums
on time so your rider stays active and the person insured continues to be covered. Below we
outline how you can pay your premiums and what happens if you don’t pay.
When you need to pay premiums for your Any refunded premium amount will be paid on top of the
rider other amounts due to be paid under your rider.
You need to pay your premiums for this rider at the same time
as you pay your premiums for your base plan (annually, Premiums must be paid until we approve the claim
semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly). All premiums due under the base plan and any riders must be
paid until we approve the claim for the TPD benefit.
You can change your chosen method any time – if you do,
then your premiums for both base plan and rider will be
changed. Please refer to ‘changing your premium payment
method or frequency’ in your base plan contract for how to do
FWD Term Life Plus - Total and Permanent Disability add-on rider policy contract v1.0 3
What we don’t cover
We may also apply specific exclusions to your rider when we offer to issue your rider.
If any specific exclusions apply, we will record the details in a rider endorsement.
Suicide or self-inflicted act We will not pay any benefit under this rider if the claim arises from suicide, attempted
suicide or an intentional self-inflicted act. This applies regardless of the mental state of
the person insured. If this happens, the rider will be cancelled.
Unlawful acts We will not pay any benefit under this rider if the claim arises because you or the person
insured deliberately participated in an unlawful act, or failed to act in accordance with
the law.
We won’t pay any benefit if the signs or symptoms leading to diagnosis an illness that lead to total and permanent disability and
claim, became apparent:
■ before the rider issue date; or
■ before the rider reinstatement date (if the rider cover was restarted).
The above applies even if the signs or symptoms were not apparent to you, if they would have been apparent to a reasonable
person in the same position.
4 FWD Term Life Plus - Total and Permanent Disability add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Starting, ending, or reinstating your
total and permanent disability cover
This section explains when your policy starts and ends, and how to make changes to your
policy. We also outline when you can reinstate your policy after it has ended.
What we will do
■ We will review your application, and if we are
satisfied that you have met our requirements, we will
reinstate your base plan and this rider. Otherwise, we
will not reinstate your rider.
FWD Term Life Plus - Total and Permanent Disability add-on rider policy contract v1.0 5
Celebrate living
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
FWD Critical Illness add-on rider
Thank you for choosing FWD Singapore Pte. Ltd. We’re pleased to protect you so that you
can focus on living life to the fullest. This rider provides additional protection if the person
insured suffers one of the covered critical illnesses.
Critical illness or Refers to any of the illnesses defined on page 7 (definitions of covered critical illnesses).
Critical illnesses
Permanent Means expected to last throughout the lifetime of the person insured.
Permanent Refer to symptoms of dysfunction in the nervous system that present on clinical examination and
neurological expected to last throughout the lifetime of the person insured. Symptoms that are covered include
deficit numbness, paralysis, localized weakness, dysarthria (difficulty with speech), aphasia (inability to
speak), dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), visual impairment, difficulty in walking, lack of
coordination, tremor, seizures, dementia, delirium and coma.
ii. Dressing the ability to put on, take off, secure and unfasten all garments and, as
appropriate, any braces, artificial limbs or other surgical appliances;
iii. Transferring the ability to move from a bed to an upright chair or wheelchair and vice versa;
iv. Mobility the ability to move indoors from room to room on level surfaces;
v. Toileting the ability to use the lavatory or otherwise manage bowel and bladder functions so
as to maintain a satisfactory level of personal hygiene;
vi. Feeding the ability to feed oneself once the food has been prepared and made available.
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 1
Your rider benefits
Summary of your benefits At any point in time, the critical illness benefit payable will not
be more than the death benefit sum insured or the reduced
This section describes the main benefits of your rider. To death benefit sum insured (if applicable).
understand the full details about what we pay and how we
pay it, you should read the following section (detailed rider
If you have made a claim for other benefits which reduces the
death benefit sum insured to be less than the critical illness
benefit sum insured, we will cap the amount payable for the
critical illness benefit at the reduced death benefit sum
You can claim the following benefit while the rider
is in place.
Both the base plan and this rider will remain valid after this
How an accelerating rider works
benefit payment. However, the base plan sum insured (death
Your base plan provides the amount of cover (“sum insured”) benefit sum insured and terminal illness benefit sum insured)
for death and terminal illness, as stated in your policy will be reduced accordingly:
schedule. Any claim made by the person insured under the
base plan or the rider will be paid from such sum insured. We
will pay the benefits until the base plan sum insured is Revised sum insured = original sum insured
reached. – benefit we have paid you is in place.
2 FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Your rider benefits
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 3
Your premiums
Your premiums are the amount you pay for protection. It is important to pay your premiums
on time so your rider stays active and the person insured continues to be covered. Below we
outline how you can pay your premiums and what happens if you don’t pay.
4 FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
What we don’t cover
We may also apply specific exclusions to your rider when we offer to issue your rider. If any specific exclusions apply, we will
record the details in a rider endorsement.
Suicide or self-inflicted act We will not pay any benefit under this rider if the claim arises from suicide, attempted
suicide or an intentional self-inflicted act. This applies regardless of the mental state of the
person insured. If this happens, the rider will be cancelled.
Unlawful acts We will not pay any benefit under this rider if the claim arises because you or the person
insured deliberately participated in an unlawful act, or failed to act in accordance with the
We won’t pay any benefit if the signs or symptoms leading to diagnosis and claim, became apparent:
■ before the rider issue date; or
■ before the rider reinstatement date (if the rider cover was restarted).
The above applies even if the signs or symptoms were not apparent to you, if they would have been apparent to a reasonable
person in the same position.
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 5
Starting, ending, or reinstating your
critical illness cover
This section explains when your policy starts and ends, and how to make changes to your
policy. We also outline when you can reinstate your policy after it has ended.
What we will do
We will review your application, and if we are satisfied
that you have met our requirements, we will reinstate
your base plan and this rider. Otherwise, we will not
reinstate your rider.
■ If we reinstate your base plan and rider, your cover
will be reinstated from the date we tell you.
6 FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Definitions of covered critical
1. Alzheimer’s disease/severe Deterioration or loss of cognitive function as confirmed by clinical evaluation and
dementia imaging tests, arising from Alzheimer’s disease or irreversible organic disorders,
resulting in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring the
continuous supervision of the person insured. This diagnosis must be supported
by the clinical confirmation of an appropriate consultant and supported by our
appointed doctor.
2. Angioplasty & other The actual undergoing of balloon angioplasty or similar intra-arterial catheter
invasive treatment for procedure to correct a narrowing of minimum 60% stenosis, of one or more major
coronary artery coronary arteries as shown by angiographic evidence. The revascularisation must be
considered medically necessary by a consultant cardiologist.
Coronary arteries herein refer to left main stem, left anterior descending, circumflex
and right coronary artery.
Payment under this condition is limited to 10% of the sum insured under this policy
subject to a S$25,000 maximum sum payable. This benefit is payable once only and
shall be deducted from the amount of this policy contract, thereby reducing the
amount of the sum insured which may be payable herein.
3. Benign brain tumour Benign brain tumour means a non-malignant tumour located in the cranial vault and
limited to the brain, meninges or cranial nerves where all of the following conditions are
■ It has undergone surgical removal or, if inoperable, has caused a permanent
neurological deficit; and
■ Its presence must be confirmed by a neurologist or neurosurgeon and supported by
findings on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computerised Tomography, or other
reliable imaging techniques.
The following are excluded:
■ Cysts;
■ Abscess;
■ Angioma;
■ Granulomas;
■ Vascular Malformations;
■ Haematomas; and
■ Tumours of the pituitary gland, spinal cord and skull base.
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 7
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
4. Coma A coma that persists for at least 96 hours. This diagnosis must be supported by evidence
of all of the following:
For the above definition, medically induced coma and coma resulting directly from
alcohol or drug abuse are excluded
5. Coronary artery by-pass The actual undergoing of open-chest surgery or Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary
surgery Artery Bypass surgery to correct the narrowing or blockage of one or more coronary
arteries with bypass grafts. This diagnosis must be supported by angiographic evidence
of significant coronary artery obstruction and the procedure must be considered
medically necessary by a consultant cardiologist.
6. Deafness (irreversible loss Total and irreversible loss of hearing in both ears as a result of illness or accident. This
of hearing) diagnosis must be supported by audiometric and sound- threshold tests provided and
certified by an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) specialist.
7. End stage kidney failure Chronic irreversible failure of both kidneys requiring either permanent renal dialysis or
kidney transplantation.
8. End stage liver failure End stage liver failure as evidenced by all of the following:
■ Permanent jaundice;
■ Ascites; and
■ Hepatic encephalopathy.
9. End stage lung disease End stage lung disease, causing chronic respiratory failure. This diagnosis must be
supported by evidence of all of the following:
8 FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
10. Fulminant hepatitis A submassive to massive necrosis of the liver by the Hepatitis virus, leading
precipitously to liver failure. This diagnosis must be supported by all of the following:
11. Heart attack of specified Death of heart muscle due to ischaemia, that is evident by at least three of the following
severity criteria proving the occurrence of a new heart attack:
■ History of typical chest pain;
■ New characteristic electrocardiographic changes; with the development of any of
the following: ST elevation or depression, T wave inversion, pathological Q waves or
left bundle branch block;
■ Elevation of the cardiac biomarkers, inclusive of CKMB above the generally
accepted normal laboratory levels or Cardiac Troponin T or I at 0.5ng/ml and above;
■ Imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion
abnormality. The imaging must be done by Cardiologist specified by us.
12. HIV due to blood A. Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) through a blood transfusion,
transfusion and provided that all of the following conditions are met:
occupationally acquired HIV
■ The blood transfusion was medically necessary or given as part of a medical
■ The blood transfusion was received in Singapore after the issue date, date of
endorsement or date of reinstatement of this rider contract, whichever is the later;
■ The source of the infection is established to be from the Institution that provided the
blood transfusion and the Institution is able to trace the origin of the HIV tainted
B. Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which resulted from an
accident occurring after the issue date, date of endorsement or date of reinstatement of
this rider contract, whichever is the later whilst the person insured was carrying out the
normal professional duties of his or her occupation in Singapore, provided that all of the
following are proven to our satisfaction:
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 9
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
■ Proof that the accident involved a definite source of the HIV infected fluids;
■ Proof of sero-conversion from HIV negative to HIV positive occurring during the 180
days after the documented accident. This proof must include a negative HIV
antibody test conducted within 5 days of the accident; and
■ HIV infection resulting from any other means including sexual activity and the use of
intravenous drugs is excluded.
This benefit is only payable when the occupation of the person insured is a medical
practitioner, housemen, medical student, state registered nurse, medical laboratory
technician, dentist (surgeon and nurse) or paramedical worker, working in medical
centre or clinic (in Singapore).
This benefit will not apply under either section A or B where a cure has become
available prior to the infection. “Cure” means any treatment that renders the HIV
inactive or non-infectious.
13. Idiopathic parkinson’s The unequivocal diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease by a consultant neurologist.
disease This diagnosis must be supported by all of the following conditions:
For the purpose of this definition, “aided” shall mean with the aid of special equipment,
device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid.
14. Irreversible aplastic Chronic persistent and irreversible bone marrow failure, confirmed by biopsy, which
anaemia results in anaemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia requiring treatment with at least
one of the following:
15. Irreversible loss of speech Total and irreversible loss of the ability to speak as a result of injury or disease to the
vocal cords. The inability to speak must be established for a continuous period of 12
months. This diagnosis must be supported by medical evidence furnished by an Ear,
Nose, Throat (ENT) specialist.
16. Loss of independent A condition as a result of a disease, illness or injury whereby the person insured is
existence unable to perform (whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the 6 “Activities of Daily
Living”, for a continuous period of 6 months. This condition must be confirmed by our
approved doctor.
10 FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
17. Major burns Third degree (full thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 20% of the surface of the
person insured’s body.
18. Major cancer A malignant tumour positively diagnosed with histological confirmation and
characterised by the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells with invasion and
destruction of normal tissue.
The term Major Cancer includes, but is not limited to, leukemia, lymphoma and
Major Cancer diagnosed on the basis of finding tumour cells and/or tumour-associated
molecules in blood, saliva, faeces, urine or any other bodily fluid in the absence of
further definitive and clinically verifiable evidence does not meet the above definition.
For the above definition, the following are excluded:
■ All tumours which are histologically classified as any of the following:
■ Pre-malignant;
■ Non-invasive;
■ Carcinoma-in-situ (Tis) or Ta;
■ Having borderline malignancy;
■ Having any degree of malignant potential;
■ Having suspicious malignancy;
■ Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour; or
■ All grades of dysplasia, squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL and LSIL) and intra
epithelial neoplasia.
■ Any non-melanoma skin carcinoma, skin confined primary cutaneous lymphoma and
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans unless there is evidence of metastases to lymph
nodes or beyond;
■ Malignant melanoma that has not caused invasion beyond the epidermis;
■ All Prostate cancers histologically described as T1N0M0 (TNM Classification) or
below; or Prostate cancers of another equivalent or lesser classification;
■ All Thyroid cancers histologically classified as T1N0M0 (TNM Classification) or
■ All Neuroendocrine tumours histologically classified as T1N0M0 (TNM
Classification) or below;
■ All tumours of the Urinary Bladder histologically classified as T1N0M0 (TNM
Classification) or below;
■ All Gastro-Intestinal Stromal tumours histologically classified as Stage I or IA
according to the latest edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, or below;
■ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia less than RAI Stage 3;
■ All bone marrow malignancies which do not require recurrent blood transfusions,
chemotherapy, targeted cancer therapies, bone marrow transplant, haematopoietic
stem cell transplant or other major interventionist treatment; and
■ All tumours in the presence of HIV infection.
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 11
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
19. Major head trauma Accidental head injury resulting in permanent neurological deficit to be assessed no
sooner than 6 weeks from the date of the accident. This diagnosis must be confirmed by
a consultant neurologist and supported by relevant findings on Magnetic Resonance
Imaging, Computerised Tomography, or other reliable imaging techniques. “Accident”
means an event of violent, unexpected, external, involuntary and visible nature which is
independent of any other cause and is the sole cause of the head Injury.
21. Motor neurone disease Motor neurone disease characterised by progressive degeneration of corticospinal
tracts and anterior horn cells or bulbar efferent neurones which include spinal muscular
atrophy, progressive bulbar palsy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and primary lateral
sclerosis. This diagnosis must be confirmed by a neurologist as progressive and
resulting in permanent neurological deficit.
22. Multiple sclerosis The definite diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, and must be supported by all of the
■ Investigations which unequivocally confirm the diagnosis to be Multiple Sclerosis;
■ Multiple neurological deficits which occurred over a continuous period of at least 6
Other causes of neurological damage such as SLE and HIV are excluded.
23. Muscular dystrophy The unequivocal diagnosis of muscular dystrophy must be made by a consultant
neurologist. The condition must result in the inability of the person insured to perform
(whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the 6 “Activities of Daily Living” for a continuous
period of at least 6 months.
For the purpose of this definition, “aided” shall mean with the aid of special equipment,
device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid.
24. Open chest heart valve The actual undergoing of open-heart surgery to replace or repair heart valve
surgery abnormalities. The diagnosis of heart valve abnormality must be supported by cardiac
catheterization or echocardiogram and the procedure must be considered medically
necessary by a consultant cardiologist.
25. Open chest surgery to The actual undergoing of major surgery to repair or correct an aneurysm, narrowing,
aorta obstruction or dissection of the aorta through surgical opening of the chest or
abdomen. For the purpose of this definition, aorta shall mean the thoracic and
abdominal aorta but not its branches.
12 FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
26. Other serious coronary The narrowing of the lumen of at least one coronary artery by a minimum of 75% and of
artery disease two others by a minimum of 60%, as proven by invasive coronary angiography,
regardless of whether or not any form of coronary artery surgery has been performed.
Coronary arteries herein refer to left main stem, left anterior descending, circumflex
and right coronary artery. The branches of the above coronary arteries are excluded.
27. Paralysis (irreversible loss Total and irreversible loss of use of at least 2 entire limbs due to injury or disease
of use of limbs) persisting for a period of at least 6 weeks and with no foreseeable possibility of
recovery. This condition must be confirmed by a consultant neurologist.
28. Persistent vegetative state Universal necrosis of the brain cortex with the brainstem intact. This diagnosis must be
(apallic syndrome) definitely confirmed by a consultant neurologist holding such an appointment at an
approved hospital. This condition has to be medically documented for at least one
29. Poliomyelitis The occurrence of Poliomyelitis where the following conditions are met:
30. Primary pulmonary Primary Pulmonary Hypertension with substantial right ventricular enlargement
hypertension confirmed by investigations including cardiac catheterisation, resulting in permanent
physical impairment of at least Class IV of the New York Heart Association (NYHA)
Classification of Cardiac Impairment.
Class I: No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause
undue fatigue, dyspnea, or anginal pain.
Class II: Slight limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity results in
Class III: Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than
ordinary activity causes symptoms.
Class IV: Unable to engage in any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms may
be present even at rest.
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 13
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
31. Progressive scleroderma A systemic collagen-vascular disease causing progressive diffuse fibrosis in the skin,
blood vessels and visceral organs. This diagnosis must be unequivocally confirmed by a
consultant rheumatologist and supported by biopsy or equivalent confirmatory test,
and serological evidence, and the disorder must have reached systemic proportions to
involve the heart, lungs or kidneys.
32. Severe bacterial Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or
meningitis spinal cord resulting in significant, irreversible and permanent neurological deficit. The
neurological deficit must persist for at least 6 weeks. This diagnosis must be confirmed
■ The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture; and
■ A consultant neurologist.
33. Severe encephalitis Severe inflammation of brain substance (cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or
cerebellum) and resulting in permanent neurological deficit which must be documented
for at least 6 weeks. This diagnosis must be certified by a consultant neurologist, and
supported by any confirmatory diagnostic tests.
Encephalitis caused by HIV infection is excluded.
34. Stroke with permanent A cerebrovascular incident including infarction of brain tissue, cerebral and
neurological deficit subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracerebral embolism and cerebral thrombosis resulting
in permanent neurological deficit. This diagnosis must be supported by all of the
following conditions:
■ Evidence of permanent clinical neurological deficit confirmed by a neurologist at
least 6 weeks after the event; and
■ Findings on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computerised Tomography, or other
reliable imaging techniques consistent with the diagnosis of a new stroke.
35. Systemic lupus The unequivocal diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) based on
erythematosus with lupus recognised diagnostic criteria and supported with clinical and laboratory evidence. In
nephritis respect of this contract, systemic lupus erythematosus will be restricted to those forms
of systemic lupus erythematosus which involve the kidneys (Class III to Class VI Lupus
Nephritis, established by renal biopsy, and in accordance with the RPS/ISN
classification system). The final diagnosis must be confirmed by a certified doctor
specialising in Rheumatology and Immunology.
14 FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Definitions of covered critical illnesses
FWD Term Life Plus Critical Illness add-on rider policy contract v1.0 15
Celebrate living
FWD Term Life Plus - Premium Waiver add-on rider policy contract v1.0
FWD Premium Waiver add-on rider
Thank you for choosing FWD Singapore Pte. Ltd. We’re pleased to protect you so that you
can focus on living life to the fullest. This rider waives future premiums if the person insured
suffers a total and permanent disability (“TPD”) or a covered critical illness.
The terms and conditions of the base plan apply to this rider, unless stated otherwise.
We will waive future premiums of the base plan and all the riders, if you become totally and permanently disabled or suffer one of
the covered critical illness while this rider is in place.
The person insured under this rider has to be the same as the person insured under your policy. The person insured cannot
receive any benefit under this rider, and cannot make changes to your rider, unless the person insured is also the policy owner.
FWD Term Life Plus - Premium Waiver add-on rider policy contract v1.0 1
Your rider benefits
You do not need to continue paying the premiums of your policy, starting from the date your next premium is due, if you:
■ are diagnosed by a medical practitioner as having suffered from a covered critical illness other than ‘Angioplasty and other
invasive treatment for coronary artery’ while this rider is valid; or
■ in the opinion of a medical practitioner, become totally and permanently disabled before your 65th birthday and while this
rider is valid.
Waiting period
For the following critical illnesses, the benefits described above are only available after 90 days following the coverage start date,
the last reinstatement date (if your policy has been reinstated), or the date of any increase in your sum insured (in respect to that
increase), whichever is later:
■ Heart attack of specified severity;
■ Major cancer;
■ Coronary artery by-pass surgery; and
■ Other serious coronary artery disease.
This means that no benefit will be available if you first experience symptoms of any one or more of the above critical illnesses
before the end of this 90-day period.
2 FWD Term Life Plus - Premium Waiver add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Your premiums
Your premiums are the amount you pay for protection. It is important to pay your premiums
on time so your rider stays active and the person insured continues to be covered. Below we
outline how you can pay your premiums and what happens if you don’t pay.
You need to pay your premiums for this rider at the same time All premiums due under the base plan and any riders must be
as you pay your premiums for your base plan (annually, paid until we approve the claim for the premium waiver
semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly). benefit.
You can change your chosen method any time – if you do,
then your premiums for both base plan and rider will be
changed. Please refer to ‘changing your premium payment
method or frequency’ in your base plan contract for how to do
FWD Term Life Plus - Premium Waiver add-on rider policy contract v1.0 3
What we don’t cover
We may also apply specific exclusions to your rider when we offer to issue your rider. If any specific exclusions apply, we will
record the details in a rider endorsement.
Suicide or self-inflicted act Premium waiver benefit will not be available for total and permanent disability or
critical illness that directly or indirectly results from attempted suicide or an
intentional self-inflicted act by yourself.
This applies regardless of the mental state of the person insured. If this happens, the
rider will be cancelled.
Unlawful acts Premium waiver benefit will not be available under this rider if the claim arises
because you or the person insured deliberately participated in an unlawful act, or
failed to act in accordance with the law.
Angioplasty and other invasive Premium waiver benefit will not be available for a critical illness that directly or
treatment for coronary artery indirectly results from ‘Angioplasty and other invasive treatment for coronary artery’.
We won’t pay any benefit if the signs or symptoms leading to the diagnosis of a critical illness or total and permanent disability,
and claim, became apparent:
■ before the rider issue date; or
■ before the rider reinstatement date (if the rider cover was restarted).
The above applies even if the signs or symptoms were not apparent to you, if they would have been apparent to a reasonable
person in the same position.
4 FWD Term Life Plus - Premium Waiver add-on rider policy contract v1.0
Starting, ending, or reinstating your
premium waiver cover
This section explains when your policy starts and ends, and how to make changes to your
policy. We also outline when you can reinstate your policy after it has ended.
FWD Term Life Plus - Premium Waiver add-on rider policy contract v1.0 5