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Sentence Transformation

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Sentence transformation

1. She is proud of her cooking

⇒ She prides herself on her cooking

Cấu trúc : pride one's self on doing st = take pride in

2. The loss of the account was not our fault

⇒ We were not to blame for the loss of the account.

Cấu trúc : be to blame for st = responsible for st

3. She found her book so interesting that she didn't even hear me.

⇒ She was so engrossed in her book that ______________________

Cấu trúc : engrossed in/with st = be interested in st

4. Julian is proud of his stamp collection

⇒ Julian prides himself on his stamp collection.

5. We ought to have dropped in on Muriel when we were in town.

⇒ We ought to have paid Muriel a visit when we were in town

Cấu trúc : pay somewhere a visit : thăm nơi nào

ought to have done : đáng lẽ nên làm j

Sentence transformation 1
6. Amanda always turns shy when there are adults around.

⇒ Amanda always turns shy in the presence of adults.

7. He said i could concentrate on more important matters.

⇒ He said I ought to turn my attention to more important matters.

Cấu trúc : turn one's attention to st : chú ý , tập trung vào j

8. Jasson and I shared the driving.

⇒ Jason and I took turns to do the driving.

Cấu trúc : take turns (doing something/in doing something/to do something)

9. Roger is now responsible for the whole sales department.

⇒ Roger is now in charge of the whole sales department.

Cấu trúc : in charge of st = responsible for st

10. This matter has nothing to do with her.

⇒ The matter is no concern of her.

Cấu trúc : no concern of sb

11. Suppose they don't grant him his right to see a lawyer ?

⇒ What if they deprive him of his right to see a lawyer?

Cấu trúc : Deprive someone of something : take something away from someone

12. Time is precious, so can we please hurry?

⇒ We are running short of time, so can we please hurry?

Cấu trúc : Run short of something : something is being used up

13. If you carry out your threat, there’s a good chance that you will be prosecuted.

⇒ If you carry out your threat, you run the risk of being prosecuted.
Cấu trúc : Run the risk of something : risk having something

14. According to the newspaper, there are plenty of jobs going in

⇒ According to the newspaper, there is an abundance of jobs in.

Cấu trúc: an abundance of = plenty of

15. I travelled through France for a week.

⇒ I spent a week travelling through France.

Sentence transformation 2
16. Andrew enjoys teasing his sister all the time.

⇒ Andrew takes delight in teasing his sister all the time

Cấu trúc : Take delight in something = have fun doing something

17. Noel seems to enjoy making people feel uncomfortable.

⇒ Noel seems to take pleasure in making people feel uncomfortable.

Cấu trúc : Take pleasure in doing something = enjoy doing something

18. Picasso played a major role in the development of the 20th century art.

⇒ Picasso made a major contribution to the development of the 20th century art

Cấu trúc : Make a contribution to something = play a major role in something

19. He always had everything he wanted as a child.

⇒ Never did he go short of anything he wanted as a child.

Cấu trúc : Go short of something = to begin to not have enough of something

20. We don’t need to buy any more detergent just yet.

⇒ We have enough detergent to be going on with.


1. Sergeant Tucker is away until the end of the

=> Sergeant Tucker is on leave until the end of the month.

Cấu trúc : on leave = away

2. The two models are much the same

=> There is nothing to choose between the two models.

3. David should concentrate more on his

=> David should apply himself more to his studies.

Cấu trúc : apply oneself to st = focus = concentrate

4. If he continues to be rude to her, she’s going to give him a piece of her mind.

=> If he persists in being rude to her, she’s going to give him a piece of her mind.

Cấu trúc : persist in doing = continue

5. It’s really worth knowing people in high places

Sentence transformation 3
=>  It pays to know people in the high places sometimes.

6. Your father will never allow you to marry

=> Your father will never give his consent to your marrying Alec.

Cấu trúc : Give consent to something: approve of something

7. Judging by the outside of the house, very rich people live

=> By the look of the outside of the house, very rich people live here.
Cấu trúc : judge = by the look

8. That the socialists won the election was totally unexpected.

=> The socialists’winning the election came as a surprise.

9. The police will keep him in custody until they have proof he is not a terrorist.

=> He will not be set free until they have proof he is not a terrorist.
Cấu trúc : keep sb in custody /ˈkʌstədi/ : giam cầm >< set free

10. Women all over the world copied the Princess Diana look.

=> Princess Diana set a trend that women all over the world copied.

Cấu trúc : set a trend : tạo trend

11. Many people do not approve of the new measures to control

=> Few people go along with the new measures to control crime.
Cấu trúc :Go along with something: approve of something

12. If only I could read music.

=> I would love to be able to read music.

13. It is very difficult to stay up-to-date with technology

=> It is very difficult to keep pace with technology.

Cấu trúc : Keep pace with something: to go as fast as something

14. Apparently we ‘ll have to start from scratch.

=> By the looks of it, we ‘ll have to start from scratch.

Cấu trúc : apparently = by the looks of

15. A lot of people have been talking about his new film

=> His new film has been the subject of much debate lately.

Sentence transformation 4
Cấu trúc : Be the subject of something: the main topic of something

16. At first sight, it seems like a worthwhile plan of attack, but we’ll see.

=> On the face of it, it seems like a worthwhile plan of attack, but we’ll see.

Cấu trúc : At first sight = on the face of

17. Very few employees agree with the new

=> Very few employees are in favor of the new proposals.

18. They blamed her for the error, even though she had been absent at the time.

=> She was held responsible for the error, even though she had been absent at the time.
Cấu trúc :Be held responsible for something: be blamed for something

19. I think this difficult situation will resolve itself after a

=> I think this difficult situation will sort itself out after a while.

Cấu trúc : Sort something/somebody out: to deal successfully with a problem

20. If my mother calls, tell her I’m on my way

=> Should my mother happen to call, tell her I’m on my way home.

1.She damaged the car badly when she backed into the tree.

=> She did great damage to the car when she backed into the tree.
Cấu trúc : do great damage to = damage st badly

2.These old laws should be abolished.

=>These old laws should be done away with.
Cấu trúc : Be done away with: be abolished, eliminated

3.It’s such a shame that Terry and Carla broke up.

=>If only Terry and Carla hadn’t gone their separate ways.

Cấu trúc : It's such a shame = if only < giá mà > ; break up = seperate
4.Judy‘s thinking about moving to France.

=>Judy’s giving some thought to moving to France.

Cấu trúc : think about = give some thought to doing
5.There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new tax.

Sentence transformation 5
=>There are several categories of people who are exempt from paying the new tax.
Cấu trúc : exempt from doing st = không phải làm j ; đc miễn
6.Terry did not agree with me about the best way to proceed.

=>Terry did not share my views on the best way to proceed.

Cấu trúc : agree = share views on st : chung quan điểm

7.It seems highly unlikely that the weather will improve during the next few days.
=>The weather shows no signs of improvement during the next few days.

Cấu trúc : show no signs of = unlikely

8.The open-air concerts in the park take place on alternate Sundays.

=>The open-air concerts in the park take place every other Sunday.
Cấu trúc : on alternate Sundays = every sunday
9.John was quite frank about his criminal record.

=>John made no secret of his criminal record.

Cấu trúc : frank about = make no secret

10.Our bus timetable may vary from one month to the next.
=>Our bus timetable is subject to monthly change.

Cấu trúc : vary from = subject to < adj : bị ảnh hưởng >
11.There have been a lot of redundancies in that area.
=>A lot of jobs have been lost in that area.

Cấu trúc : redundancy : mất việc

12.The number of places offered on the course has been drastically reduced owing to
lack of funds.

=>Lack of funds has led to a drastic reduction in the number of places offered on the
13.Doesn’t anyone but me care about this issue?

=>Am I the only one who cares / to care about this issue?
14.I was amazed at the speed with which Chris learned to drive.

=>I found it amazing how quickly Chris learned to drive.

15.When you go to the city, watch out for pickpockets.

Sentence transformation 6
=>When you go to the city, be on the lookout for pickpockets.

Cấu trúc : Be on the lookout for something: to be watching carefully in order to find,
obtain or avoid something
16.Several flights have had to be cancelled because of heavy snowfalls.

=>Heavy snowfalls have resulted in the cancellation of several flights.

17.Nobody knows what happened to the money.

=>It is a mystery what happened to the money.

18.It took three hours to get there, but we all agreed we were happy we had done it.

=>Although it took three hours to get there, we all thought it had been worth it.

19.The only thing I can do is to tell Monica everything.

=>I have no alternative other than to tell Monica everything.

20.It was the first time Lenny had used a computer.

=>Lenny had no previous experience of using a computer.


1.Do you understand what he’s written at the end?

=> Can you make any sense of what he’s written at the end?

Make sense of something: understand something

2.If the referee hadn’t intervened promptly, a fight would have developed on the pitch.

=> But for the referee’s prompt intervention, a fight would have developed on the pitch.
3.Don’t play with that ball indoors anymore, or you will break something.

=> If you carry on playing with that ball indoors, you’ll break something.

Carry on doing something: continue to do something

4.How can you bear him?

=> How can you put up with him?

Put up with someone/ something: endure something

5.You are old enough to stand on your own two feet.

=> It’s high time you stood on your own two feet.

It’s high time V 3/ed : It’s about time that someone do something

6.The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months.

Sentence transformation 7
=> It looked as if the house had been unoccupied for several months.

Cấu trúc : unoccupied = empty, with nobody living there or using it : bị bỏ hoang

7.The Prime Minister would prefer to use diplomatic discussion when faced with a crisis.
=> The Prime Minister would rather make use of diplomatic discussion when faced with
a crisis.

8.You’ve no chance of succeeding if you’re going to be so pessimistic.

=> You are bound to fail if you’re going to be so pessimistic.

Cấu trúc : pessimistic /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/ : tiêu cực

9.It is said that he has been to prison several times.

=> He is reputed to have been to prison several times.

Cấu trúc : repute to : có tiếng tăm

10.You stand little chance of passing with such low marks.

=> You are unlikely to pass with such low marks.

11.You could be arrested for not giving a blood sample to the police, you know.
=> Refusal to give a blood sample to the police could lead to your being arrested , you

12.It would have been inconsiderate if I hadn’t invited the neighbors to the wedding.

=> Not to have invited he neighbors to the wedding would have been inconsiderate.

13.She is likely to be the next president.

=> The chances of her being the next president are quite good.

14.Could you please type these letters before you go to lunch?

=> Would you mind typing these letters before you go to lunch?
15.I fully intend to find out who is responsible for the graffiti.

=> I have every intention of finding out who is responsible for the graffiti.

Cấu trúc: have every intention of doing: có dự định

16.It wasn’t easy for Christine to get used to living in the country.
=>Christine had some trouble getting used to living in the country.

17.You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed.

=>There’s no point in trying to get Tim to lend you his car.

Sentence transformation 8
18.Mrs. Wilson says she’s sorry she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday morning.

=>Mrs. Wilson send her apologies for not attending the meeting yesterday morning.

19.The proposal has received unanimous support from the members.

=> The members were united in supporting the proposal.

20.They wouldn’t let the former chairman attend the conference.

=> The former chairman was barred from attending the conference.

Bar (v): to prevent something or someone from doing something or going somewhere


1.While the boss is away, I’ll be in charge.

=> I’ll be in charge in the absence of the boss.

2.The northwest of Britain has more rain each year than the southeast.
=> The annual rainfall in the northwest of Britain is greater than that of the southeast.

3.Running those last ten miles in the marathon was really hard.

=> The most strenuous part of running the marathon was those last ten minutes.
Từ vựng : strenuous = hard

4.I had underestimated the changes I would find in my hometown.

=> My home town had changed to a greater extent than I had expected.

5.I knew he would get into trouble again.

=> It came as no surprise to me that he got into trouble again.

6.Immediately I heard from her, I left for London.

=> No sooner did I hear from her than I left for London.
7.I began to understand that he was only interested in his own career.

=> I came to realization that he was only interested in his own career.

Cấu trúc : come to realization = understand

8.A taxi will get there in a third of the time it takes the bus.
⇒. The bus will take three times as long as a taxi.
9.It makes no difference to me whether we go to France or Spain.

=>I’d just as soon go to France as go to Spain.

Sentence transformation 9
10.I’ve never met such a vain person as Sally.

=> Sally is by far the vainest person I have ever met.

11.Although Judy was severely disabled, she participated in many sports.

=> Despite her having a severe disability, she participated in many sports.
12.When the police searched the car, they knew they had been taken in.

=>.Upon searching the car, the police knew they had been taken in.

13.When we receive the money, we’ll ship the goods.

=>On receipt of the money, we’ll ship the goods.

14.He doesn’t want to be disturbed unless something urgent happens.

=> Unless something urgent comes up, he doesn’t want to be disturbed.

Come up: happen, occur

15.She didn’t see the point of waiting anymore.

=>No longer did she see the point of waiting.

16.She could hardly remember her childhood.

=> She had only a faint memory of her childhood.

17.He moved so clumsily that she was afraid he would break everything in the shop.

=> His were such clumsy movements that she was afraid he would break everything in
the shop.

18.The price of a litre of petrol is going up by two cents.

=> There is going to be a two-cent rise in the price of a litre of petrol.

19.We have been trying to sell our house for well over six months.

=> Our house has been for sale for well over six months.
20.The restaurant was even better than I had expected.

=> The restaurant surpassed my expectations.

Surpass one’s expectations: be more than one’s expectations


1.I rarely see my sister these days.

=> I only see my sister once in a blue moon these days.

Once in a blue moon: very rarely

Sentence transformation 10
2.It’s a pity you didn’t tell him, firmly and finally, that he can’t stay here.
=> If only you had told him, once and for all, that he can’t stay here.

Once and for all: completely/firmly and finally

3.The government is trying to conceal the truths.

=> The government is trying to cover up the truths.

Cover up something: hide something so that others don’t know = conceal (v)

4.I found my job because I subscribe to that magazine.

=> Had it not been for my subscription to that magazine, I wouldn’t have found my job.
5.I tried as hard as I could to convince them to stay.

=> I did/tried my best to convince them to stay.

6.The teacher used such difficult words that no one could understand him.
=> Such difficult words did the teacher use that no one could understand him.

7.I finally met her by chance.

=> Only by chance did I finally meet her.

8.He hasn’t been to the college since May.

=> The last time he went to the college was in May.

9.When did he last write a book which was a best seller?

=> How long has it been since he wrote a book which was a best seller?
10.I don’t think she will agree to your terms.

=> It’s doubtful whether/that she would agree to your terms.

11.If you don’t comply with the rules, you’ll be expelled from the school.

=> Don’t comply with the rules and you’ll be expelled from the school.
12.If there is no frost this spring, the crop will be good.

=> The crop will be good provided that there is no frost this spring.

provided that: miễn là

13.You may need to call the agency again, so keep their card.

=> Keep the agency’s card in case you need to call them again.

14.It’s a pity she did not accept my proposition.

=> I wish she had accepted my proposition.

Sentence transformation 11
15.I don’t want you to disturb me while I’m working.
=> I’d rather you didn’t disturb me while I’m working.

16.I know you want to drive there, but how about flying instead?

=> I know you want to drive there, but suppose you flew there instead?

17.Could you please move your car?

=> Would you be kind enough to move your car, please?

18.He pretended that he had not heard of the new regulations.

=> He pretended not to have heard of the new regulations.

19.He survived the train crash but died of a heart attack the following day.

=> He survived the train crash only to die of a heart attack the following day.

20.We are expecting Mr. Westwood’s arrival at any moment.

=> Mr. Westwood is due to arrive at any moment.

due to: có kế hoạch, dự định.


1.I began to feel really scared when the dog came close.
=> The closer the dog came, the more scared I felt.
2.His biggest fear is losing his sight.
=> What he fears most is losing his sight.
3.Your son isn’t stupid but he’s very lazy, I’m afraid.
=> Your son is more lazy than stupid, I’m afraid.
4.The path was so slippery that we couldn’t carry on walking up the mountain.
=> It was too slippery a path to carry on walking up the mountain.
5.Press that button and the lift will start.
=> The lift will start the moment you press that button.
6.Despite the fact that she had problems, she was a very happy person.
=> For all her troubles, she was a very happy version.
7.However hard I try, I can’t please the new supervisor.
=> Try as I might, I can’t please the new supervisor.
8.Despite our efforts, the company couldn’t pay its debts and had to close.
=> No matter how hard we tried, the company went bankrupt anyway.
9.He studied so hard to get his degree that he became ill.
=>He succeeded in getting his degree at the expense of his health.
10.She learned French so that she could get a job in Paris.
=> She learned French with the aim of getting a job in Paris

Sentence transformation 12
11.“Let’s invite them down to the cottage for the weekend” said Rachel.
=> Rachel suggested our having them down to the cottage for the weekend
12.He’s accepted more work than he can finish in a week.
=> He’s taken on more work than he can finish in a week.
Take on: to begin to have, use or do something = đảm nhận
13.I think I gained five kilos on that holiday.
=> I must have put on five kilos on that holiday.
Put on: increase (weight)
14.This is a bi-monthly magazine.
=> This magazine comes out twice a month.
15.His English seems to be improving.
=> His English is coming along quite nicely.
Come along: improve; enhance
16.Let’s continue with these corrections, shall we?
=> Can we get on with these corrections, please?
Get on with something: continue something after interruptions
17.No matter how hard I try, I can’t find the time or energy to paint the fence.
=> No matter how hard I try, I can’t get round to painting the fence.
Get round to something: begin to give serious attention to something
18.He’s determined to have a few days break.
=> He’s determined to get away for a few days.
19.She is no longer young, is she?
=> She is getting on, is she?
Get on: become old
20.Where did you get this information?
=> Where did you come by this information?
Come by: obtain, receive accidentally

1.Such behavior is unforgivable.

=> There is no excuse for such behavior.

2.Only if you work hard now do you have any chance of success.
=> Your success depends entirely on you working hard now.

3.She gets on well with all her students.

=> She has a good relationship with all her students.
4.He’s unlikely to come to the party.

Sentence transformation 13
=> It’s doubtful whether he will come to the party.
5.Anne doesn’t have her own phone at the moment as she’s just moved house.
=> Anne is not on the phone at the moment as she’s just moved house.

6.This essay is better than your last one.

=> This essay is an improvement on your last one.
7.Everyday our town becomes more polluted.

=> Our town is becoming more and more polluted everyday.

8.Andy used to be careless, but he’s not anymore.
=> Andy is much more careful than he used to be.

9.Don’t pay any attention to what he says.

=> Don’t take any notice of what he says.
10.The new plans for the library have been approved by the authorities.

=> The new plans for the library have met with approval of the authorities.
11.They will have to accept your offer.

=> They will have no option but to accept your offer.

12.That’s none of your business.
=> That’s nothing to do with you.

13.Money counts for little on a desert island.

=> Money is of little value on a desert island.
14.Most people know that the country’s economy is dependent on oil.

=> It’s common knowledge that the country’s economy is dependent on oil.
15.You are not alone in finding this subject rather difficult.
=> You are not the only person to find this subject rather difficult.

16.The advertisement completely deceived her.

=> She was completely taken in by the advertisement.
17.The test showed that the girl could hear perfectly well.

=> The test showed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the girl’s hearing.
18.We don’t have too much time to go sightseeing.

=> We have very little time to go sightseeing.

Sentence transformation 14
19.I don’t know much about feng-shui, I’m afraid.
=> I have little knowledge of feng-shui, I’m afraid.
20.The Tourist Board advised us on where to stay.

=> The Tourist Board gave us advice on where to stay.

1.The surgeon didn’t start until the anaesthetic had taken effect.
=> Not until the anaesthetic had taken effect did the surgeon start.

2.She had all her jewellery insured by Lloyd’s.

=> She had every piece of her jewellery insured by Lloyd’s.

3.Peter said the operation was completely painless.

=> Peter said he didn’t suffer any pain during the operation.
4.The expiry date on the passport is March 5th, 2004.

=> The passport is valid until March 5th, 2004.

5.We closed the club as membership had fallen steadily.
=> We closed the club due to a steady decline in membership.

6.If she weren’t so patient, she wouldn’t be such a good teacher.

=> It is because she is patient that she is such a good teacher.
7.If you hadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have finished on time.

=> But for your help, we wouldn’t have finished on time.

8.If you aren’t careful, the engine will seize up.
=> The engine will seize up unless you are careful.

9.If you bump into him, give him my love.

=> Give him my love should you happen to bump into him.

10.She didn’t see anything because she was asleep.

=> Had she not been asleep she would have seen something.
11.There is no way you can justify his actions last night.

=> There is no justification for his actions last night.

There be no way S + V = there be no N (V)....
12.Whatever you do, don’t panic.

Sentence transformation 15
=> The last thing you should do is panic.
13.Not many people wants typewriters nowadays.
=> Typewriters aren’t much in demand nowadays.

Want = in demand
14.You’d better leave early to avoid the rush hour.
=> It would be better if you left early to avoid the rush hour.

15.If you don’t tell them, you will be severely punished.

=> You had better tell them or you will be severely punished.

16.The staff would sooner have a shorter lunch break and leave earlier.
=> The staff would prefer to have a shorter lunch break and leave earlier.
17.I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name.

=> Would you mind repeating your name?

18.We don’t seem to have any coffee left.
=> We seem to have run out of coffee.

19.Robert is in the wrong in this instance.

=> Robert is at fault in this instance.
20.I always make the same mistake.

=> I keep on making the same mistake.

1.They don’t let me stay out after midnight.

=> I’m not allowed to stay out after midnight.

2.The police allege that the managing director of the bank has been embezzling money
for years.

=> It is alleged that the managing director of the bank has been embezzling money for

3.He is sure to pass the exam.

=> It’s very likely that he will pass the exam.
Be sure to V = be likely to V/that...

4.Well, eventually we arrived at a small town.

Sentence transformation 16
=> Well, in due course we arrived at a small town.
5.“The opening ceremony will just be beginning then”, he said to us.
=> He told us that the opening ceremony would just be beginning then.

6.“I’ll fill in the form for you”, said Claire.

=> Claire offered to fill in the form for me.

7.Malcolm admitted having caused the damage.

=> Malcolm confessed to causing the damage.
Admitted V-ing = confessed to V-ing

8.The greenhouse effect seriously threatens life on this planet.

=> The greenhouse effect poses a serious threat to life on this planet.
9.His business collapsed so he owes a lot of money.

=> He is heavily in debt since his business collapsed.

10.It takes six hours to fly from here to Toronto.
=> It’s a six-hour flight from here to Toronto.

11.Someone is fixing my television today.

=> I am having my television fixed today.
12.I don’t care what you do with the money.

=> It doesn’t matter to me what you do with the money.

13.I owe my success to my mother.

=> It is thanks to my mother that I have succeeded.

Owe sth to sb = thanks to sb that...
14.He was woken by a noise soon after he had dropped off.

=> Hardly had he dropped off when he was woken by a noise.

15.Such things rarely happen.
=> Seldom do things like this happen.

16.Jack seems like a very friendly man to me.

=> Jack strikes me as being a very friendly man.
Seems like = strike sb as (V-ing)

17.Nobody has heard from Julia since she left home.

Sentence transformation 17
=> There has been no news from Julia since she left home.
18.The smell of the sea always made me hungry as a child.

=> The smell of the sea always gave me an appetite as a child.

Make sb hungry = give sb an appetite
19.After thinking about it again, I will go with you.

=> On second thoughts, I will go with you.

Think about sth again = on second thoughts
20.I should have guessed you’d be in here.

=> I might have known you’d be in here.



1. immorality

2. irregularity

3. inequality

4. discomfort

5. misfortune

6. criminal

7. endangered

8. unpleasant

9. arrival

10. admission

11. unfaithful

12. unrecognizable

13. unconvincing

14. memorable

15. warmth


Sentence transformation 18
1. expectation

2. swimming

3. writing

4. odourless

5. service

6. attentively

7. troublesome

8. noticeable

9. fixtures

10. unforgivable

11. disargument

12. disappearance

13. misinformation

14. injustice

15. inconvenience


1. especially

2. natural

3. picturesque

4. attraction

5. popular

6. busiest

7. delightful

8. dynamic < luôn thay đổi >

9. flowing

10. ideal


Sentence transformation 19
1. civilized (adj, văn minh)

2. exposure (n, sự tiếp xúc)

3. sleepless (adj, mất ngủ)

4. postage (n, bưu phí)

5. correspondence (n, tương ứng)

6. unavoidable (adj, không thể tránh khỏi)

7. infrequency (n, tần suất)

8. confidential (adj, riêng tư)

9. depth (n, độ sâu)

10. disability (n, sự khuyết tật)

1. disconnected

2. existence

3. allowance

4. unpolluted

5. variety

6. satisfied

7. systematic

8. sweetens

9. residential

10. knowledgeable


1. appeared

2. been

3. entertainment

4. actually

5. interested

Sentence transformation 20
6. international

7. useful

8. to see

9. interactive

10. communication


1. difficulties

2. improvement

3. reputable

4. advertisements

5. written

6. qualified

7. hurriedly

8. relaxation

9. examination

10. reputation < have an reputation : có tiếng là >


1. produce
2. youngsters
3. skillful
4. authentic
5. attraction
6. tourism
7. preservation
8. embroidery
9. cultural
10. memorable


1. affordable

Sentence transformation 21
2. reliable

3. cultural

4. attraction

5. population

6. fashionable

7. dwellers

8. pleasant

1. adulthood

2. concentration

3. confident

4. independent

5. depressed

6. responsiblities

7. frustration

8. emotional

9. counselor

10. organisational


1. convenience

2. responsible

3. production

4. adolescent

5. favorable

6. attractive

7. graduation

Sentence transformation 22
8. empathize

9. urbanized

10. financial


1. wealthy

2. imagination

3. illiterate

4. physical

5. obesity

6. unmarried

7. behaviour

8. incredible

9. seniority

10. unbelievable


1. recognition

2. geological

3. picturesque

4. administrative

5. contestant

6. astounding

7. religious

8. defensive

9. sightseers

10. location


1. tolerant

Sentence transformation 23
2. cooperative

3. sympathetic

4. obesity

5. exporters

6. envious

7. suburban

8. private

9. astonished

10. relieved


Sentence transformation 24

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