04 Labor Laws Conditions of Employment p1 - Compatibility Mode
04 Labor Laws Conditions of Employment p1 - Compatibility Mode
04 Labor Laws Conditions of Employment p1 - Compatibility Mode
Ralating to MSMEs
De La Salle University
The Labor Code
Conditions of Employment
The Labor Code
Conditions of Employment
Maternity Leaves:
There is however the provision of 105 days of leave
for mothers with pay plus an additional 30 days
without pay if a 45 days notice is given to the
employer for the first four deliveries.
Paternity Leaves:
Fathers, on the other hand, has a 7-day paternity leave with full
pay for the first four deliveries of the employee’s wife with whom
he is cohabiting.
Parental Leaves:
For solo parents, the parental leave is 7 days with full
pay if the parent has done 1 year of service. 6
The Labor Code
Conditions of Employment
Other Leaves:
Other laws provide for leaves for employees.
Transfers of Maternity Leaves:
Mothers can transfer to the fathers 7 days of their 105
days of leaves if she so desires.
Leaves due to domestic violence:
In addition to other paid leaves the violence against
women allows for an additional 10 days of paid leaves.
Leaves due to gynecological disorders:
Women with a total employment service of 6 months
for the last 12 months have up to 2 months paid leaves
following surgery caused by gynecological disorders.7
The Labor Code
Conditions of Employment
The Labor Code provided for two kinds of holidays
and these are Regular and Special Holidays.
The list of holidays for 2021 as provided by Proc. 986
Regular Holidays Special Non-Working Days
New Year’s Day Araw ng Kagitingan Chinese New Year EDSA People’s Power Day
Labor Day Independence Day All Saint’s Day Feast of the Immaculate
Conception of Mary
National Heroes Day Bonifacio Day
All Soul’s Day Last day of the year
Christmas Day Rizal Day
Other special non-working holidays may be declared.
Wages is defined as a payment usually of money for
labor or services usually according to contract and on
an hourly, daily, or piecework basis (Merriam-Webster)
Wages is defined as a payment usually of money for
labor or services usually according to contract and on
an hourly, daily, or piecework basis (Merriam-Webster)
Some important rules on wages:
• Wages should be paid in legal tender and cannot be
paid using coupons, chits, tokens or similar forms.
• If paid in checks or money order, the employee must
be allowed to be able to encash the same and it
would be considered hours worked. (Art. 102, Labor Code)
• The employer is not allowed to eliminate or in any
way diminish supplements, or other benefits that are
already being enjoyed by employees. (Art. 100)
• The place of payment must be made as much as
possible at or near the place of the workplace. The
exception is if it would not be safe. (Art. 104, Labor Code)
Did work
Daily Rate Daily Rate x 1.3 Daily Rate x 2
Did overtime work Daily Rate + (1.25 x Hourly (Daily Rate + (1.3 x Hourly ((Daily Rate + (1.3 x Hourly
Rate of Overtime) Rate of Overtime)) x 1.3 Rate of Overtime)) x 2
Worked on a rest day
Daily Rate x 1.3 Daily Rate x 1.5 (Daily Rate x 1.3) x 2
Overtime on a rest day (Daily Rate + (1.3 of Hourly (Daily Rate + (1.5 x Hourly ((Daily Rate x 1.3)+(1.5 x
Rate of Overtime)) x 1.3 Rate of Overtime) x 1.5 Hourly Rate of Overtime)) x 2
*Employees are entitled to the Holiday Pay only if they were not absent, or if
they were absent they were on paid leave, on the day prior to the holiday.
The Labor Code
Wages and Compensation
End of Module 4