DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W1
DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W1
DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W1
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives EN5LC-Ia-2.1 EN5V-Ia-12 and 13 EN5F-Ia-13 EN5F-Ia-2.9
Write for the LC code for each EN5OL-Ia-2.6.1 EN5G-Ia-3.3
Listening to a Selection: Two Were Left by Inferring the meaning of Recognizing the Using the simple aspects of verb
dialogue Hugh B. Cave compound words elements of narrative Using the present tense for of the verbs
Speaking with Self-correcting when Using the simple regular past form of
appropriate facial reading verbs
expression Using forms that show future time
F. Developing mastery Activity: Oral Facilitate the practice Let the pupils answer the Independent Practice: Independent Practice:
Language Practice described on page 6 of the Independent Practice on Form a group of five and A. The following sentences are written in
Tell the pupils to text book. Instruct the page 7 on their evaluation watch the film past tense. Rewrite them in present and
pick a partner, as pupils to read aloud the folder. Spellbound/Obey Your future tense on the lines.
instructed. Tell passage with their partners. Parents. (See Chart)
them to read the Take note of the words that Then, on a piece of
dialogue silently their partner finds difficulty paper the pupils will
and identify the to read. Remind him/her to copy the graphic
emotions self –correct while reading. organizer on the ppt.
expressed in each and fill out the elements
line. Afterwards, of a narrative.
they may proceed
with assigning and
exchanging roles
and reading the
dialogue aloud.
G. Finding practical applications Presentation of output in
of concepts and skills in daily class.
H. Making generalizations and What is a dialogue? Ask: What is a compound Ask: What is anarrative? What is a verb? What are the different
abstractions about the lesson How is noting Ask: Why is it important to word? What are the different aspects of verb? Differentiate each
details of a story is value/love one another What are the three elements of a narrative?
done? Why is self-correction types? State their differences.
Why is using while reading a text aloud Who can give the
appropriate facial necessary? difference of?
expression each type?
important in
I. Evaluating learning Let the pupils Informative Assessment: Pupils will watch a short Have the pupils answer the practices on
present the Identify the words that story. their textbooks pages 11-12.
dialogue in front of make up the following Copy the graphic
the class. compound word. Provide organizer from the chart
the meaning for each on your paper and fill
individual word and for out the elements of a
each compound word. narrative. Present your
Then, use the compound output in class. (Chosen
word in a sentence. pupils)
1. basketball ( see chart)
2. fireplace
3. land bridge
4. best friend
5. brother-in-law
J. Additional activities for Give 2 examples for each Find the meaning of the Select the best verb form: (1/2 crosswise
application or remediation type of compound words. word verb. Write it down of a piece of paper)
Then, give the meaning. on your notebook. 1. We ________ to London last year.
To be passed tomorrow. Give atleast five example go will go went
( ½ crosswise piece of of a verb. 2. Yesterday she _______on the ice.
paper). slips slipped will slip
3. They ________ in Toronto by next
will live live lived
4. Tomorrow he ________ to Miami.
traveled travels will travel
5. Mice ________ peanut butter.
love will love loved
6. Don't bother Tim while he ____.
is driving will drive drove
7. When Jen was in Canada she
goes will go went
8. Right now Niki ________ on the
is was will be
9. Call back later. Ella __home soon.
is was will be
10. Blake ________ his homework last
finished finish finishes
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching Differentiated Instruction
strategies worked well? Why did and Integration of Learning
these work? (Pair-Share)
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by;
Master Teacher -I