Grade 8 Math Curriculum Map

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Francis Xavier Learning Center

Pag-ibig Heights, Catalunan Grande, Davao City
Academic Year 2022-2023

Curriculum Map in Mathematics – 8

School Year 2022-2023

Subject Title Mathematics 8 Name of Teacher Mohammad Saide M. Langco

Class Schedule Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (10:20-11:20) Consultation Time Monday – Tuesday (9:00-10:20)
Pre-requisite Contact
Mathematics 7
Subject Hours/Week

Course Standard

This course will enable learners to demonstrate understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (factors of polynomials, rational algebraic
expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables); geometry (axiomatic structure of geometry,
triangle congruence, inequalities in a triangle, and parallel and perpendicular lines); and statistics and probability (probability of simple events) as applied - using appropriate
technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life.

Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Duration Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
The Learner… Core Values

factors completely  Quiz 
different types of
 Oral recitation  Identify Me!
polynomials (polynomials
 Interactive quiz Solve Me!
with common monomial
factor, difference of two  Make Me
Week 1-2 Competence
squares, sum and Perfect! Gladys Nivera
difference of two cubes, (2018). Grade 8: Responsiveness
The learner is able to perfect square trinomials, Patterns and
The learner
formulate real-life and general trinomials). Practicalities,
problems involving Makati City, Don
understanding of
factors of polynomials, Bosco Press, Inc.
key concepts of  Oral recitation  Am I Rational?
rational algebraic
factors of  Essay
expressions, linear illustrates rational
polynomials, Week 3
equations and algebraic expressions. Competence
Patterns rational algebraic
inequalities in two
and algebra expressions, linear
variables, systems of
equations and
linear equations and  Quiz  Think-
inequalities in two Cooperativeness
inequalities in two simplifies rational Pair-Share Printouts
variables, systems  Interactive quiz
variables and linear algebraic expressions.
of linear equations Competence
functions, and solve
and inequalities in
these problems performs operations on  Pair Quiz  Two column Obedience
two variables and
accurately using a rational algebraic seat rotation pictures
linear functions.  Oral recitation Initiative
variety of strategies. expressions. Week 4
 Problem  Group Critical thinker
Solving brainstorming.
solves problems
involving rational Competence
algebraic expressions.
Patterns The learner The learner is able to illustrates the rectangular  Oral recitation  Plot Me! Gladys Nivera Obedience
and algebra demonstrates formulate real-life coordinate system and its  Computation  What (2018). Grade 8: Organization
understanding of problems involving uses. Quadrant I Skill
Patterns and
key concepts of factors of polynomials, Belong? Practicalities, Competence
factors of rational algebraic illustrates linear equations Creating Makati City, Don
Week 5

polynomials, expressions, linear in two variables. Time! Bosco Press, Inc. Responsiveness
rational algebraic equations and Illustrates and finds the  Computation  Finding Slope
expressions, linear inequalities in two slope of a line given two  Graphing 
equations and variables, systems of points, equation, and  Oral Recitation
inequalities in two linear equations and graph.
variables, systems inequalities in two writes the linear equation Complete the
Writing Cooperativeness

of linear equations variables and linear ax +by =c in the form 

Table Interactive
and inequalities in functions, and solve y=mx+b and vice versa. Cartesian Plane Honesty
two variables and these problems
linear functions. accurately using a graphs a linear equation Competence
Graphing  Graph Me!
given 

variety of strategies.
a. any two points;
b. the x– and y–
intercepts; Week 6
c. the slope and a
point on the line.
describes the graph of a
 Oral Recitation  Describe Me! Good
linear equation in terms
of its intercepts and slope. 
Pictures Competence
finds the equation of a
line given (a) two points;  Computation  Pair-Think- Obedience
(b) the slope and a point;  Oral Recitation Initiative
Week 7
(c) the slope and its
 quiz Competence

solves problems Week 7 Gladys Nivera

involving linear equations  Problem Solving  Interactive (2018). Grade 8: Timeliness
in two variables.  Quiz Game Patterns and Initiative
Makati City, Don
Bosco Press, Inc.
Patterns demonstrates is able to formulate illustrates a system of  Oral recitation  Illustrate Me! Determination
and algebra understanding of real-life problems linear equations in two
key concepts of involving factors of variables.  System Leadership
factors of polynomials, rational Competence
polynomials, algebraic expressions,
rational algebraic linear equations and graphs a system of linear Graphing  Three

Gladys Nivera
expressions, linear inequalities in two equations in two Oral Recitation Member
Week 8

(2018). Grade 8:
equations and variables, systems of variables. Quiz Graphing
Patterns and

inequalities in two linear equations and

categorizes when a given Oral Recitation Categorize Me! Practicalities, Creativity
variables, systems inequalities in two
 

system of linear equations Makati City, Don

of linear equations variables and linear Quiz
in two variables has 

Bosco Press, Inc.

and inequalities in functions, and solve
graphs that are parallel, Initiative
two variables and these problems
intersecting, and Interactive
linear functions. accurately using a
coinciding. Cartesian Plane
variety of strategies.
solves problems Problem Solving Give Me a Task
 

involving systems of  Graphing (Three member Phone

linear equations in two  Quiz activity) Knowledge
variables by (a) graphing; Week 9 Initiative
(b) substitution; (c)
elimination. Competence
Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Core Values
The learner: The learner: The learner:
Patterns The learner The learner is able to differentiates linear  Writing  Compare Us! Learning
and algebra demonstrates key formulate and solve inequalities in two
concepts of linear accurately real-life variables from linear (Venn Diagram) Meaningful Work
inequalities in two problems involving equations in two
variables, systems linear inequalities in variables. Gladys Nivera
of linear two variables, systems Week 1 (2018). Grade 8:
illustrates and graphs Graphing  Team Play!
inequalities in two of linear inequalities in Patterns and

linear inequalities in two Oral recitation


variables and linear two variables, and variables. Makati City, Don
functions. linear functions. Bosco Press, Inc.
solves problems involving  Problem  Choose and Openness
linear inequalities in two Solving Solve!
variables.  Reporting Friendship
solves problems
involving systems of Initiative
Week 2
linear inequalities in two
variables. Competence
illustrates a relation and a Gladys Nivera
function.  Oral  Relation or (2018). Grade 8: Loyalty
Recitation Function? Patterns and
verifies if a given relation Honesty
Identification Practicalities,
is a function.  Will Our Makati City, Don Independent

Week 3 Quiz Relation Bosco Press, Inc.

Function? Initiative
determines dependent and

 Dependent or Quotes
independent variables. Competence
finds the domain and Week 4 Gladys Nivera
range of a function  Quiz  List and Sum (2018). Grade 8: Critical Thinker
Up Patterns and Competence
graphs and illustrates a
Graphing  Graphing Makati City, Don Respect
linear function and its 

Time! (By Bosco Press, Inc.

domain; Participation Competence

(b) range;

(c) table of values;
(d) intercepts; and slope.
solves problems Gladys Nivera
involving linear  Problem  Problem (2018). Grade 8: Competence
functions. Solving Solving Patterns and
Week 5 Practicalities,
Makati City, Don
Bosco Press, Inc.

determines the
relationship between the  Interactive  Reporting Gladys Nivera Responsibility
hypothesis and the Quiz Time! (2018). Grade 8:
Patterns and Being ready all
conclusion of an if -then Reporting the time
 Asking Time! Practicalities,
statement. Week 6

transforms a statement Makati City, Don Leadership

 Quiz Time! Bosco Press, Inc
into an equivalent if -then (Interactive)
statement. Open-
determines the inverse,
The learner is able to converse, and
Week 7
communicate contrapositive of an if - Competence
demonstrates then statement.
mathematical thinking PPT
understanding of illustrates the Responsiveness
Geometry with coherence and
key concepts of equivalences of:
clarity in formulating
logic and reasoning (a) the statement and its Initiative
and analyzing Week 8
arguments. contrapositive; and
(b) the converse and
inverse of a statement.
uses inductive or
deductive reasoning in an  Quiz  Reason Out! Gladys Nivera Intellect
argument. (2018). Grade 8:
 Writing Patterns and Competence
writes a proof (both direct Week 9 Practicalities, Responsiveness
and indirect).  Prove Me! Makati City, Don
Bosco Press, Inc

Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Core Values
The learner: The learner: The learner:
describes a mathematical Writing Describe Me! Determination
Gladys Nivera
 

system. Studious
(2018). Grade 8:
illustrates the need for an  Oral  Remember Patterns and Competency
axiomatic structure of a Me! Practicalities,
The learner is able to mathematical system in Recitation (Recalling of Makati City, Don
Week 1-2 Responsiveness
formulate an organized general, and in Geometry terms, theorems, Bosco Press, Inc
plan to handle a real - in particular: (a) defined postulates, etc.)
life situation. terms; (b) undefined
terms; (c) postulates; and
(d) theorems.
illustrates triangle Writing Yes or No? Equity
The learner Gladys Nivera
 

congruence. (Related to Fairness

demonstrates The learner is able to  Drawing triangle (2018). Grade 8: Knowledge
understanding of communicate congruence) Patterns and
Geometry Week 3-4
key concepts of mathematical thinking illustrates the SAS, ASA  Solving SAS, ASA, or Practicalities,
Makati City, Don

axiomatic structure with coherence and and SSS congruence SSS? Competency
Bosco Press, Inc.
of geometry and clarity in formulating, postulates.
triangle congruence. investigating, solves corresponding Concrete
Find the
analyzing, and solving parts of congruent Week 5 example of

Missing Parts.
real-life problems triangles congruent
involving congruent proves two triangles are triangles
congruent. Week 6 Proving Prove Me!
triangles using
 

appropriate and
proves statements on
accurate Week 7
triangle congruence.
applies triangle
congruence to construct  Drawing  Construct Me! Balance
perpendicular lines and Week 8 Fairness
angle bisectors.
Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Core Values
The learner: The learner: The learner:
illustrates theorems on Reporting Reporting Optimism
Gladys Nivera
 

triangle inequalities Quiz Time Trustworthiness

(2018). Grade 8:

(Exterior Angle Inequality Problem Think-Pair-

Patterns and
 

Week 1 Solving and Share Competence

Theorem, Triangle Practicalities,
Find the Initiative
Inequality Theorem, Makati City, Don

missing part.
Hinge Theorem). Bosco Press, Inc.
applies theorems on
triangle inequalities. Examples from
The learner is able to Week 2 internet.
mathematical thinking proves inequalities in a Proving Prove Me! Good
Gladys Nivera
 

with coherence and triangle. Week 3 Drawing Find My Value! Communicator

The learner (2018). Grade 8:
 

clarity in formulating, Oral

demonstrates Patterns and

investigating, proves properties of Recitation Competence

understanding of Practicalities,
analyzing, and solving parallel lines cut by a
Geometry key concepts of Makati City, Don
real-life problems transversal. Week 4 Bosco Press, Inc.
inequalities in a
involving triangle
triangle, and
inequalities, and Tables
parallel and determines the conditions
parallelism and
perpendicular lines. under which lines and Quiz Corresponding Gladys Nivera Compassion
perpendicularity of
 

Parts Finder (2018). Grade 8:

lines using appropriate segments are parallel or  Oral Patterns and
and accurate perpendicular. Recitation  Corresponding Practicalities, Competence
representations. Parts Value Makati City, Don
Finder Bosco Press, Inc. Responsiveness
Week 5
 Nature Walk
 Wonderful Pictures
illustrates an experiment,
Oral recitation Complete the Gladys Nivera Good decision
outcome, sample space  

Week 6 Table (2018). Grade 8: maker

and event.  Quiz Patterns and
Crossword Practicalities, Justice

Puzzle Makati City, Don

counts the number of Quiz Critical thinker
Bosco Press, Inc.
occurrences of an Compassion

outcome in an
experiment: (a) table; (b) Card Master Fairness
Week 7
The learners The learner is able to tree diagram; (c)
demonstrates formulate and solve systematic listing; and (d)
Statistics and
understanding of practical problems fundamental counting Competence
key concepts of involving probability principle. Initiative
probability. of simple events. finds the probability of a
Week 8 Computation Card Master Responsiveness
simple event.  

illustrates an  Problem  Dice Master

experimental probability Solving
Event Master
and a theoretical

Oral recitation
probability. Week 9 Probability

solves problems Queen

involving probabilities of
simple events.
Course Requirements Portfolios, Projects
Class Policies Regular Attendance, Tolerate no tardies
Grading System Written Works: 40%; Performance Task:40%; Quarterly Exam: 20%
Other Textbooks and Supplementary Curriculum Guide, Teachers Guide, Learning Module, Online Websites
Prepared by: Approved by:
Mohammad Saide M. Langco Edina S. Libres
Teacher School Principal

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