Heart Anatomy
Heart Anatomy
Heart Anatomy
Anatomy of Heart
This course focuses on the heart and the cardiovascular system. In this
Start Course
Course Objectives
• The pericardium
Chapter 2
How the heart works
• The role of the heart and the circulatory system
• Blood circulation
• Cardiovascular pharmacology
➢ The supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body is provided by the
blood flowing through the blood vessels. The circulatory system ensures the
transport of respiratory gases and nutrients, protection against pathogens, the
internal balance of the body, the so-called maintaining homeostasis.
➢ The center of the circulatory system is the heart, which keeps blood flowing in the
circulatory system. The heart ensures a constant blood flow in the large and small
bloodstream and, together with other factors, the blood pressure required for this,
its valve system allows the blood flow to be redirected, it can adapt to changing
loads through its own regulatory mechanisms and nervous and hormonal effects.
• Cavities
• The pericardium
• Blood vessels
• Vascular structure
The heart is located in the chest behind the sternum and ribs, in the anterior-lower part
of the mediastinum anterius, to the left of the midline of the chest.
The upward-facing part is the massive (basis cordis), the lower narrower end is the apex
cordis. The imaginary axis of the heart would correspond to a line drawn from the center
of the thorn of the right scapula to the projection point of the apex of the heart. It is
surrounded on both sides by the right and left lungs, below it lies on the tendon plate of
the diaphragm (diaphragma, centrum tendineum). It is in contact with the esophagus at
the back, just behind the left atrium, with the anterior chest wall at the front.
The pericardium
• The pericardium consists of two plates, the already mentioned inner or visceral plate
(epicardium) and the wall plate.
• The wall plate is made up of strong collagen fibers. It merges with the tendon part of the
compartment at the bottom, loosely attached to the pleura on both sides, bends back into the
visceral plate along the large vessels and covers the large vessels a few cm long, then
continues on the surface of the heart.
• There is a narrow cavity (pericardial cavity) between the plates of the pericardium. This cavity
is really just a virtual gap containing a few drops of fluid that ensures the free, frictionless
movement of the heart.
The cardiac conduction system contains specialized cells and nodes that control your heartbeat:
• Sinoatrial node: the heart’s natural pacemaker. It sends the electrical impulses that start the heartbeat.
The autonomic nervous system controls how fast or slowly your SA node sends electrical signals.
• Atrioventricular node: delays the SA node’s electrical signal. The delay ensures that your atria are empty
of blood before the contraction stops. The atria are the heart’s upper chambers. They receive blood from
your body and empty it into the ventricles.
• Bundle of His: is a branch of fibers (nerve cells) that extends from your AV node. This fiber bundle receives
the electrical signal from the AV node and carries it to the Purkinje fibers.
• Purkinje fibers: are branches of specialized nerve cells. They send electrical signals very quickly to your
right and left heart ventricles. When the Purkinje fibers deliver electrical signals to your ventricles, the
ventricles contract. As they contract, blood flows from your right ventricle to your pulmonary arteries and
from your left ventricle to your aorta. The aorta is the body’s largest artery. It sends blood from the heart
to the rest of your body.
What does the How does the What are the circulatory
circulatory system do? circulatory system work? system circuits?
The heart and blood vessels make up The circulatory system functions with Replace this text with information on
the circulatory system. The main the help of blood vessels that include the topic of the course.
function of the circulatory system is to arteries, veins and capillaries.
To replace the photo, delete the image
provide oxygen, nutrients and hormones These blood vessels work with your
and click on the picture icon in the blank
to muscles, tissues and organs heart and lungs to continuously
area, then select a new photo on your
throughout your body. Another role of circulate blood through your body.
the circulatory system is to remove
• The pulmonary circuit
waste from cells and organs so your
• The systemic circuit
body can dispose of it. • The coronary circuit
Blood circulation
Regulation of heart
Cardiovascular regulation depends on the constant
monitoring of arterial pressure, central venous
pressure, and cardiac rate and force.
Normal blood pressure is systolic of less than 120 and diastolic of less than 80
Cardiovascular pharmacology
o Cardiovascular pharmacology focuses on the fundamental mechanisms of cardiovascular
cells and how drugs influence the heart and vascular system.
o Researchers in the department exploit novel technologies such as induced pluripotent stem
cells, automated electrophysiology and genomics to investigate the causes of sudden cardiac
death, congenital arrhythmias and cardiac toxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs.
Cardiovascular pharmacology
Cardiovascular Drugs
Cardiovascular pharmacology
Cardiovascular Drugs
Cardiovascular pharmacology
Cardiovascular Drugs
• Calcium channel blockers – Stop the movement of calcium into the cells of the heart and
blood vessels. This relaxes the vessels and reduces blood pressure. Calcium channel
blockers are useful therapies in high blood pressure, angina, and some forms of arrhythmia.
• Diuretics – Increase the excretion of water and sodium in the urine, therefore decreasing
the total blood volume. This reduces blood pressure and the heart's workload.
• Vasodilators – Relax the blood vessels and cause blood pressure to fall. They are useful in
the treatment of high blood pressure, heart failure, angina and heart attacks.
• Statins – Reduce the synthesis of blood cholesterol in the liver. High blood cholesterol is
one of the major causes of atherosclerosis.
Takeaway 1 Takeaway 4
The circulatory system functions with the help
The human heart is a four-chambered
of blood vessels that include arteries, veins and
muscular organ, that ensures a constant
capillaries. These blood vessels work with your
blood flow .
heart and lungs to continuously circulate blood
through your body.
Takeaway 2 Takeaway 5
The circulatory system ensures the Intrinsic rate: The natural rate of discharge of
transport of respiratory gases and cardiac tissue in the absence of other factors.
Sympathetic activity: Increases heart rate.
nutrients, maintaining homeostasis. Parasympathetic activity: Decreases heart rate.
Pharmacologic: Increases or decreases heart rate
. depending on the drug.
Takeaway 3
The heart conduction system is the
network of nodes, cells and signals that Takeaway 6
controls your heartbeat. Each time your The normal pulse for healthy adults ranges
heart beats, electrical signals travel from 60 to 100 beats per minute. Normal blood
through your heart. pressure is systolic of less than 120 and
diastolic of less than 80 (120/80)
These signals cause different parts of
your heart to expand and contract. The
expansion and contraction control Takeaway 7
blood flow through your heart and body. Type of cardiovascular drugs.
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