Voluntary Export Restraints
Voluntary Export Restraints
Voluntary Export Restraints
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They are often not voluntary; they are costly and discriminatory; but they can be
a tempting form of protection relative to other measures.
Clemens FJ. Boonekamp
Successive rounds of multilateral trade for a restriction on the volume of the latter's
negotiations under the aegis of the General exports of one or more products. By this
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) definition, the term VER is a generic refer-
have progressively reduced the importance ence for all bilaterally agreed measures to
of tariffs as barriers to trade. This, however, restrain exports. Strictly speaking, however,
has not been matched by a corresponding a VER is an action unilaterally taken and
liberalization of international trade. Since the administered by the exporting country and is
early 1970s, with the relatively slow rates of "voluntary" in the sense that the country has
growth and the rise in surplus capacity in a formal right to eliminate or modify it.
many countries, protectionist pressures have Usually a VER arises because of pressure
steadily built up, especially in industrialized from an importing country; it can then be
countries whose international competitive- thought of as "voluntary" only in the sense
ness in traditional industries has declined, in that the exporting country may prefer it to
particular vis-a-vis Japan and the newly alternative trade barriers that the importing
industrializing countries of Asia. As a result, country might use. Further, in a noncompet-
nontariff barriers have become more prev- itive, especially oligopolistic, industry export-
alent, to the point that they currently rival, if ing firms might find it to their advantage to
not exceed, tariffs as impediments to trade. negotiate a VER, which is then truly "volun-
Voluntary export restraints (VERs) are tary."
now a common form of nontariff barrier, A VER that consists of a government-to-
having grown in number and spread, in recent government agreement is normally referred
years, from textiles, clothing, steel, and to as an orderly marketing arrangement and
agriculture to automobiles, electronic pro- often specifies export management rules,
ducts, and machine tools. This article dis- consultation rights, and the monitoring of
cusses the basic elements of VERs, why they trade flows. In some countries, notably the
are employed, and their economic conse- United States, orderly marketing arrange-
quences. ments are legally distinct from a VER as
strictly defined. Agreements which involve
What are VERs?
industry participation are often referred to
A VER is a measure by which the as voluntary restraint arrangements. The
government or an industry in the importing distinction between these forms of VER is
country arranges with the government or the largely legal and terminological and has little
competing industry in the exporting country bearing on the economic impact of VERs.