Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering (PDFDrive)
Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering (PDFDrive)
Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering (PDFDrive)
Ai Sheng
Information Science and Engineering Technology Research Association (ISET),
Hong Kong, China
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Table of contents
Preface xi
CMEEE 2014 committee xiii
The 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering (CMEEE2014)
was held October 18–19, 2014 in Sanya, Hainan, China. CMEEE2014 provided a valuable opportunity
for researchers, scholars and scientists to exchange their new ideas and application experiences face to face
together, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
CMEEE2014 was a most comprehensive conference focusing on Mechatronics Engineering and Elec-
trical Engineering. The papers in this book are selected from more than 500 papers submitted to the
2014 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering (CMEEE2014).
The book is divided into 4 sections, covering the topics of Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, Control
and Automation and Other Engineering. The conference will promote the development of Mechatron-
ics Engineering and Electrical Engineering, strengthening international academic cooperation and
We would like to thank the conference chairs, organization staff, and the members of the International
Technological Committees for their hard work. Thanks are also given to CRC Press/Balkema (Taylor &
Francis Group).
We are looking forward to seeing all of you next year at CMEEE2015.
Yizhong Wang
Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China
Information Science and Engineering Technology Research Association (ISET), Hong Kong, China
ABSTRACT: Grid electronic reconnaissance system can be concentrated in a certain area in the layout,
interconnection and interflow, share collaboration between nodes, the overall performance is high, and
the battlefield environment cognitive ability is improved greatly. This paper constructs the network elec-
tronic reconnaissance system and situational cognitive system, using big data analysis and processing, to
make the data more relevant and more convenient, so that the battlefield is more transparent.
Since the 21st century, the development of informa- Situational cognitive process is a complicated
tion technology has greatly promoted a revolution human–machine system, involved in the physical
in military affairs, information-based war, fighting domain, information domain and cognitive domain
methods and operational ideas, and leading role fields. The battlefield originates in the real environ-
of the military war process technology is played ment of battlefield of physical domain. The collec-
by information technology. Battlefield command tion, process and distribution of information occur
relies on to the microelectronic technology, com- in the information domain. The cognition for share
munication technology and computer technology situation map and decision on this basis forms in
as the core of the command and control system. the cognitive domain, as shown in Figure 1.
Battlefield reconnaissance, surveillance and evalu- Physical domain is the practical condition from
ation need all kinds of advanced electronic, optical different fighting equipment, combat platform,
sensing devices. Assault weapons rely more on a command and control system which carry all kinds
variety of precision-guidance technology sup- of electronic device, such as radio. Physical domain
ported by information technology. is the place where information comes from and
In the information battlefield, all kinds of elec- decision result backs feed.
tronic equipments are playing an increasingly Information domain contains the information
extensive role. For example, all kinds of station of perception, fusion, storage, transmission of battle-
radio communications equipment, loading on a field electromagnetic radiation, and then shares the
variety of combat platform, always undertake the trend chart to decision maker for decision making.
significant role for combat troops to provide com-
mand, control, communication and intelligence.
Electronic reconnaissance field is an important
means of battlefield situation cognition, especially
to the particular area of the battlefield radio source
signal to search, intercept, measure, find direction,
position, monitor, analyze, recognize and get access
to its technical parameters, function, type, location
and purpose. Battlefield electron reconnaissance
based on the real-time monitoring data and histor-
ical data fusion processing further forces the cur-
rent location and trend of know each other, so as
to analyze its military deployment and operational
plans, etc., to achieve the enemy and know your- Figure 1. Principal diagram of battlefield situation cog-
self. Therefore, it is of great military significance. nition progress.
Z.C. Wang
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China
ABSTRACT: The recognition of the waste rock in top coal caving was investigated via digital image
processing. First, the hydraulic support was processed to install the capture device. Subsequently, the images
were pre-processed by median filter. Finally, the histograms were obtained and the parameters were also
calculated. Three statistical characteristics which were mean, variance and energy were extracted from the
histogram. The results show that the variance can be regarded as a feature to recognize the waste rock.
σ2 i μ )2 (2)
s ∑ (ri − p(ri ) / σ 3
)3 p( (3)
i =0
Mean Variance Energy [1] K.W. Plessmann, B. Dickhaus and S. Scheytt 1993
Control Eng Practice. 11 457.
Coal 145.9 825.9 6.9 [2] J. Asfahani and M. Borsaru 2007 Applied Radiation
Rock 153.3 263.0 6.1 and Isotopes. 65 748.
[3] Ren Fang, Yang Zhaojian, and Xiong Shibo 2003
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 3 321.
[4] Information on∼khoros2/non-
shown in Figures 5 and 6. The calculation results [5] Xinli Song, Xifeng Zheng, Liqing Ling 2009 Chinese
are shown in Table 1. It can be found that there is a Journal of Liquid Crystals and Display. 24 140.
larger difference in the variance than the other two [6] Jeng-Horng Chang, Kuo-Chin Fan and Yang-Lang
parameters between the coal and the rock. Chang 2002 Image and Vision Computing. 20 203.
ABSTRACT: Traditional Dijkstra algorithm gets the optimal path from the source node to the destina-
tion node through iteration of path length. In fact, the shortest path cannot always meet the demand, and
the path distance sometimes cannot be used as the only weight standard. This paper discusses a kind of
improved algorithm of weight allocation, which redistributes the weights according to the actual macro-
factors and joins in the coordinate analysis of GIS system and information such as actual traffic jams
coefficient, in order to make the optimal path selection more reasonable.
factors that need to be considered. Some users pay got 9 alternative paths initially, there are few alter-
attention to transportation time, while some users native paths eventually. In order to increase the
focus on transportation costs, and usually other number of final alternative paths and make user
factors such as roads also need to be considered. have more non-quantitative factors in the final
After the algorithm improvement based on multi- decision, when the final alternative paths are few
weights, the path selection is more reasonable. To in number, we can increase the number of k under
classify the weights according to the actual mac- the condition of constant m, in order to make the
roeconomic factors can meet the needs of dif- number of final output conform to the needs of
ferent users. the users.
This paper analyzes the current situation of
optimal path research, based on the previous
4 REALIZATION AND RESULTS OF THE research, and it obtained the following results:
MULTI-WEIGHTED OPTIMIZATION 1) This paper analyzes the models of optimal path
ALGORITHM and related algorithm combined with the actual
situation of our distribution center, and also puts
We searched road images of a city in China via forward the multi-weight optimal algorithm. 2) In
Google earth, and made a statistics on the road the multi-weight optimal algorithm, there are not
information according to GIS. We get 37 nodes, only fixed target weight but also random variable
117 sections, in which the starting point is 1 and the target weight in each section (fixed mean and vari-
end point is 37. We processed each target weights. ance, but not necessarily limited to normal distri-
After processing, we can get transportation length, bution), in order to expand the optimization goal
transport costs, and transport time mean and further and more accord with the reality. 3) It puts
variance. We took the path length and the cost of forward the method to solve the problems existing
the vehicle through as a fixed value, and the time of in multi-weight optimal algorithm. Especially for
the vehicle through a section as a random normal the algorithm in which each target weight plays the
variable. We took path length, transportation cost role of weight in turns, this algorithm can make
and transportation time as target values in turns full use of the data to provide multiple paths, and
to obtain three simple shortest paths. This paper the algorithm is less complex compared with the
assumes that transportation time is not relevant, so algorithm based on single target when provid-
it is convenient to estimate the variance of trans- ing the path of the same number. The paper lays
portation time after getting the nine paths. a good foundation for further study on integrate
We take the third method as the basic algorithm, algorithm of the GIS.
run Dijkstra algorithm mainly based on transpor-
tation length, and get nine alternate sections cor-
respondingly. The point and the target weight of REFERENCES
the path are shown in Table 1.
The results of the third method not only gives [1] Gu ling-lan, The Optimization of Dijkstra in
GIS Route Analysis. Department of computer
nine paths, but also lists the transportation dis- Engineering, 2006, 34(12):54–56.
tance, transportation cost, and the mean and [2] Tang wen-wu, Shi xiao-dong. The Calculation of
variance of transport time for each path. Due to the Shortest Path Using Modified Dijkstra Algo-
there are repeated path in seeking 3 simple short- rithm in GIS. Journal of Image and Graphics. 2000,
est path switch different target weight, though we 5(12):1020–1023.
ABSTRACT: This study reports on the design of charging and discharging circuit based on operational
amplifier. Battery management is divided into charging (constant current and constant voltage), discharg-
ing and protection (overvoltage, under-voltage, over-current and over-temperature). At initial charging,
the battery uses constant current charging mode. When it reaches the rated voltage, it will switch to the
constant voltage charging status automatically. The battery supplies electrical power. When the discharge
voltage is less than the minimum voltage, it will convert to under-voltage protection state. If discharging
is stopped, then it converts to the charging state. It can convert to the state of charging by artificial con-
version too. The design achieves the requirements of the subject well. The circuit design is brief and clear
and has a high performance price ratio.
Keywords: battery; control circuit of charge and discharge; operational amplifier circuit; circuit
R2 = 1.25/0.25 = 5 Ω.
SH. Y. Zhang
Department of Aerial Instrument and Electrical Engineering, The First Aeronautical Institute of Air Force
Xin Yang, China
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the design and simulation of automatic flight controllers for a
UAV by using a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control approach. The automatic flight controllers
are constructed based on two independent LQG regulators which govern the longitudinal and lateral
dynamics of the UAV respectively. The LQG design is able to retain the guaranteed closed-loop stability
while having incomplete state measurement. The Kalman filter is used to provide the estimated states.
The flight-test results show that it is highly feasible and effective with a relatively simple onboard system.
Keywords: (LQG) Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian; UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicle); automatic flight controller
In recent years, UAV technology has experienced a The UAV is considered as a single rigid-body, for a
rapid growth in popularity. As more countries around certain UAV system, the following are defined for
the world begin to acknowledge and actively pursue the longitudinal model:
UAV systems to augment their own Intelligence, Sur-
veillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance x [ ΔV , Δα , Δqq , h ]T
(ISTAR) capabilities, UAV has been one of the latest y [ ΔV , Δq h]T
military and force-multiplying technologies pursued u = [ Δδ e ]
by many countries around the world. Fixed-wing
UAVs, especially the larger ones with gross weight where V, α, q, θ, δe are the airspeed, angle-of-
in excess of 100 kg, own distinct advantages over attack, pitch rate, pitch angle, altitude and eleva-
other configurations in terms of payload capacity, tor deflection respectively. Similarly, for the lateral
operational speed, altitude, range and endurance. model,
This paper focuses on the automatic control strate-
gies developed exclusive of conventional fixed-wing
x [ Δβ Δppp, Δr, r, Δφ ]T
UAV systems. The linear-quadratic regulator, omit-
ted as LQR (1) has following advantages (1) control y [ Δp, Δr, Δφ ]T (2)
theory is well-established mathematically and the u = [ Δδ a , Δδ r ]
resulting control law is simple and elegant; (2) the
optimal control gains are automatically generated where β, p, r, φ, δa, δr are the sideslip angle, roll rate,
in the solution of the control equations; (3) highly yaw rate, bank angle, aileron deflection and ruder
suitable for the automatic flight control of UAVs deflection respectively.
like the stability and control of a high-altitude, long-
endurance UAV. However, the biggest pitfall of LQR
is the requirement of the real-time full-state meas- 3 LQG REGULATOR DESIGN(3)
urement which is often unavailable in practice (2).
The Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) controller LQG Regulator is a combination of the Linear-
is an extension of the LQR where the unmeasured Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and the Kalman filter.
states are estimated using an optimal observer, i.e.
the Kalman filter. This gives the LQG the advan- u(K) = −Kx(K) (3)
tage of dealing with the uncertain linear systems dis-
turbed by the additive white Gaussian noise while where the optimal constant feedback gain, K is
having incomplete system state information avail- obtained such that the quadratic cost function J
able for the control-loop feedback. is minimized.
∑ x(k
J (k ) k ) + u( k )T Ru( k )
Qx( k) (4)
k =1
which yields
K (R + BT PB ) 1( BT PA)
ABSTRACT: On the basis of research in existing measuring instruments and measurement method
of coal, we explored online and remote calibration technology of the main measuring instruments—
electronic belt scale. This system is based on incremental superposition method. It uses weights which
simulate actual material to superimpose on the auxiliary belt scale’s weighing sensors, as theoretical
superposition. By comparing the cumulative difference between the main and auxiliary belt to the theo-
retical superposition, we can obtain calibration results. The entire calibration process can be completed
online and all real-time data can be transmitted to the high compatibility and high reliability intelligent
measurement network platform remotely. The system provides the technical means of online and distance
calibration of belt scale for measuring departments and enterprises and it saves a lot of manpower and
resources and improves the efficiency of calibration and ensures that the belt scale works accurately.
Li Zhang
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei, China
Ning Liu
Heifei Normal University, Hefei, China
ABSTRACT: Reactive power balance of power system is important. The static synchronous compen-
sator (STATCOM) based on inverter technology is a new dynamic reactive power compensation, and
has many advantages compared with Static VAR Compensator (SVC), so STATCOM has vast market
prospect. In this article, wavelet filter is applied in STATCOM to filter the harmonics of load current.
The active portion and reactive portion of the fundamental current are calculated by dq transformer, and
the reference signal of output current is calculated by dq reverse transformer, using the reactive portion
and the output of PI controller which controls the DC voltage, and PWM tracking control technology is
employed. The simulation results indicate that the application effect is good.
L2 (R ) = ∑ Wj VJ , (1) tains base wave after the five layers of wavelet
j =−∞
where J is an arbitrary scale. So, the f(t) can be
J ∞ ∞
Block diagram of fundamental reactive load cur-
f t) = ∑ ∑ dj k j k (tt)) + ∑ c j kφ j k (t ). (2)
rent’s detection and power grid reference current’s
j =−∞ k =−∞ k = −∞
generation is shown in Figure 3, where sine and
cosine signal (sinωt, cosωt) are obtained, which
The signal f(t) is decomposed by five-layer have the same frequency and power with the
orthogonal wavelet (Fig. 2). power grid by pll. ial , ibl and icl are the load cur-
If the signal fundamental frequency is 50 Hz, rent, and the fundamental current (iiaf , ibf , icf ) can
according to Shannon’s sampling theorem, the be get after wavelet filtering described in step 2.
fundamental signal, sampled 128 points per cycle, The three-phase fundamental current is assumed
can be analyzed to 64 harmonics (3200 Hz). If the as follows:
maximum frequency of f(t) is 3200 Hz, accord-
ing to Figure 2, the band division on the wavelet iaf I m sin(ωt − ϕ )), (3)
decomposition is shown in Table 1,[1] where each
decomposition of the signal or low frequency (ca) ibf I m sin(ωt − 2π / − ϕ ), (4)
of the band is down into some low-frequency band
(ca) and high frequency band portion (cd), and icf I m sin(ωt + 2π / − ϕ ). (5)
the decomposition of the band is in accordance
with the highest frequency that can be analyzed. The dq transformer of three-phase current is
The 128-point sampling is according to the band shown as follows,[1,6] so that the load fundamental
decomposition at the maximum frequency of current active component and reactive component
3200 Hz. In Table 1, the voltage signal and current can be obtained. In order to maintain the DC bus
signal are for five-layer wavelet decomposition. If voltage (UC) stable, closed-loop control of capacitor
the voltage and current without DC and second voltage is used, whose controller is the PI regulator.
harmonic, their low frequency (ca5) only con- I′P is assumed as the output of PI regulator,
H. Zhang
Institute of Civil Engineering and Construction, Chongqing Jiao Tong University, Chongqing, China
ABSTRACT: In order to sharpen the image edge features while enhancing texture detail, a new image
enhancement method of pavement cracks is proposed by combining fractional-order differential theory
with Prewitt operator effectively. The new method, compared with the existing image enhancement meth-
ods, retains the advantages of fractional-order differential effectively, which improve signal of high fre-
quency components, and enhance the signal of the intermediate frequency components, and nonlinear
keep signal very low frequency characteristics. Simulation results demonstrate that the new method can
be obtained the effect of continuous variation, which not only enhanced image texture well, but also
improved the edge enhancement effectively. Objectively, using image edge evaluation parameters of tex-
ture features such as information entropy and average gradient for quantitative analysis and experimental
verification shows that the new method achieves the purpose of image enhancement.
Keywords: image enhancement; fractional-order partial differential; Prewitt operator; pavement cracks
Information Average
Relative parameters entropy gradient
L. Zhang
College of Sciences, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China
ABSTRACT: Interest in DNA computing has increased overwhelmingly since Adleman successfully
demonstrated its capability to solve Hamiltonian Path Problem (HPP). One line of DNA computing
research focuses on parallel search algorithms, which can be used to solve many optimization problems.
In this article, we have implemented a new DNA computation-based optimal path planning algorithm on
3D space. The molecular programming algorithm imitates the biological evolution mechanism through
artificial programming to enhance the opportunities for searching the shortest moving path while avoid-
ing obstacles. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
xc 25 64 34 77 94 65 15 93
yc 87 28 53 92 55 24 11 14
Figure 3. Gel electrophoresis process. p 1.5 2 3 2 3 1.5 3 3
q 1.5 3.5 2 2 3 1.5 2 3
u 30 65 21 6 11 13 11 13
v 20 12 13 25 14 9 13 11
continues the separation between the larger and h 57 19 −32 38 24 −22 −14 −17
smaller chains increases as depicted in Figure 3
[7]. At last, we should incise the joint between two
nodes by cutting enzyme, a series of polynucle-
otide fragments are received. Then the path nodes Table 2. Coordination of result nodes.
are decided by contradistinguishing the initial cod-
ing schemes. n 1 2 3 4 5
x 5 15 25 35 45
4 DEMONSTRATIONS y 92 63 54 43 19
AND VERIFICATIONS z 29.2 2.2 −23.4 −14.3 8.4
n 6 7 8 9 10
This article cites the simulation landform of the lit-
erature [8] to search the square space on 100*100. x 55 65 75 85 95
we use the analytical function to simulate the origi- y 12 13 10 9 9
nal terrain, and the curved surface has been con- z −1.2 −3.6 −2.45 −12.5 −15.4
structed by the following function:
⎧ ⎛ pi
⎛ y yc ⎞ i ⎫⎪
n ⎪ x xci ⎞
z ( x, y ∑ hi exp ⎨⎪− ⎜⎝ u ⎟⎠ − ⎜⎝ v ⎟⎠ ⎬⎪
i =1 ⎩ i i ⎭
The data in Table 1 are the parameters of the
above-mentioned function.
In the simulation example, suppose the initial
positions of the object and goal are specified,
respectively, at (5,92) and (95,9). The area of x
is established for [5,95] and y is been decided in
[9, 92]. Then take 10 as the length of stride to divide
the area of x into nine segments. We can obtain the
value of z through the curved surface function and Figure 4. The three-dimensional sketch drawing.
the value of the x and y, the raised square areas are
the roadblock.
In the example, choose eight points to divide the length when it is only been connected by beeline
workspace into nine slices, every point denoted as between two points is = 201.2 , the result is better
the feasible via point, the optimal moving path is than the method mentioned in [8], the optimiza-
obtained by connecting the best via point which is tion efficiency λ is:
determined by the applying the proposed comput-
ing algorithm with the fitness function. After spec- S−L
λ= × 100% = 5.13%
ifying the roadblock, the DNA computing-based S (6)
search algorithm is activated in the path planner
to generate via points for the short and safety path The best node sequences of the function are pre-
to the goal. The scale of the initial population is sented in Table 2.
20, let 0.1 as the reproductive probability, 0.7 is Simulation results confirm the feasibility of our
the crossover probability, and the mutation prob- proposed approach (see Figs. 4 and 5). It is obvi-
ability is 0.05, the most iteration number is three ous that with this method the path planning is rea-
hundreds, and cˆ = 500 . After the simulation exam- sonable, it bypasses the roadblock and some steep
ple, the length of the best path is L = 190.87. But the places well.
W.J. Xu
Jimei University, Fujian, China
ABSTRACT: The method about video phone service and quality evaluation on TD-SCDMA has been
studied in this article. A wireless module LC6311+ is used as the front-end video data transceiver equip-
ment and the ITU-T J.247 PEVQ algorithm is used as the back-end video quality evaluation model. The
LC6311+ wireless module is developed via AT commands over videophone CS64k link. After sending a
prepared video compression stream over the CS64k link, the receiving end will get the video stream and
preserve it. The original video sequences and the degraded video sequences can be obtained after decod-
ing them. The degraded video sequences are imported to PEVQ model, comparing them with original
video and analyzing them. The score of the video quality can be obtained. The results show that this
method may be effective for an objective assessment of the video quality of the 3G network evaluation. It
is useful for mobile network operators to optimize scalable video quality.
1 INTRODUCTION the front-end for capturing the video data and the
back-end for video quality assessment [2].
In 3G or LTE mobile communication system, The LC6311+ wireless module is described in
the most attractive service is about video trans- this paper. A standard H.263 video stream is sent
mission. But the key indicator that affects the by videophone services through the CS64k channel
user experience is the wireless video quality. The to the receiver. It is studied by the degraded video
methods of currently wireless video quality assess- stream. After obtaining the decoded source video
ment are divided into two basic categories: Sub- and the degraded video, the video quality evalua-
jective evaluation and objective evaluation. Many tion score can be calculated from the PEVQ model.
observers are required to rate the quality of the The main indicator of PEVQ is introduced in the
video in subjective evaluation. The disadvantage is final part [3].
time-consuming and expensive. So it is not widely
used. It is widely used for objective evaluation of
video quality because it has less cost, time-saving, 2 THE BASIC PRINCIPLE
objective, reliable and repeatable etc. The com- OF VIDEOPHONE SERVICE
mon algorithm about image quality assessment is QUALITY EVALUATION
the Peak Signal-To-Noise Ratio (PSNR), the edge
of the Peak Signal-To-Noise Ratio (EPSNR) and As the current TD-SCDMA test terminal does
structural similarity (SSIM) [1]. There is a number not provide relevant programming interface, the
of recommendations for video quality assessment TD-SCDMA test terminal cannot be directly used
including ITU-T J.247 recommended evaluation to get the video data. The video sample data files
model—Perceptual Evaluation of Video Quality saved on the computer’s hard disk are encoded in
(PEVQ). It has become one of the major video accordance with videophone 3G-324M protocol.
quality assessment methods. Then the encoded video stream is transmitted over
The PEVQ is the full reference video quality videophone link (CS64k) to simulate videophone
evaluation model. A complete reference source data transmission process. The 3G-324M proto-
video is needed. For evaluating the video quality col is integrated on the LC6311+ wireless module.
of videophone service, there are two main steps: Meanwhile, the video quality assessment method
1 N −1
In this article, PEVQ algorithm is used to evalu-
ate the video quality of 3G videophone. PEVQ is
Lum IIndicator = ∑ EY [t ]
N t =0
developed by OPTICOM and recommended by
the ITU-T J.247. The evaluation results have been
4.1.2 Chrominance indicator
recognized by many manufacturers. It gives dif-
The chrominance indicator uses a similar approach
ferent weighting coefficients for different indica-
as the luminance indicator. When the variable x in
tors in order to approximate subjective evaluation
equation (1) and equation (2) represents the Cb or
value [6]. The PEVQ is a full reference model which
Cr. The Ecb [i, j ,t ], Ecr [i, j ,t ], Ecb [t ] and Ecr [t ] are
requires the same resolution source video sequence
calculated separately. As for the deviation signal, the
(SRC) and test video sequence (PVS). The PEVQ
maximum of the color saturation of the reference
uses several fitting parameters which are extracted
signal and the degraded signal is taken as above.
from the time domain, space domain, luminance
The change in edginess of both color components is
and chrominance domain of the SRC and PVS.
evaluated. The extraction methods of chromaticity
After extracting the parameters, they are imported
component and luminance component are similar.
to the model. So the MOS score can be obtained.
Chrominance value contains components of Cb
All the indicators are described as follows:
and Cr which are calculated separately as above. The
chrominance indicator is then calculated by averag-
4.1 Spatial variability indicators ing the frame-wise edginess distortions over time:
The spatial variability indicators involve two indi- 1 N −1
cators: the luminance indicator and the chromi- Chrom Indicato
I r= ∑ (Ecb [t ] + Ecr [t ])
2N t = 0
nance indicator. They are calculated based on the
H −1W −1
With the rapid development of 3G video phones
dO/I [t ] = 5 ∑ ∑d 5
/ + [i, j ,t ] (7) and other wireless video services, in order to ena-
W H i =0 j =0
ble users to obtain a better subjective experience,
the importance of video quality assessment in the
development of wireless video services, network
The Omitted Component Indicator (OCI) is optimization and other areas are also increas-
then calculated by averaging the frame-wise omit- ingly prominent. In this article, LC6311+ wireless
ted distortions over time. module and FFmpeg video codec library use the
LC6311 modules via serial programming completed
1 N −1 encoding YUV material sent and program received
C =
OCI ∑ d [t ]
N t =0 O
(8) design; realize the video of the original material and
synchronization obtained through material wireless
transmission after the; adoption PEVQ objective
The Introduced Component Indicator (ICI) is evaluation of the degradation of the video qual-
then calculated using an L2 Norm over the frame- ity of the video. After the experiment, the method
wise introduced distortions over time can be effectively applied to TD-SCDMA system
CS64k videophone business objective evaluation of
1 N −1 2 video quality, the video can optimize the quality of
C =
ICI ∑ dI [t ]
N t =0
(9) service operators, and network planning and opti-
mization work to provide a convenient way.
Y.H. Yang
School of Economics and Management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China
ABSTRACT: This article constructs measuring indexes of the international fragmentation production
of manufacturing industry based on the data of processing trade. Using China’s manufacturing trade
data encoded into 4-digit HS code, it measures the international fragmentation production of China’s
26 manufacturing industries. The result shows that there are industrial differences in the participation
of international fragmentation of China’s manufacturing production, that is, the degree of international
fragmentation production of some industries is high, while others’ is low. Some industries participate in
the international fragment of production mainly through the processing trade exports. While others par-
ticipate in the international fragment of production mainly through the processing trade imports. Other
participations of imports and exports are more prominent.
Here, RFP PijT , RFP PijX and FP PijM , respectively, Average 1.02 1.35 1.19 0.48 0.42 0.38 0.48
represent the indicators of international fragment Industry year C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21
of manufacturing production measured from the
perspective of trade import and export volume, Average 1.50 1.03 0.41 0.28 0.73 0.58 0.77
export and import; i represents trading nation, and
Industry year C22 C23 C24 C25 C26
j represents some industry. PT T jt and PT Tt , respec-
tively, represent j industry’s import and export Average 0.75 1.39 1.20 1.62 1.46
volume of processing trade, and Chinese manu-
facturing industry’s import and export volume of Note: Corresponding of codes and categories: C1 (food
processing trade in the t year. T jt and Tt , respec- processing and manufacturing industry), C2 (beverage
tively, represent j industry’s import and export manufacturing industry), C3 (tobacco industry), C4 (tex-
volume, and Chinese manufacturing industry’s tile industry), C5 (textile and garment, shoes, hats manu-
facturing industry), C6 (leather fur and feather industry),
import and export volume in the t year. PTM M jt , C7 (timber processing and furniture manufacturing
PTX X jt , PTM
Mt and PTX X t , respectively, represent j industry), C8 (papermaking and paper products indus-
industry’s import and export volume of process- try), C9 (printing and record medium reproduction), C10
ing trade, and Chinese manufacturing industry’s (cultural educational and sports goods), C11 (petroleum
import and export volume of processing trade in refining and coking), C12 (chemical raw materials and
the t year. MTT jt , XT
T jt , MT Tt and XT Tt , respectively, chemical products manufacturing industry), C13 (phar-
represent j industry’s import and export volume, maceutical manufacturing industry), C14 (chemical fiber
and Chinese manufacturing industry’s import and industry), C15 (rubber product industry), C16 (plastic
export volume in the t year. product industry), C17 (non-metallic mineral prod-
ucts), C18 (black metal smelting and rolling processing
industry), C19 (non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling
processing industry), C20 (fabricated metal products),
3 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA SOURCE C21 (ordinary machinery manufacturing industry), C22
AND INDUSTRY SELECTION (special equipment manufacturing), C23 (transporta-
tion equipment manufacturing industry), C24 (electrical
3.1 Industry selection machinery and equipment manufacturing industry), C25
(communication equipment computers and other elec-
According to the National industrial classification, tronic equipment manufacturing industry), C26 (instru-
we select the manufacturing industries except arts and mentation and cultural office machinery).
crafts industry and the processing of waste recycling Source: Calculated based on IIR network database data.
FRAGMENT OF CHINA’S tries’ trends above 1 such as C8, C9, C10, C15,
MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION C16, C23, C24 and C26. Other industries’ trends
BASED ON PROCESSING TRADE are relatively lower, such as C2, C3, C17, C18, C12
and C13.
In equation (1), we use the 26 manufacturing Table 2 shows the tendency of international frag-
industries’ data such as export, import, import ment of China’s manufacturing production from
and export trade, processing trade import and 2001 to 2008 measured by the import of process-
export, and total amount of import and export ing trade. Among them, C6 has the highest trend.
to calculate and measure the degree of interna- There are some industries’ trends above 1 such as
tional fragment of China’s manufacturing pro- C4, C5, C10, C14, C16, C17, C24, C25 and C26.
duction from the point of import and export (see Other industries’ trends are relatively lower, such
Tables 1–3). as C2, C3, C11, C13 and C23.
Table 1 shows the tendency of international frag- Table 3 shows the tendency of international
ment of China’s manufacturing production from fragment of China’s manufacturing production
2001 to 2008 measured by the export of processing from 2001 to 2008 measured by the total amount
trade. From the perspective of average, C25 has the of import and export of processing trade. Among
highest trend. In addition, there are some indus- them, C25 has the highest trend. In addition, there
are some industries’ trends above 1 such as C9,
C10, C15, C16, C24 and C26. Other industries’
trends are relatively lower, such as C2, C3, C11
Table 2. Tendency of international fragment of China’s
manufacturing production based on the measurement of and C13.
processing trade import from 2001 to 2008. Obviously international fragment of produc-
tion measured by the total amount of import and
Industry year C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 export of processing trade reflects the general par-
ticipation of China’s manufacturing industries.
Average 0.43 0.03 0.28 1.94 1.32 1.71 0.91 But there are different tendencies of international
Industry year C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 fragment of China’s manufacturing production
measured by the import or export of processing
Average 0.69 0.61 1.44 0.05 0.72 0.04 1.49 trade. It also shows that some industries partici-
pate in the international fragment of production
Industry year C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21
mainly through the processing trade exports, such
Average 0.65 1.12 1.33 0.69 0.91 1.03 0.80 as C8, C9, C15, and C23. While others participate
in the international fragment of production mainly
Industry year C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 through the processing trade imports, such as C6,
Average 0.85 0.09 1.30 1.27 1.36 C4, C5, C14 and C17. Other participations of
imports and exports are more prominent, such as
Source: Calculated based on IIR network database data. C10, C16, C24, C25 and C26.
ABSTRACT: This paper describes the circuit and implementation method of the voltage-controlled
self-tracking low-pass filter, which uses FPGA to measure the frequency of the input signal, and uses a
special method to make frequency convert to corresponding voltage by D/A converter. Then the voltage
signal is input into voltage-controlled low-pass bi-quad loop filter circuit which is mainly composed of
an analog multiplier AD835 and the current feedback operational amplifier OPA658. Cut-off frequency
of the filter can automatically track the input signal frequency changes by adjusting the external control
voltage through FPGA programming. This paper describes the system work principles, infers the transfer
function of the filter and designs the circuit of voltage-controlled second-order low-pass filter. The filter
can realize the scope of the cut-off frequency up to 8 MHz. The simulation and experiment results show
the valid of the filter system designed.
VW = Vx2 (2)
Figure 3. The system diagram of the voltage-controlled
tracking filter. Vout/R5 = VG/R7 (3)
VWVF = VE = VoutC1sD2 (4)
Vin/D0 = VF/D3 + VFC2s + VG/D1 (5)
Vout C1C2 D0 D2
H (s) = = (6)
Vin s Vx2R7
s +
C2 D3 C1C2 D1D2R5
ωLP = (VxR71/2)/(C1C2D1D2R5)1/2 (7)
Figure 4. The diagram of the voltage-controlled sec- the gain factor is
ond-order low-pass filter circuit.
K = (R7D0)/(R5D1) (8)
frequency as long as adjusting the value of capaci- Table 2. The comparison of the measured and theoreti-
tance and resistance reasonably. cal values of the cut-off frequency of the second-order
low-pass filter.
ABSTRACT: First, this article analyzes the staggered layout of closely spaced parallel staggered run-
ways, its advantages compared to the traditional closely spaced parallel runway system and operating
mode of the departure of aircraft. According to its operational characteristics, this paper learns from
the departure capacity calculation model under mixed operation mode of single runway to establish the
departure capacity calculation model of closely spaced parallel staggered runways. Then, it takes a group
of closely spaced parallel staggered runways of Shanghai Pudong airport which consists of runway 1 and
runway 3 as example, collects the relevant operational data, and uses the established model to do the data
simulation to obtain the departure capacity of this parallel runway system.
The control design of blast furnace clay gun play mud quantity
ABSTRACT: The hydraulic clay gum is a key equipment of blast furnace smelting. This article mainly
describes the control system design of blast furnace clay gun play mud quantity. It analyses the error of
clay gun and gives a method to reduce the error which can reduce the loss of engineering effectively. In
addition, it also briefly describes the hydraulic system and the detection device of play mud quantity.
Then the design and implementation of the relevant hardware and software are discussed in detail and the
interrupt subroutine is given. The result indicates that it improves the operational reliability and fulfills
the production requirement continuing to strengthen in industry.
Keywords: clay gun; blast furnace; hydraulic system; play mud quantity
MEASURES OF PLAY MUD QUANTITY [1] Liu Libing, Zhou Xuebing, Gao Jingbo, Wang
Baohu. The improvement and perfection of the
In the process of playing mud of blast furnace system of Hangang 3200 m3 blast furnace clay
hydraulic system, the actual play mud quantity of gun [J]. China’s new technology and new products,
iron notch will produce deviation because there is [2] Sun Jiarong, Kong Ju. The research and applica-
air gap and thus affect the effect of blocking up tion of digital play mud quantity detection technol-
iron mouth[5]. The solution is: increasing the work- ogy in the operation of blocking up iron notch [C].
ing oil pressure of rotated gun hydraulic cylinder Shangdong iron making proceedings of academic
to increase the force that presses the gun. The most exchange, 2009(9):182–183.
effective and direct way to increase the working oil [3] Yu Chenglong. Blast furnace clay gun play mud
pressure of rotated gun hydraulic cylinder is to add quantity indicating device improvement and applica-
a pressurization system to the hydraulic oil pump. tion [J]. Electronic test, 2013(4):121–122.
When the hydraulic clay gun is within 0.5 meters [4] Xiao Junming, Zhang Rui, Jiao Lingyun, Zhu
Haiming. The application of S7-200 PLC in the tem-
from the tap hole position, the manual reversing perature control system [J]. Journal of zhongyuan
valve of pressurization system is opened which leads institute of technology, 2010(6):13–15.
to the increase in pressure of rotated gun hydraulic [5] Lu Shikui. Reasons for the Difficulties in Clay
cylinder. At the moment, the speed of rotated gun is Gunning in NO. 1 BF Taphole and Its Measures [J].
also accelerated, the air in the iron mouth will also Bao-steel technology, 1996(2):1–3.
S.J. Jin
Mechanical Engineering College, Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology College, Jilin, China
ABSTRACT: This article introduces in detail the three components of video monitoring system of coal,
by means of the target tracking technology and the effective integration of the license plate recognition
technology, combined with the rotation of the PTZ function. At the same time, it realizes the clearer tar-
get image from different angles of scanning, improves the accuracy and rapidity of system identification;
it is realistic and has a significant role in the reasonable exploitation and utilization of coal resources.
B. Li & S.W. Li
Beijing Guodiantong Network Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing, China
S.X. Zhang
State Grid Information and Telecommunication Branch, Beijing, China
ABSTRACT: With the growth of the national economy and the people has improved continuously, the
electricity load to maintain a faster, higher growth, especially air conditioning load growth on the impact
of the economic operation of power grids, power supply and demand balance is growing. Based city of
intelligent air-conditioning load management model studies and impact analysis is the main research con-
tents of this paper, this paper focuses a comprehensive set to meet the city air conditioning load regulation
and energy management mode and control means, and its widespread implementation of urban energy
management and energy saving effect. The article describes the status and trends of the domestic air-
conditioning load growth, domestic and foreign air conditioning load management and energy conserva-
tion case studies of air conditioning load control mode and means of summary, and finally elaborated
promote the application of far-reaching impact.
Visual group 15.53 11.97 13.68 15.27 7.3 18.66 8.36 20.79 19.44
Control group 14.59 12.86 8.95 15.21 7.51 18.05 8.59 21.98 21.2
Base group 15.11 14.12 10.84 16.57 7.83 18.23 8.22 20.93 20.6
City Data entry Unit Base group Visual group Control group
W.J. Liu
School of Electrical Engineering, Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou, China
P.F. Cheng
Power Company of Fushun, Fushun Liaoning Province, China
ABSTRACT: This paper puts forward a multi-objective optimization model which can make the coor-
dination among economy, energy saving and environmental protection, in order to improve the combina-
tion property of hydro-thermal power system with cascade hydro plants. The multi-objective optimization
problem is difficult to solve, on the one hand is because the targets are conflicting, on the other hand is
because the weight coefficient of the target is difficult to determine, therefore, using the satisfaction func-
tion and Euclidean distance function to normalize the three targets, then using improved Particle Swarm
Algorithm (DPSO) to optimize. An example with 8 cascade hydroelectric plants and 10 thermal plants
was executed, the simulation results show that in scheduling period, the hydropower station affords larger
power output, instead of coal-fired power, reducing the coal consumption and pollutant emissions.
Time Load Time Load Time Load Time Load Time Load Time Load
[h] [MW] [h] [MW] [h] [MW] [h] [MW] [h] [MW] [h] [MW]
Figure 3. Optimal scheduling of hydrothermal com-
bined system. Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt grati-
tude to my friend Pengfei Cheng, he give me many
Table 6. Dispatch results. ideas.
Second, I would like thank for Guangzhou Col-
DPSO Std.PSO lege of South China University of Technology and
the project “Student Research Plan:The optimiza-
f1 [×104t] 3.310 3.432 tion scheduling and benefit evaluation for wind
f2 [×108 m3] 5.534 5.613 and Hydro-thermal Power System, JY140635.”
f3 [×105t] 1.136 1.178 Last but not the least, my thanks would go to
The total output of hydropower 1.3810 1.3676 my students who helped me make the program. It
stations [×105MWh] took them a year spare time to make the program
The total output of thermal 1.0245 1.0492 and help me write the thesis.
power plants [×105MWh]
which by standard particle swarm algorithm, it
shows that the precision of improved algorithm [1] Z.Z. Guo, J.K. Wu, F.N. Kong. 2013. Multi-objective
is higher. From Table 6, hydropower output is Optimization Scheduling for Hydrothermal Power
greater than the output of thermal power units Systems Based on Electromagnetism-like Mechanism
in the scheduler all times, reached the water and Data Envelopment Analysis. Proceedings of the
CSEE33(4): 53–61. Nanning: Guangxi.
replacing coal, which can effectively reduce the [2] J. Yu, X.M. Ji, A.B. Xia. 2009. Multi-objective Hydro-
use of coal and pollutant emissions, proves the thermal dispatch based on energy conservation and
model and the algorithm are availability. environmental protection. Power System Protection
and Control 37(1): 24–27. Nanjing: Jiangsu.
[3] J.K. Wu, Y.Li. 2011. The Multi-objective Optimized
5 CONCLUSIONS Scheduling of Hydro-thermal Power System. Mod-
ern Electric Power 28(1): 53–57. Nanning: Guangxi.
In this article, we establish multi-objective opti- [4] Y.J. Wang, X.Y. Xiong. 2000. A genetic algorithm
mization model which can make the coordination on short term optimal scheduling for a hydrothermal
among economy, water resources and environmen- system. RELAY 10(28): 21–24. Wuhan: Hubei.
tal protection. The simulation results show that the [5] S.Q. Liu, L.F. Zou, H.L. Zhang, etc. 2010.
large capacity, high head hydroelectric power gen- Hydrothermal Generation Scheduling Based on
Enhanced PSO. Water Resources and Power 28(7):
eration assumes greater output in the scheduling 153–156. Kunming: Yunnan.
period, while the lower coal consumption rate and [6] R.F. Wang, Y.J. Zhang, Z.S. Pei. 2011. Novel particle
larger output capacity units assume larger output, swarm optimization algorithm. Computer Engineer-
achieving water to replace coal, energy saving and ing and Applications 47(16): 32–34. Zhengzhou:
emission reduction. Henan.
S. Li & Q. Song
National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
ABSTRACT: This article describes the design and implementation of a novel space-borne Solid-State
Recorder (SSR) by domestic chips which have never been used in space environment. Currently, the for-
eign high-grade chips embargo seriously restricted the development of China’s space cause. The attempt
of domestic chips in this field will change the situation. The domestic chips include a radiation hardened
CPU and three types of 3D package radiation-hardened memory chips. The structure of novel SSR is
CPU + FPGA + main storage area. The main storage area, which has the capacity of 512 GB, is made of
eight pieces of 64 GB NAND FLASH. FPGA and CPU are connected by a PCI bus, which increase the
speed of commands and state signal. The SSR is designed for a satellite and the system cascade tests with
19 payloads are finished. Its throughput is 300 Mbps and can be raised to 1 Gbps and the power is no more
than 5.4 W. Its capacity can be expanded to TB by PCI. The result shows that the SSR meets the require-
ments of practical application and the performance of which can compete with imported components.
Specification Capacity TID NO SEL NO SEU X section Temperature time (ns)
Figure 3. Functional block diagram of SSR.
[1] L. Lei. Design and implementation of a multiple-
function storage system based on NAND FLASH.
Table 2. System parameters.
Beijing Institute of Technology. Beijing. 2008.
[2] Zhu Zhibo. Design of high speed and mass storage
Parameters Indicators
system based on NAND FLASH [J]. Modern
Size 6U electronics technique, 2011, 34(8):170–173.
[3] Song Jie, He You, Tang Xiaoming. The ultra-high
Power <5.5 W
speed radar signal real time acquisition and storage
Capacity 512 GB system based on FPGA [J]. Application of elec-
Throughput 1 Gbps tronic technique, 2005(11):18–20.
The actual playback speed 300 Mbps [4] Ningfang Song, Mingda Zhu, Xiong Pan.
Experimental Study of Single Event Effects in
SRAM—Based FPGA. Journal of Astronautics.
break the initialisation information for SSR. All 2012, 33(6):836–842.
[5] Said F. Al-sarawi, Derek Abbott, Paul D. Franzon.
the operations done by the FPGA module will pro-
A review of 3-D packaging technology, IEEE
duce an interrupt to inform the CPU module. The Transactions on Components, Packaging and
workflow of the management software is shown in Manufacturing Technology. 21(1998):2–14.
Figure 3. [6] Z.Y. Wang. The application of domestic CPU in
space computer. Chinese Academy of Sciences
National Space center. Beijing. 2006.
4 TEST AND ANALYSIS [7] McCollum, J. ASIC versus antifuse FPGA
reliability[C]. Big Sky, MT: Aerospace conference,
This SSR has been used as a storage system in 2009 IEEE, 2009:1–11.
a satellite. So far, the unit test and system cas- [8] LONGSON processor user manual. LONGSON
cade test have been completed. The test results Branch Technology Co., Ltd. 2011.07.
are good. In the test the completed core features [9]
are BAT table read, update BAT after bad block [10] Hamacher et al (2002), Computer Organization,
5th ed., McGraw-Hill.
occurs, reading, writing, erasing at the same time.
[11] PCI Special Interest Group. PCI local bus
In this satellite the SSR is designed to receive data specification [J]. Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2001,
from 19 payloads in the two tanks. The playback 2(3).
data will transmit to the transmitter unit. The [12] Zhang Zengji. Design of Center Control Software of
system parameters and test results are shown in an Airborne SAR Based on VxWorks [J]. Industrial
Table 2. Control Computer, 2012(25(9)):3–6.
X.Y. He
State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd., Liaoning Province, China
ABSTRACT: In this paper, an additional damping controller for VSC-HVDC with the structure of sin-
gle input and single output is presented. Choosing active power order of VSC-HVDC as input and active
power transferred on parallel AC line as output, the simplified opened-loop transfer function between
input and output is derived by Prony identification. Then the damping controller is designed by closed-
loop pole placement. The model of VSC-HVDC system utilizing additional damping controller is con-
structed, and the time-domain simulation analysis of an example of accessing the VSC-HVDC model is
carried out. The simulation results show that AC system damping for low-frequency oscillation is obvi-
ously increased and operation stability is improved.
Y. Ma
Laboratory of State Grid, Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
C.S. Liu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
ABSTRACT: In order to analyze the main factors that influence lightning back flashover performance
of 220 kV double-circuit AC transmission lines on the same tower and guide lightning protection renova-
tion work, a lightning back flashover simulation model of double-circuit AC transmission lines on the
same tower is established by using lightning protection calculation tool ‘LPTL’ in this paper. In the model,
equivalent tower of wave impedance model with multi-conductor parameter distribution is utilized, and
leader method is using to judge the insulator string flashover as insulator flashover criterion. The light-
ning back flashover level and back flashover trip-out rate are calculated to analyze the influence of tower
height, ground resistance and soil resistivity on the tower back flashover performance, and then, a case
analysis of lightning trip-out is conducted by using LPTL. The results show that these factors have a great
impact on the performance of the tower lightning protection.
Keywords: double-circuit transmission lines on the same tower; lightning protection performance;
LPTL; simulation model
1. Towel trunk wave impedance And R0 is the impulse impedance under low
frequency and low amplitude current (Ω); I is the
magnitude of the impulse current flowing through
⎛ 2 2 hk ⎞
ZTk = 60 ⎜ ln − 2⎟ (1) the grounding (kA); Ig is the smallest current ion-
⎝ rek ⎠ izing the soil (kA), which can be expressed as:
E0 ρ
And rek is equivalent radius of towel trunk. Ig = (7)
2π R0 2
rek = 21 / 8 rTk1 / 3rB2 / 3 ) (RTk1/ 3RB2 / 3 )
1/ 4 3/ 4
(2) where ρ is the soil resistivity (Ω ⋅ m); E0 is the field
strength when soil is ionized (kV/m).
2. Towel bracket wave impedance
2.2.6 Calculation model of induced voltage
ZLk 9ZTk (3) In this paper, the induced voltage is calculated by
the formula recommended by the State Grid Elec-
In Hara tower model, the transmission line tric Power Research Institute [10]:
length the bracket portion wave impedance is
1.5 times the trunk section. (
U i = 1.33 1.771 + 1.754 hc hc 2
3. Towel cross arm wave impedance
) ⋅ (1 − )
+ 1.935 × 10 −5 hc3 ⋅ I
0.1706 hc
2 hk
ZAk = 60 ln (4)
rAk where hc is the average height for wire-to-ground
(m); I is lightning current amplitude (kA).
And rA is equivalent radius of the cross arm,
one-fourth of cross arm width of the tower master 3 ANALYSIS OF BACK FLASHOVER
connections node. FACTORS
2.2.4 Insulator string flashover criterion A typical tower is shown in Figure 4 as the object
The leader development length crossing through for analysis, based on the model of LPTL, the fac-
the gap can be used to judge insulator string tors influencing the back flashover trip-out per-
flashover, CIGRE WG33.01 recommended leader formance of 220 kV double-circuit transmission
development rate formula [8]: line on the same tower.
Height (m) 24 30 36 42 48
Lightning back 91 86 81 76 72
level (kA)
Back flashover 0.356 0.447 0.552 0.671 0.778
trip-out rate
3.1 Impact of tower height on lightning back resistance (Ω) 5 10 15 20 25
flashover performance
Lightning back 100 81 73 69 66
In this paper, tower typical size as shown in Figure 4 flashover level
is used; when the soil resistivity is 100 Ωm and (kA)
grounding resistance is 10 Ω, the results of light- Back flashover 0.399 0.486 0.608 0.728 0.861
ning back flashover level and trip-out rate with the trip-out rate
tower height as 24 m, 30 m, 36 m, 42 m and 48 m
are calculated. As can be seen from the results of
Table 1 and Figure 5, the impact of tower height
on lightning back flashover level of transmission
line is obvious; with increase of tower height from
24 m to 42 m, lightning back flashover levels of the
transmission line are significantly reduced.
ABSTRACT: A fault of Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) for series compensation capacitor banks is ana-
lyzed in this paper. The MOV is checked by visual inspection and electrical test, and the wave of fault
recorder is analyzed by incorporating the simulation. The fault is due to the discharge of the capacitor,
because the MOV is broken down while the phase–phase grounding fault appears. According to this
fault, two improvement measures (change MOV not at will, replace MOV with a long history and per-
formance degradation) are presented, so as to improve and enhance operation and maintenance situation
of the MOV.
Keywords: series compensation capacitor banks; Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV); gap; fault analysis
(a) A system
18:46:57.596 Fault MOV protection 1808-MOV over current protection in B phase is operating
18:46:57.596 Incident Platform protection 134-platform protection receives order for protecting
bypass breaker
18:46:57.825 Incident DI case 116-restor trigger signal of platform GAP in B phase
18:46:57.686 Incident MOV protection 1814-GAP anti-trigger protection in B phase is operating
18:46:57.627 Incident Platform protection 140-perpetual blocking signal of series capacitor
compensation device is effectively input
18:46:57.686 Incident Platform protection 134-platform protection receives order for protecting
bypass breaker
18:46:57.687 Incident Platform protection 134-platform protection receives order for protecting
bypass breaker
18:46:57.735 Incident Platform protection 126-B phase breaker switches on
18:46:57.738 Incident Platform protection 128-C phase breaker switches on
18:46:57.741 Incident Platform protection 124-A phase breaker switches on
(b) B system
18:46:57.596 Fault MOV protection 1808-MOV over current protection in B phase is operating
18:46:57.596 Incident Platform protection 134-platform protection receives order for protecting
bypass breaker
18:46:57.596 Incident MOV protection 1820-MOV unbalance protection in B phase is operating
18:46:57.596 Incident Platform protection 134-platform protection receives order for protecting
bypass breaker
18:46:57.686 Incident MOV protection 1814-GAP anti-trigger protection in B phase is operating
18:46:57.596 Incident Platform protection 134-platform protection receives order for protecting
bypass breaker
18:46:57.597 Incident Platform protection 134-platform protection receives order for protecting
bypass breaker
18:46:57.716 Incident Platform protection 140-perpetual blocking signal of series capacitor
compensation device is effectively input
ABSTRACT: Medical experiments by LED light had been done to explain the influence on visual
function. White LED was regarded as light source. Experiments about retinal security of rats had been
carried out under different illumination, and test results of flow cytometry, visual electrophysiology, light
and electron microscopy were obtained. After 24 hours under 3000 LUX light irradiation, apoptosis rate
is 87.6%. After 7 days under 500 LUX light irradiation (alternating light and dark for 12 hours), electrore-
tinography is abnormal. From the test results of light and electron microscopy, the conclusions of retinal
damage can also be observed. Experimental study of the human retinal security by LED light will provide
theoretical basis to indoor application of LED light.
Normal 500 LUX
control group light group
Normal 500 LUX
The common clinical abnormal ERG is mainly control group light group
embodied in five different types. The amplitude
of B wave of hypertypic ERG exceeds the normal b wave latency 66.67 ± 5.55 66.29 ± 5.96
average value over 30%. a and b wave amplitude of b wave amplitude 674.00 ± 32.12 402.00 ± 25.10
low ERG decreases, and the range should be lower a wave latency 16.33 ± 2.24 17.43 ± 1.62
than the normal average value over 30%. For the a wave amplitude 242.47 ± 28.67 142.29 ± 18.42
negative wave of ERG, a wave is deep and wide, Ops total amplitude 325.07 ± 35.71 142.57 ± 17.65
and b wave is small or disappeared. For delayed-
type ERGs, a and b wave amplitude is normal,
but the peak time will delay by standard flash
recording. The composition of flat type ERG will
be submerged in the baseline noise.
In the visual electrophysiological experiments,
RolanConsult’s eye electrophysiological systems
and Retisystem 2.26 software are used to measure
ERG. Corneal electrode and the reference elec-
trode and the ground electrode are made of stain-
less steel needle.
Comparison of visual electrophysiological
parameters in the normal control group and the
group illuminated by 500 LUX continuous light
for 12 hours is shown in Tables 1 and 2, in which
the incubation period unit is ms and amplitude of
the unit is mv.
Compared with the normal control group, Figure 4. HE staining pattern of normal control group.
retinal electrophysiology dark adaptation biggest
mixed reaction a and b wave latent period of rats in
500 LUX light group were basically not changed, outer nuclear layer nucleuses arrange regularly,
but the amplitude decreased, and the rest of the and the thickness is an average of about 10∼12
wave amplitude decreased. Dark adaptation rod nucleuses. The inside and outside section struc-
response b wave amplitude decreased by 45%, and ture of photoreceptor cells is clear and colored
the largest mixed dark-adapted response of b wave uniformly, HE staining of the control group is
amplitude decreased by 14%, and a wave ampli- shown in Figure 4. Under 2000 LUX illumina-
tude decreased by 41%. Experimental results show tion, the outer nuclear layer cell nucleus became
that the ERG of the rats in 500 LUX light group thin, and arranged loosely, and the thickness is an
is abnormal. average of about 2–4 cells, as shown in Figure 5.
Experimental results show that the apoptosis of
the retinal photoreceptor cells increases in the light
3.3 Light microscopy and electron stimulation, so the thickness of the outer nuclear
microscopy experiments layer is reduced.
Dying characteristics of light microscopic exami- Electron microscopy is a typical method to
nation of biological tissue is used to show the observe the cell morphology, by which micro
morphological structure of tissues and cells, and structure of the nucleus is clear. Therefore, com-
to study the pathological changes of the disease bination of the electron microscope and dig-
and the development process. Normal rat retinal ital image processing system can be adopted to
ABSTRACT: In order to analyze the mechanism and key factors of the stability of the traction power
supply system and the high-power electric traction system which is influenced by Low Frequency Oscil-
lation (LFO), this article uses the Matlab/Simulink simulation software to build the locomotive–traction
network coupling model which contains HXD3 locomotives and traction network. By changing the length
of traction power supply arm, the number of locomotives and the condition of locomotive in full-load or
un-load, we can get different simulation results under various conditions. Combining the actual measure
results and simulation results, we can find the main reasons which cause the LFO of the electric locomo-
tive and traction network. If we let the length of the power supply section become longer, the oscillation
will be more obvious. Besides, the number of the locomotives which is running together can determine
whether the oscillation is shown. The locomotive and traction network LFO will appear when the loco-
motive is only in full load operation but not in no load operation.
This paper uses the traction power supply system
and transmission system as the major research [1] Shibin Gao. Study on novel protective schemes of
object based on the Simulink software. By chang- traction power supply systems for high speed rail-
ing the length of traction power supply arm, the ways [D]. ChengDu Southwest Jiaotong University,
number of locomotives and the condition of loco- 2004:14–37.
motives in full-load or un-load, we get the differ- [2] Qionglin Zheng. Cause analysis and countermeas-
ent simulation results under various conditions ures of the HXD1 AC locomotive harmonic oscilla-
tion [J]. The World of Inverters, 2009, (05):44–45.
and analyze the necessary condition leading to the [3] Zhihua Yang, Liqin Zhu. Cause analysis and coun-
LFO. We can reach the conclusions as follows: termeasures of traction harmonic of AC locomotives
1. Through analyzing the field accident, we can [J]. Electric Locomotives & Mass Transit Vehicles,
find that the phenomenon of LFO is caused 2003, 26(02):8–11.
[4] Haitao Hu, Min Zhang, Chenghao Qian, Lei Fang.
by the condition that multi-locomotives are Research on the Harmonic Transmission Charac-
running together. Using the simulation soft- teristic and the Harmonic Amplification and Sup-
ware to simulate this condition, it can be found pression in High-Speed Traction System [J]. Power
that at least two locomotives access the trac- and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC),
tion which will lead to the light LFO, and the 2011 Asia-Pacific.
X.Y. Yu
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
X.Y. Fu
Center for Control Theory and Guidance Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin,
Heilongjiang, China
ABSTRACT: Metal Magnetic Memory Testing (MMMT) is one of the most potential non-destructive
testing technology, which can effectively distinguish the stress concentration zone. And in most situations,
it can be used to provide early diagnosis and dynamic analysis for casing damages. Based on this method,
we create an integrated prototype equipment for detection. And the prototype is proven to be effective and
reliable through the experiment analysis.
Keywords: Metal Magnetic Memory Testing (MMMT); fatigue damage detection; anti-interference cir-
cuit; data analysis based on the Matlab
Zhi Zeng
Xianning Vocational Technical College, Xianning, Hubei, China
ABSTRACT: In order to diagnose rotor composite faults of a broken bar and air-gap eccentric in
Squirrel Cage Induction Motors (SCIMs), an approach was proposed based on the complex power modu-
lus. Complex power modulus (apparent power) of SCIM’s stator was derived on the condition of normal
motor and the rotor composite faults. Theoretical analysis indicates that the fundamental component
is eliminated in apparent power, and broken bar and air-gap eccentric fault characteristic frequency are
gained, which is beneficial to the separation and diagnosis of mixed faults. Experimental results demon-
strate that the amplitude of fault characteristic frequency is high in the early fault diagnosis, which shows
the approach is effective to rotor composite faults of early fault diagnosis. The amplitude of 2sf1 raises
linearly along with the increase of broken bar for the case of the rotor composite faults, which is useful to
the quantification of the fault extent.
Keywords: Squirrel Cage Induction Motors; the rotor composite faults; apparent power; the fault char-
acteristic frequency; on-line monitoring
s * (uα + ju
ui juβ )(iα jjiiβ )
Figure 1. Spectrum of stator current for the case of
three broken bars. = (uα iα + uβ iβ ) + j (uβ iα uα iβ ) (1)
s= p2 + q 2 . (3) f1 sff1 = f1
k k
kffb (9)
where U denotes phase voltage. Using the coordinate + I r,m cos ⎡⎣(ω1 + )t − ϕ r,m ⎤⎦}
transformation matrix, the stator voltages can be ⎛ 2π ⎞
expressed in two-phase static coordinates as follows: ib = I1 cos ω1t − ϕ − ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠
⎧ ⎡ 2π
U cos ωt
+ ∑ ⎨I l ,k cos ( 1 − )t − ϕ l ,k − 3 ⎤⎥
uα k =1 ⎩ ⎣ ⎦
⎡ 2 π ⎤ ⎫
3 + I r,k cos (ω1 kω b )t − ϕ r ,k − ⎬
U sin ωt (6) ⎣ 3 ⎥⎦ ⎭
⎧ ⎡ 2π
and the stator currents in two-phase static coordi-
+ ∑ ⎨I l ,m cos ( − )t − ϕ l ,m − 3 ⎤⎥
m =1 ⎩ ⎣ ⎦
nates are
⎡ 2π ⎤ ⎫
+ I r,m cos (ω1 + mω r ) t − ϕ r,m − ⎬
3 ⎣ 3 ⎥⎦ ⎭
iα I1 cos(ωt ϕ ) ⎛ 2π ⎞
2 ic = I1 cos ω1t − ϕ + ⎟
3 ⎝ 3 ⎠
iβ I1 sin(ωt ϕ ) (7) ∞
⎧ ⎡ 2π ⎤
2 + ∑ ⎨I l ,k cos (ω1 − kω b )t − ϕ l ,k +
k =1 ⎩ ⎣ 3 ⎥⎦
where I1 denotes phase current and ϕ denotes ⎡ 2π ⎤ ⎫
+ I r,k cos (ω1 + kω b )t − r ,k + ⎬
3 ⎥⎦ ⎭
phase difference. Combining (6) and (7) gives
⎧ ⎡ 2π
UII1 .
U (8) + ∑ ⎨I l ,m cos ( − )t − l ,m + 3 ⎤⎥
2 m =1 ⎩ ⎣ ⎦
⎡ 2π ⎤ ⎫
+ I r,m cos (ω1 − mω r )t − ϕ r ,m + ⎬
Equation (8) indicates that the spectrum of the
⎣ 3 ⎥⎦ ⎭
apparent power has only DC component under
normal condition. (11)
iα I1 cos(ω1t ϕ )
2 Experiments are performed on a three-phase
k =1 2
I l ,k cos ⎡⎣(ω1 kω b )t − ϕ l ,k ⎤⎦ SCIM, Y100 L1–4. A rated mechanical load was
supplied with a separately excited 2.3 kW DC
+ I r,k cos ⎡⎣(ω1 + kω b )t − ϕ r,k ⎤⎦ } generator. Motor rated speed is 1440 r/min, and
rated load is 2.3 kw. At the same time, rated volt-
∞ age is 380 V and rated current is 5 A. Validating
+ ∑
m =1
I l ,m cos ⎡⎣(ω1 − mω r )t − ϕ l ,m ⎤⎦ the effectiveness of this approach, different motor
fault cases have been set. The cases contain normal
+ I r,m cos ⎡⎣(ω + k r )t }
− ϕ r,m ⎤⎦ rotor with eccentricity, one broken bar with eccen-
tricity, two broken bars with eccentricity, as well
3 three broken bars with eccentricity. The following
iβ I1 sin(ω1t ϕ )
2 results can be received from Figures 2–6.
k =1 2
{ si ⎡⎣(ω1 kω b )t − ϕ l ,k ⎤⎦
I l ,k sin
3 ⎧
p U ⎨I1 cosϕ
2 ⎩
∑ ⎡⎣Il ,k cos(k
(k bt + l ,k )
Figure 2. Spectrum of complex power modulus for the
k =1
∞ case of eccentricity fault.
+ I r,k cos( kω bt − ϕ r,k )⎤⎦ ∑ ⎡⎣ ,m cos(
c ( r ϕ l ,m )
+ I r,m cos(( kω rt − ϕ r ,m )⎤⎦ ⎬
3 ⎧
q U ⎨I1 si ϕ ∑ ⎡⎣I l ,k sin
2 ⎩
i kω bt + ϕ l ,k )
k =1
− I r,k si ( kω bt − ϕ r,kk )⎤⎦ ∑ ⎡⎣Il ,m si ( m rt l ,m )
− I r,m sin( mω rt − ϕ r ,m )⎤⎦ }
From (3) and (13), apparent power for the case
of the rotor composite fault can be expressed as
Figure 3. Spectrum of complex power modulus for the
sb = sd + skω b + smω r (14) case of one broken bar and eccentricity.
Figure 4. Spectrum of complex power modulus for the
case of two broken bars and eccentricity. In this paper, an approach is proposed based on
apparent power for detecting rotor composite fault
of the broken bar and air-gap eccentric. Theoreti-
cal analysis and experimental results indicate that
broken bar and air-gap eccentric fault charac-
teristic frequency are, respectively, kfb and mfr in
the spectrum of apparent power, thus the charac-
teristic frequency of the rotor composite fault is
separated. The amplitude of the fault characteris-
tic frequency is high in the early fault diagnosis,
for example, one broken bar, which shows the
approach is effective to rotor composite fault of
early fault diagnosis. The amplitude of 2sf1 raises
linearly along with the increase of the broken bar
for the case of the rotor composite fault, which is
useful for the quantification of the fault extent and
construction of diagnostic rules.
Figure 5. Spectrum of complex power modulus for the
case of three broken bars and eccentricity.
ABSTRACT: Main disposal process of a leather sewage factory in Heze includes coarse and fine screen +
ash sump + regulation pool + flocculating chamber + primary biological treatment + secondary biological
treatment + Fenton oxidation. The time of the debug was 45 days, and the debugging results show that
the flocculation precipitation using the combination of FeSO4 + PAM can not only remove about 30%
of COD, but can also realize desulfurization. Biochemical treatment part was composed of two levels of
A/O, not only to improve the treatment effect, but also to have good resistance to impact load capacity.
During the debugging, the effluent COD and ammonia nitrogen were 80–150 mg/L and 0.5–2.5 mg/L,
respectively, the total removal rate reached 90% and 98%, respectively. The dosage of FeSO4 and H2O2 of
Fenton oxidation was 250 mg/L and 500 mg/L, respectively. Under this condition, the effluent COD was
38–52 mg/L and the removal rate reached 54–64%.
3.1 Pretreatment
Pretreatment preprocessing included coarse and
fine screen, ash sump, regulation pool and floccu-
lating chamber. The effect of primary treatment of
wastewater is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows that in the debugging process,
the removal rate of SS has been stable at more than
95%. Ten days before debugging, the flocculants
were PAC and PAM, the dosages were 300 mg/L
and 5 mg/L, respectively. Debugging results showed
that the COD removal rate of PAC and PAM was
low, which was 15%–20%. Not only that, because Figure 1. Effect of pre-treatment.
PAC has no desulfurization, the removal rate of
sulfur ions of wastewater is only about 10%. In
order to reduce the follow-up biochemical oxygen vated sludge was added to primary A/O every day
consumption of the process, reduce the process- as a kind of seed sludge. The process sustained
ing cost, starting from the 11th day, the floccu- nine days. The seed sludge came from Heze first
lant changed to ferrous sulfate and PAM and the city municipal sewage plant and the sludge concen-
dosages were 300 mg/L and 5 mg/L, respectively. tration was 100 g/L. The volume of addition was
Because the iron in ferrous sulfate ion can react 25 m3 per day. In the fifth day, the seed sludge came
with sulfur ions in waste water, starting from the from Heze third city municipal sewage plant which
11th day, removal rate of the sulfur concentration was pressure filtration activated sludge. Therefore,
in wastewater was around 95% and sulfur ion con- sludge concentration increased rapidly and there
centration in water was stable at 5 mg/L. Due to the are 4 days of 1539 mg/L and up to 5 days of
vast majority of sulfur ions in waste water has been 2516 mg/L. On the ninth day, the sludge concentra-
removed, the effluent COD was greatly reduced. tion of A/O pool has reached 3784 mg/L, and the
The removal rate was from the original 15% to adding of seed sludge was stopped. Because leather
35%. Thus, for leather wastewater, a combination wastewater has certain toxicity, the water inflow
of ferrous sulfate and PAM treatment effect was was increased step by step. In that condition, the
better than the combination of PAC and PAM. activated sludge gradually adapts to the water qual-
ity of leather wastewater. Before the commissioning
of 13th day, because of the water inflow was not so
3.2 Biochemical treatment
much, the water inflow was intermittent. Artificial
Biochemical was the core part of the sewage treat- additive glucose was added at the same time in
ment plant. In biochemical treatment, most of order to make sure of organic matter content in the
the organic matter and ammonia nitrogen was wastewater. Before the 13th day of debugging, the
removed. It included primary and secondary A/O. effluent COD and ammonia nitrogen were around
Due to large change of leather wastewater, the pri- 200 mg/L and 3 mg/L, the removal rate reached 90%
mary A/O was oxidation ditch form, and second- and 95%, respectively. From 14th day, the water
ary A/O was traditional push streaming. inflow reached 1200 m3. Compared to the 13th day,
the volume of water inflow increased by 150%. The
3.2.1 The effect of primary A/O successive way of inflowing was used. Because of
During debugging, the sewage plant sludge concen- the increase of the wastewater, the effluent COD
tration of A/O, the water inflow, the concentration and ammonia nitrogen have some fluctuation; the
of ammonia nitrogen and COD in influent and effluent COD and ammonia nitrogen were 521 mg/L
effluent are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 showed and 13.5 mg/L, respectively, i.e. more than double
that in order to accelerate the debugging and compared to the previous data. This showed that
domestication, after the start of debugging, acti- the increase of water inflow has a certain impact on
ABSTRACT: The pharmaceutical wastewater, after secondary biochemical process, has the character-
istics of poor biodegradability, high ammonia, and high concentration of suspended solids. In order
to solve the above problems, in this project, the magnetized catalytic oxidation-A2O-MBR process was
explored for the deep treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater, which improved the biodegradability and
effect of the removal of ammonia of the wastewater, as well as reduced suspended solids, effectively. Due
to the application of the magnetized catalytic oxidation-A2O-MBR process, the COD of the effluent was
below 250 mg/L with a removal rate of 93%, and the ammonia was below 15 mg/L with a removal rate
of 97%. Moreover, the concentration of suspended solids was as low as 5 mg/L, and the removal rate of
suspended solids was over 99.5%. The process has a series of advantages such as good effect, shock load
capability, and low sludge production, which provides a potential reference for this type of wastewater.
Table 1. Comparison of indicators of influent and effluent and the secondary emission standard.
ABSTRACT: A broadband C-band microstrip junction circulator is designed in this paper, and the
design method and process are given. By using double Y-junction technology, we improve the bandwidth
of the circulator. The substrate is YIG single crystal ferrite materials. This circulator is simulated with
HFSS software. After Optimization, we get performances of the circulator, the results show that insertion
loss of circulator is less than 0.5 dB from 3.90–9.15 GHz, isolation is more than 15 dB. Meanwhile, con-
sidering the change of material properties under high frequency, we do a deviation analysis.
The center frequency of C band is 6 GHz, so, The small Y-junction equivalent model is LC par-
ferrite materials whose saturated magnetization allel circuit, the equivalent admittance of center is
intensity is about 1850 G is chosen with frequency
of 6 GHz. YIG gyromagnetic materials is adopted Gy = jωC2 + 1/jωL2 (4)
as the substrates of circulator, the saturation mag- Under the action of small Y-junction, equiva-
netization of materials is 1780 G, the relative dielec- lent admittance of center is:
tric constant εr equal to 15, the linewidth is 20 Oe,
dielectric loss is 0.0037. The resonance linewidth G1 = Gr + jωC1 + 1/jωL1 + jωC2+ 1/jωL2
of the material is very small, [5] which have a posi-
tive impact on developing circulator’s bandwidth = Gr + jω (C1 + C2 − 1/L1 − 1/L2 (5)
and reducing the insertion loss.
By adjust the size of small Y-junction open-
C band circulator generally works in low field
circuit line, supposing:
mode. It means that constant deviation resonance
magnetic field intensity is lower than the material
jω (C1 + C2 − 1/L1− 1/L2= 0 (6)
itself. Due to the demagnetization effect itself, fer-
rite materials’ infield is close to 0. In the design, It means that the imaginary part of center
we set the diamond as 0 to simplify the problem. impedance is nearly disappear. Pure resistance is
Another important parameter is the size of the easy to match to 50Ω in wideband.
center of the circular. The center junction radius R
can be calculated by equation:
R a λ0 ξr μ⊥ (2)
According to selection of material and calculation
of the design, double Y-junction microstrip circu-
where, “a” takes between 0.127∼ 0.293, λ0 is for the lator is designed as shown in Figure 3. Using 3D
center frequency, εr is ferrite relative dielectric con- electromagnetic field simulation software of Ansoft
stant, effective permeability μ⊥ takes between 0.5 ∼ HFSS to establish and simulate circulator model.
0.8. Finally, the center junction radius R is calcu- YIG and substrate of printed copper microstrip
lated of 2.9 mm. line are adopted in the design and microstrip line
Double Y-junction circulator is a good candidate thickness is 0.002 mm.
to get performances of miniaturization and wide Figure 4 shows the circulator’s flat structure and
bandwidth. So, it becomes a hot research direction. part parameters. The destination of the design of
[6] By adding a small Y-junction, the impedance the three different microstrip lines is to match the
of center can be adjusted. If small Y-junction
has appropriate size, the imaginary part of center
impedance is close to zero in wideband. It avoids
that imaginary part of impedance changes with
frequency and provides a precondition for broad-
band circulator. The equivalent model is given
in Figure 2. Essentially, small Y-junction is open-
circuit line, it multiples with the center. It shows
J.T. Seo
Hanyang University ERICA Campus, Ansan-si, Gyeonggido, Korea
ABSTRACT: The decoupling mechanism for suspension laryngoscopy, which uses a curved-frame
trans-oral robotic system, is presented to promise enough position precision. The mechanism provides
some friction force to maintain the stiffness of the end-effector so that the clamped motion of claw does
not have influence on the shifting motion of end-effector. What is more, the structure of this decoupling
mechanism ensures that it can be adopted widely in rope-traction end-effector. From simulations and
from experiment, it is seen that the decoupling mechanism promises enough friction force to solve the
coupled motion problem.
Keywords: decoupling mechanism; trans-oral robotic surgery; surgical robot; suspension laryngoscopy
To begin, changing the material for active motion The use of a friction force to maintain the tightness
part into the one which has enough stiffness can of the wire is a proper method to improve the stiff-
be the possible way to solve the coupled motion ness of the end-effector. However, there are several
problem. However, after changing a compara- demands for designing this mechanism.
tive high-stiffness active motion part, the cou- Firstly, an appropriate position for the decou-
pled motion still exists, which has been verified pling mechanism should not affect the process of
in experiments on an adult phantom in [6]. What surgery. Considering that the end-effector can be
is more, it is not permitted to improve the stiff- inserted into the throat, and adaptor and driving
ness infinitely, since the active motion part should modules are designed concentrated so that there
maintain enough flexibility to bend when control- is no space to install big mechanism as well, we
ler in the slave system pulls the wire to control the make an adequate position between guide pipeline
position of the end-effector. part and connecting part shown in Figure 3. It is
Then, control of the tightness of the wire can not only convenient to insert an element, but also
be an appropriate way to decouple the clamping various lengths of the guide pipeline part do not
motion of the claw and shifting motion of the have much influence on the effects of the system.
end-effector. For instance, as shown in Figure 2, Furthermore, the long tube is an ubiquitous char-
when the controller pulls the up-direction wire to acteristic for a surgical end-effector so that the
move the claw upwards, if there is enough tightness decoupling mechanism can be applied widely.
in the down-direction wire, then the end-effector Then, the mechanism should respond to the
will have adequate stiffness which will weaken the changing of the controller automatically, so that
influence, caused by the pulling force of the claw, the system can adopt a pure mechanical decoupling
on the position of the end-effector. structure by utilizing the wires for shifting motion,
Hence, it is a possible way to design an additional which promise a smart structure and a wide appli-
mechanism to keep sufficient stiffness for wires, cation in a rope-traction end-effector.
which will solve the coupled motion problem.
αk a 30 × 0.1993 47
N= = × ≈ 17.56N
r b 2 8
Bin Zhang
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Bin Tang
Fujian Provincial Electric Power Company Limited, State Grid Corporation of China, Fuzhou, China
Wei-Hua Ma
Communication Construction Branch, State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing, China
Jia-Yong Zou
Southwest Electric Power Design Institute, Chengdu, China
ABSTRACT: When short-circuit fault occurs inside the power substation, it is the current diffusing into
ground that really causes safety trouble. The shunt coefficient characterizes the shunt ability of grounding
grid or overhead ground wires to fault current, so it can be used for analyzing the distribution of short-
circuit current. This paper studies the shunt mechanism of short-circuit current inside the power substation,
defines the shunt coefficient suitable for engineering practice and focuses on introducing the numerical com-
putation method of shunt coefficient. The paper calculates the shunt coefficient and the current diffusing
into ground inside Fuzhou 1000 kV substation and analyzes various factors affecting the shunt coefficient.
Keywords: short-circuit fault inside substation; shunt coefficient; grounding resistance; short-circuit
current; ground potential rise
South Zhejiang No. 1 line Lili No. 1 line Ningde No. 1 line
Line name South Zhejiang No. 2 line Lili No. 2 line Ningde No. 2 line
Table 3. Conductors.
South Zhejiang No. 1 line Lili No. 1 line Ningde No. 1 line
Line name South Zhejiang No. 2 line Lili No. 2 line Ningde No. 2 line
Figure 3. Ground wire shunt coefficient under the situ- Figure 4. Ground wire shunt coefficient under the situ-
ation that the tower grounding resistance is 10Ω. ation that the tower grounding resistance is 0.5Ω.
ABSTRACT: This essay designs a kind of unbiased crank rocker mechanism with a certain tilt angle as
the reliability test device of Head-Up Display (HUD)’s retraction and extension. Divide the test motion
into several stages, build the mathematic model of angle relationship between crank and rocker, and cal-
culate the torque of the crank axle by superimposing the moment of inertia and gravity. The simulation
result shows that the whole process of HUD’s retraction and extension is relatively stable.
Keywords: reliability of HUD’s motion; unbiased; certain tilt angle; crank rocker; crank axle torque
h2 R2 − l 2
cos β1 = (1)
h2 d 2 − r2
cos β 2 = (2)
d2 r 2 − h2
cos α = (3)
The swing angle is constant value ψ, and the
quick return angle is 0. Then the relationship
between the length of crank (r) and rocker (R) is:
r R ⋅ sin(ψ / ) (7)
3 TORQUE OF CRANK AXLE Obtain torque TF from the gravity of the load:
β 0 = arccos
d 2 + R 2 − ( + )2 m rr 2 ⋅ β ⋅ r ⋅ β +α +γ )
, (9) TL = . (15)
2⋅d R R ⋅ sin γ
where ψ0 is the initial angle of the crank, and The directions are positive, positive, negative,
and negative.
ψ0 180 ψ ) / 2,
(180° (10) Superimposing the moment of inertia and grav-
ity, get the whole torque in axle A:
γ is the angle between bar and rocker, and
G rr ⋅ cos(ψ 0 + β 0 − β ) + ⋅ 2
⋅ β
l 2 + R 2 − h2 T= ⋅ r ⋅sin( β + α + γ )
γ = arccos . (11) R ⋅sin γ
2⋅l R
Kai Gao
State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Supply Co. Ltd., Shenyang, China
Zhen-Hao Wang
Northeast Dianli University, Jilin, China
ABSTRACT: Electromagnetic loop network is a particular form of network configuration in the devel-
opment of power network, which is of great importance to improving the transmission ability of a power
grid. In recent years, with the power grid expanding, the closed-loop operation problem is becoming
more and more prominent, such as the difficulty to control power flow, short-circuit current superscalar
issue and the destruction of the system thermal stability. First, the basic concepts of electromagnetic loop
network are introduced, then the basic principles and general steps of breaking up electromagnetic loop
are summed up, and finally according to the characteristics of Liaoning power network, the scheme of
electromagnetic loop rejection is designed through a multi-faceted calculation and analysis. The research
results of this paper offer theoretical basis for reasonably determining the location to break up the elec-
tromagnetic loop of the Liaoning power grid.
Keywords: electromagnetic loop network; short-circuit current superscalar; security and stability
Yan-Ping Li
Stage Grid of China Technology College, Jinan, Shandong, China
Yong Li
Stage Grid Shandong Electric Power Company, Jinan, Shandong, China
Fang Liu
Stage Grid of China Technology College, Jinan, Shandong, China
ABSTRACT: Based on the quality of recharged circulating cooling water in power generation, the
experiment helps to choose the corrosion inhibitor and the exact relative quantity through preliminary
enrichment ratio test. Evaluating the effect on the basis of surface condition of the tube during dynamic
simulation test, fouling resistance, quality of circulating cooling water and so on, we determine the quan-
tity of corrosion during actual operation, concentration ratio and other operating parameters. The water
quality in actual operation verifies the feasibility and reliability of the evaluation method.
Keywords: circulating cooling water treatment; corrosion inhibitor; dynamic simulation method; fouling
When run for the first time, steps are as fol- 2.2.3 Experiment on corrosion of metal material
lows, adding enough supplemental water with cor- in circulating cooling water system
rosion inhibitor in the circulating water tank 1, Preparation for all kinds of metal specimens is
opening water circulating pump 2, thus making related to the cooling water system in the power
cooling water flowing through the simulated heat plant before experiment. Oil removal and clean-
exchanger 5, transferring heat to the steam from ing the specimens are done. Then we dry them
the generator, steam cooling into condensation and to constant weight, weigh and number them
flowing back, temperature of cooling water raised, before hanging them into the pool. After the
when flowing through the cooling tower, tempera- experiment, we weigh to examine the corrosion
ture dropped due to the spray 7, automatic opera- or pitting to the specimens caused by circulating
tion 8 charging supplemental water into the tank cooling water.
to ensure the water balance. Flow sensor 3 controls
flow velocity. Temperature sensors 4 and 6 monitor
the temperature of water inlet and outlet in simu-
lated heat exchanger. Simulated heat exchanger is
equipped with a condenser tube, by which the tub-
3.1 Parameters for experiment
ing corrosion, fouling and fouling resistance can be
measured during the operation. Collected from the The material of the power plant condenser pipe in
circulating water tank 1, circulating cooling water practice is 317 L stainless steel, Φ 25 mm × 0.5 mm,
is analyzed for pH, conductivity, turbidity, residual in length of 650 mm (effective heat conduction
chlorine, phenolphthalein, alkalinity, total alkalin- length is 570 mm);
ity, hardness, Ca. hardness, and so on. water volume of system, 240 L;
flow rate of circulating cooling water, 600 l/h;
velocity, 0.4 m/s;
2.2 Method
operating duration, 15 days;
Referred to “Method of Cooling Water Dynamic corrosion inhibitor, SD2316;
Simulation Experiment” (HG/T 2160-2008), the dosage in supplement water, 8 mg/L;
experiment is conducted. Mainly to complete the metal specimens for corrosion, 317 L stainless
experiment on three aspects: steel, 316 L stainless steel, 1Cr18 Ni9Ti, C.I., steel
20 # copper B30.
2.2.1 Experiment on water quality
Considering the uncertainty of water quantity in 3.2 Quality of reclaimed water
practice, experiments are separately conducted when
using reclaimed water, mixing water (1 + 1) as sup- Claimed water quality in experiment is presented
plementary, completely simulating the operation of in Table 1.
cooling water system for power generator. Evaluating
the effect by analyzing the quality of cooling water 4 RESULTS
and the changing trend of fouling resistance, inspect-
ing, and evaluating the whole process and the ration- 4.1 Curves during experiment
ality of controlling circulating cooling water and
determining the final dosage, stability of water qual- This experiment is aimed at the maximum stable
ity, and concentration ratio during operation. concentration ratio of circulating cooling water
when added with small quantity of corrosion
2.2.2 Experiment on corrosion inhibitor after the lime treatment—pH adjustment
and fouling in condenser pipe filter—disinfection and other advanced treatment.
Experiment on corrosion of pipe with circulating Curves during experiment are as shown in Figure 3,
cooling water is conducted at the same time with and fouling resistance curve is shown in Figure 4.
Value 8.21 958 μS/cm 1.2 NTU 0.25 mg/L 0 mmol/L 1.0 mmol/L 3.7 mmol/L 2.1 mmol/L
Item CODCr BOD5 Total P Activity Oil Chloride SO42− NH3-N
Value 33.6 mg/L 2 mg/L 0 mg/L 10.8 mg/L 0.18 mg/L 154.1 mg/L 263.0 mg/L 3.3
Table 2. (When SD2316 8 mg/L is added to reclaimed water) The condition of attachment in condenser and the stable
quality of circulating cooling water after experiment.
4.2 Discussion
is stable, concluding that during the operation
1. When cooling water is concentrated to 5.5 times, in five times of concentration rate, there is no
the monitoring analyses on water quality and fouling attached to the surface of transfer.
fouling in simulated condenser indicated that 2. During the later period of experiment, con-
it turns to fouling; at that moment, by adjust- centration ratio is controlled at approximately
ing the sewage to reduce cooling water con- 4.8–5.1. Quality of circulating cooling water and
centration ratio to 5.1 times lower, the chlorine condenser tube is represented in Table 2. Draft
concentration ratio and difference between of supplementing water and circulating cooling
concentration ratio of hardness are kept less water treatment is as follows. The concentration
than 0.2, and two aspects of fouling resistance ratio can only maintain five times at maximum
value in the condenser without rising meet the when operating, and there will be a risk of foul-
standard. Quality of circulating cooling water ing when concentration ratio increases again.
Now, the generator has been put into operation for [1] L.G. Xu, Selection of Technical Scheme on using
almost 2 years. Cooling water comes mainly from city’s recycled water to Circulating Water of power
reclaimed water. The system is regularly cleaned by plant Shandong Electric Technology, [J] 2004 (4):
rubber ball. SD2316 is used as the corrosion inhibi- 10–14.
[2] B.Y. Shen, Study on the Effect of corrosion resist-
tor, with a dosage of 8 mg/L, concentration ratio ance of Recycled Water Treated by Lime and used
of 3.5–3.5, Δ B < 0.2. In the routine check, surface in recirculation cooling water system. [J] Journal of
of stainless steel condenser is cleaning, without Neimenggu University, 2011(3): 334–336.
fouling and corrosion. The effect of condenser [3] H.M. Li, Evaluation and Application on water from
operation indicates that the inhibitors based on the power plant to handle pharmaceutical lab. [J] Indus-
experiment are in accordance with water quality, trial Water Treatment, 2003 (7): 73–75.
that parameters such as dosage, concentration rate [4] L.G. Xu, Water Treatment Technologies in Heat-
firs the situation in practice and that this evalua- engine Plant [M] Beijing: China Electric Power Press,
tion method is reliable and feasible. 2007.
Xue-Fang Tong
China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
ABSTRACT: The impulse simulation tests of a single horizontal grounding device were carried out
in the laboratory and the impulse current dispersal characteristics of grounding devices with different
lengths are analyzed in this paper. The test results are also verified by the modeling and simulation cal-
culation. Both the impulse tests and simulation calculation indicate that the impulse current dispersal
characteristics of a single horizontal grounding electrode present a U-shaped distribution along with the
grounding electrodes. The end effect, length of the electrodes, and soil resistivity are the key parameters
that affect the impulse current dispersal characteristics of grounding devices.
ABSTRACT: In order to reduce the high energy consumption of traditional screw oil press, improve
the efficiency and press a variety of oils in the same oil machine, a new type of centrifugal oil press is
designed combining the principle of centrifuge and screw oil press. The two-dimensional picture of a new
type of centrifugal oil press has been drawn in AutoCAD. The influence of swivel plate’s rotation rate,
swivel plate’s radius, and swivel plate’s conical bottom angle swivel plate’s friction factor on the delivery
pressure is simulated in MATLAB. After that, the relevant experiments are done. Whose results show that
the new oil press avoids the problem of friction heat dissipation in screw oil press, the new oil press is more
productive than the screw oil press, and it suits a variety of oils in the same oil machine.
R (m)
P (MPa) 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20
30° 0.45 0.69 1.19 1.21 1.99 1.98
60° 0.52 0.88 1.55 2.13 2.23 2.45
90° 0.59 1.01 1.78 2.50 3.00 3.62
ABSTRACT: Mechanical vibration will greatly shorten life of the new centrifugal oil press because the
press belonged to high-speed rotating machinery. In order to reduce vibration, research and optimization
of centrifugal oil press about vibration have been done. Three-dimensional solid modeling of the new cen-
trifugal oil press is conducted in Pro/e. After that, modal analysis and transient dynamics analysis have been
done in ANSYS. Whose results show that rotation rate has the greatest influence on vibration of centrifugal
oil press. Reasonable rotation rate is very important to reduce the vibration of the centrifugal oil press.
Figure 1. Structure diagram of centrifugal oil.
The process of centrifugal oil can be divided into 1 represents belt pulley. 2, oil plants. 3, bearing. 4, frame.
three sections: solid plants conveying section, disk 5, swivel plate. 6, material flow. 7, solid–liquid separation
fusion section, and ingress of oil section. Solid screw. 8, electromotor. 9, engine base. 10, oil filter. 11, feed
plants are conveyed by centrifugal force rather inlet. 12, pie mouth.
than friction, this is the biggest difference between
centrifugal oil press and screw oil press. The struc-
ture diagram of centrifugal oil press is shown in
Figure 1.
X. Xie
Henan Polytechnic College, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
ABSTRACT: To establish a HPLC method for determining the concentrations of Nifekalant in human
plasma and to evaluate its pharmacokinetic characteristics. An ODS3 (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) col-
umn was used to separate Nifekalant in plasma with a mobile phase of a mixture of ammonium acetate
(0.1 mol/L)–methanol–methyl cyanide (440: 180: 180, V/V) at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Nifekalant was
detected at 270 nm. The linear range of the standard curve of Nifekalant was 5 ∼ 1000 ng/mL, and the
determination limit was 5 ng/mL. The extraction recoveries were more than 80%, intra-day and inter-day
relative standard deviation were less than 6.23%. The Nifekalant plasma concentrations were determined
after intravenous dosing and its pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. The method is sensitive,
fast, and accurate. It is suitable for therapeutic Nifekalant monitoring and its pharmacokinetic studies.
Then 15, 200, and 750 ng/mL of Nifekalant Table 2. The Nifekalant time–plasma concentrations
were spiked in blank plasma and analyzed at the after intravenous infusion injection of 0.3 mg/kg and
above conditions. The recovery rate, intra-day, and 0.4 mg/kg (x ± SD, n = 16).
inter-day Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) were
Concentration (ng/mL)
calculated (Table 1).
Time (h) 0.3 (mg/kg) 0.4 (mg/kg)
1.5 Subject and design
0.08 230.95 ± 54.02 358.62 ± 73.98
Sixteen healthy volunteers participated in this 0.17 158.02 ± 39.85 213.16 ± 38.35
study after physical examination and laboratory 0.25 112.05 ± 25.41 175.79 ± 29.95
screening. They were asked to avoid all prescrip- 0.5 90.71 ± 26.08 133.83 ± 26.18
tion for at least 10 days before the study. Those 0.75 69.87 ± 24.70 106.81 ± 21.69
who had a history of drug or alcohol abuse or 1 49.54 ± 17.10 78.12 ± 18.20
allergy to the components of Nifekalant and those 2 26.04 ± 7.89 38.28 ± 13.47
who had concomitant drug therapy were excluded. 3 16.94 ± 6.98 22.74 ± 4.86
All subjects gave their written informed consent at 4 11.24 ± 4.11 14.19 ± 1.54
the beginning of the study and were explained the 5 6.94 ± 2.60 8.83 ± 1.41
nature of the drug and purpose of this study.
ABSTRACT: This paper provides a method to using Waveform Relaxation (WR) to solve the circuit
equation based on the model. This model and algorithm could be used in analysis of internal over-volt-
age of air-core reactor winding under lighting. However, as the coupling between the turns of winding
becomes stronger, the WR algorithm either fails to converge or the number of iterations required for con-
vergence increases. In this paper, the Lanczos algorithm is used through analysis of the coupling between
the turns of winding, as the result, the number of iterations reduced significantly. At last an example is
presented which demonstrates the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed model and method.
n +1 n +1
⎡ P11 0 ⎤ ⎡ X1 ⎤ ⎡ 0 P12 ⎤ ⎡ X1 ⎤
Figure 3. Circuit model. ⎢ 0 P ⎥ ⎢ n +1 ⎥ − ⎢ T ⎥ ⎢ n +1 ⎥
⎣ 22 ⎦ ⎢
⎣ X 2 ⎥⎦ ⎣ P12 0 ⎦ ⎢⎣ X 2 ⎥⎦
⎡Q11 0 ⎤ ⎡ X1 ⎤ ⎡ 0 Q12 ⎤ ⎡ X1 ⎤
n n
TmY1n +11,rr 1
= VmT ( P12 X 2n +1 r + 11
1 − 12
2 ),
where C is node capacitance matrix, L is branch
inductance matrix, A is incidence matrix, un, ib are
node voltage and branch current, and is is node where Tm is tri-diagonal matrix. Another subsys-
injection current. tem is just like the first subsystem.
⎛ M N ⎞ n +1 ⎛ M N ⎞ n
⎜⎝ + ⎟X = − ⎟X (8)
Δt 2 ⎠ ⎝ Δt
Δt 2 ⎠
⎧ ⎛M N⎞
⎪⎪P = ⎝ Δt + 2 ⎠
⎪Q = ⎛ M − N ⎞
⎪⎩ ⎝ Δt 2 ⎠
ABSTRACT: In order to reduce the energy consumption as well as improve production efficiency in
automated production lines, this paper presents an automatic sorting and staking system, with feeding,
transportation, sorting and staking of Three Degrees Manipulator (3DM), based on the technology of
PLC, servo, variable-frequency drive. The experimental implementation has proved that the conveyor
belt driven by PLC could not only improve the working effeciency and reduce the energy consumption,
but also ensures safe and reliable transfer of the products. In sorting–stacking process, the servo motor
used to control 3DM can achieve much more accurate position control. Meanwhile, this kind of system
provides the scalability and flexibility to support different stacking requirements of products, it can be
applied to the logistics center and sorting system of modern production line.
Keywords: PLC; automatic sorting and staking system; three degrees manipulator
Table 1. The allocation of I/O points of automatic sorting and staking system.
H. Qian
Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China
Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
ABSTRACT: The unit characteristics cannot be fully described in the multi-objective optimized alloca-
tion of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) regulation power; therefore, this paper proposes the optimal
allocation approach based on the reinforcement Q-learning. With the AGC system, the “uncertain sto-
chastic system”, combined with the ACE adjusting dead zone and CPS evaluation standard, the Markov
Decision Process (MDP) model is established for optimized allocation of AGC regulation power; the
Q-learning approach is introduced to the study of MDP’s optimal value function. The simulation results
show that the proposed allocation strategy can adapt to the changing requirement of grid environment.
ps0 (a ) = , ∀a ∈ A ∀s S (10)
⎪ k +1
⎪ ps (a ) = psk (ag ), ∀a ∈ A, ∀s ∈ S , s ≠ s (11)
psk (a ) represents the probability of taking action
a in the kth iteration, that is Pr ob( k ) = psk (a ). 4.1 The establishment of double areas’ simulation
β(0 < β < 1) is a constant. “explored” and “used” model for AGC control system
for enough iterations, Qk will converge the prob-
This paper adopts load frequency’s control model
ability of the optimal function Q# to 1. Finally a
in the double area interconnected system as the
matrix Q# presenting the optimal control policy is
research object and related parameters shown
concluded. Exploration policy is available for the
in Table 1. Gross rated capacity of the system
Agent in the early stages of learning policy, and
is 18,000 MW, load under normal operation is
then gradually it transitions to the use type policy.
12,000 MW, and AGC adjustable capacity is
The algorithm aims to minimize the cumula-
6000 MW.
tive variance between actual output of units and
Instead of only one equivalent unit simulat-
regulating capacity and to minimize the regulat-
ing the generation process in area 1 in the former
ing cost in a control period, yet has nothing to do
model, three units with different inertia (inertia
with backward state. So we take discount factor γ is
constant is Ts), power constrains, climbing con-
0.0001, β is 0.01, and α is 0.1. To sum up, Q-learn-
strains, and regulating cost are used for this simu-
ing algorithm based on dynamic optimized alloca-
lation model, and related parameters are shown in
tion for AGC regulation capacity is described as
Table 2. Since there is no load disturbance in area
in Figure 3.
2, one equivalent unit model remains. The simula-
Q-learning algorithm has the characteristics of
tion is based on MATLAB/simulink.
independence on the model, and thus the limit that
included the rate of regulating and capacity of
4.2 Q-learning algorithm module
For simulating the Q-learning algorithm,
MATLAB/S-function module is used. Based
on AGC regulation capacity, the state space S
is divided into 12 discrete states as (−∞, −3000],
(−3000, −2000], (−2000, −1000], (−1000, −500],
(−500, −250], (−250, 0], [0, 250), [250, 500), [500,
1000), [1000, 2000), [2000, 3000), [3000, +∞).
Actions matrix A = {(0, 0, 1.0), (0, 0.1, 0.9), (0,
0.2, 0.8), …, (0, 0.9, 0.1), (0, 1.0, 0), (0.1, 0.9, 0),
(1.0,0,0)}, and there are 66 discrete action values.
Therefore, initial Q matrix is a zero matrix con-
taining 12*66 elements, and it is typed from Y0.
Since Q-learning algorithm remain studying in
choice at the initial stage of learning, and brings
about instability to system. The search of envi-
ronment to gain the optimal action policy, there
exists strongly random of action. So before prac-
tical operation, Q-learning algorithm must be
pre-learned for a period of time, it ensures that
the Q matrix is close to the optimal matrix Q#. In
pre-learn-phase, bigger disturbance added is con-
max min + −
Unit R PG PG Prate Prate cost Yuan
type TS/s Tg/s Tt/s Hz/MW /MW /MW /MW ⋅ min−1 /MW ⋅ min−1 /MW ⋅ h−1
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a fault diagnosis method of rolling bearing based on Kernel Fisher
Discriminant Analysis (KFDA). The basic idea of KFDA is to map the original space into a high dimen-
sion feature space via nonlinear mapping and then extract the optimal Fisher feature vector and discrimi-
nant vector to achieve the state monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling bearing. The experiment result
shows that the KFDA method is able to recognize the fault patterns effectively.
Keywords: rolling bearing; fault diagnosis; pattern recognition; Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis
max F (W ) = (4)
W T SwΦW M (M1 − M 2 )(M1 − M 2 )T (12)
y W ∗T
Φ(X ) (6) (p , 2, , N ; q 1, 2, , Ni ) (14)
The formulas (1) to (6) are performed in the fea- I is a unit matrix of Ni Ni , Li is a matrix of
ture space. Due to a high dimension of feature space, Ni Ni and all its elements are 1 Ni .
or even an infinite number of dimension, it is not Essentially, in the equation (11), α is the feature
possible to directly calculate the optimal projection vector of the matrix H 1M corresponding to the
direction. Reproducing kernel theory[3] of machine largest eigenvalue. It can be directly obtained by
learning shows that the above operation can be car- the following formula
ried out by the inner product kernel function defined
by the original space, not relating to a specific non- α = H −1(M1 − M 2 ) (15)
linear mapping. So it is necessary for formula (4) to
be transformed so that it contains the inner product To obtain W*, it’s essential to make H a posi-
operation of mapped data. Inner product operation tive definite matrix. To do this, simply adding a
is represented by an appropriate kernel function. quantity μ of the matrix H, that is replacing H
with H μ = H + μ I where I is a positive definite
(X i , X j ) (X i ) (X j ) (7) matrix. Finally, in the feature space, the projection
of Φ( ) on W is converted into the projection of
k ( , X ) on α . That is
Given that W can be represented by a linear
Φ( 1 ),
), Φ((X
X 2 ), …, Φ(X N ), that is to say N
y W T ⋅ Φ(X ) ∑ α j k (X j , X ) (16)
j =1
W ∑α i (X i ) (8)
i =1
This indicates that the conversion gets back to
combine formula (1) and (8), then we can get the data space.
For kernel Fisher discriminant analysis method,
N Ni demarcation threshold point y0 can be selected as
yi W T miΦ = ∑ ∑ α j k X j , X k(ω ) )
Ni j =1 k =1 N1m 1Φ + N2 m 2Φ
y0 = (17)
= α Mi (i = 1, 2 )
(9) N1 N2
where Mi is a matrix of N × 1 and ω i stands for the where N1 and N2 represent the number of first
sample of type i . And and second type of training samples respectively,
m iΦ (i , 2 ) is the average value of each type of the
⎛ 1 ⎞ Ni
( i)j (
= ⎜ ⎟ ∑ k X j , X k( i )
⎝ Ni ⎠ k =1
) projected samples and it is a scalar, then
(i , 2; j 1, 2, , N ) (10) m iΦ =
∑ ∑α j k X j ,X ) (18)
X ∈ω i j =1
Combining all these kinds of formulas and
through a series of matrix operations and trans- At last, projecting the pending samples in the
formation, formula (4) is equivalent to optimal projection direction to obtain the value
Ç Figure out H and H μ = H + μ I due to formula The experiment is conducted utilizing the data of
(12) and (13). the literature[7]. Vibration signals are detected using
É Solve α = H μ−1(M1 − M 2 ). piezoelectric acceleration sensor for the 6310 type
Ñ Find projection of various N types of training of bearing in the three types of state, the normal,
samples yi W *T ⋅ Φ(X Xj k (X i , X j ), (j = the outer ring and the inner ring faults. Take a total
1, 2, …, N). i =1 of 42 test bearings, which include 10 normal bear-
Ö Figure out average vector m iΦ 1/Ni yi∑ y.
∈ω i i
ings, 16 outer ring fault bearings and 16 outer ring
Ü Find the threshold point y0 by the formula (17). fault bearings. Each bearing samples 5 times, each
á Seek the projection point y for pending samples x. time taking 1024 data. There are 6 normal bear-
à Do classification according to decision rule. ings, 9 outer ring fault bearings and 8 inner fault
bearings for training, and the remaining 19 bear-
ings are used for validation sample after training.
3 STEPS OF FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF The parameter of Gaussian radial basis function σ
ROLLING BEARING USING KFDA takes 2 /22 and μ equals 0.0001 in the algorithm.
As used here, using MATLAB simulation analysis
Applying KFDA method to the fault diagnosis of method, the accuracy of fault diagnosis is more
rolling bearings, firstly we establish AR parameter than 95%. Experiment results demonstrate the
model using timing method for the vibration sig- effectiveness of the methods used in this article.
nals of rolling bearings in all kinds of states[4] in
order to transform the vibration signals into feature
parameters of time series model. Concentrating 5 CONCLUSION
all the information of the original time series
signals[5,6], the parameters of timing model can be KFDA is an extended form of linear FDA, main-
done KFDA analysis as feature vectors when the taining the advantages of the FDA, but also hav-
bearing is running, so as to achieve the purpose of ing the ability to handle non-linear problems. It’s
recognizing all various types of states and diagnos- very sensitive to the non-linear characteristics of
ing faults of rolling bearings. Specific steps are as machine faults and suitable for nonlinear data
follows: classification process. The different rolling bear-
Under normal bearing, the inner ring and outer ing faults can be well separated by this method
ring fault state respectively, M samples are per- that has a good classification performance and
formed according to a sampling frequency fs and provides a new way for fault diagnosis of rolling
3M vibration signals are obtained to be a sam- bearings.
ple. Establish AR model of order p for vibration
x ( n ) = − ∑ a p (i )x ( n i ) ε ( n ) (19) [1] Xiao J.H. The intelligence pattern recognition
i =1
methods. South China university of technology press,
[2] Bian Z.Q, Zhang X.G, Pattern recognition (second
where ε ( ) is the white noise signal whose mean is edition). Tsinghua university press, 2000.
zero and variance is σ 2 , p is the order of the AR [3] Lennox B, Hiden H.G, Montague G. Application
model. It is determined by the use of the Final Pre- of multivariate statistical process control to batch
diction Error (FPE) guidelines[9]. ai (i , 2, , p ) operations. Computers and Chemical Engineering,
is the autoregressive parameter of AR model with 2010, 24: 291–296.
X.N. Kang
School of Electrical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
ABSTRACT: The power grid, which includes large scale wind power, raised new challenges in reactive
power control. This paper analyses the characteristics of renewable energy, which are—duster develop-
ment, access to weak grids and long distance delivery. The paper also proposesthe strategy of the System
of Wind Power field group net reactive power and voltage control coordination. This control strategy
is based on the ideas of “multi-level coordination and progressive refinement”, and then the strategy is
divided into four control strategies: wind machines strategy, wind farm strategy, wind group strategy and
the network strategy. The highest level control layer is the network Each control station accepts the higher
level control signal and takes it as a control target to perform, which the higher control signals sends to
the lower stations. This control strategy strives to achieve the security and stability of the whole network
voltage and to the maximum extent possible to the output of the wind power. Lastly, the result is com-
binedwith Gansu power grid, to discuss and test the validity and reliability of the strategy.
Keywords: the power grid; large scale wind power; the voltage coordinated control strategy; multi-level
Figure 2. The strategy of System of Wind Power field group net reactive power and voltage control coordination.
Cheng Gong, Long-Fei Ma, Zhong-Jun Chi, Wei Li, Bao-Qun Zhang & Yu-Tong Zhao
State Grid Beijing Power Research Institute, Fengtai District, Beijing, China
ABSTRACT: To improve both the steady and dynamic performance, based on the mathematical model
of the three-phase voltage source rectifier, this paper proposed a new control strategy with outer voltage
square loop and inner capacitor active power and grid reactive power loop; for this 18 non-fixed sec-
tors are divided and a scheme named predict direct capacitor power control is designed and realized by
simulation. This new control strategy achieves the goal that the capacitor active power can be controlled
directly by decoupling of the power of capacitor and load. Results of simulation prove the validity of this
Keywords: PWM rectifier; predict; Direct Capacitor Power Control (DCPC); outer voltage square loop,
non-fixed sectors
⎪ sα = −ω usβ
⎪ dt For each control cycle Ts, ui combination of dif-
⎪ ferent functions, can obtain Ts time changes in the
⎪ dusβ
⎪⎩ dt = ω usα
(3) amount of power:
⎧ n
Based on (3), differentiating (2) results in instan- ⎪Δpc = pc ( k ) pc ( k ) ∑ eepci ti
taneous active and reactive power variations: ⎪ i =0
⎨ n
⎪ Δq = q( k ) q( k )
⎧ dp − Rp − ω L
Lq − (urα usα + urβusβ ) + us2 ⎪ ∑ eqi ti
⎪ = ⎩ i =0
⎪ dt L
⎨ (4)
⎪ dq − Rq − ω LLp − (urα usβ − urβusα ) By the direct capacitance power control thought
⎪ = that, with two of the ultimate goal of power con-
⎩ dt L
trol: 1) the power flow through a capacitor is
1 dVdc2 approximately zero, so that the power is delivered
pc C (5) to the load directly by the rectifier; 2) no power
2 dx
is approximately zero to absorb from the network
The formula (6) is rewritten as the form of PI, side, so as to realise the network side unit power
where vD = vdc2 factor control. So the following design index func-
tions are chosen as follows:
* ⎛ k⎞
pc (vD − vD ) kp + i (6) W 2
Epc + Eq2 (10)
⎝ s⎠
Table 2. Parameters for the simulation system. Figure 6 Shows the waves of the grid-side cur-
rent and voltage when discharging.
Input Filter DC DC Switching
From Figure 6, we can get the conclusion that
voltage inductor capacitor voltage frequency
us/V L/mH C/μF Udc/V fs/Hz the power factor of the gird is nearly one when
the motor is running in the state of energy con-
220 4.4 660 500 5k sumption and the power factor of the gird is nega-
tive one when the motor is running in the state of
Figure 5 gives the spectrum analysis of the phase [1] Larrinaga A, Vidal M, Yarbide E. Predictive control
strategy for DC/AC converters based on direct power
A current at traditional P-DPC and P-DCPC above, control [J]. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics,
which includesthe dynamic process. As is shown, 2007, 54(3): 1261–1271.
high order harmonics in both control strategies are [2] Yang Xingwu, Jiang Jianguo. Predictive Direct Power
centralised around switching frequency, which is Control for Three-phase Voltage Source PWM Recti-
easy to design suitable filters for the system. fiers [J]. 2011, 31(3): 1261–1271.
G. Chen
Science and Technology on Monolithic Integrated Circuits and Modules Laboratory, Nanjing, China
Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute, Nanjing, China
Q.M. Zhang
Jinan Semiconductor Institute, Jinan, China
S. Bai
Science and Technology on Monolithic Integrated Circuits and Modules Laboratory, Nanjing, China
Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute, Nanjing, China
A. Liu
Science and Technology on Monolithic Integrated Circuits and Modules Laboratory, Nanjing, China
ABSTRACT: High voltage 4H-SiC Ti schottky Junction Barrier Schottky (JBS) diode with breakdown
voltage of 2500 V and forward current of 2 A has been fabricated. A low reverse leakage current below
1.13 × 10−4 A/cm2 at the bias voltage of −2.5 kV has been obtained. The forward on-state current was 2 A
at VF = 1.8 V. The chip is 2.3 mm × 2.3 mm and the active-region is 1.5 mm × 1.5 mm. The turn-on volt-
age is about 0.9 V. The on-state resistance is 6.52 mΩ ⋅ cm2. The doping and thickness of the N-type drift
layer and the device structure have been performed by numerical simulations. The SiC JBS devices have
been fabricated and the processes were in detail. The die was packaged with SMB seagull package. The
thickness of the N—epilayer is 24 μm, and the doping concentration is 4.0 × 1015 cm−3. A floating guard
rings edge termination have been used to improve the effectiveness of the edge termination technique. By
using Ti/Ni/Ag multilayer metal structure, the double side Ag process of 4H-SiC JBS diode is formed. We
use the PECVD SizNy/SiO2 as the passivation dielectric and a non photosensitive polyamide with 390 °C
cured temperature as the passivation in the end.
The on-state current is 2 A at VF = 1.8 V, the the switching device in the circuit, reducing total
turn-on voltage is about 0.9 V. The chip size is switching losses. However, faster di/dt and dv/dt
2.3 mm × 2.3 mm. The minimum on-state resist- can increase current/voltage overshoot.[6]
ance is 6.52 mΩ ⋅ cm2. When the forward current is The wafer map of the blocking-voltage and for-
2 A, the voltage of chip1 is 1.798 V, chip2 is 1.818 V ward current yields at 2.5 kV and 2 A measured
and chip3 is 1.804 V. The voltage (forward current on the 3-inch SiC wafer under a leakage current
2 A) of chip2 and chip3 is similar to chip1 because threshold of 100 μA. On-wafer measurements
the SiC epilayer doping concentration uniformity below 2.5 kV were conducted, for which the wafers
is good. were immersed in Fluorinert to prevent arcing. The
2 A/600 V switching tests were carried out on blocking and current yield was in excess of 50%, as
three chips. The measured reverse recovery time shown in Figure 5. The devices failed because of
of the three chips are similar 29 ns as shown in killer or process defects. The killer defect may have
Figure 4. In silicon, the reverse recovery time of originated from the downfall during the epitaxial
fast recovery schottky diodes is larger than 100 ns. growth. Another device failed because of a surface
Faster switching is positive, as it will impact on defect.[5]
For the reverse I–V characteristics, a high-
voltage measurement setup was used consisting of [1] H. Bartolf, V. Sundaramoorthy, A. Mihaila, et. al.
a probe station, a 3 kV high-voltage supply and a Study of 4H-SiC Schottky Diode Designs for 3.3 kV
current amplifier. As shown in Figure 6, for almost Applications. Materials Science Forum Vols. 778–780
all the chips the reverse leakage current observed (2014) pp 795–799.
were lower than 50 μA. [2] Kohei Ebihara1, Yasuki Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki
Nakaki, et al. Designing and Fabrication of the VLD
Edge Termination for 3.3 kV SiC SBD. Materials Sci-
6 CONCLUSION ence Forum Vols. 778–780 (2014) pp 791–794.
[3] Chen Gang, Li Zhe-yang, Bai Song, Ren Chun-jiang.
Ti/4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes with field plate
In summary, we have fabricated SiC JBS devices and B+ implantation edge termination technology.
on n+ conductive 4H-SiC substrates. The double Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, Vo1. 28 No. 9,
side Ag processes and the SMB-seagull package of Sep., 2007, pp 1333–1336.
the SiC JBS were developed and high performance [4] Runhua Huang, Gang Chen, Song Bai, et al. Simu-
of the SiC JBS device was reported. By employing lation, Fabrication and Characterization of 4500 V
a high energy ion implantation and high tempera- 4H-SiC JBS diode. Materials Science Forum Vols.
ture annealing technique, excellent characteristics 778–780 (2014) pp 800–803.
were obtained. The breakdown voltage improved [5] Dai Okamoto1, a*, Yasunori Tanaka1, Tomonori
Mizushima, et al. 13-kV, 20-A 4H-SiC PiN Diodes
to more than 2.5 kV depending on device guard
for Power System Applications. Materials Science
ring termination structure. A low reverse leakage Forum Vols. 778–780 (2014) pp 855–858.
current below 1.13 × 10−4 A/cm2 at the bias volt- [6] P.M. Gammon1a, C.A. Fisher, V.A. Shah, et. al. The
age of −2.5 kV has been obtained. The forward cryogenic testing and characterisation of SiC diodes.
on-state current was 2 A at VF = 1.8 V at 25 °C Materials Science Forum Vols. 778–780 (2014)
and 38A/cm2. The fabricated diodes can be used in pp 863–866.
ABSTRACT: The aim of intelligent machining is identifying the model automatically under a non-
human-computer interaction environment with a machining program software, and completing all or
part of the machining process of the model. NX CAM, the mainstream numerical control programming
software released by Siemens, provides the function of feature-based machining. The operation object of
feature-based machining is not the model geometrical feature itself, but the machining feature recognised
from the model. According to the machining feature, the corresponding operation could be created intel-
ligently. The process of feature-based machining and the method of the machining feature recognized are
described in this paper. At the end, one feature-based machining case is cited.
and part. Three countersunk holes need to be set Type ‘parametric recognition’, “Features to
machined. Recognize” default. Click ‘Find Features’, machin-
Step1 Open or import the model, and enter NX ing feature were recognized automatically. Only
Manufacturing. three STEP 2 HOLE features remained—all other
Step 2 Before manufacturing, the parameters of features were deleted. The process of finding fea-
the blank, part and MCS etc. need to defined first. tures is shown in Figure 3.
Step 3 Recognized features In machining feature Step 4 Create feature process. Choose three
navigator, right click on model node, execute ‘Find countersunk hole machining features in machining
Features’ command. In ‘Find Features’ dialog box, feature navigator, execute ‘Create Feature Process’.
Feature-based machining is an advanced applica- Zhang Jie. Luo Xin. Du Runsheng & Yang Shuzi. 2000.
tion that automates the creation of operations such The Conception of Feature and Its Generation,
as spot drilling, drilling, countersinking, counter J. Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech 28(1):95–97.
Hang Rui-guo. Zhang Sheng-wen. Jia Wei & Yang
boring, reaming, tapping, deburring, and milling Chang-qi. 2009. The Research of Intelligent NC Pro-
through the use of intelligent models containing gramming System Based On UG Platform, Group
manufacturing features (User Defined Features, Technology & Production Modernization 26(2):9–12.
User Defined Attributes, and NX Based Features) Yun Zhi-dong & Li Hai-biao. 2011. The application of
and embedded machining rules. FBM technology in automatic NC programming,
Feature-based machining greatly simplifies the Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing
process of making holes, regardless of the type of Technique 1(1):90–93.
application. Zhang Yingjie. 2008. Modeling technique of machin-
ing feature for automatic numeric control part pro-
gramming, Journal of Xi’An jiaotong university
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Siemens PLM Software. 2013, Computer Assisted Self
Teach for NX8.5.
It is highly appreciated that Siemens PLM software Siemens PLM Software. 2013, NX8.5 Help Library.
provided the NX software. This work is supported Siemens PLM Software. 2013, Machining Knowledge
by a grant from the Teaching Quality Project Editor Training 9.0.
ABSTRACT: In the process of Multi-station progressive die design, firstly, one has to to design the
strip, which is to get intermediate configuration of every processing station and blank, by unfolding
product configuration reversely. Many sheet metal parts have free forrm surfaces, and the traditional
method unfolding those needs complicated hand computing and drawing, and is also very time con-
suming. For these reasons, Analyze Formability-One-Step can be an excellent option for unfolding the
free form surfaces at the stage of strip design itself. In this paper, the basic idea, hypothesis, and work-
flow of Analyze Formability-One-Step are stated and discussed. And in the analysis of cases, Analyze
Formability-One-Step is used to complete ‘Entire Unform’ and ‘Immediate Unform’ in the process of
strip design, with PDW. It is convenient to use Analyze Formability-One-Step to unfold free form surfaces
in progressive die strip design.
Keywords: progressive die; NX PDW; Analyze Formability-One-Step; strip design; sheet metal
Figure 2 shows the usage procedure. When deal- Figure 3 shows a sheet metal with free form surface,
ing with the sheet metal, firstly choose the unform produced by progressive die. The contour can be
type—its type includes ‘Entire Unform’, ‘Immediate gotten by cutting scraps, and others can be gotten
Unform’, and ‘Advanced Unform’. ‘Entire Unform’ by forming process. It is a non-parametric model.
can make product configuration plate blank once. The assembly structure of strip about forming is
To get the immediate configuration and unfold shown in Figure 4.
local of the part, ‘Immediate Unform’ can finish the
work. In the process of sheet metal unfolding, it can
also add some other advanced constraints accord-
ing the fact with ‘Advanced Unform’, such as holder
force, draw bead, spring back etc.
After confirming unfolding type, choose ‘Face’
or ‘Solid’ as ‘Object Type’ and choose ‘Unform
Region’ and ‘Target Region’ of sheet metal. The
target region is the fixed portion of unfolding. In
Boundary Conditions, there are 3 kinds of con-
straints to be chosen, they are ‘Point to Point’,
‘Curve to Curve’, and ‘Curve along Curve’.
Figure 2. The flow of Analyze Formability-One-Step. Figure 4. The assembly structure of strip about forming.
ABSTRACT: In order to improve the fault tolerance ability of the critical sensor system and avoid
the extra cost, weight and maintenance introduced by hardware redundancy, the signal reconstruction
method was designed for the pitch angular rate sensor. The signal reconstruction was implemented by the
Kalman filter with the adaptive current statistical model. The modified model can approximate the angu-
lar motion of the aircraft accurately and increase the precision of the analytic signal. The design scheme
was verified by simulation under diverse flight conditions and compared with the typical methods. The
simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
Keywords: pitch angular rate sensor; fault-tolerance design; analytic signal; signal reconstruction; cur-
rent statistical model
⎧ 4 −π
⎪⎪ π (amax − a )
a ≥0
Figure 1. Frame of signal reconstruction.
σa = ⎨
⎪ 4 − π (a
− max − a )
a <0
⎪⎩ π
Φ(k), U(k) are state transition matrix and input
matrix respectively. a is the mean value of the where amax and a−max are the maximum value of the
current angular acceleration. W(k) is the discrete positive and negative angular acceleration.
noise sequence with 0 as the mean value and Q(k)
as the variance.
2.3 Modified adaptive model
⎡1 1 α T + −α T ) α 2 ⎤
( −1+ In the design of the CSM-Kalman filter, the
⎢ ⎥ parameters α, amax and a−max are pre-defined based
Φ( ) = ⎢0 1 (1 − e −αT ) α ⎥ (3)
⎢⎣0 ⎥⎦ on the experience. The model is not adaptive to
0 e −α T the variation of the aircraft angular motion and
results in the large the estimation error. The online
⎡1 ⎛ α T 2 1 e −α T ⎞ ⎤ adjustment of the maneuvering frequency α will
⎢ ⎜ −T + + ⎟⎥
⎢α ⎝ 2 α ⎠⎥ cause the instability and divergence of the tracking
⎢ 1 − e −α T ⎥ filter. According to the characteristics of the angu-
U (k ) = ⎢ T− ⎥ (4) lar motion of the aircraft, the modified model is
⎢ α ⎥ proposed based on the adaptive adjustment of the
⎢ −α T ⎥
⎣ 1 − e ⎦ angular acceleration.
The effect of the amax and a−max on the filter per-
Q( k ) = 2ασ a2 p (5) formance is analyzed first. When the absolute val-
ues of the amax and a−max take smaller values, the
In the expression of Φ(k), U(k) and Q(k), T is variance of the system noise is small. The track-
the sampling period, α is the maneuvering fre- ing accuracy of the non-maneuvering and weak
quency, p is the constant matrix related to α and maneuvering is high while the response rate of
T. With (2) ∼ (5), the state equation is established. strong maneuvering is relatively slow. When the
The measurement equation is: absolute values of the amax and a−max take larger
values, the variance of the system noise is large.
Y ( k ) = H ( k )X ( k ) + v( k ) (6) The response rate of the filter for strong maneu-
vering is fast while the tracking accuracy of the
where H ( k ) = [1 0 0 ]T is the measurement non-maneuvering or weak maneuvering is low.
matrix; v(k) is the Gaussian white noise with R(k) Therefore, the constant value in the CSM-Kalman
as the variance. When one-step estimation of the design cannot cover the various states of the angu-
angular acceleration θ( + 1 ) is treated as the lar motion.
current value a , the typical CSM-Kalman process The analytical relationship between the pitch
is indicated as follows: rate and the normal overload can be concluded
from the kinematics equations. The variation of
Xˆ ( k + 1 k ) = Φ( k )Xˆ ( k k ) + U ( k + 1)a ( k + 1) (7) the overload reflects the change of the aircraft
angular motion, shown in (14):
P(k k) ( k )P ( k k ) ( k ) + Q( k ) (8)
Δq ( s Zα* )Δnz (14)
K (k ) = P(k T
k )H (k
(k ) VZα*
[ H ( k + 1)P
)P ( k + 1 k )H T ( k
)P ) R( k + 1)]−1 (9)
The kinematics equation of the overload is:
Xˆ ( k + 1 k + 1) = Xˆ ( k + 1 k ) + K ( k + 1)η ( k + 1) (10) nz w b − g cos θ cos φ + pvb − qub (15)
P(k k ) [I K ( k + 1)H
)H ( k + 1)]P ( k k ) (12) nz0 g cos θ cos φ (16)
λ → 0, μ → 0 (23)
ABSTRACT: The tracking ship is the major component of the space instrumentation and command
network, and the time synchronization is very important to the tracking ship. There are some security
risks, because the GPS timing system is mainly used in the tracking ship at present. Specific to the ques-
tion, a timing system based on Beidou (BDS) and GPS was submitted. First, some common time service
methods were introduced briefly. Secondly, the dual-mode timing system was probably designed. After
that, error analysis of the timing precision was discussed. Finally, some experiments were carried out. The
results show that the project submitted in the paper is necessary and feasible.
Δt tGNSS − tU (1)
Δt ΔtSV − τ Σ (2)
c Figure 4. The picture of BD-126 development board.
τΣ = τR + τi + τ t + τr (3)
Figure 3. The schematic of the GNSS time measurement. Figure 6. The detail diagram of 1PPS signal comparison.
ABSTRACT: Wind power possesses intermittent and fluctuant features, resulting in the fact that the
integration of wind power is not only a power network programming problem, but also needs the enhance-
ment of the peak regulation ability. How to make wind power participate in it is the prime problem in
power planning. We use both wind power and thermal power as a source to participate in the traditional
power planning. By analyzing the 8760 hours’ wind power output data and five typical days load data
of one province, a new wind-thermal model including the restraints of the output and the ramp rate of
the thermal power unit was built. Using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, the optimal
correlation coefficient for different wind-thermal power allocation ratios was found, and then the optimal
wind-thermal power allocation ratio was worked out. In addition, the feasibility and practicability of this
method was confirmed by calculating the practical data of a certain province.
t =1 t =1
Figure 2. Wind power output and daily load on the day
where, pw is wind power output of each period; pw of minimum correlation between wind and load.
is the average output of wind turbines in the study
period; pL is the load of each period; pL is the aver-
age load study period. l is at [−1,1], when it is nega- 168 days, 160 days, 150 days, 155 days, 152 days—
tive, indicating that the wind power and the load has and inversely related to the number of days was
a negative correlation; and a positive value indicates 196 days, 205 days, 215 days, 210 days, 213 days.
a positive correlation between the load; and the These results demonstrated that the number of days
greater its value indicating the larger correlation. with a positive correlation were less than the number
This article analysed the wind power output his- of days of negative correlation—indicating that the
torical data of a province 365 days, and the load, correlation between wind power contribution and
selected from five typical operation modes which the load is notgreat. The theoretical support of wind
included the early part of the year, a long sum- power participating in power balance is not strong.
mer, a short summer and a long winter as well as This paper proposes the use of wind, thermal, com-
a shortwinter. Relevance indicators of 24 hours a plementary as “playing bundle power” participate
day by statistical analysis was noted. Figure 1 is in power supply planning to participate in the plan-
the trend graph of wind power output and typical ning for wind power provides a possibility.
daily load variation on the day of the maximum
correlation between wind and load, and Figure 2 is
the trend graph of wind power output and typical 3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS
daily load variation on the day of minimum cor-
relation between wind and load. 3.1 Objective function
After calculating correlation between load and
wind power with five typical operating modes n
include the early part of the year, short winter, long
summer, short summer and long winter, it shows
∑( n n )(
) L L)
t =1
max l = (2)
that the number of days with positive correlation are n n
∑( n n)
∑( L L)
t =1 t =1
ABSTRACT: The low inductance of high-speed motor give its phase currents a high dynamic response
speed, which may also result in some control problems, such as high Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of
stator current, high copper and core loss, and large torque ripple. This paper proposes a design method of
a three-phase inductance-capacitance (LC) filter connected to the three-phase stator windings to reduce
the stator current THD for the high-speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM). First, the
mathematical model of PMSM with LC filter is introduced. Then the design principle of the LC filter
parameters are presented by analyzing the magnitude-frequency characteristic of the PMSM system.
And, the value ranges of the parameters are introduced according to of the maximum output current
and voltage of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) inverter. The simulation and experimental results are
finally given to verify the effectiveness of the paper’s design.
L )s
Thus, the constant term in the denominator of
Φl 2 ( s ) Φl 1 ( s )
Φ(s) can be ignored, and the HF transfer function
(5) Φh(s) can be approximated as
R L ′C ω1 ω r ω s (12)
ζ= (9)
2 L( L + L ′ ) In this way, parallel resonance can be avoided
at the fundamental frequency, and the harmonic
Thus, the resonance angular frequency ωr and currents around the switching frequency can be
the resonance peak Mr of the system can be derived effectively attenuated;
as 2. The resonance peak Mr should be designed
as small as possible to reduce the oscillation
L L′ R2 amplitude at the resonance angular frequency
ωr ω n 1 − 2ζ 2 = − (10) ωr. This can be achieved by increasing the value
LL ′C 2 L2 of the external inductance L′ in series.
M r = 10 lg 2
L ′ R L ′C
R L′ R L C − R LL ′C + L L ′ ) 3.2 Considering the output current capability
≈ 20 lg
RL ′ In general, the maximum output current of PWM-
VSI is less than 120% of the rated stator current
(11) of the motor, so the amplitudes of ia and i′a in
The harmonic components of the three-phase Figure 1 should satisfy the following inequality
PWM-VSI output voltage also need to be analyzed
In order to facilitate the parameter design of the LC ′ ≤ 1.2 I am
I am (13)
filter. According to W & L (2009), we can obtain
the harmonic frequencies of the output phase volt- Under the motor’s rated working condition, we
age of the three-phase PWM-VSI as nfs ± kf1, where have
fs and f1 refers to switching frequency and funda-
mental frequency respectively. When n is even, k is
a positive odd number not divided by three. Thus, ia* I q sin ωt (14)
we can come to a conclusion that the output phase
( ) ( )
2 2
voltage of the three-phase PWM-VSI contains the ′ = I q2 ω 2 LC − 1 +
I am 2
C2 + (15)
harmonics only around, but not at the integer mul-
tiples of switching frequency.
where Iq is the rated q-axis current. So Iam and I′am
can be expressed as
I am Iq (16)
( ) ( )
2 2
′ = I q2 ω 2 LC − 1 +
I am 2
C2 + (17)
Iq ( L Iq R Iq f
RI q f
LI q )
5ω ω L I + R I
2 2 2
2 2
q f
RII q +
2 2
f )
Eq. (18) gives the value range of the capacitance
C, during which the output current of PWM-VSI
Figure 3. Relationship of characteristic curves of Φ(s) will not exceed its permitted maximum output
and Φh(s). current.
u′′a* = ( + ) (ω L′C − 1) i
( )
+ ω I q ω LL ′C − L − L ′ cos ωt
The amplitude U ′am can be derived from (20).
By substituting U ′am to (19), the value range of
external inductance L′ can be obtained when the
capacitance C is assigned with the maximum value
of (19). The larger the external inductances are,
the lower the stator current THD is, however, the
volume, weight, and cost of the system will also
increase, so the value of the external inductances
should be selected just to satisfy the demand of the
stator current THD.
Figure 7. A-phase current waveform with three-phase Figure 9. Relationship of stator current THD and
LC filter (L′ = 0.32 mH, C = 5 μF). external inductances of LC filter method (C = 5 μF).
ABSTRACT: Burr is usually formed and attached to the edge of surfaces during machine operations;
it poses a severe risk for component life. In this paper, an algorithm of burr detection, by using machine
vision, is proposed. The algorithm includes Gauss smoothing, threshold segmentation, edge detection,
removing pseudo burr used to detect burr in a workpiece. Detection data is transmitted to the deburr-
ing mechanical arm to remove burr. The experimental results show that the algorithm can perform burr
measurement quite efficiently.
Px [i, j ] = ⎛ ⎞ 2
I [i, j 1] I [i, j ]
⎝ + I [i 1, j 1] I [i 1, j ]⎠ (3)
Py [i, j ] = ⎛ ⎞ 2
I [i, j ] I [i 1, j ] (4)
⎝ + I [i
[i, j 1] I [i 1, j 1]⎠
Figure 11. Partial edges.
The value and direction of grads are:
M [i, j ] Px [i jj]]2 + Py [i
[ i , j ]2 (5)
X.F. Li
Beijing Institute of Automation Control Equipment, Beijing, China
ABSTRACT: An elastic-plastic finite element model of cylindrical roller bearing under overload condi-
tion is established, analyzing the influences of different overload coefficiency on stress and strain distri-
bution of cylindrical roller bearing; the study shows: under the overload condition (with the occurrence
of “fringe effect” at the end part of roller) stress concentration increases remarkably with the increase of
load applied; the maximum plastic deformation of the contact area between bearing roller, inner ring, and
outer ring—all present a nonlinear increased trend along with the increase of radial load. The measure-
ment of permanent deformation of the bearing after static pressure test verifies the validity of the result
of the finite element analysis.
K = 2 (Q = 138 KN)
Roller 2.64 2.81 6.43%
Inner ring 7.29 7.62 4.53%
K = 2.5 (Q = 173 KN)
Roller 17.73 19.11 7.78%
Inner ring 12.1 13.19 9.01%
K = 3 (Q = 138 KN)
Roller 26.17 28.26 7.99%
Inner ring 18.74 20.12 6.86%
K = 4 (Q = 173 KN)
Roller 45.76 47.12 2.97%
Figure 4. Influence of different overload coefficient to Inner ring 32.3 35.01 8.39%
plastic deformation of bearing.
ABSTRACT: The interference graph collected by the radial shearing interferometer does not directly
reflect the original wavefront information, so one needs the wavefront reconstruction of the original wave-
front. This paper deduced the iterative method for wavefront reconstruction, and conducted the numerical
simulation of the wavefront reconstruction algorithm by using Matlab at different shearing ratio. The sim-
ulation results were analysed and the conclusions were: with radial shearing ratio decreases or telescope
system magnification increases, only a lesser iteration number is needed to reach high precision, so we
can choose proper shearing ratio to simplify the numerical computation of the tedious iterative process,
improving the speed of computation; Then the analysis provides the basis for the design of the telescope
system in the radial shearing interferometer.
OPD( βρ , θ ) W ( βρ , θ ) − W ( β 2 ρ , θ ) (2)
OPD( β ρ , θ ) W ( β ρ , θ ) − W ( β ρ , θ )
2 2 3
OPD( β ρ ,θ ) W ( β ρ ,θ ) − W ( β ρ ,θ )
3 3 4
The iterative method can be used in different Figure 2. The different iteration results under the shear-
exit pupil wavefront reconstructions. Actual ing ratio is 0.5.
have a certain relationship with the Seidel pri- where z0 is constant coefficient, z1 is inclined x
mary aberration; the aberration function is easy direction coefficient, z2 is inclined y direction coef-
with the link to the optical design, thus it is often ficient, z3 is the defocus coefficient, z4 is the astig-
used in fitting to solve optical aberration. The matic coefficient (axis direction of 0 degrees or
iterative algorithm third parts mentioned above 90 degrees), z5 is the astigmatic coefficient (axial
use the Matlab numerical calculation software for direction of 45 degree), z6 and z7 are the third-order
numerical simulation, for a different number of coma coefficients, z8 is the third-order spherical
iterations, the radial shear of different shearing aberration coefficient.
ratio situation to carry on the simulation, in order In order to make comparisons between different
to calculate the simple selection of Zernike poly- shearing ratio, we construct a distorted wavefront, we
nomial of the first eight simulation. The first eight get z0 z1 = z2 z3 = z5 = 0 , z4 = −0.85 , z6 = −0.8,
Zernike polynomials in the Cartesian coordinate z7 = 0.5, z8 = 0.069 . Getting different shearing ratio
system is represented as: of the figures are shown in Figures 2–4.
Analysis of the above simulation chart, from
W ( x, y ) z0 + z1x + z2 y + z3 ( 1+ 2 x + 2 y )
2 2 Table 1, 2, 3 we know the initial PV value of the
2 2 3 2 distortion wavefront is relatively large and can be
+ z4 ( x − y ) + z5 2 xy + z6 ( 2 x +3 x +3xy )
2 3
considered as a big wave aberration. When the
+ z7 ( 2 y + 3 yx + 3 y ) shearing ratio is equal to 0.5, the residual wave-
2 2 4 2 2 4
+ 8 (1 6 x − 6 y + 6 x + 12 x y + 6 y ) front PV value reaches 1/1000 after 6 iterations;
X.Q. Liu
Beihang University, Beijing, China
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an optimization design for stator loss of high speed permanent mag-
net motor using response surface methodology and finite element method. The current frequency of high
speed permanent magnet motor is much higher than low speed permanent magnet motor, which results
in increasing ac losses. The stator loss of high speed permanent magnet motor which accounts for a large
part of total loss includes core loss and winding loss, which has a great influence on the efficiency. The
calculation methods of core loss and winding loss are presented in this paper. Then, three optimization
variables are selected and the way of influencing the stator loss is analyzed. Finally, response surface
method combined with genetic algorithm and FEM software is adopted to minimize the stator loss. A set
of optimization variables are determined, which corresponds to minimum of stator loss.
Li = ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 / 2)
where Λ1, Λ2, Λ3, Λ4 and Λ5 are magnetic perme-
ance of each part, which are shown in Figure 1. Figure 2. Equivalent circuit of one parallel branch.
Parameter Value
ABSTRACT: A vector hydrophone measures the acoustic pressure and particle velocity at a single point
in space, we propose a novel Iterative Adaptive Algorithm (IAA) to estimate the direction of arrival based
on the cross covariance matrix of acoustic pressure and particle velocity, called PVIAA. Due to the noise
of each channel being independent the cross covariance matrix is not affected by the noise. The algorithm
is able to cope with very low snapshot numbers and deal with the correlated sources. Simulation results
are presented to compare the performance of this method with the original IAA and L1_SVD, and this
method is shown to outperform the existing approaches.
⎡ yp ( n) ⎤ K ⎡v p ( n ) ⎤ Q 1( j ) R− j a( j )a
( j) (12)
⎢ y ( n)⎥ = ⎡1 ⎤ s ( n ) + ⎢v ( n ) ⎥
⎢ yvx ( n ) ⎥ k∑ ⎢u ⎥ k (4)
=1 ⎣ k ⎦
⎢vvx ( n ) ⎥
⎣ vy ⎦ ⎣ vy
v ⎦ where R is the data covariance matrix, Pj is the signal
power at angle θ j , s j ( n ) is the signal waveform that
can be estimated by solving the cost function (11):
where y p ( n ) , yvx ( n ) , yvy ( n ) are acoustic pressure
and particle velocities of X and Y velocity chan-
nels respectively, if we combine the X and Y chan- a H ( j )Q−1( j )y( n )
s j ( n ) = (13)
nels, we can get the analytical velocity: a H ( j )Q−1( j )a( j )
yvx ( n ) = e − jθ y p ( n ) + nv
yv ( n ) = yvy ( n ) − jy (5)
Using the matrix inversion lemma, (13) can be
written as:
Just as in the subsection A, the pressure and
velocity can be represented as: a H ( j )R −1y( n )
s j ( n ) = (14)
yp( ) As( ) Vp ( n ), n = 1, 2, ..., N (6) a H ( j )R −1a( j )
yv ( ) Av s( ) Vv ( n ), n = 1, 2, ..., N (7)
And then Pj can be calculated as:
jθ jθ − jθ K
where Av [ a(θ1 ), e a( 2 ), , a( K )]. 1 N 2
Then we can define the cross covariance matrix of Pj = ∑ s j ( n ) (15)
acoustic pressure and particle velocity: N n =1
Table 1. The IAA Algorithm.
In this section, we compare the PVIAA with the
Initial: R = I original IAA and L1_SVD algorithm, and analyze
Repeat the affect of the number of snapshots, SNR and
For j 1 2 N
NK correlation of sources.
H −1
a ( j )R y( n )
s j ( n ) = H −1
,n 1, 2, ,N
a ( j )R a ( j)
4.1 Different number of snapshots
1 N We consider a uniform linear array with
Pj = ∑ s j ( n)
M = 16 sensors and half-wavelength spacing, and
n =1
three uncorrelated sources at 60°, 82° and 90°,
End SNR is set to 10dB, the sparsity parameter p = 2,
P = diag ([ P , P , ..., P H;
1 2 NK ] ); R APA the scanning grid is from 0° to 180°, the scanning
step is set to 1°. Figure 1 shows the estimations of
Until (convergence)
DOA of three algorithms in different number of
Figure 1 shows that IAA and PVIAA have
Table 2. The PVIAA algorithm. similar results when N = 1, but with the increas-
ing of N the resolution of PVIAA is better that
IAA, and the L1_SVD encounters location bias
Initial: R pv = I
For j 1 2 N
H −1 4.2 Coherent sources
a ( j ) R pv y p (n)
p j ( n ) = H −1
,n 1, 2, ,N We compare the estimation of three coherent
a ( j ) R pv a ( j)
sources with three unrelated sources, and N = 100,
− jθ j H −1
SNR = 0 dB.
e a ( j ) R pv yv ( n ) Figure 2 shows that the IAA and L1_SVD both
v j ( n ) = H −1
,n 1, 2, ,N
a ( j) pv ( j)
have the estimation bias problem, PVIAA can get
the accurate results.
Pj =
∑ p j ( n)v*j ( n) 4.3 RMSE approximation
n =1
Mon 2
RMSE = ∑ ∑ ( j −
2 × Mon i =1 j =1
ABSTRACT: With the development of GPS, CORS (Continuous Operational Reference System) has
played an important role in application areas in cities. Setting good reference stations that can supply
observation data of high quality is very difficult with high buildings and electromagnetic interference
sources standing nearby. To solve the problem, a method to establsihreference stations as well as a way,
based on observation data collected, to monitor the station are proposed in this paper.
Figure 7. Result about the validity by TEQC. [1] Guan Jian An 2010. Application and Certain Techni-
cal Question Research of Precise Positioning Service
Based on CORS.
[2] Li Jun & Wang Jiye 2006. Quality Checking and
Analysis on GPS Data in Northeast Asia. Geomatics
and Information Science of Wuhan University
[3] Liu WenJian & Yang Li 2008, Research on CORS
Reference Station Location. Geospatial Information
[4] Zhan Fan 2009. Distribution Design and Experi-
ments of FJCORS Reference Station. Geospatial
Information 2009(7):74–76.
[5] Zhao Guo Qiang & Sun HanRong 2009. Quality
checking and Analysis for Crustal Movement Obser-
vation Network of China. Urban Geotechnical Inves-
tigation & Surveying 2009(3):73–75.
ABSTRACT: The recoil mechanism is the “heart”, and it is the vital part, of the artillery. The leak-
age of gas and liquid of the recoil mechanism is researched in the paper. In particular research in
this paper focuses on the liquid leakage of the recoil mechanism wall. The paper also studies the
leak repairing method I which is significant for recovering the fighting force of the equipment
Keywords: the recoil mechanism; the leakage of gas and liquid; the leak repairing
Figure 1. The welding mending method. Figure 2. The capping remedy method.
ABSTRACT: Image retrieval is the latest rising technology thanks to the great development of com-
puter and digital information processing technology. But, how to search specific kind of images from the
multitude of resources now available is the key technology. Now, retrieval, based on the multi-data is a hot
and complex research point. In this paper, a new image retrieval algorithm is proposed, which is based on
the study of feature points and affine invariant features. This algorithm uses both local features and global
features, which can effectively overcome image translation, rotation, scaling, and affine change, and also
has higher retrieval precision and efficiency compared to traditional algorithms.
Keywords: image retrieval; affine invariant feature; spatial feature point; retrieval precision
1 1
xi =
∑ x yi =
∑ y (6)
( x , y )∈Ai y ∈Ai
( x y)
Sa = cos3
( − d a b )⎞⎠ (7)
− ( a b )2
, σ = aP / 3 , P = 50%.
where d (a, b ) e 2
Common distance methods include Euclid-
ean distance [14], cosine value [15], Mahalanobis
Images M1 M2 M3 M1 M2 M3 M1 M2 M3
Face 99.52 98.47 79.08 97.26 97.32 65.24 1.0345 0.9417 1.2350
Trademark 99.75 99.27 75.89 98.38 96.32 64.67 1.0417 0.9546 1.6354
Car 97.51 95.45 58.69 86.04 77.84 41.87 0.9673 0.9048 1.4115
Elephant 98.35 96.28 84.46 90.56 85.76 67.21 0.9773 0.9275 1.4375
Landscape 97.72 92.28 75.18 90.69 85.09 69.53 0.9588 1.0602 1.4579
Flower 98.97 95.10 70.39 93.69 86.30 76.32 1.0270 0.9817 1.4863
X.N. Kang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei, China
ABSTRACT: The development of an Electric Vehicle (EV) without exhaust emission is beneficial to
improve serious air pollution in Beijing, as well as meet daily commuting needs of citizens. In order to
rapidly expand personal users, several barriers and countermeasures to EV development are analysed and
proposed. Investigation and survey are implemented to measure customer needs, and recommended EV
and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) developing models are given. In the end two application
cases about the personal EV promotion project and time-share rent are introduced, and the feasibility of
proposed models is incipiently verified.
Keywords: Electric Vehicle (EV); Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE); developing model; barrier
and countermeasure
Rated Rated
Type voltage (V) current (A)
AC level 1 250/440 16
AC level 2 250/440 32
DC level 1 750 125
DC level 2 750 250
Figure 2. Purchase decision factors to potential Figure 5. Expectation charging places to potential
purchasers. purchasers.
Table 2. Rent schemes for BEV. Based on investigation and research results, con-
clusions about EV development issues are summa-
Price rised as fellow.
Scheme RMB Beijing is particularly well positioned to be a
leader in fleet transition to EVs. The city has many
Time-share rent
Per two hours 59
densely populated areas and many of the city’s
Per four hours 99 drivers rely on personal vehicles for commutes that
At night hours (18:30–8:30) 99 are within the battery range of EVs currently on
Long time rent
the market. In addition, the region’s poor air qual-
Per one week 999 ity produces a strong incentive to reduce vehicle
Per one month 3999 emissions. More beneficial policies should be pro-
gressively released in future.
EV can meet the demand of daily commute for
office workers or housewives. It is incipiently veri-
Table 3. Requirements of EV tenant.
fied by the user demand investigation and statisti-
Applicants Rental users cal analysis on the practical projects.
Features (N = 150) (N = 20) Available parking place and agreement with
property management are mainly barriers for the
Rental purposes drive to work; home-charging installation. Public charging should
take kid to be rapidly developed, and measures of legislation,
school; financial incentive as well as effective negotiation
interests between stakeholders should be taken.
Daily driving range 20–100 km 20–50 km New and emerging EV business models are
Distance to work 10–50 km 20–30 km worth developing. EV time-share rent is a prom-
Range expectation Above 200 km Above 180 km ising business model that will help primeval EVs
Charging time – 9:30 am–16:00 pm
rapidly promote.
Charging duration – Within one hour
Y.F. Zhang
School of Printing and Packaging Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, P.R. China
C. Tian & M. Li
School of Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, P.R. China
Keywords: axial-grooved gas-lubricated bearing; finite element method; surface texturing; load-carrying
capacity; friction coefficient
⎡ ∂ ⎛ ∂P ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ∂( PH ) ⎤
∫∫ ⎢ ∂ϕ ⎜⎝ PH
⎟ + ⎜⎝ PH ⎟⎠ − Λ ⎥
Ω ⎣ ∂ϕ ⎠ ∂λ ∂λ ∂ϕ ⎦
×δ ϕdλ = 0 (2)
⎪ 4H g ⎪⎪⎢⎣ttan γ (ϕ − ϕ s ) 2 L2 λ ⎥⎦⎪⎪
⎪H 0 + H g − ⎨ ⎬
⎪ Wg
⎪ccos γ − ⎛ n + 1⎞ W 1 Ws ⎪ ⎡ 1 ⎤
⎪ ⎪⎩ ⎝ 1 2⎠ 2 ⎪⎭ ⎢⎣tan γ (ϕ − ϕ s ) − 2 L2 − λ ⎥⎦ cos γ
⎪ n1 fix
f ,
⎪ λ1 < λ < λ2 W
⎪ 2
H (ϕ , λ ) = ⎨ ⎧⎡ 1 ⎤⎫
⎪H + H − 4 H g ⎪⎪⎢⎣λ − γ (ϕ − ϕ 0 ) + L2 ⎥⎪
2 ⎦⎪
⎪ 0 g 2 ⎨ ⎬
Wg ⎪cos γ − nW − g W ⎪
⎪ ⎪⎩ 1
2 ⎪⎭
⎪ λ3 < λ < λ 4
⎩H 0 others
When γ = 90 , 0
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of parabolic micro- Figure 4. (a) Dimensionless load-carrying capacity ver-
grooves textured on the pads of axial-grooved gas- sus different textured pads; (b) friction coefficient versus
lubricated bearing. different textured pads.
Figure 5. (a) Load-carrying capacity ratio versus differ- Figure 6. (a) Load-carrying capacity ratio versus differ-
ent bearing number; (b) friction coefficient ratio versus ent width-to-diameter ratio; (b) friction coefficient ratio
different bearing number. versus different width-to-diameter ratio.
Y.H. Liu
Faculty of Electric Power, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot, China
ABSTRACT: Due to the defect of the slow fault response and higher power loss of the Voltage Source
Converter (VSC), this paper proposed a novel Current Source Converter (CSC) which could solve these
problems. The new topology, with Multi-Level Current Reinjection CSC (MLCR-CSC), is based on the
DC-ripple reinjection concept. It adds an auxiliary control circuit to the traditional 12-pulses converters
which is used in IGBT as extra main switches. MLCR-CSC is a very attractive way of transmission as it
generates lower THD on the AC-side and realises Zero Current Switching technology (ZCS) and runs at
a high power factor. The advantages and disadvantages of VSC and CSC are shown first. Then is intro-
duced the DC-ripple reinjection concept and the new topology; this is followed by a detailed analysis of
the harmonic elimination theory and discusses the control strategy. MLCR CSC can realise ZCS, use thyr-
istors as the power device, ensure the safety and stability of the phase communicating, low THD and high
power factor, which was effective certificated in HVDC transmission by Matlab/-Simulink at the end.
Keywords: DC-ripple reinjection; MLCR-CSC; lower THD; ZCS; high power factor
The primaries of the two single-phase transform- Figure 4. Simulation dc current on the DC-side.
ers are connected across the DC BUS through
DC blocking capacitors (C). The DC current (Idc)
flows through the reinjection IGBTs, load induct-
ance Ldc, and the load. It is modified into AC
waveforms in the secondary windings of the rein-
jection transformer with the help of reinjection
switches (Sp1/Sn1, etc). These currents are coupled
to the reinjection transformer primary winding to
form multi-level currents Ij1 and Ij2, which com-
bine with Idc to shape DC bus currents I1 and I2
into multi-level waveforms. This reinjection cir-
cuit generates seven current steps in I1 and I2.
Six levels are generated due to reverse connected
switches (Sp1/Sn1 to Sp6/Sn6), and one additional
level is obtained by firing Sp0/Sn0 when Ij1 and Ij2
are both zero. Table 1 shows the corresponding Figure 5. Simulation of SLCR-CSC on the AC-side.
relationship between I1 and I2, Ij1 and Ij2 with the
corresponding reinjection IGBT on-state. The
reinjection transformer is a one-phase four-wind- 10 °, 20 ° and 30 ° AC-side current waveform and
ing transformer with transformer turns ratio n3/ harmonic spectrum analysis.
n0 = 0.33, n2/n0 = 0.33, n1/n0 = 0.33.
5.1 Current zero switching
and eliminating harmonics
At 0.05 seconds, Ij1 reaches maximum amplitude,
This section mainly verified the topological struc- the dc side current IBΔ is zero which provides Δ
ture, eliminating harmonics and high power factor bridge commutation switch off at Zero Current
operation. It significantly includes MLCR—CSC Switching (ZCS) conditions; At 0.06 seconds, Ij2
current zero switching, eliminating harmonic, and reaches maximum amplitude, the DC side current
7 level current reinjection CSC firing at angle 0 °, IBY is zero which provides Y bridge commutation
ABSTRACT: Taking into account the characteristics of exponential growth and periodic variation of
power load, a third-order short-term load forecasting model based on grey prediction theory is proposed.
This paper gives the introduction of grey forecast method and expounds on the main steps of the power
system short-term load forecasting. By numerical example, this paper verifies the probability and validity
of this method. Simulation results show that the proposed method is effective and practicable.
Keywords: power system; short-term load forecasting; grey prediction theory; third-order model
⎡x( ) ( ) ⎤
⎢ ( ) ⎥ Steps of power system load forecasting are shown
YN = ⎢
x ( ) ⎥ in Figure 1.
⎢ ( ) ⎥
⎢⎣ x ( N ) ⎥⎦
⎡a ⎤
⎢b ⎥ According to the above model derivation, use this
A=⎢ ⎥ (17) model to forecast the short-term power load of
⎢d ⎥
⎣ ⎦
⎡ 1 () ⎤
⎢ −xx ( ) − ( x ( ) + x (1))
( ) ( ) ( )
x ( ) 1⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ −xx ( ) ( ) ( )
x ( )
1 (3)
− ( (2)
(1)) 1⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
BN = ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 (3) ⎥
⎢ (1) − ( (N − 2) ⎥
⎢ −xx (
1) x ( 2) 2 1⎥
⎢⎣ + x (N
( )
)) ⎥⎦
Then, use the least squares method to estimate
the sequence A and get the approximate solution
of least squares A. Rewrite Eq. (15) as
YN = BN Aˆ + E (19)
Y. Zeng
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the scale development trends of offshore wind power were predicted and
analysed in terms of the offshore wind power’s scale potential, combined with the history and current
status of all the major countries’ offshore wind power research. On this basis, we studied the related poli-
cies of offshore wind power and summarised the characteristics and experiences of the major countries’
offshore wind power policies in the world. Then we analysed the relevant policies of our country and came
up with relevant recommendations. So it has good reference value.
ABSTRACT: Aiming at the different power response characteristics between the battery and super-
capacitor for the hybrid energy storage system in the distributed generation system, this paper puts
forward a power response characteristics equivalent model for the hybrid energy storage system. In the
model, the transfer function is used to describe the power response characteristics for the battery, super-
capacitor and power converter system. Then, control strategies of the hybrid energy storage system are
used to analysis the model in simulation. The results show that the equivalent model can accurately reflect
the power response characteristics of the hybrid energy storage system.
Keywords: hybrid energy storage system; power response characteristics equivalent model; control
Figure 1. The structure diagram of the hybrid energy Figure 3. The power response time of SC-PCS and
storage system. Battery-PCS.
Parameters Qsoc min Qsoc max Qsoc low QSOC high Pmax/W EN/(kW⋅h)
Figure 5. The situation of the hybrid energy storage Figure 6. The situation of the Battery-PCS power
system power tracking. tracking.
The research for power allocation strategy of the hybrid energy storage
units in distributed generation system
Z.L. Yang
State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company, Wuhan, China
P. Chen
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
ABSTRACT: Aiming at the hybrid energy storage units with AC bus lines in distributed generation sys-
tem, this paper puts forward a power allocation strategy for the hybrid energy storage units. The method
retarded the over-charge/over-discharge phenomena of the energy storage units by adjusting the SOC
values of the energy storage units in a certain range, through the power command of low-pass filter’s
effective distribution between the battery and super-capacitor, according to the SOC value of the battery
and super-capacitor. At the same time, it took the state of charge/discharge into account, adjust the filter
time constant to ensure that the SOC value of the energy storage units is maintained in a certain range.
In PSCAD, the simulation results prove the effectiveness of power allocation strategy in hybrid energy
storage units.
Keywords: hybrid energy storage units; low pass filter; power allocation strategy
Cb p (t ) = SOC
∫ Pb
− 0
p (t )dt
to increase discharge power of the battery, reduce
charge power of the SC, and decrease the filtering
Eb p_N time constant of low-pass filter, so T f T f 0 − ΔT f .
If Pb* p 0, Psc* − p > 0 , the Battery-PCS is in
Csc − p (t ) = SOCsc
∫ Psc − p (t )dt
− 0 (4)
charged status and the SC-PCS is in discharged
sc p0 status. The control objectives should be to increase
Esc − p N discharge power of the SC and reduce charge
power of the battery, so T f T f 0 + ΔT f .
Among them, SOC Cb p (t ) and SOC Csc − p (t ) are If Pb* p 0, Psc* − p < 0 , which means that Battery-
the real-time SOC value of the battery and SC; PCS and SC-PCS get charge instruction and are
SOCCb p 0 and SOC Csc − p 0 are their initial value in a charged state. The way that changes the filter-
respectively; Pb p (t ) and Psc − p (t ) are their real- ing time constant directly can’t make an optimal
time input-output power respectively; Eb p _ N adjustment of the charge/discharge power between
and Esc − p N are their energy storage capacity them. Therefore, the charge power should be both
respectively. reduced in the meantime, and the reference power
adjustment formula are as follows:
4.2 Control criterion
To further alleviate the overcharge and over- ⎧ ⎧⎪ SOC Cb p ⎫⎪
Cb p max SOC
⎪Pb* p( ) Pb* p max ⎨0, ⎬
discharge status of energy storage units, this ⎪⎪ ⎪⎩ SOC
Cb p max SOC
Cb phigh ⎪⎭
paper regulates the filtering time constant of the ⎨
low-pass filter by feedback through the SOC value ⎪ * ⎧⎪ SOC
Csc− p SOCsc− p ⎫⎪
and charge/discharge status of battery and SC to ⎪Psc− p = Ps*c− p max ⎨0, ⎬
⎪⎩ Csc− p max − SO
⎩⎪ SOC S Csc− phigh ⎭⎪
adjust the charge/discharge power of battery and
SC in real-time and improve the power allocation (5)
strategy of hybrid energy storage units. The larger
the filtering time constant Tf of the low-pass filter
is, the smaller the cut-off frequency fc Tf
is, the wider spectrum the SC are assigned, there-
fore, the larger power the SC charges/discharges
and the less charge/discharge power the battery
decreases; On the contrary, the smaller the filter-
ing time constant is, the larger power the battery
charges or discharges and the less charge/dis-
charge power the SC decreases. Thus, changing
the value of the filtering time constant can adjust
the charge/discharge power of battery and SC in
real time. Figure 2. Zoning the energy storage units SOC.
Cb phigh ; * * Tf no change
Pb p 0, Psc − p > 0
SOC sc − p SOC sc − phigh
* *
0, Psc − p < 0 Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
Pb p 0,
Psc − p >0 Tf Tf 0 + ΔTf
* *
0, Psc − p < 0 Formula (5)
Cb phigh ; * Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
Pb p >0
SOC sc − p SOC sc p
< SOC sc phigh
<0 Tf Tf 0 + ΔTf
Cb phigh ; * * Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
Pb p 0, Psc − p > 0
SOC sc − p SOC sc − plow
* * Tf no change
Pb p 0, Psc − p < 0
* * Formula (6)
Pb p 0, Psc − p > 0
* * Tf Tf 0 +ΔTf
Pb p 0, Psc − p < 0
Cb phigh ; * Tf Tf 0 + ΔTf
plow b p
Pb p >0
SOC sc − p SOC sc − phigh
<0 Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
Cb phigh ; * Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
plow b p
Psc − p > 0
SOC sc − p SOC sc − plow
Psc − p < 0 Tf Tf 0 + ΔTf
* * Formula (7)
Pb p 0, Psc − p < 0
* *
Tf no change
Pb p 0, Psc − p > 0
* *
0, Psc − p < 0 Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
p <0 Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
Cb plow ; * * Formula (8)
Pb p 0, Psc − p > 0
SOC sc − p SOC sc − plow
* *
0, Psc − p < 0 Tf Tf 0 + ΔTf
* *
0, Psc − p > 0 Tf Tf 0 − ΔTf
* *
0, Psc − p < 0 Tf no change
ABSTRACT: Addressing the need of temperature control of batch reactors, which makes a great differ-
ence in multi-section reaction temperature, the jacket process with which heating or cooling multi-medium
was designed, and liquid hot-or-cold mediums with similar properties which share the temperature con-
trol valve and to simplify the system structure. The design of the jacket medium auto-identifying, auto-
emptying and auto-switching control system, solved the problems of a complex operation process, low
efficiency and an error-prone factor when a multi-medium switches to manual operation. By using the
memory valve operation to identify the current media of the jacket, it worked out the difficulties of sensor
measuring various medium components. The influencing factors at the time of emptying the jacket was
analysed, the relation of emptying time with the pressure of compressed air was associated, and the emp-
tying end was determined on the basis of the time, to solve the problems of detection of emptying end-
point in multi-medium and complex conditions. The practical application shows that the system has the
advantages of a simple structure, medium high efficiency switching as well as high safety and reliability.
Lin Zhu
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
ABSTRACT: The traditional three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier has a complicated structure and
can easily produce harmonic voltages. Based on the study of PWM rectifier control algorithm in a single
week, the control law of three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier is deduced, and the vector mode of
one-cycle control algorithm is proposed in this paper. According to the grid voltage cycle which is divided
into six power frequency intervals, in each interval a separate one-cycle control model is established. This
strategy can reduce the switch tube cut-off frequency, at the same time it also does not need a multiplier,
and its control law is easy and can work at a constant frequency. On the basis of the analysis, modeling
on the simulation and experimental study, the results show that it has good dynamic response and static
performance, and has a high power factor and low current distortion.
Keywords: one-cycle control; space-vector; PWM rectifier; fixed frequency; without multipliers
⎧ usa
⎪d a k1 + k2
⎪ udc
⎪ usb
⎨d b k1 + k2 (8)
⎪ udc
⎪ usc
⎪ dc k1 + k2
⎩ udc
⎧ 1 daTs
⎪Rs isa = U m τ ∫0
U m dt
⎪ 1 dbTs
τ ∫0
⎨Rs isb = U m U m dt (13)
⎪ 1 dcTs
⎪ Rs isc = U m τ ∫0
U m dt Figure 2. Power supply voltage power frequency divi-
⎩ sion chart.
Figure 3. The control circuit of PWM rectifier. Figure 5. The wave of current and voltage.
Yue Yang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
ABSTRACT: In order to obtain full trajectory parameters, multiple-radar tracking and positioning
technologies are often adopted in the exterior trajectory measurement system. Addressing the problem
that visible positioning deviation is, in the local time segment, caused by the restriction of radar station
distribution, a joint positioning method based on wavelet entropy is presented in this paper. Firstly, radar
signal is expanded in multiple frequency bands by using a wavelet multi-scale transformation. Then the
index weight of each single device is determined according to the wavelet entropy discriminance and vari-
ation coefficient method. Finally, the results of fusion positioning are obtained with the use of wavelet
reconstruction. The effectiveness and reliability of the algorithm is verified by processing of real data. The
results show that this method can improve the accuracy of trajectory calculating results.
Keywords: exterior trajectory measurement; wavelet transform; joint positioning; wavelet entropy;
coefficient of variation
1 n
MAE = ∑ ξt − ξˆt
n t =1
(10) Figure 5. Velocity accuracy curve in X direction.
S.Q. Yang
Kunming Shipborne Equipment Research and Test Center, Kunming, China
ABSTRACT: Locking pin is one of the most important units in surface AUVs launchers; its reliability
and life impact directly on the reliability of the AUVs launch. In optimisation design of locking pin, a
lot of uncertainties affect its reliability. In this Paper, Reliability-Based Design Optimisation (RBDO) is
proposed to handle the locking pin design under two kinds of uncertainties and the First-Order Reliabil-
ity Method (FORM) is used to calculate reliability of its performance functions. Finally, an engineering
example is used to illustrate the proposed model for the locking pin of the lock mechanism in surface
AUVs launcher.
Keywords: locking pin; surface AUVs launcher; reliability-based design optimization; ROFM
methods have been developed to deal with struc- μsl ≤ μs ≤ μsu , s 1, 2, , n (2)
tural component’s design for improving compu-
tational accuracy and efficiency, such First Order
where dlk and duk are lower and upper bounds of
Reliability Method (FORM), Sequential Optimi-
deterministic design variable dk, respectively, and
sation and Reliability Assessment (SORA) [12–13],
μlk and μuk are lower and upper bounds of the
among others.
mean of Xs, respectively.
In this paper, uncertainties in the locking pin
It is difficult or even impossible to obtain the
design are analysed, and then we try to use the
analytical solution to Eq. (1). In this paper, we use
RBDO method to design the locking pin of the
the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) to cal-
lock mechanism in the Surface AUVs launcher. At
culate the reliability. The computation procedure is
the same time, FORM is executed to calculate the
given as follows.
locking pin reliability with multiple failure modes.
The central idea of FORM is to linearise the
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
constraint function g(d,X,P) at its limit state (inte-
Section 2 provides a brief introduction to RBDO.
gration boundary) g(d,X,P) = 0 at a point that has
The mechanical model of the locking pin for sur-
the highest probability density. Then the probabil-
face AUVs launcher is presented in Section 3. Sec-
ity can be easily calculated. In this paper, we assume
tion 4 presents an engineering example to illustrate
all the random variables in (X,P) are independent.
the proposed optimisation model. Finally, some
With this assumption, the three steps involved in
conclusions are given in Section 5.
FORM are as follows.
Step 1: Transform the original random variables
from X-space to U-space (standard normal vari-
ables) by Rosenblatt transformation.
RBDO is a typical probabilistic engineering design
Step 2: Search the MPP (Most Probable Point)
method and has been increasingly used in engi-
in U-space and calculate the reliability index
neering applications. In other words, RBDO can
β. The MPP search algorithm uses a recursive
be considered as a specific optimisation design
formula and is based on the linearization of the
where the minimum cost-type objective is sought
performance function. To reduce the accuracy
while the reliability requirement is maintained.
loss, choose the expansion point which has the
In structural optimisation, reliability is defined
highest contribution to probability integration.
as the probability that the performance function
At the MPP, the performance function has max-
(also called limit state function) is greater than or
imum probability density on g(U) = 0, which is
equal to 0, i.e. g(d,X,P) ≥ 0. RBDO ensures that the
the shortest distance point in u-space form the
reliability of a product satisfies the required reli-
origin to the limit-state surface, and the shortest
ability. Calculation of reliability is given by
distance is β.
Step 3: Calculate reliability R = Φ(β).
Pr{gi ( ) } ∫ fX,P ( p)dxdp (1)
gi ( )≥0
where fX,P(X,P) is the joint probability density
function of (X,P); d is the vector of deterministic The lock mechanism in surface AUVs launcher
design variables, for example, the number of teeth mainly consists of a lift tumbler (including a half
of a gear; X is the vector of the random design cone hole), a right tumbler (including a half cone
variables; whose mean values μX are to be deter- hole), bearing shaftand locking pin. The structure
mined. For example, the width and diameter of of the locking pin in the lock mechanism is given
a gear could be random design variables. P is the in Figure 1, including a half-moon pin cap and a
vector of random parameters. Random param- cone pin rod. In Figure 1, γ is the half taper angle
eters P are out of designer’s control and sometime of the cone pin rod, d is the minor diameter of the
called noise factors. For example, the random cone pin rod, h is the height of the cone pin rod.
ABSTRACT: The development direction of bandgap voltage in low temperature drift, heavy load and
can be adjusted. This paper presents a novel single-stage reference source; this source has adjustable
output voltage, and reduces the effect of the offset voltageand overcome the non-adjustable of former
references. This reference source can carry heavy load, has the same compensation coefficient with regular
structure and has good Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR).
1 INTRODUCTION are the input of the amplifier, and drive the upper
of R1 and R2, which can make point X and point
Low temperature coefficient and heavy load with Y stable in approximate equal voltage. The refer-
adjustable output reference is important whether ence voltage can be obtained at the output of the
in ADC, DAC, DC-DC and any other integrated amplifier. According to the analysis of Figure 2,
circuits. VBE1 − VBE2 = VTlnn can be obtained, so the current
The bandgap reference source has performs well flow through the right branch is VTlnn/R3; the out-
in all kinds of reference voltage source circuits at put voltage is
present and it can be low temperature coefficient.
In order to get a low temperature drift and heavy VT ln n
V VBE 2 + (R3 R2 )
load bandgap reference voltage with adjustable R3
output, it is necessary to improve the structure of ⎛ R ⎞
the typical bandgap voltage reference source or put = VBE 2 VT ln n ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ (1)
forward a new bandgap structure. ⎝ R3 ⎠
This paper proceeds according to the stability
of temperature drift and the adjustable of output;
it proposes a new structure based on the typical
bandgap voltage source.
ABSTRACT: In order to study the coupling distribution of interior space for chassis and electromag-
netic pulse energy coupling with key devices, the method of simulation is used to research the electromag-
netic coupling and the results is analysed. The threshold of energy coupling and damage effect of key
devices obtained in the situation of electromagnetic pulse, which provide a theoretical basis for the design
of the internal structure of the chassis layout and key devices.
Figure 12. The energy coupled into the chassis by hole Figure 15. The energy coupled into the chassis by holes.
of number 10 and 11.
ABSTRACT: In order to study the shielding effectiveness of the chassis with holes under different
polarization directions of electromagnetic pulse, the discipline of shielding effectiveness with opening
size of the chassis under condition of polarization directions were obtained; the research can provide a
theoretical basis for the design of the chassis structural.
Figure 3. The relationship between shielding effective- Figure 5. Angle of incident schematic diagram.
ness and radius under frequency of 1.22 G.
Figure 14. The curve of shielding effectiveness in center
of the chassis under condition of φ = 30.
By studying the shielding effectiveness of chassis
openings at different polarization directions, the
shielding effectiveness in the center of the chassis
under different conditions of angle of incidence is
obtained. In the situation of same frequency, the
shielding effectiveness is not linearly related to the
pore size; shielding effectiveness is poor due to cou-
pling apertures when the side length is small. When
θ is changing, the chassis has the worst shielding
effectiveness in the situation of θ = 90; the value
of shielding effectiveness with the increase of the
maximum peak angle becomes larger. When θ
is changing, the chassis has the worst shielding
effectiveness in the situation of φ = 0; the value
of shielding effectiveness with the decrease of the
Figure 15. The curve of shielding effectiveness in center
of the chassis under condition of φ = 60.
maximum peak angle becomes larger.
ABSTRACT: In order to study the different characteristic parameters of the impact of the electro-
magnetic pulse on energy coupling space inside the chassis, the method of simulation is used to research
the discipline of electromagnetic coupling in the condition of different pulse characteristics. The cou-
pling energy variation with time is obtained under different characteristic parameters of electromag-
netic pulse.
Figure 14. Spectrogram in the center of the chassis with By analysing the variation of different character-
pulse width is 1 ns. istic parameters such as pulse width of the elec-
tromagnetic pulse, the influence of energy coupled
into chassis is deduced. The narrower the pulse
The pulse width becomes twice as much as width, the stronger the energy coupled into the
the original; the high-frequency component center of chassis and the richer the high-frequency
becomes about ½ of the original. component in the spectrum. The wider the pulse
2. The wider the pulse width, the lower the fre- width, the lower frequency of the coupling energy
quency of the pulse coupled into the chassis to reaches the maximum value.
T. Li
School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China
X.Y. Hou
School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China
H.Y. Lin
School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Q.Y. Liu
Hulun Buir College, Hulun Buir, Hailar, China
L. Zhao
Shan Dong Water Polytechnic, Rizhao, Shandong, China
H.J. Liu
School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China
ABSTRACT: An effective maximum power point tracking control method can improve the wind energy
conversion efficiency; however, as the control tasks become more complex, the traditional MPPT control
technology can not satisfy the complex control task of wind turbines. Addressing the shortcomings of the
traditional PID control method, a new kind of PID neural network controller for the maximum power
point tracking control of variable speed wind turbine is designed. Firstly, the model of the wind turbine
is set up, and the structure of the PID neural network controller is given. Secondly, the wind generator
torque of the wind turbine is regulated by the PID neural network controller by training the weights of the
neural network. Finally, the simulation platform for the control system is built up, and results show that
the method can track the maximum wind energy and improve the work efficiency of the wind turbine.
Pwt ρπ R 2v3C p ( ) (1)
Γ wt = ρπ R3v 2CΓ ( ) (2)
C p (λ β ) λCΓ ( λ , β ) (3)
R ⋅ Ωl Figure 2. Structure of PID neural network.
λ= (4)
where, Pwt is power of wind wheel, Γwt is torque of Hidden layer: hidden layer includes three neu-
wind wheel, CΓ is torque coefficient, λ is tip speed rons, proportional element, integral element, differ-
ratio, β is blade pitch angle, R is radius of wind ential element. The sum of input weight which in
wheel, ρ is density of air, v is wind speed. hidden layer neurons is neti 2 ∑ y j1 ⋅ wiij 2 , i = 1, 2, 3,
j =1
As is shown in Figure 1, when the wind speed wij2 is the input weights of the i-th neurons which in
is below the rated value, the control goal of wind the hidden layer. The output function neuron is:
energy conversion system is to get the optimal value The state of proportional element is:
of tip velocity ratio λ and the maximum value of
power coefficient Cp. u 21( k ) = net 21 (5)
The structure of PID neural network
controller[14–16] is shown in Figure 2. PID neural
The state of integral element is:
network controller includes input layer, hidden
layer and output layer. The input layer consists of
u 2 2 ( k ) = u 2 2 ( k 1) + net 2 2 (6)
two neurons. The hidden layer consists of three
neurons. The output layer consists of one neuron,
where, The state of differential element is:
Input layer: two inputs of neural network x11,
x21, where, x11 is the speed reference value Ωhref of u 23 ( k ) = net 23 ( k ) − net 23 ( k 1) (7)
wind turbines. x21 is the actual rotational speed Ωh
of wind turbines. The output of the input layer is: Output layer: the output layer includes one
y j1 = f 1 nnet1 j ) , j = 1, 2. The state function of neu- neuron. The sum of neurons input weight is
rons is u1 j ( k ) = net1 j . netl 3 yi 2 ⋅ wli 3 , wli 3 is the input weights of the
i =1
y and l = 1. The
l-th neurons which in the output layer,
output of the output layer is yl 3 f 3 ( net 3l ), the yl 3
is the torque reference value of wind generator
g ΓGref.
The state function of neurons is u3l k ) = net 3l. The
output functions of input layer and hidden layer are
f1, f2, which are Tansig function. The output func-
tion of output layer is f3, which is purelin function.
The choice of initial weights: the initial
g from input layery to hidden layer are:
11 + 1, w12 2 1, w212 + 0.1, w22 2 = − 0.1, w312 =
−1, w32 2 −1. The initial weights from hidden layer
to output layer are: the output ratio of PID con-
troller kP, integration kI, differentiation kD. Figure 4. Dspace platform of PID NN control system
The error back propagation algorithm of sys- for variable-speed wind turbines.
tem: the weight value of PID neural network can
be adjusted by error back propagation algorithm,
the network training target:
/ ∑ [ytp
Et (p ) = 1/m yop ]2 (8)
T. Li
School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China
X.Y. Hou
School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China
H.Y. Lin
School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
L. Zhao
Shan Dong Water Polytechnic, Rizhao, Shandong, China
H.J. Liu
School of Electronics and Information, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China
Q.Y. Liu
Hulun Buir College, Hulun Buir, Hailar, China
ABSTRACT: Looking at the actual wind turbines in the wind farm, wind turbines are typically time-
varying, strong-coupling and too complex to build a precise mathematical model; a method is proposed
to improve the capture efficiency of wind energy. On the basis of related data for the wind energy conver-
sion system, including power, wind power generator, wind speed, wind generator torque, rotor speed, data
driven control does not need to establish a model of the controlled object, by the advantage of which
the data drive controller for maximum wind energy capture of the wind turbine is designed, tip speed
ratio is regulated by controlling the torque of the generator, and the wind energy utilization coefficient is
u( k ) = f ⎡{Mi }1 , Q, R, u( k )),, y k 1) ⎤
⎣ ⎦ 5. According the equation (12) to get the xˆ Wc ( k ) ,
taking the column vector from second row to
where, Mi, = CA(t−1) B, i = 1, 2, …, N, A, B, C is the (N − k + 1)l row as the state vector xWc(k) of
the unknown parameters vector, the performance controller.
index function can be expressed as:
Figure 1. Structure of DFIG-based wind turbines. Figure 2. Structure of neural network compensator.
⎡ 0l ⎤
= ⎢⎢ Il (N − k ) ⎥ (P u ( k − p)
⎥ 1 p
⎢⎣ 0 l ⎥⎦
+ P2 y p ( k − p )) (12)
U( ) W ( k ))xWcc ( k ) (13)
Figure 5. Wind speed.
7. The system output y(k) can be derived from the
control quantity u(k − 1), and the next control
input u(k + 1) can be calculated by using the
control input of the next time u(k) and the sys-
tem output y(k).
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Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Strategy
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [12] Hou, Z.S. & Huang, W.H. 1997. The Model-Free
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This work has been supported by A Project Nonlinear Systems. Proc. 1997 American Control
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(PAPD), A Project Funded by the Dr Foundation tion Using a Data-Driven Fuzzy Inference System.
of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Proc. European Conference on Speech Communica-
under Grant NO. 635031303 and A Project Funded tion and Technology, Geneva 31 August 2003.
by Jiangsu University of Science and Technology [14] Spall, J.C. & Cristion, J.A. 1998. Model-Free
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under Grant NO. 633031304, A Project Funded by crete-Time Measurements. IEEE Transactions on
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NO. 51307074, A Project Funded by the Postdoc- [15] Hou, Z.S. & Yan, J.W. 2009. Model Free Adap-
toral Key Research Fund of Southeast University tive Control based Freeway Ramp Metering with
under Grant NO. 1116000185, A Project Funded Feed Forward Iterative Learning Controller. Acta
by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Jiangsu Automatica Sinica 35(5): 588–595.
Province under Grant NO. 1301005B.
ABSTRACT: The paper presents an original algorithm to determine the intervals of characteristic
polynomial coefficients, which ensure its robust stability. This algorithm is built in conditions that pro-
vide linking indexes of stability and oscillation with interval coefficients of the characteristic polynomial.
The paper reviews application of the algorithm for determination of the interval settings in a robust
PID-controller. Performance of the algorithm was tested by construction of localization regions of the
roots of the interval polynomial upon the determined intervals of the controller parameters.
P ( s ) = [ pn ]s n + [ pn − 1 ]s n −1 + ...[ p0 ], (1)
[ ][ i +2 ]
where δd is an admissible oscillation index deter-
[ λi ] = i
, i 1, n 2. mined from Figure 2.
[ i ][ i +1 ]
Robust stability and robust oscillability of the
interval characteristic polynomial can be estimated
Definition 1. The interval automatic control upon the conditions (2) and (3).
system is stable if the following conditions are
λi λ * , i 1,nn 2, λ * ≈ 0, 465 (2)
where [p6] = [a5], [p5] = [a4], [p4] = [a3], [p3] = [a2], [p2] =
[a1] + b[k2], [p1] = [a0] + b[k1], [p0] = b[k0].
To solve this task, we elaborate the system in the
form (4):
⎧ p0 k0 ) p3
⎪λ1 = ≤ 0, 465;
⎪ p1 k1 ) p2 k2 )
⎪ p1 k1 ) p4
⎪λ2 = p k ) p ≤ 0, 465;
⎪ 2 2 3
⎪λ = p2 k2 ) p5 ≤ 0, 465;
⎪ 3 p3 p4
⎪λ = p3 p6 ≤ 0, 465;
⎪ 4 p4 p5
⎪ p12 ( k1 )
⎨ 1 = ≥ 1.45;
⎪ p0 ( k0 ) 2 (k( k2 )
Figure 3. Block diagram of the algorithm for determin- ⎪ p22 ( 2 )
ing the interval coefficients. ⎪δ 2 = ≥ 1.45;
⎪ p1( 1 ) p3
⎪ p32
⎪ 3 p ( ) p ≥ 1.45;
4. Solution for (7) and determination of the mini- ⎪ 2 2 4
mum limit for pi. limit pi. ⎪ 2
⎪δ = p4 ≥ 1.45;
⎪ 4
p3 p5
p4 p6
Assume that the automatic control system has a According to the developed algorithm, we
certain controlled object check that conditions (2), (3) for λ4, δ4, δ5 are
Wco = = 0, ⎧ p3 p6
[ a5 ]s5 + [ a4 ]s4 + [ a3 ]s3 + [ a2 ]s2 + [ a1 ]s1 + [ a0 ] ⎪λ4 = = 0.101 ≤ 0, 465;
⎪ p4 p5
were[a5] = [0.5; 1], [a4] = [11.5; 12], [a3] = [46.5; 47], ⎪
[a2] = [107.5; 108], [a1] = [121; 122], [a0] = [25; 90], b = ⎪ p42
3.2 and PID-controller Wc ( ) ( k2 s 2 k1s1 k0 )/ss . ⎨δ 4 = ≥ 1.66;
⎪ p3 p5
We need to determine the setting intervals of ⎪
PID-controller: k0, k1, k2, which provide that the ⎪ p52
automatic control system is robustly stable and ⎪δ 5 = p4 p6
≥ 5.62;
conditions for oscillability and accuracy at given ⎩
δd = 1.45, Dw = 1, where Dw—is quality of the sys-
tem are satisfied. Since these conditions are satisfied, we proceed
We write the interval characteristic polynomial to determining the limits of unknown coefficients
of this system, as follows p2(k2), p1(k1), p0(k0), aided by the conditions (5)–(7).
⎧ 0.465 p3 p4
⎪ p2 k2 ) = = 193.7;
⎪ p5
⎪ p32
⎪ p2 k2 ) = = 169.57
⎩ δ d p4
0.465δ d p3 p3
p2 k2 ) = = 166.5
Figure 4. Regions of root localization.
Similarly to finding the upper limit of the coeffi-
cient p2(k2), we calculate the maximum limit p1(k1) Thus, the system under discussion will remain
robustly stable at any PID parameter values within
⎧ 0.465 p2 k2 ) p3 the found ranges.
⎪ p1 k1 ) = = 177.41; This result is checked by constructing the locali-
⎪ p4
⎨ 2 zation regions of the roots and the interval poly-
⎪ p k ) = p2 k2 ) = 177.41 nomial (Fig. 4).
⎪ 1 1
δ d p3
k0 = [7.813; 39.51];
k1 = [ ];
k2 = [13 92 15 17 ].
ABSTRACT: A MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) digital seismometer with a new structure
is designed and developed; this includes the seismic sensor, weak signal detecting and feedback circuit,
digitalized unit, controlling circuit, data communication unit and power supply circuit. As the force feed-
back circuit of MEMS sensor is introduced, the dynamic range and the small signal recognition ability
is significantly improved, which makes such seismometers a substitution for traditional products; it is
especially suitable for single seismometer receiving techniques. With no orientation and limited axial dis-
turbance, MEMS digital seismometers are easy to constitute as a mutually orthogonal three-component
digital seismometer.
P.P. Li
CNOOC Research Institute, Dongcheng, Beijing, China
ABSTRACT: This article describes a method to implement the vibration monitoring system by the
Ethernet and RS-232 serial port communication working together. Through real-time analysis of the first
arrive and energy information from the sensor vibration data, the monitoring system can give us the source
location and energy intensity. The system comprises a central station and a number of monitoring stations
which are spread out in the monitored area and constituted LAN, using Ethernet. In the system, RS-232
will be responsible for the real-time transmitting of the second pulse signal from the GPS module, to each
of the distributed real-time vibration monitoring stations. Then by Ethernet the monitoring stations pro-
vide and send sampling data of the vibration signal and GPS pulse signal to the central station. Then the
central station will synchronise the vibration data from all the monitoring stations, based on pulse signals,
and finally locate the vibration source and calculate the vibration energy. The system uses a simple appa-
ratus to meet the application requirements. The system is reliable and has good applicability.
ABSTRACT: As an increasing amount of Electric Vehicles (EVs) are connecting to a power distribu-
tion system via charging devices, the load of power system will become heavier and more unpredictable.
This may lead to serious risk for the security and stability of the system’s operation. In this paper, the
quantitative influence that EV charging loads may bring to the transient voltage stability of distribution
system is studied. It also analyses the security and stability status of power system integrated with large-
scaled EV loads. In order to indicate the margin of transient voltage stability of distribution network, an
index is proposed. This index is represented by a relative value of slip, considering the torque-slip property
of induction motor load. Furthermore, simulation analysis and calculations are carried out to study the
transient voltage instability condition, focused on the dispersed charging scenario of large-scaled EVs.
The result shows that the index proposed is capable of reflecting the profound effect of large-scaled EV
loads on the transient voltage security of distribution network.
Keywords: electric vehicle; dispersed charging; transient voltage stability margin; voltage slip
and maintenance
DC charging spot, charging stations and battery
swap station respectively. Comparison for the three
kinds of infrastructures are shown in Table 1.
The focus of this research is on the analysis of
transient voltage instability of distribution net-
work under dispersed charging scenario. In this
scenario, a penetration rate ρ is used to produce
determined by the
Relatively high;
one station
distribution network.
and institution
private cars
private cars
rent charging method is selected. Later on, when
Target user
Battery swap
Table 1.
Sdec 2 H ( sc − s ) − Sdec
tcm tc − = (1)
Tm Tm Tm
scm − smax
η= (2)
number I II III
number Smax Scm η
ABSTRACT: In order to solve the problem of randomness and fuzziness in the sample of power trans-
former fault diagnosis and failure rate analysis, a new fault diagnosis and failure rate analysis method
for power transformer, based on a cloud relation space model, is proposed. By using a cloud generator
to analyse total dissolved gas content and percentage of dissolved gas in transformer oil, building cloud
combination, and getting a new cloud fault diagnosis model by establishing the relation space between the
fault type and cloud combination. Failure rate can be deduced by analysis of the relation space. The result
of the research proves the effectiveness and reliability of this method.
Keywords: power transformer; fault diagnosis; failure rate; cloud model; relation space
C2H2%, C2H6% and total gas by the same algorithm. μiCCX 2 = e 2 EnCx 2
The final cloud model is show in Table 1.
where gi1 is H2%, ExCx2 is expectation of cloud of
Cx2, EnCx2 is entropy of Cx2.
2.3 Relation space Partial relation space of cloud combination
Use 500 samples (x1, y1), (x2, y2)……(x500, y500) as to fault diagnosis is shown in Table 2. Such as
training samples, and yi = Y = {1,……,6} is diag- the cloud combination k(1,2,2,2,5,3) means
nostic results, Y1—Healthy, Y2—Low energy total gas cloud C1, H2% cloud C2, CH4% cloud
discharge, Y3—High energy discharge, Y4—Low C2, C2H6% cloud C2, C2H4% cloud C5, C2H2%
temperature overheat, Y5—Middle temperature cloud C3.
overheat, Y6—High temperature overheat.
The training samples can be used to construct
a relation space between cloud combination and 3 FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND FAILURE
diagnostic result. RATE ANALYSIS MODEL
μkj ∑ i ( μik ) (4) Get the fault diagnosis and failure rate analysis
model by building the relation space. The correla-
yi j
tion of test sample and diagnostic results can be
where μkj is correlation of the cloud combination k deduced by the relation space from the cloud com-
(CX1, CX2, CX3, CX4, CX5, CX6) and fault type j. bination to fault diagnosis.
Ex En Ex En Ex En Ex En Ex En Ex En
0.01316 0.06580 0.05170 0.06400 0.02190 0.043015 0.01360 0.0169 0 0.02105 0 0.004564
0.15000 0.03197 0.28100 0.08180 0.15000 0.054600 0.06365 0.01604 0.08000 0.04881 0.01200 0.002960
0.30535 0.08271 0.53487 0.06814 0.25979 0.035105 0.12648 0.01732 0.26365 0.07854 0.02188 0.003044
0.5000 0.02866 0.93803 0.06525 0.3500 0.03199 0.19480 0.02646 0.52212 0.06510 0.03382 0.005068
0.77091 0.14079 \ \ 0.47229 0.09358 \ \ 0.71798 0.04859 0.04956 0.005754
\ \ \ \ 0.08656 0.007279
Cloud Low energy High energy Low temperature Middle temperature High temperature
combination Healthy discharge discharge overheat overheat overheat
80.6 8.9 5.3 4.7 0.3 89.9528 0.32150 8.30375 0.00332 0.00958 1.40899 1
23.7 1.9 0 1.5 0 99.3332 0.00232 0.06833 0.00018 0.00178 0.59414 1
14.67 3.68 10.54 2.71 0.2 94.4253 0.74125 3.55581 0.83350 0.01025 0.43387 1
85 26 17 17 48 0.03157 73.0326 26.6473 0 0.28838 0.00005 2
44.09 13.64 2.64 20.89 20.21 2.06768 68.9153 17.5222 4.95468 1.47632 5.06377 2
57 13 0.1 11 12 0.09754 2.88564 78.5044 0.00577 0.01009 18.4964 3
293 50 13 115 120 1.20438 1.01794 93.0368 0.17571 0.00664 4.55849 3
20.9 10.5 11.5 18.1 1.4 2.73044 0.02466 5.70288 55.0442 32.2722 4.22556 4
150 130 35 95 0 0.45383 0.05263 0.42264 65.9439 19.9351 13.1918 4
49.2 33.2 15 49.9 1.4 0.74336 2.05240 0.04778 25.1438 66.4104 5.60215 5
247.7 148.7 78.7 192.7 0.9 0.32329 0.46642 0.28596 2.46449 65.9537 30.5061 5
147.2 20.7 10.9 76 6 0.00073 0.00036 0.05918 0.64174 1.53037 97.7675 6
45.3 32.4 14.8 97.1 6 0.00099 0.00087 0.08338 0.58703 1.18005 98.1476 6
Jun Xiong
Jiangsu Institute of Commerce, Nanjing, China
Wen-Wu Zhang
Nanjing University of Finance, Nanjing, China
Keywords: innovation agglomeration; local knowledge spillovers; Chinese regional disparities; regional
collaborative innovation
Agglo dgdp
Notes: Values in brackets are standard deviations. ***, **, * separately represent that levels of statistical significance are 1%,
5% and 10%. Under the regression coefficients, data in parentheses is the standard deviation of the regression coefficients.
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