Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Catchment Using Geospatial Technology

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of

Catchment Using Geospatial Technology
V.S.Chaudhari1 , Dr. S.D.Vikhe2 , Dr.H.W.Awari3 , Dr.V.K.Ingle4
M.Tech Student, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Assistant Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Parbhani-431 402 (M.S.)

Abstract:- The most vital resource for life is freshwater. II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
The importance of water for drinking, sanitation,
agriculture, industry or other purposes. Water is not Krishnamurthy et al. (1996) Utilizing remotely detected
uniformly distributed all around the watershed. In information as well as drainage density and incline classes
contrast to the diminishing resource, global demand for from Overview of India geological sheets, different topical
water is rising. Consumable water is the driving require maps such as lithology, landforms, lineaments, and surface
of human civilization nowadays. Groundwater is water bodies at a 1: 50000 scale were arranged to outline the
recharged by constructing various soil and water groundwater potential zones of the Marudaiyar bowl.
conservation structures in watershed is possible if one can Additionally, the Soil Survey and Landuse Organization's 1:
identify ground water potential zones by using state of art 250 000 scale soil map was used to construct a soil map at 1:
technology. 50000 scale spanning the research area by grouping the
different soil types according to their hydrological properties.
Groundwater pulled back for rural, metropolitan Using a model created in the geographic information system
and mechanical utilize by developing and working with logical conditions, all the theme layers were combined
extraction wells. The review related to Identification of and analyses (GIS).
Groundwater Potential Zones of Watershed Using
Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics is discussed in this S. Shahid et al. (2000) Considered by Topographical
paper. Data Framework integration device to outline the
groundwater potential zone in a delicate shake range utilizing
Keyword:- Watershed, Remote Sensing, Geo-informatics, seven hydrogeological topics: lithology, geomorphology,
Potential zones, Irrigation planning soil, net revive, seepage thickness, incline as well as surface
water bodies . The other themes, with the exception of net
I. INTRODUCTION recharge and slope, are taken from remote sensing data. In the
Indian state of West Bengal's Midnapur District, 631 km2 of
The most vital resource for life is freshwater. The IRS-1B LISS-II data were used. Topographic sheets were
importance of water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, used to compute slope, and data on annual water table
industry or other purposes. Water is not uniformly distributed fluctuation was used to calculate net recharge. Each element
all around the watershed. In contrast to the diminishing of all thematic maps was rated based on how significant it was
resource, global demand for water is rising. Consumable in predicting groundwater potential.
water is the driving require of human civilization nowadays.
Groundwater is recharged by constructing various soil and R. K. Jaiswal et al. (2003) Proposed by the Son
water conservation structures in watershed is possible if one watershed's Gorna sub basin in Madhya Pradesh, India. The
can identify ground water potential zones by using state of art results of this study could be effectively used to determine the
technology. best places to obtain drinkable water for rural communities.
The regular planning of groundwater exploitation employing
Surface water being easy, direct and therefore less contemporary technology is crucial for the proper use of this
expensive to exploit, in comparison to groundwater or priceless resource in order to fulfill these responsibilities. On
desalinated seawater. In recent years more emphasis is placed the basis of this, we used conventional techniques to extract
on the utilization of groundwater. Since there is no cap on data on lithology, geological structures, landforms, land
how much ground water can be extracted, it is necessary to use/land cover, drainage networks, soil characteristics, and
use remote sensing and geo information to identify viable terrain slope before integrating it in a Geographical
ground water potential zones. Information System environment to represent village-wise
groundwater prospect zones. In order to map groundwater
prospects, a GIS-based model that accounts for local
conditions as variances has been created.

IJISRT22AUG494 1956

Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Khodaei K. and Nassery H. R., (2011) The research whole unit in the hydrological environment is the micro
studied area is one of the semi-arid locations in northwest Iran watershed. The quartz, schist, and slate geological formations
between N 37°00′ and 37°15′ latitude and E 45°05′ and 45°30′ exhibit a fine texture and drainage pattern that point to a high
longitude. It is developed up of Permian dolomitic limestone, likelihood of groundwater presence. The slope is typically
limestone, and post-Jurassic stone with exceptionally greater than 300, which means there will be more runoff and
destitute essential porosity or permeability features. The less infiltration. The three main factors influencing the
majority of arid and semi-arid areas, there is a severe shortage presence of groundwater in the Dwarakeswar watershed are
of water needed for drinking and agricultural purposes. The lines, hydro geomorphology, and slope. The lineaments are
think about concentrated on distinguishing auxiliary seen from satellite pictures cut between litho units and slope
porosity/permeability markers such as lineaments, vegetation categories, suggesting the potential for serving as significant
cover, lithology, waste design, waste thickness, etc. in conduits for subsurface transportation and linear aquifers for
arrange to portray groundwater potential zones in this locale. water storage. Groundwater prospects are strong in the
An approach based on inaccessible detecting and geographic watershed's central and southern regions. The softer slope
data frameworks was chosen in this respect. To attain the offers more potential for groundwater, according to field
objectives, Landsat ETM, IRS (container), SPOT observations and the groundwater potential map. Drainage
information, computerized rise show, and sifting, untrue color surface, Lineament density/ lithology acts as complementary
composite, foremost component investigation, band conditions for gentler inclines.
proportioning, and classification strategies for advanced
picture preparing have been utilized. Preeja K.R. et al. (2011) studied the value of
groundwater research using remote sensing and geographic
Kumar B. and Kumar U., (2011) Considered the information system applications, particularly in identifying
potential destinations for the development of water gathering groundwater potential zones in Kerala, India's Ithikkara River
structures within the Lower Sanjai Watershed of the Kolhan Basin. The data on geography, geomorphology, lineaments,
Division of Jharkhand that has been recognized utilizing slant, and arrival use/land cover was assembled from Landsat
inaccessible detecting and Topographical Data Framework ETM + information and Study of India toposheets of scale
strategies. The consider region comprises the difficult rough 1:50,000 in expansion, the GIS stage was utilized for the
cellar of Precambrian/Archaeans, Groundwater revive, and integration of distinctive subjects. The composite outline
collection courses can be distinguished at the crossing point produced was encouraged and classified concurring to the
zones of lineaments. It has become easier to set up the spatial variation of the groundwater potential they are four
standard information on groundwater planned zones through categories of groundwater potential Hydro-geomorphological
the utilize of farther detecting information, GIS, geological units such as alluvial fields and valley fills are appropriate
maps, collateral data, and restricted field checks. A few zones for groundwater investigation and improvement,
variables, counting topography, geomorphology, lineaments, whereas valley fills associated with lineaments are the
land-use/landcover, penetrability, soil profundity, seepage profoundly promising locale for groundwater extraction. The
escalated, soil surface, water holding capacity, and regional fluctuation of the potential suggests that the geology,
physiography, impact the depiction of potential destinations structures, slope, and landforms are what regulate the
for fake artificial recharge. Using on-screen visual occurrence of groundwater. Zones specifically destitute,
interpretation techniques, a variety of thematic maps, such as direct, great as well as exceptionally great were distinguished
for landuse/landcover, geomorphology, and lineaments, etc., and depicted.
were created. Using GIS tools, these layers were combined
with the geology and drainage to determine the best zones for Sitender and Rajeshwari (2011) studied depicting
the development of ground water harvesting/recharge sites. groundwater potential zones in a southern area of Haryana,
Each topic was allotted a weightage depending on its impact named Mewat. For the generation of topical layers such as
on groundwater energize. Each course or unit within the topography, geomorphology, percent incline, waste
outline was doled out a knowledge-based positioning thickness, lineament thickness, and arrival use/land cover of
depending on its transmittance of groundwater and centrality the inquiry about the region, Study of India toposheets,
in capacity, and these values were duplicated with layer obsequious imageries, and a few other collateral information
weightage. The another step bargains with the classification are utilized. Integrating all the thematic levels is done using a
of all these parameters into ‘suitable’ classes and task of multi-criteria evaluation technique. The knowledge base
‘suitable’ positions to these classes, and at long last, ranks each theme and its accompanying categories from 1 to
integration of all the positioned and weighed parameters in a 6 according to how well they can hold groundwater and how
Geological Data Framework environment. The area is divided much weight they should receive. All thematic maps are
into different sites for the rainwater harvesting and the final combined using the rater calculation feature in Arc GIS
map shows various categories of suitability sites for software to create a composite groundwater potential map of
construction of various ground water harvesting/recharge the research region. Paleochannels and alluvial plains,
structures. followed by the Aeolian plain, are the geomorphological
Nag S.K. and Anindita Lahiri (2011) Studied For the characteristics with the most potential for groundwater
purpose of identifying groundwater potential zones in the occurrence, according to the study. Due to the steep slope and
Dwarakeswar watershed, Bankura district, West Bengal, with lack of primary porosity, residual hills, structural hills, and
an integrated approach employing Remote Sensing and GIS linear ridges are located in very poor to low potential zones.
techniques used to. The smallest area that functions as a

IJISRT22AUG494 1957

Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
M.P. Sharma and Anukaran Kujur (2012) considered deviation of 38.48 m2/d. Discoveries from the ponder show
the crossing point zones of lineaments that give the potential tall groundwater maintainability with yields extending from
for groundwater aggregation and groundwater energize. The 0.36 m3/h to 103.15 m3/h with a cruel of 13.36 m3/h.
zone comprises a difficult shake of Archaean /Precambrian
and a few portions of sedimentary stores. The only places S. Kaliraj et al. (2014) Proposed on the morphology of
where groundwater can be found in such rocks are the the earth's surface highlights like topography,
fractured and worn regions. With the assistance of different geomorphology, soil sorts, arrival utilize and arrival cover,
topical maps, counting those of geography, geomorphology, seepage, lineament, and aquifers impact the groundwater
seepage design, seepage thickness, lineaments, arrival utilize, energize in either coordinate or roundabout ways. These
and landcover, etc. have been made utilizing visual topical layers are extricated from Landsat ETM+ pictures,
translation strategies utilizing further detecting information geographical maps, and other collateral information sources.
with the help of GIS techniques and topographic data together The utilization of geospatial examination and expository
with auxiliary data, the current paper points to set up principal progressive approach to recognize conceivable regions for
data for location determination of water harvesting/artificial fake groundwater energize along the Vaigai upper bowl
energize structures to the aquifer frameworks. It is an attempt within the Theni area of Tamil Nadu, India.
to make suggestions for preserving the right balance between
the quantity of groundwater and its exploitation. S.Selvam et al. (2014) carried out thinking about
translating the groundwater potential zones within the coastal
N. S. Magesh et al. (2012) presented the various territory of Tuticorin utilizing Indian farther detecting lackey
groundwater potential zones for the evaluation of the Theni LlSS-III, IRS-1C information on a 1:50,000 scale, and Study
district's groundwater availability using remote sensing and of India toposheets. The topical layers such as lithology, slant,
GIS methods. Lithology, slant, arrive utilize, lineament, lineament, waste, soil, precipitation, and arrive utilize were
waste, soil, and precipitation were changed over to raster created and coordinated to get ready the groundwater
information utilizing ArcGIS's feature-to-raster converter prospect and energize the outline of the ponder range. These
apparatus from Study of India toposheets and IRS-1C toady layers were changed to raster information utilizing the
imageries. The multi-influence factor technique is used to highlight to-raster converter instrument in the Circular
compute a fixed score and weight for the raster maps of these segment GIS 9.2 computer program.
components. Additionally, each weighted thematic layer's
groundwater potential zones are statistically calculated. The Ghosh et al. (2016) examined the Distinguishing proof
resulting groundwater potential zones were separated into of groundwater potential zones within the Mandavi
four groups: impoverished, poor, good, and very good zones. Waterway bowl, Andhra Pradesh, India. In terms of geology,
The outcome shows the research area's prospective the region is composed of the Chotanagpur granite gneiss
groundwater zones, which is useful for improved planning complex, and in terms of physiography, it is a severely
and management of groundwater resources. dissected pedimental terrain with lateritic upland and skeletal
soil. Due to the area's predominately mono-cropped
M. Bagyaraj et al. (2013) Studied geographic cultivation, it produces less per hectare of land than other
information systems and remote sensing technology, the parts of West Bengal. If there were an adequate supply of
probable groundwater zones. The rocks in the research region water resources in this area, rain-fed subsistence gardening
are predominantly charnockite and are of Archaean age. The might provide a more secure source of food. Zones within the
parameters considered for recognizing the groundwater Kumari watershed within the Purulia area, the current ponder
potential zone of geography incline, waste thickness, coupled inaccessible detecting information with Study of
geomorphic units, or lineament thickness were created India geological sheets and field confirmation.
utilizing the asset sat information and study of India
toposheets of scale 1:50000 and coordinates them with a Siddi R. Raju et al. (2019) studied the Identification of
converse separate weighted show based on geographic data groundwater potential zones in the Mandavi River basin,
framework information to distinguish the groundwater Andhra Pradesh, India. Analysis, conservation, and
potential of the think about the region. A suitable weighting monitoring of various groundwater-related development
factor was chosen for each of these metrics' categories. Based initiatives are all greatly aided by remote sensing and
on each geomorphic unit's capacity to store groundwater, geographic information systems. In order to assess ground
weighting factors were applied. water potential zones in the Mandavi River basin, the current
work blends RS, GIS, and multi-influence factor
Diabene P.Y. and Gyamfi C., (2014) have a reviewed of methodologies. In this respect, topical maps for waste
the possibilities for groundwater in Ghana's Upper East's thickness, lineament thickness, topography, soil,
Bawku West District. They are determining whether or not geomorphology, incline, precipitation, soil surface, arrive
the district's boreholes are sustainable, the pumping test data use/land cover, and groundwater levels have been made
collected from 74 boreholes have been analyzed. Aquifer utilizing IRS-R2 LISS IV fawning symbolism, the Study of
characteristics counting transmissivity and economical India (SOI) toposheets, and different assistant information
surrender have been surveyed utilizing the Cooper-Jacobs sets from distinctive sources. At that point, within the Bend
strategy. The ponder comes about demonstrating the least and GIS 10.4 environment, the topical layers were changed over
most extreme transmissivity values like 0.95 m2/d or 195.70 to raster organize. The Raster maps have been statistically
m2/d individually with a cruel of 40.39 m2/d and a standard given weights and ratings based on the multi-influence factor

IJISRT22AUG494 1958

Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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sq. km (21%), and 103 sq. km (7%) The perception of great delineating groundwater potential zones in
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