Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Catchment Using Geospatial Technology
Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Catchment Using Geospatial Technology
Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones of Catchment Using Geospatial Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The most vital resource for life is freshwater. II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
The importance of water for drinking, sanitation,
agriculture, industry or other purposes. Water is not Krishnamurthy et al. (1996) Utilizing remotely detected
uniformly distributed all around the watershed. In information as well as drainage density and incline classes
contrast to the diminishing resource, global demand for from Overview of India geological sheets, different topical
water is rising. Consumable water is the driving require maps such as lithology, landforms, lineaments, and surface
of human civilization nowadays. Groundwater is water bodies at a 1: 50000 scale were arranged to outline the
recharged by constructing various soil and water groundwater potential zones of the Marudaiyar bowl.
conservation structures in watershed is possible if one can Additionally, the Soil Survey and Landuse Organization's 1:
identify ground water potential zones by using state of art 250 000 scale soil map was used to construct a soil map at 1:
technology. 50000 scale spanning the research area by grouping the
different soil types according to their hydrological properties.
Groundwater pulled back for rural, metropolitan Using a model created in the geographic information system
and mechanical utilize by developing and working with logical conditions, all the theme layers were combined
extraction wells. The review related to Identification of and analyses (GIS).
Groundwater Potential Zones of Watershed Using
Remote Sensing and Geo-informatics is discussed in this S. Shahid et al. (2000) Considered by Topographical
paper. Data Framework integration device to outline the
groundwater potential zone in a delicate shake range utilizing
Keyword:- Watershed, Remote Sensing, Geo-informatics, seven hydrogeological topics: lithology, geomorphology,
Potential zones, Irrigation planning soil, net revive, seepage thickness, incline as well as surface
water bodies . The other themes, with the exception of net
I. INTRODUCTION recharge and slope, are taken from remote sensing data. In the
Indian state of West Bengal's Midnapur District, 631 km2 of
The most vital resource for life is freshwater. The IRS-1B LISS-II data were used. Topographic sheets were
importance of water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, used to compute slope, and data on annual water table
industry or other purposes. Water is not uniformly distributed fluctuation was used to calculate net recharge. Each element
all around the watershed. In contrast to the diminishing of all thematic maps was rated based on how significant it was
resource, global demand for water is rising. Consumable in predicting groundwater potential.
water is the driving require of human civilization nowadays.
Groundwater is recharged by constructing various soil and R. K. Jaiswal et al. (2003) Proposed by the Son
water conservation structures in watershed is possible if one watershed's Gorna sub basin in Madhya Pradesh, India. The
can identify ground water potential zones by using state of art results of this study could be effectively used to determine the
technology. best places to obtain drinkable water for rural communities.
The regular planning of groundwater exploitation employing
Surface water being easy, direct and therefore less contemporary technology is crucial for the proper use of this
expensive to exploit, in comparison to groundwater or priceless resource in order to fulfill these responsibilities. On
desalinated seawater. In recent years more emphasis is placed the basis of this, we used conventional techniques to extract
on the utilization of groundwater. Since there is no cap on data on lithology, geological structures, landforms, land
how much ground water can be extracted, it is necessary to use/land cover, drainage networks, soil characteristics, and
use remote sensing and geo information to identify viable terrain slope before integrating it in a Geographical
ground water potential zones. Information System environment to represent village-wise
groundwater prospect zones. In order to map groundwater
prospects, a GIS-based model that accounts for local
conditions as variances has been created.