Richest Square Mine On Earth

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Heart of the “Richest Square Mile on Earth”

The Patch Glory Hole Mine

Central City, Gilpin County, Colorado
By Ken Kucera

How did an enterprising dentist with a Barnumesque flair for business facilitate the making of one of
Colorado’s most iconic mining landmarks?

Table of Contents
• P1 - Introduction This article provides information on a historically
• P3 – Setting the Area Stage important group of mines in the Central City,
Colorado, area known as the “Patch”. It will
• P5 - An Illinois Dentist Wants the
summarize aspects of the geology and
Perfect Gold developmental history of this area by weaving two
• P6 – General Geology and Mineralogy stories together - a rich mining source of metals and
• P7 - “Doc” Muchow - Owner of Flossy an enterprising dentist turned mine owner. In
Dental and Now, the Patch Mine particular, focus will be on the group of mines
• P8 - Underground and Glory Hole located on the eastern flank of Quartz Hill referred to
Workings on the Patch locally as the “Patch Glory Hole Mine” or “Glory
• P10 – Something of a “Soap Opera” Hole”, and in the U.S. Geological Survey literature as
the “Patch”.

View Drone Video of Patch Glory Hole

Credit: Rocky Mountain Flyers, 2018
To view video, click link below:
Figure 1 (above): The Patch Glory Hole Mine, 2018
(Credit: “Glory Hole Mine, Central City, Colorado” Rocky Mountain Flyers)

The Patch Glory Hole Mine near Central City in Gilpin County is one
of the most iconic mining localities on Colorado’s front range. It’s an
immense landmark located about one mile southwest of Central City on the eastern flank of Quartz Hill. (Figure 4) The
Patch Glory Hole Mine is an open cut about 1100 feet long in an east-west direction and 800 feet wide on a north-south
axis. (Figure 1) In 1928, the owner of the Patch mining claims controlled almost 80% of the potential productive ore in
Gilpin County. While the rest of the United States was mired in the Great Depression, the mine was reportedly one of
the largest mineral producers in the country. (Brazil and Lichtblau, 1994)
Quartz Hill is nicknamed “The Richest Square Mile on Earth”. Few who look out across the slopes of Quartz Hill at the
dozens of mounds of yellow-colored mine tailings know that the area’s greatest mine was not on the hill. It was the hill.

Two of the Mines Museum of Earth Science links to the “Patch Glory Hole Mine” or the “Patch” are the rare gold
specimens shown in the photos below. (Figures 2 and 3)

Figure 2 (above): Gold from the Patch Glory Hole Mine, Figure 3 (above): Gold from the Patch Glory
Central City District, Gilpin County, Colorado. Specimen size Hole Mine, Central City Mining District, Gilpin
5.0 cm x 4.0 cm x 2.5 cm. Collection of the Mines Museum of County, Colorado. Specimen size NA. Collection
Earth Science, catalog #NA. (Image credit: Author) of the Mines Museum of Earth Science, catalog
#51055. (Image credit: Ron Wolfe)

“To stand on the rim of this mighty hole and look into its maw is one of the awe-inspiring sights of the district.”
(Gilpin County Metal Mining Association, 1951)

The Patch is situated in the Central City Mining

District in Gilpin County, Colorado, on the eastern
slope of the Rocky Mountain Front Range, about 30
miles west of Denver. The district occupies an area
of about 12 square miles and is one of the most
important mining areas in the Front Range mineral
belt. It has produced hundreds of millions of dollars
of gold, silver, uranium, and base metal ores since
1859. Gold has accounted for about 85% of the
dollar value of the district’s ore. (Intermountain
Exploration Co, 1980) In recent years, mining
activity has been slow, the exception being a brief
flurry of uranium activity in the early 1950’s.

Geologic features known as “stockworks” are pipes

or chimney-shaped bodies of irregularly fractured
and brecciated rock that have been cemented by
Figure 4: Topographic map of Quartz Hill (see ore minerals. The most famous “stockwork” in the
map center) or the “Richest Square Mile on Central City area is the Patch. The Patch was also
Earth”. The black triangle indicates the comprised of a three-dimensional maze of
location of the Patch Glory Hole Mine. Central
City is on the map’s upper right. The direction underground workings, then an immense glory hole
of north is toward the top of the map. mine or open cut on the surface. Before the Patch
was devoured by the cavernous open pit mining
starting in 1929, the surface area was a complex pattern of mostly patented mining claims covered by debris, mine
dumps, and surface slide rock. (Figure 16). This area reportedly became known as the Patch because of the crazy-quilt
pattern of mining claims on its surface.

Setting the Area Stage

By the end of the Civil War, word quickly spread of rich gold and silver deposits in the hills around Central City and
nearby Black Hawk. They were reported to be so rich that President Abraham Lincoln dispatched a message to Central
City miners, saying he was sending reinforcements to help unearth gold and silver to help relieve the nation’s war debt.
(Brazil and Lichtblau, 1994)

The first lode gold discovery in the Colorado Front Range was made at Gregory Gulch near the base of Quartz Hill. As a
result of a large influx of miners to the area in the summer of 1860, the Gregory diggings quickly became overcrowded.
Many problems ensued concerning mine dumps, rights-of-way, drainage, and claim trespass.

Many of the mining claims were small, commonly being only 100 feet or so in length and very narrow in width. Many
claims were subdivided, giving some of the patented claims a length of only 25 feet. The relative richness of the mineral
outcrops was a factor in the small size of the claims that hindered orderly and progressive development of mines.
Consolidation of mining properties was also slowed by inflated capital and exorbitant demands of the many owners.
(Sims, Drake, and Tooker, 1963)

Figure 5: Image of the founding plat for Chain O’ Mines Inc. claim for the “Patches
Lode”, March 10, 1928. Note the “crazy-quilt” pattern of claim boundaries and
well-known claim names such as Modoc, Oakland, San Juan, Little Pittsburgh,
Hannibal, Missouri, Annie, and Gold Retort. The consolidated Patches Lode
reportedly measured 600 feet by 1500 feet. (Muchow, 1952) (Argo, 2008)

Another problem to mining development not only in the Central City area but in Colorado, resulted from the fact that
many of the ore veins or bodies dipped at moderate angles and passed from one property onto another as depth
increased. Miners tended to follow the ore, not the outline of the property lines above. Inevitably, this led to lawsuits
galore and worse, the stopping of the development of many veins and ore bodies. (Cooney, 2016)

Central City’s mining activity largely depended on the successes and failures of various milling and smelting processes to
treat the ores. During the early years in the Central City district, mining was primarily confined to placer gravels and the

soft and free milling ores
derived from surface gossans
of veins. “Gossans” are highly
ferruginous rock that are the Figure 6: Map of
product of oxidation by the Patch,
weathering and leaching of Quartz Hill,
sulfide mineralization. “Free Central City
District, Gilpin
milling” is defined here as the County,
treatment of gold or silver ore Colorado,
by crushing and amalgamation. including major
(Figure 15) Ores that were soft underground
and free milling could be workings. Note
locations of
mined easily and cheaply. As major haulage
mining progressed to depths of tunnels (La
50 to 100 feet, the soft Crosse, Quartz
oxidized ores gave way to Hill, and Argo)
harder primary sulfides, where and major
much of the gold was finely
systems of the
distributed through sulfides Patch (San Juan
(e.g., pyrite, chalcopyrite) and mine, Gardner
gangue. These could not be mine, Rhoderick
treated profitably by simple Dhu mine,
Missouri mine).
methods used at the time such
Dotted ovals in
as sluices, cradles, arrastres, center of map
and crude stamp mills. represent open
cut or glory hole
The difficulties in boundaries at
the surface and
amalgamating primary ores
access tunnel
resulted in the closing of many levels. See map
Central City district mines, key at bottom.
especially in the early 1860’s. It (Credit: Lovering
wasn’t until 1866 that things and Goddard,
turned around, when
Nathaniel P. Hill, a professor at
Brown University, pioneering
mining executive and engineer,
and a United States Senator
from Colorado, completed
successful experiments on
smelting Gilpin County ores
and opened the Hill smelter.

Because of its relatively low

topographic relief, the mines
of the Central City district
including those on Quartz Hill,
were developed primarily by
shafts. As mining went deeper
going after ores such as harder
primary sulfides, the handling
of excess water and lifting ore
from depth became major

problems. It became difficult, if not
impossible, to keep mines dry and at
the same time lift enough ore to the
surface to pay for the operations.

Three major tunnels were engineered

to help resolve these problems: La
Crosse tunnel, Quartz Hill tunnel, and
Argo (Newhouse) tunnel. They
intersected Quartz Hill and the Patch
and were constructed for mine haulage
ways and water drainage. (Figure 6)
The La Crosse Tunnel was driven
through the middle of Quartz Hill/Patch
and entered from the north at the 300
ft. level. The La Crosse was the primary
service tunnel for the Patch and its
future glory hole mine. The Quartz Hill
Tunnel entered from the east at the
Figure 7 (above): Postcard photo showing Argo tunnel portal at Idaho Springs. Note
700 ft. level. The Argo Tunnel (or Newhouse
double tracks and electric locomotives pulling ore cars from mines. Date unknown.
tunnel) was completed about 1907 and (Credit: Denver Public Library digital archives)
entered from the south at the 1,650 ft.
level. The Argo Tunnel is probably the best known of the three historic tunnels. The Argo, with its main portal in Idaho
Springs, had a total length of four miles. The Argo was 12 feet wide through the first 2.5 miles of the tunnel. It had two
tracks where electric locomotives pulled ore cars from mine workings to Idaho Springs. (Figure 7) (Muchow, 1952) (Kile
and Modreski, 1988) (Argo, 2008)

An Illinois Dentist Wants the Perfect Gold

With more than 400 mining claims on Quartz Hill (roughly 40 mining claims
in and around the Patch) and a limited number of veins of gold and other
metals to go around, it wasn’t a surprise that miners spent a lot of time
upset with each other. As mines and prospects increased in number and
started to conflict with each other, what could not be resolved with simple
fisticuffs or worse, often ended up in court. But by 1925, legal fights had
stopped many of the operations. (Fleming, 1994)

As miners continued punching out adits, shafts and each other, an

enterprising, flamboyant, and some say controversial dentist from Illinois
named William Mark “Doc” Muchow, got off a train from Chicago around
the year 1924 to check out the Central City area. He was searching for a
source of pale-colored gold (an “ivory hued light yellow”) for dental
applications and of course, some personal fortune. It just so happens that
ore from the Patch produced Doc’s perfect shade of yellow. (Fleming,
Figure 8 (above): William Mark Muchow,
1886 – 1969. (Credit: Unknown)

His search for the perfect dental gold was helped by the mineralogical fact that a lot of the gold produced in the Central
City area is actually electrum - gold alloyed with silver – and thus, a more pale colored gold. Fossett reported an average
composition for Gilpin County gold recovered by retort to be 78.7% gold, 19.8% silver, and 1.5% copper. (Fossett, 1880)

Because of the geology and mineralogy of the Patch, it was documented as early as 1907 that large reserves of gold,
silver, and other base metal ores, could make continued mining profitable. “The Patch contains to a level of 50 feet
below the La Crosse Tunnel, or say 300 feet from surface, approximately 4,500,000 tons of material which will yield
$1.10 per ton by amalgamation and concentration milling on standard lines.” (Collins, 1907) Good enough for Doc.

Between the geologic prospects of profitable mining for the perfect colored dental gold and the legal conflicts prevalent
among area miners, Doc was starting to see a Midas-like opportunity in the holes dotting the Patch.

General Geology and Mineralogy

The Patch ore body is an irregular stockwork that crops

out on Quartz Hill. Stockworks are pipes or chimneys of
irregularly fractured and brecciated rock that have been
cemented by ore minerals. The ore body has ore minerals
deposited in spaces between the fragments of breccia or
in irregular networks of fractures. This stockwork’s surface
outline is oval, having a diameter of about 750 feet in a
northeasterly direction and about 450 feet in a
northwesterly direction. The pipelike body of mineralized
breccia dips steeply north from the surface and extends
down to the Argo Tunnel level at about 1,600 feet. (Figure
6) (Lovering and Goddard, 1950)

Portions of the Patch are barren of ore minerals, while

Figure 9: Example of mineralization typical of the Patch stockwork.
others are heavily mineralized near intersections where The sulfides and quartz fill irregular spaces and form replacements
veins cut the pipe. The zones of maximum brecciation are in fractured host rocks. (Bastin and Hill, 1917)
usually zones of maximum mineralization. Sulfides and
gangue minerals occur primarily in the interstices among fragments of the breccia, but in part as true fissure fillings, and
as replacement of silicates in the rock. For the most part, the Patch is heavily altered. Several northeasterly zones of
maximum mineralization are distinguishable and have been followed by drifts in the San Juan Mine – a major set of
underground mine workings of the Patch. (Lovering and Goddard, 1950) (Sims, Drake, and Tooker, 1963)

Two types of ore mineralization are prevalent: 1) Pyrite, chalcopyrite, and minor sphalerite and tetrahedrite/tennantite;
and 2) Sphalerite, with subordinate amounts of galena, chalcopyrite, and pyrite. Ore in the southern part of the Patch
Mine is composed mostly of the first ore type. While ore from the northern portion of the area, as exposed in the La
Crosse Tunnel workings, is primarily composed of the second ore type. Gangue minerals associated with both ore types
are mostly quartz and siderite with minor barite and ankerite. Native gold was occasionally found as aggregates of wires,
leaves, and fragments filling the breccia.
Vugs reaching two to three inches across
commonly held crystals of clear to white
quartz. And more rarely, nice crystalline
aggregates of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and
galena could be found. (Figures 10 - 13)
(Lovering and Goddard, 1950) (Kile and
Modreski, 1988)

Figure 10 (left): Pyrite and Quartz,

Patch Glory Hole Mine,
Central City District, Gilpin County,
Colorado. Pyrite crystals to 3.0 cm on
edge. Quartz includes sceptered
crystals. Specimen size 8.0 cm x 10.5
cm x 6.5 cm. Anonymous collection.

Figure 11 (above): Galena and Sphalerite, Patch Glory Hole Mine, Figure 12 (above): Barite on Quartz, Patch Glory Hole Mine,
Central City District, Gilpin County, Colorado. Specimen size 6.5 cm x Central City District, Gilpin County, Colorado. Specimen size NA.
5.0 cm x 2.5. Anonymous collection. Catalog #50292, Mines Museum of Earth Science Collection.
(Image Credit: Ron Wolfe)

Figure 13 (left): Sphalerite on Quartz, Patch Glory Hole Mine,

Central City District, Gilpin County, Colorado. Sphalerite crystal
2.0 cm across. Specimen size 7.5 cm x 5.5 cm x 3.0 cm.
Anonymous collection.

Gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and uranium (pitchblende)

ores occur in Quartz Hill and the Patch, but ore shipments
have owed most of their value to gold and silver. The
primary source for gold values has been from the pyrite-
chalcopyrite ore. As many of the Patch veins being worked
were gold bearing, silver was not initially recognized as a
valuable ore mineral until mining had extended to the
underlying primary sulfide ores. (Lovering and Goddard,

For more detailed information about the geology and mineralogy of the Patch, refer to the following link:

Economic Geology of the Central City District, Gilpin County, Colorado; USGS Professional Paper 359
Paul K. Sims, A.A. Drake, and E.W. Tooker

“Doc” Muchow - Owner of Flossy Dental and Now, the Patch Mine

Doc believed the stockwork features and associated minerals of the Patch could be mined profitably if certain conditions
were met. “…predicated on a large tonnage operation, using the cave-in-system. To do this, all the [Patch claim]
ownerships have to be consolidated.” (Muchow, 1952) Muchow made it his mission to buy claims and mines in the
Patch area and merge them into a gold-producing conglomerate. Forming a holding company to acquire mining claims,
he named the company the Chain O' Mines, Inc. By March 1928, he had spent four years raising capital and bought up
nineteen mines and claims, representing many of the major and minor claims on the Patch. (Figure 5) A very persuasive
pitchman, he was able to convince most of the claim holders that they could help their undercapitalized operations and
end their fisticuffs and legal stalemates by selling to his company. And of course, he would offer to lease back operations
to them under a profit-sharing deal. These consolidated claims, known as the “Patches Lode”, reportedly gave Muchow
and Chain O’ Mines control of almost 80% of the potential productive ore in Gilpin County at that time. (Denver Public
Library Digital Archives, 2020) (Fleming, 1994) (Brazil and Lichtblau, 1994) (Intermountain Exploration Company, 1980)

This was no ordinary dentist. He profited handsomely from

the recent phenomenon known as “dental floss” and was
the owner of a company named the Flossy Dental
Corporation, based in Chicago, Illinois. He was a prolific
inventor who reportedly held close to fifty (50) patents on
various dental processes and gadgets, including: dental
floss containers and guides, "the amalgamator" - a
machine that mixed materials for dental fillings; and,
gold applications for false teeth. (Figure 14)
(, 2020)

After the consolidation of Patch claims, Doc displayed a

Barnumesque flair for business that brought a steady
stream of fresh operating capital into the Chain O'
Mines. On train trips he reportedly liked to get the
attention of fellow passengers by rolling a ten-pound
ball of retort gold down the aisle. (Figure 15) Once he
had retrieved the ball and the pandemonium subsided,
he would chat with curious passengers about the mine that
produced his ball of gold which, fortunately for his
listeners, just happened to be looking for a few investors.
Convenient. (Fleming, 1994)

Figure 14 (above): Muchow promotional images for “Floss Gold” dental

applications and patented dental floss holder (insert). (Muchow, 1952)

Figure 15 (left): One hundred pounds of gold balls produced from

Patch gold ore by retorting. (Muchow, 1952)
Retorting 101: Amalgamation is the practice of bringing free gold particles into
contact with mercury. When clean gold contacts with mercury, the two substances
mix to form a compound called amalgam – an amalgam is simply an alloy of gold and
mercury. At the end of the operation, the mercury and gold amalgam are separated.
Mercury can be separated efficiently from other precious and base metals by a
distillation procedure. Mercury removal from the amalgam is performed in retorts
specifically designed for the distillation of mercury, hence the term retorting.

Underground and Glory Hole Workings on the Patch

Before Muchow arrived on the scene, mining operations in the Patch were confined to complex mazes of underground
workings. These underground tunnels and stopes would be used to transition to the surface or open pit method of
mining. (Figure 6) (Sims, Drake, and Tooker, 1963) (Kile and Modreski, 1988) (Muchow, 1952)

• The Patch had been chiefly mined through the San Juan Mine (San Juan vein) between 1888 and 1909. The San
Juan was developed by a shaft 916 feet deep connecting with 11 levels.
• Many of the underground mineral-enriched portions of the Patch were mined out by operators leaving immense
open chambers or stopes often 20 to 40 feet wide and over 100 feet high. Much of the ground above the
northern part of the La Crosse was eventually stoped by glory hole or cave-in-mining methods and the resulting
cavernous open space would extend several hundred feet below the original La Crosse tunnel level. (Figure 19)

• In addition to providing essential haulage and water drainage for mines of the Patch, numerous crosscuts and
drifts were driven from the La Crosse tunnel to access ore inside the Patch. The La Crosse connected to the
Climax shaft, the Protection and Rhoderick Dhu mines, and the fourth level of the San Juan mine. The portal of
the La Crosse tunnel is on the north slope of Quartz Hill and was driven in a generally southerly direction in 1867
to dewater mines on the east slope of Quartz Hill to the level of Nevada Gulch. It would also provide a main
haulage way for the Chain O’ Mines surface mining operations for the future Glory Hole.

• The Patch was also accessed and developed by the Quartz Hill and Argo tunnels, the Rome-Gardner mine, the
Mackey-Burroughs mine, and a short crosscut at the 1,300 level from the Phoenix-Burroughs mine.

Muchow believed the Patch could be profitably mined on the surface by a glory hole or cave-in-mining methods. So did
others. In 1907, a Denver-based mining engineer named George E. Collins had formally addressed this question. In part,
he wrote…“If the Patch were broken in an open cut, run through a glory hole and a long rock chute with a succession of
stops [not stopes]…This method would moreover permit leaving the barren portions of the "Patch" unbroken. In some
such way as this, I am inclined to think the better portions of the “Patch” will ultimately be mined, reducing the bulk of
the milling ore to one-fourth or less of the mass but raising the grade almost proportionately…with a view to the
working of its enriched portions, this is recommended as a good speculation.” (Collins 1907)

Figure 16 (above): Grainy image of the Patch surface workings before Muchow commenced cave-in-
system or glory hole mining. The surface area of the Patch resembled something of a surreal moonscape.
It was a complex pattern of mostly patented mining claims covered by mine dumps, surface slide rock,
and debris, hiding a three-dimensional maze of underground mine workings underneath. Note several
automobiles in the foreground for scale. Date circa 1925. (Muchow, 1952)

In 1929, after consolidating numerous claims and mining operations on the Patch, Doc located what would become the
Patch Glory Hole Mine. Soon after, the San Juan mine’s shaft and other underground workings would be mined out. The
Chain O’ Mines soon began working the rest of the Patch’s large stockwork of mostly lower grade gold and base-metal

Doc started his mining operations on the most heavily mined part of Quartz Hill. We can visualize how this cave-in-
system worked by imagining a funnel with sand draining through it. At first, mining was done with underground
workings to systematically collapse existing mines or claims. When the blasting reached the surface, an open pit or glory
hole would start to form. (Figure 17) Mining was then conducted from the surface by blasting off sidewalls and dropping

them into underground pockets. As ore was broken
loose from the periphery of the rim of the crater, it
dropped long distances and was broken into smaller
pieces. The fragmented ore was then passed through
a large underground crushing station. After crushing,
the ore was hauled by train through a tunnel, then
transported to the milling plant. This cave-in-system
method was cheaper than conventional mining
because gravity did much of the work. The process
turned the top of the Patch into an immense made-
made crater, which earned it the name “The Glory
Hole”. (Fleming, 1994) (Argo, 2008)

Glory hole mining operations continued on a large

scale until 1937, then shut down during the start of
World War II in 1941. Operations – both mining and
milling - would be worked intermittently under
Muchow’s ownership until his death in I969. (Sims,
Drake, and Hooker, 1963)

Although production of gold, silver, and base metals

from the veins within the Patch – both underground
and surface workings - was substantial, the records of
total mineral production are fragmentary. Total
mineral production is not known. (Intermountain
Exploration Co.) Figure 17: Diagram depicting how the Patch Glory Hole Mine was
developed via cave-in-system or glory hole method. Note: Aspects of the
• Some of the ore shipped from the underground plan were not implemented. (Muchow, 1952)

workings of the San Juan mine was rich. Assays of

117 tons of ore shipped from the mine between 1888 and 1909, show a trace to 12.2 (average 2.09) ounces of gold
per ton, 2.15 to 34 (average 6.81) ounces of silver to the ton, and from less than 1.5% to 9% copper. (Lovering and
Goddard, 1950)
• Records show most gold and silver ore shipped from the Patch after 1900 was relatively low grades. (Kile and
Modreski, 1988) (Lovering and Goddard, 1950)
• Up to 1929, production from the San Juan vein workings was reported to have been about $600,000, or about
$9,000,000 in 2020 dollars (author calculation). (Lovering and Goddard, 1950)
• From 1929 to 1950, a reported 1,428,135 tons of rock was shipped from the
veins above the La Crosse tunnel workings yielding 20,239 tons of concentrates
for milling, and 48 tons of smelting ore. The concentrates and crude ore
reportedly contained 61,080.49 ounces of gold, 124,421 ounces of silver,
335,914 pounds of copper, 496,591 pounds of lead, and 2,322,429 pounds of
zinc. This ore, if produced today (2020), would have a value of about
$114,000,000 (author calculation). (Measures of pounds and ounces of metals
compiled by U.S. Bureau of Mines. Published by permission of owners - Sims, Figure 18: Report label
Drake, and Tooker, 1963) for a Patch assay.
(Collins, 1907)

Something of a “Soap Opera”

There were periods of time when kumbaya was in short supply for Chain O’ Mines. Before Doc finished consolidating
claims into his “Patches Lode” in 1928, his first mill was under construction near the northeastern flank of Quartz Hill to
process ore from the new operation. (Figure 20) The sheer volume of tailings from the mill soon overwhelmed the Chain
O’ Mines ability to store it. On November 14, 1929, the Chain O' Mines purchased several lots from the Town of Central
City to serve as tailing dumps for its mill. In August 1931, five
Jefferson County landowners filed suit to curtail dumping. A
1932 trial resulted in an injunction against the company,
which the Colorado Supreme Court upheld in 1934. The
successful suit forced the original mill and some of the mining
operation to be suspended. (Denver Public Library Digital
Archives, 2020) Not being someone easily deterred, Muchow
raised capital and commissioned a new larger mill to be built
at Midwest Valley near the southern slope of Quartz Hill. It
reportedly opened in 1950 and, instead of an aerial tram to
move ore to the mill, it had a conveyor belt 1,500 feet long to
move ore to the new mill directly from the underground rock
crusher located beneath the Patch. (Kile and Modreski, 1988)
(Argo, 2008)

Concerns about questionable ethics in the business practices

have been raised since the inception of Chain O’ Mines. “From
the mid-1920s to World War II, Muchow ran the Glory Hole as
both a gold mine and a cash cow, fattened on the green of
investors…Some locals say the rock wasn't all that ore-laden.
When ore production flagged in the mid-1930s, says one
anonymous historian who still lives in Central City, Muchow
brought in richer ore from other mines he was leasing,
passing it off as bounty from his showpiece mine.” (Fleming,
1994) The “Glory Hole” company business practices
associated with sale of stock to secure investment capital
were documented as being “fraudulent” by the Securities and Figure 19 (above): The immense scale of the Glory Hole circa 1940 -
Exchange Commission in 1956. (Securities and Exchange 1950. Image shows multiple craters or funnels at bottom of pit
Commission, 1956) resulting from cave-in-system of mining. Note trees on horizon for
scale. (Credit: Denver Public Library digital archives)

By the 1950’s, Chain O’ Mines had become one of the few

remaining active mining operators in the area. The company had
survived in part because it retained its own mill and tunnels for
haulage and dewatering. While there was still a large amount of
gold left in the Patch, it had become increasingly unprofitable to
mine because of increasing labor costs, government price controls,
and the low grade of the remaining ore.

When William Muchow died in 1969, ownership of the company

changed hands. By the 1960’s, Chain O’ Mines had all but stopped
mining operations because of overhead costs and lack of
investment capital. It was reported the company still possessed
assets in the form of many mining claims it had acquired in its thirty
or so years of operation. Some were being leased to individuals and
smaller companies to work independently, with some lessees
paying Chain O’ Mines to mill their ore. A number of these claims
Figure 20 (above): The original Chain O’ Mines mill
were the basis of fraudulent business dealings in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
on the northeastern side of Quartz Hill, Circa 1930.
In 1994, the Gilpin County sheriff seized the Chain O’ Mines company (Credit: Denver Public Library digital archives.)
from its owner. (Argo, 2008)

Despite its fame and riches, the Patch Glory Hole Mine has sat silent for much of its 90-year history, a testimony to the
economic, legal, and political difficulties in mining for metal.

• Argo, 2008. “Underground History: Mines of the Argo – Central City, Colorado.” 2008.
• Bastin, E.S. and J.M. Hill. 1917. “Economic geology of Gilpin County and adjacent parts of Clear Creek and
Boulder counties, Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 94.
• Brazil, J. and E. Lichtblau. 1994. “Dreams of Wealth or Fool’s Gold: Orange County heirs are fighting for a stake in
a fabled Colorado mine.” Los Angeles Times. July 17, 1994.
• Collins, G.E. 1907. “Report on the Patch Area, Gilpin County, Colorado”. Personal report of mining engineer,
Denver, Colorado, September 24, 1907. Colorado School of Mines Library Archives. Golden, Colorado.
• Cooney, T. 2016. “Portal into Time: Mine owner wants to preserve Aspen Mountain History”. Aspen Journalism,
June 30, 2016.
• Denver Public Library Digital Archives, 2020 – Chain O’ Mines Records.
• Fleming, R. 1994. “The Money Pit”. Westword, December 7, 1994.
• Fossett, F. 1880. “Colorado, its gold and silver mines, farm and stock ranges, and health and pleasure resorts”.
2d ed. New York: C.G. Crawford.
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