Drug Study Bevacizumab

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Generic Name: DNA-derived  Therapeutic Hypersensitivity CNS: Asthenia, Assessment
bevacizumab (Rx) monoclonal  outcome: dizziness, • Monitor B/P q3-
antibody  Decreased tumor Precautions: intracranial 4wk
Brand Name: size Pregnancy C, hemorrhage • Assess for
selectively binds 
Avastin breastfeeding, (malignant symptoms of
to and inhibits  USES: Metastatic  children, geriatric, glioma), infection; may be
Classification: activity  carcinoma of  CHF, blood dyscrasias, headache, masked by product
Avastin is of human vascular the colon or  CV fatigue, confusion • Monitor CNS
classified as a endothelial growth rectum in  disease, hypertension, reaction: dizziness,
"monoclonal factor to reduce combination,  surgery, CV: Deep vein confusion
antibody" and microvascular renal cell thromboembolic thrombosis, • Assess for CHF:
"anti- carcinoma,  disease, hamster hypo/hypertensio crackles, jugular vein
growth and
angiogenesis" glioblastoma, non– protein/murine n, hypertensive distention, dyspnea
drug inhibition of small cell lung hypersensitivity crisis, heart during treatment
metastatic disease cancer failure • Assess GU status
Dosage and progression (proteinuria);
routes: GI: Nausea,  nephrotic syndrome
Adult: vomiting,  may occur; monitor
Injectable anorexia,  urinalysis for
solution diarrhea,  increasing protein
 25mg/mL constipation, level; products should
(4-mL, 16- abdominal pain, be held if protein $2
mL single- colitis, stomatitis, g/24 hr
dose vials) GI
hemorrhage/perf Patient/family
Cervical Cancer oration education
15 mg/kg IV • Instruct patient to
q3Weeks in GU: avoid hazardous tasks,
combination with Proteinuria,  since confusion,
1 of the following urinary  dizziness may occur
chemotherapy frequency/urgenc • Instruct patient to
regimens: y,  report signs of
paclitaxel and nephrotic infection: sore throat,
cisplatin, or syndrome, fever, diarrhea,
paclitaxel and ovarian failure vomiting
topotecan • Advise patient not
HEMA: to become pregnant
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was downloaded by 100000809846779 from CourseHero.com on 10-01-2022 04:49:11 GMT -05:00 Leukopenia, while taking this
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Inj 25 mg/ml

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