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Fairy Ology

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= high king associated with leprechauns

Oona = high queen -> Ireland (Galway)

5000 ans av JC, les Babyloniens, Sumériens: Dana (Anu) Queen Tuatha de Danan

Tuatha de Danan became the fairies in Ireland (Sidhe) there are royalty in each county

Finvarra/ Oona


Aercura: flower fairy queen (celtic descent) singular solo fairy shy and reserved (not group trooping

Aine (anya): Celtic queen helps incarnated fairies, helps farming, gardens, animals

Cordelia: sincerity, honesty, assertiveness, relationships

Oona: (wife of Finvarra) marital issues, cheating, transitions, leaving relationship

Dana (Dania): creator Goddess, watches over the little people, feminine power

Coventina: water elements, mermaids, ondines, inbalances with water, healing water, wishing wells,
wish granted

Damara (gentleness): peace with children, in households, family

Brigit: all aspects of women (wise, mother, etc..) fire fairy queen,

Nemetoma: sacred space in nature, watches over sacred sites, trees, standing stones circles

Ostara: fertility, springtime (word Easter) symbol is eggs

Ascended masters:

Angus: Celtic deity, relationships, heals lovers, twin flames

Green man: face of nature, fertility elemental, crop growing

Epona: associated with helping horses (fairy queen), roman and celtic eras (temples), protector of

Pan: Grecian deity, music, fertility, used as the symbol of the devil by early Christians used to convert
pagans has been demonized,

-Multi-cultural fairies:

Devas (hindu Yakshini):

Nag Mai (Thailand)

Africa : aziza (tree fairies) benevolent means powerful + Emere (little elves) + Yambos (dwarves)

-Menehunes (hawaii): original of ppl of Hawaii (children of Mu) linked to Lemuria (Mu) connected to
Polynesia, leprechaun like coffe color and coffee bean shaped, big noses, live above the dense
vibration we live in. Fond of eating fish, sweets, (elementals prefer raw cacao no processed sugar)

-Tree people and green man:

Tree fairies (tall, thin, reddish hair): watch over trees and benefit from them.

Tree person (spirit)

Green man: gaelic and celtic spirituality: watching over the trees death and rebirth, (-> Osiris green

Druids called the people of the Oak (steady big person) hold ceremonies among the oaks, wisdom
and knowledge. Trees are observers and watchers, tree hug heals us. Willow tree was the beginning
of aspirine, medicine (Quan Yin holds a branch of willow = healing)

-Rock people: we can see faces inside the rock (keepers of the rocks), every crystal has a different
purpose and vibration, human mining

-Incarnated elementals:

Fairies: flower fairies very angelic looking (beautiful skin, pretty face, petite, soft sensitive ppl, kittens,
puppies baby animals)

Tree fairies: tall, red hair, more fire, passion, temper, love trees

Water elementals: voluptuous women, love to swim, must live near the water, connected dolphins,
always thirsty, get cold very easily

Leprechauns: chubby cheeks, naughty and nice personality

Brownies: little ppl, very helpful; gnomes into gardening; elves: landscapers and gardeners, plant
spirit medicine

Elementals prefer company of animals and nature, seem antisocial, (wear their heart on their sleet),
some abuse drugs and alcohol, comedians, musicians, artists, creativy

-Air elementals:

Paracelsus (16th century) physician: alchemy of health 4 elements, talked about fairies and
elementals earth, fire, air, water.

Sylphs comes from the Grecian word moth or flying insect): air fairies (air and wind) protect air and
sky. To help clean up the air (chemtrails), help with wind, storms. Fond of mountain top.Like a fire fly,
flitting. Look like stretched out beings, very long and curved, often blue, dragonfly wings? Willow
wisp: little balls of fire (air fairies) hover above water to signify where there is a treasure. Cajun
fairies; balls of light up into the sky

-Water elementals:

Go back to Sumerian and Babylonians -> fish gods (maybe came from Sirius): Dagon and Dannes (fish
head and tail. After the deluge of Atlantis, those who survived would go into water and shape shift
(fins ) or transform into fish people, the wisdom was brought to Sumer and Babylon. The Delphi was
a famous oracle said to have come from Atlantis, a lot of Greco-roman gods and goddesses are said
to have come from Atlantis

Mermaids are the protecters of the water, merfairies (more petite with wings and fish tail) more
protecters of lakes and rivers.

Sea-sprites: similar to the sylphs, legless, playful

Undines (wave): silvery, underwater in fresh waters, like security guards

Naiads (grecian tradition): fairy of fountain and wells, solo

Nakki (Nordic tradition): male, like trolls below bridges and peers

Selkies: mermen or mermaids, gorgeous, skin of a seal, tempt the fishermen, take away their seal
costume and beautiful woman or man inside must then become his wife.

Sirens: beautiful women sing beautiful songs, charm sailors

-Fire elementals:

-Salamanders: (Talmud, Da Vinci, ancient times)born from fire, eat fire, live in wood (in logs)

-Tooth fairy: Tooth fee (money for a tooth for good fortune) became tooth Fae -> fairy

-Unicorns: painted since 300 BC Babylonians, Sumerians. Very pure, around creative children and
virgins or highly creative adults (strong inner child). Energy purifies and detoxifies. Were hunted for
their magical horns, used for healing and magic. Connect us to our pure essence, connected to
rainbows. There are some incarnated unicorn, long hair, exotic look to their eyes, very tall and thin.
Found a Siberian Unicorn just found

-Djins and genies: fire elementals, Coran talks about djins having egos. Some say everyone has a djin,
for male = genious female= juno they help those who they’re with. Solomon worked with the djins
to create the temple and alchemy

-Pixies: Celtic (cornwall and wales) look like elves, no wings, small, pixie dust comes from the
treasures they know where they are gold and jewels. Famous ones/ Puck (Shakespeare), tinkerbell
was originally no wings and pixie. Ariel (Shakespeare the tempest) they are always helpers, less

-Gnomes, brownies and leprechauns: gnomes small being protect animals, trees, mines under earth,
help humans. Benevolent sometimes mischievious, do jokes, may not like someone (they have egos),
they have castes. Brownies: all brown (clothes, skin, hair) live in houses good natured hide stuff
sometimes, bring gifts in exchange of honey. Leprechauns: hide in greens stay where it’s safe
(Ireland) wisdom but also funny, parties, love music and dance, no physical body

-Elves: origin from ancient Nordic and Germania small and very thin, attractive sharp noses, look like
male fairies only no wings, female elves a lot shyer rarely see them.

Elementals banished from the physical world by the church, powers government who were
threatened by the enchantment and magical help.

-Connecting with fairies: they scan our energy before we arrive, to see if respectful of nature, they
know who comes on their land. Often guide us to pick up trash

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