This document appears to be a student exam score sheet listing 177 students' names along with their verbal and quantitative exam scores out of 50%, and their total scores out of 100%. The students' scores range from 24 to 70 total points. The highest scoring student was AGUSTIN ADDISU DILBORE with 34 verbal points, 36 quantitative points and a total of 70 points.
This document appears to be a student exam score sheet listing 177 students' names along with their verbal and quantitative exam scores out of 50%, and their total scores out of 100%. The students' scores range from 24 to 70 total points. The highest scoring student was AGUSTIN ADDISU DILBORE with 34 verbal points, 36 quantitative points and a total of 70 points.
This document appears to be a student exam score sheet listing 177 students' names along with their verbal and quantitative exam scores out of 50%, and their total scores out of 100%. The students' scores range from 24 to 70 total points. The highest scoring student was AGUSTIN ADDISU DILBORE with 34 verbal points, 36 quantitative points and a total of 70 points.
This document appears to be a student exam score sheet listing 177 students' names along with their verbal and quantitative exam scores out of 50%, and their total scores out of 100%. The students' scores range from 24 to 70 total points. The highest scoring student was AGUSTIN ADDISU DILBORE with 34 verbal points, 36 quantitative points and a total of 70 points.