The God Allah Is

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The God Allah is sovereign of the universe.

Everything we see and do not see is

under His control and has its beginning and ending in Him. The eternal questions of
who am I Why am I here where do I come from are answered in The Quran. The Quran
says of itself that it is a book that explains everything. If the Quran explains
everything then I will raise the question, can you explain everything? If not have
we missed something in our reading and study. Have we fully understood or grasped
every aspect of The Quran and why Allah revealed what He revealed. We simply can
not understand Allahs words except to the degree that He allows us into His mind.
First we must clean up,then Elijah Muhammad says the better we can hear. So
righteousness is a prerequisite for grasping divine revelation. The Quran again
teaches that uprightness in the nature in which He has created us. It reasons then
that nothing is really wrong with us except the taking on of bad habits and
excepting the guidance of an open enemy whom Allah refers to as Satan or Devil. It
is the divesting ourselves of these habits and excepting the guidance of Allah the
will absolutely grow us into Him. Holy Quran 8:30
َ ‫ون َوي َ ْمك ُُر الل َّ ُه ۖ َوالل َّ ُه َخي ْ ُر ال َْما ِك ِر‬
‫ين‬ ْ ُ ‫ين كَفَ ُروا لِيُثْ ِبتُو َك َأ ْو يَقْتُل ُو َك َأ ْو ي‬
َ ‫خ ِر ُجو َك ۚ َوي َ ْمك ُُر‬ َ ‫َوِإ ْذ ي َ ْمك ُُر ب َِك ال ّ َ ِذ‬

O you who believe, if you keep your duty to Allah, He will grant you a distinction
and do away with your evils and protect you. And Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.

Where the light of the Sun stops the light of the stars take over. We are from the
Creator. Allah is within us, He is closer to us than our jugular vain and if we
desire that He survive in us we must stay in perpetual movement toward perfection.
Elijah Muhammad made a request to his Minister “I want your mind. I want you to
line your mind up with my mind that the two become one”. What did Jesus mean when
he said I am in the father and the father is in me.It is powerful to say what so
ever w er I hear that I speak.This is the hour that we stand and just let the
spirit speak through us.I realize that this world really has ran out of wisdom
leadership and the people are at their wits end to solve the plethora of problems
that the world faces.

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