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(ECC '09)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on

Tbilisi, Georgia
June 26-28, 2009

Hosted and Sponsored by:

Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Electrical and Computer Engineering Series

A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks

Published by WSEAS Press ISSN: 1790-5117

www.wseas.org ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8
(ECC '09)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on

Tbilisi, Georgia
June 26-28, 2009
Electrical and Computer Engineering Series
A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks

Published by WSEAS Press


Copyright © 2009, by WSEAS Press

All the copyright of the present book belongs to the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and
Society Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Editor of World Scientific and Engineering Academy
and Society Press.

All papers of the present volume were peer reviewed by two independent reviewers. Acceptance was
granted when both reviewers' recommendations were positive.
See also: http://www.worldses.org/review/index.html

ISSN: 1790-5117
ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8

World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society



(ECC '09)
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on

Tbilisi, Georgia
June 26-28, 2009
Prof. Gia Sirbiladze, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Prof. Anna Sikharulidze, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Prof. Irina Khutsishvili, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Prof. Tamar Lominadze, Georgian Technical University, Georgia

International Program Committee Members:

Ulrich Albrecht, UNITED STATES Klimis Ntalianis, GREECE
Antonios Andreatos, GREECE Wlodzimierz Ogryczak, POLAND
Francisco Araque, SPAIN Zeljko Panian, CROATIA
Adel Awad, SYRIA Serena Pastore, ITALY
Nikos Bardis, GREECE Sonja Petrovic-Lazarevic, AUSTRALIA
Costin Boldea, ROMANIA Luigi Pomante, ITALY
Liliana Braescu, ROMANIA Dr.S.Alber Rabara, INDIA
Sonthaya Bunluechokchai, THAILAND Saeed Rahimi, UNITED STATES
Chokri Chemak, TUNISIA Piotr Remlein, POLAND
Veturia Chiroiu, ROMANIA Krista Rizman Zalik, SLOVENIA
Zygmunt Ciota, POLAND Fang Rong--Ieng, TAIWAN
Calin Horatiu Ciufudean, ROMANIA Andras Rovid, JAPAN
Aldo Cumani, ITALY Saeed-Reza Sabbagh-Yazdi, IRAN
Krzysztof Cyran, POLAND Ahmed Sameh, EGYPT
Carlo dell'Aquila, ITALY Maryam Sepehr,i IRAN
Elena Doicaru, ROMANIA France Sevsek, SLOVENIA
Walter Dosch, GERMANY Hamid Reza Shahdoosti, IRAN
Muhammad Abuzar Fahiem, PAKISTAN Tatsuo Suzuki, JAPAN
Bertalan Forstner, HUNGARY Kuo-hung Tseng, TAIWAN
Eduard Franti, ROMANIA Andreas Veglis, GREECE
Alejandro Garces, SPAIN Osslan Osiris Vergara Villegas, MEXICO
Rahim Ghayour, IRAN Teodor Virgil Gabriel, ROMANIA
Bindu Goel ,INDIA Luige Vladareanu, ROMANIA
Ioannis Gonos, GREECE Mirela-Catrinel Voicu, ROMANIA
Shivanand B. Hiremath, INDIA Pattaraweerin Woraratsoontorn, THAILAND
Jason Howarth, AUSTRALIA Hung-Jen Yang, TAIWAN
Tsai Hua-LIn, TAIWAN Hsieh-Hua Yang, TAIWAN
Mohammad Tariqul Islam, MALAYSIA Hung-Jen Yang, TAIWAN
Habibullah Jamal, PAKISTAN Nie Yiyong, CHINA
Hung JenYang ,TAIWAN Stelios Zimeras, GREECE
Mingyan Jiang, SPAIN Sergio Zorzo, BRAZIL
Abdelouahed Jraifi, MOROCCO Asad A. Abidi, USA
Victor Kasyanov, RUSSIA Andreas Antoniou, USA
Omid Khayat, IRAN Antonio Cantoni, Australia
Guennadi Kouzaev, NORWAY George Szentirmai, USA
Kuan-Chou Lai, TAIWAN Michael Peter Kennedy, Ireland
Genete Laura, ROMANIA Henk Nijmeijer, The Netherlands
Apostolis Leros, GREECE Paresh C. Sen, Canada
Yiming Li, TAIWAN Michel Gevers, Belgium
Che-Chern Lin, TAIWAN James S. Thorp, USA
James Liu, HONG KONG S.A.R. Armen H. Zemanian, USA
Shi-Jer Lou, TAIWAN Guanrong Chen, Hong Kong
Goran Martinovic, CROATIA Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio, USA
Marcel Migdalovici, ROMANIA Yannis P. Tsividis, USA
Jamie Mills, UNITED STATES A. J. van der Schaft, The Netherlands
Gabriela Mircea, ROMANIA Istvan Nagy, Hungary
Valeri Mladenov, BULGARIA Wasfy B. Mikhael, USA
Bouhdadi Mohamed, MOROCCO M. N. S. Swamy, Canada
John Morris, UNITED STATES Abbas El Gamal, USA
Adrian-Ioan Niculescu, ROMANIA Franco Maloberti, Italy
Alan N. Willson Jr., USA Georgios B. Giannakis, USA
Yoji Kajitani, Japan Gonzalo R. Arce, USA
Mohammed Ismail, USA H. Vincent Poor, USA
Kemin Zhou, USA Hagit Messer, Israel
Ruey-Wen Liu, USA Harold S. Stone, USA
Nabil H. Farhat, USA Harry L. Van Trees, USA
John I. Sewell, UK Henrique S. Malvar, USA
Chung-Yu Wu, Taiwan Hsueh-Ming Hang, ROC
Jerry M. Mendel, USA Jaakko Astola, Finland
James B. Kuo, Taiwan James R. Zeidler, USA
Magdy A. Bayoumi, USA Jan P. Allebach, USA
Bertram E. Shi, Hong Kong Jitendra K. Tugnait, USA
Irwin W. Sandberg, USA John M. Cioffi, USA
M. Omair Ahmad, Canada John R. Treichler, USA
N. K. Bose, USA
Alfred Fettweis, Germany Joos Vandewalle, Belgium
Brockway McMillan, USA Jose C. Principe, USA
H. J. Orchard, USA Jose M. F. Moura, USA
Jacob Katzenelson, Israel K. J. Ray Liu, USA
Vincent Poor, USA Kaushik Roy, USA
Abraham Kandel, USA Kenneth Rose, USA
Bor-Sen Chen, China Keshab K. Parhi, USA
C. S. George Lee, USA Kon Max Wong, Canada
Hamid R. Berenji, USA Kung Yao, USA
Jim C. Bezdek, USA Martin Vetterli, USA
Kevin M. Passino, USA Mati Wax, USA
Lawrence O. Hall, USA Meir Feder, Israel
Ronald R. Yager, USA Michael C. Wicks, USA
Witold Pedrycz, Canada Michael D. Zoltowski, USA
Agoryaswami J. Paulraj, USA Michael T. Orchard, USA
Ahmed H. Tewfik, USA Michael Unser, Switzerland
Alan V. Oppenheim, USA Miguel Angel Lagunas, Spain
Alfonso Farina, Italy Moeness G. Amin, USA
Alfred O. Hero, USA Mohamed Najim, France
Ali H. Sayed, USA Neil J. Bershad, USA
Anders Lindquist, Sweden P. P. Vaidyanathan, USA
Arthur B. Baggeroer, USA Patrick Dewilde, Netherlands
Arye Nehorai, USA Peter Willett, USA
Benjamin Friedlander, USA Petre Stoica, Sweden
Bernard C. Levy, USA Phillip A. Regalia, France
Bhaskar D. Rao, USA Pierre Duhamel, France
Boualem Boashash, Australia Pierre Moulin, USA
Bruce A. Francis, Canada Pramod K. Varshney, USA
C. Richard Johnson, USA Rabab Kreidieh Ward, Canada
C. Sidney Burrus, USA Robert M. Gray, USA
Charles M. Rader, USA Rolf Unbehauen, Germany
Desmond P. Taylor, New Zealand Ronald W. Schafer, USA
Donald L. Duttweiler, USA Rui J. P. Figueiredo, USA
Donald W. Tufts, USA Russell M. Mersereau, USA
Douglas L. Jones, USA Shun-Ichi Amari, Japan
Earl E. Swartzlander, USA Simon Haykin, Canada
Ed F. Deprettere, Netherlands Soo-Chang Pei, China
Edward A. Lee, USA Soura Dasgupta, USA
Ehud Weinstein, Israel Stefan L. Hahn, Poland
Eli Brookner, USA Steven Kay, USA
Ezio Biglieri, Italy Takao Hinamoto, Japan
Faye Boudreaux-Bartels, USA Takashi Matsumoto, Japan
Tapio Saramaki, Finland Peter E. Caines, Canada
Tariq S. Durrani, U.K. Pramod P. Khargonekar, USA
Thomas F. Quatieri, USA Richard T. Middleton, Australia
Thomas L. Marzetta, USA Roberto Tempo, Italy
Thomas S. Huang, USA Roger W. Brockett, USA
Thomas W. Parks, USA Shankar Sastry, USA
Uri Shaked, Israel Steven I. Marcus, USA
V. John Mathews, USA T. E. Duncan, USA
Vladimir Cuperman, USA Tamer Basar, USA
William A. Pearlman, USA W. M. Wonham, Canada
Wolfgang Fichtner, Switzerland Weibo Gong, USA
Wu-Sheng Lu, Canada Xi-Ren Cao, Hong Kong
Yaakov Bar-Salom, USA Yu-Chi Ho, United Kingdom
Yingbo Hua, USA Noor Raihan Ab hamid, MALAYSIA
Yong Ching Lim, Singapore Siti Soraya Abdul Rahman, MALAYSIA
Zhi Ding, USA Joerg Abendroth, GERMANY
A. A. Goldenberg, Canada Sattar J Aboud, JORDAN
Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, USA Cherif adnen, TUNISIA
Angel Rodriguez-Vasquez, Spain Tiron Tudor Adriana, ROMANIA
Erol Gelenbe, USA Ryoji Akimoto, JAPAN
F. L. Lewis, USA Mohamed Ali, LIBYA
Harry Wechsler, USA Rafael Alvarez, SPAIN
Howard C. Card, Canada Paolo Amato, ITALY
Leon O. Chua, USA Yasar Amin, PAKISTAN
Marco Gori, Italy Tan Fong Ang, MALAYSIA
Narasimhan Sundararajan, Singapore Noor Habibah Arshad, MALAYSIA
Sankar K. Pal, India Dursun Aydin, TURKEY
Tamas Roska, USA Michael Bank, ISRAEL
A. Stephen Morse, USA Robert Andrei Buchmann, ROMANIA
Alberto Isidori, USA Jacques Calmet, GERMANY
Ali Saberi, USA Eduardo Casilari, SPAIN
Andrew R. Teel, USA Maiga Chang, TAIWAN
Antonio Vicino, Italy Huay Chang, TAIWAN
Anuradha M. Annaswamy, USA Kausik Chatterjee, UNITED STATES
Benjamin Melamed, USA Ming-puu Chen, TAIWAN
Bruce H. Krogh, USA Zhigang Chen, CHINA
David D. Yao, USA Nian-Shing Chen, TAIWAN
Donald Towsley, USA Rong-Chang Chen, TAIWAN
Eduardo D. Sontag, USA Hong-Ren Chen, TAIWAN
Edward J. Davison, Canada ChingWen Chen, TAIWAN
G. George Yin, USA Zhongdi Chen, CHINA
Giorgio Picci, Italy Franco Chiaraluce, ITALY
Graham C. Goodwin, Australia Suphamit Chittayasothorn, THAILAND
Han-Fu Chen, China Shihchieh Chou, TAIWAN
Harold J. Kushner, USA Lucian-Ionel Cioca, ROMANIA
Hidenori Kimura, Japan Joan-Josep Climent, SPAIN
Ian Postlethwaite, UK Krzysztof Cyran, POLAND
Ian R. Petersen, Australia Miguel Diaz, SPAIN
Jan C. Willems, Netherlands Juli?n Dorado, SPAIN
Jim S. Freudenberg, USA Hiroshi Dozono, JAPAN
Karl Johan Astrom, Sweden Dan-Maniu Duse, ROMANIA
Lennart Ljung, Sweden Neamat El Gayar, EGYPT
M. Vidyasagar, India Cheng-Kiang Farn, TAIWAN
Mark W. Spong, USA Kre?imir Fertalj, CROATIA (HRVATSKA)
Matthew R. James, Australia Kun Gao, CHINA
Munther A. Dahleh, USA Angel Garcia-Beltran, SPAIN
P .R. Kumar, USA Julio Garrido Campos, SPAIN
Morgavi Giovanna, ITALY Wichian Premchaiswadi, THAILAND
Daphne Halkias, GREECE Khalid Qaraqe, UNITED STATES
Sungwan Han, KOREA Elias Rachid, LEBANON
Nicholas Harkiolakis, GREECE Mindaugas Rybokas, LITHUANIA
Athanasios Hatzigaidas, GREECE Jean Saade, LEBANON
Koichi Higuchi, JAPAN Kassem Saleh, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Jaroslav Hlava, CZECH REPUBLIC Rocio Sanchez, SPAIN
Kun-Lin Hsieh, TAIWAN Eugenio Santos, SPAIN
Chin-pao Hung, TAIWAN Hyun Soon Shin, KOREA
Mousa Hussein, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES G. Silahtaroglu, TURKEY
Bozidar Jakovic, CROATIA (HRVATSKA) Seppo Sirkemaa, FINLAND
Tomaz Javornik, SLOVENIA Igor Skrjanc, SLOVENIA
Devinder Kaur, UNITED STATES Andre Slabbert, SOUTH AFRICA
Derk Jan Kiewiet, "NETHERLANDS Pamela Solvie, UNITED STATES
Il-hwan Kim, KOREA Moon Ting Su, MALAYSIA
Chom Kimpan, THAILAND Anna Trifonova, ITALY
George Kliros, GREECE Chieh-yuan Tsai, TAIWAN
Hana Kopackova, CZECH REPUBLIC Vasilis Tsoukalas, GREECE
Niksa Kovac, CROATIA (HRVATSKA) Anghel Vasile, ROMANIA
Jiri Krupka, CZECH REPUBLIC Roman Vitenberg, ISRAEL
Cheng-chien Kuo, TAIWAN Yi-Shun Wang, TAIWAN
Eungyong Lee, KOREA Chi-jui Wu, TAIWAN
Jeong Ho Lee, KOREA Jianbo Xu, CHINA
Lily Li, AUSTRALIA Pelin Yildiz, TURKEY
Xinben Li, CHINA Mustapha C.E. Yagoub, CANADA
Qian Li, CHINA Xiaoyan Yang, CHINA
Chunping Li, CHINA Xiaobo Yang, UNITED KINGDOM
Lina-Maria Stanca, ROMANIA Aimin Yang, CHINA
Shieh-Shing Lin, TAIWAN Shoujian Yu, CHINA
Virginia Little, UNITED STATES Pao-Ta Yu, TAIWAN
Shi-Jer Lou, TAIWAN Liangbin Zhang, CHINA
Martin Macko, CZECH REPUBLIC Janis Zuters, LATVIA
Supawee Makdee, THAILAND
Charalampos Manifavas, GREECE
Niculescu Marius-Cristian, ROMANIA
Enrique Merida-Casermeiro, SPAIN
Hiroyuki Mitsuhara, JAPAN
Djouadi Mohand Saed, ALGERIA
Mihael Mohorcic, SLOVENIA
Gholam Ali Montazer, IRAN
Bernard Moulin, CANADA
Nabil Moussa, BAHRAIN
Mihaela Muntean, ROMANIA
Seung Na, KOREA
Kuo Nai-Wen, TAIWAN
Nobuo Nakajima, JAPAN
Elias Nassar, LEBANON
Victor-Emil Neagoe, ROMANIA
Michiko Oba, JAPAN
Kyu-Cheol Oh, KOREA
Tiejun Pan, CHINA
ang-Sung Park, KOREA
Anca Petrisor, ROMANIA
Mircea Popa, ROMANIA
Marius Constantin Popescu, ROMANIA
Domenico Porto, ITALY
This year the EUROPEAN COMPUTING CONFERENCE (ECC '09) and the 3rd International
Conference on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CI '09) were held in Tbilisi, Georgia.
The Conferences remain faithful to their original idea of providing a platform to discuss software
engineering, hardware engineering, knowledge engineering, internet technologies, neural
networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computing etc. with participants from all over the world,
both from academia and from industry.

Its success is reflected in the papers received, with participants coming from several countries,
allowing a real multinational multicultural exchange of experiences and ideas.

The accepted papers of this conference are published in this Book that will be indexed by ISI.
Please, check it: www.worldses.org/indexes as well as in the CD-ROM Proceedings. They will
be also available in the E-Library of the WSEAS. The best papers will be also promoted in many
Journals for further evaluation.

A Conference such as this can only succeed as a team effort, so the Editors want to thank the
International Scientific Committee and the Reviewers for their excellent work in reviewing the
papers as well as their invaluable input and advice.

The Editors

Table of Contents
Plenary Lecture 1: Evolutionary Computation using Logic Programming 16
Jorge Ribeiro

Plenary Lecture 2: Visualizing Programs 17

Harald Wertz

Plenary Lecture 3: Computer-Aided Simulation Methods for Measuring the Accuracy of 18

Costin Cepisca

Plenary Lecture 4: Finsler Optimal Control and Geometric Dynamics 19

Constantin Udriste

Plenary Lecture 5: Data Aggregations Techniques in Over-Sampling Converters 20

Sorin Dan Grigorescu

Plenary Lecture 6: Neural Networks: A Bridge Towards Self-Observation 21

Jean-Jacques Mariage

Plenary Lecture 7: A Fuzzy Identification Problem for the Stationary Discrete Extremal Fuzzy 22
Dynamic System
Gia Sirbiladze

Plenary Lecture 8: On the Optimality of a General Production Lot Size Inventory Models with 23
Variable Parameters
Zaid Balkhi

Surveying Users' Practices Regarding Mobile Phones' Security Features 25

Iosif Androulidakis, Vasilios Christou, Nikolaos G. Bardis, Ioannis Stilios

A New Method for Controlling Boiler of Thermal Power Plant using Fuzzy Logic 31
Hamid Bentarzi, Rabah Amr Chentir, Nikos E. Mastorakis

Predictive Maintenance Management of Rail Track 35

R. B. Faiz, S. Singh

IT Governance using COBIT implemented in a High Public Educational Institution – A Case 41

Jorge Ribeiro, Rui Gomes

Service-Oriented Architecture Adoption in a Portuguese Company: A Case Study 53

Florence Augusto, Jorge Ribeiro, Rui Gomes

Quality of the Information: The Application in the Winification Process in Wine Production 62
Jorge Ribeiro, Paulo Novais, Jose Neves, Manuel Delgado

Compressing Multidimensional Structures – A Case Study 71

Jorge Ribeiro, Helder Ribeiro

Wine Vinification Prediction using Data Mining Tools 78

Jorge Ribeiro, Jose Neves, Juan Sanchez, Manuel Delgado, Jose Machado, Paulo Novais

ISSN: 1790-5117 11 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


A Sustainable Alimentation System for Our Future: The Passive Greenhouse 86

Marius M. Balas, Valentina E. Balas

Neural Network Approximating Nonlinear Sand Line Change from Aerial Survey Data Sets 91
T. Kerh, Y. M. Wang, G. S. Hsu, D. Gunaratnam

A Delay Improved Gate Level Full Adder Design 97

Padmanabhan Balasubramanian, Nikos E. Mastorakis

Finitely Purely (Pseudo) Atomic Set Multifunctions 103

Alina Gavrilut, Anca Croitoru, Nikos E. Mastorakis, Gabriel Gavrilut

On Regular Multisubmeasures and their Applications 109

Alina Gavrilut, Nikos E. Mastorakis

ODE-Constrained Optimal Neoclassical Growth 115

Constantin Udriste, Massimiliano Ferrara, Luca Guerrini

Fast Time Delay Neural Networks for Word Detection in Video Conference 120
Hazem M. El-Bakry, Nikos Mastorakis

An Efficient Electronic Archiving Approach for Office Automation 130

Hazem M. El-Bakry, Nikos Mastorakis

On the Optimality of a General Production Lot Size Inventory Model with Variable Parameters 145
Zaid T. Balkhi

Artificial Neural Networks applied to Sensorless Control in a Switched Reluctance Motor 152
Eleonora Darie, Costin Cepisca, Emanuel Darie

Mathematical Model of Dynamic Lamp Characteristics 156

Florin Argatu, Costin Cepisca, Sorin Dan Grigorescu, George Seritan, Mircea Covrig

Experimental Analysis of Advanced System for Reducing the Energy Consumption of Public 160
Street Lighting Systems
Costin Cepisca, Horia Andrei, Dogaru Valentin Ulieru, Laurentiu Stancu, Eleonora Darie

Analysis of Thermal Phenomena in High-Voltage Fuse-Links Based on Thermovision Equipment 165

Valer Giurgiu, Costin Cepisca, Gheorghe Oarga, Sorin Dan Grigorescu, Liliana Stefanescu

Computer Added Monitoring of Drilling Rig Systems 169

Sorin Dan Grigorescu, Ion Potarniche, Costin Cepisca, Octavian Mihai Ghita, Mircea Covrig

Fluid Approximation to Controlled Jump Markov Processes with Local Transitions 175
Alexey Piunovskiy

Numerical Simulations for Energy Calculation in Power Measurements 181

Sorin Dan Grigorescu, Costin Cepisca, Ion Potarniche, Octavian Mihai Ghita, Mircea Covrig, Elena Grigorescu

Mobile Platform for Testing Electric Traction Motor Prototypes in Real Road Conditions 187
Stefan Gheorghe, Mircea Covrig, Grigore Danciu, Costin Cepisca, Tudor Ursu, Soriun Dan
Grigorescu, Sanda Victorinne Paturca, Nicolae Jula, Dorin Oprea, Daniel Serban

ISSN: 1790-5117 12 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Artificial Neural Networks applied to Measurements Rotor Angle in a Synchronous Generator 193
Eleonora Darie, Costin Cepisca, Emanuel Darie

Contributions Concerning the Sensitivity Analysis of the Analogue Two-Ports Circuits for 197
Horia Andrei, Costin Cepisca, Nicolae Jula, Paul Cristian Andrei, Laurentiu Stancu

Polynomial-Time Solvability of the Maximum Clique Problem 203

Etsuji Tomita, Hiroaki Nakanishi

Fuzzy Logic System for Variable Message Signs in Kuala Lumpur 209
Arash Moradkhani Roshandeh, Majid Joshani, Othman Che Puan

Abstraction of Photographs: A Comics Style Approach 215

Catherine Sauvaget, Vincent Boyer

Constructing Lexicon with Morpho-Syntactic Features from Untagged Corpora 221

Anna Pappa

Agent's Evolution to Communication, a Global Approach to Language 227

Jean-Francois Lucas

Parallel Adder with Low Costs and Depth 233

Alexander Gamkrelidze

An Optimization Algorithm of Hierarchical Circuits 239

Alexander Gamkrelidze

On the Holonomic Parametrizations of Knots 248

Alexander Gamkrelidze, Violetta Apkhazava

New Matrix-Sets Generation and the Cryptosystems 253

Richard Megrelishvili, Anna Sikharulidze

Improving Height-Balance in Search Trees: Center versus Root, Radius Versus Height 256
Koba Gelashvili, Irina Khutsishvili

On one Construction of a Finite Automation 259

Tariel Khvedelidze, Irma Aslanishvili

System Approach to EMC Problems Arising in Automobile Cable Harness 265

George Sergia, David Topchishvili, Iskander Badzagua, Roman Jobava

An Algorithm for Best Approximation of Functions by Broken Lines 269

Guram Kashmadze

On One Model of English-Georgian Electronic Translator 272

Mikheil Tutberidze

Estimation of Efficiency of Multimedia System 275

Medea Tevdoradze, Lily Lobzhanidze, Nino Lolashvili

Computer Model for Small Business Development in Georgia 280

Lika Khatiashvili, Eka Gvaramia, Elene Kamkamidze

ISSN: 1790-5117 13 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Factorization of Combinatorial Problems with Blocking Meta-Heuristics 286

Zurab Bosikashvili, Tamar Lominadze

Transition from MSN (Multi Service Network) Conception to NGN (Next Generation Networks) 290
Networks Conception
Jemal Beridze, Tatiana Burkadze

Development and Research of the Computer System Models Supporting the Human Resource 294
Selection for the Project Management
Gia Surguladze, Ekaterine Turkia, Nino Topuria, Megi Giutashvili

A New Approach to Analysing Fuzzy Data and Decision-Making Regarding the Possibility of 299
Earthquake Occurrence
Jina Gachechiladze, Tamaz Gachechiladze, Irina Khutsishvili

Investigation of the Heat Index in Georgia based on the Most Typical Fuzzy Expected Values 302
Marina Fandoeva, Tatiana Kiseliova, Anna Sikharulidze

The Combined Decision Making Method based on the Statistical and Fuzzy Analysis 309
Irina Khutsishvili

On the Strategies of the Test Generation 317

David Kapanadze, Tamar Lominadze, Tea Todua, Taliko Zhvania

A Fuzzy Identification Problem for the Stationary Discrete Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic System 323
Gia Sirbiladze

Analysis of Service Network Management in the Electronic Commercial Systems 332

Lali Gochitashvili, Tornike Dvali, Shorena Okujava, Ekaterine Gvaramia

Learning Process Management Information Method 338

A. Dzodzuashvili, Z. Kipshidze

About the Principles of Search in Conceptual Knowledge Bases 342

Zurab Kochladze

Logical-Probabilistic Modeling, Optimization and Analysis 345

Z. G. Tsiramua, E. A. Chikashua, S. G. Tsiramua

Data Unification Algorithm for Representing Incomplete and Indefinite Information in the 348
Medical Expert System
Manana Khachidze, Maia Mikeladze

Problem of Determining Optimal Lot Size with Respect to the Production, Storage, and Quality 353
Shorena Okujava, Tamar Asatiani, Ia Giashvili, Manana Magradze

A Recursion Forms and their Verification by using the Inductive Methods 357
N. Archvadze, M. Pkhovelishvili, L. Shetsiruli, M. Nizharadze

The Dominance Concept of Dempster-Shafer (D-S) Belief Structure in the Modeling Decisions 362
Zakaria Karsaulidze, Gia Sirbiladze, Bezhan Ghvaberidze

Unification of Lukasiewicz Logic Enriched with Constant Connective 368

Revaz Grigolia, Ramaz Liparteliani

ISSN: 1790-5117 14 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Bimodal System LinTGrz has Finitary Unification Type 371

Revaz Grigolia, Tatiana Kiseliova

Fixing Variable Values in the Capacitated Facility Location Problem through Pairing and 375
Surrogate Constraint Analysis
Maria A. Osorio, Abraham Sanchez

Mathematical Theory of Redundancy Based on Formal Neuron Model 381

Archil Elizbarashvili, Oleg Namicheichvili

Application of Adaptive Genetic Algorithm in Mining Industry 386

G. Besiashvili, O. Rcheulishvili

General Conflict Management Information Model 389

Z. Kipshidze, A. Dzodzuashvili, G. Ananiashvili

The Coordination Index of Fuzzy Opinions under Group Decision-Making 392

Teimuraz Tsabadze

The Two-Stage Model for Order Selection and Operation Sequencing 401
Anton Lominadze, Nodar Lominadze

An Efficient Database and Search Engine for Electronic Publications 405

Alexander Gamkrelidze, Thomas Burch, Ilia Chogovadze

New Chromo Theory of Canonically Conjugate Fuzzy Subset 410

Tamaz Gachechiladze, Hamlet Meladze, Guram Tsertsvadze, Magda Tsintsadze

Evaluation of Bankruptcy Risks by the method of Fuzzy Statistics 414

Teimuraz Manjafarashvili, Mikheil Kapanadze

Analog Filter Group Delay Optimization. Efficiency Evaluation of Optimization Methods 421
Karel Zaplatilek

Authors Index 426

ISSN: 1790-5117 15 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 1

Evolutionary Computation using Logic Programming

Assistant Professor Jorge Ribeiro

School of Technology and Management
Polytechnic of the Institute of Viana do Castelo
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The Evolutionary Computation covers sets of algorithms inspired by the theory of the species evolution.
The interconnection between the Artificial Intelligence techniques such as Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural
Networks for the creation of evolutionary systems is applied in the resolution of various types of problems in particular
in the optimization processes. The objective of this union is to combine symbolic and conexionist systems in order to
optimize the description of the universe of discourse represented by logic functions. We focus on the study of the
combination of Artificial Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithms to investigate the descriptive power of the Extended
Logic Programming in order to qualify the description of the universe of discourse or theories expressed by logic
mathematical functions. With this theories and methodologies the goal is to get the best value of the quantification
theory which corresponds to the best logic mathematical functions and try to optimize it.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Jorge Ribeiro was born in 1975, in Braga, Portugal and is Assistant Professor of
the School of Technology and Management Polytechnic of the Institute of Viana do Castelo - Portugal. Is teaching in
the Artificial Intelligence, Systems Integration and Enterprise Information Systems field. Is member of the Artificial
Intelligence Group of the Informatics Department of the University of Minho - Portugal. He received MSc degree in
computer science (2002) from the University of Minho-Portugal. His PhD dissertation (at the Department of Electronic
and Computation of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.) addresses the optimization of logic
mathematical functions applying evolutionary systems in order to maximize the quality-of-information. He has been
an author and co-author of some papers in the field of Data Mining, Software Engineering, Knowledge
Representation and Evolutionary Systems.

ISSN: 1790-5117 16 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 2

Visualizing Programs

Professor Harald Wertz

Department of Computer Science
Laboratoire d' Informatique Avancee de Saint- Denis (LIASD)
2, Rue de la Liberte
93526 Saint-Denis Cedex, France
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: During their live cycle, programs have a tendency to grow and, by the way, to increase their complexity,
thus becoming harder and harder to read, to understand and to maintain. But understanding programs is necessary
for their continuous evolution, their maintenance and debugging.
Various tools, such as metrics, abstract interpretation, model checking, code coverage, program slicing, data-flow
analysis, pointer analysis, call graphs, data-flow graphs and dependency graphs (to name but a few), have been
developed to help programmers in their understanding of the structure and functioning of programs. In this lecture we
will present various ways of displaying graphs and focus on the impact of visualization of such static and dynamic
data dependencies in the context of program maintenance. We will examine several prototypes we have developed in
our laboratory, detailing especially the different visualizations we propose, which are aimed to minimize the
conceptual overload in order to allow users to deal with hard to understand or buggy programs.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Harald Wertz was born in 1947 in Friedrichshafen, Germany, and is living in
France since 1971. He is Professor of Computer Science at the Universite Paris 8, France, since 1978, and he is a
founding member of the Franco-Georgian Institute. He loves to teach introductory programming classes, artificial
intelligence and software engineering. His research focuses mainly on the intersection between artificial intelligence
and software engineering: finding computational methods helping to understand, debug and meaningfully represent
programs. His doctoral thesis, at the University of Paris 6, described a Lisp-system able to automatically debug
programs written by novice programmers. His ‘these d’etat es science’, at the Universite de Vincennes, described the
structure, implementation and use of an integrated and incremental programming environment, which included (then)
novel features such as automatic documentation, automatic construction of outstanding task lists, on the fly
correction, reverse execution and executable program annotation. He is the author of three books, several book
chapters and some seventy papers.

ISSN: 1790-5117 17 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 3

Computer-Aided Simulation Methods for Measuring the Accuracy of Converters

Professor Costin Cepisca

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The measurement information systems make use of different converters whereby the link between the
signal converters and the system bus impose structural and algorithmic methods for increasing accuracy.
The simulation methods are applied for measurement of powers and energies in electrical networks using instrument
transformers. The transformers allow the measurement of the effective value but, in certain cases, one can note
errors in the measurement of the electric power and energy.
In most practical cases a current transformer consists of a traditional instrument with magnetic core. Accuracy
specifications of these devices are generally assured under sinusoidal conditions. When distorted waveforms are
dealt with, CTs can introduce large uncertainties, thus leading to gross measurement errors.
A variety of techniques is reported for improving the performance of instrument transformers. In many cases they
refer to hardware circuits for electronically compensated devices. More recently, several different software
compensation techniques have been introduced for limiting the errors. Following a similar approach, digital
compensation methods have been proposed to significantly reduced hysteresis and eddy currents effects.
In the present paper, we present different models of current transformers and computer methods for the simulation of
characteristics and evaluation of measurement errors, with the goal of increasing the measurement accuracy.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Costin Cepisca was born in Bucharest, Romania, on May 21, 1949. He received
the degree in electrical engineering (1972) and the Ph.D. (Dr.ing.) from Bucharest Polytechnic Institute in 1983.
He is currently Professor of measurement systems at the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Head of Research
Centre for Metrology and Measurement Systems and former Vice-Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
His present research interest includes the sensor interface systems, analogue circuit design and signal processing,
measurement theory and power quality. He has published more 600 technical papers and 60 books and has been
involved in numerous government and industrial projects in area of measurements and instrumentation.

ISSN: 1790-5117 18 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 4

Finsler Optimal Control and Geometric Dynamics

Professor Constantin Udriste

Department of Mathematics
University Politehnica of Bucharest
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: This paper relates the theory of optimal control to the Finsler geometry and to the geometric dynamics.
Section 1 shows how we build a Finsler structure starting from an optimal control problem. Section 2 studies a
dynamic system evolving over time and controlled through a Finsler control. In order to choose properly the controls,
we use a payoff functional and the Pontryaguin Maximum Principle. Section 3 transforms a controlled evolution
system in a Finsler geometric dynamics. Section 4 introduces the idea of the controlled Finsler gradient flows in
optimization problems. Section 5 studies the Finsler optimal control attached to Rosenbrock function. Section 6
formulates a Finsler affine regulator problem. Section 7 describes a Finsler optimal growth model.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Important Career Positions: Dean, Director, Chair, Full Professor 1990-, University
Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Mathematics.
Number of PhD Students: 25 in due time and 13 Doctors in Mathematics.
Membership of Associations: AMS, 1987; Tensor Society, 1985; Balkan Society of Geometers, President, 1994;
Publications: over 40 books; 200 papers; 200 communications.
Honors: D. Hurmuzescu Prize, Romanian Academy, 1985; Award MEI, 1988; Correspondent Member, Academia
Peloritana, Messina, 1997; Titular Member, Academy of Romanian Scientists, 2007; Honorary Member, World
Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2008-;
Organizer: The International Conference of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, University Politehnica of
Bucharest, October 5-7, 2007; 7th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation
(ISTASC'07), Vouliagmeni Beach, Athens, Greece, August 24-26 (2007); European Computing Conference,
Vouliagmeni Beach, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2007; 12th WSEAS International Conference on Applied
Mathematics, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 29-31, 2007; 7th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems,
Electronics, Control and Signal Processing, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 29-31, 2007; Chair-Committee: American Conference
on Applied Mathematics (Math'08) and Management, Marketing and Finances (MMF'08), Cambridge, Massachusetts,
USA, March 24-26, 2008; International Program Committee: The Applied Computing Conference (ACC-08), Istanbul,
Turkey, May 27-30, 2008.
Fields of Interest: Differential Geometry, Optimizations on Riemannian Manifolds, Magnetic Dynamical Systems,
Geometric Dynamics.

ISSN: 1790-5117 19 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 5

Data Aggregations Techniques in Over-Sampling Converters

Professor Sorin Dan Grigorescu

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: Data flow reduction in digital instrumentation usually comes with the benefit of statistical processing for
noise cancellation and preservation of signals correlation parameters among an overall compression of information.
Over-sampling techniques offer the unique characteristic of noise shaping in analog to digital converters providing
additional accuracy for measurements with the cost of local signal processing for decimation of data.
We present several techniques of data aggregation regarding sigma-delta modulators used in energy counters and
power quality analyzers performing unconventional statistical data processing and data aggregation bought in time
and frequency domains. Simulations for code and time interpolation data reduction have been performed for primary
data flow of the measurement chain and for data collection aggregation for compact power quality parameters

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Sorin Dan Grigorescu was born in Bucharest, Romania on June 8, 1958. He
received the degree in electronics and telecommunications (1984) and the Ph.D. (dr. eng.) from the Bucharest
Polytechnic Institute in 1996.
He performs research and teaching as Professor of virtual instrumentations and distributed measurement systems at
the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest. His research field includes signal processing, monitoring complex
systems, power quality and transducers.
He has published more than 200 scientific papers and 20 books, being the head of research team for several
governmental and industrial projects in the fields of instrumentation, power quality and integrated control of the drilling

ISSN: 1790-5117 20 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 6

Neural Networks: A Bridge Towards Self-Observation

Associate Professor Jean-Jacques Mariage

Computing Science Department
Laboratoire d' Informatique Avancee de Saint-Denis (LIASD)
2, Rue de la Liberte
93526 Saint-Denis Cedex, France
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Regardless of their increasing number and diversity, the capacities of Neural Network (NN) models still
remain far behind the ones biological systems can exhibit when faced to changing environments or other complex
processes. As an attempt to better understand why, we propose to investigate the variations of a few NN algorithms
in the theoretical framework of Darwinian evolution in order to favor the emergence of more global models through
gradual adaptive developmental steps.
First, we explore the possibility to achieve a more general conception of learning and training methodology, detached
from specialized NN models. Then, with the ultimate goal to bypass human bias constraints in data acquisition, we
apply NNs to the automatic categorization of natural language data without prior knowledge.
To this end, we argue that enhanced plasticity and reorganization capabilities are necessary for NNs in order to be
able to detect and structurally integrate variations in the data space. A first step is to model and simulate the dynamic
character of the “biological” learning structures and processes as well as their evolution over time. We propose a dual
architecture, where two –possibly identical– NNs collaborate, one learning to control the efficiency of the other. This
way, a reflexive loop of self-supervision can be achieved where one NN learns to tune the configuration parameters
(wiring, growth, learning rate, etc.) of the other through automated trial and error sessions. A further step is the use of
data driven programming combined with error measures in the self-supervision loop to create a self-observing
retroactive loop in order to analytically develop an active, event guided, learning. The previously mentioned dual
architecture can then be used to learn to extract and apply characteristic learning features of other NN models. NNs
would thereby, in response to environmental changes, put into practice their acquired adaptive developmental
capabilities to generate the appropriate variations, both at the architectural and procedural level.
We will also distinguish different scales of structural variations in the natural – and mostly biological – world in order
to illustrate emergent steps in the evolution of developmental strategies, similar to those nature has selected.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Jean-Jacques Mariage was born in Saisseval, France, in 1953. He is Associate
Professor of Computer Science at the University of Paris 8 since 2001, where he joined the Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory. He teaches at the Franco Georgian Institute since 2006. His teaching activity involves Artificial
Intelligence, programming languages and computer network engineering. His current research addresses the
integration of a self-observing retroactive loop in unsupervised Neural Network (NN) models, applied to the automatic
categorization of natural language data without previous knowledge. To this end, his interest focuses on the modeling
and simulation of the developmental dynamics of adaptive encoding structures as found in biological systems. His
areas of interest include learning, memory, evolution, NN algorithms, genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming,
artificial life as well as the development, replication and adaptation of biological encoding structures.

ISSN: 1790-5117 21 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 7

A Fuzzy Identification Problem for the Stationary Discrete

Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic System

Professor Gia Sirbiladze

Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Exact & Natural Sciences
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: This work deals with the problem of the Stationary Discrete Extremal Fuzzy Dynamic System (SDEFDS)
identification and briefly discusses the results developed by G. Sirbiladze. The fuzzy process with possibilistic
uncertainty, the source of which is expert knowledge reflections, is constructed. The dynamics of SDEFDS is
described. Based on the fuzzy-integral model, methods and algorithms are developed for identifying the transition
operator of the stationary discrete extremal fuzzy dynamic system. The SDEFDS transition operator is restored by
means of expert data with possibilistic uncertainty, the source of which is expert knowledge reflections on the states
of SDEFDS in the extremal fuzzy time intervals.
The regularization condition for obtaining a quasi-optimal estimator of the transition operator is represented by the
theorems. The corresponding calculating algorithm is provided. The results obtained are illustrated by the example in
the case of a finite set of SDEFDS states.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Dr. Gia Sirbiladze is a full professor at the Department of Computer Science of
Faculty of Exact & Natural Sciences of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia. He received his Ph.D.
degree in 1991 from the Computational Mathematics Institute of the Georgian Academy of Science. He received his
D. Sci. degree from the same institute in 2005. His scientific interests include areas such as Intelligent Fuzzy
Technologies and General Systems, Fuzzy Technologies in Decision-making Support Systems, Fuzzy Extremal
Dynamic Systems - Control, Filtration and Identification, Fuzzy Discrete Optimization Problems and Modeling
Decisions. Dr. Gia Sirbiladze has published 54 scientific papers on the above-listed topics. He is an author of one
monograph on Decision Making Problems in General Environment. Dr.Gia Sirbiladze has participated in many
scientific conferences, including plenary speeches on WSEAS conferences. Dr.Gia Sirbiladze is a member of the
National Union of Mathematicians in Georgia. He serves as a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews. He has reviewed
papers for more then 15 international and local journals and conferences. He serves as Information Technology
expert for Georgian National Scientific Fund. Dr.Gia Sirbiladze has participated in several national and international
research projects.

ISSN: 1790-5117 22 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Plenary Lecture 8

On the Optimality of a General Production Lot Size Inventory Models with Variable

Professor Zaid Balkhi

King Saud University, College of Science
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Saudi Arabia
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: A general production lot size dynamic inventory model with deteriorating items for which the rates of
demand, production, deterioration as well as the cost parameters are arbitrary and known functions of time is
considered in this paper. Shortages are allowed but are partially backordered. Both inflation and time value of money
are taken into account. The objective is to minimize the total net inventory cost. The relevant model is built, solved
and some main results about the uniqueness and the global optimality of this solution, with the use of rigorous
mathematical methods, are obtained. An illustrative example is provided.

Brief Biography of the Speaker: Degrees: B.Sc. in mathematics (Probability and Mathematical Statistics Section)
Damascus University 1971-High Diploma in pure mathematics, Damascus University 1979 - Studying several post
graduate courses in Optimization, Probability and Statistics Brussels University 1980 - Dr. of Science in applied
mathematics (Belgian Ph.D in applied mathematics- OR oriented) with honors, University of Brussels 1983.
Positions: Professor in King Saud University, College of Science, Department of Statistics and Operations Research
since May 2005.,Associate Professor King Suad University, College of Science, Department of Statistics and
Operations Research, 1998 -Assistant Professor, King Saud University, College of Science, Department of Statistics
and Operations Research, From 1983 to 1998- Demonstrator in Mathematic Department in Damascus University
Professional Experience: He has about 27 years academic teaching experience in Operations Research, Statistics,
and Mathematics, supervising several M.Sc. and PhD thesis., Main contributor in the design and development of the
B.Sc. and M.Sc. and PhD Programs in Operations Research And Statistics in the Department of Statistics and
Operations Research in King Saud University (Riyadh - Saudi Arabia), Member in the editorial board of “Journal of
Scientific Inquiry” , Acting as a referee for more than 15 specialized and leading international journals (more than 20
papers per year) . He contributed in many Local and International Scientific Conferences and Symposiums. He
Contributed in giving consultations in solving local real problems in Saudi Arabia using the OR techniques.
His Research Interests: are in Applied Mathematic (Operations Research Oriented). In particular, Optimal Search
problems where he has more than 10 research papers. Recently he research turns to Inventory Control problems
with more than 35 publications in a scientific and leading journals.. He also authored 4 books in Fundamentals of
Operations Research, Inventory Control, Game Theory, and Integer Programming.

ISSN: 1790-5117 23 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8


Authors Index

Ananiashvili, G. 389 Gelashvili, K. 256 Neves, J. 62, 78

Andrei, H. 160, 197 Gheorghe, S. 187 Nizharadze, M. 357
Andrei, P. C. 197 Ghita, O. M. 169, 181 Novais, P. 62, 78
Androulidakis, I. 25 Ghvaberidze, B. 362 Oarga, G. 165
Apkhazava, V. 248 Giashvili, I. 353 Okujava, S. 332, 353
Archvadze, N. 357 Giurgiu, V. 165 Oprea, D. 187
Argatu, F. 156 Giutashvili, M. 294 Osorio, M. A. 375
Asatiani, T. 353 Gochitashvili, L. 332 Pappa, A. 221
Aslanishvili, I. 259 Gomes, R. 41, 53, Paturca, S. V. 187
Augusto, F. 53 Grigolia, R. 368, 371 Piunovskiy, A. 175
Badzagua, I. 265 Grigorescu, E. 181 Pkhovelishvili, M. 357
Balas V. E. 86 Grigorescu, S. D. 156, 165, 169, Potarniche, I. 169, 181
Balas, M. M. 86 Grigorescu, S. D. 181, 187 Puan, O. C. 209
Balasubramanian, P. 97 Guerrini, L. 115 Rcheulishvili, O. 386
Balkhi, Z. T. 145 Gunaratnam, D. 91 Ribeiro, H. 71
Bardis, N. 25 Gvaramia, E. 280, 332 Ribeiro, J. 41, 53, 62,
Bentarzi, H. 31 Hsu, G. S. 91 Ribeiro, J. 71, 78
Beridze, J. 290 Jobava, R. 265 Roshandeh, A. 209
Besiashvili, G. 386 Joshani, M. 209 Sanchez, A. 375
Bosikashvili, Z. 286 Jula, N. 187, 197 Sanchez, J. 78
Boyer, V. 215 Kamkamidze, E. 280 Sauvaget, C. 215
Burch, T. 405 Kapanadze, D. 317 Serban, D. 187
Burkadze, T. 290 Kapanadze, M. 414 Sergia, G. 265
Cepisca, C. 152, 156, 160, Karsaulidze, Z. 362 Seritan, G. 156
Cepisca, C. 165, 169, 181, Kashmadze, G. 269 Shetsiruli, A. 357
Cepisca, C. 187, 193, 197 Kerh, T. 91 Sikharulidze, A. 253, 302
Chentir, R. A. 31 Khachidze, M. 348 Singh S. 35
Chikashua, E. A. 345 Khatiashvili, L. 280 Sirbiladze, G. 323, 362
Chogovadze, I. 405 Khutsishvili, I. 256, 299, 309 Stancu, L. 160, 197
Christou, V. 25 Khvedelidze, T. 259 Stefanescu, L. 165
Covrig, M. 181, 187, Kipshidze, Z. 338, 389 Stilios, I. 25
Covrig, M. 156, 169 Kiseliova, T. 302, 371 Surguladze, G. 294
Croitoru, A. 103 Kochladze, Z. 342 Tevdoradze, M. 275
Danciu, G. 187 Liparteliani, R. 368 Todua, T. 317
Darie, E. l. 152, 160, 193 Lobzhanidze, L. 275 Tomita, E. 203
Darie, E. M. 152, 193, Lolashvili, N. 275 Topchishvili, D. 265
Delgado, M. 62, 78 Lominadze, A. 401 Topuria, N. 294
Dvali, T. 332 Lominadze, N. 401 Tsabadze, T. 392
Dzodzuashvili, A. 338, 389 Lominadze, T. 286, 317 Tsertsvadze, G. 410
El-Bakry, H. M. 120, 130 Lucas, J.-F. 227 Tsintsadze, M. 410
Elizbarashvili, A. 381 Machado, J. 78 Tsiramua, S. G. 345
Faiz, R. B. 35 Magradze, M. 353 Tsiramua, Z. G. 345
Fandoeva, M. 302 Manjafarashvili, T. 414 Turkia, E. 294
Ferrara, M. 115 Mastorakis, N. 31, 97, 103, Tutberidze, M. 272
Gachechiladze, J. 299 Mastorakis, N. 109, 120, 130 Udriste, C. 115
Gachechiladze, T. 299, 410 Megrelishvili, R. 253 Ulieru, D. V. 160
Gamkrelidze, A. 233, 239, Meladze, H. 410 Ursu, T. 187
Gamkrelidze, A. 248, 405 Mikeladze, M. 348 Wang, Y. M. 91
Gavrilut, A. 103, 109 Nakanishi, H. 203 Zaplatilek, K. 421
Gavrilut, G. 103 Namicheichvili, O. 381 Zhvania, T. 317

ISSN: 1790-5117 426 ISBN: 978-960-474-088-8

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