Clifford Algebra and Spinors
Clifford Algebra and Spinors
Clifford Algebra and Spinors
Clifford Algebras
and Spinors
Second Edition
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. 286
Pertti Lounesto
Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA
10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3 166, Australia
Ruiz de AlarcQ 13,28014 Madrid, Spain
O P. Lounesto 2001
Preface vii
Mathematical Notation ix
1. Vectors and linear spaces 1
2. Complex numbers 18
3. Bivectors and the exterior algebra 33
4. Pauli spin matrices and spinors 50
5. Quaternions 67
6. The fourth dimension 80
7. The cross product 92
8. Electromagnetism 100
9. Lorentz transformations 118
10. The Dirac equation 135
11. Fierz identities and boomerangs 152
12. Flags, poles and dipoles 162
13. Tilt to the opposite metric 174
14. Definitions of the Clifford algebra 188
15. Witt rings and Brauer groups 195
16. Matrix representations and periodicity of 8 205
17. Spin groups and spinor spaces 219
18. Scalar products of spinors and the chessboard 23 1
19. Mobius transformations and Vahlen matrices 244
20. Hypercomplex analysis 255
21. Binary index sets and Walsh functions 279
22. Chevalley's construction and characteristic 2 288
23. Octonions and triality 300
A history of Clifford algebras 320
Selected reading 33 1
Index 335
This book is intended for people who are not primarily algebraists, but nonethe-
less get involved in the subject through other areas - having backgrounds, in
say, engineering, physics, geometry or analysis. Readers of this book may have
different starting levels, backgrounds and goals.
Chapters 1-2 form a unit for an undergraduate course: Vectors, the scalar
product; complex numbers, a geometrical interpretation of the imagi-
nary unit i = a.
Chapters 3-7 guide the reader through bottlenecks and provide necessary
building blocks: Bivectors and the exterior product. Pauli spin ma-
trices and Pauli spinors. Quaternions and the fourth dimension. The
cross product is generalized to higher dimensions.
Chapters 8-10 aim to serve readers with different backgrounds: Electromag-
netism, special relativity, Dirac theory. The Dirac equation is formu-
lated with complex column spinors, spinors in minimal left ideals and
considering spinors as operators.
Chapters 11-13 discuss physical applications of spinors: In the case of an
electron, Fierz identities are sufficient to reconstruct spinors from their
physical observables, but this is not the case for the neutrino. Boome-
rangs are introduced to handle neutrinos. A new class of spinors is
identified by its bilinear observables: the flag-dipole spinors which re-
side between Weyl, Majorana and Dirac spinors.
Chapters 14-15 are more algebraic than the previous chapters. Clifford al-
gebras are defined for the first time. Finite fields. Isometry classes of
quadratic forms and their Witt rings. Tensor products of algebras and
Brauer groups are discussed.
Chapters 16-19 view Clifford algebras through matrix algebras: Clifford al-
gebras are given isomorphic images as matrix algebras, Cartan's peri-
odicity of 8, spin groups and their matrix images in lower dimensions,
scalar products of spinors with a chessboard of their automorphism
groups, Mobius transformations represented by Vahlen matrices.
Chapters 20-23 discuss miscellaneous mathematical topics. A one-variable
higher-dimensional generalization of complex analysis: Cauchy's inte-
gral formula is generalized to higher dimensions. Multiplication rule
of standard basis elements of a Clifford algebra and its relation to
Walsh functions. Multivector structure of Clifford algebras and the
non-existence of k-vectors, k 2, in characteristic 2. In the last chap-
ter, we come into contact with final frontiers science: an exceptional
phenomenon in dimension 8, triality, which has no counterpart in any
other dimension.
The first parts of initial chapters are accessible without knowledge of other
parts of the book - thus a teacher may choose his own path for his lectures
on Clifford algebras. The latter parts of the chapters are sometimes more
advanced, and can be left as independent study for interested students.
Introduction of the Clifford algebra of multivectors and spinors can be mo-
tivated in two different ways, in physics and in geometry:
(i) In physics, the concept of Clifford algebra, as such or in a disguise, is
a necessity in the description of electron spin: Spinors cannot be con-
structed by tensorial methods, in terms of exterior powers of the vector
(ii) In geometry, information about orientation of subspaces can be encoded
in simple multivectors, which can be added and multiplied. Physicists
are familiar with this tool in the special case of one-dimensional sub-
spaces of oriented line-segments, which they manipulate by vectors (not
by projection operators, which lose information about orientation).
In preparing this book I have enjoyed the help of many friends and colleagues:
Jerry Segercrantz from Finland, Peter Morgan, Ian Porteous and Ronald Shaw
from England, Rafal Ablamowicz, Michael Becker, Geoffrey Dixon, Tevian
Dray, Michael Kinyon and Arvind Raja from the USA, Roland Bacher (Switzer-
land), Helga Baum (Germany), Bernard Jancewicz (Poland), Alphonse Charlier
and Yvon Siret (France), Josep Parra (Spain) and Garret Sobczyk (Mexico).
I thank Ross Jones and Goran Lgngstedt for revising my English. For their
assistance with TEX, I am indebted to Timo Korvola and Martti Nikunen.
I appreciate feedback from the readers of the first edition: Leo Dorst, Kynn
Jones, Joseph Riel and Perttu Puska.
In particular, I would like to thank Jacques Helrnstetter for his comments on
my DEA lectures in Grenoble as well as Ismo Lindell at the Electromagnetics
Laboratory in Helsinki, and Waldyr Rodrigues at IMECC in Campinas. For
financial support, I am indebted to the NOKIA Foundation in Helsinki and
CNPq in Brazil.
v linear space
IF field
D division ring (typically R, C, W)
W division ring of quaternions
0 division algebra of octonions
Mat(d, IF) d x d matrix algebra over IF
Mat(d,D) matrix algebra over Cen(D) with entries in D
21F double ring F x IF of the field IF
2Mat(d,IF) direct sum Mat(d,IF) ;) Mat(d,IF) Mat(d, 21F)
A an algebra
Cen(A) the center of an algebra A
A R, C, W, 2R, or 2W
Rn n-dimensional real linear space
Rn = Rn,o n-dimensional Euclidean space
P n-dimensional complex linear space
Wn n-dimensional module over W
RP9P real quadratic space (p for positive and q for negative)
C ~# P
P Clifford algebra of Rplq
Q quadratic form
C4Q) Clifford algebra of the quadratic form Q; x 2 = Q(x)
Ces cz Mat(2, C) Clifford algebra of the Euclidean space R3
ce, = ce, ,O
Clifford algebra of the Euclidean space Rn = RntO
CelS3 Mat(2, W) Clifford algebra of the Minkowski space R1t3
Ces,~ Mat(4,R) Clifford algebra of the Minkowski space R3t1
grade involute of u E Ce(Q) = Ce+(Q) $ Ce-(Q)
reverse of u E CC(Q); 5 = x for x E V
u Clifford-conjugate of u E CC(Q); ji = -x for x E V
u* complex conjugate of u (in chapter 2 also G )
f primitive idempotent of C%,q
s = cep,,f spinor space (minimal left ideal of CeP,,)
s, u s
left ideal S $ or companion of U E SO(8)
Zn {0,1,. . . , n - 1) or (1, ei2=/",. . . , ei2a(n-1)/n)
Vectors and Linear Spaces
2. direction
- attitude (of the line OA)
- orientation (from O to A)
The length of a vector a is denoted by la[. Two vectors are equal if and only
1 In this chapter scalars are real numbers (elements of R).
2 Vectors and Linear Spaces
if they have the same length and the same direction. Thus,
a=b w lal=lbl and a t t b .
Two vectors have the same direction, if they are parallel as lines (the same
attitude) and similarly aimed (the same orientation). The zero vector has
length zero, and its direction is unspecified. A unit vector u has length one,
IuI = 1. A vector a and its opposite -a are of equal length and parallel, but
have opposite orientations.
Vector addition b
Vector subtraction 0 b B
R e m a r k . To qualify as vectors, quantities must have more than just direction
1.3 Multiplication by numbers (scalars) 3
and magnitude - they must also satisfy certain rules of combination. For in-
stance, a rotation can be characterized by a direction a, the axis of rotation,
and a magnitude cr = lal, the angle of rotation, but rotations are not vectors
because their composition fails to satisfy the commutative rule of vector addi-
tion, a + b = b + a . The lack of commutativity of the composition of rotations
can be verified by turning a box around two of its horizontal axes by 90° :
The terminal attitude of the box depends on the order of operations. The axis
of the composite rotation is not even horizontal, so that neither a+ b nor b a +
can represent the composite rotation. We conclude that rotation angles are not
vectors - they are a different kind of directed quantities. I
If we single out a distinguished point, the origin 0, we can use vectors to label
the points A by a = OA. In the coordinate system fixed by 0 and {el,e2)
we can denote points and vectors in a similar manner,
point A = (al, a%), vector a = (01, a2),
since all the vectors have a common initial point 0 .
In coordinate form vector addition and multiplication by scalars are just
coordinate-wise operations:
The numbers a l , a2, a3 are coordinates in the basis {el,e 2 , es). Conversely,
coordinate-wise addition and scalar multiplication make the set
R x R x R = { ( t , y,z) 1 t , y , z E R )
a 3-dimensional real linear space or vector space R3. In a coordinate system
fixed by the origin 0 and a standard basis {el,e2,e3) a point P = ( t , y, z )
and its position vector
O P = tel + ye2 + ze3
have the same coordinates.
2 Some authors speak about components of vectors and coordinates of points.
3 Since a vector beginning at the origin is completely determined by its endpoints, we will
sometimes refer to the point r rather than to the endpoint of the vector r.
1.5 Linear spaces and linear functions 5
1.5 Linear spaces a n d linear functions
Above we introduced vectors by visualizing them without specifying the grounds
of our study. In an axiomatic approach, one starts with a set whose elements
satisfy certain characteristic rules. Vectors then hecome elements of a math-
ematical object called a linear space or a vector space V. In a linear space
vectors can be added to each other but not multiplied by each other. Instead,
vectors are multiplied by numbers, in this context called scalars.
Formally, we begin with a set V and the field of real numbers R. We associate
with each pair of elements a , b E V a unique element in V, called the sum and
denoted by a + b , and to each a E V and each real number X E R we associate
a unique element in V, called the scalar multiple and denoted by Xa. The set
V is called a linear space V over R if the usual rules of addition are satisfied
for all a, b , c E V
a+b=b+a commutativity
+ +
(a b) c = a + (b + c) associativity
a+O=a zero-vector 0
a+(-a) = O opposite vector -a
and if the scalar multiplication satisfies
X(a b) = Xa Xb + distributivity
(A + p ) a = Xa+,ua
( X P )=~ X(P~> associativity
la =a unit property
for all A, ,u E IW and a , b E V. The elements of V are called vectors, and the
linear space V is also called a vector space. The above axioms of a linear space
set up a real linear structure on V.
A subset U of a linear space V is called a linear subspace of V if it is closed
under the operations of a linear space:
a+bEU for a , b E U ,
Xa E U for X E R, a E U.
For instance, R2 is a subspace of R3.
A function L : U + V between two linear spaces U and V is said to be
linear if for any a , b E U and X E R,
L ( a + b ) = L(a) + L(b) and
L(Xa) = X L(a).
4 Vectors are not scalars, and scalars are not vectors. Vectors belong to a linear space V ,
and scalars belong to a field IF. In this chapter IF = R.
6 Vectors and Linear Spaces
Linear functions preserve the linear structure. A linear function V + V is
called a linear transformation or an endomorphism. An invertible linear func-
tion U + V is a linear isomorphism, denoted by U 2: V.
The set of linear functions U +V is itself a linear space. A composition
of linear functions is also a linear function. The set of linear transformations
V + V is a ring denoted by End(V). Since the endomorphism ring End(V)
is also a linear space over R , it is an associative algebra over R, denoted by
In a linear combination
of linearly independent vectors al, a2,. . .,a k the numbers X I , X2,. . . , Xk are
unique; we call them the coordinates of b.
Linear combinations of {al,a2, . . . ,ak) c V form a subspace of V; we say
that this subspace is spanned by {al, an, . . . ,ak). A linearly independent set
{al, a2,. . . ,ak) C V which spans V is said to be a basis of V. All the bases
for V have the same number of elements called the dimension of V.
Concepts such as distance or angle are not inherent in the concept of a linear
structure alone. For instance, it is meaningless to say that two lines in the
linear space R2 meet each other at right angles, or that there is a basis of
5 Finite-dimensional real linear spaces are isomorphic if they are of the same dimension.
6 A ring R is a set with the usual addition and an associative multiplication R X R + R
which is distributive with respect to the addition. An algebra A is a linear space with a
bilinear product A x A + A.
1.7 Scalar product 7
equally long vectors el, e:, in R2. The linear structure allows comparison of
lengths of parallel vectors, but it does not enable comparison of lengths of non-
parallel vectors. For this, an extra structure is needed, namely the metric or
quadratic structure.
The quadratic structure on a linear space Rn brings along an algebra which
makes it possible to calculate with geometric objects. In the rest of this chapter
we shall study such a geometric algebra associated with the Euclidean plane
1.7 Scalar p r o d u c t
We will associate with two vectors a real number, the scalar product a . b E R of
a, b E R2. This scalar valued product of a = ale1 a2e2 and b = blel b2e2 +
is defined as
i n coordinates a - b = albl + a2b2
geometrically a - b = lallblcoscp
where cp [0 5 cp 5 180°] is the angle between a and b. The geometrical
construction depends on the prior introduction of lengths and angles. Instead,
the coordinate approach can be used to define the length
This is satisfied if the orthogonal unit vectors el, e2 obey the multiplication
which correspond to
Use associativity to calculate the square (ele2)' = -efe: = -1. Since the
square of the product ele2 is negative, it follows that ele2 is neither a scalar
7 An isometry of quadratic forms is a linear function f : V + V' such that Q'( f (a)) = Q(a)
for all a E V.
8 The scalar product a . b is not the same as the Clifford product a b . Instead, the two
products are related by a . b = $ ( a b ba).
1.9 The Clifford algebra Ce2 9
nor a vector. The product is a new kind of unit, called a bivector, represent-
ing the oriented plane area of the square with sides el and e2. Write for short
el2 = ele2.
We define the Cliffordproduct of two vectors a = ale1 a2e2 and b = blel +
b2e2 to be ab = albl +a2b2+(alb2-a2bl)e12, asum of a scalar and a bivector.
form a basis for the Clifford algebra Ce2 of the vector plane R2, that is,
an arbitrary element
The bivectors a A b and b A a have the same magnitude but opposite senses
of rotation. This can be expressed simply by writing
1.11 Components of a vector in given directions 11
Using the multiplication table of the Clifford algebra C12 we notice that the
Clifford product
+ +
of two vectors a = ale1 a2e2 and b = blel b2e2 is a sum of a scalar
a . b = al bl a2b2and a bivector a A b = (alb2- a2bl)e12.l1 In an equation,
Exercise 5
The last formula tells us that the length of b is irrelevant when projecting into
the direction of b.
The perpendicular component a1 is given by the difference
a1 = a - all = a - (a.b)b-'
= (ab - a - b)b-' = (a A b)b-'
13 The inverse b-' of a non-zero vector b E R2 C C& satisfies b-'b = bb-' = 1 in the
Clifford algebra C e z . A vector and its inverse are parallel vectors.
1.12 Perpendicular projections and reflections 13
Note that the bivector el2 anticommutes with all the vectors in the ele2-plane,
= ( a - r+aAr)a-'
= ara-'
and further
r' = ( 2 a . r - ra)a-'
= 2-a -r.
The formula r' = ara-' can be obtained directly using only commutation
properties of the Clifford product: decompose r = rll r l , where arlla-' =
rllaa-' = rll, while aria-' = -rlaa-l = -rl.
The composition of two reflections, first across a and then across b, is given
The composite of these two reflections is a rotation by twice the angle between
a and b . As a consequence, if a triangle ABC with angles a,@,-y is turned
14 Vectors and Linear Spaces
about its vertices A, B, C by the angles 2a, 2P, 27 in the same direction, the
result is an identity rotation.
Exercises 6,7
However, in the Clifford algebra Ce2 there is more structure than in the matrix
algebra Mat(2, R). In the Clifford algebra Ct2 we have singled out by definition
a privileged subspace, namely the subspace of vectors or 1-vectors R 2 C Ce2.
No similar privileged subspace is incorporated in the definition of the matrix
algebra Mat(2, R). l4
For arbitrary elements the above correspondences mean that
+ (a- d ) e l + (b+c)e2+ ( b - c)e121 2 (: i) a
14 For instance, we might choose ul = f i e l+elz, uz = ez. This also results in the
commutation relations u: = 1, ul = 1, uluz +U ~ U I= 0, which define a different
representation of Ct2 as Mat(2, R).
1.13 Matrix representation of Cl2 15
of u = uo + u l e l + u2e2 + ul2el2 in C12. The complementary (or adjoint)
+ +
1. Let a = e2 - e l 2 , b = el e 2 , c = 1 e2. Compute ab, ac. What did you
learn by completing this computation?
2. Let a = en e12, b = :(I+ e l ) . Compute ab, ba. What did you learn?
3. Let a = 1 el, b = -1 + e l , c = el + e 2 . Compute ab, ba, ac, ca, bc and
cb. What did you learn?
4. Let a = :(1 + el), b = el e l 2 . Compute a 2 , b2.
5. Let a = el - 2e2, b = el e 2 , r = 5el - e 2 . Compute cr,P in the
decomposition r = cra p b .
6. Let a = 8el - e2, b = 2el e2. Compute all, a l .
7. Let r = 4el - 3e2, a = 3el - en, b = 2el e2. Reflect first r across a
and then the result across b.
8. Show that for any u E C12, uii = iiu E R, and that u is invertible, if
uii # 0, with inverse
u-l --
9. Let u = 1 + el + el2. Compute u-l. Show that
u-I = ii(uij)-l # (uii)-lii, u-I = (iiu)-lii # ij(iiu)-I and
u-I = ii(uii)-I # (uii)-lii, u-I = (iiu)-lii # ii(iiu)-l.
15 In some countries a vector u = ulel u2e2 E R2 is denoted by ii in handwriting, but
this practice clashes with our notation for the Clifford-conjugate.
16 Vectors and Linear Spaces
10. Consider the four anti-involutions of Mat(2, R) sending
+ +
1. ab = ac = 1 - el e 2 - el2; one can learn that ab = ac b = c.
2. ab = 0, ba = e 2 + el2; one can learn that ab = 0 ba = 0 (and also that
ba = a + b = 1).
+ + + + +
3. ab = ba = 0, ac = 1 el ea elz, ca = 1 el e 2 - e12,
bc = 1 - el - e 2 el2, cb = 1 - el - e2 - el2; one can learn that
ab = ba = 0 ac = 0 or ca = 0.
4. a2 = a , b2 = 0.
5. r = 2 a + 3 b .
6. all = 6 e l + 3e2, a1 = 2el - 4e2.
7. r' = ara-' = sell rN= br'b-I = 3el 4e2. +
8. uii = iiu = u i - uf - u i+ E R.
9. u-' = 1 - el - el2 and (uQ)-lG = G(Gu)-' = 1 3el - 4e2 - 5e12 and
+ +
C(uu)-l = (uG)-'G = 1 3el 4e2 - 5e12.
10. Only two of the anti-involutions are similar,
The feature distinguishing the complex numbers from the real numbers is that
the complex numbers contain a square root of -1 called the imaginary unit
i = G. Complex numbers are of the form
where x, y E IR and i satisfies i2 = -1. The real numbers x, y are called the
real part x = Re(%)and the imaginary part y = Im(z). To each ordered pair
of real numbers x, y there corresponds a unique complex number x i y . +
A complex number x + iy can be represented graphically as a point with
rectangular coordinates (x, y). The xy-plane, where the complex numbers are
represented, is called the complex plane @. Its x-axis is the real axis and y-axis
the imaginary axis.
A complex number t = x + iy has an opposite - z = -x - iy and a complex
conjugate 2 = x - iy, obtained by changing the sign of the imaginary part.
Im I z = x + yi
or in coordinate form
1 - x - iy
x + iy +
x 2 y2 '
and the phase-angle of a product is the sum of the phase-angles (mod 27r).
The exponential function can be defined everywhere in the complex plane by
The set R x R together with the above addition and multiplication rules makes
up the field C. The imaginary unit ( 0 , l ) satisfies (0,l)' = (- 1 , O ) .
+ +
Since ( X I , 0 ) (x2,O) = ( 2 1 x2,O) and ( X I , 0 )(x2,O) = (21x2,O ) , the real
field R is contained in C as a subfield by R + C , x -+ ( x ,0 ) . If we restrict
multiplication so that one factor is in this distinguished copy of R ,
where a ( i ) = fi. The case a ( i ) = i gives the identity automorphism, and the
case a ( i ) = -i gives complex conjugation. I
The other automorphisms of the field C send a real subfield R onto an iso-
morphic copy of R , which is necessarily different from the original subfield R.
However, any field automorphism of C fixes point-wise the rational subfield Q.
8 The geometric view of complex numbers is connected with the structure of (C as a real
algebra, and not so much as a field.
9 In the above construction we introduced a field structure into the real linear space WZ and
arrived at an algebra (C over W, or equivalently at a field (C with a distinguished subfield
2.2 The double-ring 'R of R 23
Example. It is known that there is a field automorphism of C sending fi to
-.\/Zand i/Z to ifi, but no one has been able to construct such an automor-
phism explicitly since its existence proof calls for the axiom of choice. I
If a field automorphism of C is neither the identity nor a complex conjugation,
then it sends some irrational numbers outside R , and permutes an infinity of
subfields all isomorphic with R. Related to each real subfield there is a unique
complex conjugation across that subfield, and all such automorphisms of finite
order are complex conjugations for some real subfield. The image a ( R ) under
such an automorphism a of a distinguished real subfield R is dense in C [in the
topology of the metric 1 . ~ 1 = f i given by the complex conjugation across R].
This can be seen as follows: An automorphism a must satisfy cr(rx) = r a ( x )
when r E Q. So if there is an irrational x E R with t = a ( x ) 6 R , and nec-
essarily t $ Q iQ, the image a ( R ) of R contains all numbers of the form
+ +
a(r SX) = r st with r, s E Q . This is a dense set in C.
The above discussion indicates that there is no unique complex conju-
gation in the field of complex numbers, and that the field structure of C
does not fix by itself the subfield R of C. The field injection R + C is an extra
piece of structure added on top of the field C. If a privileged real subfield R
is singled out in C, it brings along a real linear structure on C, and a unique
complex conjugation across R , which then naturally imports a metric structure
to @.
Our main interest in complex numbers in this book is C as a real algebra,
not so much as a field.
(21, ~ 1 ) ( 2 2 ~, 2 =
) (21x2, ~ 1 ~ 2 )
Exercise 4
making explicit the real linear structure on C.The product of two complex
numbers c = a + ib and z,
10 The linear space R2 endowed with a n indefinite quadratic form (a, b) + a2 - b2 is the
hyperbolic quadratic space R1ll.The Clifford algebra of R 'l' is CP1,l which has Study
numbers as the even subalgebra ~e:,~.
11 In this matrix representation, the complex conjugate of a complex number becomes the
transpose of the matrix and the (squared) norm becomes the determinant. The norm is
preserved under similarity transformations, but 'transposition = complex conjugation' is
only preserved under similarities by orthogonal matrices.
2.3 Representation by means of real 2 x 2-matrices 25
The multiplicative unity 1 and the imaginary unit i in C are represented by
the matrices
I=(: y)
and J
0 -1
However, this is not the only linear representation of C in Mat(2,R). A sim-
ilarity transformation by an invertible matrix U , det U # 0, sends the repre-
sentative of the imaginary unit J to another 'imaginary unit' J' = U J U - I in
Mat(2, R).
E x a m p l e . Choosing U = :) , we find J' = (: I;), and the matrix repre-
sentation x iy + (5:Y i!Yy). I
1 R scalars
el, e 2 R2 vectors
el2 R2 bivectors.
Thus, the Clifford algebra C12 contains copies of R and R2, and it is a direct
sum of its subspaces of elements of degrees 0,1,2:
The square root of -1 has two distinct geometric roles in IW2: it is the
generator of rotations, i = ele2 E C e z , and it represents a unit oriented plane
area el A e2 E /\' It2. l4
A complex number t = x ye12 E R @ /\' R2 is a sum of
- a real number x = Re(%) and
- a bivector ye12 = el2 Im(z) .
14 In an n-dimensional vector space W n rotations can be represented by multiplications
in Clifford algebras Ce,, while certain simple elements of the exterior algebra /\Rn =
-. An
R $ W n $ /\' Rn $ . $ W n represent oriented subspaces of dimensions 0 , 1 , 2 , . ..,n .
28 Complex Numbers
2.6 E v e n a n d odd parts
The Clifford algebra Ce2 of IR2 contains both the complex plane C and the
vector plane R 2 so that
R2 is spanned by el and e2,
C is spanned by 1 and el2 .
The only common point of the two planes is the zero 0 . The two planes are both
parts of the same algebra Ce2. The vector plane R2 and the complex field C are
incorporated as separate substructures in the Clifford algebra Ce2 = $Ce;
so that the complex plane C is the even part Ce; and the vector plane EX2 is
the odd part Ce; .
The names even and odd mean that the elements are products of an even or
odd number of vectors. Parity considerations show that
- complex number times complex number is a complex number,
- vector times complex number is a vector,
- complex number times vector is a vector, and
- vector times vector is a complex number.
The above observations can be expressed by the inclusions
ce;ce; c ce;,
ce; ce; c ce; ,
ce;ce; c ce; ,
ce; ce; c ce;.
By writing ( C e 2 )=
~ and (Ce2)l = Ce; , this can be further condensed to
(Ce2)j(Ce2)kc (Ce2)j+k,where j , k are added modulo 2. These observations
are expressed by saying that the Clifford algebra Ce2 has an even-odd grading
or that it is graded over Z2 = ( 0 , l ) . l 5
15 We have already met a &-graded algebra, namely the real algebra C = R $ iR with even
part R = Re(C) and odd part iR = i Im(C).
2.7 Involutions and the norm 29
2.7 Involutions a n d t h e n o r m
The Clifford algebra Cl2 has three involutions similar to complex conjugation
in @. For an element u = ( u ) ~ ( u ) l + (u)2 E Ce2, ( u ) ~E l\kEX2, we define
grade involution ii = ( u ) -
~ (u)~ +
reversion +
6 = ( 4 0 ( 4 1 - (42,
Clifford-conjugation ii = (u)O - ( u ) ~-
The grade involution is an automorphism, = Ci, while the reversion and
the Clifford-conjugation are anti-automorphisms, = G i i , iE = Zlu.
For a complex number z = x ye12 the complex conjugation z + 2 =
x - ye12 is a restriction of the Clifford-conjugation u + ii in C12 and also of
the reversion u + 6 in C12. Likewise, the norm lzl= J - in @, obtained
as the square root of z2 = x2 y2, is a restriction of the norm ( u (=
in Ce2.
A complex number is a product of its norm r = lzl and its phase-factor
cos cp el2 sin cp, where x = r cos cp and y = r sin cp. The expression z =
r(cos cp e l 2 sin cp) can be abbreviated as z = r exp(e12cp), and read as ' r in
phase cp.'
+ 5
Furthermore, we have cos cp i sin cp = (cos $. i sin 5)2
and thus the rotated
vector also has the form s-lrs where s = ei'+'I2and s-' = e-j'+'I2. The ro-
tation of r to the left by the angle cp will then result in r z = z-lr = s-'rs
where z = ei'+',t - l = e-i'+' and s2 = Z. There are two complex numbers s and
-s which result in the same rotation s-'rs = (-s)-lr(-s). In other words,
there are two complex numbers which produce the same final result but via
different actions.
Complex Numbers
2.9 T h e g r o u p Spin(2)
The unit complex numbers z E @, JzJ= 1, form the unit circle S1 = { z E
@ I Izl = I), which with multiplication of complex numbers as the product
becomes the unitary group U(1) = {z E C I zZ = 1). A counter-clockwise
rotation of the complex plane C by an angle cp can be represented by complex
number multiplication:
(;)+ ~ 0
-+) (;), (
s ~
coscp - sincp
sin cp cos cp )E SOP]
where SO(2) = {R E Mat(2,R) I R ~ R = I, det R = I), the rotation group.
The rotation group SO(2) is isomorphic to the unitary group U(1).
Rotations of R2 can also be represented by Clifford multiplication: l6
xel + ye2 i (cos -cp2 + e l 2 sin E)-'(zel
+ ye2)(cos-cp2 + e l 2 sin -)cp2
where cos $ e l 2 sin $ E Spin(2) = { s E Cll I sS = 11, the spin group.
The fact that two opposite elements of the spin group Spin(2) . . represent the
Imaginary numbers first appeared around 1540, when Tartaglia and Cardano
expressed real roots of a cubic equation in terms of conjugate complex num-
bers. The first one to represent complex numbers by points on a plane was
a Norwegian surveyor, Caspar Wessel, in 1798. He posited an imaginary axis
perpendicular to the axis of real numbers. This configuration came to be known
as the Argand diagram, although Argand's contribution was an interpretation
of i = as a rotation by a right angle in the plane. Complex numbers got
their name from Gauss, and their formal definition as pairs of real numbers is
due to Hamilton in 1833 (first published 1837).
1. (3 4i)-l, d m , G, 6, + log(-1 i).
2. Let zk = ei2"k/n, k = 1 , 2 , . . . ,n - 1. Compute
(1 - zl)(l - zz) . . . (1 -
3. An ordering of a field IF is an assignment of a subset P C IF such that
(i) 0 $2 p,
(ii) for all non-zero a E IF either a E P or -a E P, but not both,
(iii) a b E P and ab E P for all a , b E P.
It is customary to call P the set of positive numbers, and the set
-P = {-a I a E P ) the set of negative numbers. The statement a - b E P
is also written a > b (and a - b E P U (0) is written a b). Show that the
field C cannot be ordered.
4. Two automorphisms a , /3 of an algebra are similar if there exists an
intertwining automorphism y such that a y = y/3. The identity
automorphism is similar only to itself.
a) Show that the two involutions of the real algebra C are dissimilar, and
that the two involutions of the real algebra 21W are dissimilar.
b) Show that the two involutions a(X,p) = (p,X) and P(X,p) = (,3, A) are
similar involutions of the real or complex algebra 2 C [that is, find an
intertwining automorphism y of 2@ such that a y = yP].
5. A rotation is called rational if it sends a vector with rational coordinates to
18 Both SO(2) and Spin(2) are homeomorphic to S'.
32 Complex Numbers
another vector with rational coordinates. Determine all the rational
rotations of R2. Hint: R E SO(2) \ {-I) can be written in the form
R = (I A ) ( I -A)-' where = -A.
+ + +
6. Write 6 = ( u ) ~ ( u ) ~- (u)2 for u = ( u ) ~ ( u ) ~ ( u ) ~E C12,
(u)k E R2. Let Pin(2) = {u E Ce2 I 6u = I),
EX2 -+ R 2 , x + R(x) = uxu-l, and O(2) = {R E Mat(2,R) I R ~ = R I).
Show that Pin(2)/{f 1) 2 O(2) and Pin(2) rz O(2).
7. Show that a 2-dimensional real algebra with unity 1 is both commutative
and associative. Hint: First show that there is a basis {1,a) such that
a2 = a l , a E R .
8. Show that a 2-dimensional real algebra with unity 1 and no zero-divisors
[ab = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0] is isomorphic to C.
1. i ( 3 - 4i), *(2+ i), f 1 f i, fi= {i,*$ - ii),
log(-1 + +
i) = log2 i? i 27rk.+
2. Note that the roots of xn - 1 = 0 are zk = eiZrkfn, k = 0 , 1 , . . . ,n - 1
Therefore (x - tO)(x- zl) (x - t2). . . (x - ~ ~ - = ) - 1. Define
1 xn
f (x) = (X - zl)(x - t2) (x - tn-1) which equals
+ + +
xn - 1
f (x) = ~ - - lfor x # 1
+ +
and f (x) = xn-I + . . . x 1 in general. Compute f (1) = n.
3. In an ordered field non-zero numbers have positive squares, and the sum of
such squares is positive, and therefore non-zero. The equality i2 + 1 = 0 in
C can also be written as i2 + l2= 0, which excludes the inequality
i2 + l2 > 0. Consequently, it is impossible to order the field C.
4. b) Choose y(X,p) = (X,p) or y(X,p) = (X,,Q) to find a y = yp.
L.V. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953.
E. Cartan (expos6 d'aprks l'article allemand de E. Study): Nombres complexes; pp.
329-468 in J. Molk (red.): Encyclope'die des sciences mathe'matiques, Tome I, vol.
1, Fasc. 4, art. 15, 1908. Reprinted in E. Cartan: CEuvres complktes, Partie 11.
Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1953, pp. 107-246.
R.V. Churchill, J.W. Brown, R.F. Verhey: Complex Variables and Applications.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984.
H.-D. Ebbinghaus et al. (eds.): Numbers. Springer, New York, 1991.
B. L. van der Waerden: A History of Algebra. Springer, Berlin, 1985.
Bivectors and the Exterior Algebra
There are other kinds of directed quantities besides vectors, most notably bivec-
tors. For instance, a moment of a force, angular velocity of a rotating body,
and magnetic induction can be described with bivectors. In three dimensions
bivectors are dual to vectors, and their use can be circumvented. Scalars, vec-
tors, bivectors and the volume element span the exterior algebra AIR3, which
provides a multivector structure for the Clifford algebra C13 of the Euclidean
space R3.
A bivector A and its opposite -A are of equal area and parallel, but have
opposite orientations. A unit bivector A has area one, [ A [= 1.
The shape of the area is irrelevant.
Representing a bivector as an oriented parallelogram suggests that a bivector
can be thought of as a geometrical product of vectors along its sides. With this
in mind we introduce the exterior product a A b of two vectors a and b as the
bivector obtained by sweeping b along a.
The bivectors a A b and b A a have the same area and the same attitude but
opposite senses of rotations. This can be simply expressed by writing
2 T h e two bivectors are first translated in the affine space R3 so t h a t they induce opposite
orientations to their common edge, t h a t is, the terminal side of A = a A c is opposite t o
the initial side of B = (-c) A b.
3 A depiction of addition of bivectors does not require a metric, or perpendicular compo-
nents. I t is sufficient that one component of both a and b is parallel t o a b, so t h a t
the two components sum up t o a + b, while the other component can be any non-parallel
36 Bivectors and the Exterior Algebra
form a basis for the linear space of bivectors /\'It3.
and such linear combinations form the space of bivectors /\'IR3. The con-
struction of bivectors calls only for a linear structure, and no metric is needed.
The scalar product on a Euclidean space R3 extends to a symmetric bilinear
product on the space of bivectors /\'It3,
4 In three dimensions all bivectors are simple, that is, they are exterior products of two
vectors, B = x A y for some x, y E R3.This is no longer true in four dimensions; for
instance el A e? e3 A e4 is not simple.
3.5 The cross product
and antisymmetric,
for a , b , c E IR3.
The exterior product of the orthogonal unit vectors el, e 2 , e 3 E R3 is the
unit oriented volume element el A e 2 A e 3 E /\3 R3. The norm or volume JVI
of a 3-vector
5 V is a real number, positive or negative, while V is a 3-vector. The usual volume is IVI.
Bivectors and the Ezterior Algebra
a x b
a bivector
A = *a = ale2 A e3 + aze3 A el + aael A e2 E AIR3
Using the induced metric on the bivector space lR3 we can extend the Hodge
dual to a mapping sending a bivector A E lR3 to a vector *A E lR3, defined
B A *A = < B , A>el A e2 A e3 for all B E A IR3.
Using duality, the relation between the cross product and the exterior pro-
duct can be written as
a A b = * ( a x b),
a x b=*(aAb).
6 In terms of the Clifford algebra C13 the relation between the exterior product and the
cross product can be written as
We also write R = / \ O I W 3 and IW3 = /\'It3. Thus, /\IW3 is a direct sum of its
subspaces of homogeneous degrees 0,1,2,3:
The dimensions of B , R3, /\2 IR3, /\3 IW3 and /\ IW3 are 1,3,3,1 and Z3 = 8,
The exterior algebra /\IW3 is an associative algebra with unity 1 satisfying
for a basis {el, e 2 , e3) of the linear space IW3. The exterior product of two
homogeneous elements satisfies
i+j i j
a/Ib€AIR3 for a € A g 3 , b€/\IW3.
The product of two elements u and v in the Clifford algebra Ce3 of the
Euclidean space IW3 is denoted by juxtaposition, uv, to distinguish it from
the exterior product u A v. An orthonormal basis {el,e 2 , es) of the Euclidean
space IW3 C Ce3 satisfies
7 These rules were invented by W.K. Clifford in 1882. In an earlier paper Clifford 1878 had
considered an associative algebra of dimension 8 with the rules e,e, = -1 for i = 1,2,3.
3.8 The Clifford product of two vectors
and generates a basis of Ce3, corresponding to a basis of AIR3,
a . b = i(ab+ba)
a Ab = i ( a b - ba)
Compute the product abba to get a2b2= (a . b)2 - (a A b)2 and use
(a A b)2 = -la A bI2 to obtain the identity
a2b2= ( a -b)2+ la^ bI2.
3.10 T h e center
The center of an algebra consists of those elements which commute with all the
elements of the algebra. The center Cen(Ce3) = I W $ / \ ~ I W ~of Ce3 is isomorphic
to C, and the center of /\ R3 is Cen(/\ R3) = R $ /\2 R3 $ /\3 R3.
of three vectors x , y , z E R3
Thus, we have established a linear isomorphism sending /\ R3 to Ce3 defined
8 The graded opposite algebra of /\ R3 is the linear space /\ R3 with a new product uov
defined by
The orientation is obtained by putting the arrows in succession. The commu-
tativity of the exterior product a A B = B A a means that the screws of a A B
and B A a can be rotated onto each other (without reflection).
A vector x E R3 and a bivector B E /\2R3 can also be multiplied so that
the result is a vector B L x E R3. Consider a vector x tilted by an angle cp out
of the plane of a bivector B. Let a be the orthogonal projection of x in the
plane of B. Then la1 = 1x1coscp. The right contraction of the bivector B by
the vector x is a vector y = B L x in the plane of B such that
(1 lYl=IBllal,
(ii) y l a and aAyTTB.
3.13 Contractions and the derivation
By convention, we agree that
that is, the left and right contractions have opposite signs.
[The inverse vector a-l of a has a geometrical meaning in this figure: it gives
= Ja-IJ J1.y1
the area of the rectangle, JBJ
Write XI( = a and x l = x - xll. Then x J B = xllB and x A B = xlB so
XII = (X J B)B-' parallel component
x l = (x A B)B-' perpendicular component
so that the terms on the right hand side can be recaptured from the Clifford
1 1
a . b = -(ab+ba), a A b = -(ab-ba).
2 2
The product of a vector a and a bivector B is a sum of a vector and a 3-vector:
46 Bivectors and the Exterior Algebra
The exterior product and the left contraction by a homogeneous element, re-
spectively, raise or lower the degree, that is,
i +.i j-i
~ A ~ E A R ~ , ~ J ~ E A B ~
for a E /\iR3 and b E /\'R3.
The left contraction can be obtained from the exterior product and the Clif-
ford product as follows:
This means that the left contraction is dual to the exterior product. The left
contraction can be directly defined by its characteristic properties
when u E l\kR3. The second rule means that the left contraction by a vector is
a derivation of the exterior algebra /\R3. It happens that the left contraction
by a vector is also a derivation of the Clifford algebra, that is,
x J (UV)= ( x J u ) v + i i ( x J v ) for x ER3, U , VE C13.
9 A scalar product on R3 C /\ W3 induces a contraction on /\ R3 which can be used to
introduce a new product x u = x J u x /\ u for x E R3 and u E I\ R 3 , which extends by
linearity and associativity to all of /\ W3. The linear space /\ R3 provided with this new
product is the Clifford algebra Ce3.
3.14 The Clifford algebra versus the exterior algebra 47
3.14 T h e Clifford algebra versus t h e exterior algebra
Both the Clifford algebra CC3 and the exterior algebra /\R3 contain a copy
of R3, which enables application of calculations to the geometry of R3. The
feature distinguishing CC3 from /\R3 is that the Clifford multiplication of
vectors preserves the norm, lab1 = lallbl for a11 a, b E R3, whereas la A bl 5
lallbl. The equality lab1 = lallbl enables more calculations to be carried out
in R3, most notably rotations become represented as operations within one
algebra, the Clifford algebra CC3.
Historical survey
The exterior algebra /\R3 of the linear space IW" was constructed by Grass-
mann in 1844. Grassmann's exterior algebra /\R3 has a basis
1. Find the area of the triangle with vertices (1, -4, -6), (5, -4, -2) and
(O,O, 0).
48 Bivectors and the Exterior Algebra
2. Find the volume of the parallelepiped with edges a = 2el - 3e2 + 4e3,
b = el 2e2 - eg, c = 3el - e2 2e3. +
3. Compute the square of the volume element el23 = elegeg (square with
respect to the Clifford product).
4. Show that el23 commutes with e l , eg, eg.
5. Find the inverse of the bivector B = 3e12+ e23 (inverse with respect to
the Clifford product).
+ + +
6. Let a = 2e1 3e2 7e3 and B = 4e12 5e13- e23. Compute a A B and
a J B.
+ + +
7. Let a = 3el 4e2 7e3 and B = 7e12 el3. Compute the perpendicular
and parallel components of a in the plane of B.
8. Show that the Clifford product of a bivector B E /\2 R3 and an arbitrary
element u E C13 can be decomposed as
9. Reconstruct the dot product a . b with the help of the cross product a x b
and the exterior product a A b . Hint: a x ( a x b ) = ( a .b ) a - a2b.
Define the right contraction by u L v = e ~ ; ~ [ ( e ~A~v]g for
u ) u , v E C13.
10. Show that the following properties - the characteristic properties - of the
right contraction hold:
1) xLy=x.y,
2) (u~v)Lx=u~(vLx)+(uLx)A~,
3) u L ( v A w) = ( u L v ) Lw,
for x , E R3 and u, v, w E /\R3.
11. Show that a L b E A"' R3 for a E /\h3 and b E /\j R3.
12. Show that ( u J v )L w = u J (v Lw).
13. Show that u J v =*(*-'(v) ~ i i and ) uLv =*-~(GA*(U)).
14. Show that
16. The exterior inverse of u is uA(-') = 1 - a - B aa A B with some
a E R . Determine a. Hint: use power series or u A uA(-'1 = 1.
+ +
17. The exterior square root of u is uA('f2) = 1 $a $B +pa B with
some ,8 E R. Determine p. Hint: u " ( ' / ~ ) u " ( ' / ~ ) = U.
18. Show that 1 J u = u for all u E AIR3.
1. a = el - 4e2 - 6e3, b = 5el - 4e2 - 2e3, a A b = 16e12 + 28e13 - 16e23,
+ +
:la A bl = i d 1 6 2 282 162 = 18.
2. a A b A c = -7e123, la A b A cl = 7.
3. efz3= -1.
5. B~ = -10, IBI = m, B-' = -&(3e12 + eZs).
6. a A B = lle123, a J B = -47el + 15e2 +7e3.
7. a1 = -0.9e2 +
6.3e3, all = 3el + 4.9e2 + 0.7e3.
9. Take a wedge product with b to obtain (a x (a x b)) A b = ( a . b ) ( a A b),
(a x (a x b)) A b
a.b= for a b
(the division is carried out in the Clifford algebra C&, or it is just a ratio
of two parallel bivectors).
16. a = 2.
17. ,8 = --.41
18. 1J u = (1 A 1) J u = 1J (1J u) and so the contraction by 1 is a projection
with eigenvalues 0 and 1. The only idempotents of A R 3 are 0 and 1, and
so 1 J u = 0 or 1 J u = u, identically. The latter must be chosen, since
e R3.
1 J ( ~ . ~ ) = 1 J ( x J y ) = ( 1 ~ x ) J y = x J ~ = x ~ y # O f o r sx o, ym E
R. Deheuvels: Formes quadratiques et groupes classiques. Presses Universitaires de
France, Paris, 1981.
J. Dieudonnk: The tragedy of Grassmann. Linear and Multilinear Algebra 8 (1979),
W. Greub: Multilinear Algebra, 2"d edn. Springer, Berlin, 1978.
J. Helmstetter: Alg6bres de Clifford et algkbres de Weyl. Cahiers Math. 25, Mont-
pellier, 1982.
G. Sobczyk: Vector Calculus with Complex Variables. Spring Hill College, Mobile,
AL, 1982.
I. Stewart: Hermann Grassmann was right. Nature 321, 1 May (1986), 17.
D. Sturmfels: Algorithms of Invariant Theory. Springer, Wien, 1993.
Pauli Spin Matrices and Spinors
a and p'=-ihV,
into the above equation results in the Schrodinger equation
iti-a* = -[-h2v2
e 2 ~ ' ihe(V . A + V)]$ - eV$. +A.
dt 2m
This equation does not yet involve the spin of the electron. The differential
operator, known as the generalized momentum,
ulu2 = iu3 (permute 1,2,3 cyclically)
and the anticommutation relations
Pauli spinors could also be replaced by square matrices with only the first
column being non-zero,
Such square matrix spinors form a left ideal S of the matrix algebra Mat(2, C),
that is, for U E Mat(2, C) and $ E S we also have U$ E S.
The matrix algebra Mat(2, C) is an isomorphic image of the Clifford algebra
CC3 of the Euclidean space R3. Thus, not only vectors in R and rotations in
5 The left ideal can be written as S = Mat(2,C) f , where f = ;(I + as) is an idempotent
satisfying f 2 = f . The idempotent is primitive and the left ideal is minimal.
4 .I Orthogonal unit vectors, orthonormal basis 53
SO(3) have representatives in Ct3, but also spinor spaces or spinor represen-
tations of the rotation group SO(3) can be constructed within the Clifford
algebra Ce3.
In the notation of the Clifford algebra Ce3 we could describe Pauli's achieve-
ment by saying that he replaced ?r2 = ii . ii by ii2 = ii- ii ii A ii= ?r2 - h e 2
and came across the equation
They also generate the real algebra Mat(2, C). The correspondences el N al,
e2 N '72, e3 N '73 establish an isomorphism between the real algebras, CC3 N
Mat(2, C), with the following correspondences of the basis elements:
Mat (2, C) ce3
Note that e,j = -eji for i # j. The essential difference between the Clifford
algebra CC3 and its matrix image Mat(2, C) is that in the Clifford algebra CC3
we will, in its definition, distinguish a particular subspace, the vector space R3,
4.3 The center of C13 55
in which the square of a vector equals its length squared, that is, r2= (rI2.No
such distinguished subspace has been singled out in the definition of the matrix
algebra Mat(2, C). Instead, we have chosen the traceless Hermitian matrices
to represent R3, and thereby added extra structure to Mat(2, C).
commute with all the elements in C&. The subalgebra of scalars and 3-vectors
R d A F L 3 = {x+ye123 12, Y €8)
is the center Cen(C13) of C13, that is, it consists of those elements of C13 which
commute with every element of C13. Note that ulu2u3 = iI. Since ef23= -1,
the center of C13 is isomorphic to the complex field @, that is,
Cen(C13) = R e A R3 2 C.
that is, u1 = 3(5u1 3u1u2), 212 = 62, 213 = i(5u3 - 3 0 ~ 0 3 ) . These matrices are
non-Hermitian and satisfy uluk ukul = 2Slk1.
56 Pauli Spin Matrices and Spinors
which is closed under multiplication. Thus, the subspace R $ R3 is a sub-
algebra, called the even subalgebra of C13. We will denote the even subalgebra
by even(Cl3) or for short by ~ l ; . The even subalgebra is isomorphic to the
division ring of quaternions W, as can be seen by the following correspondences:
The correspondences ol E e l , a 2 2 ez, 03 2. e3 fix the following represen-
tations for the involutions:
4.6 Reflections and rotations 57
where the asterisk denotes complex conjugation. We recognize that the reverse
fi is represented by the Hermitian conjugate ut and the Clifford-conjugate G
by the matrix u-' det u E Mat(2, R) [for an invertible u].
The grade involution is an automorphism, that is,
while the reversion and the conjugation are anti-automorphisms, that is,
where a = la1 A spatial rotation of the vector r = xel + ye2 + ze3 around
the axis a by the angle a is given by
The sense of the rotation is clockwise when regarded from the arrow-head of
a. The axis of two consecutive rotations around the axes a and b is given by
the Rodrigues formula
C =
a' + b' + a' x b' where al = -at a n - .a
1 - a' . b' CY 2
4.7 The group Spin(3)
This result is obtained by dividing both sides of the formula
which is exact, that is, the image of a homomorphism coincides with the kernel
of the successive homomorphism.
The spin group Spin(3) is a universal cover of the rotation group S 0 ( 3 ) ,
that is, the Lie group Spin(3) is simply connected. The group SO(3) is
doubly connected. l o
9 A Lie group is simply connected if it is connected and evely loop in the group can be
shrunk to a point.
LO Rotations in S O ( 3 ) can be represented by vectors a E R3, la1 5 a. Each rotation, la1 < a,
has a unique representative, and each half-turn, la1 = a, is represented twice, fa. A loop
connecting the identity and a half-turn does not shrink to a point.
60 Pauli Spin Matrices and Spinors
4.8 P a u l i spinors
In the non-relativistic theory of the spinning electron one considers column
matrices, the Pauli spinors
where only the first column is non-zero. The fact that only the first column is
non-zero can be expressed as
Such matrices, with only the first column being non-zero, form a left ideal S
of Ct3, that is,
u$ES forall u E C t 3 and $EScC&.
This left ideal S of Ct3 contains no left ideal other than S itseif and the zero
ideal (0). Such a left ideal is called minimal in Ct3.
As a real linear space, S has a basis { fo, fi,f 2 , f3) where
of Ce3 is a subring with unity f , that is, af = f a for a E IF. None of the
elements of IF is invertible as an element of Ces, but for each non-zero a E IF
there is a unique b E IF such that ab = f . Thus, IF is a division ring with
unity f [this follows from the idempotent f being primitive in Ce3]. As a 2-
dimensional real division algebra IF must be isomorphic to C. The isomorphism
IF C is seen by the equation fi = -f0 relating the basis elements i f o , f3)
of the real algebra IF.
C o m m e n t . The multiplication of an element $ of the real linear space S on
the left by an arbitrary even element u E c@, expressed in coordinate form in
the basis {fo, f l , f2, f3),
We shall provide the minimal left ideal S with this right IF-linear structure,
and call it a spinor space. ''
The map Ce3 + Endr S, u + ~ ( u ) where , T(U) is defined by the relation
T(u)$ = u$, is a real algebra isomorphism. Employing the basis i f o , -f2) for
the IF-linear space S, the elements r ( e l ) , 7(e2),r(e3) will be represented by
the matrices ul ,u2, u3. In this way the Pauli matrices are reproduced.
11 Note that multiplying a matrix $ in S, a left ideal, on the left by X E F does not result
in a left F-linear structure.
62 Pauli Spin Matrices and Spinors
There is a natural way to introduce scalar products on the spinor space
S c Ct3. First, note that for all $, cp E S the product
does not appear in the division ring?!I = fCt3f. However, we can find an
invertible element a E Ct3 so that a& E IF, e.g. a = el or a = esl. The map
S x S + IF, ($, cp) + a4cp
defines a scalar product. Writing
shows explicitly the quantization direction e3 of the spin. The explicit occur-
rence of e3 is due to the injection C2 + C13f , $ + @; technically 2 even(l?$) =
h e 3 . If we rotate the system 90' around the y-axis, counter-clockwise as seen
from the positive y-axis, then vectors and spinors transform to
B'/ = ugu-l 9' = u@ where u = exp(-els),
and the Pauli equation transforms to
a@" = -nt2@"
1 he
- -B -1 11
@ el - eV@I1,
dt2m 2m
where 9" = u@u-l. Both the transformation laws give the same values for
observables, that is, @'e3$' = @"el$".
1. +
Compute the square of a belz3 where a, b E R3.
2. Compute p2, q2 and pq for p = + ( I +e3) and q = $(I -es).
3. + ;
Compute the squares of i ( 1 e3) f (1 - es)e12.
4. +
Find all the four square roots of cos p e l 2 sin p. Hint: elze3 = esel2.
5. Find the exponentials of f5(1 - e3)e12.Hint: e l 2 and el23 commute [or
q = i ( 1 - e3) is an idempotent satisfying q2 = q].
+ + +
6. Let u = a a bela3 /?elas [a,/? E R and a , b E R3]. Compute ufi.
+ +
7. Find the inverse of u = o a belz3+ Bela3. Hint: ufi is of the form
z yelas, x, Y E R.
8. Find the exponential of u = a + a + belz3+ /?elas. Hint: compute
(a be123)'.
9. Show that each non-zero even element in ~i?:is invertible.
10. Show that uii E R $ R 3 for all u 6 C&.
11. Show that JuaiiJ= J u J 2 ) afor
J a E R3, u E R $ /\'R3.
12. Show that the norm on C13, defined by luI2 = ( ~ i i ) agrees
~, with the
4.9 Spinor operators 65
norm given by I U =~ <u,
~ u> where the symmetric bilinear product is
determined by
<a,p>=ap for a , P E R ,
<a,b>=a.b for a , b € R 3
and by
Xl.yl ... X1 ' Yk
+ +
1. (a be123)~= a . a - b . b 2 ( a . b)eI23.
2. p2 = p and q2 = q , that is, p and q are idempotents; and pq = 0 [and so
there are zero-divisors in the Clifford algebra Ce3].
3. e3 [this shows that vectors can have square roots].
4. f(cos 5+ el2 sin z), fe3(cos 5+ el2 sin 5 ) .
5 . e3 [this shows that vectors also have logarithms].
6 . a 2-P2 - a . a + b . b + 2 ( a p - a . b ) e l Z 3 .
8. Denote r = - J +
E IR $ /\3R3, v = (a belZ3)/r, v2 = 1. Then
+ +
exp(u) = exp(a pe123)[+(I+ v) exp(r) ;(I - v) exp(-r)] when r # 0.
When r = 0: exp(u) = exp(a ,Be123)(l a belz3). + +
10. u = a + a + b e 1 2 3 + P e l z 3 , u 3 = a 2 + P 2 + a 2 + b 2 + 2 ( a a + p b + a x b )
which is in IW $ IR3. Direct proof:
W. Baylis: Theoretical Methods in the Physical Sciences: an Introduction to Problem
Solving with MAPLE V . Birkhauser, Boston, MA, 1994.
H.A Bethe, E.E. Salpeter: Quantum Mechanics of One- and Two-Electron Atoms.
Springer, Berlin, 1957.
E. Cartan: The Theory of Spinors. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1966.
A. Charlier, A. Bkrard, M.-F. Charlier, D. Fristot: Tensors and the Clifiord A!gebra,
Applications to the Physics of Bosons and Fermions. Marcel Dekker, New York,
R.C. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. Sands: The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. III,
Quantum Mechanics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1965.
D. Hestenes: Space-Time Algebra. Gordon and Breach, New York, 1966, 1987, 1992.
J. Keller, S. Rodriguez-Romo: Multivectorial generalization of the Cartan map. J .
Math. Phys. 32 (1991), 1591-1598.
E. Merzbacher: Quantum Mechanics. Wiley, New York, 1970.
W. Pauli: Zur Quantenmechanik des magnetischen Elektrons. Z. Physik 4 3 (1927),
M. Riesz: Clifford Numbers and Spinors. The Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ap-
plied Mathematics, Lecture Series No. 38, University of Maryland, 1958. Reprinted
as facsimile (eds.: E.F. Bolinder, P. Lounesto) by Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Nether-
lands, 1993.
We saw in the chapter on Complex Numbers that it is convenient to use the real
algebra of complex numbers C to represent the rotation group SO(2) of the
plane R2. In this chapter we shall study rotations of the 3-dimensional space
R3. The composition of spatial rotations is no longer commutative, and we
need a non-commutative multiplication to represent the rotation group SO(3).
This can be done within the real algebra of 3 x 3-matrices Mat(3, R), or by
the real algebra of quaternions, W,invented by Hamilton.
The complex plane @ is a real linear space lR2, and multiplication by a
complex number c = a ib, that is, the map C + C,z -+ cz, may be regarded
as a real linear map with matrix ( :b) operating on () in R'. The
complex plane is also a real quadratic space R210,in short R2, with a quadratic
C+R, z = x + i y + z ~ = x ~ + ~ ~ ,
and norm (z(= m. Multiplication of complex numbers preserves the norm,
that is, lczl = lcllzl for a11 c, z E @, and so multiplication by c is a rotation of
R2 if, and only if, Ic( = 1. Conversely, any rotation of R2 can be represented
by a unit complex number c, Icl = 1, in C.The unit complex numbers form a
U(1) = {cE @ 1 cF= 11,
called the unitary group, which is isomorphic to the rotation group SO(2) =
{U E Mat(2,lR) 1 U ~ = U I, det U = I), that is, U(l) SO(2). The unitary
group U(l) can be visualized as the unit circle
S1 = {x + iy E C 1 x2 + Y2 = 1)
of the complex plane C.
A quaternion q = qo q is pure if its real part vanishes, qo = 0, so that
q = q E R3. A product of two pure quaternions a = ial jag + +
ka3 and
+ +
b = ibl j b g kbg is a sum of a real number and a pure quaternion:
+ +
where we recognize the scalar product a . b = albl a2b2 a3b3 and the cross
+ +
product a x b = i(a2b3- a3b2) j(asbl - alb3) k(alb2 - a2bl).
The vector space R3 with the cross product a x b is a real algebra, that is,
it is a real linear space with a bilinear map
Kt3 x Ik3 + Kt3, (a, b ) + a x b.
The cross product satisfies two rules
the latter being called the Jacobi identity; this makes R3 with the cross product
a Lie algebra. In particular, the cross product is not associative, a x (b x c) #
(a x b) x c.
We can reobtain the cross product of two pure quaternions a, b E R3 as the
pure part of their quaternion product: a x b = Pu(ab).
5.3 T h e center o f W
The set of those elements in W which commute with every element of W forms
the center of W,
Cen(W) = { w E W I wq = qw for all q E W).
The center is of course closed under multiplication. The center of the division
ring W is isomorphic to the field of real numbers R. In contrast to the case
of the complex field @, the real axis in W is the unique: subfield which is the
center of W.
5.4 R o t a t i o n s i n t h r e e dimensions
Take a pure quaternion or a vector
r = i x + j y + k z ~ R 3 , where I H = R @ R 3 ,
of length Irl = d x 2 + y2 2 2 . For a non-zero quaternion a E W, the expression
ara-l is again a pure quaternion with the same length, that is,
ara-' E R3 and lara-'1 = lrl.
In other words, the mapping
R3-+R3, r+araP1
is a rotation of the quadratic space of pure quaternions R3. Each rotation in
SO(3) = {U E Mat(3,R) I U ~ = U I , det U = 1) can be so represented,
5.5 Rotations in four dimensions 71
and there are two unit quaternions a and -a representing the same rotation,
ara-' = (-a)r(-a)-'. In other words, the sphere of unit quaternions,
To find the axis of this rotation we take a unit quaternion a , la1 = 1, and write
it in the form a = eaI2 where a E R3. Note that
a a . a
2 a
eaJ2 = cos - - sin -
where a = la[. The rotation r + ara-' turns r about the axis a by the
angle a . The sense of the rotation is counter-clockwise when regarded from
the arrow-head of a .
The composite of two consecutive rotations, first around a by the angle
a = la1 and then around b by the angle P = Ibl, is again a rotation around
some axis, say c. The axis of the composite rotation can be found by inspection
of the real and pure parts of the formula e C l 2 = ebJ2eaf2. Divide both sides by
their real parts and substitute
c Y
C' = -tan -, where 7 = lcl,
Y 2
to obtain the Rodrzgues formula
5.5 R o t a t i o n s i n f o u r dimensions
The mapping W + W,q + aqb-', where a , b E W are unit quaternions la1 =
Ibl = 1, is a rotation of the 4-dimensional space R4 = W. In other words, the
real linear mapping
W -,W, q -,aqb-l, where a , b E W and la1 = lbl = 1,
is a rotation of R4. Each rotation in SO(4) can be so represented, and there
are two elements (a, b) and (-a, -b) in S3x S3 representing the same rotation,
that is, aqb-I = (-a)q(-b)-l. In other words, the group S3x S3 is a two-fold
covering group of S 0 ( 4 ) , that is,
72 Quaternions
A rotation in dimension 4 can be represented by a pair of unit quaternions,
and so it has six parameters, in other words, dimSO(4) = dim(S3 x S3)= 6.
A rotation has two completely orthogonal invariant planes; both the invariant
planes can turn arbitrarily; this takes two parameters. Fixing a plane in R4
takes the remaining four parameters: three parameters for a unit vector in
S3, plus two parameters for another orthogonal unit vector in S2,minus one
parameter for rotating the pairs of such vectors in the plane.
where qu = v. Swapping the multiplication to the right, that is, uq = v', gives
a partially transformed matrix:
Let us denote the above matrices respectively by L, and R,, that is,
such that the usual distributivity and unity axioms hold and such that, for all
A, p E W and x E V,
(xX11.1= x(Xp).
A left linear space over W consists of an additive group V and a map
such that the usual distributivity and unity axioms hold and such that, for all
A, p E W and x E V,
X(px) = ( X P ) ~ .
A mapping L : V - Uibetween two right linear spaces V and U is a right
linear map if it respects addition and, for all x E V, X E W, L(xX) = (L(x))X.
f (q) = aq +b where a, b E W.
We conclude that the set of quaternion differentiable functions reduces to a
small and uninteresting set.
+ + +
Second, if we consider power series in a quaternion variable q = w ix j y
kz, then we get the set of all power series in the four real variables w, x, y, z.
For instance, the coordinates are first-order functions
w = +(q - iqi - jqj - kqk),
+ + kqk)i-',
x = :(q - iqi jqj
y = ;(q + + kqk)j-l,
iqi - jqj
= +(q+iqi+jqj-kqk)k-l,
and so the set of power series in q, with left and right quaternion coefficients,
is the set of all power series in the real variables w, x, y, z. This set is too big
to be interesting.
Third, we could consider power series in q with real coefficients, that is,
+ +
functions of type f(q) = a0 + alq a2q2 ... where ao, a l , a2, ... are real.
5.8 Function theory of quaternion variables 75
Restrict such a function to the complex subfield @ C W, and send z = x iy +
to f (z)= u+iv, where u = u(x, Y) and v = v(x, Y). Decompose the quaternion
q into real and vector parts, q = qo q , and note that 9/lql is a generalized
imaginary unit, (q/lq()2 = -1. Then
where f = fo f with fo : W + R and f : W + R3. This decomposes into
scalar and vector parts
- - df
V - f = O and - + V f o + V x f = o .
dw dw
There are three linearly independent first-order solutions to these equations
qI = x - iw, qy = y - jw, qz = z - kw.
76 Quaternions
Higher-order homogeneous solutions are linear combinations of symmetrized
products of q,, qy,q,. For instance, the symmetrized product of degrees 2,1,O
with respect to qx, qy,q, is seen to be
+ qxqyqx + qyq; = 3(x2 - w ' ) ~- 6wzyi + (w3 - 3wx2)j.
This already shows that the last alternative results in an interesting class of
new functions, to some extent analogous to the class of holomorphic functions
of a complex variable.
Historical survey
Hamilton invented his quaternions in 1843 when he tried to introduce a product
for vectors in R3 similar to the product of complex numbers in 6. The present-
day formalism of vector algebra was extracted out of the quaternion product
of two vectors, ab = - a . b a x b, by Gibbs in 1901.
Hamilton tried to find an algebraic system which would do for the space
R3 the same thing as complex numbers do for the plane R2. In particular,
Hamilton wanted to find a multiplication rule for triplets a = ali a 2 j ask +
and b = bli + b j+ b3k so that lab1 = lallbl, that is, a multiplicative product
of vectors a, b E R3. However, no such bilinear products exist (at least not
over the rationals), since 3 x 21 = 63 # np+nz+n: for any integers n l , n2, n3
though 3 = 12+12+12 and 21 = 12+22+42 (no integer ofthe form 4a(8b+7),
> >
with a 0, b 0, is a sum of three squares, a result of Legendre in 1830).
Hamilton also tried to find a generalized complex number system in three
dimensions. However, no such associative hypercomplex numbers exist in three
dimensions. This can be seen by considering generalized imaginary units i and
j such that i2 = j2 = -1, and such that 1, i , j span R3. The product must
be of the form i j = a + i p jy for some real a , p, y. Then
i(ij) = i a - p + ($7 = i a - P + (a +iP+jy)y
+ + +
= -P a y i ( a Py) jy2, +
whereas by associativity i(ij) = i2j= -j which leads to a contradiction since
y2 0 for all real y.
Hamilton's great idea was to go to four dimensions and consider elements of
the form q = w + ix +jy + kz where the hypercomplex units i , j , k satisfy the
following non-commutative multiplication rules
3 Actually, it is not necessary t o assume that j2 = -1. The computation shows that there
is no embedding C C LR3, where LR3 is an associative algebra.
5.8 Function theory of quaternion variables 77
Hamilton named his four-component elements quaternions. Quaternions form
a division ring which we have denoted by W in honor of Hamilton.
Cayley in 1845 was the first one to publish the quaternionic representation of
rotations of R3 + R3, r + ara-l, but he mentioned that the result was known
to Hamilton. Cayley, in 1855, also discovered the quaternionic representation
of 4-dimensional rotations:
R4 + R4, q + aqb-l,
where we have identified R4 = W.
d d d
The differential operator V = i-+j-+k- is due to Hamilton, although
dx dy dz
his symbol for nabla was turned 30'. The first one to study solutions of
+ i - + df
j - + k -df
=0, df where f :W+W,
dw dx dy dz
was Fueter 1935.
The quaternion formalism might seem awkward to a physicist or an engineer,
for two reasons: first, the squares of i , j , k are negative, i2 = j2 = k2 = -1,
and second, one invokes a 4-dimensional space which is beyond our ability of
1. Let u be a unit vector in R3, lul = 1. Show that R3 + R3, x + uxu is a
reflection across the plane u L .
2. Determine square roots of the quaternion q = qo + q.
3. Hurwitz integral quaternions q = w + ix + jy + k z are Z-linear
+ +
combinations of i, j,k and (1 + i j k), that is, either all w , x , y, z are
integers or of the form n + Show that lqI2 is an integer, and that the set
a= (j ) 1 j
and b = ( i k)
is invertible.
7. Does an involutory automorphism of the real algebra Mat(2, W) necessarily
send a diagonal matrix of the form
(i (d) where a E W
to a diagonal matrix?
8. Suppose A (# R) is a simple real associative algebra of dimension 5 4
with center R. Show that A is W or Mat(2,R).
9. Suppose A (# R) is a simple real associative algebra with center R and
an anti-automorphism a: + a ( z ) such that a: + a ( x ) E IW and a:a(a:) E R.
Show that A is W or Mat(2,R).
10. Show that all the subgroups of Q8 = {f1, fi, fj, fk) are normal, that is,
for a subgroup H c Q8 and elements g E Q8, h E H , ghgvl E H .
11. Take two vectors a , b in R3, such that la1 = Ibl, and a = ea, b = eb in
S3. Determine the point-wise invariant plane of the simple rotation
q + agb-l of R4.
2. If q = 0, then there is only one square root, 0. If q = 0, go > 0, then there
are two square roots, f6. If q = 0, go < 0, then there is an infinity of
square roots, f i u , where u is a unit pure quaternion u E R3 c W,
IuI = 1. If q # 0, then there are two square roots,
S.L. Altmann: Rotations, Quaternions, and Double Groups. Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1986.
G.M. Dixon: Division Algebras: Octonions, Quaternions, Complex Numbers and the
Algebraic Design of Physics. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1994.
P. du Val: Homogmphies, Quaternions and Rotations. Oxford University Press, Ox-
ford, 1964.
H.-D. Ebbinghaus et al. (eds.): Numbers. Springer, New York, 1991.
R. Fueter: ~ b e die
r analytische Darstellung der regularen Funktionen einer Quaternion-
envariablen. Comment. Math. Helv. 8 (1935), 371-378.
K. Giirlebeck, W. Sprossig: Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Prob-
lems. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1989. Birkhauser, Basel, 1990.
W.R. Hamilton: Elements of Quaternions. Longmans Green, London, 1866. Chelsea,
New York, 1969.
T.L. Hankins: Sir William Rowan Hamilton. Johns Hopkins University Press, Balti-
more, MD, 1980.
K. Imaeda: Quaternionic Formulation of Classical Electrodynamics and the Theory of
Functions of a Biguaternion Variable. Department of Electronic Science, Okayama
University of Science, 1983.
I.R. Porteous: Topological Geometry. Van Nostrand Reinhold, London, 1969. Cam-
bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.
M. Riesz: Clifford Numbers and Spinors. The Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ap-
plied Mathematics, Lecture Series No. 38, University of Maryland, 1958. Reprinted
as facsimile (eds.: E.F. Bolinder, P. Lounesto) by Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Nether-
lands, 1993.
A. Sudbery: Quaternionic Analysis. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 85 (1979),
The Fourth Dimension
In this chapter we study the geometry of the Euclidean space R4. The purpose
is to help readers to get a solid view, or as solid a view as possible, of the first
dimension beyond our ability to visualize. This is an important intermediate
step in scrutinizing higher dimensions. We start by reviewing regular figures
in lower dimensions.
because the sum of angles of faces meeting a t a vertex cannot exceed 21r. The
above inequality can also be written in the form
6.2 Regular polyhedra in R3 81
The same result is obtained by inspection of the topological properties of a
regular polyhedron: the numbers No, Nl, N2 of vertices, edges and faces satisfy
the Euler formula:
No - N1+ N2 = 2.
On the other hand, each edge of a regular polyhedron is a boundary of two
faces, each with p sides, so that 2N1 = pN2; and a vertex is a meeting point
of q edges, each with 2 end points, so that qNo = 2N1. The above inequality
is a consequence of the Euler formula and the equation
Name {P,Q} No N1 N2
Tetrahedron {3,3} 4 6 4
Octahedron {3,4} 6 12 8
Cube {4,3} 8 12 6
Icosahedron {3,5) 12 30 20
Dodecahedron {5,3} 20 30 12
There are three solutions to the above equation; they have Schlafli symbols
82 The Fourth Dimension
{4,4), {3,6) and {6,3) corresponding to tilings of the plane by squares, equi-
lateral triangles and regular hexagons. These regular tilings are called tessel-
A regular vertex
A polytope is a higher-dimensional analog of a polyhedron. A polytope is
regular if its faces and vertices are regular. A 4-dimensional regular polytope
with p, q-cells as faces must have q, r-cells as vertices. This drops the number
of 4-dimensional regular polytopes from 52 = 25 to 11. The sum of the solid
angles of the faces meeting at a vertex cannot exceed 4n. As a consequence,
there remain six possible combinations of p, q and q, r. A closer inspection
shows that all these six combinations are in fact 4-dimensional regular poly-
topes; we shall call them p, q, r-cells with Schlafli symbols {p, q, r).
There are the regular simplex {3,3,3) and the hypercube {4,3,3), also called
a tesseract. There is the octahedron analog {3,3,4), a dipyramid with octahe-
dron as a basis. There are the analogs of the icosahedron and the dodecahedron,
{3,3,5) and {5,3,3); and there is an extra regular polytope {3,4,3).
The 3-dimensional space can be filled with cubes, a configuration with
6.4 T h e spheres 83
Schliifli symbol {4,3,4). The 4-dimensional space can be filled with hyper-
cubes, dipyramids and the extra regular polytope, configurations with Schlafli
symbols {4,3,3,4), {3,3,4,3) and {3,4,3,3).
In a higher-dimensional space, n > 4, there are only the regular simplex,
dipyramid and hypercube, and it can only be filled with hypercubes.
Letting a now approach P and computing the coefficients in the limit give
lim eA = I(cos o
+ -a2 sin a )
+;A (Z3 sin o - -2 cos a1
+-A2 (- sin o)
a2 2
Observe that in the limit A2 = -021, which cancels some terms and results in
lim eA = I c o s a + -sina.
ff-P o
These rotations with only one rotation angle a have a whole bundle of invariant
rotation planes. In fact, every point of IR4 stays in some invariant plane, but
not every plane of R4 is an invariant plane of e A .
If a rotation U of IR4 has rotation angles a and ,8 we shall denote it by
U ( o , p ) . Consider the set J' = {U(o,P) E SO(4) I a = P} and the relation
'N' in the set J' = J' \ {I,-I),
Furthermore, we have an isomorphism of algebras,
Therefore, the local angular velocity IvI/IxI is always between lwll and Iwzl.
If IwlI = Iw21, then every point on the sphere is rotating at the same veloc-
ity and furthermore every point is travelling along some great circle, that is,
everybody is living on an equator!
6.8 Bivectors in R4 C C 4
The essential difference between 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional spaces is
that bivectors are no longer products of two vectors. Instead, bivectors are
6.9 The group Spin(4) and its Lie algebra 87
sums of products of two vectors in lR4. In the 3-dimensional space IW3 there
are only simple bivectors, that is, all the bivectors represent a plane. In the
4-dimensional space R4 this is not the case any more.
Example. The bivector B = e l 2 e34 E /\2 lR4 is not simple. For all simple
elements the square is real, but B 2 = -2 +
2e1234$ IR. I
If the square of a bivector is real, then it is simple. '
Usually a bivector in /\2 R4 can be uniquely written as a sum of two simple
bivectors, which represent completely orthogonal planes. There is an excep-
tion to this uniqueness, crucial to the study of four dimensions: If the simple
components of a bivector have equal squares, that is equal norms, then the
decomposition to a sum of simple components is not unique.
Example. The bivector ele2 e3e4 can also be decomposed into a sum of
two completely orthogonal bivectors as follows:
a1 (e23 + e14) 1
a(e23 - e14)
(e3l+ e24) and a(e31 - e24)
(el2 + e34) 1
z(e12 - e34)
in /\2 lR4 c C.t4 both span a Lie algebra isomorphic to the subspace /\' lR3 c
Ct3 with basis {+e23, he31,+el,), that is, they satisfy the same commutation
relations. In other words, the Lie algebras
1 Although the square of a 3-vector is real, it need not be simple. For instance, V =
el23 +e456 E /\3 IR6 is not simple [this can be seen by computing V e i V - l , i = 1,2,.. ., 6 ,
and observing that they are not all vectors].
88 The Fourth Dimension
are both isomorphic to /\2 R3. The two subspaces i ( 1 f e1234) /\2 R4 of C14
annihilate each other, and consequently,
There are three different kinds of rotations in four dimensions depending on
> >
the values of the rotation angles a , ,!? satisfying ./r > a ,!? 0. Let R : R4 +
R4 be a rotation and a a non-zero vector with iterated images b = R(a),
c = R ( b ) , d = R(c). In general, a, b , c, d are linearly independent, that is,
a A b A c A d # 0. In the case of a simple rotation with ,f? = 0, only the vectors
a, b , c are linearly independent, that is, a A b A c # 0 but a A b A c A d = 0. In
the case of an isoclinic rotation with a = ,!?, only the vectors a, b are linearly
independent, that is, a A b # O but a A b A c = O and a ~ b A d = O .
In general, a rotation of R4 has six parameters, computed as
The number 3 comes from picking up a unit vector a; the number 2 comes
from picking up a unit vector b in the orthogonal complement of a; the unit
bivector ab = a A b fixes a plane but the same plane is obtained by rotating
a and b in the plane of a A b , thus subtract 1; then finally add 2 for the two
rotation parameterslangles a and p. On the other hand, an isoclinic rotation
has three parameters, computed as
+ +
1. Compute the squares of i ( 1 el2 e34 f
2. Take a vector a E R4 and a bivector B = ael2 pes4 E A2 R4. Show that
B a B E R4.
3. Compute exp(ae12 pe34).
+ + + +
4. Let a = ale1 a2e2 use3 and b = blel b2e2 b3e3. Compute
A = ae123 and B = be123. Determine i ( 1 e1234)A and i ( 1 - e1234)B,
and show that these bivectors commute.
+ +
5. Compute C = 3(1 e1234)A 3(1 - e1234)B, and express cxp(C) using
la1 and Ibl. What are the two rotation angles of the rotation
R4 + R4, x + cxc-l where c = exp(C)?
6 . Consider the Lie algebra A2R4 with the commutator product
[a, b] = ab - ba, and its three subalgebras spanned by
1. e1234, e l 2 e34.
+ + +
3. cos a cos p e l 2 sin a cos p e34 cos a sin p el234 sin a sin p.
5. The rotation angles are a = (la1+ lb1)/2 and P = (la1- lb1)/2, and
S.L. Altmann: Rotations, Quaternions, and Double Groups, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1986.
H.S.M. Coxeter: Regular Polytopes, Methuen, London, 1948.
P. du Val: Homographies, Quaternions and Rotations, Oxford University Press, Ox-
ford, 1964.
D. Hilbert, S. Cohn-Vossen: Anschauliche Geometrie, Dover, New York, 1944. Ge-
ometry and the Imagination, Chelsea, New York, 1952.
The Cross Product
for vectors a = ale1 + a2e2 use3 and b = blel + b2e2 + b3e3 in R3. The
scalar product is scalar valued, a . b E R , and satisfies
linear in the first factor
(Xa) . b = X(a. b)
a.b=b.a symmetric
a . a > O for a#O positive definite.
'7.2 Cross product in R3 93
Linearity with respect to the first argument together with symmetry implies
that the scalar product is linear with respect to both arguments, that is, it
is bilinear. The symmetric bilinear scalar valued product gives rise to the
quadratic form
which makes the linear space R3 into a quadratic space R3. The quadratic
form is positive definite, that is, a . a = 0 implies a = 0, which allows us to
introduce the length la1 = &i-Z of a vector a E R3. The real linear space
R3 with a positive definite quadratic form on itself is called a Euclidean space
IR3. The length and the scalar product satisfy
la+bl<lal+lbl triangleinequality
la. bl 5 lallbl Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
where the latter inequality gives rise to the concept of angle. The angle cp
between two directions a and b is obtained from
cos cp = -
lal lbl
Thus, we can write the scalar product in the form
3 This expression is also valid for a, b E R 3 C C e 3 , but the element 1 - e l 2 3 does not pick
up an ideal of C e 3 . Recall that C e 3 is simple, that is, it has no proper two-sided ideals.
98 The Cross Product
+ +
for a = a a and b = ,f? b in R $ R7. If we replace the Euclidean space R7
by the negative definite quadratic space R017, then not only
for a , b E R $ R017, but also
w = -(el24 +
e235 e346 + + e457 + e m + e672 + e713)en...7
= el236 - el257 - el345 + el467 + - - e3567
~ 3 4 7
and w E /\4R7 c
7.5 Cross products of k vectors i n Rn 99
The trivial cross product with one factor in an even number of dimensions
rotates all vectors by 90'. Thus, let n be even and let a be the only factor
of a trivial cross product with value b , Ibl = la[, b . a = 0. This can be
accomplished by
1. Show that the cross product a x r can be represented by a matrix
multiplication Ar = a x r, where
2. Express the rotation matrix e A in terms of I,A and A2. Hint: use the
Cayley-Hamilton theorem, A3 + laI2A = 0.
3. Express the rotated vector e A r as a linear combination of r, a x r and
( a .r ) a . Hint: A2r = ( a . r)a - a 2 r .
4. Compute the square of w = -ve12,,,7 E /\4 IR7.
5. Show that i ( 1 + w) is an idempotent of C17 2 Mat(8, C).
A A2
2. eA = I + - s i n a + - ( 1 - c o s a ) , where a = la[.
a a2
sin a 1 - cos cu
3. e A r = c o s a r -a x r +
a2 ( a .r)a.
4. w2 = 7 6w.
H.-D. Ebbinghaus et al. (eds.): Numbers. Springer, New York, 1991.
F.R. Harvey: Spinors and Calibrations. Academic Press, San Diego, 1990.
W.S. Massey: Cross products of vectors in higher dimensional Euclidean spaces.
Amer. Math. Monthly 90 (1983), #lo, 697-701.
R.D. Schafer: On the algebras formed by the Cayley-Dickson process. Amer. J. Math.
76 (1954), 435-446.
The Maxwell equations can be formulated with vectors or more advanced no-
tation like tensors, differential forms or Clifford bivectors. In these advanced
formalisms the Maxwell equations become more uniform and easier to manip-
ulate; for instance, relativistic covariance is more apparent. However, the cost
of the convenience is that one has to master new concepts in addition to scalars
and vectors; and antisymmetric tensors have to be untangled for physical in-
- - d@
E . d l = -- Faraday's law
8.1 The Maxwell equations 101
Maxwell also complemented Ampbre's law by a new term, which observed time-
dependence. Ampitre had developed a mathematical formulation for producing
magnetism by electricity, a phenomenon detected by 0rsted in 1820, but his
law is not valid in a time-varying situation: take the divergence of both sides
to obtain
which violates charge conservation. Maxwell corrected this equation into the
-. -
V . ( V X H ) = O = V . J + - , ap
applied Gauss' law, and got
These equations are linear, and the last two equations with a vanishing right-
hand side are homogeneous.
If E,p are constants, so that they do not depend on position, then the
medium is homogeneous. If E , p are scalars, and not matrices or tensors, then
the medium is isotropic. In a medium that is uniform in space, i.e. homo-
geneous and isotropic, and stationary in time, the Maxwell equations can be
1 In the paper of 1820, 0rsted's name is printed as ~ r s t e dbecause
, the printer had no 0 .
2 Charge conservation requires that the continuity equation
holds for the charge density p and the current density f in R3.
[a 5,
3 W e u s e S I units: = [dl = 5, 5,
[dl = [Ef] =&.
4 In the case that the material is non-isotropic, D, = € i J E J , Bi = p i J H J , where the
matrices are symmetric € i J = e 3 i , piJ = p J i .
5 Stationary means that E and p do not depend on time. In an explosion E and p are time
expressed in terms of E and I? alone:
With this change of notation from g, l? to FaP we can write the Maxwell
equations in a vacuum:
dFP7 dFYa
dx, dxp
- 0,
d d
and further adopting the notations d, = - and da = - to
dxa 8%
104 Electromagnetism
Similarly, 6 and can be combined to a second-rank antisymmetric tensor
Exercises lab,2ab,3a
This curl-free quantity is up to a sign the gradient of a scalar, called the electric
potential V,
A', = A,
a@ = A, + a,@.
The fact that l?,l? remain unchanged in a gauge transformation is called
106 Electromagnetism
gauge invariance. In quantum electrodynamics gauge invariance is used t o
deduce the existence of a zero-mass carrier for the electromagnetic field.
When the Lorenz condition is satisfied, the above two second-order differen-
tial equations, which coupled V and A, can be decoupled
into wave equations with the d'Alembert operator v2- $& = dada
6 The Lorenz ~ondition/~auge was discovered by the Danish physicist Ludwig Lorenz in
1867, and not by the Dutch physicist H. A. Lorentz, who demonstrated covariance of the
Maxwell equations under Lorentz transformations in 1903. See 3 . van Bladel: Lorenz or
Lorentz? IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 33 (1991) p. 69 and The Radiosci-
entist 2 (1991) p. 55.
8.7 The vector l? and the bivector l?e123 107
- -
which gradually become more and more distant from classical vector analysis.
We reformulate the Maxwell equations first in terms of the Clifford algebras
Ce3 Mat(2, @) of the Euclidean space R3 and then in terms of the Clifford
algebra Ce3,l Mat(4,R) of the Minkowski space R311. In the Euclidean
space R3 we shall deal with the vector l? and the bivector and in the
Minkowski space R311 we shall deal with the bivector
Since we are integrating over a surface, we conclude that we are actually dealing
+ +
with the bivector gel23 = BleZ3 B2esl B3e12, rather than the vector
B = Blel B2e2 B3e3.+
Multiply the last two equations by e123, use the following replacements V A ~ =
0 v.l?=p
The numbers on the left indicate the dimension degrees of the equations. Sum-
ming up these four equations we get (use ~ l =?V . l? V A l?)
Use V F = V J F + V A F tofind
and we have condensed all the Maxwell equations into a single equation in terms
of the Clifford algebra C13. Taking the grade involute of both sides results in
The potentials V and 1,a scalar and a vector, can be united into a para-
vector V + /i. Differentiate the paravector V + by the paravector differential
8.10 The use of the Clifford algebra Cestl
a + V,
e 2 - - e2
2 -- e3
2 --1 , e j = -1,
e,ep = -epe, for a # P.
a +
For a function f : R311 + Ce3,~we have df = A f 8 J f , where 8 A f is the
raising differential and 13 J f is the lowering differential.
7 If we use the orthonormal basis {eo,e l , ez, e3} with e: = e; = eg = 1 and e%= -1,
that is, = e 4 , then we find by reordering the indices that
eo = -el234 and F =
gee4 +
- (Be4)e1234= gee0 (geo)eolm.
110 Electromagnetism
Compute the raising differential
corresponding to
- j,
-7' (He123) - 8 6 -
4 4
-V A (Ze123) = 0, VA2 + -(Ze123)
= 0.
Electromagnetism can also be formulated with differential forms, based on
Grassmann's exterior algebra. In this context it is customary to invoke the
dual space
V* = {f : V +R 1 f linear)
of the real linear space V = R311. Instead of vectors and bivectors, in V and
/\2 V, one considers 1-forms and 2-forms, in V* and /\2 V*.
In theoretical physics one applies differential forms to electromagnetism, but
in electrical engineering one uses almost exclusively the vector analysis of Gibbs
and Heaviside. l 1 Electrical engineers are not interested in transformation
laws, and so it is convenient for them to place all vectors in V = R3s1 [and
disregard the dual space V*]. However, a theory without the dual space V*
cannot be generalized to curved space-times. In a curved space-time it is not
possible to differentiate vector valued functions, only differential forms can be
differentiated [in general relativity vectors are differentiated covariantly].
Although differential forms are not of practical value for electrical engineers,
9 Juvet&Schidlof 1932 p. 141 gave Tfiv= FfiaFa, $ g f i , ~ , p ~ a pbut did not consider
T x = - $ F X F , compare this to Bolinder p. 469 in Chisholm & Common (eds.) 1986.
10 T h e tracelessness of T f i , = - $ ( e f i F e , ~ ) is
o a n accident in dimension 4, since efiFe,, = 0,
and in general efiaep= ( n - 2 k ) l for a E /\ Rn.
11 As far as the author knows the only university where electrical engineers have used dif-
ferential forms in teaching is Helsinki Urliversity of Technology, see lecture notes Lin-
dell & Lounesto 1995.
12 For instance, the spacetime position x = Z + cte4 and the current density J = J+ cpe4
transform differently under the Lorentz group; one transforms contravariantly and the
other covariantly. In tensor calculus elements of V are called vectors and elements of t h e
dual space V * are called covectors.
112 Electromagnetism
we shall close this chapter with a short discussion on the formulation of electro-
magnetism with differential forms, see Lindell1995. But first some observations
about functions with values in /\ V = Ce3,1.
we can replace it by a bivector fel23, and since the charge density p integrates
over a 3-volume, we can replace it by a 3-vector pel23. Similarly, we can regard
I? as a vector, but replace the vector d by a bivector 8el23.
The two Maxwell equations with a source-term on the right hand side can
be rewritten in the form
V A (6e123) = pel23,
- a -
-V A H - -(Del23)
= Je123.
Take the Hodge dual
- +
*G = Gel234 = -cDe123 - He4 and
*J = h 2 3 4 = C p 1 2 3 (fe123)e4,
and compute the raising differential
d A *G = V - e4- - A (-cDe123 - d e 4 )
( c aat )
+ ad
= -c(V . 6)e123 - e m ( V x H)en + - p l 2 3 4
The Maxwell equations can now be expressed in terms of the raising differential
Dually, we can write down the Maxwell equations using only the lowering
d J G = J,
dJ*F = 0.
These equations are invariant under the general linear group GL(4,R), and
the solutions are independent of the choice of metric. l3
13 In the absence of a metric it is customary to invoke the dual algebra V * of the exterior
algebra A V and take exterior differentials of differential forms rather than differentials
of multivector valued functions.
8.14 The constitutive relations
8.14 T h e constitutive relations
The constitutive relations of the medium are
= pE + p - 1 z .
Here E , a , p and pW1 are 3 x 3-matrices. To find the rules imposed on them,
write the above equations in coordinate form:
where the brackets [ ] mean complete alternation of indices. The second re-
lation implies cT = E, pT = p and a = -pT and the third relation im-
plies trace(&) = trace(p), which together with the former implies trace(&) =
trace(/?) = 0. These considerations can be condensed into saying that the in-
dices of the constitutive tensor X n X p v = $:
can be arranged into a Young
such that
f ( x + h ) - f (x) = f l ( x ) h + I1 h II c(x, h )
where E(X,h ) -+ 0 as h + 0. The linear function f'(x) : U -+ V can be
identified with an element of U* 8 V.
14 The factor x need not be a tensor. For instance, magnetic saturation and hysteresis are
not expressible with a tensor X.
114 Electromagnetism
Consider now a function f 8 : V + /\ V*. Its derivative at x ,
These equations include only the exterior differential, and no contraction differ-
ential, so that a metric is not involved. This makes the equations independent
of any coordinate system. The metric gets involved by the constitutive relations
of the medium
Historical Survey
The Maxwell equations have been condensed into a single equation using com-
plex vectors (Silberstein 1907), complex quaternions (Silberstein 1912/1914,
Lanczos 1919), spinors (Laporte & Uhlenbeck 1931, Bleuler & Kustaanheimo
1968) and using Clifford algebras (Juvet & Schidlof 1932, Mercier 1935, M.
Riesz 1958). Marcel Riesz 1947 wrote the energy-momentum tensor in the
form Tp, = -+(epFe,~)o.
Metric x: + +x i xg - x i :
1. Recall that (F14,F24,F34) = (f El, $E2, $ ~ 3 and)
~ , F ' ~=
( F ~ F31, ) (-B1, -B2, -B3). Compute the matrices
a) F a p , b) F,P, and the vector
c) v* Fa@for (vl, v2,v3, v4) = (vl, 212, v3, c). l8
Metric -xi + x: + x i + xg :
I d d d d
In this metric da = (-- - - - -).
2. Replace l? and l? by F"@= -F@" so that
(Fol,Fo2, Fo3) = (-:El, - f E 2 , -fE3) and
( F ~F31,
~ F12)
, = (-B1, -B2, -B3), and determine
a) the antisymmetric matrix F f f p ,
b) the Maxwell equations in terms of Fa@,
C) F*@ in terms of A",
17 The Maxwell equations describe massless particles, photons, and as such they are con-
formally covariant, as was demonstrated by Cunningham and Bateman in 1910. The
conformal transformations are not linear in general, that is, they are not in GL(4,R).
18 For simplicity we have omitted the factor
W.E. Baylis: Electrodynamics: A Modern Geometric Approach. Birkauser, Boston,
E.F. Bolinder: Unified microwave network theory based on Clifford algebra in Lorentz
space, pp. 25-35 in Conference Proceedings, 1 2 European
~ ~ Microwave Conference
(Helsinki 1982). Microwave Exhibitions and Publishers, Tunbridge Wells, Kent,
E.F. Bolinder: Clifford algebra: What is it? IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
Newsletter 29 (1987), 18-23.
D.K. Cheng: Field and Wave Electromagnetics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989,
G.A. Deschamps: Electromagnetics and differential forms. Proc. IEEE, 69 (1981),
D. Hestenes: Space- Time Algebra. Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia, PA, 1966, 1987,
J.D. Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics. Wiley, New York, 1962, 1975.
B. Jancewicz: Multivectors and Clifiord Algebra in Electrodynamics. World Scientific,
Singapore, 1988.
G. Juvet, A. Schidlof: Sur les nombres hypercomplexes de Clifford et leurs applications
B l'analyse vectorielle ordinaire, B 1'6lectromagnetisme de Minkowski et B la thkorie
de Dirac. Bull. Soc. Neuchat. Sci. Nat., 57 (1932), 127-147.
I.V. Lindell: Methods for Electromagnetics Field Analysis. Clarendon Press, Oxford,
I.V. Lindell, A. Sihvola, S. Tretyakov, A. Viitanen: Electromagnetic Waves in Chiral
and Bi-Isotropic Media. Artech House, Boston, MA, 1994.
I. Lindell, P. Lounesto: Difierentiaalimuodot sahkomagnetiikassa. Helsinki University
of Technology, Electromagnetics Laboratory, 1995.
P. Lorrain, D.R. Corson: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: Principles and Applica-
tions. W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1990.
A. Mercier: Expression des e'quations de l'e'lectromagne'tisme au moyen des nombres
de Clifiord. Thesis, Universit6 de Genkve, 1935.
E.J. Post: Formal Structure of Electromagnetics. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1962.
M. Riesz: Clifford Numbers and Spinors. The Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ap-
plied Mathematics, Lecture Series No. 38, University of Maryland, 1958. Reprinted
with comments as facsimile by E.F. Bolinder, P. Lounesto (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, 1993.
Lorent z Transformations
is not preserved in a Galilean change of variables (3,t) + (x', t'). The wave
equation is instead invariant under another transformation, named after H.A.
Lorentz. In 1887, Michelson & Morley carried out an experiment which indi-
cated that light travels at the same velocity independent of the motion of the
source. In 1905, Einstein took the constancy of the velocity of light as a postu-
late, and showed that this postulate, together with the principle of relativity, is
sufficient for deriving the kinematical formulas of Lorentz. In so doing, Einstein
had to revise the notion of time, and abandon the concept of absolute time.
9.1 Lorentz transformations in one space dimension 119
9.1 Lorentz transformations in one space dimension
The simplest modification of the Galilean transformation, preserving linearity
and the implication x' = 0 + x = vt, is obtained by multiplying with a factor
XI = y(x - vt), x = y(xt + vt')
where y is independent of x and t but may depend on v. We require that y is
the same in both equations since the inverse transformation should be identical
to the direct one except for a change of v to -v.
In computing y we use the observation of equal velocity of light. Consider a
light-signal travelling at velocity c in both frames, so that x = ct and x' = ct',
which substituted into the right-hand side of the previous equations results in
or, substituting x' = ct' and x = ct also into the left-hand side,
The fact that time is also transformed is referred to as the relativity of time.
120 Lorentz Transformations
Summarizing, we have the following transformation laws for the space and
time coordinates
direct inverse
x - ut 2' ut' +
t' =
t = t' + $2'
Jiq ,/-
known as the Lorentz transformation. Lorentz transformations preserve the
quadratic form x2 - c2t2= zr2- c2tr2and orthogonality of events; two events
2 c2tlt2 = 0. In particular,
x l , ctl and x2, ct2 are said to be orthogonal if ~ 1 x -
time and space are orthogonal.
It should be noted that time and space do not diverge by 90°, that is, they
are not 'perpendicular' or 'rectangular'. If we draw space-time coordinates
x, ct on paper so that the time-axis is 'perpendicular' to the space and perform
a Lorentz transformation, then the transformed coordinate-axes x', ct' are no
longer 'rectangular' (but they are orthogonal, by definition).
The Minkowski space-time R311 has a quadratic form sending a vector x E R3p1
to a scalar which we shall denote by x 2 ,
x2 = x; +x; + x i - x;.
Solutions to the equation
x; + x; + x$ = x: or x2 = 0
form the null-cone or light-cone.
v' ce4 + where v2 = -1.
0 = Observer
To do this we first decompose r' E JR3 into components. r' = Zll + 71 which are
parallel = (F - v')- and perpendicular ? I = ? - Fll to Z. The transformed
space-time event is ( 7 ,t') where r" = ?Il + r': and
F is said to be Minkowski-antisymmetric.
2 The Lorentz invariants remain the same also under rotations of R3, and therefore under
the special Lorentz group S O ( 3 , l ) . This can be seen by squaring F = Ee4 - Be123 :
F2 = F J F F A F = I?' - 3' - 2(I?. d ) e 1 2 3 4The . scalar part remains invariant under
L E 0 ( 3 , 1 ) and the 4-volume part remains invariant under L E SL(4,R). Note that
O ( 3 , l )n SL(4,R ) = SO(3, l ) , SL(4,R ) / & z SO+ ( 3 , 3 ) and /\2 L E SO+ ( 3 , 3 ) acts on
/\2 ~ 3 , 2,
1 ~393.
124 Lorentz Transformations
9.5 T h e Lorentz group 0 ( 3 , 1 )
A matrix L satisfying L ~ =Lg ~ is said to be Minkowski-orthogonal or a
Lorentz transformation. The Lorentz transformations form the Lorentz group
0 ( 3 , 1 ) = { L E Mat(4,R) I L ~ =Lg ) . ~
A Lorentz transformation has a unit determinant: det L = f 1. The subgroup
with positive determinant,
is called the special Lorentz group. The special Lorentz group S O ( 3 , l ) has
two components. The component connected to the identity I is denoted by
S 0 + ( 3 , 1 ) ; it preserves orientations of both space and time. The other compo-
nent S O ( 3 , l ) \ SO+ ( 3 , l ) reverses orientations of both space and time.
The Lorentz group 0 ( 3 , 1 ) has four components; these form three two-
component subgroups preserving space orientation, time orientation or space-
time orientation. Time-orientation-preserving Lorentz transformations form
the orthochronous Lorentz group Ot(3, 1). A restricted or special orthochronous
Lorentz transformation L E S 0 + ( 3 , 1 ) preserves space-time orientation (orien-
tation of both space and time); its opposite - L E S O ( 3 , l )\SO+(3,1) reverses
space-time orientation, while gL reverses time orientation, and -gL E Ot(3, 1)
reverses space orientation, -gL E Ot(3, 1) \ SO+ ( 3 , l ) .
The Lorentz transformations, which stabilize a time-like vector, form a sub-
group 0 ( 3 ) , the orthogonal group of R3 = R310.The Lorentz transformations,
which stabilize a space-like vector, form a subgroup O(2, I), the small Lorentz
group of R211.The Lorentz transformations, which stabilize a light-like vector,
form a subgroup isomorphic to the group of rigid movements of the Euclidean
plane R2.
Any special orthochronous Lorentz transformation L E S 0 + ( 3 , 1 ) can be
written as an exponential L = e A of a Minkowski-antisymmetric matrix
0 b3 -b2 a1
-b3 0 bl a2
+ +
which satisfies g ~ T g - l = -A. The matrix A can be characterized by two
+ +
vectors a' = ale1 a2e2 a3e3 and b = blel b2e2 b3e3 in R3. If = 0,
then L is a boost at velocity
= c tanhla'l.
3 Note the resemblance between LgLTg-' = I and the condition of orthogonality R R =~ I
of a matrix R, R E O ( n ) .
9.6 Simple Lorentz transformations 125
If a' = 0, then L E SO(3) is a rotation of the Euclidean space R3 around the
axis by the angle I;]. Boosts and rotations are special cases of simple Lorentz
Events in time and space can be labelled by sums of scalars and vectors,
$pin+(l,3) = { s E C t 3 I sS = 1 ) E SL(2, C ) .
The time-space event x = t 2 E R $ R3 and the electromagnetic field
F = I? - g e l a s E R3 $ /\'R3 behave slightly differently under restricted
Lorentz transformations:
x' = L(x) = s x i - l ,
F' = sFs-'.
The spin group $pin+ ( 1 , 3 )is a two-fold covering of the special orthochronous
Lorentz group S 0 + ( 1 , 3 ) .In other words, there are two elements f s in the
group $pin+ ( l , 3 ) inducing the same Lorentz transformation L in SO+ ( 1 , 3 ) .
This can be expressed by saying that the kernel of the group homomorphism
consists of two elements {f1 ) E $pin+(l,3) [the kernel is the pre-image of the
identity element I E SO+ ( 1 , 3 ) ] .
Every element s in the spin group $pin+(l,3) is of the form
s = f exp ;;(a'+ be123)
where a' and are vectors in R3. The minus sign in front of the exponential
5 The raising and lowering conventions are different in R $ R3 and I R 1 1 3 . In ~ ' 1 ~
and results in
1 + y ( l + v'e4) 1
7 If la'l = lq and a'. $ = 0 then (a'+ $e123)2 = 0, and for a non-zero F = a' + gel23 there
is no para-bivector B E R3 $ A2R3 such that eB = - e F .
8 The first tanh-function is evaluated in the Clifford algebra Ce3.
128 Lorentz Transformations
Under a Lorentz transformation induced by s E Spin+(3,1) the space-time
-, -
x transforms according to x' = sxs-l and the electromagnetic bivector
~ -eBelz3
~ transforms according to F' = sFs-l.
P i n ( l , 3 ) = {s E cet3u C t , , I sii = f1),
Spin(l,3) = {s E Cet3 I sii = f1),
Spin+(l, 3) = {s E cet3 I sZ = 1) SL(2, C).
A Lorentz transformation L E 0(1,3) is given by L(x) = sxi-l in general,
but a special Lorentz transformation L E S0(1,3) corresponds to an even
s and can also be written as L(x) = sxs-l. The group homomorphism p :
P i n ( l , 3 ) + 0(1,3) is fixed by L = p(s), L(x) = sxi-l, and its kernel is
{f1), that is, each L E 0 ( 1 , 3 ) has two pre-images fs in P i n ( l , 3 ) .
An element s E Spin+(l, 3) has a unique polar decomposition
bl = 4- and b2 = J-,
but the rotation is the same, r = b l l s = sbzl.
Penrose & Rindler 1984. On pp. 31-32 the authors give a geometric inter-
pretation for Lorentz transformations, reviewed here in terms of the Clifford
algebra C t l , ~Take
. four distinct light-like vectors a, b , c, d such that a . b = 1
and c . d = 1. The bivector a A b represents a time-like plane, since (aA b)' =
( a . b)2 - a 2 b 2= 1; the bivector a A b belongs to Spin(l,3) \ Spin+ ( l , 3 ) and
represents a Lorentz transformation, which reverses the space-time orientation.
Therefore, the product
s = (aAb)(cAd)
9.9 In the Clifford algebra Ctl,3 E Mat(2, IN) 129
is in Spin+(l,3). Let the light-like eigenvectors of the corresponding Lorentz
transformation be l1 and 12, and choose 11 .12= 1 SO that (11 A 12)' = 1. The
bivector l1 A 12 anticommutes with a A b and c A d, that is, it is the unique
'normal' to aA b and c Ad. The bivector F = log(s) in is determined
/ \ 2 ~ 1 1 3
we find that c' A d' = s(c A d)s-I = (a A b)(c A d)(a A b)-l, that is, the
Lorentz transformation reflects the plane c A d across the plane a A b. But,
s ( a ~ b ) s -= ) - I ( c ~ d ) ( a ~ b ) ( c ~=
' ( c ' ~ d ' ) ( a ~ b ) ( c ' ~ d 'and d )s - ' ( a ~ b ) s ,
that is, the inverse of s(a A b)s-l . Take a square root of the inverse of s,
F1 =
FdJ and F2 = F$~0123
4+ $yo123 4 +$~0123 '
Hestenes & Sobczyk 1984 p. 81 note that 4' = F:, $' = -Fz and
It follows that
L = L(y,)yV = sy,SyV .
In computing r , i y Y , note that in general e,uev = ( n - 2k)Q for u E Ak R n ,
+ +
and deduce that for s = ( s ) ~ (s)2 (s)4
L = 4s[(s)o- ( ~ ) 4 ] .
- ( s ) ~ ] 'and
Since i s = 1, EL = 16[(s)~, ,
where also time is transformed. Voigt's formulas are not identical for direct
and inverse transformations; symmetry was restored later by introducing the
factor d-. This factor was first encountered in another connection:
FitzGerald and Lorentz 1892 gave independently an explanation of the Michel-
son & Morley experiment by suggesting that moving bodies are contracted in
the direction of motion by the ratio d m - .
The Lorentz transformations of space-time events were introduced by Larmor
in 1900, while the relativistic covariance of the Maxwell equations was demon-
strated by H.A. Lorentz 1903 (and conformal covariance by Cunningham
1909/1910 and Bateman 1910).
In 1905 l o Einstein supplemented the principle of relativity by postulating the
principle of independence of the velocity of light (of the motion of the source).
These two principles led Einstein to a revision of the notion of time and enabled
him to deduce the kinematical transformation laws of Lorentz; his predecessors
had obtained the transformation laws by considering transformations which do
not change the form of the Maxwell equations.
9 Poincari noticed that restricted Lorentz transformations of space-dimension 1 form a
group SO+ ( 1 , l ) consisting of the elements
coshx sinhx
sinh x coshX
where x E R.
10 A. Einstein: Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper. Ann. Physik 17 (1905), 891-921. In
this paper Einstein compared the same phenomenon when observed in two different frames:
a magnet moving near a closed conductor and a closed conductor moving near a magnet.
In another paper of 1905 Einstein gave a relation between mass and energy, which was
later popularized as the formula E = mc2, written today as E = mc2 /J- or
E2 = m2c4 p 2 ~ 2 .
132 Lorentz Transformations
Later Einstein reformulated the principle of relativity so that it embraces
not only mechanical but also electromagnetic phenomena:
] the laws of physics have the same form in all reference frames 1
When this Einsteinian principle of relativity is applied to the Maxwell equa-
tions, one is compelled to conclude that the velocity of light is the same in all
reference frames. In other words, the principle of constancy of the velocity of
light becomes superfluous as an amendment to the principle of relativity. The
principle of relativity and knowledge of the Maxwell equations are enough to
deduce the transformation laws of Lorentz.
Nowadays the terms 'relativistic' and 'relativity' almost invariably refer to
the Einsteinian principle.
1. How many light-like eigenvectors does a Lorentz transformation have?
2. Are all L E SO+ ( 3 , l ) of the form L = exp(A), 9 ~ ~ g =- -A?
3. Are all s E Spin+(3,1) of the form s = exp(B/2), B E A2JR31'?
4. A special orthochronous Lorentz transformation can be written as a
product of a boost and a rotation, in two different orders. In the two
expressions, which factor is the same: the boost or the rotation?
5. Are all the special orthochronous Lorentz transformations products of two
commuting transformations, one hyperbolic and one elliptic?
Let B E
6. Is 3 x + .xu-',
JR3t1 +
u = 1 B + ;B A B , a Lorentz transformation?
7. Do the Lorentz transformations induced by exp(B/2) and
+ +
1 B ;B A B , B2 # 1, have the same eigenvectors?
8. Does (1 B)(1 - B)-' represent a Lorentz transformation?
9. Do the Lorentz transformations induced by exp(B/2) and
(1 + B)(1 - B)-' , B2 # 1, have the same eigenvectors?
1. In general two, parabolic has one, fI have all of them.
2. Yes. 3. No. 4. Rotation. 5. No (parabolic are not).
6. Yes, if B2 # 1.
7. Yes, because both the Lorentz transformations are functions (= power
series with real coefficients) of A, A(x) = B L x; namely e A and
(I A)(I - A)-', respectively.
9.9 I n the Clifford algebra,3 2: Mat(2, W) 133
8. Yes, if B2 # 1 (but this is no longer true in dimension 6).
9. No, because the latter Lorentz transformation is not a rational function of
A alone (but also of AT).
1. Derive the composition rule for non-parallel velocities,
t i = J(t2 + y).
1- 3
2. Show that v", = tanh(2 log(b',)) where b', = m, s', = sls2 E R $ R3
and sl = exp($il), Zl = tanh(a'1).
3. Show that the composite of two boosts is a hyperbolic transformation.
4. Consider a time-space event x = ct + i in R $ IK3 corresponding to
y = 2 + cte4 in IR3l1. Define s = exp(a'12) and u = exp(a'e4/2) for a' E R3.
Show that the boost ixs-l = s-'xi corresponds to the boost uyu-'.
5. Show that for u E Spin+(3, l ) , when decomposed into a product of a
boost and a rotation, u = blr = rb2, the rotation-factor r E Spin(3) can
be obtained by normalizing (u A e4)e41.
6. Take a bivector F = a'e4+ ;e123 E /\2R311 such that la'l = 151. Consider
the antisymmetric linear transformation R311 + R3t1, x + Ax = ( F x ) ~ .
Show that (A3x) 1) X.
7. Take a non-simple bivector F E /\2 R311 with simple components
F = F1 F2, Fq > 0, Fg < 0. Show that
+ R3J, FxF
R3J X +-
Ff - FE
is a Lorentz transformation, a reflection across the plane of F1.
+ +
8. Show that (4 $~0123)(6 a - P~oiz3)= 264.
9. Show that as topological spaces Spin+ ( l , 3 ) 2: IK3 x S3.
10. Show that as groups $pin+ ( 3 , l ) 2: Spin+ ( 3 , l ) 2: SL(2, C) and
S 0 + ( 3 , 1 ) 2: SO(3, C) = {R E Mat(3, C) I RRT = I, det R = 1).
11. Show that for u E Spin+(3,1) there is a square root in Spin+(3,1) given
Lorentz Transformations
Hint: for s E Spin+(3, l ) , s2 1 = s2 +Zs = ( s + Z ) s = 2((s)o + (s)4)s.
+ +
Therefore, (a pel234)fi = u 1 with a , P E R.
V. Bargmann, E.P. Wigner: Group theoretical discussion of relativistic wave equa-
tions. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 34 (1948), 211-223. Discussion on unitary
representations of the PoincarC group.
W. Baylis: Theoretical Methods in the Physical Sciences: an Introduction to Problem
Solving with MAPLE V. Birkhauser, Boston, MA, 1994.
A. Einstein: Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper. Ann. Physik. (4) 17 (1905),
I.M. Gelfand, R.A. Minlos, Z.Ya. Shapiro: Representations of the Rotation and Lorentz
Groups and their Applications. Pergamon, New York, 1963.
D. Hestenes: Space-Time Algebra. Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia, PA, 1966, 1987,
B. Jancewicz: Multivectors and Clifford Algebra in Electrodynamics. World Scientific,
Singapore, 1988.
W. Kopczyliski, A. Trautman: Spacetime and Gravitation. PWN, Warszawa; John
Wiley, Chichester; 1992. Includes a historical survey on relativity.
M.A. Naimark: Linear Representations of the Lorentz Group. Macmillan, New York,
R. Penrose, W. Rindler: Spinors and Space-Time. Vol. 1. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1984.
M. Riesz: Clifford Numbers and Spinors. The Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ap-
plied Mathematics, Lecture Series No. 38, University of Maryland, 1958. Reprinted
with comments as facsimile by E.F. Bolinder, P. Lounesto (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, 1993.
L. Silberstein: The Theory of Relativity. Macrnillan, London, 1914.
R.F. Streater, A.S. Wightman: PCT, Spin and Statistics, and all that. Benjamin,
New York, 1964. Contains a discussion on the two-fold cover of the Lorentz group.
E.P. Wigner: On unitary representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group. Ann.
of Math. 40 (1939), 149-204. A historical article in which is discussed, for the first
time, the physical role of the Poincare'group.
The Dirac Equation
The Schrodinger equation describes all atomic phenomena except those involv-
ing magnetism and relativity. The Schrodinger-Pauli equation takes care of
magnetism by including the spin of the electron.
The relativistic phenomena can be taken into consideration by starting from
the equation E 2 / c 2 - j52 = m2c2. Inserting energy and momentum operators
into this equation, results in the Klein-Gordon equation
which treats time and space on an equal footing. Dirac 1928 linearized the
Klein-Gordon equation, or replaced it by a first-order equation,
The above Dirac equation implies the Klein-Gordon equation provided the
symbols y,, satisfy the relations
Writing xo = ct, the Dirac equation can be condensed into the form
where 8, = =. 8
An interaction with the electromagnetic field
cluded via the space-time potential (A0,A', A2,A3) = ( t V ,A,, Ay, At) of F""
FpV is in-
by employing the replacement itid" + itidp - eAp. This leads to the conven-
tional Dirac equation
yp (itid" - eAj')$ = mc$
where the wave function is a column spinor, that is,
The Dirac equation takes into account the relativistic phenomena and also spin;
it describes spin-$ particles, like the electron.
A column spinor $(x) and its Dirac adjoint $t(x)70 can be used to define four
real valued functions
J"(4= $+(x)707"$(x)
which are components of a space-time vector, the Dirac current,
J (x) = y,, Jp(x).
Under a Lorentz transformation
Thus, the Dirac current is covariant under the Lorentz transformations. The
components J p = $tyoyj'$ are called bilinear covariants.
The physical state of the electron is determined by the following 16 bilinear
Their integrals over space give expectation values of the physical observables.
The quantity J0 = $t$, J0 0, integrated over a space-like domain gives
the probability of finding the electron in that domain. The quantities Jk =
$tyoyk$ (k = 1,2,3) give the current of probability f = ykJ ~ they ; satisfy
the continuity equation
l d J O+ - = o .
c dt dxk
The Dirac current J is a future-oriented vector, J2 0. The time-component
uo = yo . u of the unit vector u = J/.\/S;~, J2# 0, gives the probable velocity
of the electron,
Here we shall take a new view on spinors and regard them as elements of
minimal left ideals, first in matrix algebras, then in complexified Clifford
algebras, and finally in real Clifford algebras.
complex conjugate u* ~ 0 1 3 ~ * ~ 2 3
~013~*~$3 u* complex conjugate
grade involute ii
reverse u
- ^l0123~~;\3
T -1
T -1
Clifford-conjugate ii Y02U Yo2
~13~~1-,l uT transpose
Yoii*~;~ ut = u * ~ Hermitian conjugate
ii* youty;' Dirac adjoint
11 Not to be confused with the complex structure of an even-dimensional real linear space, a
real linear transformation J such that J' = -I.
140 The Dirac Equation
dimension degrees (u)k E I \ JR113,
~ has three important involutions:
fi = (U)O- ( ~ ) 1 ( ~ ) - + (u)4,
2 (u)3 grade involution,
6 = (U)O+ (u)i - (u)2 - (u)3 + (u)4, reversion,
= (U)O- ( ~ ) -i (U)Z+ (u)3 + ( ~ ) 4 , Clifford-conjugation.
The reversion and Clifford-conjugation are anti-automorphisms satisfying .li?; =
56, ?iF= Gii, whereas the grade involution is an automorphism iiij = u6. These
three involutions are extended to C @ Cel,3 as complex linear functions, that
is, for X E C and u E C11,3 we have (Xu)^ = Xfi, (Xu)' = XG, (Xu)- = Xii,
whereas the complex conjugation is by definition anti-linear: (Xu)* = Y u .
Complex conjugation is of course an automorphism, (uv)* = u*v* for u, v E
c 8 celS3.
10.4 C o m p a r i s o n of real p a r t s / s t r u c t u r e s
Note that the real part and the complex conjugate of a Dirac spinor depend
on the decomposition (in the real structure) singling out the real part. For
$ E Mat(4, C ) f :
For $ E (C 8 cel,3)
f [viewed as a matrix]:
The Dirac spinor $ might appear as a column spinor $ E C' or else as a square
matrix spinor $ E Mat(4, C)f or as a Clifford algebraic spinor $ E (C@Cel,3)f
where the last two differ in their real structures.
I m p o r t a n t Note. To indicate in what real structure the real part and the
complex conjugate are taken we write
but for a square matrix spinor $ E Mat(4, C)f the Dirac adjoint is a square
has scalar part $, that is, (f)o = a, while trace(f) = 1. The current vector is
the resultant
142 The Dirac Equation
Similarly $ E C? carries a real bivector S with components
Here we shall view spinors as new kinds of objects: rather than being some-
thing which are operated upon they are regarded as active operators. The
big advantage is that the physical observables, which were earlier calculated
component-wise, can now be obtained at one stroke.
10.6 Spinor operators Q E c",~ 143
10.6 Spinor operators Q E CcP3
We will associate to a Clifford algebraic spinor $ E (@ @ CelT3)f [viewed here
as a matrix] the mother spinor [this will be the mother of all real spinors]
From the mother spinor @ E Cll,33(l +yo) we may reobtain the original Dirac
[that is, the square matrix spinor, not the column spinor], and from the spinor
operator Q we may reobtain the mother spinor @ = Q(l +yo) and the original
Dirac spinor
1 1
II,= Q-(1
2 +
2 +
iylz) E ((C @ f
Note that the spinor operator is invertible if
that is, ill, = $72 y1 for $ E C4. In other words, the real part of i$, $ E
(@@Cel,3)f , is the mother spinor @y2yl whose even part is the spinos operator
QYZYI,4 Re(even(i$)) = ' 3 ~ 2 ~ 1 .
Decompose the mother spinor @ E Cel,3i(l + y o ) into even and odd parts
144 The Dirac Equation
@ + + + +
= 0 0 @1= (@o @1)$(I yo) = $(a0 %yo) $(@I @0^)'0). + + It follow^
that 00 = Qlyo and = Ooyo. Taking the real part [in C 8 Cll,3] of the
Dirac equation (id - eA)$ = m$ results in
which decomposes into even and odd parts [a0 = even(@), = odd(@)]
Therefore, the even part of the mother spinor, the spinor operator, satisfies the
equation l 2
The spin is quantized in the yly2-plane and the y3y4-plane. The procedure of
taking the real part and the even part does not result in an invertible operator,
since 4 Re(even(f)) = $(I - x234). In other words, for a spinor in a minimal
left ideal+ E (C @ Ct?1,5)f the 'spinor operator' is also in a left ideal, 4 =
4 Re(even(+)) E ~!:,~3(1 - ylZ34). We conclude that there is no analogy for
spinor operators in higher dimensions.
A p p e n d i x 1: Discussion o n t h e role of i = f l i n QM
Are there superj7vous complex numbers in the present formulation of quantum
mechanics? Is it possible to get rid of some complex numbers in QM? To
answer these questions, we present analogies which become step by step closer
to the present situation in quantum mechanics.
Analogy # 1. Consider someone who uses only the line y = x in the complex
plane C, that is, someone who does not use all the complex numbers z = x+iy,
but instead restricts himself to complex numbers of the form x+ix. This person
could equally well restrict himself to the real axis and consider instead only the
real part x = Re($ ix). In terms of the picture
Im y=x
this would mean a projection from the line y = x onto the real axis y = 0 with
no information lost.
10.8 Higher-dimensional analogies for spinor operators 147
This analogy/picture could be criticized by arguing that the product w of
two complex numbers of the form x ix is not of the same type, that is,
Re(w) # Im(w). I
Analogy # 2. The sums and products of matrices of type
obeys the same addition and multiplication rules as S and carries the same
information as S [contained in the pair (x, Y)].Note that for a complex number
z = x iy we have S = $ ( I - a n ) , where the matrix f = ;(I - a 2 ) is an
idempotent satisfying f = f . I
Situation in QM. In the present formulation of quantum mechanics one uses
column spinors 4 E @, which could be replaced without loss of generality by
spinors in a minimal left ideal of the complex Clifford algebra $ E (@@ C e l , ~f),
+ i(l+
f = i ( 1 yo) iy12). Spinors in minimal left ideals 11 E (@ @ Cel,3)f
can be replaced without reduction of information by spinor operators 4 =
4 Re(even(4)) E eel3. No information is lost in this replacement, because the
+ +
original spinor can be recovered as 4 = 4 f , f = $(I yo) - ( 1 ir12). I
In contrast to the mother spinor a, the real ideal spinor 4 satisfies 4~~~~~=
4721, and so we could rewrite the Dirac equation in the same way as Hestenes
) commutes with
0 d
0 ) and
40 0
and takes the role of an overall commuting imaginary unit Q. I
Exercises 9,10
Historical survey
Pauli 1927 and Dirac 1928 presented their spinor equations for the description
of the electron spin. Juvet 1930 and Sauter 1930 replaced column spinors by
square matrix spinors, where only the first column was non-zero. Marcel Riesz
1947 was the first one to consider spinors as elements in a minimal left ideal of a
Clifford algebra (although the special case of pure spinors had been considered
earlier by Cartan in 1938).
Giirsey 1956-58 rewrote the Dirac equation with 2 x 2 quaternion matrices
in Mat(2, W ) [Lanczos 1929 had used pairs of quaternions, see Gsponer & Hurni
19931. Kustaanheimo 1964 presented the spinor regularization of the Ke-
pler motion, the KS-transformation, which emphasized the operator aspect
10.8 Higher-dimensional analogies for spinor operators 149
of spinors. This led David Hestenes 1966-74 to a reformulation of the Dirac
theory, where the role of spinors [in columns (l?
or in minimal left ideals of the
complex Clifford algebra C @ Cel,3 2 Mat(4, C)] was taken over by operators
in the even subalgebra Cet3 of the real Clifford algebra Cel,s 2: Mat(2, JR).
1. Show that for u E C 8 Cel,3 the real part Re(u) corresponds to
1 (u+yol3u*y02~)E Mat(4, C).
2. Show that if 2~ E C 8 Ce1,3 satisfies the condition u = u t ( 1 iylz) then
u = Re(u)(l iylz) and iu = uyzyl.
3. Show that Im($) = Re($)y12 in C 8 Ce1,3.
4. Show that the charge conjugate $c = -iy2$* of the Dirac spinor
$ E Mat(4, C) f corresponds to 11,~= $*yl E (C @ CelB3)f .
5. Show that although for 11, E Mat(4, C)f , Re($) E Mat(4, C) f , for a
non-zero 11, E (C 8 Cel,3)f , Re($) !$ (C 8 Ce1,3)f.
6. Show that in terms of the ideal spinor 4 = 6 t ( 1 - yo3) E Cel,3 k(1 - yO3),
where 6 = 4 Re($), the bilinear covariants can be expressed as
Ri = (647o)o = ($4) .Y3,
Jp = ( $ 7 4yO)O
~ = ( $ 7 4)
~ .73,
s p v = -(8ypv4~123)0 = -(67pv4)3 ' 7123,
= -($~0123~p4~123)0,
0 2 = -($yO1234yO)O
Fierz identities are quadratic relations between the bilinear covariants (or phys-
ical observables) of a Dirac spinor. They are used to recover the original Dirac
spinor from its bilinear covariants, up to a phase. The Fierz identities are suffi-
cient to examine the non-null case, when either $tyo$ # 0 or $t Y0Y0123$ # 0.
However, they are insufficient for the null case when both $+-yo$ = 0 and
$tYOY0123$ = 0. In this chapter, we introduce a new object called the boome-
rang, which enables us to study also the null case.
= R; + R;, K 2 = -J2
In coordinate form the Fierz identities are as follows [see Crawford 1985 p. 1439
which gives one of the Fierz identities. Computing in a similar manner we find
which are not the same N, e-" as those for an arbitrary q.] Once the spinor
$ has been recovered, we may also write
to find
1 1
=4~e($q*), and similarly - 0 ~ 1 2 6 = 41m($q*).
Recall that Z = 444' is sufficient to reconstruct the original Dirac spinor $
and conclude that the real mother spinor 0 E C.f!l,s i ( 1 yo) carries all the
physically relevant information of the Dirac spinor $. In fact,
$ = 0 -(1 + iy12) and 0 = 4 Re($)
where the real part is taken in the decomposition C @ C.f!l,3[and not in the
decomposition C @ Mat(4, R)].
Write as before Z = P + iQ where P = R J and Q = S Ky0123. We +
will show how to recover the real mother spinor 0 from its bilinear covariants
[G = g = $(I +yo)]:
[ql E (C @ CC1,3)f and q = 2 Re(ql) result in the same numerical value for N].
Note that the role of i = a is played by multiplication by 7271 on the right
hand side, that is, 0y2y1 = 4 Re($).
Exercises 2,3,4
This factorization is valid only in the non-null case R # 0. Using this factor-
ization Crawford proved that if the multivectors R1, J, S , K , R2 satisfy the
Fierz identities [and J0 > 0 with 4(ij*Zq)o = qtyoZq > 0 for all non-zero
spinors q], then R1, J , S , K, R2 are bilinear covariants for some spinor $, for
d=4NZq, N = I / ~ = ~ J w ~
[and two such spinors $ obtained by distinct choices of q differ only in their
Hamilton 1984 p. 1827 (4.2) mentioned how 11, determines Z = 4$qhtyo, see
also Holland 1986 p. 276 (2.9), Keller & Rodriguez-Romo 1990 p. 2502 (2.3b)
and Hestenes 1986 p. 334 (2.28).
11.4 Boomerangs
Definition. If the multivectors R1, J , S , K, R2 [a scalar, a vector, a bivector,
a vector, a scalar] satisfy the Fierz identities, then their aggregate Z = 01 +
+ + +
J i s iK-y0123 S/270123 is called a Fierz aggregate. I
Definition. A multivector Z = R1+J+iS+iKyo123+R2m23, which is Dirac
self-adjoint 2' = Z, is called a boomerang, if its components R1, J , S , K , R2
are bilinear covariants for some spinor $ E C'. I
Both in the non-null case R # 0 and in the null case R = 0 a spinor II,
is determined up to a phase-factor by its aggregate of bilinear covariants Z =
R1+J+iS+iK~0123+R2~0123 [as 11, = & e - i a ~ q ] , which in turn is determined
by the original spinor $ via the formula Z = 4$4* = 4$$t-yo [thus we have a
boomerang, which comes back].
If Z is a boomerang so that Z = 4$$t yo then Z2 = 4R1Z where R1 = (Z)O,
+ +
1 In Crawford's factorization Z = (Q J)(1 iQ-'Ky0123) the first factor P = Q J +
is Dirac self-adjoint, p-* = P. Writing r +
1 i ~ i l - ' - y 0 ~ 2 3 we
, can write Crawford's
factorization as Z = Pr*, and note that PT* = TP # Pr. Crawford 1985 posed an open
problem of decomposing Z into a ~ r o d u c tof two commuting Dirac self-adjoint factors.
This problem is solved at the end of this chapter.
11.4 Boomerangs
[see Crawford 1986 p. 357 (2.16)], but this would result in a tedious checking
+ +
process. If Z = J iS iKyo123 is a boomerang, then Z2 = 0, and so each
dimension degree vanishes,
( z 2 ) i = +2~0123(SA K ) K in the plane of S
(z2)2 = +i2~0123(JA K ) J and K are parallel
(z2)3= +i2J A S J in the plane of S
(z2)4 = -S S S is simple.
The bivector part implies that J and K are parallel, the 4-vector part implies
that S is simple, and the vector and 3-vector parts imply that J and K are
in the plane of S. Altogether we must have
158 Fierz Identities and Boomerangs
where h is a real number and s is a space-like vector orthogonal to J , J . s = 0.
+ +
We again compute Z2 = J2(1 (s hYo123)2) = 0 and conclude that either
1. J 2 = 0 orelse
2. + = -1.
(S hyo123)2
Neither condition alone is sufficient to force Z to become a boomerang [Z is
not even a Fierz aggregate if J' # 01. However, such a Z is a boomerang if
both conditions are satisfied simultaneously.
Counter-examples. 1. In the case 521 = 0, the element Z = J - S/270123,
= 52; > 0, is such that Z2 = 0, but Z is not a Fierz aggregate.
2. Z = J iS with J' > 0, S = -yOlz3Js,J s = 0, s2 = -1, is not aFierz
P = Qi + J fi23/0123, +
Q = S K70123 = S - 70123K
C = 1 - ~ J K = 1- - iKJ-1Y0123
~ ~ ~ [when
~ ~Sl #~01
so that Z = P + iQ = PC. Then PC = C P and we have found a solution
to the open problem posed by Crawford 1985 p. 1441 ref. (10). [Crawford's
second factor in (4.1)'
1 + i(% + %.y0123)-~K~0123
= 1 - i(Q2 - Sll-y0123)-~K
= 1 - is-lJ = 1 + iJ-lS,
did not commute with P unless S12 = 0.1 In the case Sll #0 there is another
where the factors commute and are Dirac self-adjoint, but in this factorization
the second factor is not an idempotent (even though it behaves like one when
multiplied by P).
[Using per = 47,@, p2 = Slf + Sl; Hestenes 1986 p. 333 (2.23) gives s =
yol23e3e0, Boudet 1985 p. 719 (2.6) gives -s = ele2.1 Note that
and s2 = -1, k2 = -1 and sk = ks. Both s and k play the role of the
imaginary unit (multiplication on the left side):
Do the conditions Z 2 = 0 and Z70123Z= 0 imply that Z is a Fierz aggregate?
1. Compute K 2 , when K = *y3*
Show that
2. Im(11,) = Re(11,)ylz in C 8 Ctl,s.
3. a @ y l 6= 4 ~e(11,yl4 ) = -4 1m($y24) [no complex conjugation]
$@y26 = 4~e(11,y%6) = 4Im(11,yl$).
4. Q i = -2R1P, QiQj = 2fllQk (ijk cycl.) for Qk = $(@Yk6)Y0123
[P, Q1, Q2,Q3 = Q span a quaternion algebra when R1 # 01.
Show that for Z = 411,4*, where 11, E (C @ Ct1,3)f , the following hold:
5. Z y O Z= 4 J 0 Z (# 0 for 11, # 0).
6. PyOP= 2 J 0 P = -QyOQ.
7. PyoQ = QyoP.
8. even(2)Z = 0, o d d ( 2 ) =~ 0.
9. 22 = 0 + P2= -Q2, P Q = Q P [no complex conjugation].
lo. 22 = 0, Z 2 = 4 Q l z j P2= 2RlP, P Q = 2fi1Q.
11. ZZ = o + PP = QQ, PQ = -QP.
12. ZZ = 0, Z*Z = 4Qzy0123z j PP = 2S/2~0123P,P Q = 2S/2y0123&
class no. 1 2 3 4 5 6
parameters 7 6 6 5 4 3
If the U(1)-gauge is taken into consideration, then the number of parameters
will be raised by one unit in all classes except in class 5 of Majorana spinors
[Weyl spinors with U(1)-gauge and Majorana spinors both have four param-
eters and can be mapped bijectively onto each other - which enables Penrose
flags also to be attached to Weyl spinors].
The Weyl and Majorana spinors can be written with spinor operators in the
where u = f73 for Weyl spinors and u = hyl for Majorana spinors. The
flag-pole spinors can be written in a similar form with u = yl cos 4 + 72 sin 4.
It is easy to see that all elements of the form @ $ ( l you), Q E ceTB3are
flag-dipole spinors, when u is a spatial unit vector, us yo = 0, u 2 = - 1, which
is not on the y3-axis or in the yly2-plane. About the converse the following
has been presented:
Conjecture (C. Doran, 1995): All the flag-dipole spinors can be written in
the form * $ ( I + you), where Q E cet3, u E R3, u 2 = -1. I
When u varies in the unit sphere S2 in IR3 (orthogonal to yo), the flag-dipole
spinor sweeps around the 'paraboloid' Q\k = 0. If the conjecture is true, it
would be nice to know the relation between s, h and u . [Clearly, h = u . 73.1
2 Our flag-pole Z = J + iS is invariant under rotations 1l + 4eaY12, whereas the Penrose
flags Z* = + ( J iS2y0123)make a 720' turn under a rotation of 360'.
166 Flags, Poles and Dipoles
12.2 Projection operators in E n d ( C t ~ , ~ )
+ +
Write as before P = R1 J ~270123,Q = S KyOlz3, + = P + i& = P C =
CP, C = 1 - iYolZ3JK-l. Then
1 1
- 2 = % P + = $, when Rl # 0
VC* = d , when R # 0.
Z+(U) = V(Uf ~ o I z s J K - ~ u ~ ~ z Zit
) , E End(Ctl,3).
In general, for u E Cll,3, P: (u) = P* (u), C: (u) = C* (u) and P* (C* (u)) =
Ck (P*(u)), that is, P* and CTt are commuting projection operators. For an
arbitrary 9 in Cll,s i ( 1 yo) [or in Cll,3 i ( 1 - y03)] the spinor P+(C+(q))
is parallel to @ [or to 41, that is, the bilinear covariants of P+(C+(q)) are
proportional to P, Q. However, for an arbitrary u E Ctl,3, P+(C+(u)) $!
+ 4
ct1,3i ( 1 m) [or P+ (Z+ (u)) $! ct1,3 (1 - YO^)].
~ : ( u ) = V(u y0123JK-1~y0123)
where I stands for ideal spinor. Then for an arbitrary u E ellt3we have
c+(c:(u)) E c11,3i ( 1 - yO3), and P+(c+ (C:(u))) is an ideal spinor parallel
to 4 (with bilinear covariants proportional to P, Q). Furthermore, c:($) = 4,
C i (4) = 0, and C: are projection operators commuting with P* , C*.
Define (0 stands for spinor operator)
and show that rrt are projection operators commuting with Cf [but not with
Pk unless Q2 = 0; recall here the factorization of Crawford]. Show that
P+(r+(@))= @, P+(F+(4)) = 4. How would you define rh for a spinor
operator @?
[Answer: I'$(u) = $(u r (Q2 Q ~ Y ~ I ~ ~ ) - ~ Kfor
U uY EOCef,3.]
I~) I
R e m a r k . Define I'k for an ideal spinor 4 (I stands for ideal):
and commute with P* [this special case was also observed by Hestenes 1986
p. 336 (2.32)]. I
Then c$(@) = @, C$(d) = 4. Majorana and Weyl spinors are now the limiting
Exercises 1,2,3,4,5
168 Flags, Poles and Dipoles
12.4 Charge conjugate +c = C(+)
The charge conjugate spinor = -iy2$* sits in C4 or in the same minimal
left ideal Mat(4, C) f ; it satisfies
and 4 ~ =- +
~2' 4= -P~ i~ = -S11 + + +
J iS iy0123K - ~0123Q2,since
4 + c 4 ~= 4&*yl(&* -yl)-*= 4 & * ~ 1 ~ =
1 $-4(+4*) * *
The charge conjugate of the mother spinor is
it satisfies @c E C.el,si ( 1 yo), and has the same properties as were listed
above for the charge conjugation. The charge conjugate of the ideal spinor is
4c = dYi = 6y1 i ( 1 - yo3). Its bilinear covariants are (as above)
which is the volume element of the totally null subspace. Crumeyrolle chose
as his spinor space the minimal left ideal (C @ C t l , 3 ) v of the complex Clifford
algebra C @C t 1 , 3 . The difficulty with this choice is that the bilinear covariants
of such a spinor are not directly related to those of a column spinor in standard
170 Flags, Poles and Dipoles
textbooks on quantum mechanics. To overcome this difficulty, first note that
the element
Unfortunately, g = i ( 1 - yo3)i(l iy12) is an even element and does not
contain as a factor the 'energy projection' operator i ( 1 yo). The physical +
observables are obtained from column spinors sitting in C4 which are related
to Clifford algebraic spinors sitting in (C 8 Cfl,3)f , where
In order to move from the spinor space (C 8 Cfl,3)g to the spinor space
(C 8 cll,3)f we must find a transformation law for spinors $g E (C 8 Cel,3)g
and $f E (C 8 Cll,3)f . This transformation law is a slight variation of
Crumeyrolle's spinoriality transformation.
Before giving our variation of the spinoriality transformation let us recall
that $g is a sum of two Weyl spinors
and note that 4$f 4;= 4$f % d j . Our variation of the spinoriality group is the
group of those elements z in Cel,3 or (I: 8 Cel,3 which preserve the aggregate
Z under the transformation +hf + lCtf z-l . Crumeyrolle's spinoriality groups
preserve the ideals whereas our spinoriality groups preserve the physical ob-
servable~. The spinoriality groups are seen to be the following (see Lounesto
1981 p. 733):
712, 713, 7 2 3
7012, 7013, 7023
For those z in Cel,3 which preserve Z = 4+hfYo4j, under the replacement
Gf + z-l, that is z E Sp(4), we may find that the spinor operator is
preserved under the following transformations:
172 Flags, Poles and Dipoles
where w = zz', that is,
1. Recall that 4y2yl = s9yo h ~ ~ HOW ~ would
~ ~YOU9 define
. for a CZ
spinor operator 9 ?
2. Recall that 4-fOlz3= 4 ~ ~ HOW
7 ~would
. YOU define another pair ~4 for an
ideal spinor 4?
3. Show that up to a unit complex factor eY12a:
Q N &(RI + +
Jm - S712 - K73 Mz-~oIz~), when N = # 0.
4. Show that the operator form of a Weyl spinor is Qk(1 yo3).
5. Show that Weyl spinors $ ( li-yOlz3)$
~ correspond to even and odd parts
of the ideal spinor 4 = 40 41. +
Write W = 4 $ a , note that $4; = 0, and show that
6. W = -(&I + I I Z ~ &k = $ ( @ ~ k ~ ) ~ o01
~ Q Z ) Y C where i z&k3 = Q ( 1 4 YO)Yij\jt
( i j k cycl.).
7. W = K - S Y O where + +
I Z ~ K = K1 iK2 and S = S1 i s 2 , where as before
Kk = 9-yk\jt, Sk = ( i j k cycl.).
8. W2 = 0.
9. W Z = 0.
10. Z W = 4R1W and so the 3-vector part vanishes:
+ +
(ZW)s = -J A (~0123s) i s A K ~0123Q2x i K A S = 0. +
11. Show that 4$,4; = 0.
12. Write 9 = Oper($f) and 9, = Oper ($,). Show that
Q ~ 0 %= 29gy0\jtg.
13. Write 9f = even(4 Re($/ )) = Oper($f) and
Q, =?ven(4 Re($,)) # Oper($,). Show that 9,\jtg =P, ~ ~ ~= 0 ~and ~ \
Qgyo9,= J + K where J=9f70\jtfand K = Q f y 3 Q f .
7 4;= (*c)-* # ( S * ) c .
12.4 Charge conjugate $c = C($)
1. C* (u) = +(u f suy012 f hy0123uy12) for u E ~ e f , ~ .
2. c4*(~) +
= ;(u r (S ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~u E) u Y$(I~ -~y03). ~ ~ ) ,
$ r iy0123)$) in the decomposition
4. Hint: compute the even part of 4 ~ e ( (1
c 8 ce,,,.
I.M. Benn, R.W. Tucker: A n Introduction to Spinors and Geometry with Applications
in Physics. Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987.
J.D. Bjorken, S.D. Drell: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. McGraw-Hill, New York,
J.P. Crawford: On the algebra of Dirac bispinor densities: factorization and inversion
theorems. J. Math. Phys. 26 (1985), 1439-1441.
J.P. Crawford: Dirac equation for bispinor densities; pp. 353-361 in J.S.R. Chisholm,
A.K. Common (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on 'Clifford Algebras and their
Applications in Mathematical Physics' (Canterbury 1985). Reidel, Dordrecht, The
Netherlands, 1986.
A. Crumevrolle: Groupes de spinorialitC. Ann. Inst. H. Poincare' 14 (1971), 309-323.
A. ~ r u m e ~ r o l l eorthogonal
: -and Symplectic Clifford Algebras, Spinor structures.
Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1990.
C. Doran: Geometric Algebra and its Applications to Mathematical Physics. Thesis,
Univ. Cambridge, 1994.
J.D. Hamilton: The Dirac equation and Hestenes' geometric algebra. J. Math. Phys.
25 (1984), 1823-1832.
P.R. Holland: Minimal ideals and Clifford algebras in the phase space representation
of spin-: fields; pp. 273-283 in J.S.R. Chisholm, A.K. Common (eds.): Proceedings of
the Workshop on 'Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics'
(Canterbury 1985). Reidel, Dordrecht, 1986.
P.R. Holland: Relativistic algebraic spinors and quantum motions in phase space.
Found. Phys. 16 (1986), 708-709.
J. Keller, S. Rodriguez-Romo: A multivectorial Dirac equation. J. Math. Phys. 31
(1990), 2501-2510.
J. Keller, F. Viniegra: The multivector structure of the matter and interaction field
theories; pp. 437-445 in A. Micali et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the Second Workshop
on 'Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics' (Montpellier
1985). Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1992.
R. Penrose, W. Rindler: Spinors and Space-Time. Vol. 1. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1984.
Tilt to the Opposite Metric
Physicists usually go from Ct1,3 --N Mat(2,W) to its opposite algebra C13,1
Mat(4,R) by replacing y, by iy, [within Mat(4, C)]. However, such a tran-
sition to the opposite metric does not make sense within the space-time R4,
because it calls for i R 4 which is outside of R4. We will instead regard the
linear space R4 as one and the same space-time, endowed with two different
metrics or quadratic structures, R113 and TW311.
Let the basis {yo,yl, 72, y3) of the space-time generating Ctl,3 corre-
spond to the basis {eo,el, e 2 , e3) of the space-time R311 generating Cts,l,
+ + +
So the vectors A0 yo ~ l y i ~ ' ~ A3y3 2 and AOeo Alel + + A2e2+ A3e3
correspond to each other but have opposite squares
We shall go further and regard Aoyo+ A1yl +AZy2+ A3y3 E R113 c Ct1,3 and
+ + +
AOeo Ale1 ~ ' e z A3e3 E R311 C Ct3,1 as one and the same vector A E R4
embedded in two non-isomorphic algebras Ctl,3 and Ct3,1 which are identified
as linear spaces by the correspondences
In this chapter we shall study the Maxwell equations and the Dirac equation
in opposite metrics, in the quadratic spaces R1s3 and R3t1. In particular, we
do not consider curved space-times, only flat space-times. In a flat space-time
it is also possible to differentiate multivector fields, not only differential forms;
we will focus on differentiating multivector fields.
There are a few changes of sign in the Maxwell equations in the quadratic
spaces and
IR3t1 IR113.
~,F"o=LL+LE,+L%=Lv.E=L=~J 0
ax c ay c az a
d , ~ , l = - Lc&aE t $ + & ~ z - & ~ y = p J 1 , . . . .
give the Maxwell equations
d,FaP = ~ J P
In the Clifford algebra C.&,l we have
which lead to
d A = -F, dF = pJ, d 2 =~-pJ
The computations can be related to Gibbs' vector algebra as follows (here
c = 1, 6./ = 1 ) :
o ~-
where in the last step we used - e aA - zaAe o .
13.2 The Maxwell equations in R113 177
13.2 The Maxwell equations in R1s3
We use the following definitions for the potential A, the current J, the differ-
ential operator 8,and the electromagnetic field F:
The equations
F ~ P= d a ~ P- PA^,
ax c c a~ c c
~ , F ~ O = L & + ~ & + ~ & = I . V . E = ~ = ~ J
ay a
&Fal = -la&
at c
+ &B, - a~
aa Y --C ~ J ' , ...
give the Maxwell equations
In the rest of this chapter we shall study the Dirac equation, spinors and
observables in IR311. Our special concern will be the behavior of spinors under
the transition to the opposite metric.
Since going to the opposite algebra interchanges left and right ideals, we
will study real ideal spinors E Ct1,3$(1 - 703) in conjunction with their
(both and the opposite of its reverse 4 are in left ideals). Clearly, opp[J] =
O P P [ ~- .]
For instance, the Dirac equation for the real ideal spinors, 84721 = eA4+m4,
E Ct1,33(l - -yO3), is transformed by the opposite-reversion to d4e2l - =
e ~ +$m$, $ E Cts,1 i(l
+ eo3), and further by grade involution to
However, this is not a nice formula, because we have to explain the occurrence
of the grade involution in the last term. There are even more interpretational
difficulties for the opposite-reverses qb = opp[$] [of Dirac spinor qb = +
2 Note that 4 E Cel,3 fr(1 - 703) is in a graded minimal left ideal of Cel,3 2. Mat(2, W),
which is also an ungraded minimal left ideal, while $ E Ces,l fr(1 eo3) is in a graded
minimal left ideal of Ce3,1 2. Mat(4,R), which is not an ungraded minimal left ideal [the
minimal left ideals of C!3,1 are not graded].
13.3 Comparison of I R 3 p 1 and IR1t3 179
yo)$(l iy12)] and 9 = opp[6] [of mother spinor O = @$(I yo)], since +
$ $! (C 8 Ces,l)$(l 2c ieo) and $ is not in any proper left ideal of Ct3,l. An
obvious attempt for a possible solution would be to study q- = $- 4 ( 1 - ieo),
but then (like evaluating 4$4* = Z in the case IR1t" for the aggregate of
for which
- =$ -e l (9 = O P P [ ~ I ,$ E c 8
Similarly, we define the tilted spinor for the mother of all real spinors @ and
for the real ideal spinor 4 :
I Z(40)- - o p ~ [ ( - ~ ~ e ~ 2 ) - ] y l 2
OPP[$OI- O P P [ $ ~ ] ~=
= $0 - (-~12$1)-~12= $0 - $1~12712.
180 Tilt to the Opposite Metric
13.4 The D i r a c equation i n R3t1
The opposite-reverse Dirac equation
3 e 2 1 = eA$ - m$, $ E C&,l 5(1 + e03),
splits into even and odd parts [40 - 41
- = even($), - = odd($)]
a&e21 = e q l-
a$,ezl= eAgo + m$,.
Recalling that -$0 = $o- and -$1 = $le21
- we find
d o = eAjoe12 - m j 1
3 1 = eAjie12 - m4o -
which added together result in
a j = e A i e l 2 - m -4, j E Ck.1 2(1 + e03).
Similarly, the flip of the opposite-reverse, or simply tilted, Dirac spinor $ -
a$=ieA$-m$, - - -$ ~ ( @ B C t ~ , 11 ) ~ ( 1 - i e21o ) - ( l - i e l z ) ,
a formula found essentially in Benn& Tucker 1987 p. 284 (and p. 256). So the
tilted mother spinor 9 = 4 Re( $) = g ( 1 - eo12) obeys
which decomposed into even and odd parts (and recalling that go= - gleo12,
Q1 = - o e o 1 2 )results in the Dirac-Hestenes equation in the opposite metric,
where 9 : R3p1 + c e l l .
[Z, K , P , II, I' are not the same as those in the case of R113 but instead as a
sample Z in C @ C13,1 is obtained by sending Z in C @ Cllt3 to even(2) -
i odd(i)]. Then
Z = I( + iL = K _C = _CK = III( = K ~ I * (# IcII unless Q2 = 0)
= P _ c =_ ~ ~ = n _ s = _ s n *
= I'P = PF (no complex conjugation)
182 Tilt to the Opposite Metric
11'2 = 201K = -L2, ICL = LI( = 2O1L
n = P(Ol + O~e0123)-l, -C = _S(O1+ O~e0123)-'.
13.8 Multiplication b y i = f l in C 8 C13,J
= -eolZ3SK-l = ' e o g-l
j = (O1 - 02e~123)-1J
-s = eolz3JK-I = (a1+ 02eo123)-1S= 9 e 1 2 9 - l .
Then Ii' = jL = s L , ll= 1 - i j and _C = 1 - is. Also
- -
i $ =j $ = -$ = -$el2 = Pea # -$eolZ3 tilted Dirac
j = S =el2=e o tilted mother
- - -$el2 = e 0 1 2 3 # e o
j$=?$= tilted ideal
-s -9 = 9 e 1 2 (but j 9 e o = - 9 ) operator.
o ( Q ~ ~ Q >Y o~ ) for
( ~ y o p y o )= ~ non-zero $E c 8 cel,3
Start from Ctl,3. Take a column spinor
Then Z = 4$$+ 70
=4 ( 25
22+ 21i
26 - 7i 17 - 28i
11-2i 8-Ili
-17- 282' -8 - l l i
+ i
In the opposite algebra C t 3 , ~we must first fix the matrix representation, for
instance, using the Pauli spin matrices a k ,
184 Tilt to the Opposite Metric
corresponding to the tilted primitive idempotent
1 1
f = - ( 1 - ieo)-(1 - ie12)
- 2 2
and the tilted spinor basis
-- --
and the boomerang Z = 4 $ $t(-ieo) = 4 $ $tie0
25 22-21i 7-26i 2-lli
22 + 21i 37 28-17i 11-8i
-7 - 262' -28 - 172' -29 -12+i
- 2 - I l i -11 - 8 i -12-2' -5
To realize the transition to the opposite metric we use the rules
opp[d] = -8 and opp[ab] = boa0 + boa1 + blao - b l a ~
13.10 Charge conjugate in R311 185
and apply reversion to get the tilted spinors also in left ideals. Thus, the two
sides of dA = F in IR113 are transformed as
opp[dA]- = - ( - d ) ~ = dA
opp[FIe = F = -F
and so we have dA = -F in IR3t1. The two sides of d F = J in IR113 are
transformed as
opp[dF]' = ( - d ) ~= d F
opp[J]- = J = J
and so we have d F = J in R311. The terms of d4yZ1- eAS = mSyo in IR1t3
are transformed as
0 ~ p [ d S ~ 2 1=
] - (-d)@& = a g e z l
opp[AB]- = A$ = A@
opp[Syo]- = $60 = Gee
and so we have d@ezl- e ~ 4= m$eo in R3s1. [Earlier in this chapter we wrote
-S for 4.1 Note in particular that the Dirac-Hestenes equation has the same
form in both metrics, only the spinor operators are reversed. For complex ideal
spinors the situation is more complicated, an extra flip is needed to complete
the metric tilt.
In our differential operator
we have used an orthonormal basis, but this formula gives the same d for any
basis {eo,e l , e2, e3} for IR3t1 when e, . e, = 6;, that is, when {eo,e l , e2, e3}
and {eO,e l , e2,e3} are reciprocal. In this sense our differential operator is not
only Lorentz covariant but also invariant under all of GL(4, R).
Note that the raising differential d A f is metric dependent and therefore it
is not related to the exterior differential d A f [in a metric inpendent way]. In
general, in dimension n, not necessarily n = 4, the lowering differential d J f
is metric independent and related to the exterior differential by
- -
11. Take a Majorana spinor 11, = ll,c with bilinear covariants J , S = J A s.
Then the Weyl spinor u = $ ( I + ieolz3)11, has charge conjugate
- -
uc = $ ( I - ieolZ3)11, so that 11, = u + uc. Show that
J(u + uc) = 0 (3.1.21)
S ( U +UC)= -(u+ UC) (3.1.25)
4(iuelsiic)l = J (3.1.28)
Re(4iue13ii) = -4 S (3.1.29)
13.10 Charge conjugate in R3s1 187
The numbering on the right refers to Benn & Tucker 1987 pp. 113-116. Try
to work out a translation to their notation, and discuss the physical
relevance of the connection between the Majorana and Weyl spinors. Hint:
uc = i i * e 1 3 while u = + ( I + i e o l 2 3 ) $. Benn&Tucker use the scalar
product of spinors
This material grew out of discussions with Bill Pezzaglia at a meeting in Banff, 1995.
W. M. Pezzaglia Jr.: Classification of multivector theories and the modification of
the postulates of physics; pp. 317-323 in F. Brackx, R. Delanghe, H. Serras (eds.):
Proceedings on the Third Conference on 'Clifford Algebras and their Applications in
Mathematical Physics' (Deinze 1993). Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1993.
W. M. Pezzaglia Jr.: Multivector solutions to the hyperholomorphic massive Dirac
equation; pp. 345-360 in J. Ryan (ed.): 'Clifford Algebras in Analysis and Related
Topics' (Fayetteville, AR, 1993). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1996.
I.R. Porteous: Clifford Algebms and the Classical Groups. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, U.K., 1995.
Definitions of the Clifford Algebra
In this chapter we shall for the first time give a formal definition of the Clif-
ford algebra. There are several definitions, suitable for different purposes. In
mathematics, definitions serve as premises for deductions; in physics, however,
definitions are more or less secondary and serve as characterizations. We shall
review Clifford's original definition, its basis-free variation given as a deforma-
tion of the exterior algebra, definition by the universal property, which does not
guarantee existence, and the definition as an ideal of the tensor algebra. The
construction of Chevalley, where Clifford algebra is regarded as a subalgebra
of the endomorphism algebra of the exterior algebra, is postponed till the dis-
cussion on characteristic 2. The definitions by the multiplication table of the
basis elements, and by index sets, are postponed till the chapter on the Walsh
functions. The definition of Clifford algebras as group algebras of extra-special
groups will be omitted.
eiei = 1.
This time {el, ez, . . . , e n ) is an orthonormal basis for the posit,ive definite
Euclidean space Rn. An associative algebra of dimension 2" so defined is the
Clifford algebra Cen.
Clifford had earlier, in 1878, considered the multiplication rules
This makes IW4 isometric with the Minkowski space-time R1s3. Then define the
left contraction u J v E by
1 Recall that .t, is the grade involute of u E AV, defined for a k-vector u E V by
a = (-qku.
190 Definitions of the Clifford Algebra
and extend this product by linearity and associativity to all of /\ IW113. Provided
with the Clifford product (the linear space underlying) the exterior algebra
/\ R1>3becomes the Clifford algebra C11,3.
while condition (3) becomes ele2 . . .en # f1, as in Porteous 1969. Condition
(3) is needed only in signatures p - q = 1 mod 4 where (elez . . .e n ) 2= 1. The
relations (1.a) without (3) also generate a lower-dimensional non-universal
algebra of dimension 2n-1 in any signature p - q = 1 mod 4 in which all
the basis elements ei commute with e l 2 , , , , = elez.. .en. No similar non-
universal algebra exists in even dimensions, and so it is correct to introduce the
Clifford algebra of the Minkowski space-time without condition (3). However,
in arbitrary dimensions it is controversial to omit condition (3).
The above definition gives a unique algebra only for non-degenerate (non-
singular) quadratic forms Q. In particular, the definition is not good for a
degenerate Q, for which e l e z . . .en = 0, as is shown by the following two
counter-examples where Q = 0.
1. Define for x, y E V, dimV = n, the product x y = 0. This makes the direct
sum IF $ V an associative algebra with unity 1. It is of dimension n 1. +
2. Introduce a product in /\R3 by eiej = ei A ej for all i, j = 1 , 2 , 3 and
eleze3 = 0. Thus the subspace R $ R3 $ /\2 IW3 of /\IW3 is a 7-dimensional
associative algebra with unity, generated by R and R3.
This shows that it is not possible to replace condition (3) by the requirement
14.3 Definition b y generators and relations 191
that only parallel vectors commute. We could include arbitrary quadratic forms
Q by requiring instead of condition (3) that the product of any set of linearly
free vectors in V should not belong to F. However, even this would leave
some 'ambiguity' in the definition by generators and relations. The above
definition results in a unique algebra only 'up to isomorphism'. Here are two
more examples to clarify the meaning of this statement:
3. The multiplication table of the exterior algebra AIR2 with respect to the
basis (1, e l , e2, el A e2) is
which shows that we have generated a new exterior algebra AE%~ on R2, differ-
ent from AIR2 but isomorphic with AIR2. In other words, we have introduced
a linear mapping a : R2 + j\IR2 for which a(ei) = ei, i = 1 , 2 , and
&(elA e2) = el A e 2 = el A e 2 +b so that it is the identity on R2, pre-
serves even-odd grading and gives an isomorphism between the two products,
a ( u A v ) = a(u) ~ a ( v ) .
4. An orthonormal basis el, e 2 for R2 satisfying eiej eje; = 2Sij gener-
ates the Clifford algebra CL2 = CL2,0 with basis (1, el, e 2 , e12) where e l 2 =
192 Definitions of the CliffordAlgebra
-e2 el
el2 with multiplication table
I el e2 '312
el 1 el2 b + e2 - bel
e2 -el2-b 1 -el - be2
el2 -e2 - be1 el - be2 - 1 - b2 - 2be12
The anticommutation relations eiej + e j e ; = 2Sij are also satisfied by the new
product, and one may directly verify associativity. As the real number b varies
we have a family of different but isomorphic Clifford algebras on R2.
This definition says that all Clifford maps may be obtained from y : V + Cl(Q)
which is thereby universal.
2 The term quadratic algebra is commonly used for something else: in a quadratic algebra
each square x2 is linearly dependent on x and 1.
14.5 Clifford algebra as a quotient of the tensor algebra 193
The definition by the universal property is meaningful for an algebraist who
knows categories and morphisms up to the theory of universal objects. A
category contains objects and morphisms between the objects. Invertible mor-
phisms are called isomorphisms. In a category there is an initial (resp. final)
universal object U, if for any object A, there is a unique morphism a : U + A
(resp. A + U). The universal objects are unique up to isomorpl~isin.In many
categories there exists trivially the final universal object, which often reduces
to 0. The Clifford algebra is the initial universal object in the category of
quadratic algebras.
Example. Consider the category of quadratic algebras on WsQ. In this cate-
gory the initial universal object is the Clifford algebra C%,q of dimension 2n
and the final universal object is 0. Between these two objects there are no
other objects, when p - q # 1 mod 4. However, there are four objects in this
category, when p - q = 1 mod 4; between Cep,, and 0 there are two algebras
both of dimension 2"-'; in one we have the relation elez . . . e n = 1 and in the
other el e 2 . . .en = - 1; these two algebras are not isomorphic in the category
of quadratic algebras (the identity mapping on R P J ~does not extend to an
isomorphism from one algebra to the other); however, they are isomorphic as
associative algebras (in the category of all real algebras). I
The above definition of Clifford algebras is most suitable for an algebraist who
wants to study Clifford algebras over commutative rings (and who does not
insist on injectivity of mappings IF + A and V + A). However, this approach
does not guarantee existence, which is given by constructing the Clifford alge-
bra as the quotient algebra of the tensor algebra (which in turn is regarded by
algebraists as the mother of all algebras).
thus splitting the Clifford algebra CC(Q) into fixed subspaces of k-vectors
l\kV c CL(Q). Any orthogonal basis el, e2, . . . , en of V gives a correspon-
1. Show that the subspace Alt(@V) of @ V is not closed under the tensor
2. Show that A @ B - B @ A = ~ ( A - B BA) for bivectors A, B E V.
E. Artin: Geometric Algebra. Interscience, New York, 1957, 1988.
N. Bourbaki: Algdbre, Chapitre 9, Formes sesquiline'aires et formes quadratiques. Her-
mann, Paris, 1959.
C. Chevalley: Theory of Lie Groups. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1946.
C. Chevalley: The Algebraic Theory of Spinors. Columbia University Press, New
York, 1954.
W.K. Clifford: Applications of Grassmann's extensive algebra. Arner. J . Math. 1
(1878), 350-358.
W.K. Clifford: On the classification of geometric algebras; pp. 397-401 in R. Tucker
(ed.): Mathematical Papers by William Kingdon Clifford, Macmillan, London, 1882.
Reprinted by Chelsea, New York, 1968. Title of talk announced already in Proc.
London Math. Soc. 7 (1876), p. 135.
J. Helmstetter: Algkbres de Clifford et algkbres de Weyl. Cahiers Math. 25, Mont-
pellier, 1982.
I.R. Porteous: Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1995.
3 Another alternative is to omit the factor 1.This gives in all characteristics a correspon-
dence between the exterior product and tfi; antisymmetrized tensor product.
Witt Rings and Brauer Groups
Quadratic forms can be classified by their Witt classes in Witt rings (of con-
cerned fields). This is a slightly coarser classification than the one given by the
Clifford algebras (of quadratic forms).
Associative algebras with unity can be studied by means of Brauer groups
(of fields); for this one needs to know tensor products of algebras. These topics
will be discussed in this chapter.
Q(W= X2Q(x)
and such that the map
is bilinear, that is, linear in both arguments. A linear space with a quad-
ratic form on itself is called a quadratic space. A quadratic form obeys the
parallelogram law
The Witt ring W(IF5) is isomorphic to the group algebra Z2p,X/IFF]; and the
additive group of W(IF5) is Z2 x Z2, but as a ring W(IF5) $ 'Z2 = Z2 x Z2.
2. The 1-dimensional line IF5 with quadratic form (2) has the quadratic field
extension IF5 (A)z F25 as its Clifford algebra. The Clifford algebras of both
(1) and (-1) split as the double-ring 21F5 = 1Fg x IF5. Therefore, as algebras
Ce((2)iF5) $ ce((l)l F5) ce((-1),IF5).
1 Denoting the Clifford algebra of the n-dimensional quadratic space p(1) I q(-1) by
15.2 Watt rings 199
3. The Witt ring W(F7) contains four anisotropic isometry classes (0), (I),
(1, I), ( l , l , I), and W(F7) = Z4. I
The finite fields IFq. The Witt ring of IFq, q = pm, char p # 2, contains four
anisotropic isometry classes
(O),(l)() ( 1 where s$!IFy for p = l m o d 4 ,
('4, (I), (1, I), ( & I >1) for p = 3 mod 4.
The corresponding Witt rings are W(IFq) 2 Zz[IF:/IFy], q = 1 mod 4, and
W(IFq) 21 Z4, q = 3 mod 4. All quadratic forms over the finite fields are
isotropic in dimensions n > 3.
The real field R. A field IF is ordered if there is a subset P c IF (of positive
numbers) such that for all a, b E P also a b,ab E P , and, for all a E F
exactly one of a E P , a = 0, and -a E P holds. The statement a - b E P is
also written a > b. An ordered field IF has an absolute value IF -+ P, x + 1x1
defined by setting 101 = 0, 1x1 = x for x > 0, and 1x1 = -x for -x > 0.
In an ordered field, IFo c P. If all the positive numbers have square roots,
then there is a unique ordering with P = p. The following holds for any
ordered field F such that P = IFo, but we shall only consider the real field R.
There exist exactly two anisotropic forms on R n , namely the positive definite
(1,1, . . . ,1) and the negative definite (-1, -1, . . . , -1). A non-degenerate
quadratic form on Rn is isometric to
which we abbreviate as p(1) I q(-1). The real quadratic space with this
quadratic form is denoted by RPlq. The integer p - q is called the signature of
The signature map sending RPlq to p-q gives a ring isomorphism W(R) Z. =
As a consequence, the Clifford algebras of non-degenerate real quadratic spaces
can be listed by the symbols ClPtq,denoted more fully by ClPjq(Rn)= Cl(Rf"q)
or Ct(p(1) l q(-I), Rn).
The complex field @. The Witt ring of @ contains only two anisotropic
isometry classes, namely (0) and (I), and W(@) 2: Z2. We only have to
distinguish between even- and odd-dimensional spaces over @.
Exercises 1,2
Cep,q(lE'n), this example shows that t l ~ enotion does not reach all the Clifford algebras
over arbitrary fields F.
2 T h e real linear space Rn with the positive definite quadratic form n ( 1 ) = ( 1 , 1 , . . ., 1) is
t l ~ eEuclidean space Rn.
200 Witt Rings and Braver Groups
15.3 Algebras
An algebra A over a field IF is a linear (that is a vector) space A over F
together with a bilinear map A x A + A, (a, b) + ab, the algebra product.
+ + +
Bilinearity means distributivity (a b)c = ac bc, a(b c) = ab a c and +
(Xa)b = a(Xb) = X(ab) for all a , b , c A
~ and X E F .
Examples. 1. The 2-dimensional real linear space R2 together with the pro-
duct (el, y1)(x2,y2) = (x1x2 - y1y2, X I y2 x2y1) results in the real algebra of
complex numbers C.
2. The double-ring 2~ of a field F has a product (al, bl)(a2, b2) = (a1a2,blb2)
making it a 2-dimensional algebra over the subfield denoted by IF(1,l) =
{(A, A) I E F).
3. The matrix algebra of real 2 x 2-matrices Mat(2, R) is a 4-dimensional real
associative algebra with unity I.
4. The real linear space R3 together with the cross product a x b is a (non-
associative) Lie algebra. I
An algebra is without zero-divisors if ab = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0. In a
division algebra D the equations ax = b and ya = b have unique solutions
x, y for all non-zero a , b E D. A division algebra is without zero-divisors, and
conversely, every finite-dimensional algebra without zero-divisors is a division
algebra. If a division algebra is associative, then it has a multiplicative unity
and each non-zero element admits a unique inverse (on both sides).
An algebra with a multiplicative unity is said to admit inverses if each non-
zero element admits an inverse.
Examples. 1. The quaternions W form a real associative but non-commutative
division algebra with unity 1.
2. Define the following product for pairs of quaternions:
This makes the real linear space W x W a real algebra, the Cayley algebra of
octonions 0. The Cayley algebra is non-associative, a o ( b o c ) # (a o b) o c , but
alternative, (a o a ) o b = a o (a o b), a o (bob) = (a o b) o b. It is a division algebra
with unity 1.
3. Consider a 3-dimensional real algebra with basis (1, i, j) such that 1 is
the unity and i2 = j2 = -1 but i j = j i = 0. The algebra is commutative,
non-associative and non-alternative. It admits inverses, but the inverses of the
elements of the form xi y j are not unique, (xi $- yj)-l= X(yi - x j ) - ir+jy. z2+y2
It has by definition zero-divisors, and cannot be a division algebra. I
An isomorphism or anti-isomorphism of algebras A and B is a linear isomor-
15.4 Tensor products of algebras, Braver groups 20 1
phism f : A -+ B such that
Exercises 5,6
A two-sided ideal T of an algebra A is a subalgebra such that ta E T and
at E T for all t E T and a E A. An algebra A is called simple if it has no two-
sided ideals other than 0 and A. The center Cen(A) of an algebra A consists
of the elements commuting with all the elements of A:
Cen(A) = {c E A I ac = ca for all a E A}.
An algebra with multiplicative unity 1 is called central if Cen(A) = IF. 1 2: F.
A finite-dimensional central simple associative F-algebra A with multiplicative
unity is isomorphic to Mat(d,D) for some suitable division ring D (and division
algebra over IF).
The opposite AOPp of an algebra A is the linear space A with a new product
opp[abj of a, b E A given by opp[ab] = ba. Two central simple associative IF-
algebras A and B are in the same Brauer class if A @ BOPP E Mat(d, F) for
some integer d. The tensor product of algebras induces a product for Brauer
classes, making the set of Brauer classes a group, called the Brauer group Br(IF)
of the field IF.
Examples. Br(R) E {R, W}, Br(C) ci {C}, Br(F5) .v {IFs). I
An algebra A is graded over Z2 = {0,1} if it is a direct sum of two subalgebras
A = A. $ A1 so that AiAj c Ai+j [the indices are added modulo 21. For two
graded algebras A = A. $ A1 and B = Bo $ B1 the graded tensor product
A C$B is the linear space A @ B provided with the product determined by the
(a @ 6) (a' 8 6') = (- l)"(aa') @ (66')
for homogeneous a' E Ai and b E Bj. The graded opposite AO" of a graded
algebra A = A. $ Al is the linear space A with a new product opp[ab] of
a, b E A given by opp[ab] = (-1)"ba for homogeneous elements a E Ai and
b E Bj.
1. Determine the addition and the multiplication tables of the anisotropic
isometry classes (0), (I), (1, I), (1,1,1) of W(IF7).
2. Identify as matrix algebras all the Clifford algebras of non-degenerate
quadratic forms over F g .
15.4 Tensor products of algebras, Braver groups 203
3. Show that the two involutions a ( A , ,u) = (p, A) and P(A, p) = (p,X) are
similar involutions of the real or complex algebra 'C.
4. Consider the four anti-involutions of Mat (2,R) sending
and check that the matrices commute and form two isomorphic images of
the ring W.
M.-A. Knus: Quadratic Forms, Clifford Algebras and Spinors. Univ. Estadual de
Campinas, SP, 1988.
T.Y. Lam: The Algebraic Theory of Quadratic Forms. Benjamin, Reading, MA, 1973,
E. Witt: Theorie der quadratischen Formen in beliebigen Korpern. J. Reine Angew.
Math. 176 (1937), 31-44.
Matrix Representations and Periodicity of 8
OF Cl,,,, p +q <5
The quadratic space RPlq is an n-dimensional real vector space Rn, n = p + q,
with a non-degenerate symmetric scalar product
A real associative algebra with unity 1 is the Clifford algebra Clp,, on RPJQ
206 Matrix Representations and Periodicity of 8
if it contains R P l q and R = R . 1 $ Wjq as subspaces so that RplQ generates
CtpPqas a reaI algebra and
The requirement that no proper subspace of RPjq generates Ctp,, results in the
constraint ele2.. . en # f1, needed only in the case p - q = 1 mod 4.
The Clifford algebra Clp,,, p q = n, is of dimension 2n. If the constraint
ele2.. .en # f 1 is omitted, then the resulting algebra could be of dimension
2n or 2n-1,the lower value being possible only if p-q = 1 mod 4. In the lower-
dimensional case we have ele2. . .en = f1, the algebra itself being isomorphic
to the two-sided ideal $ ( 1 f el2,,,,)Ctp,,.For instance, the negative definite
quadratic space R0p3 has an 8-dimensional Clifford algebra Cto,3 2 W $ W,
which is a direct sum of two ideals i ( 1 f e123)Ct~,3, both isomorphic to the
4-dimensional quaternion algebra W.
It should be emphasized that the Clifford algebra Ct2 has more structure than
the matrix algebra Mat(2,lR). The Clifford algebra C12 is the matrix algebra
Mat(2, R) with a specific subspace singled out (and a quadratic form on that
subspace making it isometric to the Euclidean plane R2). I
T h e 3-dimensional Euclidean space IR3. Consider the 3-dimensional Eu-
clidean space lR3. The Clifford algebra C13 is generated by an orthonormal
basis {el,e2,e3) of lR3. This time there are three linearly independent bivec-
tors elz,el3,e23, each being a square root of -1. In addition, there is the
volume element el23 = eleze3 which squares to -1 and commutes with all
the vectors el, e 2 , e3 and thereby also with all the elements of the algebra Cl3.
208 Matrix Representations and Periodicity of 8
The Clifford algebra Ct3 is 8-dimensional over R and has a basis consisting of
1 a scalar
el, e 2 , es vectors
e12,e13,e23 bivectors
el23 a volume element.
The Clifford algebra Ct3 is isomorphic, as a real associative algebra, to the
matrix algebra Mat(2, C) of 2 x 2-matrices with entries in C. The isomorphism
Ct3 z Mat(2, C) of real associative algebras is fixed by the correspondences
The matrices above are known as Pauli spin matrices. The multiplication of
the unit vectors, ele2e3 = el23, results in the correspondence
As noted above, the volume element e123, such that e:23 = -1, commutes
with all the elements of the algebra Ct3; that is, it belongs to the center of
Ct3. This enables us to view Ct3 as a complex algebra isomorphic, as an asso-
ciative algebra, to the matrix algebra of complex 2 x 2-matrices Mat(2, C). 1
T h e 4-dimensional Euclidean space R4. The Clifford algebra Ct4 of the
Euclidean space R4 is isomorphic, as an associative algebra, to the real algebra
Mat(2, NI) of 2 x 2-matrices with entries in the division ring of quaternions NI.
Using an orthonormal basis {el, e 2 , e3, e4) of R4 we can find the correspon-
The Clifford algebra Cll E IW $ R is a direct sum of two ideals spanned by the
idempotents a(l el) E (1,O) and i ( 1 - el) 21 (0,l). I
T h e 5-dimensional Euclidean space R5. The Clifford algebra C15 of IW5 is
isomorphic to 2Mat(2,W) = Mat(2, 2W), as can be seen by the correspondences
which both project out of C15 an isomorphic copy of Mat(2, W), that is, i ( l f
e12345)C152: Mat(2, W).An isomorphic copy of i(l
fe12345)C15is constructed
within another subspace of C15 in the following counter-example.
Counter-example. Consider the subspace of scalars, vectors and bivectors R $
+ +
R5 $ /\2 R5 of dimension 1 5 45(5 - 1) = fr25. Introduce in this subspace
a new product u o v defined by (one of the following)
210 Matrix Represeritations and Pzriodicity of 8
in MI. The rule i j k = -1, or eleze3 = -1, means that the real algebra
W = IR $ IR0t3 is generated by a proper subspace of ~ ~In other
1 ~words,
IR012 .
each quaternion can be expressed in the form x = xo xlel x2e2 236182 + + +
where e3 = ele2. This matter is expressed by saying that W is an algebra of
the quadratic form
1 (1,l)
el, e2, e3 (i, -i), (j,-j), (k, -k)
e23, e x , e12 (i,i), (j,j), (k, k)
The Clifford algebra Cto,3 of R0v3 is the universal object in the category of
algebras of the quadratic form
or for short in the category of quadratic algebras. If there are other objects
in this category, they are quotients of the universal object with respect to a
two-sided ideal. This gives us two other algebras of dimension 4; in one of them
we have the relation elenes = 1 and in the other eleze3 = -1. These two
algebras of dimension 4 are linearly isomorphic to R $ R0p3. In the category
of quadratic algebras these two algebras of dimension 4 are not isomorphic
with each other, which means that the relations ele2e3 = 1 and ele2e3 = -1
prevent the identity mapping on R013 being extended to an isomorphism in this
category. However, in the category of all associative algebras these two algebras
of dimension 4 are isomorphic with each other (and with the quaternion algebra
= R $ R0p3). The isomorphism can be seen by the mappings
el + el, e 2 + e 2 and e3 -+ -es. I
ce1,1 Mat(2,R)
(A Y )
(: ) ( ;)
Note that the Clifford algebras Celtl and Ce2 21 Mat(2, R) are isomorphic as
associative algebras but non-isomorphic as quadratic algebras. I
T h e Minkowski space-time lR3l1. The elements of an orthonormal basis
{el, e2, e3, e4) of R3t1 anticornmute, e,ev = -eve,, and have unit squares,
e 2 - - e2 2 --1 , e i = -1. The basis vectors are often given the following
2 -- e3
representation by complex 4 x 4-matrices:
where we recognize the 2 x 2 Pauli spin matrices al, an, a3. It is possible to
represent Cestl by real matrices as follows:
-yo = - y o = ( l0 O
-1 )' and
16.2 Indefinite metrics RPlq 213
In addition to the above matrix representation one can represent the Clifford
algebra Cel,3 by the following 2 x 2-matrices with quaternion entries:
Since the Clifford algebra Cel,3 and the matrix algebra Mat(2,W) of 2 x 2-
matrices with entries in W are both real algebras of dimension 16, the above cor-
respondences establish an isomorphism of associative algebras, that is, Ct1,3 N
A short look at physics: A vector u = uoyO+ulyl u2y2 +u3y3 with square
u2 = U; - uf - U: - U: can be time-like u2 > 0, null u2 = 0, or space-like
u2 < 0. A time-like vector or non-zero null vector can be future oriented uo > 0
or past oriented uo < 0. A time-like future oriented unit vector u, u2 = 1,
gives the velocity u < c of a real particle by
Physicists might want to observe that the Clifford algebras C!3,1 21 Mat(4, R)
and Cel,3 N Mat(2, W) are not isomorphic as associative algebras, even though
both of them have the same complexification Mat(4, C) with the same complex
structure but with different real structures (= different real subalgebras). The
complexified Clifford algebras C 8 Ctl,3 E C 8 Ce3,1 have a 4-dimensional
irreducible left ideal (8-dimensional real subspace). As a graded left ideal
this ideal is also irreducible. The real algebra Cel,3 has an 8-dimensional
irreducible left ideal, which is also graded. However, the real algebra C&,1 has
a 4-dimensional irreducible ideal, which is not graded (that is CesPl does not
have primitive idempotents sitting in Clt1), and an 8-dimensional irreducible
graded ideal.
for i = 1,2,..., n,
anticommute and generate the Clifford algebra Clp+l,q+l.In other words, the
Clifford algebra Clp+l,q+l is isomorphic, as an associative algebra, to the al-
gebra of 2 x 2-matrices with entries in the Clifford algebra ClP,,. This can be
condensed by writing Clp+l,q+lN Mat (2, elp,,).
Examples. Recall that Cll z 2R = R $ R by setting el N (1, -1). This
implies the isomorphism C12,121 2Mat(2,R). Recall that Clo,s 21 2W = W $ W,
which implies z 'Mat(2, W).Recall that Celts N Mat(2, W) which implies
Ce2,4N Mat(4,W). I
Supplement an orthonormal basis {el, e 2 , . . . , e n ) of RppQ with two more
anticommuting basis vectors e+ and e- such that e: = 1 and e! = -1 to
form an orthonormal basis of Rp+l*q+l.The generators el, e 2 , . . . , en,e+,e-
of Clp+l,q+l correspond to the generators
where the hat means the grade involution ii = a0 - a1 with a0 = even(a) and
a1 = odd(a). There is another possibility to embed elp,, into Mat(2, C$,,),
so that a E ClP,, is represented by
16.3 Matrix representation Clp+l,q+l 2 Mat(2, CG,,) 215
which is just a multiple of the identity matrix. Since a' = a0 + ale+e- com-
mutes with
To put all this in another way: The Clifford algebra C$+l,q+l contains an
isomorphic copy of Ce,,, generated by the elements e: = eje+e-, where i =
1 , 2 , . . . , n = p q, in such a way that each element of Up,, commutes with
every element of a copy of Ctljl generated by e+ and e-, and further that
C$,, and Ctl,l together generate all of C$+l,q+l . These considerations can
be condensed by writing
when p > 1.
Examples. Recall that Ct3 N Mat(2, C), which by symmetry implies Ctl,2 2:
Mat(2,C). Recall that CesSl N Mat(4,R), which implies Ct2,2 N Mat(4,R).
From Ceo,4 2: Mat(2, W) we can first deduce Ctljs 2: Mat (4, W) (by adding a
hyperbolic plane) which implies Ces 2 Mat(4, W). I
216 Matrix Representations and Periodicity of 8
16.4 Periodicity of 8
Table 1, of Clifford algebras, contains or continues with two kinds of peri-
odicities of 8, namely for algebras of the same dimension Clp,T N Clp-4,q+4
where p 4, and for algebras of different dimension Cept8,, N Mat(l6, Ce,,,).
Let us first prove Ce,,, E Ctp-4,q+4 where p 4. Take an orthonormal basis
{el,e2,. . . , e n ) of RPlq and set
e:=eih for i = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ,
e: = ei for i > 4,
where h = ele2e3e4. Then the subset {ei, eh, . . . , e;} of Ce,,, is a generating
set for Ctp-4,q+4,which implies the isomorphism
A(d) means the real algebra of d x d-matrices Mat(d, A) with entries in the
ring A = R, C, W,'R, 'W.
The type of their Clifford algebras Ct(Cn) depends only on the parity of n.
Denote t = [n]. In even dimensions Ct(Cn) N Mat(2', C) and in odd dimen-
sions Ct(Cn) 21 'Mat(2', C).
M.F. Atiyah, R. Bott, A. Shapiro: Clifford modules. Topology 3, suppl. 1 (1964),
3-38. Reprinted in R. Bott: Lectures on I < ( X ) . Benjamin, New York, 1969, pp.
143-178. Reprinted in Michael Atiyah: Collected Works, Vol. 2. Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1988, pp. 301-336.
E. Cartan (expos6 d'aprbs l'article d e m a n d de E. Study): Nombres complexes; pp.
329-468 in J. Molk (red.): EncyclopLdie des sciences mathe'matiques, Tome I, vol.
1, Fasc. 4, art. I 5 (1908). Reprinted in E. Cartan: U3uvres complites, Partie 11.
Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1953, pp. 107-246.
W.K. Clifford: On the classification of geometric algebras, pp. 397-401 in R. Tucker
(ed.): Mathematical Papers by William Kingdon Clifford, Macmillan, London, 1882.
Reprinted by Chelsea, New York, 1968. Title of talk announced already in Proc.
London Math. Soc. 7 (1876), p. 135.
F.R. Harvey: Spinors and Calibrations. Academic Press, San Diego, 1990.
T.Y. Lam: The Algebraic Theory of Quadratic Forms. Benjamin, Reading, MA, 1973,
I.R. Porteous: Topological Geometry. Van Nostrand Reinhold, London, 1969. Carn-
bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.
I.R. Porteous: Cliflord Algebras and the Classical Groups. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1995.
Spin Groups and Spinor Spaces
We have already met in some lower-dimensional special cases the spinor spaces,
minimal left ideals of Clifford algebras, and the spin groups, which operate on
spinor spaces. In this chapter we shall study the general case of Rplq.
where sB E R .
222 Spin Groups and Spinor Spaces
for k = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ,t to obtain s A ( B L x) = s L x. Since s A x s L x = sx, it
follows that s A (x + B L x) = sx. Similarly, s A (Y + y J B) = s A y - s L y =
y A s + y J s = ys. Therefore, the equation (1) is equivalent to s x = y s or
still exists and can be used to test invertibility of eAB.The exterior exponential
eAB= (1 + B1)(1+ B2) . . .(1 + Be)
is invertible in the Clifford algebra if B; # 1 for all i. In other words, eABE
I'~-,,,if all B; # 1.
Indefinite metrics. Every isometry U of IWP99, connected to the identity of
SO+(p, q), is an exponential of an antisymmetric transformation A of IWP*g,
U = eA, if and only if
see M. Riesz 1958193 pp. 150-152. In these Euclidean and Lorentz signatures
there is always a bivector B, B L x = A(x) such that U (x) = eBxe-B, see M.
Riesz 1958193 p. 160.
Given a bivector B one can, in general, find other bivectors F such that
eB = -eF and hence eBxe-B = eFxe-F. The only exceptions concern the
following cases:
R I J for all B
R 2 ~ ' and R112 for all B #0 such that B2 >_ 0
R3p1 and ~for all B
' 9 ~ #0 such that B 2 = 0,
see M. Riesz 1958193 p. 172.
TO summarize with special cases: All the elements of the cornpact spin groups
Spin(n) are exponentials of bivectors [when n >
21. Among the other spin
groups the same holds only for Spin+ (n - 1 , l ) 2 Spin+ (1, n - I), n 2 5.
In particular, the two-fold cover Spin+(l, 3) 2 SL(2, C) of the Lorentz group
SO+ (1,3) contains elements which are not exponentials of bivectors: take (yo +
2 1,3
y1)y2 € A R , [ ( y ~ + y ~ ) y ~ ] ~then +
= O- ,~ ( Y O + Y ~ ) Y ~= -1- (YO ~ 1 ) #~ eB
for any B E /\2 R1l3. However, all the elements of Spin+(l, 3) are of the
1 In contrast, -e(el+es)e2 = -1-(el+es)ez = e(el+es)ez+re34 in Spin+ ( 4 , l ) 2: Sp(2, 2).
224 Spin Groups and Spinor Spaces
form feB, B E /\'lR1p3. Therefore, the exponentials of bivectors do not form
a group.
Every element L of the Lorentz group SO+ (1,3) is an exponential of an an-
tisymmetric matrix, L = eA, g ~ T S - l= -A; a similar property is not shared
by SO+ (2,2). There are elements in Spin+ (2,2) which cannot be written in
the form feB, B E /\2 R2~'; for instance fe1234ePB, B = e l 2 2e14 e34, + +
P > 0, see M. Riesz 1958193 p. 168-171. '
Lower-dimensional spin groups. The dimension of the Lie group Spin(n) is
$n(n - 1). The groups Spin(n), n <
6, and Spin,. (p, q), p q 5 6, are +
identified in Table 1.
2 Riesz also showed, by the same construction on pp. 170-171,that there are bivectors which
cannot be written as sums of simple and completely orthogonal bivectors; for instance
+ +
B = e l 2 2e14 esr E A2 R212.
3 The structures of square classes are different for R and C. In R = R \ {0), R X = fR O ,
R 0 = (A2 I X E R X ) ; so to pick up one representative out of each square class we set
sd = f1. In contrast, in C X = C \ {0), C X = CO; so to pick up one representative out of
each square class we set sg = 1.
17.4 Pauli spinors
The complex spin groups Spin(n, C), n 1: 6, are seen to be as follows:
Review first the Clifford algebra Ct3 of the Euclidean space IR3.
17.4 P a u l i spinors
In the non-relativistic theory of the electron, spinors are regarded as columns
For the negative values of i one may observe that r-1 = -1 and r-i =
1 - i + r i - 2 for i > 1.
T h e o r e m . In the standard basis of Cep,, there are always k = q - rq+ non-
scalar elements e ~, e$, , = 1, which commute, eT,eT, = eTjeT,, and generate a
group of order 2k. The product of the corresponding mutually non-annihilating
2. In the case of R2t1 we have k = 1 - r-1 = 1 - (r7 - 4) = 2. Therefore the
Ce2,1 2Mat(2,R).
+ + + +
idempotent f = i ( 1 + e l ) $ ( l e23) = a ( l el e 2 3 e123) is primitive in
A set of commuting idempotents induces a lattice of idempotents.
Example. In the Clifford algebra Ce3,i, k = 1 - r-2 = 1 - (rs - 4) = 2. Since
2k = 4, Mat(4,R) and there are 22k = 16 commuting idempotents
in the lattice generated by the following four mutually annihilating primitive
228 Spin Groups and Spinor Spaces
The lattice induced by the primitive idempotents f l , f 2 , f3, f4 looks like a rhom-
bidodecahedron, see diagram. I
of elp,,. This representation is also faithful for all simple Clifford algebras
Ce,,,, p - q # 1 mod 4.
Next, we construct a faithful representation for semi-simple Clifford algebras
Cep,,, p - q = 1 mod 4, which are direct sums of two simple ideals 4(l f
el2..,) Cep,,. Take a primitive idempotent f and an idempotent e = f f in +
Ce,,,. The ring IE = eCep,,e is the direct sum IE = D $ lb, lb = {i I X E D),
isomorphic to the double ring of the division ring D, more precisely,
ReIW for p - q = l m o d 8
W$W for p - q = 5 m o d 8 .
To find a faithful representation for a semi-simple Clifford algebra Cep,, with
p - q = 1 mod 4 take a left ideal S $ s where s = {?i, I $ E S ) . The map
1. Do the exponentials of bivectors form a group?
2. Do the exterior exponentials of bivectors form a group?
+ >
3 . Are Spin+( p , q ) , p q 3 , p , q # 2, universal covers of SO+( p , q ) ?
4 . Are double spinor spaces needed to construct a faithful representation for
ce2,5 ?
1. No. 2. No. 3 . No. 4. Yes.
I.M. Benn, R.W. Tucker: A n Introduction to Spinors and Geometry with Applications
in Physics. Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987.
P. Budinich, A. Trautman: The Spinorial Chessboard. Springer, Berlin, 1988.
C. Chevalley: The Algebraic Theory of Spinors. Columbia University Press, New
York, 1954.
J.S.R. Chisholm, A.K. Common (eds.): Proceedings of the NATO and SERC Work-
shop on '~liflo'rdAlgebras and thei; ~ p p l i c a t i o k sin Mathematical Physics' (Can-
terbury, 1985). Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1986.
5 Similarly, by doubling of a minimal left ideal of the even subalgebra ~ e : ,we~ obtain a
double even spinor space.
230 Spin Groups and Spinor Spaces
The Euclidean space R3 has a scalar product x . y = x l y l + x2y2 x3y3 with
the automorphism group O(3). Pauli spinors of R3 are of the form
and belong to a complex linear space C2. There are two kinds of scalar products
for Pauli spinors $, cp E C2,
different kinds of scalar products of spinors when we let p and q vary in WpQ.
The situation is much simplified if we consider instead of the real quadratic
spaces RPJQtheir complexifications C @ WpQ. Then there remain only four
different types of scalar products of spinors to be considered.
The reader will notice that the unitary group U(2,2) can be adjoined to the
Minkowski space-times R1t3 and R3p1 in two different ways by
- complexifying, or
- adding one extra dimension (of positive signature),
which respectively result in
- C@ IR113 and C @ IR3p1, or
- I R 2 p 3 and IR411.
In both cases U(2,2) is the automorphism group of the scalar product of
spinors. The latter case gives a hint of a relation to the conformal group
of the Minkowski space.
The automorphism group U(2,2) of the scalar product of Dirac spinors contains as a
subgroup the universal cover SU(2,2) of the conformal group of the Minkowski space.
18.1 Scalar products on spinor spaces
As before, let
fi beeither ID or D @ f i ,
S be either S or S @ s
according as CtP,¶ is simple or semi-simple, respectively.
Let /3 be either of the anti-automorphisms u + ii and u + ti of C.lp,,. The
real linear spaces
P+ = {$ E S I P($) = +$),
P- = {$ E S 1 P($) = -$)
have real dimensions 0, 1, 2 or 3 and
has real dimension 0, 1, 2 or 4 no matter how large the dimension of S is. To
prove this we may use periodicity, CtP,¶ 8 Ceo,s CtP,¶+s,and the fact that
for Ceo,8 the dimension of P = P+ is 1 (over R).
Define the real linear space
neutral except on
ce,,,, ce,,, , ce,,,, ce,,, with s 4 p
ce,,,, ce,,, with s&.
The scalar product is definite or neutral except for Ceo,~,Clo,2, Ce0,3 or CCI,~.
In these lower-dimensional exceptional cases neutrality is not possible, because
the spinor space S is 1-dimensional over Ib = C, W, or 'R, respectively.
For a fixed C.t2p,q,the neutral scalar products on S, induced by arbitrary
anti-automorphisms of Cep,¶,can be collected into two equivalence classes, the
equivalence relation being
for all $, p S. In each class there is a scalar product induced by such an anti-
automorphism of c.&,¶(extending an orthogonal transformation of that
does not single out any distinguished direction in RplQ,namely, the reversion
u -+ ii or the Clifford-conjugation u + ii of Ctp,¶.
The products s&p, s = 1, and s$p, s = e 2 , have values in D; they are scalar
products on S. The scalar product $p vanishes identically; its automorphisrn
group is the full linear group GL(2,R). The scalar product ez$p is antisym-
metric; its automorphirns group is Sp(2,R). If we consider s = S $ ,S instead
of S, then the automorphism group of the scalar product s4p becomes non-
degenerate (because of the swap) and the automorphism group of the scalar
18.2 Automorphism groups of scalar products of spinors 235
product s$p splits: ' S p ( 2 ,R ) = Sp(2,R) x Sp(2,R ) .
2. The Clifford algebra C t l , 3 of the Minkowski space R113 is isomorphic to
the real matrix algebra Mat(2, W). Take an orthonormal basis {yo,yl , y2,y3)
for R1p3. The idempotent f = i(1 + y o ) is primitive in Ce1,3. AS a real linear
space the minimal left ideal S = Cel,3 f is 8-dimensional and the elements
form a basis for SR. The set {hl ,il ,jl , k l ) is a basis for the real linear space
D = f C e l , 3 f . As a ring ID is isomorphic to the quaternion ring W, and the
right D-linear module SD is two-dimensional with basis { h l ,h2). In the basis
{ h l ,h 2 ) left multiplication by yo, yl, yg,y3 is represented by the following 2x2-
matrices with quaternion entries:
0 O(1)
1 U(1) GL(11R)
2 s ~ ( 2 ) s ~ ( 2 1R, s~(21IW)
3 2 s ~ ( 2 ) s ~ ( 2 1 @ )2 s ~ ( 2 1 R ) s~(21@)
4 s ~ ( 4 ) SP(~ 2), s ~ ( 4R), S P ( ~R) , SP(% 2)
5 U(4) GL(2,IHI) U(2,2) GL(4,R) U(2,2) GL(2, W)
6 O(8) SO*(8) SO*(8) 0 ( 4 , 4 ) 0 ( 4 , 4 ) SO*(8) SO*(8)
7 2 0 ( 8 ) O(8, @) 2SO*(8) O(8, @) 20(4,4) O(8, @) 2SO*(8) O(8, @)
See Porteous 1969 p. 271 11. 1-8. Note that complexification explains the oc-
currence of U(2,2) in conjunction with the Minkowski spaces.
In complexifications of real algebras we replaced the ground field IW by C , a
field extension with an involution, the complex conjugation [to emphasize that
C comes with a complex conjugation we denote @ or C*].
We could also tensor Cep,, by the real algebra 21R, a commutative ring with
an irreducible involution, the swap. See Porteous 1969 pp. 193, 251. This leads
238 Scalar Products of Spinors and the Chessboard
to the automorphism groups shown in Table 5 [isomorphic to the subgroup of
invertible elements in Cl,,,].
p-q 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- -
p-q 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
{Ma",y) Z}
' C .
Thus, complex Clifford algebras have a periodicity of 2. The Brauer-Wall-
Porteous group B W P ( 6 ) of C is a cyclic group of eight elements; in other
words complex Clifford algebras with an anti-involution have a periodicity of
8, see Table 10.
n s?Zv n s4cp
0 0(2v,q 0 0(2u,6)
1 '0(2u,6) 1 GL(2u,C)
2 0(2u,@) 2 SP(~V,~)
3 GL(2u,C) 3 'Sp(2v,C)
4 SP(~V,~) 4 SP(~V,@)
5 ' s p ( 2 v ,C ) 5 GL(2u,C)
6 S P ( ~ @)
V, 6 0(2u,6)
7 GL(2u,C) 7 '0(2u,@)
The Brauer-Wall-Porteous group B W P ( ' R ) of the double ring ' R with swap
is also a cyclic group of eight elements, see Table 11.
d i m P-
I.M. Benn, R.W. Tucker: An Introduction to Spinors and Geometry with Applications
in Physics. Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987.
P. Budinich, A. Trautman: The Spinorial Chessboard. Springer, Berlin, 1988.
J.S.R. Chisholm, A.K. Common (eds.): Proceedings of the NATO and SERC Work-
shop on 'Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics' (Cun-
terbury, 1985). Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1986.
F.R. Harvey: Spinors and Calibrations. Academic Press, San Diego, 1990.
P. Lounesto: Scalar products of spinors and an extension of Brauer-Wall groups.
Found. Phys. 11 (1981), 721-740.
I.R. Porteous: Topological Geometry. Van Nostrand Reinhold, London, 1969. Cam-
bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.
I.R. Porteous: Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1995.
Mobius Transformations and Vahlen Matrices
Classical complex analysis can be generalized from the complex plane to higher
dimensions in three different ways: function theory of several complex variables
(commutative), higher-dimensional one-variable hypercomplex analysis (anti-
commutative), and conformal transformations (geometric). In this chapter we
study the third possibility: conformal transformations in n dimensions, n 2 3.
A function f sending a region in IFX2 = @ into C is conformal at z, if it is
complex analytic and has a non-zero derivative, f'(z) # 0 (we consider only
sense-preserving conformal mappings). The only conformal transformations of
the whole plane @ are affine linear transformations: compositions of rotations,
dilations and translations. The Mobius mapping
This might suggest the following: Let a , b, c, d be in Cen . If (ax x) (cx d)-' +
is in R n for almost all x E Rn and if the range of
g(x) = (ax + b)(cx + d)-'
is dense in R n , then g is a Mobius transformation of Rn. Although this is
true, the group so obtained is too large to be a practical covering group of the
full Mobius group. Therefore, we introduce:
odd. Conditions (i) and (ii) imply that if the diagonal entries are even then
the off-diagonal entries must be odd, and if the diagonal entries are odd then
4 This group is the Vahlen group multiplied by the group generated by invertible matrices
of the form
The sums of scalars and vectors are called paravectors. Paravectors span the
linear space R $ ROJ"-~,which we denote by
$Rn =R$IRO~"-~.
The linear space of paravectors, $Rn, can be made isometric to the Euclidean
space R n by introducing for x = xo x E R $ R O ~ n - lwhere
, xo E R and
x E Roln-l, a quadratic form
On the right we have the Vahlen matrices of the respective Mobius transfor-
6 Maass 1949 and Ahlfors 1984 presented an equivalent characterization of Vahlen matrices
where the second condition was replaced by
the lower right-hand diagonal element a/& is invertible. We leave the verifi-
cation of the remaining 23 orderings to the reader. I
C o u n t e r - e x a m p l e (Maks 1989). In the general case (p # 0, q # 0) J . Maks
1989 p. 41 gave an example of a Vahlen matrix where none of the entries is
invertible (and all are non-zero).
Consider the Minkowski space-time R3s1 and its Clifford algebra C&,l z
Mat(4,R) generated by e l , ea, e3, e4 satisfying e? = ei = e$ = 1, ei = -1.
Take a Vahlen matrix
By the theorem of Maks the matrix M cannot be a product of just one rotation,
one translation, one dilation and one transversion (in any order). However, the
matrix M is in the identity component of the normalized Vahlen group, the
four-fold covering group of the Mobius group of the Minkowski space-time. This
can be concluded while M has pseudo-determinant equal to 1 and even diago-
nal. This can also be deduced by factoring M into a product of a transversion,
a translation and a transversion as follows:
not imply iib, bd, dc, cii E RPpq.
Counter-example (Cnops 1996). Consider the Minkowski space-time R3p1
and its Clifford algebra Ce3,1 Mat(4, R ) generated by el, en, e3, e4 satisfying
.2- - e2 2 --1 , ez = -1. The Vahlen matrix
2 -- e3
7 The set lTp,q C Ct,,, rr I\ Rn, considered as a subset of the exterior algebra I\ Rn, is
independent of p, q for a fixed n = p q.
19.5 Indefinite paravectors 25 1
ad" - bZ = 1 and a&,id, dc', Za = 0 E R3p1, but
satisfies a , b, c, d E 113,1,
even then lib, bd, dc, cli $ R3p1. The mapping gc(x) = (ax b)(cx d)-' is +
conformal. If the matrix C is multiplied on either side by
(i) a , b , c , d E $&+I,,
(ii) iib,- bd, dc, cli E $RQtlJ'
(iii) ad - bZ = 1
is a Vahlen matrix with norm 1 of the sense-preserving Mobius transformation
g of $RQ+lJ' given by g(x) = (ax + b)(cx d)-l. + I
The Vahlen matrices with norm 1 form a two-fold or four-fold covering group
of the sense-preserving Mobius group of $RQt1?P.Conditions (i), (ii), (iii) imply
a i l i d , dZ, Za E $RQtlJ' [although (i), (iii) and a&,&dldc', c'a E $RQtlJ' do not
imply Scb, bd, dc, c7i E $RQ+'J'].
1 . No, as the counter-example of Maks shows.
2. As the identity component of the normalized Vahlen group it is a four-fold
covering group.
1. The counter-example M of Maks can be factored into a product of two
1. The first factor is a product of just one transversion, one dilation and one
translation as follows:
Complex analysis has applications in the theory of heat, fluid dynamics and
electrostatics. Such versatility gives occasion to explore whether function the-
ory of complex variables can be generalized from the plane to higher dimen-
sions. Are there hypercomplex number systems which could provide a higher-
dimensional analog for complex analytic functions?
Function theory can be generalized to higher dimensions in several different
ways, for instance, to quasiconformal mappings, several complex variables or
to hypercomplex analysis. Clearly, these generalizations cannot maintain all
the features of complex analysis.
In the theory of quasiconformal mappings one retains some geometric fea-
tures, related to similar appearance of images, and renounces some algebraic
features, like multiplication of complex numbers. In the theory of quasiconfor-
ma1 mappings one does not multiply vectors in Rn.
The starting point of hypercomplex analysis is the introduction of a suitable
multiplication of vectors in Rn.In contrast to the theory of several complex
variables, which commute, hypercomplex analysis is a one-variable theory - the
argument being in higher dimensions, where orthogonal vectors anticommute.
As we know, this relation holds if and only if the vector (u, -v) is the gradient
of a harmonic function. It follows that
(el ;j; + -)aya (u + uelz) = 0
3) Thirdly, we may focus our attention on spinor fields sending the vector
plane R 2 to a minimal left ideal of CL2. Before studying this alternative closer,
let us recall that the Clifford algebra Ce2 is isomorphic to the matrix algebra of
real 2 x 2-matrices Mat(2, R). The isomorphism is seen by the correspondences
1 1
fl = p(l + e l ) 2: and f2= -(e2-e12)
is equivalent to (i)
called the Dirac operator. Since the Dirac operator applied twice equals the
Laplace operator, the elements e l , e 2 , . . . , en are subject to the relations
+ +
The linear combinations x = xlel x2e2 + . . . xnen can be considered as
vectors building up an n-dimensional vector space Rn with quadratic form
+ + +
x 2 = x: xi . . . x;. The above relations generate an associative algebra of
dimension 2", the Clifford algebra Cl, of Rn [or of dimension $2n, isomorphic
to an ideal t(l f el2...,)Ctn of CL,].
Operating on a vector field f with V gives
= l d ~ A f
l: f.dx
V, f (x) = lim
where - = d,, .
The relation of V, to the Dirac operator V is obtained by computing
v, = r - l ( 7 L V).
Use a vector measure dA = eZ3ds, normal to the surface S, to write the left
hand side as
then use the interchange rule (of dot and cross) to get the usual Stokes' theorem
This shows that in a simply connected domain the circulation vanishes if the
divergence vanishes. I
By convention V differentiates only quantities to its right, unless otherwise
indicated. Because of non-commutativity of multiplication, it is good to have
a notation indicating differentiation both to the right and to the left, when
desired. Accordingly, we have, for instance, the Leibniz rule,
where the dots indicate where the differentiation is applied. Stokes' theorem is
now generalized to the form
264 Hypercomplex Analysis
Here d i m s = k E {1,2, ...,n). The minus sign on the last term comes from
a ~ b -=( - l ) k b ~ a for a € R n and b E A ~ I W " .
generate the even subalgebra Ce: ; they anticommute and square up to -1.
Thus, they form an orthonormal basis {il, i2, . . . , in-1) of a negative definite
quadratic space RO~"-lgenerating a Clifford algebra C ~ O , , - ~ Ce;. A closer
contact with the classical function theory is obtained if a vector
2 + + . . . + xn-lin-l + Y,
= ~ l i l x2i2 Y = Xnl
in IWO~"-l @ R [the special direction is the scalarlreal part y, also denoted
by xo = x,]. By the above correspondence 2 +) e n x , we have established a
correspondence between the following two mappings:
R~ +ce;, x+~(x),
R C B R O >+~ ce0,,-,,
-~ +f ( ~ ) ;
both are denoted for convenience by f .
In the case of a Euclidean space R n , the Dirac operator is homogeneous,
V =el-+e2-+
a ...+ en-1-
a +en-,
dxl 8x2 ax,-1 ax,
but it is replaced by a differential operator (inhomogeneous in the dimension
D = -+ V , in the paravector space R $ ROJ~-'.
20.6 Cauchy's integral formula 265
20.6 Cauchy's integral formula
Consider a region S c Rn of dimension n with boundary i3S of dimension
n - 1 and multivector function f : S 4 Ce, . In this case Stokes' theorem is of
the form
JTsdsvf = l s d s f .
ds f = 0 or equivalently
which means that the 'stream' of a monogenic function across any closed hy-
persurface vanishes. This is Cauchy's theorem.
In the following we need the Cauchy kernel
where w, = nnI2/(n/2)! and the sign in -(-l)ne12...n comes from the choice
of orientation TS = e l 2 ..., for S.
Example. In the special case n = 2 the above formula is
S,, ,(x - a) a s f (x) = nw, f (a) for f : Rn -+ Ce:
266 Hypercomplex Analysis
and in the form
as follows:
is monogenic,
The functions
8x1 I+
- yi2)-
( ~ 2
8x2 I+
. . . + (xn-1 - yin-1)-
are monogenic; note that zk = xk yeken, k = 1 , 2 , . . . , n - 1. Write =
(11,12, . . . , In-I), and define the symmetrized polynomials
P&) + +
= i(z12z2 Z l Z Z Z l 22212)
= (xf - y 2 ) x 2- 2x1x2yil - (xf - Slyi2
= ( x : - y2)x2 + 2xixzyeien + (x: - $)yeZen.
2. The functions ql ( z ) = dlq(z) are homogeneous of degree -(I + n - 1) and
monogenic when z # 0. I
For all z E R CBR ~ ~we~also ~ , pl-( I ) E R $ Rotn-l.
- have
The monogenic polynomials homogeneous of degree 1 span a right module
over the ring Cto,,-l; the polynomials pl(z)- form a basis of this module of
dimension (I+;-'). Harmonic polynomials homogeneous of degree 1 form a
module over the rotation group S O ( n ) of R $ I W O J ~ - ~ namely
, the irreducible
module of traceless symmetric tensors of degree 1, the dimension of this module
20.9 A x i a l m o n o g e n i c p o l y n o m i a l s o f h o m o g e n e o u s d e g r e e
In the following, monogenic polynomials, homogeneous of degree 1 in the factors
ar and ra (and then also in r or in y and x ) , will be introduced. First,
To verify these, observe that e l f e l + . . . + enfen = -(n - 2)f for any vector f .
(ar)j-l ae, (ar)'-j = -(n - 2) (ar)j-I a(ar)'-j
which multiplied by (ra)'-j-' on the right gives the equation ( 4 ) after summing
up the terms j = 0 , 1 ; ~ ~ , 1 1-.
such that Vpl(r)= 0 , multiply the rows of mjk by the corresponding coeffi-
cients P1,j and determine pl j so that the sum of the resulting elements in each
column is zero. To calculate the coefficients plj one has useful algorithms such
1 n-2
. 1 -(T
~ 1 ' , -- +i-.i)(Pl-l,j +
1 It is worth noting that the formula (5) for the coefficients p l , ) is valid for all signatures
and not only for positive definite quadratic forms.
20.10 Diflerential equations in cylindrical coordinates
which gives
Of course, u is harmonic,
and so
such that
$ - $ J=
~ 1 P
x"-2(gdy - h d x )
20.10 Differential equations in cylindrical coordinates 275
independent of path in a fixed plane containing the symmetry axis a. Let the
path of integration sweep around the symmetry axis a and form an axially
symmetric hypersurface S. The stream
~ = l d ~ / \ f
PI(.) = - and p2(r) = -?
respectively. I
Finally, the complex polynomial pl(r) is such that its bivector part deter-
mines the plane spanned by a and r = x + ya. So the function rpl (r) is vector
valued in this same plane. Since the complex function pl(r) is monogenic,
20.11 Inversion of multipoles in unit sphere 277
Vpl(r) = 0, the vector function rpl(r) is harmonic, V2rpl(r) = 0. This can be
seen from
where r V = r . V r A V , r(d/dr) = r . V and L = r A V , which has axially
symmetric eigenfunctions Lpl(r) = -lpl(r) and L[rpl(r)] = (1 n - l)rpl(r.)
1. Show that V x = n, Vx2 = 2x, Vx3 = (n 2)x2, Vx4 = 4x3.
2. Show that vxk= kxk-' for k even, and vxk= (n k - l)xk-l for k
odd. 1
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F. Sommen: Special functions in Clifford analysis and axial symmetry. J. Math. Anal.
~ p p l .130 (i988), 110-133.
A. Sudbery: Quaternionic analysis. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 85 (1979), 199-225.
Binary Index Sets and Walsh Functions
The present chapter scrutinizes how the sign of the product of two elements
in the basis for the Clifford algebra of dimension 2" can be computed by the
Walsh functions of degree less than 2n. In the multiplication formula the basis
elements are labelled by binary n-tuples, which form an abelian group Q, which
in turn gives rise to the maximal grading of the Clifford algebra. The group of
binary n-tuples is also employed in the Cayley-Dickson process.
Consider n-tuples = a l a z . . . a n of binary digits a, = 0 , l . For two such
n-tuples g and b the sum g $ b = c is defined by termwise addition modulo
2, that is,
ci = ai + bi mod 2.
These n-tuples form a group so that the group characters are Walsh functions
- = (-1)x:=l
The Walsh functions have only two values, f1, and they satisfy wk(g $ b) =
wk(g)wk(b), as group characters, and w,(b) = wb(g). The Walsh functions
- labelled by binary n-tuples & = klk2.. . k,, can be ordered by integers
k = C;="=,i2n-'.
-(x), k = 0,1, . . . , 7
Figure 1. The first eight Walsh functions Gk
with k = 4k1+ 2k2 kg and x = ;(XI +2x2 + 4x3). Observe that the number
of zero crossings per unit interval equals k.
282 Binary Index Sets and Walsh Functions
g(g $ b) = g(g) $ g(b). The inverse h of the Gray code is obtained by
h(g))i = a j mod 2.
As a preliminary example, consider the Clifford algebra Cto,2,isomorphic to the
division ring of quaternions W. Relabel the basis elements of CtoP2by binary
1 eoo
el, e 2 elo, e01
e12 ell
e,eb = w,(h(b))e,@k.
For an alternative representation reorder the basis elements by the formula
ei =coo...040...00 for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n
1 a n
between the ordinary and binary representations of the generators of the Clif-
ford algebra Ceo,,. Then the basis elements of C l o p , are labelled by the binary
n-tuples = alaz . . .an as follows:
Since the Gray code is a group isomorphism among the binary n-tuples, we
can reorder the basis of the Clifford algebra Ceo,, by
e , = eg(g).
This reordering results in a simple multiplication formula:
Corollary. The product of the basis elements of the Clifford algebra Cto,, is
given by
- -
eseb = ~ a ( b ) ~ c e b .
6a-b = eg(g)eg(b)= ~g(g)(h(g(b)))eg(a)eg(b)
284 Binary Index Sets and Walsh Functions
- I
- wg(c3)(b)eg(@b) = &(b)eg$b.
If you choose the signs in e,ek - = in some other way, you get other
algebras than Ceo,, . For instance, the Clifford algebra Cep,, over the quadratic
form zq + . . . + x i - z;+, - . . . - xi+, has the multiplication formula
e,eb = (-1)xLx aabaw,(h(b))ec3ek.
a formula essentially obtained by Brauer & Weyl 1935. See also Artin 1957 and
Delanghe & Brackx 1978 for a related definition of the product on the Clifford
algebras (based on sums of multi-indices).
All the above algebras are special cases of the following. Let A be a real linear
space of dimension 2". Label a basis for A by binary n-tuples g to get the
basis elements e,. Then define a multiplication between the basis elements e,-
and extend it to all of A by linearity. The definition is of the form
21.5 Ca yle y-Dickson process 285
for a certain choice of signs. Then the algebra A is a direct sum of the 1-
dimensional subspaces Ua-, spanned by ea-, satisfying
- = (-l)alea.
or in a condensed form et -
Theorem 2. A Clifford-like algebra A , dim A = 2n, with multiplication rule
where Si(g) is the maximum of aj for 1 5 j i, is isomorphic to the Cayley-
Dickson algebra CD(yl, 72, . . . , 7,). The anti-involution is
Proof. The first case of the mathematical induction is proved in the example
Assume that the statement holds up to the n:th step, and apply the Cayley-
Dickson process. If the new basis elements are denoted by
f (b, a) = f (-,a -b)(- l)Sn(E)+Sn(b)+Sn(C@b),
+ + +
have squares (-ylxq -y2x; . . . yn x:)eo.- In contrast to the Clifford algebras,
different orderings of the parameters yi in C D ( y l , 7 2 , . . . , 7,) may result in
non-isomorphic algebras in the case where n > 3.
Another construction relating Clifford algebras and Cayley-Dickson algebras
is found in Wene 1984.
For more details of the algebraic extensions of the group of binary n-tuples
R see Hagmark 1980.
E. Artin: Geometric Algebra. Interscience, New York, 1957.
R. Brauer, H. Weyl: Spinors in n dimensions. Amer. J . Math. 5 7 (1935), 425-449.
R. Delanghe, F. Brackx: Hypercomplex function theory and Hilbert modules with
reproducing kernel. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 3 7 (1978),545-576.
N.J. Fine: On the Walsh functions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 6 5 (1949), 372-414.
P.-E. Hagmark: Construction of some 2"-dimensional algebras. Helsinki UT, Math.
Report A177, 1980.
H.F. Harmuth: Sequency Theory, Foundations and Applications. Academic Press,
New York, 1977.
A.K. Kwasniewski: Clifford- and Grassmann-like algebras - old and new. J. Math.
Phys. 26 (1985), 2234-2238.
M. Maqusi: Walsh Analysis and Applications. Heyden, London, 1981.
A. Micali, Ph. Revoy: Modules quadratiques. Cahiers MathCmatiques 10, Montpellier,
1977. Bull. Soc. Math. France 63, suppl. (1979), 5-144.
I.R. Porteous: Topological Geometry. VNR, London, 1969. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1981.
R.D. Schafer: On the algebras formed by the Cayley-Dickson process. Amer. J. Math.
76 (1954), 435-446.
K. Th. Vahlen: ~ b e hijhere
r komplexe Zahlen. Schriften der phys.-okon. Gesellschaft
zu Konigsberg 3 8 (1897), 72-78.
G.P. Wene: A construction relating Clifford algebras and Cayley-Dickson algebras. J.
Math. Phys. 25 (1984), 2351-2353.
Chevalley's Construction and Characteristic 2
Consider an n-dimensional linear space V over a field IF, char IF # 2, and the
symmetric bilinear form
associated with the quadratic form Q. Later in this chapter we will discuss the
case charIF = 2. As before, we denote the exterior algebra of V by /\ V and
the Clifford algebra of Q, with x2 = Q(x), by Ce(Q) or Cep,, when V = RPl"
<xl,yl> <x1,y2> ...
<x2, y1> <x2,y2> . . . <x2,Y k >
det<xi, yj> = ,
and so
Cheualley's Construction and Characteristic 2
shows that the dot product cannot be expected to have properties, which can
be easily proved (using the more fundamental contractions). Some authors try
to make the dot product look like derivation, and define exceptionally A.u = 0,
u - A = 0 for A E F. This only makes things worse, because for this dot product
the relation to the contractions is still more complicated:
is the identity mapping on /\V. The faithful representation II, sends Cl(Q)
onto an isomorphic subalgebra of End(/\ V).
Chevalley's identification also works well with a contraction defined by an
arbitrary - not necessarily symmetric - bilinear form B such that B ( x , x) =
Q(x) and
(Q) x-ly=B(x,y) for x , y ~ V
and the faithful representation 1C, sends the Clifford algebra Cl(Q) onto an
isomorphic subalgebra of End(/\ V), which, however, as a subspace depends
on B.
R e m a r k . Chevalley introduced his identification CC(Q) c End(/\ V) in or-
der to be able to include the exceptional case of characteristic 2. In char-
acteristic # 2 the theory of quadratic forms is the same as the theory of
symmetric bilinear forms and Chevalley's identification gives the Clifford alge-
bra of the symmetric bilinear form <x, y > = ;(B(X, y ) B(y, x)) satisfying
xy+yx=2<x,y>. I
For arbitrary Q but charF # 2 there is the natural choice of the unique sym-
metric bilinear form B such that B(x,x) = Q(x) giving rise to the canon-
ical/privileged linear isomorphism CC(Q) 4 /\ V. The case char IF = 2 is
quite different. In general, there are no symmetric bilinear forms such that
B(x,x) = Q(x) and when there is such a symmetric bilinear form, it is not
unique since any alternating bilinear form is also symmetric and could be
added to the symmetric bilinear form without changing Q. Hence the contrac-
tion is not unique if charlF # 2, and there is an ambiguity in cp,.
In characteristic 2 the theory of quadratic forms is not the same as the t,heory
of symmetric bilinear forms.
Example. Let dimp V = 2, B(x, y ) = axlyl bxly2 cxzyl dxzy2 and + +
Q(x) = B(x, x). The contraction x J y = B(x, y) gives the Clifford product
xv = x A v x J v of x E V, v E /\ V. We will determine the matrix of v + uv,
u = uo u1e1+ uze2 f 211281 A e 2 with respect to the basis (1, el, ez, el ~ e ~
for /\ V. The matrix of el is obtained by the following computation:
ell=elAl=el (first column = 0100)
elel = el J el = a (second column = a000)
eiez = el A e 2 + el = el A e 2 b
J e2 +(third column = b001)
el(e1 A ez) = el J (el A ez) = (el J e l ) A ez - (el J e2) A el = aez - bel.
or in general
+ +
Evidently, the commutation relations elez e2el = b c and e: = a, e; = d
are satisfied, and we have the following multiplication table:
el a el A e2 b + -bel +
ez -el Aez c + d -del +
el A ez ce~- aez del - be2 -ad + +bc (-b +
c)el A e2
In characteristic #2 we find
1 1
-(ele2 - e2el)= el A ez + - ( b - c)
2 2
and more generally for x = xlel x2e2, y = ylel yzez +
-(XY - Y X )
=( ~ ~2 2 ~el1 A) e2
~ 1- + l1( b - C ) ( X I Y ~- ~ 2 ~ 1 )
294 Cheualley's Construction and Characteristic 2
with an alternating scalar valued form A(x, Y) = ( ~ ( xY), -B(y, x)). For non-
zero A(x, Y) the quotient x A Y/A(x, Y) is independent of x, y E V. Note that
the matrix of $(xy - YX) is traceless. The symmetric bilinear form associated
with Q(x) is
1 1
+ + + + +
x . Y = -(B(x, y ) B(y, x)) = a x l y ~ 2(b c)(x1~2 ~ 2 ~ 1d)x 2 ~ 2
and we have x y + y x = 2x . y for x , y E V c Ct(Q). Orthogonal vec-
tors x I y anticommute, x y = -yx and (xy)' = - x ~ even ~ ~ though
x y = x A y + A(x, y). [In this special case A(x, y ) = B(x, y ) # 0 while
x - y = 0 implies B ( y , x ) = -B(x, y).] I
It is convenient to regard /\ V as the subalgebra of End(/\ V) with the canon-
ical choice of the symmetric B = 0. We may also regard Ct(Q) as a subalgebra
of End(A V) obtained with some B such that B(x, x) = Q(x) and choose the
symmetric B in char # 2.
The following example shows that for Q = 0 and B = 0, Chevalley's process
results in the original multiplication of the exterior algebra /\ V, but that for
Q = 0 and alternating B # 0, the process gives an isomorphic but different
exterior multiplication on /\ V.
Example. Take a special case of the previous example, the Clifford algebra
with Q = 0 and B(x, y) = b(xly2 - x2y1). Send the matrix of the exterior
product (with the symmetric bilinear form = 0) to a matrix of the isomorphic
Clifford product (determined by the alternating bilinear form = B ) :
In this case
In particular, P(el)P(ez) = P(e1 A ez b), P(ez)P(el) = -P(el A ez b) +
and P(el e 2 b)P(ei) = 0, P(ei)P(el A ez + b) = 0. We have already met
this situation in the chapter on the Definitions of the Clifford Algebra in the
section on the Uniqueness and the definition by generators and relations except
that here the exterior algebra and the Clifford algebra (determined by the
alternating B) are regarded as different subspaces of End(/\ V) [although they
are isomorphic subalgebras of End(/\ V)]. I
22.2 Chevalley's identification of CL(Q) c End(/\ V) 295
The above example shows that those who do not accept the existence of k-
vectors in a Clifford algebra Cl(Q) over IF, charIF # 2, should also exclude
fixed subspaces /\k V C /\ V.
In general, consider two copies of CC(Q) in End(/\ V) so that Q(x) equals
Bl(x, x ) = B2(x, x), which determine & (x)Pl (y) = Pl(x A y +
Bl (x, y))
and P2(x)P2(y)= P ~ ( A +
x y B2(x,y)). A transition between the two copies
is given by an alternating bilinear form B(x, y ) = Bl(x, y ) - B2(x,y ) and
P(x)P(y) = P ( ~ YB(x, Y)).
In characteristic # 2 this means that the symmetric bilinear forrn such that
< x , x > = Q(x) gives rise to the natural choice x y = x A y +
<x, y > among
the Clifford products x y B(x, y ) with an alternating B. In other words, the
Clifford product x y has a distinguished decomposition into the sum x A y +
<x, y > where <x, y > = 3(xy yx) is a scalar and x A y = ;(xy - yx) is a
bivector [this decomposition is unique among all the possible decompositions
with antisymmetric part x A y = $(xy - yx) equaling a new kind of bivector
. 2
x A y = x A y B(x, y) where X A y E /\ V and x A y E A ~ V ] [Similarly,
a completely antisymmetric product of three vectors equals a new kind of 3-
vector x A y A z = x A y A z xB(y, z) + YB(z,X) zB(x, y).] +
Example. Let IF= {0,1}, dimFV = 2 and Q(xlel+x2e2) = 21x2. There are
only two bilinear forms Bi such that Bi(x, x) = Q(x), namely Bl (x, y ) = x1y2
and B2(x, y ) = x2 yl, and neither is symmetric. The difference A = B1 - B2,
A(x, y ) = xly2 - x2y1 (= x1y2 + x2y1) is alternating (and thereby symmetric).
Therefore, there are two representations of CL(Q) in End(/\ V) :
for B1 : u = ( uo
uo - 2112
uo - 2112
for B2 : u = ( 210
+ u12
uo u2
u1 uo 2112 +
These representations have the following multiplication tables with respect to
the basis (1, el, e 2 , el A e2}for /\ V :
296 Chevalley's Construction and Characteristic 2
In this case there are only two linear isomorphisms /\ V -+ CL(Q) which are
identity mappings when restricted to IF $ V and which preserve parity (send
even elements to even elements and odd to odd). It is easy to verify that
the above multiplication tables actually describe the only representations of
CL(Q) in A V. In this case t h e r e are n o canonical linear isomorphisms
/\ V -+ CL(Q), in other words, neither of the above multiplication tables can be
preferred over the other. In particular, /\'V cannot be canonically embedded
in CL(Q), and t h e r e are n o bivectors i n characteristic 2. I
The need for a simplification of Chevalley's presentation is obvious. For in-
stance, van der Waerden 1966 said that 'the ideas underlying Chevalley's proof
(p. 40) are not easy to discern' and gave another proof, equivalent but easier
to follow. [Also Crumeyrolle 1990 p. xi claims that 'Chevalley's book proved
too abstract for most physicists' and in a Bull. AMS review Lam 1989 p. 122
admits that 'Chevalley's book on spinors is ... not the easiest book to read.']
It might be helpful to get acquainted with a simpler and more direct method
of relating /\ V and CL(Q) due to M. Riesz 1958/1993 pp. 61-67. Riesz in-
troduced a second product in CL(Q) making it isomorphic with /\ V without
resorting to the usual completely antisymmetric Clifford product of vectors and
constructed a privileged linear isomorphism CL(Q) + /\ V.
Then x A (y A 2) = (x A y) A z since
xyz - zyx = xyz - zyx + (zy + yz)x - x(yz + zy) = yzx - xzy.
This last result implies
when char IF # 2,3 (note the resemblance with antisymmetric tensors). [Simi-
larly, we may conclude that xyz+zyx = x(yz+zy) - (xz+zx)y +z(xy +yx)
is a vector in V.] Riesz's construction shows that bivectors exist in all char-
acteristics # 2.
Introduce the contraction of u E el(&)by x E V so that
Thus one and the same contraction is indeed a derivation for both the exterior
product and the Clifford product. [Kahler 1962 p. 435 (4.4) and p. 456 (10.3)
was aware of the equations
x J ( u A v ) = ( x J u ) ~ ~ + U ~ ( x Jand
xJ(uv) = (xJu)v U(xJv).]
Provided with the scalar multiplication (u A v) J w = u J (v J w), the exterior
algebra V and the Clifford algebra el(&)are linearly isomorphic as left
A V -modules.
Exercises 11,12,. . . ,20
298 Chevalley's Construction and Characteristic 2
Show that
1. X A ( Y J U ) - Y ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ) = ~ ~ ( Y for ~ X
~ ,)Y -E V
Y.~ ( ~ ~ ~
2. X A Y A ( Z J U ) - X A Z A ( Y J U ) + Y A Z A ( X J U )
3. x A ( y J (z J u)) - y A (XJ (z J u)) + z A (x J (y J u))
+x A (y J (z J u)) - y A (x J (z J u)) z A (x J (y J u))
5. a J b E /\'-jV for a € /\%, b E A ' V (charF# 2).
In the next five exercises we have a non-degenerate Q. Define the right con-
traction u L v by <u L v, w> = <u, w /\ G> for all w € /\ V (we say that u is
contracted by the contractor v). Show that
6. u J v = v o L u o - v o L u l + v l L U O + V ~ L U ~ = V L U - ~ V O L U ~
(VO= even(v), ul = odd(u)).
7. u L v = v ~ J u ~ + ~ ~ J u ~ - v ~ J u ~ + v ~ J u ~ = v J u - ~ v ~ J u ~
(vl = odd(v), uo = even(u)).
Show that (when char IF # 2)
8. a J b = (-l)"j-i)b L a for a E /\%, b E /\j V.
9. ~ E / \ ~ va#O, , X E V , x J a = O u x = a J b forsome b€/\"+'V.
10. b E /\k v is simple w ( a J b ) A b = 0 for all a E /\k-l V.
11. x and x A y anticommute for vectors x, y E V.
12. x and x J B anticomrnute for a bivector B E /\' V.
13. (x A y ) 2 = (x J y ) 2 - x2y2 (Lagrange's identity).
14. ( x A y A z ) J u = ( x A y ) J ( z J u ) = ~ J ( y J ( z J u ) ) .
15. (xyz - zyx)' E IF, x A y A z = $(xyz - zyx).
16. a A b = ( - l ) j j b A a for a € h i V and ~ E / \ ' v .
17. u A v = vo A uo + vo A ul + v1 A uo - v1 A u1 = v A u - 2211 A u1 where
u, v E /\ V, uo = even(u), vo = even(v), u l = odd(u), vl = odd(v).
18. B U = B A U + $ ( B U - U B ) + B J U for B€/\'v.
[Hint: (x A y ) A u + (xA y ) J u = X A (y A U)+ x J (y Ju).]
19. Q(u) = <u, v> = (fi J v)o (= the scalar part of fi J v).
In the last exercise we have a non-degenerate Q :
20. Q on V extends to a neutral or anisotropic Q on Ct(Q).
22.3 Riesz's introduction of an exterior product in C l ( Q ) 299
N. Bourbaki: Algt?bre, Chapitre 9, Formes sesquiline'aires et formes quadratiques. Her-
mann, Paris, 1959.
C. Chevalley: Theory of Lie Groups. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N J , 1946.
C. Chevalley: The Algebraic Theory of Spinors. Columbia University Press, New
York, 1954.
A. Crumeyrolle: Orthogonal and Symplectic Clifford Algebras, Spinor Structures.
Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1990.
J. Helmstetter: Alggbres de Clifford et algkbres de Weyl. Cahiers Math. 25, Mont-
pellier, 1982.
E. Kiihler: Der innere Differentialkalkiil. Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Appli-
cazioni (Roma) 2 1 (1962), 425-523.
M. Riesz: Clifford Numbers and Spinors. The Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ap-
plied Mathematics, Lecture Series No. 38, University of Maryland, i958. Reprinted
as facsimile (eds.: E.F. Bolinder, P. Lounesto) by Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Nether-
lands, 1993.
B.L. van der Waerden: On Clifford algebras. Neder. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A69
(1966), 78-83.
E. Witt: Theorie der quadratischen Formen in beliebigen Korpern. J. Reine Angew.
Math. 176 (1937), 31-44.
Octonions and Triality
Quaternions can be defined as pairs of complex numbers, but this time the
product involves complex conjugation
Octonions can be defined as pairs of quaternions, but this time order of multi-
plication matters
This doubling process, of Cayley-Dickson, can be repeated, but the next al-
gebras are not division algebras, although they still are simple and flexible
(Schafer 1954). Every element in such a Cayley-Dickson algebra satisfies a
quadratic equation with real coefficients.
Example. The quaternion q = w+ix+ jy+kz satisfies the quadratic equation
Example. The product e2 o e5 = -e3 corresponds to a triangle obtained by
rotating the picture by 2x17. I
In the Clifford algebra Ceo,7 of R017,octonions can be identified with paravec-
tors, 0 = R $ R0p7, and the octonion product may be expressed in terms of
the Clifford product as
a o b = (ab(1- v))o,l,
+ +
where v = el24 e235 e346 e457 e561 + + + e672 + e713 E /\3R017.In Ce0,7,
the octonion product can be also written as
a o b = (ab(1 + w ) ( l - el2...7 ) ) 0 , l for a , b E R @ R017
304 Octonions and Triality
where g(l w) i ( 1 - el^...^) is an idempotent, w = ve;;,,, E A ~ Rand ~ J ~
el2...7 = el2...7.
In the Clifford algebra Ct.8 of R8, we represent octonions by vectors, O = R8.
As the identity of octonions we choose the unit vector e8 in R8. The octonion
product is then expressed in terms of the Clifford product as
+ + + +
depends on v = elad e235 e346 e457 e561 e672 e713 E /\3 R7. In + +
the 3-dimensional space a x b = c x d implies that a, b , c, d are in the same
plane, but for the cross product a x b in R7 there are also other planes than
the linear span of a and b giving the same direction as a x b.
The 3-dimensional cross product is invariant under all rotations of S 0 ( 3 ) ,
while the 7-dimensional cross product is not invariant under all of S0(7), but
only under the exceptional Lie group G2, a subgroup of SO(7). When we let
a and b run through all of IR7, the image set of the simple bivectors a A b is a
manifold of dimension 2-7-3 = 11 > 7 in /\' R7, dim(/\' IR7) = &7(7- 1) = 2 1,
while the image set of a x b is just R7. So the mapping
1 This expression is also valid for a, b E R3 C C e 3 , but the element 1 - e l 2 3 does not pick
up an ideal of C 4 3 . Recall that C t 3 is simple, that is, it has no proper two-sided ideals.
306 Octonions and Triality
+ +
for a = cr a and b = p b in R $ R7. If we replace the Euclidean space R7
by the negative definite quadratic space Rot7, then not only
aob=crp+crb+ap+a.b+ax b
for a, b E IR $ I R 0 s 7 , but also
a o b = (ab(1 - v))oBl
where v = e l 2 4 + e235 + e346 + e457 + e561 + e672 + e713 E /\3 ~'9~.
For U E S0(8),
define the companion u by
~ ( x =) U (f) for all x E $R'.
. f,
2 Choose the bases (elj,ez j, . . ,e7f, j) for Ce0,7 j and (elf,ez . . . , e7f, j) for ~ ~ 0 f,
+ + +
where j = i ( 1 w ) $ ( l - e12...7) and f^ = i ( 1 w ) $ ( l e l 2 ...7). Then the matrices
of Ul and U2 are the same as in the basis ( e l , e2,. . .,e 7 , 1) of $R'. Denoting j; = e , j,
i = 1 , 2 , . , 7 , and j8 = j , (Ul)i1 = 16(fiujl)0, and denoting gi = e i f , i = 1 , 2 , . .., 7,
and ga = f, (U2)ij = 1 6 ( g i ~ g j ) 0 .
. A,
3 If we had chosen the bases (11, j2,. .,j7, j) for Ceo,7 j and ( f l , f z , . . . , f) for ~ ~ 0 , 7 f ^ ,
where ji = e i j and ji = -e;f^ for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , 7 , then we would have obtained the
following matrix representation
where Ul (x) = 16(uxf ) o , l as before but w2(x) = 16(6xf ) o , l . This representation is used
by Porteous 1995,
4 Or, for U E Mat(8,R).
308 Octonions and Triality
The companion ii of u E $pin(8) is just its main involution, fi = 6, and
corresponds to the matrix
a 2 (t lT)
, abbreviated as a - A.
Uo 21 (h
0 o),
u2 ..
U1 N (h
0 o),
u0 ..
Ug N 0 u1
(h 0 )
The rotation Uo in $0(8) corresponds to uo cz (Uo, U1, U2) and its opposite
-uo 2: (UO,-U1, -U2) in $pin(8), and the opposite rotation -Uo corresponds
to el2...7uo cz (-Uo, -Ul, U2) and -el2...7uo 2: (-UO, U1, -U2). Triality is
defined as the mapping
23.6 Spin(7)
Let uo E Spin(7) c C18, and ul = trial(uo), u2 = trial(u1). Then uz = 41,
that is, trial(trial(u0)) = e8trial(uo)e;l. l o Thus, u14i1 = 1 and u l u z l =
-1 -1
ule8ul e, E IR $ IR7e8, being a product of two vectors, represents a simple
rotation. l1 l 2 Since WO = Uo, U2 = ~ 1 ,
The rotation planes of Uo, U1, U2 induce the same orientation on lR8, that is,
61 = $ ( a 0 -Po- yo) = 0
each of which implies
ffo =Po +yo.
14 Note that - I 4 G2 because - 1 4 SO(7) and -1 4 G2 because triality stabilizes point-
wise G2 but sends -1 to fe12...8 .
312 Octonions and Triality
This can also be expressed by saying that the signed rotation angles cr, P, y of
U 6 Gz satisfy
+ +
for which w = v e ~ l .=, e~l 2 3 6 - el257 - el345 e l 4 6 7 e2347 - e2456 - e3567.
A bivector F E /\' R8, dim(/\' R8) = 28, can be decomposed as
F=G+H where G E G 2 and H = - W J ( W A F ) E G $ .
Under triality, F goes to Trial(F) = G Trial(H), Trial(H) E Gf, where the
angle between H and Trial(H) is 120'. In ~articular,triality is an isoclinic
rotation when restricted to 621, dim(Gk) = 14.
A bivector F E /\' R7 can be decomposed as F = G H , where G E G 2 ,
+ +
Note that cr /3 y = 0 in G 2 while cr = /3 = y in exp(G: n R7). An
element u E G 2 n exp(Gi n JR7) can be also constructed by choosing a unit
bivector A E R7, A' = - 1, decomposing A J w = B C , constructing +
27r 27r
-(2A-B-C)=G€G2 and -(-A-B-c)=HEG:~AJR~
3 3
and exponentiating
= ,G = ,H = -1 + . . .
23.9 Triality is q u a d r a t i c
Triality of u E Spin(8) C Ce8 is a restriction a polynomial mapping C18 -,Ce8,
of degree 2,
trial(u) = triall (u)trial2(u)
triall(u) = + ( I +el2 ...8)[(u(1 w)(1 - el2...8))0,6 A e8]ei1
+;(I - el2...8)
tria12(u) = (w - 3)[(u(l+ el^...^)) A e8]ei1(w - 3)-'.
The first factor is affine linear and the second factor is linear. To verify that
trial is a triality, it is sufficient to show that it is an automorphism of order 3
sending - 1 to e12...8.
In the Lie algebra level, the triality automorphism of a bivector F E R8
+ +
Trial(F) = e8(F - i F ( 1 w ) ( l e12.,.8))2ei1
= ;e8(F - FJ w - ( F A w) ~ e ~ ~ . . . 8 ) e i l .
The triality automorphism of a para-bivector F E R0s7$ A2 Rot7 is
= $((yo
72 = $((yo
62 = $(-(Yo
+Po + yo + 6)
+ Po - YO - 6)
-Po +yo -6)
+Po + yo - 6)
and the rotation planes are
A1 = $~rial(AO Bo Co - Do) +
B1 = $Trial(Ao Bo - Co D O ) +
C1 = $Trial(Ao - Bo Co DO) + +
D l = $Trial(Ao - Bo - Co - Do)
+ + +
A2 = $Trial(~rial(A~Bo Co Do))
B2 = $Trial(Trial(Ao Bo - Co - Do))
C2 = $Trial(Trial(Ao - Bo Co - Do))
D2 = ;Trial(Trial(-A. + +
Bo Co - Do)).
h: = u7trial(u7)-l u7trial(trial(u7))-l,
h13 - trial(u7)-'u7triaI(trial(u7))-'u7,
hl = hog, h2 = hog2, hi = g'hb, h i = gr2hb,
2n L h
g = exp(-p d),
g r = e x p (2ny v L hi
ho = ( H o A Ho A Ho)el2...7, h6 = (Hb A Hb A Hb)e12...7~
h o = e H 0 , hb=eHb.
In this factorization, go, gl, g2 E G 2 and ho, hl, h2, hb, h i , h i E e ~ ~ ( & j - nIR7)
and g, g' E G 2 n exp(G$ n R7) 2: S 6 . These factorizations are unique, up
to a factor g,g1 E G 2 , g3 = g'3 = 1. l8
17 Note that us =
18 Recall that -1
-e4 Gz.
and u( = J-.
23,12 Factorization of u E Spin(8) 317
We use the octonion product
x o y = ( x e s y ( l + w ) ( l - e l 2 ...8))l for vectors x , y ERs,
x o y = (xy(l + w ) ( l - e12,,,7))o,l for paravectors x, y E R $ RO1'
Note that in C!0,7, also x o y = (xy(1 - v))o,l.
The bivector F = A B E A2 Rs, with B E A2 R7 and A = ae8, a E R7,
corresponds to the para-bivector F = a - B E R 0 * 7 @R017,
~ 2 with a = ~ e g El
R0l7. Let u = u+ u-es E Spin(8), where u* E c!?. Then u E Spin(8)
corresponds to
The companion 4 of u is
4 = esueil for u in Spin(8) or c!$ (or C!8),
4 =G for u in $pin(8) or C!o,7.
For uo, ul = trial(uo), u2 = trial(ul), Cartan's principle of triality says
The non-identity central elements of the Lie groups are permuted as follows
Show that
1. For U E 62, U J w = -U, UW = -U, U J U = -IUI2, IU A UI = IUI2.
2. For Uo E /\2R8, U1 = Trial(Uo), U2 = Trial(U1), Uo U1 + U2 E 6 2 ,
2Uo - U1 - u2€6;.
3. In Ce0,7, (1 w ) ( l - e12.,.7)= (1 - el24)(1 - e235)(1- e346)(1 - e457),
(1 w)(l - e12,..7)= (1 - v ) ( l - el2...7).
4. w 2 = 7 + 6 w .
-1)+1+Q(7"-l)w, neven.
8 ( 7 n + 1 ) - 1 + i ( 7 n + 1 ) ~ , nodd.
19 Note that x J F corresponds to (zJ P)o,I.
318 Octonions and Triality
6. For x E R , f (xw) = f (-x)i(7 - w ) + f ( 7 x ) i ( l + w). Hint: the minimal
polynomial of w , x2 = 7 + 6x, has roots x = -1, x = 7.
7. For G E 62, i ( 1 + w ) ~ i ( l w + ) = 0, i ( 7 - w ) ~ $ ( -
7 w) = G ,
eG = 1 ,(7-w)e g( ~ - W ) + ~ ( I + W ) .
8. v 2 = -7 - 6w in Clg, v 2 = 7 6w in Cl0,7.
9. For v E A~IW',errv= -1. Hint: v4 + 50v2 + 49 = 0, and
x4 + 50x2 + 49 = 0 has roots fi, f7i.
10. For v E /\3R0~7,COS(?TV) = -1, sin(?rv) = 0. Hint: v4 - 50v2 + 49 = 0,
and x4 - 50x2 + 49 = 0 has roots f7, f 1.
11. For F E / \ ~ R ' , F = G + H , G ~ 6 2 H, E 6 ; : H = ; W J ( W A F ) .
12. or HEG;, H = + W L ( W L H ) .
13. For uo E $pin(8), ul = trial(uo), u2 = trial(u1) : U O U ~ E~ $pin(7). U ~
13. u,'Q0 = 0 ~ ~ u so~ 1 0= u~ ~ ~ Qu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~= ~( ~o f~ i ' ~~ ~~ ~Q ~~
which implies u o 0 ~ 1 = = (u0iiy1u2).
~ ii0u~1ii2
24. Triality sends -1 E Cen(Pin(8)) to el2 ...8 !$ Cen(Pin(8)).
23.12 Factorization of u E Spin(8)
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C. Chevalley: T h e Algebraic Theory of Spinors. Columbia University Press, New
York, 1954. T h e Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras. Spiinger,
Berlin, 1997.
G.M. Dixon: Division Algebras: Octonions, Quaternions, Complex Numbers and the
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arithmetic and local domains. J. Algebra 45 (1977), 210-246.
F.R. Harvey: Spinors and Calibrations. Academic Press, San Diego, 1990.
M.-A. Knus, A. Merkurjev, M. Rost, J.-P. Tignol: The Book of Involutions. American
Mathematical Society, Colloquium Publications 44, 1998.
W.S. Massey: Cross products of vectors in higher dimensional Euclidean spaces.
Amer. Math. Monthly 90 (1983), #lo, 697-701.
A. Micali, Ph. Revoy: Modules quadratiques. Cahiers MathCmatiques 10, Montpellier,
1977. Bull. Soc. Math. France 63, suppl. (1979), 5-144.
S. Okubo: Octonions and Non-associative Algebras i n Physics. Cambridge University
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I.R. Porteous: Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1995.
R.D. Schafer: On the algebras formed by the Cayley-Dickson process. Amer. J. Math.
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T.A. Springer, F.D. Veldkamp: Octonions, Jordan Algebras and Exceptional Groups.
Springer, Berlin, 2000.
G.P. Wene: A construction relating Clifford algebras and Cayley-Dickson algebras. J.
Math. Phys. 25 (1984), 2351-2353.
A History of Clifford Algebras
23.15 T h e o d o r Vahlen
Vahlen 1897 found an explicit expression for the multiplication rule of two basis
elements in C&,n
1 2 . . .eEw) = (-l)Citj aiPje:l+Pler2+P2
. . . eZn)(ePleP* . . .enQn+Pn
(el e2
where the exponents are 0 or 1 (added here modulo 2, although for Vahlen 1+1
= 2, so that summation was over i > j). Vahlen's formula has frequently been
reinvented afterwards: for positive metrics by Brauer & Weyl 1935, for arbitrary
metrics by Deheuvels 1981 p. 294, disguised with index sets as in Chevalley 1946
p. 62, Artin 1957 p. 186 and Brackx& Delanghe& Sommen 1982 p. 2, or hidden
among permutations as in Kahler 1960162 and Delanghe & Sommen & SouEek
1992, pp. 58-59.
Although Brauer & Weyl 1935 reinvented (in the case of the Clifford alge-
bra Ct,) the above explicit multiplication formula of Vahlen, they did not
observe the connection to the Walsh functions (discovered in the meantime by
Walsh 1923). The connection to the Walsh functions was observed by Hag-
mark & Lounesto 1986.
In 1902, Vahlen initiated the study of Mobius transformations of vectors in
Rn (or paravectors in R @ Rn) by 2 x 2-matrices with entries in Clot,. This
study was re-initiated by Ahlfors in the 1980's.
23.16 Elie C a r t a n
Besides detecting spinors in 1913 (and pure spinors in 1938)) Cartan made two
other contributions to Clifford algebras: their periodicity of 8 and the triality
of Spin(8).
Cartan 1908 p. 464, identified the Clifford algebras Ceprqas matrix algebras
with entries in R , C, W, R @ R , W@W and found a periodicity of 8. To decipher
Cartan's notation:
324 A History of Clifford Algebras
where h = 1 - p q (mod 8). Clifford's original notion of 4 classes was thus
refined to 8 classes (and generalized from Ce, and Ceo,, to Ce,,,). 20
Cartan's periodicity of 8 for real Clifford algebras, with an involution, was
extended by C.T.C Wall 1968 and Porteous 1969 (rediscovered by Harvey 1990).
Wall considered real graded Clifford algebras, with an anti-involution, and
found a 2-way periodicity of type (8 x 8)/2, like the movements of a bishop on
a chessboard. Porteous used the anti-involution to induce a scalar product for
spinors, and classified the scalar products of spinors into 32 classes, according
to the signature types (p, 4) of real quadratic spaces RPJ.
In 1925, Cartan came into contact with the triality automorphism of Spin($).
Lounesto 1997 (in the first edition of this book) showed that triality is a re-
striction of a polynomial mapping Ce8 + Ceg, of degree 2.
23.17 E r n s t W i t t
Witt 1937 started the modern algebraic theory of quadratic forms. He iden-
tified Clifford algebras of non-degenerate quadratic forms over arbitrary fields
of characteristic # 2. The Witt ring W(IF), of a field IF, consists of similarity
classes of non-singular quadratic forms over IF (similar quadratic forms have
isometric anisotropic parts). In characteristic # 2, the structure of Clifford
algebras of certain quadratic forms was studied by Lee 1945148 (ep = I),
Chevalley 1946 (ep = -I), and Kawada & Iwahori 1950 (e; = f1). These
authors did not benefit the Witt ring (although they already had it at their
disposal), and so they did not consider all the isometry classes of anisotropic
quadratic forms.
Example. The Witt ring W(IF5) of the finite field IF5 = {0,1,2,3,4) of
characteristic 5 contains four isometry classes 0, (I), (s), (1, s) where s = 2 or
s = 3. Chevalley 1946, Lee and Kawada&Iwahori did not notice that none of
the quadratic forms xq x;, x; - x;, -x: - x i on the plane IF; is isometric
with x: +
SX; 2 (1, S) (but in fact they are all neutral, and thereby in the
same isometry class as 0). A simpler example is the line IF5 where the Clifford
algebra of 2x2 N (2) is the quadratic extension IF5(&) whereas the Clifford
algebras of both fx2 2 (f1) split IF5 x IF5. I
20 Cartan's ~eriodicitvof 8 for Clifford algebras. from 1908. is often attributed to Bott, who
was born'in 1923 and proved his perGdicit; of homotdpy groups of rotation groups in
23.18 Claude Chevalley 325
23.18 Claude Chevalley
Chevalley 1954 constructed Clifford algebras as subalgebras of the endomor-
phism algebra of the exterior algebra, Cl(Q) c End(/\ V), by means of a not
necessarily symmetric bilinear form B on V such that Q(x) = B ( x , x ) . By
this construction, Chevalley managed to include the exceptional case of char-
acteristic 2, and thus amended the work of Witt.
Chevalley 1954 went on further and gave the most general definition, as a
factor algebra of the tensor algebra, Ct(Q) = @V/ZQ, valid also when ground
fields are replaced by commutative rings. From the pedagogical point of view,
this approach is forbidding, while it refers to the infinite-dimensional tensor
algebra @V.
Chevalley 1954 introduced exterior exponentials of bivectors and used them
to scrutinize the Lipschitz group, unfairly naming it a 'Clifford group'. Thus,
there were two exponentials such that
and for
emphasized the operator aspect of spinors. This led David Hestenes 1966-74 to
a reformulation of the Dirac theory, where the role of spinors [in columns C4
or in minimal left ideals of the complex Clifford algebra C @I Cel,3 Mat (4, C)]
was taken over by operators in the even subalgebra cet3 of the real Clifford
algebra Cel,3 21 Mat (2, W ) .
Spinors were reconstructed from their bilinear covariants by Y. Takahashi
1983 and J. Crawford 1985, in the case of the electron. Lounesto 1993 general-
ized the reconstruction of spinors to the null case of the neutron, and predicted
existence of a new particle residing in between electrons and neutrons.
negative 3 1
form 195
axis 315
,neutral 196
quadratic space 195
space 93, 195
norm 8, 19, 36, 37, 70
quaternion 68
null = isotropic 196
conjugate 69
,Pauli 52, 60
real ,recovery of 155
part 10 regularization 63
structure 139 representation 53
representation ,semi- 228
,faithful 228 space 61
,irreducible 228 ,Weyl 164
,Pauli-Dirac 136 spinoriality 169
reversion 28, 56, 86 standard basis 4
rotation structure
,isoclinic 89, 310 ,complex 139
,simple 89 ,linear 5
Rodrigues formula 58, 71 ,multivector 43
,real 139
scalar 1
product 7, 92 tensor product 197, 201
of spinors 223 time reversal 169
Schrodinger equation 50 ,Wigner 169
-Pauli equation 64 triality 306, 309
similar 31 ,Cartan's principle of 308
simple triplet 308
Clifford algebra 228 two-fold 30
bivector 87
rotation 89
bivector 25, 34
,Euclidean 93
circle 67
,linear 5
vector 2
,quadratic 93, 195
universal 192
span 6
spin 50
group 30, 59, 220 vector 1, 5
projection operator 138 space 4
spinor ,unit 2
,column 138
,Dirac 164, 167 Witt
,even 228 index 196
,ideal 138 ring 198
,Majorana 163
operator 63, 143, 145