Answer Key Final Term Set B Class 8
Answer Key Final Term Set B Class 8
Answer Key Final Term Set B Class 8
Section - A
Q1. 2Cu+H2O+CO2+O2→Cu(OH)2 + CuCO3 1
Q2. The grains are properly dried in the sun to reduce the moisture in them. Farmers store grains in jute bags 1
or metallic bins. However, large scale storage of grains is done in silos and granaries to protect them from
pests like rats and insects.
Q3. 3(a) Because of deficiency of Iodine 1
3(b) Goiter. 1
3(c) Thyroxine 1
3(d) because it was not because of goiter rather it was because of Adam’s apple. 1
4(a) Water pollution 1
4(b) water-borne diseases such as cholera
4(c) People can be seen bathing, washing clothes and defecating in the river. They also throw garbage, 1
flowers, idols of gods and goddesses and non-biodegradable polythene bags into the river (any one)
4(d) Laws for industrial units should be strictly implemented so that polluted water is not disposed off
directly into rivers and lakes. Water treatment plants should be installed in all industrial areas (Fig.
18.10). At our individual levels we should consciously save water and not waste it. Reduce, reuse and
recycle should be our mantra (any two)
Q5. a) Iris 1
b) 45o
Q14 (ii) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion. 1
Section – B
Q15 a)
b) Copper is a conducting object, as soon as it gets charged by rubbing with another material, the electric 1
charge produced on its surface flow through our hand & body into the earth and it remains uncharged.
a) Electric charge gets accumulated on the screen. On touching the screen the charge discharges through our 1
body. Thus, we get a slight shock.
Take shelter under a table and stay there till shaking stops. 2
Stay away from tall and heavy objects that may fall on you.
If you are in bed, do not get up. Protect your head with a pillow. (any two)
Q16 a) When a copper vessel is exposed to moist air for long, it acquires a dull green coating. The green material 1
is a mixture of copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) and copper carbonate (CuCO3). 1
The following is the reaction 2Cu+H2O+CO2+O2→Cu (OH)2 + CuCO3
b) Iodine 1
Q17 CFC- Chloroflourocarbons 1
CFCs are used in refrigerators, air conditioners and aerosol sprays. (any two) 1/2+1/2
CFCs damage the ozone layer of the atmosphere. 1
Q18 a) The plastic which gets deformed easily on heating and can be bent easily are known as thermoplastics. 1
Polythene and PVC are some of the examples of thermoplastics. These are used for manufacturing toys,
combs and various types of containers. (Any one + example)
The plastics which when moulded once, can not be softened by heating. These are called thermosetting 1
plastics. Two examples are bakelite and melamine. Bakelite is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. It is
used for making electrical switches, handles of various utensils, etc. (any one + example)
b) Metals like iron get rusted when left exposed to moisture and air. But plastics do not react with water and 1
air. They are not corroded easily.
Q19 a) Why are sole of shoes grooved? 3
b) The handle of a cricket bat or a badminton racquet is usually rough. Why?
c) While playing tug of war, Preeti felt that the rope was slipping through her hands. Suggest a way out for
her to prevent this.
Q20 a) Because humans do not have different stages with different forms (larva, pupa). 1
b) Although mother gives birth to a child, fertilisation involves two gametes, one from the mother and the 1
other from father. The zygote, therefore has both father and mother’s contribution. Since the zygote
develops into the baby it has characters of both parents.
c) Male gametes have tail as they have to facilitate the movement of sperms and help them to reach the egg 1
for fertilization.
(a) (i) (any one) 1/2+1/2
(ii) (any one)
(b) No these are not healthy habits as these are fast foods and do not add any nutritional requirements to the
Q23 a) Distilled water do not contain any dissolved salt that can conduct electricity. 1
b) The longer lead is always connected to the positive terminal of the battery and the shorter lead is 1
connected to the negative terminal of the battery.
c) Poor conductor. Sugar solution do not contain any dissolved salt that can conduct electricity. 1
Q24 a) Noise- The unpleasant sound is called noise. It is produced when vibration is irregular. 1
Music- The pleasant sound is called music. It is produced when vibration is regular. (any one)
b) Measures to control noise pollution-
i) silencing devices must be installed in air craft engines, transport vehicles, industrial machines and home
appliances. 2
ii) Noise producing industries should be set up away from such areas.
iii) Use of automobile horns should be minimised. TV and music systems should be run at low volumes.
iv) Trees must be planted along the roads and around buildings to cut down on the sounds reaching the
residents, thus reducing the harmful effects of noise pollution. (any two)
Section - C
Q25 a) Advantages of Manure : The organic manure is considered better than fertilisers. This is because 3
1) it enhances the water holding capacity of the soil.
2) it makes the soil porous due to which exchange of gases becomes easy.
3) it increases the number of friendly microbes.
4) it improves the texture of the soil. (any three)
b) The removal of weeds is called weeding. Weeding is necessary since weeds compete with the crop plants 1
for water, nutrients, space and light. Thus, they affect the growth of the crop. Some weeds interfere even in
harvesting and may be poisonous for animals and human beings.
Methods to remove weeds are-
1) Tilling before sowing of crops helps in uprooting and killing of weeds, which may then dry up and get 1
mixed with the soil.
2) The manual removal includes physical removal of weeds by uprooting or cutting them close to the
ground, from time to time. This is done with the help of a khurpi or seed drill.
3) Weeds are also controlled by using certain chemicals, called weedicides, like 2,4-D. These are sprayed in
the fields to kill the weeds. They do not damage the crops. (any one)
Q26 a) Take one 100 mL beaker. Take about 50 mL of water in the beaker. Dissolve in each beaker a teaspoonful 2
of each copper sulphate. Add iron nail to the beaker and keep the beaker undisturbed for some time and
record the observations. The blue colour coppersulpahte solution will change to a greenish color and brown
layer will be deposited on iron nail. This will indicate that iron is more reactive than copper as it displaces
copper from its salt.
i) stretched membrane
ii) water column
iv) stretched string
Q28 a) Rust of Wheat 1
b) Fungi 1
c) through air, seeds 1
d) Citrus canker, yellow vein mosaic in okra 2
Q29 a) We will need copper sulphate and two copper plates of size around 10 cm × 4 cm. Take 250 mL of 2
distilled water in a clean and dry beaker. Dissolve two teaspoonfuls of copper sulphate in it. Add a few
drops of dilute sulphuric acid to copper sulphate solution to make it more conducting. Clean copper plates
with sand paper. Now rinse them with water and dry them. Connect the copper plates to the terminals of
a battery and immerse them in copper sulphate solution. Allow the current to pass for about 15 minutes.
Now remove the electrodes from the solution and look at them carefully. When electric current is passed
through the copper sulphate solution, copper sulphate dissociates into copper and sulphate. The free
copper gets drawn to the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery and gets deposited
on it.
½ + 1/2
b) The passage of an electric current through a conducting solution causes chemical reactions. As a result,
bubbles of a gas may be formed on the electrodes. Deposits of metal may be seen on electrodes. Changes of 2
colour of solutions may occur. (any two)
c) Iron is used in bridges and automobiles to provide strength. However, iron tends to corrode and rust. So, a
coating of zinc is deposited on iron to protect it from corrosion and formation of rust.
a) Collect a few small plastic or rubber caps of discarded bottles and clean them. Pour one teaspoon of
lemon juice or vinegar in one cap. Bring your tester over this cap and let the ends of the tester dip into 1
lemon juice. Take care that the ends are not more than 1 cm apart but at the same time do not touch each
other. Record the observations. When the liquid between the two ends of the tester allows the electric
current to pass, the circuit of the tester becomes complete. The current flows in the circuit and the bulb
½ + 1/2
b) LED glows even when a weak electric current flows through it.
c) i) Greenish blue
ii) Around positive electrode or anode
Q30 a) (1)-Uterus 5x0.5=2.5
(2)- oviduct/fallopian tube
(3)- Zygote
(4)- Ovary
(5)- Embedding embryo
b) i) ovary ½
ii) uterus ½
iii) fallopian tube/oviduct ½
c) zygote- it is a unicellular structure. It is the stage after fertilization of sperm and ova. ½
foetus- it is a multicellular structure. It is the stage of the embryo in which all the body parts can be ½