Nutrition and Diet Therapy-Reviewer
Nutrition and Diet Therapy-Reviewer
Nutrition and Diet Therapy-Reviewer
The main nutrition tools are: food groups, dietary Dietary standards are compilations of
standards (RDA) or dietary guidelines, and food nutrient requirements or allowance in
exchange list specific quantities.
Dietary requirement is the minimum
FOOD GROUPS amount needed for a nutrient to attain
good health under specific conditions
Food guides translate quantitative
(age, weight, physical activity, sex,
nutritional requirements into simple,
physiological condition, state of health
practical and non-technical language
status, etc.)
using available and common foods of the
Dietary allowance is the minimum
requirement plus a safety factor or
Food groups are developed by nutrition
“margin of safety” to account for
experts as a quantitative tool in nutritious
individual variations in body storage of
diets for the masses.
nutrients, state of health, nutrient
The 3 Main Food Groups: utilization, day to day variations within an
individual, etc.
Body-building foods: foods that supply
good quality proteins, some vitamins and Recommended Dietary Allowance
Energy foods: mostly of rice and other The RDA, the estimated amount of
cereals, starches, sugars, and fats nutrient (or calories) per day considered
contribute the bulk of calories. necessary for the maintenance of good
Regulating foods: composed of fruits health by the Food and Nutrition Board of
and vegetables that provide vitamins and the National research Council/National
minerals, particularly ascorbic acid and Academy of Sciences. The RDA is
pro vitamin A. updated periodically to reflect new
knowledge. It’s popularly called the
DIETARY GUIDELINES Recommended Daily Allowance.
PHILIPPINE DIETARY REFERENCE what other food choices are available for each
INTAKES (PDRI) group of foods.
The Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Vegetables contain 25 calories and 5 grams
Department of Science and Technology (FNRI- of carbohydrate. One serving equals:
DOST) launches the PDRI 2015 during the
Measurement Ingredient
opening ceremony of the 41st FNRI Seminar
½C Cooked vegetables (carrots,
Series on July 1, 2015 at the FNRI Auditorium. broccoli, zucchini, cabbage,
The 2015 PDRI adopts the multi-level approach etc.)
for setting nutrient reference values to meet the 1C Raw vegetables or salad
needs of various stakeholders for appropriate greens
nutrient reference values. ½C Vegetable juice
If you’re hungry, eat more fresh or steamed
This is for planning and assessing diets of healthy
groups and individuals. PDRI is the collective
term comprising reference value for energy and
nutrient levels of intakes. The components of Fat-Free and Very Low-Fat Milk contain 90
PDRI are: calories per serving. One serving equals:
Measurement Ingredient
Estimated Average Requirement 1C Milk, fat-free or 1% fat
(EAR): daily nutrient intake level that ¾C Yogurt, plain nonfat or low-
meets the median or average fat
requirement of healthy individuals in 1C Yogurt, artificially sweetened
particular life stage and sex group,
corrected for incomplete utilization or
dietary nutrient bioavailability. Very Lean Protein choices have 35 calories
and 1 gram of fat per serving. One serving
Recommended Energy/Nutrient Intake
(REI/RNI): level of intake of energy or
Measurement Ingredient
nutrient which is considered adequate for
1 oz Turkey breast or chicken
the maintenance of health and well-being breast, skin removed
of healthy persons in the population. 1 oz Fish fillet (flounder, sole,
Adequate Intake (AI): daily nutrient scrod, cod, etc.)
intake level that is based on observed or 1 oz Canned tuna in water
experimentally-determined 1 oz Shellfish (clams, lobster,
approximation of the average nutrient scallop, shrimp)
intake by a group (groups) of apparently ¾C Cottage cheese, nonfat or
healthy people that are assumed to low-fat
sustain a defined nutritional state. 2 Egg whites
Tolerable Upper Intake Level or Upper ¼C Egg substitute
Limit (UL): highest average daily nutrient 1 oz Fat-free cheese
intake level likely to pose no adverse ½C Beans, cooked (black beans,
health effects to almost all individuals in kidney, chick peas or lentils):
the general population. count as 1 starch/bread and
1 very lean protein
The word exchange refers to the fact that Fruits contain 15 grams of carbohydrate and
each item on a particular list in the portion 60 calories. One serving equals:
listed may be interchanged with any Measurement Ingredient
other food item on the same list. An 1 small Apple, banana, orange,
exchange can be explained as a nectarine
1 med. Fresh peach
substitution, choice, or serving.
1 Kiwi
Within each food list, one exchange is
½ Grapefruit
approximately equal to another in
½ Mango
calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. 1C Fresh berries (strawberries,
Each list is a group of measured or weigh raspberries, or blueberries)
foods of approximately the same 1C Fresh melon cubes
nutritional value. 1
⁄8th Honeydew melon
The exchange list is intended for 4 oz Unsweetened juice
planning diabetic diets, therefore the 4 tsp Jelly or jam
foods included are simple and only those
allowed in the diabetic diet are listed.
Besides, because of the accuracy and Lean Protein choices have 55 calories and 2–
convenience of the exchange system, 3 grams of fat per serving. One serving
the exchange list is used for weight equals:
management as well. Measurement Ingredient
1 oz Chicken—dark meat, skin
Examples: You can use the American Dietetic removed
Association food exchange lists to check out 1 oz Turkey—dark meat, skin
serving sizes for each group of foods and to see removed
1 oz Salmon, swordfish, herring
60% of deaths
300,000 deaths per year PINGGANG PINOY
500 deaths per day
Why developed a new food guide?
Cardiovascular diseases, cancer,
diabetes, and chronic respiratory Improve the DNG pyramid effectiveness
diseases Ensure that the guidance reflects the
Risk factor for NCDs latest nutrition science
New nutrients standards:
Non-modifiable: genetic PDRI 2015
Modifiable: smoking, drinking, diet high New dietary guidelines: NGF
in calorie and sugar, and sedentary 2012
lifestyle. Food consumption data: NNS
Basic Concept of Food
For everyday activity and to have
energy A collaborative project by DOST-FNRI,
For muscle, regulation of body and for DOH, NNC, and WHO and made it
brain function possible through their support.
Pinggang pinoy is a food guide using a
3 Basic Food Groups food plate model to show the
recommended proportion by food group
GO FOODS: energy food (rice and rice
in every meal.
products, corn, noodles, wholewheat
Easy-to-understand food guide aimed at
bread, root and tuber cops like sweet
helping Filipinos acquire healthy eating
potato, cassava, gabi, potato, ube) fats
& oils.
Plate based food guide
Provide energy to
Glass was included and filled with
support bodily function
water shows the importance of
and for daily physical
Placemat or the banig design is a
Rich in carbohydrates
traditional handwoven product of the
Source of fiber (whole
country (PH).
grains), vitamins, and
provides per-meal recommendations of
minerals food intake while the food guide
GROW FOODS: bodily building food
pyramid is a food guide on a per day
(fish, meat, egg, chicken, milk, peanuts,
tofu/tokwa, beans like mung beans and
garbanzos). Equivalent portion sizes (based on a 2,000-
Rich in protein that calorie meal plan)
needed to build our
body muscles. Rice and alternatives (GO)
Rich in minerals such 1 serving of any of the ff:
as iron, zinc, and 1 cup of cooked rice
calcium. 4 pcs. of pandesal, 17 g each
GLOW FOODS: body regulating food 4 slices of loaf bread, 17 g each
Rich in vitamins, 1 cup of cooked macaroni or
minerals and fiber spaghetti noodles
(vitamin A – yellow 1 small pc. of root crop (ex.
vegetables) Kamote)
Fruits (GLOW)
Vegetables (GLOW)