Hspice Implementation of CNTFET Digital Gates
Hspice Implementation of CNTFET Digital Gates
Hspice Implementation of CNTFET Digital Gates
Nisha Sarwade 50
ABSTRACT : Carbon Nanotube (CNT) is one of the emerging II. CARBON NANOTUBE (CNT)
technologies within nano technology, that is showing high
efficiency and very wide range of applications in many Carbon is a Group 14 element that resides above
different streams of science and technology. The Carbon Nano silicon in the Periodic Table. Like silicon and germanium,
Tube Field Effect Transistors (CNTFETs) have been explored carbon has four electrons in its valence shell. When carbon
and proposed to be the promising candidate for the next atoms are arranged in crystalline structures composed of
generation of integrated circuit (IC) devices. Carbon Nano
hexagonal benzene-like rings, they from a number of
Tube Field Effect Transistors (CNTFETs) are being widely
allotropes that offer exceptional electrical properties. In their
studied as possible successors to silicon MOSFETs. This paper
focuses on modelling of CNTFET and using this model various semiconducting forms, these carbon nonmaterial's exhibit
digital circuits are simulated. This standard model has been room-temperature mobilities over ten times greater than
designed for unipolar, MOSFET-like CNTFET devices. Hspice silicon. In addition, they can be scaled to smaller feature
simulations have been performed on the logic gates designed sizes than silicon while maintaining their electrical
using the modelled CNTFET. properties.
Keywords - Carbon Nanotube, Carbon Nanotube Field Carbon nanotubes were discovered by S. Ijiima in 1991 [2]
Effect Transistor, modelling, Logic gates. while performing some experiments on molecular structure
composed of carbonium. CNTs are hollow cylinders
I. INTRODUCTION composed of one or more concentric layers of carbon atoms
in a honey comb lattice arrangement. It can be classified into
As CMOS continues to scale deeper into the
SWCNT (Single Walled Carbon Nano Tube) and MWCNT
nanoscale, various device non idealities cause the I-V
(Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tube) shown in Figure 1.
characteristics to be substantially different from well-
tempered MOSFETs. For example, the source/drain series
resistance is now a significant component of the total on-
resistance. Proposals of metal contacted (Schottky)
source/drain UTB SOI FET also alter the I-V characteristics
significantly. Novel non-Si devices such as the carbon
nanotube FETs (CNFETs) operate with completely different
device physics with quasi-ballistic transport in the channel
and Schottky barriers at the source/drain contacts[1].
CNTFETs are novel devices that are expected to sustain the Fig.1: SWCNT and MWCNT
transistor scalability while increasing its performance. One
The way that graphene is rolled is described by a pair of
of the major differences between CNTFETs and MOSFETs
indices (n, m), which are called "chiral vector". According
is that the channel of the former devices is formed by CNTs
to the chiral vector of a CNT, it can be determined whether
instead of silicon, which enables a higher drive current
it's a metallic or semiconducting CNT as shown in Figure 2.
density, due to the larger current carrier mobility in CNTs
compared to bulk silicon. In this paper, section II Introduces
the Carbon nanotubes, section III delves into the CNTFET
and modelling aspects of CNTFET. Simulation results of
NOT, NAND and NOR are in section IV. Finally, Sections
V discuss the conclusion and future scope.
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569) Vol. 5, Issue. 1, July-2013.
Sameer Prabhu, Dr. Nisha Sarwade 51
III. Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) fabrication feasibility and superior device performance of
the MOSFET-like CNFET as compared to the SB-controlled
A silicon wafer is covered with a thick silicon- FET.
dioxide film and then fabricated gold or platinum electrodes
on it using standard semiconductor manufacturing
technique. A single carbon nanotube was then positioned as
a channel between two electrodes which are source and
drain[3]. The underlying silicon wafer, heavily doped with
impurities to make it good conductor, served as gate
electrode. Applying the appropriate voltage to gate the
nanotube is on or off. The first carbon nanotube field-effect
transistors (CNTFETs) were reported in 1998, figure 3
shows the structure of CNTFET. There are several types of Fig.4: The 3-D structure of MOSFET like CNFETs with
CNTFETs, but CNTFET geometries may be grouped in two multiple channels
major categories: planar and coaxial CNTFET.
The complete CNFET device model[6] is
implemented hierarchically in three levels. Device non-
idealities are included hierarchically at each level. Level 1,
models the intrinsic behaviour of MOSFET-like CNFET.
The second level, denoted as includes the device non-
idealities: the capacitance and resistance of the doped S/D
CNT region, as well as the possible Schottky Barrier(SB)
resistances of S/D contacts. The first two levels deal with
only one CNT under the gate. The top level, i.e. level 3
models the interface between CNFET device and CNFET
circuits. This level deals with multiple CNTs per device, and
Fig.3:structure of CNTFET includes the parasitic gate capacitance and screening due to
adjacent CNTs.
In terms of the device operation mechanism, CNFET can be
categorized as either Schottky Barrier (SB) controlled FET IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
(SB-CNFET) or MOSFET-like FET[4]. The conductivity of
SB-CNFET is governed by the majority carriers tunnelling This model is designed for unipolar MOSFET like
through the SBs at the end contacts. The on-current and CNTFET devices, where each device may have one or
thereby device performance of SB-CNFET is determined by more carbon nanotubes. 32nm technology with (19,0)
the contact resistance due to the presence of tunnelling semiconducting with 1.5nm diameter CNT is used . The
barriers at both or one of the source and drain contacts, supply given is 0.9V and gate and drain voltage can be
instead of the channel conductance. SB-CNFET shows varied upto supply voltage. Figure 5,6 shows current
ambipolar transport behaviour. On the other hand, voltage characteristics of CNT model. Gate voltage
MOSFET-like CNFET exhibits unipolar behaviour by starting from zero is varied upto supply voltage with a
suppressing either electron (pFET) or hole (nFET) transport variation of 0.01 x supply. Different curves for various
with heavily doped source/drain. value of Vdd with a variation of 0.1 x supply is shown.
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569) Vol. 5, Issue. 1, July-2013.
Sameer Prabhu, Dr. Nisha Sarwade 52
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569) Vol. 5, Issue. 1, July-2013.
Sameer Prabhu, Dr. Nisha Sarwade 53
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE – ISSN: 2320-9569) Vol. 5, Issue. 1, July-2013.