American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology Standards and Guidelines
American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology Standards and Guidelines
American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology Standards and Guidelines
The American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology (AmSECT) has created the following document
based on clinical evidence and currently accepted perfusion practices. Perfusionists are the only allied
healthcare professionals formally trained and educated in the field of extracorporeal science and whose
scope of practice expressly includes the utilization of extracorporeal devices. The document is intended to
serve as a useful guide for teams developing institution-specific protocols to improve the reliability, safety
and effectiveness of mechanical circulatory support (MCS).
Goal Statement
The goal of this project was to provide perfusionists with a framework to guide safe and effective MCS
care to their patients. AmSECT recommends that clinical teams use this document as a guide for
developing institution-specific protocols for patients receiving MCS.
In 2012, the AmSECT Board of Directors (BOD) requested the MCS Committee to generate a MCS
Standards and Guidelines document. In 2013, the MCS committee submitted a proposed MCS
Standards and Guidelines to the BOD for review. Following that review, the document was shared with
the perfusion community at AmSECT’s International conference in 2014. Based on feedback from
conference attendees, the MCS Committee submitted a revised document to the membership for public
comment. In December of 2015 the BOD requested the International Consortium for Evidence-Based
Perfusion (ICEBP) Committee review the document. The feedback from the public comment and ICEBP
review were incorporated into the document and again presented to the membership at AmSECT’s 54th
International Conference in 2016. These Standards and Guidelines will be reviewed and updated as
necessary or as deemed appropriate by AmSECT’s BOD.
Standard: Practices, technology and/or conduct of care that institutions shall meet in order to fulfill the
minimum requirements for Mechanical Circulatory Support.
Guideline: A recommendation that should be considered and may assist in the development and
implementation of protocols.
Protocol: An institution-specific written document, derived from professional standards and guidelines,
which contains decision and treatment algorithms.
Word Usage:
Shall: In this document, the word shall is used to indicate a mandatory requirement.
Index: AmSECT Standards for Mechanical Circulatory Support
Standard 1: Development of Institutionally-based Protocols1
Standard 1.1: As a mechanism for applying each standard to clinical practice, an institution or
service provider shall develop and implement an operating procedure (protocol) for each of the
Standard 1.3: Perfusionists shall participate in mechanical circulatory support (MCS) Clinical
Practice Protocol development.
Standard 1.4: Perfusionists shall participate in hospital compliance with the Disease Specific
Care standards required to achieve MCS Program Certification from an accrediting body.
Guideline 1.1: Deviation from protocol may be at the discretion of the Multidisciplinary Team and
should be documented in the perfusion record.
Joint Commission standard/ recommendation
Standard 2: Qualifications, Competency, Education and Proficiency3-7, 15
Standard 2.1: A Perfusionist, who is Board Certified by the American Board of Cardiovascular
Perfusion or who demonstrates equivalent qualifications and competency, shall provide
mechanical circulatory support (MCS) services.
Standard 2.2: The MCS Team leader(s) shall make certain that practitioners practice within the
scope of their licensure, certification, training, and current competency b.
Standard 2.3: Competency shall be assessed and documented at the time of hire and at least
annually to evaluate compliance with departmental MCS protocols c.
Standard 2.4: Members of the MCS team shall attend, participate, and engage in MCS-related
continuing education.
Standard 2.5: Orientation shall provide information and necessary training pertinent to the
practitioner’s responsibilities. Completion of the orientation shall be documented d.
Guideline 2.1: Resource material, specific for perfusion practices, for each MCS device should
be readily available.
Joint Commission standard/ recommendation
Joint Commission standard/ recommendation
Joint Commission standard/ recommendation
Standard 3: Participation in a Multidisciplinary Mechanical Circulatory Support Team1, 2, 19
Guideline 3.1: Perfusionists should directly participate or supervise MCS including, but not
limited to, device selection, application, initiation, termination, management, support and
instruction in coordination with the MCS Team.
Standard 4: Documentation9-14
Standard 4.1: The mechanical circulatory support (MCS) record (written and/or electronic) for
each MCS procedure shall be included as part of the patient’s permanent medical record. The
MCS record shall be maintained and stored according to institution policy for retaining patient
medical records.
Standard 4.2: Documentation shall include the technical, laboratory, and physiologic
parameters pertinent to the patient/device operation, upon initiation and at a minimum frequency
according to established institutional protocols (Appendix A, B).
Standard 4.3 e : A checklist shall be used for MCS procedures. The checklist shall be included
in the patient’s permanent medical record.
To be considered in conjunction with AmSECT Perfusion Standards and Guidelines, Standard 4:
Standard 5: Responsibilities
Standard 5.1: Setup and initiation of support with all mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices shall
be according to protocol.
Standard 5.2: Perfusionist shall provide support, instruction and troubleshooting as appropriate to all
members of the MCS team.
Standard 5.3: A protocol shall exist to ensure the safe transport of MCS device patients within or
between hospitals.
Guideline 5.1: Perfusionists should be involved in the assembly and preparation of MCS devices for
Guideline 5.2: Perfusionists should be involved in the transport of MCS devices during support for
patients, both within and between institutions.
Guideline 5.3: Perfusionists should conduct routine assessments for proper and optimal functioning of
MCS devices with all in-patients, either as part of formal medical rounds or as an independent event.
Guideline 5.4: Perfusionists should support the training and education of other MCS direct patient care
providers and caregivers.
Standard 6: Safety8
Standard 6.1: The Perfusion department shall have protocols in place to address device failure or
Standard 6.2: Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices shall be equipped with available safety
Standards 7: Anticoagulation Management 16-18
Standard 8 f: Quality Assurance and Improvement 4,5
Standard 8.1: Perfusionists shall support mechanical circulatory support (MCS) data collection.
Standard 8.2: The perfusionist shall actively participate in both institutional and departmental
MCS quality assurance and improvement programs.
Guideline 8.1: A Perfusionist should contribute to the institution’s MCS data collection system
for use in a national registry, performance improvement, quality assessment, evaluation and
f fTo
be considered in conjunction with AmSECT Perfusion Standards and Guidelines, Standard 13: Quality Assurance and
Standard 9b: Device and Equipment Maintenance8
Standard 9.1: All mechanical circulatory support (MCS) equipment shall be properly maintained
in a safe and functional condition per manufacturer specifications.
Standard 9.2: Adequate backup equipment for all MCS devices in use at the institution shall be
accessible and in good working order (maintained).
Guideline 9.1: The Perfusionist should evaluate and minimize risks to power, gas, and
communication for safe and continuous operation of MCS devices in compliance with the
institution’s MCS protocol.
1. Murray MA, Osaki S, Edwards NM, et al. Multidisciplinary approach decreases length of stay and
reduces cost for ventricular assist device therapy. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2009;8:84-8.
2. Joint Commission Requirements for Ventricular Assist Device Destination Therapy Advanced
Certification. 2016.
3. The Joint Commission. 2016 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals: The Official
Handbook. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Author. 2016.
7. IOM (Institute of Medicine). 2010. Redesigning Continuing Education in the Health Professions.
Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
8. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services §482.41(c)(2) - Facilities, supplies, and equipment
must be maintained to ensure an acceptable level of safety and quality. Interpretive Guidelines
9. Recommendations for standards of monitoring during cardiopulmonary bypass. July, 2007.
11. Smith, CM. "Documentation Requirements for the Acute Care Inpatient Record (AHIMA Practice
Brief)." Journal of AHIMA 72, no.3 (2001): 56A-G.
12. Guidelines for Medical Record and Clinical Documentation WHO-SEARO coding workshop
September 2007
13. Department of Health and Human Services. "42 CFR, Part 482 Conditions of Participation for
14. Staunton & Chiarella Nursing and the Law 5th Edit Churchill Livingstone 2003
American Health Information Management Association - Legal Documentation Standards
15. Stahl MA, Richards NM. Ventricular assist devices: developing and maintaining a training and
competency program. J Cardiovasc Nurs 2002;16:34-43.
16. Slaughter et al, Clinical management of continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices in
advanced heart failure J Heart Lung Transplant 2010;29:S1–S39
17. Feldman et al, The 2013 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Guidelines for
mechanical circulatory support: Executive summary J Heart Lung Transplant 2013;32:157–187
18. Hunt et al, 2009 Focused Update Incorporated Into the ACC/AHA 2005 Guidelines for the
Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults JACC Vol. 53, No. 15, 2009
19. Deng et al., Destination Mechanical Circulatory Support: Proposal for Clinical Standards J Heart
Lung Transplant 2003;22:365–369
Appendix A:
3. Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) implantables and supplies assigned to the patient; make,
model and serial or lot number
4. Names of Perfusion practitioners and associated personnel responsible for MCS order and
6. Function of equipment
8. Those physiologic parameters of the patient directly associated with ongoing care
Appendix B:
1. Heart rate
2. Blood pressures
3. Temperature
4. Medications
Patient Laboratory Values - patient arterial and/or venous blood analysis for;
1. pH
2. pCO2
3. pO2
4. Sodium Bicarbonate
5. O2 saturation Pa O2
6. O2 saturation Pv O2
7. Hemoglobin/Hematocrit
8. Sodium
9. Potassium
11. Glucose
12. Lactate
19. Thromboelastography
Support Device and Circuit Parameters - information specific to the implanted device upon
initiation of mechanical circulatory support and at a minimum frequency according to established
institutional protocols g.
1. Pump rate
2. Blood flow
3. Device power source
4. Battery charge
5. Integrity of MCS circuit
6. Alarm function and parameters
7. Backup settings
8. Device specific operating parameters
Joint Commission standard/ recommendation
Appendix C: Regulatory documents, Revision 2016
DNV-GL Healthcare
VAD Facility Credentialing Program Requirements 4.0 - 2014
*Note: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) outlines the criteria
required for payment of provision of services and for program certification
requirements by CMS approved Credentialing Organizations in the National
Coverage Determination (NCD) for Ventricular Assist Devices document (Publication
#: 100-3; Manual Section #: 20.9.1; Manual Section Title: Ventricular Assist
Devices; Version # 1; Effective Date: 10/30/2013; Implementation Date:
**Note: As of September 2016 the current CMS approved Ventricular Assist Device
Credentialing Organizations include:
1) The Joint Commission (TJC) and
2) DNV-GL Healthcare
Standard/Guideline Regulations, Section
Standards and
Standard 2.2 DNV-GL PM.1_CR.1a
To be considered in conjunction with AmSECT Perfusion Standards and Guidelines, Standard 4:
EP 7
TJC-DSC DSDF.4_EP 1 – EP 4, EP 7 – EP 8
Standard 6.1 DNV-GL QM.1_CR.5;QM.6_CR.2; PE.5_CR.1; PE.6_CR.2
Standard 9.2 DNV-GL PE.6_CR.1 – CR.3