A Comprehensive Survey of Various Processor Types & Latest Architectures
A Comprehensive Survey of Various Processor Types & Latest Architectures
A Comprehensive Survey of Various Processor Types & Latest Architectures
A. Types of processors- Processor based on application
Application-specific instruction-set processor (ASIP)
Fig.2 Flynn’s classification
Application-specific instruction set processor is a component
used in system-on-a-chip design. The instruction set of an SISD & SIMD
ASIP is designed to benefit a specific application [1]. This
specialization of the core provides a tradeoff between the
flexibility of a general purpose CPU and the performance of
an ASIC.
SISD is a computer architecture in which a single
uni-core processor executes a single instruction
. Fig.1 ASIP stream, to operate on data stored in a single memory.
A sequential computer which exploits no parallelism
B. Processor types based on Flynn’s classification in either the instruction or data streams.
In Flynn's taxonomy, the processors are classified based on Examples of SISD architecture are the traditional
the number of concurrent instruction and data streams uniprocessor machines like PC or old mainframes
available in the architecture: Single Instruction Single Data [3].
(SISD), Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD), Multiple
Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) and multiple instruction
single data (MISD) [2]. SIMD is a computer with multiple processing
elements that perform the same operation on multiple
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MISD is a parallel computing architecture where many
functional units perform different operations on the Single core processor
same data. A single-core processor is a microprocessor with a single core
Architecture which is generally used for fault on a chip, running a single thread at any one time.
Heterogeneous systems operate on the same data
stream and must agree on the result.
Examples include the Space Shuttle flight control
MIMD machines include a number of processors that
function asynchronously and independently. At any
time, different processors execute different instructions
on different pieces of data.
Multiple autonomous processors simultaneously
executing different instructions on different data. Fig.5 Single core processor
Distributed systems are generally recognized to be Multiprocessing is the use of two or more central processing
MIMD architectures; either exploiting a single shared units (CPUs) within a single computer system.
memory space or a distributed memory space [8]. Multiprocessor is a computer system having two or
more processing units each sharing main memory and
C. Processor classification based on no of cores:
peripherals, in order to simultaneously process programs [5].
Single core
Multi-core with shared cache
Fig.6 Multiprocessor
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Fig.9 GPU
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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Low latency hardware managed thread switching A network processor is a special-purpose, programmable
Large number of ALU per core with small user hardware device that combines the low cost and flexibility of
managed cache per core a RISC processor with the speed and scalability of custom
Memory bus optimized for bandwidth silicon (i.e., ASIC chips). Network processors are building
~150 Gbps bandwidth allows us to service a large blocks used to construct network systems. It is specially
number of ALUs simultaneously. The GPU is designed for networking application.
specialized for high data parallel computation Network processors are typically software programmable
More transistors can be devoted to data processing devices and have generic characteristics similar to general
rather than data caching and flow control purpose central processing units that are commonly used in
Physics processing unit (PPU) is a dedicated microprocessor many different types of equipment and products [11].
designed to handle the calculations of physics, especially in Front end processor (FEP)
the physics engine of video games. Examples of calculations
involving a PPU might include rigid body dynamics, soft
body dynamics, collision detection, fluid dynamics, hair and
clothing simulation, finite element analysis, and fracturing of
objects [9].
Digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized
microprocessor, with its architecture optimized for the
operational needs of digital signal processing. The DSPs
measure, filter or compress continuous real-world analog
signals. Dedicated DSPs have better power efficiency and
hence they are more suitable in portable devices such
as mobile phones. DSPs often use special memory
architectures that are able to fetch multiple data or instructions
at the same time.
Fig.12 FEP
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Fig.13 Coprocessor
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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
compiled code from non-superscalar implementation DM-MIMD machine represents the high-
of same architecture runs unchanged, but slower performance computers.
Superscalar processing is the ability to initiate Each processor has its own local memory. „
multiple instructions during the same clock cycle. The processors are connected to each other. „
A typical Superscalar processor fetches and decodes The demands imposed on the communication
the incoming instruction stream several instructions network are lower than in the case of a SM-MIMD
at a time. the communication between processors may be
Superscalar architecture exploits the potential of ILP slower than the communication between processor
(Instruction Level Parallelism) [15]. and memory. „
Distributed memory systems can be hugely expanded
The processors can only access their own memory. If
they require data from the memory of another
processor, then these data have to be copied [16]. ‰
The bandwidth problem that haunts shared-memory
systems is avoided because the bandwidth scales up
automatically with the number of processors.
The speed of the memory is less important for the
DM-MIMD machines, because more processors can
be configured without any bandwidth problems.
IF = Instruction Fetch, ID = Instruction Decode, EX =
Execute, MEM = Memory access, WB = Register write back. Disadvantages
The communication between processors is slower
and hence the synchronization overhead in case of
communicating tasks is higher than in shared-
memory machines.
The accesses to data that are not in the local memory
have to be obtained from non-local memory and
hence it is slow compared to local data access.
Shared memory MIMD
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