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No resignation
Robbinsdale councilmember
returns to meetings
despite pressure to resign.
Page 8
Quick on skis
Armstrong boys and girls
Nordic skiing earn several
all-conference spots.
Page 25

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022

New Hope Mayor’s Restorative

State of the City
address focuses practices:
on accomplishments Hopkins High
[email protected]
School addresses
The 2022 New Hope State of the City ad-
dress focused on plans that went swimmingly
last year – especially the opening of a new
aquatic park by City Hall.
November fights
Construction on the aquatic park began in In lieu of traditional punishment,
2019 and could have opened in 2020 but for
the pandemic’s impact, according to a Feb. school opted for another solution
Kathi Hemken, New Hope 2 presentation featuring Mayor Kathi Hem-
Mayor and City Manager Kirk ken and City Manager Kirk McDonald. As By NATALIE CIERZAN been out of school for so
McDonald pose for a photo at a result, the new attraction opened in June [email protected] long,” said Hopkins High
the 2022 State of the City 2021. School Principal Crystal
address Feb. 2 at City Hall.
Hopkins High School Ballard.
See Address, Page 3 is addressing the previous According to school
fights from late November officials, the fights were
through restorative prac- inspired by incidents on

Golden Valley Country Club senior tices and by brining in help

from community members
and social workers.
social media.
Shortly after the fights,
Ballard sent out an email

housing proposal moves forward Instead of resorting to

punitive measures, such as
suspensions or detentions,
to families about how the
school intended on ad-
dressing the fights and
Planning Commission. A senior co- not offer rationale for his vote. the school is more interest- planning a reset.
Council rejects operative, poised to be constructed This is the second time the Gold- ed in pursuing restorative “While no amount of
on a portion of the Golden Valley en Valley City Council considered practices following the fighting is acceptable, we
second denial Country Club’s driving range near the project by Artessa Develop- two in-school fights that recognize that what has
Country Club Drive, garnered ap- ment, LLC. In early January, the happened within a two- happened at HHS is out-
recommendation from proval from the city council on a council sent the project back to the week period a few months side the boundaries of
4-1 vote during its meeting Feb. 2. planning commission, which had ago. The fights involved normal and needs swift ac-
planning commission Councilmembers called the proj- unanimously recommended de- students and some staff tion. As part of our reset,
ect a “benefit to the community,” nial of the proposal in December. members received injuries we have thought deeply
By ALAINA ROOKER and offered their trust to the devel- But, the council believed the com- during one of the fights. about how we can reduce
[email protected] oper, who commissioners feared mission would vote on the project “Fights are not unique fighting and restore (calm)
could pursue a different project un- differently in light of significant to schools in general, and safety in our school,”
A proposal to construct a five- der the newly-granted high-density changes made by the developer. right? What was happen- she wrote in the email.
story senior cooperative is moving residential zoning. The sole coun- ing at Hopkins at that
forward in Golden Valley despite cilmember who voted against the time was not unique ... it
opposition from the Golden Valley zone change, Maurice Harris, did See Housing, Page 2 was just very intense. We’d See Fights, Page 6

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Sun Newspapers | 10917 Valley View Road
Volume 78, No. 8 Index Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Opinion-Pages 4-5
Education-Pages 6-7
Local-Pages 8-10 facebook.com/MNsunPost
Public safety-Pages 11-13
Calendar-Page 15 @ecmsunpost
Classifieds-Pages 16-21
Sports-Pages 25-27 PUBLIC NOTICES: See page 23
Page 2 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com

Housing “What I can tell you, with confidence, is

we’ve never been to this stage of any ap-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 plication where we don’t move forward,”
Landhauser said. He said the team would
begin with a building permit “as soon as
Changes included a reduction in build- we are able to do so.”
ing height from six stories to five, and in
family owned & operated total apartment units from 98 to 78. When Council and resident opinion
the commission had recommended denial Several speakers who identified them-
of the project in December, those amend- selves as neighbors to the west of the site

LIST WITH THE LOCALS! ments had not been offered.

In January, Artessa told the council
that the reduction in apartments would
decrease daily traffic by nearly 20% and
chose to come forward during the public
hearing. One speaker believed there would
be more congestion in the nearby streets
than a traffic analysis had estimated. An-
Mike Mitchell 612-296-5483 the building square footage by 16%.
Multiple city reviews
other took issue with the claim that the
cooperative would have some affordable
housing, since the lowest priced units
At its revisit of the proposal Jan. 24, would start in excess of $300,000. Speak-
MitchellRealtyPro.com the planning commission did not sway far ing to her fellow neighbors’ concerns
from their original denial. about an increase in traffic, one caller
Jason Zimmerman, the city’s planning asked why the country club wouldn’t con-
manager, said the vote was 5-2 in favor of sider creating an additional exit to Golden
recommending denial of the project, com- Valley Road to alleviate traffic by the sin-
pared to December’s 6-0 vote. He sum- gle-family homes nearby.
marized that while the commission was Councilmember Kimberly Sanberg
in favor of creating a subdivision at the believed Country Club Drive could ad-
location, it was concerned with the lack equately handle traffic from the coop-
of control the city would have if it rezoned erative, and that the reduced scale of the
the property high-density residential. If building made it a better fit to the area.
the zoning occurred and the proposal at Rosenquist agreed that the cooperative
hand became unfeasible, another less-fa- would not “stand out” in the area.
vorable project could take its place. “There is quite a bit of different uses
Zimmerman said the commission had here, so I don’t feel like it stands out quite
noted that it would be more favorable to as much,” Rosenquist said.
the project if there was a way to ensure Sanberg said the removal of mature
the senior cooperative was built, but from trees on the property did “give her pause,”
a staff perspective, he didn’t believe there but she was satisfied with the developer’s
was a way to do that. commitment to preserving as many as
Offering his opinion, Zimmerman possible.
agreed that while the planning commis- “I really hope that is being taken very
sion’s concerns were possible, they were seriously and that is not just words,” she
highly unlikely. said. Mayor Shep Harris agreed with San-
“The developer spent a long time, a lot berg, adding that the country club was
of money, a lot of effort, and have done likely also expressing the importance of
their research in terms of what the market tree preservation to the developer.
is demanding,” he said. “The country club To the point of the planning commis-
feels like this is the right use. All parties sion’s recommendation, the council put
are moving toward this specific proposal.” their trust in the developer.
Ben Landhauser, vice president for Art-
$200 OFF essa Development, echoed Zimmerman
in his presentation to the council. See Housing, Page 3

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post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 3

Address and installed new skylights at the city

ice arena.
The city is still working on the first
phase of upgrades at its public works
facility. The phase, which is scheduled
The aquatic park features a shal- to wrap up this spring, includes im-
low recreation pool with zero-depth proving the security system, adding
entry, a vortex pool, a current chan- cameras and gates, replacing pave-
nel, a 50-meter pool with eight lanes, ment, building renovations and add-
diving boards, a drop slide, play fea- ing a new structure for soil to free up
tures, a tot slide, a fast body slide and more space inside the main building
a slower body slide. for vehicles.
Hemken noted that McDonald The mayor noted that the city has
challenged her to race on the water avoided issuing debt for the project.
slides, with McDonald taking the fast “We did tell people we were not
slide. going to bond for the public works
“I won,” McDonald noted. improvements, and we did not,” Hem-
Hemken joked, “I’ll give him that ken said.
one, but I want a rematch.” McDonald spoke about business
The new aquatic park attracted a changes, such as the construction un-
(SUBMITTED RENDERINGS) vast increase in users compared to derway to add a drive-through gro-
Initial renderings of Artessa Senior Cooperative. The housing complex is proposed for construction on the old pool, with attendance logged cery pickup area at Hy-Vee and the
the southeastern corner of the Golden Valley Country Club property. at about 47,000 in 2021 compared to opening of the Pocket Square Cock-
about 18,000 for 2017, the last year tail Lounge microdistillery.
Housing favor of (a different high-density residen-
tial project) for traffic and density rea-
the old pool had been open.
The city also recently created the
The New Hope City Council ap-
proved a change to allow for the ex-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 sons ... there is a level of trust if we decide New Hope performance center, with pansion of outdoor dining in some
to move forward with this,” Sanberg said. movies and music in the park. Last districts last year.
When Councilmember Denise La year, the center featured eight perfor- The change allowed Pub 42 to con-
Mere-Anderson was asked to make her mances of “The 25th Annual Putnam struct a patio, prompting McDonald
“If this is going to be a bait-and-switch, vote, she paused for some time. County Spelling Bee” musical. to pay the pub a visit for its grand
I’d say it’s the biggest bait-and-switch in “I am going to vote yes,” she said. Meanwhile, the New Hope Village opening.
Golden Valley history,” said Harris. “I “However, I remain very concerned about Golf Course hosted more than 27,000 In another business move, Hamer-
believe what we see is what we’re going the issues that the planning commission rounds of golf last year, the most nick’s Flooring Superstore opened a
to get.” surfaced about the inability to control the since 2001. The city upgraded me- location in the city last year.
Sanberg acknowledged the risk of use and density going forward. It is a yes, chanical equipment at the clubhouse While speaking of businesses,
changing the zoning to high-density but a yes with a heavy heart.” and made landscaping improvements McDonald referenced new business
without being able to guarantee the proj- near a recently-built patio last year.
ect at hand. Follow the Sun Post on Facebook It also replaced a section of the roof See Address, Page 5
“I want to say very clearly I am not in at facebook.com/mnsunpost.

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Sun Post Newspapers encourages the free and open expression of ideas and
opinions. To that end, we welcome letters to the editor and guest columns from
members of the community on issues of local importance. Commentaries can
be sent to [email protected].

Thursday, Feb. 10 2022 • Page 4

(ISSN #2640-4559)

Copyright © 2022 by APG of East

Central Minnesota is published
weekly by APG of East Central
TANICK’S TAKE Minnesota, 10917 Valley View
Rd., Eden Prairie, MN 55344-

My meeting with a Black Olympic hero 3730.

Business, Editorial, and Circulation
Offices: 10917 Valley View Rd.,
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3730.
The intersection of the eye of Adolf Hitler. He and religious minorities, a terparts were racing off to Accounting Office: ECM Publish-
Olympics underway in used the event to spotlight practice that, unfortunate- Hollywood to earn their ers, 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd.,
MARSHALL Coon Rapids, MN 55433-2523.
Beijing, China this month, the Nazi regime, centered ly, still persists in different riches by starring in mov- Call 763-712-3544 to subscribe.
with Black History Month, H. TANICK around his promotion of forms and under varied ies: swimmers Buster Crab- Periodical rates paid at Hopkins,
recalls an occasion when I Guest anti-Semitism and racial sobriquets like White Su- be and Johnny Weissmuller MN.
was at the crossroads of bias. But it turned out to premacy. and skater Sonja Henie all POSTMASTER: Send address
columnist changes to Sun Post Crystal/
both. be a showcase for Owens, However, Owens did not took that route. Robbinsdale/New Hope/Golden
The central character Marshall H. Tanick is a America, and Black ath- receive universal admira- Meanwhile, another Valley, 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd,
was Jesse Owens, the iconic Golden Valley resident and letes. tion back in the United world-class premiere Black Coon Rapids, MN 55433-2523.
Black American track and constitutional law attorney. Owens, one of 18 Black States. Although he was athlete, Joe Louis was Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
field athlete. My role was athletes on the U.S. del- duly lauded for his achieve- earning even greater fame Telephone: 952-829-0797
that of an intrepid journal- egation to Berlin, captured ments, he still remained, in and fortune as the world Circulation and delivery:
ist in upstate New York. In based athletic competition four gold medals in run- a largely-segregated na- heavyweight boxing cham- 763-712-3544;
[email protected]
1968, I was assigned to in- for youths with disabilities. ning and jumping events, tion, a second-class citi- pion, although he, too,
Business advertising:
terview the superstar who The nascent organiza- setting world and Olym- zen. As a Black man, he had to know his place in a 952-392-6800
was the hero of the Sum- tion could not have cho- pic records that stood for was treated as somewhat segregated society. Louis, [email protected]
mer Olympics in 1936. He sen a better spokesperson. years. Scorned by Hitler, of a novelty, earning his incidentally, also gave a Deadline: 5 p.m. Fridays
was, at the time, touring the Owens, a 22-year-old Ohio his triumphs were a set- keep by competing at races, beating to Nazi Aryanism Place a classified:
country in support of the State University athlete, back to the Führer’s desire tracks, and other low-pro- two years later, when he 952-392-6888
Deadline: 3 p.m. Mondays
newly-developed Special starred in the Berlin games to extol Aryan superior- file events. By comparison, Send news items or
Olympics, an American- staged under the watchful ity and denigrate racial some of his white coun- See Tanick, Page 5 letters to the editor to:
Sun Post, 33 Second St. N.E.,
Osseo, MN 55369

Deep meaning in [email protected]

Deadline: 5 p.m. Thursdays.
Include complete contact informa-

a funeral luncheon tion with any editorial submission.

Legal advertisements:
There are a lot of foods I [email protected]
Deadline: 2 p.m. Thursdays
no longer eat, but goulash,
KEITH Announcements: Obituaries, engage-
casserole and Jell-O fruit ments, weddings, anniversaries,
salad stand apart. Not co- ANDERSON birthdays, births, team photos.
incidentally, all are staples 952-392-6875.
of the rural church base- ECM [email protected]
Publishers Deadline: 5 p.m. Thursday.
ment buffet after a funeral.
My recollection of these Managing Editor
foods is steeped in bias Keith Anderson is director of news Andy Rogers:
for APG of East Central Minnesota.  [email protected]
because it was only in the 763-424-7375
church basement where, Contact: [email protected].
Community Editor
as a child, I was required Alaina Rooker:
to coax these experiments That it occurred in a [email protected]
down with a plastic fork church basement in rural 763-424-7394
in one hand, a paper nap- Minnesota was fitting. It Community Editor
Ray Rivard:
kin in the other and a con- was like no other place. [email protected]
cerned smile that suggested Linoleum floors clacked 763-424-7381
I was either constipated or with every hard-sole shoe Sports Editor
about to heave. that clattered on the way Anthony Iozzo:
My mom was an organ- to a serving table or bath- [email protected]
ist at many funerals, so room. The manufactured
Executive Editor
she’d often drag us along, squares were an aesthetic Mandy Froemming:
insisting that the deceased separation between feet Letters to the editor policy All submissions must be received no [email protected]
deserved as many people in and concrete. And if there later than 5 p.m. Thursdays for pos- 763-424-7373
attendance as possible. was ever any doubt about Sun Newspapers welcomes com- sible publication the following Thurs- Account Executive
In my 8-year-old mind, where you were, your body ments from its readers. Readers are day. All letters are published online. Linda Banks (Golden Valley):
[email protected]
the after-funeral luncheon offered quick reminders. encouraged to write letters to the edi- The newspaper reserves the right to 952-392-7673
was the training grounds Your ankles were cold, tor and guest columns on local topics edit all submissions and to reject any Account Executive
of every middle-aged cook annoyingly brittle. In the and issues. letters or columns that contain libel- Mike Albert (Crystal, Robbinsdale,
in our church. We were the winter whatever heat was Commentary in letters must relate ous or offensive material. New Hope):
test subjects. Their ultimate generated at the church specifically to issues in our local com- Writers are responsible for verifica- [email protected]
goal was to find a dish that was being directed upstairs. munities. We will not publish form let- tion of facts and providing legitimate Multimedia Reg. Ad Director-GM
would resonate with the Most of the luncheon ters. Letters to the editor are limited to documentation and sources for their Carmen Meyer:
funeral crowd, so it could crowd ate while bundled in 350 words. statements. We may limit the number [email protected]
then be used for their own their winter jackets. And All letters to the editor and guest of letters published about a candidate 320-630-0279
families. If it worked at the your delicate sense of smell columns must bear the author’s sig- or issue. During campaign season, Regional President
Mark Weber:
funeral, those foods could was bombarded by a colli- nature and complete home address. A candidates are not eligible for letters, [email protected]
eventually be replicated for sion of odors so combat- daytime telephone number where the but do have a right to reply. 952-392-6807
other mass gatherings, like ive that your first instinct writer can be reached during business We will limit the frequency of letters Director of News
a big football day dinner was to start taking shallow hours must be included for verification published from an individual writer to Keith Anderson:
or even a Wednesday night breaths. purposes. If there are multiple signa- one per calendar month. [email protected]
meal. But none of that was A sea of Dutch ovens, tures on the letter, we request contact Send your letters to: alaina.rook-
going to happen until it had Pyrex dishes and cookie information from each individual, and [email protected], or to Sun Post, 33
been tested here, on a cross- are limited to five authors total. Second St. N.E., Osseo, MN 55369.
section of the community. See Anderson, Page 5
post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 5

Tanick propel me to a position as a summer col-

umnist, my first venture of that kind (and Address Hidden Valley Park, with meetings
with neighbors set to begin this month.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 some might wish the last). CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Some work has been completed at a
All of this preceded the creation of disc golf area at Sunnyside Park with
Black History Month in the late 1970s. signs and benches to be installed at the
achieved a historic first-round knock out Owens, by then, was gone; he passed away site this summer.
of Germany’s Max Schelling in a heralded of lung cancer at the age of 66 in 1980. Redmon’s Popcorn, which made an ap- The city pumped water out of Mead-
championship bout whose outcome also It’s too bad that the celebratory event pearance on “The Late Show with Ste- ow Lake in November and December
drove the Führer to fury. going on this month, which was jump- phen Colbert” in November and again in a process designed to kill off invasive
Over time, Owens became a more cel- started by the efforts of Golden Valley in January after the business reopened plants and minnows. City leaders an-
ebrated figure, but the segregated code that Council Member John Mitchell, the city’s after addressing licensing issues. ticipate the lake will fill in naturally this
surrounded him certainly was a limiting first Black elected official, was not in ex- Pointing to an image of Hemken that spring, at which time its water quality
factor. istence during Owen’s time. It would have appeared on the show last month, Mc- will be evaluated.
Owens, incidentally, was not the only helped focus more attention on his ac- Donald said the mayor had a passion In public safety, the city made seven
target of Hitler’s Aryan hubris. His re- complishments and, perhaps, make him for helping local businesses and also new police hires in 2021 and made four
vulsion of Jews prompted the Olympics an even more widely accepted and finan- likes the products at Redmon’s Pop- promotions, including that of Police
Committee to remove two highly-qualified cially rewarded athlete across racial lines. corn. The “Hemken-heads” in the au- Chief Tim Hoyt. The city rolled out
Jewish sprinters from a sprint relay race: While his name is forever associated with dience, as Colbert called them, chanted body-worn cameras to all sworn offi-
Sam Stoller and Marty Glickman, who the Summer Olympics and the specter of the mayor’s name during the segment. cers and an animal control officer and
later became a leading sports broadcaster racism, the Winter Olympics are ramping “I don’t know what to say to that,” provided mounted cameras with body-
in New York. up in another country that also has had its Hemken laughed. “The popcorn’s re- worn mics for community service of-
Owens and another Black sprinter, share of human rights abuses. ally good.” ficers. The city bought 35 body-worn
Ralph Metcalfe, replaced them and pro- About a dozen U.S. athletes in the In the world of education, a K-8 du- cameras and 17 vehicle-mounted cam-
pelled the American team to an easy vic- Beijing games are Black athletes, headed al-language Spanish immersion school eras last year, with the use of the cam-
tory. Metcalfe later became a Chicago by Erin Jackson, the world’s top-ranked called Escuela Exitos, or “School of eras beginning across the department
memcongressman and co-founder of the 500-meter speed skater, seeking to im- Success,” opened in a former youth last August.
Congressional Black Caucus. prove upon her bronze finish four years ministry building that had been used The city is providing a “Checkup
Three decades after the events took ago. The American contingent is among by New Hope Church. Following re- from the Neck Up” wellness initiative
place, I met in Owens’ hotel room, chatting some 40 Black athletes in total, probably modeling last summer, the charter that requires officers to meet with a
for about an hour as he puffed cigarettes. a record-setting figure in the winter event. school is currently serving about 165 mental health professional once annu-
We took a stroll around the facility on a There have been historically few Black students. Leaders hope to grow to 390 ally.
warm, sunny summer day. He appeared competitors compared to a greater repre- students by the 2023-24 school year. “That visit really establishes a rela-
to be in great physical shape, despite the sentation in the Summer Games, drawing This year, St. Therese Senior Living tionship between the counselor and
smoking: indeed willowy, as he looked like on the legacy of Owens in that unforget- has plans to renovate the entire campus opens up doors in case they need
in those grainy newsreels from the period table summer 86 years ago. in three phases. them,” Hemken said.
of his Olympic triumphs. Owens was, to borrow a description “The goal is to provide larger and As part of its public safety efforts,
He was very warm and affable to me, as used by famed New York Times sports- more modern living spaces for resi- New Hope shares an embedded social
a rookie reporter. writer Red Smith in eulogizing Owens’ dents,” McDonald said. worker from Hennepin County, Asha
The piece I produced made its way into prizefighting counterpart, Joe Louis, “a At one of the few previously un- Mohamud, with Crystal and Robbin-
the burgeoning Gannett newspaper chain, credit to his race; the human race.” developed spaces in the area, Wind- sdale.
where I was working at the time, which That’s a fitting phrase to keep in mind sor Ridge included the creation of 32 “Her job is to reduce the future emer-
later launched the USA Today newspaper. during this Olympics cycle and Black His- single-family homes on about 9 acres gency calls involving mental health
The story was well received, and helped tory Month. of land the city had owned by its ice crises,” Hemken explained. “In just
arena. All the homes have sold, with the fourth quarter of 2021, 140 people
the price averaging $430,000 each and used her services.”
Anderson was left over in the fridge was being poured
into these caldrons of mystery.
adding a total of nearly $14 million in
new housing value to the city.
Links to the video of the presenta-
tion and the presentation materials are
I made it my mission as a child to never The city reconstructed Little Acre available at newhopemn.gov.
allow my peas to touch my mashed pota- Park’s basketball court and completed
toes or my spuds to touch my pork chops, a project with new playground equip-
sheets, all spread across three folding and so on. Here, in the church basement, ment and renovations at Corner Park Follow the Sun Post on Facebook
tables with a checkered plastic table cov- the foods in each dish were forced to co- last year. The city next will address at facebook.com/mnsunpost.
ering, was the big show. It may as well habitate, flavors colliding. It was so wrong.
have been a county fair judging contest. Meanwhile, in other parts of Minne-
By the end of the luncheon, the foods that sota, some families struggled to feed their
were a success were scraped down to the children, which is still true today but on
floral-patterned Corning Ware dish they a much larger scale. That was lost on the
came in. Blue ribbons all the way. Those 8-year-old.
barely disturbed sat like recently traded More than 11% of Minnesota children
Chevy pickups on a Mercedes Benz car live in poverty, according to the 2019 CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL
lot—hopeful that somebody would show American Community Survey. Second
interest, but in less than a day destined for Harvest Heartland estimates that 200,000 Thank you Robbinsdale Sun Post readers!
the auction. Minnesota kids go to bed hungry.
Casserole, goulash and Jell-O fruit sal- Although all the food at those funerals We are honored to have been Voted Best
ad. They were everywhere. Green, red and was prepared with devotion and love, and • Private School • Teacher - Lori Jandl
orange Jell-O jiggled every time somebody maybe did not always hit the mark, the true
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those wobbly molds, creative chefs had church basement was where people took • Teacher - Ann Barbatsis • Best Youth Group
buried carrot shavings, thinly sliced let- care of each other. That’s true today, as
tuce and the occasional mini marshmal- much as it was 50 years ago, regardless of
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low. It all solidified into this kaleidoscopic whether it’s a church, synagogue, mosque,
minefield of food that should never share temple or food shelf. Food has always been Kindergarten Enrollment incentive
the same container. For a kid, though, a tool for healing and hospitality. It’s often
that was probably the only food you were used to show how we care for others. $100 Tuition discount
going to pick your way through, because This time of year is especially difficult on your 2022-2023 tuition
of the Jell-O. The goulash and casserole, for many families as other expenses, like
Now when you register by
interchangeable in my mind, would most
certainly contain some form of macaroni
heating a home, often cut into food bud-
gets. Sometimes a jiggly fruit salad or un-
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or contorted pasta. There would be some usual goulash is a reminder that not every-
ground beef in most, perhaps a few chunks
of tomatoes, a congealed grayish sauce,
one gets the choice of what to eat. If they
did, they would certainly welcome a Min-
and then the odd entries like green beans, nesota casserole or any other food. The 4050 Hubbard Ave. North, Robbinsdale, MN 55422
tiny round onions, corn, and the dreaded much older 8-year-old now understands
broccoli stalks. It seemed that whatever that as well. 763-537-1329 www.sacredheartschoolrobbinsdale.org
Sun Post Newspapers welcomes tips and news submissions from the community.
Send to [email protected]; mail to: Sun Post, 33 Second St. N.E., Osseo, MN 55369.

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 6

Hopkins Schools presents legislative EDUCATION BRIEF

priorities at annual breakfast Education Minnesota names

By NATALIE CIERZAN iri-Reed initially provided worked on. The video in- “One of the things that Robbinsdale, Hopkins educators
[email protected] information about the dis- cluded student and staff amazingly we have no
trict to all of the meeting interviews about food authority to do is set the Teacher of the Year candidates
Hopkins Schools host- participants. insecurity and a need for school calendar and set
ed its annual legislative “What did we learn free student lunches. This the school’s calendar start Five educators from the Robbinsdale and Hop-
breakfast on Jan. 21 fea- from last year? Year one directly tied in with a pri- date before Labor Day, ex- kins school districts have been named candidates
turing legislators repre- of the pandemic. As a sys- ority to pass the Univer- cept in rare exceptions,” he for the 2022 Teacher of the Year.
senting the district, school tem, we have earned how sal School Meals Program said as an example. “And Local candidates include Eric Zuccola from Rob-
district leaders, school to be more flexible, agile, Act, where the state would I’ve testified on this at the binsdale Area Public Schools, and Karin Brink-
board and student board creative and resourceful. fully fund public school legislature and it always hoff, Sarah Gleason, Scott Stillman, and Rachel
representatives, members This happened as a result nutrition programs. gets defeated because the Volkmann from Hopkins Public Schools.
of the school’s Legislative of planning for and exe- Alongside that was a resort owners and the This marks the 58th year of the tradition, which
Action Coalition and oth- cuting many pivots,” Mhi- need for more accurate State Fair board seem to “celebrates the excellence in teaching in Minneso-
ers. ripiri-Reed said, adding compensatory funding dictate our educational ta.” Nominees can be educators in public and pri-
The goal of the break- that some students thrived to eliminate the burden calendar. That’s some- vate schools from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade,
fast was to share priorities with distance learning but on families and school thing we would like the as well as Early Childhood Family Education and
related to Hopkins School the majority preferred in- administration regarding authority to do.” Adult Basic Education programs.
District in the upcoming person learning. applications for education The LAC also spoke The 77-candidate pool will next be narrowed to a
legislative session, which Mental health for both benefits. about needing better early list of semifinalists, and later, finalists. The distinc-
began on Jan. 31. adults and students were Hopkins Public Schools education funding. Sara tion is expected to be formally announced to coin-
Main priorities for 2022 affected by the pandemic, was also looking for sup- Chovan, the assistant di- cide with a banquet in May. The award is organized
included fully funding she said. port in the legislature rector of early childhood by Education Minnesota. For more information,
public school nutrition “As a system, we’ve in- to continue pushing ad- programs for the school visit educationminnesota.org.
programs; eliminating creased focus on student ditional investment in district, said that being
compensatory funding and staff wellness. We Reimagine Minnesota, able to provide a universal
qualification; supporting have increased our focus a comprehensive action preschool program would The email also linked to “Despite how easy it is
investment in Reimagine on creating flexible struc- plan to support student be a gift to the families in a document that outlined to resort to punitive mea-
Minnesota; empower- tures and learning oppor- growth and learning in the district, the state and specifics actions for the sures or punitive respons-
ing locally elected school tunities. We’re also hyper- the 21st century. The LAC the students who could reset after they welcomed es, we really have to stand
boards; providing families focused on future-forward wanted legislators to join begin their academic ca- students back from their by what we mean as it re-
with secure, sustainable innovation. As a system, in realizing nine Reimag- reers strong. Thanksgiving break. This lates to restorative and do
early education funding; we’re learning how to help ine MN strategies and “I also want to highlight included a new tardy ex- that work,” Ballard said.
expanding and stabilizing individuals and teams be encouraged them to start the benefit of universal pectation, conduct for To start, that meant
mental health supports; more engaged, less com- following the easier ones. free meals for all students. passes to leave the class- identifying students who
and stabilizing education pliant,” Mhiripiri-Reed Adams spoke about Our preschool students room, a peace building were directly experiencing
funding and link the basic said. a need for empowering have had an extraordinary team made up of a team conflict and/or were im-
formula to inflation. Student Board repre- school boards and was benefit this year, because of current staff members pacted by the conflict, and
School Board Treasurer sentative Oscar Wolfe looking for the legislature we have been able to pro- to prevent conflict, and figure out where to host a
Steve Adams and Super- showed a video that stu- to update and reform out- vide meals during their pre- identifying students who
intendent Rhoda Mhirip- dents on the LAC had dated requirements. school time, which hasn’t need intensive support. See Priorities, Page 7

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post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 7


meeting with them. The

plan was to divide each side
vironment,” she said.
One area the school
has to figure out is how to
have those processes work
simultaneously, both in
school and out of school,
Ballard said.
a group with your peers.
They were pretty discon-
nected. A lot of kids were
very disconnected during
online learning and pretty
disengaged,” Osland said.
Hopkins High School sa v e t h e
into different groups, and “We’ve learned that received mixed responses
use social workers, staff through the process, for from parents, Ballard
and others who specialize some of them we have to said. Some are supportive,
in restorative practices, to intentionally check in with thankful and encouraging
meet with them outside of them,” she said. Students while others are frustrated,
school to hear what was were able to connect with concerned and would pre-
causing the conflict from someone they could speak fer a no-tolerance policy.
each perspective.
Aaron Osland, a Hop-
to about what’s on their
mind or what they’re hear-
“I think that parents,
one thing they like about it,
Thursday, April 28th 2022
kins school social worker, ing from other students. is that we’re trying to listen 10:30am - 2:00pm • Courtyard by Marriott - Edina Bloomington
was a part of the meeting According to Ballard, to their point-of-view and
that took place at Eisen- school and staff members their student’s point-of-
hower Community Center. are moving past the fights view. It doesn’t necessar-
“A big part of our pro- and are instead grappling ily mean that it’s going to
cess there was really to try with the reality of COV- go their way, but I think
to get the students from re- ID-19 case numbers. they’re seeing how compli-
ally one side of the event, Since the pandemic be- cated things can get versus
we didn’t have both come gan, Ballard said she thinks ‘boom, you’re suspended Co-presented by
at the same time. We usu- she’s seen an increase in and then you’re coming
ally start by trying to meet fights across schools. back.’ I think they really
with one group or really “I believe that every- see that we’re trying to un-
it’s just one person, and one’s cortisol levels are derstand the complexity 2022
then try to build a sense higher than they were pre- of it and we care enough
of what happened from
their perspective. And this
pandemic and we know
that we have a threshold
about their student that
we’re not just dismissing
an expo for active adults
was complicated because of normalcy for cortisol it,” Osland said. Moving *We share your concer ns regarding Covid 19 so masks will be provided
there was a lot of people levels and when they are forward, the school is fo- for those who wish to wear one.
involved,” he said. high for a period of time, cused on building a com- Special
While students were ini- that new normal threshold munity where students feel Appearance by
tially hesitant about the increases, so the distance like they have someone Chmielewski
process because they were from normal to an explo- they can speak to before Funtime Polka
accustomed to traditional sive action is shorter,” she a conflict gets big, he said. Party
punishment responses like said. For some Hopkins “That’s really hard be-
suspensions or detentions, students, issues such as the cause kids want to solve
they did eventually get pandemic, food insecurity, things on their own and
somewhere. social justice and other re- they’re used to having to
“We find and have found alities have led to that. kind of solve things on
that by doing that we have “I would say that stu- their own, so asking them
more touch points with dents are still getting used to trust an adult and may-
those that are involved and to being back in the build- be use their help is hard to
are able to have greater im- ing and around each other, do and then it’s also hard
pact, versus only suspend- and we’re trying to rebuild to do in the moment, when
ing for x number of days that school community, you’re really heated up. But
and then have them come about what it means to that’s our number one ap-
back into the learning en- be at school and learn in proach,” Osland said.

Priorities and services by increasing

and stabilizing funding, re-
willing to participate.
Legislators and the LAC
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 sources and access. They’re spoke at length about this
looking to increase access topic and the importance
to mental health supports of getting this legislation
happened in years past and by addressing the parental passed when it was long 50+ Exhibitors • Seminars • Screenings
that’s because of this fund- consent laws for youth. overdue.
ing,” she said. One student board rep- The final topic was
According to the LAC, resentative said, “I feel like education funding, with
they learned the Min- I can’t go to staff with a lot the district realizing they
nesota Department of of issues I have and I think needed consistent funding Seminars presented by:
Education must update part of that is probably in order to conduct long-
and reform outdated and because I’ve spent a large range planning, Adams
cumbersome requirements portion of my time online. said. He said a surplus of
for scholars and teach- It’s like I’m not really able state funding could partly
ers. They listed examples to connect with teachers.” be attributed to defunding
such as the definition of She felt later start times education. Silver sponsors:
structural hours and what and more access to the “If you look at school
qualifies as instructional wellness center for students funding since 2003, it has
time. They were looking for would help. School coun- fallen short every year and
support for bills that allow selors in the meeting spoke the gap between when the
school boards and districts about students using the state provides and what
the authority and flexibil- supports available to them we are required to provide Bag sponsor:
ity to redesign schools for and that many of their feel- grows every year,” he said.
the future. ings were common. Assistant Superin-
Mental health was also a The student board also tendent Nik Lightfoot
big area they wanted help created another video wrapped up the breakfast
with, looking for the ex- about mental health, which with a presentation about
pansion and stabilization Wolfe said was difficult to COVID-19 management
of mental health supports find students who were and response work. Your Community – Your News – Print - Digital – Social
Sun Post Newspapers welcomes tips and news submissions from the community.
Send to [email protected]; mail to: Sun Post, 33 Second St. N.E., Osseo, MN 55369.

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 8

Kline announces plans to remain on

Robbinsdale council despite calls to resign
binsdale City Council, councilmem-
Two ask freshman councilmember to step down bers George Selman and Pat Backen
called for Kline to step down.
By ALAINA ROOKER Highway 100. Selman said it was “the responsible
[email protected] Councilmembers gave statements and professional thing to do.”
at the end of the council’s Feb. 2 regu- “If it was me, I would’ve already
Members of the Robbinsdale City lar meeting, some calling for Kline’s resigned,” Selman said. Selman re-
Council clarified their stances on resignation. Kline, who was present counted the hours he had spent field-
fellow councilmember Tyler Kline’s at the meeting, announced his plans ing calls from the public about the
Robbinsdale councilmember Tyler Kline responds to calls from
alleged misconduct involving a car to remain on the council.
fellow councilmembers to resign his post at the Feb. 2 meeting.
accident and drunk driving arrest on Of the five that make up the Rob- See Kline, Page 9

New Hope city manager announces retirement plans

join my wife in retirement.” projects and programs that have force.”
McDonald will leave the city in June He said he decided to provide been completed over the years McDonald has used his lead-
four months of notice to give and have enjoyed working with ership to bring financial stability
after three decades as a staff member the city enough time to decide a variety of elected officials, res- and redevelopment to the city,
how to fill the position. idents and local businesses and according to a city statement
By SETH ROWE in the role for the last 15 years “I will be glad to assist in the my peers in other communities,” announcing his retirement.
[email protected] and spending more than three transition process any way I McDonald wrote. “Most of all I He and city staff have worked
decades working for the city. can,” McDonald wrote. have developed a deep apprecia- to redevelop the City Center
With a new city hall, New In a Feb. 1 letter to Mayor McDonald also served as tion for the dedicated employees while planning the construction
Hope will soon be looking for Kathi Hemken and City Coun- community development direc- I work with every day who do and opening of a new city hall,
a new city manager. cil members, McDonald wrote, tor for New Hope for 17 years their best to make this city op- police station and aquatic park,
The current man for the job, “After 32 years of employment before taking on the job of city erate in an efficient and friendly
Kirk McDonald, announced he with the City of New Hope, I manager. manner. New Hope is very for-
will retire June 1 after working have decided it is time for me to “I am proud of all the great tunate to have such a great work See McDonald, Page 9

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post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 9

Kline treatment program, but also

asked him to resign.
ever, she made clear that the
incident had effects on the
council for consideration.
“Council members and residents
“Residents place their council. count on the city manager to provide
trust in us, and when that “I can’t tell you the amount complete and objective information
trust is breached it makes of brain time this incident about local operations, discuss the
incident, the majority of effective representation dif- has caused me personally,” pros and cons of alternatives, and
which were supportive. ficult I think,” Backen said. Webb said. “I am not in the offer an assessment of the long-term
“Everybody in the com- “An incident of this nature position to answer questions consequences of decisions,” a descrip-
munity is pulling for you ... is just a tremendous breach about why you did it, what tion of the role on the city’s website
as for me, I think it’s time of trust.” happened, where you were states.
to make this less painful for Backen added that news going, where you were com- The city manager helps prepare a
the entire community and coverage threatened to undo ing from.” budget for the council to consider,
step aside and let us move years of work improving the Still, she said she didn’t oversees financial operations, serves
forward,” he said. city’s image. believe in “pouring water on as the council’s chief advisor and car-
He added that he was “When our city is in the a drowning man.” ries out the council’s policies, accord-
relieved that the situation news for alleged misconduct, At the meeting, Kline ing to the description. Additionally,
hadn’t been any worse, and the focus is no longer on the reaffirmed his decision to McDonald oversees the operation of
he wished Kline and his residents and the business as remain on the council. He (SUBMITTED PHOTO) the city on a day-to-day basis for the
family well. it should be, it’s on alleged admitted that there were “no New Hope City Manager Kirk McDonald part-time council. He recruits, hires
Kline was reportedly ob- misconduct,” he said. amount of sorrys” to offer and supervises city staff members.
served by police shortly af- Backen concluded that to his constituents, family
ter midnight Jan. 24 leaving
the scene of a vehicle crash
his request for Kline to step
down was not personal, and
and friends for his decisions
Jan. 24.
McDonald City manager goals
Last month, the New Hope City
driving the wrong way on he would offer the same “I understand why there Council approved a lengthy list of
northbound Highway 101 should any member of the are people on this council goals for the city manager.
near Brooklyn Boulevard in council commit the same or people from the com- Redevelopment topped the detailed
Brooklyn Center. Kline al- actions as Kline had. munity that are calling for list, including coordination on the
legedly fled police and upon Councilmember Shei- me to resign. I really think the statement says. Additionally, he Windsor Ridge development and co-
capture was found to have a la Webb and Mayor Bill that that is not the example has helped lead efforts to expand ordination with St. Therese Nursing
blood alcohol concentration Blonigan expressed their I want to lead,” said Kline. commercial and industrial businesses, Home on a three-year phased expan-
of 0.20, more than twice the awareness of the issue, but “I want to show people that develop housing and make infrastruc- sion or renovation of its campus. The
legal limit. stopped short of calling for you can fall and pick your- ture improvements. document identified other redevelop-
He has since been charged Kline’s resignation. Bloni- self up, you can get better, He first joined the city as a manage- ment options at Winnetka Shopping
with two counts of driving gan said the decision was up and you can still do good in ment assistant in 1990. Before coming Center, the District 281 bus garage
under the influence and one to Kline’s constituents. this community. to New Hope, he worked as the Tonka site, multifamily housing properties
count of fleeing a police of- “I’ve never called for any Kline said an “over- Bay city administrator for five years. on 62nd Avenue, Conductive Con-
ficer in a motor vehicle. politician to resign over any whelming number” of peo- The New Hope City Council will tainers Inc. and AC Carlson.
Two days later, Kine for- charges of criminal activity,” ple had reached out to him discuss a transition plan at an up- The New Hope City Council also
mally apologized and shared Blonigan said. personally and encouraged coming meeting, according to the city set a goal to acquire six new proper-
that he was enrolling in a six- Webb said she respected him to stay on the council, statement. ties for scattered-site housing rehabil-
week treatment program. “the voice of the people” which helped him formulate The council appoints the city man- itation projects and pointed toward
At the Feb. 2 meeting, that had voted Kline into his decision and was helping ager and provides annual perfor-
Backen praised Kline for office, and a decision to re- him “get through” his treat- mance evaluations. The city manager
enrolling in an addiction sign was Kline’s alone. How- ment program. then makes recommendations to the See McDonald, Page 10

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Page 10 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com

McDonald structure improvements, such

as work in the Liberty Park
The city manager is set to final-
ize a roof replacement project
County. The city manager is
to hire new police officers in
for a new website; seeking feed-
back from residents through a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 neighborhood and the comple- at the city’s ice arena and lead anticipation of departures and citywide survey; staffing tran-
tion of the first phase of im- work on the north rink. The city retirements. Wellness checks sitions; emerald ash borer tree
provements at the city’s public is looking to make clubhouse are set to expand to commu- removal and replacement on
works facility with progress in interior updates at the golf nity service officers and police public property; working on re-
the potential acquisition of planning a second phase. course, among other changes, clerks. cycling and other waste-related
TreeHouse property. A goal related to parks and and increase movies and music The city manager is directed programs; communications
One goal involved participa- recreation, including the re- at the performance center. to continue to support and co- with the council and other local
tion in the GreenStep Cities placement of playground Public safety remains a high ordinate with the West Metro governments; pursuing grants;
environmental program along equipment at Hidden Val- priority for the council, includ- Fire-Rescue District in partner- and planning for 2022 elections.
with proactive enforcement re- ley Park, new picnic tables at ing a goal to implement a new ship with Crystal.
garding property maintenance Northwood Park, park lighting shared Joint Community Polic- Other goals relate to finan-
and inspection. upgrades and the replacement ing Partnership with Crystal, cial oversight; IT services and Follow the Sun Post on Facebook
Another goal related to infra- of wooden park name signs. Robbinsdale and Hennepin computer replacements; plans at facebook.com/mnsunpost.

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Public safety
Sun Post Newspapers welcomes tips and news submissions from the community.
Send to [email protected]; mail to: Sun Post, 33 Second St. N.E., Osseo, MN 55369.

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 11


Crystal Police revocation near the corner of

Elmhurst Avenue North 56th
Avenue North.
2 charged in fatal
reports Jan. 31 - Driver failed to stop
South Education
Included in the after collision near the corner
of 56th Avenue North and Quail
department’s Jan. 25
to 31 reports were
these incidents:
Avenue North.
Center shooting
Jan. 25 - Theft on the 5500
block of West Broadway.
New Hope Altercation in school
Jan. 26 - Third-degree
burglary on the 3200 block of
Police reports parking lot preceded gunfire
Douglas Drive North. Included in the By RAYMOND T. RIVARD Alfredo Rosario So- (PHOTOS COURTESY HENNEPIN COUNTY JAIL)
Jan. 27 - Theft on the 7200 department’s Jan. 25
to 31 reports were [email protected] lis, 19, and Fernando Alfredo Rosaria Solis (left) and Fernando Valdez-Alvarez (right)
block of 36th Avenue North.
these incidents: Valdez-Alvarez, 18, each were charged with intentional second-degree murder in the
- Third-degree damage to prop- Two Minneapolis teen- face one count of in- death of Jahmari Rice.
erty on the 5900 block of West Jan. 25 - Theft at a residence
on the 7800 block of 49th Av-
agers were charged Feb. 4 tentional second-degree
enue North. in the shooting that took murder in the death of ed intentional second- and the 17-year-old. The
- Fleeing a police officer in a place outside South Ed- 15-year-old Jahmari degree murder – one for 19-year-old was not in-
motor vehicle near the corner Jan. 26 - Domestic situation on
the 7600 block of 36th Avenue
ucation Center in Rich- Rice. critically injuring an un- jured.
of 63rd Avenue North and Zane
Avenue North. North. field last week. One stu- In addition, Solis and named 17-year-old male According to the crim-
dent died and another Valdez-Alvarez have student, and the second inal complaint:
Jan. 28 - Theft on the 5900 - Fraud at a business on the 4200
block of Winnetka Avenue North.
was critically injured in each been charged with for a third male, a 19-year-
block of West Broadway.
the Feb. 1 shooting. two counts of attempt- old, who was with Rice See Shooting, Page 12
- Receiving stolen property - Theft at a business on the 7100
near the corner of Hampshire block of 42nd Avenue North.
Avenue and 42nd Avenue Jan. 27 - Theft at a business


North. on the 4200 block of Winnetka
- Theft by swindle on the 2900 Avenue North.
block of Douglas Drive North. - Auto theft on the 7800 block of


Jan. 29 - Operating a motor 45 1/2 Avenue North.
vehicle while under the influ- - Theft at a business on the 7300
ence of alcohol and speeding block of 36th Avenue North.
near the corner of Highway 100

Sign Up for a Free

Jan. 28 - Counterfeit currency
and 36th Avenue North.
on the 7100 block of 42nd Av-
- Third-degree driving while enue North.
impaired on the 7700 block of
- Theft at a residence on the
36th Avenue North.
- Third-degree burglary on the
5400 block of Lakeland Avenue
5400 block of Quebec Avenue.
- Auto theft on the 7100 block of Mailed Subscription
42nd Avenue North.
Jan. 29 - Damage to property
Simply fill out the form below...
- Fourth-degree driving while
impaired near the corner of
at a residence on the 7200 block
of 43rd Avenue North.
Enjoy our new • MAIL IT BACK…or
I-394 and Shelard Parkway.
Jan. 30 - Receiving stolen
- Theft at a business on the 8200 Radr Prks prgram.
property, possessing ammuni-
block of 42nd Avenue North.
• Tak a pctur f cmptd frm,
tion and/or a firearm with a
previous felony conviction,
- Damage to property at a
residence on the 4200 block of Vst ur wbst & cck  then EMAIL IT to us...or
Oregon Avenue North.
driving after license revocation
and fleeing a police officer in a Jan. 30 - Damage to property “Free Coupon”!
motor vehicle near the corner
of 36th Avenue North and
at a residence on the 8200 block
of 46th Avenue North.
• Go online at Hometownsource.com
County Road 81.
- Carrying or possessing a fire-
- Theft at a residence on the & complete the form
5500 block of Boone Avenue
arm without a permit in a public North.
place and fleeing a police of-
ficer in a motor vehicle near the
- Domestic situation at a YES! I WANT TO RECEIVE THE Crystal/Robbinsdale/New Hope/Golden Valley
residence on the 3900 block of
corner of Zane Avenue North
and 39th Avenue North.
- Third-degree driving while im-
paired, failing to stop after col-

lision and driving after license Name (please print) _______________________________________________


Mailing Address __________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State ______ Zip code __________

Welcome ___
Signature (required) _______________________________________________

Today’s Date (required) ___________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________________________
Email _________________________________________________________
Saturday Worship at 5:30 p.m.
Mail: ECM Subscriber Services, 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd., Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Sunday Worship at 8:30, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Mail: APG Subscriber Services, 4095 Coon Rapids Blvd., Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Email photo of completed form to: [email protected]
Livestream Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Email photo of completed form to: [email protected]
* Free delivery available to local residents only. All information kept confidential.
* Free delivery available to local residents only. All information kept confidential.
17205 County Road 6, Plymouth, MN 55447
Questions? Call: 1-763-712-3544 • Online: hometownsource.com
Page 12 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com

Shooting lieved to be four students “run up to the

two defendants like they were getting
ready to fight. One of the defendants
pulled a gun out of his pocket and start-
ed firing it. That defendant then got into
It was just after noon when Richfield the passenger seat of the vehicle, rolled
police were called to the scene of the the window down and continued shoot-
shooting at the school, located at 7450 ing at the victims,” the complaint states.
Penn Ave. S. The witness said there were two shots
Five South Education Center students fired up close at Rice, followed by four
had become engaged in an altercation more shots fired from the vehicle.
in the parking lot just outside the front Video from the school was used to help
doors of the school when the shooting identify the defendants. Solis was wear-
occurred and resulted in Rice’s death and ing a black polo hooded sweatshirt, dark
critical injuries to the 17-year-old. pants and black shoes. Video outside his
Officers were advised when en route apartment complex showed Solis exit-
that two individuals had been shot and ing a tan SUV wearing the same type of
the suspects had fled in a beige SUV. clothing.
When officers arrived, they found Rice When a search warrant was served at
lying on the sidewalk on the south side of Solis’ home, a 9mm Glock 45 handgun
the main parking lot. The school nurse was found, along with an empty maga-
was assessing his injuries, but he was un- (SUN PHOTO BY ANDREW WIG) zine removed from the gun. In addition
responsive and not breathing. A poster remembering Jahmari Rice is displayed outside South Education Center in Richfield, where to ammunition found during the search,
With the assistance of the nurse, who Rice was fatally shot Feb. 1. authorities also recovered a sweatshirt
provided oxygen at the scene, an officer like that worn by Solis.
immediately began CPR and continued victim was with Rice and the 17-year-old witnesses said there were at least two During a search of Valdez-Alvarez’s
until the ambulance arrived and rushed as they walked out of the building behind more shots fired as they were driving home, authorities found a gold 2007
Rice to Hennepin County Medical Cen- Valdez-Alvarez and Solis. The complaint away. Chevrolet Tahoe parked in the rear. The
ter, where he died. states, “There was a short confrontation One witness, while in the parking lot vehicle, which matches the description
The injured 17-year-old student was in the parking lot and (the 17-year-old) and walking toward the building, saw given by witnesses, is also known to be
found being tended to by a staff mem- punched defendant Solis one time. De- the five students leaving the school. The driven by the defendant.
ber in the front vestibule of the school. fendant Valdez-Alvarez then started witness heard the gunshots while near- In addition, five 9mm discharged car-
Officers began lifesaving measures until shooting at Rice, the 17-year-old stu- ing the school building. The witness was tridge casings were located near where
paramedics arrived and transported the dent, and the third student.” behind a truck and couldn’t see what was the vehicle was parked at the scene. Bal-
student to the hospital. The three victims all began to run to going on. This witness first heard three listics testing was being conducted at the
The student remained in critical condi- the school building while Valdez-Alvarez shots followed by about 10 to 20 seconds time the charges were filed.
tion as of Feb. 4. and Solis ran to their vehicle and got in and two more shots. As of Feb. 4, both defendants were in
According to the complaint, the third to leave. Valdez-Alvarez was driving and A second witness saw what they be- jail on $1 million bonds.

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post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 13

DIRECTV District 45 legislators hosting
virtual town hall Feb. 19
A town hall featuring District 45 legislators will
take place 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Feb. 19.
At the town hall, constituents will be invited to
ask Sen. Ann Rest (DFL-New Hope), Rep. Mike
Freiberg (DFL-Golden Valley) and Rep. Cedrick
Frazier (DFL-New Hope) questions about the
2022 legislative session and more. Together, the
three legislators represent Crystal, New Hope,
Golden Valley, Robbinsdale and Plymouth.
The meeting will be hosted virtually; register
With NFL SUNDAY TICKET and DIRECTV local channels (CBS, FOX, NBC). Select int’l games excluded.
for the meeting at bit.ly/3IMAc4d. Questions
may be submitted in advance of the meeting us-
ing the above link.


CHOICE™ PACKAGE live—from anywhere—on your favorite connected devices. of marijuana on the 4100 block of
185+ Channels Out-of-market games only. Select int’l games excluded Reports Scott Avenue North.
69 99* • RED ZONE CHANNEL®: Never miss a touchdown from inside CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 - Receiving stolen property near
MO. the 20. The RED ZONE CHANNEL® brings you the final yards of
the intersection of West Broad-
For 12 mos. + every scoring drive around league on one LIVE channel.
taxes and fees.
(Included with NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX) Only available in HD. way and 37th Avenue North.
W/ 24-mo. agmt. Autopay & Paperless
Bill req’d. Pay $74.99/mo. plus taxes until *$19.95 ACTIVATION, EARLY TERMINATION FEE OF $20/MO. FOR EACH MONTH REMAINING ON AGMT., EQUIPMENT NON-RETURN & ADD’L FEES APPLY. Price incl. CHOICE Pkg., monthly service and equip. fees for 1 HD DVR & is
Jan. 31 - Theft at a residence - Driving with more than one
discounts start. Prices higher in 2nd year. after $5/mo. autopay & paperless bill discount for 12 mo. Pay $74.99/mo. + taxes until discount starts w/in 3 bills. New approved residential customers only (equipment lease req'd). Credit card req'd (except MA & PA). Restr’s
Included pkg, monthly service and equip. fees for 1 HD DVR & is after $5/mo. Auto Bill Pay with Paperless Billing discount for 12 mos. New approved residential customers only (equipment lease req’d). Credit card req’d (except on the 8800 block of 47th Av- valid license near the intersection
extra & applies.* MA & PA). Restr’s apply. DIRECTV ALL INCLUDED OFFERS: Ends 1/22/22. Available only in the U.S. (excludes Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Pricing: $64.99/mo. for ENTERTAINMENT All Included; $69.99/mo. for CHOICE All Included;
$84.99/mo. for ULTIMATE All Included; $134.99/mo. for PREMIER All Included for first 12 mos. only. After 12 mos. or loss of eligibility, then prevailing rate applies (currently $102/mo. for ENTERTAINMENT All Included;
$122/mo. for CHOICE All Included; $151/mo. for ULTIMATE All Included; $206/mo. for PREMIER All Included), unless canceled or changed prior to end of the promo period. Pricing subj to change. $5/mo. discount: Must enroll enue North. of West Broadway and Abbott
in autopay & paperless bill within 30 days of TV activation to receive bill credit starting in 1-3 bill cycles. First-time credit will include all credits earned since meeting offer requirements. Must maintain autopay/paperless bill
and valid email address to continue credits. No credits in 2nd year for autopay/paperless bill. Includes: All Included TV Pkg, monthly service & equipment fees for one Genie HD DVR, and standard pro installation. Additional
Fees & Taxes: Price excludes Regional Sports Fee of up to $9.99/mo. (which is extra & applies to CHOICE and/or MÁS ULTRA and higher Pkgs.), applicable use tax expense surcharge on retail value of installation, custom
- Burglary at a residence on the Avenue North.
installation, equipment upgrades/add-ons (min. $99 one-time & $7/mo. monthly fees for each extra receiver/ DIRECTV Ready TV/Device), and certain other add’l fees & charges. See directv.com/directv-fees for additional

SIGN UP AND details. Different offers may apply for eligible multi-dwelling unit and telco customers. DIRECTV SVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. Must maintain a min. base TV pkg of $29.99/mo.
Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Some offers may not be available through all channels and in select areas. Visit directv.com/legal/ or call for details. 2021 NFL SUNDAY TICKET OFFER:
Subject to change. Package consists of all live out-of-market NFL games (based on customer’s service address) broadcast on FOX and CBS. However, games broadcast by your local FOX or CBS affiliate, and select International 4000 block of Flag Avenue North. Jan. 30 - Third-degree driving
GET FIRST 3 MONTHS OF games, will not be available in NFL SUNDAY TICKET. Games available via remote viewing based on device location. Other conditions apply. 2021 NFL SUNDAY TICKET regular full-season retail price is $293.94. 2021 NFL SUNDAY
TICKET MAX regular full-season retail price is $395.94. Customers activating CHOICE Package or above or MÁS ULTRA Package or above will be eligible to receive the 2021 season of NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX at no additional
cost. NFL SUNDAY TICKET subscription will not automatically renew. Only one game may be accessed remotely at any given time. Compatible device/operating system required for online/mobile access. Additional data charges under the influence, obstruction
may apply. Visit directv.com/nfl for a list of compatible devices/system requirements. Short Cuts are available from midnight Sunday ET through midnight Wednesday ET via the NFL SUNDAY TICKET App. For full Mix Channel
and interactive functionality, HD equipment model H/HR 21 or later is required. NFL, the NFL Shield design and the NFL SUNDAY TICKET name and logo are registered trademarks of the NFL and its affiliates. NFL team names
of the legal process, careless
to change or cancel. Req’s you to select offers. Access HBO Max only through HBO Max app or hbomax.com. HBO Max also includes
HBO channels and HBO On Demand on DIRECTV. Online account registration required. Data rates may apply for app download/usage.
and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. Programming, pricing, promotions, restrictions & terms subject to change & may be modified, discontinued or terminated at any time without notice.
Offers may not be combined with other promotional offers on the same services and may be modified or discontinued at any time without notice. Other conditions apply to all offers. HBO Max: Access HBO Max through HBO
Max app or hbomax.com with your DIRECTV log-in credentials. Compatible device or browser required. Use of HBO Max is subject to its own terms and conditions, see hbomax.com/terms-of-use for details. Programming and
content subj. to change. Upon cancellation of your video service you may lose access to HBO Max. Limits: Access to one HBO Max account per DIRECTV account holder. May not be stackable w/other offers, credits or discounts.
To learn more, visit directv.com/hbomax. HBO MAX is used under license. ©2021 DIRECTV. DIRECTV and all other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Robbinsdale driving, speeding, and posses-
sion of ammunition or a firearm

Contact Your Local DIRECTV Dealer

Police reports with a previous felony conviction
near the intersection of County
IV Support Holdings Included in the depart- Road 81 and 36th Avenue North.

ment’s Jan. 24 to 30
reports were these inci-
dents: Golden Valley
Jan. 24 - Assistance to an-
other agency near the intersec-
Police reports
tion of Highway 100 and Brooklyn Included in the depart-

Boulevard. ment’s Jan. 24 to 30
- Interference with a 911 call reports were these inci-
on the 3800 block of West dents:
Broadway. Jan. 24 - First-degree burglary
If you think oxygen therapy means slowing down, - Possession of 1.4 grams
marijuana in a motor vehicle and
on the 1500 block of Spring Val-
ley Road.
it’s time for a welcome breath of fresh air. driving after revocation near the - Third-degree damage to prop-
intersection of 42nd Avenue erty on the 6100 block of Olson
North and West Broadway.
Introducing the Inogen One family of portable Memorial Highway.
oxygen systems. With no need for bulky tanks, each Jan. 26 - Receiving stolen Jan. 25 - Theft by swindle on
property, fifth-degree possession the 2500 block of Dresden Lane.
concentrator is designed to keep you active via of marijuana, carrying a pistol
Inogen’s Intelligent Delivery Technology.® Hours of in public, transporting a loaded - Mail theft on the 1500 block of
Constance Drive West.
quiet and consistent oxygen flow on a long-lasting firearm, interference with a police
officer, fleeing a police officer, Jan. 26 - Counterfeiting cur-
battery charge enabling freedom of movement, rency 2500 block of Winnetka
failure to provide registration, im-
whether at home or on the road. Every Inogen One proper change of course, failure Avenue North.
meets FAA requirements for travel ensuring the to stop and violation of seat belt - Second-degree driving under
freedom to be you. law near the intersection of West the influence on the 5400 block
Broadway and Logan Avenue of Wayzata Boulevard.
Jan. 28 - First-degree damage
• No heavy oxygen tanks Jan. 27 - Second-degree to property and theft on the 5500
• Ultra quiet operation burglary on the 3900 block of block of Wayzata Boulevard.
• Lightweight and easy to use Regent Avenue North.
Jan. 29 - Assistance to an-
• Safe for car and air travel Jan. 28 - Fifth-degree posses- other agency near the intersec-
• Full range of options and accessories sion of marijuana and carrying tion of Highway 169 and 36th
a pistol without a permit on the Avenue North.
• FDA approved and clinically validated 4600 block of Lake Drive.
Jan. 30 - Third-degree burglary
Jan. 29 - Fourth-degree driving on the 900 block of Hampshire
under the influence and careless Avenue South.
driving on the 3800 block of
- Speeding and warrant arrest
County Road 81.
near the intersection of Winnetka
- Second-degree driving under and 27th avenues north.
Call 1-877-319-0966 the influence, driving after revo-
cation, careless driving, failure
- Third-degree driving under the
for a free consultation to obey traffic control device and
influence, fifth-degree posses-
sion of marijuana, and introducing
and info guide. speeding near the intersection of
42nd Avenue North and Highway
contraband into a state prison or
hospital near the intersection of
Kyle Avenue North and Bassett
MKT-P0253 - Fourth-degree driving under the Creek Drive
influence, fifth-degree possession
Page 14 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com


If you do not have access to the in
Minnesota Public Utilities Comm
121 7th Place East, Ste. 350
CenterPoint Energy has asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) to approve an increase to natural gas rates for distribution St. Paul, MN 55101
service. The requested increase is for about 6.5 percent or $67.1 million per year. The requested increase would add about $4.05 to a typical For assistance in submitting comm
residential customer’s monthly bill. Consumer Affairs Office at:
The MPUC may either approve or deny the requested changes, and may approve a lesser or greater increase than was requested for any Phone: 651-296-0406 or 800-657-37
customer class or classes of service. Email: [email protected]
The MPUC will likely make its decision on our rate request in the fourth quarter of 2022. If final rates are lower than interim (temporary) rates, Be sure to reference Docket Num
we will refund customers the difference with interest. If final rates are higher than interim rates, we will not charge customers the difference. Important: Comments can be revi
If you move before a refund is issued and we cannot find you, your refund may be treated as abandoned property and sent to the Minnesota limited circumstances consistent
Department of Commerce, Unclaimed Property Unit. You can check for unclaimed property at www.missingmoney.com. To make sure we can MPUC does not edit or delete per
send you any refund owed, please provide a forwarding address when you stop service. comments received.
Administrative Law Judge Ann O’Reilly will hold two in-person public Formal evidentiary hearings on Ce
Date Time Location 2022, starting at 9:30 a.m. each da
hearings and two virtual public hearings so that customers have an
opportunity to comment on the company’s request. Any CenterPoint Golden Valley Library Office of Administrative Hearings
Energy customer or other person may attend or provide comments at February 22, 2022 6:00 p.m. 830 Winnetka Ave N who cannot attend in person, may
the hearings. You are invited to comment on the adequacy and quality of platform. Members of the public w
Golden Valley, MN 55427
CenterPoint Energy’s service, the level of rates, or other related matters. electronic invitation by contacting
EVENT CENTER mn.us. The purpose of the evident
You do not need to be represented by an attorney. The hearings will
begin at their scheduled time and adjourn after everyone present has had February 24, 2022 6:00 p.m. 10 Civic Center Plaza Department of Commerce – Divisi
an opportunity to comment or ask questions. Mankato, MN 56001 General – Residential Utilities Div
case, to present testimony and to
Bad weather? Find out if a hearing is canceled – March 1, 2022 1:00 p.m. Virtual WebEx increase. If you wish to formally in
call (toll free) 855-731-6208 or 651-201-2213 or visit mn.gov/puc. March 1, 2022 6:00 p.m. Virtual WebEx serve and file a Petition to Interve
Virtual Public Hearings CenterPoint Energy’s current and
Public hearings have been scheduled as follows to be held via video conference. March 1, 2022 March 1, 2022 CenterPoint Energy
March 1, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 505 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis MN
Attend by Internet Connection (Audio and Video) Phone 612-372-4727 or 800-245-23
To join the virtual hearing using a computer, tablet or smart phone, where you will have Event Number: Event Number: Web http://www.CenterPointEner
audio and video capability, go to: https://minnesota.webex.com. In the gray box where it 2492 340 7866 2483 405 3637
Minnesota Department of Comme
says, “Enter Meeting Information,” type the Event Number in the box to the right for the Event Password, if Event Password, if
85 7th Place East, Suite 500, St. Pa
public hearing date you are attending. needed: MnPUC! needed: MnPUC! Phone: 651-539-1534
Web: https://www.edockets.state
Directions for Appearing via WebEx.
in the number field, select Search
• Log on 5 to 15 minutes before the hearing begins. You will be asked to join the hearing through a Webex application or through a plug-in for
your web browser. Questions about the Minnesota P
• Enter the Event Number shown in the box above. Minnesota Public Utilities Comm
• Next you will be asked to enter your name, your email address, and an event password (if required). After entering this information, click “Join 121 7th Place East, Suite 350
Now” and you will be granted access to the virtual hearing. St. Paul, MN 55101
• When you enter the hearing, your microphone will be muted. If you would like to ask a question or make a comment during the meeting, use Phone: 651-296-0406 or 800-657-37
the chat function to send a message to the meeting moderator, who will place you in the queue to comment. When it is your turn to comment, Email: [email protected]
your name will be called and your line will be unmuted. You will then be able to ask questions or make a comment. Anyone with hearing or speech d
To Attend by Telephone (Audio Only) Telecommunications Relay.
If you do not have access to a computer, tablet, or smart phone, or if you would prefer to attend the hearing via audio only, you may join using The table below shows the effect
any type of telephone. You do not need internet access to call into the hearing, however, you will only be able to hear (not see) the speakers.. bills for residential, commercial a
You will still be able to comment and ask questions.
March 1, 2022 - 1:00 p.m. March 1, 2022 - 6:00 p.m. Customer Type
Use the information in the box to the right to dial into the hearing. You will Avg month
be asked to enter the access code for the hearing, as set forth in the box Phone: 1-855-282-6330 Phone: 1-855-282-6330 (usage in
therms) usage in ther
to the right. Access Code: 2492 340 7866 Access Code: 2483 405 3637
If you would like to ask a question or make a comment during the hearing, press *3 on your telephone.
You will then be placed into the queue to comment. When it is your turn to speak, the last few digits of your telephone number will be 74
announced by the moderator and your line will be unmuted, allowing you to be heard.
Public Hearing and Process Information
Administrative Law Judge Ann O’Reilly will preside over the public hearings and will provide the Commission with findings of fact, conclusions up to 1,500/year
1,500 to 5,000/ 67
of law, and recommendations after the conclusion of the evidentiary hearing. The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public input on
year 255
the proposed rate increase. At the public hearings, interested persons have the opportunity to: (1) ask questions of the utility and agency staff; 5,000 or more/
and (2) offer verbal and written comments on the merits of the proposed rate increase. Members of the public may participate without needing 1,440
to intervene as a party. Representation by legal counsel is permitted but not required. Please note that the public hearings will end when all
attendees present have had the opportunity to comment and all other business has been concluded. You are encouraged to join the meeting Small Volume Dual Fuel Sales Se
at the scheduled start time to be placed on the queue to comment. Commenters will be called in the order they enter the queue. Therefore, it is up to 120,000/
advantageous to arrive at the beginning of the hearing. year 3,971
Written comments may be submitted during the comment period before and after the public hearings. 120,000 or more/ 15,567
Follow the instructions below to provide written comment. year
Please contact Charley Bruce at 651-201-2251 or [email protected] or Tera Dornfeld at 651-201-2195 or [email protected] if Large Volume Dual Fuel Sales Se
you have questions on how to participate or have trouble accessing the public hearing using telephone or internet
You can still submit comments even if you do not attend a public hearing. Comments will be Large General Firm Sales Servic
Comment Period 41,602
Comments will be accepted through April 11, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.
• Comments must be received by 4:30 p.m. on the close date. Demand charge (per Peak Day)
• Comments received after the comment period closes may not be considered.
How to Submit a Written Comment
Written comments can be submitted via: (1) the Commission’s eComments website; (2) electronic mail; (3) U.S. Mail; or (3) facsimile. To learn
how to submit a comment in any of these ways, please visit mn.gov/puc, select “Consumers” from the dropdown menu on the right side of the
page, then select “Public Comments and How to Participate.” This will take you to the Public Comment page, where you will find a list of ways
to comment. Be sure to reference PUC Docket No. 21-435 in the subject line of your comment.
post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 15

nternet, you may send or deliver your comment to:


ments, or if you have questions, contact the Commission’s

Calendar Sun Post Newspapers welcomes submissions from the community
for the weekly calendar listing. Send to [email protected];
mail to: Sun Post,33 Second St. N.E., Osseo, MN 55369.

782 THURSDAY, FEB. 10 TUESDAY, FEB. 15 and submit advance questions at bit.
us ly/3IMAc4d
ewed by the public on the MPUC’s website, except in COMMITTEE MEETING New Hope), Rep. Mike Freiberg (DFL-
WHEN: 6:30-9 p.m.
Golden Valley) and Rep. Cedrick Frazier
with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The WHEN: 1-3 p.m. WHERE: 7800 Golden Valley Road, (DFL-New Hope).
rsonally identifying information or any other information from WHERE: Virtual, access meeting link Golden Valley
and agenda at bluelineext.org INFO: goldenvalleymn.gov
INFO: bluelineext.org. MONDAY, FEB. 21
enterPoint Energy’s proposal will be held on April 6, 7, and 8,
y. The evidentiary hearing will be held in Courtroom 1 at the CRYSTAL CITY PRESIDENTS DAY –
s at 600 South Robert Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. Individuals SATURDAY, FEB. 12 COUNCIL MEETING
y attend via Microsoft Teams (Teams) , a video conferencing WHEN: 7 p.m.
who wish to attend the hearing through Teams may request an WHERE: Crystal City Hall, TUESDAY, FEB. 22
g Judge O’Reilly’s legal assistant at michelle.severson@state. 4141 Douglas Drive N., Crystal
tiary hearing is to allow CenterPoint Energy, the Minnesota INFO: crystalmn.gov
WHERE: City Hall Council Chambers, BOARD MEETING
ion of Energy Resources, the Minnesota Office of Attorney
ision, and parties who have formally joined the contested 4141 Douglas Drive N., Crystal WHEN: 7-10 p.m.
cross-examine each other’s witnesses on the proposed rate INFO: crystalmn.gov WHERE: Eisenhower Community Center
THURSDAY, FEB. 17 Board Room 233, 1001 MN-7, Hopkins
ntervene in this case, as a party to the litigation, you must
ene, pursuant to Minn. R. 1400.6200. AN EQUITABLE GOLDEN VALLEY’
INFO: hopkinsschools.org
SUNDAY, FEB. 13 WHEN: 6-7:30 p.m.
proposed rate schedules are available at: WINTER MARKET IN THE VALLEY WHERE: City Hall, ROBBINSDALE AREA SCHOOLS
WHEN: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley BOARD MEETING
N 55402 WHERE: 316 Brookview Ave. S., INFO: Past of a quarterly series on race, WHEN: 7 p.m., listening session at 6 p.m.
377 Golden Valley diversity, equity and more. Discussion
rgy.com/RateCase WHERE: Education Service Center,
INFO: marketinthevalley.org panelists feature a mix of City staff, coun- 4148 Winnetka Ave. N., New Hope
erce cilmembers, commissioners, community
members, and special guests. INFO: rdale.org
aul, MN 55101 Information and virtual attendance link
MONDAY, FEB. 14 at bit.ly/3HdpG5A.
e.mn.us/EFiling/search.jsp Select (21) in the year field, type (435) MONDAY, FEB. 28
h, and the list of documents will appear on the next page. COUNCIL MEETING NEW HOPE CITY
Public Utilities Commission’s review process? WHEN: 7 p.m. SATURDAY, FEB. 19 COUNCIL MEETING
mission WHERE: City Hall Council Chambers, DISTRICT 45 TOWN HALL WHEN: 7 p.m.
4401 Xylon Ave. N., New Hope WHEN: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. WHERE: City Hall Council Chambers,
INFO: ci.new-hope.mn.us WHERE: Virtual meeting, access 4401 Xylon Ave. N., New Hope
isabilities may call through their preferred
t of both the interim and proposed rate changes on monthly
nd industrial customers with average natural gas use.
Golden Valley Historical Society
ly Avg monthly bill: Avg monthly bill: Avg monthly bill: to celebrate Black History Month
rms current rates interim rates proposed rates
with Thursday, Feb. 10 event
The Golden Valley Historical Society is offering
$68 $71 $72 a glimpse into its collections in honor of Black His-
tory Month with its latest program “It Happened in
Golden Valley: African American and Black History
in the GVHS Archives.” The virtual presentation is
$69 $72 $80
scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10.
$210 $219 $230 The presentation will share items in the society’s
$1,096 $1,131 $1,136 collections related to the Black community and no-
table racial events within the city. These include re- (PHOTO COURTESY OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLLECTION)
ervice cords of the earliest known Black families in Golden President Barack Obama visits the Honeywell plant in Golden
Valley, celebrations of Black History Month in the Valley in 2012. This photo is preserved in the Golden Valley
1980s, and the foundation of the city’s Human Rights Historical Society archives with other materials related to Black
$2,310 $2,382 $2,482
Commission, along with a discussion on gaps in the history in the city.
$8,903 $9,152 $9,490 city’s racial history and how they could be addressed.
The project is supported by a $9,900 grant from the Boyd is the president of Crystal Boyd Consulting
ervice Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants LLC., and provides grant writing and project man-
Program and the Golden Valley Historical Society. agement services for non-profit organizations. Boyd
$23,466 $23,981 $24,403 A future program will share the project’s additional earned her master’s degree in museum studies from
e work on identifying Native American resources in the University of Colorado, and she has worked with
the archives. museums for 17 years.
$23,085 $23,776 $24,480 “A thorough process to comb through the society’s The program is the society’s first-ever virtual offer-
archives has already yielded more than 100 items re- ing. The decision to host virtually is due to the cur-
lated to Black history in Golden Valley,” contractor rent omicron spike, the small size of the venue, and
Crystal Boyd said. “This project will ultimately ex- the city of Golden Valley’s declaration of a public
pand knowledge of the city’s history, improve public health emergency.
access to the archives, and honor the lived experi- To access the meeting link, visit bit.ly/3s9KpkB
ences of Black community members.” and enter meeting number 252 629 8674.
Page 16 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com


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Expert Construction Inc., in Young America, MN
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EPG designs, engineers, fabricates, and manufactures OEM Majority of work is in the west metro. Must be

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benefits: Health, Dental, Vision, 401K holidays and transportation. Company drivers must have
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Meals on Wheels program & maintains all appropriate A Human Service Technician (HST) must possess basic problem solving
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documentation and data. Supervises & trains volunteers the quality of life of the individuals they are working with. An HST is
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in activities of daily needs. An HST must have the ability to effectively
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company departments and document in the necessary records.
HSTs must also performdaily duties and responsibilities
Salary range is $45,000-$47,000 as assigned, such as but not limited to: housekeeping
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At Federal® our employees not only receive Great Pay in a
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Requirements include HS Diploma/GED, 1+ years’ work experience
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Page 18 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com



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5520 Part-time Asst. Teachers Needed at
Richfield Fun Club

Age 55+ workers needed
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at rest areas on I-94 near
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plus some FT days.
Finance Specialist Adam’s Publishing Group is looking for EXPERIENCED WEB PRESS OPERATORS
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Responsible for financ-
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quires Finance degree/ 612-798-6840
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Includes, but not limited to the following. Other duties may be assigned as needed.
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1-800-955-6112 Searching for a
Faith Community? Publishers, 1201 14th Avenue South, Princeton, MN 55371.

Local Editor Local Editor

Position open Position open

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The Aitkin Independent Age is seeking an editor to lead our The Mille Lacs Messenger is seeking an editor
or call
coverage in Aitkin, Minnesota. We’re looking for someone who
enjoys interaction with others and is committed to quality com-
to lead our coverage in Isle, Minnesota. We’re looking for someone
who enjoys interaction with others and is committed to quality 1-800
munity journalism. Aitkin is located in the beautiful lakes country
of north central Minnesota. If you love journalism, community
community journalism. Isle is located in the beautiful lakes coun-
try of north central Minnesota. If you love journalism, community
and the outdoors, this may be the perfect job.The ideal candidate
is someone who can engage readers, loves to write, will uncover
and the outdoors, this may be the perfect job.The ideal candidate
is someone who can engage readers, loves to write, will uncover
interesting stories, understands the importance of
community journalism and enjoys their work. Photography,
interesting stories, understands the importance of
community journalism and enjoys their work. Photography,
layout, reporting and online posting a must. Recent college-grads layout, reporting and online posting a must. Recent college-grads

encouraged to apply, as well as those with experience. encouraged to apply, as well as those with experience.

Full-time with benefits, including 401(k) and paid time off Full-time with benefits, including 401(k) and paid time off

Submit resume and clips (writing and photography) to Keith Anderson, Submit resume and clips (writing and photography) to Keith Anderson,
director of news, [email protected] director of news, [email protected]
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Aitkin Aitkin Isle Isle

Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota
Page 20 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com

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post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 23

Robbin Gallery presents ‘Crossing Boundaries’

Artwork by Jeanne Aaron and locally and in Chicago and San Thursdays and 1-5 p.m. Fridays
Andrea Center will be on view Francisco. and Saturdays. Due to ongoing
through Feb. 23 at Robbin Gallery Canter’s process involves a com- COVID-19 health guidance, visi-
at 4915 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale. bination of photography, painting tors are asked to wear a face cov-
Aaron will display silk painting and mixed media. She is primar- ering or stay home if they are sick.
and batik work, which she calls ily a self-taught artist who retired Info: robbingallery.org
“an ideal medium for exploring as a psychologist with Minneapo-
the natural beauty of flowers and lis Public Schools. She currently (SUBMITTED ART)
leaves.” A Twin Cities community works in the Casket Arts Building PHOTO: Now on view at Robbin Gallery:
arts educator, Aaron has had work in northeast Minneapolis. “Free Vibrations” by Andrea Canter (left),
featured in galleries and museums Gallery hours are 5:30-8:30 p.m. and “Pansie” by Jeanne Aaron (right).
MINNESOTA SECRETARY signing this document I am subject By typing my name, I, the un- able to identify the true owner of a CITY OF ROBBINSDALE N. and/or virtually via Zoom.
OF STATE CERTIFICATE to the penalties of perjury as set dersigned, certify that I am signing business. THE FOLLOWING SUMMARY
OF ASSUMED NAME forth in Section 609.48 as if I had this document as the person whose ASSUMED NAME: OF ORDINANCE NO. 21-12 The purpose of the meeting is to
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333 signed this document under oath. signature is required, or as agent F45 Training Eagan West WAS APPROVED FOR THE review the city’s storm water man-
DATE FILED: January 26, 2022 of the person(s) whose signature PRINCIPAL PLACE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION: agement and address questions
The filing of an assumed name SIGNED BY: Steven E Ness would be required who has autho- OF BUSINESS: ORDINANCE NO. 21-12 and comments regarding the city’s
does not provide a user with exclu- rized me to sign this document on 3439 Buchanan Street NE AN ORDINANCE UPDATING SWPPP.
sive rights to that name. The filing Published in the his/her behalf, or in both capacities. Minneapolis, MN 55418 USA ROBBINSDALE CITY CODE
is required for consumer protection Sun Post I further certify that I have complet- NAMEHOLDER(S): SECTION 425 Information related to the ac-
in order to enable customers to be February 3, 10, 2022 ed all required fields, and that the MAKS FAMILY FITNESS LLC PROPERTY MAINTENANCE tivities the City has been and will
able to identify the true owner of a 1201025 information in this document is true 3800 American Boulevard West CODE AND SECTION 927 be engaging in pertaining to the
and correct and in compliance with Suite 1500 #300-030 REPEAT NUISANCE SWPPP will be presented as well
the applicable chapter of Minneso- Bloomington, MN 55431 USA SERVICE CALL FEES as other items including: the origi-
3rd Lair Portal SkateShop ta Statutes. I understand that by By typing my name, I, the un- nal SWPPP, status of compliance,
OF ASSUMED NAME signing this document I am subject dersigned, certify that I am signing goals and planned activities for
PRINCIPAL PLACE The purpose of this ordinance
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333 to the penalties of perjury as set this document as the person whose next year.
OF BUSINESS: is to eliminate lease addendum re-
850 Florida Ave South forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signature is required, or as agent quirements and reinforce property
The filing of an assumed name signed this document under oath. of the person(s) whose signature Written comments regarding the
Golden Valley, MN 55426 USA owner responsibilities to manage
does not provide a user with exclu- DATE FILED: January 24, 2022 would be required who has autho- SWPPP may be submitted to:
NAMEHOLDER(S): rental properties to mitigate nui-
sive rights to that name. The filing SIGNED BY: Jonathan O’Brien rized me to sign this document on Crystal Public Works –
Twin Cities Board Sports LLC sance service calls.
is required for consumer protection his/her behalf, or in both capacities. Stormwater,
850 Florida Ave S
in order to enable customers to be Published in the I further certify that I have complet- 4141 Douglas Dr. N.,
Golden Valley, MN 55426 USA First Reading:
able to identify the true owner of a Sun Post ed all required fields, and that the Crystal, MN 55422
By typing my name, I, the un- YEAS: Selman, Backen, Kline,
business. February 3, 10, 2022 information in this document is true or via email to: Dave.Fritzke@
dersigned, certify that I am signing Webb, Mayor Blonigan
ASSUMED NAME: 1200600 and correct and in compliance with crystalmn.gov
this document as the person whose NAYS: None
Anima Body Art the applicable chapter of Minneso- For additional meeting informa-
signature is required, or as agent
PRINCIPAL PLACE MINNESOTA SECRETARY ta Statutes. I understand that by tion, visit the city’s website: www.
of the person(s) whose signature Second Reading:
OF BUSINESS: OF STATE CERTIFICATE signing this document I am subject crystalmn.gov
would be required who has autho- YEAS: Selman, Backen, Kline,
3927 Regent Ave. No. OF ASSUMED NAME to the penalties of perjury as set
rized me to sign this document on Mayor Blonigan
Robbinsdale MN 55422 Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333 forth in Section 609.48 as if I had Published in the
his/her behalf, or in both capacities. NAYS: Webb
United States signed this document under oath. Sun Post
I further certify that I have complet-
NAMEHOLDER(S): The filing of an assumed name DATE FILED: February 1, 2022 February 10, 2022
ed all required fields, and that the Passed by the City Council this
Piercings by Jon, LLC does not provide a user with exclu- SIGNED BY: Kyle R. Gabriel 1202759
information in this document is true 2nd day of February, 2022
3927 Regent Ave. No. sive rights to that name. The filing
and correct and in compliance with
Robbinsdale, MN 55422 is required for consumer protection Published in the NOTICE OF IMPOUNDMENT
the applicable chapter of Minneso- By: /s/ Dustin Leslie,
United States in order to enable customers to be Sun Post
ta Statutes. I understand that by City Clerk
February 10, 17, 2022 A 8.5 FEET X24 FEET DIAMOND
CITY OF NEW HOPE Published in the
Sun Post
Electronic Bids will be received by the City of New Hope, Minnesota on the QuestCDN.com website via Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333 CITY OF ROBBINSDALE TOWING AT 5615 HIGHWAY 169
the VirtuBid electronic bidding application. Only electronic bids will be accepted for this project. Bids will be
received on the QuestCDN.com website, until 10 A.M., CST on Thursday, February 24th, 2022, at which time The filing of an assumed name BY ROBBINSDALE PHONE NUMBER IS 763 595 0321.
they will be opened electronically and reviewed for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and all else necessary does not provide a user with exclu- CITY COUNCIL MUST CLAIM BY MARCH 1
for the following: sive rights to that name. The filing 2022 AT FRANKIE’S TOWING 5615
is required for consumer protection The proposed ordinance has HIGHWAY 169 N, PLYMOUTH, MN
2022 Infrastructure Improvements Project - City Project No. 1074 in order to enable customers to be 55442 OTHERWISE YOU FORFEIT
passed the first reading before the
In general, Work consists of the replacement of watermain, storm water and street improvements. The Proj- able to identify the true owner of a ALL RIGHTS TO TRAILER.
Robbinsdale City Council:
ect consists of the following approximate quantities for the Base Bid: business.
ASSUMED NAME: ORDINANCE NO. 22-02 Published in the
3,000 LF Remove and Replace Concrete Curb and Gutter F45 Training Inver Grove Heights Sun Post
2,000 SY Reclaim and Shape Bituminous Pavement PRINCIPAL PLACE February 3, 10, 17, 2022
18,700 SY Mill Bituminous Pavement (depth 2”) OF BUSINESS: 1200760
33 EA Remove and Replace Sanitary Sewer Frame and Rings 3439 Buchanan Street NE SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIAL
900 LF Directional Drill Watermain Minneapolis, MN 55418 USA NOTICE OF
1,700 LF 8” PVC Watermain, C900-DR18 and associated valves and hydrants NAMEHOLDER(S): SELF STORAGE SALE
The purpose of this ordinance
2,230 TN Aggregate Base, Class 5 (Special) AM2 FAMILY FITNESS LLC is to adjust the annual salaries for
3,300 TN Bituminous Pavement – Wear Course 3800 American Boulevard West Please take notice New Hope
the Mayor and Councilmembers
300 LF Storm Sewer Pipe - 12” – 18” RCP Suite 1500 #300-030 Storage located at 9300 52nd Ave.
beginning January 1, 2023 as rec-
200 LF Underground Stormwater Filtration Trench Bloomington, MN 55431 USA N., New Hope, MN 55428 intends
ommended by the Council Salary
By typing my name, I, the un- to hold an auction of storage units
Review Committee
Along with miscellaneous utility improvements, removals, restoration, and correlated appurtenances. dersigned, certify that I am signing in default of payment. The sale
this document as the person whose will occur as an online auction via
Residents seeking further infor-
Complete digital Bidding Documents are available at www.questcdn.com for $20 by inputting QuestCDN signature is required, or as agent www.storagetreasures.com on
mation on the proposed ordinance
eBidDoc #8117860 on the website’s Project Search page. of the person(s) whose signature 3/2/2022 at 10:00am. Unless stat-
should contact Robbinsdale City
would be required who has autho- ed otherwise, the description of the
Hall, 763-537-4534.
Direct inquiries to Engineer’s Project Manager, Ann Ackerson, at (651) 395-1768, or ann.ackerson@stantec. rized me to sign this document on contents are household goods and
com. his/her behalf, or in both capacities. furnishings. Nathaniel Gbolgbo;
By: Dustin Leslie
I further certify that I have complet- Jeff Turnquist; Jayna Cederberg (2
City Clerk
Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the amount of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance ed all required fields, and that the units). All property is being stored
with the Instructions to Bidders. information in this document is true at the above self-storage facility.
Published in the
and correct and in compliance with This sale may be withdrawn at any
Sun Post
For this project, the City will only accept online electronic bids through QuestCDN. To access the electronic the applicable chapter of Minneso- time without notice. Certain terms
February 10, 2022
bid, download the project documents and click on the online bidding button at the top of the advertisement. ta Statutes. I understand that by and conditions apply.
Prospective bidders must be on the plan holders list through QuestCDN for bids to be accepted. signing this document I am subject
to the penalties of perjury as set CITY OF CRYSTAL Published in the
The Owner reserves the right to retain the deposits of the 3 lowest Bidders for a period not to exceed 60 forth in Section 609.48 as if I had NOTICE OF Sun Post
days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. No Bids may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days signed this document under oath. PUBLIC MEETING February 10, 17, 2022
after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. DATE FILED: February 1, 2022 (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) 1202108
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and POLLUTION PREVENTION
further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Owner. Published in the PROGRAM (SWPPP)
Sun Post
Kirk McDonald, City Manager February 10, 17, 2022 The City of Crystal invites inter-
City of New Hope, Minnesota 1202527 ested parties to attend an annual
public information meeting as part
Published in the of the Crystal Environmental Qual-
Sun Post ity Commission (EQC) meeting on
February 3, 10, 2022 Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 7 p.m. at
1201358 Crystal City Hall, 4141 Douglas Dr.
Page 24 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com

Flurries of fun at the Families looking for wintertime

Crystal Winterlude fun found plenty of it Feb. 5 at

Crystal’s Valley Place Park.
The new Winterlude festival
offered ice skating, kicksled-
ding, ice bocce, cardboard
sled racing, snow person kits
and a performance by Kalpulli
KetzalCoatlicue. Winterlude
visitors were also encour-
aged to bring non-perishable
food items to Winterlude as
donations to the food shelf at
PRISM, a nonprofit serving
the northwest suburbs. Here,
families enjoy sleds of all
kinds on and off the ice.


Sun Post staff members take honors AROUND THE METRO BRIEF

in state Better Newspaper Competition Gov. Walz proposes

Community editor Alaina
Rooker and sports reporter An-
$200M for Blue Line
place honors for it’s use of pho-
tography as whole for editions that
stars Laubenra and Laubental
thony Iozzo were among those regularly highlight photography The Sun Newspapers group
honored during the Minnesota
Newspaper Association’s Better
Extension in spending
by both Rooker and Iozzo.
Rooker was awarded first place
took home 26 Better Newspaper
Competition awards.
Newspaper Competition.
The awards were handed out at
the association’s annual conven-
recommendation list
in the portrait and personal-
ity photo category for her photo
“Lucy takes a right.”
The convention also conclud-
ed a special honor for longtime
sports editor John Sherman, who
tion, held Jan 27-28 at the Min- Anthony Iozzo was a third-place was inducted into the Half Cen- Gov. Tim Walz and communities of color
neapolis Marriott Northwest in winner for best sports story for tury Club, recognizing his 50-year Lt. Governor Peggy Fla- and working-class fami-
Brooklyn Park. “Pair of sisters show off speed,” commitment to community jour- nagan have named the lies along the corridor for
The newspaper earned third- which featured Park Center track nalism. Blue Line Extension as enhanced transit service
a potential beneficiary in that meets their needs.
their list of supplemental “The Blue Line Exten-
budget recommendations sion will connect people
for 2022. If approved by to education, health care,
state government, the employment, and oppor-
ongoing light rail project tunities. It is the next criti-
could secure $200 million cal leg of a world-class
in funding. regional transit network
The Metropolitan that will connect our re-
Council reported that gion, reduce disparities,
the funding proposal address climate change,
was “the largest share of and position our state for
funding the state could inclusive prosperity and
commit at this point in growth for generations to
the project.” According come. The funds would
to recent estimates, the be part of the local share
light rail extension staff that could be matched by
have completed about 4% federal dollars.”
of the total needed engi- If completed, the proj-
neering thus far. ect will connect the exist-
Currently, county, ing Blue Line’s northern-
Met Council and Metro most station, Target Field
Transit staff are collect- in Minneapolis, several
ing feedback to identify miles north to Brooklyn
a community-supported Park via County Road
route recommendation. 81, through the cities of
The recommendation is Crystal and Robbinsdale.
expected sometime this The proposal is one
spring. According to a of several that the Walz
release by the council, an administration has of-
additional route recom- fered as the state legisla-
mendation is expected in ture considers a signifi-
the summer. cant budget surplus in a
Your Community “This action recognizes
the many benefits this
non-budgeting year. In
December, Minnesota
Your News Crystal, Robbinsdale, New Hope, Golden Valley,
project will bring to com-
munities along the line,
Management and Budget
estimated that the surplus
our region, and state,” will be $7.7 billion for the
Print t Digital t Social Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park
read a Met Council re- fiscal 2022-2023 bien-
lease. “It also acknowl- nium.
edges the clear calls from
Contact sports editor Anthony Iozzo at [email protected] to submit
sports news and/or photos and to give story ideas
Follow Anthony Iozzo for updates, photos and more on Twitter: @iozzo_sportacus
Follow Sun Newspapers sports editors on Twitter:
@MNSunSports and on Facebook: Sun Newspapers
Sports Guys, facebook.com/sunsportsstaff/

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 25

Robbinsdale Armstrong Nordic boys skiing

Sundell, Whitehouse win sprint relay STARS

of the
Falcons finish fifth at
conference meet
[email protected]
Top star
Armstrong Nordic boys ski-
ing crowned its first Northwest
Suburban Conference sprint re-
lay champion Jan. 31 at Hyland
Lake Park Reserve in the first
year with the event’s addition to
the tournament.
Senior Thomas Whitehouse
and sophomore Boden Sundell
claimed the sprint relay confer-
ence title in 12 minutes, 57.67
seconds to make the all-confer-
ence team, joining juniors Alex Name: Sydney Drevlow
Omodt and Noah Breker who
both finished in the top 24 in School: Hopkins
the pursuit.
The boys finished fifth as a Grade: Freshman
team overall with a 394 (159
sprint relay, 235 pursuit). Sport: Nordic skiing
Maple Grove won the team
title with a 421 (138 sprint re- Highlights: Drevlow
lay, 283 pursuit), and Champlin won the Lake Conference
Park was second with a 406 (150 pursuit title for the first
sprint relay, 256 pursuit). Coon (SUN PHOTO BY ANTHONY IOZZO) time in her career Feb. 2 at
Rapids was third with a 404 (144 Armstrong junior Alex Omodt skis around the final turn Jan. 31 in the Northwest Suburban Conference meet at Hyland Lake Hyland Lake Park Reserve,
sprint relay, 260 pursuit), and Park Reserve. Omodt finished third overall in the pursuit in 28 minutes, 2.6 seconds to make the all-conference list. The boys helping the Royals tie for
Elk River was fourth with a 397 took fifth overall as a team with a 394. second as a team
(132 sprint relay, 265 pursuit).
Whitehouse and Sundell fin- Sam Kyes (fourth, 13:02.1), Os- 14:58.4 and the third-fastest Breker also made all-confer- Other stars
ished ahead of the other all-con- seo’s AJ Miller and Gabriel Ar- freestyle time of 13:04.1. Blaine’s ence with an eighth-place finish
ference sprint relays – Rogers’ ends (fifth, 13:26.14) and Coon Ben Lewis won the pursuit in in 29:08.6. Breker had the fifth- Sophia Pung (senior)
Henry Pulling and Nick Manthei Rapids’ Albi Ludwig and Lach- 26:47.9 (14:15.9 classic, 12:32 fastest classic time of 15:27.1, Armstrong-girls Nordic
(second, 12:40.9), Spring Lake lan Demmer (sixth, 13:48.3). freestyle), and Maple Grove’s and he had the 10th-best free- skiing
Park’s Art Duncan and Milo Omodt ended up third over- Myles Brown was second in
Keyes (third, 16:01.63), Cham- all in the pursuit in 28:02.6 with 27:55.6 (14:52.9 classic, 13:02.7 Pung finished runner-
plin Park’s Chase Poston and the third-fastest classic time of freestyle). See Falcons, Page 27 up in the pursuit at the
conference meet Jan. 31
for the second time in her
Robbinsdale Armstrong Nordic girls skiing high school career

Pung, Brandes earn Thomas Whitehouse

(senior) Armstrong-boys

all-conference honors
Nordic skiing

Boden Sundell
By ANTHONY IOZZO (sophomore) Armstrong-
[email protected] All-conference boys Nordic skiing

Armstrong Nordic girls skiing Armstrong had two skiers Whitehouse and Sundell
had two seniors step up in their earn All-Northwest Suburban won the Northwest
final Northwest Suburban Con- Conference honors Suburban Conference title
ference meets of their careers Jan. in the team sprint relay Jan.
31 at Hyland Lake Park Reserve. Pursuit: Sophia Pung 31 at Hyland Lake Park
Armstrong senior Sophia Pung (second) and Noelle Brandes Reserve
made her fourth straight all-con- (20th)
ference team by tying her best Josephine Igherighe
finish – taking runner-up in 33 (senior) Cooper-girls
minutes, 14 seconds. Pung had the her third straight all-conference basketball
third best classic time of 17:43.9 honor by taking 20th overall in
and the second-fastest freestyle the pursuit in 38:41.7 (21:22.2 Igherighe finished with
time of 15:30.1. classic, 17:19.5 freestyle). a combined 47 points in
(SUN PHOTO BY ANTHONY IOZZO) Elk River’s Hailee Zimpel won The two finishes helped the Fal- three games last week,
Armstrong senior Sophia Pung speeds through the course Jan. 31 in the North- the pursuit in 31:31.9 (16:51.5 including 12 in a victory
west Suburban Conference meet at Hyland Park Reserve. Pung finished runner-up classic, 14:40.3 freestyle). over New Prague on Feb. 2
in 33 minutes, 14 seconds to make all-conference. Senior Noelle Brandes earned See Nordic, Page 26
Page 26 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com

Hopkins Nordic girls skiing Hopkins boys hockey

Drevlow wins Lake conference title Royals to take on tough

Royals tie for test against Wayzata
second as a team By JOHN SHERMAN Senior forward Finn Gree-
[email protected] ley, a defenseman prior to this
By JOHN SHERMAN season, is Hopkins’ leading
[email protected] Hopkins boys hockey is scorer.
set for what is likely to be its He has 24 points on nine
Hopkins freshman Sydney toughest challenge of the year goals and 15 assists. Right
Drevlow burst onto the Nordic with a 7 p.m. game against with Greeley is Cade De St.
skiing team two years ago as a Wayzata Thursday, Feb. 10, Hubert, who has 23 points on
seventh-grader. at Plymouth Ice Center. 12 goals and 11 assists.
It took only a few weeks for Coach Pat O’Leary’s Way- Louis DeGiulio has 17
rivals in the Lake Conference zata squad stands 13-7-1 points on six goals and 11 as-
to notice the Hopkins phenom, overall and is tied with Min- sists.
who instantly jumped into the netonka for second place in Sophomore goalie Jimmy
top 10. And now Drevlow is the Lake Conference at 6-2-0. Davis has earned all six of
a pursuit champion at confer- The Royals have already Hopkins’ victories in his sec-
ence. lost games to Eden Prairie ond year as the starter.
Drevlow won the individual and Minnetonka. The score He has a 4.58 goals-against
title in 28 minutes, 39.3 sec- against Minnetonka was 14-0. average along with a save per-
onds Feb. 2 at Hyland Lake From Hopkins’ standpoint, centage of .862.
Park Reserve. improvement is the goal Hopkins doesn’t have the
She trailed Edina senior cap- against the bigger schools in extensive youth hockey pro-
tain Maggie Wagner at the end the Lake Conference. gram like the other Lake
of the classic race that ended Coach Erik Vetsch isn’t Conference communities, but
just before noon. Wagner skied expecting miracles, as much coach Vetsch remains opti-
faster than Drevlow – 15:10.3 as he is hoping Hopkins will mistic.
to 15:17.3 – in the morning. close the gap against any of With the section tourna-
But with temperatures climb- the Lake’s big four – Eden ment two weeks away, there
ing slowly toward the zero Prairie, Edina, Minnetonka is time for the Royals to put
mark in the afternoon, it was and Wayzata. their best game on the ice.
Drevlow’s turn, and in the The Royals lost a 6-3 deci- Sections begin Thursday,
(SUN PHOTO BY JOHN SHERMAN) sion to Dodge County last Feb. 24, with the semifinals
Hopkins freshman Sydney Drevlow of the Hopkins Nordic girls skiing team is the week and enters the Wayzata on Saturday, Feb. 26, and the
See Hopkins, Page 27 2022 individual Lake Conference champion. game with a 6-15-0 record. final on Wednesday, March 2.

Nordic Coming up

The 6A section meet is

cons take eighth out of 11 teams at 9:30 a.m. Thursday,
with a 347 (135 sprint relay, 212 Feb. 10, at Hyland Lake
pursuit). Park Reserve. The state
Elk River won the team title meet is Thursday-Friday,
with a 445 (153 sprint relay, 292 Feb. 16-17, with the girls
pursuit), and Maple Grove was sprint relay final at 1:30
runner-up with a 423 (159 sprint p.m. Thursday and the
relay, 264 pursuit). Andover was girls pursuit final at 3 p.m.
third overall with a 419 (141 Thursday.
sprint relay, 278 pursuit), and
Spring Lake Park took fourth
with a 412 (156 sprint relay, 256 Kjome (19th), Spring Lake
pursuit). Park’s Lauren Swanson (21st),
Junior Rachel Olson was Coon Rapids’ Stella Bone
42nd in 43:43.5 (23:34 classic, (22nd), Champlin Park’s Elise
20:09.5 freestyle), and senior Oldroyd (23rd) and Spring Lake
Roshni Flannery ended up Park’s Samantha Solboe (24th).
48th in 46:22.6 (24:51.9 classic, The 6A section meet is at 9:30
21:30.7 freestyle). a.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, at Hy-
Freshman Lillian Schulte land Lake Park Reserve.. The
took 50th in 48:10.8 (23:37 clas- sprint relay is an event this sea-
sic, 24:33.7 freestyle). son, counting toward the team’s
Armstrong also had two final score. The top two teams at
sprint relay teams. Junior Chey- sections make state.
enne Oja and eighth-grader Mi- (SUN PHOTO BY ANTHONY IOZZO) Individually, the fastest sprint
kayla Skerbitz took 14th out of Armstrong senior Noelle Brandes makes her way through the end of the course Jan. 31 in the Northwest Suburban Confer- relay not on an advancing team
18 teams in 19:35.89, and junior ence meet at Hyland Park Reserve. Brandes finished 20th overall in 38 minutes, 41.7 seconds to make all-conference. makes state, and the top four
Ana Coulon and senior Reyna pursuit skiers not on an advanc-
Sundell were 16th in 20:38.61. and Camille Friden (fourth, Grove’s Lindsey Young (fourth), Chloe Voss (12th) and Anne ing team also makes state.
The top six sprint relay made 15:57.04), Champlin Park’s Ra- Andover’s Olivia Krafty (fifth), Jendro (13th), Spring Lake The state meet is Feb. 16-17
all-conference – Maple Grove’s chel Miller and Lydia Lindell Elk River’s Claire Swanson Park’s Tatum Leibke (14th) at Giant’s Ridge in Biwabik.
Sierra Krull and Jordyn Borsch (fifth, 16:09.99) and Blaine’s (sixth), Maple Grove’s Savan- and Elk River’s Selah Binsfeld The girls classic race is at 3 p.m.
(first, 15:19.04), Spring Lake Molly Claussen and Emma nah Krull (seventh), Champlin (15th). Wednesday, Feb. 16. The girls
Park’s Signe Johnson and Kait- Miller (sixth, 16:07.03). Park’s Abby Hibbs (eighth), The other all-conference ski- sprint relay prelims are at 10:30,
lyn Finnegan (second, 15:36.16), The top 24 pursuit skiers also Spring Lake Park’s Kirsten ers were Andover’s Julia Babi- 11 and 11:30 a.m. Thursday,
Elk River’s Zoe Hoard and Pey- made all-conference. Others in King (ninth), Elk River’s Emily neau (16th), Blaine’s Kelsey Hu- Feb. 17. The sprint relay final
ton Opsahl (third, 15:46.21), the top 15 were Coon Rapids Baker (10th), Rogers’ Mikaelah ver (17th), Maple Grove’s Kaci is at 1:30 p.m., and the pursuit
Osseo’s Kendel Poppe-Boehm Lilah Gilyard (third), Maple Hetchler (11th), Andover’s Roeber (18th), Osseo’s Maddie final is at 3 p.m.
post.mnsun.com Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 • Page 27

Hopkins tie in the conference standings

behind Lake champ Eden Prairie.
finish by sophomore Audrey Par-
ham. Scoreboard
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 Senior Lauren Munger took Minnetonka’s leader, junior
17th to also help the Royals. Elena Hicks, skied 15:46.2 in pur-
pursuit portion of the competi- The Eagles won the conference suit to take sixth place overall. Girls hockey
tion she bested Wagner 13:22 to title with a balanced effort. Junior Completing the top 10 were se-
13:58.3 for the overall title. Courtney Fussy (15:02.5) was nior Diane Meyer of Wayzata in Armstrong/Cooper (11-13-1)
With Drevlow’s great individual fifth individually. seventh, Eden Prairie’s Finch in
effort, plus a third-place overall by Hopkins finished at 255 to tie eighth, senior Addie Hinkie of Feb. 2 L 4-7 at Rogers
senior captain Elsa Bergman, the Wayzata for second place. Way- Edina in ninth and junior Emma
Royals soared to a second-place zata’s highlight was a fourth-place Freed of Wayzata in tenth. Goals: Claire Riestenberg, Lydia College, Paige Loidolt,
Cara Cook; Assists: Ruby Monogue (3), Clare Sondrall
(2), Makenzie Johnson, College, Loidolt; Saves: Emma
Kahl (39)
Boys hockey
style time of 13:41.5. Armstrong/Cooper (6-13-2)
Junior Matthew Sweeney was
next on the team with a 29th-place Feb. 3 W 4-1 at Anoka
finish in the pursuit, good for an
honorable mention. Sweeney fin- Goals: Dane Yeager (2), Jameson Essen, Jonathan
ished in 31:28.8 (17:03.8 classic, Essen; Assists: Aidan Cook, Tanner Rausch, Jonathan
14:24.9 freestyle). Essen; Saves: Reid Lucas (32)
Junior Haakon Hanson was 50th
to complete the pursuit team scor- Feb. 5 L 1-2 at Delano
ing, finishing in 36:25.9 (20:01.9
classic, 16:24 freestyle). Goal: Rausch; Saves: Lucas (37)
Senior Noah Peterson took 51st
in 36:26.3 (20:07.6 classic, 16:18.6
freestyle), and eighth-grader Josh Girls basketball
Sweeney was 58th in 37:22.9
(20:54.2 classic, 16:28.6 freestyle). Robbinsdale Armstrong (8-11)
Junior Sam Majewski and fresh-
man Nate Majewski took 16th out Jan. 31 L 34-62 vs. Maple Grove
of 22 teams in the sprint relay in
15:50.84. Halftime score: 19-29
The top 24 pursuit skiers all
made all-conference. Others in the Scorers: Savannah McGowan 17, Karlee Fisher 11,
top 15 were Elk River’s Matthew Malayna Dille-Starks 4, Emalee Fisher 2
Binsfield (fourth), Coon Rapids’
Aaron Casey (fifth), Elk River’s Feb. 2 L 38-44 at Blaine
Elliott Swanson (sixth), Maple
Grove’s Kirk Carlson (seventh), Halftime score: 25-22
Maple Grove’s Parker Koland
(ninth), Champlin Park’s Tyler Scorers: McGowan 12, Dille-Starks 11, Karlee Fisher 9,
Kyes (10th) and Keegan Poston Emalee Fisher 3, Madison Fondow 3
(11th), Spring Lake Park’s Phil-
lip Kram (12th), Champlin Park’s Feb. 3 L 50-61 vs. Anoka
Ethan Ibarra (13th), Coon Rapids’
Josh Thoen (14th) and Andover’s Halftime score: 20-27
Thomas Leuty (15th).
The others on the all-conference (SUN PHOTOS BY ANTHONY IOZZO) Scorers: McGowan 19, Fondow 12, Dille-Starks 10,
team were Elk River’s Reid Bins- Armstrong junior Noah Breker glides through the final stretch of the course Jan. 31 in the Karlee Fisher 6, Jenna Hamann 3
feld (16th), Coon Rapids’ Ryan Northwest Suburban Conference meet at Hyland Park Reserve. Breker took eighth in the
Powley (17th), Rogers’ AJ Back pursuit in 29 minutes, 8.6 seconds to make all-conference. Robbinsdale Cooper (3-13)
(18th), Anoka’s Lucas Liabraaten
(19th), Andover’s Aiden Mckeefry Jan. 31 L 56-66 at Chanhassen
(20th), Spring Lake Park’s Collin Coming up
Lief (21st), Maple Grove’s Riley Halftime score: 36-30
Mildebrandt (22nd), Osseo’s Colin The 6A section meet is 9:30
Vaughn (23rd) and Andover’s Nick a.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, at Scorers: Josephine Igherighe 19, Somah Kamara 15,
Donner (24th). Hyland Lake Park Reserve. Bre Frazier 13, Pauline MacCarthy 6, Zoe Simmons 3
The 6A section meet is 9:30 a.m. The state meet is Thursday-
Thursday, Feb. 10, back at Hyland Friday, Feb. 16-17, with the Feb. 2 W 68-54 vs. New Prague
Lake Hyland Park Reserve. The boys sprint relay final at 1 p.m.
sprint relay is an event this season, Thursday and the boys pursuit Halftime score: 39-13
counting toward the team’s final final at 2 p.m. Thursday.
score. The top two teams at sec- Scorers: Kamara 20, Frazier 14, Igherighe 12, Simmons
tions make state. 8, MacCarthy 5, Aaliyah Newman 3, Tamya Dillard 3, Lyric
Individually, the fastest sprint Singleton 3
relay not on an advancing team All-conference
makes state, and the top four pur- Boys basketball
suit skiers not on an advancing Armstrong had four skiers
team also makes state. earn All-Northwest Suburban Robbinsdale Cooper (9-5)
The state meet is Feb. 16-17 at Armstrong senior Thomas Whitehouse Conference honors
Giant’s Ridge in Biwabik. The boys (left) and sophomore Boden Sundell took Feb. 4 W 67-58 at Chaska
classic race is at 2 p.m. Wednes- home the first annual conference sprint re- Pursuit: Alex Omodt (third)
day, Feb. 16. The boys sprint relay lay title Jan. 31 in the Northwest Suburban and Noah Breker (eighth) Halftime score: 27-23
prelims are at 9, 9:30 and 10 a.m. Conference meet at Hyland Park Reserve. Sprint relay: Thomas
Thursday, Feb. 17. The sprint relay The sprint relay score was combined with Whitehouse and Boden Scorers: Davion Evans 20, Sam Massaquoi 17,
final is at 1 p.m., and the pursuit the pursuit score to push the Falcons to Sundell (first) Prince Appiah 12, David Connors 9, Michael Cooper 9
final is at 2 p.m. fifth as a team.
Page 28 • Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 Crystal • Robbinsdale • New Hope • Golden Valley post.mnsun.com

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