Ukk SMPN 5 B.inggris 7

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Choose the correct options to complete each of the following items.

Cross (X) the a, b ,c

or d ass your best choice !
Name :
Class : VII (Seven)

1. Rima : Look ! ....the girl doing over C. Good morning                

there? D. Good evening
8. Mr. Anwar : “How are you, Mr. Deni?
Mira : She’s waiting for Mr. Deni : “__________ , thank you.”
someone,perhaps. . To complete the dialogue, the suitable
A. What’s C. What does expression is ...
A. I am fine              
B. Who’s D. Whay does
B. Wish you luck            
2. The student : May i borrow this
C. How about you    
book, Sir ?
D. Hello
The teacer : ... ? I have ready
9. Before goes to home Reno says ....
A. Good morning
The student : Thank you, Sir .
B. Good bye
A. I’am sorry C. Why not
C. See you
B. I’am glad D. What’s for D. Good night
Andy : __________ . 10. The synonym for begins is ….
Mona : Not so bad. A. Sees              
3. To complete the dialogue, the suitable B. Does              
expression is ... C. Arrives
A. Hello D. Starts
B. Nice to meet you 11. The synonym for courageous is ….
C. Hi A. Lazy
D. How is everything with you? B. Scary
4. . I just wanted to introduce myself, my C. Annoy
name is Iqbal. D. Brave
The underlined word has the same 12. The antonym for afraid is ….
meaning as .... A. Scare      
A. Acquaint   B. Confident      
B. Deduce C. Idiotic
C. Contest D. Wise
D. Annoy 13. She ________ iTapuih channel last week.
5. Mona is a new member of iTapuih club. A. Watch
She introduces herself. B. Watces
Mona : Ladies and Gentlemen C. Watching
___________ . D. Watched
A. Allow me to introduce myself 14. . I ________ like playing game online.
B. I'm happy to meet you A. Don’t
C. Let me introduce you to the audience B. Doesn’t
D. May I introduce you to the audience C. Did
6. Andy : “__________ , Dewi!” D. Not
Dewi : “Good morning, Dewi!” 15. We _________ the best students in the
6. To complete the dialogue, the suitable school.
expression is ... A. am
A. Good morning                     B. Is
B. Good night             C. Are
C. Good evening           D. Was
D. Good afternoon 16. Weni : Do you go jogging ? It’s good for
7. . Diana meets Toni in the evening. She your health, you know.
says … to him. Puti   : I know, but I don’t have a friend to
A. Good noon                         go jogging with.
B. Good night       Weni : Why don’t you join me tomorrow ?
Does Puti Go Jogging ? A. Thanks
A. Yes, she does                          B. Hold on
B. No, she doesn’t C. give up
C. She usually does                  D. hurry up
D. She certainly does
17. Selly : Where is the biology book? 24. My father is a doctor. He examines …
Librarian : It's over there carefully.
Selly  : ………........ A. Patients
A. It’s okay                                    C. Students
B. Thank you B. Fashions
C. Never mind                            D. Books
D. You’re welcome
18. The following are expressing to ask for This text below is for the questions 17 to 19
opinion, except ,,,,,,,.....
A. Do I look good in this?           Rania is my sister. She is a … (17). She
B. What do you mean by this? works in a …. (18) of Sukabumi city. She
C. What do you think about this? helps the doctor and look after the patients.
D. Does this suit me? She gives the patients the …(19), and she often
19. . “What would you like to drink?” Belong talks to them and listen their problem.
To …,,,,,
A. Offering Something                              25. A. Patient
B. Asking For Something B. Doctor
C. Asking For Help                        C. Nurse
D. Offering Help D. Dentist
20. It's a big animal with a very hard skin and
one or two horns on its nose. 26. A. Office
What animal is it? B. Hospital
A. Elephant                                      C. School
B. Rhinoceros D. Market
C. Llama                                           
D. Dolphin 27. A. Stove
B. Medicine
Observe the dialogue below and answer the D. Blackboard
question 21 and 22 D. School uniform

Father : Sin, can you help me, please?

Sinta : Yes, dad. 28. My father is a science teacher. He
Father : Can you get me the newspaper? specialized in teaching living things. For
Sinta: Where is it? example, he explains parts of a flower to his
Father : Emm… May be it’s on the table. students.
Sinta : Yes, I got it. The meaning of the underlined word is ….
Father : Thanks for helping me. A. Menyanyikan
Sinta : It’s ok dad. Don’t worry, anytime. C. Menyimpan
B. Menyebutkan
21. In the text above Sinta is a …. girl. She is D. Menjelaskan
ready to help her father anytime.
A. Lazy 29. Ryan : Get me a drink, please.
C. Beautiful Nadia : ...., wait a minute.
B. Kind A. What?
D. Smart  How many characters are there in B. I’m sorry
the dialogue above? C. I’m alright
A. Two D. Yeah, sure.
C. Three
B. One 30. Find the wrong spelling in the underlined
D. Four word below!
A. How do you do?
23. Cindy : We’re leaving. B. See you later
Anne : Wait for me! C. Not too bad
Cindy : ....... ! We’ll be late. D. Nice to met you
Anne : Okay. I’m ready. Let’s go.

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