Line Printer Plus
Line Printer Plus
Line Printer Plus
Printronix, Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Printronix, Inc. shall not be held responsible for errors contained herein or any omissions from this material or for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, in connection with the furnishing, distribution, performance or use of this material. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, translated or incorporated in any other material in any form or by any means, whether manual, graphic, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Printronix, Inc.
Trademark Acknowledgements
IBM and Proprinter are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp. IGP, LinePrinter Plus, PGL and Printronix are registered trademarks of Printronix, Inc. Code V is a trademark of Quality Micro Systems, Inc. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. Dataproducts is a registered trademark of Dataproducts Corporation. Centronics is a registered trademark of Genicom Corporation. This product uses Intellifont Scalable typefaces and Intellifont technology. Intellifont is a registered trademark of Agfa Division, Miles Incorporated (Agfa). CG, Garth Graphic, Intellifont, and Type Director are registered trademarks, and Shannon and CG Triumvirate are trademarks of Agfa Division, Miles Incorporated (Agfa). CG Bodoni, CG Century Schoolbook, CG Goudy Old Style, CG Melliza, Microstyle, CG Omega, and CG Palacio are products of Agfa Corporation. CG Times, based on Times New Roman under license from The Monotype Corporation Plc is a product of Agfa. Univers is a registered trademark of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. Letraset is a registered trademark, and Aachen, Revue and University Roman are trademarks of Esselte Pendaflex Corporation. Futura is a registered trademark of Fundicin Tipogrfica Neufville, S.A. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Benguiat, ITC Bookman, ITC Century, ITC Cheltenham, ITC Clearface, ITC Galliard, ITC Korinna, ITC Lubalin Graph, ITC Souvenir, ITC Tiepolo, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation. Albertus, Gill Sans, and Times New Roman are registered trademarks, and Monotype Baskerville is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation Plc, registered in the U.S. Pat. and TM office and elsewhere. Hiroshige and Marigold are trademarks of AlphaOmega Typography, Inc.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................... 17
About This Manual..................................................................................17 Warnings And Special Information ...................................................18
Table of Contents
Forms Length Set in Lines ...............................................................41 Initialize Parameters......................................................................... 42 Line Feed .........................................................................................44 Line Feed n/216 Inch (One Line Only) ............................................. 45 Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi)............................................................. 46 Line Spacing 7/72 Inch (10.3 lpi)...................................................... 46 Line Spacing n/72 Inch (Executes) ..................................................47 Line Spacing n/72 Inch (Storage)..................................................... 48 Line Spacing n/216 Inch................................................................... 49 Margin, Bottom ................................................................................. 49 Margin, Bottom (Cancel) .................................................................. 50 Margins, Horizontal .......................................................................... 50 Overscoring ...................................................................................... 51 Print All Characters .......................................................................... 51 Print Next Character......................................................................... 52 Print Mode ........................................................................................ 52 Print Quality...................................................................................... 53 Proportional Spacing........................................................................ 53 Select Attributes ............................................................................... 54 Superscript/Subscript Printing.......................................................... 55 Superscript/Subscript Printing, Cancel............................................. 56 Super-Set Commands...................................................................... 56 Set Top-of-Form ............................................................................... 56 Tab, Horizontal ................................................................................. 57 Tab Set/Clear, Horizontal ................................................................. 57 Tab, Vertical ..................................................................................... 58 Tab Set/Clear, Vertical .....................................................................59 Tabs, Clear All (Return to default).................................................... 60 Underline.......................................................................................... 60 Unidirectional Printing ...................................................................... 60
Table of Contents
The Control Codes ...........................................................................70 Backspace........................................................................................72 Bell ...................................................................................................73 Cancel Line ......................................................................................73 Carriage Return................................................................................73 Character Pitch 10 CPI ....................................................................73 Character Pitch 12 CPI ....................................................................74 Character Pitch 15 CPI ....................................................................74 Character Set Select: International Languages................................74 Clear Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 0 ...........................................76 Condensed Print ..............................................................................76 Condensed Print Reset ....................................................................77 Cut-Sheet / Paper Feed Control.......................................................77 Define a Download Character ..........................................................77 Delete Character ..............................................................................78 Double High Print, Set/Reset ...........................................................78 Double Strike....................................................................................79 Double Strike, Cancel ......................................................................79 Double Wide Print ............................................................................80 Double Wide Print (1 Line) ...............................................................81 Double Wide Print (1 Line), Cancel ..................................................81 Emphasized Print .............................................................................82 Emphasized Print, Cancel ................................................................82 Enable Printing Hex Codes 00-1F and 80-9F ..................................83 Form Feed........................................................................................83 Graphics, Standard Density .............................................................85 Graphics, Double Density.................................................................86 Graphics, Double Density Double Speed.........................................87 Graphics, Quadruple Density ...........................................................88 Half Speed Mode, On/Off .................................................................88 Horizontal Tab Execute ....................................................................89 Horizontal Tab Set/Release .............................................................89 Initialize Printer.................................................................................90 Italic Printing.....................................................................................90 Italic Printing, Cancel .......................................................................90 Line Feed .........................................................................................91 Line Feed n/216 Inch .......................................................................91 Line Spacing 1/6 Inch (6 lpi).............................................................92 Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi).............................................................92 Line Spacing 7/72 Inch.....................................................................93 Line Spacing n/216 Inch...................................................................93 Line Spacing n/72 Inch.....................................................................94
Table of Contents
Make Hex 80-9F Control Codes....................................................... 94 Make Hex 80-9F Printable ...............................................................94 Master Print Select ........................................................................... 96 Paper Out Detection, Enable ........................................................... 96 Paper Out Detection, Disable........................................................... 96 Pass Bit 7 from Host ........................................................................ 97 Printer Select.................................................................................... 97 Printer Deselect................................................................................ 97 Reassign Graphics Mode................................................................. 97 Remove Downloaded Characters .................................................... 98 Reverse Line Spacing n/216 Inch .................................................... 98 Select Graphics Mode...................................................................... 99 Select Italic Character Set................................................................ 99 Select 9-Pin Graphics Mode .......................................................... 100 Select Print Quality......................................................................... 100 Select/Deselect Proportional Spacing ............................................ 101 Select Serif or Sans Serif Font....................................................... 101 Select User-Defined Font............................................................... 101 Select Vertical Tab Channel........................................................... 101 Set Absolute Horizontal Print Position in 1/60 Inch ........................ 102 Set Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 1 ............................................ 102 Set Relative Horizontal Print Position in 1/120 Inch ....................... 102 Set Intercharacter Spacing in 1/120 Inch ....................................... 102 Set Margin, Left.............................................................................. 103 Set Margin, Right ........................................................................... 103 Set Forms Length by Lines ............................................................ 104 Set Form Length in Inches .............................................................104 Set Vertical Tabs in Channels ........................................................ 105 Skip Over Perforation..................................................................... 105 Skip Over Perforation, Cancel........................................................ 106 Superscript/Subscript Printing........................................................ 106 Superscript/Subscript Printing, Cancel........................................... 107 Super-Set Commands.................................................................... 107 Underline........................................................................................ 107 Unidirectional Printing, 1 Line ........................................................ 108 Unidirectional Printing, Set/Reset .................................................. 108 Vertical Tab, Execute ..................................................................... 108 Vertical Tab, Set/Clear ...................................................................109
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Superscript/Subscript Printing........................................................ 145 Superscript/Subscript Printing Reset ............................................. 146 Super-Set Commands.................................................................... 146 Underline........................................................................................ 147 VFU Commands (P-Series) ........................................................... 147 Vertical Tab .................................................................................... 147
Table of Contents
Expanded (Double Wide) Print.......................................................173 Expanded (Double Wide) Print (One Line Only) ............................173 Extended Character Set ................................................................174 Extended Character Set Cancel (Primary Character Set Select)...174 Form Feed......................................................................................175 Forms Length Set (Inches).............................................................175 Forms Length Set (Lines)...............................................................176 Horizontal Tab ................................................................................176 Horizontal Tab Set .........................................................................177 Line Feed .......................................................................................177 Line Feed n/216 Inch (One Line Only) ...........................................178 Line Spacing 1/6 Inch (6 lpi)...........................................................179 Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi)...........................................................179 Line Spacing 7/72 Inch...................................................................180 Line Spacing n/72 Inch...................................................................181 Line Spacing n/216 Inch.................................................................182 Overscoring ....................................................................................182 Print Mode/Pitch Selection .............................................................183 Printer Select..................................................................................185 Printer Deselect..............................................................................185 Reverse ..........................................................................................185 Skip-Over Perforation.....................................................................186 Skip-Over Perforation Cancel.........................................................186 Superscript/Subscript Printing ........................................................187 Superscript/Subscript Printing Reset..............................................187 Super-Set Commands....................................................................188 Underline ........................................................................................188 Vertical Tab ....................................................................................189 Vertical Tab, Set/Clear ...................................................................190
Table of Contents
Delete .............................................................................................200 Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU).......................................... 200 Elongated Characters (Double High Print) ..................................... 201 Form Feed...................................................................................... 201 Line Feed .......................................................................................202 Line Spacing (8 or 10.3 LPI) .......................................................... 202 Plot, Even Dot (P-Series XQ High Density Graphics) .................... 203 Plot, Odd Dot (P-Series XQ Normal Density Graphics) ................. 203 Select Draft Print ............................................................................ 204 Space .............................................................................................204 Underline........................................................................................ 205 Vertical Tab .................................................................................... 205
Table of Contents
8 Graphics.............................................................. 259
Overview...............................................................................................259 Bit Image Graphics ...............................................................................259 Designing A Bit Image Pattern .......................................................261 Bit Image Density ...........................................................................261 Plot Mode..............................................................................................264 Plot Density ....................................................................................264 Plot Data Byte Format ....................................................................265 Plot Data Line Format ....................................................................266 Plotting The Data ...........................................................................269 Exiting From P-Series/P-Series XQ Variant Plot Mode..................270 Combining Graphics And Text..............................................................270 Plot Data Byte Dot Patterns ...........................................................271
Table of Contents
Clearing The CVFU Memory .......................................................... 288 Relative Line Slewing..................................................................... 289
C Character Library ................................................ 317 D Glossary .............................................................. 323 E Contact Information............................................. 337
Printronix Customer Support Center..................................................... 337 Printronix Supplies Department ............................................................ 337 Corporate Offices.................................................................................. 338
Each emulation may be configured and programmed by sending emulation control codes from an attached host computer to the printer. The control codes for each emulation are described in this book. You may also configure many parameters using the printer's control panel, as described in the User's Manual. Brief descriptions follow for each chapter in this book: Chapter 1, Introduction. Provides an overview of this book, printer features, and line matrix printing technology. Chapter 2, IBM Proprinter III XL Emulation. Describes the Proprinter XL control code commands that you can send to the printer through the host data stream. These commands allow you to send instructions to the printer and configure many Proprinter III XL emulation parameters. Chapter 3, Epson FX-1050 Emulation. Explains the Epson control code commands that you can send to the printer through the host data stream. These commands allow you to send instructions to the printer and configure many Epson FX emulation parameters. Chapter 4, P-Series Printer Emulation. Covers the P-Series control code commands that you can send to the printer through the host data stream. These commands allow you to send instructions to the printer and configure many P-Series emulation parameters. Chapter 5, Serial Matrix Printer Emulation. Describes the Serial Matrix control code commands that you can send to the printer through the host data stream. These commands allow you to send instructions to the printer and configure many Serial Matrix emulation parameters.
III XL emulation
Chapter 6, P-Series XQ Printer Emulation. Covers the P-Series XQ Variant control code commands that you can send to the printer through the host data stream. These commands allow you to send instructions to the printer and configure many XQ emulation parameters. Chapter 7, Super-Set Programming. Describes the super-set commands that are available to enhance the LinePrinter Plus emulations. The superset commands allow you to select character sets and draw barcodes. Chapter 8, Graphics. Information about bit image graphics printing and programming. Descriptions are provided for designing a bit image pattern, using control codes to set bit image density, and issuing commands for bit image programming. A bit image sample program is included. Chapter 9, Vertical Page Formatting. Information on programming and using vertical format unit (VFU) programs that regulate vertical paper movement and vertical tabs for printing forms. Chapter 10, Downloading Characters. Information on saving, restoring, and deleting downloaded characters and character sets.
Conditions that could harm you as well as damage the equipment. Conditions that could damage the printer or related equipment. Information vital to proper operation of the printer. NOTE: Information affecting printer operation.
This chapter describes the Proprinter III XL emulation host control codes. Emulation refers to the ability of a printer to execute the commands of a particular printer control language. A printer control language is the coding system used to convey, manipulate, and print data. It contains character codes and command sequences that configure the emulation. In this manual, the terms emulation, printer protocol, and printer control language are synonymous. In the Proprinter III XL emulation mode, your printer can print files coded for the Proprinter III XL printer control language. To select the Proprinter emulation as the active printer emulation, select LinePrinter+ from the EMULATION menu and Proprinter III XL from the Printer Protocol menu, as described in the User's Manual. The Proprinter III XL emulation provides many configurable parameters. The default parameter values for this emulation are shown in Table 1. You can modify these parameter values in two ways:
The Proprinter III XL host control codes. An extensive set of Proprinter III XL control code commands can be sent to the printer from an attached host computer via the host data stream. Most of this chapter is devoted to describing the Proprinter III XL control code commands. The printer configuration menus. You can modify a subset of the Proprinter III XL emulation parameters using the printer configuration menus, control panel keys, and LCD, as described in the User's Manual.
Control codes sent from a host system generally override previous settings that result from the configuration menus. NOTE: Configuration values selected from the menus or via host control codes can be saved to the printer's NVRAM memory so that they will not be lost when you power off the printer or reset it to the factory default configuration. The menu selection for saving a configuration to memory is described in the User's Manual. Refer to Appendix B, PTX_SETUP Option to save the configuration using host control codes.
Table 2. LinePrinter+ Menu Option Factory Settings Characteristic CPI LPI Host Command Typeface Proportional Spacing Bold Print Italic Print Slashed Zero Text Position Left Margin Right Margin Bottom Margin Perforation Skip Form Length 10.0 6.0 Enable Data Processing Disable Disable Disable Disable Top of Line 0 columns 0 columns 0 lines Disable 11.0 inches 279.4 millimeters 66 lines 13.6 inches 345.4 millimeters 136 characters Disable Default Setting
Form Width
Discussion A discussion of the uses of the code or command sequence, including exceptions or limitations to its use. Example A sample is provided when it is possible to illustrate the effect of a control code or if a specific syntax is required.
NOTE: If you specify any parameters for a control code other than the ones that are defined in the control code description, unpredictable results may occur. The PI line is never recognized in Proprinter III XL Emulation mode.
An Escape code can occur anywhere in the datastream and is acted upon immediately if it precedes a valid command. An ESC sequence introducer in the data stream signals the printer to wait for special instructions, even if it is ready and printing. The character codes following the ESC character tell the printer what to do. NOTE: For readability, code sequences appear in this manual with spaces inserted between command elements. Do not insert spaces between code characters when you are programming unless the ASCII space character (SP) is part of a code sequence. For example, a code sequence printed in this manual as ESC [ 1 is programmed as ESC[1.
An escape sequence uses two or more bytes to define a specific printer control function. The format for an escape sequence is: ASCII Hex ESC 1B Escape Sequence Introducer
00-7F Character(s)
0-FF Numerical parameter(s)
After the ESC character are one or more characters which indicate the action of the control code. One or more numerical parameters may in turn follow these characters. For example, the sequence ESC S n tells the printer to begin the superscript print attribute if n is an even number, or to begin the subscript attribute if n is an odd number. If the characters following the ESC code are not within the defined ranges, or if they are within the defined ranges but not recognized as a function of this printer, the entire sequence is ignored.
Parameters n1 and n2 together represent a 16-bit (hexadecimal) unsigned number of the quantity (n1 + 256n2), which equals the number of bit image characters (i.e. data bytes) to follow. If n1 and n2 are programmed so that data extends past the last character position, the data is truncated at the last character position. If n1 and n2 are both zero, the ESC sequence is ignored. See Chapter 8 for details on bit image graphics.
Ignored Codes
The control codes recognized by the Proprinter III XL emulation software are described in this chapter. Control codes not described in this chapter are undefined and ignored. In addition, codes that represent printable characters (hex 10, 11, 15, 21-7E, and 80-FF) are not available as Proprinter III XL control codes. NOTE: Entering control codes that are not defined in this chapter may produce unpredictable results. The ASCII control code ETX (hex code 03 or 1B 03) is ignored as a Proprinter III XL control code, but is valid for the Serial Interface Protocol.
Reserved Codes
The Download Characters control code (ASCII code ESC =, hex code 1B 3D) is a reserved code. It is not implemented at this time. When implemented, this code is usually followed by large blocks of data. The Proprinter III XL emulation will currently ignore this control code and any data applicable to it.
27 32 33 33 40 41 49 50 50 56 57 57 60
46 46 47 48 49
34 34
32 32 34 35 36 36 38
FUNCTION Double Wide Print (One Line Only) Cancel Emphasized Print Emphasized Print Cancel Overscoring Print Mode Print Quality Proportional Spacing Select Attributes Superscript/Subscript Printing Superscript/Subscript Printing, Cancel Underline Bit Image Bit Image, Single Density (Normal Speed) Bit Image, Double Density (Half Speed) Bit Image, Double Density, (Normal Speed) Bit Image, Quadruple Density, (Half Speed) Other Functions Bell Deselect Printer Escape Sequence Initialize Parameters Print All Characters Print Next Character Super-Set Commands Unidirectional Printing
PAGE 38 39 39 51 52 53 53 54 55 56 60
28 29 30 31
27 36 22 42 51 52 56 60
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BS 08 08 Moves the logical print head to the left one character space toward the first character column.
Discussion BS moves the character position indicator (the logical print head position) one character space to the left at the current character pitch setting. This code is ignored if the logical print head is positioned at the first character column. When the backspace code is received, printing speed will be reduced. If the printer is in double width mode, the backspace code moves the print head left two normal character spaces. Example If you were to print five T characters, then two BS commands, then two = characters, the output would look like the sample below:
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BEL 07 07 Sounds a buzzer/beeper.
Discussion The BEL function will sound the buzzer/beeper for 0.2 seconds upon receipt of this command.
n1 + 256n2 defines the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion This code prints specified data as bit image graphics at normal density, 60 dots per inch horizontally and 72 dots per inch vertically. For more information, see Graphics Control Codes Overview on page 23 and page Bit Image Graphics on page 259. Example The following example produces a pattern of Single Density Bit Image graphics. The 9-byte bit pattern is repeated 27 times. Compare this example to the double density and quadruple density examples.
n1 + 256n2 defines the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion This code prints specified data as bit image graphics at double horizontal density, 120 dots per inch horizontally and 72 dots per inch vertically. This code causes print speed to be reduced by half from normal density speed. For more information, see Graphics Control Codes Overview on page 23 and Bit Image Graphics on page 259. Example The following example produces Double Density Bit Image graphics of the pattern used in the Single Density Bit Image Mode example. Note that the amount of data must be doubled in order to produce this pattern for double density (the data is used 54 times rather than 27).
n1 + 256n2 defines the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion This code prints specified data as bit image graphics at double horizontal density, 120 dots per inch horizontally and 72 dots per inch vertically. By ignoring adjacent dots, the print speed is not reduced from the normal density speed. For more information, see Graphics Control Codes Overview on page 23 and Bit Image Graphics on page 259. Example The following example produces a Double Density Normal Speed Bit Image graphics for the same pattern as in the Normal (Single) Density example. Note that the amount of data must be doubled for double density (the data is used 54 times rather than 27).
n1 + 256n2 defines the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion This code prints specified data as bit image graphics at quadruple density, 240 dots per inch horizontally and 72 dots per inch vertically. This code causes print speed to be reduced by half. For more information, see Graphics Control Codes Overview on page 23 and Bit Image Graphics on page 259. Example The following example produces quadruple density graphics of the pattern used in the Single Density Bit Image Mode example. Note that the amount of data must be quadrupled for quadruple density (the data is used 108 times rather than 27).
Bold Printing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC G 1B 47 27 71 Selects bold character printing.
Discussion When this command is received, all characters are printed in bold until reset by the Bold Print Reset control code or printer reset. The bold print attribute is implemented by increasing the dot density for the bolded text (with a similar result to double strike printing). The ESC E (page 39) and ESC G commands are equivalent; they produce the same print effect. Example The following sample illustrates bold character printing.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CAN 18 24 Clears the print buffer of all symbols since the last paper motion command was received.
Discussion The CAN command cancels all characters sent to the printer after the last paper motion command. This command will cancel the double wide attribute if set by SO. No other print attributes are affected.
Carriage Return
Carriage Return
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CR 0D 13 Returns the logical print head to the first character column (resets the pointer to the first character position). May be configured to include a line feed.
Discussion The CR code is configured via the ESC 5 code or via the operator panel menus (described in the Users Manual). The CR = CR configuration causes the character position indicator to be positioned at character column one; subsequent printable data preceding a paper motion command overstrikes previously printed data. The CR = CR + LF configuration causes the CR code to perform a carriage return plus a line feed. The CR code also cancels expanded (double wide) print when set by code SO (single line printing attribute).
n may range from 0 through 255 If n = 0, 2, 4 ... (any even value), then CR = CR (the default). If n = 1, 3, 5 ... (any odd value), then CR = CR + LF.
CR = CR (default) configuration causes the character position indicator to be positioned at character column one. Subsequent printable data preceding a paper motion command overstrikes previous printable data. CR = CR + LF configuration causes the CR code to perform a carriage return plus a line feed.
Discussion This control code overrides the operator panel setting (described in the Users Manual).
Condensed Print
Condensed Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SI 0F 15 Sets condensed print. ESC SI 1B 0F 27 15
Discussion You may enable or disable the condensed print feature using the operator panel (the default setting for the Condensed Print option is enabled). Once condensed print is enabled, this control code sets condensed print until it is canceled by control code DC2, a printer reset, or a new print mode (ESC I) control code. The manner in which the print is condensed varies depending on the initial print size. Several examples are listed in Table 4: Table 4. Condensed Print Initial Print Size 5 cpi 6 cpi 8.58 cpi 10 cpi 12 cpi (except NLQ) 12 cpi NLQ 17.16 cpi 20 cpi Example 8.55 cpi 10 cpi no change 17.16 cpi 20 cpi 17.16 cpi no change no change The following sample shows condensed character printing and reset. Condenses To
Discussion The Condensed Print Cancel command sets the character pitch to 10 cpi, or 5 cpi if printing is set for double wide. Example See the SI control code (page 35) for an example of Condensed Print Cancel.
Deselect Printer
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC Q 22 1B 51 16 27 81 22 Stops the printer from processing data received from the host computer.
Discussion This code is for diagnostic use; it instructs the printer to stop processing data received from the host system. In order to resume processing data, the printer must be reset from the host system. Example Using the BASIC language, you may deselect the Proprinter III XL with the following:
LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(81);CHR$(22);
n may range from 0 through 255 If n = 1, 3, 5 ... (any odd value), double wide print is selected. If n = 0, 2, 4 ... (any even value), double wide print is cancelled.
Discussion An ESC W code sets or cancels double wide print, as follows: When expanded print using ESC W is received, all characters print double wide until cancelled by an even parameter hex code. Double wide print can also be set via the command SO and ESC SO, double wide print for one line only. An ESC W code overrides these settings.
The manner in which the print is expanded varies depending on the initial print size. Several examples are listed in Table 5: Table 5. Double-Wide Print Initial Print Size 5 cpi 6 cpi 8.58 cpi 10 cpi 12 cpi 17.16 cpi 20 cpi Example no change no change no change 5 cpi 6 cpi 8.55 cpi 10 cpi The following sample illustrates expanded character printing and expanded character printing reset. Expands To
Discussion This expanded print command is a line-by-line print attribute; when the SO or ESC SO command is received, the current line will be printed double wide and automatically reset. This command can be reset by a paper motion command (FF, LF, VT, CR), by the DC4 (double wide cancel) code, CAN or ESC W (double wide print). See the previous control code (ESC W) for examples of print expansion for various initial print sizes. Example The following sample illustrates Expanded Print for one line only.
Discussion The DC4 code cancels Double Wide Print command SO. If Double Wide Print is not enabled, the DC4 code is ignored. A DC4 code can occur at any place in the datastream and is acted upon immediately.
Emphasized Print
Emphasized Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC E 1B 45 27 69 Selects emphasized character print format.
Discussion When the emphasized print command is received, all characters will be printed in emphasized (bold) print until reset by the Emphasized Print Reset command or printer reset. Emphasized print reduces the current print speed. NOTE: The ESC G (page 32) and ESC E commands are equivalent; they produce the same print effect. Example The following sample illustrates emphasized character printing.
Discussion The emphasized print reset command only resets the emphasized print character attribute. See Example above for using ESC E combined with ESC F.
Form Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose FF 0C 12 Prints the data in the buffer, advances the paper to the next topof-form, and moves the logical printhead to the first character column.
Discussion Forms length is set by using the operator panel or forms length control codes. This code cancels double wide (expanded) characters if set by the SO command. The Form Feed command will react differently when the VFU is active. Refer to Chapter 9 for further information.
n = whole numbers from 1 through 24 to specify the number of inches on a page. (All larger values are ignored.)
Discussion Upon receipt of this code, the current line becomes the first line of the form, and the forms length set becomes the current forms length. Vertical tab positions set below the bottom of the form are ignored; in addition, once a new forms length is set the bottom margin is set to zero. Line spacing changes do not affect the result of this command. If the forms length is set smaller than the line spacing, a form feed advances the paper position to the next top-of-form position. Forms length in inches can also be set at the operator panel via the Print Format menu. However, this host control code overrides the operator panel setting.
n = 1 through 192 (1 through C0 hex) to specify the number of lines per page at the current line spacing.
Discussion The forms length is defined in inches as the quotient of n divided by the current lines per inch (lpi) setting. Once the forms length has been set, subsequent line spacing changes do not affect the result of this command. If the forms length is set smaller than the line spacing, a form feed advances the paper position to the next top-of-form. If the forms length derived from the quotient of n lines divided by lines per inch is not an exact multiple of the printer dot resolution, the value is adjusted down until the forms length and dot resolution distance match. Forms length in lines can also be set at the operator panel via the Print Format menu. However, this host control code overrides the operator panel setting.
Initialize Parameters
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC [ K n1 NUL n2 n3 n4 n5 1B 5B 4B n1 00 n2 n3 n4 n5 27 91 75 n1 0 n2 n3 n4 n5 Sets the printer initial condition.
Discussion This command causes the printer to reset and defines the configuration that will be loaded to the printer during the reset. Several variables must be specified to define the load configuration, as described below. NOTE: An ESC[K code can occur at any place in the datastream and is acted upon immediately. All numerical parameters are in the hex 00 through FF range unless stated otherwise. Only specified parameters are supported. Other values may be ignored or cause unpredictable results, and should be avoided.
The value of n1 defines which of the following n bytes will be included in the command line, as shown in Table 6. Table 6. Defining Bytes in the Command Line
Hex Value 1 3 4 One byte follows (n2)
Three bytes follow (n2, n3, and n4) Four bytes follow (n2, n3, n4, and n5)
Specifying any value for n1 other than 1, 3, or 4 may cause unpredictable results, and should be avoided.
The 2-digit hexadecimal value for n2 defines the load configuration for the printer. The Proprinter III XL supports six hexadecimal values for this parameter: 00, 01, 04, 05, 254, and 255. The following table describes the different load configurations that will result with each value: Table 7. Load-up Configuration
Hex Value 00, 01, 254
Function The printer will load the power-up configuration that is stored in memory. Configuration changes that are defined by command bytes n4 and n5, if present, will override conflicting values stored in memory. The printer will load the factory default configuration. Configuration parameters defined by command bytes n4 and n5, if present, will override conflicting factory default values.
Initialize Parameters
Parameter n3 is provided for compatibility with the Proprinter III XL printer control language standard. You may define any value for this parameter. (For Proprinters, this bit must define the attached printer as either Proprinter III, hex value 03, or Proprinter III XL, hex value 16.) Parameter bytes n4 and n5 allow you to define several configuration parameters that will override conflicting factory default and NVRAM-based configuration values when the printer is reinitialized. Depending on the value that is defined for n2 (refer to Table 7), these values may also be saved to memory.
n4 and n5
NOTE: In addition to the formatting from bytes n4 and n5, this command sets the current line as top-of-form. It also clears vertical tabs and sets the horizontal tabs at every eight columns, starting at column 9. Table 8. Configuration Parameters (n4)
n4 Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function Process this byte. Reserved N/A Line Feed = Carriage Return = Set forms length Slashed zero Character set
ON (1)
Reserved ---------LF + CR (add CR with each LF) CR + LF (add LF with each CR) 12 Enable 2 (B)
n5 Bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function Process this byte. Code page Unidirectional printing 12 cpi compressed to 20 n/a Form feed at TOF Print width Sheet feeder
OFF (0) Process 437 bidirectional 20 --Enable 13.6 inch N/A Ignore 850
ON (1)
Line Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose LF 0A 10 Prints the data in the buffer (if any) and advances the paper one line at the current line space setting.
Discussion If configured for LF equals new line (LF = CR + LF), the logical print head is positioned at character column 1 of the new line. Otherwise, the logical print head does not move when configured for LF function only (LF = LF only). The LF function cancels double wide (expanded) characters if set by the SO command. Line feed can occur at any place in the datastream and is acted upon immediately.
n = 1 through 255
Discussion The n/216-inch line feed control code is effective for one line only. All single-line-only print attributes are canceled. If the emulation is configured for LF equals newline (LF=CR+LF), the paper advances one line at the current line space setting and the logical print head is positioned at character column 1. The paper position moves only in multiples of the current dot row spacing. If the distance to move is other than a multiple of the current dot row spacing, the remainder is added to the next paper motion command. Small values of n may result in overlapping lines. Overlapping lines may also occur if print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript characters are used on the same line. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap. Example The following example illustrates n/216-inch line spacing.
Discussion When the 1/8-inch line spacing control code is received, all lines will be printed at 8 lpi until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. Example The following example illustrates 1/8-inch line spacing.
Discussion When the 7/72-inch line spacing control code is received, all lines will be printed at the 7/72-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting, and the message display will reflect the line spacing as 10.3 lines per inch. Caution should be used when combining this control code with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript; overlapping lines may occur. Example The following example illustrates 7/72-inch line spacing.
Discussion ESC 2 asserts n/72-inch line spacing as set by ESC A (page page 47). If no distance has been set by ESC A, the distance is 1/6 inch. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. Example The following example illustrates 1/6-inch line spacing and assumes that a distance has not been set by ESC A.
Discussion This control code stores a value for line spacing of n/72 inch. The ESC 2 control code (described on page 47) executes the line spacing stored by the preceding ESC A, until a new line spacing is selected or power to the printer is reset. A control code line spacing overrides an operator panel line spacing setting. (The operator panel display shows line spacing in lines per inch.) Small values of n may result in overlapping lines. Overlapping lines may also occur if print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript characters are used on the same line. Common values of n are shown in Table 10. Table 10. Line Spacing (n/72 inch)
24 18 12 9 8 6 Example
n = 1 through 255
Discussion When the n/216-inch line spacing control code is received, all line feeds following will be at n/216-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the control panel line spacing setting. The vertical character position moves only in multiples of the current dot row spacing. If the distance to move is other than a multiple of the current dot row spacing, the remainder is added to the next paper motion command. Caution should be used when combining this control code with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript; overlapping lines may occur. Example The following example illustrates n/216-inch line spacing.
Margin, Bottom
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC N n 1B 4E n 27 78 n Sets the bottom margin.
Discussion n defines the number of lines above the bottom of the form to set as the bottom margin. n has a range from 1 through 255. The actual margin in inches is the quotient of n divided by the current lines per inch (lpi). If a line feed command causes the active position to advance below the bottom margin, the paper advances to the top of the next form. If the bottom margin is set equal to or greater than the form length, printing is only allowed on the top line of each page. If the forms length is changed by the ESC C code (Forms Length sequence), the bottom margin is set to zero. The bottom margin setting can also be selected from the operator panel; however, the host control code will override the operator panel setting. Any vertical tabs set within the bottom margin zone will be ignored.
Margins, Horizontal
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC X n m 1B 58 n m 27 88 n m Sets left and right margins in character positions. where:
Discussion The values of n and m must be in the range from 0 through 255. The margins are measured in character positions at the current characters per inch (cpi). The value set for n is the left margin, where n is the number of character positions from the left edge of the paper. The left margin in inches is the quotient of the value for n divided by the current cpi. Once the left margin is set, later changes in the cpi do not affect the margin setting. The value set for m is the right margin, where m is the number of character positions from the left edge of the paper. The right margin in inches is the quotient of the value for m divided by the current cpi. Once the right margin is set, later changes in the cpi do not affect the margin setting.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC _ n 1B 5F n 27 95 n Enables or disables automatic overscoring of all characters. where:
n may range from 0 through 255 n = 00, 02, 04 (any even value) disables automatic overscoring n = 01, 03, 05 (any odd value) enables automatic overscoring
Discussion When automatic overscore is enabled, all characters, including spaces, are overscored. Full-height graphics characters are not overscored. (Full-height characters are in the upper ASCII character set for code pages 437 and 850, in positions 176-233, or 244.) Example The following sample illustrates automatic overscoring and overscoring reset.
Discussion The number of data bytes specified by n1 + 256n2 will print as text. Valid numerical parameters are in the range hex 00 through hex FF. Data values that do not correspond to standard ASCII codes will print as spaces.
Discussion This command may appear anywhere in the data stream, and will be acted upon immediately. Valid numerical parameters are in the range hex 00 through hex FF.
Print Mode
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC I n 1B 49 n 27 73 n Selects a print mode.
Discussion This control code selects a print mode from among the choices in Table 11. Table 11. Print Mode
n (Hex)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DP
Draft 12 CPI NLQ Sans Serif NLQ Serif DP Draft 12 CPI NLQ Sans Serif NLQ Serif NLQ Serif-Italic-Proportional NLQ Serif-Italic
There are several duplicate Hex values that select the same print quality. These are provided for compatibility with the Proprinter III XL standard.
If you specify any value other than those shown in Table 11, unpredictable results may occur.
Print Quality
Print Quality
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC x n 1B 78 n 27 120 n This code selects a print quality. where:
n = hex 0 or hex 30 selects DP print quality n = hex 1 or hex 31 selects NLQ Serif print quality n = hex 2 or hex 32 selects Draft print quality n = hex 3 or hex 33 selects OCR A print quality n = hex 4 or hex 34 selects OCR B print quality
Print qualities selected with this command override operator panel selections. Selecting an OCR print quality overrides any character attributes already set, such as condensed, doublewide, etc., and forces 10 cpi. Character attributes set when OCR is selected will be ignored.
NOTE: Some print attributes (such as condensed, double-wide, etc.) may not return to their previous setting when changing from OCR-A or OCR-B back to another Print Quality. For guaranteed results, all print attributes should be set after the Print Quality is selected.
Proportional Spacing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC P n 1B 50 n 27 80 n Enables/disables proportional spacing of characters. where:
n may range from 0 through 255 n = 1, 3, 5...(any odd value) enables proportional spacing n = 0, 2, 4...(any even value) disables proportional spacing
Select Attributes
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC [ @ n1 NUL NUL NUL n2 n3 1B 5B 40 n1 00 00 00 n2 n3 27 91 64 n1 0 0 0 n2 n3 Selects double high and double wide attributes, and single or double high line spacing.
Discussion Parameter n1 selects the attributes from n2 and n3, as follows: Table 12. Select Attributes (n1)
n1 Hex Value
03 04
Function Set character height and line feed settings according to the value of n2 (If n1 = 03, there is no n3.) Set character height, line feed, and character settings according to the values of n2 and n3.
Parameter n2 defines the height attributes, as follows: Table 13. Select Attributes (n2)
n2 Hex Value
00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22 No change
Set single line height characters Set double height characters Set single line spacing Set single height characters and single line spacing Set double height characters and single line spacing Set double line spacing Set single height characters and double line spacing Set double height characters and double line spacing
Superscript/Subscript Printing
Parameter n3 defines the width attributes, as follows: Table 14. Select Attributes (n3)
n3 Hex
00 01 02
Function No change Set single wide characters Set double wide characters
An ESC [ @ code can occur at any place in the datastream and is acted upon immediately. All numerical parameters are in the hex 00 through FF range unless stated otherwise.
Superscript/Subscript Printing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC S n 1B 53 n 27 83 n Selects superscript or subscript printing. where:
n may range from 0 through 255 n = 01, 03, 05 (any odd value), selects subscript printing. n = 00, 02, 04 (any even value), selects superscript printing.
Discussion When the super/subscript command is received, all characters will be superscript or subscript until reset by the super/subscript reset command or printer reset. Super/subscript print modes are not available for the double high attribute. NOTE: Superscript and subscript characters print at the same size as the current font, shifted up or down relative to the print line. Example The following sample illustrates superscript/subscript printing.
Super-Set Commands
ASCII HEX Dec Purpose ESC | } ; 1B 7C 7D 3B 27 124 125 59 Control code sequence used to introduce the super-set commands. Super-set commands affect the ASCII emulation as a whole regardless of the printer protocol currently active. The commands are sent through the host in the input data stream, and enact the following features:
Select a printer protocol Bar codes Set variable character spacing Set variable line spacing
Refer to Chapter 7, Super-Set Programming, for further information regarding the super-set commands.
Set Top-of-Form
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC 4 1B 34 27 52 Sets the current paper position as the top-of-form.
Tab, Horizontal
Tab, Horizontal
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose HT 09 09 Moves the logical printhead right to the next horizontal tab stop.
Discussion Power-on default horizontal tabs are set at every eighth character starting at position 9 (9, 17, 25 ...). If there are no horizontal tabs set or the logical printhead is located at the last character column, the code is ignored and no movement occurs. If double-wide, double-high attributes are enabled, single-wide character spacing is used. Horizontal tabs are stored as a relative position; therefore, character pitch changes will change horizontal tab positions. Refer to the ESC D control code description (page 57) to set new tab positions.
Discussion n1, n2, up to nk denote character column positions for tab stops (at the current character pitch), where n1 and n2 represent the first two tab stops and nk is the final tab stop. You may specify from 1 up to 28 tab stops (all parameters after 28 are ignored). The leftmost character column position is 1. The value for each tab stop can range from 1 through 255, inclusive, and all tabs must be specified in ascending order. Any out-of-order symbols are ignored, though the remainder of the sequence is processed. If you are defining a sequence of tabs, terminate the string with a NUL (not an ESC D NUL). If you want every column to be set with a horizontal tab, use ESC D NUL. If only one tab position is set and it is beyond the right margin, then every column is also set as a horizontal tab. Any change in character pitch within a line changes the tab positions for the entire line. All control codes that define horizontal distance expressed in units of characters are stored internally in character columns.
Tab, Vertical
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose VT 0B 11 Prints the data in the buffer and advances the paper to the next vertical tab position.
Discussion In the Proprinter III XL emulation, vertical tab positions are set by control code ESC B and executed by control code VT. In this mode, if vertical tabs are loaded, the paper position moves to the next vertical tab position. If a vertical tab format is not defined, the paper position is advanced to the next line at the current line spacing. If a vertical tab format is defined but no vertical tab positions are set between the current print position and the end of the form, the paper position is advanced to the top of the next form. The VT code resets all single line print attributes. More information on vertical tabs is provided in Chapter 9. If configured for LF = CR + LF (LF equals new line), the character position indicator is positioned at character column 1 of the new line. Otherwise, the character position indicator does not move.
Discussion The physical position on the paper is defined by n and the current line spacing. where:
The value of n can be defined in the range of 1 through 255, inclusive, while k is defined in the range of 1 through 64. Any value for k over 64 is ignored. Subsequent line spacing changes affect the tab position. If the value of n exceeds the forms length, that tab position is ignored. Vertical tab positions are set by the command ESC B and executed by the command VT. The tab positions must be in ascending order, or the emulation ignores the out-of-order symbols. If the ESC B command is followed immediately by 00H, the vertical tab positions are cleared. Example The following sample illustrates Vertical Tab Setting. To run the sample, set your printer at top-of-form.
Discussion When ESC R is invoked, horizontal tab stops reinitialize to every eight columns, starting at column 9 (9, 17, 25,...). In addition, the vertical tabs are cleared.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC n 1B 2D n 27 45 n Enables or disables automatic underlining of all characters.
Discussion When automatic underline is enabled, all characters, including spaces, are underlined until disabled. where:
n may range from 0 through 255 n = 01, 03, 05 ... (any odd value) selects underlining. n = 00, 02, 04 ... (any even value) cancels underlining.
Unidirectional Printing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC U n 1B 55 n 27 85 n Sets or cancels unidirectional printing. where:
n may range from 0 through 255 n = 01, 03, 05 ... (any odd value) selects unidirectional text printing. n = 00, 02, 04 ... (any even value) cancels unidirectional text printing.
This chapter describes the Epson FX emulation host control codes. Emulation refers to the ability of a printer to execute the commands of a particular printer control language. A printer control language is the coding system used to convey, manipulate, and print data. It contains character codes and command sequences that configure the emulation. In this manual, the terms emulation, printer protocol, and printer control language are synonymous. In Epson FX emulation mode, your printer can print files coded for the Epson FX printer control language. To select the Epson FX emulation as the active printer emulation, select LinePrinter Plus from the EMULATION menu and Epson FX from the Printer Protocol menu, as described in the User's Manual. The Epson FX emulation provides many configurable parameters. The default parameter values for this emulation are shown in Table 15. You can modify these parameter values in two ways:
The Epson FX host control codes. An extensive set of Epson FX control code commands can be sent to the printer from an attached host computer via the host data stream. Most of this chapter is devoted to describing the Epson FX control code commands. The printer configuration menus. You can modify a subset of the Epson FX emulation parameters using the control panel keys and LCD display, as described in the User's Manual.
A parameter value set by a host control code generally overrides a value set from the printer's control panel. Configuration values selected from the menus or via host control codes can be saved to the printer's NVRAM memory so that they will not be lost when you power off the printer or reset it to the factory defaults. The menu selection for saving a configuration to memory is described in the User's Manual. Refer to Appendix B, PTX_SETUP Option to save the configuration using host control codes.
Table 16 lists several additional default settings for parameters that are provided by the Print Format menus (described in the Users Manual). Many of the settings shown in Table 16 can be overridden by Epson FX-1050 host control codes for the same parameter. Table 16. Print Format Default Settings Characteristic CPI LPI Forms Width 10.0 6.0 13.6 inches 345.4 millimeters 136 characters 11.0 inches 279 millimeters 66 lines DP Quality Disable Disable Disable 0 columns 0 columns 0 lines Disable Default Settings
Forms Length
Print Quality Proportional Spacing Italic Print Slashed Zero Left Margin Right Margin Bottom Margin Perforation Skip
Epson codes that produce different behavior in your printer are indicated by a dagger () in the Control Code Index and code section. The Epson emulation supports the following fonts: DP, NLQ Serif and Sans Serif, Draft with 10 cpi, 12 cpi and 15 cpi in either condensed or normal widths, and OCR A and OCR B in 10 cpi. Condensed printing at 10 cpi in DP quality maps to 17.1 cpi. Character pitches other than 10 DP cpi map to 20 cpi in DP and 17.1 cpi in NLQ. Epson bit-image graphics are supported, including all plotter and CRT densities. Many character sets are available, including IBM-PC Graphics (IBM Code Page 0437) and Epson. You can configure the zero character to contain a slash or no slash. The Double Wide print control codes (ESC W, SO) double character width, but not inter-character spacing, unlike the Epson FX-1050. The formulas for total character spacing are as follows: Epson FX-1050 Epson Emulation 2 (char + 1 dot + space) 2 (char + 1 dot) + space
The Condensed Print (SI) control code condenses character width but not inter-character spacing, unlike the Epson FX-1050 which condenses both character width and spacing. If one or more Backspace control codes follow directly after a Bit Image Graphics command (ESC K, ESC L, ESC Y, or ESC Z), the printer will backspace into the graphic pattern, the number of dots depending on the current cpi setting. For an Epson FX-1050 printer, one Backspace will send the logical printhead directly to the beginning of the graphics pattern. When backspacing over proportionally spaced characters, Epson printers move back the width of each proportional character; this emulation moves back based on the current cpi setting, as if proportional spacing is disabled.
i Pt
SP ! # $ % & ( ) * + , . /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
The international characters in hex 00-1F and hex 80-9F appear when you invoke control code ESC I 1. You may use the Epson configuration menus described in the Users Manual (or the ESC R control code) to select an international character set. Table 18 provides detailed notes on print mode support for each character set. Normally, these characters are either blank or control codes. The implementation is that the control codes hide the non-italic international characters, even in hex 00 through 1F, and DEL. DEL conceals the non-italic slashed zero.
Discussion A discussion of the uses of the code or command sequence, including a description of exceptions or limitations to normal use. Example A sample output is provided when it is possible to illustrate the effect of a control code or if a specific syntax is required. This symbol means the code produces non-Epson behavior in your printer.
If you specify any parameters for a control code other than the ones that are defined in the control code description, unpredictable results may occur.
Escape Sequences
An Epson control code consisting of more than one character is called an escape sequence because the first character in the sequence is always the ASCII ESCape character. ESC alerts the printer that a special function commandnot printable charactersfollows. The format for an Epson escape sequence is: (ESC)(parameter 1)(parameter 2)...(parameter n) For example, to select emphasized (offset) print, send the ESC character immediately followed by the E character (do not add a space character): ASCII: ESC E Hex: 1B 45 Dec: 27 69
NUL Code
NUL (hex 00) is ignored by the printer and can be used as a fill character; however, it can not be used to add blank spaces since it is not a space character. NUL can also be used as a parameter terminator for the Set Horizontal Tabs (page 89) or Set Vertical Tabs multibyte control code (page 109). NOTE: Hex 80 in the 0437 PC Character Set and Hex 7F in the 0850 PC Character Set are treated as a NUL; however, these two controls can not be used as parameter terminators.
Table 18. Character Set Print Mode Support (continued) Character Set 0857 Turkish 0858 PC Euro Multilingual 0860 Portuguese 0861 Icelandic 0862 Hebrew 0863 French Canadian 0864 Arabic 0865 Danish/Norwegian 0866 Cyrillic 0869 Greek New 0874 Thai 0912 ISO Latin 2 PC 0913 ISO Latin 3 0914 ISO Latin 4 0915 ISO Cyrillic PC 0916 Hebrew 0920 ISO Latin 5 Turkish 0921 ISO Baltic Multilingual 0922 Estonian 0923 Latin 9 8859-15 1006 ISO Urdu 1008 ISO Arabic 1046 Arabic Extended 1089 ISO Arabic 1098 Farsi 1285 1116 Estonian 1117 Latvian 1118 Lithuanian 1129 Vietnamese NLQ(Serif)/DP/Draft X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Notes
Table 18. Character Set Print Mode Support (continued) Character Set 1134 Hebrew Old Epson Set ASCII (USA) Epson Set French Epson Set German Epson Set English (UK) Epson Set Danish I Epson Set Swedish Epson Set Italian Epson Set Spanish I Epson Set Japanese Epson Set Norwegian Epson Set Danish II Epson Set Spanish II Epson Set Latin American I Epson Set French Canadian Epson Set Latin American II NLQ(Serif)/DP/Draft X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Notes
Horizontal Motion Backspace Carriage Return Character Pitch 10 cpi Character Pitch 12 cpi Horizontal Tab Execute Horizontal Tab Set/Release Select/Deselect Proportional Spacing Set Absolute Horizontal Print Position in 1/60 Set Relative Horizontal Print Position in 1/120 Set Intercharacter Spacing in 1/120 Set Margin, Left Set Margin, Right
FUNCTION Emphasis Condensed Print Condensed Print Reset Double High Print, Set/Reset Double Strike Double Strike, Cancel Double Wide Print Double Wide Print (1 Line) Double Wide Print (1 Line), Cancel Emphasized Print Emphasized Print, Cancel Italic Printing Italic Printing, Cancel Superscript/Subscript Printing, Cancel Superscript/Subscript Printing Underline Print Quality Control Character Pitch 15 cpi Define a Download Character Master Print Select Remove Downloaded Characters Select Print Quality Select Serif or Sans Serif Font Select User-Defined Font Character Set Select: International Languages Enable Printing of Hex Codes 00-1F and 80-9F Make Hex 80-9F Printable Make Hex 80-9F Control Codes Select Italic Character Set Data Manipulation Cancel Line Clear Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 0 Delete Character Pass Bit 7 from Host Set Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 1 Graphics Graphics, Standard Density Graphics, Double Density Graphics, Double Density Double Speed Graphics, Quadruple Density Reassign Graphics Mode Select Graphics Mode Select 9-Pin Graphics Mode
Character Set Manipulation ESC R n ESC I n ESC 6 ESC 7 ESC t n CAN ESC = DEL ESC # ESC > ESC K n1 n2 ESC L n1 n2 ESC Y n1 n2 ESC Z n1 n2 ESC ? s m ESC * m n1 n2 ESC ^ m n1 n2 d1 ... dk 74 83 94 94 99 73 76 78 97 102 85 86 87 88 97 99 100
FUNCTION Miscellaneous Printer Control Bell Cut-Sheet/Paper Feed Control Half-Speed Mode, On/Off Initialize Printer Printer Select Printer Deselect Super-Set Commands Unidirectional Printing, 1 Line Unidirectional Printing, Set/Reset
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BS 08 08 Moves the logical print head to the left one character space toward the first character column.
Discussion Assures that the previous printable characters will be printed, then moves the logical print head one character space to the left at the current pitch setting (which includes double wide and ESC SP). If the logical print head bumps into the left margin, it stops. When backspacing over proportionally spaced characters, Epson printers move back the width of each proportional character; this emulation moves back based on the current cpi setting, as if proportional spacing is disabled. If one or more Backspace control codes follow directly after a Bit Image Graphics command (ESC K, ESC L, ESC Y, or ESC Z), your printer will backspace into the graphic pattern, the number of dots depending on the current cpi setting. For an Epson FX-1050 printer, one Backspace will send the logical printhead directly to the beginning of the graphics pattern. If you were to print five T characters, then two BS commands, then two = characters, the output would look like the sample below:
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BEL 07 07 Sounds the printer buzzer/beeper.
Discussion The BEL function will sound the buzzer/beeper for 0.2 seconds upon receipt of this command.
Cancel Line
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CAN 18 24 Clears all unprinted data from a line, but does not affect control codes.
Discussion You can use this control code to delete a line, but do so with caution to avoid possible misprinting. This control code cancels the double wide attribute set by SO. No other print attributes are affected. The logical print head goes to the print position it had after the last CR or paper motion command.
Carriage Return
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CR 0D 13 Prints the data in the buffer, then returns the logical print head to the left margin.
Discussion Subsequent data are emphasized. A line feed will be appended if the printer is configured from the operator panel for CR = CR + LF. When CR = CR + LF, this code cancels all one-line-only emphasis and font controls: double-wide from SO and ESC SO, and unidirectional printing from ESC <.
Discussion This command is available in all print modes except OCR A and OCR B.
Discussion This command is not defined in Epson FX printers. It is included in this emulation for compatibility with the Okidata KX-P1180 printer. This command is available in all print modes except OCR A and OCR B.
n = hex 0 through E to determine the language overlay shown in Table 19 below. Epson only defines character sets through hex C.
Table 19. Epson International Character Sets (Hex) If n= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E International Character Set is: USA French German English (UK) Danish I Swedish Italian Spanish I Japanese Norwegian Danish II Spanish II Latin American I French Canadian Latin American II # # # # # # # 23 # # #
24 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
40 @ @ @ @ @ @ @
5B [ [ i [ i i [
5C \ \ \
5D ] ] ] ]
5E ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
7B { { {
7C | | |
7D } } } }
7E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
# # #
Discussion This control code setting overrides a character set selection made at the operator panel. Example The following example illustrates international character selection using the IBM PC character set.
Discussion The MSB is bit number 7. This command only affects text and control code data. Graphics data pass through unchanged. Some applications always set the MSB of print data to one (1), which results in italic or graphics printing in Epson printers. This command overcomes the problem. NOTE: This command does not suppress hex FF from printing.
Condensed Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SI 0F 15 ESC SI 1B 0F 27 15
Condenses print pitch as close to 60% of the former character width as possible (up to 20 characters per inch).
Discussion The condensed print command affects all subsequent characters. After the printer receives code SI, all characters are printed condensed (approximately 60 per cent of the width of normal characters) until the printer is reset by ESC M, ESC P, DC2, a printer reset, or a new print mode control code. SI code (hex 0F) is equivalent to the ESC SI code. If condensed print is not allowed in the current font, this code is ignored. Proportionally spaced text cannot be condensed. Proportional spacing overrides condensed printing. When condensed print is selected, the following character pitches go into effect:
DP 10 cpi condenses to DP 17.1 cpi. NLQ 10, 12, and 15 cpi condense to NLQ 17.1 cpi. Draft 10 cpi condenses to Draft 17.1 cpi. DP 12 and 15 cpi condense to DP 20. Draft 12 and 15 cpi condense to Draft 20. This control code condenses character width but not intercharacter spacing. An actual Epson FX-1050 printer condenses both character width and spacing. If Condensed Print is combined with Double High (ESC w) printing, only Double High printing will occur.
The sample output below shows condensed character printing and reset.
Discussion This returns the printer to the font that was active before condensed print occurred. Other print attributes are not affected. Example See the Condensed Print control code (page 76) for an example of Condensed Print Reset.
Discussion The printer ignores this command and removes all downloaded font data from the data stream.
Delete Character
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose DEL 7F 127 Deletes the previous character on a line.
Discussion This command is ignored if it occurs immediately after a CR or a paper motion command. Characters truncated due to line length restrictions are not affected by this code.
n = hex 1 or hex 31 turns double high printing on n = hex 0 or hex 30 turns double high printing off
Discussion The OCR A and OCR B fonts cannot be printed in double high. NOTE: It is recommended to use double Line Feeds and Carriage Returns when double-high character printing is on (after an ESC w control code has been sent), or else the printer will overstrike text that has already printed. If Superscript/Subscript (ESC S) or Condensed Print (SI) is combined with Double High printing, only Double High printing will occur. The following sample output illustrates double-high character printing.
Double Strike
Double Strike
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC G 1B 47 27 71 Makes text bolder by double printing each dot twice.
Discussion This command makes text bolder by printing each dot twice, the second dot offset to the right of the first by a distance equal to 1/ 2 the width of a dot, the same as with ESC E. Example The following sample output illustrates double strike character printing.
Discussion This control code resets only the double strike print attribute. Other print attributes, such as double wide printing, are not affected.
n = hex 1 or hex 31 turns double wide print on n = hex 0 or hex 30 turns double wide print off
Discussion When ESC W is received, all characters are printed twice as wide until reset. This command overrides SO, ESC SO, and DC4. The OCR A and OCR B fonts cannot be printed in double wide. This control code doubles character width, but does not double inter-character spacing. unlike the Epson FX-1050. The formulas for total character spacing are as follows: Epson FX-1050 Epson Emulation Example 2(char + 1 dot + space) 2(char + 1 dot) + space
Discussion This control code is a line-by-line print attribute; when SO or ESC SO is received, the characters on the current line print twice as wide, then automatically reset. This control code is cancelled by the DC4 code or by a CR code, as in the Epson FX-1050. It is also cancelled by a paper motion control code (LF, VT, etc.), as in the IBM Proprinter III XL. This control code doubles character width, but does not double inter-character spacing. unlike the Epson FX-1050. The formulas for total character spacing are as follows: Epson FX-1050 Epson Emulation Example 2(char + 1 dot + space) 2(char + 1 dot) + space
The following sample output illustrates double wide print for one line only.
Discussion This command cancels the double wide print selected by SO or ESC SO, but does not cancel double wide printing selected by ESC W or ESC !.
Emphasized Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC E 1B 45 27 69 Selects emphasized character print format.
Discussion Emphasized print makes text bolder by printing each dot twice, the second dot offset to the right of the first by a distance equal to 1/2 the width of a dot. This command is available in both DP and NLQ modes. Example The following sample output illustrates emphasized character printing.
n = 1 allows hex codes 00-1F and 80-9F to be printable and to be used for user-defined characters. n = 0 returns hex 00-1F and 80-9F to control codes.
Discussion The printable characters that are included in hex codes 00 through 1F and 80 through 9F are usually not printable in the default state on Epson printers. Sending ESC I 1 enables you to print characters in this range. Sending ESC I 0 returns the codes to non-printable status. The printable codes for the Epson character set are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows the types of characters and their addresses; it is not a sample of printer output.
Form Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose FF 0C 12 Prints the data in the buffer, if any, then moves the paper to the top of the next form.
Discussion The logical print head moves to the left margin. This code cancels all one-line-only emphasis and font controls: doublewide from SO and ESC SO, and unidirectional printing from ESC <.
0 B5
B4 B3 B2 B1 1 0 1 1
33 27 1B
0 B6 B5
0 0 0
B8 0 0 1
1 B6 0 B5 0 0
1 0 0 1
B4 B3 B2 B1 ROW
B4 B3 B2 B1 ROW
0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5
200 128 80 201 129 81 202 130 82 203 131 83 204 132 84 205 133 85
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
20 16 10 21 17 11 22 18 12 23 19 13 24 20 14 25 21 15 26 22 16 27 23 17 30 24 18 31 25 19 32 26 1A 33 27 1B 34 28 1C 35 29 1D 36 30 1E 37 31 1F
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
220 144 90 221 145 91 222 146 92 223 147 93 224 148 94 225 149 95 226 150 96 227 151 97 230 152 98 231 153 99 232 154 9A 233 155 9B 234 156 9C 235 157 9D 236 158 9E 237 159 9F
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
6 6 6 7 7 7 10 8 8 11 9 9 12 10 0A 13 11 0B 14 12 0C 15 13 0D 16 14 0E 17 15 0F
0 1 1 0
206 134 86 207 135 87 210 136 88 211 137 89 212 138 8A 213 139 8B 214 140 8C 215
0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
NOTE: DATA consist of 8-bit dot columns, with the MSB at the top, and 1 bits producing dots. For more information, refer to Chapter 8. Discussion You can change graphics density with the ESC ? command. Example The following example produces a pattern of standard density bit image graphics. The 9 data-bit pattern is repeated 27 times. Compare this example to the double density and quadruple density examples.
NOTE: DATA consist of 8-bit dot columns, with the MSB at the top, and 1 bits producing dots. For more information, refer to Chapter 8. Discussion Double density printing reduces print speed to half that of normal density printing. You can change graphics density with the ESC ? command. Example The following example produces double density bit-image graphics of the pattern used in the standard density bit-image mode example. The amount of data must be doubled for double density (the data are used 54 times rather than 27).
NOTE: DATA consist of 8-bit dot columns, with the MSB at the top, and 1 bits producing dots. For more information, refer to Chapter 8. Discussion This mode prints double density with no adjacent dots. It is similar to ESC L, except that if the graphics data contain horizontally adjacent dots, the data may print incorrectly. This feature is widely used to move the print head precisely, by printing blank dot columns. Example The following example produces a double density, double speed graphic image of the pattern used in the standard density example. The amount of data must be doubled for double density (the data are used 54 times rather than 27).
NOTE: DATA consist of 8-bit dot columns, with the MSB at the top, and 1 bits producing dots. For more information, refer to Chapter 8. Discussion This mode is similar to ESC L, except that four dot columns are printed in the space normally taken by two columns. You can change graphics density with the ESC ? command. Example The following example produces quadruple density graphics of the pattern used in the standard density example. The amount of data must be quadrupled for quadruple density (the data are used 108 times rather than 27).
n = hex 00 or 30 turns half speed mode off n = hex 01 or 31 turns half speed mode on
Discussion Power-on default horizontal tabs are set at every eighth character at the current character spacing. Tab positions are not affected by a change of font or character width. Blank spaces between HT stops are underlined in underline mode.
n1 through n32 specify the character column of the tab positions. NUL is the sequence terminator. ESC D NUL clears all tabs.
Discussion The values of n must be listed in ascending order or they are ignored. Tabs greater than 32 or those positioned beyond the right margin are ignored. The physical tab position is the product of n and the current cell width (1/pitch), excluding double wide. After the tabs are set, HT moves the logical print head to the next tab stop. Sending ESC @ initializes the printer and resets the tabs to every eighth character column (which is the default). In proportional mode, the size of 10 CPI characters determines tab positions. Example The following example illustrates how to set horizontal tabs.
Initialize Printer
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC @ 1B 40 27 64 Resets all print-related parameters to the power-up configuration values.
Discussion Restores the power-up configuration values and the print buffer is cleared of printable data on the line preceding the command. Current position is set as top-of-form. Font, international language selection, forms length, skip-over perforation, and character pitch are reset to the power-up configuration values. Other values are returned to default values. Character-by-character and line-by-line attributes are canceled. All channels of the vertical format unit are cleared. This command resets the horizontal tabs to every eighth character column. Interface parameters and printer protocol selection are not affected.
Italic Printing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC 4 1B 34 27 52 Turns on italic character printing.
Discussion Character graphics (IBM graphic set hex B0 through DF and F0 through FE) cannot be italicized. Italic printing will reduce throughput.
Line Feed
Line Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose LF 0A 10 Prints the data in the buffer (if any) and advances the vertical character position a distance of one line at the current line spacing.
Discussion The logical print head keeps the same distance from the margin. The current line is printed and the logical printhead moves down a distance equal to the current line spacing. If there are no dots, paper moves and no printing occurs. When possible, successive line feeds are accumulated and moved at once. This code cancels all one-line-only emphasis and font selections: double-wide from SO and ESC SO, and unidirectional printing from ESC <.
n = 0 through 255
Discussion n = 0 is ignored. Paper movement occurs in multiples of 3/216 inch. This command produces an immediate line feed but does not affect line spacing or produce a carriage return. Any oneline-only print attributes in effect are canceled. Small values of n may result in overlapping lines. Overlapping lines may also occur if print attributes such as double high, superscript, or subscript characters are used on the same line. Example The following example illustrates n/216-inch line spacing.
Discussion When ESC 0 is received, all lines are printed at 8 lpi until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. This control code overrides line spacing set at the operator panel. Example The following example illustrates 1/8-inch line spacing.
Discussion All lines are printed at the 7/72-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. This control code overrides line spacing set at the operator panel. Printing speed is reduced if printed lines overlap. Example The following example illustrates 7/72-inch line spacing.
n = 0 through 255
Discussion All line feeds following receipt of this code are at n/216 inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. Line spacing set by this control code overrides line spacing set at the operator panel. The vertical character position moves only in multiples of the current dot row spacing. If the distance to move is other than a multiple of the current dot row spacing, the remainder is added to the next paper motion command. Paper movement occurs in multiples of 3/216 only. Use caution when combining this control code with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript; overlapping lines may occur. Print speed is reduced if lines overlap. Example The following example illustrates n/216-inch line spacing.
n = 0 through 255
Discussion When this control sequence is received, all subsequent line feeds are n/72-inch until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. This setting overrides line spacing set at the operator panel. Small values of n may result in overlapping lines. Overlapping lines may also occur if print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript characters are used on the same line. If lines overlap, printing speed is reduced. Any values set by ESC 3 (line spacing n/216 inch) are replaced. Example The following example illustrates 20/72-inch line spacing.
Discussion This is the default when the Epson character set is selected as the default set at the operator panel.
Discussion This is the default when the IBM PC character set (code page 0437) is selected as the default set at the operator panel. Figure 2 shows the hex 80-9F printable characters for the Epson character set, and for the IBM PC graphic character set.
n = an 8-bit number with the bits set to specify print attributes, as shown below.
Table 20. Master Print Select
Bit = 0
Bit = 1 12 cpi Proportional Condensed Emphasized Double Strike Double Wide Italic Underlined
Discussion Emphasized is substituted for double strike. Graphics and grey scale characters are not underlined. Proportional spacing overrides condensed or 12 cpi printing if both are selected.
Discussion This command affects only text and control code data; bit 8 of graphics data is always passed through.
Printer Select
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose DC1 11 17 Places printer in the selected state.
Discussion The configuration parameter Printer Select must be set to Enable. Refer to the Users Manual for information about this menu option. This control code allows the printer to receive and print data from the host if it was deselected by DC3. If the printer was not deselected by DC3, this code is ignored.
Printer Deselect
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose DC3 13 19 Places printer in the deselected state.
Discussion The configuration parameter Printer Select must be set to Enable. Refer to the Users Manual for information about this menu option. When the printer receives this command it ignores data until a DC1 (Printer Select) command is received.
Discussion s is character K, L, Y, or Z, which is changed to mode m (0-7) from Table 21 on page 99. Thereafter, sending data to the bit image command makes the data print according to the graphics mode you select with m.
Discussion The printer ignores this command but removes all data sent.
Discussion The total number of columns = n1 + 256n2. NOTE: This command does not suppress hexadecimal FF from printing. Table 21. Epson Graphics Modes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2
Option Single density Double density High-speed double density Quadruple density CRT I Plotter (1:1) CRT II Double density plotter
Alternate Code ESC K ESC L ESC Y ESC Z none none none none
Resolution** (dots per inch) 120 1201 1202 2401,2,3 160 144 180 1441
Prints at half speed. Data can be sent incorrectly. In these modes, no dots can be closer horizontally than the current font dot density. Sending incorrect data does not damage the printer. 3 240 dpi is simulated by combining the dots from two adjacent columns into one 120 dpi dot column. * Number of horizontal dots per inch the printer can make. ** Number of dot columns available.
n = hex 1 selects the graphics character set n = hex 0 selects the italics character set
Discussion The graphics character set is the IBM Graphics Code Page 437.
Discussion m defines the plot density as shown in Table 21 on page 99. n1 + 256n2 = The total number of columns. This mode requires two bytes of graphic data for every column of print. Each column is sent as a pair: d1, d3, ... d(k-1) set the top 8 bits of a normal dot column, just like ESC K; d2, d4, ... dk set the ninth dot in the column (the most significant bit) just below the bottom-most dot of columns d1, d3, ... d(k-1).
n may be in the range from 0 through 4. Values in the range 5-255 are invalid. n = hex 0 or hex 30 selects DP print quality n = hex 1 or hex 31 selects Near Letter Quality (NLQ) n = hex 2 or hex 32 selects Draft print quality n = hex 3 or hex 33 selects OCR A print quality n = hex 4 or hex 34 selects OCR B print quality
Discussion This command overrides operator panel print quality selections. NOTE: Some print attributes (such as condensed, double-wide, etc.) may not return to their previous setting when changing from OCR-A or OCR-B back to another Print Quality. For guaranteed results, all print attributes should be set after the Print Quality is selected. Selecting an OCR print quality overrides any character attributes set, such as condensed, double-wide, etc. Setting character attributes when OCR is set may cause unexpected results. Draft, OCR A, and OCR B print qualities (n = 2, 3, or 4) are not defined in Epson-FX printers.
n = 0 = Off; n = 1 = On
Discussion The printer ignores this command and removes all font data sent from the data stream.
c = 0 through 7.
Discussion Subsequent VT (hex 0B) commands use tab table specified by c. If no tab table is selected, channel 0 is used.
Discussion If the distance goes beyond right margin, the sequence is ignored.
Discussion The MSB is bit number 7. This command only affects text and control code data. Graphics data pass through unchanged.
Discussion Adds (n1 + 256n2)/120 inches to the horizontal position of the logical print head. The number sent is twos complement, with negative numbers moving to the left. The command is ignored if it would move the logical print head beyond the page margins.
n = 0 through 127.
n = number of columns from the left edge of the physical page to the beginning of the print line; n = 1 through 232 (hex 00 through E8).
Discussion Be sure to use the alphabetic lowercase l (as in left) rather than the numeral 1 (one) for this command. The number of inches of margin does not vary if the font, character width, or horizontal dot density changes. This command automatically clears and resets horizontal tabs to every eight characters. The smallest possible space between the left and right margins is the width of one double-wide, 10 cpi character. If a margin control code violates this minimum distance, it is ignored. Settings in proportional mode are treated as 10 CPI.
n = number of columns from the left edge of the physical page to the end of the print line; n = 1 through 232 (hex 00 through E8).
Discussion The number of inches of margin does not vary if the font, character width, or horizontal dot density changes. This command automatically clears and resets horizontal tabs to every eight characters. The smallest possible space between the left and right margins is the width of one-double wide, 10 cpi character. If a margin control code violates this minimum distance, it is ignored. Settings in proportional mode are treated as 10 CPI.
n = 1 through 192 (hex 01 through C0) to specify the number of lines per form at the current line spacing.
Discussion The forms length is set to the number of lines defined by the quotient of n divided by the current lines per inch so that the units are in inches. The current line becomes the first line of the form. The forms length is always defined in inches; therefore, changing the lpi after this control code has been issued does not change the forms length. If the calculated forms length in lines is not an exact multiple of the target machine dot size, the forms length value will be adjusted down to the next possible multiple. When forms length is set by an ESC C sequence, the skip-over perforation set by ESC N is cancelled.
Discussion Upon receipt of this code, the current line becomes the first line of the form, and the form length set becomes the current forms length. Vertical tab positions set below the bottom of the form are ignored. Forms length is defined in inches; therefore, subsequent line spacing changes do not affect the result of this command. Values of n greater than 24 are ignored. When forms length is set by an ESC C NUL sequence, the skipover perforation set by ESC N is cancelled. This control code overrides forms length set at the operator panel.
c = 0 through 7 n = 0 through 255 n1 through nk specify the line number for the vertical tab(s), up to a maximum of 16 tab positions. NUL must end the sequence.
Discussion Channels are selected by ESC /. The distance of each tab stop from TOF is the current line spacing times the number of lines given in n. If paper movement is commanded to a value of n greater than the page length, the paper movement command is ignored. The values of n must be in ascending order. If they are not, the sequence up to and including the out of sequence number is ignored. The rest of the load is processed. Skip over perforation is ignored. You can clear any channel by sending ESC b c NUL, where c is the channel number.
Discussion n is the number of lines skipped between the last line printed on one page and the first line on the next page. The actual distance set is the product of n and the current line spacing. If the value of n exceeds the current form length, the skip is set to one line smaller than the form length or to 0, whichever is greater. Skip over perforation set by this command overrides operator panel settings. This feature is canceled by ESC O, ESC C, ESC C 0.
Superscript/Subscript Printing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC S n 1B 53 n 27 83 n Selects superscript or subscript printing. where:
n = NUL (hex 00) or 0 (hex 30) to enable superscript printing n = SOH (hex 01) or 1 (hex 31) to enable subscript printing
Discussion Superscript prints full-sized characters with a baseline higher than the normal characters. Subscript prints full-sized characters with a baseline lower than the normal characters. When the control code is received, all characters are superscript or subscript until reset by ESC T or printer reset. (This differs from the Epson standard, which utilizes half-size characters for superscript and subscript printing.) You can print both superscript and subscript characters in the same character column by using the Backspace (BS) control code, but these characters will not print when double high printing is in effect. If Superscript/Subscript is combined with Double High (ESC w) printing, only Double High printing will occur. Example The following sample output illustrates superscript and subscript printing.
Super-Set Commands
ASCII HEX Dec Purpose ESC | } ; 1B 7C 7D 3B 27 124 125 59 Control code sequence used to introduce the super-set commands. Super-set commands affect the LinePrinter Plus emulation as a whole regardless of the printer protocol currently active. The commands are sent through the host in the input data stream, and enact the following features:
Select a printer protocol Bar codes Set variable character spacing Set variable line spacing
Refer to Chapter 7, Super-Set Programming, for further information regarding the super-set commands.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC n 1B 2D n 27 45 n Turns automatic underlining on and off. where:
n = NUL or 0 (hex 00 or 30) to turn off underlining n = SOH or 1 (hex 01 or 31) to turn on underlining
Discussion Spaces are underlined, but graphics and grey scale characters are not. Example The following sample output illustrates underlining.
Discussion Printing normally occurs in both directions of shuttle movement. This command causes the printer to print from left to right for one line. The command is cancelled by a CR.
n = NUL or 0 (hex 00 or 30) turns unidirectional mode off n = SOH or 1 (hex 01 or 31) turns unidirectional mode on
Discussion Printing normally occurs in both directions of shuttle movement. Unidirectional printing slows the printer down approximately 50%, but is sometimes used when very accurate dot placement is desired in graphics.
Discussion If no vertical channel was selected, channel 0 is used. If no vertical tabs were set, the paper advances one line. The logical print head moves to the left margin. If a tab position is on the current line, the paper is moved to the next tab position. If there are no tab positions between the current line and the end of the form, the paper is moved to the top of the next form. This code cancels all one-line-only emphasis and font controls: double-wide from SO and ESC SO, and unidirectional printing from ESC <.
n = 1 through 255 k = 1 through 16 n1 through nk specify the line numbers for the vertical tab(s), up to a maximum of 16 tab positions. NUL must end the sequence.
To clear the tab settings, send ESC B NUL (hex 1B 42 00).
Discussion The values of n range from 1 through 255 and must be in ascending order. The distance of each tab stop from TOF is the current line spacing times the number of lines given in n. If the value of n exceeds the form length, commands to move to that tab position are ignored. If values of n are not in ascending order, the sequence up to and including the out-of-sequence number is ignored, and the rest of the load is processed. Skip over perforation is ignored. This command always sets channel 0. You can clear channel 0 by sending ESC B NUL. (See also the channel selection command, ESC /, and the channel loading command, ESC b.)
This chapter describes the P-Series emulation host control codes. Emulation refers to the ability of a printer to execute the commands of a particular printer control language. A printer control language is the coding system used to convey, manipulate, and print data. It contains character codes and command sequences that configure the emulation. In this manual, the terms emulation, printer protocol, and printer control language are synonymous. In the P-Series emulation mode, your printer can print files coded for the PSeries printer control language. To select the P-Series emulation mode as the active printer emulation, select LinePrinter+ from the EMULATION menu and P-Series from the Printer Protocol menu, as described in the User's Manual. The P-Series emulation provides many configurable parameters. The default parameter values for this emulation are shown in Table 22. You can modify the emulation parameter values in two ways:
The P-Series host control codes. An extensive set of P-Series control code commands can be sent to the printer from an attached host computer via the host data stream. Most of this chapter is devoted to describing the P-Series control code commands. The printer configuration menus. You can modify a subset of the P-Series emulation parameters using the printer configuration menus, control panel keys and LCD, as described in the User's Manual.
A parameter value set by a host control code generally overrides a value set from the printer's control panel. Configuration values selected from the menus or via host control codes can be saved to the printer's NVRAM memory so that they will not be lost when you power off the printer or reset it to the factory defaults. The menu selection for saving a configuration to memory is described in the User's Manual. Refer to Appendix B, PTX_SETUP Option to save the configuration using host control codes.
Table 22. P-Series Default Settings Characteristic Character Sets Print Language IBM PC Select Subset Primary Select Subset Extended Multinational ECMA Latin 1 Select Subset Primary Select Subset Extended DEC Multinational Control Code 06 Control Code 08 Define CR Code Auto LF Overstrike Define LF Code Select SFCC EVFU Selected Alternate Set 80-9F ASCII (USA) Multinational ASCII (USA) 8.0 LPI Elongated CR = CR Disable Enable LF = CR + LF 1 Enable Control Code ASCII (USA) 0437 PC Character Set ASCII (USA) IBM PC ASCII (USA) Default Setting
Table 23 lists several additional default settings for parameters that are provided by the Print Format menus (described in the Users Manual). Many of the settings shown in Table 23 can be overridden by P-Series host control codes for the same parameter. Table 23. Print Format Default Settings Characteristic CPI LPI Forms Width 10.0 6.0 13.6 inches 345.4 millimeters 136 characters 11.0 inches 279 millimeters 66 lines DP Quality Disable Disable Disable 0 columns 0 columns 0 lines Disable Default Settings
Forms Length
Print Quality Proportional Spacing Italic Print Slashed Zero Left Margin Right Margin Bottom Margin Perforation Skip
Discussion A discussion of the uses of the code or command sequence, including exceptions or limitations to its use. Example A sample output is provided for some control codes when it is possible to illustrate the effect of a control code, or if a specific syntax is required to complete the program statement (i.e., Horizontal Tab set, Vertical Tab set/clear).
If you specify any parameters for a control code other than those defined in the control code description, unpredictable results may occur.
NOTE: The SFCC has been set to ESC for all examples. You must select the SFCC by changing the value of the Select SFCC parameter in the P-Series emulation menu on the printer front panel. The default value is 1. See your Users Manual for details.
n is the whole number of inches, and f is the fractional increment in 0.5 inch increments.
When using the SFCC in a command line, the SFCC must be the first nonblank symbol in the line (space, hex 20, is a blank symbol). In addition, characters following spaces (other than a valid line terminator) in a command line are ignored so that user comments can be included on the command line. The valid line terminators are Form Feed (FF), Line Feed (LF), and Carriage Return (CR); however, when used in the command line, these line terminators do not cause any paper motion. If a command line contains an error, the command will not be executed.
NUL Code
NUL (Hex 00) is ignored by the printer and can be used as a fill character; however, it can not be used to add blank spaces since it is not a space character. NOTE: Hex 80 in the 0437 PC Character Set and Hex 7F in the 0850 PC Character Set are treated as a NUL; however, these two controls can not be used as parameter terminators.
The print mode support is the same for both Extended character sets
Table 25. Character Set Print Mode Support (continued) Character Set ECMA Latin I, Primary Subset ASCII (USA) German Swedish Danish Norwegian Finnish English (UK) Dutch French Spanish Italian Turkish Japanese ECMA Latin I, Extended Subset Multinational Barcode 10 CPI Multinational NLQ 10 CPI Greek NLQ 10 CPI Graphic NLQ 10 CPI Scientific NLQ 10 CPI DEC Multinational ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Norwegian/Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss NLQ(Serif)/DP/Draft Notes The print mode support is the same for all of the ECMA Latin I Primary Subset languages.
Table 25. Character Set Print Mode Support (continued) Character Set ECMA Latin I, Extended Subset Barcode 10 CPI Multinational DP 10 CPI Multinational DP 12 CPI Multinational NLQ 10 CPI Greek DP 10 CPI Greek DP 12 CPI Greek NLQ 10 CPI Graphic DP 10 CPI Graphic NLQ 10 CPI Scientific DP 10 CPI Scientific DP 12 CPI Scientific NLQ 10 CPI DEC Multinational French German English (UK) Norwegian / Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss OCR-A / OCR-B NLQ(Serif)/DP/Draft Notes These character sets are guaranteed readable only in the Print Quality and Print Density specified.
The print mode support is the same for all of the DEC Multinational languages.
FUNCTION Print Attributes (continued) Select Attributes Superscript/Subscript Printing Superscript/Subscript Printing Reset Underline Graphics Plot, Even Dot (High Density) Plot, Odd Dot (Normal Density) Other Functions Bell Character Set Select Characters 80-9F (Control Codes) Characters 80-9F (Printable Symbols) Character Set Select: ECMA 94 Latin 1 Extended Character Set Select: International Languages Extended Character Set
132 146
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BS 08 08 Moves the logical print head to the left one character space toward the first character column.
Discussion When configured from the operator panel for backspace, BS moves the character position indicator (the logical print head position) one character space to the left at the current character pitch setting. The code is ignored if the logical print head is positioned at the first character column. Example If you were to print five T characters, then two BS commands, then two = characters, the output would look like the sample below:
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BEL 07 07 Sounds the printer buzzer/beeper.
Discussion The BEL function will sound the buzzer/beeper for 0.2 seconds upon receipt of this command.
Bold Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SFCC G SFCC j SFCC 47 SFCC 6A SFCC 71 SFCC 106 Selects bold character printing.
Discussion When the bold character printing control code is received, all characters are printed in bold until reset by the bold print reset control code or printer reset. Bold Print is the same as printing double strike. When SFCC j is used, bold printing is selected for one line only and reset by the bold print reset control code, emulation reset, or a paper motion command. Example The following sample output illustrates bold character printing.
Discussion The Bold Print Reset control code only resets the bold print character attribute. Other print attributes such as double wide printing are not affected. Example Refer to the Bold Print control code for a sample output of bold character print set and reset.
Carriage Return
Carriage Return
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CR 0D 13 Returns the logical print head to the first character column (resets the pointer to the first character position).
Discussion The CR code may or may not cause printing or paper motion, depending on the Define CR Code value defined in the configuration menus. If the Define CR Code submenu displays: Define CR Code CR = CR The characters following the CR are printed over the previous characters on the line. If identical characters are placed in the same position on the line, those characters will be printed in bold (double strike) print when the Overstrike mode is enabled from the operator panel. The CR=CR configuration causes subsequent printable data to overprint previous data at half speed if Overstrike is enabled from the operator panel (and prints somewhat faster if Overstrike is disabled), unless an intervening paper motion command is received. If the Define CR Code submenu displays: Define CR code CR = CR+LF Control code CR is converted to perform a carriage return and line feed function.
x is the character set (Table 26); y is the international language for the selected character set (Table 27); z is the extended character set for the selected character set (Table 28);
Discussion An asterisk (*) (hex 2A) may be substituted for x, y, or z. If the asterisk (*) is the value selected for x, the character set will not change. If * is the value selected for y or z, the previously selected international language and/or extended character set for the selected character set will be used. If x is the value selected for y, the primary language will access the downloaded character substitution table defined by SFCC V for the selected character set. The character set, international language and extended character set can also be selected from the printer operator panel, via the Character Set and Print Language options; however, the control code setting will override the operator panel selection. Except for the asterisk and X values discussed above, values other than those shown in the tables will result in the control sequence being terminated. Table 25 on page 116 provides detailed notes on print mode support for each character set. Table 26. Character Set Select
0(03) 1(31) 2(32) 3(33)
x = 0 (hex 30) y
IBM PC 0 (hex 30) 1 (hex 31) 2 (hex 32) 3 (hex 33) 4 (hex 34) 5 (hex 35) 6 (hex 36) 7 (hex 37) 8 (hex 38) 9 (hex 39) 10 (hex 3A) 11 (hex 3B) 12 (hex 3C) 13 (hex 3D) 14 (hex 3E) ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Latin American Norwegian Danish-II Spanish-II Latin American-II
x = 1 (hex 31)
Multinational ASCII (USA) EBCDIC
x = 2 (hex 32)
ECMA Latin 1 ASCII (USA) German Swedish Danish Norwegian Finnish English (UK) Dutch French Spanish Italian Turkish Japanese
x = 3 (hex 33)
DEC Multinational ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Norwegian/Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss
x = 0 (hex 30) z
IBM PC 0 (hex 30) 1 (hex 31) 2 (hex 32) 3 (hex 33) 4 (hex 34) 5 (hex 35) 6 (hex 36) 7 (hex 37) 8 (hex 38) 9 (hex 39) 10 (hex 3A) 11 (hex 3B) 12 (hex 3C) IBM PC (0437) IBM PC (0850)
x = 1 (hex 31)
Multinational Mult. Extended Set
x = 2 (hex 32)
ECMA Latin 1 Barcode 10 cpi Mult. DP 10 cpi Mult. DP 12 cpi Mult. NLQ 10 cpi Greek DP 10 cpi Greek DP 12 cpi Greek NLQ 10 cpi Graphics DP 10 cpi Graphics NLQ 10 cpi Scientific DP 10 cpi Scientific DP 12 cpi Scientific NLQ 10 cpi
x = 3 (hex 33)
DEC Multinational DEC Mult. Ext. Set
Discussion This control code overrides the operator panel setting (described in the Users Manual).
Discussion This control code overrides the operator panel setting (described in the Users Manual).
Discussion n ranges from 0 through 12 to select the print mode/pitch combinations available from Table 29. All other values will result in an error message. Extended characters will print at the print mode and pitch selected by the OSET command, even if that mode and pitch differs from the currently selected print mode and pitch. If the print mode differs between the extended and primary characters, the first character in the data stream selects the print mode at which that line will print. Different pitches can be printed on the same line. Table 29. Print Modes/Pitches Available Using P-Series OSET (ECMA Latin 1, Extended Character Set Only)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Print Mode/Pitch Select Barcode DP 10 cpi Multinational DP 10 cpi Multinational DP 12 cpi Multinational NLQ 10 cpi Greek DP 10 cpi Greek DP 12 cpi Greek NLQ 10 cpi Graphics DP 10 cpi Graphics NLQ 10 cpi Scientific DP 10 cpi Scientific DP 12 cpi Scientific NLQ 10 cpi Multinational at Primary Character Set Mode and Pitch
SFCC R (hex) 0 (30) 1 (31) 2 (32) 3 (33) 4 (34) 5 (35) 6 (36) 7 (37) 8 (38) 9 (39) 0A (3A) 0B (3B) 0C (3C) 0D (3D) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PSET ECMA Latin 1 ASCII (USA) German Swedish Danish Norwegian Finnish English Dutch French Spanish Italian Turkish Japanese
Character Set Selected IBM PC (0437 or 0850) ASCII (USA) French German English Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Latin American Norwegian (3B) Danish-II (3C) Spanish-II (3D) Latin AmII (3E) Danish-II Spanish-II Latin II Multinational ASCII (USA) EBCDIC DEC Multinational ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Norw./Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss
SFCC R (hex) 0E (3E) 0F (3F) 10 (40) 11 (41) 12 (42) 13 (43) 14 (44) 15 (45) PSET 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ECMA Latin 1
(currently undefined)
Discussion The international character set can also be selected from the operator panel via the Print Language option; however, the control code setting will override the operator panel character set selection. Values other than those selectable from Table 30 will be ignored. Table 25 provides information on print mode support for each character set. Example The following example illustrates international character selection using the IBM PC character set.
Selects elongated (double high) character printing for one line only. Elongated characters are approximately double height but standard width.
Discussion The elongated character control code is a line-by-line print attribute; when the control code is received, one entire line of elongated characters is printed and then automatically reset.
When configured for double high print, the P-Series control code BS (Hex 08) also selects elongated character printing for a single line. When using this feature with relative line slewing, the paper will be moved n + 1 lines rather than n lines. Refer to Chapter 9 for more information on relative line slewing. When using small line spacing and the lines overlap, an unexpected print format may result. Example The following sample output illustrates elongated character printing.
n = 1 or 49 (hex 01 or hex 31) turns double high printing on n = 0 or 48 (hex 00 or hex 30) turns double high printing off
Discussion The OCR A and OCR B fonts cannot be printed in double high. NOTE: It is recommended to use double Line Feeds and Carriage Returns when double-high character printing is on (after an SFCC w control code has been sent), or else the printer will overstrike text that has already printed. If Superscript/Subscript (SFCC S) is combined with Double High printing, only Double High printing will occur. Example The following output illustrates double-high character printing.
Emphasized Print
Emphasized Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SFCC E SFCC 45 SFCC 69 Selects emphasized character print format.
Discussion When the emphasized print control code is received, all characters will be printed in emphasized print until reset by the emphasized print reset control code or printer reset. The emphasized print attribute is implemented by horizontal shadow printing. Emphasized print is ignored during superscript or subscript printing, and when 15-20 cpi characters have been selected. Example The following sample output illustrates emphasized character printing.
Discussion The emphasized print reset control code only resets the emphasized print character attribute. Example See the Emphasized Print control code example for an example of Emphasized Print Reset.
Emulation Reset
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SFCC @ SFCC 40 SFCC 64 Initializes all print mode related parameters to the factory default or power-up configuration values.
Discussion Print mode, line spacing, international language selection, margins, form length, skip-over perforation, and character pitch are reset to the selected power-up configuration. Character-bycharacter and line-by-line attributes are canceled. The vertical format unit is cleared. The current line is set to the top-of-form position. Interface parameters and printer protocol selection are not affected. If the menu option Reset Cmd CFG Ld is disabled, the factory default configuration is loaded. If it is enabled, the power-up configuration is used. The default is the factory default.
n = 1 selects expanded print (hex 01 or hex 31) n = 0 resets expanded print (hex 00 or hex 30)
Discussion When expanded print using SFCC W is received, all characters will be printed double wide until reset by the expanded print reset control code or a printer reset. Example The following sample output illustrates expanded character printing and expanded character printing reset.
Discussion This expanded print control code is a line-by-line print attribute; when the SFCC k control code is received, the current line is printed double wide and then automatically reset. This control code can be reset by a paper motion control code (LF, VT, CR, etc.), SFCC @ (printer reset), CAN or SFCC W (double wide print). Example The following sample output illustrates Expanded Print for one line only. Another example of expanded printing is shown for Expanded (Double Wide) Print, SFCC W on page 132.
Accesses the extended character set in the range hex A0 through FF using codes hex 20 through 7F.
Discussion Used in 7-bit systems as if data bit 8 was set to 1. For example, sending code hex 20 accesses the symbol at code point hex A0. If a printable symbol is not available at the code point, a space is printed. SFCC 4 is not cancelled by the next paper motion command; SO, SFCC SO, SFCC n are cancelled by paper motion. Example The following sample output illustrates the Extended Character Set and Extended Character Set Cancel (see page 134) control codes.
Cancels Extended Character Set as selected by SO, SFCC SO, SFCC n, and SFCC 4, and selects the Primary Character Set.
Discussion Used in 7-bit systems. If data bit 8 is disabled, this control code selects the range as if data bit 8 is set to 0, and data is printed as characters from hex 20 through 7F. Example Refer to the Extended Character Set example on the previous page.
Form Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose FF 0C 12 Prints the data in the buffer, advances the paper position to the next top-of-form and moves the character position to the first character column.
Discussion The default forms length is determined by the printer configuration. Forms length is set by using the operator panel or forms length control codes. Code FF cancels all single-line only print attributes. The default form length is 11 inches. The Form Feed command will react differently when the VFU is active. Refer to Chapter 9.
n = whole numbers from 1 through 24 (hex 01 through hex 18) to specify the number of inches on a page. f = fractional number in .5-inch increments (minimum forms length is .5 inches).
Discussion Upon receipt of this code, the current line becomes the first line of the form, and the form length set becomes the current forms length. Vertical tab positions set below the bottom of the form are cleared. Forms length is defined in inches; therefore, subsequent line spacing changes do not affect the result of this command. Increments of .5-inch can be specified; for example, sending the following command will result in a form length setting of 7-1/2 inches: SFCC INCHES; 7.5
The maximum forms length is 24 inches. All other values are ignored. In INCHES mode, incorrect values will produce an error message. Forms length can also be set by the operator panel. The control code forms length setting from the host computer will override the operator panel setting. However, if the VFU is enabled and loaded, this command is ignored.
n = 1 through 192 (hex 01 through hex C0) to specify the number of lines per page at the current line spacing.
Discussion The forms length is set to the number of lines defined by the quotient of n and the current line spacing so that the units are in inches. In LINES mode, the maximum form length is 24 inches, and n values in excess of 24 inches will cause an error message. If the calculated forms length in lines is not an exact multiple of the target machine dot size, the forms length value will be adjusted down to the next possible multiple. If the VFU is enabled and loaded, this command is ignored.
Line Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose LF 0A 10 Prints the data in the buffer (if any) and advances the vertical character position one line at the current line space setting.
Discussion If configured for LF equals new line (LF=CR+LF), the logical print head is positioned at character column 1 of the new line. Otherwise, the logical print head does not move when configured for LF function only (LF=LF ONLY). The LF function cancels all single line print attributes such as double high (elongated) and double wide (expanded) characters. This code is always configured for LF=CR+LF in the P-Series protocol. In the P-Series Even Dot Plot mode (high density graphics), the LF code does not cause paper position motion; the data in the buffer is plotted and the logical print head is positioned at character column 1 in anticipation of the Odd Dot Plot control code to complete high density graphic plotting.
In the P-Series Odd Dot Plot mode (normal density graphics), the LF code plots the data in the buffer, advances the paper position a single dot row at the current vertical dot density, and positions the logical print head at character column 1.
Discussion For SFCC LPI;n, the value of n can be 6 or 8 only. If n = 6, this command sets line spacing to 1/6 inch. Values of n other than 6 or 8 will cause an error message. SFCC 2 asserts n/72-inch line spacing as set by SFCC A (page 138). If no distance has been set by SFCC A, the distance is 1/6 inch. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. Example The following example illustrates 1/6-inch line spacing and assumes that a distance has not been set by SFCC A.
Discussion When the 1/8-inch line spacing control code is received, all lines will be printed at 8 lpi until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. For SFCC LPI;n, the value of n can be 6 or 8 only. If n = 8, this command sets line spacing to 1/8 inch. Values of n other than 6 or 8 will cause an error message.
Selects line spacing of 8 or 10.3 lpi for the current line only.
Discussion The default line spacing is reselected automatically after one line. Line spacing may be selected either through the operator panel or by line spacing control codes. The control code setting will override the operator panel line spacing setting. If the alternate line spacing selected from the operator panel is 8 lpi, the ACK control code will set the line spacing to 8 lpi. If 10.3 lpi was selected from the operator panel, the ACK control code will set the line spacing to 10.3 lpi (7/72 inch). Example The following example illustrates printing a single line of text at 8 lpi.
Discussion When the 7/72-inch line spacing control code is received, all lines will be printed at the 7/72-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting, and the message display will reflect the line spacing as 10.3 lines per inch. Caution should be used when combining this control code with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript; overlapping lines may occur. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap.
Discussion When the SFCC A control sequence is received, all line feed commands following an SFCC 2 sequence* will be at n/72-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. *The SFCC 2 sequence (page 136) asserts the line spacing which was stored by the preceding SFCC A sequence. Small values of n may result in overlapping lines. Overlapping lines may also occur if print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript characters are used on the same line. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap. Example The following example illustrates 20/72-inch line spacing.
Discussion When the n/216-inch line spacing control code is received, all line feeds following will be at n/216-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. The vertical character position moves only in multiples of the current dot row spacing. If the distance to move is other than a multiple of the current dot row spacing, the remainder is added to the next paper motion command. Caution should be used when combining this control code with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript; overlapping lines may occur. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap. Example The following example illustrates n/216-inch line spacing.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SFCC _ n SFCC 5F n SFCC 95 n Enables or disables automatic overscoring of all characters. where:
n = 0 to disable automatic overscoring (hex 00 or hex 30) n = 1 to enable automatic overscoring (hex 01 or hex 31)
Discussion When automatic overscore is enabled, all characters, including spaces, will be overscored until disabled. Example The following sample output illustrates automatic overscoring and overscoring reset.
Discussion The even dot plot code is used for programming high density graphics and must be used in conjunction with the Odd Dot Plot code (hex 05). Refer to the P-Series Compatible Plot mode section in Chapter 8 for detailed plot mode information.
Discussion This is the P-Series programming normal density graphics control code. The ENQ code should occur before any printable data in the data stream. For high density graphics, the Even Dot Plot code (hex 04) must be used in conjunction with (and precede) the Odd Dot Plot code. Refer to the P-Series Compatible Plot mode section in the Chapter 8 for detailed plot mode information.
Selects the print mode and character pitch in characters per inch (cpi). where: In SFCC PMODE; n n ranges from 0 through 11 to select the print mode/pitch combinations available from Table 31. All other values will result in an error message. In SFCC [ n q n = Print Mode/Pitch code (values other than those shown in Table 32 are ignored.) q = Command sequence terminator In SFCC X mn m = Print Mode code n = Pitch (cpi)
An asterisk (*) (hex 2A) may be substituted for m or n. Whenever the asterisk replaces m or n, its current value will not change. Values other than those shown in Table 33 and Table 34 are ignored. NOTE: The print mode must be changed before the first printable symbol of a print line or the command sequence is deferred until the next line. Discussion P-Series PMODE switches to the Primary Character Set and selects print mode and pitch. Print mode and pitch can also be selected from the operator panel. The print mode/pitch select control code from the host computer will override the operator panel print mode setting and the print mode and pitch selection will be reflected on the message display. A complete set of tables identifying print mode, pitch, and dot densities for all print modes follows. Table 31. Print Mode and Pitch - (SFCC PMODE;n)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Print Mode and Pitch DP 10 cpi DP 12 cpi DP 15 cpi NLQ 10 cpi Draft 10 cpi OCR-A 10 cpi OCR-B 10 cpi
7 8 9 10 11
Print Mode and Pitch DP 10 cpi upside down DP 12 cpi upside down DP 13 cpi upside down DP 15 cpi upside down DP 17 cpi upside down
1(31) 2(32) 3(33) 4(34) 5(35)
Print Mode and Pitch NLQ 10 cpi DP 12 cpi Draft 12 cpi DP 12 cpi DP 13 cpi
m (Hex)*
0(30) 1(31) 2(32) 3(33) 4(34) 5(35) 6(36) 7(37) 8(38)
Horizontal Density Resolution 120 dpi 180 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi
Vertical Density 72 dpi 96 dpi 48 dpi 48 dpi 48 dpi 144 dpi 144 dpi 72 dpi 72 dpi
* The hex values shown (i.e., 0 and 30) are equal. Either value can be used in you program expression.
Table 34. Print Mode and Character Pitches (SFCC X mn) value of n: Print Mode* 0(30) 1(31) 2(32) 3(33) 4(34) Characters per inch value of m: DP 0(30) 10 12 13 15 17 NLQ 1(31) 10 12 13 15 17 DRAFT 2(32) 10 12 13 15 17 DRAFT 3(33) 10 12 13 15 17 DRAFT 4(34) 10 12 13 15 17 OCR-A 5(35) 10 OCR-B 6(36) 10 DP 7(37) 10 DP 8(38) 10 -
* The hex values shown (i.e., 0 and 30) are equal. Either value can be used in your program expression. The value of m is represented by the font choice line. NOTE: When using the Multinational character set in OCR-A or OCR-B print mode, a unique character set is used. Refer to the Multinational Character Sets section for more information. Example Any of the BASIC expressions listed below will select the DP print mode at 17 cpi. where:
ASCII Code SFCC } ; n Hex Code Dec Code Purpose SFCC 7D 3B n SFCC 125 59 n Moves the logical print head up.
Discussion If n is L, the print head moves up one line. (Reverse line feed.) If n is P, the print head moves up to the previous top of form. (Reverse form feed.)
Select Attributes
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SFCC [ @ n1 NUL NUL NUL n2 n3 1B 5B 40 n1 00 00 00 n2 n3 27 91 64 n1 0 0 0 n2 n3 Selects double high and double wide attributes, and single or double high line spacing.
Discussion Parameter n1 selects the attributes from n2 and n3, as follows: Table 35. Select Attributes (n1)
n1 Hex Value
03 04
Function Set character height and line feed settings according to the value of n2 (If n1 = 03, there is no n3.) Set character height, line feed, and character settings according to the values of n2 and n3.
Parameter n2 defines the height attributes, as follows: Table 36. Select Attributes (n2)
n2 Hex Value
00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22 No change
Set single line height characters Set double height characters Set single line spacing Set single height characters and single line spacing Set double height characters and single line spacing Set double line spacing Set single height characters and double line spacing Set double height characters and double line spacing
Superscript/Subscript Printing
Parameter n3 defines the width attributes, as follows: Table 37. Select Attributes (n3)
n3 Hex
00 01 02
Function No change Set single wide characters Set double wide characters
An SFCC [ @ code can occur at any place in the datastream and is acted upon immediately. All numerical parameters are in the hex 00 through FF range unless stated otherwise.
Superscript/Subscript Printing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SFCC S n SFCC 53 n SFCC 83 n Selects superscript or subscript printing.
Discussion An SFCC S code can be set for superscript or subscript printing, as follows: where:
n = 0 to enable superscript printing (hex 00 or hex 30) n = 1 to enable subscript printing (hex 01 or hex 31)
When this control code is received, all characters will be superscript or subscript until reset by the super/subscript printing reset control code (SFCC T) or printer reset. Use caution when combining this command with other print attributes; arbitrary combinations might yield unexpected results. NOTE: Superscript and subscript characters print at the same size as the current font. They are shifted up or down one half of a line. Example The following sample output illustrates superscript/subscript printing.
Super-Set Commands
ASCII Code SFCC | } ; Hex Code Dec Code Purpose SFCC 7C 7D 3B 27 124 125 59 Control code sequence used to introduce the super-set commands. Super-set commands affect the LinePrinter Plus emulation as a whole regardless of the printer protocol currently active. The commands are sent through the host in the input data stream, and enact the following features:
Select a printer protocol Select a character set Change character spacing Change line spacing Select a barcode
Refer to Chapter 7, Super-Set Programming, for further information regarding the Super-Set commands.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SFCC n SFCC 2D n SFCC 45 n Enables or disables automatic underlining of all characters. where:
n = 0 to disable automatic underlining (hex 00 or hex 30) n = 1 to enable automatic underlining (hex 01 or hex 31)
Discussion When automatic underline is enabled, all characters, including spaces, will be underlined until disabled. Example The following sample output illustrates automatic underlining.
Vertical Tab
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose VT 0B 11 Prints the data in the buffer and advances the paper to the next vertical tab position.
Discussion If a vertical tab format is defined in the EVFU (channel 12) and the VFU is enabled, the paper is moved to the next vertical tab position. If a vertical tab format is not defined, the paper is advanced to the next line at the current line spacing. More information on Vertical Tabs is provided in the EVFU section of Chapter 9.
This chapter describes the Serial Matrix emulation host control codes. Emulation refers to the ability of a printer to execute the commands of a particular printer control language. A printer control language is the coding system used to convey, manipulate, and print data. Carriage Return, print quality, character attributes such as bold and underline, margins, and tabs are typical functions selected by printer control language codes. In this manual, the terms emulation, printer protocol, and printer control language are synonymous. The Serial Matrix emulation is very similar to the code system used by an IBM Graphics Printer, but contains more features. This emulation enables your line matrix printer to print files coded for a serial matrix printer. To select the Serial Matrix emulation mode as the active printer emulation, select LinePrinter+ from the EMULATION menu and Serial Matrix from the Printer Protocol menu, as described in the User's Manual. The Serial Matrix emulation provides many configurable parameters. The default parameter values for this emulation are shown in Table 38. You can modify the emulation parameter values in two ways:
The Serial Matrix host control codes. An extensive set of Serial Matrix control code commands can be sent to the printer from an attached host computer via the host data stream. Most of this chapter is devoted to describing the Serial Matrix control codes. The printer configuration menus. You can modify a subset of the Serial Matrix emulation parameters using the control panel keys and LCD display, as described in the User's Manual.
Control codes sent from a host system generally override previous settings that result from the configuration menus. Configuration values selected from the menus or via host control codes can be saved to the printer's NVRAM memory so that they will not be lost when you power off the printer or reset it to the factory defaults. The menu selection for saving a configuration to memory is described in the User's Manual. Refer to Appendix B, PTX_SETUP Option to save the configuration using host control codes.
Table 39 lists several additional default settings for parameters that are provided by the Print Format menus (described in the Users Manual). Many of the settings shown in Table 39 can be overridden by host control codes for the same parameter. Table 39. Print Format Default Settings Characteristic CPI LPI Forms Width 10.0 6.0 13.6 inches 345.4 millimeters 136 characters 11.0 inches 279 millimeters 66 lines DP Quality Disable Disable Disable 0 columns 0 columns 0 lines Disable Default Settings
Forms Length
Print Quality Proportional Spacing Italic Print Slashed Zero Left Margin Right Margin Bottom Margin Perforation Skip
If you specify any parameters for a control code other than those defined in the control code description, unpredictable results may occur.
NUL Code
NUL (Hex 00) is ignored by the printer and can be used as a fill character; however, it can not be used to add blank spaces since it is not a space character. NUL can also be used as a parameter terminator for the Set Horizontal Tabs (page 177) or Set Vertical Tabs multibyte control code (page 190). NOTE: Hex 80 in PC Character Set 1 and Hex 7F in PC Character Set 2 are treated as a NUL; however, these two controls can not be used as parameter terminators.
The print mode support is the same for both Extended character sets
Table 40. Character Set Print Mode Support (continued) Character Set Multinational EBCDIC ECMA Latin I, Primary Subset ASCII (USA) German Swedish Danish Norwegian Finnish English (UK) Dutch French Spanish Italian Turkish Japanese ECMA Latin I, Extended Subset Multinational Barcode 10 CPI Multinational NLQ 10 CPI Greek NLQ 10 CPI Graphic NLQ 10 CPI Scientific NLQ 10 CPI DEC Multinational ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Norwegian/Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss NLQ(Serif)/DP/Draft Notes
The print mode support is the same for all of the ECMA Latin I Primary Subset languages.
Table 40. Character Set Print Mode Support (continued) Character Set ECMA Latin I, Extended Subset Barcode 10 CPI Multinational DP 10 CPI Multinational DP 12 CPI Multinational NLQ 10 CPI Greek DP 10 CPI Greek DP 12 CPI Greek NLQ 10 CPI Graphic DP 10 CPI Graphic NLQ 10 CPI Scientific DP 10 CPI Scientific DP 12 CPI Scientific NLQ 10 CPI DEC Multinational French German English (UK) Norwegian / Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss OCR-A / OCR-B NLQ(Serif)/DP/Draft Notes These character sets are guaranteed readable only in the Print Quality and Print Density specified.
The print mode support is the same for all of the DEC Multinational languages.
FUNCTION Print Attributes (continued) Expanded (Double Wide) Print, One line only Overscoring Print Mode/Pitch Selection Superscript/Subscript Printing Superscript/Subscript Printing Reset Underline Graphics
173 182 183 187 187 188 159 160 161 162 165 167 167 168 168 174 174
Bit Image Mode, Single Density ESC K n1 n2 Bit Image Mode, Double Density ESC L n1 n2 Bit Image Mode, Double Density/Speed ESC Y n1 n2 Bit Image Mode, Quadruple Density ESC Z n1 n2 Character Set Control Character Set Select Characters 80-9F (Control Codes) Characters 80-9F (Printable Symbols) Characters 80-9F (Printable Symbols) Character Set Select: International Languages Extended Character Set Extended Character Set Cancel (Primary Character Set Select) Other Functions Bell Emulation Reset Printer Select Printer Deselect Reverse Super-Set Commands BEL ESC @ DC1 DC3 ESC } ; n ESC | } ; ESC l xyz ESC 7 ESC 6 ESC u ESC R n ESC 4 ESC 5
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BS 08 08 Moves the logical print head to the left one character space toward the first character column.
Discussion Moves the character position indicator one character space to the left at the current character pitch setting. The code is ignored if the logical print head is positioned at the first character column. Example If you were to print five T characters, then two BS commands, then two = characters, the output would look like the sample below:
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose BEL 07 07 Sounds the printer buzzer/beeper.
Discussion The BEL function will sound the buzzer/beeper for 0.2 seconds upon receipt of this command.
n1 + 256n2 define the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion For detailed information, refer to the Bit Image section in Chapter 8. Example The following example produces a pattern of Single Density Bit Image graphics. The 9 data bit pattern is repeated 27 times. Compare this example to the double density and quadruple density examples.
n1 + 256n2 define the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion Double Density printing may reduce print speed. For detailed information, refer to the Bit Image section in Chapter 8. Example The following example produces Double Density Bit Image graphics of the pattern used in the Single Density Bit Image Mode example. Note that the amount of data must be doubled for double density (the data is used 54 times rather than 27).
n1 + 256n2 define the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion For detailed information, refer to the Bit Image section in Chapter 8. Example The following example produces Double Density Double Speed Bit Image graphics of the pattern used in the Single Density Bit Image Mode example. Note that the amount of data must be doubled for double density (the data is used 54 times rather than 27).
n1 + 256n2 define the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
Discussion Quadruple Density printing may reduce print speed. For detailed information, refer to the Bit Image section in Chapter 8. The printed density in this mode is 240 dpi horizontal and 72 dpi vertical if selected when the DP (Data Processing) font is active. Example The following example produces quadruple density graphics of the pattern used in the Single Density Bit Image Mode example. Note that the amount of data must be quadrupled for quadruple density (the data is used 108 times rather than 27).
Discussion When the bold character printing control code is received, all characters are printed in bold until reset by the bold print reset control code or printer reset. Bold Print is the same as printing double strike. Example The following sample program illustrates bold character printing.
Discussion The bold print reset control code only resets the bold print character attribute. Other print attributes such as double wide printing are not affected. Example Refer to the Bold Print control code for a sample program of bold character print set and reset.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CAN 18 24 Clears the print buffer of all printable symbols since the last paper motion command was received.
Discussion This control code may be used as a delete line function but should be used with extreme care to avoid possible misprinting. This control code will cancel the double wide attribute set by SO if active. No other print attributes are affected.
Carriage Return
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CR 0D 13 Returns the logical print head to the first character column (resets the pointer to the first character position).
Discussion The CR code may or may not cause printing or paper motion, depending on the DEFINE CR CODE configuration parameter value. If the DEFINE CR CODE submenu displays the following, the characters following the CR are printed over the previous characters on the line: DEFINE CR CODE CR=CR If identical characters are placed in the same position on the line, those characters will be printed in bold (double strike) print when the Overstrike Mode is enabled from the operator panel. The CR=CR configuration causes subsequent printable data to overprint previous data at half speed if Overstrike is enabled from the operator panel (and prints somewhat faster if Overstrike is disabled), unless an intervening paper motion command is received. If the DEFINE CR CODE submenu displays the following, the control code CR is converted to perform a carriage return and line feed function: DEFINE CR CODE CR=CR+LF The CR code in Serial Matrix printer protocol cancels expanded (double wide) print when set by code SO and ESC SO (single line printing attribute).
Discussion Control Code ESC X can also be used to select a character pitch of 10 cpi. Refer to Print Mode/Pitch Selection on page 183.
Discussion Control Code ESC X can also be used to select a character pitch of 12 cpi. Refer to Print Mode/Pitch Selection on page 183.
x is the character set (Table 41); y is the international language for the selected character set (Table 42); z is the extended character set for the selected character set (Table 43);
Table 41. Character Set Select (x)
0 (hex 30) 1 (hex 31) 2 (hex 32) 3 (hex 33)
x = 0 (hex 30) y
IBM PC 0 (hex 30) 1 (hex 31) 2 (hex 32) 3 (hex 33) 4 (hex 34) 5 (hex 35) 6 (hex 36) 7 (hex 37) 8 (hex 38) 9 (hex 39) 10 (hex 3A) 11 (hex 3B) 12 (hex 3C) 13 (hex 3D) 14 (hex 3E) ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Latin American Norwegian Danish-II Spanish-II Latin American-II
x = 1 (hex 31)
Multinational ASCII (USA) EBCDIC
x = 2 (hex 32)
ECMA Latin 1 ASCII (USA) German Swedish Danish Norwegian Finnish English (UK) Dutch French Spanish Italian Turkish Japanese
x = 3 (hex 33)
DEC Multinational ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Norwegian/Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss
x = 0 (hex 30) z
IBM PC 0 (hex 30) 1 (hex 31) 2 (hex 32) 3 (hex 33) 4 (hex 34) 5 (hex 35) 6 (hex 36) 7 (hex 37) 8 (hex 38) 9 (hex 39) 10 (hex 3A) 11 (hex 3B) 12 (hex 3C) IBM PC (0437) IBM PC (0850)
x = 1 (hex 31)
Multinational Mult. Extended Set
x = 2 (hex 32)
ECMA Latin 1 Barcode 10 cpi Mult. DP 10 cpi Mult. DP 12 cpi Mult. NLQ 10 cpi Greek DP 10 cpi Greek DP 12 cpi Greek NLQ 10 cpi Graphics DP 10 cpi Graphics NLQ 10 cpi Scientific DP 10 cpi Scientific DP 12 cpi Scientific NLQ 10 cpi
x = 3 (hex 33)
DEC Multinational DEC Mult. Ext. Set
Discussion An asterisk (*) (hex 2A) may be substituted for x, y, or z. If the asterisk (*) is the value selected for x, the character set will not change. If * is the value selected for y or z, the previously selected international language and/or extended character set for the selected character set will be used. The character set, international language and extended character set can also be selected from the operator panel. The control code setting will override the operator panel selection. Values other than those shown in the tables will result in the control sequence being terminated. Table 40 provides detailed notes on print mode support for each character set.
Discussion This feature can also be selected from the operator panel (Alternate Set 80-9F Serial Matrix menu option).
Discussion Hex codes 80-9F can also be configured as printable from the operator panel (Alternate Set 80-9F Serial Matrix menu option).
Discussion Hex codes 80-9F can also be configured as printable from the operator panel (Alternate Set 80-9F Serial Matrix menu option).
ESC R (hex) 0 (30) 1 (31) 2 (32) 3 (33) 4 (34) 5 (35) 6 (36) 7 (37) 8 (38) 9 (39) 0A (3A) 0B (3B) 0C (3C) 0D (3D) 0E (3E) 0F - 15 (3F - 45) ECMA Latin 1 ASCII (USA) German Swedish Danish Norwegian Finnish English (UK) Dutch French Spanish Italian Turkish Japanese
Character Set Selected IBM PC (0437 or 0850) ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Latin American Norwegian Danish-II Spanish-II Latin American-II (currently undefined) Multinational ASCII (USA) EBCDIC DEC Multinational ASCII (USA) French German English (UK) Norw./Danish Swedish Italian Spanish Japanese French Canadian Dutch Finnish Swiss
Condensed Print
Discussion The international character set can also be selected from the operator panel. The control code setting will override the operator panel character set selection. Values other than those selectable from Table 44 will be ignored. Example The following example illustrates international character selection using the IBM PC character set.
Condensed Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SI 0F 15 ESC SI 1B 0F 27 15
Discussion Condensed print can be selected using control code ESC X. Refer to Print Mode/Pitch Selection on page 183. The Serial Matrix condensed print control code SI affects all subsequent characters. After receiving code SI, all characters will be printed in condensed print until reset by ESC M, ESC P, the condensed print reset control code DC2, printer reset, or a new print mode control code. The Serial Matrix SI code (hex 0F) is equivalent to the ESC SI code. If condensed print is not allowed in the current print mode, the code is ignored. Example The following sample program illustrates condensed character printing and reset.
Discussion The condensed print reset control code selects 10 cpi character pitch. Other print attributes are not affected. Other control code sequences which will cancel condensed print are ESC M, ESC P, ESC @, or a new print mode control code. Example See the Condensed Print control code subsection for an example of Condensed Print Reset.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose DEL 7F 127 Deletes the previously received character on a line.
Discussion Characters that have been truncated due to line length restrictions are not affected by this code.
Discussion The elongated character control code is a line-by-line print attribute; when the control code is received, all printable characters after the code will be printed double high and then automatically reset. When using this feature with relative line slewing, the paper position will be moved n+1 lines rather than n lines. Refer to Chapter 9 for more information on relative line slewing. When using small line spacing and the lines overlap, an unexpected print format may result. Example The following sample program illustrates elongated character printing.
n = 1 or 49 (hex 01 or hex 31) turns double high printing on n = 0 or 48 (hex 00 or hex 30) turns double high printing off
Discussion The OCR A and OCR B fonts cannot be printed in double high. NOTE: It is recommended to use double Line Feeds and Carriage Returns when double-high character printing is on (after an ESC w control code has been sent), or else the printer will overstrike text that has already printed. If Superscript/Subscript (ESC S) or Condensed Print (SI) is combined with Double High printing, only Double High printing will occur. Example The following program illustrates double-high character printing.
Emphasized Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC E 1B 45 27 69 Selects emphasized character print format.
Discussion When the emphasized print control code is received, all characters will be printed in emphasized print until reset by the emphasized print reset control code or printer reset. The emphasized print attribute is implemented by horizontal shadow printing. Emphasized print is ignored during superscript or subscript printing, and when 15-20 cpi characters have been selected. Example The following sample program illustrates emphasized character printing.
Discussion The emphasized print reset control code only resets the emphasized print character attribute. Example See the Emphasized Print control code subsection for an example of Emphasized Print Reset.
Emulation Reset
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC @ 1B 40 27 64 Initializes all print mode related parameters to the power-up configuration value.
Discussion Print mode, line spacing, international language selection, margins, form length, skip-over perforation, and character pitch are reset to the power-up configuration value. Character-bycharacter and line-by-line attributes are canceled. The vertical format unit is cleared. The current line is set to the top-of-form position. Interface parameters and printer protocol selection are not affected. This command will reset the horizontal tabs to every eighth character column.
n = 1 selects expanded print (hex 01 or hex 31) n = 0 resets expanded print (hex 00 or hex 30)
Discussion When expanded print using ESC W is received, all characters will be printed double wide until reset by the Expanded Print Reset control code, Emulation Reset, or DC4. Also refer to control code SO and ESC SO, Expanded (Double Wide) Print for one line only. Example The following sample program illustrates expanded character printing and expanded character printing reset.
Discussion This expanded print control code is a line-by-line print attribute; when the SO or ESC SO control code is received, all printable characters after the will be printed double wide and then automatically reset. This control code can be reset by a paper motion control code (LF, VT, CR, etc.), by the DC4 (double wide cancel) code, ESC @ (Emulation Reset), CAN or ESC W (double wide print). When set by SO, double wide print is not cancelled by the Autowrap feature. Example The following sample program illustrates Expanded Print for one line only. Another example of expanded printing is shown for Expanded (Double Wide) Print, ESC W on page 173.
Discussion This code is used in 7-bit systems as if data bit 8 was set to 1. For example, sending code hex 20 accesses the symbol at code point hex A0. If a printable symbol is not available at the code point, a space is printed. ESC 4 is not cancelled by the next paper motion command. Example The following sample program illustrates Extended Character Set.
Discussion This code is used in 7-bit systems as if data bit 8 was set to 0, and data is printed as characters from hex 20 through hex 7F. Example Refer to the Extended Character Set example above.
Form Feed
Form Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose FF 0C 12 Prints the data in the buffer, advances the paper position to the next top-of-form, and moves the character position to the first character column.
Discussion The default forms length is determined by the configuration in nonvolatile memory. Forms length is set by using the operator panel or forms length control codes. Code FF cancels all singleline only print attributes. The Form Feed command will react differently when the VFU is active (refer to Chapter 9).
n = whole numbers from 1 through 24 (hex 01 through hex 18) to specify the number of inches on a page.
Discussion Upon receipt of this code, the current line becomes the first line of the form, and the form length set becomes the current forms length. Vertical tab positions set below the bottom of the form are ignored. Forms length is defined in inches; therefore, subsequent line spacing changes do not affect the result of this command. The maximum forms length is 24 inches. All other values are ignored. When forms length is set by the ESC C sequence, the skip-over perforation is set to zero. Forms length can also be set through the operator panel. The control code forms length setting from the host computer will override the operator panel setting.
n = 1 through 192 (hex 01 through hex C0) to specify the number of lines per page at the current line spacing.
Discussion The forms length set becomes the current forms length. The forms length units are always defined in inches; therefore, subsequent line spacing changes do not affect the result of this command. Changing lpi does not change the forms length. The forms length is set to the number of lines defined by the quotient of n and the current line spacing so that the units are in inches. If the calculated forms length in lines is not an exact multiple of the target machine dot size, the forms length value will be adjusted down to the next possible multiple. When forms length is set by the ESC C sequence, the skip-over perforation is set to zero. Forms length can also be set through the operator panel. The control code forms length setting from the host computer will override the operator panel setting.
Horizontal Tab
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose HT 09 09 Moves the logical printhead right to the next horizontal tab stop.
Discussion Power-on default horizontal tabs are set at every eighth character in the Serial Matrix printer protocol. If there are no horizontal tabs set or the logical printhead is located at the last character column, the code is ignored and no movement occurs. Horizontal tabs are stored as a relative position; therefore, character pitch changes will change horizontal tab positions. See Horizontal Tab Set on page 177, to set new tab positions.
n1 through n32 specify the character column of the tab positions. NUL is the sequence terminator. ESC D NUL clears all tabs.
Discussion Up to 32 different tab positions may be set. The values must be listed in ascending order or they are ignored. The physical tab position is the product of n and the current cell width (1/pitch), excluding double wide. Tabs in excess of 32 or those positioned beyond the papers right margin are also ignored. Tab positions may be cleared by sending the ESC D NUL sequence. Powering the printer on/off will initialize the tabs to every eighth character column. Horizontal tabs are accessed by control code HT. Example The following example illustrates horizontal tab setting and accessing.
Line Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose LF 0A 10 Prints the data in the buffer (if any) and advances the vertical character position one line at the current line space setting.
Discussion If configured for LF equals newline (LF=CR+LF), the logical print head is positioned at character column 1 of the new line. Otherwise, the logical print head does not move when configured for LF function only (LF=LF ONLY). The LF function cancels all single line print attributes such as double high (elongated) and double wide (expanded) characters.
Discussion The n/216-inch line feed control code is effective for one line only. All single-line-only print attributes are canceled. If the protocol is configured for LF equals newline (LF=CR+LF), the paper advances one line at the current line space setting and the logical print head is positioned at character column 1. The paper position moves only in multiples of the current dot row spacing. If the distance to move is other than a multiple of the current dot row spacing, the remainder is added to the next paper motion command. Small values of n may result in overlapping lines. Overlapping lines may also occur if print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript characters are used on the same line. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap. Example The following example illustrates n/216-inch line spacing.
ESC 2 sets line spacing to 6 lpi, or as set by ESC A. ESC 2 asserts n/72-inch line spacing as set by ESC A (page 181). If no distance has been set by ESC A, the distance is 1/6 inch. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting.
The following example illustrates 1/6-inch line spacing and assumes that a distance has not been set by ESC A.
Discussion When the 1/8-inch line spacing control code, ESC 0, is received, all lines will be printed at 8 lpi until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. The value of n should be 9 if using ESC A n. Example The following example illustrates 1/8-inch line spacing.
Discussion When the 7/72-inch line spacing control code is received, all lines will be printed at the 7/72-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting, and the message display will reflect the line spacing as 10.3 lines per inch. NOTE: Caution should be used when combining this control code with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript; overlapping lines may occur. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap. Example The following example illustrates 7/72-inch line spacing.
Discussion When the ESC A control sequence is received, all line feed commands following an ESC 2 sequence* will be at n/72-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. *The ESC 2 sequence (page 179) asserts the line spacing which was stored by the preceding ESC A sequence. Small values of n may result in overlapping lines. Overlapping lines may also occur if print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript characters are used on the same line. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap. Example The following example illustrates 20/72-inch line spacing.
Discussion When the n/216-inch line spacing control code is received, all line feeds following will be at n/216-inch line spacing until a new line spacing is selected or the printer is reset. The control code line spacing selection will override the operator panel line spacing setting. The vertical character position moves only in multiples of the current dot row spacing. If the distance to move is other than a multiple of the current dot row spacing, the remainder is added to the next paper motion command. NOTE: Caution should be used when combining this control code with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), Superscript, or Subscript; overlapping lines may occur. Printing at different horizontal and vertical densities will not overlap. Example The following example illustrates n/216-inch line spacing.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC _ n 1B 5F n 27 95 n Enables or disables automatic overscoring of all characters. where:
n = 0 to disable automatic overscoring (hex 00 or hex 30) n = 1 to enable automatic overscoring (hex 01 or hex 31)
Discussion When automatic overscore is enabled, all characters, including spaces, will be overscored until disabled. Example The following sample program illustrates automatic overscoring and overscoring reset.
Selects the print mode (DP, NLQ, DRAFT, or OCR) and character pitch in characters per inch (cpi). where: For ESC[ nq: n = Print Mode/Pitch code (values other than those shown in Table 45 are ignored); q = Command sequence terminator. For ESC X mn: m = Print Mode code; n = Pitch (cpi). An asterisk (*) (hex 2A) may be substituted for m or n. Whenever the asterisk replaces m or n, then its current value will not change. Values other than those shown in Table 46 and Table 47 are ignored.
NOTE: The print mode must be changed before the first printable symbol of a print line or the command sequence is deferred until the next line. Discussion Print mode and pitch can also be selected from the operator panel. The print mode/pitch select control code from the host computer will override the operator panel print mode setting and the print mode and pitch selection will be reflected on the message display. A complete set of tables identifying print modes, pitch, and dot densities for all print modes follows. Table 45. Print Mode and Pitch (ESC[nq)
1 (31) 2 (32) 3 (33) 4 (34) 5 (35)
Print Mode and Pitch NLQ 10 cpi DP 10 cpi HS 12 cpi DP 12 cpi DP 13 cpi
m (Hex*)
0 (30) 1 (31) 2 (32) 3 (33) 4 (34) 5 (35) 6 (36) 7 (37) 8 (38)
Horiz. Density Resolution 120 dpi 180 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi 120 dpi
Vertical Density 72 dpi 96 dpi 48 dpi 48 dpi 48 dpi 144 dpi 144 dpi 72 dpi 72 dpi
*The hex values shown (i.e., 0 and 30) are equal. Either value can be used in your program expression. Table 47. Print Mode and Character Pitches (ESC Xmn) Characters Per Inch value of n: Print Mode* 0 (30) 1 (31) 2 (32) 3 (33) 4 (34) 5 (35) value of m: DP 0 (30) 10 12 13 15 17 20 NLQ 1 (31) 10 12 13 15 17 20 HS 2 (32) 10 12 13 15 17 20 HS 3 (33) 10 12 13 15 17 20 HS 4 (34) 10 12 13 15 17 20 OCR-A 5 (35) 10 OCR-B 6 (36) 10 NLQ2 7 (37) 10 12 13 15 17 20 NLQ2 8 (38) 10 12 13 15 17 20
*The hex values shown (i.e., 0 and 30) are equal. Either value can be used in your program expression. The value of m is represented by the font choice line. NOTE: When using the Multinational character set in OCR-A or OCR-B print mode, a unique character set is used.
Printer Select
Any of the BASIC expressions listed below will select the Data Processing print mode at 17.1 cpi. where:
m (print mode) = 0 or 30 for Data Processing; and n (pitch) = 4 or 34 for 17.1 cpi.
Printer Select
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose DC1 11 17 Places printer in the selected state.
Discussion When the configuration parameter PRINTER SELECT is enabled, this control code will allow the printer to receive and print data from the host. Printer Deselect (code DC3) disables the printer from receiving data.
Printer Deselect
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose DC3 13 19 Places printer in the deselected state.
Discussion When the configuration parameter PRINTER SELECT is enabled, this control code will disable the printer from receiving and printing data from the host. Until a DC1 (Printer Select) command is received, all subsequent data to the printer is ignored. NOTE: When the configuration parameter PRINTER SELECT is enabled and saved in the configuration, the printer will power up in the deselected state.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC } ; n ESC 7D 3B n ESC 125 59 n Moves the logical print head up.
Discussion If n is L, the print head moves up one line. (Reverse line feed.) If n is P, the print head moves up to the previous top of form. (Reverse form feed.)
Skip-Over Perforation
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC N n 1B 4E n 27 78 n Selects the number of lines (at the current line spacing) for the paper to skip at the bottom of the perforated page. where:
n = 1 through 127 (hex 01 through hex 7F) to select the number of lines to skip. If the value of n exceeds the current forms length, it is ignored.
Discussion The actual distance set is the product of n and the current line spacing. Factory default value disables bottom margin. The current default value may be set by the operator. Setting a new forms length (ESC C) resets bottom margin to zero. This feature is disabled whenever vertical tabs are set. The bottom margin can also be selected from the operator panel; however, vertical tabs within the bottom margin zone, as set by the operator panel, are ignored. The control code bottom margin setting from the host computer will override the operator panel setting.
Superscript/Subscript Printing
Superscript/Subscript Printing
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC S n 1B 53 n 27 83 n Selects superscript or subscript printing. where:
n = 0 to enable superscript printing (hex 00 or hex 30) n = 1 to enable subscript printing (hex 01 or hex 31)
Discussion Superscript and subscript characters print at the same size as the current font. They are shifted up or down one half of a line. When the super/subscript control code is received, all characters will be superscript or subscript until reset by the super/subscript reset control code or printer reset. Emphasized print is ignored in the super/subscript print mode. Both superscript and subscript characters can be printed in the same character column using the Backspace (BS) control code (page 158). NOTE: Caution should be used when combining Superscript or Subscript printing with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), or small line spacing; overlapping lines may occur. Characters with different horizontal or vertical dot densities will not overlap. Example The following sample program illustrates superscript/subscript printing.
Super-Set Commands
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC | } ; 1B 7C 7D 3B 27 124 125 59 Control code sequence used to introduce the super-set commands. Super-set commands affect the LinePrinter Plus emulation as a whole regardless of the printer protocol currently active. The commands are sent through the host in the input data stream, and enact the following features:
Select a printer protocol Choose character sets Specify character spacing Specify line spacing Choose barcode formats
Refer to Chapter 7 for further information.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose ESC n 1B 2D n 27 45 n Enables or disables automatic underlining of all characters. where:
n = 0 to disable automatic underlining (hex 00 or hex 30) n = 1 to enable automatic underlining (hex 01 or hex 31)
Discussion When automatic underline is enabled, all characters, including spaces, will be underlined until disabled. Example The following sample program illustrates automatic underlining and underlining reset.
Vertical Tab
Vertical Tab
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose VT 0B 11 Prints the data in the buffer and advances the paper to the next vertical tab position.
Discussion Vertical tab positions are set by control code ESC B and executed by control code VT. In this mode, if vertical tabs are loaded, the paper position moves to the next vertical tab position. If a vertical tab format is not defined, the paper position is advanced to the next line at the current line spacing. If a vertical tab format is defined but no vertical tab positions are set between the current print position and the end of the form, the paper position is advanced to the top of the next form. The VT code resets all single line print attributes. More information on vertical tabs is provided in Chapter 9.
n1 through nk specify the line number for the vertical tab(s), for a maximum of 16 tab positions. NUL must be used as the sequence terminator.
Discussion The physical position on the paper is the product of n and the current line spacing. Subsequent line spacing changes do not change the tab position. If the value of n defines a tab stop that exceeds the forms length, that tab position is ignored. In the Serial Matrix printer protocol, vertical tab positions are set by control code ESC B and executed by control code VT. The tab positions must be in ascending order or the sequence will terminate. More information regarding Serial Matrix vertical tab setting is provided in Chapter 9. If the ESC B command is followed immediately by NUL, the vertical tab positions are cleared. Example The following sample program illustrates Vertical Tab Setting.
This chapter describes the P-Series XQ emulation host control codes. Emulation refers to the ability of a printer to execute the commands of a particular printer control language. A printer control language is the coding system used to convey, manipulate, and print data. Carriage Return, print quality, character attributes such as bold and underline, margins, and tabs are typical functions selected by printer control language codes. In this manual, the terms emulation, printer protocol, and printer control language are synonymous. The P-Series XQ emulation was devised for a series of Printronix printers manufactured between 1974 and 1991, but no longer available. This emulation enables your printer to emulate Printronix P300 and P600 printers with A7/B10 boards. To select the P-Series XQ emulation mode as the active printer emulation, select LinePrinter+ from the EMULATION menu and P-Series XQ from the Printer Protocol menu, as described in the User's Manual. The P-Series XQ emulation provides many configurable parameters. The default parameter values for this emulation are shown in Table 48. You can modify the emulation parameter values in two ways:
The P-Series XQ host control codes. An extensive set of P-Series XQ control code commands can be sent to the printer from an attached host computer via the host data stream. Most of this chapter is devoted to describing the P-Series XQ control codes. The printer configuration menus. You can modify a subset of the PSeries XQ emulation parameters using the control panel keys and LCD, as described in the User's Manual.
Control codes sent from a host system generally override previous settings that result from the configuration menus. Configuration values selected from the menus or via host control codes can be saved to the printer's NVRAM memory so that they will not be lost when you power off the printer. The menu selection for saving a configuration to memory is described in the User's Manual. Refer to Appendix B, PTX_SETUP Option to save the configuration using host control codes.
Table 49 lists several additional default settings for parameters that are provided by the Print Format menus (described in the Users Manual). Many of the settings shown in Table 49 can be overridden by host control codes for the same parameter. Table 49. Print Format Default Settings Characteristic CPI LPI Forms Width 10.0 6.0 13.6 inches 345.4 millimeters 136 characters 11.0 inches 279 millimeters 66 lines DP Quality Disable Disable Disable 0 columns 0 columns 0 lines Disable Default Settings
Forms Length
Print Quality Proportional Spacing Italic Print Slashed Zero Left Margin Right Margin Bottom Margin Perforation Skip
If you specify any parameters for a control code other than those defined in the control code description, unpredictable results may occur.
Edit Mode
Edit Mode
NOTE: To use Edit mode in the XQ emulation, you must configure the printer for a carriage return only (CR = CR). If the printer is configured for a carriage return with a line feed (CR = CR + LF), the contents of the buffer print immediately after execution of the CR code, disabling the CR editing function. Any printable character in the data stream can replace printable characters or spaces already loaded in the print buffer. The space character (hex 20) is used to skip characters in the print buffer that are not to be replaced and, similar to underlining or deleting, the new characters are inserted in the appropriate positions. Table 50 illustrates the edit mode. Note that the editing function replaces characters; it cannot be used to print the same character twice (double strike) in the same location. Use the DEL code (hex 7F) to make a character blank. Table 50. CR Edit Mode Example Enter in Print Buffer Example 1 Example 2 Key: AAABBBCCC(CR) SSSSDSSSB(LF) ABCDEF(CR) ______(CR) S = Space (hex 20); LF = Line Feed (hex 0A); CR = Carriage Return (hex 0D) Printed Result AAABDBCCB ABCDEF
NUL Code
NUL (hex 00) is ignored by the printer and can be used as a fill character; however, it can not be used to add blank spaces since it is not a space character.
NOTE: The Compressed Print, Elongated Characters, and Shift Out parameters can be configured at the operator panel (see Users Manual). Character Set Control Alternate Character Set Deselect (Shift In) Alternate Character Set Select (Shift Out) Data Manipulation Delete Space Graphics Plot, Even Dot Plot, Odd Dot EOT ENQ 203 203 DEL SP 200 204 SI SO BS 197 197
Discussion The alternate character set select and deselect codes can be used to mix primary and alternate characters on a single line. The main character set is also automatically selected when a line terminator code is received. Example
Accesses the extended character set in the range of hex A0 through FF using codes hex 20 through 7F.
NOTE: An alternate hex code of 08 (ASCII code BS) can be assigned as the Alternate Character Set Select control code through printer configuration. Discussion These codes are used in 7-bit systems as if data bit 8 were set to 1. For example, sending code hex 20 accesses the symbol at code point hex A0. If a printable symbol is not available at the code point, a space is printed. Both commands are cancelled by a paper motion command. Example
Carriage Return
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose CR 0D 13 Positions the logical print head at the left margin (resets the memory pointer to the first character position).
Discussion The printer can be configured to perform a carriage return only (CR = CR only), or a carriage return plus a line feed function (CR = CR + LF). A CR = CR configuration enables underline, add, delete, and edit functions, but the host computer must send a separate line feed code to print the data and change the vertical position. The character position indicator is positioned at character column one. Subsequent printable data preceding a paper motion command replaces previous printable data (including underlines). Two exceptions apply:
Compressed Print
Compressed Print
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SOH 01 1 ETX 03 3 HT 09 9
NOTE: Either SOH, ETX, or HT is defined at the operator panel as the code used to select Compressed Print (the default is SOH). (Refer to the configuration chapter of the Users Manual.) Discussion Use the code defined at the operator panel to select 17.1 cpi. These commands can occur anywhere in the data stream and are acted upon immediately, affecting the entire current print line. Line spacing may be selected either through the operator panel or by line spacing control codes. The control code setting overrides the operator panel line spacing setting. ETX and HT can also be configured to select Draft font at 10 cpi (see page 204). Example:
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose DEL 7F 127 Delete character puts a blank space at the corresponding character position.
Discussion DEL deletes the corresponding character in the print buffer. In Table 51 below, four delete control codes are used to delete DATE from the print line. NOTE: The printer must be configured for carriage return only. If the printer is configured for a carriage return and line feed, the contents of the buffer are printed on receipt of the CR code. Table 51. Delete Example Enter in Print Buffer INVOICE DATE(CR) SSSSSSSSDDDD(LF) Key: INVOICE S = Space (hex 20); LF = Line Feed (hex 0A); CR = Carriage Return (hex 0D) D = Delete (hex 7F) Printed Result
NOTE: PI line is disabled in the above description. ASCII and corresponding codes for EVFU functions differ when the PI line is enabled, according to the printer interface being used. Discussion Information about the EVFU is provided in Chapter 9.
NOTE: Either BS or SO is defined at the operator panel as the code used to select Elongated Characters (Double High Print). The default is SO. Refer to the configuration chapter of the Users Manual. Purpose Selects elongated (double high) character printing for one line. Discussion The Elongated Character control code can be placed anywhere in the data line before the line terminator. Following the line terminator, the printer automatically selects the default font. Consequently, the Elongated Character control code must be sent for each line of elongated characters. Elongated characters cannot be mixed with standard characters on the same print line. The current line spacing is doubled for one line. This code can occur anywhere in the data stream and is acted upon immediately. It is cancelled by a SI code or a paper motion command. Example
Form Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose FF 0C 12 Prints the data in the buffer, advances the paper position to the next top-of-form and moves the logical printhead to the first character column.
Discussion The default forms length is determined by the configuration in nonvolatile memory. Forms length is set by using the operator panel or VFU. Code FF cancels all single-line only print attributes. The default form length is eleven inches. The Form Feed command reacts differently when the VFU is active. More information on VFU is provided in Chapter 9.
Line Feed
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose LF 0A 10 Prints the data in the buffer (if any) and advances the vertical character position one line at the current line space setting.
Discussion The logical print head is positioned at character column 1 of the new line. The LF function cancels all single line print attributes such as double high (elongated) and double wide (expanded) characters. In the P-Series XQ Even Dot Plot mode (high density graphics), the LF code does not cause paper position motion; the data in the buffer is plotted and the logical print head is positioned at character column 1 in anticipation of the Odd Dot Plot control code to complete high density graphic plotting. In the P-Series XQ Odd Dot Plot mode (normal density graphics), the LF code plots the data in the buffer, advances the paper position a single dot row at the current vertical dot density, and positions the logical print head at character column 1.
NOTE: The specific line spacing value is selected at the operator panel with the control code 06 parameter. See the Users Manual for more information. Discussion The line spacing control code can be placed anywhere in the data stream before the line terminator code; however, it is recommended that you place the line spacing code at the start or end of the data line. After the line is printed at the new line spacing, the default line spacing is automatically reselected. Example
Discussion This control code can occur anywhere in the data line before the line terminator, but for best performance it should be placed at the beginning of the line. This command is acted upon immediately, affecting the entire current print line. It defines certain data between the next and last paper motion commands as even dot plot data. These data are plotted at 60 by 72 dots per inch. When this mode is exited, the print mode and attributes last selected remain active. A detailed description of plotting can be found in Chapter 8.
Discussion This control code can occur anywhere in the data line before the line terminator, but for best performance it should be placed at the beginning of the line. This command is acted upon immediately, affecting the entire current print line. It defines certain data between the next and last paper motion commands as odd dot plot data. These data are plotted at 60 by 72 dots per inch. When you exit this mode, the font and attributes last selected remain active. Plotting is described in Chapter 8.
NOTE: Either STX, ETX, or HT is selected at the operator panel as the code that selects High Speed (Draft) Print Mode; the default is STX. (See the Configuration chapter in the Users Manual.) Discussion Once the control code for High Speed (Draft) Print Mode has been defined from the operator panel, that code can then select Draft 10 cpi. These commands can occur anywhere in the data stream and are acted upon immediately, affecting the entire current print line. ETX and HT can also be configured to select Compressed Print (17.1 cpi) if you configure the printer from the operator panel. (See page 199.) Example
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose SP 20 32 Produces a blank space; no character is printed.
Discussion It is not necessary to pad the end of the print line with space characters. The printer automatically fills the line after the line terminator is received. The Space character code is also used to skip characters for editing and underlining. See Edit Mode on page 195.
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose Underline key ( _ ) 5F 95 Underlines specified character positions.
Discussion To underline characters, the print buffer is first loaded with the character line; then the line must be terminated with a Carriage Return code. Spaces are then loaded in the buffer at positions not to be underlined, and the underline code is inserted in the specific positions to be underlined. Table 52 illustrates underlining. Table 52. Underline Example Enter in Print Buffer THE 600 PRINTER(CR) SSSS___(LF) Key: Printed Result THE 600 PRINTER S = Space (hex 20); LF = Line Feed (hex 0A); CR = Carriage Return (hex 0D) _= Underline (hex 5F)
Vertical Tab
ASCII Hex Dec Purpose VT 0B 11 Acts as a line terminator when the EVFU is loaded, causing the paper to advance to a specified programmed line.
Discussion Vertical Tab is primarily an EVFU line terminator code as described in the Electronic Vertical Format Unit. If the EVFU is not loaded and Vertical Tab control code is used, a single line feed occurs.
Super-Set Programming
This chapter describes the super-set commands. Super-set commands affect each of the protocols included in the LinePrinter Plus emulation regardless of the printer protocol currently active, except for the P-Series XQ Variant emulation. The commands are sent through the host in the input data stream, and enact the features described in the following subsections. NOTE: The super-set commands do not affect the P-Series XQ Variant emulation.
*The SFCC in P-Series is the currently active Special Function Control Code. NOTE: The super-set commands are briefly introduced in the chapters of this book that describe the control codes for each of the emulations listed above. In the following subsections, the generic code sequence name, SSCC, is placed before the control code to remind you to enter the correct sequence depending on the printer protocol currently active.
Character Sets
ASCII Code SSCC R n Hex Code Dec Code Purpose Comment SSCC 52 n SSCC 82 n Selects one of several character sets. The value of n must have three ASCII digits. Table 54. Epson FX Character Sets
000 001 002 003 004 005 006 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
Character Set
IBM PC Epson Set OCR-A OCR-B Multinational Code Page 850 CP 858 EURO ASMO 449 ASMO 449+ ASMO 708 ASMO 708+ MS DOS CP710 MS DOS CP720 Sakr CP714 Aptec CP715 CP 786 Arabic CP 864 Arabic CP 1046 Arabic Lam 1 Arabic Lam 2 Win. CP 1256 Farsi 1 Farsi 2 1098 Farsi 1285 Cyrillic 866 Cyrillic CP 437 Cyrillic 113 Cyrillic 8859-5 ISO 915 Code Page 855 7 Bit Cyrillic Ukrainian
208 209 210 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 400 401 402 403 404 405
Character Set
Bulgarian Win. CP 1251 Latvian 866 Latin 2 8859-2 Code Page 852 Mazovia Kamenicky Roman 8 PC-437 Slavic Slavic 1250 Code Page 865 Code Page 860 Latin 1 8859-1 Latin 5 8859-9 Latin 9 8859-15 Polish POL1 Win. CP 1250 Win. CP 1252 Win. CP 1257 CP 858 EURO Lith. CP 773 Serbo Croatic 1 Serbo Croatic 2 CP 774 CP 775 ISO 8859-4 DEC 256 Greek ELOT 928 Greek Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Greek
406 407 408 409 410 411 500 501 502 503 504 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 700 701 702 703
Character Set
Greek 851 Greek 437 Greek 8859-7 Win. CP 1253 Greek 813 EURO EURO 869 EURO Hebrew Old Hebrew New Hebrew DEC Latin-1 Hebrew Win. CP 1255 Data Gen. Turk. DEC Turkish IBM Turkish Siemens Turkish PTT Turkish IBC Turkish Bull Turkish AS400 Turkish Unisys Turkish NCR Turkish PST Turkish Unis-1 Turkish Code Page 853 INFO Turkish Win. CP 1254 Code Page 857 Azeri Block-Set 10cpi Italics Set Scanblock 10cpi PGL Thai Set
Character Sets
000 001 002 003 004 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
Character Set
IBM PC Multinational EMCA Latin 1 DEC Mult. CP 858 EURO ASMO 449 ASMO 449+ ASMO 708 ASMO 708+ MS DOS CP 710 MS DOS CP 720 Sakr CP714 Aptec CP715 CP 786 IBM CP 864 IBM CP 1046 Arabic Lam 1 Arabic Lam 2 Win. CP 1256 Farsi 1 Farsi 2 1098 Farsi 1285 Cyrillic 866 Cyrillic CP 437 Cyrillic 113 Cyrillic 8859-5 ISO 915 Code Page 855 Cyrillic 7 Bit Ukranian Bulgarian Win. CP 1251
210 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407
Character Set
Latvian 866 Latin 2 8859-2 Latin 2 852 Mazovia Kamenicky Roman 8 PC-437 Slavic Slavic 1250 Code Page 865 Code Page 860 Latin 1 8859-1 Latin 5 8859-9 Latin 9 8859-15 Polish POL1 Win. CP 1250 Win. CP 1252 Win. CP 1257 CP 858 EURO Lith CP 773 Serbo Croatic 1 Serbo Croatic 2 CP 774 CP 775 ISO 8859-4 DEC 256 Greek ELOT 928 Greek Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Greek Greek 851 Greek 437
408 409 410 411 500 501 502 503 504 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 700 701 702 703
Character Set
Greek 8859-7 Win. CP 1253 Greek 813 EURO Greek 869 EURO Hebrew Old Hebrew New Hebrew DEC Latin-1 Hebrew Win. CP 1255 Data Gen. Turk. DEC Turkish IBM Turkish Siemens Turkish PTT Turkish IBC Turkish Bull Turkish AS400 Turkish Unisys Turkish NCR Turkish PST Turkish Unis-1 Turkish Code Page 853 INFO Turkish Win. CP 1254 Code Page 857 Azeri Block-Set 10cpi Italics Set Scanblock 10cpi PGL Thai Set
000 001 002 003 004 005 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
Character Set
Code Page 437 Code Page 850 OCR-A OCR-B Multinational CP 858 EURO ASMO 449 ASMO 449+ ASMO 708 ASMO 708+ MS DOS CP710 MS DOS CP720 Sakr CP714 Aptec CP715 CP 786 IBM 864 IBM 1046 Arabic Lam 1 Arabic Lam 2 Win. CP 1256 Farsi 1 Farsi 2 1098 Farsi 1285 Cyrillic 866 Cyrillic CP 437 Cyrillic 113 Cyrillic 8859-5 ISO 915 Code Page 855 Cyrillic 7 Bit Ukrainian Bulgarian
209 210 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 400 401 402 403 404 405 406
Character Set
Win. CP 1251 Latvian 866 Latin 2 8859-2 Code Page 852 Mazovia Kamenicky Roman 8 PC-437 Slavic Slavic 1250 Code Page 865 Code Page 860 Latin 1 8859-1 Latin 5 8859-9 Latin 9 8859-15 Polish POL1 Win. CP 1250 Win. CP 1252 Win. CP 1257 CP 858 EURO Lith. CP 773 Serbo Croatic 1 Serbo Croatic 2 CP 774 CP 775 CP 8859-4 DEC 256 Greek ELOT 928 Greek Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Greek Greek 851
407 408 409 410 411 500 501 502 503 504 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 700 701 702 703
Character Set
Greek 437 Greek 8859-7 Win. CP 1253 Greek 813 EURO Euro 869 EURO Hebrew Old Hebrew New Hebrew DEC Latin-1 Hebrew Win. CP 1255 Data Gen. Turk DEC Turkish IBM Turkish Siemens Turkish PTT Turkish IBC Turkish Bull Turkish AS400 Turkish Unisys Turkish NCR Turkish PST Turkish Unis-1 Turkish Code Page 853 INFO Turkish Win. CP 1254 Code Page 857 Azeri Block-Set 10cpi Italics Set Scanblock 10cpi PGL Thai Set
Font Selection
Syntax: Purpose:
SSCC S n1 ; n2 ; n3 ; n4 ; n5 ; n6
Selects character height and width independently for the selected font.
Comment: Parameters n1 through n6 are specified as ASCII digit (numeral) values. To keep a parameter value unchanged, use the character x in place of the parameter for every digit of the parameters width. All parameters must be present, and all digits in the defined field width must be used. There are no spaces between parameters; the parameters are separated by semicolons as shown. Font Selection Command: The font selection command is the letter S, which is decimal 83 or hex 0x53. This command character is followed by the font number, with no space, semicolon, or other character in between.
Parameters: where: n1 = FONT NUMBER Takes five ASCII numeral characters as a parameter. The font number for the P7000 printers can be 93779 (Letter Gothic), 93952 (Courier), 90993 (OCR-A), or 91409 (OCR-B). Laser and thermal printers may have additional standard fonts, such as 92500 (CG Times), 94021 (Univers), or 92244 (CG Triumvirate). These printer types can also use other optional scalable fonts. See printer documentation for details. where: n2 = BOLD Takes a single ASCII numeral character as a parameter. Use 1 to enable bold print or 0 to disable bold. where: n3 = SLANT Takes a single ASCII numeral character as a parameter. Use 1 for a right-hand slant, or use 2 for a left-hand slant. Use 0 to print upright characters with no slant. where: n4 = CHARACTER SET Takes three ASCII numeral characters as a parameter. See Table 54, Table 55, and Table 56 for a list of the characters. If the default character set is used, enter the character "x" in place of the parameter for every digit of the parameter's width. See the ASCII example on page 213. where: n5 = WIDTH Takes four ASCII numeral characters as a parameter. The width parameter defines the width of the character cell in 1/480 inch increments. The character cell holds the printed character and some intercharacter spacing. Parameter 0048 selects 10 cpi text. If the default character set is used, enter the character "x" in place of the parameter for every digit of the parameter's width. See the ASCII example on page 213. where: n6 = HEIGHT Takes four ASCII numeral characters as a parameter. The height parameter defines the height of the character cell in 1/288 inch increments, or quarter-points. The character cell holds the printed character including descenders and underline, and some interline spacing. Parameter 0048 selects 6 lpi vertical spacing. If the default character set is used, enter the character "x" in place of the parameter for every digit of the parameter's width. See the ASCII example on page 213. NOTE: This command positions the character cell so the character baseline is at the current print position. The baseline forms the bottom margin for uppercase characters, with 7/12 of the cell height above the baseline, and 5/12 of the cell height below it.
Font Selection
This means that if expanded characters are started too close to the top of the page, the characters will be cut off at the top. Also, if expanded characters are started too close to the bottom of the page, characters could be cut off or may force an extra blank page to print. Care should be taken when positioning expanded characters to insure the entire character cell will fit on the page. Example: ASCII: Hexadecimal: P-Series emulation, font = Letter Gothic, bold, upright, no change to character set, 10 cpi, double-high _|};S93779;1;0;xxx;0048;0096 01 7C 7D 3B 53 39 33 37 37 39 3B 31 3B 30 3B 78 78 78 3B 30 30 34 38 3B 30 30 39 36
Figure 3: Character Cell Dimensions More About Width: Refer to Figure 3. The width parameter defines the width of the character cell in increments of 1/480 inch. The cell width is the distance from the left edge of a character to the left edge of the next character, including whatever intercharacter spacing is present in the font. Expanded characters are modeled on the default 10 cpi font, which has an intercharacter spacing of approximately 1/6 the total width of the cell. Note that when using optional scalable fonts with laser and thermal printers, the cells for characters printed in a proportional font are proportional to the widths of the individual characters, so cells are different widths. Monospaced fonts like Letter Gothic have uniform cell width on laser and thermal printers. All P7000 fonts are monospaced. To calculate a width parameter for a monospaced font, divide 480 by the desired value of cpi (characters per inch), or multiply 480 by the width of a cell in inches. For example, for 10 cpi text, calculate (480/10) to get a parameter of 0048. To create characters which print 1/4 inch wide, calculate (480 * ) to get a parameter of 0120.
480 = Parameter Chars per Inch
More About Height: Refer to Figure 3. The height parameter defines the height of the character cell in increments of 1/288 inch, or quarter-points. The cell height includes room for the printed character, a descender or underline if present, and some blank dot rows to improve readability between lines. Note that the height parameter sets the height of the cell, which can be nearly twice the height of the printed character itself. The height of a character is in proportion to a standard uppercase character that is 1/10 inch wide and 1/10 inch tall, in a cell that is 1/6 inch tall. The standard character as produced on an impact printer is composed of dots 1/72 inch tall, so the standard cell is 12 dots tall (12/72 inch = 1/6 inch) with an uppercase character printing in the top 7 dot rows. This font command maintains those proportions for all monospaced fonts. For example, double-high uppercase text prints 14/72 inch tall in a cell that is 1/3 inch tall (or 24/72 inch), and so forth. To calculate the parameter for vertical line spacing, divide 288 by the desired value of lpi (lines per inch). To calculate a parameter for character cell height, multiply 288 by the height of the character cell.
= Parameter
For example, to print at 6 lpi, a parameter of (288/6) or 0048 is needed. To create a cell that is two inches tall, multiply 288 by 2 inches to get a parameter of 0576. The preceding equations are used to set the cell height. To find the height of a cell that has a specific character height, multiply 494 by the character size in inches. The value of 494 is 288 multiplied by (12/7), which is the ratio of cell height to character height. For example, to print 1/2 inch tall uppercase characters, calculate (494 * 0.5 inches) to get a parameter of 0247. The cell size for 1/2 inch tall characters is approximately 0.9 inch tall. In other words, 1/2 inch tall text will print at approximately 1.1 lines per inch. As a final example, to print upper- and lowercase text so that the overall height from cell-top to descenders is 1/2 inch, first note that uppercase height plus descenders is 9/12 of the cell height. Then 288 * (12/9) is 384, and the parameter to use is (384 * ) or 0192. This text will print at 1.5 lines per inch, or 288/192.
Font Selection
Figure 4: Expanded Character Cells and Character Baseline Characters line up along the baseline of the print line. Uppercase characters have their bottom dot row on the baseline. The default character cell is a single-high uppercase character at 6 lines per inch, which prints in the top 7 dot rows of a cell 12 dot rows tall. Expanded character cells all have the same proportions, so that the character baseline is always located 7/12 of the way down the cell. The cell baselines are always aligned on every print line, so that all characters printed on that line will line up along the bottom edge of the characters, for all vertical expansions. Figure 4 shows a single-high character printed next to a double-high character. Both characters line up their bottom edges against the baseline. The double-high character cell is shown extending both above and below the current print line. The upper part of the character will print on the previous line, which may cause problems if it extends to the previous page; also, the P7000 printers will open the platen and reverse paper in order to print on the previous line. The lower part of the cell is blank, but it still affects line spacing. The double-high character shown will cause the printer to double-space automatically; also, printers may eject a blank page if the part of the cell below the baseline overlaps the bottom of the current page. The blank area below the printed character can be as much as 5/12 of the total cell height. This affects the maximum height of text printed using this method, because any character that is much more than half as high as the page may cause an extra blank page to be ejected when printing.
Printing expanded characters on the P7000 printer family will cause the printer to open the platen and reverse paper, because all characters taller than single-height will print at least some dots on the previous line. This causes a reduction in printing speed. The P7000 printer cannot produce arbitrarily short characters. The minimum height of a printed uppercase character on the P7000 is 7/72 inch or approximately one-tenth of an inch tall. The cell height can be set with a parameter smaller than 0048, which will affect the lines-per-inch value but not the printed height of the characters. The P7000 printer cannot produce a character height between single-high and double-high. That is, all vertical expansions of 0048 and less will result in a 1/10 inch tall printed character. All vertical expansions between 0049 and 0096 will result in a 2/10 inch tall printed character. Expansions greater than 0096 will be scaled as close to the indicated height as possible. The impact printer dots are 1/72 inch tall, which is 4/288 inch, so select height parameters that are multiples of 4. Be careful when positioning expanded character cells, so they do not print over a page boundary. The character baseline is always 7 dots from the top of the current print position. An expanded character will have some of its cell defined above the current print line, and some below. Some of the characters may be cut off or blank pages may be ejected if the cell overlaps the previous or following pages, depending on the cell size and the starting row.
SSCC ) n;
Selects the TrueType font where n is the fontname.ext. ESC | } ; ) arial.ttf;
n (hex)
00 or 30 01 or 31 02 or 32 03 or 33 04 or 34
The printer protocol may also be selected from the control panel. NOTE: If P-Series XQ is selected, then you cannot use this command to exit the protocol.
A barcode is a graphic representation of alphanumeric characters. The LinePrinter Plus barcodes are listed below, with detailed barcode information and examples provided on the referenced pages. All parameters must be separated by a semicolon (;) unless noted otherwise. Throughout this chapter, actual commands required for input are shown exactly as they must be entered, while all parameters associated with that command are shown in italics. Optional parameters are enclosed in brackets. Spaces are used only to visually separate the command parameters, but do not enter these spaces in your command. The single most important consideration when printing a bar code is to ensure the bar code will be scanned properly. Incorporating a bar code quality procedure in the printing process is the best way to ensure that bar codes are being printed correctly. A properly implemented verification procedure will increase overall bar code quality, reduce waste from misprinted bar codes, and achieve high first-time read rates, which is an increasingly important factor in newer, more efficient systems where manually entered data is not acceptable as a backup function. Verification also minimizes the costs of returned products due to poor reading or unaccountable bar codes. RJS designs and manufactures the worlds most complete line of bar code verification products, including their portable Inspector and Laser Inspector models, On-Line Inspector and AutoScan II series. For more information on RJS bar code verifiers, contact their corporate headquarters at 562-994-0930, or visit their web site at
Table 58. Available Barcodes Barcode Codabar Code 39 Code 93 Code 128 EAN 8 EAN 13 1 FIM German I-2/5 Intelligent Mail 4-State Interleaved 2/5 2 MSI PDF 417 PostBar 3 POSTNET Royal Mail Telepen UCC/EAN-128 UPC-A UPC-E UPC Shipping UPS 11 Mnemonic SSCC c B SSCC c C SSCC c 9 SSCC c D SSCC c 8 SSCC c 1 SSCC c F SSCC c G SSCC c 6 SSCC c I SSCC c M SSCC c 4 SSCC c O SSCC c P SSCC c R SSCC c T SSCC c V SSCC c A SSCC c E SSCC c S SSCC c U NOTES:
1 2 3
Symbol Length Variable Variable Variable Variable 7 digits 12 digits n/a 11 or 13 digits 20, 25, 29, or 31 digits Variable 13 or 14 digits Variable Variable 5, 9 or 11 digits Variable Variable Variable 11 digits 11 digits 13 digits 10 digits
Code Set Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Numeric Numeric A, B, C or D Numeric Alphanumeric Numeric Numeric Alphanumeric 0-3 Numeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphanumeric
Page Number 224 226 228 230 234 235 236 239 238 239 240 241 243 244 243 246 247 252 253 256 257
The barcode type is the numeral one: 1. The I in the Interleaved 2/5 mnemonic is the uppercase i ASCII character. The barcode type is the uppercase letter O.
Barcode Format
ASCII Code SSCC c t ; d data d [; N n ; xxxx ; yyyy ] [; X mmmm ] [; P p ] [; C ] [; H hh ] [; D] Hex Code Dec Code Purpose Comment SSCC 63 t ; d data d [; 4E n ; xxxx ; yyyy ] [; 58 mmmm ] [; 50 p ] [; 43 ] [; 48 hh ] [; 44] SSCC 99 t ; d data d [; 78 n ; xxxx ; yyyy ] [; 88 mmmm ] [; 80 p ] [; 67 ] [; 72 hh ] [; 68] Invokes barcodes. These barcodes cannot be rotated or scaled.
If there is a printable data field in the barcode specification, it will print in the DP font; except for UPC-A and UPC-E which print in OCR B. Bar codes cannot be positioned beyond the bottom or right end of the currently defined logical form. The command syntax prevents positioning the cursor above the current position or to the left of the form. Drawing a barcode causes the printer to automatically switch to DP print mode. The DP print mode is active until the bottom of the barcode has been printed. After this, you can change the print mode. You can change the print mode to OCR A, OCR B or back to DP between the current cursor location and the bottom of the barcode position. Print mode changes to NLQ or HS will be ignored in this region. where: t = type of barcode (see Table 59). Table 59. Barcode Selection Values
B C 9 D 8 1 F G I M 4 O P
t (hex)
42 43 39 44 38 31 46 47 49 4D 34 4F 50 Codabar Code 39 Code 93 Code 128 EAN-8 EAN-13 FIM
Selects Barcode
Barcode Format
t (hex)
52 54 56 41 45 53 55 Royal Mail Telepen
Selects Barcode
NOTE: For all of the following parameters, the digits are ASCII values. where: d = the barcode delimiter, which can be any character not used in the barcode data field where: data = variable length printable data field The following parameters are optional: where: N = activates the offset where: n = the x and y coordinate unit system (see Table 60) Table 60. Offset Unit Select
0 1 2 3 4
Selects Value use current cpi and lpi values use 1/4 inch value use 1/2 centimeter value: 1/(2.54 x 2) use 1 millimeter value: 1/(25.4) use DP dot value (hor.1/120 x vert. 1/72) where: xxxx = four-digit upper left corner x (horizontal axis) where: yyyy = four-digit upper left corner y (vertical axis) where: X = activates magnification where: mmmm = magnification value. Valid values are X1, X1.5, X1A, X1B, X2, X2A, X3 and X4. where: P = activates printable data field variable
where: p = location of printable data field (see Table 61) Table 61. Printable Data Field Location
p (hex)
41 42 4E
where: C = calculate and plot check digit (if available as an option) The default is no check digit if the check digit is allowed to be optional. where: H = activates the height variable where: hh = two-digit barcode height in 1/10. The default is as specified in the individual barcode specifications. where: D = activates dark barcode Comment The x and y values are added to the current cursor position. You cannot specify the upper left corner to be above the current print position. If xxxx = 0000 and yyyy = 0000 and there are no line feeds, any text following the barcode command will print next to the barcode. Notice that the x horizontal cursor position is automatically updated. See Figure 5.
Barcode Format
However, if the values are other than 0000, the original cursor position remains intact, despite the printing of the barcode. See Figure 6, which shows xxxx = 10 and yyyy = 5.
5 10
Figure 6. Barcode Example 2 To place the text below the barcode, you must insert line feed commands. See Figure 7.
Line Feeds
Consecutive barcode commands must be terminated by line feeds. ESC | };cF; xCx;N0;0065;0001;H01<LF> ESC | };cP; x481701892x;N0;0050;0020;H09
The Codabar structure is shown in Figure 8 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. Be sure to provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop code is a unique character identifying the leading and trailing end of the bar code. The start/stop code is automatically produced with each bar code. The start/stop code structure permits bidirectional bar code scanning.
Data Field
The bar code symbol uses a series of wide and narrow bars and spaces to represent standard alphanumeric characters. Each wide or narrow bar or space is one element; each character in the data field has nine elements. The structure is three wide elements (bars or spaces) out of the nine total elements which compose one character.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the bar code data. It can be printed above or below the bar code symbol.
Check Digit
The optional modulo-43 check digit can be inserted into the bar code to verify accurate scanning. Table 62. Codabar Character Set Character 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Character $ : / . + A B C D Hex 24 3A 2F 2E 2B 41 42 43 44 2D
Code 39
The Code 39 structure is shown in Figure 9 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the barcode structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent barcodes from overlapping. Be sure to provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop code is a unique character identifying the leading and trailing end of the barcode. The start/stop code is automatically produced with each barcode. The start/stop code structure permits bidirectional barcode scanning.
Data Field
The barcode symbol uses a series of varying width bars and spaces to represent standard alphanumeric characters. Each wide or narrow bar or space is one element; each character in the data field has nine elements. The structure is three wide elements (bars or spaces) out of the nine total elements which compose one character.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the barcode data. It can be printed above or below the barcode symbol.
Code 39
Check Digit
The optional modulo-43 check digit can be inserted into the barcode to verify accurate scanning. Table 63. Code 39 Character Set ASCII NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US CODE 39 %U $A $B $C $D $E $F $G $H $I $J $K $L $M $N $O $P $Q $R $S $T $U $V $W $X $Y $Z %A %B %C %D %E ASCII SP ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? CODE 39 Space /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L . /O 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /Z %F %G %H %I %J ASCII @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ __ CODE 39 %V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z %K %L %M %N %O ASCII ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL CODE 39 %W +A +B +C +D +E +F +G +H +I +J +K +L +M +N +O +P +Q +R +S +T +U +V +W +X +Y +Z %P %Q %R %S %T %X %Y %Z
NOTE: Character pairs /M, /N, and /P through /Y are reserved for future control character pairs.
Code 93
The Code 93 bar code structure is shown in Figure 10 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. Be sure to provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop codes identify the leading and trailing end of the bar code.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the bar code data. It can be printed above or below the bar code symbol.
Check Digit
The modulo-103 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the bar code symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning. The start code is included in the check digit algorithm.
Code 93
Table 64. Code 93 Character Set Character 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F Character P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . SPACE $ / + % S1 S2 S3 S4 Start Stop Hex 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 2D 2E 20 3F 2F 2B 25 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Code 128
The Code 128 structure is shown in Figure 11 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. Be sure to provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop codes identify the leading and trailing end of the bar code. Each of the Code 128 subsets uses a unique start code and a common stop code, both automatically provided by LP+.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the bar code data. It can be printed above or below the bar code symbol.
Code 128
Check Digit
The modulo-103 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the bar code symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning. The start code is included in the check digit algorithm. Table 65. Code 128A Character Set
Character Hex
NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Character Hex
SUB ESC FS GS RS US SP ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33
Character Hex
4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D
4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 23 22 28 27 24 26 21 (N/A) (N/A)
NOTE: Access for the alternate set of control function characters is by using SO (Shift Out, hex 0E). The SO control code identifies the next character as the control function character, and must be inserted before each alternate character required. The SO character is selectable from the printer's front panel.
Character Hex
: ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53
Character Hex
T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D
n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ FNC 3 FNC 2 SHIFT CODE C FUNC 4 CODE A FNC 1 START B STOP
6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 23 22 28 27 24 25 21 (N/A) (N/A)
NOTE: Access for the alternate set of control function characters is by using SO (Shift Out, hex 0E). The SO control code identifies the next character as the control function character, and must be inserted before each alternate character required. The SO character is selectable from the printer's front panel.
Code 128
NOTE: Access for the alternate set of control function characters is by using SO (Shift Out, hex 0E). The SO control code identifies the next character as the control function character, and must be inserted before each alternate character required. The SO character is selectable from the printer's front panel.
The EAN 8 barcode structure is shown in Figure 12 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the barcode structure have blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent barcodes from overlapping. You must provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Center/Stop Codes
The start/center/stop codes are special character codes marking those portions of the barcode. These codes are automatically provided.
Data Field
The barcode symbol uses a series of varying width bars and spaces to represent a limited character set (numbers 0-9 and Special Characters Start, Center, and Stop). The bars and spaces vary in width from one to four modules. Each character consists of two bars and two spaces that total seven modules. The symbol coding of the left data field is different from the right data field to permit read direction sensing.
Readable Data
The human readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the barcode data. It can either be suppressed or printed above or below the barcode symbol.
Check Digit
The modulo-10 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the barcode symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning.
EAN 13
EAN 13
The EAN 13 barcode structure is shown in Figure 13 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Quiet zones extend on both ends of the barcode to permit the scan to begin and end in a blank area. You are responsible for providing sufficient space (minimum of seven modules) on the form for the quiet zones. The number system character is also printed automatically in the left quiet zone.
Start/Center/Stop Codes
The start/center/stop codes are special character codes marking those portions of the barcode. These codes are automatically provided.
Data Field
The barcode symbol uses a series of varying width bars and spaces to represent a limited character set (numbers 0-9 and Special Characters Start, Center, and Stop). The bars and spaces vary in width from one to four modules. The symbol coding of the left data field is different from the right data field to permit read direction sensing.
Readable Data
The human readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the barcode data. It can be either suppressed or printed above or below the barcode symbol.
Check Digit
The modulo-10 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the barcode symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning. The number system character is included in the check digit algorithm.
The FIM (Facing Identification Mark) barcode structure is shown below and described on the following pages. The left boundary must begin 3 inches from the right edge of the mail piece. The right-most bar must be 2 inches + 1/8inch from the right edge of the mail piece. Bars are 5/8-inch + 1/8-inch tall; the top of the bars must be no lower than 1/8-inch from the top edge of the mail piece (and may touch the top edge of the mail piece). The barcode baseline must be within 1/8-inch from the bottom edge of the quiet zone.
(Optional Line) (Top Line) (Optional Line) (Line Above Last) (Last Line)
Figure 14. FIM Structure NOTE: Additional information regarding FIM barcode requirements can be obtained from the U.S. Postal Service's Publication 25: A Guide to Business Mail Preparation.
Quiet Zone
The barcode structure requires a completely blank, 1-1/4-inch wide, 5/8-inch tall quiet zone, reserved for only the appropriate FIM pattern. You must provide sufficient space for this zone.
Start/Stop Code
The start/stop code is a unique character identifying the leading and trailing end of the barcode. The start/stop code is automatically produced with each barcode. The start/stop code structure permits bidirectional barcode scanning.
Data Field
The barcode symbol uses a nine-position bar/no-bar pattern of tall (full) bars of uniform height. Use the letters A, B, C, or D to specify the type of FIM. Figure 15 illustrates how to generate a horizontal FIMC barcode and a POSTNET barcode. ESC | };cF; xCx;N0;0065;0001;H01<LF> ESC | };cP; x481701892x;N0;0050;0020;H09
y = 0001
x = 0065
x = 0050
Full Height - fixed height Tracker - a small center section Ascender - extends from the top of the Full Height limit to the bottom of the Tracker limit. Descender - extends from the top of the Tracker Limit to the bottom of the Full Height limit.
Figure 16. Intelligent Mail Barcode Bar Types Customer Data must be in numeric format only. PDF is not allowed for Intelligent Mail Barcode. Additional information regarding use of this barcode can be obtained from the USPS publication Intelligent Mail Barcode Technical Resource Guide.
Table 68. Data Field Parameters Type Tracking Code Field Barcode Identifier Service Type Identifier Mailer Identifier Serial Number Routing Code Total Delivery Point Zip Code Digits 2 Second digit must be 0 - 4. 3 6 or 9 9 when Mailer ID is 6 digits 6 when Mailer ID is 9 digits 0, 5, 9, 11 20 minimum, 31 maximum
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the barcode structure have blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent barcodes from overlapping. You must provide sufficient space on the form for quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
Unique start and stop codes permit bidirectional scanning. Both start and stop codes contain bars and spaces. They are automatically produced.
Data Field
The barcode symbol uses a series of wide and narrow bars and spaces to represent numeric characters. The structure is 2 wide elements (bars or spaces) and 3 narrow elements. In the barcode, two characters are interleaved (paired); bars are used to represent the first character in the pair and spaces are used to represent the second character in the pair. While I-2/5 has a variable data field, German I-2/5 is restricted to 11 or 13 digits.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the barcode data. It can be printed above or below the barcode symbol.
Check Digit
The modulo-10 check digit can be inserted into the barcode to verify accurate scanning. German I-2/5 bar codes have the check digit inserted automatically.
The MSI bar code structure is shown in Figure 18 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. You must provide sufficient space on the form for quiet zones.
Start/Stop Code
Unique start and stop codes permit bidirectional scanning. Both start and stop codes contain bars and spaces. They are automatically produced.
Data Field
The bar code symbol uses a series of wide and narrow bars and spaces to represent each numeric character. The structure is four wide elements (bars or spaces) and four narrow elements. Each character contains four data bits, with each 0-bit made up of a narrow bar/wide space arrangement and each 1bit made up of a wide bar/narrow space arrangement.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the bar code data. It can be printed above or below the bar code symbol.
Check Digit
If specified, the modulo-10 or modulo-11 (or both) check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the bar code symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning.
PDF 417
PDF 417
The PDF417 structure is shown in Figure 19 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. Be sure to provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop codes identify the leading and trailing end of the bar code.
Data Field
PDF417 provides twelve modes to encode data. The first three are preestablished (the remaining nine are user modes, which can be defined by users or industry associations according to specific applications): 1. Extended Alphanumeric Compaction mode (EXC). Comprised of four sub-modes, this mode offers encodation of all printable ASCII characters. This is the default mode; LP+ uses shift or latch characters to enable other modes. 2. Binary/ASCII Plus mode. This offers encodation for all ASCII characters, printable or not, and binary values. 3. Numeric Compaction mode. This offers encodation for numeric values to a density of almost 3 digits per code word. LP+ will automatically switch between modes to provide the smallest encodation for the data.
Security Level
PDF417 can detect and correct errors. Each label has 2 code words of error detection. You can select the error correction capacity based on application needs. Specify a security level in the range of 0 - 8, at the time of printing. PDF417 can also recover from omissions and misdecodes of code words. Since it requires two code words to recover from a misdecode, one to detect the error and one to correct for it, a given security level can support half the number of misdecodes that it can of undecoded words.
Print Data Field is not offered due to the large amount of data that can be encoded.
Figure 20. PostBar and Royal Mail Structure PostBar and Royal Mail bar codes, like POSTNET, are used for mailing applications. However, these bar codes can encode full addresses on labels. These bar codes are similar to POSTNET in terms of bar space and width, but have four different types of bars (Full Height, Ascender, Descender, and Tracker), whereas POSTNET only has two bar types (Tall and Short). The Royal Mail symbology converts alphanumeric characters into patterns of four bars, using combinations Full Height, Ascender, Descender, and Trackers. It also adds start and stop bar codes as well as a check digit. PostBar allows you complete flexibility to specify the individual bar types that comprise the signal. For PostBar, you are responsible for encoding the address, adding the start and stop codes, and supplying the appropriate check digit.
Quiet Zone
The bar code structure requires a completely blank quiet zone which is a 2mm border on each side of the bar code.
Start/Stop Code
The start and stop bars identify the orientation of the bar code.
Data Field
For PostBar, a variable length data field of digits `0' through `3' are allowed to represent the bars: Full Height (0), Ascender (1), Descender (2), and Tracker (3). For Royal Mail, the data is restricted to alphanumeric characters `A' through `Z' and `0' through `9'. Each bar width is equal, and must be .020-inch .005-inch. Horizontal spacing between bars (pitch) must be 22 bars 2 bars per inch over any 0.50-inch portion of the bar code. The height of the bars (Full Height) has a maximum of 0.230 inches and a minimum of 0.165 inches,
Check Digit
For PostBar, you are responsible for encoding and check digit. For Royal Mail, a modulo-6 check digit is inserted at the end of the data field.
The POSTNET barcode structure is illustrated in Figure 21 and described on the following pages. The POSTNET code can be a part of the address block and appear anywhere within a vertical 4-inch area across the length of the mail piece.
Postage Area
Figure 21. POSTNET Structure NOTE: Additional information regarding POSTNET barcode requirements can be obtained from the U.S. Postal Service's Publication 25: A Guide to Business Mail Preparation.
Quiet Zone
The barcode structure requires a completely blank quiet zone which extends 4.75 inches from the right edge of the mail piece. In addition, a minimum quiet zone of 0.040-inch above and below the barcode data must also be provided. You must provide sufficient space for this zone.
Start/Stop Code
The start and stop codes are referred to as framing bars in POSTNET. The start and stop codes are each one tall bar, one identifying the leading and trailing end of the barcode. The start/stop code is automatically produced with each barcode. The start/stop code structure permits barcode scanning in a left-to-right direction only.
Data Field
The barcode data produces a single field of 30 bars for a 5-digit field, 50 bars for a 9-digit data field, or 60 bars for an 11-digit data field. The bars are grouped in sets of five. Each set of five bars (comprised of two tall bars and three short bars) represents one of the five digits of the zip code, plus the four-digit zip code extension. If the Advanced Barcode is used, an additional two-digit code is also added to make an 11-digit data field.
Check Digit
The sixth, tenth or twelfth digit represents the automatic check digit character for the 5, 9 or 11-digit data field, respectively. The check digit is added automatically to verify accurate scanning.
The Telepen structure is shown in Figure 22 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. Be sure to provide sufficient space on the form for quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop code is a unique character identifying the leading and trailing end of the bar code. The start/stop code is automatically produced with each bar code. The start/stop code structure permits bidirectional bar code scanning.
Data Field
The bar code symbol uses a series of varying width bars and spaces to represent the entire ASCII character set. Each narrow bar or space is one element; each wide bar or space is three elements; each character in the data field has a total of sixteen elements.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the bar code data. It can be printed above or below the bar code symbol.
Check Digit
The optional modulo-127 check digit can be inserted into the bar code to verify accurate scanning.
The UCC/EAN-128 bar code structure is shown in Figure 23 and described below.
Figure 23. UCC/EAN-128 Structure UCC/EAN-128 uses the same bar code and character set as Code 128. However, in UCC/EAN-128, the Function 1 character FNC1 immediately follows the start code. The FNC1 character has been reserved exclusively for UCC/EAN-128. The UCC/EAN-128 data structure requires an Application Identifier (AI) at the beginning of bar code data. Each AI determines the format and length of the data which follows. Refer to Table 69 for more detail. Table 69. UCC/EAN-128 Application Identifiers Applicati on Identifier (AI)
00 01 02 10 11 (*) 13 (*) 15 (*) 17 (*) 20 21 22 23 (**) 240 250 30 310 (***) 311 (***) 312 (***) 313 (***) Serial Shipping Container Code Shipping Container Code Item Num. of Goods Within Another Unit Batch or Lot Number Production Date (YYMMDD) Packaging Date (YYMMDD) Sell By Date (Quality) (YYMMDD) Expiration Date (Safety) (YYMMDD) Product Variant Serial Number HIBCC = Quantity, Date, Batch and Link Lot Number (Transitional Use) Additional Product ID Assigned By Manufacturer Secondary Serial Number Quantity Net Weight, Kilograms Length or 1st Dimension, Meters Width, Diameter or 2nd Dimension, Meters Depth, Thickness, Height or 3rd Dimension, Meters
n2+n18 n2+n14 n2+n14 n2+an..20 n2+n6 n2+n6 n2+n6 n2+n6 n2+n2 n2+an..20 n2+an..29 n3+n..19 n3+an..30 n3+an..30 n2+n..8 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6
n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6
n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n4+n6 n2+n..8 n3+an..30 n3+an..30 n3+n13 n3+n13 n3+n13 n3+n13 n3+n13 n3+an..20 n3+n3+an..9 n4+n14 n4+n14+an..16 n4+an..30 n4+n6 n4+n14+n2+n2 n4+n18 n4+n1+n5 n4+n1+n5+n4 n4+n1+n1 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30 n2+an..30
(*) To indicate only year and month, DD must be filled with 00 (**) Plus one digit for length indication (***) Plus one digit for decimal point indication Data Value Representation: a alphabetic characters an alpha-numeric characters an..3 up to 3 alpha-numeric characters n n3 n..3 numeric characters 3 numeric characters, fixed length up to 3 numeric characters
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. You must provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start and stop codes identify the leading and trailing ends of the bar code. UCC/EAN-128 uses unique start codes for character subsets B and C, and a stop code common to both. An automatic mode switching feature is used to generate the correct start code based on the first four data field characters.
Data Field
UCC/EAN-128 bar codes require a special character called Function 1 (FNC1) to immediately follow the start code. LP+ automatically supplies this character, so it must not be included in the data field by the user. A character is made up of three bars and three spaces, each varying in width from 1 to 4 modules, for a total of eleven modules. The number of modules making up the bars is even. The stop code has four bars and is 13 modules wide. The character set for UCC/EAN-128 is the same as the character set for Code 128. Refer to the Code 128 Character Sets (see page 230). Every character is interpreted according to the currently active character subset. UCC/EAN-128 uses subset B and subset C only. Subset B, shown in Table 66 (page 232), includes all standard alphanumeric keyboard characters, lowercase alphabetical characters, and special characters. Subset C interprets the characters as pairs of numbers 00 through 99, along with some special characters, as shown in Table 67 (page 233). The start code or subset switch code determines whether a particular bar code character is decoded as one character or as a pair of numbers.
Readable Data
The optional printed data field (PDF) provides a human-readable interpretation of the bar code data. When the printed data field is enabled by use of the PDF parameter, the overall height of the bars is reduced to make room for a guard band and the human-readable characters. The printed data field will be formatted with spaces or parentheses denoting particular data fields such as the application identifier. Special characters such as start, stop, subset switch, modulo-103 check digit, and FNC1 do not appear in the human-readable data. The readable data is oriented along the bar code from start code to stop code. It may be positioned above or below a bar code.
The UPC-A barcode structure is shown in Figure 24 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Quiet zones extend on both ends of the barcode to permit the scan to begin and end in a blank area. The number system character is also printed automatically in the left quiet zone.
Start/Center/Stop Codes
The start/center/stop codes are special character codes marking those portions of the barcode. These codes are automatically provided.
Data Field
The barcode symbol uses a series of varying width bars and spaces to represent a limited character set (numbers 0-9 and Special Characters Start, Center, and Stop). The bars and spaces vary in width from one to four modules. Each character consists of two bars and two spaces that total seven modules. The symbol coding of the left data field is different from the right data field to permit read direction sensing.
Readable Data
The human readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the barcode data. It can either be suppressed or printed above or below the barcode symbol.
Check Digit
The modulo-10 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the barcode symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning. The number system character is included in the check digit algorithm.
The UPC-E barcode structure is shown in Figure 25 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Quiet zones extend on both ends of the barcode to permit the scan to begin and end in a blank area. You must provide sufficient space (minimum of seven modules) on the form for the quiet zones. The number system character is also printed automatically in the left quiet zone.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop codes are special character codes marking those portions of the barcode. These codes are automatically provided.
Data Field
The barcode symbol uses a series of varying width bars and spaces to represent a limited character set (numbers 0-9 and Special Characters Start and Stop). The bars and spaces vary in width from one to four modules. For UPC-E, eleven digits are expected, which are compressed down to the six encoded symbol characters.
Readable Data
The human readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the barcode data. It can either be suppressed or printed above or below the barcode symbol.
Check Digit
The modulo-10 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the barcode symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning. The number system character is included in the check digit algorithm.
Table 70. Eleven-Digit Compression 1. Manufacturers Number X X X X X X 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Product Numbers that can be used 00000-00999 ( ) first two digits of manufacturers number ( ) last three digits of the product number ( ) third digit of the manufacturers number, use 0 through 2 only
2. Manufacturers Number X X X X 3 9 0 0 0 0
Product Numbers that can be used 00000-00999 ( ) first three digits of manufacturers number ( ) last two digits of the product number; use 00-99 only ( 3 ) depends on how many digits appear in the manufacturers number
3. Manufacturers Number X X X X 0
Product Numbers that can be used 00000-00999 ( ) first four digits of manufacturers number ( ) last digit of product number, use 0 through 9 only ( 4 ) depends on how many digits appear in the manufacturers number
4. Manufacturers Number X X X X X
Product Numbers that can be used 00000-00999 ( ) all five digits of manufacturers number ( ) last digit of product number, use 5-9 only
Table 71. Six-Digit Zero Expansion if the 6 digit number ends with: 0 Example: 124560 then the MFPS number is: the first 2 digits (of the zero suppressed number) plus 000 12000 the first two digits plus 100 27100 the first two digits plus 200 41200 the first three digits plus 00 87600 the first four digits plus 0 75370 the first five digits of the zero suppressed number 21375 51701 and the Product Number is: 00 plus the THIRD, FOURTH and FIFTH digit (of the zero suppressed number) 00456 same as above 00583 same as above 00202 000 plus the FOURTH and FIFTH digit 00054 0000 plus the FIFTH digit 00007 0000 plus the SIXTH digit 00006 00009
1 Example: 275831 2 Example: 412022 3 Example: 876543 4 Example: 753774 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Examples: 213756 517019
UPC Shipping
The UPCSHIP bar code structure is shown in Figure 26 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure have blank quiet zones. The quiet zones should be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. You are responsible for providing sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
Unique start and stop codes permit bidirectional scanning. Both start and stop codes contain bars and spaces. They are automatically produced.
Data Field
The bar code symbol uses a series of wide and narrow bars and spaces to represent numeric characters. The structure is 2 wide elements (bars or spaces) and 3 narrow elements.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the bar code data. Bar code data is printed below the horizontal bar code symbol. The lower guard band is provided when the readable data field is selected.
Check Digit
The modulo-10 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the bar code symbol. The check digit provides the means to verify accurate scanning.
UPS 11
UPS 11
The UPS 11 structure is shown in Figure 27 and described below.
Quiet Zone
Both ends of the bar code structure require blank quiet zones. The quiet zones must be at least 0.25 inches wide and completely blank to ensure accurate reading of the start/stop codes and to prevent adjacent bar codes from overlapping. Be sure to provide sufficient space on the form for the quiet zones.
Start/Stop Codes
The start/stop codes identify the leading and trailing end of the bar code. Each of the UPS 11 subsets uses a unique start code and a common stop code, both automatically provided by the IGP/PGL.
Data Field
UPS 11 is a special case of Code 128 (page 230). This bar code is restricted to 10 data characters. The first character must be 0 through 9 or A through Z. The remaining nine digits must be 0 through 9.
Readable Data
The optional readable data field provides a readable interpretation of the bar code data. It can be printed above or below the bar code symbol.
Check Digit
The modulo-103 check digit is automatically calculated and inserted in the bar code symbol. The check digit verifies accurate scanning. The start code is included in the check digit algorithm.
This chapter explains how the printer produces graphic images. The quickest way to produce graphic images is to use one of the many graphics software applications available. Any graphics program that is compatible with the Epson FX, Proprinter III XL, PSeries, Serial Matrix, or P-Series XQ Variant emulation should provide excellent results. You can also use the Intelligent Graphics Printing (IGP) emulation or the VGL emulation. Both allow you to create and store forms, generate logos, bar codes, expanded characters, and other graphics. Printing text and characters is the default mode of operation. However, your printer can print graphics.
When the emulation is in the Proprinter III XL, Epson, or Serial Matrix protocol mode, Bit Image graphics is used for graphics printing. When the emulation is in the P-Series or P-Series XQ Variant protocol mode, Odd/Even dot plotting is used for graphics printing.
Each line of graphics data must include a graphics control code to enable the emulation for the desired graphics mode of operation.
8 7 6 5 4 3
2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 28. Vertical Data Byte Pattern The relationship between the ASCII character, its decimal value, and its bit image plot is shown in Figure 29. All 8 bits of the data byte are used in all fonts, but some fonts have taller and shorter characters. You may have to adjust the line spacing in order to print without horizontal gaps. Data bytes are identified by their binary, octal, hexadecimal, or decimal equivalents. These numeric equivalents are combined in data streams to form graphic patterns such as the one illustrated in Figure 30.
ASCII Character
Decimal Value
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Figure 29. Bit Image Pattern from an ASCII Character Bit Image plotting is not limited to printable ASCII characters. You can print Bit Image patterns for any 8bit data byte with decimal values ranging from 0 through 255. (The ASCII character set is charted in Appendix C.)
(Number of DATA bytes) 256(n2) (remainder of division of number of DATA bytes by 256, sometimes referred to as MOD 256) (Number of DATA bytes)/256 (quotient of division) the dot pattern bytes
The syntax of the bit image expression must be correct. The number of data bytes and the n1, n2 definition must be equal. Any characters following n1 and n2 are interpreted and plotted as data until the n1, n2 definition is satisfied. If n1 = n2 = 0, then control codes K, L, Y, or Z are ignored. The maximum number of data bytes that can be included in the DATA portion of the program statement (when using 132 column paper) varies according to the dot density:
At 60 dpi, single density = 792 bytes double density = 1584 bytes quadruple density = 3168 bytes Data that go past the right margin are discarded if automatic line feed is disabled. If automatic line feed is enabled, data that go past the right margin trigger an automatic line feed (LF) and are printed on the next line.
Plot Mode
Plot Mode
Plot mode is available for the P-Series and P-Series XQ Variant protocols. This subsection describes the P-Series compatible odd/even dot Plot mode of operation. The P-Series plot has a rigid format wherein each line of data contains a plot command code, the plot data, and an LF code (hex 0A). The P-Series codes (hex 04 and 05, respectively) can be placed anywhere on the command line. The P-Series XQ codes (hex 04 and 05, respectively) can also be placed anywhere on the command line without degrading plot speed. When P-Series Plot mode is enabled by an EOT (hex 04) or ENQ (05) code, all control codes except LF, CR, and FF, are ignored. Any control sequence parameter prior to a plot code is acted upon immediately. Any control sequence parameter following an EOT or ENQ code is treated as plot data. If any combination of EOT (hex 04) or ENQ (05) code is received in a single line, the priority of action is:
EOT (hex 04) takes priority over ENQ (hex 05) ENQ has the same priority level and is acted upon in the order received
A printable symbol is defined as any character or command that might cause the head of a serial printer to move away from character column one.
Plot Density
Plot density refers to the number of dots per inch (dpi) printed in a single dot row. Two types of plot density are available with P-Series Plot mode graphics: normal density and high density. The densities can be mixed within the printed page on a dot row-by-row basis, but the two densities cannot be mixed on the same dot row.
Data Processing (DP) = 60 dpi horizontal, 72 dpi vertical Near Letter Quality (NLQ) = 90 dpi horizontal, 96 dpi vertical High Speed Draft (HS) = 60 dpi horizontal, 48 dpi vertical
Each data byte specifies six out of twelve plot dot columns. Using odd dot plot mode, bits 1 through 6 of the data byte address the odd-numbered dot columns; using even dot plot mode, bits 1 through 6 of the data byte address the even-numbered dot columns. Bit 6 and/or bit 7 of the data byte must be a 1 (or true) bit in Plot mode. Bit 8 of the data byte is not used in the Plot mode and may be 1 or 0. The binary equivalent of the plot data bytes must be known to accurately address specific dot positions.
As shown in Figure 34, a dot is printed at the location addressed by each of bits 1 through 6 in the data byte that is set (1 or true).
Plot Mode
1 0 1 0 1 1 0
~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1 1 1 0 1 1 1
The plot mode control code: either hex 05 for normal density, or hex 04 (even dot plot) combined with hex 05 (odd dot plot) for double density plotting. The data bytes to be plotted. The line terminator hex 0A or hex 0C\. With print width set to 13.2 inches, a plot data line may contain any number of bytes up to a maximum of 132 for horizontal dot density of 60 dpi (DP font) or 198 bytes for a horizontal dot density of 90 dpi (NLQ font). A plot data line may contain any number of data bytes up to the maximum. If automatic line feed is disabled, any bytes over the maximum are lost. If the maximum is exceeded and automatic line feed is enabled,
a line feed (LF) is forced and the remaining plot data are printed as text on the next line.
The plot mode command may occur anywhere in the line, but plot speed may decrease if it is not at the beginning of the line.
1st Char 001111 2nd Char 111111 3rd Char 110000 132nd Char 000011 Line Terminator
Plot Mode
2. Send a line terminator, which causes the printer to plot the data bytes; the paper position is not advanced in double density plot; the printer now waits for the second line of data. 3. Send the odd dot plot control code ENQ (hex 05) and a second line of data, followed by a line terminator. a. A line feed (hex 0A) used as the line terminator plots the contents of the buffer and advances the paper position a single dot row, based on the vertical density of the current mode. A CR (if CR = CR + LF is configured) may also be used with the same result. b. A form feed (hex 0C) used as the line terminator plots the data bytes and advances the paper position to the next TOF. 4. Regardless of which line terminator code is sent, the emulation will default to the previously selected print mode (font) unless further plot control codes are provided with the data.
Figure 36. Odd Dot Plot Pattern Plan The following program uses the Odd Dot Plot control code to produce the image. The image is printed 25 times as shown in Figure 37. An entire dot row is plotted in one printing pass. Consequently, the first row of all 25 images is printed in one pass, followed by the second row, etc., until all rows have been printed. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 LPRINT Odd Dot Plot FOR I=1 TO 8 READ R1 READ R2 LPRINT CHR$(5); FOR N=1 TO 25 LPRINT CHR$(R1);CHR$(R2); NEXT N LPRINT NEXT I DATA 42, 64, 73, 65, 92, 64, 42, 64, 73, 65, 92, 64, 42, 64, 73, 65 LPRINT
A text line follows plot data, preceded by a single line terminator code. (Text characters may extend into the range of the previously printed plot line and appear truncated.)
A text line follows plot data, but is preceded by an additional line terminator or LF code. (Characters are printed at full-height.)
Use Bit Image graphics or Plot mode to produce characters as well as graphics A combination of text (not plot) and graphics can be mixed on the same page within all protocols.
Text and graphics can be mixed on the same line, however, only by using the Bit Image graphics in the Serial Matrix, Epson, or Proprinter XL protocols. Any character or symbol can be created in the Plot mode or with Bit Image graphics simply by addressing and plotting the appropriate dot positions. Either Bit Image or Plot mode graphics can be mixed with text within the page on a line by line basis. Each line of graphics data must include a graphics control code or the emulation will automatically default to the print mode. Using Bit Image graphics, it is possible to use the print mode to produce text on one print pass followed by a print pass to produce graphics on the same line; however, text characters can be affected by the Bit Image data when combined on the same line. The illustration on the following page shows the plot data byte dot patterns that are referenced in the description of P-Series plot mode on page 266.
2 4 6 8 1012 1 3 5 7 9 11
2 4 6 8 1012 1 3 5 7 9 11
0100000 0100001 042 043 044 045 046 047 34 35 36 37 38 39 22 23 24 25 26 27 " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0 1 1001101 1001110 1001111 1010000 1010001 115 116 117 120 121 77 78 79 80 81 M N O P Q 4D 4E 4F 50 51 1101101 1101110 1101111 1110000 1110001 1001000 1001001 1001010 1001011 1001100 155 156 157 160 161 110 111 112 113 114 72 73 74 75 76 H I J K L 1101000 1101001 1101010 1101011 1101100 48 49 4A 4B 4C 150 151 152 153 154 h i j 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y R S T U V W X Y Z [ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 1010010 1010011 1010100 1010101 1010110 1010111 1011000 1011001 1011010 1011011 1011100 1011101 \ ] 1011110 1011111 136 137 94 95 5E 5F ^ __ z { } 1111110 1111111 176 126 177 127 ~ 7E 7F Delete 1110010 1110011 1110100 1110101 1110110 1110111 1111000 1111001 1111010 1111011 1111100 1111101 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 162 163 164 165 166 167 170 171 172 173 174 175 122 123 124 125 126 127 130 131 132 133 134 135 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F > ? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 1000010 1000011 1000100 1000101 1000110 1000111 66 67 68 69 70 71 62 63 64 65 66 67 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 102 103 104 105 106 107 B C D E F G 1100010 1100011 1100100 1100101 1100110 1100111 98 99 100 101 102 103 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 42 43 44 45 46 47 142 143 144 145 146 147 b c d e f g
040 041
32 33
@ A
0110010 0110011 0110100 0110101 0110110 0110111 0111000 0111001 0111010 0111011 0111100 0111101
0111110 0111111
Rapid vertical paper movement is called slewing. A vertical format unit (VFU) is a program you load into the printer that enables it to slew paper to preset locations on a page. On your printer, LF commands and other commands that produce blank lines are accumulated and moved in one efficient paper motion. The VFUs are maintained for compatibility with earlier applications. Following an introductory overview of how to plan a vertical page format, the following four methods of vertical formatting are described in this chapter:
Vertical tab table. The IBM Proprinter III XL, Epson FX, and Serial Matrix emulations each contain a vertical tab table. It is a set of programmed vertical tabs. Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU). The P-Series and P-Series XQ Variant emulations provide the EVFU capability. Dataproducts Direct Access Vertical Format Unit (DVFU). The PSeries and P-Series XQ Variant emulations provide the DVFU capability. Centronics Vertical Format Unit (CVFU). The P-Series and P-Series XQ Variant emulations provide the CVFU capability.
VFU Characteristics
Keep in mind the following information when programming and using a VFU: Elongated Characters You can use elongated (double high) characters in VFU programs. The VFU automatically counts one line of elongated characters as two character lines. VFU Not Loaded If the VFU is not loaded, the printer performs a single line feed in response to VFU commands. Paper Runaway Protection If the VFU memory is loaded and a channel code is sent that was not previously loaded, the printer moves the paper a single line feed. Line Spacing The printer can use either 6 or 8 lines per inch (lpi) spacing. These VFUs calculate the forms length by line density selected. The 6 and 8 lpi spacing may be mixed on the same form, but should be done carefully. Form Feed A form feed sent from the operator panel or a command from the host moves the paper to the first channel 1, which is the top of form. Vertical Tab A VT command moves the paper to the next channel 12. If a channel 12 is not loaded, a line feed will occur.
Form Data
6 7
Tab 1
8 9 10 11 12 13
Tab 2
14 15 20
Tab 3
Channel Assignment
The EVFU memory has the capacity for 192-line forms. The first line identification code (channel code) in the memory load program defines the first line on the form; the second line identification code defines the second line on the form, etc. Each line must have a line identification code. Filler channel codes are used for lines that will not be accessed by the print program. Any channel code can be used as a filler except channel code 1, which is reserved for the top-of-form, and channel code 12, which is reserved as the vertical tab channel. The same filler channel code can be repeated as necessary for any number of lines. Channel 1 - The top-of-form code, reserved as the first line on the form or the first line printed (top-of-form position). The operating program sends the channel 1 code to advance to the top of the next form. After the memory is loaded, a Form Feed code (FF, hex 0C) will move the paper to the next channel 1 (top-of-form). Channels 2 through 11, 13 and 14 - Used as general channel codes (line identification codes) or filler channels. Each line on the form must be identified by a channel code. When the operating program sends the channel code, the paper advances to the line identified by the channel code. Lines not used by the operating program must be identified by filler channels (unused channel codes). Channel 12 - Reserved as the Vertical Tab channel. The Vertical Tab code (VT, hex 0B) prints any data in the print buffer and rapidly slews the paper to the next line identified by the channel 12 code. If channel 12 is not loaded in the EVFU memory, a single line feed will be executed when a VT code is sent. Channel 15 and 16 - Used as general channel codes or filler channels only when the VFU is accessed by the PI line. In an EVFU form that does not use the PI line, the codes for Channels 15 and 16 function as the Start Load and End Load codes.
Table 72. P-Series EVFU Codes - PI Line Enabled ASCII Hex 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 6E 6F Dec. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 110 111 Code NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI n o PI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 1 1 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 1 1 Data Bits Channel 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 (TOF) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (VT) 13 14 15 16 Start Load End Load
Table 73. P-Series EVFU Codes - PI Line Disabled or Not Used ASCII Hex 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Dec. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Code DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Data Bits Channel 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 (TOF) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (VT) 13 14 Start Load End Load
Table 74. P-Series EVFU Line Slewing ASCII Hex 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Dec. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Code DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US PI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 Data Bits Lines Slewed 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Channel Assignments
Following the Start Load code, all data bytes received are interpreted as channel assignment data until the End Load code is received. The current line corresponds to the first line in the DVFU, and the first line is the top of form and must have Channel 1 set, or the entire load sequence is ignored. The last channel 12 loaded is assigned as Bottom of Form (BOF). If skip-over perforation is enabled, slewing occurs from BOF to TOF. A maximum of 12 channels can be assigned to one physical line on the form. Two eight-bit data bytes (DVFU characters) are required per line. As shown in Table 75, the least significant 6 bits of the first data byte are used to assign channels 1 through 6; the least significant 6 bits of the second data byte are used to assign channels 7 through 12. If a bit is set, the corresponding channel is assigned. Each line on the form requires two bytes. For lines not requiring a channel identification, the two bytes should not contain channel assignments. This procedure can be continued for a maximum of 143 lines (286 DVFU bytes). The DVFU ignores anything more than 286 bytes until the End Load code is received; if 572 bytes are received without an End Load code, the End Load code is forced and the load routine is terminated.
Table 75. DVFU Channel Assignment First Data Byte Bit # 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (LSB) Channel # undefined undefined 6 5 4 3 2 1 (TOF) Second Data Byte Bit # 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (LSB) Channel # undefined undefined 12 11 10 9 8 7
Table 76. DVFU Channel Instruction Channel Selected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bits of Data Byte PI Line 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Table 77. P-Series DVFU Line Slewing Number of Lines Slewed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bits of Data Byte PI Line 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Channel Assignments
Following the Start Load Code, all data bytes received are interpreted as channel assignment data until the End Load Code is received. A maximum of 12 channels can be assigned to one physical line on the form. Two eight-bit data bytes (CVFU characters) are required per line. As shown in Table 78, the least significant 6 bits of the first data byte are used to assign channels 1 through 6; the least significant 6 bits of the second data byte are used to assign channels 7 through 12. If a bit is set, the corresponding channel is assigned. Each line on the form requires two bytes. For lines not requiring a channel identification, the two bytes should not contain channel assignments. This procedure can be continued for a maximum of 126 lines (252 CVFU bytes). The CVFU memory is cleared if more than 252 bytes are received before the End Load Code. CH 1 TOF. The first channel, line 1 of the form, must be assigned channel 1, top-of-form and channel 2 must not be defined in this first byte (byte one, bit 2 must be 0) or the entire load sequence is ignored and the memory reset. After the memory is loaded, a Form Feed code (FF, hex 0C) moves the paper to the next channel 1 (top-of-form). After the channel assignment on the last line of the form, another channel assignment must be sent with the top-of-form bit set (called the dummy TOF). This channel assignment code does not count as a line of the form. All data received after the dummy TOF are ignored until the End Load Code is received. Data received after the dummy TOF are counted as part of the maximum allowed (126 lines, 252 bytes). CH 2 VT. Channel 2 is used as the vertical tab channel. After the memory is loaded, a Vertical Tab (VT, hex 0B) moves the paper to the next channel 2. If a VT code is received but channel 2 is not loaded, the paper advances to the next TOF position. If a VT code is received but the CVFU is not selected or not loaded, a single line feed occurs.
Table 79. CVFU Command Codes ASCII Hex 1F 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C Dec. 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Code US SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF 8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Data Bits CVFU Channel 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Start Execute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Table 80. CVFU Line Slewing ASCII Hex 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Dec. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Code DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Data Bits CVFU Channel 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 = CR* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(X = Undefined, 0, or 1) (1 = High) (0 = Low) *treated as CR = CR; refer to the Carriage Return control code on page 123.
Downloading Characters
Table 81: E and U Terminator Support E Terminator SFCC c SFCC V SFCC RX supported supported supported U Terminator supported not supported supported
The command SFCC c is followed by ASCII characters: When using normal character sets: When UTF-8 is enabled: where:
the font and pitch the downloaded character will print at. When using normal character sets (Standard Sets, Arabic Sets, Cyrillic Sets, European Sets, Greek Sets, Hebrew Sets, Turkish Sets, etc.), this parameter is the decimal value between 0 and 65535 which represents the symbol point of the new character in the Character Library (Appendix C). The symbol point represents a character location using a Printronix number. No leading zeros are required. When UTF-8 is enabled, this parameter is the decimal value between 0 and 65535 which represents the Unicode of a character. No leading zeros are required.
E or U
the terminator following this numeric field. Using the E terminator allows you to store a character in an unused address or replace an existing character in the Character Library (page 317). Using the U terminator allows you to store a character in an unused address or replace an existing character in the Unicode chart. If a character is assigned to an unused address, you must use this control code in conjunction with SFCC V (Downloading a Language) to assign the downloaded character to a printable position. However, if a downloaded character replaces an existing character in a font and pitch, that character will be changed in every character set or international language in which that character was used. SFCC V does not support the U terminator because UTF-8 allows access to every Unicode address.
the single-character attribute flag identifying whether the character contains descenders (a portion of the character descends below the bottom of the print line), extenders (2 dot rows near the bottom of the character are repeated until what would be the next line boundary at 6 lpi), or ascenders (a portion of the character extends above the top of a normal character). Extenders are used for graphics characters. See Table 82 for the accepted values for A. The semicolon (;) is the hexadecimal data terminator.
0 2 6 8 A E No attributes Descenders Extenders Ascenders
Attribute Flags
Ascenders + Descenders Ascenders, Descenders and Extenders the data values for each dot column of the character cell. The Least Significant Bit is the bottom-most dot of the character. The size of the character cell is determined by the selected font and pitch PP and the attributes A applied to it. If there are not enough data to define each dot column in the character cell, any subsequent bytes are used to complete the dot column data; if more data are sent than expected, the excess are treated as printable data. The character size is determined using the data in Table 84. The semicolon (;) is the hexadecimal data terminator and must follow each dot column entry.
You can create six or more characters, depending on the memory requirements for each character. You can save downloaded characters into the printer power-up configuration when the configuration is saved. Userdefined characters have priority over standard characters. The largest permitted symbol point is 65,535 decimal; values greater than 65,535 are invalid. Non-numeric characters in a numeric data field also render the character invalid. If the defined character format is invalid, all downloaded characters in working memory are cleared. (Characters saved in nonvolatile memory are not affected.)
The Extend attribute causes the character to be extended to what would be the next line boundary at 6 lpi. This attribute is useful for graphics characters that must connect to graphics characters on the next line. The Extend attribute is achieved by repeating the lowest-most two dot rows. Characters with the Extend attribute are assumed to be characters with descenders. Table 83 shows by font the number of dot rows and the number of times the dot rows are repeated when the Extend attribute is used.
Table 83. Extended Character Attributes Font HS DP NLQ OCR Dotrows Extended 2 3 4 5
The Ascender attribute causes the characters to extend upward to the previous boundary at 6 dpi by the number of dot rows indicated in Table 83. Care should be taken when using ascenders, as they may cause overlapping dots with the previous line of text. If ascenders are needed for the DP font, 2 bytes per column must be used.
Table 84. Calculating the Character Size Dots Per Inch 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 120 120 bits/col. w/o descenders 5 5 5 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 14 14 additional bits/col. w/o descenders 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 additional bits/col. w/o ascenders 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 N/A N/A # of dot columns 12 10 8 12 10 8 18 15 12 18 15 12 12 12 Bytes per dot column 1 1 1 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Font HS 10 HS 12/13 HS 15/17/20 DP 10 DP 12/13 DP 15/17/20 NLQ 10 NLQ 12/13 NLQ 15/17/20 NLQ2 10 NLQ2 12/13 NLQ2 15/17/20 OCR-A OCR-B
Code 20 21 or 22 23 or 24 00 01 or 02 03 or 04 10 11 or 12 13 or 14 70 71 73 50 60
The following examples illustrate the process of creating a character with no attributes, a character with descenders, and a character with extenders. NOTE: If adjacent dots are used to create the character, any line containing the character will print at half the normal speed. Half speed may also occur if a dot is placed in the first or last dot column of the character cell.
1 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
7 6 5 4 3 2
1 Column Value 0000 2 0F00 1 0000 3 1080 2 0F00 4 2041 3 1080 5 2046 4 2041 6 2048 5 2046 7 2050 6 2048 7 2030 8 10E0 8 10E0 9 0F00 9 0F00 10 0000 0000 11 10 0000 0000 12 11 0000
12 0000
Adjacent dots in rows 1 and 8 may result in half-speed printing of those dot rows.
Selected Font and Pitch: OCR-B 10 cpi. OCR-B with 10 cpi with no attributes = 12 Columns x 14 bits per column (Table 84)
The BASIC program to generate this character and a print sample are shown below. When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) 10 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); c6057E0; 0; ; 30 LPRINT F00; 1080; 2041; 2046; 2048; 2050; 10E0; F00; 0; 0; 0; ; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); X60; 50 LPRINT 99999 When UTF-8 is enabled: 10 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); c6057U0; 0; ; 30 LPRINT F00; 1080; 2041; 2046; 2048; 2050; 10E0; F00; 0; 0; 0; ; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); X60; 50 LPRINT 99999
The command for the character shown in Figure 40 is defined as follows: When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) ESC c 6057E0;0;F00;1080;2041;2046;2048;2050;10E0;F00;0;0;0; When UTF-8 is enabled: ESC c 6057U0;0;F00;1080;2041;2046;2048;2050;10E0;F00;0;0;0; where: ESC c 60 57E the control code header introducing the Download a Character command. the selected font and pitch code from Table 84 where Code 60 represents OCR font. the address location in the Character Library (Appendix C) where the downloaded character will be sent. E is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field). Address 57 contains an existing character which will be replaced by the new character. the address location in the Unicode chart where the downloaded character will be sent. U is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field). Address 57 contains an existing character which will be replaced by the new character.
If a downloaded character replaces an existing character in a font and pitch, that character will be changed in every character set or international language in which that existing character was used. 0; the single-character attribute flag identifying the character as having no attributes (descenders or extenders). The semicolon (;) is the hexadecimal data terminator.
0;F00;1080;2041;2046;2048;2050;10E0;F00;0;0;0; the ASCII data generated from each column of the character layout in Figure 40.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Column Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0000 0000 0000 0072 0088 0007 0088 0072 0000 0000 0000 0000
1 7 6 5 4 3 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Empty columns (rows 2 and 8) eliminate adjacent dots and half-speed printing
Selected Font and Pitch: DP 10 cpi. DP with 10 cpi with descenders = 12 Columns x 9 bits per column (Table 84)
Figure 41. Layout of a Character with Descenders The BASIC program to generate this character and a print sample are illustrated below. When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) 10 WIDTH LPT1:, 255 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); c0090E2; 0; 0; 0; 72; 88; 7; 88; 72; 0; 0; 0; 0; ; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); X00; 50 LPRINT ZZZZZ When UTF-8 is enabled: 10 WIDTH LPT1:, 255 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); c0090U2; 0; 0; 0; 72; 88; 7; 88; 72; 0; 0; 0; 0; ; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); X00; 50 LPRINT ZZZZZ
The command for the character shown in Figure 41 is as follows: When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) ESC c 0090E2;0;0;0;72;88;7;88;72;0;0;0;0; When UTF-8 is enabled: ESC c 0090U2;0;0;0;72;88;7;88;72;0;0;0;0; where: ESC c 00 90E the control code header introducing the Download a Character command. the selected font and pitch code from Table 84 where code 00 = DP10 the address location in the Character Library (Appendix C) where the downloaded character will be sent. The existing character at address 90 will be replaced with the new character. E is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field). the address location in the Unicode chart where the downloaded character will be sent. The existing character at address 90 will be replaced with the new character. U is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field).
If a downloaded character replaces an existing character in a font and pitch, that character will be changed in every character set or international language in which that existing character was used. 2; the single-character attributes flag identifying the character with descenders. The semicolon (;) is the hexadecimal data terminator.
0;0;0;72;88;7;88;72;0;0;0;0; the ASCII data generated from each column of the character layout in Figure 41.
Column Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
Empty columns (rows 1 and 3) eliminate adjacent dots and half-speed printing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0000 0028 0000 0028 0000 003F 0000 0028 0000 0028 0000 0000
Selected Font and Pitch: HS 10 cpi. HS with 10 cpi with extenders = 12 Columns x 6 bits per column (Table 84)
Figure 42. Layout of a Character with Extenders The BASIC program to generate this character and a print sample are illustrated below. When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) 10 WIDTH LPT1:, 255 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); c201010E6; 0; 28; 0; 28; 0; 3F; 0; 28; 0; 28; 0; 0; ; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); V1E66E1010E; 50 LPRINT CHR$(27); RX; 60 LPRINT CHR$(27); X20; 70 LPRINT BBBBB When UTF-8 is enabled: 10 WIDTH LPT1:, 255 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); c201010U6; 0; 28; 0; 28; 0; 3F; 0; 28; 0; 28; 0; 0; ; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); V1U66U1010U; 50 LPRINT CHR$(27); RX; 60 LPRINT CHR$(27); X20; 70 LPRINT BBBBB
The command for the character shown in Figure 42 is as follows: When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) ESC c 201010E6;0;28;0;28;0;3F;0;28;0;28;0;0; When UTF-8 is enabled: ESC c 201010U6;0;28;0;28;0;3F;0;28;0;28;0;0; where: ESC c 20 1010E the control code header introducing the Download a character command. the selected font and pitch code from Table 84 where code 20 represents HS10. the address location in the Character Library (Appendix C) where the downloaded character will be sent. Address 1010 is an unused address. E is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field). the address location in the Unicode chart where the downloaded character will be sent. The existing characters at 1010 will be replaced with the new character. U is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field).
If a downloaded character replaces an existing character in a font and pitch, that character will be changed in every character set or international language in which that existing character was used. 6; the single-character attributes flag identifying the character with extenders. The semicolon (;) is the hexadecimal data terminator.
0;28;0;28;0;3F;0;28;0;28;0;0; the ASCII data generated from each column of the character layout in Figure 42.
Column Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
top of ascender
MSB 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
LSB 0 MSB 7 6 5 4
3 10 2 11 1 12 LSB 0 13
Empty columns (rows 1 and 3) eliminate adjacent dots and half-speed printing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0000 0001 0002 000D 0030 0848 1480 0108 1480 0848 0030 000D 0002 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
Selected Font and Pitch: NLQ 10 cpi. NLQ with 10 cpi with ascenders = 18 Columns x 13 bits per column (Table 84)
Figure 43. Layout of a Character with Ascenders The BASIC program to generate this character and a print sample are illustrated below. When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) 10 WIDTH LPT1: , 255 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); c1065E8; 0; 1; 2; D; 30; 848; 1480; 108; 1480; 848; 30; D; 2; 1; 8; 0; 0; 0; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); X10; 50 LPRINT AAAAA When UTF-8 is enabled: 10 WIDTH LPT1: , 255 20 LPRINT CHR$(27); @; 30 LPRINT CHR$(27); c1065U8; 0; 1; 2; D; 30; 848; 1480; 108; 1480; 848; 30; D; 2; 1; 8; 0; 0; 0; 40 LPRINT CHR$(27); X10; 50 LPRINT AAAAA
The command for the character shown in Figure 43 is as follows: When using normal character sets: (For normal character set examples, refer to page 292.) ESC c 1065E8;0;1;2;D;30;848;1480;108;1480;848;30;D;2;1;0;0;0;0; When UTF-8 is enabled: ESC c 1065U8;0;1;2;D;30;848;1480;108;1480;848;30;D;2;1;0;0;0;0; where: ESC c 10 65E the control code header introducing the Download a character command. the selected font and pitch code from Table 84 where code 10 represents NLQ 10. the address location in the Character Library (Appendix C) where the downloaded character will be sent. E is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field). the address location in the Unicode chart where the downloaded character will be sent. U is the decimal field terminator (required after each decimal field).
If a downloaded character replaces an existing character in a font and pitch, that character will be changed in every character set or international language in which that existing character was used. 8; the single-character attributes flag identifying the character with ascenders. The semicolon (;) is the hexadecimal data terminator.
0;1;2;D;30;848;1480;108;1480;848;30;D;2;1;0;0;0;0; the ASCII data generated from each column of the character layout in Figure 43.
Downloaded Fonts
Char Operation
Ld Chars at Pwrup
Set Operation
Ld Set at Pwrup
Delete from Flash Load from Flash Save to Flash Delete from RAM
Enable Disable
Delete from Flash Load from Flash Save to Flash Delete from RAM
Enable Disable
Figure 44. Menu structure for Downloaded Fonts and Character Sets
The Downloaded fonts menu is located under LinePrinter+ in a menu called Downloaded Fonts. The structure can be seen in Figure 44. Char Operation allows you to save the characters which are currently in RAM into flash. Any characters which are in flash will be deleted. The submenu also allows you to delete characters from flash, load the characters from flash, or delete characters from RAM. If the characters are loaded from flash, all characters currently in RAM are deleted. These menus do not star when they are selected, they simply execute the function. The downloaded characters can be deleted from RAM in the following ways: using the front panel menu option, performing a soft reset, or sending a printer reset that reloads the power-up configuration. Sending characters in the wrong format will also delete all characters in RAM. When characters are sent to the printer they are stored in RAM and automatically used. To save the characters in RAM to the flash memory, the menu must be used. When the characters are stored, only the characters currently in memory will be stored. Characters which are currently in flash memory will be deleted. To add characters to those already stored in flash memory, the following sequence must be followed: 1. Load characters from flash. 2. Download more characters from the host. 3. Save the characters to flash from the menu. If flash memory is full, or there are no file headers left to save the characters, the printer will not save the characters in flash. A message will be displayed on the front panel. The user must optimize the flash in order to save the characters. When the Ld Chars at Pwrup menu is enabled, it causes the printer to load any downloaded characters from flash on power-up or during a soft reset. This option can be saved on a per configuration basis. When a configuration which has this option enabled is loaded on power-up, during a soft reset, or load configuration operation then the characters will be loaded from flash. This will delete any characters currently in RAM. The characters in RAM can be deleted through the menu also. A downloaded character set can be saved, loaded, or deleted from flash memory, or RAM using the Set Operation menu. It can also be loaded from flash at power-up or soft reset on a per configuration basis by enabling the Ld Set at Pwrup. For the loaded table to take effect the command <SFCC>Rx must be issued from the host.
Expression SFCC V is followed by ASCII characters: {QQQ}E{AAA}E{SSSSS}E (Each parameter is separated by paired brace symbols for clarity in distinguishing parameters. Do not put the braces in the command sequence). Multiple sets of characters can follow one SFCC V. where E is the terminator following each numeric field for overlay using the Printronix number. {QQQ} represents a decimal value between 0 and 255, which identifies the number of entries in the substitution table. No leading zeros are required for entries of one and two digits. Each entry consists of: {AAA} representing the decimal value between 0 and 255. These digits identify the address code that causes the substituted character to print. No leading zeros are required for entries of one and two digits. {SSSSS} representing the decimal value between 0 and 65535. These digits identify the symbol code point in the Multinational Character Set. No leading zeros are required for entries containing less than five digits. Any symbol in the Character Library in Appendix C can be substituted into any printable symbol code print. Comment The character set overlay is valid only for the current base character set. You must reload the character set overlay after a new character set is selected. After switching from NON-OCR typeface to OCR typeface or vice versa, you must reload the character set overlay to print the correct characters. Any symbol in the Character Library in Appendix C can be substituted into any printable symbol code point. If {AAA} is the same value as a control character, the control character takes precedence, and printing of that value does not occur. If the Space (hex 20) is substituted, unexpected results may occur, including decreased print speed.
Once defined and downloaded by this control code, the table created by this control code can be saved into the printer powerup configuration and selected from the host interface or the control panel. The table does not take effect until requested; to activate the table from the host, use the sequence SFCC RX. The substitution table starts with the currently active character set and overlays characters on top of it. The table is deactivated by the command sequence SFCC R0 or when the character set is changed. When the table is selected via the control panel, the message DOWNLOADED displays. Example The following sample illustrates Downloading a Character Set Overlay using a Printronix number.
SOH V{2}E{65}E{224}E{66}E{225}E SOH V {2} {E} {65} Special Function Control Code (SFCC) header introducing the Download a Character Set Overlay command. The quantity of entries (characters) in the substitution table (in this example, the letters A and B). The numeric field terminator for overlay using a Printronix number (required after each numeric field). The (decimal) address code for the first character in the current character set that causes the substituted character to be printed (uppercase A/alpha). The (decimal) symbol point in the Character Library in Appendix C representing the substituted character selected (lowercase a/alpha). The (decimal) address code for the second character in the current character set that causes the substituted character to be printed (uppercase B/beta). The (decimal) symbol point in the Character Library (Appendix C) representing the substituted character selected (lowercase b/beta).
NOTE: Not all fonts have all characters. Characters are included only to support predefined character sets. In general, DP 10 and NLQ 10 have the widest coverage, High Speed and OCR fonts have the least coverage.
The SFCC V and SFCC RX commands are not supported with the Uterminator when UTF-8 is enabled. See Table 85 below for details.
Table 85. E and U Terminator Support E Terminator SFCC V SFCC RX supported supported U Terminator not supported not supported
B7 0 B5 0 0
B4 B3 B2 B1 1 0 1 1
33 27 1B
0 1
0 0
B4 B3 B2 B1 ROW
0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 10 8 8 11 9 9 12 10 0A 13 11 0B 14 12 0C 15 13 0D 16 14 0E 17 15 0F
(XON) 20 16 10 21 17 11 22 18 12 23 19 13 24 20 14 25 21 15 26 22 16 27 23 17 30 24 18 31 25 19 32 26 1A 33 27 1B 34 28 1C 35 29 1D 36 30 1E 37 31 1F
40 32 20 41 33 21 42 34 22 43 35 23 44 36 24 45 37 25 46 38 26 47 39 27 50 40 28 51 41 29 52 42 2A 53 43 2B 54 44 2C 55 45 2D 56 46 2E 57 47 2F
3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
60 48 30 61 49 31 62 50 32 63 51 33 64 52 34 65 53 35 66 54 36 67 55 37 70 56 38 71 57 39 72 58 3A 73 59 3B 74 60 3C 75 61 3D 76 62 3E 77 63 3F
4 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
100 64 40 101 65 41 102 66 42 103 67 43 104 68 44 105 69 45 106 70 46 107 71 47 110 72 48 111 73 49 112 74 4A 113 75 4B 114 76 4C 115 77 4D 116 78 4E 117 79 4F
5 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
120 80 50 121 81 51 122 82 52 123 83 53 124 84 54 125 85 55 126 86 56 127 87 57 130 88 58 131 89 59 132 90 5A 133 91 5B 134 92 5C 135 93 5D 136 94 5E 137 95 5F
140 96 60
7 p q r s t u v w x y z { | }
160 112 70 161 113 71 162 114 72 163 115 73 164 116 74 165 117 75 166 118 76 167 119 77 170 120 78 171 121 79 172 122 7A 173 123 7B 174 124 7C 175 125 7D 176 126 7E 177 127 7F
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 1
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
141 97 61 142 98 62 143 99 63 144 100 64 145 101 65 146 102 66 147 103 67 150 104 68 151 105 69 152 106 6A 153 107 6B 154 108 6C 155 109 6D 156 110 6E 157 111 6F
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
, . /
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
Appendix A
The PTX_SETUP commands are a superset of commands which allows the printer to perform several tasks by parsing commands either stored in flash memory or sent to the printer by the host. Commands range from re-routing debug statements to downloading complete printer configurations.
Appendix B
This section describes the existing PTX_SETUP commands and provides a general description of how commands are formed. Each emulation has modes in which the PTX_SETUP commands could get missed. For this reason, it is highly recommended that all PTX_SETUP commands be placed between print jobs, rather than attempting to imbed them within jobs. PTX_SETUP commands have the following format: (SFCC)PTX_SETUP CommandSub Command;Value PTX_END For example, if the SFCC assigned to the emulation you are using is the exclamation point (!, hex 5E), and you wanted to load configuration number 4 and capture all incoming data to a file named BIN, you would use the following command: !PTX_SETUP CONFIGLOAD;4 FILE_IOCAPTURE;BIN PTX_END Table 86 lists all the command, sub-command, and parameter combinations and gives a brief description of the command. NOTE: When a file system error occurs, a message will be displayed on the front panel indicating the error, and the action needed to take to correct the error.
Table 86. PTX_SETUP Commands Command CONFIG Sub-Command LOAD Parameter Description
Cfg can be 0-8. The PTX_SETUP will load configuration Cfg. If configuration Cfg was not previously saved, the operator panel will display an error message and the current configuration will be kept. Cfg must be 1-8. This command will save the current configuration as configuration Cfg. If Cfg is not in the range of 1-8, the command is ignored.
Sets the power-up configuration to Cfg and loads Configuration Cfg. Cfg can be any value from 0-8, where 0 is the factory default.
Table 86. PTX_SETUP Commands (continued) Command CONFIG Sub-Command PRINT Parameter Description Prints Configuration Cfg. Cfg can be a number 1-8, or one of four predefined configurations. The four non-numeric configurations are requested using the first character for the CURRENT, FACTORY, POWERUP, or ALL configuration(s). Deletes Configuration number Cfg. Cfg must be in the range of 1-8. This command uploads the configuration stored in location Cfg to the port specified by Port. Port must either be 1284 or SERIAL. Cfg may be 1-8 or ALL. This command saves the configuration data that follows as configuration Cfg. Cfg must be 1-8 or END. Reboots the Printer. Protocol Protocol must be 0-4. This command resets the software protocol, and is selected as follows: 0 - P-Series 1 - P-Series XQ 2 - Serial Matrix 3 - Proprinter III XL 4 - Epson FX-1050 Captures all incoming data into a file named Filename. Receipt of a FILE_IO CAPTURE command without the Filename parameter will force the file data to be written to FLASH, and will end the file capture. This command is parsed for backwards compatibility. However, since the flash file system is a single device, the drive letter will be ignored. The DEL command will mark a file as deleted. The space the file occupied will be freed the next time the printer is powered up.
Cfg Port;Cfg
Appendix B
Table 86. PTX_SETUP Commands (continued) Command FILE_IO (DISK_IO) Sub-Command RUNFILE Parameter Description The RUNFILE command will open the file named File for printing. After the PTX_END command is processed, the contents of File will get printed before any more data is read from the host. If the Prop field is present, RUNFILE will verify that Prop matches the saved file properties. Any mismatch will cause the command to be ignored. For backwards compatibility. For backwards compatibility. The PROPS command will set the file properties of a given file. The file properties are a four letter, case sensitive file descriptor. The properties field can be used to ensure that a file is used for its intended purpose. Once properties have been associated with a file, they can not be changed. Reads the file named File out of the flash file system and sends it to a host computer via the Port I/O port. Port is either 1284 (for reverse nibble or byte mode transfer using the parallel port), or SERIAL. NOTE: if the Ethernet option is installed, 1284 is used to upload across the network. Exits the PTX_SETUP.
Kb Kb File;Prop
Appendix B
Character Library
In the P-Series and Serial Matrix emulations, character set overlays (substitution tables) can be downloaded (SFCC V) and stored until needed. Using the Downloading Characters and Character Sets feature allows you to define and download a character set overlay which can be placed within the 224 printable symbol code points. The Download a Character command allows characters to be defined and stored in non-volatile memory (See Chapter 4). The character library on the following pages identifies each character's location in printer memory by its decimal address value.
Appendix C
0 1 2
4 5
6 7
8 9
0 1
8 9
Appendix C
Appendix C
Analog to Digital.
Abbrev. for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard character encoding scheme introduced in 1963 and used widely on many computers and printers. It is a 7-bit code with 128 different bit patterns. There is no parity recommendation.
Operations performed on text that alter its appearance but do not change the font. Examples: underlining, superscripting, bold, etc.
attributes, print
bar code A printed code consisting of parallel bars of varied width and spacing and designed to be read by a onedimensional scanning device. A unit of speed that measures the rate at which information is transferred. Baud rate is the reciprocal of the length in seconds of the shortest pulse used to carry data. For example, a system in which the shortest pulse is 1/1200 second operates at 1200 baud. On RS-232 serial lines, the baud rate equals the data flow rate in bits per second (bps). To communicate properly, a printer
Appendix D
must be configured to operate at the same baud rate as its host computer. bit
Contraction of binary digit. A digit in the binary number system, represented by a 0 or a 1. A bit is the smallest unit of storage in a digital computer, where 0 and 1 are represented by different voltages. Groups of bits form other units of storage called nibbles, bytes, and words.
A print attribute specifying text of a heavy line thickness. See also character weight. The start-up procedure which causes a computer operating system to be loaded into main memory. A reserved area in memory that data is written to and read from during data transfers. A circuit for the transfer of data or electrical signals between two devices. A group of consecutive bits forming a unit of storage in a digital computer and used to represent one alphanumeric character. A byte usually consists of 8 bits, but may contain more or fewer bits, depending on the computer or protocol.
character cell The invisible rectangular space occupied by a character, including the white space around the character. The height of a cell remains constant even with changes in the current line spacing, and the width is equal to the current character spacing. Used as a unit of spacing. The ratio of character height to character width. See also compressed and expanded. character set A set of codes, each of which represents a control or printable character, including symbols, punctuation, numbers, diacritical markings, and alphabet characters. Each character is assigned a unique address in memory. The degree of lightness and thickness of printed text. For example: Bold refers to a heavy or thick character weight. Medium, normal, or book weight refer to the character weight used in this sentence. A value used to verify microcode correctness. An optional QMS emulation which allows you to create and store forms: generate logos, bar codes, and expanded characters; create other graphics, and merge graphics with alphanumeric data as a document is printed.
character proportion
character weight
checksum Code V
An operating instruction (e.g., form feed, or FF) sent from a computer to the printer. Also called a control code or non-printable character. Commands are opposed to data, which is printed.
command delimiter An ASCII character used to begin a command string (same as SFCC). Commonly used command delimiters are ESC (1B hex) and SOH (01 hex). command sequence Two or more bytes that instruct the printer to perform a special function. The first character in the sequence is a special function control character (SFCC). This character alerts the printer that the string which follows is a command sequence, not a character or graphic code. See also escape sequence, SFCC, SSCC. compatibility The ability of one printer to accept and properly process commands meant for a different printer. See also emulation and protocol. Refers to a typeface with a font width approximately 60% smaller than normal. Character height is not changed. Refers to the operating properties that define how the printer responds to signals and commands received from the host computer at the printer interface. These properties are called configuration parameters and are set to match the operating characteristics of the host computer system. An independent logic unit in a data processing system that controls data paths between one or more units of peripheral equipment.
compressed configuration
Abbrev. for characters per inch. A measurement of monospaced fonts indicating the horizontal character density. For example, 10 cpi means 10 characters can be printed in one horizontal inch. See also pitch. Abbrev. for characters per second. A measurement of the print speed of a serial (character) printer.
Central Processing Unit. Carriage Return. Clear To Send. Status signal to the printer indicating the host is ready to receive data/status signals from the printer.
Appendix D
data bits Binary information sent to the printer; a character set grouping containing letters, digits, and punctuation marks to be printed, or control codes to move paper, format text and graphics, and position the text and graphics on the page.
Abbrev. for Direct Access Vertical Format Unit. Also known as NVFU. See also NVFU.
Data Controller. Data Carrier Detect. Status signal to the printer. The ON condition is required for the printer to receive data. One tenth of a point. A unit of length equal to 1/720 inch. See also point. A value, parameter, attribute, or option assigned by a program or system if another is not specified by the user. The portion of a printed, lowercase character that appears below the base line. For example, g, j, p, q, and y all are characters with lowercase descenders. Pertains to the detection and isolation of printer malfunctions or mistakes.
diagnostic DIP
Acronym for Dual In-line Package. A method of packaging semiconductor components in rectangular cases with parallel rows of electrical contacts.
A DIP equipped with switches. A typical DIP switch has from four to ten individual switches mounted in its package. The individual switches are typically toggle, rocker, or slide switches. To deactivate or set to OFF. A thin, flexible magnetic disk containing software such as test and diagnostic programs, initialization files, and all font specifications for the printer.
DIP switch
disable diskette
EBCDIC EC ECMA EEPROM EIA/TIA Elite em Extended Binary Coded Data for Information Communication. Engine Controller. European Computer Manufacturers Association. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industry Association A name indicating a monospaced font with a pitch of 12 cpi (and usually 10 points in height). A unit of measure in typesetting: the width of a piece of type about as wide as it is tall. (Derived from uppercase M, usually the widest character in a set.) Refers to the ability of a printer to execute the commands of another printer protocol. When used as a proper noun (e.g., Proprinter III XL Emulation), it means printer protocol. See also compatibility and protocol. A unit of measure in typesetting equal to half the width of an em. To activate, make true (1), or set to on. A command sequence in which the first byte is always the ASCII ESC character. Same as escape code. See also command sequence, SFCC, SSCC. End of Text. A transmission control character sent from the host to the printer, indicating the end of transmission of a block of data.
EVFU expanded
Abbrev. for Electronic Vertical Format Unit. Relates to the ability to slew (skip quickly a specified number of lines).
A font enhancement referring to larger-than-normal character width with no change in character height.
false family (or type) FF FIFO fixed-pitch fonts font Off or zero. Compare true. A set of all variations and sizes of a type style. Form Feed. First In, First Out.
Appendix D
ligatures, signs, and accents. To fully describe a font, you must specify seven characteristics: 1) typeface 2) spacing (proportional or monospaced) 3) type size (12 point, 14 point, etc.) 4) scale factor (character height/width ratio) 5) type style 6) character weight 7) character proportion (normal, condensed, expanded). font, landscape font, monospaced A font printed parallel to the long edge of a page. Also called fixed-pitch fonts. Every character, regardless of horizontal size, occupies the same amount of font pattern space. All monospaced fonts use specific pitch size settings. Monospaced fonts are sometimes used when strict character alignment is desired (tables, charts, spreadsheets, etc.).
See typeface.
The matrix of pixels which represents a character, symbol, or image. A font printed parallel to the short edge of a page. A font in which the width of a character cell varies with the width of the character. For example, [i] takes less space to print than [m]. Using proportional fonts generally increases the readability of printed documents, giving text a typeset appearance. The thickness of the lines making up a character. For example, bold and light are different font weights. The measurement of the width of a character cell in dots.
hammer hammer spring hammer tip The hammer spring with a hammer tip mounted onto it. The flat piece of metal, made of spring steel, which supports and pushes the hammer tip. The small, round point, located near the end of the hammer spring, which strikes the ribbon and leaves a dot on the paper. Based on a numeral system with a radix of 16. A hex dump is a translation of all host interface data to its hexadecimal equivalent. A hex dump is a printer self-test typically used to troubleshoot printer data reception problems. The computer that stores, processes, and sends data to be printed, and which communicates directly with the printer. The term host indicates the controlling
host computer
IEEE IGP Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. Intelligent Graphics Processor. An interface that converts graphics commands received from the host computer to binary plot data that is usable by the printer. The IGP is the board-installed Intelligent Graphics Processor. The IGP provides on-line forms, bar codes, and many alphanumeric text-generation capabilities. A series of processes and self-tests to set power-up default conditions and parameters. The hardware components used to link two devices by common physical interconnection, signal, and functional characteristics. To put into effect or operation.
initialization interface
invoke ipm
Abbrev. for inches per minute. A measurement of the speed of a printer printing in graphics print mode (plotting speed).
A slanted type style. This is an italic type style.
LF landscape LCD Line Feed. Printed perpendicular to the paper motion.
Abbrev. for Liquid-Crystal Display. The LCD is located on the operator panel. Its purpose is to communicate information to the operator concerning the operating state of the printer. Abbrev. for Light Emitting Diode. Abbrev. for lines per inch. A measurement indicating the vertical spacing between successive lines of text. For example, 8 lpi means 8 lines of text for every vertical inch. Abbrev. for lines per minute: A speed measurement indicating the number of lines printed every minute. (lpm usually defines the speed at which text prints.)
LED lpi
Appendix D
monospaced MM
N/A NACK Not available or not applicable. Negative-Acknowledge reply. A reply from the printer to the host indicating that an exception has occurred. Contrast with acknowledge character. Negative-Acknowledge character. A transmission control character transmitted by the printer as a negative response to an enquiry from the host. A unit of storage containing half of a byte, usually four bits.
Abbrev. for NonVolatile Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM in which stored data are not lost when the power is interrupted or turned off. A battery supplies power to NVRAM when the system does not. Unlike ROM (another type of nonvolatile memory), NVRAM is accessible and its contents can be altered.
Abbrev. for Optical Character Recognition. A process by which a machine can read characters printed in a special standardized font. Data are read by a photoelectric optical scanner and recorded on magnetic tape or disk. OCR-A and OCR-B are two widely used OCR fonts.
An operational state in which the printer cannot accept commands or data from the host computer, but can perform self-tests, form settings, and record configuration changes. A unit of measurement for electrical resistance. An operational state in which the printer is under direct control of the host computer. In this state, the printer accepts commands and data sent from the host computer, and acts on them immediately.
Ohm on-line
parity (check) Parity checking is the addition of non-data bits to data, resulting in the number of 1 bits being either always even or always odd. Parity is used to detect transmission errors. Parity represents the value in the check digit of the received or transmitted data. Parsing is the process of separating a programming statement into basic units that can be translated into machine instructions. A printer can recover from an erroneous code sequence by performing as much of the function as possible or, parsing the valid parameter from the invalid. Personal Computer.
Abbrev. for Printed Circuit Board. A PCB is an insulating board on which circuit paths have been printed or etched. Abbrev. for Printed Circuit Board Assembly. A PCBA is a PCB that has all of the electrical and mechanical components (resistors, capacitors, ICs, sockets, etc.) mounted on it.
Printronix Graphics Language. The software version of the old hardware based IGP that is used in the Printronix PSA line of printers. It provides the same forms and barcode generation capabilities as the IGP. Paper Instruction: A signal from the host with the same timing and polarity as the data lines. A name indicating a monospaced font with a pitch of 10 cpi and usually a 12 point height. Pica is used in typography as a unit of measurement equal to 1/6 inch. Establishes the physical attachment and protocol conversion connections for the host interface. The number of text characters printed per horizontal inch. Specified in characters per inch (cpi). Derived from picture (PIX) ELement. The smallest displayable picture element on a video monitor or printable unit. In printing, a pixel is a dot. A unit of length in printing and typography, used to specify type sizes, heights of font characters, etc. There are 72 points in a vertical inch; thus, one point equals 1/ 72 inch, or approximately 0.0138 inch. Some examples of point sizes are: This is 8 point type. This manual is printed in 10 point type. This is 14 point type. A channel used for receiving data from or transmitting data to one or more external devices. A bar code standard defined by the U. S. Postal Service.
PI pica
port Postnet
Appendix D
print mode
Synonym for print attribute. Includes character attributes such as italic, underlining, super/subscript, as well as Draft, NLQ, and DP.
proportional protocol
Acronym for Random-Access Memory. Also called main memory or working memory, this is the active memory of a printer, into which programs are loaded. This memory can be read from or written to at any time-hence the term random-access. RAM is also termed volatile because whatever is in RAM is lost when power is turned off or interrupted. See also ROM.
To retrieve data from memory (RAM, NVRAM) or mass storage (hard disk, floppy diskette, etc.). To turn off, deactivate, disable, or return to a previously determined state. A measure expressing the number of units in a given range used to create an image. In printing, this is expressed as the number of dots per inch (dpi) horizontally and vertically.
Acronym for Read-Only Memory. Programs, instructions, and routines permanently stored in the printer. ROM is not lost when power is turned off and cannot be written to, hence the term read-only. ROM-resident fonts are fonts permanently stored in a printer and available at any time. See also RAM.
A type style in which the characters are upright. This is sentence is printed in a roman type style. Request To Send. Control signal from the printer.
roman RTS
sans serif A typeface or font in which the characters do not have serifs. This font is sans serif.
serial communications The sequential transmission of data, in which each element is transferred in succession. serial matrix A type of printing technology used in some impact printers. Data are sent to the printer through either a serial or a parallel interface, but the print head must receive the data serially in order to form each character. The moving print head uses pins to form whole characters one at a time and one after the other. The pins print dots according to programmed matrix patterns. A line matrix printer also forms characters with dots in matrix patterns, but it feeds print data in parallel to many hammers mounted on a rapidly oscillating shuttle. The hammers fire simultaneously to print entire lines at a time. A short line stemming from and at an angle to the upper or lower end of the stroke of a letter or number character.
set SFCC
Abbrev. for Special Function Control Character. The first character in a printer command sequence. In Proprinter III XL emulation mode, you can select one of five characters as the SFCC. In Epson emulation mode, the SFCC must always be the ASCII escape character (ESC). See also command sequence and escape sequence.
A typeface with a heavy line thickness produced by doublestriking. The printer forms a character, then prints it again, but fractionally offset from the first position. See also bold, character weight. The subassembly in a line matrix printer that includes the hammer bank assembly, plus some or all of the drive mechanism.
shadow printing
See point.
Rapid vertical paper movement.
See warm start. See font, proportional and font, monospaced. Abbrev. for Super-Set Control Code. It is of the form SFCC | } ; and is used to execute superset commands.
Appendix D
The signal that indicates the start of a character or element in a serial data stream. The signal that indicates the end of a character or element in a serial data stream. Two or more bytes of data or code treated as a unit.
symbol set
TOF TTL true Top Of Form. Transistor-Transistor Logic. On or 1. High true refers to a positive relative voltage representing the ON state; low true refers to a zero or negative relative voltage representing the ON state.
UPC Universal Product Code.
warm start A reboot or soft reset. The following occurs: 1) data are cleared from all buffers (I/O and internal print buffers); 2) all internal system variables are reset to default values, which is transparent to the user; and 3) the power-up configuration values-except the host I/O selection-are loaded. If the user has not defined powerup configuration values, the printer resets to the factory default configuration values.
weight word
X-OFF X-ON A character transmitted by the printer announcing that the printer is off-line or the buffer is almost full. A character transmitted by the printer announcing that the printer is on-line or the buffer is almost empty.
Appendix D
Contact Information
Model number Serial number (located on the back of the printer) Installed options (i.e., interface and host type if applicable to the problem) Configuration printout: Thermal Printer See Printing A Configuration in the Quick Setup Guide. Line Matrix Printer Press PRT CONFIG on the control panel, then press Enter.
Is the problem with a new install or an existing printer? Description of the problem (be specific) Good and bad samples that clearly show the problem (faxing of these samples may be required) (714) 368-2686 (31) 24 6489 410 (65) 6548 4114 (86) 800-999-6836
Appendix E
Corporate Offices
Corporate Offices
Printronix, Inc. 14600 Myford Road P.O. Box 19559 Irvine, CA 92623-9559 Phone: (714) 368-2300 Fax: (714) 368-2600 Printronix, Inc. Nederland BV P.O. Box 163, Nieuweweg 283 NL-6600 Ad Wijchen The Netherlands Phone: (31) 24 6489489 Fax: (31) 24 6489499 Printronix Schweiz GmbH 42 Changi South Street 1 Changi South Industrial Estate Singapore 486763 Phone: (65) 6542 0110 Fax: (65) 6546 1588 Printronix Commercial (Shanghai) Co. Ltd 22F, Eton Building East No.555, Pudong Av. Shanghai City, 200120, P R China Phone: (86) 400 886 5598 Fax: (86-21) 5138 0564 Visit the Printronix web site at
symbol non-standard Epson code, 64
Bit image graphics bit pattern from ASCII character, 260 density selection, 261 designing bit image pattern, 261 programming format, 262 Proprinter and Epson emulations, 259 sample program, 263
Application identifiers, UCC/EAN-128, 247 ASCII character set chart, 309 Attribute Set and Reset codes P-Series, 116 serial matrix, 153
Caution notice description, 18 Channel Assignment
Barcode Codabar, 224 Code 128, 230 Code 39, 226 Code 93, 228 EAN 13, 235 EAN 8, 234 FIM, 236 Intelligent Mail 4-State, 238 Interleaved 2/5, 239 MSI, 240 overview, 218 PDF 417, 241 POSTNET, 244 Royal Mail, 243 syntax, 220 Telepen, 246 UCC/EAN-128, 247 UPC Shipping, 256 UPC-A, 252 UPC-E, 253 UPS 11, 257
CVFU, 286 DVFU, 282 Character set Epson FX-1050 international overlays, 74 extended, P-Series, 124 international P-Series, 124 serial matrix, 168 multinational, P-Series, 124 P-Series international overlays, 128 U.S. ASCII, 309 Character set overlay, download, 305 Character Set Selection (UTF8), Super-Set commands, 211 Character set, super-set command, 208 Character sets Code 39, 227 Proprinter III XL control codes, 24 Character Spacing (n/240) Super-Set commands, 211, 216 Character, download, 291 Clearing the CVFU Memory, 288 Codabar, 224 Code 128, 230
Code 39, 226 character set, 227 Code 93, 228 Combining graphics and text, 270 Command lines, 115 Commands CONFIG, 311 FILE_IO, 311 PTX SETUP, 311 CONFIG command, summary, 315 Contact information, 337 Control code description format Epson FX emulation, 66 Proprinter III XL, 22 P-Series emulation, 114 P-Series XQ Variant, 194 serial matrix emulation, 152 Control code header, P-Series, 115 Control code introducer, IBM, 152 Control codes index Epson FX emulation, 70 Proprinter emulation, 25 P-Series emulation, 119 P-Series XQ variant emulation, 196 serial matrix emulation, 156 Customer Support Center, 337 CVFU, 288 Channel Assignment, 286 Clearing Memory, 288 End Load Code, 287 Memory, Clearing, 288 Relative Line Slewing, 289 Start Load Code, 286 Using, 287
Density selection for bit images, 261 Documentation, overview, 17 Download character set overlay, 305 Download characters, 291 Downloaded Characters Deleting, 303 Restoring, 303 Saving, 303 DVFU, 282 Channel Assignment, 282 Channel Instruction, 284 Clearing DVFU Memory, 283 End Load Code, 282 Relative Line Slewing, 284 Start Load Code, 282 Using, 283
EAN 13, 235 EAN 8, 234 Edit mode, P-Series XQ, 195 End Load Code CVFU, 287 DVFU, 282 Epson configuration overview, 66 Epson FX control codes, grouped by function, 70 Epson FX emulation, control code description format, 66 Epson FX, vertical tabs, 274 Epson FX-1050 emulation chapter overview, 61 character set, 65 control codes Backspace (BS), 72 Bell (BEL), 73 Cancel Line (CAN), 73 Carriage Return (CR), 73 Character Pitch 10 CPI (ESC P), 73 Character Pitch 12 CPI (ESC M), 74 Character Pitch 15 CPI (ESC g), 74 Character Set Select International Languages (ESC R), 74 Clear Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 0
Default values Epson FX-1050 emulation, 62 Print Format menu options, 63, 113 Proprinter III XL emulation, 20 P-Series emulation, 112 P-Series XQ Variant emulation, 192 serial matrix emulation, 150
(ESC =), 76 Condensed Print (SI, ESC SI), 76 Condensed Print Reset (DC2), 77 Cut-Sheet/Paper Feed Control (ESC EM), 77 Define a Download Character (ESC &), 77 Delete Character (DEL), 78 Double High Print. Set/Reset (ESC w), 78 Double Strike (ESC G), 79 Double Strike, Cancel (ESC H), 79 Double Wide Print (1 Line), Cancel (DC4), 81 Double Wide Print (ESC W), 80 Double Wide Print, 1 Line (SO), 81 Emphasized Print (ESC E), 82 Emphasized Print, Cancel (ESC F), 82 Enable Printing Hex 00-1F and 80-9F (ESC I), 83 Form Feed (FF), 83 Graphics, Double Density (ESC L), 86 Graphics, Double Density Double Speed (ESC Y), 87 Graphics, Quadruple Density (ESC Z), 88 Graphics, Standard Density (ESC K), 85 Half Speed Mode, On/Off (ESC s), 88 Horizontal Tab Execute (HT), 89 Horizontal Tab Set/Release (ESC D), 89 Initialize Printer (ESC @), 90 Italic Printing (ESC 4), 90 Italic Printing Cancel (ESC 5), 90 Line Feed (LF), 91 Line Feed n/216 Inch (ESC J), 91 Line Spacing 1/6 Inch (6 lpi) (ESC 2), 92 Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi) (ESC 0), 92 Line Spacing 7/72 Inch (ESC 1), 93 Line Spacing n/216 Inch (ESC 3), 93 Line Spacing n/72 Inch (ESC A), 94 Make 80-9F Hex Control Codes (ESC 7), 94 Make 80-9F Hex Printable (ESC 6), 94 Master Print Select (ESC !), 96 Paper Out Detection Disable (ESC 8), 96
Paper Out Detection Enable (ESC 9), 96 Pass Bit 7 from Host (ESC #), 97 Printer Deselect (DC3), 97 Printer Select (DC1), 97 Proportional Spacing, Select/Deselect (ESC p), 101 Reassign Graphics Mode (ESC ?), 97 Remove Downloaded Characters (ESC :), 98 Reverse Line Spacing n/216 Inch, 98 Select 9-Pin Graphics Mode (ESC ^), 100 Select Graphics Mode (ESC *), 99 Select Italic Character Set (ESC t), 99 Select Print Quality (ESC x), 100 Select Serif or Sans Serif Font (ESC k), 101 Select User-Defined Font (ESC %), 101 Select Vertical Tab Channel (ESC /), 101 Set Absolute Print Position in 1/60 Inch (ESC $), 102 Set Bit 7 of Incoming Data Bytes to 1 (ESC >), 102 Set Forms Length by Lines (ESC C), 104 Set Forms Length in Inches (ESC C 0), 104 Set Intercharacter Spacing in 1/120 Inch (ESC SP), 102 Set Margin, Left (ESC l), 103 Set Margin, Right (ESC Q), 103 Set Relative Horizontal Print Position in 1/ 120 Inch (ESC >), 102 Set Vertical Tabs in Channels (ESC b), 105 Skip Over Perforation (ESC N), 105 Skip Over Perforation, Cancel (ESC O), 106 Superscript and Subscript Printing (ESC S), 106 Superscript and Subscript Printing, Cancel (ESC T), 107 Underline (ESC -), 107 Unidirectional Printing, 1 Line (ESC <), 108 Unidirectional Printing, Set/Reset (ESC U), 108 Vertical Tab, Execute (VT), 108
Vertical Tab, Set/Clear (ESC B), 109 exceptions and differences for CTA printers, 64 factory settings, 62 print mode support for character sets, 116, 153 Set and Reset codes, 67 Epson FX-1050 Escape (ESC) sequences, 66 Escape (ESC) control codes overview, IBM Proprinter III XL, 22 Escape (ESC) sequences bit image density, 261 Epson FX-1050, 66 EVFU (Electronic Vertical Format Unit) channel assignment, 276 clearing the memory, 279 end load code, 277 PI line disabled, 279 PI line enabled, 278 P-Series, 276 relative line slewing, 280 start load code, 276 using, 277 MSI, 240 IBM Proprinter III XL
overview See Proprinter III XL emulation, 19
See Proprinter III XL emulation Ignored and reserved control codes, Proprinter III XL emulation, 24 Image printing overview, 259 Important notice description, 18 Index, control code, P-Series XQ, 196 Intelligent Mail 4-State, 238 Interleaved 2/5, 239 International Character Set Select, serial matrix, 168 International character sets Epson, 75 P-Series, 125
Multinational character sets, P-Series, 124
Factory settings Epson FX-1050 emulation, 62 Proprinter III XL emulation, 20 P-Series emulation, 112 P-Series XQ Variant emulation, 192 Serial Matrix emulation, 150 FILE_IO Command, operation of, 316 FIM barcode, 236 Paper slewing, 273 PDF 417, 241 Plot mode
Odd dot plot pattern plan, 269 Odd dot plot sample, 269 Overlay, download character set, 305
Graphics and text, combining, 270 Graphics control codes overview Epson FX-1050, 66 IBM Proprinter III XL, 23 Graphics printing, Proprinter and Epson bit image graphics, 259
density, P-Series emulation, 264 double density plot, 267 graphics, P-Series emulation, 264 high density plot sample, 265 normal density plot, 267 normal density plot sample, 264 odd dot pattern plan, 269 odd dot sample, 269 plot data byte format, 265 truncated character line, 270
POSTNET, 244 Print Format menu, factory default settings, 63, 113 Printer emulations Epson FX, 17 P-Series, 17 P-Series XQ Variant, 17 Serial Matrix, 17 Printer protocol, Super-Set commands, 217 Printronix Setup Option, 311 Proprinter control codes, grouped by function, 25 Proprinter III XL emulation chapter overview, 19 character set control codes, 24 configuring via control codes and menus, 19 control code description format, 22 control codes Backspace (BS), 27 Bell (BEL), 27 Bit Image Mode, Double Density (Half Speed), ESC L, 29 Bit Image Mode, Double Density (Normal Speed), ESC Y, 30 Bit Image Mode, Quadruple Density (Half Speed), ESC Z, 31 Bit Image Mode, Single Density (ESC K), 28 Bold Printing Cancel, ESC H, 32 Bold Printing, ESC G, 32 Cancel, CAN, 32 Carriage Return Set, ESC 5, 33 Carriage Return, CR, 33 Character Pitch 12 cpi (ESC :), 34 Character Set Select Set 1(A) (ESC 7), 34 Set 2(B) (ESC 6), 34 Condensed Print (SI, ESC SI), 35 Condensed Print Cancel (DC2, ESC DC2), 36 Deselect Printer (ESC Q 22), 36 Double Wide Print (ESC W), 36 Double Wide Print (One Line Only) (SO), 38
Double Wide Print (One Line Only) Cancel (DC4, ESC DC4), 38 Emphasized Print (ESC E), 39 Emphasized Print Cancel (ESC F), 39 Form Feed (FF), 40 Forms Length Set in Inches (ESC C 0), 40 Forms Length Set in Lines (ESC C), 41 Initialize Parameters (ESC [K), 42 Line Feed (LF), 44 Line Feed n/216 Inch (One Line Only) (ESC J), 45 Line Spacing 1/8 Inch (8 lpi) (ESC 0), 46 Line Spacing 7/72 Inch (10.3 lpi) (ESC 1), 46 Line Spacing n/216 Inch (ESC 3), 49 Line Spacing n/72 Inch (Executes) (ESC 2), 47 Line Spacing n/72 Inch (Storage) (ESC A), 48 Margin Cancel, Bottom (ESC O), 50 Margin, Bottom (ESC N), 49 Margins, Horizontal (ESC X), 50 Overscoring (ESC _), 51 Print All Characters (ESC \), 51 Print Mode (ESC I), 52 Print Next Character (ESC ^), 52 Print Quality (ESC x), 53 Proportional Spacing (ESC P), 53 Select Attributes (ESC [@), 54 Set Top-of-Form (ESC 4), 56 Superscript/Subscript Printing (ESC S), 55 Superscript/Subscript Printing, Cancel (ESC T), 56 Tab Set/Clear, Horizontal (ESC D), 57 Tab Set/Clear, Vertical (ESC B), 59 Tab, Horizontal (HT), 57 Tab, Vertical (VT), 58 Tabs, Clear All (Return to default) (ESC R), 60 Underline (ESC -), 60 Unidirectional (ESC U), 60 ESC (Escape) control codes overview, 22
factory settings, 20 graphics control codes overview, 23 ignored and reserved control codes, 24 overview, 19 vertical tabs, 274 P-Series extended and multinational character sets, 124 plot data byte format, 265 plot mode, 269 P-Series configuration overview, 114, 152, 194 P-Series control codes, grouped by function, 119 P-Series emulation chapter overview, 111 configuring via control codes and menus, 111 control code description format, 114 control codes Backspace (BS), 121 Bell (BEL), 121 Bold Print (SFCC G), 122 Bold Print Reset (SFCC H), 122 Carriage Return (CR), 123 Character Set Select ECMA Latin 1 Extended (SFCC OSET), 127 International Languages (SFCC PSET, SFCC R), 128 Character Set Select (SFCC 1), 124 Characters 80-9F, Control Codes (SFCC 7), 126 Characters 80-9F, Printable Symbols (SFCC 6), 126 Elongated (Double High) Print, 1 Line Only (SFCC h, BS), 129 Elongated (Double High) Print, Set/Reset (SFCC w), 130 Emphasized Print (SFCC E), 131 Emphasized Print Reset (SFCC F), 131 Emulation Reset (SFCC @), 132 Expanded Print, Double Wide (SFCC W), 132 Expanded Print, Double Wide 1 Line Only (SFCC k), 133
Extended Character Set (S0, SFCC SO), 133 Extended Character Set Cancel (SI, SFCC SI), 134 Form Feed (FF), 134 Forms Length Set in Inches (SFCC INCHES), 134 Forms Length Set in Lines (SFCC LINES), 135 Line Feed (LF), 135 Line Spacing 1/6 Inch (SFCC A), 136 Line Spacing 1/8 Inch, 8 lpi (SFCC LPI), 136 Line Spacing 7/72 Inch (SFCC 1), 137 Line Spacing 8 or 10.3 lpi, 1 Line Only (ACK), 137 Line Spacing n/216 Inch (SFCC 3), 139 Line Spacing n/72 Inch (SFCC A), 138 Overscoring (SFCC_), 140 Plot, Even Dot, P-Series High Density Graphics (EOT), 140 Plot, Odd Dot, P-Series Normal Density Graphics (ENQ), 140 Print Mode/Pitch Selection (SFCC PMODE), 141 Select Attributes (SFCC [@), 144 Superscript/Subscript Printing (SFCC S), 145 Superscript/Subscript Printing Reset (SFCC T), 146 Underline (SFCC), 147 Vertical Tab (VT), 147 VFU Commands, 147 factory settings, 112 high density plot sample, 265 normal density plot sample, 264 plot density, 264 plot mode graphics, 264 P-Series EVFU, 276 channel assignment, 276 clearing the memory, 279 end load code, 277
Bit Image Mode, Double Density Double Speed (ESC Y), 161 Bit Image Mode, Quadruple Density (ESC Z), 162 Bit Image Mode, Single Density (ESC K), 159 Bold Print Reset (ESC H), 163 Bold Print Set (ESC G), 163 Cancel (CAN), 164 Carriage Return (CR), 164 Character Pitch 10 CPI (ESC P), 165 Character Pitch 12 CPI (ESC M), 165 Character Set Select (ESC l), 165 Character Set Select, International (ESC R), 168 Characters 80-9F, Control Codes (ESC 7), 167 Characters 80-9F, Printable Symbols (ESC 6), 167 Characters 80-9F, Printable Symbols (ESC u), 168 Condensed Print (SI), 169 Condensed Print Reset (DC2), 170 Delete (DC2), 170 Elongated (Double High) Print, One Line Only (ESC h), 170 elongated (Double High) Print, Set/Reset (ESC w), 171 Emphasized Print (ESC E), 171 Emphasized Print Reset (ESC F), 172 Emulation Reset (ESC @), 172 Expanded (Double Wide) One Line Only
See EVFU (Electronic Vertical Format Unit) start load code, 276 P-Series plot mode data byte format sample, 266 how to exit, 270 P-Series XQ emulation, control codes Alternate Character Set Deselect (SI), 197 Alternate Character Set Deselect (SO), 197 Carriage Return (CR), 198 Compressed Print (SOH,ETX,HT), 199 Delete (DEL), 200 Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU), 200 Elongated Characters, Double High (BS,SO), 201 Form Feed (FF), 201 Line Feed (LF), 202 Line Spacing, 8 or 10.3 lpi (ACK), 202 Plot Even Dot, High Density (EOT), 203 Plot Odd Dot, Normal Density (ENQ), 203 Select Draft Print (STX,ETX,HT), 204 Space (SP), 204 Underline (_), 205 Vertical Tab (VT), 205 P-Series XQ Variant emulation, control code description format, 194 PSET, 168
Royal Mail, 243
Serial matrix control codes, grouped by function, 156 Serial matrix emulation control code description format, 152 control codes Backspace (BS), 158 Bell (BEL), 158 Bit Image Mode, Double Density (ESC L), 160
(SO), 173 Expanded (Double Wide) Print (ESC W), 173 Extended Character Set (ESC 4), 174 Extended Set Cancel, Primary Set Select (ESC 5), 174 Form Feed (FF), 175 Forms Length Set (Inches), 175 Forms Length Set (Lines), 176 Horizontal Tab (HT), 176
Horizontal Tab Set (ESC D), 177 Line Feed (LF), 177 Line Feed 1/6 Inch (ESC A12, ESC 2), 179 Line Feed 1/8 Inch, 8 lpi (ESC A9, ESC 0), 179 Line Feed n/216 Inch, One Line Only (ESC J), 178 Line Spacing 7/72 Inch (ESC l), 180 Line Spacing n/216 Inch (ESC 3 n), 182 Line Spacing n/72 Inch (ESC A n), 181 Overscoring (ESC _n), 182 Print Deselect (DC3), 185 Print Mode/Pitch Selection (ESC [nq, ESC X mn), 183 Print Select (DC1), 185 Skip-Over Perforation (ESC N), 186 Skip-Over Perforation Cancel (ESC O), 186 Superscript/Subscript Printing (ESC S), 187 Superscript/Subscript Printing Reset (ESC T), 187 Underline (ESC -), 188 Vertical Tab (VT), 189 Vertical Tab, Set/Clear (ESC B), 190 factory settings, 150 Set and Reset Codes, Epson FX-1050 emulation, 67 SFCC 1 (Character Set Select), P-Series control code, 124 SFCC, IBM, 152 Special Function Code, P-Series, 115 Special Function Control Character, IBM, 152 Start Load Code, CVFU, 286 Super-Set commands, 207 barcodes, creating, 220 Character Spacing (n/240), 211, 216 Printer Protocol, 217 Super-set commands Epson FX-1050, 146 Proprinter control code, 56, 107 Serial Matrix, 188
Super-Set control codes, character sets, 208 Supplies Department, 337 Syntax, barcodes, 220
Tabs, vertical Epson FX, 274 Proprinter III XL emulation, 274 Telepen, 246 Truncated character line, 270
UCC/EAN-128, 247 UPC Shipping, 256 UPC-A, 252 UPC-E, 253 UPS 11, 257
Vertical format unit (VFU), 273 Vertical Format Units CVFU, 286 DVFU, 282 Vertical formatting, P-Series EVFU, 276 Vertical page format planning, 273 Vertical tabs Epson FX, 274 example, 275 Proprinter III XL emulation, 274 VFU characteristics, 274
Warning notice description, 18