Bando Borsa A.A. 2022 2023 It It en GB T C

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Notice of competition for the award of scholarships of study academic year

2022/2023 - co-financed from the European Union - NextGenerationEU

Summary Page
Art. 1 regulatory framework ........................................................................................................................... 4
Art. 2 Recipients of the benefit and academic institutions............................................................................ 5
2.1 The courses for which the scholarship is granted .......................................................................... 5
2.2 Option between last semester of Bachelor's degree or first year
of two-year master's degree ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Old university degree ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 University diplomas from special purpose schools
of the Academies of Fine Arts and ISIA ....................................................................................... 6
2.5 Students enrolled in specialisation and legal professions courses ................................................. 6
2.6 Student enrolling simultaneously in several courses of study pursuant to Law no. 33 of 12/4/2022………….………..6

Art. 3 Deadlines for enrolling in individual courses ...................................................................................... 6

Art. 4 Duration of granting of benefits .......................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Duration of granting benefits for students enrolled in courses under Ministerial Decree. 270/2004
and PhDs ................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Duration of benefits for students enrolled on courses
of the Academy of Fine Arts, ISIA and the Conservatory ............................................................. 7
4.3 Duration of benefits for students enrolled in ITS courses.............................................................. 7
4.4 Disabled students ........................................................................................................................... 7
4.5 Duration enrolled at the same time training courses under Art. 3 Ministerial Decree no. 616 of
4.6 Resetting university seniority ........................................................................................................7
4.7 The Computation of Semesters ...................................................................................................... 8
4.8 Suspension of studies granted by rector's decree ........................................................................... 8
4.9 Students awarded scholarships for the first semester beyond the legal duration of the courses ... 8
4.10 Bachelor students enrolling in a degree programme
single-cycle ................................................................................................................................... 8
4.11 Students enrolling in a Master's degree course ............................................................................. 8
4.12 Students graduating during the period of enjoying
scholarship benefits ...................................................................................................................... 8

Art. 5 Integration of scholarships for current graduate students ................................................................ 8

Art. 6 Requirements for participation in the competition ........................................................................... 9

Art. 7 Merit Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 9

7.1 General provisions ........................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Students enrolled in the first year .................................................................................................. 9
7.3 Disabled students ......................................................................................................................... 10
7.4 Students enrolled in the first year of specialisation and PhD courses.......................................... 10
7.5 Students enrolled in the years following the first......................................................................... 10
7.6 Secondary school diploma requirement ..................................................................................... 11
7.7 Merit assessment for students transferring courses ...................................................................... 11
7.8 Evaluation of credits acquired but not yet validated by 10 August 2022 .................................... 11
7.9 A student who has transferred courses or who has requested a change of course - declaration for
credits recognised by the university institution............................................................................ 12
7.10 Disabled students recognised by the commission under

Law 104/92 or 'disability of not less than 66%'. .......................................................................... 12
7.11 Credit Rating ................................................................................................................................ 13
7.12 Applying for bonus credits ........................................................................................................... 14
7.13 Merit requirement for retaining the scholarship awarded
to students enrolled in the first year ............................................................................................. 14
7.14 Failure to meet the merit requirements by 30-11-2023 for the maintenance of the scholarship
granted to students enrolled in the first year of the course .......................................................... 15
Art. 8 Economic and Capital Requirements ................................................................................................ 15
8.1 General provisions ....................................................................................................................... 16
8.2 ISEE and ISPE indicators ............................................................................................................ 16
8.3 Definition of the household.......................................................................................................... 16
8.4 Independent student ..................................................................................................................... 16
8.5 Non-cohabiting parents.................................................................................................................17
8.6 PhD student .................................................................................................................................. 17
8.7 Refugees and stateless persons .................................................................................................... 17
8.8 The equalised indicator for foreign students ................................................................................ 17
8.9 Current ISEE ................................................................................................................................ 18
8.10 ISEE change during the year ..................................................................................................... 18

Art. 9 Students with one or both parents who lost their jobs from July 2021 to June 2022 ............... 18

Art. 10 Application procedure and deadlines .............................................................................................. 19

10.1 Deadlines for submitting the application ..................................................................................... 19
10.2 How to apply ................................................................................................................................ 19
10.3 How to submit an application ...................................................................................................... 20
10.4 Choice of location first-year students............................................................................................ 21
10.5 Amending the online application ................................................................................................. 21
10.6 Other provisions ........................................................................................................................... 21
10.7 Local student reference centres .................................................................................................... 22
10.8 Refusal to transfer application to other institutions....................................................................... 22

Art. 11 Documents required for participation in the competition ............................................................. 22

11.1 General provisions ....................................................................................................................... 22
11.2 Foreign students - calculation of ISEE Parificato ........................................................................ 22
11.3 Other documentation .................................................................................................................... 25
11.4 Regularity and completeness of the documentation submitted .................................................... 26

Art. 12 The amount of the scholarships ........................................................................................................ 27

12.1 Type of students targeted by the interventions (non-resident,
commuter and resident)................................................................................................................ 27
12.2 The amounts ................................................................................................................................. 28
12.3 Scholarship amount for the additional semester .......................................................................... 28
12.4 Amount of the scholarship students enrolled at the same time in training courses under Art. 3 Ministerial
Decree no. 616 of 10/8/2017........................................................................................................... 28
12.5 Student scholarship increase with Isee less than and equal to 50% threshold ............................. 28
12.6 Scholarship increase for students enrolled in S.t.e.m. courses ..................................................... 28
12.7 Scholarship increase for students enrolled in several courses at the same time .......................... 28
12.8 Reduction of scholarships in relation to Isee value ...................................................................... 29
12.9 Integration of scholarships for students with disabilities ............................................................. 37
12.10 Reassessment of scholarship amount ........................................................................................... 37
12.11 Renunciation of the accommodation service ............................................................................... 37

Art. 13 Distribution of scholarship funds ..................................................................................................... 38

13.1 The funds allocated for budgeting ............................................................................................... 38
13.2 Reserves ....................................................................................................................................... 38
13.3 Coverage of food service for eligible students ............................................................................ 38

13.4 Coverage of free scholarship services in case of early opening................................................... 38
13.5 Allocation of financial availability among students enrolled in the
years following the first ............................................................................................................... 39

Art. 14 Formulation of rankings ................................................................................................................... 39

14.1 Criteria for the formulation of rankings ....................................................................................... 39
14.2 Students enrolled in the first year and subsequent years of PhD courses
research and specialisation ........................................................................................................... 39
14.3 Students enrolled in the years following the first year of the Musical Conservatory .................. 39
14.4 Foreign students with a non-resident family unit in Italy who have not submitted the original
legalised documentation .............................................................................................................. 40
14.5 Data import and ranking .............................................................................................................. 40
14.6 Ranking for the housing service concession ................................................................................ 40
14.7 Ranking for the granting of accommodation services to students with disabilities ..................... 41

Art. 15 Publication of rankings ..................................................................................................................... 41

15.1 Provisional rankings .................................................................................................................... 41
15.2 Requests for review and ranking lists ......................................................................................... 41
15.3 Definitive rankings ...................................................................................................................... 42

Art. 16 Scholarship modalities ...................................................................................................................... 42

16.1 The accommodation service ........................................................................................................ 42
16.1 bis Hosting national university championships…………………………….. ……………………44
16.2 The canteen service ..................................................................................................................... 44
16.3 The cash quota ............................................................................................................................ 45
16.4 Other provisions relating to accommodation and food services ................................................. 46

Art. 17 Grants for international student mobility ....................................................................................... 46

Art. 18 Applications submitted after the deadlines laid down in Art. 10 .................................................. 48
18.1 Applications after the deadline of 1/9/2022 ................................................................................... 48
18.2 Excluded students........................................................................................................................... 49
18.3 Changes to previous deadlines ....................................................................................................... 49

Art. 19 Granting and charging for services reserved for eligible non-beneficiary students
of the scholarship .............................................................................................................................. 49

Art. 20 Grounds for exclusion ...................................................................................................................... 49

Art. 21 Grounds for revocation or disqualification .................................................................................... 51

Art. 22 Fees and modalities for recovering the scholarship amount

following a revocation order .................................................................................................... 51

Art. 23 Assessment of economic and merit conditions and administrative penalties ............................... 52
23.1 Assessment of economic status ................................................................................................... 52
23.2 Conclusion verification ............................................................................................................... 52
23.3 Ascertaining the condition of merit ............................................................................................ 53

Art. 24 Information pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679………………………………53

Art. 25 The person in charge of the procedure ........................................................................................... 57

Art. 26 Referral regulation ........................................................................................................................... 57

ART. 1
In accordance with the provisions of the:
a) D.P.C.M. 09/04/2001 'Provisions for uniformity of treatment on the right to university studies issued
pursuant to Art. 4 of L. no. 390 of 2 December 1991;
b) Legislative Decree no. 68 of 29 March 2012, 'Revision of the legislation of principle on the right to study
and the valorisation of legally recognised university colleges, implementing the delegation provided for in
Article 5(1)(a), second sentence, and (d) of Law no. 240 of 30 December 2010, and in accordance with the
guiding principles and criteria set out in subsection 3(f) and subsection 6. (12G0088)”
c) MURST Decree no. 508 of 21 December 1999 'Reform of the Academies of Fine Arts, the National
Academy of Dance, the National Academy of Dramatic Art, the Higher Institutes for Artistic Industries,
the Music Conservatories and the Equalised Musical Institutes
d) MIUR Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004, 'Amendments to the Regulations on university teaching
autonomy, approved by Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research decree no. 509
of 3/11/1999;
e) D.P.C.M. No. 159 of 05/12/2013 'Regulations concerning the revision of the determination methods and
fields of application of the equivalent economic situation indicator (ISEE)' as amended;
f) Art. 10 of Legislative Decree no. 147 of 15/9/2017 as amended and supplemented.
g) Law no. 40 of 6 March 1998 concerning 'Discipline of immigration and regulations on the condition of
foreigners' as amended and supplemented;
h) Decree of the Minister of Universities and Research no. 1320 of 17/12/2021 concerning "Increase in the
value of scholarships and eligibility requirements for the benefits for the right to study pursuant to
Legislative Decree no. 68/2012 pursuant to Art. 12 of d.l. no. 152 of 6.11.2021 .
i) Circular of the Minister of Universities and Research no. 13676 of 11 May 2022 issued pursuant to Art.
6(1) of Ministerial Decree 1320/2021.
j) R.L. no. 4 of 20 February 2017, 'Regional provisions on the right to study';
k) Regional Plan for the Right to Education for the three-year period 2020 - 2023 approved by Resolution of
the Marche Regional Council no. 113 of 30/6/2020 referred to in Art. 5 of Regional Law no. 4, dated 20
February 2017, as amended and supplemented;
l) Regional programme for the right to study a.y. 2022/2023 approved pursuant to Art. 6 of Regional Law no.
4, of 20 February 2017 by resolution of the Marche Regional Council no. 728 of 13/6/2022;
m) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of
individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and
repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
The ERDIS of the Marche Region announces a competition for the awarding of scholarships for the
academic year 2022/2023.

ART. 2
2.1 Italian and foreign students who meet the merit and financial requirements set out in this announcement
are entitled to participate in the competition for the awarding of scholarships for the academic year
2022/2023, limited to the awarding of the first degree for each level of study:
a) on first- and second-level degree courses and single-cycle degree courses pursuant to Decree
509/99, replaced by Miur Decree no. 270 of 22/10/2004 (University of Camerino, Macerata, Urbino
and Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona);
b) on first- and second-level courses provided for by the law reforming the institutions for higher
artistic and musical education referred to in L. 508/99 (ISIA of Urbino, Academy of Fine Arts of
Urbino and Macerata, Conservatory of Music of Pesaro and Fermo pertaining respectively to the
Urbino and Macerata Presidium);
c) on the Poliarte - Polytechnic of Applied Arts for Business courses referred to in D.Miur no.
623/2016 and DDPF Convention no. 14 of 07/03/2017;
d) on compulsory specialisation courses for the practice of the profession activated at the university
campuses of Urbino Macerata Ancona and Camerino (with the exception of those in the medical
area referred to in Legislative Decree no. 368 of 4 August 1999);
e) on PhD courses that may be activated by universities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 210, Art.
4, provided that the enrolled person does not benefit from the scholarship referred to in Ministerial
Decree no. 224/99;
f) the Advanced School of Language Mediation in Ancona recognised by Miur Decree 24-09-2003
and in Fermo unless an agreement is signed with the Marche Region;
2.2 Students enrolled in the final year of a Bachelor's degree, in the 2021/2022 academic year, must make
the option between the last semester of a Bachelor's degree or the first year of a two-year Master's degree
when submitting their application for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Enrolment in the current academic year at the time of application is sufficient to receive the scholarship
for the last semester.
Scholarship applications for the first year of the two-year Master 's degree may be submitted by those
who graduate from the three-year degree by the date set out in the University Institutions' manifestos
and who pre-enrol or regularly enrol in the first year of the Master's degree for the 2022/2023 academic
year by the deadlines set by the individual University Institutions.
If the student is unable to obtain a three-year degree by the above date and enrols in the first
supplementary year to the three-year degree course, he/she must produce, by 5 May 2023, a self-
declaration certifying his/her merit as at 10/08/2022 and his/her application will be considered as a
request for a scholarship for the seventh semester and if the necessary requirements are met, the benefit
will be confirmed and then redetermined by a subsequent act.

2.3 The old university degree is matched with the master's degree and allows the scholarship to be awarded
only if a specialisation or research doctorate is obtained (MIUR decree 22/10/2004 no. 270).
2.4 The university degree obtained at the schools for special purposes, at the university institutions in the
area is made to correspond, according to the regulations in force, to the three-year degree.
2.5 Specialisation schools for the legal professions, like other specialisation schools that are not compulsory
for the practice of the profession under Art. 2 (d), are not covered by the granting of scholarships.
2.6 A student who simultaneously enrols in several courses of study pursuant to Law no. 33 of 12/4/2022
may benefit from the scholarship for only one enrolment chosen by the student.

ART. 3
For the 2022/2023 academic year, students must be enrolled in courses by the dates set out in the notices
published by the university institutions referred to in Art. 2, with the exception of students applying for the
last semester of the scholarship, for whom enrolment in the current academic year at the time of application is

ART. 4
The Scholarship is granted for the first-time completion of each of the levels of the courses referred to
in this Article as follows:
4.1 Courses activated in implementation of Ministerial Decree. 270/2004 by the Polytechnic University of
Marche, Camerino, Macerata and Urbino and by the Advanced School for Linguistic Mediation in
Ancona pursuant to Ministerial Decree 24.9.2003 and Fermo subject to the stipulation of an agreement
with the Marche Region:
a) For those enrolled in degree courses (L ), for a period of seven semesters, starting from the year
of first enrolment in any university course of study;
b) For those enrolled in single-cycle degree courses (LMCU) for a period equal to the duration
provided for by the respective teaching regulations plus one semester starting from the year of
first enrolment in any university course;
c) For those enrolled in Master's degree courses (LM) for a period of five semesters from the year
of first enrolment in any second-level university course;

d) For those enrolled in the PhD (DOT) courses, provided that the enrolled student does not benefit
from the scholarship referred to in Ministerial Decree no. 224/99, and to specialisation courses
(SSP), with the exception of those in the medical area referred to in Legislative Decree no. 368, the
benefit is granted for a period of time equal to the duration provided for by the respective
teaching regulations starting from the year of first enrolment in any third-level university course.
e) for part-time enrolled students, the benefit is granted for a period of - seven years for bachelor
degree courses; - eleven years for five-year single-cycle master degree courses or thirteen years for
six-year single-cycle master degree courses; - five years for master degree courses.
4.2 For students enrolling at the ISIA, the Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata and Urbino, the 'G. Rossini'
Conservatory of Music in Pesaro and at the 'G.B. Pergolesi’ Conservatory in Fermo, the benefit of the
scholarship is granted for the same period of time established for students enrolled in courses activated
pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 270/04 of the University from the year of first ever enrolment.
4.3 For those enrolled in ITS Higher Technical Institutes for the duration foreseen by their respective
curricula, starting from the year of first enrolment.
4.4 For disabled students with a disability of no less than 66% or for students with a disability
recognised by the competent commission pursuant to l. 104/1992 the benefits are granted for the first
time of each of the course levels as follows:
a) Degree - for a period of nine semesters;
b) Master's Degree - for a period of seven semesters;
c) Single-cycle Master's Degree:
with a legal duration of five years - for a period of thirteen semesters;
with a legal duration of six years - for a period of fifteen semesters;
d) for those enrolled in ITS Higher Technical Institutes if the courses are structured in CFUs
(university training credits) and the ITS Foundations have an agreement with the Marche Region
for the DSU (right to university study), for the duration provided for by their respective teaching
regulations, starting from the year of first enrolment.
e) for part-time enrolled students, the benefit is granted for a period of - nine years for bachelor degree
courses; - thirteen years for five-year single-cycle master degree courses or fifteen years for six-
year single-cycle master degree courses; - seven years for master degree courses.
4.5 For students enrolled in courses of study pursuant to Art. 2.1 who are simultaneously accessing for the
academic year 2022/2023 the courses of the training courses referred to in Art. 3 of Ministerial Decree
of 10/8/2017 no. 616 the duration of the concession period is increased by one semester.

4.6 University seniority is reduced to zero for a single time in the event of irrevocable withdrawal from
studies in the first year and, in the event of re-enrolment in studies, the student is entitled to compete
for the scholarship, provided that he/she has returned the scholarship previously received for the same
year, that he/she has not had credits from his/her previous university career validated by the University

and that he/she meets the requirements.
The requirements for a career reset must be met on the date of the application, which can be submitted
until 31/10/2022.
4.7 Semesters are always counted from the year of first ever enrolment at the respective level, regardless
of the location and course of first enrolment at any Italian university institution.
The year of first enrolment means the first access to the courses.
4.8 The years of suspension from studies (maximum two), granted by rector's decree, will not be counted
for the purpose of assessing the student's merit (career years) for the purposes of granting benefits.
4.9 Students awarded a scholarship for the first semester beyond the legal duration of their courses are
normally entitled to accommodation and canteen services for the period from 1 October 2022 to 31
March 2023.
4.10 Bachelor students enrolling in a single-cycle degree course.
Bachelor degree students enrolling in a degree course activated as a result of university reform (single-
cycle master's degree) will be eligible for the scholarship for the difference between the number of years
taken to obtain their degree and the years for which the scholarship is granted for the degree course in
which the student is applying for the 2022/2023 academic year.
For such students, the scholarship may, however, be awarded from the year of enrolment following the
number of years taken to obtain the degree in their home course.
4.11 Students enrolling in a Master's degree course
Benefits are granted to students who meet the requirements for admission to the course for which they
are requested, regardless of the number of years that have elapsed since the previous qualification was
4.12 Students who obtain their degree during the scholarship period.
Students who obtain their degree during the period when they receive the scholarship benefits
(winners) retain their right to the monetary share of the (annual) scholarship, while they forfeit the
services (canteen and accommodation) associated with it.

ART. 5
A student who obtains a Bachelor's or Master's degree within the duration provided for by the respective
academic regulations benefits from a cash supplement equal to half of the cash portion of the scholarship
obtained in the last year of the course, academic year 2022/2023. In view of the limited resources allocated to
this benefit, students who receive a scholarship (not winners of an additional semester scholarship) and obtain
their degree in the first useful session scheduled for the 2022/2023 academic year will be eligible for the
supplement. For students with disabilities, entitlement to the degree award is determined by obtaining the
degree within the first year out of the course.

ERDIS will reserve a sum of EUR 40,000.00 for the granting of said supplements. In the event that the reserve
of funds is not sufficient to cover all the applications of eligible students, a single regional ranking will be
formulated, ordered by grade (students who have passed their degree examination with 110 cum laude will
have one point added) in equal grade order by value (ISEE).
However, full payment of the supplement due to the student, who would only receive a partial payment in
relation to his or her position in the ranking list due to scarcity of the fund, is guaranteed.
The scholarship supplement may only be requested once during the course of studies. Therefore, students
intending to enrol in a three-year degree course and subsequently in a master's degree course may, if they
choose, apply for it upon completion of their first degree, a three-year degree, or upon completion of their
second degree, a master's degree.
The application for a supplementary scholarship must be submitted no later than 5 December 2023. The student
must use the online form by accessing the reserved area of the ERDIS website. If the form is not sent in by the
aforementioned deadlines, the degree award will not be granted.
A student pursuing a Master's degree who comes from any University or Institution outside the Marche Region
must notify whether he or she has already benefited from the supplementary scholarship from the institution
of origin while studying for the Bachelor's degree.

ART. 6
The student applying for the scholarship must meet the merit, economic and asset requirements set out in
Articles 7 and 8 below of this notice.

ART. 7
7.1 Students meeting the following merit requirements may apply for the scholarship for the 2022/2023
academic year:
a) For students enrolled for the first time in the first year of bachelor, master's and single-cycle
master's degree courses, as referred to in Art. 2 of this notice, except for possession of a secondary
school diploma, the merit requirements are assessed ex post, i.e. when the second instalment of the
scholarship is paid. The merit requirement at this stage is to have acquired at least 20 credits (10
credits in the case of part-time enrolment) for courses organised in several teaching periods (four
semesters, semesters or modules) and at least 10 credits for the others by 10/08/2023.
b) For those enrolled for the first time in the first year of ITS courses, the merit requirements for access
to the benefits are assessed ex-post, i.e. when the second instalment of the scholarship is paid; the
merit requirement at this stage is to have acquired, by 10/08/2023, at least 18 credits for courses
organised in several teaching periods (semesters) and at least 9 credits for the others.

7.3 Students with disabilities.
These provisions do not apply to students with disabilities recognised by the competent Commission
pursuant to Law 104/1992 or with a disability of at least 66%.
7.4 For students enrolled in the first year of specialisation and PhD courses, the merit requirement is that
laid down in the respective university regulations.
Having fulfilled educational obligations, for those enrolled in course years subsequent to the first (career
years must include all years from the year of first ever enrolment until the academic year 2022/2023)
the requirements to be acquired by 10 August 2022 are:
Students enrolled full-time:
Specialisation courses (with
the exception of the medical
area under Legislative Decree
Bachelor's degree Master's degree Single-cycle degree 4/8/1999, no. 368) and PhDs
who are not beneficiaries of
the scholarship referred to in
Ministerial Decree 224/99
course no. course no. course no.
year University year University year University
Credits Credits Credits
2nd 25 2nd year 30 2nd year 25
3rd year 80 further 80 3rd year 80
semester Admission requirements under
further 135 4th year 135 the respective regulations
5th year 190
6th year 245
further 55 credits
semester more than
in 6th year

Students enrolled part-time:

Specialisation courses (with the
exception of the medical area
Single-cycle master's under Legislative Decree
Bachelor's degree Master's degree degree (duration 5 - 6 4/8/1999, no. 368) and PhDs
years) who are not beneficiaries of the
scholarship referred to in
Ministerial Decree 224/99
course no. course no. course no. University
year University year University year Credits (CFU)
Credits Credits Admission requirements under
(CFU) (CFU) the respective regulations
2nd 12 2nd 15 2nd 12
year year year

3rd 40 3rd 40 3rd 40
year year year
4th 67 4th 67 4th 67
year year year
5th 94 5th 94 5th 94
year year year
6th 121 6th 121
year year
7th 148 7th 148
year year
9th 202
10th 229
11th 256
12th 283
13th 310
In addition to having accrued the credits indicated in the table in order to be eligible for the scholarship, a
student enrolling in the second year of a Bachelor's or Combined Bachelor and Master's degree programme
must also have fulfilled any training obligations where stipulated at the time of admission to the course (Art.
6 MIUR decree. 270/2004).
7.6 A prerequisite for access to the benefit is a secondary school diploma.

7.7 Merit assessment for students transferring courses

For students enrolled in years subsequent to the first year who have made a change of course, course
credits are only valid if they are recognised for the course for which the benefit is claimed. Therefore,
the above-mentioned credits are only valid if they are included in the study plan for the year of the
degree course for which the student is applying for the scholarship.
If the change of course has not been approved by the competent university authorities on the date the
application is completed, the student must declare the credits accrued in the course of study of origin.
The ranking position in the new degree course (course in which the student enrols in the 2022/2023
academic year) will be provisionally determined on the basis of the merit accrued in the home course.
Similarly, the careers of students transferring from three-year degree courses to single-cycle degree
courses will be assessed.
The principle of Art. 7.5, namely that the career years shall include all the years from the year of first
enrolment ever until the academic year 2022/2023.
7.8 Evaluation of credits acquired but not yet validated by 10 August 2022.

For the purpose of admission to the competition and calculation of the score determining the student's
ranking, credits not yet validated by 10 August 2022 such as:
a) credits for examinations taken abroad as part of international mobility programmes (e.g.
b) credits not yet validated due to regularisation of the student's educational-administrative position
(e.g. transfer from another university);
must be declared in the application for participation in the competition.
All examinations/credits certified by the competent secretariat as having been taken by 10 August 2022
will be validly evaluated for the purposes of calculating the score, regardless of the date of validation.
7.9 A student transferring from another university or who has requested a change of course is required
to submit, following the decision of the competent university body, a self-certification from which it is
possible to assess the credits validated and the year of the course to which he has been admitted.
Courses activated in implementation of Ministerial Decree. 270/04 and the law reforming
institutions for higher education in art and music:
Students enrolled full-time:
The individual merit requirements to be acquired by 10/8/2022 differ by 40% from those laid down in
Art. 7.5 of this Article. The duration for granting benefits is nine semesters for three-year degree courses,
seven semesters for master's degree courses and thirteen or fifteen semesters for single-cycle degree
Specialisation courses
(with the exception of
the medical area under
Legislative Decree
Single-cycle master's
4/8/1999, no. 368) and
Bachelor's degree Master's degree 5-year single-cycle degree degree with legal
PhDs who are not
duration of 6 years
beneficiaries of the
scholarship referred to
in Ministerial Decree
no. no. no.
University University course no. University course University
course year course year
Credits Credits year Credits (CFU) year Credits
2nd year 15 2nd year 18 2nd year 15 2nd year 15
3rd year 48 3rd year 48 3rd year 48 3rd year 48
Last Admission requirements
4th year 81 81 4th year 81 4th year 81
semester under the respective
Further semester 114 5th year 114 5th year 114

6th year 147 6th year 147

180 7th year 180
Students enrolled part-time:

The duration of benefits is nine years for three-year degree courses, seven years for master's degree courses
and thirteen or fifteen years for single-cycle degree courses.

Specialisation courses (with

the exception of the medical
Single-cycle area under Legislative
master's degree Decree 4/8/1999, no. 368)
Bachelor's degree Master's degree 5-year single-cycle degree
with legal duration and PhDs who are not
of 6 years beneficiaries of the
scholarship referred to in
Ministerial Decree 224/99
no. no. no.
course University course University course no. University course University
year Credits year Credits year Credits (CFU) year Credits
2nd year 7 2nd year 9 2nd year 7 7
3rd year 24 3rd year 24 3rd year 24 3rd year 24

4th year 40 4th year 40 4th year 40 4th year 40

5th year 57
5th year 57 5th year 57 5th year 57

6th year 73 Admission requirements

6th year 73 6th year 73 6th year 73
under the respective
7th year 90 regulations
7th year 90 7th year 90 7th year 90

8th year 106 8th year 106 8th year 106

9th year 122 9th year 122 9th year 122

10th year 138 138
11th year 154 154
170 12th
12th year 170
186 13th
13th year 186
14th year 202
15th year 218

For students with disabilities, the merit criteria set out in Art. 7, point 2 of the Regional Programme
for the academic year 2022/2023 for disbursement of the 2nd instalment of the grant and for the
case of revocation or forfeiture of the benefit.
7.11 Credit Rating
The credits referred to in this Article are only valid if they are recognised for the course of study for
which students request the benefit, even if different from the previous year.
The limits indicated for those enrolled in Master's degree courses are increased by a number of credits
equal to those in excess of 180 that may have been granted to the student at the time of enrolment.

Excess credits (extra or off-plan credits), i.e. those not useful for obtaining the degree, do not count
for merit purposes.

7.12 BONUS
For the sole purpose of meeting the minimum merit requirements for access to the benefits referred
to in the preceding paragraphs, in addition to the credits actually obtained, upon express request the
student may use "BONUS" accrued on the basis of the course year attended in the following manner:
a) 5 credits, if used for the first time to obtain benefits for the second academic year;
b) 12 credits, if used for the first time to obtain benefits for the third academic year;
c) 15 credits, if used for the first time to obtain benefits for subsequent academic years.
Students enrolled in master's degree courses may use the bonus share accrued and not used during
enrolment in the previous degree course. Those who have never taken advantage of the bonuses in the
bachelor's degree course will be able to use a maximum of no. 15 bonuses.
The BONUS can only be used once and cannot be accumulated. The portion of the 'Bonus' not used in
the academic year in question may be used in subsequent years. (Example: a student enrolled in a
bachelor degree course: if he/she used no. 3 bonus credits of no. 5 available, to reach the minimum
requirement for participation in the competition of no. 25 credits, the following year, enrolled in the
third year, to reach the minimum requirement for participation in the competition of no. 80 credits, must
have obtained at least no. 78 real claims to which may be added n. 2 remaining unused bonus credits).
The request to use the bonus must be made when filling out the application for the scholarship.
This provision does not apply to those enrolled in master's degree programmes following the awarding
of a diploma at schools directed for special purposes, which is equivalent to a first degree.

7.13 Ex-post evaluated merit requirement for students enrolled in the first year

Two deadlines are set for the merit assessment: the first on 10 August 2023, the second on 30
November 2023.

a) 10 August 2023: Students who by 10 August 2023 acquire at least 20 credits (ten credits in the case
of part-time enrolment) for courses organised in several teaching periods (four semesters, semesters
or modules) and at least 10 credits for the others are entitled to obtain payment of the second
instalment equal to 50% of the monetary share of the scholarship.
Students who fail to acquire the above-mentioned credits lose their right to obtain payment of the
second instalment of the cash payment.

b) 30 November 2023: students who, by 30 November 2023, acquire at least twenty credits (ten
credits in the case of part-time enrolment), for courses organised in several teaching periods and at
least ten credits for others, recognised for the course they are enrolled on in the year in which the
scholarship is awarded or for the course they enrol on the following year, even if different from the
previous year, retain their 2022/2023 academic year scholarship inclusive of the first instalment of
the cash payment.
The scholarship is revoked if the student does not obtain the above-mentioned credits by the above-
mentioned date of 30 November. In this case he shall return the cash equivalent of the services used
and the sums of money collected in the manner set out in Art. 22 of this notice.
Bonuses may not be used to reach the limits set out in (a) and (b) above.
In the following exceptional situations, the deadline for achieving the merit referred to in point b)
required to maintain the scholarship may be extended by four months:
a) bereavements involving members of the declared household.
b) hospitalisation of the scholarship applicant of at least ten days.
c) birth of a child.
d) events falling within the causes of natural disasters;
e) other duly documented cases of particular gravity.
The duly documented extension request must be submitted, under penalty of exclusion, before the expiry
of the deadline for obtaining the merit required by the notice (30/11/2023).
Acceptance of applications for the cases referred to in (e) above is subject to the assessment of the
Director, who may seek the opinion of a specially appointed Commission. If the request is accepted, the
student must communicate the achievement of merit within 15 days following the expiry date of the
extension granted, under penalty of forfeiting the benefit.
7.14 Successful students who do not meet the merit requirement by 30 November 2023 will have their
scholarships revoked, such students are required to
a) return any sums received.
b) reimburse the monetary value of the services used according to the rates provided for in Art. 5 of
the Regional Three-Year Plan 2020 - 2023 and subsequent additions and amendments;
The amounts to be refunded will be defined in the respective payment decisions that will be notified to
the students concerned.
Reimbursement, defined in the revocation measure, shall be made in the manner set out in the measure.
The Institution shall forward the notice of withdrawal of the scholarship to the University Institutions
referred to in art. 2 of this notice for measures within its competence.

ART. 8

8.1 The student's economic conditions are identified on the basis of the “Equivalent Economic Situation
Indicator” (ISEE) and the “Equivalent Assets Situation Indicator” (ISPE) for the Right to University
Study benefits, with specific reference to the student applying for the benefit as provided for by Prime
Ministerial Decree no.159 of 05/12/2013 and subsequent amendments and additions and by art. 6 of the
Annual Programme of the Marche Region for the academic year 2022/2023. Therefore, all students will
have to go to a CAAF tax center or other qualified professional to fill out the Single Self Declaration -
(Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica - DSU) for their 2020 tax year income. However, the DSU can be
submitted to INPS electronically and directly by the applicant as provided for in Article 10 paragraph 6
of Prime Ministerial Decree no. 159/2013.
8.2 ISEE and ISPE indicators
Students who meet the following financial/equity requirements may apply for scholarships for the
2022/2023 academic year:
• ISEE up to € 23,000.00
• ISPE up to € 50,000.00.
The Isee is the ratio between the Ise (Economic Situation Indicator) and the equivalence scale parameter
corresponding to the specific composition of the household.
The Ispe is the ratio of the Isp (Asset Situation Indicator) to the equivalence scale parameter
corresponding to the specific household composition.
Exceeding even one of these values is cause for exclusion.
Pursuant to Art. 4, paragraph 5, of Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013, in the case in which the applicant
for the benefit has been the beneficiary of a scholarship in the year 2020, certified by the Entity with a
CU-2021 certificate, and for the sole purpose of ascertaining the requirements for maintaining the
scholarship received by the beneficiary compared to the corresponding parameter of the equivalence
scale is subtracted from the ISEE value by the disbursing entity.
8.3 Definition of the household
To grant the scholarship, the student's household is defined in accordance with the procedures set out in
Prime Ministerial Decree No 159 of 05/12/2013.
In the case of two (or more) students belonging to the same household, applicants for benefits for
the right to study, the ISEE statement must contain the wording "applies to subsidised benefits for the
right to university study in favour of ...." (include the tax code of both or more students).
8.4 Independent student
Pursuant to Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013, Art. 8 as amended and supplemented, a student who no
longer lives with his or her family of origin is considered independent if both of the following
requirements are met:

a) residence outside the family unit for at least two years from the date of submission of the single
self certification (Dsu) referring to the family unit (Art. 10 of Dpcm no. 159/2013), in
accommodation not owned by a member of that family.
b) the student's income from employment or assimilated taxable income, for at least two years, not
less than EUR 9.000.00 per year with reference to a household of one person.
According to Ministerial Decree no. 363 of 29/12/2015, the adequate income capacity must, in
principle, be referred to a single university student. If, however, the latter is married, the
aforementioned threshold for the adequacy of income capacity must also be assessed taking into
account the income of the university student's spouse.
8.5 The applicant student's parents who are not cohabiting with each other are part of the same family unit,
defined in accordance with Article 3(2) of Dpcm no. 159/2013 with the exception of the cases referred
to in Article 3(3), if married, and the cases referred to in Article 7(1), if unmarried. If the cases referred
to in Article 7(1) apply, the ISEE is supplemented by an additional component, calculated on the basis
of the economic condition of the non-cohabiting parent, in accordance with the modalities set out in
Annex 2, paragraph 2, an integral part of Decree no. 159/2013.
8.6 Student enrolled on PhD courses
The applicant's family unit for PhD course benefits is made up exclusively of the applicant him/herself,
his/jer spouse, his/her children under the age of 18, and his/her children of adult age, in accordance with
the rules set out in paragraphs 2 to 5 of Article 3, and without prejudice to the possibility for the
beneficiary to form the family unit in accordance with the ordinary rules set out in Article 3 (art. 8,
paragraph 4, Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013).
8.7 Refugees and stateless persons
For the purposes of assessing economic status for students who have been granted stateless status or
"refugee" status, "subsidiary protection" status or "temporary protection" status pursuant to the
Prime Ministerial Decree of 28/3/2022, only income and assets held in Italy are taken into account in
accordance with the procedures set out in Prime Ministerial Decree 159/13, and therefore they are
required to submit the single self-declaration (Dsu) for Isee purposes.
8.8 The equalised indicator for foreign students not resident in Italy or with parents' households
resident abroad.
Students not resident in Italy (non-EU or EU with a family nucleus abroad) and foreign students resident
in Italy, who are not independent, with their parents' family unit residing abroad must present the
documentation required for the calculation of the equalised ISEEU/ISPEU indicated in art. 11 of this
Considering that this calculation is not contemplated in Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013, on the basis
of the regulations in force, it will be the competent ERDIS office that will carry out the calculation of
the Isee applicable to foreign students, defining for each one the university parity indicator.

Foreign students whose family unit does not reside in Italy and is not enrolled in the AIRE lists who are
enrolling on a three-year degree course, master's degree course or single-cycle master's degree course
with an application duly submitted by the deadline and who will not be able to submit all the necessary
documentation in original copies relating to their family unit, income and assets abroad together with
the application may provisionally attach a photocopy of the documentation, even if not legalised.
Under penalty of exclusion from the final rankings, with the possible restitution of the value of the free
benefits used, the aforementioned students must deliver to ERDIS the legalised originals required for
the calculation of the equalised university indicator by 27 October 2022, in a single envelope.
The aforementioned deadline of 27 October may be exceptionally extended by order of the Director-
The documentation required for the calculation of the ISEEU/ISPEU is indicated in Art. 11 of this notice.

8.9 Current ISEE

ISEE may be replaced by a similar indicator, defined as "current ISEE" and calculated with reference to
a period of time closer to the time of application for the benefit, when the conditions set out in Article 9
of Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013 and subsequent amendments and additions are met, according to
the procedures described therein.

8.10 In the event of changes in the composition of the household unit and changes in the household’s
economic condition, such as to terminate the right to the benefit, or in the event of errors in the Isee
declaration used to apply for the scholarship, the beneficiary is required to submit, even during the year,
a new single self declaration (DSU) and to inform the Organisation, which will withdraw the benefit if
one or both Isee indicators exceed the thresholds established in art. 8 of this notice.

Art. 9
JUNE 2022
In application of Art. 5 of the regional programme for the right to study, adopted for the academic year
2022/2023, a reserve amounting to 5% of the funds will be made in favour of students from families wherein
one or both parents have lost their jobs between July 2021 and June 2022 and are still unemployed following
dismissal from a company in an economic crisis situation in Italy and are registered in the unemployment lists
pursuant to L. 297/02 or mobility under L. 223/1991 or under L. 236/1993. For these students, the
income/wealth and merit conditions set out in Art. 7 and 8 of this notice. Thirty per cent of the funds will be
reserved for students enrolled in the first year of bachelor, master, single-cycle master and third-level degree

courses. If funds are not sufficient to cover all applications, two separate rankings will be drawn up, between
the first year and subsequent years, taking into account economic situation (ISEE) and merit respectively.
Interested students must compulsorily send the documents referred to in Art. 11.3 letter f.

Art. 10

10.1 Deadlines for submitting the application

The application for the scholarship for the 2022/2023 academic year must be submitted, under penalty
of exclusion from the competition, no later than 6 p.m. on 1 September 2022, in accordance with the
provisions described below.

10.2 How to apply

The student applying for the scholarship must be in possession of an ISEE certificate, unless otherwise
provided for in art. 8 of the notice if he/she is an Italian or foreign student with income earned abroad.
If he does not have one and the deadline is approaching, he must submit the single substitute declaration
including form MB2 - Schedule C (university benefits) provided for in art. 10 of Prime Ministerial
Decree no. 159/2013. The Single Self Declaration (Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica - DSU),
complete with the picture relating to benefits for the right to university study, must in any case be
submitted by the application deadline, under penalty of exclusion from the benefit (art. 11
paragraph 9 of Prime Ministerial Decree no. 159/2013).
The student may therefore submit the application for the study scholarship (by 1/9/2022), even if he/she
is not in possession of the ISEE certificate, by undertaking on the online application form to submit the
declaration in lieu of income by the 1/9/2022 application deadline.
Applications to take part in the competition must be completed online only; the procedure for accessing
the application will be indicated on the ERDIS portal.
Applications submitted in any other manner than as described below will not be considered.
Web Site Authentication
To access the online application, you must have SPID credentials, an Electronic Identity Card (CIE), a
National Services Card (CNS), or a National Services/Healthcare Card (CNS/TS). The Electronic
Identity Card (CIE) can also be accessed using smart phones or tablets via the CieID app.
• FORTE authentication via Smart-Card
If the student has a Smart-Card reader at his disposal and is already the holder of a valid card, it is
possible to authenticate him/herself via this medium.
• Authentication via Spid

The Public Digital Identity System (SPID) allows different types of authentication according to
the following levels of Spid itself:
o WEAK authentication with Spid level 1
o STRONG authentication with Spid level 2 and level 3
To obtain your SPID, you can refer to the site where you can find all operational
information and the list of accredited providers.
• Authentication of international students without an Italian identity document and Spid and not
resident in Italy:
These students will be able to obtain credentials to access the online application by submitting a special
request through the procedure made available on the organisation's website.
The credentials obtained will enable weak authentication of the student.
These students will then have to transmit to ERDIS their tax code required to use the services.

10.3 Depending on the type of authentication chosen, the student must:

A. ‘Weak’ authentication
1. Complete and confirm the online application.
2. Print and sign the application.
3. Send the printout of the signed application, a photocopy of an identity document and any
documentation supplementing the application by hand delivery or by registered mail with
acknowledgement of receipt, within the deadline set out in the competition notice. The date
affixed by the post office of departure will be decisive. The student, taking into account the
university institution attended, must forward the application to the following addresses referring
to the relevant ERDIS centre

Competent local Addresses to which the printout of the signed application with a
ERDIS center photocopy of an identity document should be sent
ERDIS center Ancona Vicolo della Serpe n. 1, 60121 Ancona

Registered mail: Colle Paradiso, 1 – Le Mosse 62032 Camerino (MC)

ERDIS center Manual delivery:
Camerino Camerino Headquarters in Loc. Colle Paradiso, 1 – Le Mosse (MC)
Ascoli Piceno Headquarters – Via Pacifici Mazzoni, 2

ERDIS center
Viale Piave n. 35, 62100 Macerata
ERDIS center Urbino Via V. Veneto n. 45, 61029 Urbino

The manual delivery of the application at the counters of the different head offices will also be possible
after booking an appointment by filling in an online form available on the organisation's website.
Students who do not have to enclose paper originals with their application may send the application
digitally signed by the applicant to the following PEC address: [email protected]. The file attached to
the PEC must be the one generated by the ERDIS online application procedure. The application must
be received, under penalty of exclusion from the competition, by the deadline stipulated in point 10.1.
Failure to submit and deliver the application by the deadline is a ground for exclusion from the
B. ‘Strong' authentication
a) must complete, confirm and send the application online (by typing the 'send to protocol'
button) within the deadline set by the competition notice.
b) is exempt from sending the print-out of the application to the addresses listed in the previous
paragraph, but must send any other required documentation within the deadline set out in the
notice competition notice.

10.4 A student enrolling in the first year who has not yet made up his or her mind as to the enrolment location
may submit more than one application in relation to the chosen seat.
By 3 October 2022 the student must communicate by signed declaration the actual location and course
of enrolment for the academic year 2022/2023.
This declaration must be submitted manually or sent to the relevant ERDIS office by certified e-mail or
fax accompanied by a copy of an identification document. Failing such notification, the application with
the highest ID logged digitally or manually will be considered valid.

10.5 Amending the online application

It is possible to modify the application, already submitted online, within the deadline by submitting a
new application. In any case, the application with the highest ID registered digitally or manually by the
Office for the Right to Study within the deadline set out in this notice will be evaluated.
In the case of point 10.4, the application with the highest ID submitted for each reference centre will be
Any supplementation of the documents accompanying the application is also permitted within the
10.6 Other provisions
The receipt of successful delivery of the application issued by the Institution, even by means of the
online registration procedure, does not certify the correctness and completeness of the application itself
and of the related documentation; responsibility for this remains, in any case, with the declarant student.
The student is personally responsible for the truthfulness and completeness of what is declared. ERDIS,

therefore, declines all liability in the event of incorrect or incomplete documentation and is not obliged
to report any anomalies.

10.7 Local student centers

Students may contact any of the organisation's head offices to obtain general information on calls for
applications, while more specific information on their particular situation during the academic year
should preferably be obtained from the following ERDIS territorial head offices.
• At the Local Center in Ancona Vicolo della Serpe 1 - 60121 Ancona, students enrolled at the Marche
Polytechnic University, the "Poliarte" Institute of Ancona, the Advanced School of Linguistic Mediation
in Ancona and Fermo unless an agreement is signed with the Marche Region.
• Students enrolled at the University of Camerino Via Le Mosse, Colle Paradiso 1 - 62032 Camerino (Mc)
may contact the Local Center in Camerino; students attending the course at the Ascoli Piceno and San
Benedetto del Tronto sites may contact the branch in Ascoli Piceno Via Pacifici Mazzoni no.2 - 63100
Ascoli Piceno (Ap),
• Students enrolled at the University of Macerata, the Macerata Academy of Fine Arts and the State
Music Conservatory 'G.B. Pergolesi' in Fermo can contact the Local Center in Macerata Viale Piave
no.35 - 62100 Macerata.
• Students enrolled at the University "Carlo Bo" in Urbino, at the Academy of Fine Arts of Urbino, at the
Isia in Urbino and at the Conservatory "G. Rossini” in Pesaro can contact the Local Center in Urbino
Via V. Veneto n. 45 - 61029 Urbino
10.8 A student's request to transfer the application for a scholarship submitted to Entities for the Right to
Study in other Regions will not be taken into consideration.

ART. 11


11.1 To access the benefits provided for the 2022/2023 academic year, all students with assets and income
generated in Italy must be in possession of the ISEE certificate or receipt of the DSU specifically for
"Benefits for the right to university study".

11.2 Foreign students - Calculation of ISEEU/ISPEU parity

Foreign students may not make use of the self-certification option, but must present the relevant
documentation described below in original and hard copy format. The documentation must be issued by
the competent authorities of the country where the income was produced and legalised by the Italian
diplomatic authority competent for the territory.

For countries that have acceded to and ratified the Hague Convention concluded on 5 October 1961,
apostille may be used instead of legalisation by the Italian Embassy.
An Italian translation conforming to the foreign text and certified by the competent Italian diplomatic
or consular authority, or by an official translator, must be attached to the above documents drafted in a
foreign language.
For countries where there are particular difficulties documented by the local Italian Embassy, the above-
mentioned documentation may be issued by the competent foreign diplomatic or consular
representations in Italy and legalised by the Prefectures.

The documentation must certify:

a) the composition of the household with an indication of those cohabiting with the head of
household on the date of application.
In the event of the death of one of the parents, the date of death must be indicated on the
documents or additional documentation must be attached.
In the event of separation or divorce of the parents, a certificate attesting to this condition must
be enclosed.
Appropriate documentation is also required in the case of abandonment by the parent or the
pronouncement by the competent authority of the parent's removal from the family residence;
b) the income received by each member of the household expressed in the currency of their
country in the 2020 tax year; if there is no income for each member over the age of 18, this must
be expressly stated in the documentation;
If there are difficulties in documenting this lack of income, supporting documentation must be
submitted, such as, for example, a certificate attesting to unemployment status, employment as a
domestic worker (homemaker) or student status.
c) a description of all the real estate owned by each member of the household as at 31/12/2020
with an indication of the value defined pursuant to paragraph 3 art. 5 of Prime Ministerial Decree
no. 159/13; if there are no assets for each member over the age of 18, this must be expressly
specified in the documentation;
d) the description of the movable assets consisting of the components specified in Art. 5
subsection 4 of Prime Ministerial Decree 159/13, held abroad as at 31/12/2020 or the value of the
average annual holding referring to the same year by each member of the household;
Documentation relating to securities issued by banks and similar institutions is exempt from
legalisation by the competent Italian diplomatic authority, subject to the requirement of a
translation into Italian in accordance with the original foreign text and certified by an official

e) photocopy of the residence permit, for the academic year 2022/2023, issued by the competent
public order authority. The copy of the residence permit may be submitted later provided that it is
submitted by 2/5/2023, but in this case the benefits will be granted conditionally and with the
suspension of the payment of any sums of money until the document is actually delivered. If the
document is not presented by 31/12/2024, the student forfeits the right to obtain any sums of
money linked to the study scholarship, without prejudice to the revocation of the benefit in the
event that the competent authority fails to issue a residence permit.

For students from EU member states, it is necessary to present the relevant documentation issued by
the competent authorities of the country where the income was generated, translated into Italian, but
legalisation is not required.

Non-EU students from particularly poor countries referred to in Ministry of University and Research
Decree no. 344 of 8 April 2022 listed in Annex B to this notice, must present certification from the
Italian Representation in the country of origin that the student does not belong to a family known to be
of high income and high social standing. The relevant certification is made to correspond for both ISEE
and ISPE indicators to 'zero' euro.
For students enrolling in the first year of all degree courses, certification that the student does not belong
to a family known to be of high income and high social standing may also be issued by Italian bodies
authorised to provide a guarantee of financial coverage under the current provisions on the enrolment
of foreign students in Italian universities; in this case, the body issuing such certification undertakes to
repay the scholarship on behalf of the student, if it is revoked.

For the purposes of assessing economic status for students who have been granted stateless status or
"refugee" status, "subsidiary protection" status or "temporary protection" status pursuant to the
Prime Ministerial Decree of 28/3/2022, only income and assets held in Italy are taken into account in
accordance with the procedures set out in Prime Ministerial Decree 159/13, and therefore they are
required to submit the single self-declaration (Dsu) for Isee purposes. These students must enclose a
copy of the certificate attesting to their status with their application.
Students seeking international protection are required to submit the relevant official application
For these students too, only income and assets held in Italy are taken into account according to the
procedures set out in Prime Ministerial Decree 159/13 and they are therefore required to submit the
Single Self-Declaration (Dichiarazione sostitutiva unica - Dsu) for Isee purposes.
Any award of the scholarship remains suspended until one of the above statuses is recognised. Once
this status has been granted, in addition to acquiring the right to the monetary share of the scholarship,

the student can start using the services associated with the scholarship (canteen and accommodation if
available) free of charge.

11.3 Other documentation

Students who identify themselves in one of the conditions described below must produce:
a) Lease agreement.
Non-resident students benefiting from a scholarship who are not housed in the Institution's halls of
residence due to a lack of vacancies or students attending courses in the Institution's branch
campuses where no housing facilities are available, must submit a copy of the rental contract for
consideration, registered with the Revenue Office, signed with the landlord for a period of no less
than 10 months, referring to the academic year for which the scholarship is requested (October
2022 - September 2023) by 15 November 2022. In order to obtain payment of the accommodation
portion of the scholarship, the housing must be located in the municipality where the student attends
university. For scholarship winners in the last semester, the period cannot be less than five months.
The contract months in the academic year 2022/2023 (October 2022 - March 2023) will be paid.
The lease commences in September 2022.
In relation to the contingent needs that may arise in the various local areas, and by means of his
own measure, the Director may establish different deadlines from the ones indicated above.
Non-resident students who are beneficiaries of scholarships, with underage children of pre-
school age who cannot be accommodated in the residences managed by the Institution, may apply
for the monetisation of the accommodation place on condition that they present a regular rental
contract for consideration, registered with the Inland Revenue Office, stipulated with the landlord
for a period of no less than 10 months in the municipalities considered to be the seat of the
University by 15 November 2022.
b) Passport photos
Together with the online application the student must enclose a recent passport photo in digital
format with the characteristics meeting the formal requirements set out in the Department of Public
Security's note no. 400/A/2005/1501/P/23.13.27.
c) Disabled student
The disabled student must send a copy of the certificate attesting to a disability of at least 66%
or recognition of the disabled condition pursuant to Law no. 104/1992, if it has not already
been submitted in previous years or the percentage of disability has changed. In order to apply
for the supplement to the scholarship (Art. 12.9) the student must produce the tax documentation
proving the expenses incurred by 15/12/2022.
d) Medical certificate (compulsory only for students staying in ERDIS accommodation)

In order to gain access to the accommodation facilities provided for in the calls for applications,
students must present a medical certificate dated no earlier than 15 days, showing that the student
has no symptoms of contagious diseases or any illnesses that are dangerous for communal living.
The student may not enter the accommodation and therefore may not take possession of their
allocated bed if he/she has not handed in the aforementioned certificate.

e) Identification document
Students with weak authentication who have sent a printout of their application must enclose a
photocopy of their ID.
f) Students with one or both parents who lost their jobs in the period from July 2021 to June
Students belonging to families in which one or both parents have lost their jobs between July 2021
and June 2022 and remain unemployed following dismissal from a company in economic crisis in
Italy must produce documentation showing that one or both of the student's parents have lost their
jobs between July 2021 and June 2022 (dismissal letter).
The required documents must be submitted by the application deadline. In the event of late or
incomplete documentation, the student will not be placed in the reserved ranking list but in the
general ranking list.
When applying online, the student can upload the letter of dismissal/redundancy.
g) Scholarship supplement for punctual graduation
A student wishing to apply for a supplementary scholarship must submit the application referred
to in art. 5 of this notice by 5 December 2023 at the latest. The student must use the online form
by accessing the reserved area of the ERDIS website.
h) Medical certificate for students requesting monetisation of the catering service
A student who, for health reasons, intends to request monetisation of the canteen service must send
the relative request indicated in art. 16.2 with a medical certificate issued by a specialist from a
public facility indicating the type of pathology; the certificate must also specify the food substances
that are incompatible with the pathology and a description of the dietary regime that the student is
required to comply with.
i) Documents for supplementing a scholarship to purchase teaching aids for students with
A student with a disability who applies for the supplement to the scholarship referred to in Art. 12.9
must submit the tax documentation showing the expenses incurred in the year 2022 with the
application by 15/12/2022 .

11.4 Regularity and completeness of the documentation submitted

Students are responsible for the completeness of the documents submitted and for their compliance and
regularity with the provisions contained in the call for applications and in the right to university study.
ERDIS reserves the right to check the documents submitted by candidates at any time and to have
additional documents submitted at a later date.

ART. 12
The amount of the scholarship is determined on the basis of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator
and whether the student is an 'Resident', 'Commuter' or 'Non-resident' student.

Each student is granted a location status, depending on the distance between his or her residence and the
university study location. In cases where students attend a course of study at decentralised branch of a
university institution, the classification is made by considering the distance existing between the
municipality of residence and the actual location of the courses attended.
1. Resident students: students residing in the municipality where the course of study is held are
considered to be resident students;
2. Commuter students: students are considered to be commuters if they reside in a municipality that
allows them to commute daily to the location of the course they are attending and the distance can
be travelled by public transport in a time of up to 60 minutes. For each of the university
locations, the municipalities are indicated in Annex a) to this notice;
3. Non-resident students: students are considered to be non-resident students if they reside in a
municipality that is more than 60 minutes away from the course they are attending and that can be
reached by public transport in more than 60 minutes and for this reason they take lodgings in the
vicinity of the course, using the Institution's residential facilities or using other public or private
accommodation for a period of no less than ten months in the academic year for which the
scholarship is requested. Therefore, any assessment of travel time using private vehicles is
Therefore, non-resident students are those residing in municipalities not included in the previous
two cases.
If a student residing in a place far from the course venue takes lodgings near the course venue on a
non-payment basis (free of charge) for a stay of no less than 10 months, he/she is considered a
commuter student. To this end, the student must state in the scholarship application the name of
the person hosting him/her, resident in the municipalities considered to be the main seat of the
university institutions, his/her domicile and the period of stay (not less than ten months). The
organisation may request appropriate documentation to prove the truthfulness of the declaration.

Foreign students are in any case considered to be non-resident students, regardless of their place
of residence in Italy, except where the student's family unit resides on Italian territory.
12.2 Scholarship amounts for the 2022/2023 academic year
Pursuant to Mur Decree no. 1320 of 17/12/2021 and of the Regional Programme for the Right to Study
approved by the Marche Region Council for the academic year 2022/2023, the following scholarship amounts
are defined for the academic year 2022/2023:
non-resident and independent students (Art. 8.4 this notice) €. 6,157.74
commuter students €. 3,598.51
residentstudents €. 2,481.75 plus a free daily meal.
Students attending distance-learning courses and under detention € 2,481.75.
Students admitted to PhD programmes are granted a 'non-resident' scholarship regardless of where they come
12.3 Amount of scholarships for the further semester
The scholarships awarded for the first semester beyond the legal duration of courses activated in
implementation of Ministerial Decree No. 270/04 and Law No. 508/99 and subsequent amendments and
additions are for an amount equal to half the scholarship envisaged on the basis of the beneficiary student's
subjective condition; the services, accommodation and canteen obtained, will be provided indicatively from 1
October 2022 - 31 March 2023.
12.4 For students enrolled in courses of study pursuant to Art. 2.1 who simultaneously take up the training
courses referred to in Art. 3 of Ministerial Decree of 10/8/2017 no. 616 the amount of the scholarship is
determined in full in the amounts indicated in section 12.2.
12.5 For students with an ISEE indicator less than or equal to half of the maximum reference limit provided
for in Article 4, paragraph 2, there is a 15% increase on the amount of the scholarship due.
12.6 In order to further promote female access to higher education in scientific subjects and to reduce the so-
called gender gap in this area, for female students enrolled in S.T.E.M. courses (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) the amount of the scholarship due is increased by 20%. For S.T.E.M. courses
of study, please refer to the table published in the open-data area of Ustat at the link:
The 20% increase in the scholarship for Stem students cannot be combined with the 15% increase provided
for students with Isee levels below 50% of the maximum reference limit and therefore the increase is calculated
on the basis of the value of the scholarship due to the student as enrolled in S.T.E.M. courses.
12.7 Students enrolled at the same time in more than one study course are permitted to obtain and maintain the
scholarship with a 20% increase if they meet and maintain the merit requirements set forth by Ministerial
Decree no. 1320/2021 for the entire duration of the courses. The increment is not paid in the event that the
student loses their eligibility for the scholarship with respect to the course of study to which the student related
the aforementioned increment.

12.8 Reduction of scholarships in relation to ISEE value
Pursuant to Art. 5 point 1, of the Marche Region's Three-Year Plan, the amounts set forth above are reduced
according to the services that the Entity provides, as indicated below:
a) "Non-resident" and independent student: it is reduced for the Accommodation Service by € 2,158.85 on
an annual basis for a period of ten months and by € 1,726.36 on an annual basis for two daily meals
(lunch and dinner);
b) "Commuter": is reduced by Euro 863.18 on an annual basis for a daily meal.
The scholarship will be paid in full to students whose equivalent economic situation indicator of the
applicant's household is between 50% and 2/3 of the maximum reference limit.
For higher values until the aforementioned limit is reached, the scholarship is gradually reduced to half
the minimum amount, ensuring in any case that the cash portion is no less than €719.32 (€359.66 in the
case of part-time enrolment) for off-site students who are granted free accommodation and two daily
meals and €719.32 (€359.66 in the case of part-time enrolment) for commuter students who are granted
one free daily meal.
I.S.E. value (€) Increase or Reduction
From zero to 11,500.00 15% Increase
From 11,500.01 to 15,333.33 0 % Reduction
From 15,333.34 to 17,250.00 12.5 % Reduction
From 17,250.01 to 19,166.67 25 % Reduction
From 19,166.68 to 21,083.33 37.5 % Reduction
From 21,083.34 to 23,000.00 50 % Reduction



NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash

15% increase 7,081.40 2,158.85 1,726.36 3,196.19 15% increase 3,540.71 1,079.43 863.18 1,598.10

reduction 0% 6,157.74 2,158.85 1,726.36 2,272.53 reduction 0% 3,078.88 1,079.43 863.18 1,136.27

reduction 12.5% 5,388.02 2,158.85 1,726.36 1,502.81 reduction 12.5% 2,694.02 1,079.43 863.18 751.41

25% reduction 4,618.31 2,158.85 1,726.36 733.10 25% reduction 2,309.16 1,079.43 863.18 366.55

reduction 37.5% 4,604.53 2,158.85 1,726.36 719.32 reduction 37.5% 2,302.27 1,079.43 863.18 359.66

50% reduction 4,604.53 2,158.85 1,726.36 719.32 50% reduction 2,302.27 1,079.43 863.18 359.66

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash

15% increase 4,138.29 863.18 3,275.11 15% increase 2,069.15 431.59 1,637.56

reduction 0% 3,598.51 863.18 2,735.33 reduction 0% 1,799.26 431.59 1,367.67

reduction 12.5% 3,148.70 863.18 2,285.52 reduction 12.5% 1,574.35 431.59 1,142.76

25% reduction 2,698.88 863.18 1,835.70 25% reduction 1,349.44 431.59 917.85

reduction 37.5% 2,249.07 863.18 1,385.89 reduction 37.5% 1,124.53 431.59 692.94

50% reduction 1,799.26 863.18 936.08 50% reduction 899.63 431.59 468.04

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash

15% increase 3,717.19 863.18 2,854.01 15% increase 1,858.60 431.59 1,427.01

reduction 0% 3,344.93 863.18 2,481.75 reduction 0% 1.672,47 431.59 1,240.88

reduction 12.5% 3,034.71 863.18 2,171.53 reduction 12.5% 1,517.36 431.59 1,085.77

25% reduction 2,724.49 863.18 1,861.31 25% reduction 1,362.25 431.59 930.66

reduction 37.5% 2,414.27 863.18 1,551.09 reduction 37.5% 1,207.14 431.59 775.55

50% reduction 2,104.06 863.18 1,240.88 50% reduction 1,052.03 431.59 620.44


Scholarship/Cash Scholarship/Cash

15% increase 2,854.01 15% increase 1,427.01

reduction 0% 2,481.75 reduction 0% 1,240.88

reduction 12.5% 2,171.53 reduction 12.5% 1,085.77

25% reduction 1,861.31 25% reduction 930.66

reduction 37.5% 1,551.09 reduction 37.5% 775.55

50% reduction 1,240.88 50% reduction 620.44


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash

reduction 0% 7,389.29 2,158.85 1,726.36 3,504.08 reduction 0% 3,694.65 1,079.43 863.18 1,752.04

reduction 12.5% 6,465.63 2,158.85 1,726.36 2,580.42 reduction 12.5% 3,232.82 1,079.43 863.18 1,290.21

25% reduction 5,541.97 2,158.85 1,726.36 1,656.76 25% reduction 2,770.99 1,079.43 863.18 828.38

reduction 37.5% 4,618.31 2,158.85 1,726.36 733.10 reduction 37.5% 2,309.16 1,079.43 863.18 366.55

50% reduction 4,604.53 2,158.85 1,726.36 719.32 50% reduction 2,302.27 1,079.43 863.18 359.66

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash

reduction 0% 4,318.21 863.18 3,455.03 reduction 0% 2,159.11 431.59 1,727.52

reduction 12.5% 3,778.43 863.18 2,915.25 reduction 12.5% 1,889.22 431.59 1,457.63

25% reduction 3,238.66 863.18 2,375.48 25% reduction 1,619.33 431.59 1,187.74

reduction 37.5% 2,698.88 863.18 1,835.70 reduction 37.5% 1,349.44 431.59 917.85

50% reduction 2,159.11 863.18 1,295.93 50% reduction 1,079.56 431.59 647.97

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

% reduction Scholarship canteen cash % reduction Scholarship canteen cash

reduction 0% 3,841.28 863.18 2,978.10 reduction 0% 1,920.64 431.59 1,489.05

reduction 12.5% 3,469.02 863.18 2,605.84 reduction 12.5% 1.734,51 431.59 1,302.92

25% reduction 3,096.76 863.18 2,233.58 25% reduction 1,548.38 431.59 1,116.79

reduction 37.5% 2,724.49 863.18 1,861.31 reduction 37.5% 1,362.25 431.59 930.66

50% reduction 2,352.23 863.18 1,489.05 50% reduction 1,176.12 431.59 744.53


% reduction Scholarship/Cash % reduction Scholarship/Cash

reduction 0% 2,978.10 reduction 0% 1,489.05

reduction 12.5% 2,605.84 reduction 12.5% 1,302.92

25% reduction 2,233.58 25% reduction 1,116.79

reduction 37.5% 1,861.31 reduction 37.5% 930.66

50% reduction 1,489.05 50% reduction 744.53


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash

reduction 0% 8,867.15 2,158.85 1,726.36 4,981.94 reduction 0% 4,433.58 1,079.43 863.18 2,490.97

reduction 12.5% 7,758.76 2,158.85 1,726.36 3,873.55 reduction 12.5% 3,879.39 1,079.43 863.18 1,936.78

25% reduction 6,650.36 2,158.85 1,726.36 2,765.15 25% reduction 3,325.19 1,079.43 863.18 1,382.58

reduction 37.5% 5,541.97 2,158.85 1,726.36 1,656.76 reduction 37.5% 2,770.99 1,079.43 863.18 828.38

50% reduction 4,604.53 2,158.85 1,726.36 719.32 50% reduction 2,302.27 1,079.43 863.18 359.66

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash

reduction 0% 5,181.85 863.18 4,318.67 reduction 0% 2.590.93 431.59 2,159.34

reduction 12.5% 4,534.12 863.18 3,670.94 reduction 12.5% 2,267.06 431.59 1,835.47

25% reduction 3,886.39 863.18 3,023.21 25% reduction 1,943.20 431.59 1,511.61

reduction 37.5% 3,238.66 863.18 2,375.48 reduction 37.5% 1,619.33 431.59 1,187.74

50% reduction 2.590.93 863.18 1,727.75 50% reduction 1,295.47 431.59 863.88

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash

reduction 0% 4,436.90 863.18 3,573.72 reduction 0% 2,218.45 431.59 1,786.86

reduction 12.5% 3,990.19 863.18 3,127.01 reduction 12.5% 1,995.10 431.59 1,563.51

25% reduction 3,543.47 863.18 2,680.29 25% reduction 1,771.74 431.59 1,340.15

reduction 37.5% 3,096.76 863.18 2,233.58 reduction 37.5% 1,548.38 431.59 1,116.79

50% reduction 2,650.04 863.18 1,786.86 50% reduction 1,325.02 431.59 893.43


Scholarship/Cash Scholarship/Cash

reduction 0% 3,573.72 reduction 0% 1,786.86

reduction 12.5% 3,127.01 reduction 12.5% 1,563.51

25% reduction 2,680.29 25% reduction 1,340.15

reduction 37.5% 2,233.58 reduction 37.5% 1,116.79

50% reduction 1,786.86 50% reduction 893.43


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash % reduction Scholarship accommodation canteen cash
reduction 0% 7,389.29 2,158.85 1,726.36 3,504.08 reduction 0% 3,694.65 1,079.43 863.18 1,752.04
reduction 12.5% 6,465.63 2,158.85 1,726.36 2,580.42 reduction 12.5% 3,232.82 1,079.43 863.18 1,290.21
25% reduction 5,541.97 2,158.85 1,726.36 1,656.76 25% reduction 2,770.99 1,079.43 863.18 828.38
reduction 37.5% 4,618.31 2,158.85 1,726.36 733.10 reduction 37.5% 2,309.16 1,079.43 863.18 366.55
50% reduction 4,604.53 2,158.85 1,726.36 719.32 50% reduction 2,302.27 1,079.43 863.18 359.66

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

% reduction Scholarship canteen cash % reduction Scholarship canteen cash
reduction 0% 4,318.21 863.18 3,455.03 reduction 0% 2,159.11 431.59 1,727.52
reduction 12.5% 3,778.43 863.18 2,915.25 reduction 12.5% 1,889.22 431.59 1,457.63
25% reduction 3,238.66 863.18 2,375.48 25% reduction 1,619.33 431.59 1,187.74
reduction 37.5% 2,698.88 863.18 1,835.70 reduction 37.5% 1,349.44 431.59 917.85
50% reduction 2,159.11 863.18 1,295.93 50% reduction 1,079.56 431.59 647.97

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

% reduction Scholarship canteen cash % reduction Scholarship canteen cash
reduction 0% 3,841.28 863.18 2,978.10 reduction 0% 1,920.64 431.59 1,489.05
reduction 12.5% 3,469.02 863.18 2,605.84 reduction 12.5% 1.734,51 431.59 1,302.92
25% reduction 3,096.76 863.18 2,233.58 25% reduction 1,548.38 431.59 1,116.79
reduction 37.5% 2,724.49 863.18 1,861.31 reduction 37.5% 1,362.25 431.59 930.66
50% reduction 2,352.23 863.18 1,489.05 50% reduction 1,176.12 431.59 744.53


% reduction Scholarship/Cash % reduction Scholarship/Cash
reduction 0% 2,978.10 reduction 0% 1,489.05
reduction 12.5% 2,605.84 reduction 12.5% 1,302.92
25% reduction 2,233.58 25% reduction 1,116.79
reduction 37.5% 1,861.31 reduction 37.5% 930.66

50% reduction 1,489.05 50% reduction 744.53


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash
8,497.68 2,158.85 1,726.36 4,612.47 4,248.85 1,079.43 863.18 2,306.24

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
4,965.95 863.18 4,102.77 2,482.98 431.59 2,051.39

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
4,287.99 863.18 3,424.81 2,144.00 431.59 1,712.41


Scholarship/Cash Scholarship/Cash
3,424.81 1,712.41


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash
15% increase 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 15% increase 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
reduction 0% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 0% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
reduction 12.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 12.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
25% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 25% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
reduction 37.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 37.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
50% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 50% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
15% increase 2,069.15 863.18 1,205.97 15% increase 1,034.58 431.59 602.99
reduction 0% 1,799.26 863.18 936.08 reduction 0% 899.63 431.59 468.04
reduction 12.5% 1,574.35 863.18 711.17 reduction 12.5% 787.18 431.59 355.59
25% reduction 1,349.44 863.18 486.26 25% reduction 674.72 431.59 243.13
reduction 37.5% 1,222.84 863.18 359.66 reduction 37.5% 611.42 431.59 179.83
50% reduction 1,222.84 863.18 359.66 50% reduction 611.42 431.59 179.83

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
15% increase 2,290.19 863.18 1,427.01 15% increase 1,145.10 431.59 713.51

reduction 0% 2,104.06 863.18 1,240.88 reduction 0% 1,052.03 431.59 620.44
reduction 12.5% 1,948.95 863.18 1,085.77 reduction 12.5% 974.48 431.59 542.89
25% reduction 1,793.84 863.18 930.66 25% reduction 896.92 431.59 465.33
reduction 37.5% 1,638.73 863.18 775.55 reduction 37.5% 819.37 431.59 387.78
50% reduction 1,483.62 863.18 620.44 50% reduction 741.81 431.59 310.22


Scholarship/Cash Scholarship/Cash
15% increase 1,427.01 15% increase 713.51
reduction 0% 1,240.88 reduction 0% 620.44
reduction 12.5% 1,085.77 reduction 12.5% 542.89
25% reduction 930.66 25% reduction 465.33
reduction 37.5% 775.55 reduction 37.5% 387.78
50% reduction 620.44 50% reduction 310.22


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash
reduction 0% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 0% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
reduction 12.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 12.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
25% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 25% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
reduction 37.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 37.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
50% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 50% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
reduction 0% 2,159.11 863.18 1,295.93 reduction 0% 1,079.56 431.59 647.97
reduction 12.5% 1,889.22 863.18 1,026.04 reduction 12.5% 944.61 431.59 513.02
25% reduction 1,619.33 863.18 756.15 25% reduction 809.67 431.59 378.08
reduction 37.5% 1,349.44 863.18 486.26 reduction 37.5% 674.72 431.59 243.13
50% reduction 1,222.84 863.18 359.66 50% reduction 611.42 431.59 179.83

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

% reduction Scholarship canteen cash % reduction Scholarship canteen cash
reduction 0% 2,352.23 863.18 1,489.05 reduction 0% 1,176.12 431.59 744.53
reduction 12.5% 2,166.10 863.18 1,302.92 reduction 12.5% 1,083.05 431.59 651.46
25% reduction 1,979.97 863.18 1,116.79 25% reduction 989.99 431.59 558.40
reduction 37.5% 1,793.84 863.18 930.66 reduction 37.5% 896.92 431.59 465.33
50% reduction 1,607.71 863.18 744.53 50% reduction 803.86 431.59 372.27


% reduction Scholarship/Cash % reduction Scholarship/Cash

reduction 0% 1,489.05 reduction 0% 744.53
reduction 12.5% 1,302.92 reduction 12.5% 651.46
25% reduction 1,116.79 25% reduction 558.40
reduction 37.5% 930.66 reduction 37.5% 465.33
50% reduction 744.53 50% reduction 372.27


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash

reduction 0% 4,433.57 2,158.85 1,726.36 548.36 reduction 0% 2,216.79 1,079.43 863.18 274.18

reduction 12.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 12.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83

25% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 25% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83

reduction 37.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 37.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83

50% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 50% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash

reduction 0% 2.590.93 863.18 1,727.75 reduction 0% 1,295.47 431.59 863.88

reduction 12.5% 2,267.06 863.18 1,403.88 reduction 12.5% 1,133.53 431.59 701.94

25% reduction 1,943.20 863.18 1,080.02 25% reduction 971.60 431.59 540.01

reduction 37.5% 1,619.33 863.18 756.15 reduction 37.5% 809.67 431.59 378.08

50% reduction 1,295.47 863.18 432.29 50% reduction 647.74 431.59 216.15

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash

reduction 0% 2,650.04 863.18 1,786.86 reduction 0% 1,325.02 431.59 893.43

reduction 12.5% 2,426.69 863.18 1,563.51 reduction 12.5% 1,213.35 431.59 781.76

25% reduction 2,203.33 863.18 1,340.15 25% reduction 1,101.67 431.59 670.08

reduction 37.5% 1,979.97 863.18 1,116.79 reduction 37.5% 989.99 431.59 558.40

50% reduction 1,756.61 863.18 893.43 50% reduction 878.31 431.59 446.72


Scholarship/Cash Scholarship/Cash

reduction 0% 1,786.86 reduction 0% 893.43

reduction 12.5% 1,563.51 reduction 12.5% 781.76

25% reduction 1,340.15 25% reduction 670.08

reduction 37.5% 1,116.79 reduction 37.5% 558.40

50% reduction 893.43 50% reduction 446.72


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash
reduction 0% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 0% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
reduction 12.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 12.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
25% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 25% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
reduction 37.5% 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 reduction 37.5% 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83
50% reduction 4,244.87 2,158.85 1,726.36 359.66 50% reduction 2,122.44 1,079.43 863.18 179.83

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
reduction 0% 2,159.11 863.18 1,295.93 reduction 0% 1,079.56 431.59 647.97
reduction 12.5% 1,889.22 863.18 1,026.04 reduction 12.5% 944.61 431.59 513.02
25% reduction 1,619.33 863.18 756.15 25% reduction 809.67 431.59 378.08
reduction 37.5% 1,349.44 863.18 486.26 reduction 37.5% 674.72 431.59 243.13
50% reduction 1,222.84 863.18 359.66 50% reduction 611.42 431.59 179.83

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

% reduction Scholarship canteen cash % reduction Scholarship canteen cash
reduction 0% 2,352.23 863.18 1,489.05 reduction 0% 1,176.12 431.59 744.53
reduction 12.5% 2,166.10 863.18 1,302.92 reduction 12.5% 1,083.05 431.59 651.46
25% reduction 1,979.97 863.18 1,116.79 25% reduction 989.99 431.59 558.40
reduction 37.5% 1,793.84 863.18 930.66 reduction 37.5% 896.92 431.59 465.33
50% reduction 1,607.71 863.18 744.53 50% reduction 803.86 431.59 372.27


% reduction Scholarship/Cash % reduction Scholarship/Cash
reduction 0% 1,489.05 reduction 0% 744.53
reduction 12.5% 1,302.92 reduction 12.5% 651.46
25% reduction 1,116.79 25% reduction 558.40
reduction 37.5% 930.66 reduction 37.5% 465.33
50% reduction 744.53 50% reduction 372.27


NON-RESIDENT Student - Annual NON-RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship accommodation canteen cash Scholarship accommodation canteen cash
4,248.84 2,158.85 1,726.36 363.63 2,124.43 1,079.43 863.18 181.82

COMMUTER student - Annual COMMUTER Student - Semester
Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
2,482.97 863.18 1,619.79 1,241.49 431.59 809.90

RESIDENT Student - Annual RESIDENT Student - Semester

Scholarship canteen cash Scholarship canteen cash
2,575.59 863.18 1,712.41 1,287.80 431.59 856.21


Scholarship/Cash Scholarship/Cash
1,712.41 856.21

12.9 Scholarship supplement for disabled students recognised by the commission pursuant to Law
104/92 or 'disability' of no less than 66%'.
A reserve of funds not exceeding € 15,000.00 will be set aside to allow for the purchase of prostheses
and supports, as well as for the implementation of any other intervention that facilitates the use of
teaching and studying.
No scholarships will be awarded for the purchase of the same media and teaching materials reimbursed
in previous years. The same material/support may be reimbursed if the student demonstrates that what
has already been reimbursed is no longer reusable or usable.
The student must submit a specific request by 15/12/2022 accompanied by tax documentation proving
the expenses incurred in the year 2022.
Each student may be awarded a scholarship of up to EUR 2,000.00.
In the event that the financial resources are insufficient to guarantee the integration of all eligible
students, a single ranking list will be drawn up for students from all university institutions, defined in
ascending order on the basis of the ISEE value.
In the event that there are remaining funds after allocation of the benefit to students with applications
submitted by the deadline, further applications may be examined and may be accepted in the order in
which they were submitted.

12.10 Reassessment of scholarship amount

A student in receipt of a reduced scholarship whose financial situation has deteriorated since the
declaration made at the time the scholarship was awarded may submit appropriate documentation in
order to have his or her position reviewed with an increase in the amount of the scholarship starting from
the next six-monthly instalment. This increase may be granted if funds are available after the rankings
of eligible candidates have been exhausted.

12.11 Waiver of accommodation service

In the event that, when completing the application, a non-resident student renounces accommodation in
halls of residence managed by the Institution or, despite having requested it, expressly renounces it by

the time the final rankings are approved, the share of the scholarship relating to the student’s renounced
accommodation service will be allocated to other scholarships for the same academic year.

ART. 13

13.1 Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the budget quantified by subsequent ERDIS records.

13.2 The following reserves will be made from the above-mentioned funds (total scholarship funds), not
1. Euro 200,000.00 for the scholarship supplement for students participating in international
mobility programmes;
2. Euro 40,000.00 for the scholarship supplement to current graduate students (on-time
3. 5% of total scholarship funds for students belonging to families in which one or both parents
lost their jobs in the period from July 2021 to June 2022 and remain unemployed following
dismissal from an Italian company in an economic crisis.
4. 0.2% of the total funds for the granting of scholarships to students enrolled in compulsory
specialisation courses for the practice of the profession and students admitted to PhD courses
who do not benefit from the scholarship under MURST Decree no. 224.
5. 30% of the total sums for the granting of scholarships to students enrolled in the first year of all
first- and second-level courses to be distributed among the university institutions in accordance
with point 14.1 a) below.
6. A sum of no more than €15,000.00 is reserved for the disbursement of scholarships to disabled
students for the purchase of prostheses and aids, as well as all interventions that facilitate the
use of teaching and studying.
The resulting unallocated funds from each of the reserves mentioned in points 1, 2 and 6 may be used
to compensate for any shortfall in resources within the same reserves.

13.3 Any sum needed to cover the free catering service to be guaranteed to eligible students not receiving a
scholarship, enrolled in the years following the first year of all courses, will be quantified and determined
with the publication of the rankings.
13.4 The sum of EUR 100,000.00 is reserved to cover the free services provided to scholars in the event of the
early opening of accommodation and canteen services provided for in Art. 16.1 and 16.2.

13.5 The remaining sum, excluding reserves, will be distributed among students enrolled in the years following
the first year among all degree classes and within these, by course year in relation to the number of
scholarship applications received by the deadline set out in this notice.
All degree classes will be guaranteed at least one scholarship.

ART. 14

14.1 Having quantified the financial resources to be used for the awarding of scholarships, ERDIS will
formulate the single regional rankings taking into account the following criteria:
a) for those enrolled for the first time in the first year of all courses through the approval of a single
regional ranking of eligible students, without any differentiation according to degree classes,
defined in ascending order on the basis of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator; in the event
of an equal Isee value, preference will be given to the youngest student by age.
b) for students enrolled in the years subsequent to the first year of all courses, through the approval of
single regional merit rankings, arranged in descending order on the basis of the number of credits
accrued and the grades obtained, committing up to the amount of the available resources allocated
for this purpose, without prejudice to the balanced distribution of benefits among all degree classes
and by year of course, based on the number of scholarship applications received by the deadline set
out in the relative call for applications issued by ERDIS. For the formulation of the ranking list, the
ratio between credits accrued and those required for participation in the scholarship competition for
those enrolled under the new teaching system shall be taken into account, increased by the ratio
between the arithmetic mean of the marks for all the examinations taken and the thirtieths, recorded
as at 10 August of the reference year (tests and/or marks not expressed in thirtieths shall be excluded
from the calculation of the average).
The calculation shall take into account the first three decimal numbers with rounding up if the third
decimal is equal to or greater than 5 or down if less than 5. In the event of a tie, the ranking is
determined in ascending order on the basis of ISEE. In the event of a further tie, preference will be
given to the youngest student. The score resulting from the calculation as described above will
determine the position in the ranking list.
c) Credits claimed with the bonus will not be taken into account for the calculation of the score.
14.2 For students enrolled in the first year and the years following the first year of PhD and specialisation
courses, the scholarship is awarded on the basis of a single ranking established in ascending order on
the basis of financial status (ISEE).
14.3 For students enrolled in the years following the first at the Conservatory of Music, a single ranking will
be drawn up by degree level, without distinction by degree class and year.

14.4 Foreign students whose family unit does not reside in Italy and is not enrolled in the AIRE lists, who
are enrolled in a three-year degree course, master's degree course or single-cycle master's degree course
with an application duly submitted by the established deadline, whose equalised ISEE value has not yet
been determined, as they have not yet delivered the original legalised documentation required to
calculate their university parity indicator, are included in the provisional ranking list with the ISEE
corresponding to the maximum reference threshold value. Their position will be defined in the final
ranking list, following the submission, by 27 October 2022, of the original legalised documents required
for the calculation of the university parity indicator as set out in Art. 8.8 of this notice.
The aforementioned deadline of 27 October may be exceptionally extended by order of the Director-
These students will be excluded from the free benefits if they do not submit all the documentation
stipulated in the notice by the deadline; following exclusion from the benefit, they will have to return
the sum corresponding to the value of the free benefits used from the beginning of the academic year

14.5 For the purposes of assessing the student's income and assets situation, the online application procedure
will acquire the data relating to the last valid ISEE statement calculated for the right to university study
issued in the year 2022 in the INPS computer files, assessed on the basis of the DSU presented by the
student by the application deadline.
In the event that the DSU is processed at a later date, ERDIS will acquire the Isee Certificate from the
Inps database by 10 September 2022, provided that the relevant Dsu has been signed by the peremptory
deadline of the application.
The valid DSUs for the right to study calculated after 10 September 2022 and the provisional ones under
Art. 11 paragraph 8 of Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013 will be assessed when the final and definitive
rankings are approved.
Any corrections to the DSU, valid for the right to study, made after the submission of the application
and, in any case, within the terms of the notice of competition, may be verified when appealing the
provisional rankings or during the assessment phase. ERDIS disclaims all liability in the event of failure
to retrieve data from INPS's archives for reasons not attributable to ERDIS.
The student is required to verify the truthfulness and correctness of the data entered in the DSU.

14.6 Formulation of rankings for the granting of accommodation in the event that availability is
insufficient to grant the service to all students benefiting from the scholarship.
If there are not enough accommodation places to satisfy all the requests of scholarship recipients, first-
year and post-first-year students, the relevant rankings will be drawn up according to the criteria set out
in the accommodation notice.

14.7 Ranking for the provision of accommodation services to students with disabilities who are
beneficiaries of scholarships.
In the event that requests for accommodation exceed the number of places available that the organisation
has reserved for students with disabilities, places will be allocated according to a ranking of students in
ascending order of Isee.

ART. 15
15.1 Provisional rankings
Provisional rankings are drawn up on the basis of the data declared by the student when completing the
Approximately by 15 September 2022, the provisional rankings and the relevant list of excluded students
are approved by decision of the Director of ERDIS, and the allocation of accommodation can be carried
out in the immediately following days.
The outcome of the competition will be announced to all interested students by means of a special notice
on and will be available in the student's private area.
Foreign students whose ISEE value has not yet been determined because they have not submitted the
original legalised documentation for which their university parity indicator under Art. 11.2, are
ranked with the maximum value (€ 23,000.00).
15.2 Requests for review and ranking lists
No later than the fifth day following the date of publication on the site of the notice referred to in Art.
15.1 Students may propose an application for review, duly motivated and/or documented; the said
application, duly signed, must be submitted manually or sent to the relevant ERDIS office by certified
e-mail or by mail or fax accompanied by a copy of an identification document.
Requests for review will be accepted or rejected by decision of the director of the organisation. If the
appeal is upheld, the position will be determined with the approval of the scholarship ranking list.
A student, who has submitted a request for ISEE calculation for university benefits within the
deadline for the application for a study scholarship, and who has been excluded from the provisional
ranking due to the failure to record the values contained in the certificate (ISEE/ISPE etc.) within the
deadlines provided for by art. 11, paragraph 8 of Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013, may request,
through an appeal, a review of their position. If the organisation finds that the lack of the required data
is not attributable to the student, by the last day valid for the submission of appeals, it will check the
INPS database for the presence of the aforementioned values; if not, it will definitively exclude the
student from the study scholarship for the 2022/2023 academic year.

15.3 Definitive rankings
Compatibly with the dates of enrolment at the various university institutions under Art. 2 of this notice,
the ranking lists will be made final by 22 November 2022.
Students will be able to check the outcome of the competition in their reserved area which can be
consulted online; this publication counts for all intents and purposes as an 'ad personam' notice.
An appeal against the final rankings may be lodged with the Regional Administrative Court within 60
days of their publication and an extraordinary appeal to the Head of State within 120 days of their
For any further information, interested parties should contact the ERDIS Right to Study Offices.

ART. 16
To the winning students, the scholarship is awarded in services and cash in accordance with Art. 12, as follows:

16.1 The accommodation service

a. For non-resident students who are awarded a scholarship, the accommodation service will be
granted for a period of 10 months, starting, as a rule, in October 2022 and, as a rule, until July 2023.
Taking into account the needs of the different territorial realities, the Director of ERDIS may
establish by his own act a different period of use of the tenth month.
The free accommodation service, for scholarship winners of the first semester beyond the legal
duration of the courses activated in implementation of Ministerial Decree No. 270/04 and the law
reforming the institutions for higher artistic and musical education and subsequent amendments
and additions, will be granted for a period of 6 months starting normally in October 2022. They
may continue to occupy accommodation in ERDIS facilities under the conditions set out in the
notice of competition for the paid housing service.
For special needs related to the early start of teaching activities, the Director may, by his own
decision, allow the accommodation service to be opened earlier, starting from mid-September.
Scholarship recipients who obtain their degree while receiving benefits retain the right to the
monetary share of the (annual) grant, while they forfeit the services (canteen and accommodation)
associated with it.
b. Allocation of accommodation to students with disabilities.
The Accommodation Manager must take into account the type of disability of the student and, if
necessary, point out to the Institution's bodies the lack of suitable accommodation for the disabled

The disabled student or a member of his or her family, before taking possession of the
accommodation, must inspect it and make an appropriate declaration that he or she has no objection
to being accommodated in the assigned accommodation and also declare how he or she intends to
provide personal services on a 24-hour basis if the student is unable to do so independently. In the
event that they find elements incompatible with the state of disability that the organisation cannot
remove and have no suitable rooms to offer as an alternative, the accommodation will not be granted
and the amount equivalent to the service will be paid in cash.
c. A student who has been awarded a scholarship in the provisional ranking and who is subsequently
excluded from the scholarship in the definitive ranking will be charged, for the period during
which they have used the service, the rates set out in art. 5, point 7, of the three-year plan of the
Marche Region 2020 - 2023, as amended and supplemented.
d. A student who is found to be in arrears at the time of accommodation assignment, for
accommodation fees or otherwise, will have the assignment suspended; the student will be able to
use the accommodation after proving that the arrears have been settled and on condition that there
are vacancies in the accommodation facilities. The student may not request reimbursement for
services not enjoyed as a result of the suspension. Students authorised by the institution to pay their
past debts in instalments are excluded from suspension.
e. The Institution will only reimburse the accommodation fee to students receiving scholarships if,
on 17/10/2022 , it is unable to accommodate them in its own accommodation facilities due to a
lack of service or vacancies and provided that they can prove that they have been accommodated
with private individuals in return for payment for a period of no less than 10 months (5 months for
scholarship winners in the last semester). A prerequisite for reimbursement is the request to the
Housing Authority in the online application and the submission of the rental contract as per Art. 11
"Required documents" of this notice.
The Director with his own provision, taking into account the needs that may arise especially in
relation to the different availability of beds in the various territorial locations, may set different
deadlines from the one determined above (17/10/2022).
Reimbursement of the accommodation fee is normally made in two instalments unless otherwise
stipulated by an act of the Director.
f. Failure to request the accommodation service at the time of application does not entail payment of
the relevant fee.
In the event of renunciation of the accommodation place, the relevant fees will be used to grant
scholarships to other students.
Within the strict deadline (under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit) of five days from the date of
publication of the relative notice on the Institution's website, the student named as the winner must
communicate acceptance of the post exclusively by filling in and sending the form (online)

specially prepared and available in his/her reserved area where he/she may also view the results of
the competition.
The date of publication of the notice on the Institution's website shall be the date of commencement
of the period allowed for acceptance of the post and for all other legal purposes.
By acceptance, the non-bursary winning student undertakes to pay the tuition fees with effect from
the date of allocation of the place.
Afterwards, the winning students will be notified of the allocation date. Students who do not take
possession of the room by collecting the key by the date specified in the allocation notice sent by
ERDIS will be considered forfeited.
Upon entering the accommodation, the student may be asked to complete a questionnaire/triage
regarding their health condition.
Any beds that become free will be considered by the institution as part of its overall availability
and used for subsequent allocations to other students. Any requests for accommodation from
students who have not taken possession by the above-mentioned deadlines may only be considered
again if there are still vacancies after all the rankings have been exhausted.
g. The Institution's University Residence Regulations apply to the student beneficiaries.
h. Student beneficiaries must pay a deposit of € 100.00 upon entry. This deposit will be refunded, for
those who are eligible and if they are no longer allocated a place in university residence, at the
beginning of the new academic year (October 2023).

16.1 bis Erdis will host the participants in the National University Championships to be held in
Camerino in May or June 2023 in its own accommodation facilities in Camerino, therefore guests in the
halls of residence involved, as defined by provision of the competent Director, must vacate their beds
for the necessary period specified in the same provision.
Non-resident scholarship holders involved in travel may request to receive the cash equivalent of the
accommodation service for the period in question, in lieu of another bed, which the institution will in
any case be obliged to guarantee. On the other hand, students with a paid bed will be exempt from paying
tuition fees for the same period.

16.2 The canteen service

All students will be entitled to use the catering service free of charge for the duration of the scholarship.
Non-resident students who have been awarded a scholarship are entitled to two meals a day (lunch and
dinner) at the canteens run by the organisation or in agreement with it, normally during the period from
01/10/2022 to 30/09/2023 (excluding periods when the service is closed).

Resident and commuter students who have been awarded a scholarship are entitled to a daily meal at the
canteens run by the organisation or in agreement with it, normally during the period 01/10/2022 until
30/09/2023 (excluding periods when the service is closed).
For special needs related to the early start of teaching activities, the Director may, by his own decision,
allow the catering service to open earlier, starting from mid-September.
The Institution will reimburse the canteen contribution to all students receiving a scholarship and to
eligible students in the years following the first if it is not in a position to provide this service free of
charge or if it is unable to provide adequate meals to the student suffering from a specific pathology.
In this case, the student must submit a special request by 18 October 2022 on the form made available
by the Institution, enclosing the documentation indicated in Art. 11.3 letter h) of this notice.
If the organisation monetises the canteen service, students will be able to access the agreed canteens at
the rates of paying students.
Students awarded scholarships for the additional semester will be able to use the paid catering service
from 1/04/2023.

16.3 Disbursement of the cash portion of the scholarship

The monetary part of the scholarship, if provided for, to the extent due, will be paid in accordance with
the times and procedures specified below:
a. The first instalment of the scholarship, amounting to 50% of the monetary share, will be paid by
31 December 2022.
For foreign students from outside the European Union enrolled in the first year of the course, the
first instalment of the scholarship will be paid upon achievement of the credits required to maintain
the scholarship (See art. 7 of this notice) except in cases where:
1. they submit an appropriate guarantee as referred to in Art. 11 of this notice or surety guarantee;
2. belong to households that have submitted tax returns to the Italian State for the tax year 2020.
Students in the last semester will receive their fees in a lump sum with the payment of the first
Students who are awaiting exam validation will be paid the cash fee, if due, in a lump sum by June
b. The second instalment:
1. for students enrolled in years subsequent to the first year and for disabled students enrolled
in the first year will be disbursed no later than 30 June 2023.
2. for those enrolled in the first year, will be paid upon achievement by 10/08/2023 of the merit
requirements set out in points n. 1-2 of Art. 7 of this notice.

c. Modalities for collecting the cash share
The cash portion of the scholarship will be disbursed in one of the following ways:
1. credited to a current account (opened at an Italian bank) in the name of or jointly held by
the student;
2. prepaid card in the student's name or co-owned by the student with anInternational Bank
Account Number (IBAN) referring to an Italian bank.
At the time of application, the student must therefore indicate the IBAN to which the payment should
be made; if he/she does not have an IBAN, he/she must notify the Institution by 30/11/2022 using only
the online procedure, otherwise the payment will be suspended.
The organisation will pay the cash fee using the last bank details (IBAN) communicated by the student.
No payment may be made in favour of a student who has not yet communicated his or her tax code to
the Institution.

16.4 Other provisions concerning the catering and accommodation service.

Withdrawal, non-use of the canteen and/or accommodation service, or exclusion from these
services as a result of a disciplinary measure, does not entail the payment of the relevant cash part,
nor the possibility of transferring free use of the service to other students.
Scholarship winners may not claim any reimbursement for unused canteen and accommodation services
during the opening or closing periods of the university canteens and accommodation services.
Scholarship winners enrolled in dual degree programmes attending courses abroad will have the portion
of the scholarship not used in services paid out in cash in proportion to the days spent abroad certified
by the university institutions referred to in Art. 2.
The free services provided to the student, who is the beneficiary of a scholarship for the additional
semester, cease by the tenth day of graduation, but no later than 31 March 2023.

ART. 17
Students receiving a scholarship in the 2022/2023 academic year, including those enrolled on PhD courses,
are entitled for one time only for each course and for one time only for those enrolled in courses at higher
institutes of higher education at university level to a supplement to the scholarship for participation in
international mobility programmes, both within the framework of programmes promoted by the European
Union and of non-EU programmes.

Participation in such programmes and the period of study and/or placement abroad must also be recognised in
terms of credits within one's course of study for the purposes of the final examination.
For the above-mentioned purposes, on the basis of its financial resources, the institution grants bursary holders
a supplement to the bursary in the amount of € 600.00, on a monthly basis, for the duration of the period spent
abroad, up to a maximum of ten months, subject to certification by the university institutions referred to in art.
2, which promotes the mobility programme, regardless of the country of destination. The amount of the
supplement must be deducted from the amount of the scholarship awarded from EU funds or other bilateral
agreement, including non-EU funds.
The scholarship is limited to the period of stay abroad subsidised by the university institutions with an
international mobility scholarship. Scholarship recipients for the last semester resulting in the ranking list for
this scholarship will benefit from the supplement for a maximum of five months.
The application for the scholarship is submitted when filling out the online application form.

In the case of participation in mobility programmes with quotas subsequent to the first one, applications may
be submitted after the authorisation to participate in international mobility, with no guarantee of acceptance
by ERDIS, which, within the scope of any residual funds available for this programme, reserves the right to
pay the supplement after the allocation of scholarships to students with applications within the deadline.
For disbursement of the scholarship, the organisation will create a reserve of EUR 200,000.00.

If there are insufficient funds available to guarantee the integration of all eligible students, rankings will be
drawn up according to the criteria described below:
90% of the fund is earmarked for students enrolled in years subsequent to the first year, while the remaining
10% is reserved for students enrolled in the first year.
The position in the ranking list is determined:
• for students enrolled in the years following the first year: in descending order of the coefficient of merit
drawn up in the final ranking for the 2022/2023 academic year according to the criteria set out in art. 14
letter b) of this notice. In the event of a tie, the position is determined in ascending order on the basis of
ISEE. In the event of a further tie, preference will be given to the youngest student;
• for students enrolled in the first year: in ascending order based on ISEE. In the event of a tie, preference
will be given to the youngest student .

However, full payment of the contribution is guaranteed to the student who would only receive a partial
payment due to the scarcity of the fund in relation to his or her ranking.

The advance may be granted up to a maximum of 70% of the contribution and may be disbursed on request
before the programme starts, only if the timing of the start coincides with that of the publication of the final
ranking lists.
If the information from the university institutions has not yet been received for the purpose of disbursing the
advance, the data self-declared by the students in the online application may be taken into account and as the
amount of the scholarship from European Union funds or other bilateral agreement, including non-EU funds,
the amount of 200.00 euro per month may be provisionally counted in the calculation.
At the end of the period of stay, the contribution will be related to the number of days actually spent abroad
recognised by the university or other university institution.
The final instalment will be paid at the end of the academic year, subject to verification of the achievement of
the results envisaged in the mobility programme.
If verification of the achievement of the results envisaged in the mobility programme is not passed, the amount
of the scholarship paid as an advance will be recovered.
A student who spends a shorter period than the one declared must repay the sums equivalent to the months not
actually spent abroad.
Provided that there are vacancies, students participating in International Mobility Programmes, holders of
scholarships with accommodation in the organisation's housing facilities have the right, on their return to Italy,
to be reintegrated into their accommodation with priority over all other students.
In addition, scholarship winners who meet the credit recognition requirement will be paid the cash amount for
accommodation and canteen services not used during their stay abroad at the end of the academic year, in
proportion to the number of days they did not use these services during the 2022/2023 academic year (from
October 2022 to the end of September 2023). The non-resident student is aware that acceptance of the request
for monetisation of the accommodation service is conditional on the return, before departure, of any room
allocated, free of all personal belongings.
If the student has never taken possession of the accommodation, before or on return from their stay abroad, no
reimbursement will be made unless the student spends a period of ten months abroad (five months for winners
of the additional semester), rounded upwards, starting in October.
If the student spends a period abroad of less than ten months and on his or her return the Institution has been
unable to secure an accommodation place for him or her, the period equivalent to the difference between the
months spent abroad and the ten months will also be monetised.

Art. 18
18.1 Students who, for the academic year 2022/2023, enrol in courses of study activated by the university
institutions referred to in Art. 2 of this notice who did not submit an application by the deadline set out
in art. 10(1), and those who, despite having applied within the deadline, consider that their

application is flawed, may apply for the scholarship after that deadline, but no later than 13/9/2022.
In cases of necessity and urgency, the Director may extend the above-mentioned time limit by their
own act.
Further rankings will be drawn up and scholarships will be granted to students meeting the requirements
of the call for applications only on condition that, once the scholarships have been awarded to all eligible
students who have applied by the deadline set out in Article 10, the necessary financial resources are
Students named as winners will be allocated any remaining available accommodation.
18.2 Students who have already been assessed as eligible or successful in previous rankings will be
declared ineligible.
18.3 There are further substantial differences to be taken into account as listed below:
a) Art. 10 para. 1: The automatic protocol procedure is active until 6 p.m. on 13 September 2022;
b) Art. 10: The application must be received no later than 18.00 on 13 September 2022;
c) Art. 15.1: The list of excluded persons is ratified and the provisional list of eligible persons is
approved when sufficient knowledge of the funds that can be disbursed is available;
d) Art. 15.2: Any requests for review may be submitted within 5 days after the publication of the
notice of the competition results on the website;
e) Art. 16.1: Students who could not be allocated accommodation after the publication of the rankings
and who have concluded a rental contract for a period of no less than 10 months must submit a
copy of this contract by 21 December 2022.

ART. 19

Eligible students, who do not receive a scholarship due to insufficient funds, are eligible to use the catering
service free of charge, with the exception of students enrolled in the first year who are charged € 5.50 for a full
meal or € 3. 30 or € 3.00 for a reduced meal.
In accordance with the principle of precedence, reserved for students who have been declared scholarship
winners, the remaining accommodation places will be granted to eligible non-resident students, if they have
applied for them, for a period of 10 months at a minimum cost of €180.00 or another rate based on the
accommodation service diversification adopted for the relevant area.

ART. 20

Students are excluded from the competition:
• those who do not meet the merit and income requirements set out in Articles 7 and 8 of this notice;
• those who are not enrolled for the academic year 2022/2023 at the various university institutions without prejudice
to the provisions of Art. 2.2 in the case of students applying for scholarships for the last semester;
• those who hold another degree of equal or higher level, obtained in Italy or abroad;
• those who have incurred disciplinary sanctions higher than a reprimand applied by the competent bodies of the
university institutions or other disciplinary sanctions applied by the institution whereby the student is excluded from
all services for the whole of their school career;
• those who have had their scholarships or other forms of assistance withdrawn in one of the previous years due to
misrepresentation, deception, fraud, wilful misconduct or otherwise;
• those who receive other scholarships or grants or places in colleges or boarding schools, including scholarships
granted by the University and those awarded to students enrolled on PhD courses. This prohibition does not apply to
students who have been awarded scholarships by national or foreign institutions to supplement the training or research
activities of scholarship holders by means of stays abroad;
• who have sent or delivered the application printout that is without signature, incomplete, lacking certain documents
or with incorrect documents and who, pursuant to Art. 71(2) of Presidential Decree. 445/2000, have not rectified the
irregularities detected ex officio that do not constitute falsities;
• those who have not produced the documentation required under Art. 11 of this notice (foreign students);
• those who have produced the documentation without legalisation by the competent authorities required under Art. 11
of this notice (foreign students);
• those who have not completed and submitted their application online;
• those who failed to submit the paper application in the event that the student used weak authentication when accessing
the online application;
• those who have not closed and/or sent the online application to the protocol in the case of strong authentication;
• those who have signed the DSU for benefits for the right to study after the deadline for submitting the scholarship
• those for whom it has not been possible to acquire the ISEE data by the deadlines provided for in Article 11(8)
of Prime Ministerial Decree 159/2013 and in particular applications that refer to ISEE certificates/DSU:
a. Not available from the INPS database;
b. Do not contain the ISEE for benefits for the right to study and/or not related to the student applying for
c. Not yet calculated to determine ISEE values (attestation);
• those who have submitted their application after the deadline laid down in this notice;
• those who are enrolled in supplementary years or are repeating a year;
• foreign nationals who are not in possession of a residence permit for the academic year 2022/2023.

ART. 21


The benefit will be withdrawn from students who:

a. during the period of the benefit or eligibility, have been subject to disciplinary sanctions exceeding
a warning applied by the competent bodies of the university institutions;
b. investigations carried out show that they have not correctly declared the economic/asset situation
of their household and that this is relevant for the award of the scholarship;
c. have transferred to another university institution with registered office outside the Marche Region
or have renounced their studies (before 31 August) during the 2022/2023 academic year, even if
they have obtained the credits required to maintain the scholarship;
d. have requested suspension of their studies during the academic year;
e. are recipients of study scholarships and allowances or other benefits provided by other institutions,
without prejudice to the option provided for in the same article. Revocation does not apply to
students who have been awarded scholarships by national or foreign institutions to supplement the
training or research activities of scholarship holders by means of stays abroad.
f. on 30/11/2023 (students enrolled in the 2022/2023 academic year) have not met the merit
requirements set out in art. 7, paragraph 7.14, of this notice, excluding students with disabilities;
g. have been expelled from the Institution's accommodation facilities for behaviour incompatible with
living in shared facilities; in this case the student shall have no right to claim the monetisation of the
remaining services or the payment of any outstanding cash sums;
h. renounce their scholarship;
i. incur in one of the causes of exclusion, subsequent to the concession acts, provided for in Art. 20
of this notice.

Art. 22



Students who will be subject to a revocation measure, without prejudice, in any case, to the application of the
criminal provisions for acts constituting offences, where provided for by the legislation in force, must
1. return any sums received.
2. reimburse the monetary value of the services used accounted for according to the rates provided
for in Art. 5, point 7, of the three-year plan of the Marche Region 2020 - 2023, as amended and

3. regularise their student contribution position with their university institution.
The sums may be paid in the manner and within the time limits set out in the revocation decision.
At the request of the person concerned, the Institution grants the amounts due to be paid in instalments up to a
maximum of 36 monthly instalments of an amount normally no less than € 100.00.
If the amount exceeds EUR 5,000.00, a larger number of instalments may be allowed.
Instalments are due on the last day of the month starting from the month in which the instalment request is
made. Failure to pay six consecutive instalments results in forfeiture of the benefit of the instalments and the
obligation to pay the remaining amount immediately in a single instalment.
The withdrawal of the scholarship and the sums already paid will not be recovered if the student died before

ART. 23


23.1 Assessment of economic status

Pursuant to Art. 10, point 3(4) of the Three-Year Plan (Resolution no. 113 of 30/06/2020 and subsequent
amendments and additions) ERDIS performs checks on the truthfulness of the declarations made by the
students concerning their economic condition and the composition of their household, in accordance with the
criteria and procedures established by the Regulation approved by resolution of the ERDIS Board of Directors
at its meeting of 24/06/2019.
23.2 At the conclusion of the verification in cases where a discrepancy is ascertained between the income
declared for tax purposes or other Isee components, including those of a financial nature, and what has been
declared in the single substitute declaration for Isee purposes that leads to the forfeiture or reduction of the
benefit, an executive act shall be issued:
a. the re-determination of the amount of the benefit in the event that the verifications reveal minor differences
that do not change the eligibility conditions of the intervention. This results in the student being obliged to
repay the difference between what was paid out and what was actually due, with reference to both the monetary
part and the ancillary services part;
b. the withdrawal of the benefit in the event that Isee or Ispe values incompatible with the granting of the
benefit have been ascertained and confirmed for the student. In this case, the student, who immediately forfeits
the benefit and loses the right to obtain other benefits for the duration of the course of study, must return the
sums received and reimburse the monetary value of the services used, accounted for in accordance with the
rates set out in Art. 5, point 7, of the three-year plan of the Marche Region 2020 - 2023 approved by resolution
of the Marche Regional Council no. 113 of 30/6/2020 as amended and supplemented.

The student will also be subject to the sanctions set out in Art. 10 of Legislative Decree No. 68/2012 consisting
in the payment of a sum three times the amount received or the value of the services unduly used, without
prejudice in any event to the application of the sanction provided for in Art. 38, par. 3, of Legislative Decree
no. 78 of 31/5/2010 converted with amendments by L. no. 122/2010 as well as the criminal law for criminal
23.3 Findings of Merit
ERDIS ascertains merit status through computerised access to the University Student Secretariat database
when made available and/or by requesting information from the University Institutions' secretariats.
In order to ensure compliance with the deadlines laid down in the notice for the granting of services, checks
and verifications on the truthfulness of students' self-certifications may also be carried out after the benefits
have been disbursed.
The competent manager will, by his own determination, revoke or re-quantify the amount of the scholarship
in the following cases:
• lack of the merit requirement necessary to qualify for the benefit;
• is enrolled in a different course of study and/or at a different level from the one indicated in the application;
this provision applies in the event that the indication of a different course of study has resulted in the
awarding of a scholarship that the student, had he made truthful declarations, would not otherwise have
obtained (for lack of merit, lack of funds, etc.). The benefit will be recalculated in its value if the established
merit requirement results in a lower benefit entitlement than the one obtained.
The student will be required to reimburse the fees for services unduly enjoyed, in the manner set out in Art.
Notice of the revocation of the scholarship will be forwarded to the competent academic authorities for
appropriate action regarding the payment of fees.

ART. 24

The General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 27 April 2016) hereinafter also referred to as the 'GDPR' on the protection of individuals with
regard to the processing of personal data provides for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing
of personal data as a fundamental right.
Pursuant to Art. 13 of the GDPR the personal data provided to ERDIS Marche - Ente regionale per il diritto
allo studio universitario will be processed for institutional purposes only.

Data controller and DPO

The data controller is ERDIS Marche - Ente Regionale Diritto allo Studio in the person of the delegate of the
legal representative, the Director General. The contact details of the controller are:

Address: Via Tiziano n.44 - 61025 Ancona (AN) - Italy - Telephone: 0722 351970
email: [email protected]; Pec: [email protected] tel: 0722 35191
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Ing. Mauro Raimondi. The contact details of the DPO are:
Address: Via V. Veneto, 43 – 61029 Urbino (PU) - Italy - Telephone: 0722 351970
email: [email protected]; Pec: [email protected] Tel. 0722 305234

Type of data processed

Personal data - any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'), i.e. one
who can be identified directly or indirectly by an identifier such as a name, identification number, location
data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his or her physical, physiological, genetic,
mental, economic, cultural or social identity (Art. 4 para. 1 no. 1 of the GDPR)
Special data category - such as racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs,
trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning a person's health, sex life or sexual
orientation (Art. 9 of the GDPR)
Purpose of processing and legal basis
In compliance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, appropriateness, relevance and
necessity set out in Art. 5(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ERDIS, as Data Controller, will process personal
data exclusively for the purposes related to the performance of the institutional tasks of public interest vested
in the Data Controller.
In particular, the aforementioned data will be collected and processed manually, in hard and digital format, by
means of their inclusion in paper and/or computer files for the pursuit of a set of operations, carried out by
electronic and automated means, referred to in Regional Law no. 4/2017, in particular for the following
a) Drawing up the rankings for the allocation of scholarships and university accommodation as per D.P.C.M.
of 9 April 2001 and Legislative Decree no. 68 of 29 March 2012 and subsequent granting of the relevant
b) provision of other contributions, facilities and services related to the right to university study;
c) ERDIS identification card issued;
d) statistics and historical and scientific research, on aggregated or anonymous data, without the possibility
of identifying the user.
e) compliance with legally binding requests to fulfil a legal obligation, regulations or court orders, as well
as to defend a right in court ERDIS may also process data to fulfil a legal obligation and/or to defend its
own right in court.
In connection with the above-mentioned purposes, processing may be carried out manually, on paper and also
with the aid of electronic or otherwise automated means.

Data are collected and processed in special document files/servers. ERDIS will take all measures to promptly
rectify data that are inaccurate with respect to the purposes of processing. Personal data are processed using
appropriate technical and organisational security measures in accordance with Art. 32 of the EU Regulation
so as to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk by minimising the risks of destruction or loss,
unauthorised access or processing not in accordance with the purposes of collection. Personal data are not
subject to automated decision-making or profiling.
Data categories for the evaluation of economic requirements
Pursuant to art. 14 of the GDPR we inform you that for the purposes indicated under letters a) and b) and in
order to assess the possession of the necessary economic requirements, ERDIS will have to acquire the ISEU
value, the composition of the household unit, as well as all the information provided in the DSU, provided that
it is relevant and not excessive for the same purpose, directly from the INPS database in application of the
D.P.C.M. no 159 of 5 December 2013.
Particular categories of data
For the above-mentioned processing purposes, in specific situations, particular categories of data may be
collected and processed, subject to the explicit consent given in the application for benefit, such as - racial and
ethnic origin (for non-EU citizens, and for refugee status); - health status (in case of pregnancy or for disabled
students); - judicial data (for users and detained students); - sexual life (for possible rectification of sex
Categories of data recipients and possible data transfer
The data processed for the above purposes will be communicated or will in any case be accessible to the
employees and collaborators assigned to the competent offices of ERDIS, who, in their capacity as data
protection contact persons and/or system administrators and/or data processors, will be adequately instructed
by the data controller for this purpose.
ERDIS may also disclose the personal data it holds to other public administrations if they have to process the
same for any procedures falling within their own institutional competence, as well as to all those public entities
to which, if the relevant prerequisites are met, disclosure is compulsorily provided for by Community
provisions, laws or regulations, as well as to insurance companies for any accident cases.
The data may be communicated to the Marche Region, to the University of Studies, to AFAM Institutions, to
other University Institutions, to INPS, to the Inland Revenue Agency, to the Ministry of Education, University
and Research, to the Ministry of the Interior, to the Ministry of Defence, to the National Association for the
Right to University Studies (Andisu), as well as to other public and/or private entities for control, statistical or
research purposes or necessary for the preparation of the ERDIS identification card.
Personal data may also be disclosed to public administrations and public or private companies where activities
necessary to support the provision of services may take place.

ERDIS avails itself of the support of external suppliers for the provision of certain services necessary for
technical-administrative management, who may become aware of students' personal data for the sole purpose
of the requested service.
The management and storage of the personal data collected by ERDIS takes place on servers located within
the local centers and/or on external servers of suppliers of certain services required for the technical-
administrative management that may come to know the personal data of the persons concerned solely for the
purposes of the service requested.
The data collected, for the pursuit of any of the above institutional purposes and with the express consent of
the data subject, may have to be transferred to a country outside the European Union (so called third country).
Personal data will not be subject to dissemination.
Data retention period
Personal data relating to the registry will be stored indefinitely, taking into account the archiving obligations
imposed by current legislation. Other data collected for the use of services and for communications will be
retained for the time period stipulated by current legislation or ERDIS regulations.
Rights of the data subject
The data subject has the right to request the following from ERDIS, as Data Controller, in accordance with
Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21 of the GDPR:
• access to one's personal data and to all the information referred to in Article 15 of the GDPR;
• the rectification of inaccurate personal data and the integration of incomplete data;
• the deletion of one's own data, except for those contained in documents that must be compulsorily kept by
ERDIS and unless there is an overriding legitimate reason to proceed with the processing;
• limitation of processing in the cases referred to in Article 18 of the GDPR.
The data subject also has the right:
• to object to the processing of their personal data, subject to the provisions concerning the necessity and
obligatory nature of data processing in order to benefit from the services offered;
• to revoke any consent given for non-compulsory data processing, without thereby affecting the lawfulness
of the processing based on the consent given before revocation.
Withdrawal of consent may only be exercised for optional processing.
Methods of exercising rights
The data subject may exercise all the above rights by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer at the
following e-mail address: [email protected] or at the Pec address: [email protected]
The data subject is also entitled to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority pursuant to Art. 77 of
the GDPR.

Obligation to provide data
The person concerned is obliged to provide the personal data requested, any refusal or request for cancellation
or opposition or restriction of processing will result in exclusion from the competitions and the impossibility
of using the services requested.
Compliance with GDPR principles
In addition to what is indicated in the text of the individual information notice, it is ensured that all processing
will be based on the principles laid down in the GDPR, with particular regard to the lawfulness, correctness
and transparency of the processing, the use of data for specified, explicit, legitimate purposes, in a manner
relevant to the processing, respecting the principles of data minimisation, accuracy, limitation of storage,
integrity and confidentiality, accountability (Art. 5 of the Regulation).

ART. 25
The officials in charge of the "Right to Study" organisational positions, each according to their area of
responsibility, are appointed as responsible for the procedure for granting scholarships.

ART. 26
For all matters not expressly provided for herein, reference is made to the Regional Plan for the Right to
Education for the three-year period 2020 - 2023 approved by resolution no. 113 of 30/6/2020 of the Marche
Regional Council and subsequent amendments and additions, to the resolution of the Marche Regional
Council approving the Regional Programme for the right to university study for the academic year 2022/2023,
to Regional Law no. 4 of 20/2/2017, to Legislative Decree no. 68 of 29/03/2012, the Prime Ministerial Decree
of 09/04/2001 "Uniformity of treatment in the right to university studies", Ministerial Decree no. 1320 of
17/12/2021 and Mur circular no. 13676 of 11/5/2022.
In the event that regional or state measures are subsequently approved that lay down different rules to the
provisions of this notice, the Director General is authorised to issue his own measure that allows the notice
to be brought fully into line with the aforementioned regulations.

Annex A) - Commuter municipalities referring to the locations of the various university institutions in the
Marche region
Municipality of residence
Agugliano, Belvedere Ostrense, Camerano, Camerata Picena, Castelbellino,
Castelfidardo, Castelplanio, Chiaravalle, Civitanova Marche, Falconara Marittima,
Fano, Filottrano, Jesi, Loreto, Mondolfo, Monsano, Monte San Vito, Montefano,
ANCONA Montemarciano, Morro d'Alba, Numana, Offagna, Osimo, Ostra, Pedaso, Pesaro,
Polverigi, Porto Recanati, Porto San Giorgio, Porto Sant'Elpidio, Potenza Picena,
Recanati, San Marcello, Santa Maria Nuova, Senigallia, Serra San Quirico, Sirolo,
Acquasanta Terme, Castel di Lama, Colli del Tronto, Folignano, Maltignano,
ASCOLI PICENO Monsampolo del Tronto, Monteprandone, Nereto, Palmiano, Roccafluvione, San
Benedetto del Tronto, Sant’Egidio alla Vibrata, Sant’Omero, Spinetoli, Venarotta
Belforte del Chienti, Caldarola, Castelraimondo, Cerreto D’Esi, Esanatoglia,
CAMERINO Fiuminata, Gagliole, Matelica, Montecavallo, Muccia, Pieve Torina, Pioraco, San
Severino Marche, Sefro, Serravalle di Chienti, Tolentino, Valfornace.
Cerreto d’Esi, Esanatoglia, Fossato di Vico, Genga, Jesi, Matelica, Sassoferrato,
Serra San Quirico, Sigillo.
Acqualagna, Ancona, Cartoceto, Castel Colonna, Cattolica, Colli al Metauro,
Falconara Marittima, Fossombrone, Fratte Rosa, Gabicce Mare, Gradara, Misano
Adriatico Mombaroccio, Mondavio, Mondolfo Monteciccardo, Montefelcino,
FANO Monte Porzio, Pesaro, Ripe, San Costanzo, Sant’Ippolito, Senigallia, Riccione,
Rimini, Tavullia, Terre Roveresche, Vallefoglia.
Altidona, Belmonte Piceno, Campofilone, Carassai, Civitanova Marche,
Cupramarittima, Falerone, Francavilla d’Ete, Grottammare, Grottazzolina,
Lapedona, Loreto, Magliano di Tenna, Massignano, Monsampietro Morico, Monte
San Giusto, Monte San Pietrangeli, Monte Urano, Monte Vidon Combatte, Monte
FERMO Vidon Corrado, Montefiore dell’Aso, Montegiberto, Montegiorgio, Montegranaro,
Monteleone di Fermo, Monterinaldo, Monterubbiano, Monte San Martino,
Montottone, Moresco, Ortezzano, Pedaso, Petritoli, Ponzano di Fermo, Porto
Recanati, Porto San Giorgio, Porto Sant’Elpidio, Rapagnano, San Benedetto del
Tronto, Sant’Elpidio a Mare, Servigliano, Torre San Patrizio
Agugliano, Ancona, Apiro, Belvedere Ostrense, Camerata Picena, Castelbellino,
Castelplanio, Chiaravalle, Cingoli, Cupramontana, Fabriano, Falconara Marittima,
Filottrano, Genga, Maiolati Spontini, Mergo, Monsano, Monte San Vito,
JESI Montecarotto, Montemarciano, Monteroberto, Morro d'Alba, Offagna, Osimo,
Ostra, Ostra Vetere, Poggio San Marcello, Polverigi, Rosora, San Marcello, San
Paolo di Jesi, Santa Maria Nuova, Senigallia, Serra De' Conti, Serra San Quirico,
Appignano, Belforte del Chienti, Cingoli, Civitanova Marche, Colmurano,
Corridonia, Filottrano, Francavilla d'Ete, Loreto, Loro Piceno, Mogliano, Monte
MACERATA San Giusto, Montecassiano, Montecosaro, Montefano, Montegranaro,
Montelupone, Morrovalle, Petriolo, Pollenza, Potenza Picena, Recanati, Ripe San
Ginesio, San Severino Marche, Tolentino, Treia, Urbisaglia.
Camerino, Castelraimondo, Cerreto D’Esi, Esanatoglia, Fabriano, Gagliole,
Genga, Pioraco, San Severino Marche, Sefro.
Appignano, Castelfidardo, Corridonia, Filottrano, Loreto, Macerata, Montefano,
Montelupone, Osimo, Pollenza, Recanati, Treia, Urbisaglia.

Ancona, Auditore, Cattolica, Colli al Metauro, Falconara Marittima, Fano,
Fossombrone, Gabicce Mare, Gradara, Misano Adriatico, Mombaroccio,
PESARO Montecalvo in Foglia, Monteciccardo, Montelabbate, Morciano di Romagna,
Petriano, Riccione, Rimini, Saludecio, San Costanzo, San Giovanni in Marignano,
Senigallia, Tavullia, Vallefoglia.
Acquaviva Picena, Alba Adriatica, Altidona, Ascoli Piceno, Campofilone,
Carassai, Castel di Lama, Castorano, Civitanova Marche, Colli del Tronto,
Colonnella, Controguerra, Corropoli, Cossignano, Cupramarittima, Fermo,
Giulianova, Grottammare, Lapedona, Maltignano, Martinsicuro, Massignano,
Monsampolo del Tronto, Montefiore dell’Aso, Monteprandone, Monterubbiano,
Moresco, Nereto, Offida, Ortezzano, Pedaso, Petritoli, Porto San Giorgio, Porto
Sant’Elpidio, Ripatransone, Spinetoli, Tortoreto.
Acqualagna, Cagli, Cartoceto, Fermignano, Fossombrone, Mercatello sul Metauro,
URBINO Montecalvo in Foglia, Montelabbate, Peglio, Petriano, Sant’Angelo In Vado,
Urbania, Vallefoglia.

Definition of the list of particularly poor countries for the academic year
2022/2023. (Mur Decree no. 344/2022)

Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Sudan
Syrian Arab Republic


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