Construction and Building Materials: Apeksha Kanojia, Sarvesh K. Jain
Construction and Building Materials: Apeksha Kanojia, Sarvesh K. Jain
Construction and Building Materials: Apeksha Kanojia, Sarvesh K. Jain
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A large amount of waste coconut shell is generated in India from temples and industries of coconut pro-
Received 7 July 2016 duct and its disposal need to be addressed. Researchers have proposed to utilize it as ingredient of con-
Received in revised form 11 January 2017 crete. This experimental investigation was aimed to quantify the effects of replacing partially the
Accepted 14 February 2017
conventional coarse aggregate by coconut shell to produce concrete. The research work was divided into
two parts. First part was aimed to observe the effect of such replacement on compressive strength and
density of concrete. In the second part, the aim was to find out the additional quantity of cement required
to compensate for reduction in strength of concrete resulted due to this replacement. It was found that
with increasing proportion of coconut shells, there is decrement in compressive strength. Results
Sustainability revealed that with 40% replacement of conventional coarse aggregate by coconut shell, 7 days compres-
Coconut shell sive strength of concrete decreased by 62.6%; whereas decrease in 28 days compressive strength was only
Compressive strength 21.5%. 40% replacement makes the concrete lighter by 7.47%. Further, it was revealed that for mix design
Waste disposal of concrete of 20 N/mm2 characteristic strength, no additional cement is required for 5% replacement and
only 3.6% additional cement was required for 10% replacement. The results confirm that although there is
an increase in cost due to additional cement requirement, the advantages being many, including efficient
utilization of waste coconut shell, reduction in natural source depletion etc, the use of coconut shell in
concrete seems to be a feasible option. Such study will help to arrive at final decision regarding quantity
of coconut shell for replacing conventional aggregates in concrete production.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Kanojia, S.K. Jain / Construction and Building Materials 140 (2017) 150–156 151
solution is either (i) to minimize the waste at production level or done as prescribed by Indian standards [7,8]. A total of 138 con-
(ii) to utilize the waste materials for some positive activity. In view crete cubes were tested in this experimental investigation. Tests,
of these issues, reuse of various types of waste materials for con- as prescribed by Indian Standards, were performed to determine
crete production has been investigated and reported such as fly the properties of the ingredients. The study was carried out in
ash [26]; industrial slag [20]; waste plastic [14]; over burnt bricks two phases. In the first part, mix design of M20 grade of control
[2]; coconut shell [1]; oil palm shell [24]; waste rubber tyres [4]; concrete (i.e. concrete with no coconut shell) was carried out for
Waste glass [22]; recycled coarse aggregate [16]; papercrete etc. maximum permissible w/c ratio of 0.55. Then, CA was replaced
[19]. Ismail and Jaeel [15] reported an extensive study on use of by CS in the proportions (i) 10%, (ii) 20%, (iii) 30% and (iv) 40% by
Giant reed to replace aggregate in concrete. From such studies, it volume respectively, keeping w/c ratio and quantity of other ingre-
may be believed that innovation in the construction industry will dients constant. 7 days and 28 days compressive strength and den-
mainly focus on use of industrial and agro wastes or by-products sity of concrete was obtained for these concrete mixes.
that are suitable for partial replacement of conventional ingredi- In the second part, the mix design for obtaining M20 concrete
ents of concrete. Waste coconut shell has potential of being used was carried out for varying proportion of CA & CS. Six ratios of
as coarse aggregate in concrete [17]. The present study focuses CA and CS considered were (100:0); (95:5); (90:10); (85:15);
on use of waste coconut shell (CS) as partial replacement of con- (80:20) and (75:25). Proportioning of ingredients was carried out
ventional coarse aggregate (CA) for concrete production. at three different w/c ratios (0.55; 0.50; 0.45) and the w/c ratio,
which resulted into desired target strength, was arrived at from
compressive strength versus w/c ratio curves.
2. Application of coconut shell as coarse aggregate
Coconut is grown in more than 86 countries. India occupies the 3.1. Material used
premier position in the world with an annual production of 13 bil-
lion nuts [21]. The coconut industry in India accounts for about one In this study, the materials used were Ordinary Portland
sixth of the world’s total coconut oil output and is set to grow fur- Cement, Potable Water, Natural Sand, and Crushed Coarse Aggre-
ther with the global increase in demand. Table 1 shows the world’s gates. Waste coconut shell was used as a partial replacement of
top five countries by coconut production [5]. conventional crushed coarse aggregate. Details of materials used
However, it is also the contributor to the nation’s pollution are provided in following section.
problem as a solid waste in the form of waste coconut shells. In
view of huge demand, naturally available conventional aggregates 3.1.1. Cement
are depleting fast and becoming scarce. Waste coconut shell may Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade was used in this study.
also be considered as one of the replacement alternative. Tests for cement were carried out according to standards [9] and
Properties of coconut shell which may make it suitable coarse the results are presented in Table 2.
aggregate for concrete are (i) its high strength and modulus prop-
erties; (ii) its high lignin content that makes the composites more
weather resistant; (iii) its low cellulose content due to which it 3.1.2. Fine aggregate
absorbs less moisture as compared to other agricultural waste; Natural sand conforming to Zone I was used as fine aggregate in
(iv) its shells are non-biodegradable; (v) they can be used readily this work. Various tests were conducted on natural sand as per
in concrete which may fulfill almost all the qualities of the original standards [10,11] to find the properties of natural sand. Sieve anal-
form of concrete; (vi) sugar in the coconut shell is not in a free ysis for the fine aggregate is presented in Table 3 and the test
sugar form, and therefore does not affect the setting and strength results for its properties are presented in Table 5.
of concrete; (vii) its surface texture is fairly smooth on concave
and rough on convex faces [3]. Kulkarni et al. [18] in their experi- 3.1.3. Crushed coarse aggregates
mental study observed that there is no need to treat the coconut Crushed coarse aggregate (CA) of two types with respect to par-
shell before use as an aggregate except for water absorption. They ticle sizes were used for the experimental work. Two were mixed
found that there was adequate bonding between the coconut shell in proportion of (2:3) to satisfy the grading requirement of
aggregate concrete and the steel bars. Ganiron [6] used coconut 20 mm size nominal aggregate. The aggregates were tested in
shells and fiber as substitute for aggregates in developing concrete accordance with standards [10,11] to know their properties. Its
hollow block. The study was carried out for various percentage of sieve analysis is presented in Table 4 and the test results for its
coconut shell content as partial replacement of conventional properties are presented in Table 5.
aggregate. They observed that replacement of appropriate coconut
shell content produces workable concrete with satisfactory
strength. Table 2
Test results of cement.
Table 4
Particle size distributions for coarse aggregates.
Sieve size Percent passing Percent passing Percent passing of CA (Type I & II Percent Prescribed
of CA (Type I) of CA (Type II) in ratio of 2:3) passing of CS range (11)
20 mm 92.9 100 96.8 95.2 95–100
16 mm 56.3 100 82.5 70.8 –
12.5 mm 9.9 100 64 53.8 –
10 mm 1.0 86 52.0 40.5 25–55
4.75 mm 0.5 5.0 3.2 9.0 0–10
Table 5
Properties of aggregates.
(a) (b)
Photo 1. (a) Breaking coconut shell into small pieces, (b) Waste coconut shell of different size.
A. Kanojia, S.K. Jain / Construction and Building Materials 140 (2017) 150–156 153
Table 6
Quantities of ingredients per m3 of concrete.
desired target mean strength of concrete and corresponding quan- (60:40). Further, for increasing replacement of CA by CS, in steps of
tity of ingredients in per cubic metre of concrete is given in Table 7. 5%, proportioning of ingredients was carried out for M20 grade
concrete (i.e. concrete of 20 N/mm2 characteristic strength). The
effect of quantity of coconut shell was observed in respect of
3.3. Testing of concrete
parameters like density; 7 & 28 days compressive strength; and
cement requirement. The results are produced and discussed in
7 days and 28 days compressive strength of concrete was
following sections.
obtained by compression testing machine (Photo 3). Compressive
load was increased till the specimens were broken. 150 mm cubes
4.1. Effect of coconut shell on compressive strength of concrete
were used for finding out the compressive strength of various con-
crete mixes. The compression test was carried on concrete mixes
Table 8 presents 7 days and 28 days compressive strength of
according to standards [13]. Weight of the specimens was taken
150 mm cube for different ratios of CA and CS; taking quantity of
before compression testing to find the density.
ingredients (except coarse aggregate) corresponding to M20 grade
of control concrete as given in Table 6. Compressive strength of
4. Results and discussion coconut shell concrete is decreasing gradually with increase in
quantity of coconut shell. Gain in strength after 7 days is signifi-
Mix design was carried out for M20 grade control concrete (i.e. cantly higher for coconut shell concrete than that for control
without coconut shell). Cubes of control concrete were prepared concrete.
according to this mix design. In order to investigate the effect of Table 9 shows the decrement in compressive strength due to
replacing partially the conventional aggregate (CA) by coconut increasing percentage of coconut shell. It can be observed that
shell (CS), 150 mm cubes of coconut shell concrete were also the decrement in the 28 days compressive strength of coconut
casted. Same proportion of ingredients was maintained for coconut shell concrete is lesser than the decrement in compressive strength
shell concrete also except replacing partially (by volume) the CA at 7 days. Results also indicate that coconut shell concrete gain less
with CS. Total coarse aggregate comprised of respectively five dif- strength initially (7 days) but shows rapid strength gain at later
ferent ratios of CA and CS viz (100:0); (90:10); (80:20); (70:30) and stage.
Table 7
Quantities of ingredients of M20 grade coconut shell concrete.
S. No. Concrete mix Compressive strength Ratio Water/cement ratio variation for different coconut shell con-
(MPa) cretes, as estimated from trial mixes is shown in Table 7. As shown
7 days 28 days in the Table, increase in percentage of coconut shell contents
requires gradual reduction in water/cement ratio so as to maintain
1 CA:CS (100:0) 24.6 28.3 0.87
i.e. Control concrete the desired target mean compressive strength. It can be observed
2 CA:CS (90:10) 15.7 25.6 0.61 from Tables 7 and 11 that for M20 grade concrete, no additional
3 CA:CS (80:20) 14.2 25.3 0.56 cement was required for 5% replacement of CA by CS. In case of
4 CA:CS (70:30) 11.4 24.2 0.47 10% replacement, additional quantity of cement required was only
5 CA:CS (60:40) 9.2 22.2 0.42
3.6%. However, for 25% replacement, additional cement content of
CA: conventional coarse aggregate, CS: coconut shell. 81.6 kg per m3 of concrete was required to save 271.9 kg of con-
ventional coarse aggregate per m3 of concrete and at the same time
getting added advantage of disposing 115.4 kg of waste coconut
Table 9
Effect of coconut shell quantity on compressive strength.
450 950
4.2. Effect of coconut shell on concrete density
400 900
Cubes of concrete prepared for control concrete and with differ- 350 850
ent percentages of CA replacement by CS were weighed just before
testing them for compressive strength. The density of concrete was 300 800
evaluated to investigate the effect of the replacement. The results
250 750
presented in Table 10 shows that density decreases with increase 0 5 10 15 20 25
in percentage of coconut shell. Decrease is about 7.5% for replace- Coconut Shell % (by Volume) in Total Coarse Aggregate
ment of 40%. The reason for decrease in density owes to relatively
low specific gravity of coconut shell. Fig. 1. Variation of cement; CA and CS content per m3 of M20 grade concrete.
A. Kanojia, S.K. Jain / Construction and Building Materials 140 (2017) 150–156 155
Fig. 1 shows that as the percentage of CS increases, quantity of Minimum cement content: 300 kg/m3
cement increases gradually and quantity of CA decreases. From the Maximum water cement 0.55
figure it can be observed that decrease in quantity of conventional ratio (w/c):
coarse aggregate is more as compared to increase in the quantity of Workability: Medium (25–75 mm slump)
cement. Exposure condition: Mild
Maximum cement content: 450 kg/m3
5. Conclusions Degree of supervision: Good
Type of aggregate: Crushed angular aggregate
The present investigation was taken up in view of disposal Test data for materials
problem of non-decaying waste coconut shell and scarcity of con- Specific gravity of cement: 3.15
ventional coarse aggregate used for concrete. This experimental Specific gravity of coarse 2.66
study aimed to explore the feasibility and possibility of partial aggregate:
replacement of conventional coarse aggregate by waste coconut Specific gravity of fine 2.55
shell for concrete production. Based on the results of this experi- aggregate:
mental investigation, following conclusions could be drawn: Water absorption of coarse 0.5%
1. Large production of non-decaying waste coconut shell leads to Water absorption of fine 1.03%
disposal problem. Properties of coconut shell makes it suitable aggregate:
ingredient for concrete production and its use for concrete Free surface moisture of coarse Nil
may help in its disposals problem. aggregate:
2. Replacement of conventional aggregate by waste coconut shell Free surface moisture of fine Nil
(keeping quantity of other ingredients unchanged) results into aggregate:
decrease in compressive strength. 40% replacement resulted
in about 22% reduction in the 28 days strength. Addition of
coconut shell shows low strength development at early age Coconut shell is submerged in water for 24 h before using it as
but later it shows rapid strength development. The ratio of aggregate.
7 days to 28 days strength ranges from 0.87 (for concrete with-
out CS) to 0.42 (for concrete with 40% CS). (i) Target strength for mix proportioning
3. Replacement of conventional aggregate by waste coconut shell
makes the concrete lighter. Reduction in concrete density is f t ¼ f ck þ 1:65 S
about 7.5% for 40% replacement.
4. Strength obtained for conventional concrete can be maintained f t ¼ 20 þ 1:65 4 ¼ 26:6 MPa
for waste coconut shell concrete also by reducing the W/C ratio.
(ii) Selection of water cement ratio
The required reduction in W/C ratio for achieving same strength
Considering, water cement ratio as 0.45.
is more for increased waste coconut shell contents thereby
increasing the cement consumption.
(iii) Selection of water content
5. No additional cement is required for 5% replacement and only
3.6% additional cement is required for 10% replacement.
As prescribed by IS 10262-2009 [7], water content for 20 mm
6. Although there is an increase in cost due to additional cement
aggregate (for 25–50 mm slump) is 186 L per cubic metre of
requirement, the advantages being many, including efficient
utilization of waste coconut shell, reduction in natural source
For desired slump i.e. 60 mm, water content after adjustment
depletion etc, the use of coconut shell in concrete seems to be
comes out to be 192 kg. Test for the workability shows that the
a feasible option.
slump value is still less. Therefore water content is increased to
202 kg per cubic metre of concrete which results into the concrete
of desired slump.
Annexure A
(iv) Calculation of cement content
Mix designs for M20 grade coconut shell concrete
Water cement ratio ¼ 0:45
The design of concrete mix is carried out as prescribed by Indian 202
Cement Content ¼ 0:45 ¼ 448:88 kg=m3
Standards [7,12]. The mix design for M20 grade concrete with vary-
ing quantity of coconut shell is carried out. Trial values of water/ 448:88 kg=m3 > 300 kg=m3 ; Hence O:K:
cement ratio of 0.45, 0.50, and 0.55 are considered to arrive at w/c (v) Proportion of volume of coarse and fine aggregate content
which results into desired target mean strength of 26.6 N/mm2. (vi) Computation of quantities of ingredients [CA (90%) + CS
Mix design with W/C = 0.45 As prescribed by IS 10262-2009 [7],
Table A1 References
Quantities of ingredients for 1 m3 of concrete [CA (90%) + CS (10%)] (w/c = 0.45).
Materials Cement Water Natural Coarse Coconut [1] A.F. Abubakar, M.S. Abubakar, Exploratory study of coconut shell as coarse
aggregate in concrete, J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 3 (2011) 61–66.
sand aggregate shell
[2] A.A. Aliabdo, M. Elmoaty Abd-, H.H. Hassan, Utilization of crushed clay brick in
Quantities (kg) 448.9 202 651 957 46.4 concrete industry, Alexandria Eng. J. 53 (2014) 151–168.
[3] R. Chinap, Study of Mechanical and Flexural Properties of Coconut Shell Ash
Reinforced Epoxy Composites, A Thesis Submitted at Department of
Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, 2012.
[4] N.N. Eldin, A.B. Senouci, Rubber tyre particles as coarse aggregate, J. Mater.
Civil Eng. 5 (1993) 478–496.
[5] FAOSTAT Data, Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. (Last
Compressive Strength(N/mm2)