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Retrievable Cementers
MODEL "EA" (4O7-O5) locks and rotation. Model "R" Upstrain Unloading
RETRIEVAMATIC Testing is possible with the Sub (675-05) to allow equalization
CEMENTER Model «S"-Full-Bore Tubing of tubing and annulus pressures.
Proven in all types of squeeze Tester (672-05). Testing is possible with the Model
cementing operations, casing test- "N" Full-Bore Tubing Tester
ing, formation fracturing, and MODEL "C" (41O-O1) (672-01).
high-pressure acidizing with subse- FULL-BORE CEMENTER
quent testing. It is a full opening, This is a full opening, upstrain
set-down squeeze packer with a squeeze packer that can be set
piston type hold-down (actuated by at any depth. It is particularly
pressure from below), a three sec- desirable when setdown weight
tion packing element system, and is limited. Can be used in "block"
rocker-type lower slips. and other squeeze cementing, cas-
PERFORMANCE FEATURES ing testing, formation fracturing,
Dependable Release. By picking and high-pressure acidizing with
up on the tubing, pressure across subsequent testing.
the hold-down pistons is equalized PERFORMANCE FEATURES
instantly. Holds Pressure from Holds Pressure from Above and
Above or Below-the separate Below. Has two sets of opposed
circulation passage, running com- rocker-type slips enabling it to
pletely through the Retrievamatic, remain packed off when subject to
isolates the hold-down pistons pressure reversals. Instant Pack-
from tubing pressure surges, so Off.-circulation possible with
they can't be dulled. Proven upper slips set as it packs off Model "C"
Model "EA"
Face-Seal Unloader-controls the the instant tubing is raised and Retrievamatic Full-Bore
separate circulation passage and upstrain applied. Cementer Cementer

eliminates need for mechanical The packer is run with the

Downhole Drilling < Cement Retainers

A positive displacement hydraulic MECHANICAL SET (4OO-21) Tubing or Electric Line Set with
motor, it is powered by drilling ELECTRIC LINE SET (4OO-23) Faster, Safer Run-in. Tests Tub-
fluid or water. When fluid is Dependable high pressure rating ing simply by picking up to close
pumped through the motor, the bit combined with quick easy drillout. valve and pressuring. Holds Final
is turned at a speed proportional to Ideal for single interval squeeze, Squeeze Pressure-automatic
batch, or block squeeze cementing. closing of valve when picking up, or
the flow and remains relatively con-
stant regardless of the load or Two-way valve is controlled from removal of stinger, insures holding
generated horsepower. The the surface with no springs to cock the squeeze as cement is circulated
torque depends on the forma- or stick. Pick up to close, set down out. Isolates Squeeze from
tion and is proportional to the to open. Hydrostatic Pressure-Baker's
unique valve guarantees an effec-
weight on the bit.
PERFORMANCE tive seal. Fast Drill-Out.
Slow Speed-more com-
patible with roller bits. High
Torque-allows more set
down weight on bit. High Bit
Pressure Drop-allows use
of jet bits. Oil-Filled Bearing
Section-provides long seal 1!
life and dependable bearing
Model "K-1" Model "K-1" Model "K-1" Model "K-1"
Mechanical Set Electric Line Set Electric Line Set Mechanical Set
Cement Retainer Cement Retainer Cement Retainer Cement Retainer
(400-21) (400-23) w/Flapper Valve w/Flapper Valve
(400-24) (400-22)


Wireline Bridge Plugs Retrievable Bridge Plugs

ELECTRIC LEVE SET (4O1-19) (677-34) Opposed Rocker-Type Slips
MODEL "N-l" This plug is ideally suited prevent plug from moving
MECHANICAL SET (4O1-20) to higher pressure appli- up or down because either the
These drillable bridge „..„, cations than the Model "C" upper or lower slips will engage the
plugs are the finest avail- ' and may be used for mul- casing depending on the direction
able, and are subject tiple testing and treating of the differential pressure. No
to the same stringent operations, selective single Swabbing Danger because a cir-
specifications and zone operations, fracturing, culation passage through the plug
quality control as the acidizing, or cementing. allows fluid to bypass during run-
Model" "K-l" Cement It will withstand high dif- ning and retrieving.
Retainer to provide ferential pressure from
improved drillability * j. above or below at extreme
and pressure ratings. .* temperatures. WIRELEVE SET (677-32)
PERFORMANCE . ? This is a high performance plug
PERFORMANCE that combines the advantages of
Fast Run-in with tubing or sandline retrievability
Triple Packing Element with fast, accurate electric line set-
Dependable Pack-Off. System provides a leak-
No Swabbing Effect- H ^ ting. It is especially useful where a
proof seal against high plug must be run and retrieved
unique locked down pressure differentials.
packing element system prevents under pressure, as it maybe lubri-
Packing elements com- cated in and out of the well, thereby
swabbing. Easy Drill-Out. pletely retract allowing eliminating the necessity of snub-
MODEL "P-l" fast, safe running and bing tubing or killing the well.
COMPACT BRIDGE PLUG retrieving. Balanced
ELECTRIC LEVE SET (4O1-46) Unloader remains open
Designed to give dependability in while plug is engaged in
medium temperatures Cup to the retrieving head. This
200°F), and in medium pressures eliminates necessity of
(up to 5000 psi differential) with- having to overcome pres-
out paying the higher cost of higher sure differential while
performance models. Body is small running in, packing off Hurricane Plug
and solidly built, and achieves or retrieving. MODEL "B" (4O7-O9)
economy not only through its lower Designed for bad-weather emer-
initial cost but also through short gencies which force a temporary
MODEL "C" (677-O1)
drill out time. Tubing Set Avail- well shut-down. It seals off the casing
A dependable, leak-proof
able Also. string while the drilling string
plug that will hold pres-
MODEL "NC-1" sure from above or below. hangs off bottom. It offers a
ELECTRIC LEVE SET (4O1-21) It is used for acidizing, formation choice of three drill pipe plug-
Similar to the Model UN-1", this fracturing, and temporary pressure ging systems to choose from,
bridge plug is modified for use in containment to aid in removing or depending on well configuration
gas wells. The design allows the installing wellhead equipment. and weather circumstances, f
upper portion of the body and It utilizes pressure differential and a unicjue equalizing sub !
bridging plug to be drilled out, from either above or below to which equalizes any pres-
permitting pressure equalization achieve and maintain pack-off. sure buildup before the plug
across the tool before drilling out Once the plug has been run to the is retrieved.
the Upper Slips. A Shear Ring desired depth and released, it will The Hurricane Plug is
mechanism is used to minimize the automatically set and pack-off basically a Retrievamatic
amount of material to be drilled against pressure differentials from Cementer and can double as
out by the center of the drill bit. either direction. a squeeze tool, or it may
WIRELEVE PRESSURE The ease with which it may be also be used for isolating the
SETTEVG ASSEMBLY (437-O2) picked up and relocated, make it casing while changing out
The Model "E-4" provides a sure, ideal for selective isolation and wellheads. The plug sets
proven means for setting any Baker fracturing, acidizing or testing of with right-hand rotation,
wireline product, including bridge several separate zones in one round utilizing pipe weight for ini-
plugs, cement retainers, retainer trip when used with the Full-Bore tial pack-off.
production packers, and other Retrievable Cementer or Retrieva-
wireline-set tools. matic Cementer.


Washing Tools Casing Clean-Up Tools Tubing

PACKER (47O-43) Fast because these are designed to MODEL "B-2" (698-03)
"SAP" is a set-down packing ele- remove only enough critical parts of MODEL «B-3" (698-O4)
ment tool used to isolate short drillable tools to permit either retrieval No single expenditure
sections of perforations for indi- or pushing remains to the bottom can make your well so
vidual breakdown, acidizing or of well. Model "CJ" (747-06) productive with more oil
washing. Later, it can be moved retrieves permanent packers; per stroke, fewer strokes
uphole to treat or test the entire Model "CK" (747-O8) retrieves per barrel, and extending
zone. packers with seal bore extensions, life of rods and tubing.
MODEL "E" (47O-16) j pup joints, landing nipples, etc. PERFORMANCE
CIRCULATING WASHER t| where "CJ" is not practical; Model FEATURES
A cup type tool used for "CP" (747-13) retrieves plugs and No-Movement Prin-
washing or acidizing per- cement retainers; Model "CB" ciple — it prevents all
forations in casing or sand (747-O2) Model "CC" (747-O3) vertical movement of
screens, for checking new pushes permanent packers, perma- tubing at the anchor during pump
perforations to establish nent bridge plugs, or cement cycle, and will catch any parted
injectivity, or to open a void retainers to bottom; Model "A-2" tubing before falling. Protects
behind casing for more effec- Sand Line Drill (747-41) drills Tubing from Over Stress - it pre-
tive gravel packing. Model out any drillable material, or in vents any increase in tubing tension
"C" (47O-42) incorporates open hole completions to remove to maintain a safe stress level, and
hydraulically operated pack- sand, gravel, junk and debris; Flat protects from impact of parted rod
ing elements and has a large Bottom Mill (747-07) mills up string and cyclic stresses caused by
bypass area to prevent swab- retainers, plugs and packers with pump pounding and breathing.
bing when coming out of full cutting surface for complete Reduces Casing and Anchor
the well. coverage. Wear - absolutely no travel to the
OTHER CLEAN-UP TOOLS slip, once it is set, to avoid impact
include Model "B" Junk Bas- loading between anchoring and
ket (428-O2), and Model "C" catching positions.
"SAP" Seivice
Adaptable Packer
Casing Scraper (62O-O3).


9100 Emmott Road
Houston, Texas 77040
Mailing Address:
EDMONTON (Mite*) P.O. Box40129
C4O3) 4B8-3179
Houston, Texas 77240
(403) SB9.7793
(713) 466-1322

Marketed Internationally By:

CASPER (See page 340 in the composite catalog
(307) 265-2990
for a complete list of offices.)
P. O. Box 3048
(4f)5) 84H-3477 Houston, Texas 77001
(KM.*) (S44-B139 (713) 682-7020
Telex: TWX-794235
(»13|KB2-803.'i (SCM) SB2-74S7 *

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