Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 3e Brysbaert Rastle
Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 3e Brysbaert Rastle
Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 3e Brysbaert Rastle
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you from ancient Greece to modern day debates, stopping off at important developments
in psychology, philosophy and science along the way.
Key features:
Broad and balanced coverage of key issues, exploring both historical
and contemporary themes. IN PSYCHOLOGY
Discussion questions at the beginning of each chapter, encouraging
you to reflect and think critically about the issues raised.
Myth-busting boxes throughout, highlighting and exploring common
misconceptions in psychology.
NEW! A chapter on the replication crisis that hit psychology and other
sciences in the 2010s, including information on open science practices
becoming more important in scientific research.
NEW! Every chapter has been updated to reflect the newest findings
and insights, with particular attention given to those findings that
have not stood up to replication tests.
for teaching and addresses important topics not covered in many history textbooks, that
underscore how history is relevant to understanding contemporary psychology.’
professor chris westbury, University of Alberta
Pearson, the world’s learning company.
Front cover image: ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP/Getty Images
Cover designed by Two Associates
Harlow, England • London • New York • Boston • San Francisco • Toronto • Sydney
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Preface xiii
Guided tour xv
1 The wider picture Where did it all start? 1
2 The scientific revolution of the seventeenth century
and its aftermath 43
3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors
to a scientific psychology 87
4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline 125
5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology Behaviourism
and cognitive psychology 178
6 The input from brain research 219
7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness 267
8 How did psychology affect everyday life? The history
of applied psychology 311
9 What is science? 349
10 Is psychology a science? 402
11 Psychology and open science Twenty-first-century developments 441
12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods 488
13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological
and social influences 533
14 Psychology and society The socio-political side 570
Epilogue 621
Glossary 622
Bibliography 631
Publisher’s acknowledgements 651
Index 663
Preface xiii
Guided tour xv
Epilogue 621
Glossary 622
Bibliography 631
Publisher’s acknowledgements 651
Index 663
From time to time it is good to pause and wonder how we got where we are now. For
instance, why did you open this book? How did you become interested in psychology?
But also: for how long has one been able to study psychology? Why has this book been
published? Why do all good degrees of psychology today include a course on historical
and conceptual issues? What is the position of psychology in society? Is psychology
really a science? What is a science?
These are some of the questions addressed in this book (although you will not be
surprised to hear that many of them cannot be fully answered on the basis of present
knowledge). They refer to the historical and conceptual foundations of psychology.
Historical issues refer to the past of the discipline and can be approached in many
different ways (see Chapter 10). One distinction is whether history is studied to find
out what people at different points in time thought and knew, or whether history is
studied to gain insight into how the present situation came about. The latter is the
approach taken in this book, because it is of particular relevance to everyone wanting
to become a psychologist.
Conceptual issues are more difficult to define. Basically, they refer to the big ques-
tions underlying a discipline. For psychology, these are questions like: ‘What is the
human mind?’, ‘Is it possible to know the mind of someone else?’, ‘Is it possible to
know my own mind?’, ‘Is such information reliable and useful?’ Importantly, these
issues cannot readily be addressed in the way scientists love to do: by collecting data
and testing new predictions made on the basis of the available knowledge (see Chap-
ter 9). Conceptual issues relate to the assumptions, convictions and opinions that
underlie a particular discipline and that determine the meanings of the terms used
(e.g. the meanings of ‘consciousness’, ‘process’ and ‘personality’). Conceptual issues
are shared by the researchers and practitioners of a discipline and are imposed on all
newcomers. However, they usually remain tacit. They exert their influence by reliance
on common understanding rather than explicit teaching (if this sounds a bit woolly
at the moment, come back to this section after you have read the part on paradigms
in Chapter 9). Indeed, even for us authors, writing this book has been eye-opening at
times. Quite often we found ourselves saying ‘Oh, that’s where it comes from! That’s
what it means!’
Needless to say, historical and conceptual issues are closely intertwined. Histori-
cal developments depended on the conceptual beliefs at the time and, in turn, had
an impact on the concepts and the convictions shared by the next generations. For
instance, many psychologists today talk about ‘cognitive processes’ and ‘cognitive rep-
resentations’. However, they would find it hard to define what exactly they mean by
these terms. They just know that every psychologist is taught them and that the words
refer to information-processing in the mind (or perhaps brain; see Chapter 7). Where
these terms came from, why at a certain point in time they were introduced, and why
they subsequently conquered the complete discipline are questions that are left out
of consideration in most teachings (e.g. you don’t find them in introductory books
on psychology). One reason for this is that you need a certain amount of historical,
philosophical, and technical background before you can address them.
The main danger of a book on historical and conceptual issues is that it tries to
cover too much. Just imagine: everything that ever happened and that was ever thought
of is a possible topic that could be included! Every chapter of this book could easily
have been expanded into a 500-page book. Indeed, the most common complaint about
courses of historical and conceptual issues is that lecturers try to cram too much into a
short period of time. To tackle this problem head-on, we decided not to try to write a
‘complete book’ (which is impossible anyway), but to start from the question of what
is feasible for a series of 14 two-hour lectures. Which are the main issues that must be
covered? What is informative and interesting for psychology students (rather than what
is known to historians and philosophers of science)? Therefore, do not expect to find
everything in this book. Our purpose is simply to provide you with a basis. If this book
entices you to want to know more, then we have achieved our goal. To help you with
this, each chapter includes a list of the books that we found particularly interesting.
There is also a lot of information freely available on the internet, links to which you
can find on our website at www.pearsoned.co.uk/brysbaert.
While writing the various editions of this book, we noticed two patterns. The first
is that many ideas and findings tend to be considerably older than we thought. There
is a tendency to attribute views and insights to specific time periods, whereas it is often
possible to find precursors centuries earlier. Throughout the book we give examples
of this bias.
The second, related pattern is that we often have simplistic views about the
knowledge at a certain time. When reading the original publications, the degree of
sophistication and perspective is invariably much higher than assumed nowadays. In
a few cases this had led to the formation of outright myths, which we summarize in
myth-busting boxes.
As we want to keep pace with major developments, the third edition has a new
chapter on a series of events in the 2010s that are likely to shape the future of psychol-
ogy and science for decades to come. Indeed, the past decade has been quite turbulent
with a replication crisis and a call for open science and paywall-free publications
(described in Chapter 11). These developments have important implications for our
understanding of science and for your education.
We end by thanking our families for giving us the freedom and time to write a
book like this. We know how lucky we are, as not all families can cope with members
whose minds regularly wander off to times long past and yet another startling new
Questions to consider
Each chapter opens with a range of questions to
consider in relation to the historical and conceptual
Historical issues addressed in this chapter
● When did the scientific revolution take place? issues raised. These give an idea of topics covered and
Which three developments formed the core of this revolution?
How did the scientific revolution change society? encourage students to critically reflect on them.
● How did science increase its status and power in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries?
The 17th century has continued to be taken for that specific period in history
when modern science was born. Not our present-day science, to be sure, but a
mode of doing science still quite recognizably akin to present-day conceptions.
The awareness that something unprecedentedly new happened in 17th-century
science has been with us for as many centuries as have since passed. y g
(Cohen 1994: 1)
What do you think?
Arguably the most vivid illustration of idealism is provided by the first film of The
Matrix trilogy (1999). In this film the main character discovers that the world he
has been living in is fake. In reality, he – like all other people he is interacting
with – is floating in a liquid-filled pod, serving as an energy source for machines,
and his brain is being fed with a virtual reality by means of wires. The whole
outside world, which felt very real to him, turned out to be nothing but an
imagination. What do you think: is it possible that the world we are living in
does not really exist? Are you as real on the internet as in daily life?
What do you think? boxes offer students the chance to pause and
reflect on what they’ve read, and to consider their own opinions.
Key figure boxes sum up the main facts about important people in
the field of psychology, and their contribution to our understanding
of the subject.
Interim summary
● In France, psychology was seen as part of the humanities as a result of Comte’s writings.
This was questioned by Ribot, who pointed to the developments in the UK and the
German lands.
● Another towering figure in France was Charcot, a neurologist best known in psychology
for his research on hysteria. Trusted entirely on his clinical expertise, which turned out
to be wrong in the case of hypnosis.
● Binet and Simon’s development of the first valid test of intelligence is France’s best-
known contribution to early psychology.
Recommended literature
Most handbooks of neuropsychology contain a chapter neuroscientific concepts (Berteley, CA: University of
on the history of the discipline. In addition, an increas- California Press). A classic textbook of cognitive neuro-
ing number of the original publications are becoming psychology is Ellis, A.W. & Young, A.W. (1988) Human
available on the internet. Interesting books on the history cognitive neuropsychology (Hove, UK: Psychology Press).
of neurophysiology are Finger, S. (1994) Origins of neu- Good books about cognitive neuroscience are Gazzaniga,
roscience: A history of explorations into brain function M.S. (2008) Cognitive neuroscience: The biology of the
(Oxford: Oxford University Press), Gross, C.G. (1998) mind (New York: W.W. Norton & Co.) and Ward, J.
Brain, vision, memory: Tales in the history of neurosci- (2010) The student’s guide to cognitive neuroscience (2nd
ence (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press) and Clarke, E. edition) (Hove, UK: Psychology Press).
& Jacyna, L.S. (1987) Nineteenth-century origins of
Questions to consider
If you, reader, had been born, say, two or more centuries ago, the chances are that
you would have been poor, indeed extremely poor. You would have spent your
whole life working the land, with no hope or prospect of change. Except for the
odd tenacious survivor, your numerous children would have predeceased you.
You would have taken it for granted that you would probably not live beyond the
age of about forty-five. Your home would have been a country hovel, heated in
winter with whatever firewood you had managed to gather. The only source of
other comforts would have been the few coppers you had hoarded. Apart from
everyday conversation, infant wailing and the clucking of chickens, you would
have been surrounded by silence, broken every so often by a clap of thunder,
communal singing, the occasional drums and trumpets of passing armies, or
perhaps the tolling of a solitary bell. You would have believed firmly and unques-
tioningly in the literal existence of spirits or gods, or a single God, as the guiding
or all-determining force in life and especially after death.
(Cohen, 2010)
Human life has changed profoundly in the last few centuries, due to the growing
impact of science on our lives. If you look around, it is easy to see how society is filled
with scientific products and scientifically-based solutions to social problems. Because
of the ubiquity of science, we often forget how recent this state of affairs really is.
This book describes the growth of psychology as an independent branch of learn-
ing and tries to comprehend the essence of the discipline. Because it deals with fun-
damental and long-standing questions, we begin rather a long time ago. We begin
by discussing the invention of writing and numerical systems, as these were critical
developments that allowed the accumulation of knowledge and understanding. We
then present a short account of the ancient civilisations – the Greeks, the Romans,
the Byzantine and Arab empires – and consider the role each played in the evolution
of knowledge. In particular, we focus on the key figures whose ideas and philosophies
have had a strong impact on Western civilisation. We end with a brief description of
the Renaissance. We focus on those events that shaped the emergence of the scientific
approach as we now know it. Our review starts thousands of years ago and ends on
the eve of the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century.
at the world like children and endowed all things, even inanimate ones, with a nature
analogous to their own (Bird-David, 1999).
Lindberg (1992) looked down upon the animistic thinking of preliterate civilisations
less than Tylor did. For him, the myths and stories reinforced the values and attitudes
of the community and fulfilled the human need for explanatory principles capable of
bringing order, unity and meaning to events. In general, the myths are also related to
the treatment of illnesses: the person with the greatest knowledge of the myths is the
person to whom people turn when they have an ailment. At the same time, Lindberg
noticed that myths often contradict each other and contain inconsistencies, without
any evidence that this hinders the preliterate people. Each story stands on its own. It
is only when information is written down that patterns start to emerge and incompat-
ibilities become visible. Therefore, Lindberg argued, scientific thinking cannot occur
without written records.
is motivated to look for them (the history of science is full of rediscoveries of seminal
teachers who were only known to a small circle of ex-students).
A particularly revealing excerpt illustrating the importance of written documents
is provided by a remark made by Socrates. Socrates (c. 470–399 BCE) was an impor-
tant philosopher in Ancient Greece, who was not at all interested in keeping writ-
ten records of his thoughts. In a dialogue with a young student (Phaedrus) Socrates
recounted how the god Thoth of Egypt offered the king of Egypt all types of inven-
tions, including dice, checkers, numbers, geometry, astronomy and writing. The god
and the king discussed the merits and drawbacks of the various gifts and were in
general agreement until they reached the gift of writing. Whereas the god stressed the
advantage of being able to remember information, the king objected: ‘If men learn
this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls; they will cease to exercise memory
because they will rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no
longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.’ From the remainder
of the dialogue it is clear that Socrates wholeheartedly agreed with the king of Egypt
and thought that the availability of books made students lazy and discouraged them
from properly studying.
The irony of the dialogue is that we would never have heard of this, or indeed of any of
Socrates’ other memorable dialogues, if they had not been documented by his student,
Plato. An oral tradition would most certainly have changed the wording of the story
and in all likelihood it would not have survived. In addition, the dialogue would not
have been included in the present book, if it had not been present in Manguel’s (1996)
A History of Reading (on page 58), which we read in the preparation of this chapter.
Written records not only made more information available; they also subtly changed
the way in which knowledge was preserved. Before the advent of writing, important
legends were memorised as verses. The rhythm and the rhyme of the poem helped
the narrator to remember the correct phrases, so that the contents did not change too
dramatically from one storyteller to the next. Written texts allowed cultures to relax
the formal constraints and concentrate on the content.
The reader
Who can read?
Written records only have an impact if there is somebody to read them. For most of
human history the number of people who could read was relatively small (it still is
nowadays in some communities). For many centuries a large proportion of the popula-
tion was excluded from acquiring reading skills. In addition, the early scripts lacked
an important characteristic that makes alphabetic languages easier to read: spaces
between the words. Even the ancient Greek and Latin texts were written in so-called
scriptio continua (continuous script). Only in the eighth century did writers start to
put spaces between the words. Saenger (1997) argues that this quality of texts made
silent reading possible. Before, nearly all readers read aloud or at least had to mumble
while reading (a practice that was still widespread in the nineteenth century). In 383
Aurelius Augustine (known as Saint Augustine in the Catholic Church) expressed his
surprise when he met the bishop of Milan and saw that he could read silently. ‘When
he read,’ said Augustine, ‘his eyes scanned the page and his heart sought out the mean-
ing, but his voice was silent and his tongue was still’ (as cited in Manguel, 1996: 42).
The influence of orthography
Reading is still a demanding skill, as is illustrated by the many efforts beginning read-
ers have to invest to acquire it. Reading acquisition is easiest in languages with a
transparent relationship between spelling and sound, such as Spanish, Italian, Serbo-
Croatian, German and Korean, where most children ‘crack the code’ in less than a
year (although they need many more years of practice before the processes become
automatic). In languages with a more opaque correspondence, such as English and
Hebrew, children need up to four years in order to reach the same level of performance
and are more likely to be confronted with reading difficulties (Hanley et al., 2004;
Landerl et al., 2012).
Reading without critical thinking
Readers in the past differed in one more aspect from present-day scientific readers.
For a long time students were taught to read and understand texts exactly as they
were. They were in no way encouraged (and were often discouraged) to question the
writings or to compare them with other writings. Books were the world’s wisdom that
had to be transmitted in its original form from generation to generation. As Manguel
(1996: 74) noted:
scholastic method Essentially the scholastic method consisted in little more than training the students to
study method in which consider a text according to certain pre-established, officially approved criteria which
students unquestioningly were painstakingly and painfully drilled into them. As far as the teaching of reading
memorise and recite texts
was concerned, the success of the method depended more on the students’ perseverance
that are thought to convey
unchanging truths than on their intelligence.
The scholastic method was prevalent in schools up to the twentieth century. For exam-
ple, Gupta (1932) complained that Indian education was still adversely affected by the
remnants of the ancient Indian system of requiring pupils first to learn a book by heart
and only then to receive an explanation of it.
either from a stance of attack (‘You are not teaching students enough critical
thinking skills!’), or a stance of pride (‘We emphasize critical thinking in all our
classes!’). The need to teach these skills is felt strongly, and the attitude accom-
panying it is definitely one of a teacher–student relationship. It is assumed that
the teachers can do it, but that most students cannot, and that the best means
to get students to do it is through explicit instruction of some type. This burden
is not felt equally by professors in all disciplines; often such rhetoric is strong-
est in the social sciences. As a result, teaching ‘critical thinking’ is a declared
goal of most Introductory Psychology professors. Alas, the goal of teaching
critical thinking is inherently flawed; the teacher–student attitude does not
create an environment that supports critical thinking; instead, it creates an
environment in which the task is to reflect the teacher’s critique of the issues,
which itself cannot be criticized . . . Rather than trying to set up artificial situ-
ations in which students are told to challenge particular views, class should be
a context in which students begin to master the knowledge that makes up the
field of psychology, which will aid them in challenging things on their own in
later classes.
(Charles, 2008: Problem 2)
Interim summary
● Features of the preliterate civilisation:
– knowledge confined to ‘know-how’ without theoretical knowledge of the underlying
– fluidity of knowledge
– collection of myths and stories about the beginning of the universe (animism).
● Written language appeared separately in at least four cultures; in each case it was
preceded by proto-writing.
● Writing consists of a combination of pictograms and phonograms.
● Written records form an external memory, which allows an accumulation of knowledge.
● For a long time the number of readers was limited. In addition, they were not encouraged
to think critically about what they were reading (scholastic method).
1 70
2 80
3 90
4 100
5 400
6 500
7 900
8 1,000
9 4,000
10 5,000
20 9,000
30 10,000
40 40,000
50 50,000
60 90,000
Apart from the vertical line for 1, all symbols are the first letter of the number names (Γ is the
archaic form of pi, standing for ∏εντε [Pente, five]; ∆ stands for ∆εκα [Deka, ten]; H for Ηεκατον
[Hekaton, hundred], X for Χιλιοι [Khilioi, thousand]; M for Μυριοι [Murioi, ten thousand].
Source: Ifrah (1998: 182).
Second century AD
AD 870
European apices
MYTH Was calculation difficult for the Greeks and the Romans?
In many books you can read that the Greek and the Roman number nota-
tion hindered the development of mathematics in these cultures, because
their number notation made calculations difficult. The argument is that
IX + CXI (C = hundre d, X = te n, I = one ) is much more difficult
to solve than 9 + 111, and that IX * CXI is more difficult to solve than
9 * 111.
Schlimm and Neth (2008) took issue with this view. As they wrote:
Our initial motivation to compare the Arabic and Roman number systems
was rooted in surprise and disbelief. Given the myth that Roman numerals are
unsuited for arithmetic computations it is puzzling how Romans could conduct
commerce, administer armies, or rule an empire.
Schlimm and Neth started their argument by claiming that we have incorrect
ideas about the Roman number system. For instance, the Romans did not use
the symbols IV and IX to refer to four and nine. These notations were used in
the Middle Ages. Rather, the Romans used IIII and VIIII.
Next, Schlimm and Neth showed that it is possible to come up with rather
simple algorithms to do addition and multiplication with Roman numerals. For
example, to solve the problem VIIII + CXI, all you have to do is make separate
rows for each type of symbol in the Roman system and count the number of
instances in each row. So, for VIIII + CXI we get:
Row C (100): C
Row L (50): –
Row X (10): X
Row V (5): V
Row I (1): IIIII
Next, whenever there are five symbols in the rows C, X or I, these have to be
replaced by a symbol in the row above. The same is true for two symbols in the
rows V and L. So, the rows have to be rewritten as:
Schlimm and Neth (2008) argued that this calculation is no more difficult (and
sometimes even easier) than the addition of Arabic numerals.
To multiply two Roman numerals, one needs a multiplication table, which
includes the outcome for all pairs of symbols. So, for the symbols up to C one would
use the following table (in which D = 500, M = 1000, v = 5000, x = 10000 ):
* I V X L C
C C D M v x
To multiply VIIII by CXI, one must read out the multiplication of each symbol
of the first numeral with each symbol of the second numeral. So,
All the symbols are added by means of the line system we saw above. Thus,
Row D (500): D
Row C (100): CCCC
Row L (50): L
Row X (10): XXXX
Row V (5): V
Row I (1): IIII
Interim summary
● Knowledge depends on counting and measuring. The first written forms of counting
consisted of lines (tallies) in bones and stones.
● Because it is difficult to discern more than four lines in a glance, the tallies were
grouped. The grouping usually occurred in fives (i.e. base 5 system).
● Gradually a separate symbol was used for five and multiples of five.
● Later number systems were based on multiples of 10 (i.e. base 10 system).
● Number names indicate that the invention of numbers was a slow process; it took quite
some time before a useful system was discovered.
● The Greek and Roman number systems were suboptimal because their notation did not
assign a meaning to the place of the digits. Such a place coding system was developed in
India. This required the invention of a symbol for 0.
Black Sea
Sea M
ph PO Tig
a nG
UPPER u lf
0 250 500 1,000
also started keeping written records and developed a number system. Whether the
inventions in both regions occurred independently, or whether the cultures influenced
each other, is still a matter of debate.
Ancient Egypt
Two other main contributions from the Egyptians were geometrical knowledge (e.g.
calculating the area of a triangle and a circle or determining the volume of a pyramid)
and the devising of a calendar consisting of 12 months of 30 days and an extra 5 days
at the end of the year.
Ancient Mesopotamia
Mathematical knowledge was more sophisticated in Mesopotamia. In Babylonia, for
instance, the number system was superior and they also mastered the basics of alge-
braic equations. One of the areas in which they applied their mathematical knowledge
was astronomy, which they used for their calendar and to determine the times for
planting and harvesting (in addition to astrology used to predict the king’s fate). They
kept maps of the heavens, which allowed them to gain insight into the motions of the
‘wandering stars’ – the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Some of their maps were used millennia later to search for recurring patterns in, for
instance, eclipses and comets.
Interim summary
● Civilisations in the Fertile Crescent:
– Ancient Mesopotamia: mathematics (algebra, astronomy, calendar)
– Ancient Egypt: geometrical knowledge, calendar, hieroglyphs.
Plato (427–348 BCE) was the first thinker to call philosophy a distinct approach with
its own subject and method. He is regarded as the one who coined the word ‘phi-
losophy’, defined as ‘love of wisdom’. A remarkable aspect of his texts is that they
consist of dialogues of persons discussing philosophical matters. One of the partici-
pants was usually Socrates, Plato’s mentor. Because of the dialogue format, it is never
entirely clear whether Plato shared the position articulated by his characters, or used
the dialogue to raise the argument for the reader. Because of the format there are also
notable inconsistencies between the ideas/arguments put forward in different books.
As a result, many generations of philosophers have debated about what can be seen
as the essence of Plato’s philosophy. Below, we review some of the topics about which
there is consensus.
The realm of the ideal forms
The first important element of Plato’s philosophy was the distinction he made between
the realm of eternal, never-changing ideal forms and the realm of the ever-changing
material reality in which the forms or ideas are imperfectly realised and which we per-
ceive. According to Plato, we perceive nothing but the shadows of the objects. Plato
further considered the soul and the body as two distinct and radically different kinds
of entity, and he saw the soul as the entity defining the person. The soul was immortal,
made of the leftovers of the cosmos-soul. It travelled between the stars and the human
body it temporarily inhabited. Because human souls were part of the cosmos-soul,
they had knowledge of the perfect realm. Therefore, humans could get access to the
true ideas (e.g. about goodness, beauty, equality, change) by focusing on the innate
knowledge brought by the immortal soul. For Plato, the true path to knowledge was
the inward path of reasoning rather than the outward path of perception. The excerpt
below summarises Plato’s view (from The Republic):
The starry heaven which we behold is the finest and most perfect of visible things,
but it must necessarily be deemed to be greatly inferior, just because they are visible,
to the true motions of absolute swiftness and absolute slowness, which are relative
to each other. The true realities of velocities are found in pure number and in every
perfect figure. Now, these are to be apprehended by reason and intelligence, but not
by sight.
For Plato, the most prestigious knowledge was mathematical and geometrical knowl-
edge, because in these disciplines new information is derived from a set of principles
by means of reasoning.
Appetite and
lower passions Sensation
(liver) and emotion
Figure 1.3 In some of his writings, Plato distinguished three parts in the soul.
The first part comprised reason, allowing humans to get access to the realm of the ideal forms. The
second part dealt with sensation and emotions such as anger, fear and pride. The last part dealt
with appetite and lower passions such as lust, greed and desire. The parts were situated in different
organs of the human body, respectively the brain, the heart and the liver.
A second towering figure in Ancient Greece was Aristotle (384–322 BCE). He was a
student of Plato, but deviated in important ways from his mentor (e.g. he did not
postulate an independent realm of ideal forms). He was also an inspiring teacher, who
usually started by reviewing the available evidence and then supplementing it with
new insights. The scope and variety of the topics he covered was breathtaking, as can
be deduced from the titles of his works: On Justice, On the Poets, On Wealth, On the
Soul, On Pleasure, On the Sciences, On Species and Genus, Deductions, Definitions,
Lectures on Political Theory, The Art of Rhetoric, On the Pythagoreans, On Animals,
Dissections, On Plants, On Motion, On Astronomy, Homeric Problems, On Magnets,
Proverbs, On the River Nile, and so on. Sadly, nearly all the books he published have
been lost, and what we know of his philosophy mostly stems from lecture notes, which
were hidden in a cave. Needless to say, these lecture notes are often rather difficult to
understand without the oral explanations that would have accompanied them. Also,
some of them may have been written or edited by students, rather than by Aristotle
himself. As Barnes (2000: 5) notes:
. . . it will hardly be a surprise to find that the style of Aristotle’s works is often rugged.
Plato’s dialogues are finished literary artefacts, the subtleties of their thought matched
by the tricks of their language. Aristotle’s writings for the most part are terse. His
arguments are concise. There are abrupt transitions, inelegant repetitions, obscure
allusions. . . .
This again has given rise to century-long debates about what exactly Aristotle wrote
and meant.
Three types of knowledge
Aristotle divided knowledge into three kinds: productive, practical and theoretical.
Productive knowledge was concerned with making things, such as farming, engineer-
ing, art or rhetoric. Practical knowledge referred to how men ought to act in various
circumstances, both in private and public life (e.g. ethical and political knowledge).
Finally, the goal of theoretical knowledge was neither production nor action, but truth.
It was further subdivided into three classes: mathematics, natural science (including
biology, psychology, meteorology, chemistry, physics) and theology (including astron-
omy, the substances divine in the heavens and – arguably – logic2).
Theoretical knowledge starts with axioms
According to Aristotle, theoretical knowledge consisted of a series of axioms from
which the remaining knowledge was derived by means of logic (notice the influence of
Plato and geometry). The axioms were self-evident truths about nature, which were
acquired through observation and intuition, and of which the final cause could be
discerned. Final causes referred to the purpose of things within the universe. Aristo-
tle’s universe consisted of the Earth in the centre, surrounded by the Moon, Mercury,
Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Fixed Stars (Figure 1.4).
Two regions were distinguished in the universe: one from the Earth up to the Moon
(the sub-lunar region) and one from the Moon to the end of the universe (the super-
lunar region). The super-lunar region was filled with aether, a divine and incorruptible
element. This region contained immaculate stars moving in perfect harmony. The sub-
lunar region was less orderly. Everything there was a mixture of four elements – air,
earth, fire and water – and showed constant change: growth and decay, generation
and corruption. Each of the four elements had a natural place. For earth and water
this was the centre of the Earth. This is why soil, water and solid objects fall to the
ground. For air and fire, the natural place was near the Moon’s orbit, which is why they
spontaneously go up. All objects had a propensity to travel in a straight line to their
natural place (either upward or downward). No other motions were possible, unless
they had an external cause (e.g. chariots drawn by horses). The universe was further
characterised by a horror of vacuum (i.e. it did not allow a part without one of the
elements). This explained why water went up in a pump.
According to Aristotle, knowledge of the organisation of the universe and the
propensities in it, together with perceptual information, provided humans with the
axioms (or first principles) from which all other knowledge could be derived via
Because logic was needed to deduce further knowledge from the axioms, Aristotle
also developed a system of how to think logically, to decide what reasoning resulted
in true knowledge.
Because theoretical knowledge was derived from the axioms by means of logic, several
of Aristotle’s manuscripts dealt with how to test whether a statement is true or false.
Aristotle is generally seen as the father of research on logical reasoning, and many of
his insights and customs (e.g. to use letters in statements such as ‘if A then B’) have
survived to this day.
Aristotle called elementary statements ‘propositions’. They consisted of two terms
syllogism related to each other, either in an affirmative way (as in ‘all As are Bs’) or in a negative
argument consisting way (‘no As are Bs’). Propositions were combined into a syllogism. This is an argument
of three propositions: consisting of three propositions: the major premise, the minor premise, and the con-
the major premise, the clusion. A typical example of a syllogism would be:
minor premise, and the
conclusion. The goal of
logic is to determine which
Major premise: All men are mortal.
syllogisms lead to valid Minor premise: Aristotle is a man.
conclusions and which Conclusion: Aristotle is mortal.
do not
In his writings Aristotle set out to enumerate which syllogisms invariably led to true
conclusions and which led to false ones, thereby defining ways of reasoning that are
valid and others that are not.
Aristotle’s writings on logic (of which we will see more in later chapters) are gener-
ally considered one of the pinnacles of the Ancient Greek literature. Interestingly, how-
ever, Minto (1893) argued that Aristotle’s texts on logic were not in the first instance
written from a philosophical point of view, but to help students in a popular word
game of that time. In Greek society, one of the social pastimes was ‘Socratic disputa-
tions’. In these games, a thesis or proposition was put up for debate, for example, ‘It
is a greater evil to do wrong than to suffer wrong’. There were two disputants (and an
audience): one questioner, who was limited to asking questions, and one respondent,
who was limited to answering with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The aim of the game was for the ques-
tioner to put the respondent in such a position that he was forced to admit the opposite
of the original thesis. Aristotle’s writings on logic were in the first place meant to help
questioners and respondents to win such games. Or as Minto (1893: 3) wrote:
Aristotle’s Logic has been so long before the world in abstract isolation that we can
hardly believe that its form was in any way determined by local accident. A horror of
sacrilege is excited by the bare suggestion that the author of this grand and venerable
work, one of the most august monuments of transcendent intellect, was in his day and
generation only a pre-eminent tutor or schoolmaster, and that his logical writings were
designed for the accomplishment of his pupils in a special art in which every intellec-
tually ambitious young Athenian of the period aspired to excel. Yet such is the plain
fact, baldly stated. Aristotle’s Logic in its primary aim was as practical as a treatise on
As we will see in later chapters, the relationship between observation and theory has
remained a contentious issue in the philosophy of science up to the present day. However,
currently deviating observations are no longer considered as ‘exceptions’ that can hap-
pen, but rather as an indication that the prevailing theory may be false (see Chapter 9).
On the soul
In the treatise On the Soul, Aristotle further introduced the existence of an animating
force in the universe. This force was called psyche (anima in Latin translations) and it
was what discriminated living from non-living things. It consisted of three kinds. The
lowest, the vegetative soul, was present in all living things, including plants. It enabled
organisms to nourish themselves and to reproduce. Animals and humans further had
animal souls (or sensitive souls), which provided them with locomotion, sensation,
memory and imagination. Finally, humans also had rational souls, enabling them to
reason consciously and to lead virtuous lives.
the creation of four prestigious schools, which continued to educate pupils for cen-
turies. The first was the Academy, founded by Plato in 388 BCE. The second was the
Lyceum, established by Aristotle in 335 BCE. Previously, Aristotle had been a member
of Plato’s school for 20 years, but some years after Plato’s death he established his
own school, presumably because his opinions started to deviate too much from the
Platonian view.
Plato’s and Aristotle’s schools were later joined by the Stoa (312 BCE) and the Garden
of Epicurus (307 BCE), which are both still famous for the lifestyle they promoted
(the Stoic approach based on self-control, fortitude and detachment from distracting
emotions vs. the Epicurean approach based on a virtuous and temperate life with the
enjoyment of simple pleasures obtained by knowledge and friendship).
Major cities
Antigonid Empire
Independent states
Seleucid Empire
Ptolematic Empire
Figure 1.5 The Hellenistic world, cities and empires in 240 BCE.
influenced by mathematics and became much more specialised than the grand, uni-
versal philosophies of Plato and Aristotle (Cohen, 2010). The names of the scholars
working in this tradition are the ones we usually find in history books of mathematics
and sciences. These are a few names:
● Euclid (around 300 BCE): best known for his work on geometry, which resulted in
the organisation of all available evidence within a coherent framework, known as
Euclidian geometry.
● Herophilos (335–280 BCE) and Erasistratos (304–250 BCE): physicians who extended
Aristotle’s work on the human anatomy (based on dissections of human bodies).
They founded the medical school in Alexandria.
● Archimedes (287–212 BCE): contributed greatly to geometry and also made major
contributions to physics, often resulting in new or improved machines.
● Ptolemy (c. 90–c. 168 CE): best known for his book Almagest, which was the most
comprehensive treatise on astronomy, along the lines of the Aristotelian universe
(Figure 1.4) but more detailed in the description of the movements of the (wander-
ing) stars.
Interim summary
● Ancient Greece was the birthplace of philosophy (Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle).
It also saw major advances in medicine (Hippocrates).
● Two great philosophers were Plato and Aristotle.
● Plato and Aristotle also founded schools (respectively the Academy and the Lyceum),
which together with two other schools would educate students for centuries. The two
other schools were the Stoa (which had an emphasis on self-control) and the Garden of
Epicurus (which emphasised the enjoyment of simple pleasures).
● Under Alexander the Great, there was significant expansion and interaction with
other cultures, leading to what is called the Hellenistic culture and a shift to Alexandria,
where knowledge became more mathematical and specialised (Euclid, Archimedes,
O cean u s
Ger m anic us
Germania Sarmatia
Be inf.
ca i
Lugdunensis sup. Raetia
O cean us P
GALLIA Noricum ann
At lant icus on Dacia
Gallia ia
Aquitania M
Cisalpina a IL LYRIUM
ensis Ad Dalm
Gallaecia b o n I T r atia Moesia Moesia Pontus Euxinus
Nar AL ia
tic sup. inf.
et Asturia Terraconensis Corsica I A um
Rom Thracia
HISPANIA Ep Bithynia Pontus
Sardinia Mare iru Armenia
Lusitania Tyrrhenum s A S IA la tia
Baleares a Cappadocia
Phrygia G
Baetica Numidia Achaia Mare
Sicilia Lycia Cilicia
Africa Aegaeum
Syria Me
nia so
a u reta Numidia Pro
M sup. n sula Palestina tam
ris ia
Aegyptus Arabia
Figure 1.6 The Roman Empire at its largest (around 100 CE).
was already quite a strong Greek presence and where many educated people mastered
Ancient Greek and visited the Greek schools as part of their education. According
to the Roman writer Horace, Rome might have captured Greece militarily and politi-
cally, but the artistic and intellectual conquest belonged to the Greeks (as cited in
Lindberg 1992: 134).
A typical example of the interactions between the Roman and the Greek cultures
is the physician Galen of Pergamon (129–c. 200 CE). Born and educated in Pergamon
(part of present-day Turkey), he travelled to Corinth, Crete, Cyprus and finally Alex-
andria, where he joined the medical school. After another brief stay in Pergamon,
where he was responsible for the treatment of gladiators, in 162 CE he went to Rome,
where he became one of the best-known practicing physicians. As we will see in Chap-
ter 7, his writings had an enormous impact on medical thinking until well into the
second millennium of the Common Era, which is why Galen is usually mentioned as
a founder of modern medicine, together with Hippocrates.
The wittiest account of the differences between the ancient Romans and Greeks has
undoubtedly been written by Cubberley (1920: 74–5). Enjoy for yourself:
The contrast between the Greeks and the Romans is marked in almost every particular.
The Greeks were an imaginative, subjective, artistic, and idealistic people, with little
administrative ability and few practical tendencies. The Romans, on the other hand,
were an unimaginative, concrete, practical, and constructive nation. Greece made its
great contribution to world civilization in literature and philosophy and art; Rome in
law and order and government. . . .
As a result the Romans developed no great scholarly or literary atmosphere, as the
Greeks had done at Athens. They built up no great speculative philosophies, and framed
no great theories of government. Even their literature was, in part, an imitation of the
Greek, though possessing many elements of native strength and beauty. They were a
people who knew how to accomplish results rather than to speculate about means and
ends. Usefulness and effectiveness were with them the criteria of the worth of any idea
or project. They subdued and annexed an empire, they gave law and order to a primi-
tive world, they civilized and Romanized barbarian tribes, they built roads connecting
all parts of their Empire that were the best the world had ever known, their aqueducts
and bridges were wonders of engineering skill, their public buildings and monuments
still excite admiration and envy, in many of the skilled trades they developed tools and
processes of large future usefulness, and their agriculture was the best the world had
known up to that time. They were strong where the Greeks were weak, and weak where
the Greeks were strong. . . .
The Greeks were an imaginative, impulsive, and a joyous people; the Romans sedate,
severe, and superior to the Greeks in persistence and moral force. The Greeks were ever
young; the Romans were always grown and serious men.
Black Sea
Carthage Antioch
Mediterranean Sea
in the thirteenth century when Constantinople was attacked and the Crusaders estab-
lished the Latin Empire between 1204 and 1261).
Preservation of the Ancient Greek legacy
Intriguingly, despite nearly 1,000 years of relative prosperity and political stability,
Byzantine science never reached the same level as that of the Ancient Greeks. The main
contribution of Byzantium to the history of science seems to have been the preserva-
tion of the legacy of the Ancient Greeks.
Role of religion
The main factor that is quoted for the decline of scientific advancement (also in West-
ern Europe) is the emergence and eventual dominance of the Christian religion (see
e.g. Lindberg 1992). Although it has often been claimed that the halting of science was
the result of active opposition by the Christian religion, this does not seem to be true
(although there are examples of unpleasant standoffs, as we will see further on). For
centuries, religious orders and schools were the main conservators and proponents of
the intellectual achievements. A more likely explanation is that they simply were not
interested in natural science and considered it to be inferior knowledge (on a par with
manual skills). Their attention was much more directed towards religion-related and
cultural topics. Not only did the Christian religion have to defend its position against
rival contenders, there were also internal divisions, which eventually led to the schism
between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy in the eleventh century. As a
consequence of the change of focus, the brightest pupils were directed away from
scientific issues and science was often associated with paganism.
Interim summary
● Ancient Romans:
– assimilated the Greek methods and knowledge
– were more interested in technological advances than in philosophy.
● Byzantine Empire:
– eastern part of the Roman Empire; capital Constantinople; lasted till 1453
– preservation of the legacy of the Ancient Greeks.
● Arab Empire:
– founded on Islam; contained the Fertile Crescent
– translation and extension of the Greek works
– particularly strong on medicine, astronomy, mathematics (algebra) and optics
– occupied most of Spain.
Myth 4: The rise of Christianity was responsible for the demise of ancient
The demise of ancient science in the West was due to the fall of the Roman
Empire. For centuries the Church was the only institution interested in education
and preservation of the old texts. From the twelfth century on, the Church also
actively promoted the foundation of universities for the education of the higher
clergy. In these universities natural philosophy was studied and many theolo-
gians considered it an essential part of their training. Because nature had been
created by God, man could learn about its creator by studying nature. It is true
that Christianity saw natural philosophy not as a legitimate end in itself, but as
a means to other ends. Natural philosophy had to accept a subordinate position
as the handmaiden of theology and religion, the temporal serving the eternal, but
clergy were not prohibited from studying natural philosophy, and many did so.
There were more difficulties with Aristotle’s works. For many scientifically-minded
scholars, his views and methodology were more inspiring than those of Plato and
the Christian theology that had been built on it. This led to some skirmishes at the
University of Paris (but not at other universities), where the teaching of Aristotle was
forbidden first by the Catholic bishop in 1210 and later by the papal legate. However,
in practice this did not prevent the works from being widely available, and by 1255
the University of Paris followed the other universities and put Aristotle at the centre
of its teaching in philosophy.
One of the problems with Aristotle was that he claimed that the universe, including
the Earth, was eternal, without beginning or end, whereas the Bible clearly indicated
the beginning (Genesis) and the end of life (the Last Judgement). This aspect of
Aristotle’s view called into question the dependence of life on God, the creator, and
His power to intervene in worldly matters. Another problem was that Aristotle saw
the soul as the actualisation of the potentialities of the body, which could be inter-
preted as meaning that the soul was unable to exist without a body and, therefore,
ended together with the body. Needless to say, such a view was incompatible with the
Christian doctrine of an independent and immortal soul.
Most universities sailed around these contentious issues by not including them in
the parts of Aristotle they were teaching. However, the issues were more than iso-
lated differences of view. They arose because Aristotle had come to his conclusions
on the basis of observation and reasoning (logic) rather than biblical revelation and
church tradition. As these were the elements in Aristotle’s philosophy that attracted
the scholars, other disagreements were soon to follow. By 1277 the Catholic bishop of
Paris, Etienne Tempier, already had a list of 219 propositions related to Aristotelian
philosophy that he would not allow to be taught at the University of Paris.
Calvinist and areas SAXONY POLAND
of Calvinist influence THURINGIA
Eastern Orthodox
being under the control of the Roman Catholic Church (most of present-day
Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Switzerland, see Figure 1.9). In the
middle of the upheaval, Henry VIII of England founded the Church of England and
joined the Reformed movement, although the Church of England always kept its
independence from the other Protestant movements. The Reformed Churches
stressed much more than the Roman Catholic Church the need for education and
critical thinking (in order to be able to read and understand the Bible) and the impor-
tance of hard work and worldly success.
According to the German sociologist Max Weber (1864–1920), the Protestant ethic
was one of the reasons why the Protestant countries started to outperform the Catholic
countries economically. As he wrote (Weber 1904/1905: 3–6):
A glance at the occupational statistics of any country of mixed religious composition
brings to light with remarkable frequency a situation which has several times provoked
discussion in the Catholic press and literature, and in Catholic congresses in Germany,
namely, the fact that business leaders and owners of capital, as well as the higher grades
of skilled labour, and even more the higher technically and commercially trained person-
nel of modern enterprises, are overwhelmingly Protestant. . . .
Thus, to mention only a few facts: there is a great difference discoverable in Baden, in
Bavaria, in Hungary, in the type of higher education which Catholic parents, as opposed
to Protestant, give their children. That the percentage of Catholics among the students
and graduates of higher educational institutions in general lags behind their propor-
tion of the total population, may, to be sure, be largely explicable in terms of inherited
differences of wealth. But among the Catholic graduates themselves the percentage of
those graduating from the institutions preparing, in particular, for technical studies and
industrial and commercial occupations, but in general from those preparing for middle-
class business life, lags still farther behind the percentage of Protestants. On the other
hand, Catholics prefer the sort of training which the humanistic Gymnasium affords.
Book printing
Interwoven with all these developments (both at the origin of them and heavily relied
on by them) was the introduction of book printing in Europe. First (by 1300), letters
were carved in a woodblock and printed on cloth (a technique originally invented in
China), which allowed mass production of a small number of pages. Later (around
1450) movable printing was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, a technique in which
individual metal letters were placed in a matrix and could be recycled for other texts.
This allowed cheap production of all types of texts, leading to a rapid and massive
availability of information to everyone who was interested, not only in Latin but
increasingly in the native languages as well. Millions of books were printed and dis-
tributed in a short period of time. An often overlooked factor in this process was the
production of paper, something the Europeans learned from the Arabs, who in turn
had probably been inspired by the initial Chinese invention. Printing would never have
been so easy or prevalent if printers had been forced to print on cloth or parchment.
The importance of (book) printing for the developments discussed in this book can
hardly be overstated. Here are just four ways in which printing changed the lives of
people interested in knowledge.
First, knowledge came much more within reach. Before the introduction of printed
books, scholars only had access to the few books in the library of the institute to which
they were attached. If they wanted to consult a book that was not in the library (and
there were many of them), they had to travel for weeks, sometimes months, on hazard-
ous roads. This meant that access to knowledge was very limited indeed.
Second, because books were so rare, there was a constant danger of loss or destruc-
tion. Scholars had almost a full-time job preserving and copying the existing knowl-
edge, so that it could be transferred to the next generation. This also frequently meant
the eternal loss of books from authors who for one reason or another temporarily
became less popular.
Third, manually copied books contained many transcription errors, particularly
when they involved scientific materials. Humans are extremely error-prone, certainly
when they have to copy text they do not understand. As a result, either the scholars
had to copy the books themselves, or they had to correct the errors made by the scrive-
ners. This was especially a problem for mathematical treatises where small changes
in equations can lead to major interpretation problems. Book printing avoided this
problem because the first print was proofread by the author (or someone else knowl-
edgeable). Indeed, in the first decades of printing, very often new, corrected, editions
were needed because of errors discovered in the manuscript that had been used for
the original print.
Finally, for the first time scholars could work on the same copy of a book. This
made it much easier to correspond and collaborate with each other. For instance, in
1578 the French publisher Henri Etienne produced the first printed edition of Plato’s
works. This made it possible to refer precisely to a passage in the dialogues, because
everyone had the same pagination. As a matter of fact, the pagination of the first edi-
tion is still used by scholars of Plato to refer to passages in the dialogues (Annas, 2003).
Interim summary
● Post-medieval developments in Western Europe:
– the establishment of (cathedral) schools and universities
– increased mobility of the scholars
– discovery of the Ancient Greek and Arabic texts
– growing impact of Aristotle’s works.
● A cultural movement:
– increased interest in and imitation of the Ancient Greek and Roman cultures
– increasing status of science and scientists.
of DNA would have been discovered if Bohr and Rutherford, and Watson and Crick
had not lived. It would merely have taken longer. Science is above all a collective activity.
L’art c’est moi, la science c’est nous, was how Claude Bernard, the father of modern
physiology, put it. In this sense individuals are of minor importance.
Centring historical writings on individual scientists makes the reading more inter-
esting, as magisterially demonstrated by Bill Bryson (2003) in his science history
directed at a wide audience, but is essentially wrong. It has been shown over and over
again that discoveries have been prepared over a long time (and often have happened
independently at several places) and that the time was simply right for them to come
word used in the history
of science to indicate that to the foreground. Of course, there was the genius of the individual who brought
the time was right for a everything together and made the decisive move, but in all likelihood other individuals
certain discovery; the would have come to the same conclusion around the same time or shortly after (as
discovery did not originate
again ironically illustrated in Bryson’s book, when he amusingly tells how virtually no
from a single genius,
but from a much wider discovery is entirely due to the person history remembers for it). In this respect, histo-
development leading to rians sometimes talk about the importance of the zeitgeist, a German word that refers
the discovery to the spirit of the age, the intellectual climate of the period.
Hindsight bias
Another reason why individual scholars get more prominence in history books than
they usually deserve is that we have a tendency to assume that they knew more than
they actually did. On the basis of what we now know, we assume that the same
knowledge was shared by the person who first described the phenomenon. We also
have a tendency to believe that the evidence presented by that individual was much
more convincing than it actually was. After all, classical discoveries must be clear-
cut discoveries, not a slow and messy unearthing of evidence that took decennia to
sort out.
Another feature of history writing is that authors have a tendency to attach excessive
weight to the contribution of their own group and the group of their readers. So,
Anglo-Saxon reviews of the history of science are too much centred on the contribu-
tion of the Ancient Greek, Latin, British and American scholars. The Matthew effect
and the hindsight bias are applied to increase the dominance of one’s own research
group over that of other groups. In addition, writings about their contributions are
much more easily available. This results in a tendency to give too much credit to the
input of economically dominant groups. For instance, at several places in this book
we were struck by how much easier it is to find information about the American situ-
ation than about the developments in other countries, which to some extent biased
our coverage of topics.
objected that Plato’s and Aristotle’s writings are much more contradictory and contain
many more ambiguous passages than has been suggested here. Indeed, large numbers of
scholars have debated for over 2,000 years about what exactly Plato and Aristotle may
have meant in some of their passages, and to what extent their methods of knowledge
resemble and differ from the scientific method as we know it now. However, we do not
think that any of these nuances would add much to our basic messages: that Plato
and Aristotle have had a large impact on the way scientific thinking emerged and that
scholars at a certain point in time struggled to overcome their limitations.
A nice illustration of the limits and the strengths of history writing has been docu-
mented by Endersby (2007) in his book A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology: The Plants
and Animals Who Taught Us The Facts of Life (although we hasten to say that similar
accounts can be found elsewhere). When he discusses Mendel’s contribution to genet-
ics in the second half of the nineteenth century, he first mentions a story that can be
found in many (popular) books:
[Gregor] Mendel was obscure in his lifetime, but today most people are aware that he
was a simple, uneducated Austrian monk who, while playing around with pea plants
in his garden, discovered the basic laws of modern genetics. Yet this breakthrough
was ignored, partly because he was cut off from the scientific world of his day, but
also because the one famous scientist he contacted, the botanist Carl von Nägeli, sent
Mendel off on a wild goose chase to investigate the genetics of hawkweeds. Nägeli
may even have done this deliberately: jealous of his younger rival’s brilliance, he set
poor, innocent Mendel to work on a famously intractable group of plants, confi-
dent that the monk would never be able to sort them out. Frustrated by his failure,
Mendel died in heartbroken obscurity. One final ironic twist to the story is added
by the fact that Mendel . . . sent a copy of his paper on peas to Charles Darwin, who
never read it.
(Endersby, 2007: 103–4)
This is the type of heartbreaking story that makes history books worthwhile reading!
Unfortunately, Endersby goes on to show that nearly every detail is wrong. Here are
just a few facts:
● Mendel was not Austrian.
● Mendel had studied both biology and mathematical physics at the University of
Vienna, where he had been taught by some of the best-known scientists of the day.
● Mendel did not discover anything by accident; he performed carefully planned and
well-designed experiments, for which he could rely on several helpers.
● The scientific society he belonged to had many distinguished members and its
journal was widely read; as a consequence, Mendel’s work was mentioned in the
Encyclopaedia Britannica.
● Mendel never sent a copy to Darwin (or at least there is no evidence that he ever did so).
● One of the reasons why Mendel did not pursue his work was that he became the
abbot of the abbey.
● Mendel was interested in hawkweeds, because he believed that the big variety in
this species would give him more insight.
● The main reason why Mendel did not have the impact he may have wanted, is that
he did not understand what was going on. He carefully noted and published the
results of his experiments, but was at a loss to explain the underlying mechanisms.
The explanation of alleles on chromosomes coming from the father and the mother
and leading to dominant or recessive inheritance, with which we are now familiar
and which we attribute to Mendel, only became clear many decades later (involving
a whole series of scientists never mentioned except in specialised books). Only then
did researchers realise the full importance of Mendel’s findings and he was crowned
as the father of genetics (the reasons why hawkweeds behave so differently from
other plants took nearly a century to be understood).
The story of Mendel nicely illustrates the biases we have mentioned (try to find them!).
At the same time, it illustrates that although nearly all the details are wrong, the sum-
mary still conveys the basic message that at some point in time (zeitgeist) science was
advanced enough to begin to question the mechanisms of inheritance and to look for
answers. It is sensationalising and dramatising the history of Mendel to a point that
is no longer acceptable in scientific terms (although see Chapter 8), but is still not
reinterpreting the past.
Similarly, we are confident that our summary in its broad brushstrokes will stand
up to time, despite its unavoidable selectiveness and biases (although we hope to have
done better than the Mendel example!). However, nothing prevents you from reading
much more about the history of science and filling in the many omissions that give the
present chapter a much smoother appearance than is warranted by history.
Interim summary
● History writing always involves simplification and streamlining.
● Therefore, biases easily slip in:
– centred on persons rather than on zeitgeist
– too much credit is given to a small number of people (Matthew effect)
– facts are interpreted on the basis of what happened afterwards (hindsight bias)
– too much attention is given to the contribution of the author’s own group
– history writers often rely on summaries and interpretations made by other writers.
Recommended literature
History is one of the topics well covered in encyclopaedias. recent book is Corry, L. (2015) A Brief History of Num-
For instance, a lot of additional information can be found bers (Oxford: Oxford University Press). An easy to read
on www.wikipedia.org, of which we have made use as well. introduction to the psychology of number processing can
If you prefer books, here are some recommendations: be found in Dehaene, S. (2011) The Number Sense: How
the Mind Creates Mathematics (Revised and expanded edi-
Writing tion; Oxford: Oxford University Press).
As you probably observed, we relied on Manguel (1996),
included in the reference list. If you want to read more History of science
about psychological research on reading and writing, see The book we found most useful, in addition to the ones
Harley, T.A. (2013) The Psychology of Language: From mentioned in Chapter 2, was Lindberg (1992; see the refer-
Data to Theory (4th edition) (Hove: Psychology Press). ence list). For specific topics, the Very Short Introductions
from Oxford University Press often are a good point of
Numbers departure. In this chapter we used the very short intro-
The best book for the history of numerical systems is ductions to Plato (Annas, 2003) and Aristotle (Barnes,
Ifrah (1998), included in the reference list. Another, more 2000). Another very interesting book is Cubberley’s (1920)
The History of Education, which you can find on the inter- the twentieth century but is no longer acceptable nowadays
net. This book is also interesting because it gives examples (with blissfully ignorant passages of chauvinistic Anglo-
of a writing style that was common up to the first half of Saxon thinking).
Annas, J. (2003) Plato: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Huylebrouck, D. (2006) ‘Mathematics in (central) Africa
Oxford University Press. before colonization’, Anthropologica et Praehistorica,
Barnes, J. (2000) Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction. 117: 135–62.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ifrah, G. (1998) The Universal History of Numbers: From
Bauer B. (2004). ‘Vigesimal numerals in Romance: An ety- Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer. London:
mological perspective ’. General Linguistics, 41: 21–46. The Harvill Press. (Translation of the French original
Bird-David, N. (1999) ‘“Animism” revisited: Personhood, (1994): Histoire Universelle des chiffres. Paris: Editions
environment, and relational epistemology’, Current Robert Laffont.)
Anthropology, 40: S67–S91. Landerl, K., Ramus, F., Moll, K., Lyytinen, H., Leppänen,
Bryson, B. (2003) A Short History of Nearly Everything. P.H., Lohvansuu, K., . . . & Schulte-Körne, G. (2013)
London: Doubleday. ‘Predictors of developmental dyslexia in European
Butterworth, B. (1999) The Mathematical Brain. London: orthographies with varying complexity’. Journal of
Macmillan. Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(6): 686–94.
Calude, A.S. & Verkerk, A. (2016) ‘The typology and Lindberg, D.C. (1992) The Beginnings of Western Science:
diachrony of higher numerals in Indo-European: a phy- The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Reli-
logenetic comparative study’, Journal of Language Evo- gious, and Institutional Context, 600 BC to AD 1450.
lution, 1(2): 91–108. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Charles, E.P. (2008) ‘Eight things wrong with introduc- Manguel, A. (1996) A History of Reading. London:
tory psychology courses in America: A warning to my HarperCollins.
European colleagues’, Journal für Psychologie, 16(1). At Minto, W. (1893) Logic: Inductive and Deductive. London:
www.journal-fuer-psychologie.de John Murray.
Cohen, H.F. (2010) How Modern Science Came into the Myers-Scotton, C. (2006) Multiple Voices: An Introduc-
World: Four Civilizations, One 17th-century Break- tion to Bilingualism. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
through. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Numbers, R.L. (2009) Galileo Goes to Jail and Other
Cubberley, E.P. (1920) The History of Education. London: Myths about Science and Religion. Boston, MA: Har-
Constable & Co. vard University Press.
Endersby, J. (2007) A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology: The Powell, A.G. & Frankenstein, M. (1997) Ethnomathemat-
Plants and Animals who Taught us the Facts of Life. ics: Challenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics Educa-
London: William Heinemann. tion. New York: SUNY Press.
Falco, C.M. (2016) ‘Optics and Renaissance Art’. In M.D. Saenger, P. (1997) Space Between Words: The Origins
Al-Amri, M.M. El-Gomati & M. Suhail Zubairy (Eds.), of Silent Reading. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Optics in Our Time (pp. 265–83). Springer. Press.
Gratzer, W. (2002) Eurekas and Euphorias: The Oxford Schlimm, D. & Neth, H. (2008) ‘Modeling ancient and
Book of Scientific Anecdotes. Oxford: Oxford Univer- modern arithmetic practices: Addition and multi-
sity Press. plication with Arabic and Roman numerals’. In V.
Gupta, K. (1932). A few hints on the teaching of math- Sloutsky, B. Love and K. McRae (eds) Proceedings
ematics. Indian Journal of Psychology, 7: 75–86. of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Sci-
Hanley, J.R., Masterson, J., Spencer, L.H. & Evans, D. ence Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society,
(2004) ‘How long do the advantages of learning to read pp. 2007–12.
a transparent orthography last? An investigation of the Seife, C. (2000) Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea.
reading skills and reading impairment of Welsh children London: Souvenir Press.
at 10 years of age’, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Weber, M. (1904/1905) ‘Die protestantische Ethik und
Psychology, 57A: 1393–410. der Geist des Kapitalismus’ (translated in 1905 as
Hannam, J. (2009) God’s Philosophers: How the Medieval ‘The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism’).
World Lay the Foundations of Modern Science. London: Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 20:
Icon Books. 1–54; 21: 1–110.
1. BCE stands for ‘before the common era’; i.e. before the 3. If this all sounds a bit obscure to you, comfort yourself
start of the Gregorian calendar used in the Western soci- with the following thought from Barnes (2000: 6): ‘Let it
ety (another notation in Christian cultures is BC [Before be admitted that Aristotle can be not only tough but also
Christ]); CE means ‘the common era’ and begins with the vexing. Whatever does he mean here? How on earth is
start of the Gregorian calendar (indicated in Christian this conclusion supposed to follow from these premises?
cultures as AD [Anno Domini]). Why this sudden barrage of technical terms?’ Recall, too,
2. One of the debates relating to Aristotle is whether logic that for centuries higher education was largely devoted
is best seen as part of theoretical or practical knowledge. to trying to understand Aristotle.
Questions to consider
The 17th century has continued to be taken for that specific period in history
when modern science was born. Not our present-day science, to be sure, but a
mode of doing science still quite recognizably akin to present-day conceptions.
The awareness that something unprecedentedly new happened in 17th-century
science has been with us for as many centuries as have since passed.
(Cohen, 1994: 1)
In this chapter we continue our quest for the origins of psychology. The word psychol-
ogy did not appear in the literature before 1500 and was not used in the title of an
influential book until the 1730s. What happened between the Renaissance and the
eighteenth century that made authors use this particular word?
scientific revolution It is now generally accepted in history writings that intellectual developments in
name given to a series the seventeenth century changed the course of human thinking and initiated scientific
of discoveries in the research as we currently know it. A name often given to this period is the scientific
seventeenth century, revolution. Although a thousand-page book could be written (and has been written)
involving Galilei,
Descartes and Newton,
about the many facets of the scientific revolution and the various people involved, we
that enhanced the status will limit ourselves to the core developments, which altered human thought and two
of science in society centuries later made psychology, as the scientific study of human mind, possible.
We discuss three critical insights that came to the foreground during the scientific
1. The realisation that the Earth did not form the centre of the universe.
2. The realisation that many things on Earth (including the human body) could be
understood as (complicated) machines.
3. The actual demonstration that many movements on Earth and in the universe could
be described using a handful of relatively simple mathematical equations, which
became known as the laws of physics.
After a brief description of the main developments we will see what consequences the
scientific revolution had on Western thought and Western society. We will also ask
ourselves whether the seventeenth-century developments really were unprecedented
enough to deserve the name ‘revolution’.
The following quote from Ptolemy’s Almagest nicely summarises the then available
knowledge and the reasons brought forward for a stationary Earth in the centre of
the universe:
The earth is a sphere, situated in the center of the heavens; if it were not, one side of the
heavens would appear nearer to us than the other, and the stars would be larger there.
The earth is but a point in comparison to the heavens, because the stars appear of the
same magnitude and at the same distance inter se, no matter where the observer goes
on the earth. It has no motion of translation . . . . If there were a motion, it would be
proportionate to the great mass of the earth and would leave behind animals and objects
thrown into the air. This also disproves the suggestion made by some, that the earth,
while immovable in space, turns round on its own axis.
(translation: Cubberley, 1920: 385)
The use of epicycles allowed Ptolemy to develop a model with a better fit to reality, but
it did not take away all the oddities. To correct for these, Ptolemy introduced higher
order epicycles (i.e. epicycles on epicycles).
The Catholic Church and the Islamic faith adopted Ptolemy’s model of the universe
without modification. However, because of the calendar issue a renewed interest in
the precise movements in the universe grew. This resulted in improved translations of
Ptolemy’s main work, Almagest, and an eagerness to read the Arab commentaries on
this book.
The first person to take Copernicus’s model seriously was the German astronomer
Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), who around 1600 realised that he could get rid of the
epicycles in the model by using elliptical orbits instead of circular ones, and who devel-
oped the three laws of planetary motion that would simplify astronomy considerably.
Kepler’s insights, however, were overlooked for decades by, among others, Galilei and
Galilei’s observations
Copernicus’s heliocentric model received strong impetus when the Italian natural
philosopher Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) in 1609 heard of Dutch inventors who
had made a ‘telescope’ by using a combination of a convex and a concave lens.
Apparently this telescope made it possible for distant objects to look nearer and
Galilei2 was not only one of the finest scholars of his time; he was also a handy
craftsman. In less than a week he built his own telescope. Although he immediately
saw the military use of the instrument (and seized the opportunity to get a perma-
nent position at the University of Padua with a big salary increase), he quickly turned
his eyes to the sky. Even though the telescope only magnified ninefold, he saw some
amazing things:
1. There were many more stars than were visible to the naked eye.
2. The surface of the Moon was not smooth, as claimed by Aristotle, but comprised
mountains and craters (Galilei could discern the mountains because some surfaces
in the dark half were lit when he looked at a half-moon).
3. Jupiter had four orbiting moons, so that the Earth’s moon was no longer the only
heavenly body failing to turn around the centre of the universe.
4. The sizes of Mars and Venus appeared to increase and decrease in cycles, suggesting
that their distances to the Earth changed over time. In addition, Venus had phases
just like the Moon (Figure 2.3).
1241 UT
23/10/02 1342 UT
12/10/02 1352 UT
5/10/02 1352 UT
23/9/02 1519 UT
1541 UT
1548 UT
1350 UT
1803 UT
1630 UT 1/8/02
1940 UT 20/7/02
1525 UT
1810 UT 1902 UT 3/7/02
3/5/02 1/6/02
Figure 2.3 Changes in the magnitude and phases of Venus showing that Venus orbits the Sun with a diameter
smaller than that of the Earth.
Source: TBGS observatory/Chris Proctor
that the Earth revolved around the Sun. He was not burned at the stake, nor was he
imprisoned, but he was officially muzzled and confined under house arrest for the rest
of his life. This action threw the intellectual community in Catholic lands into a state
of fear and circumspection, just as it had been intended to. Elsewhere, however, the
church’s grand symbolic gesture was greeted with a mixture of ridicule and outrage,
galvanising the movement towards the secularisation of science that would reach its final
destination in the 19th century . . .
A treasurable typographical error in [Michael White’s] book refers to a ‘Professor of
Scared Scripture’, and that of course is what the authorities were. They understood that
to challenge any orthodoxy threatened, like pulling a stray thread of wool in a cardigan,
to unravel the whole false fabric of theology. It is impossible not to read the transcript
of the trial without wanting to shout out in rage: Italy produced no physical scientist
of the slightest importance for two centuries after Galileo.
(S. Callow, The Guardian, 4 August 2007; book review of Galileo Antichrist:
A Biography by Michael White. Copyright Guardian News & Media 2007.)
As is often the case, a closer look at the historical evidence seems to point to a slightly
more moderate picture. These circumstances were why Galilei received a particularly
strong rebuttal from the Vatican:
● The Roman Catholic Church had been confronted by the Reformation and did not
want to be seen as weak. In addition, the pope was involved in wars to defend and
extend his territories. (Italy in those days did not exist, but was divided into several
● Galilei ridiculed the Catholic Church in his book by putting the views of the Church
in the mouth of an individual called Simplicius (simple-minded).
● Not everyone in the Roman Catholic Church agreed with the developments. Before,
during and after his trial, Galilei was helped by cardinals who did not approve of
what happened.
● Disagreements between scientists and the establishment have not been limited to
the Roman Catholic Church, as we will see later.
Independent of the Church’s reaction, the main outcome of Galilei’s research was
that the evidence he presented (and which could easily be verified by others once they
had a telescope) was so convincing that the heliocentric view rapidly came to dominate
astronomy (although it was not until 1822 that Pope Pius VII would allow the print-
ing of works based on the heliocentric theory in Rome). As such, the episode was an
important triumph for natural philosophy.
Interim summary
● The need for an improved calendar renewed interest in the motions of the Earth, the
Moon and the Sun relative to one another.
● The model of the universe that was used was the geocentric model of Aristotle and
Ptolemy. This model has the Earth at the centre of the universe.
● Copernicus became interested in an alternative heliocentric model with the Sun at the
centre. He did not publish this model until the year of his death, partly because he
thought the evidence was not convincing enough and partly because he did not want to
upset the Roman Catholic Church.
● Nearly a century later Galileo Galilei used a telescope to look at the night sky and
observed several phenomena that were easier to explain on the basis of a heliocentric
model than on the basis of a geocentric model. In doing so, he upset the Roman Catholic
● Because the evidence was so convincing and could be verified by others, the heliocentric
model rapidly came to dominate astronomy despite the Roman Catholic Church’s
The only exception Descartes made to the mechanistic world was the human soul,
as superbly summarised by Fancher (1996: 22):
As Descartes summarized to a friend, ‘The soul of beasts is nothing but their blood.’
But Descartes would not go so far regarding human beings in spite of the fact that
their bodies resembled the bodies of animals in many ways, and obviously operated
like machines as well. The point of difference lay in the human capacities for con-
sciousness and volition. It seemed obvious to him that his own actions often occurred
because he wanted them to, or because he freely chose them following rational delib-
eration. This supremely important, subjective side of human experience did not seem
to lend itself to mechanistic analysis. Accordingly, Descartes attributed it to the pres-
ence of a soul or mind, which he thought interacted with the bodily machine in human
beings. In sum, he got rid of the Aristotelian vegetative and animal souls, but retained
the rational soul.
Interim summary
● The response of the Roman Catholic Church to Galilei encouraged René Descartes to build
a new philosophy of man.
● In this philosophy a clear distinction was made between the soul, which was divine and
could not be studied with scientific methods, and the rest of the universe (including the
body), which was a complex machine that could be studied scientifically. This became
known as (Cartesian) dualism.
● The mechanistic view of the world came to replace Aristotle’s view, which still contained
animistic elements.
Figure 2.5 Newton’s insight that a cannonball will orbit the Earth if it is fired with the
right force.
adequately described on the basis of three laws and the postulation of a gravitational
force. Each of the components was described in mathematical terms, allowing precise
calculations of the orbits, which fully agreed with the laws of planetary motion Kepler
had discovered 80 years before.
Principia Mathematica The magnitude of the impact of the Principia Mathematica (as it is usually abbrevi-
book in which Newton ated) can hardly be exaggerated. For decades scholars had argued that the universe
presented his laws of could be thought of as a perfect machine, the workings of which could be studied and
physics (1687); considered
to be the primary reason
understood by natural philosophy. Suddenly they had their wildest dreams fulfilled:
for the increased status of here was a book that described all motions (both on Earth and in the universe) on the
science basis of a handful of equations that could be understood by everyone with a bit of
mathematical sophistication! The mechanisms of the universe were laid bare to the
human eye. It was only a matter of time before similar equations would be discovered
for the other parts of the machine.
The boost science got from Newton’s tour de force persists till today. Scientists after
Newton felt much less need to keep abreast of philosophical issues than before. In con-
trast, philosophers without scientific knowledge saw their status sharply decreased.
(Although for the sake of completeness it must be added that Newton’s theory has
since been upgraded by Einstein’s relativity theory, and that physicists still do not know
how celestial bodies can attract each other over large distances without any apparent
matter between them.)
Interim summary
● Newton explained why planets orbit the Sun and moons orbit planets.
● In doing so, he not only defined the relevant forces, but described them in such detail
that they could be calculated precisely.
● The resulting mathematical equations were the first laws of physics, published in the
Principia Mathematica, convincing scholars that science could uncover the mechanisms
underlying the universe.
and 1033 (one thousand years after Christ’s death) seemed plausible times for the Last
Judgment. They both passed, however, and people found themselves confronted with
the need for a new project. In Holland’s words (2008: xxviii):
For a long while, the notion that the world would be brought to an end, that Christ
would come again, that a new Jerusalem would descend from the heavens, had been a
kind of answer. With the disappointment of that expectation, the Christian people of
Western Europe found themselves with no choice but to arrive at solutions bred of their
own restlessness and ingenuity: to set to the heroic task of building a heavenly Jerusalem
on earth themselves.
Christian religion left another opening for scientific advance. Because it made a
strict distinction between the worldly and the heavenly, it resulted in two different
authorities, who tended to keep each other in check. For religious matters, there
was the Church with the pope as its leader; for worldly affairs, kings ruled. There
was not a single force taking complete control of people. Quite often, Church and
court disagreed with each other. They also had different regulations and laws. To
some extent, it may be argued that these two instances personalised (and possibly
reinforced) the dualistic view of mankind, with the mind belonging to the Church
and the body to the king. Science could take advantage of the ambiguities in this
state of affairs.
New inventions
In Chapter 1 we mentioned the impact of the invention of paper and printing. This
made information abundantly available and relieved scholars from the burden of pre-
serving the information from the previous generation. As Cohen (1994: 363) wrote:
‘During the scribal age, a never-ending effort to prevent and halt as best one could
the ongoing corruption, decay, and destruction of texts was the primary concern of
scholars.’ Information also became available in the vernacular, as important texts were
translated into different languages. Galilei, for instance, was one of the first authors
to publish his books in Italian.
The invention of the mechanical clock (in the fourteenth century) also had an
impact, because it provided philosophers with a working example of a mechanical
world (cf. Descartes’ views). It further resulted in the establishment of a professional
group of clock- and watchmakers, who could make the high-precision equipment
needed for the scientific experiments that were to come.
The introduction of the compass, the telescope and the microscope were other
factors convincing the ruling powers of the importance of new inventions, because of
their impact on war and trade. States could be made more efficient and gather extra
wealth by learning more about nature. As we have seen in the case of Galilei, these
inventions also had implications for the development of science. Suddenly, scholars
could see more than they had been able to perceive before.
more easily lent itself to the popularisation of knowledge than the writings of religious
and humanistic thinkers. All over Europe, kings and aristocrats took an interest in the
new experimental science and provided the instruments and laboratories by means of
which experiments could be carried out.
This is not to say that universities were invariably at the forefront of new discover-
ies. As a matter of fact, they have been criticised for being too conservative, clinging
to the old philosophical texts and the scholastic teaching method, as can be seen in
the following excerpt from Cubberley (1920: 394):
During the seventeenth century, and largely during the eighteenth as well, the extreme
conservatism of the universities, their continued control by their theological faculties,
and their continued devotion to theological controversy and the teachings of state ortho-
doxy rather than the advancement of knowledge, served to make of them such inhospi-
table places for the new scientific method that practically all the leading workers with
it were found outside the universities.
In particular, the universities largely continued to use the Socratic disputations that
were popular in Ancient Greece (Chapter 1) to settle issues, as described by Shapin
(1996: 121):
The disputatiousness of traditional natural philosophy was frequently blamed on the
dominant role of university scholars and traditional scholar ways of establishing and
justifying knowledge. A typical form of philosophical exchange in the universities was
the ritual disputation, in which opposing scholars deployed sophisticated logical and
rhetorical tools to defend their theses and defeat those of their opponents, the results
to be judged by a philosophical master. So when moderns insisted they would mind not
words but things, they were referring quite specifically to the verbose and wrangling
style of natural philosophy in the Schools.
Yet, of the four central people we mentioned above, two found a position at a univer-
sity (Galilei and Newton). One was largely financed by the Roman Catholic Church
(Copernicus) and one had independent means (Descartes).
A benevolent religion
As indicated above, science also profited from the Protestant Reformation. Ironi-
cally, this may have been partly because of what happened to Galilei. The Protestant
Churches not only encouraged followers to study the Bible, but some also encouraged
them to study science to set themselves apart from the Roman Catholic Church. There
are many writings in which the positive interactions between natural philosophy and
Protestant religion were praised. Teaching science was an element that distinguished
the new Protestant schools from the established Catholic schools.
It is important to realise that the Protestant Reformation did not in the first place
encourage the innovative thinking we currently associate with science. Rather, it
stressed arduous work and an orientation to worldly success, which still turned out to
be good breeding grounds for scientific progress. This is how Weber (1904/1905: 4–11)
summarised the Protestant view:
. . . it is necessary to note, what has often been forgotten, that the Reformation meant
not the elimination of the Church’s control over everyday life, but rather the substitu-
tion of a new form of control for the previous one. . . . The rule of Calvinism [. . .],
as it was enforced in the sixteenth century in Geneva and in Scotland, at the turn of
the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries in large parts of the Netherlands, in the
seventeenth in New England, and for a time in England itself, would be for us the most
absolutely unbearable form of ecclesiastical control of the individual which could pos-
sibly exist. . . .
. . . the spirit of hard work, of progress, or whatever else it may be called, the awak-
ening of which one is inclined to ascribe to Protestantism, must not be understood, as
there is a tendency to do, as joy of living nor in any other sense as connected with the
Enlightenment. The old Protestantism of Luther, Calvin, Knox, Voet, had precious
little to do with what to-day is called progress. To whole aspects of modern life which
the most extreme religionist would not wish to suppress to-day, it was directly hostile.
Interim summary
● The following factors are thought to have precipitated the scientific revolution in
seventeenth-century Europe:
– the growth of the population, urbanisation, and the emergence of a large class of
– a crisis of religion
– new inventions that made information more easily available, that led to new
questions, and that included the promise of scientific discoveries leading to wealth
and power
– the existence of universities and patronage
– massive enrichment from the Greek and Arab civilisations
– the idea that small issues could be solved without the need of an overall view that
explained everything in the universe.
● The scientific revolution could also have died prematurely if:
– a major disaster or war had happened
– religion had been able to suppress the new thinking
– natural philosophers had not been able to organise themselves and create structures
that solidified their progress.
Although it is tempting to use the word ‘scientist’ in our discussion below, histori-
cally this would not be correct, as the word was only coined in 1833 by the British
philosopher of science William Whewell (1794–1866). Before, learned men interested
in sciences called themselves natural philosophers or (later) men of science. The word
science itself is much older. It is derived from the Latin word ‘scientia’ and was –
together with natural philosophy – used in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to
refer to Aristotle’s theoretical knowledge.
agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found
on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises, or else by some distinction
sets aside and rejects, in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the
authority of its former conclusions may remain inviolate. . . .
(Book I, Aphorisms XLV–XLVI)
To correct for the confirmation bias, Bacon advised that particular attention be paid
to deviating observations:
. . . it is the peculiar and perpetual error of the human intellect to be more moved and
excited by affirmatives than by negatives; whereas it ought properly to hold itself indif-
ferently disposed toward both alike. Indeed, in the establishment of any true axiom, the
negative instance is the more forcible of the two.
(Book I, Aphorism XLVI)
A further problem with perception is the limitation of the senses: people do not
observe everything correctly:
But by far the greatest hindrance and aberration of the human understanding proceeds
from the dullness, incompetency, and deceptions of the senses . . . the sense by itself is
a thing infirm and erring.
(Book I, Aphorism L)
Finally, even when observations are veridical they do not result in useful knowl-
edge unless they are accompanied by reasoning and understanding. In this respect,
Bacon referred to the works of alchemists whose experiments were based on observa-
tions but whose enterprise was haphazard because it lacked a coherent theoretical
To those therefore who are daily busied with these experiments and have infected their
imagination with them, such a philosophy seems probable and all but certain; to all
men else incredible and vain. Of this there is a notable instance in the alchemists and
their dogmas . . .
(Book I, Aphorism LXIV)
To overcome the deficiencies of observations, Bacon recommended putting them on a
firmer basis by a tougher coupling between observation and reason:
Those who have handled sciences have been either men of experiment or men of dog-
mas. The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners
resemble spiders, who make cobwebs out of their own substance. But the bee takes a
middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field,
but transforms and digests it by a power of its own. Not unlike this is the true business
of [natural] philosophy; for it neither relies solely or chiefly on the powers of the mind,
nor does it take the matter which it gathers from natural history and mechanical experi-
ments and lay it up in the memory whole, as it finds it, but lays it up in the understand-
ing altered and digested.
(Book I, Aphorism XXVII, XCV)
Bacon also urged his readers to make observations much more systematic than was
done at his time, so that there would be a firmer empirical basis for thinking to build
Now for grounds of experience – since to experience we must come – we have as
yet had either none or very weak ones; no search has been made to collect a store
The existence of axioms also allows natural philosophers to purposely search for new
phenomena, rather than having to rely on chance findings:
And this consideration occurs at once – that if many useful discoveries have been made
by accident or upon occasion, when men were not seeking for them but were busy about
other things, no one can doubt but that when they apply themselves to seek and make
this their business, . . . they will discover far more. For although it may happen once or
twice that a man shall stumble on a thing by accident which, when taking great pains
to search for it, he could not find, yet upon the whole it unquestionably falls out the
other way.
(Book I, Aphorism CVIII)
Sometimes an observation or a clarifying experiment may even decide between two
alternative explanations. Bacon called such instances crucial instances:
Sometimes in the search for a nature the intellect is poised in equilibrium and cannot
decide to which of two or (occasionally) more natures it should attribute or assessing
the cause of the nature under investigation . . . in these circumstances crucial instances
reveal that the fellowship of one of the natures with the nature under investigation
is constant and indissoluble, while that of the other is fitful and occasional. This
ends the search as the former nature is taken as the cause and the other dismissed
and rejected.
(Book II, Aphorism XXXVI)
The link between particulars and axioms, however, must be much closer than in Aris-
totle’s thinking. To achieve this, Bacon recommended working with a hierarchy of
axioms, starting with lesser axioms (staying close to the observations), going over
middle axioms (which are true and solid axioms on which the affairs and fortunes of
men depend), to the highest axioms (which are general and abstract).
In establishing axioms, another form of induction must be devised than has hitherto
been employed, and it must be used for proving and discovering not first principles (as
they are called) only, but also the lesser axioms, and the middle, and indeed all.
(Book I, Aphorism CV)
More than anything else, the adoption of Bacon’s research method was the reason
why science became so successful from the seventeenth century on. One of the first
research areas to profit from the application of the method was chemistry. Whereas
before it was a widely erratic business, known as alchemy (to which Newton devoted
more time than to physics!), the introduction of scientific rigour in a few decades
turned it into a respectable science, with the rapid discovery of chemical elements
and the laws that governed their behaviour. A central figure in this transition was the
British scholar Robert Boyle (1627–1691), who in 1662 published one of the first laws
of gas and who is seen by many (especially chemists) as another central figure in the
scientific revolution. Boyle, for example, stressed that scientific experiments should
be performed publicly and reported in such detail that everyone could replicate them.
To honour Bacon’s role in the scientific revolution, historians sometimes call the
new sciences based on close interactions between observation and reasoning ‘Baconian
Inductive vs. deductive reasoning
To better understand the novelty of Bacon’s writings, it is helpful to be aware of the
distinction between deductive and inductive reasoning drawn in logic.
deductive reasoning Deductive reasoning is a way of reasoning in which one starts from a number of
form of reasoning in which indisputable premises from which new conclusions are drawn. The conclusions are
one starts from a number
guaranteed to be true if the premises are right and the correct logical rules have been
of indisputable premises,
from which new, true followed. As we saw in Chapter 1, this was clearly the reasoning of Plato. It got further
conclusions can be drawn impetus when Aristotle defined the syllogisms and the rules to follow. It was also
if the rules of logic are embraced by the Catholic Church and Descartes.
Because deductive reasoning requires indisputable premises to start from, it usually
defends some form of innate knowledge, knowledge people seem to have intuitively.
One source of such knowledge is the wisdom brought by the Soul, which explains the
appeal deductive reasoning has for religious authorities.
inductive reasoning The new scientific method proposed by Bacon, however, was much closer to
form of reasoning in inductive reasoning, a form of reasoning in which likely conclusions are drawn on the
which one starts from basis of a series of converging observations.
observations and
tries to reach general Bacon stressed inductive reasoning because of his unhappiness with the indisput-
conclusions on the able premises in the systems of Plato and Aristotle. For him, the innate knowledge
basis of convergences postulated by Plato and Aristotle was questionable and should be replaced by knowl-
in the observations; is edge based on observation and induction. Descartes also found the first premises of
needed in science to turn
observed phenomena into Plato and Aristotle unsatisfying, but he tried to find new and improved ones. This
scientific laws, but does brought him to his first premise ‘I think, therefore I am’ [cogito, ergo sum], because
not guarantee that the everything is doubtable (including perception) except for the fact of doubting itself.
conclusions are true
From this first axiom, Descartes came to the distinction between Soul (the doubting
entity) and body and, henceforth, to the existence of God, who stood for the innate
ideas of perfection, unity and infinity.
The importance of experimental histories was given further impetus in 1665 when
the British scholar Robert Hooke (1635–1703) translated Bacon’s crucial instance into
experimentum crucis (critical experiment) and defined it as the experiment that was
able to determine decisively whether a particular hypothesis or theory was better than
its alternatives. Newton in 1672 claimed to have performed such an experimentum
crucis, when he first dispersed a beam of white light into the colours of the rainbow
using a prism and then converged the various colours back into a white beam with
another prism. This, according to Newton, definitely proved that white light was the
sum of all colours of the rainbow.
In a revealing and amusing book from 1863, the German chemist Justus von Liebig
(1803–1873) showed that even Bacon did not often use the Baconian method in his
scientific writings. Most of the time Bacon started from his thoughts and searched
in the literature for converging evidence (often without acknowledging the source),
completely in line with the confirmation bias he had warned against. Liebig also noted
that Bacon exhibited an almost pathological fear of mathematics in his writings.
We will return to the tension between theory and observation in Chapter 9, when
we discuss current ideas about what makes a science. However, it is important to
keep in mind that the first natural philosophers knew the limitations of perceptual
information as the basis of knowledge. And indeed some of the very first scientific
breakthroughs were testimony to these limits. After all, didn’t the perception of a fixed
world give humans the false impression of a geocentric universe? And were the failures
to see differences in the brightness of Venus and to detect the moons around Jupiter
not the reasons why Copernicus’s heliocentric theory had been disregarded for almost
a century? And who could have thought on the basis of the visual sense that white light
was the sum of all colours of the rainbow? Human perception was both fallible and
limited. The limitations of human vision were again brought to the foreground when
the Dutch merchant and natural philosopher Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723)
in the 1670s published his findings with the microscope: Surfaces that to the naked eye
looked uniform contained many more organisms than ever dreamed of.
very different from the writings of the Ancient Greeks. So, a lot of novel knowledge
still had to be unearthed, just like it was possible to come across a previously unknown
continent on an expedition around the earth. As Richards (1981) noted:
Up to the scientific revolution, people held a static view of knowledge: God had infused
certain men (such as Adam or Moses) with scientific knowledge, which was passed on to
successive generations. This view accorded with the Renaissance presumption that ancient
thought embodied the highest standards of knowledge. Even Newton contended that his
Principia was a recovery of wisdom known to the ancients. After the scientific revolution,
scientist changed to a growth model: Scientific knowledge is only at its beginnings.
Some of the knowledge growth model can be found in Bacon’s New Organon, although
he still stayed very close to the traditional assumption that humans in ancient times
knew much more than people in contemporary times. So, when he criticised Plato and
Aristotle, Bacon did not point in the first place to the new knowledge generated, but
to the fact that there seemed to have been older information more reliable than Plato’s
and Aristotle’s. In his own words:
The sciences which we possess come for the most part from the Greeks. For what has
been added by Roman, Arabic, or later writers is not much nor of much importance;
and whatever it is, it is built on the foundation of Greek discoveries. . . . But the elder of
the Greek philosophers, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Leucippus, Democritus, Parmenides,
Heraclitus, Xenophanes, Philolaus, . . . betook themselves to the inquisition of truth.
And therefore they were in my judgment more successful; only that their works were in
the course of time obscured by those slighter persons [Plato and Aristotle] who had more
which suits and pleases the capacity and tastes of the vulgar; time, like a river, bringing
down to us things which are light and puffed up, but letting weighty matters sink.
(Book I, Aphorism LXXI)
Because of the revision of the past, for a natural philosopher the truth of statements
could no longer be based on the authority of history and tradition. This meant the
end of the type of arguments used by the Italian astronomer Francesco Sizi in 1611
to question Galilei’s claim that Jupiter had moons, and so there might be more than
seven wandering stars:
There are seven windows in the head, two nostrils, two ears, two eyes and a mouth; so in
the heavens there are two favorable stars, two unpropitious, two luminaries, and Mercury
alone undecided and indifferent. From which and many other similar phenomena of nature
such as the seven metals, etc., which it were tedious to enumerate, we gather that the num-
ber of planets is necessarily seven. . . . Besides, the Jews and other ancient nations, as well as
modern Europeans, have adopted the division of the week into seven days, and have named
them from the seven planets: now if we increase the number of planets, this whole system
falls to the ground. . . . Moreover, the satellites are invisible to the naked eye and therefore
can have no influence on the earth and therefore would be useless and therefore do not exist.
(translation from Stanovich, 2010: 9)
Interim summary
The method of the natural philosopher:
● in particular, the writings of Francis Bacon were important in making the new method of
the natural philosopher (the predecessor of the scientist) explicit.
● Bacon’s advice comprised the following elements:
– observation and inductive reasoning are much more important in science than
acknowledged by Aristotle
– systematic observation is important to have a good understanding of the phenomena
and to come to correct axioms; it is also important to spot evidence against the
prevailing axioms and convictions
– because of the limitations of observations, they must be supplemented by
experimental histories to extract the truth from Nature (rather than passively observe
Nature); observation and understanding must constantly interact.
● Bacon’s view was able to explain quite well the developments that resulted in the
scientific revolution, but the emphasis on observation and experimental histories did
not explain the ways in which Galilei and Newton sometimes came to their conclusions.
● Another major change was that natural philosophers started to realise that not all
knowledge had been known in ancient times and that much still remained to be
improvements in nutrition, hygiene and medical care made humans healthier and live
longer. Due to new communication methods (the first newspapers appeared in the
seventeenth century), people were more aware of what happened in the world.
The positive effects were to some extent offset by the negative impacts of sci-
ence. Certainly in the beginning the working conditions of the labourers were rarely
enviable (although they must be compared to the pre-industrial situation). The
technological changes also came with a serious pollution problem and there was
growing concern that the rapid production would lead to the exhaustion of natural
As science gained in standing, a scientific career also became a means of upward
social mobility. The cleverest and most dynamic elements of the lower classes could
improve their status through a scientific career. At the same time, a new type of skill
was promoted, because scientific research required strong intellectual capacities. This
put the emphasis on the individual rather than the family of origin. As Young (1994:
20) argued, society is a battleground between two great principles: selection by fam-
ily and selection by merit. Science clearly favoured the latter: individual capacities
were more important than the class one came from. Selection by personal merit also
meant prominence of short-term gains, rather than attention to long-term preserva-
tion, which is more of an issue for landlords and their families.
Ironically (and maybe a sign of how fundamental the transition was) Comte did not
recommend a science-based society in his third stage as we would conceive it now.
Rather, science for Comte had to become a religion, in order to keep the cohesive
function religion traditionally had. So, Comte set up a new Religion of Humanity,
with its own calendar and rituals. This made it very difficult for his British follow-
ers, such as John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), to promote positivism in the Anglo-Saxon
world. The ‘real’ scientists ridiculed Comte, although some followers did establish
British churches of positivist worship (Wright, 2008). None of the positivist churches
survived long.
New claims about the status of scientific knowledge
Together with the assertion that the sciences provided the only valid knowledge, posi-
tivists also upped the virtues of the scientific method in their communication to the
wider public. In particular, they downplayed the problems of fallible perception and
wrong theorising, because these did not agree with the message that scientific infor-
mation was always true knowledge. So, the messages sent to the wider public were
the following:
1. Because science is based on observation and experimentation, and not on opinion
and authority, it is always right.
2. Scientific theories are summaries of observations and, therefore, are always correct
as well.
3. Because scientific knowledge is always true, it should be the motor of all progress
(i.e. it must decide all choices to be made).
The following excerpt from a school textbook on natural philosophy shows how these
messages were also conveyed by the self-confident rhetoric of the scientists themselves,
who looked proudly at the many achievements realised in the previous few hundreds
of years:
Why is it that the most acute mathematicians and metaphysicians the world has ever
produced for two thousand years made so little advance in knowledge, and why have
the last two centuries produced such a wonderful revolution in human affairs? It is from
the lesson first taught by Lord Bacon, that, so liable to fallacy are the operations of the
intellect, experiment must always be the great engine of human discovery, and, therefore,
of human advancement.
(Draper, 1847: v–vi)
Indeed, as science gained in power, it was the scientists who started to spread the
message that their knowledge was superior to that of non-scientists. They no longer
required the approval of positivists (who after all were ‘only’ philosophers and jour-
nalists writing about science):
What has made positivism so appealing to scientists with an interest in the past of
science is that this doctrine fits in beautifully with working scientists’ virtually inborn
prejudices regarding the achievement of their predecessors. Almost inevitably, successful
scientists tend to regard the truths they have discovered as necessary truths. In retro-
spect, the achievements of earlier generations seem self-evident, and it requires a real
effort of the mind to place ourselves in the position of those to whom ‘truth’ had not
yet become manifest.
(Cohen, 1994: 39)
be some hope of their attaining a true appreciation of their own nature; when they shall
come to believe only in themselves, elevation will no longer be possible; expectation will
be a despair, and memory a remorse.
(Tait, 1854: 495)
. . . science without religion – reason and truth without the moral vigour and judgment
to wield them, thus creating a fertile source of evil in the fermentation of the intellectual
elements without the restraining force of religious and moral discipline – impelling the
people to employ their knowledge in crude misdirected combinations, in a restless and
morbid activity to equal those above them, whom they believe they equal in point of
intellect; – letting loose, in short, a fearful power when unregulated by moral cultiva-
tions and religious discipline.
(The Imperial Magazine 1834, Vol. IV: 284)
. . . the best processes to educate a child physically are the best to educate him intel-
lectually, and that the best to educate him physically and intellectually are the best
to educate him religiously and morally. There is no antagonism; but all attempts to
separate science and religion are ruinous. They were made to go hand in hand, the
mistress and the handmaiden. Science, without religion, would be cold-hearted infi-
delity; religion, without science, would be narrow-hearted bigotry. Every lesson in
arithmetic, and grammar, and geography should not only make our children wiser,
but better. Every lesson should point upward to man’s higher and holier destiny. All
our instruction ought to be in moral truth. When we go before our pupils, armed with
these truths, our teaching will have some effect. Nothing but the religion of Jesus Christ
is to reform the world.
(Proceedings of the First Annual Convention of the
American Normal School Association, 1859: 97)
Many Protestant Churches enjoyed good relationships with science. Ministers took
part in scientific discussions, providing scientists with moral and religious counsel.
Some were natural philosophers themselves, just like most scientists were deeply reli-
gious men. After all, didn’t Bacon, Descartes, Newton and many others propose a
‘sacred science’, a science inspired by religion and for the greater benefit of faith?
The relationship between Protestant religion and science deteriorated in the 1870s,
when scientists began to react against what they felt to be the patronising attitude
of church authorities (Garoutte, 2003). One cause of disagreement grew out of the
estimates of the Earth’s age. The general belief of the Church was that Creation had
taken place in six days some four or at most ten thousand years before the birth of
Christ. This did not agree with the geological fossil findings that became available,
and was further questioned in 1859 when Darwin published his book on evolutionary
theory (see Chapter 3).
In a short period of time several books and journals, such as the Popular Science
Monthly and Scientific American, were published which not only exalted the many
breakthroughs of science, but also raised suspicion about extent to which scientific
progress had been hindered by religion. Two particularly influential writers were John
William Draper (1811–1882) and Andrew Dickson White (1832–1918). The latter was
co-founder of Cornell University, which was established as ‘an asylum for Science’,
in contrast to the other private American universities that were religious institutions
focused on the liberal arts and religious training. In response to the criticism and
innuendo White received from religious leaders, he wrote two books: The Warfare of
Science (1876) and A History of Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
(1896), in which he argued that Christian religion had a long history of opposing scien-
tific progress in the interest of dogmatic theology. John William Draper is particularly
known for his book History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874), in
which he above all criticised the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the suppres-
sion of science. It is becoming clear that many of our current views of an unavoidable
hostility between religion and science trace back to these publications (Ferngren, 2002;
Garoutte, 2003; Hannam, 2009; Numbers, 2009).
The humanities
Also outside religion there was a large segment of the population that preferred to keep
away from the scientific realm. They were people interested in literature, culture, art,
law, history and ‘real’ philosophy (as opposed to natural philosophy). These disciplines
humanities became known as the humanities, studies of the human condition on the basis of read-
academic disciplines that ing, thought and emotion. They were the continuation of the medieval and Renaissance
continued the traditional teachings, based on the study of the ancient classics, increasingly supplemented with
study of the ancient
classics, increasingly
teachings of contemporary literature and art, to reach a universal human culture:
supplemented with The term umanista was used, in fifteenth-century Italian jargon, to describe a teacher or
teachings of contemporary
literature and art
student of classical literature and the arts associated with it, including that of rhetoric.
The English equivalent ‘humanist’ makes its appearance in the late sixteenth century
with a very similar meaning. Only in the nineteenth century, however, and probably
for the first time in Germany in 1809, is the attribute transformed into a substantive:
humanism, standing for devotion to the literatures of ancient Greece and Rome, and
the humane values that may be derived from them.
(Mann, 1996: 1–2)
An important text within the humanistic movement was the book Reflections on the
Revolution in France, which the Irish-British politician Edmund Burke (1729–1797)
wrote in 1790. After having supported the American War of Independence because it
restored the rights of the people against a tyrannical king, he initially felt sympathetic
to the French Revolution as well, until he saw the scale of the upheaval and the extent
to which the ruling classes suffered from the fight against traditional institutes and
values. Burke argued that societies had grown spontaneously and that the prevalent
customs and beliefs were the time-honoured outcome of this organic process and
formed a bond between the living, the dead, and those who are yet to be born. A dras-
tic breach with traditions tore apart the existing social tissue, made people unsettled,
and was a jump into the unknown, even when based on scientific knowledge. It was
an illusion to think that human social life could be built on reason alone.
Romantic movement Leahey (2004: 188–9) also included the Romantic movement as a main force against
movement in the late science. He believed that, although we tend to think of romanticism as an artistic
1700s to early 1800s movement, it was so much more than this. It was an integral part of the protests of
that reacted against
the mechanistic world the Counter-Enlightenment against the Cartesian–Newtonian world view. He wrote
view and the emphasis about how the romantics considered Cartesian claims for the dominance of reason as
on reason preached by conceited, and counteracted them with praises of strong feeling and intuition. The
Enlightenment; it saw the romantics believed deeply that there was much more in the universe than just atoms
universe as a changing
organism and stressed and matter and that, by releasing feeling, passion and intuition the human race could
everything that deviated arrive at a place beyond the material. In direct contrast to the bland and mechanical
from rationalism: the view of the mind put forward by many philosophers, the romantics considered the
individual, the irrational,
mind as spontaneous and free.
the imaginative, the
emotional, the natural and Although it is true that the Romantics in many aspects were closer to the human-
the transcendental ists than to the natural philosophers, historical research in the last decade has made
clear that the attitudes of the Romantics to science were much more ambivalent than
thought by Leahey. Indeed, some of the strongest claims about the anti-science stand-
ing of the Romantic movement have turned out to be myths rather than facts, as shown
in the myth-busting box below.
context-dependent and often inherently in conflict with each other. The uni-
verse was constantly changing like a living organism and, therefore, could not
be understood as a machine that operated according to fixed, eternal principles.
The Romantic movement spread from Germany to the rest of the (Western)
The following are some of the examples given to illustrate how diametrically
opposed romanticism was to science.
1. The Swiss Romanticist Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) praised the
‘noble savage’, the pure human who lived close to Nature and had not yet
become corrupted by civilisation. He honoured primitive people as natural,
whereas he saw ‘civilised’ people as turned away from nature by education,
social custom and opinion.
2. The British Romantic poet John Keats (1795–1821) declared that Newton
had destroyed all the poetry of the rainbow by reducing it to a prism.3
3. The British Romantic novelist Mary Shelley (1797–1851) published a book
in 1818, Frankenstein, in which she warned against the dangers of mad and
evil scientists who followed their obsessions and created monsters.
However, historical research has revealed that none of the above examples is
reliable. For a start, there are no writings of Rousseau in which he claimed
that primitive tribes had a better life than Westerners (Ellingson, 2001). The
most likely origin of the noble savage story is a speech the Scottish physician
and orientalist John Crawfurd gave in 1859 before the Ethnological Society
of London, in which he ridiculed ‘Rousseau’s’ views of primitive people, as
part of an attempt to convince the Society that indigenous people were a
different species from white people (and, hence, could be exploited without
moral scruples).
Keats’ ‘declaration’ was made during a rowdy and alcohol-fuelled dinner to
celebrate the first stage of an enormous work by the British painter Benjamin
Haydon (Holmes, 2008). In a chat about the powers of Reason vs. Imagination,
the poet Charles Lamb mocked Newton, describing him as ‘a fellow who believed
nothing unless it was as clear as the three sides of a triangle’. Keats joined in with
his phrase about Newton and the rainbow, which was noted down by Haydon
and which would be used later as a piece of evidence for the strong anti-science
stance of the Romantic movement.
Mary Shelley’s book Frankenstein was quite different from the image most
people have of it (Holmes, 2008), as can easily be verified by everyone who makes
the effort to read it. Although the book indeed dealt with the creation of a new
person by a man of science, both the scientist, Victor Frankenstein, and his crea-
ture were represented as emotion-rich human beings. For instance, a large part
of the book described the solitude the creature experienced as a result of his
ugliness and which eventually drove him to murder. The book was no great suc-
cess, until it was adapted for the stage in the 1820s. These adaptations gradually
shifted to the caricature image of scientists as depicted by some church authori-
ties and humanists. Victor Frankenstein became a mad and evil scientist, work-
ing in a demoniac laboratory with a comic German assistant, and his creature
became a dumb monster, without the intellectual and emotional competences
he had in the book. Because Mary Shelley needed the money, she did not object
to these changes, which made the stage play (and later the film adaptations) a
great success.
So, the supposedly strong antithesis between Romanticism and science seems
to be based on thin grounds. As a matter of fact, there is good evidence for close
contacts between the main proponents of the Romantic movement and natural
philosophers. Romanticists were interested in the new scientific findings and
often fascinated by them. Similarly, some natural philosophers felt quite at ease
with the romantic view of the universe as a living and changing organism rather
than a stable machine. At the end of the eighteenth century, for instance, the
views of the cosmos started to change. Whereas before the heavens had been
seen as static, it became clear that major changes were taking place. Sometimes
new stars lit up and disappeared after some time. Also, in 1789 the German-
British astronomer Frederick William Herschel (1738–1822) published a treatise
in which he described the dynamic nature of the nebulae he observed through his
telescope. All these observations were more in line with the Romantic idea of an
organic universe than with Descartes’ mechanical picture. The romantic idea of
the universe would also strike a chord with Darwin’s views about evolution and
would be one of the reasons why his theory found rapid approval in Germany
(Richards, 2002).
All in all, it looks like the interactions between the Romantics and the men
of science in the eighteenth and nineteenth century were much richer and more
ambivalent than fits into the description of a simple dichotomy between cultural
movements for or against science.
Interim summary
● Science has induced many changes in society, such as:
– people became more prosperous and knowledgeable
– a scientific career became a new means of upward social mobility
– life and knowledge became more differentiated and specialised.
● The reactions to the scientific revolution can roughly be divided into positive and
negative ones:
Positive reactions
– reason and science should be the basis of social order (the Age of Enlightenment)
– science is the motor of progress and true knowledge (positivism)
– scientific knowledge is always true knowledge and should guide the decisions made.
Negative reactions
– Roman Catholic Church: scientific knowledge is second-rank and dangerous if not
guided by religious morals
– Protestant Churches: many saw no inherent contradiction between science and
religion, but science still had to be guided by religion (led to attacks by positivists
around 1870)
– humanities: the traditional world order and education have proven their use; it is
dangerous to overhaul it all with rationality and science
– romanticists: the mechanistic world view relied on by scientists is wrong; the universe
is a living, changing organism.
● The two cultures:
– Snow regretted the gulf that existed between scientists and humanists (whom he
called literary intellectuals) in the 1950s.
of science that were written came from scientists and looked more like catalogues of
achievements rather than thoughtful reviews of what had made scientific developments
possible and what implications they had on peoples’ lives.
In hindsight, one can discern three factors that hindered historians’ awareness of
the impact of science on society:
1. Historians were part of the humanist culture and did not feel much affinity with
2. To historians the accumulation of scientific knowledge seemed like a slow, steady pro-
cess, spanning over three or even four millennia, without interesting twists and turns.
3. Many historians questioned whether there was such a thing as scientific ‘progress’.
Does history deal with ‘progress’? And, if so, to what end? Are the developments
in science steps forward or just steps without direction?
Indeed, the first historians of science had a hard time convincing both historians
and scientists that studying the history of science was a worthwhile enterprise. They
seemed to fall into the void between the two cultures described by Snow. The Belgian-
American chemist and historian George Sarton (1884–1956) was one of the first to
argue for a history of science. In Sarton (1937, 38–40) he talked of the invisibility of
the scientist, working for the most part out of the limelight and behind the scenes,
ignored by everyone from politicians to royals and the church. As Sarton pointed out, it
was rare to see a scientist emerge from this relative anonymity and receive public praise
for their achievements. This was different from soldiers marching to war, blowing the
trumpets. To make his point, Sarton contrasted two key events in the year 1686: the
publication of Newton’s Principia and the constitution of the League of Augsburg.4
Whilst there was a wide discussion of the latter, conversations about the former were
kept amongst a relatively small group, despite the fact that it utterly changed our con-
ception of the world and even the world itself.
Things started to improve for the science historians in the second half of the twen-
tieth century, partly as a result of the efforts of people like Sarton (he was co-founder
of the History of Science Society) and partly as a result of the huge expansion of aca-
demic activity and productivity. Another factor that gave the subject a boost was the
introduction of the notion scientific revolution to refer to the events of the seventeenth
century. This concept was launched by the French-Russian philosopher Alexandre
Koyré (1892–1964) in 1939.
The idea of a revolution was much more attractive than the previous image of
slow, protracted progress. It suggested conflict (one of the historians’ specialities), fast
developments, and a limited time period. As a result, the seventeenth century became
one of the most studied centuries in human history.
Gradually, however, awareness grew that the concept of ‘revolution’ was far from
neutral and tended to bias people’s perception, because it suggested a radical breach
with the time before. This was not entirely in line with the outcome of more refined
archive research. To illustrate, have a look at the following excerpts and try to decide
on the most likely author on the basis of what we have seen in this chapter.
1. Therefore, the earth cannot be in the centre . . . and just as the earth is not at the
centre of the universe, so the sphere of the fixed stars is not its outer border.
2. If Aristotle had been a god then we must think that he never made a mistake. As he
is a man, he has certainly made mistakes just like the rest of us.
Interim summary
● Part of the reason why the notion of scientific revolution has gained currency is that it
made the history of science more attractive.
● Although many aspects of seventeenth-century thought were innovative and ground-
breaking, there has been more continuity in human thought than suggested by the word
Recommended literature
As in Chapter 1, a lot of extra information on the historical Descartes and its Place in his Times (London: Pocket
events can readily be found in online encyclopaedias (e.g. Books); and Gleick, J. (2003) Isaac Newton (London:
www.wikipedia.org). The full texts of many of the (old) Harper Perennial).
books described here also are available on the internet (e.g.
through books.google.com). Below are listed the other
Reactions to the rise of science
texts we used to write the present chapter.
The books referred to in the chapter are all worth reading.
For the reaction of the churches, both Ferngren (2002) and
The scientific revolution
Numbers (2009) are good. For the relationship between
The impact of Copernicus and Galilei on the development
science and romanticism, a good start is Holmes (2008),
of science is well described in Chalmers (1999), to be found
although it does not go beyond the British situation. For
in the References list. Other interesting books are Cohen
the German context, see Richards (2002).
(1994, 2010) and Shapin (1996). Also know that Bacon’s
New Organon is freely available on the internet and is well
worth reading! History of the humanities
Very readable introductions about the lives, works and Bod, R. (2013) A New History of the Humanities: The
times of Galilei, Descartes and Newton are, respectively: Search for Principles and Patterns from Antiquity to the
Sobel, D. (1999) Galileo’s Daughter (London: Fourth Present (Oxford University Press) published a much needed
Estate); Grayling, A.C. (2005) Descartes: The Life of René history of the humanities.
Berlin, I. (1999) The Roots of Romanticism (ed. H. Hardy). Cohen, H.F. (2010) How Modern Science Came into the
London: Pimlico. World: Four Civilizations, One 17th-century Break-
Catholicon, or the Christian Philosopher (1815) Roman through. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Catholic Magazine, 4 (at books.google.co.uk/ Cubberley, E.P. (1920) The History of Education.
books?ei=8zRjT_ipHOWa0QWH0uWKCA&id=yC4E Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press.
AAAAQAAJ). Dawkins, R. (1998) Unweaving the Rainbow: Science,
Chalmers, A.F. (1999) What is This Thing Called Science? Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder. Boston:
(3rd Edition). Maidenhead: Open University Press. Houghton Mifflin.
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ley: University of California Press. can Normal School Association (1859). At http://books.
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of the Cognitive Revolution. New York: Basic Books. Richards, R.J. (2002) The Romantic Conception of Life:
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science and religious knowledge in the 1870s’. In University of Chicago Press.
C. Smith (ed.), The Secular Revolution: Power, Interests, Sarton, G. (1937) The History of Science and the New
and Conflict in the Secularization of American Public Life Humanism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
(pp. 197–215). Berkeley: University of California Press. Schütz, A. (1964) ‘The well-informed citizen’. In Collected
Gauch, H.G. (2003) Scientific Method in Practice. papers. Vol. II. Studies in social theory (ed. A. Broderson).
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World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science. versity of Chicago Press.
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Holmes, R. (2008) The Age of Wonder: How the Roman- Stanovich, K.E. (2010) How to Think Straight about Psy-
tic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Sci- chology. (9th edn). Harlow, UK: Pearson.
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Leahey, T.H. (2004) A History of Psychology. Upper Sad- estant ethic and the spirit of capitalism’). Archiv für Soz-
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Myths about Science and Religion. Cambridge, MA: Young, M. (1994) The Rise of the Meritocracy. London:
Harvard University Press. Transaction Publishers.
1. The switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar was called Galileo in Anglo-Saxon writings. We deliber-
a protracted process, starting in Continental Europe. In ately depart from this tradition, just like we do not use
the British Empire the change only happened in 1752, expressions such as ‘Isaac’s laws of physics’ or ‘Fran-
when 11 days were dropped from the month of September. cis’s New Organon’.
In the Eastern Orthodox church the Julian calendar is still 3. A saying that 200 years later would inspire the sci-
in use, and 14 January is a religious holiday in countries ence writer Richard Dawkins to title one of his books
that observe this religion because it marks the New Year. Unweaving the Rainbow (Dawkins 1998).
2. Possibly because of the similarity between his first 4. This was a European-wide coalition against the French
name and his surname, Galileo Galilei is usually King, Louis XIV.
Questions to consider
The first documented record of the term psychology is by the Croatian poet
Marko Marulié (1450–1524) around 1500. The original document has been lost,
but it is referred to in a list of Marulié’s treatises made at the time. One of these
treatises was entitled Psichiologia de Ratione Animae Humanae (Krstić, 1964). The
next printed record of the word was in a book published in 1590 by the German
scholar Rudolf Göcke (1547–1628): ψυχολογια1 hoc est de hominis perfectione,
anima, ortu, four years later followed by the book Psychologia Anthropologica by
the German philosopher Otto Casmann (1562–1607). The first book in English
with psychology in the title was published by a British chaplain, John Broughton, in
1703: Psychologia: or, an Account of the Nature of the Rational Soul. Like the pre-
vious books, it failed to have much impact. It was summarised as ‘a Discourse upon
nothing’ by a reader (letter from Anthony Collins to John Locke on 30 June 1703).
We report these uses of the word psychology to illustrate that the word is consider-
ably older than the date usually quoted as the birth of psychology (1879; see Chapter 4).
As a matter of fact, by the 1750s psychology had become quite a common word in book
titles and course names. We start this chapter by looking at the changes in Western soci-
ety that made people more aware of their individuality. Next, we look at the changes
in philosophy that made philosophers study the human mind, and we review the first
experimental histories concerning mental functioning. We end by discussing how evo-
lutionary theory and statistics contributed to the emergence of psychology as a distinct
topic of scientific investigation.
A characteristic of current Western society is that people derive their self-image and self-
esteem from their own qualities and accomplishments rather than from the position of
their family in society. They are more likely to agree with statements like, ‘If a social group
hinders my development, it is better to leave the group’ and ‘I want to be judged on the basis
of my own achievements’ than with statements like, ‘Children must stay with their parents
until they are married’ and ‘I respect the decisions taken by my family’. Historians believe
individualisation that this process of individualisation started sometime around the end of the Middle Ages
trend in a society towards and is still growing. The following factors have been mentioned as contributors.
looser social relations
and a greater focus by Increased complexity of society
individuals on themselves
than on the groups they Richards (2002: 150) conjectured that individualisation has been a consequence of increas-
belong to ing diversity in occupations and complexity of social relations. As long as people stayed
in the region and class they were born into, they were content to describe themselves in
terms of age, gender, appearance and occupation. At most, Hippocrates’ four personality
temperaments (phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine) were needed for further
description of someone’s character. However, increased urbanisation and industrialisation
put people into more complex and competitive social networks, in which everyone strug-
gled to maintain a sense of dignity and meaning. As the number of occupations and trades
grew, people felt a greater need to position themselves relative to others.
A consequence of the increasing complexity was the emergence of surnames. Surnames
hardly existed prior to 1200 CE (Blount, 2015). They emerged over the next few centuries.
Prior to the appearance of surnames, individuals had a given, identity name, mostly of
religious origin. If further individuation was needed, descriptive names or nicknames could
be applied (e.g. Big John). Place of residence or origin could be used, such as Mary of
Dover or Elizabeth of Brighton. The names of famous and powerful individuals especially
reflected individual traits or origins, as Richard the Lionhearted, William the Conqueror,
or Katherine of Aragon. Yet another possibility was occupation, such as Thomas the Baker.
Increased control by the state
Another hypothesis about the origin of growing individualisation was put forward by
Foucault (1976). According to Foucault, individualisation was a consequence of increased
control by the state, the fact that society gathered and stored more and more information
about its individuals, which was reported back to the citizens. This information gathering
gave people the feeling of standing out of the crowd. For instance, Blount (2015) argued that
one reason for the introduction of surnames in the UK were poll taxes. When individuals
needed to pay taxes, a method of distinguishing them for record-keeping became necessary.
Individuality promoted by Christianity
Siedentop (2014) ventured that another reason for increased individualism in West-
ern society was the Christian religion. This religion puts an emphasis on the solitary
individual, because each person’s private state of faith and relation to God is the
essence of piety. It also questioned to some extent the existing social hierarchy (rulers
vs. slaves) based on birth. The Christian view can be contrasted to Confucianism, the
Chinese guide of conduct, according to which each person’s collection of social roles
and associated obligations to others forms the core of the self.
Pickren and Rutherford (2010) reasoned along the same lines and noted that the
Protestant religion made people focus even more on their interior life by the use of
devotional aids such as conduct books and diaries documenting the individual’s behav-
iour. These aids enhanced the importance of self-control and also increased the need
for education (to make sure people could read and write).
Mirrors, books and letters
Attention to individuals was further increased by some new inventions. For instance,
the sixteenth century saw the introduction of mirrors of decent quality, with Venice
as an important production centre. Needless to say, the presence of a mirror in the
house made people more aware of themselves and the impression they made on others.
Printing further enhanced the interest and fascination for others. The period
1700–1900 saw the birth of the novel, in which characters were depicted with increasing
depth, ruminating about their existence and their relations to others. Before, adven-
tures were the centre of the stories and the protagonists were not much more than
stylised figures responding in uniform and predictable ways. Only the classic Greek
tragedies deviated to some extent from this pattern. Novels from the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries that have stood the test of time are Daniel Defoe’s Robinson
Crusoe (1719), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Die Leiden des Jungen Werther (1774),
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813), Honoré de Balzac’s Comédie Humaine
(1842), Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1847) and Gustave Flaubert’s Madame
Bovary (1856). Already by the seventeenth century Shakespeare’s (1564–1616) plays
had a considerable degree of personal depth.
Finally, as literacy increased and postal services improved, letter writing became
more common and was no longer limited to formal messages. So-called ‘familiar
letters’ became a way to explore, express and share intimate experiences.
Interim summary
Since the end of the Middle Ages there has been increasing individualisation in society.
Factors hypothesised to play a role include:
● Increased complexity of society
● Increased control by the state
● Individuality promoted by Christianity
● The increased availability of mirrors, books and letters
Descartes was the first Western philosopher after the Ancient Greeks to value new and
independent thinking (the other philosophers had too much respect for Plato, Aristotle
and the teachings of the Church). However, he was by no means the last. The seven-
teenth century saw a great revival of philosophical thinking. This thinking focused on
epistemology the nature of knowledge (epistemology) and on the human mind (psychology), rather
branch of philosophy than on the universe, as had been the case for Plato and Aristotle.
concerned with the nature
of knowledge
Empiricism instead of rationalism
The traditional rationalist view
rationalism As we saw in Chapters 1 and 2, the traditional view of understanding in philosophy
view according to which was based on rationalism: Knowledge came from inside. Plato argued that by focusing
knowledge is obtained on their own thoughts and reason, humans could get in touch with the realm of the
by means of reasoning;
never-changing Forms. Although Aristotle did not believe in the existence of ideal
usually through deductive
reasoning on the basis of Forms, he too considered reason and deduction as the pillars of theoretical knowl-
innate knowledge edge, a conviction embraced by the Catholic Church and nearly all philosophers up
to and including Descartes. True knowledge was derived from reason, in order to
come to an absolute description of the world, uncontaminated by the observer’s fal-
lible experience.
As natural philosophers developed the scientific method, observation and inductive
reasoning gained importance (see Chapter 2). The ‘men of science’ pointed to the
ambivalent attitude of Aristotle towards observation as a source of knowledge, just
like the Arab philosophers Ibn Sina (c. 980–1037) and Ibn Tufail (c. 1105–1185) had
done before them.
After all, Aristotle was the first to publish treatises entirely based on careful obser-
vation, and in De Anima he wrote the following passage (Book III, Part 4):
. . . mind is in a sense potentially whatever is thinkable, though actually it is nothing
until it has thought [. . .] What it thinks must be in it just as characters may be said to
be on a writing tablet on which as yet nothing actually stands written: this is exactly
what happens with mind.2
More important than Aristotle’s ‘blessing’ was the success of the Baconian sciences.
Particularly in Great Britain, there grew strong opposition to the rationalist approach
of knowledge acquisition. This influenced in particular the philosopher and politician
John Locke (1632–1704). In 1689 he published a treatise, An Essay Concerning Human
empiricism Understanding, which is generally considered as the start of empiricism. Empiricism is the
view according to which conviction that there is no innate knowledge to start from and that all knowledge arises from
knowledge is obtained sensory experience and induction. The human mind at birth is a blank slate (a tabula rasa) on
by means of perceptual
experiences; usually
which experiences leave their marks and make associations with the marks already present.
involves the idea of The following quote from Sir William Lawrence (1783–1867), a British professor of
associations between anatomy and surgery, cogently illustrates the empiricist point of view:
ideas to combine the
individual perceptions; Examine the mind, the grand prerogative of man. Where is the mind of the foetus?
also emphasis on inductive Where that of a child just born? Do we not see it actually built up before our eyes by the
reasoning actions of the five external senses, and of the gradually developed internal faculties? Do
we not trace it advancing by a slow progress from infancy and childhood, to the perfect
expansion of its faculties in the adult?
(Lawrence, 1817: 6)
It is no coincidence that Locke’s treatise concerning human understanding appeared
two years after the publication of Newton’s Principia Mathematica, which hugely
impressed Locke (he was a Fellow of the Royal Society, where he met the British natural
philosophers and heard their talks).
Interim summary
● Existence of innate knowledge (nativism)
● Reason is the source of knowledge
● Main research method: deductive reasoning
● Main applications: logic, mathematics
● Main proponents: Plato, Descartes, Leibniz
● No innate knowledge (blank slate)
● Perception is the source of knowledge
● Main research methods: observation, experimentation, inductive reasoning
● Main applications: natural sciences
● Main proponents: natural philosophers, Locke, Berkeley, Hume
Hume’s analysis of cause and effect provoked a reaction from the German physicist
and philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) who felt that it awakened him from
his ‘dogmatic slumbers’. In 1781 he published the first of a series of books, Kritik
der Reinen Vernunft (Critique of Pure Reason) that would become central in
epistemology. Kant agreed with Berkeley and Hume that we cannot have direct
knowledge of the outside reality (the thing-in-itself) through perception, but he
sought to prove that (a) perception is much richer than postulated by Hume and
Berkeley, and (b) such perception can only exist in a world of things that is not in
contradiction with it.
In the discussion below, it is important to keep in mind that we have considerably
simplified Kant’s thinking (based on Scruton, 2001). Kant is known as one of those
philosophers who require a lifetime’s devotion to grasp what he may have meant. The
temptation is strong to skip Kant’s writings in a book like this. However, given the
tremendous influence he had on nineteenth-century thinking, this would be a glaring
omission. Also, the relevance of the discussion between idealism and realism is very
high when it comes to psychology: to what extent is a person’s psychological under-
standing of the world a valid representation of an outside reality or a construction
built by the person?
Kant started from the observation that humans are conscious of their percep-
tions. That is, humans not only perceive, they also think about their perceptions. By
combining input from their senses with understanding, they come to concepts and
judgements that generalise across the perceived instances and go beyond basic experi-
ences. In doing so, the mind adds knowledge (to sensations) that is not derived from
the observation itself and, hence, can be considered innate. The most important types
of knowledge added by the mind to incoming stimuli are those of time, space and
cause–effect. Because there is continuity in the understanding and the perceptions,
the mind can conclude that there must be continuity in time both for the observer and
the observed. As a result, perceptions are automatically situated and ordered in time.
Second, because sensations are experienced as caused by something from ‘outside’,
there is a sense of space that need not be learned and leads to the postulation of
perceptions referring to substances situated in space. Finally, Kant argued, the mind
puts forward the assumption that ‘every event has a cause’. As a result, the mind sees
cause–effect sequences wherever possible.
In summary, according to Kant, human experiences on which knowledge is built are
much richer than Hume and Berkeley claimed, because they already contain within
themselves the features of time, space, substance and causality.
Next, Kant argued that human perception, as described above, could not arise in an
environment completely at odds with the sensations. Even if sensations are subjective,
they can only exist if the perceiver inhabits a world that is in line with the input from
the senses. Successive sensations must form continuity and unity to be understood;
otherwise they are experienced as incoherent and meaningless snapshots. Although
things-in-themselves cannot be known directly, they must evoke perceptions that remain
constant in time. This is only possible if things continue to exist when they are not
Finally, Kant argued, humans are not merely centres of knowledge; they are
also agents, operating in the environment on the basis of their knowledge. Not
all of these actions are successful, suggesting that an outside reality constrains
human activities. Even Hume, in a dialogue published after his death, had one of
the characters joke:
Whether your scepticism be as absolute and sincere as you pretend, we shall learn bye
and bye, when the company breaks up: We shall then see, whether you go out at the
door or the window; and whether you really doubt, if your body has gravity, or can be
injured by its fall; according to popular opinion, derived from our fallacious senses and
more fallacious experience.
(Hume, 1779, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion).
these two books after he had been ousted from the University of Halle in Prussia4
because of a lack of religious zeal. At that time he was appointed at the University of
Marburg in the nearby Duchy of Saxony (remember that present-day Germany con-
sisted of many different states in the eighteenth century). Our discussion of Wolff’s
books is based on Richards (1980).
Wolff took ideas from Aristotle, Bacon and Newton to define the subject of psy-
chology. First, he defined rational psychology very much as Aristotle had done for
theoretical knowledge. It started from axioms (self-evident truths), which had to be
derived from more fundamental disciplines, such as physics and metaphysics. On the
basis of deductive reasoning, these axioms would lead to the ‘demonstration’ (in an
Aristotelian sense) of new knowledge. This rational approach guaranteed true con-
clusions about the human soul and allowed the philosopher to penetrate more deeply
into the matter than by simple observation. In Wolff’s own words (as translated by
Richards 1980: 236):
In rational psychology reason must be given for whatever occurs in the soul or can
occur in it. For rational psychology is that part of philosophy concerning itself with
the soul. Therefore reason must be given for whatever actually occurs in the soul or can
occur in it.
Wolff agreed with Bacon that pure reason without observation entailed a risk of
error. Long chains of reasoning without reality checks invited mistakes. Therefore,
psychology needed a close interaction between reason and observation, or empirical
psychology. In Wolff’s own words:
Empirical psychology is similar to experimental physics; for we use experiments –
either directly or by deducing something from them – to examine the tenets of dog-
matic physics. . . . In this instance the psychologist imitates the astronomer, who
derives theory from observations and corroborates theory through observations,
and who, by the aid of theory, is led to observations which he otherwise might not
make. And thus the demonstrations of rational psychology suggest what ought
to be considered in empirical psychology. And wherever empirical psychology is
established and rational psychology cultivated, we are enriched by many principles
which otherwise would have to be secured with great difficulty. Thus the best thing
is for one constantly to join the study of rational psychology with that of empirical
psychology . . .
(Wolff in, 1732, as translated by Richards, 1980: 232–3)
introspection Empirical psychology according to Wolff was built on introspection, the mind’s con-
research method in scious observations of its own activity. In his view, the human mind could perceive its
psychology consisting of own operations and use this information to build a science of psychology, as can be
a person looking inward
and reporting what he/she seen in the following excerpt (translated by Richards, 1980: 231):
is experiencing; usually In empirical psychology the characteristics of the human soul are established through
done under controlled
circumstances experience; but we experience that of which we are aware (cognoscimus) by attending to
our perceptions. Hence we come to know the subjects dealt with in empirical psychology
by attending to those occurrences in our souls of which we are conscious.
Finally, Wolff suggested that psychology should aim for mathematical demonstrations,
similar to Newton’s laws of physics. Only then would there be full understanding. He
called this approach ‘psychometria’.
Wolff’s books and definitions were picked up by Diderot and d’Alembert in their
famous dictionary of French Enlightenment, Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné
des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, published between 1751 and 1772. Wolff’s ideas
also found their way to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, first published between 1768 and
1771 in Edinburgh (cf. the opening quote of this chapter). The impact of the books
can further be gauged from the fact that in 1755 the Swiss author Charles Bonnet pub-
lished a book entitled Essai de Psychologie, in which he already felt the need to issue
an apology for contributing to a field in which ‘so many books have been written’ (as
cited in Hatfield, 1998). Clearly, the new, fourth branch of metaphysics was thriving
and started to position itself on the side of the blooming natural sciences.
Kant again
Given the importance of psychology in metaphysics by the second half of the eight-
eenth century, Immanuel Kant was bound to contemplate the issue as well, as part
of his struggle to integrate rationalism and empiricism. In doing so, he came to a
conclusion that was pretty devastating for the scientific ambitions of psychology, as
can be read in his 1786 book with the (translated) title Metaphysical Foundations of
Natural Science.
For a start, Kant made the (by then) usual distinction between empirical and
rational knowledge. The empirical approach led to a collection of facts, which could
be ordered and classified. This led to what Kant called a historical doctrine of
nature, which was below the level of natural science. In Kant’s view, natural science
required rational analysis, a system of undisputable axioms and demonstrations.
Furthermore (and this was Newton’s influence), a proper natural science required
the axioms and demonstrations to be written as mathematical laws. Because of
the latter requirement, Kant classified chemistry as a field that had not yet reached
the threshold of a (proper) natural science. Its grounds were still empirical, merely
laws of experience, and not yet laws demonstrated by necessity and formulated in
mathematical terms.
Needless to say, if chemistry did not qualify as a proper natural science, there
was little hope for psychology. And indeed, Kant came to the conclusion that the
‘empirical doctrine of the soul’ would forever be deemed less of a natural science
than chemistry.
Kant’s reasoning can be summarised as follows:
1. The outcome of introspection cannot be formulated in mathematical terms because
there are no aspects of substance or space in inner observations, only time.
2. Inner observations cannot be separated and recombined at will, as is possible with
outside objects.
3. The act of introspection by itself changes and displaces the state of the observed
4. As a result, psychology can never become a natural science (let alone a proper
natural science). It can at most be a historical doctrine of nature, a collection of
systematically ordered empirical facts.
As a result of Kant’s standing within philosophy, his evaluation of psychology was a
serious setback for the fledging branch of learning or at least for its scientific claims.
The movement initiated by Wolff was nipped in the bud. Psychology was not part of
the emerging natural sciences. At most, it could aim for a systematic classification
of empirically observed facts, similar to what historians could do with the facts they
Sturm (2006; see also Hatfield, 1998) argued that Kant’s true standing has been misunder-
stood. According to Sturm, Kant left open the possibility of psychology as a science, as
long as there was a clear connection with stimuli in the environment (see the law of conti-
nuity in the excerpt above). After all, Kant knew and approved of some of the first studies
of human perceptual capacities. His evaluation of psychology was aimed at contemporary
empirical psychologists, such as Alexander Baumgarten and Johann Nicolas Tetens, who
defended a strong and uncritical version of introspectionism, according to which psychol-
ogy could be a science entirely based on this method. Kant thought this was a false trail.
Whatever the correct interpretation of Kant’s views, the fact that he explicitly
denied psychology the status of science has been used repeatedly against those who
wanted to promote psychology’s scientific standing (Chapter 10).
Another high-profile person who denied the scientific status of psychology was
Auguste Comte, the proponent of positivism and the founder of sociology (Chapter 2).
Psychology was excluded from his hierarchy of sciences because of the problems with
the introspective method. This is how Comte formulated it:
I limit myself to pointing out the principal consideration which proves clearly that this pre-
tended direct contemplation of the mind by itself is a pure illusion. . . . It is in fact evident
that, by an invincible necessity, the human mind can observe directly all phenomena except
its own proper states. For by whom shall the observation of these be made? It is conceivable
that a man might observe himself with respect to the passions that animate him, for the
anatomical organs of passion are distinct from those whose function is observation. Though
we have all made such observations on ourselves, they can never have much scientific value,
and the best mode of knowing the passions will always be that of observing them from
without; . . . The thinker cannot divide himself into two, of whom one reasons whilst the
other observes him reason. The organ observed and the organ observing being, in this case,
identical, how could observation take place? This pretended psychological method is then
radically null and void. On the one hand, they advise you to isolate yourself, as far as pos-
sible, from every external sensation, especially every intellectual work – for if you were to
busy yourself even with the simplest calculation, what would become of internal observa-
tion? – on the other hand, after having with the utmost care attained this state of intellectual
slumber, you must begin to contemplate the operations going on in your mind, when nothing
there takes place! Our descendants will doubtless see such pretensions some day ridiculed
upon the stage. The results of so strange a procedure harmonize entirely with its principle.
For all the two thousand years during which metaphysicians have thus cultivated psychology,
they are not agreed about one intelligible and established proposition. ‘Internal observation’
gives almost as many divergent results as there are individuals who think they practice it.
(Comte, 1830; as translated by James, 1890, Vol. I: 188)
The only ways in which the human mind could be studied scientifically, according to
Comte, was on the basis of biology and on the basis of observation of the products
produced by the mind. As for the former, Comte was particularly impressed by
phrenology (the view that mental functions were localised in the brain and that the
capacity of a function corresponded to the size of the brain part devoted to it; see
Chapter 5). As for the latter, the products of the human mind formed one of the
subjects of Comte’s new science: sociology.
All in all, Comte came to a hierarchy of six sciences, with the lower levels depending
on the laws discovered in the higher and, therefore, likely to take longer before they
reached the same level of perfection:
1. mathematics
2. astronomy
3. physics
4. chemistry
5. biology
6. sociology.
In Comte’s hierarchy there was no need for a ‘science’ of psychology, which was better
left in philosophy’s realm of metaphysics.
Interim summary
Philosophical studies of the mind
● Rise of empiricism (Locke), which questioned the traditional rationalist view.
● In its extreme form empiricism leads to idealism (human knowledge is a construction of
the mind, which need not correspond to an outside world), as argued by Berkeley and
● Kant sought to reconcile rationalism and empiricism by arguing that the mind imposes
structure on the incoming sensory experiences and that it requires a coherent and
constant input to make sense of the input.
● Idealism was also put aside by Scottish common sense.
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3.3 Textbooks of psychology 101
M03 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 101 14/09/2020 19:29
102 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
But one should never reproach a face with ugliness if in its features it does not betray
the expression of a mind corrupted by vice or by a natural but unfortunate propensity
to vice; for example, a certain feature of sneering as soon as one begins to speak, or of
looking another person in the face with impudence that is untempered by gentleness. . . .
Another widely used textbook of psychology was published in 1816 (2nd revised edi-
tion 1838) by Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776–1841) when he was Professor at the Uni-
versity of Königsberg (the Chair previously occupied by Kant). The book was entitled
Lehrbuch zur Psychologie and was written in particular for use in educational studies
(Herbart is one of the founders of educational sciences). Herbart was convinced that
knowledge of psychology was of principal importance to teachers. The table of con-
tents of his textbook was as follows (as translated by Smith, 1901):
A textbook in psychology
Part First: Fundamental Principles
Part Second: Empirical Psychology
First division: Psychological phenomena, according to the hypothesis of mental
Second division: Mental conditions
Part Third: Rational psychology
Section first: Theorems from metaphysics and natural philosophy
Section second: Explanations of phenomena
It is interesting to see how closely the structure of Herbart’s book follows Wolff’s divi-
sion of empirical and rational psychology. A further peculiarity of the book is that
Herbart formulated his theorems as ‘mathematical laws’, to increase the scientific
credentials of his claims, in defiance of Kant’s contention that psychology could never
be a science with Newtonian rules.
Not only German-speaking Europe produced textbooks on psychology. There was also
a lively scene in the United States, where students had to take courses on moral and
mental philosophy. Moral philosophy dealt with ethics and conduct; mental philoso-
phy studied the elements and processes of the mind and how they influenced action.
The contents were heavily influenced by Scottish common sense realism (see above),
but increasingly took a distinctive American look with locally produced books.
A particularly popular textbook was Elements of Intellectual Philosophy, written in
1827 by the American philosopher Thomas Upham (1799–1872). Over 50 editions of
this book were published, and it was retitled Elements of Mental Philosophy in 1832.
The table of contents was as follows:
Elements of Intellectual Philosophy
Chapter 1: Utility of intellectual philosophy
Chapter 2: Primary truths
Chapter 3: Perception
Chapter 4: No innate knowledge
Chapter 5: Origins of simple ideas
Chapter 6: Simple and mixed modes
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3.3 Textbooks of psychology 103
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104 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
century to the period of the Protestant reformation. By the Scholastick Philosophy, using
the terms in a general sense, we mean those topicks, which were most examined and
insisted on during that period. . . .
The following are some of the inquiries, which were warmly agitated during the
period now under examination.
Whether the Deity can exist in imaginary space no less than in the space, which is
real? Whether the Deity loves a possible unexisting angel better, than an insect in actual
existence? . . .
Whether angels can visually discern objects in the dark? Or whether they can pass
from one point of space to another without passing through the intermediate points?
Such inquiries, it will readily be admitted, were worse than fruitless.
§. 3. Supposed practical inutility of this science.
A second ground of the prejudice, existing against this science, is the prevalence of a
false opinion of its practical inutility. In studying Intellectual Philosophy, we are sup-
posed in the erroneous opinion, which has been mentioned, to learn in a scientifick form
only what we have previously learnt from nature; we acquire nothing new, and the time,
therefore, which is occupied in this pursuit, is misspent.
All persons, however ignorant, know what it is, to think, to imagine, to feel, to
perceive, to exercise belief. All persons know the fact in Intellectual Philosophy, that
memory depends on attention; and when asked, why they have forgotten things, which
occurred yesterday in their presence, think it a sufficient answer to say, that they did not
attend to them. Every body is practically acquainted with the principles of association,
even the groom; who, with all his ignorance of philosophical books, has the sagacity to
feed his horses to the sound of the drum and bugle, as a training preparatory to their
being employed in military service.
From some facts of this kind, which may safely be admitted to exist, the opinion has
arisen of the practical inutility of studying Intellectual Philosophy as a science.
The United Kingdom also saw an impressive series of psychology-related textbooks
published. Arguably the most influential were two books published by the Scottish
philosopher and educationalist Alexander Bain (1818–1903): The Senses and the Intel-
lect (1855) and Emotions and the Will (1859). These books formed the template of
nearly all subsequent English psychology textbooks. An important new element Bain
introduced was the inclusion of physiology in his books. He was equally interested
in the biological basis of mental functioning as in the philosophical writings on the
topic. As such, Bain reflected the growing impact of biological and medical research
in the nineteenth century (see below and Chapter 6).
These were the tables of contents:
The Senses and the Intellect
Chapter 1: Definition of the mind
Chapter 2: Of the nervous system
Book I: Movement, sense, and instinct
Chapter 1: Of spontaneous activity and the feelings of movement
Chapter 2: Of sensation
Chapter 3: Of the appetites
Chapter 4: Of the instincts
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3.3 Textbooks of psychology 105
Interim summary
The increased importance of psychology has resulted in the production of textbooks since
the late 1700s, which illustrate the themes considered important and which also influenced
people’s views of psychology. Four books have been discussed:
● Kant: anthropology as a collection of observed facts about humans
● Herbart: attempt to make psychology scientific by introducing mathematical laws
● Upham: claim that intellectual (mental) philosophy is a science worthy of study
● Bain: introduction of the nervous system and other physiological information in a
textbook of psychology
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106 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
Human perception
Given the importance of observation in natural science, it was normal for men of
science to be interested in the possibilities and limits of (human) perception. Quite
a lot was already known about the topic before the scientific revolution, for instance
how one could correct acuity difficulties with lenses (a topic extensively described by
Roger Bacon in the thirteenth century), and how objects became less visible at large
distances. The latter subject had been discussed in treatises on optics since Ancient
Egypt and Greece (Wade, 2007) and attracted attention from scholars throughout the
centuries. For instance, the Spanish scholar (and member of the Inquisition) Benito
Daza de Valdes (1591–1634) measured the distance at which a row of mustard seeds
could still be counted and small print be read. Astronomers also wondered what reso-
lution was required to see double stars with the naked eye and with telescopes of vary-
ing magnifications, an issue that for instance interested René Descartes, who ventured
that the retina consisted of nerve fibres and that objects smaller than a fibre could not
be disentangled.
In the following we select a few studies that were either exemplary or highly influ-
ential in the history of psychology. However, it is important for you to realise that,
as with all topics discussed in this book, there were many more scholars and studies
involved than the ones we have described and that we have a bias to include English-
speaking Western European thinkers (see Chapter 1).
The British natural philosopher Robert Hooke (1635–1703) was interested in deter-
mining the minimal visual angle that could be discriminated. This was important
for the use of telescopes and later also determined the degree of detail that could be
seen through the newly built microscopes, of which Hooke made extensive use. On
the basis of his studies, Hooke concluded that humans could discriminate lines that
covered a visual angle of 1 minute of arc, which was later estimated to amount to a
retinal width of 0.0035 mm. This is how Hooke announced his conclusion (Hooke,
1674; in Wade, 2007: 1237):
Now that any one may presently satisfy himself of the truth of what I assert, concerning
the limited power of the naked eye, as to the distinguishing of Angles; Let him take a
sheet of white Paper, and thereon draw two parallel Lines, as OO, and PP, in the 28th.
[Figure 3.1; reproduced here], at four or five inches distance, then draw as many other
small lines between them at right angles to them, and parallel one with another, as he
thinks convenient, as aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg, hh, ii, &c. and let them be drawn distant
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3.4 Scientific studies of ‘psychological’ functions 107
Figure 3.1 Figure used by Hooke (1674) to show the limits of human visual acuity
from each other an inch, then let him alternately blacken or shadow the spaces between
them, as between aa and bb, between cc and dd, between ee and ff, between gg and hh,
between ii and kk, between ll and mm, &c. leaving the other alternately white, and then
let him expose this Paper against a Wall open to the light, and if it may be so that the
Sun may shine on it, and removing himself backwards for the space of 287 1/3 feet, let
him try whether he can distinguish it, and number the dark and light spaces. And if his
eyes be so good that he can, then let him still go further backwards from the same, till
he finds his eyes unable any longer to distinguish those Divisions, then let him make a
stand, and measure the distance from his eye to the aforesaid Paper, and try by calcula-
tion under what Angle each of those black and white spaces appears to his eye, so by
that means it will be manifest how small an Angle his eye is capable of distinguishing,
and beyond which it cannot reach.
Hooke’s research was replicated and much extended nearly a century later by the
German astronomer Tobias Mayer (1723–1762), who published his findings in 1755.
Mayer used more types of stimuli than Hooke had used (black dots, gratings, check-
erboards) and found that for black dots, the limit of vision was nearly half that of
Hooke’s estimate while the limit for gratings was comparable to Hooke’s estimate. In
addition, Mayer manipulated illumination (by putting a candle at various distances).
When doing so, he observed that the relationship between the distance of the candle
and the limit of vision was not linear but curvilinear. Using elementary arithmetic,
Mayer argued that the limit of vision could be predicted with the following equation:
Limit of vision = k*2 distance of the candle
in which k depended on the type of stimulus used (grating, checkerboard, etc.).
We could not find out whether Kant knew of Mayer’s study, leaving open the tan-
talising question whether his appreciation of psychology was made despite Mayer’s
study, or whether Mayer’s study could have changed Kant’s assessment if he had known
of it. For Mayer’s results showed that at least some aspects of psychology could be
described by mathematical functions very similar to Newton’s laws, which Kant and
other philosophers of science thought so fundamental for a ‘proper’ natural science.
Weber and Fechner
Another person interested in human perception was the German physician and pro-
fessor at the University of Leipzig, Ernst Heinrich Weber (1795–1878). Unlike most
of his colleagues, he was not in the first place interested in vision but in audition and,
above all, the tactile senses. He published two treatises in the 1830–1840s that would
turn out to be highly influential for the history of psychology, one in Latin and one in
German, both translated into English by Ross and Murray (1996).
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108 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
Weber ran two types of studies. First, he used a compass with blunted points and
briefly touched people’s skin with them. When the points were far apart, people could
clearly feel two different parts being touched (they were blindfolded). When the points
were put closer together, from a certain point on, people no longer had the feeling
of two different parts being touched but of an elliptic instrument contacting them
(i.e. they still could distinguish the axis of the elongation). When the points were
brought even closer together, the impression of elongation diminished and, from a
certain distance on, was experienced as a single round object touching the person.
Weber called the minimal distance required between the two points to be perceived
the two-point threshold. He further discovered that the two-point threshold was not
constant for different body parts: it was much smaller on the tips of the fingers and the
tip of the tongue (the two most sensitive areas) than on the arm, the leg or the trunk.5
In a second series of experiments Weber examined how good people were at dis-
cerning weights between the left and the right arm. He examined this by putting une-
qual weights in the left and the right hand, asking people which weight was the heavier,
and examining the minimal difference that could be perceived. In a series of studies,
Weber first discovered that people were much better at discriminating between weights
when they were allowed to lift them than when the weights were put in their hands and
they had to remain motionless. This, according to Weber, showed the importance of
muscles and joints for weight discrimination. Weber further observed that, for most
people, weights in the left arm seemed to be heavier than weights in the right arm. So,
they felt a distinction faster when the heavier weight was placed in the left hand and the
lighter weight in the right hand, than vice versa. Finally, Weber discovered that the dif-
ference between the weights had to be larger for heavy weights than for light weights. If
persons could discriminate between 32 and 26 oz (1 oz = 28.35 grams) they could also
discriminate between 32 and 26 drachms (1 drachm = 1.77 grams). In other words, it
was not the absolute difference between the weights that was important, but the ratio
between them: 6 oz is slightly less than 1/5th of 32 oz, just as 6 drachms is slightly less
than 1/5th of 32 drachms.
Weber’s last finding became particularly important, when it inspired his colleague at
the University of Leipzig, Gustav Fechner (1801–1887), to develop a mathematical law
connecting sensation magnitude to stimulus intensity. Fechner was a physicist with a
strong interest in philosophy, religion and aesthetics. He was intrigued by Kant’s claim
that the human mind did not show the same kind of regularities as nature. As a young
man, Fechner had been a very promising academic member of staff in physiology and
physics, but at the age of 38 he had a breakdown (partly due to health problems). In
the next 12 years he published only a few religious works, but around 1850 started to
contemplate the relationship between the outer and the inner world. At some point he
realised that there could be a simple equation linking sensation strength to stimulus
intensity, which would be in line with Weber’s findings of just noticeable differences.
This relationship was the logarithmic function.
To understand Fechner’s insight, let us assume that Weber’s ratio of just notice-
able differences for weight is 1/5. Then participants can make a distinction between
30 grams and 30 + 30/5 = 36 grams, between 36 grams and 36 + 36/5 = 43.5 grams,
between 43.5 and 43.5/5 = 52.2 grams, and so on. In other words, for the person
30, 36, 43.5 and 52.2 grams correspond to consecutive sensations. Now, for a math-
ematician it is very easy to show that such a sequence of observations implies that the
magnitude of the sensation corresponds to the logarithm of the stimulus magnitude.6
In other words, Fechner suddenly realised that there could be a Newtonian math-
ematical function connecting the magnitude of the sensation to the magnitude of the
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3.4 Scientific studies of ‘psychological’ functions 109
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110 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
von Helmholtz
Around the time Fechner was elaborating the psychophysical law in Leipzig, his col-
league Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894) at the University of Königsberg started
a series of studies to measure the speed of nerve impulses. For a long time, it had been
assumed that information transfer in the brain and the nerves was so fast that it was
practically immeasurable, either because the transfer consisted of animal spirits racing
through hollow tubes or (a more recent hypothesis) of electricity propagating through
the nerves at a rate close to the speed of light (see Chapter 6).
In the 1850s von Helmholtz tested the speed of nerve conduction in a frog by using
the motor nerve that runs the length of the leg. By stimulating the nerve at a certain
place and measuring the passage of the signal at several distances, he could estimate
the conduction speed of the nerve. With this technique von Helmholtz was able to
show that the speed was actually rather slow: only 30 metres per second (i.e. slightly
more than 100 km/h). This meant that information transmission in the nervous system
became measurable and had practical consequences (e.g. a signal in humans from the
toe required more time to reach the brain than a stimulus from the shoulder, which von
Helmholtz verified by stimulating the skin at different places and noticing the time the
participant needed to indicate he felt the stimulus).
Stimulated by von Helmholtz’s findings, the Dutch ophthalmologist Franciscus
Cornelis Donders (1818–1889) wondered whether he could use a similar technique to
measure the speed with which humans could perform elementary mental tasks. This
is how he formulated it (Donders, 1868; as translated in Donders, 1969: 417):
Would thought also not have the infinite speed usually associated with it, and would it
not be possible to determine the time required for shaping a concept or expressing one’s
will? For years this question has intrigued me. . . .
The idea occurred to me to interpose into the process of the physiological time some
new components of mental action. If I investigated how much this would lengthen the
physiological time, this would, I judged, reveal the time required for the interposed term.
Donders first used a very simple task. A single stimulus was presented (e.g. the audi-
tory stimulus ‘ki’), and the participant had to repeat it as fast as possible. Donders
measured the time between the presentation of the stimulus and the start of the
response up to a millisecond (i.e. one-thousandth of a second) accuracy. He found
that the mean response time for this simple type of reaction was 197 milliseconds.
Then he made the task slightly more difficult. He presented five possible stimuli
(‘ka, ke, ki, ko and ku’) and the participant had to repeat the stimulus as soon as he
heard ‘ki’. In this condition, there was uncertainty about the stimulus that would be
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3.4 Scientific studies of ‘psychological’ functions 111
presented but not about the response that had to be made. The mean response time
now was 243 milliseconds. By comparing the response times in the two conditions,
Donders concluded that the time needed to perceive the identity of the stimulus, was
243 - 197 = 46 milliseconds. Finally, Donders presented a condition in which the
participants got the same five stimuli and had to repeat each of them. Now there was
uncertainty both with respect to the stimulus that would be presented and the response
that had to be given. The response time was now 285 milliseconds, making Donders
conclude that the time needed to choose the correct response out of five alternatives
was 285 - 243 = 42 milliseconds.7
mental chronometry Donders’ technique has been the basis of the mental chronometry, the use of reac-
using reaction times to tion times to measure the time needed to perform mental tasks or task components.
measure the time needed The technique has been fundamental to psychological research up to this day. Just like
for various mental
tasks; on the basis of a Fechner’s, it could be implemented without further ado in any laboratory to measure
comparison of different human functioning with the scientific method, which is exactly what happened, as we
tasks, models of the will see in the next chapter. Fechner and Donders themselves were not interested in
mental processes involved this type of research, because they had other priorities.
in the tasks are postulated
Interim summary
Scientific studies of ‘psychological’ functions
Characteristics and limitations of human perception and information processing interested
the natural philosophers, who began to run Baconian experimental studies. They discussed
two lines of research:
● Studies on human perception: the level of detail humans can discern (Hooke), the
influence of illumination on this capacity (Mayer), the detection of just noticeable
differences between stimuli (Weber, Fechner) and the formulation of a psychophysical
theory based on them (Fechner).
● The time needed to perform tasks and the speed of signal transmission in the nervous
system: astronomers varied in their estimates of the timing of events (personal
equation) and showed variability in them; von Helmholtz could measure the transmission
speed of nerves in frogs (and humans), Donders could measure the time needed for
simple mental operations (mental chronometry).
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112 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
Darwin’s theory
Many scientists consider Darwin’s insights to be the second largest discovery in sci-
ence (or even the largest). Whereas Newton (and since him, the physicists) discovered
the way the universe functions, Darwin (and with him the biologists) unravelled the
way life in the universe came about, constantly changes, and adapts itself to changing
The right zeitgeist
In hindsight, Darwin’s theory about the evolution of species was bound to be
discovered around the mid-nineteenth century, most likely in the United Kingdom.
Ever since the Swedish physician Carolus Linnaeus had started his work on the clas-
sification of plants and animals in the eighteenth century and published his Systema
Naturae (1st edition in 1735, 11 pages; 13th edition in 1770, 3,000 pages), botanists
from many countries had contributed to the enterprise, none more enthusiastically
than the British (who, as we have seen, established the Linnean Society of London
in 1788). The taxonomy of biological species not only confronted the scholars with
thorny issues about how to define distinctions and similarities; it also made them
wonder how the diversity had originated. Linnaeus himself, for instance, came to the
conclusion that he had no other option than to classify humans in the same grouping
as primates.
Around the same time, the first writings about fossils started to appear. In 1787
a huge thigh bone was found in New Jersey that did not seem to match any existing
animal. It turned out to be from a dinosaur, although it took quite some time (and
many more finds) before this was realised. In the United Kingdom, geologists began
to look for fossils of small animals and plants to estimate the age of rocks. These find-
ings raised more questions about how all these layers of fossils (some of them unlike
existing animals) had come about and disappeared.
In the 1840s the British Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, replaced the tax on glass
(and other visible signs of wealth) by an income tax. One of the consequences of
this abolishment was a vast proliferation of greenhouses in which exquisite, exotic
and continuously evolving plants were cultivated. Charles Darwin had several of
these greenhouses. As a young man he had spent five years collecting and document-
ing specimens of unknown plants and animals, during a voyage on a ship called the
Beagle to new territories. Darwin had been invited along because the captain, weary
of the loneliness of a long expedition, had required a gentleman companion. After the
expedition with the Beagle, Darwin never again left Britain and he became a recluse
in his home, from where he conducted a rich correspondence with friends, family
members and scientific colleagues. While pondering his recollections from the voyage
and cultivating his exotic plants, Darwin inevitably started to wonder about the origin
of the variety he observed.
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3.5 Evolutionary theory 113
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114 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
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3.5 Evolutionary theory 115
without the human presence and that constantly showed their affection and depend-
ence. The same would happen if the Earth were suddenly invaded by a new species
that kept humans as pets. Those humans who opposed the occupation (because they
were too proud, intelligent or aggressive) would be killed and would no longer be able
to pass on their genes. In contrast, mentally feeble humans that depended on their
masters for survival would be bred, rapidly increase in number, and spread over all
planets occupied by the aliens.
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116 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
In 1884 Sir Francis Galton opened an anthropometric laboratory at the South Kensington Museum, in which he gathered
sensory and physical data from over 4,000 individuals. Before, he had collected measures of over 9,000 visitors at the
International Health Exhibition in London. Unfortunately, none of the measures correlated highly with the intelligence
of the people, as Galton had hoped.
Source: Chronicle/Alamy Stock Photo.
Interim summary
Evolutionary theory
● Proposed by Darwin.
● Several developments made the theory likely in the nineteenth century: interest in
diversity and correspondence between species, discovery of fossils, cultivation of new
flower types.
● Darwin discovered that random variations at birth, together with limited availability of
resources, could explain evolution on the basis of natural selection.
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3.6 The contribution of statistics 117
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118 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
Quetelet’s contribution
The importance of statistical analyses for behavioural data was discovered by Adolphe
Quetelet (1796–1874), a Belgian astronomer and professor of mathematics, who ana-
lysed crime statistics from several countries. A problem with criminal activities is that
it is nearly impossible to predict when and where they will happen (because they are
the result of many chance factors). However, what struck Quetelet was that, despite
this inherent noise in the individual data points, the sums of the crimes looked very
similar year upon year. As he wrote:
Thus, as I have occasion to repeat already several times, one moves from one year to
another with the sad perspective of seeing the same crimes reproduced in the same
order, and attracting the same punishments in the same proportions . . . the greater the
number of individuals, the more the single individual becomes obliterated and allows
general facts to predominate, facts which depend on causes, facts according to which
society exists and preserves itself.
(Quetelet, 1835; as translated by Jahoda, 2007: 82)
Whereas Quetelet was not able to predict a single crime, he was able to predict how
many crimes there would be in the next year and which variables affected this number
(e.g. differences between men and women, between countries, between seasons and so
on). A similar observation was made by the American mathematician, Elizur Wright
(1804–1885), who specialised in life insurance. He wrote: ‘While nothing is more
uncertain than the duration of a single life, nothing is more certain than the aver-
age duration of a thousand lives’ (Gerteis, 1991). The calculation of totals based on
reasonably large samples was but the first step whereby statistics made it possible to
analyse behavioural data in meaningful ways. Soon, this step was augmented by other,
more sophisticated, statistical measures and techniques.
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3.7 Focus on: The status of medicine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 119
analysis had become so complicated and what could be done to simplify it. All that
was needed was that the researchers at Rothamsted split up their fields into many
small patches, some of which got the experimental fertiliser and others not. Then,
simply by comparing the average harvest of both types of patches, the scientists would
know whether the fertiliser had any effect, because all the other confounding variables
(weather, soil, weeding practice, compatibility with the crops grown in the previous
years, etc.) would be averaged out. Insights like these started a completely new field
of research methodology, which allowed scholars to study living organisms and their
Interim summary
The contribution of statistics
● Research on living organisms required other data analyses than research in physics and
chemistry, because the data were noisy and simultaneously influenced by many different
● Quetelet discovered that, whereas individual data points were impossible to predict,
such prediction was possible when the analyses were based on the means of hundreds of
● Fisher further showed how researchers could adapt their methodology so that the
influence of confounding variables could easily be factored out in statistical analyses.
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120 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
From 1500 on, Galen’s views started to be questioned, but they would not be super-
seded until the British physician William Harvey (1578–1657), on the basis of experiments
with animals, claimed that the blood system did not consist of two unidirectional flows,
but of two circuits in which the blood continuously circled, with the heart as the pump
that kept the circulation going. One of the circuits made blood flow ceaselessly round
the body from the veins into the arteries and from the arteries into the veins; the other
circuit involved blood flowing from the heart to the lungs and back. This was published
in a Latin treatise in 1628 with the translated title Motion of the Heart and Blood. After
a period of quite strong resistance and much debate, Harvey’s insights became accepted
and were taught, along with other new findings, as part of medical degrees at universities.
Medical education
Medicine became taught as a degree around 1200, first in Northern Italy and France,
and then in the rest of Europe. First, it was taught at independent institutions of higher
learning, but soon the institutions joined the growing universities in order to profit
from the privileges these were able to obtain. Medical degrees were among the most
demanding (they took seven years), but not the best preparation for medical practice.
They started with a full course of arts (taking four years), in which the seven liberal
arts were taught: grammar, logic and rhetoric (together referred to as the Trivium), and
arithmetic, astronomy, music and geometry (the Quadrivium). The liberal arts were
considered the basic education of every free person, and only after successful comple-
tion of them did medical teaching start. It mainly consisted of the theoretical study of
textbooks, with minimal training in practical skills. Still, the university-educated medi-
cal men managed to impose themselves on administrations (increasingly populated
by university-educated colleagues) and became the governing body of medicine. They
called themselves ‘doctors’ and often also had private practices for wealthy clients.
Most of the medical care was provided, however, by persons without (higher) school
education, who learned the trade as apprentices of existing practitioners. They were
apothecaries, general practitioners, surgeons and midwives, who acquired the tricks
of the trade from their predecessors. The relationship between doctors and medical
practitioners is nicely illustrated by the following quote from Willis (1847) describing
the life of William Harvey:
. . . in the early autumn of the same year [1633] we are pleased to find Harvey again at
his post in St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, engaged in his own province and propound-
ing divers rules and regulations for the better government of the house and its officers,
which of themselves give us an excellent insight into the state of the hospital, as well as
of the relative positions of the several departments of the healing art two centuries ago.
The doctor’s treatment of the poor chirurgeons in these rules is sufficiently despotic it
must be admitted; but the chirurgeons in their acquiescence showed that they merited no
better handling. The only point on which they proved restive, indeed, was the revealment
of their Secrets to the physician; a great outrage in days when every man had his secrets,
and felt fully justified in keeping them to himself. But surgery in the year 1633 had not
shown any good title to an independent existence. The surgeon of those days was but the
hand or instrument of the physician; the dignitary mostly applied to his famulus when
he required a wen removed, or a limb lopped, or a broken head plastered; though Harvey
it seems did not feel himself degraded by taking up the knife or practising midwifery.
Nevertheless, in these latter days Royal Colleges of Physicians have been seen arrogating
superiority over Royal Colleges of Surgeons, and Royal Colleges both of Physicians and
Surgeons combining to keep the practitioner of obstetrics under.
(Willis, 1847: xxvi–xxvii)
M03 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 120 14/09/2020 19:29
3.7 Focus on: The status of medicine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 121
Interim summary
Medical care in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
● Most medical care was done by practitioners who learned the trade as apprentices. In
addition, there were university-educated doctors whose training often only included
theoretical knowledge.
● Effective medicines against the prevailing diseases were lacking and practitioners often
resorted to bloodletting, laxatives and purgatives. Towards the end of the nineteenth
century, a movement emerged which saw the practitioner as a GP listening to his patients
and giving advice about how to cope with the illness (the patient-as-a-person movement).
M03 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 121 14/09/2020 19:29
122 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
Recommended literature
Philosophical and physiological developments that Darwin and evolutionary theory
led to the emergence of psychology The original Origin of Species is in print and remains a
An interesting introduction to the philosophical worthwhile read. Jones, S. (1999) Almost Like a Whale:
developments between 1600 and 1800 is given by Gottlieb, A. The Origin of Species Updated (London: Doubleday) is
(2016) The Dream of Enlightenment: The Rise of Modern an equally readable introduction to the evolutionary the-
Philosophy (London: Penguin Books). The book we found ory. Particularly worthwhile reading is Endersby, J. (2007)
most informative in understanding how psychology came A Guinea Pig’s History of Biology (London: William
about was Leahey, T.H. (2004) A History of Psychology Heinemann), which describes the various plants and ani-
(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall). Another mals that have played a central role in working out the
book that contains many interesting insights and anecdotes mechanisms of the evolutionary theory.
is Jahoda, G. (2007) A History of Social Psychology
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Also very worth- History of medicine
while reading, because it takes an approach complementary As indicated in the text, we found the book by Porter (2006),
to ours (from the point of view of the scholars involved), is mentioned in the References below, very informative.
Fancher, R.E. (1996) Pioneers of Psychology 3rd edn (New We also enjoyed reading about the rise of the Amsterdam
York: Norton & Company). Guild of Surgeons (e.g. de Bree & Schoretsanitis, 2018).
Blount, B. (2015) ‘Personal names’. In J.R. Taylor (ed.) The Friedman, M. (2004) Kant: Metaphysical Foundations
Oxford Handbook of the Word (pp. 616–33). Oxford: of Natural Science (Cambridge Texts in the History
Oxford University Press. of Philosophy). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Collins, A. (1703) Letter to John Locke. As cited in Press.
Woolhouse, R.S. (2007) Locke: A Biography, p. 441. Gauch, H.G. (2003) Scientific Method in Practice.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Comte, A. (1830) Cours de philosophie positive. Paris: Gerteis, L.S. (1991) ‘Book review of Abolitionist, Actuary,
Bachelier. Atheist: Elizur Wright and the Reform Impulse, by
Deary, I.J. (1994) ‘Sensory discrimination and intelligence: Lawrence B. Goodheart’, The Journal of American
Postmortem or resurrection?’ The American Journal of History, 77: 1360–1.
Psychology, 107: 95–115. Hatfield, G. (1998) ‘Kant and empirical psychology in the
de Bree, E. & Schoretsanitis, G. (2018) ‘The Amsterdam 18th century’. Psychological Science, 9: 423–8.
Guild of Surgeons and the training of surgeons in the early Hume, D. (1779) Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
modern period’, Hellenic Journal of Surgery, 90(4): 205–9. (2nd Edition). London.
Donders, F. C. (1969[1868]) ‘On the speed of mental pro- Jahoda, G. (2007) A History of Social Psychology.
cesses’, Acta Psychologica, 30: 413–21. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Encyclopedia Britannica (1773) London: Dilly. James, W. (1890) The Principles of Psychology (2 vols).
Fancher, R.E. (2009) ‘Scientific cousins: The relationship New York: Henry Holt (at psychclassics.yorku.ca).
between Charles Darwin and Francis Galton’. American Jolley, N. (2005) Leibniz. London: Routledge.
Psychologist, 64: 84–92. Jones, S. (1999) Almost Like a Whale: The Origin of
Foucault, M. (1976) Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la Species Updated. London: Doubleday.
prison. Paris: Editions Gallimard (English translation: Kant (1994) Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
Foucault, M. (1979) Discipline and Punish: The Birth of (trans. M. Freeman). Cambridge: Cambridge University
the Prison. New York: Vintage). Press.
M03 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 122 14/09/2020 19:29
Notes 123
Krstic´, K. (1964) ‘Marko Marulic: The author of the term Shorter, E. (2006) ‘Primary care’. In R. Porter (ed.),
“psychology”’ Acta Instituti Psychologici Universitatis The Cambridge History of Medicine (pp. 103–35).
Zagrabiensis, 36: 7–13 (at psychclassics.yorku.ca). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lawrence, W. (1817) Lectures on Physiology, Zoology, Siegentop, L. (2014). Inventing the Individual: The Origins
and the Natural History of Man. London: James of Western Liberalism. Allen Lane.
Smith. Smith, M.K. (1901) (translator) A Text-book in Psychol-
Leahey, T.H. (2004) A History of Psychology. Upper Saddle ogy: An Attempt to Found the Science of Psychology
River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice Hall. on Experience, Metaphysics, and Mathematics by
Louden, R.B. (ed.) (2006) Immanuel Kant: Anthropology Johann Friedrich Herbart. New York: Appleton and
From a Pragmatic Point of View. Cambridge: Cambridge Company.
University Press. Smith, R. (2005) ‘The history of psychological categories’,
Pickren, W.E. & Rutherford, A. (2010) A History of Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Bio-
Modern Psychology in Context. Hoboker, NJ: John medical Sciences, 36: 55–94.
Wiley & Sons. Stigler, S.M. (1986). The History of Statistics: The Meas-
Porter, R. (ed.) (2006) The Cambridge History of Medicine. urement of Uncertainty Before 1900. Harvard University
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Press.
Richards, G. (2002) Putting Psychology in its Place: Sturm, T. (2006) ‘Is there a problem with mathematical
A Critical Historical Overview (2nd Edition). London: psychology in the eighteenth century? A fresh look at
Routledge. Kant’s old argument’, Journal of the History of the
Richards, R.J. (1980) ‘Christian Wolff’s prolegomena to Behavioral Sciences, 42: 353–77.
empirical and rational psychology: Translation and com- Teo, T. (2007) ‘Local institutionalization, discontinu-
mentary’, Proceedings of the American Philosophical ity, and German textbooks of psychology, 1816–1854’,
Society, 124: 227–39. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 43:
Ross, E.H. & Murray, D.J. (1996) E.H. Weber on the Tactile 135–57.
Senses (2nd Edition). Hove, UK: Taylor & Francis. Valentine, E.R. (2000) ‘Metaphysics’. In A.E. Kazdin (ed.),
Rowe, F.B. (1983) ‘Whatever became of poor Kinnebrook?’ Encyclopedia of Psychology, vol. 5 (pp. 204–9). Oxford:
American Psychologist, 38: 851–2. Oxford University Press.
Salsburg, D. (2001) The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Wade, N.J. (2007) ‘Image, eye, and retina (invited review)’,
Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century. New Journal of the Optical Society of America, 24: 1229–49.
York: Freeman. Willis, R. (1847) The Works of William Harvey, M.D. trans-
Scruton, R. (2001) Kant: A Very Short Introduction. lated from the Latin with a life of the author. London:
Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sydenham Society.
1. The Greek characters were used in the title, testament are divided to correspond with the realities, potential
to the fact that the word was coined by combining the knowledge and sensation answering to potentialities,
Greek words psyche (soul) and logos (word, study). actual knowledge and sensation to actualities. Within
2. To illustrate the difficulties interpreting Aristotle, these the soul the faculties of knowledge and sensation are
two sentences are embedded in a text dealing with the potentially these objects, the one what is knowable, the
question of how the soul can understand objects when other what is sensible . . . the soul is analogous to the
it has no innate ideal forms to relate to. To answer this hand; for as the hand is a tool of tools, so the mind is
question, Aristotle made a distinction between potential the form of forms and sense the form of sensible things.’
knowledge and actual knowledge. The soul possessed The existence of potential knowledge is, arguably, why
potential knowledge but needed sensory input to trans- Aristotle thought humans could have certainty about
late this into actual knowledge. As Aristotle concluded the axioms forming the starting point of theoretical
in Part 8 of the same text: ‘Knowledge and sensation knowledge.
M03 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 123 14/09/2020 19:29
124 Chapter 3 Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century precursors to a scientific psychology
3. In 1734 Berkeley would be appointed Bishop of Cloyne about 0.18 between successive sensations, which you
in the Irish Anglican Church. can expect given that ln(a * x) = ln(x)+ln(a) and that
4. It should be noted, however, that Wolff’s first writings ln(1.2) ≈ 0.18.
on psychology date from 1719. 7. These data are to be found in Note IV of Donders’
5. Incidentally, this is a study you can easily try out yourself. (1868/1969) article. They are given in the article as the
Put your thumb and index at a certain distance and briefly number of cycles produced by a tuning-fork vibrating at
touch a friend’s arm with them. Does your friend have the 261 Hz and recorded simultaneously with the stimulus
feeling of two points being touched or only one? Now and the response on a ‘phonautograph’. For instance, for
increase or decrease the distance between your fingers. simple responses the time was 51.5 cycles, which equals
6. In case you are not scared of a bit of maths: 1000 * (51.5/261) = 197 ms.
ln(30) ≈ 3.40, ln(36) ≈ 3.58, ln(43.5) ≈ 3.77, ln(52.2)
≈ 3.95. In other words, there is always a difference of
M03 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 124 14/09/2020 19:29
4 Establishing psychology as an
independent academic discipline
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 125 16/09/2020 16:20
126 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
Questions to consider
Psychology stands in a peculiar relation to the sciences of life and to the physi-
cal sciences, for it is one of the youngest of Philosophy’s children and, on that
account, has fallen heir, as do the successive members of any growing family,
to a number of family treasures, some good, some bad, and some indifferent.
Among other things, it has inherited from the physical sciences a well-rounded
methodology and a refined laboratory technique; and from the sciences of life,
a ‘genetic’ way of regarding mind in its relation to life. Moreover, in the near
future, some one will write a history of the development of scientific concepts
and it will then be discovered that psychology has fallen heir, also, to scientific
ways of regarding the world at large, ways that became established a hundred
years or so before mind was brought into the laboratory.
(Griffith, 1921: 17)
In the previous chapters we saw how changes in society and progress in knowledge
primed the Western world for the scientific study of the human mind. In the present
chapter we discuss the first attempts to establish psychology as an independent
academic discipline. We start with the establishment of the first psychology labo-
ratory in Germany. Then we discuss how psychology in only a few years came to
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 126 16/09/2020 16:20
4.1 The foundation of the first laboratory of experimental psychology in Germany 127
flourish in the United Status. We also discuss the start of psychology in France,
the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the United Kingdom. As in Chapter 1, we end
with a section on how history writing not only describes the past but also to some
extent shapes it.
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128 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
lasted only a few years, which was to be expected given that Enlightenment sought to
demystify religion, whereas Pietism emphasised inward spirituality and the centrality
of Scripture. In 1723 the disagreements resulted in the ousting of the philosopher-
scientist Christian Wolff (see Chapter 3), one of the Enlightenment proponents, by
his colleagues from the theological faculty. They feared that Wolff’s views would lead
to atheism and convinced King Friedrich that Wolff’s teachings could lead to massive
desertion of soldiers without any right of punishment. Eventually Wolff, who had a
stellar reputation, was called back to Halle in 1740, after Friedrich died. At that time
Aristotelian philosophy based on scholastic teachings was replaced by teaching of the
new sciences without interference from the theological faculty.
A further reform took place after the defeat of the Holy Roman Empire in
1805–1806. The Holy Roman Empire was a federation to which the many kingdoms,
principalities, duchies and free cities of present-day Germany belonged, together
with (at its height) Austria, Hungary, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the
Czech Republic and Slovenia. It was a confederation of states, which were more or
less sovereign, with occasional battles over land disputes. It broke down in two parts,
when Napoleon first defeated a coalition around the Austrians in the south (this part
would continue as the Austrian Empire and later as the Austro-Hungarian Empire)
and then a coalition around the Prussians in the north (which would later unify into
the forerunner of the present-day Federal Republic of Germany).
The defeat by the French particularly upset the Prussians, who decided it was high
time to modernise their country. The school system was reorganised and a new univer-
sity model was installed. Universities had previously been places of education aimed
mainly at the training of physicians, lawyers and clergy; scientific research now became
part and parcel of an academic career with its own financing. In Berlin, the capital of
Prussia, a new type of university was inaugurated based on two goals: Wissenschaft
(scholarship and scientific research) and Bildung (the making of good citizens). The
power of the university was put in the hands of a limited number of professors (chairs)
who were given academic freedom and resources to pursue their interests and who had
a number of assistants and lecturers under their command.
This type of university rapidly expanded over the entire German federation. The
emphasis on scientific research and the freedom given to the professors made the
German universities dynamic and open to new areas for scientific investigation. By
the end of the nineteenth century, Germany was one of the front-runners in the indus-
trial revolution, attracting students from all over the world. Porter (2006) estimated
that over 15,000 American students went to study biology and medicine in Germany
between 1850 and World War I.
Specifically related to the emergence of psychology as a separate discipline,
Ben-David and Collins (1966) ventured that the German situation in the middle of
the nineteenth century was particularly fruitful (in contrast to the French, British and
American context) because of a combination of three social variables:
1. An academic rather than an amateur role for both philosophers and physiologists.
2. Better job opportunities in philosophy than in physiology encouraging the mobility
of men and methods from physiology into philosophy.
3. An academic standing of philosophy below that of physiology, requiring the physi-
ologists to maintain their scientific standing by applying their empirical methods
to the materials of philosophy.
As we will show, the three variables applied to Wundt.
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4.1 The foundation of the first laboratory of experimental psychology in Germany 129
Wundt called his psychology ‘physiological psychology’ not only because he thought
physiology should form the basis of psychology, but also because he was convinced
that psychology should use the experimental methods that had been pioneered by the
physiologists. He was particularly interested in the measurement of just-noticeable
differences, as described by Fechner (1860) and the registration of response times, as
described by Donders (1868; see Chapter 3).
Wundt began his career as a physiologist in 1857, but after 17 years still found
himself in a badly paid academic position without autonomy and influence (which
in the German system were restricted to Professors). Because of the high competi-
tion for chairs in physiology, he failed to be appointed in Kiel (1863), Heidelberg (in
1871), and Marburg (1872), despite good reference letters from von Helmholtz (Cahan,
2018). Then he made the transition to philosophy and after unsuccessful attempts in
Giessen and Würzburg finally obtained a chair at the University of Zurich in 1874.
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130 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
The position was taken as a kind of ‘waiting-room’ for an appointment to one of the
great universities in Germany, because one year later Wundt secured a professorship
of philosophy in Leipzig, the university where Fechner had published his Elemente der
Psychophysik (Elements of Psychophysics). Now at last he was able to put into prac-
tice what he had preached in his book. He could start a laboratory entirely dedicated
to the study of the new physiological psychology, rather than simply publishing books
about the viability of such investigations, as textbook writers had done before him.
The first laboratory of experimental psychology was officially opened in 1879 (when
Wundt was already 47 years old) and named Institut für Experimentelle Psychologie
(Institute for Experimental Psychology). This date became generally accepted as the
birth of psychology.
According to Boring (1950), Wundt was able to start a laboratory of experimental
psychology, not only because of the incentives German professors had to pursue their
own interests, but also because science in nineteenth century Germany had moved
away from the mathematical deductive style of investigation prevalent in astronomy
and physics. More than in other countries, Germany had embraced the inductive,
Baconian research style, which was easily extended to the study of the mind. As Boring
(1950: 19–21) wrote:
The French and the English respected most the mathematical deductive style in science,
the manner of Galileo and Newton. At that time biological science did not lend itself so
readily to great generalizations, like the law of gravitation, generalizations from which
facts could be deduced mathematically for empirical validation. Consequently it was
left to the Germans, who have always had a great faith that sufficient pains and care will
yield progress, to take up biology and promote it. . . .
So we find in the Germany of the nineteenth century the beginning of a phenom-
enology, the careful collection of observational fact, that was sound, keen-sighted as to
detail, conscientious and thorough. . . .
By [early 19th century] Germany was ready to take over from the French the business
of cataloguing facts and to do the job more thoroughly. . . . nineteenth-century experi-
mental physiology was getting itself established. It was more inductive than deductive,
more given to the fact-collecting which Francis Bacon recommended for science, . . .
In brief, then, part of the story of how psychology came to join the family of sciences
is that the Germans, with their faith in collecting data, welcomed biology to its seat in
the circle of sciences, while the French and English hesitated because biology did not fit
in with the scientific pattern set by physics and celestial mechanics.
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4.1 The foundation of the first laboratory of experimental psychology in Germany 131
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132 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
The young people who intend to tackle issues of experimental psychology come to
the institute with very different backgrounds of theoretical preparation and practical
training. In addition to medical students and candidates for a PhD in science, there are
philosophy students, lawyers, and even teachers of primary education.
The goal of the introductory course is to introduce this heterogeneous group to
the specific aspects of experimental work, to familiarize the newcomer with the main
equipment used in the laboratory, and to discuss and criticize the various methods
used until now in the collection of data. This course, limited in time – it contains only
15 sessions – is repeated every 6 months. Thus, every semester new students attend the
seminar in psychology.
Dr. Külpe is in charge of this preliminary course. The course, intended for a necessar-
ily restricted audience, is conducted in an informal manner. The professor has in front of
him the apparatus, of which he explains the use and the function. A blackboard nearby
allows the professor to draw curves, to do arithmetic. The audience is often questioned
on the way it would run an experiment, to avoid misinterpretations. The professor
discusses the answer, shows the weak points, then himself gives the right answer. The
audience is allowed to interrupt the professor, to raise objections, to ask for clarifica-
tions. The end of the course is often devoted to running a series of experiments with the
equipment previously described, applying the methods just discussed.
When the introductory course is nearing its end, Mr. Külpe proposes to his audience
two or three subjects of original research. The students have 8 days to develop a design,
to determine the technical arrangement, to choose the methods that, according to them,
will give the best solution to the problem.
The last two sessions are devoted to a detailed examination of the different proposals
given during the course. This sort of examination allows the professor to estimate the
benefit the students have gained from the introductory course . . .
To provide for the numerous needs of the laboratory, Mr. Wundt has an annual sum
of money of only 1,500 Deutschmarks at his disposal; it is really insufficient to equip a
laboratory consisting each year of more than 20 people. So it would be wrong to expect
luxurious installations at Leipzig. Some Americans told us that laboratories of psychol-
ogy in the United States are far better equipped . . .
Invariably every day, Mr. Wundt spends his afternoon in the laboratory. From time
to time he visits the groups of workers; always unassuming and affable, he listens to
the remarks, examines the installations, criticizes a detail, suggests an improvement . . .
Indeed, workers are organized in groups. . . . For each project, we name a chief
experimenter, some assistants if necessary, and one or several subjects. The experi-
menter, head of the group, is generally an experienced person; having worked in the
laboratory for several semesters, he is familiar with psychophysiological techniques.
The apparatuses are familiar to him, the electricity has no more secrets for him. If the
reader remembers how workers are recruited, he will understand the necessity of this
organization. Besides the physicists and the physiologists, always relatively rare, we find
a large number of students in philosophy and law. These students are able to supervise
researchers only after a long initiation, after devoting two or three semesters, either as
a subject or as an assistant experimenter, to become familiar with the specialized equip-
ment used at the institute.
The head of a group is an important person; the success of the project depends
largely upon him, . . . The subject or the subjects also have an important role in this
success; the fundamental quality required from them is absolute sincerity. A subject
must above all be conscientious; he must react naturally without bias, especially without
preconceived ideas. . . . The subject is not always the same. To test a law, it is very often
necessary to use a series of subjects. So the assistants, the fellow students of the workers,
even the foreigners often serve as subjects of the ongoing experiments . . .
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4.1 The foundation of the first laboratory of experimental psychology in Germany 133
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134 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
that this time can be determined. The measurements thus obtained are not psycho-
physical as those which we have been recently considering, but purely psychological. It
may be true that we are in some sort measuring the ‘outside’ of the mind, but the facts
obtained, when we learn how long it takes to perceive, to will, to remember, etc., are
in themselves of the same interest to the psychologist, as the distances of the stars to
the astronomer or atomic weights to the chemist. But, besides the general interest of
psychometrical facts as a part of a complete description of the mind, these times are of
further and great use to the psychologist, as they help him in analysing complex mental
phenomena, and in studying the nature of attention, volition, etc. It should also be
noticed that psychometrical experiment has brought, perhaps, the strongest testimony
we have to the complete parallelism of physical and mental phenomena; there is scarcely
any doubt but that our determinations measure at once the rate of change in the brain
and of change in consciousness. . . .
It will not be necessary to describe at length the psychometrical researches under-
taken at Leipsic, as the most recent of these have been printed in [the journal] MIND.
Most of the earlier work on this subject was then reviewed; attention should, however,
be called to researches by Kraepelin and by Berger. Kraepelin studied the effects of
certain drugs on the duration of a reaction and of simple mental processes. These
times seem to be at first lengthened and then shortened by ether and chloroform, and
at first shortened and then lengthened by alcohol, a difference of action which, per-
haps, has less to do with different effects of the drugs on the nervous system than with
the method of taking them, ether and chloroform being inhaled and alcohol drunk.
Berger, in experimenting with light, sound and electric shock, found the reaction-time
to become shorter as the stimulus was taken stronger. According to these experiments,
the reaction-time for the several colours is the same.
(‘The psychological laboratory at Leipsic’, Mind, 13, pp. 37–51 (Cattell, J.M. 1888),
Mind by Mind Association.)
These excerpts also show that Wundt’s lab did not form an island, but was part of
a network of laboratories that did very similar research and communicated intensively
with each other. Finally, the fragments (and the larger texts they come from) show
how the early psychological researchers tried to apply the methods of physics to their
topics. The texts describe extensively the efforts made to reduce the variability in the
measurements, both by more accurate measurements and by making use of a small
number (sometimes only 1!) of trained participants. What was not yet known at that
time was that variability is an inherent characteristic of biological processes and that
demand characteristics have a strong influence on psychological findings, even when
people try to be conscientious and react naturally without bias and without precon-
ceived ideas. Demand characteristics refer to the fact that participants change their
behaviour (often without awareness) when they have information about the experi-
ment’s purpose (Rosenthal, 1963; 1966).
The experimental methods were particularly important in Wundt’s early years when
he defined physiological psychology and established the laboratory of experimental
psychology. However, Wundt also strongly believed in a second method: introspection.
As we have seen in Chapter 3, this method was already proposed by Wolff (1732)
and consisted of a process by which a person looked inside and reported what he/she
was sensing, thinking or feeling. It is based on the belief that people have conscious
access to (parts of) their own mental processes and can report them. Well before
Wundt’s time, the method had already been criticised by Kant and Comte. Wundt
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 134 16/09/2020 16:20
4.1 The foundation of the first laboratory of experimental psychology in Germany 135
thought he could get away with the criticisms by introducing more control into the
experimental situation. He made a distinction between innere wahrnehmung (internal
perception) and experimentelle selbstbeobachtung (experimental self-observation).
The former referred to armchair introspection as practised by philosophers; the latter
pointed to self-observation in highly controlled circumstances, where a stimulus was
presented repeatedly and the participants reported their experiences to the stimulus.
Wundt claimed that experimental self-observation was a valid scientific method to
get information about the contents of consciousness, whereas internal perception
was not.
Wundt’s affection for introspection became painfully clear when his assistant, Oswald
Külpe, in 1893 published his own textbook of experimental psychology, Grundriss der
Psychologie (Outlines of Psychology). In this book Külpe defended the thesis that psy-
chology should be a natural science, based exclusively on the experimental method.
Psychology should be limited to those psychological processes that are amenable
to experimental methods (nearly three-quarters of the book was devoted to sensa-
tion). Three years after the publication of Külpe’s book, Wundt (by that time already
well over 60) published his own book with the same title, in which he aimed to refute
Külpe. He emphasised that there was a big difference between the natural sciences
and psychology. Whereas the former were concerned with objects, independently of
the perception of the subject, the latter dealt with perception itself and the way it was
influenced by the person. Very often this could only be studied with introspection, by
looking at the contents of the mind from inside. For Wundt this was the way to study
the nature of human consciousness, even though he was well aware of the criticisms
that had been raised against the method.
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136 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
Wundt’s legacy
Despite the fact that Wundt had a career of 65 years, was head of the best laboratory
in the world, and was a prolific writer (he published more than 50,000 pages, in a time
when texts were still written by hand), his scientific legacy is not very much more than
that of being ‘the father of experimental psychology’. The main reason for this is that
Wundt did not produce a useful theory like Newton or Darwin, or make an empirical
discovery that had a wide-ranging, lasting impact (such as Lavoisier’s discovery that
oxygen was needed for the burning of a substance). Furthermore, although Wundt
was considered to be a good teacher, his writings were far from clear and easy to read.
Below you find two examples. The first is from one of his ‘easiest’ books (Grundriss
der Psychologie, 1896), the other is from the Völkerpsychologie.
If we apply these considerations to psychology, it is obvious at once, from the very
nature of its subject-matter, that exact observation is here possible only in the form of
experimental observation; and that psychology can never be a pure science of observa-
tion. The contents of this science are exclusively processes, not permanent objects. In
order to investigate with exactness the rise and progress of these processes, their com-
position out of various components, and the interrelations of these components, we
must be able first of all to bring about their beginning at will, and purposely to vary the
conditions of the same. This is possible here, as in all cases, only through experiment,
not through pure introspection. Besides this general reason there is another, peculiar to
psychology, that does not apply at all to natural phenomena. In the latter case we pur-
posely abstract from the perceiving subject, and under circumstances, especially when
favored by the regularity of the phenomena, as in astronomy, mere observation may suc-
ceed in determining with adequate certainty the objective components of the processes.
(Wundt, 1896; as translated by Judd, 1897: 20–1)
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4.2 Starting psychology in America: James and Titchener 137
Interim summary
● German universities were reformed in the nineteenth century to make them more
dynamic and advance the new sciences.
● Wundt was a German physician who became interested in applying the physiological
methods to psychological phenomena.
● When he obtained a professorial chair at the University of Leipzig, he established a new
laboratory in 1879. This event became seen as the birth of psychology.
● Wundt not only used the experimental methods from physiology, but also thought that
introspection was a valid research method and that information about the psychology of
individuals could be obtained by looking at cultures (historical method). The impact of
the latter two methods increased as he grew older.
● Many psychologists got their initial training in Wundt’s laboratory.
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138 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
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4.2 Starting psychology in America: James and Titchener 139
asking of course every moment for introspective data, but eliminating their uncertainty
by operating on a large scale and taking statistical means. This method taxes patience
to the utmost, and could hardly have arisen in a country whose natives could be bored.
Such Germans as Weber, Fechner, Vierordt, and Wundt obviously cannot; and their suc-
cess has brought into the field an array of younger experimental psychologists.
(James 1890, Vol. 1: 192)
In the rest of the Principles James elaborates on subjects such as:
● the stream of thought
● consciousness of the self
● attention
● discrimination and comparison
● association
● perception of time
● memory
● sensation
● imagination
● perceptions of ‘things’ and space
● perception of reality
● instinct
● emotions
● the will
● hypnotism.
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140 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
James’s stress on the adaptive role of the human mind also opened the way to
comparative psychology, the comparison of the abilities in various animal species. For
instance, the undergraduate Edward Lee Thorndike (1874–1949) became interested in
psychology after reading the Principles and decided to go to Harvard to study with
James. He was interested in children and pedagogy but because of difficulties getting
child subjects, he turned to learning in chicks and cats. This research would be the
start of his very influential work on instrumental learning, as we will see in Chapter 5.
Titchener’s structuralism
Another student of Wundt was the Englishman Edward Bradford Titchener
(1867–1927). After studying at Oxford (during which he translated the third
edition of Wundt’s Grundzüge der Physiologischen Psychologie into English) he
structuralism went to study with the master himself and obtained a doctorate in 1892. Upon his
name given by Titchener return to England, he found this country unreceptive to psychologists, crowded as
to his approach to it was with biologists and philosophers. After a short stint as a biology lecturer,
psychology, consisting
of trying to discover
Titchener left for the USA to teach at Cornell. We will come back to the situation
the structure of the in the UK later.
human mind by means of
introspection Structuralism
Würzburg school Titchener turned Cornell into the centre of structuralism. This was an approach that,
group of psychologists at via introspection, tried to discover the structure of the human mind. Inspired by the
the University of Würzburg British philosophical tradition of empiricism and associationism, Titchener tried to
who used introspection discern which sensation elements formed the basics of knowledge and how they were
as a research method,
associated with one another.
but came to different
conclusions from those of Structuralism did not inspire many psychologists (even though Titchener was a
Wundt and Titchener; in successful textbook writer). There were three main reasons for this. The first was that
particular they claimed introspection did not intuitively give rise to the experience of elementary sensations.
that many thought
processes were not
This was first made explicit by the Würzburg school, a group of psychologists at the
available to introspection University of Würzburg, where Külpe for some time was Professor (although the theo-
(imageless thoughts) rising was mainly done by others). While studying the associationist theory, they
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4.2 Starting psychology in America: James and Titchener 141
noticed that the participants (as usual, including themselves) often made associations
to stimuli without any intervening conscious process at all. Participants did not seem
able to describe these processes; all they could say was that they had had them. This
was even true when the processes dealt with decision-making. The researchers found
that the participants often came to a conclusion without having a clue of the processes
that underlay it. These unconscious processes became known as imageless thoughts,
thoughts without a conscious trace. The French psychologist Binet (see below) inde-
pendently came to the same conclusion as the Würzburg school: clear images such as
those found in daydreaming were incompatible with the rapid processes of thought;
thought was an unconscious act that needed words and images to become conscious
(as cited in Mandler, 2007: 79). Titchener objected to this criticism that imageless
thoughts might be true for naive individuals, but that participants could be trained to
become perceptive of their sensations. As we will see in Chapter 5, this training ele-
ment further weakened the status of introspection as a valid scientific research
The second reason why structuralism never became a big movement in psychology
was because it did not address the issues most American psychologists saw as impor-
tant. Influenced by James and Darwin, they were much more interested in pragmatic
issues such as, how could psychology advance the conditions of individuals and of
American society? The question of what consciousness was made of might very well be
interesting to philosophers, but did not help anybody move forward. Therefore, many
more psychologists found themselves interested in functionalism than in structuralism,
certainly when Titchener came to the conclusion that there were no fewer than 30,500
basic visual elements.
Finally, Titchener’s structuralism even failed to convince the researchers, who
remained interested in the contents of consciousness. Very rapidly the objection was
made that you cannot discover the nature of the human mind by trying to break it
down into its ‘atoms’. It would be like trying to understand the perception of a musi-
cal chord by breaking it down into its individual tones, or trying to understand a text
by focusing on the letters it was made of. Human perception was more than the sum
of the individual sensations the stimulus elicited. This countermovement became
Gestalt psychology known as Gestalt psychology. According to the Gestalt psychologists the brain had
group of psychologists self-organising principles and people experienced the world in terms of gestalts (from
who argued that the the German word Gestalt, which translates as ‘pattern’, ‘whole’ or ‘organisation’).
human mind could not be
understood by breaking
One of the illustrations the Gestalt psychologists used to make their point was the
down the experiences existence of visual illusions, as shown in Figure 4.1. In these illusions we see some-
into their constituent thing different than what is physically presented. We see bendy vertical lines whereas
elements; perception is in reality the lines are straight, or we see figures of different sizes that in reality are
more than the sensation
of stimuli, it involves the same size.
organisation The main proponents of Gestalt psychology were Max Wertheimer (1880–1943),
Kurt Koffka (1886–1941) and Wolfgang Köhler (1887–1967). The first two had studied
at Würzburg. Gestalt psychology also attracted attention in Scandinavia, with the
best known researchers being the Danish psychologist Edgar Rubin (1886–1951), who
provided compelling examples of the fact that perception entails a distinction between
figure and background (Figure 4.2), and the Swede Gunnar Johansson (1911–1998),
who discovered that motion is a strong organising principle in perception. When all
you can see of people is a few lights attached to their joints, you still immediately
recognise what is going on when they start to perform familiar actions (e.g. walking),
despite the fact that the stimulus is extremely poor.
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142 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
Figure 4.1 Illusions used by the Gestalt psychologists as evidence against structuralism.
The Gestalt psychologists argued that humans cannot be understood as simply the sum of the
constituent elements. They defended this thesis by pointing to the fact that what we perceive
often deviates from the elements that are presented in the stimulus. The vertical lines in the
Hering and Zolner illusions are straight (test them with a ruler). The vertical line of the Fick illu-
sion has the same length as the horizontal line. The two oblique line segments in the Poggendorf
illusion are in line with each other, and the two inner circles of the Ebbinghaus illusion have the
same diameter.
Figure 4.2 Figures made by Edgar Rubin showing that perception involves the separation
of figure and background.
Both figures are reversible: either the white part or the blue part can be the figure. In particu-
lar the right figure shows that the figure–background assignment can affect the interpretation
(a vase vs. two facing faces) despite the fact that the stimulus and the associated sensations
remain the same. This illustrates the point the Gestalt psychologists wanted to make, that the
interpretation of a stimulus (the perception) is more than a simple sum of the sensations elicited
by the stimulus.
Source: Peter Hermes Furian/123rf.
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4.2 Starting psychology in America: James and Titchener 143
– Gestalt psychology: humans are more than the sum of their individual sensations
(e.g. in perception, interpretation is added to the stimulus).
● Defended introspection as the main research method; thought participants had to be trained to do
this properly.
● Was strongly influenced by empiricism and associationism.
Interim summary
● James was an American physician who became interested in psychology through his
teachings. Arguably wrote the most influential textbook of early psychology.
● James was influenced by Darwin’s evolutionary theory. This resulted in interest in
the survival functions of the human mind and in comparative research of animals and
● Titchener promoted structuralism on the basis of introspection in the USA.
● Had a limited impact because of criticisms of the method (introspection), the limited
usefulness of the knowledge (functionalism), and the objection that humans are more
than the sum of the individual sensations (Gestalt psychology).
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144 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
The person to question Comte’s view was the French philosopher Théodule Ribot
(1839–1916), professor at the Sorbonne in Paris. His strategy consisted of showing
his colleagues how out of touch they were with developments in other countries, in
particular the UK and the German lands. In 1870 he published La Psychologie Ang-
laise Contemporaine (English Contemporary Psychology) and in 1879 La Psychologie
Allemande Contemporaine (German Contemporary Psychology), in which he praised
the recent advances in these cultures. For instance, the book on German contemporary
psychology included large parts on Fechner and Wundt.
The book on English contemporary psychology was written mainly with the intent
to defuse Comte’s assessment of psychology (Guillin, 2004). In this book, Ribot tried
to convince his readers that one could be a ‘good’ positivist without accepting all
Comte’s claims. In the UK several scholars promoted scientific research and called
themselves positivists, but disagreed with Comte on several aspects. In particular,
the views of John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) and Herbert Spencer (1820–1903) were
discussed, who both argued that psychology could be a science and introspection a
respectable scientific method. Their arguments were as follows:
1. The mind can attend to more than one impression at the same time. So, why would
the mind be unable to attend to its own conscious mental states?
2. Introspection can be based on memories, which allows humans to be aware of
their thoughts post hoc even for tasks involving such great effort that simultaneous
monitoring is not possible.
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4.3 Psychology in France: Ribot, Charcot, Binet 145
3. If one rejects introspection, how can one then study mental functions? How can
one find the physiological basis of a mental function, if the latter supposedly does
not exist? For instance, phrenology, praised by Comte as the best way to study the
biological basis of thought, required the existence of mental faculties, so that the
different parts of the brain could be related to them. How were these faculties to
be found if one was not allowed to rely on introspection?
4. Introspection is not incompatible with the ‘objective method’. On the contrary, to
be a truly scientific method (different from what philosophers did), introspection
must be combined with empirical observation and verification. There is no sharp
divide between psychological and physiological facts, which makes it impossible to
study them in interaction, just as there is no absolute distinction between humans
and simpler life forms.
In particular, the last argument was used by Ribot to defend the possibility of a new
psychology, different from previous metaphysical thinking and also different from
Comte’s exclusive attention to physiology and the socio-cultural products of the
human mind. According to Ribot, this new psychology would study ‘psychological
phenomena subjectively, using consciousness, memory, and reasoning; and objectively,
by relying on the facts, signs, opinions and actions that express them’ (Ribot, 1870; as
translated in Guillin, 2004: 178).
In line with most theorists of his time, Ribot never put his programme in to
practice. In many respects he was the William James of France. These are the simi-
larities Guillin (2004: 166) noticed among the impacts of James and Ribot in their
● They were the first to wrest control of psychology from the abstract philosophers
by adapting study of mental functioning to the methods of physiology.
● They were the first to take up the scientific study of consciousness within the con-
text of the new evolutionary biology.
● They were the first to teach the scientific psychology.
● They were the first to open a laboratory for student instruction and to encourage
others to start a research laboratory.
● They were the first to grant a PhD in the new discipline.
● They were the first to write a textbook of psychology from the positivist point
of view.
● But they never were experimentalists themselves.
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146 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
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4.3 Psychology in France: Ribot, Charcot, Binet 147
of the attack’s onset), a tonic phase (in which the muscles of the body go rigid and
the patient loses consciousness), and a clonic phase (with convulsions). A hysteric
attack consisted of four phases. It would start with an epileptoid stage, in which the
patient felt the onset of the attack. The second phase was the large movement stage,
in which the patient showed big, uncontrolled movements. This was followed by the
hallucinatory stage, during which the patient experienced self-generated sensations.
The attack would end with a delirious phase of withdrawal characterised by disor-
ganised behaviour and decreased attention. A hysteric fit could be elicited by touch-
ing a hysterogenic zone on the body of the patient. For hypnosis Charcot discerned
three stages: lethargy (a sleep state), cataplexy (a sudden loss of muscle function),
and somnambulism (performing actions in a sleep-like state without recollection
Far-reaching claims lead to critical examination
Charcot’s ideas about hypnosis were challenged by Ambroise Liébeault (1823–1904)
and Hippolyte Bernheim (1840–1919), physicians from the north-eastern French town
of Nancy. They both practiced hypnotic techniques and treatments and were convinced
that responsiveness to hypnosis was not a disorder, but was present to some degree in
nearly everyone. Furthermore, they rarely saw Charcot’s three hypnotic stages, and
considered hypnosis as a sleep-like state produced by suggestion. The Nancy criticisms
gained impetus as Charcot’s demonstrations and claims about hypnosis became more
extravagant. At some point, Charcot reported that his assistants could reverse the
symptoms of hysterics by bringing them under hypnosis, putting them in front of a
magnet, and flipping the polarity of the magnet. Reports like these intrigued not only
the French intellectuals. They also raised the interest of scholars in nearby countries.
One of them was Joseph Delboeuf (1831–1896), a Belgian professor of mathematics
and philosophy, who had started his career running psychophysical experiments to
test Fechner’s psychophysical law (Delboeuf, 1873), but over the years had become
interested in hypnosis. He was familiar with all (French-speaking) players involved
in the dispute and in 1885 decided to go to the Salpêtrière to see the evidence at first
hand (Nicolas, 2004; Wolf, 1964).
However, Delboeuf returned less convinced than he had hoped. What he had wit-
nessed was a patient eager to please Charcot’s assistants, who in addition made no
effort to disguise their expectations (e.g. the magnet was turned in full vision of the
patient and the assistants freely communicated about their expectations during test-
ing, assuming that the patient could not hear them under hypnosis). As Delboeuf
summarised four years later:
All the way to Paris I was reflecting on the experiments to be made, and on the precau-
tions that should be taken to prevent error. On the day of my arrival I saw M. Ribot who
presented me to M. Binet who, the following morning, presented me to M. Charcot.
The Salpêtrière was open to me.
There I was a witness to the famous three states – lethargy, catalepsy, and som-
nambulism; there I saw the half states and the stupefying ‘mixed states’ . . . even those
expressing two contradictory feelings . . . love on the right, hate on the left; there I was
shown in action the neuromuscular hyperesthesias; there, finally, I was present at the
experiments on transfer. But when I saw how they did these last experiments; when I
saw that they neglected elementary precautions, for example, not to talk in front of the
subjects, but [actually] announcing aloud what was going to happen; that, instead of
working with an electromagnet activated without the knowledge of either the subject or
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148 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
of the experimenter, the latter was satisfied to draw from his pocket a heavy horseshoe;
when I saw that there was not even a machine-électrique in the laboratory, I was assailed
with doubts which, insensibly, undermined my faith in all the rest.
(Delboeuf, 1889; as translated by Wolf, 1964: 763)
The lack of experimental control upset the experimentalist in Delboeuf, who
decided to replicate the studies. What Delboeuf discovered was that hypnotised hyster-
ics could indeed switch their symptoms from one moment to the next, but only when
the experimenter gave away his expectations. When the polarity of the magnet could
be changed secretly, no change in symptoms followed. So Delboeuf, in a series of pub-
lications between 1885 and 1889, was one of the first to stress the impact of demand
characteristics on the outcome of psychological studies. The story has a further inter-
esting twist, because one of Charcot’s young assistants was Alfred Binet, generally
considered France’s first great psychologist. Wolf (1964) illustrates how Binet first
vehemently reacted to Delboeuf’s criticism but gradually came to stress the importance
of methodological rigour in psychological research. Indeed, in a 1910 review article on
hysteria, he would come to the conclusion that:
Charcot never mistrusted suggestion; he never perceived the disastrous influence that
involuntary suggestions can produce in an experiment of hypnotism or during an obser-
vation on a hysteric. Far from taking the least precaution, he spoke constantly aloud
before the sick ones, announcing what was going to happen, and veritably giving them
a lesson on it! It is not astonishing that his opponents had so often reproached him that
his hysterics and his grand hypnotism were a product of culture. For those who have
lived a little in the milieu of the Salpêtrière, it is uncontestable that this reproach was
well founded . . .
(Binet and Simon, 1910; as translated by Wolf, 1964: 770)
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4.3 Psychology in France: Ribot, Charcot, Binet 149
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150 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
driving him was that he had been denied succeeding Ribot as Professor of Psychol-
ogy in 1902, on the grounds that he did not have a degree in philosophy (Nicolas and
Ferrand, 2011). In 1905 Binet established a new research centre, Le Laboratoire-école
de la Rue Grange-Aux-Belles (the laboratory-school on Grange-Aux-Belles Street),
specifically devoted to the topic of intelligence testing.
Before 1903 Binet had mainly followed Galton’s lead in the study of intelligence and
measured perceptual capacities on the basis of the psychophysical methods initiated
by Weber and Fechner and on the basis of response times (Chapter 3). In line with
prevalent medical beliefs, he also measured head sizes, assuming that low intelligence
could be derived from small skulls. None of these measures, however, made clear dif-
ferences between children with high and low intelligence.
In his renewed efforts, Binet got invaluable input from a medical student, who was
soon to become his collaborator, Théodore Simon (1872–1961). Simon did an intern-
ship from 1899 till 1901 in the asylum of Vaucluse in Paris. Under Binet’s guidance he
measured various body parts of the 300 abnormal boys from the asylum and tried to
relate them to the boys’ intelligence, which would constitute his PhD thesis in medicine
(examined in 1900). More important, however, was that the director of the asylum,
Docteur E. Blin, in 1902 published an article in which he complained about the gross
inconsistencies in the diagnoses of the mentally disabled children referred to him. To
bring consistency to the admissions, Blin had started to work with a standardised
questionnaire consisting of 20 themes. For instance, under the theme ‘Name’, he would
ask the following questions: ‘What’s your name?’, ‘How old are you?’, ‘What are your
first names?’, ‘In which year were you born?’, ‘Where do you live?’, ‘Birthday?’, ‘Place
of birth?’, ‘County?’ A first study of 250 boys confirmed that there was a relationship
between the number of questions the child could answer and his degree of retardation.
Simon and Binet took this questionnaire as the inspiration for their intelligence
test and searched for simple tasks that normally developing children of various ages
could solve. First, Binet (1904) published an article in which he discussed the findings
of a small study in which primary school children had to try to memorise a poem for
a short period of time and then were asked to write down as much as they remem-
bered of the poem. He showed how much bigger the difference on this measure was
between good and poor pupils (as indicated by the teacher) than a similar attempt by
his Belgian colleague Van Biervliet based on the sharpness of vision. In the same year
Simon and Binet published an article about other tasks they had tried out with children
(Binet and Simon, 1904b), and an article in which they presented the first results on
small groups of ‘normal’ children aged between 7 and 11 years old, and various groups
of ‘abnormal’ children, illustrating the big differences between these groups (Binet and
Simon, 1904c). Three years later, they presented the first validated intelligence test with
norms for normally developing children (Binet and Simon, 1907).
The Binet–Simon test was based on the assumption that developing children can
solve problems of increasing difficulty. A sequence of tasks was assembled that allowed
the researchers to assess the mental age of a child. By comparing the mental age with
the chronological age of a child, it was possible to see whether the child was perform-
ing as expected, better or worse. Binet and Simon explicitly aimed for tasks that were
fairly independent of what was taught in schools, so that a child’s results were little
influenced by the quality of the education received. Table 4.1 lists the tasks that were
used. Notice how similar they are to contemporary intelligence tasks!
Within a few years, Binet and Simon’s intelligence test was known all over the world.
Stern developed a German version in 1912, Terman published an American version in
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4.3 Psychology in France: Ribot, Charcot, Binet 151
Table 4.1 Tasks used by Binet and Simon (1907) in their intelligence test (a few tasks that
would require too much explanation have been omitted)
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152 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
1916 (known as the Stanford–Binet test, thereby completely ignoring Simon’s contribu-
tion), and Kubo standardised a Japanese version in 1918.
Binet and Simon also had an impact on the emergence of developmental psychology.
Jean Piaget (1896–1980), a Swiss psychologist who came to study in Paris after Binet’s
death, started to wonder why children aged 11 had no problem seeing the absurdity in
a sentence such as, ‘If I wanted to kill myself, I would never do that on a Friday, because
that brings bad luck’, whereas otherwise intelligent children of 8 years could not do that.
This would be the origin of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development in children in dif-
ferent stages (see any book on developmental psychology for an account of this theory).
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4.4 Freud and psychoanalysis 153
Interim summary
● In France, psychology was seen as part of the humanities as a result of Comte’s writings.
This was questioned by Ribot, who pointed to the developments in the UK and the
German lands.
● Another towering figure in France was Charcot, a neurologist best known in psychology
for his research on hysteria. Trusted entirely on his clinical expertise, which turned out
to be wrong in the case of hypnosis.
● Binet and Simon’s development of the first valid test of intelligence is France’s best-
known contribution to early psychology.
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154 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
enough for the person to stand up in, with a crib over it to prevent his getting up. This
hole is about five feet deep, and they give this wretched being his food there, and there
he generally dies.
(b) A youth of sixteen, who for years had lain in a pigpen in the hut of his father, a
shepherd, had so lost the use of his limbs and his mind that he would lap the food from
his bowl with his mouth just like an animal.
(c) If the insane person is peaceful, people generally let him run loose. But if he
becomes raging and troublesome, he’s chained down in a corner of the stable or in an
isolated room, where his food is brought to him daily.
From the sixteenth century on, changes in society led to an increased role for the
authorities in the treatment of people with a deviation. There was a massive move
from the countryside (where people had been serfs for centuries) to the cities, where
life became more complex. Labour differentiated. People were required to take up
more individual responsibility and they had to interact with an increasing number of
other individuals. This required better manners, with more emphasis on self-discipline.
The tolerance for deviant behaviour dwindled. As a consequence, the authorities were
forced to take action against the outcasts, who were not economically useful and
became seen as a disturbance to the established order. Institutions were founded to
asylum confine them. In these asylums they were treated as prisoners, with a regime of forced
name given to the labour and religious exercises to re-educate them as good, productive members of
institutions for the insane society. Other authors have compared the early asylums to farms where the inhabitants
established from the
sixteenth century on; first
were treated as caged animals:
modelled after prisons, When François-Emmanuel Fodéré arrived at the hospital of Strasbourg in 1814, he found
later after hospitals for
chronic patients
a kind of human stable, constructed with great care and skill . . . These cages had grat-
ings for floors, and did not rest on the ground but were raised about fifteen centimetres.
Over these gratings was thrown a little straw upon which the madman lay, naked or
nearly so, took his meals, and deposited his excrement.
(Foucault, 1961/2006: 68)
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4.4 Freud and psychoanalysis 155
Because the educational approach seemed to lead to (slightly) better results than the
medical cures, it was the dominant therapy in the first half of the nineteenth century
(Abma, 2004). Psychiatrists had a low status. Gradually, however, the biological view
of mental illness regained impetus. An important element in this evolution was the
discovery of the microbe that caused syphilis, which in those times was a major cause
of insanity. Towards the end of the nineteenth century a new group of physicians
neurologist entered the scene. They called themselves neurologists and were particularly inter-
name used at the end ested in the milder forms of mental disturbances, which they called ‘nervous disor-
of the nineteenth ders’ or ‘neurasthenia’ (weakness of the nerves). They limited asylums to the
century by physicians
who were interested in
handling of the worst cases of madness and for the others advocated treatment in
the treatment of milder private settings including methods such as hypnosis and suggestion. As we saw
forms of mental problems above, Charcot was a major forerunner of this movement. One of the persons who
outside the asylum; the attended his lectures and went to work with him for a few months in 1885–1886 was
term was later used to
refer to specialists of the Sigmund Freud.
nervous system, when
the original neurologists Freud
merged with the Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He trained as
psychiatrists and took up
the latter’s name
a physician and then did research on topics such as aphasia and poliomyelitis under
the supervision of Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke, a neuro-anatomist. Von Brücke was a
strong believer in psychodynamics, a view that considered living organisms as energy
systems governed by the principles of physics and chemistry. This view would have a
strong impact on Freud’s own stand.
Because a university position as professor (more or less with the same status as in the
Prussian system) was unlikely, Freud started a private medical practice in 1886 that
specialised in neurology, after his stay in Paris. Here, together with his colleague Josef
Breuer, he started a new type of treatment based on conversations with patients
(remember that previously treatments were either medical or educational). On the
psychological treatment basis of this psychological treatment (or talking cure, as it was sometimes called),
treatment of mental Freud became convinced that hysterical symptoms (vague pain, insomnia, hysterical
health problems paralysis, numbness, lack of appetite or sexual desire) were due to repressed sexual
consisting of
conversations between childhood experiences (later, childhood fantasies). These symptoms could be allevi-
the patient and the ated by the painful process of bringing the unconscious memories into the patient’s
therapist; initiated by consciousness and by freeing them from their emotional energy.
Freud as an alternative to Freud was not the first to talk about unconscious mental processes, but nobody
the prevailing medical and
educational treatments before him had given these processes such an explosive emotional power or made them
the real drivers of human behaviour. Freud himself considered the insight that human
reason was not the real master of a person’s action to be a revolution on the same scale
as Copernicus’s insight that the Earth orbited the Sun and Darwin’s insight that man
had evolved from animals (as cited in Leahey, 2004: 264).
psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis, as Freud’s theory and therapy became called, provided the first
name given to Freud’s coherent framework for the treatment of nervous disorders and, therefore, received a
theory and therapy warm welcome among the neurologists, the more so because Freud’s views were quite
compatible with those of Charcot (another of whose students, Pierre Janet, came
independently to very similar conclusions). The neurologists with their new, forceful
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156 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
theory replaced the ill-reputed psychiatrists in the asylums (although they took up the
latter’s title when neurology moved on to confine itself to the examination and treat-
ment of the nervous system itself).
Psychoanalysis also exerted a strong attraction on the developing field of psychol-
ogy, because it was the first complete theory of human psychological functioning,
starkly deviating from the piecemeal approach found in the university laboratories.
Many indications can be listed of the rapidly growing impact of psychoanalysis on
psychology. In 1908, G. Stanley Hall, the founder of the first psychology laboratory
in the USA (see Table 4.2 on page 165), began to give courses on psychoanalysis and
in 1909 he invited Freud to Clark University (together with Jung and Ferenczi). The
impact of Freud on psychology in the UK was described as follows:
During the first enthusiasm for psychoanalysis with its startling revelations, the results
obtained by the often laborious method of experiment [reported at meetings of the
British Psychological Society] seemed dull and even insignificant.
(Edgell, 1947: 16)
Throughout this book we will regularly come back to the relationship between
psychoanalysis and the other approaches in psychological research.
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4.4 Freud and psychoanalysis 157
it isn’t worth while, I must go in a moment.’ At this point I recall that yesterday, during
the analysis, she suddenly took hold of her coat, of which a button had come undone.
It was as though she meant to say: ‘Please don’t look in, it isn’t worth while.’ Thus
box becomes chest, and the interpretation of the dream leads to the years when she
was growing out of her childhood, when she began to be dissatisfied with her figure.
It leads us back, indeed, to earlier periods, if we take into consideration the disgusting
and the bad tone, and remember how often in allusions and in dreams the two small
hemispheres of the female body take the place – as a substitute and an antithesis – of
the large ones.
(Freud, 1900; as translated by Brill)
Finally, Freud’s research method was characterised by a surprisingly large input from
himself. On the basis of rather little data, a rich and all-embracing theory of human
functioning was built. On a continuum from evidence-based to principle-driven
research, psychoanalysis clearly was biased towards the latter pole. This was not nec-
essarily bad, as long as the new ideas and insights were helpful. Otherwise, the small
empirical base was likely in the end to turn against the theory.
Source: GL Archive/Alamy
Stock Photo.
Interim summary
● Freud was one of the first neurologists, a new group of therapists at the end of the
nineteenth century. Before, people with mental disorders had been taken care of first
on an informal basis and then – increasingly – in institutions, where they were treated as
prisoners or patients. Basic treatment in asylums consisted of containment and attempts
to re-educate the patients.
● Freud was the first to actually talk to his patients (psychological treatment). On the
basis of these talks he constructed the psychoanalytical theory, which argues that the
unconscious mind plays a strong role in the control of people’s actions.
● Psychoanalysis had a massive impact, both on neurologists and on psychologists,
because it provided a coherent and attractive theory of psychopathology.
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158 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
Universities in the UK
The University of Oxford is the oldest in the UK and one of the oldest in the world,
with a birth date that seems impossible to pin down. Religious and secular teaching
has existed at Oxford since at least the eleventh century (when Oxford was a residence
of rulers such as Edmund Ironside, Canute and Harold I). It received a strong impetus
in 1167 when King Henri II banned English students from studying in Paris. The first
title of Chancellor was conferred in 1214 and the masters were recognised as members
of a university guild in 1231.
As a result of frictions between the masters and the other inhabitants of the town, a
number of masters fled to Cambridge in 1209, a similar town with a rich religious life and
considerable wealth. At first they lived in lodgings but by 1226 they had set up a guild with
a Chancellor, which in 1231 received a charter from Henry III confirming its independence.
For six centuries Oxford and Cambridge were the only universities in England
(in 1261 there was a short-lived concession from Henry III to establish a third university
in Northampton, which was closed in 1265 after protests from Oxford and Cambridge).
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4.5 Starting psychology in the UK: finding a place between clerics, philosophers and biologists 159
There was more dynamism in Scotland, which had three universities by the fifteenth
century (the University of St Andrews in 1413; Glasgow University in 1451, and King’s
College Aberdeen in 1495) and one founded in the sixteenth century (the University
of Edinburgh, founded in 1582). Wales got its first university in 1828, when St David’s
College was opened near Lampeter; in Northern Ireland Queen’s College Belfast
opened in 1849 (Ireland had already had Trinity College Dublin since 1592).
Oxford and Cambridge were generally considered as conservative universities, heav-
ily dominated first by the Roman Catholic Church and then by the Church of England.
Up to the end of the nineteeth century it was impossible to obtain a degree from these
universities without swearing an oath of allegiance to the Church of England. As a
result, these universities were heavily oriented towards the classics (humanities and
mathematics) and unreceptive to natural sciences:
For social at least as much as for intellectual reasons, a classical education at public
school, followed by a sojourn at Oxford or Cambridge, remained the most prestigious
educational route well into the twentieth century (though mathematics had long been
held to be on a par with classics as a form of mental exercise). The teaching of science
did gradually infiltrate these elite institutions – the establishment of a course in the
natural sciences at Cambridge in 1850 was a significant landmark, and the endowment
by the Duke of Devonshire in 1870 of the Cavendish Laboratory there was another.
But in some quarters it continued to be stigmatised as a vocational and slightly grubby
activity, not altogether suitable for the proper education of a gentleman.
(Collini, 1998: xiii)
The essential character of new and fertile ideas is often recognised as follows; they run
against the ideas of the time and become accepted only after long opposition. . . . The
most notable example in this respect was the reception of Newton’s new doctrine in
England. Forty years after the publication of Newton’s immortal work, Descartes’ sys-
tem was still taught at English universities as the only truth. Strange thing! It was not
even given to Newton in his lifetime to see his doctrine taught at Cambridge, where he
had worked for such a long time. . . . it was not until 1718 that Samuel Clarke managed
to slip Newton’s ideas into the courses of English professors by inserting them as foot-
notes to the elementary treatise of Cartesian physics.
(Liebig, 1863; translated from German)
More than in other countries, scientific research in England happened outside the
universities. First and foremost, there were well-off individuals, who could devote time
and money to new inventions and who paid scholars to come and work for them. Sec-
ond, there were the societies with their fees and endowments, which could afford some
staff and sponsor some research. There were also small-scale institutes and centres
that did not have university status, but that could finance a small number of scientists.
Finally, there were scholars who sponsored their work with the proceeds of the books
they published and the articles they wrote for the emerging scientific journals.
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160 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
bringing Cattell to Cambridge: James Ward (1843–1925) and John Venn (1834–1923).
Like many of his colleagues, Ward had made several study visits to Germany and
written a number of psychology-related treatises, such as The Relation of Physiology
to Psychology and An Interpretation of Fechner’s Law. John Venn (best known for his
Venn diagrams) had shortly before been presented with some of Galton’s instruments
to ‘measure intelligence’ (such as equipment to assess keenness of eyesight, strength of
pull and squeeze, head size and breathing capacity) and had started a series of studies
along Galton’s lines. Cattell was a catch, because not only had he done his PhD on
mental testing in Wundt’s lab, he also brought considerable equipment with him (being
from a wealthy family). Cattell, in turn, was attracted to the UK because of Galton’s
work in London. However, he found the University of Cambridge less accommodating
than he had hoped. As he wrote to his father:
I have been busied this afternoon trying to find a place for a psychological laboratory.
All the buildings are very crowded. Some of the colleges are rich but the university itself
is poor, and finds it expensive to house laboratories and museums which have grown
rapidly during the past few years. I expect, however, we will be able to get something.
I dine with Mr Ward tomorrow to talk it over.
(Cattell, 1887; in Sokal, 1981)
Finally, Ward found a place for Cattell’s equipment in the Cavendish Laboratory of
Physics through mediation of a Fellow from his college. In this laboratory, Cattell
started a new series of intelligence measurements along Galton’s recommenda-
tions. Without any prospect of a decent position at the University of Cambridge, he
already left in 1888, first to a newly established Professorship in Psychophysics at the
University of Pennsylvania and two years later to Columbia University in New York.
He took all his laboratory materials with him, giving Cambridge University back its
much needed space.
Rivers and Myers
The second attempt to establish a psychology laboratory at the University of Cambridge
was made in 1893 by attracting the physician William H.R. Rivers (1864–1922) as
psychology lecturer in the physiology department. Rivers had studied in Germany and
was at that moment teaching experimental psychology at University College London
(see below). In 1897 he was given a room in the Department to start psychological
research. However, the Senate of the University would not sponsor it until 1901 (when
Rivers received an annual grant of £35 to purchase and upkeep equipment). The slow
start of the psychology laboratory was also partly caused by the fact that in 1898
Rivers was asked to join in an anthropological expedition to Torres Strait, the part
of the ocean between Australia and New Guinea, scattered with islands inhabited by
‘primitive tribes’. Rivers’ task was to test the then fairly unanimous assumption that
savage and semi-civilised races had a higher degree of sense acuteness than Europeans,
an assumption for which he could find no evidence.
Rivers’ lab would be overhauled in 1912 when it was taken over by his more proac-
tive and richer (through his wife’s family) student Charles Samuel Myers (1873–1946).
As Costall (2001: 189) summarised:
Cambridge, often held to have been a model of scientific enlightenment compared with
Oxford, also presented its problems. When Myers became the Director of the new
Laboratory of Experimental Psychology in 1913 [sic], this was more an honour Myers
bestowed – imposed – upon Cambridge, than the reverse: ‘He planned it, to a very large
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4.5 Starting psychology in the UK: finding a place between clerics, philosophers and biologists 161
extent in detail he designed it, he himself, his family and his friends, mostly paid for it.
With some air of reluctance the University accepted it.’
Once more the start of the renewed lab would be impeded, this time by World War I,
which brought Myers to the battle grounds in France, where he treated soldiers for
‘shell shock’ (a term coined by him). After the war, Myers would become more inter-
ested in applied psychology, devoting most of his energy to the new National Institute
of Industrial Psychology he established in London:
On returning to Cambridge after the First World War, Myers was keen to apply psy-
chology to medicine, industry and education. He had become ‘increasing disgusted,
after my very practical experience during the War, with the old academic atmosphere
of conservatism and opposition to psychology’ . . . When the University insisted that
his Readership should be restricted to experimental psychology, his dissatisfaction was
complete . . . Myers had already begun to make plans to found a National Institute of
Industrial Psychology in London as early as 1918. His new Institute opened in 1921, and,
after a year of leave from Cambridge, he resigned, once he had made sure the promised
Readership would be handed on to his assistant, Frederic Bartlett.
(Costall, 2001: 189)
At various sites on the internet you can find the claim that the first attempt to
establish a psychological research centre in the UK occurred in 1877 (two years
before Wundt!), when James Ward (1843–1925), after study visits to Germany,
brought forward the proposal to establish a laboratory for the study of psycho-
physics at the University of Cambridge. The proposal was rejected by the Senate
on the grounds that it ‘would insult religion by putting the human soul in a pair
of scales’. The origins of this claim seem to be Hearnshaw (1964) and Sokal
(1972), who refer to writings of Myers and Bartlett. In Sokal (1972), however,
we read that:
According to an undocumented legend often repeated, the major reason for the
Senate’s opposition to the proposal was a mathematician’s argument that such a
laboratory would ‘insult religion by putting the human soul in a pair of scales.’
(Sokal, 1972: 145)
So, the information does not seem to be very solid. Indeed, when Whittle
(2000) searched for hard evidence in the historical records he was unable to find
anything. The first records he could find were requests by Ward and Venn in 1886
and 1888 for £50 and £100, urgently required for the purchase of psychophysical
apparatus, presumably to subsidise Cattell. This made Whittle (2000: 25)
conjecture that:
Bartlett (1937) describes the double request, but places it nine years earlier.
This has the advantage of suggesting that Cambridge could have had the world’s
first psychological laboratory, if only the university hadn’t been so conservative.
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162 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
Tongue in cheek (and referring to Bartlett’s famous Schema theory, which states
that human memory is rarely a literal report of the original events but a fallible
reconstruction on the basis of schemas), Whittle (2000: 25) concluded that:
I could find no discussion of anything to do with these earlier requests. It may
well be lurking in sources that I have not searched, but I am left with a distinct
suspicion that Myers and Bartlett were demonstrating Bartlett’s later thesis on
the constructive nature of memory.
There are more reasons to doubt the truth of the claim. In 1877 James Ward was
a very junior member of staff (he had won a fellowship only two years earlier and
would become Professor of Mental Philosophy and Logic only 20 years later).
Furthermore, Ward is unlikely to have had the seed money that usually accom-
panied demands for new laboratories in the UK (being the impoverished son of
a bankrupt merchant). So, although religion was not the strongest promoter of
psychology in England, there is no reason to believe that the UK could have had
the first laboratory of psychology if only its church had been less dogmatic.
While the authorities at the University of Cambridge had to address the repeated
demands of psychology to win its place in academia, the University of Oxford was
given an easier time. There was just a short period of tension when its graduate,
Edward Titchener, in 1892 returned from Wundt’s lab with a PhD in psychology and
sought a position at the university. He was given a teaching job in biology and luckily
after one term got an offer from Cornell University in the United States.
The situation became more serious when one of Rivers’ students, William
McDougall (1871–1938), was appointed on a Readership funded by the industrialist
and inventor Henry Wilde (1833–1919). The Readership had been created to support
mental philosophy and for the sake of clarity the incumbent was explicitly forbidden
to get sidetracked by experimental research. Still, this is what McDougall did, as
is beautifully described in his autobiographical chapter, which gives us a first-hand
(albeit partial) glimpse of the times:
By 1904, when the Wilde Readership in Mental Philosophy at Oxford fell vacant, I had
begun to realize that I was throwing my seed on stony ground, that my work along
the lines I was pursuing could not find a public. I applied for the vacant post and was
appointed. The post was in many ways an ideal one for me. The small salary was a
welcome addition to my small income. The duties were very light – only two lectures in
each of twenty-one weeks a year; and I was at liberty to choose my topics within a very
wide field, a liberty of which I took full advantage. I ranged at large over the whole field
of psychology conceived in the broadest way. . . . My classes were at first small, except
when I lectured on such a sensational topic as hypnotism, with demonstrations; and
then my large lecture room was crowded.
But the post had its drawbacks. It was, I think, T. H. Huxley who said that, if he
had to devise a punishment for a very wicked scientist, he would condemn him to be
a professor of science at Oxford. If I had been recognized as a teacher of science, my
punishment would have been light; for by that date science was well established in
Oxford. But I was neither fish, flesh, nor fowl. I was neither a scientist nor a philosopher
pur sang. I fell between two stools. The scientists suspected me of being a metaphysi-
cian; and the philosophers regarded me as representing an impossible and non-existent
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4.5 Starting psychology in the UK: finding a place between clerics, philosophers and biologists 163
branch of science. Psychology had no recognized place in the curricula and examina-
tions. For some years I was not even a member of the University; for I could not become
a member without first becoming a member of some college; and a man in my position
could not, without indelicacy, ask any college to accept him. Further, I was annoyed by
the efforts of the founder of the Readership to dislodge me. He was an old manufac-
turer who had a great admiration for John Locke and a conviction that the mental life
cannot be experimentally studied; and he had learned that I had been guilty of efforts
along that line.
Still, some of my colleagues were kind, especially the Professor of Physiology
(Gotch), who provided me with a good set of rooms in his laboratory where, as a pri-
vate activity distinct from my work as University Reader, I could carry on research. In
these rooms I did both experimental research and teaching, always having a small group
of special students, . . .
One of the greatest pleasures of my life fell in the year 1908, namely, a short visit
from William James. I had never ceased to admire him greatly; an admiration which had
increased when I met him for the first time in Rome in 1906. I felt that his visit was both
a great compliment to me and a new evidence of the man’s profound kindliness. . . .
During the ten years at Oxford before the War, I carried on work in the laboratory
continuously, publishing a few experimental papers. But much of it was unfinished at
the outbreak of war and remains unpublished. Among other things I was concerned to
devise a series of mental tests that should be, as far as possible, independent of language
and of learning, and universally applicable. . . .
But the War came, and I found myself a private in a French army, driving an ambu-
lance and dodging German shells on the Western Front. Early in 1915 the British War
Office began to realize the extent of its task, and there was a grave shortage of medical
officers. I offered myself, was made a Major in the Royal Army Medical Corps, and
was put at once in charge of nervous patients. At this time there was a flood of mental
and nervous cases streaming home from the armies on all fronts, and there was lit-
tle preparation for dealing with them. But it soon became clear that the ‘shell-shock’
cases required mental treatment. I was put in a position where I could select from this
vast stream whatever cases seemed most susceptible to treatment. And soon I was the
head of a hospital-section full of ‘shell-shock’ cases, a most strange, wonderful, and
pitiful collection of nervously disordered soldiers, mostly purely functional. One had
little time to think out the many theoretical problems. One thing was clear – successful
treatment required the exploration and fullest possible laying bare of the causes of
the trouble. Hypnosis proved very useful as a method of exploration, but not always
indicated or feasible. Sympathetic rapport with the patient was the main thing, not a
mysterious ‘transference’ of a mythical ‘father-fixation’ of the ‘libido’; but, under the
circumstances, a very natural and simple human relation. . . .
During the War I had lost my laboratory, which was occupied by students of aviation
problems; and after the War the rush of students to the Physiological Department made
it impossible for the Department to return the rooms to me. . . .
Then came the invitation to Harvard. It was in every way a very flattering one. The
Chair of Psychology at Harvard had not been filled since Münsterberg’s death dur-
ing the War. The tenure of it by James and Münsterberg and the great prestige of the
Department of Philosophy and Psychology seemed to justify me in regarding it as the
premier post in America, where psychology was so actively cultivated. . . .
(McDougall, 1930: 207–12)
McDougall left Oxford for the USA in 1920 and experimental psychology would
be almost absent from Oxford University until 1935, when the University received
a gift of £10,000 from Mrs Hugh Watts, a student of McDougall’s and a friend of
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164 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
the then Wilde Reader William Brown (1881–1952). The gift was to be used for the
establishment of an Institute of Experimental Psychology, which resulted in a modest
laboratory and a small teaching programme leading to a Diploma.
Developments in London
Foundation of University College London
There is an ongoing discussion about which university qualifies as the third of England:
the University of Durham or University College London, because both applications
were initiated around the same time and took several years to complete. However, as
far as psychology is concerned, there is no question that the title goes to University
College London (UCL). This college was founded in 1826 as a neutral (secular) alter-
native to Oxford and Cambridge, so that Catholics, Dissenters, Jews, non-believers
and women could obtain an English degree as well. Its foundation was swiftly followed
in 1831 by the establishment of King’s College London as an Anglican alternative
in the capital. Because the British government was unlikely to give degree-awarding
powers to two small institutions in the same city, both colleges formed an official
degree-awarding federation in 1836, known as the University of London.
The Grote Chair
Evidently, UCL was much more interested in the natural sciences and more open to the
empirical study of the human mind. As for the latter, two elements were of particular
importance for the history of psychology: the establishment of a Chair of Logic and
the Philosophy of the Human Mind (i.e. a professorship in psychology) and the pres-
ence of Galton. With respect to the Chair, there were quite some problems to get it
conferred, as there were major disagreements about whether it could be awarded to a
minister of religion. In particular, the banker and historian George Grote (1794–1871)
opposed the appointment of religion-related persons, blocking several interesting can-
didates. Eventually his views were overturned, but he had the final say when upon
his death in 1871 he endowed £6,000 for the Chair under the explicit condition that
it could not be paid to ‘a man who either is or has ever been a minister of religion’
(Hicks, 1928). The person on the Chair at that moment was George Croom Robertson
(1842–1892), a Scottish student of Alexander Bain.
Sully and the laboratory of psychology
Upon Robertson’s death, the Grote Chair (as it became called) was conferred to James
Sully (1842–1923). Sully, then already aged 50, was a man of independent means, who
had some extra income from teaching jobs (he had replaced the ailing Robertson a few
times), journalism and textbook writing. He had written books on illusions in percep-
tion and memory and a Teacher’s Handbook of Psychology, in which he translated the
insights from psychology to the educational context.
Sully is remembered in British history of psychology for his efforts to establish
the first laboratory of psychology in the UK and for the foundation of the British
Society of Psychology (see below). An opportunity to start a laboratory presented
itself in 1897 when Sully was told that the German psychologist Hugo Münsterberg
(1863–1916) was definitely moving to Harvard University as the successor of William
James (he had been there before) and was looking for a buyer of the equipment he
had collected at the University of Freiburg. Sully frantically began to lobby for space
and money, for which he enlisted the help of Francis Galton, the most eminent scholar
of psychology-related matters in London (Valentine, 1999). Rivers, who had done
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4.5 Starting psychology in the UK: finding a place between clerics, philosophers and biologists 165
teaching jobs at UCL since the early 1890s, was to be appointed as instructor. The
arrangement had a set-back when Rivers became lecturer at Cambridge, but Rivers
agreed to be instructor of the UCL lab as well (which comprised not much more than
a single room with equipment that was used mainly for teaching), so that the UCL
laboratory could open officially in 1898, a few months after the opening of Rivers’ lab
at Cambridge. As Table 4.2 shows, the UK was quite late in this respect.
Table 4.2 The establishment of psychology laboratories throughout the world. For each
country we list the first few universities
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166 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
The following was written about the UCL laboratory in its first annual report
(as cited in Valentine 1999: 214):
The work consisted of the experimental investigation of such points as the following:-
the discovery of the spots of the skin of the fore-arm sensitive to pressure, and to hot
and to cold objects respectively: the estimation of length of line by sight and by touch:
the discrimination of lifted weights: the estimation of the pitch of tones: the estimation
of very short time-intervals. The students themselves were the subjects of these experi-
ments, and they appeared to be greatly interested in the researches. As Dr Rivers was
unfortunately unable to continue teaching, Mr E. T. Dixon of Cambridge conducted
the class during the first term of the 1898–9 session. There were seven students, two of
whom were Medical graduates. The Laboratory is now located in its own room. The
Committee are very desirous of purchasing additional apparatus and of securing the
services of a permanent instructor. In order that this plan may be carried out, more
funds are needed. . . . [The committee] are the more anxious to do this as there is reason
to hope that the University of London is disposed to include the Subject of Experimental
Psychology in the Schedule for the Final B.Sc. Examination.
In 1900 William McDougall was appointed to a part-time readership in Sully’s
department, but after four years moved to Oxford (as we have seen above).
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4.5 Starting psychology in the UK: finding a place between clerics, philosophers and biologists 167
statistical measures that allowed him to draw valid conclusions. As a result, Galton
(who was a self-financed, independent researcher) became involved with a group of
young mathematicians, the most important of who was Karl Pearson (1857–1936).
After Pearson was appointed at UCL as Professor of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics in 1884, Galton became more involved in the college (although he had
been educated at King’s College London). The connection was further strengthened
when five years later another of Galton’s students, Raphael Weldon (1860–1906), was
appointed as Professor of Zoology. Together the three men established the journal
Biometrika, which would become the leading journal for the development of statistical
methods in the life sciences.
Because of these developments, London has been the place where most modern sta-
tistical techniques were discovered. One of these techniques was the correlation coef-
ficient developed by Pearson. The correlation coefficient made it possible to measure
the degree to which two variables were related and whether the relationship was strong
enough to be reliable. Such a coefficient was desperately needed because the data
Galton gathered to research heredity turned out to be much less impressive than he
had hoped. Indeed, one of the first high-profile applications of Pearson’s correlation
coefficient concerned the relationship between the intelligence measures advocated by
Galton and everyday indications of aptitude. Wissler (1901), a student of Cattell at
Columbia University, correlated the intelligence measurements Cattell had gathered
with the school results and the academic grades of the participants. To everybody’s
dismay, Wissler observed that there was no reliable relationship between the psycho-
logical test results, the physical test results, and the marks the participants obtained
in school or college (although the latter correlated with themselves to a considerable
degree). Consequently, Wissler had to conclude that the intelligence measurements
used by Galton, Cattell and so many others were useless to predict academic perfor-
mance. Within a few months Binet wrote a French summary of Wissler’s findings in
L’Année Psychologique, adding that he had obtained similar findings, and wondering
whether the lack of correlation was due to the simple tests used or to the fact that there
had not been enough variability in the children tested.
UCL’s standing in correlational research was further strengthened when in 1907
Charles Spearman (1863–1945; known from the Spearman correlation) was appointed
as Reader. Spearman was an officer in the British army, who as a mature student had
gone to study psychology under Wilhelm Wundt. By the time of his appointment at
UCL, Spearman had already published articles on the rudiments of factor analysis (a
statistical technique to interpret correlations between several variables; see Chapter 12)
and a two-factor theory of intelligence, in which he claimed that performance on an
intelligence test was influenced by a general intelligence factor and a factor specific to
the test. He concluded this from the observation that children who scored low/high
on one valid task of intelligence in general also scored low/high on other valid tasks,
indicating that the solutions of the various tasks were affected by a single underlying
factor, which Spearman called ‘general intelligence’. In 1911 Spearman was promoted
to the Grote Professorship and steered the UCL Psychology Department firmly into the
study of individual differences based on correlational research, a topic for which the
Department would remain renowned for decades to come. Ironically, the relationship
between Spearman and Pearson never was amicable.
Scotland, with its four universities, had its own dynamism. Two figures above all had an
influence on the development of psychology in the UK: Alexander Bain and G.F. Stout.
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168 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
We met Alexander Bain (1818–1903) in Chapter 3, when we discussed his textbooks.
Bain was a philosopher and educationalist at the University of Aberdeen with a strong
interest in biology and experimental research. He not only provided the template of
the psychology handbooks to be written. After prolonged stays in London between
1848 and 1860, during which he was in close contact with John Stuart Mill and George
Grote, he was also often consulted about psychology-related matters in the UK.
Bain further took an initiative that would provide nineteenth-century English-
speaking psychologists and philosophers of mind with a research outlet in their own
language. Together with George Croom Robertson he launched the journal Mind,
the first issue of which appeared in 1876. This issue contained the following articles,
among others:
● ‘The comparative psychology of man’ (by Herbert Spencer)
● ‘Physiological psychology in Germany’ (by James Sully)
● ‘Consistency and real inference’ (by John Venn).
The second issue included an article by Wundt (‘Central innervation and con-
sciousness’); the third issue had an article by Helmholtz (‘The origin and meaning
of geometrical axioms’). In the fourth issue James Ward published his article on the
interpretation of Fechner’s law, which would be important for his appointment at
Cambridge, and so on.
A particularly interesting article, whose impact would become clear only much
later, was published in 1887 by Joseph Jacobs, a student of Galton’s who would move
to New York and become a well-known folklore researcher (Fine, 1987). Jacobs started
from the observation that everyone can repeat the name Bo after hearing it once,
whereas few could catch the name of the then Greek statesman M. Papamichalopoulos
without the need for repetition. This made Jacobs wonder how many spoken items
people could repeat. First he used nonsense syllables like cral – forg – mul – tal – nop,
but soon came to prefer letters and digits. He noticed that schoolgirls could repeat
on average 6.1 nonsense syllables, 7.3 letters and 9.3 digits, and that performance
increased with age: girls of 11–12 years could repeat 5.3 nonsense syllables, whereas
girls of 19–20 years could repeat 7 such syllables. Furthermore, the scores of the
children in the top half of the class were higher than those of the children in the
lower half. Jacobs (1887: 78) described how the relationship with intelligence was
tested further:
The only difficulty is the very small extent of variability: in order to get a wider range,
and also to test the obvious deduction to be made from these figures, it was suggested by
Mr. Francis Galton that experiments should be tried on idiots, and he kindly undertook
the inquiry in conjunction with Prof. Bain and Mr. Sully. The detailed results are given
below. At Earlswood the average span was as low as 4, and much the same at Darenth.
‘Idiots’ differ so much as to make it, indeed, hardly possible to speak of average results;
but it appears that few, if any, attain to the normal span, and that a good number of
those who can ‘speak’ at all are unable to reproduce more than 2 numerals.
At last, there was a simple task that made a clear difference between individuals of
high and low intelligence! One of the persons, who read Jacobs’ article, was Alfred
Binet, who referred to it in an early paper but surprisingly not in his articles together
with Simon on the intelligence test, even though the intelligence test relied on memory
span testing to a considerable degree (see Table 4.1).
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4.5 Starting psychology in the UK: finding a place between clerics, philosophers and biologists 169
A second figure of importance in early Scottish psychology was George Frederick Stout
(1860–1944), better known as G.F. Stout. He studied at Cambridge with James Ward,
where he became a Fellow of St John’s College (1884–1896) and wrote the first edi-
tion of his high-impact book Analytic Psychology. In 1896 the University of Aberdeen
appointed him to a new lectureship in Comparative Psychology. In 1903 Stout moved to
St Andrews as Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, where he stayed until his retirement
in 1936. In this period he published several editions of the Manual of Psychology (first
published in 1898), which would be a standard textbook for generations of students
taking psychology courses in the UK. Stout was also editor of Mind from 1891 to
1920. Like many of his contemporaries, he was more a philosopher than an empirical
psychologist. Only after 1926 was the term ‘experimental psychology’ included in the
Manual under the instigation of a new collaborator at St Andrews, and apparently
not much to Stout’s excitement.
Psychological societies
Because so much science in the UK took place outside universities, British scholars
had a tendency to found a Learned Society as soon as the interest was strong enough
(see also Chapter 2). These Societies had regular meetings and usually published some
kind of journal or proceedings to disseminate their findings. The same happened to
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 169 16/09/2020 16:21
170 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
universities, strong entrance criteria were imposed (Lovie, 2001). Only those who were
recognised teachers in some branch of psychology or who had published work of
recognisable value were eligible to become members. To further increase the standing
of the Society, letters of invitation were sent to all scholars in the UK who fitted the
criteria. Among those who accepted were James Ward and G.F. Stout. Galton refused,
but could be tempted in 1905 when he was offered an Honorary Fellowship.
Table 4.3 includes some of the papers read at the first meetings of the Society.
They clearly illustrate the scientific ambitions of the Society. Another interesting
observation is that Freud’s psychoanalysis started to appear in 1910 and would rapidly
expand. A catalyst in this respect was the handling of shell-shock cases in World War I.
Those involved in the treatment all received a training that was heavily inspired by
Table 4.3 Some of the papers read at the British Psychological Society. From 1910, the
first papers on Freud and psychoanalysis started to appear
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4.5 Starting psychology in the UK: finding a place between clerics, philosophers and biologists 171
A conundrum for the Society was how to reconcile its entrance requirements
with the need to have sufficient members. The initial conditions made it impossible
to attract many members, given the paucity of psychological research laboratories
in the UK. Therefore, at the end of World War I Charles Myers tried to have the
criteria relaxed, so that scholars working on psychology-related topics in medi-
cine, industry and education could join as well (recall that around this time Myers
founded his own company and was thinking of leaving Cambridge). After a few
attempts he managed to get his proposals approved by the members. The outcome
was an explosion of the number of members in 1919 from fewer than 100 to more
than 400 (partly due to Myers’s network of connections built during the war). The
number of publications of the Society also increased. Previously the Society only
published the British Journal of Psychology, which had been initiated by Ward and
Rivers in 1904 and had been acquired by the Society when Charles Myers became
editor in 1914.
Interim summary
● Psychology had a hard time becoming an academic discipline in the UK. This largely had
to do with the fact that the universities did not encourage the new discipline. Although
there is no evidence for active opposition, every bit of progress required substantial
● In England James Sully from University College London was the driving force, although
the University of Cambridge managed to have the first laboratory of experimental
psychology under the direction of W.H.R. Rivers. Another main source of inspiration was
Galton’s work on individual differences.
● In Scotland the most active college was the University of Aberdeen where Alexander Bain
was professor and G.F. Stout got his first appointment as lecturer.
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172 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 172 16/09/2020 16:21
4.6 Focus on: What about the five schools of psychology? 173
A further bias in early history writing was that most authors were academics who
looked down upon applied research (Cerullo, 1988). This was certainly the case for
Boring, the man with the unfortunate family name who wrote the extremely popular
book A History of Experimental Psychology (1st edition 1929; 2nd revised edition
1950). Although the title explicitly referred to fundamental, academic psychology, the
story depicted in the book was rapidly generalised to the entire field of psychology.
It also introduced a Hegelian approach to the history of psychology. According to
the philosopher Georg Hegel (1770–1831), thinking consists of three stages: first you
have a thesis (a proposition), then an antithesis (a reaction against the proposition),
followed by a synthesis (a compromise between the thesis and the antithesis). Boring
believed in controversy as the driving force of science and, therefore, he tended to
magnify existing discussions to true fights between schools involving a string of theses
and antitheses (structure vs. function, elements vs. gestalts, introspection vs. behav-
iourist experimentation, consciousness vs. unconscious drives). This approach had the
advantage that Boring (and many history teachers after him) could position himself
as the great conciliator, the synthesis-maker.
According to Costall (2006), the Hegelian approach is part of the reason why cur-
rent textbooks still love to refer to the five basic schools of psychology. Indeed, there
is an almost irresistible Hegelian sequence that can be used to ‘summarise’ the history
of psychology. It looks as follows:
1. Thesis: psychology, as instituted in the universities, began as the study of mind,
based, almost exclusively, on the unreliable method of introspection (structuralism,
functionalism, Gestalt psychology).
2. Antithesis: in reaction to the blatant unreliability of the introspective method,
behaviourism then redefined psychology as the study of behaviour, based primar-
ily on the objective method of experimentation (see Chapter 5).
3. Synthesis: in reaction to the limited research agenda and the theoretical bankruptcy
of behaviourism, the ‘cognitive revolution’, in turn, restored the mind as the proper
subject of psychology (but now with the benefit of the rigorous experimental meth-
ods developed within behaviourism).
What is often overlooked is that such sequences tremendously simplify the past.
Richards (2009: 219) made an attempt to show how the history of early British psy-
chology would look if it were presented in terms of Hegelian fights between schools:
Cambridge School. Usually used to refer to the main group of psychologists based in
Cambridge University during the 1900–40 period. These included C.S. Myers, W.H.R.
Rivers and F. Bartlett. The major difference from the London School . . . is seen as being
less interest [sic] in psychometrics and statistics, as well as a greater concern with social
and applied issues. The Cambridge School is routinely juxtaposed with the London
School as representing the poles of early twentieth-century English academic Psycho-
logical thought, although this grossly distorts the picture since Manchester, Liverpool,
Reading, and possibly Bristol, schools could also be identified. The Scottish universi-
ties were also pursuing their own agendas to some extent but are rarely referred to as
‘schools’. . . .
Ironically, the danger of misinterpreting the term ‘schools’ was addressed by another
influential American author, Robert Sessions Woodworth (1869–1962), who contrib-
uted much to their popularity by publishing a much-used textbook (eight editions)
entitled Contemporary Schools of Psychology. This book described the various existing
schools, as seen by Woodworth, and dealt with functional and structural psychology,
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 173 16/09/2020 16:21
174 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
Interim summary
● The beginnings of psychology are often depicted by making a distinction between five
quarrelling schools (structuralism, functionalism, Gestalt psychology, behaviourism and
● However, a look at the original sources does not warrant this view as a summary of the
core developments within psychology. It rather seems to be a re-interpretation of the
original meaning of the philosophical term ‘school’, in order to depict the history of
psychology in simplifying theses, antitheses and syntheses.
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 174 16/09/2020 16:21
References 175
stagnation. Since that first edition, however, I have felt compelled to add cover-
age of the rise of cross-cultural psychology, evolutionary psychology, and positive
psychology. Each of these emerging theoretical perspectives could be character-
ized as somewhat rebellious movements with zealous champions that have called
for profound changes in the field’s focus and research priorities. I think that
all three of these perspectives have had a refreshing and nourishing impact on
(Weiten, 2010; in APS Observer, 23, issue 4).
Recommended literature
Original sources this one. To have good coverage of the early attempts
Many of the early writings that have been described to establish psychology as an academic discipline
in this chapter are freely available on the internet (use a (rather than a long introduction to the philosophical
search engine!). The best site to start with is psychclassics. antecedents), look for books with the words ‘history’
yorku.ca, from which we quoted extensively. and ‘modern psychology’ in the title. Boring’s History
of Experimental Psychology (either the 1929 or 1950
If you speak German, Projekt Gutenberg – DE is another
edition) is still a good read. Another rich history of the
good place (www.projekt-gutenberg.org).
developments of nineteenth-century psychology in the
If you speak French, you certainly must have a look at the first USA is Reed E.S. (1997) From Soul to Mind: The Emer-
issues of L’Année Psychologique, the journal Binet founded gence of Psychology, from Erasmus Darwin to William
and in which he published his first intelligence test with Simon: James (Yale University Press). For the British situation,
(http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/revue/psy) a good introduction is provided by the various chapters
in Bunn, Lovie and Richards (eds) (2001) Psychology in
An increasing number of early books have also become
Britain (Leicester: BPS Books). Most countries have their
fully available at Google Books (www.books.google.com)
own history book(s), which may be worthwhile tracing if
you are not from the US or the UK.
As for textbooks, there are many good books on the
history of psychology, which are much more detailed than
Abma, R. (2004) ‘Madness and mental health.’ In J. Jansz Binet, A. & Simon, T. (1904b) ‘Méthodes nouvelles pour
and P. van Drunen (Eds.) A Social History of Psychology, le diagnostic du niveau intellectuel des anormaux’,
pp. 93–128. Oxford: Blackwell. L’Année Psychologique, 11: 191–244 (available at www.
Ben-David, J. & Collins, R. (1966) ‘Social factors in the persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/revue/psy).
origins of a new science: The case of psychology’, Binet, A. & Simon, T. (1904c) ‘Application des méthodes
American Sociological Review, 451–65. nouvelles au diagnostic du niveau intellectuel chez des
Binet, A. (1904) ‘A propos de la mesure de l’intelligence’, enfants normaux en anormaux d’hospice et d’école
L’Année Psychologique, 11: 69–82 (available at www. primaire’, L’Année Psychologique, 11: 245–336 (available
persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/revue/psy). at www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/revue/psy).
Binet, A. & Simon, T. (1904a) ‘Sur la nécessité d’établir Binet, A. & Simon, T. (1907) ‘Le développement de l’intelligence
un diagnostic scientifique des états inférieurs de chez les enfants’, L’Année Psychologique, 14: 1–94 (available
l’intelligence’, L’Année Psychologique, 11: 163–90 at www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/revue/psy).
(available at www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/ Boring, E.G. (1950) A History of Experimental Psychol-
revue/psy). ogy (2nd Edition). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 175 16/09/2020 16:21
176 Chapter 4 Establishing psychology as an independent academic discipline
Cahan, D. (2018) Helmholtz: A Life in Science. Chicago, Jacobs, J. (1887) ‘Experiments on “Prehension”’, Mind,
IL: University of Chicago Press. 12: 75–9.
Cattell, J.M. (1888) ‘The psychological laboratory at Jahoda, G. (2007) A History of Social Psychology.
Leipsic’, Mind, 13: 37–51 (at psychclassics.yorku.ca). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cerullo, J.J. (1988) ‘E.G. Boring: Reflections on a disci- James, W. (1890) The Principles of Psychology (2 vols).
pline builder’, The American Journal of Psychology, New York: Henry Holt (at psychclassics.yorku.ca).
101: 561–75. Leahey, T.H. (2004) A History of Psychology (6th Edition).
Collini, S. (1998) Introduction to C.P. Snow’s The Two Cul- Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
tures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Levelt, W.J. (2013). A History of Psycholinguistics: The
Costall, A. (2001) ‘Pear and his peers’. In G.C. Bunn, A.D. Pre-Chomskyan era. Oxford University Press.
Lovie & G.D. Richards (Eds.) Psychology in Britain. Liebig, J. von (1863) Ueber Francis Bacon von Verulam und
Leicester: BPS Books, pp. 188–204. die Methode der Naturforschung. Munich.
Costall, A. (2006) ‘“Introspectionism” and the mythical Lovie, S. (2001) ‘Three steps to heaven: How the British Psy-
origins of scientific psychology’, Consciousness and chological Society attained its place in the sun’. In G.C.
Cognition, 15: 634–54. Bunn, A.D. Lovie & G.D. Richards (Eds.) Psychology in
Delboeuf, J.R.L. (1873) Etude psychophysique: recherches Britain. Leicester: BPS Books, pp. 95–114.
théoriques et expérimentales sur la mesure des sensa- Mandler, G. (2007) A History of Modern Experimental
tions et spécialement des sensations de lumière et de Psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
fatigue. Bruxelles: l’Académie Royale de sciences, des McDougall, W. (1930) William McDougall. In C. Murchison
lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. (ed.) A History of Psychology in Autobiography, Vol. 1
Donders, F.C. (1868) ‘Over de snelheid van psychische pro- (pp. 191–223). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
cessen’: Translated by Koster, W.G. (1968). ‘On the speed Nicolas, S. (2004) L’hypnose: L’école de la Salpêtrière face
of mental processes’, Acta Psychologica, 30: 412–31. à l’école de Nancy. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Edgell, B. (1947) ‘The British Psychological Society’, British Nicolas, S. & Ferrand, L. (1999) ‘Wundt’s laboratory at
Journal of Psychology, 37: 113–32 (reprinted in 2001, Leipzig in 1891’, History of Psychology, 2: 194–203.
British Journal of Psychology, 92: 3–22). Nicolas, S. & Ferrand, L. (2011) ‘La psychologie cognitive
Fancher, R.E. (1996) Pioneers of Psychology (3rd Edition). d’Alfred Binet’, L’Année Psychologique, 111: 87–116.
New York: Norton & Company. Pickren, W.E. & Rutherford, A. (2010) A History of Mod-
Fechner, G.T. (1860) Elemente der Psychophysik. Leipzig: ern Psychology in Context. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley
Breitkopf & Härtel. & Sons.
Fine, G.A. (1987) ‘Joseph Jacobs: A sociological folklorist’, Pomerantanz, J.R. & Kubovy, M. (1986) ‘Theoretical
Folklore, 98: 183–93. approaches in organization’. In Boff, J.P. Kaufman, L.
Foucault, M. (1961/2006) The History of Madness. and Thomas, J.P. (Eds.) Handbook of Perception and
Oxford: Routledge (original title: Folie et déraison. His- Human Performance. New York, NY: Wiley.
toire de la folie à l’âge classique. Paris: Librairie Plon). Porter, R. (2006) ‘Medical science’. In R. Porter (ed.),
Freud, S. (1900/1913) The Interpretation of Dreams (Eng- The Cambridge History of Medicine. Cambridge:
lish translation by A.A. Brill). New York: Macmillan (at Cambridge University Press.
psychclassics.yorku.ca). Questienne, L., van Dijck, J.P. & Gevers, W. (2018) ‘Intro-
Fuchs, A.H. (2000) ‘Teaching the introductory course in spection of subjective feelings is sensitive and specific’,
psychology circa 1900’, American Psychologist, 55: 492–5. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception
Griffith, C.R. (1921) ‘Some neglected aspects of a history and Performance, 44(2): 215–25.
of psychology’, Psychological Monographs, 30: 17–29 Ribot, T.A. (1870) La psychologie anglaise contemporaine.
(available at psychclassics.yorku.ca). Paris: Librairie philosophique de Ladrange.
Guillin, V. (2004) ‘Théodule Ribot’s ambiguous positiv- Richards, G. (2001) ‘Edward Cox, the Psychological
ism: Philosophical and epistemological strategies in the Society of Great Britain (1875–1879) and the meaning
founding of French scientific psychology’, Journal of the of institutional failure’. In G.C. Bunn, A.D. Lovie &
History of the Behavioral Sciences, 40: 165–81. G.D. Richards (Eds.) Psychology in Britain. Leicester:
Hearnshaw, L. (1964) A Short History of British Psychol- BPS Books, pp. 33–53.
ogy, 1840–1948. London: Methuen. Richards, G. (2009) Psychology: The Key Concepts.
Hicks, G.D. (1928) ‘A century of philosophy at University London: Routledge.
College, London’, Journal of Philosophical Studies, Rosenthal, R. (1963) ‘On the social psychology of the psy-
3: 468–82. chological experiment: The experimenter’s hypothesis
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 176 16/09/2020 16:21
Notes 177
1. The most likely reason for this title was that there already Contemporary Psychology) rather than the intended
existed a journal called Psychological Studies, devoted to La Psychologie Britannique Contemporaine (British
spiritualism and parapsychology (Fancher, 1996). Contemporary Psychology).
2. Because the British Isles comprise lands that at various 3. In the British system, there are three main categories
times fought against each other, different names are used of academic positions: lectureship, readership and pro-
to refer to them. Great Britain is used to refer to Eng- fessorship. The first is the lowest rank and the one in
land, Scotland, and Wales. The United Kingdom denotes which young academics usually start. The second and
the former three plus Northern Ireland. In Continental the third position are conferred by the university on the
Europe the term ‘England’ is often used erroneously to basis of a strong research CV and recommendations
refer to either Great Britain or the United Kingdom. This by peers. Only the last category is allowed to use the
was the case, for instance, in Ribot’s book, which was title Professor. The former two must be referred to as
called La Psychologie Anglaise Contemporaine (English Doctors.
M04 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 177 16/09/2020 16:21
178 Chapter 00 Chapter title goes here
Strengthening the scientific
standing of psychology
Behaviourism and cognitive psychology
5.1 The perception of psychology in the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century
The expansion of psychology around the start of the twentieth century
The first American psychology: functionalism
Psychology and its position within universities
Trying to win over the public
5.2 Making a science of behaviour
Inspiration from animal research
The 1913 behaviourist manifesto
The influence of the philosophy of science
Further developments in behaviourism: Skinner versus Tolman
5.3 Adding cognitions to behaviour
Mathematical and technological advances questioning the behaviourist tenets
The liberating metaphor of the computer
The emergence of cognitive psychology
Specific features of cognitive psychology
More complex procedures were needed than foreseen and top-down processes
had to be introduced
5.4 Focus on: Has behaviourism been replaced by cognitive psychology just like
behaviourism defeated structuralism and functionalism?
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 178 16/09/2020 16:33
Introduction 179
Questions to consider
In this chapter we discuss the efforts made by the academic psychological laboratories
to become recognised as scientific laboratories, with the same status as other sci-
ence laboratories. Because this struggle was particularly outspoken in the USA and
because the USA began to rule the discipline in the twentieth century, we limit our
discussion to this nation. While Europe was crippled by two devastating wars, the
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 179 16/09/2020 16:33
180 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
USA became an economic superpower that in addition invested heavily in all types
of science. This does not mean that nothing relevant to psychology happened in
other parts of the world, but for the present chapter these developments were rather
US dominance was due not only to the sheer amount of research done, but also
to the high quality of the textbooks produced. In Chapter 4 we saw how James’s
Principles eclipsed Wundt’s psychology books (available in English through transla-
tions) because of its clarity and accessibility. Very much the same was true of the
later textbooks. One particularly successful author in the early years was Robert S.
Woodworth, who sold over 400,000 copies of his introductory text Psychology between
1922 and 1939, and who in 1938 published a most authoritative book, Experimental
Psychology, reviewing the complete literature of laboratory research on topics rang-
ing from psychophysics to the psychology of thinking (Benjafield, 2005). Increasingly,
lecturers throughout the world used these books in their courses or relied on them to
write their own syllabuses. Therefore, in the twentieth century the history of psychol-
ogy became very much the American history of psychology.
In the first two parts of this chapter, we discuss the developments that culminated
in behaviourism; in the third part, we look at the changes that resulted in the rise of
cognitive psychology.
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 180 16/09/2020 16:33
5.1 The perception of psychology in the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century 181
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 181 16/09/2020 16:33
182 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
ideas and more to acquire the prestige of a European degree, to gain professional
credentials, and to receive practical instruction in the use of instruments.
Part of the attraction of the functionalist approach to the Americans was also that
Wundt’s experimental research programme on the basis of reaction times ran into
problems in the 1880s (Green, 2009). When Wundt started his laboratory in 1879, it
was centred on mental chronometry (Chapters 3 and 4). Wundt had continued the
work of Donders on response times in simple reaction tasks and extended Donders’s
theory from three stages (simple reaction, input selection, output selection) to five
(Robinson, 2001). Wundt assumed that the durations of the stages were fixed (as was
the case in physics and physiology) and could be determined by precise measurement.
However, even though the research was based on highly motivated participants (his
PhD students and himself), there were large individual differences in the estimates,
making it impossible to derive a scientific law from them. Arguably this is one of
the reasons why Wundt, in his later years, turned to introspection and the histori-
cal method (Chapter 4). The Americans, however, saw the differences between the
participants as evidence for Darwin’s theory. Rather than a nuisance, the individual
differences pointed to inherited variability.
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 182 16/09/2020 16:33
5.1 The perception of psychology in the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century 183
to not let psychology fall ‘to the level of a mere science’ (as cited in Fuchs, 2000: 492).
Similarly, George Trumbull Ladd, the second president of the APA, criticised William
James’s Principles of Psychology (1890) for reducing psychology to an unattainable
‘cerebral psychology’ by attempting to relate mental phenomena to activities of the
brain (Fuchs, 2000: 493).
A very similar story could be told about the reactions of the ‘hard’ scientists at the
universities. For reasons which will be outlined in later chapters, many of them have
never been able to see psychology and the other behavioural and social sciences as
full members of the club. For them, psychology always had the flavour of a ‘wannabe
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 183 16/09/2020 16:33
184 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
A Chart of Phrenology
1. Amativeness 12. Cautiousness 24. Size
2. Philoprogenitiveness 13. Benevolence 25. Weight
3. Concentrativeness 14. Veneration 26. Colouring
3a. Inhabitiveness 15. Firmness 27. Locality
4. Adhesiveness 16. Conscientiousness 28. Number
5. Combativeness 17. Hope 29. Order
6. Destructiveness 18. Wonder 30. Eventuality
6a. Alimentiveness 19. Ideality 31. Time
7. Secretiveness 19a. (Not determined) 32. Tune
8. Acquisitiveness 20. Wit 33. Language
9. Constructiveness 21. Imitation 34. Comparison
10. Self-esteem 22. Individuality 35. Causality
11. Love of Approbation 23. Form
Figure 5.1 A drawing of the head with an indication of the various faculties according to
Spurzheim (1834)
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 184 16/09/2020 16:33
5.1 The perception of psychology in the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century 185
through Europe). They parted company in 1812, arguably because Gall did not feel at
ease with Spurzheim’s increasingly strong claims for the diagnostic value of phrenol-
ogy. Spurzheim exported phrenology to Britain (where Queen Victoria and the young
Galton made use of it) and to the USA, where it found particularly fertile soil in the
hands of the Fowler brothers. This is how Leahey (2004: 312) describes their impact:
They minimized the scientific content of phrenology, maximized the practical applica-
tions, and set up an office in New York where clients could have their characters read
for a fee. They wrote endlessly of the benefits of phrenology and published a phreno-
logical journal that endured from the 1840s to 1911. They traveled around the country,
especially the frontier areas, giving lectures and challenging skeptics. Like the great
magician Houdini, they accepted any kind of test of their abilities, including blindfolded
examinations of volunteers’ skulls. What made the Fowlers’ phrenology so popular was
its appeal to the American character. It eschewed metaphysics for practical application.
It pretended to tell employers what people to hire and to advise men which wives to take.
(Leahey, 2004: 312)
In Chapter 4 we saw how mesmerism at the end of the eighteenth century took root
in continental Europe after Mesmer claimed he could cure patients by restoring their
‘animal magnetism’. Mesmerism became popular in America after the Parisian Charles
Poyen in the 1830–40s gave a series of lectures. These included demonstrations with a
lady, Cynthia Ann Gleason, highly susceptible to somnambulism (Schmit, 2005). The
audience was invited to check the power of the trance (e.g. by testing whether Gleason
could be awoken from it). Intriguingly, Gleason even seemed able to look inside the
bodies of others and diagnose illnesses in persons presented to her, in line with claims
made shortly before that people in a trance could be clairvoyant.
Poyen rapidly had a string of followers who took up the practice. Books, periodi-
cals, manuals and pamphlets were published to meet the growing demand. Again, the
Fowler Brothers were involved, who saw cross-overs between phrenology and mesmer-
ism. Demonstrations of mesmeric powers were presented as ‘psychological experi-
ments’, to be surveyed by honourable gentlemen from the audience.
A third movement that preoccupied the Americans was spiritualism, the belief that
the spirits of the dead could be contacted by mediums. It started in the mid nineteenth
century when two young adolescent girls (the Fox sisters) began to hear rapping sounds
which they believed to be messages from the deceased (Chapter 4). Belief in spiritual-
ism spread rapidly, the more so because the raging Civil War claimed many lives.
By the end of the nineteenth century, spiritual sessions were a common feature in
social and cultural life and scholars were invited to investigate them. In particular, the
first psychologists were called upon to examine the scientific value of these phenom-
ena. William James was one of them and rapidly developed a keen interest in ‘psychical
research’, to the despair of most of his psychology colleagues (Coon, 1992). James’s
successor at Harvard’s laboratory of psychology, Hugo Münsterberg (1863–1916),
described in one of his writings how he was asked weekly to explore or comment on
some mystical or spiritualistic phenomenon. He generally (but not always) refused,
because it was ‘not . . . part of scientific psychology to examine the so-called mystical
occurrences’ (Münsterberg, 1910; as cited in Coon, 1992: 145).
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186 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
This, then, was the environment the fledgling psychology research faculty found itself
in. It can be argued that within the wider American society the first laboratories were
not the glowing beacons of psychology’s victory march towards the guild of sciences,
as psychology historians liked to describe them, but rather a few speckles of penicillin
in a colony of bacteria. According to some psychologists, the precarious position of
scientific psychology was due not only to the public’s perception but also to the fact that
psychology’s scientific message lacked strength, as can be read in the following excerpt:
[They] decided either to give up psychology or else to make it a natural science. They
saw their brother-scientists making progress in medicine, in chemistry, in physics. Every
new discovery in those fields was of prime importance; every new element isolated in
one laboratory could be isolated in some other laboratory; each new element was imme-
diately taken up in the warp and woof of science as a whole. One need only mention
wireless, radium, insulin, thyroxin, to verify this. Elements so isolated and methods so
formulated immediately began to function in human achievement.
(Watson, 1924; as cited in Mackenzie, 1977: 14)
The dissenters took inspiration from research on the behaviour of animals, as we
will see below.
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5.2 Making a science of behaviour 187
Interim summary
● Scientific psychology expanded rapidly in the USA: many laboratories were established
at universities, the APA was founded, and two important journals were initiated.
● Meanwhile psychology changed to address concerns prevalent in American society
(adaptation to the environment, practical usefulness). This led to functionalism.
● At the same time, the position of the psychology laboratories was precarious. They were
mostly part of philosophical institutes (rather than science faculties), and the public at
large did not associate psychology with science but with phrenology, mesmerism and
spiritualism. This created pressure to enhance the scientific status of psychology.
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188 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
that of humans. In other words, the mental processes in animals were thought to
be of the same sort as you would expect to find after introspection of your own
consciousness. Or as Romanes described the method:
[I]f I contemplate my own mind, I have an immediate cognizance of a certain row of
thoughts and feelings, which are the most ultimate things – and, indeed, the only things
– of which I am cognizant. But if I contemplate Mind in other persons or organisms,
I can have no such immediate cognizance of their thoughts and feelings; I can only
infer the existence of such thoughts and feelings from the activities of the persons or
organisms which appear to manifest them . . . That is to say, starting from what I know
subjectively of the operations of my own individual mind, and of the activities which
in my own organism these operations seem to prompt, I proceed by analogy to infer
from the observable activities displayed by other organisms, the fact that certain mental
operations underlie or accompany these activities.
(Romanes, 1884; as cited by Mackenzie, 1977: 56–7)
An example of the approach is provided by Bidie’s (1879) observation published
in the scientific journal Nature. Bidie had a heavily pregnant cat that he had to leave
behind when he went on a journey. During his absence two youngsters trespassed his
quarters and repeatedly teased the cat. Upon his return Bidie chased the youngsters
and shortly afterwards the cat moved her kittens from a concealed nest to his dress-
ing room. According to Bidie, ‘[the cat’s] train of reasoning seems to have been the
following “now that my master has returned, there is no risk of the kittens being
injured . . . so I will take them out for my protector to see and admire”’ (Bidie, 1879;
as cited in Galef, 1998).
The above example is typical of most of the research done on animal behaviour in
the second half of the nineteenth century. On the basis of anecdotal evidence authors
claimed that animals had reasoning capacities similar to those of humans. This is a
anthropomorphic typical instance of anthropomorphic interpretation, the attribution of human motives
interpretation and human-like intelligence to other living creatures.
interpreting behaviour
of non-human living Thorndike’s puzzle box
creatures by attributing
human motives and
A different approach was taken by Edward Lee Thorndike (1874–1949). As mentioned
human-like intelligence in Chapter 4, Thorndike was attracted to psychology after reading James’s Principles.
to them He went to study with James, who advised him to investigate learning in children (as
part of the aim of increasing the functionality of scientific psychology). Unfortu-
nately for James and Thorndike, they ran into difficulties when they tried to recruit
participants. Eventually Thorndike proposed the study of instinctive and intelligent
behaviour in chickens. The proposal was accepted by the Harvard authorities, as
long as Thorndike kept the animals outside the university. So, Thorndike was forced
to keep them in his apartment. After he ran into difficulties with his landlady, James
had no other option than to house the chickens in the basement of his own house
(Benjafield, 2005: 139–40). Thorndike eventually left Harvard when he was invited to
Columbia by James McKeen Cattell and there he finished his famous research with
the puzzle box.
A first change Thorndike introduced was that he did not rely on anecdotal evidence,
but on careful observation of animals put in controlled environments. The second
change was that he based his conclusions on the animals’ behaviour, not on what
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5.2 Making a science of behaviour 189
supposedly went on in their minds. He put hungry animals (chickens, rats, dogs and
in particular cats) in puzzle boxes he constructed himself (even though he was not the
most skilled carpenter). Outside the box, food was presented which the animal could
reach if it managed to solve the puzzle and open the door (e.g. by moving a lever, pul-
ley or treadle).
Thorndike noted how long it took the animal to get out of the box. He observed
that the time rapidly decreased on successive trials (Figure 5.2), because the animal did
not repeat the behaviours that had failed before but focused on the behaviours that
law of effect had been successful. Thorndike called this the law of effect. Behaviours that are fol-
behavioural law lowed by positive consequences are strengthened and repeated; behaviours that are not
introduced by Thorndike followed by such consequences are not repeated.
to refer to the fact that
behaviours followed by
Thorndike further wanted to see whether the animal had any ‘knowledge’ of the
positive consequences are contingency involved. To this end, he had cats observe other cats solve the puzzle.
strengthened and more Afterwards he put these ‘expert’ cats in the box and examined whether they solved the
likely to be repeated puzzle faster than naïve cats that had not observed the required behaviour. Given that
this was not the case, Thorndike concluded that the learning consisted of making an
association between the situation of being in the box and performing the appropriate
act. The learning did not involve the animal solving the problem by associating ideas
of actions and rewards. The cat did not have insight into the contingencies. Thorndike
instrumental called this type of learning instrumental conditioning.
conditioning This is how Thorndike summarised his findings:
name introduced by
Thorndike to refer to The cat does not look over the situation, much less think it over, and then decide what
learning on the basis of to do. It bursts out at once into the activities which instinct and experience have set-
the law of effect; called tled on as suitable reactions to the situation ‘confinement when hungry with food out-
operant conditioning by side.’ The one impulse, out of many accidental ones, which leads to pleasure, becomes
strengthened and stamped in thereby, and more and more firmly associated with the
sense-impression of that box’s interior.
(Thorndike, 1898; as cited in Benjafield, 2005: 140)
Time in seconds
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
No. of trials
Figure 5.2 Time needed by a cat to escape from one of Thorndike’s puzzle boxes in
successive trials.
Source: Thorndike, E.L. (1911) Animal Intelligence: Experimental Studies, Fig. 2, p. 39, © 1911.
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190 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
Incidentally, it must be noted that Thorndike’s claim against social learning in ani-
mals has since been proven wrong; imitative learning happens in all kinds of species,
as we will see in Chapter 13.
comparative psychology Thorndike’s work had an enormous impact on animal research, because his
study of behaviour of approach was much more in line with the research methods in the natural sciences than
animals, usually with the the previous anecdotal and anthropomorphic attempts. For this reason, 1898, the year
intention to shed light on
human functioning within
in which Thorndike published his PhD thesis on animal learning, is celebrated as the
the framework of the birthday of comparative psychology, even though after his PhD Thorndike returned
evolutionary theory to his first love, educational psychology.
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5.2 Making a science of behaviour 191
classical conditioning phenomenon: after a few experiences of food delivery, the animal started to secrete
form of learning digestive fluids before the food arrived in the mouth, namely as soon as the animal
discovered by Pavlov in
saw the preparations of the experiment taking place. Pavlov decided to investigate
which an association is
made between two events this ‘psychic reflex’ methodically under strictly controlled circumstances. That was
in the environment; the beginning of the research on classical conditioning, which showed that a neutral
usually studied with stimulus (e.g. a tone) which is presented shortly before a stimulus (food) that auto-
a stimulus that elicits
a reflex-like response
matically elicits a reflex response (salivation) after a few pairings starts to elicit the
(e.g. food in mouth S response as well.
salivation) to which a
second, initially neutral
stimulus is coupled
Pavlov’s research, just like Thorndike’s, brought research on animal behaviour into
the realm of the natural sciences (the story goes that Pavlov resented people calling
him a psychologist). The potential of this change in research method was summarised
as follows by a young researcher in a popular magazine:
The possibility of learning more about the mental life of animals becomes a probabil-
ity when we consider that our knowledge of the mental processes of infants, children
and defective individuals is obtained almost entirely without the aid of language. The
moment we take this broader point of view, that the behavior of man expresses his psy-
chology, and are willing to admit that we can scientifically study his behavior, it follows
at once that we can build up an animal psychology, because we can study the behavior
of animals just as scientifically as we can study the behavior of man.
The study of behavior thus becomes a broad science; normal adult human psychol-
ogy forms only a part of its subject matter. The psychology of infants, of children, of
the feeble-minded, of primitive peoples, of animals, all form a part of the world to be
observed by the psychologist.
(Watson, 1907: 421–2)
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192 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
A few years later this young man, John B. Watson (1878–1958), would publish a
pamphlet that would become a decisive moment in the history of psychology.
Interim summary
● The evolutionary theory led to an increased interest in animal behaviour.
● Initially animal behaviour was studied by focusing on anecdotes of intelligent behaviour.
These were explained by assuming the same reasoning processes in animals as in humans
(anthropomorphic interpretation).
● Thorndike introduced a different approach. Animals were put into a controlled
environment (a puzzle box) and conclusions were drawn on the basis of the animals’
behaviour (instrumental conditioning resulting in the law of effect).
● The focus on the animal’s behaviour (rather than its mind) was further strengthened by
Pavlov’s work on classical conditioning.
● Together the changes resulted in a research method that much more resembled the
methods used in the natural sciences. Watson started to make the claim that the method
would also be good for the study of human functioning.
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5.2 Making a science of behaviour 193
in the growth of psychological research. Even though Wundt and the other early
psychologists made use of experimental methods, they still ran the studies on them-
selves as participants.
An element that played a role in the shift from introspection to observation was
the impact of evolutionary theory on American psychology. Survival in a context of
natural selection depends primarily on how the animal acts, not on what it ‘thinks’.
Thoughts were the playground of philosophers; biologists had to predict behaviours.
Another element that contributed to the shift was that introspection, as described
by Titchener in his handbooks, turned out to be a very counterintuitive and difficult
procedure for students to use in their practicals. They found it much easier simply to
observe what others were doing.
Watson’s manifesto continued as follows:
It has been maintained by its followers generally that psychology is a study of the science
of the phenomena of consciousness. It has taken as its problem, on the one hand, the
analysis of complex mental states (or processes) into simple elementary constituents,
and on the other the construction of complex states when the elementary constituents
are given . . . It is agreed that introspection is the method par excellence by means of
which mental states may be manipulated for purposes of psychology. On this assump-
tion, behavior data (including under this term everything which goes under the name
of comparative psychology) have no value per se. They possess significance only in so
far as they may throw light upon conscious states.
Here we see Watson turning his bile on Titchener’s structuralism, which as we have
seen in Chapter 4, was easiest to attack, given its isolated position. This attack con-
tinued for several more paragraphs, including sentences such as:
I do not wish unduly to criticize psychology. It has failed significantly, I believe, during
the fifty-odd years of its existence as an experimental discipline to make its place in the
world as an undisputed natural science. Psychology, as it is generally thought of, has
something esoteric in its methods. If you fail to reproduce my findings, it is not due to
some fault in your apparatus or in the control of your stimulus, but it is due to the fact
that your introspection is untrained . . .
The time seems to have come when psychology must discard all reference to con-
sciousness; when it need no longer delude itself into thinking that it is making mental
states the object of observation.
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194 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
type of psychology decries the use of elements in the static sense of the structuralists.
It throws emphasis upon the biological significance of conscious processes instead of
upon the analysis of conscious states into introspectively isolable elements. I have done
my best to understand the difference between functional psychology and structural
psychology. Instead of clarity, confusion grows upon me.
Then, Watson formulated the alternative:
This leads me to the point where I should like to make the argument constructive. I
believe we can write a psychology [as just described] . . . and never go back upon our
definition: never use the terms consciousness, mental states, mind, content, introspec-
tively verifiable, imagery, and the like. I believe that we can do it in a few years . . . It
can be done in terms of stimulus and response, in terms of habit formation, habit
integration and the like. Furthermore, I believe that it is really worth while to make
this attempt now.
In order to become a real science, psychology had to focus on observable behaviour
(just as Thorndike had done) and ignore everything that referred to consciousness,
thinking, feelings, motives, plans, purposes, images, knowledge or the self. This meant
that some topics could not be addressed with the behaviourist method:
The situation is somewhat different when we come to a study of the more complex
forms of behavior, such as imagination, judgment, reasoning, and conception. At pre-
sent the only statements we have of them are in content terms. Our minds have been
so warped by the fifty-odd years which have been devoted to the study of states of
consciousness that we can envisage these problems only in one way. We should meet
the situation squarely and say that we are not able to carry forward investigations along
all of these lines by the behavior methods which are in use at the present time . . . As
our methods become better developed it will be possible to undertake investigations
of more and more complex forms of behavior. Problems which are now laid aside will
again become imperative, but they can be viewed as they arise from a new angle and in
more concrete settings.
Although Watson in his manifesto left an opening for later research on information
processing in the mind, in subsequent writings he hardened his stance and came to
deny the importance/existence of any process that was not observable.
Interim summary
● In 1913 Watson used his position as editor of Psychological Review to launch the
behaviourist manifesto.
● Psychology was defined as a purely objective experimental branch of natural science,
based on the prediction and control of behaviour.
● In the manifesto Watson argued that previous research on introspection into
consciousness had failed significantly.
● In the manifesto Watson left an opening for later study of more complex behaviour (such
as imagination and reasoning). In his later writings he came to deny the importance of
such behaviour.
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196 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
1870 carried a power far beyond the intellectual influence of the lectures which he gave
or the books which he published. No philosopher, he was the only French philosopher
of that century to make [an] impact in Britain and Germany. His name stood for a very
coherent idea, a very plain and intelligible attitude to life – experimental science the only
way to truth. Apart from all the structures built upon it, his name was powerful in con-
ditioning attitudes to truth. He did not invent positivism. But he was widely believed to
have invented it, and was the man who tried to make it the key which opened all doors to
the only truths said to matter for life and society. The notion of positivism stood for an
attitude destined long to outlive the Comtean positivism of the later nineteenth century.
Of this attitude Comte was the hero, even for minds who gained nothing from his books.
During the third quarter of the nineteenth century some men believed that science,
that is the natural sciences, could solve all problems, even the problems of men; that
man and society could be brought under universal laws like the law of gravitation; that
we live under a determined process which no free act can stop or check or change. For
two, even three decades the idea was magnetic. Science, queen Science, goddess Science,
could do all.
(Chadwick, 1990: 233)
Given the positivist tenet that the natural sciences were the most successful develop-
ment in human reasoning, philosophers and scientists started to examine what exactly
was the core of the scientific approach, so that other knowledge areas could adopt this
philosophy of science method as well. Their subject matter became known as the philosophy of science
branch of philosophy that (Chapter 9).
studies the foundations One principle that had caught everyone’s attention since Newton’s Principia
of scientific research, to
better understand the
Mathematica was the importance of mathematical laws to describe reality. A true
position of scientific science was a science that had its knowledge described as mathematical equations
research relative to other (Chapters 2 and 3). However, this turned out not to be enough. An early example
forms of information of an attempt to build a Newtonian theory of psychology on the basis of mathe-
acquisition and generation
matical equations was provided by the Irish-Scottish philosopher Francis Hutcheson
(1694–1746). In 1725 he published a treatise in which he introduced ‘mathematical
calculations in subjects of morality’ (Jahoda, 2007: 28). He produced an algebraic
set of formulae designed to compute the morality of actions. For instance, the Moral
Importance (M) of agents was a function of their Benevolence (B) multiplied by their
Abilities (A), or M = B * A. A similar attempt was made by the German scholar
Johann Freidrich Herbart in 1816 when he published the Lehrbuch zur Psychologie
in which he presented his main ideas in mathematical terms. Neither theory had the
impact of Newton’s Principia, however. So, what was missing?
The requirement of operational definitions
From the writings about the philosophy of science, the behaviourists distilled three
ideas that were important for the further development of scientific psychology and
behavioural sciences in general. The first was that you had to be able to represent the
elements of a mathematical law as numbers. There was no point in trying to establish
a mathematical relationship between two variables, if you could not express them
numerically. In addition, the numbers had to represent the essence of the variable. The
operational definition way to do so was to represent the variables in terms of how they had been measured
definition of a variable in (e.g. weight expressed in kilograms). Such a definition became known as an operational
terms of how the variable
has been measured; allows
definition. It was first formulated by the Harvard physicist and Nobel laureate Percy
description of the variable Williams Bridgman in 1927 and introduced to psychologists by his university colleague
in quantitative form Stanley Smith Stevens in 1935.
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5.2 Making a science of behaviour 197
SER = SHR * D * V * K
in which
SER = the excitatory potential of the stimulus to elicit the response,
SHR = the habit strength between the stimulus and the response,
D = the drive level of the animal/human,
V = the stimulus intensity,
K = the reward incentive.
All variables had an operational definition and could be expressed in numbers, so that
it was possible to predict the precise behaviour of an animal in a particular situation.
At the same time, it became clear that the predictions were limited to the controlled
situation in which the animal functioned, and could not easily be extrapolated beyond
the laboratory.
Independent and dependent variables
The second idea the behaviourists took from the philosophers of science was that a
distinction had to be made between independent variables and dependent variables.
Independent variables were characteristics of the environment and/or the participant
that might have an impact on the behaviour and that could be manipulated by the
researcher (e.g. the number of T-junctions in a maze). Dependent variables were behav-
iour features that could be measured to see whether the independent variable had an
effect (e.g. the time the rat needed to find the food in the maze). On the basis of this
distinction, psychological research could be defined as the study of the impact of a
verification Stimulus (the independent variable) on the Response (the dependent variable). As a
principle that up to the consequence, behaviourism also became known as S-R-psychology.
1950s formed the core
of the scientific method: The need for verification
a proposition was
meaningful (scientific)
Finally, a third idea the behaviourists took from the philosophy of science was the
if its truth could be necessity of verification in science. Statements were only useful if they could be veri-
empirically verified fied by empirical observation. The requirement of verification ruled out religious
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198 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
statements, such as ‘God loves everyone’, but according to the behaviourists also ruled
out introspective statements such as ‘to me this stimulus looks like a combination
of . . . ’. Verification meant that researchers had to present their evidence in such a way
that it could be verified by others (see also Chapter 9).
The incorporation of the above principles considerably increased the objectivity of
research in psychology, although the requirement of mathematically expressed laws
turned out to be less important than originally thought by the behaviourists.
Interim summary
● Behaviourism was part of a wider movement within Western society to make science the
cornerstone of human progress.
● The philosophers of science tried to define the qualities of a true science. In addition to
the ideal of mathematical laws, behaviourists took three ideas from them:
– operational definitions are necessary
– there is a distinction between independent variables and dependent variables (this
was translated into S-R associations)
– science relies on verification.
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200 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
14" 15"
Figure 5.3 The maze used by Blodgett in 1929 to show the phenomenon of latent learning.
According to Tolman (1948) rats that were not reinforced by food at the end of the maze, still
learned the layout of the maze (i.e. they built a cognitive map of the maze), because as soon as
they got food at the end, they ran as fast as a group of rats that had been reinforced on each trial
(see Figure 5.4).
Source: ‘Cognitive maps in rats and men‘, Psychological Review, 55, 189–209 (Tolman, E.C. 1948), originally from Blodgett, H.C.
(1929) ‘The effect of the introduction of reward upon the maze performance of rats’, University of California Publications in
Psychology, 4, 8, p. 117.
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5.2 Making a science of behaviour 201
no more errors than the rats which had found food (and hence been reinforced) from
the first day on. The group that found food on the seventh day showed the same
massive and instantaneous learning on day 8 (Figure 5.4). According to Tolman, this
showed that the rats’ learning was not due to the fact that the presence of food had
reinforced taking the correct turns, but that the rats had learned the layout of the maze
and were able to use this knowledge when they had a reason to do so. This is how
Tolman described the outcome of the finding:
It will be observed that the experimental groups as long as they were not finding food
did not appear to learn much. (Their error curves did not drop.) But on the days immedi-
ately succeeding their first finding of the food their error curves did drop astoundingly. It
appeared, in short, that during the non-rewarded trials these animals had been learning
much more than they had exhibited. This learning, which did not manifest itself until
after the food had been introduced, Blodgett called ‘latent learning’. Interpreting these
results anthropomorphically, we would say that as long as the animals were not getting
any food at the end of the maze they continued to take their time in going through it –
they continued to enter many blinds. Once, however, they knew they were to get food,
they demonstrated that during these preceding non-rewarded trials they had learned
where many of the blinds were. They had been building up a ‘map’, and could utilize
the latter as soon as they were motivated to do so.
(Tolman, 1948: 194–5)
For Tolman, the fact that the animals in Blodgett’s study immediately knew where to
go to as soon as they had found food once demonstrated that they had learned the lay-
out of the maze during the trials in which no food was given. Together with Blodgett,
he called this latent learning, the acquisition of knowledge that is not demonstrated in
2.5 Group I
Group II
2.0 Group III
Error score
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
No. of days
Figure 5.4 The number of errors made by three groups of rats in the study of
Blodgett (1929).
The first group always found food at the end of the maze. They showed the usual learning curve.
The second group was not fed on the first 2 days and found food on day 3 and each subsequent day.
They showed extremely fast learning from day 3 to day 4. The third group was fed from day 7 on. They
showed fast learning from day 7 to day 8 and immediately caught up with the performance level of
group 1. This finding is difficult to explain within Skinner’s radical behaviourism.
Source: ‘Cognitive maps in rats and men‘, Psychological Review, 55, 189–209 (Tolman, E.C. 1948), originally from Blodgett, H.C.
(1929) ‘The effect of the introduction of reward upon the maze performance of rats’, University of California Publications in
Psychology, 4, 8, p. 120.
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202 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
observable behaviour. More specifically, Tolman argued, the rats acquired a cognitive
map of the maze. As soon as they knew where food would be given, they were able to
make use of this cognitive map to select the correct alleys.
purposive behaviourism On the basis of these and other findings Tolman stated that animal and human
version of behaviourism, behaviour was motivated by goals: only when the rats were provided with a goal did
defended by Tolman,
which saw behaviour as they make use of their knowledge. Therefore, Tolman’s approach is sometimes called
goal-related (means to purposive behaviourism. Tolman agreed with Watson and Skinner that psychology
an end); agreed with should be based on observable behaviour and not seek to understand the animal’s
other behaviourists that
‘mind’ or ‘consciousness’, but at the same time he did not see why he should be asked
psychology should be
based on observable to assume that nothing more than the formation of S-R associations happened in the
behaviour mind. For him, goals could be studied objectively.
Interim summary
● After Watson’s departure from academic life, behaviourism was continued by three
heavyweight neo-behaviourists: Hull, Skinner and Tolman.
– Hull: mathematical equations with operationally defined variables that allow detailed
predictions of behaviour in specified circumstances
– Skinner: radical behaviourism (there is no information processing in the mind; all
human actions are the result of S-R connections)
– Tolman: purposive behaviourism (behaviour is motivated by goals; the goal-
directedness can be studied in an objective way).
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5.3 Adding cognitions to behaviour 203
machines to understand why we see the world as we do. And then the psychologist
Karl Lashley stepped up to give perhaps the most memorable speech of the confer-
ence, entitled ‘The problem of serial order in behavior’. He boldly questioned the S-R
doctrine that commanded behaviourism, formulating an entirely new research plan
for the future.
What was going on and what were the main forces leading up to the 1948 meeting?
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204 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
Interim summary
After World War II experimental psychologists came to include mental processing in their
models. This was due to the following developments:
● Mathematicians proved that all information could be represented by a Turing machine,
working on the basis of binary units and Boolean operations.
● This information is to a large extent independent of the device on which it is
implemented (i.e. it can easily be transposed on another device).
● Neurophysiologists presented evidence that the brain could be considered as a Turing
● It was argued that the S-R chains proposed by the behaviourists were not powerful
enough to be Turing machines and hence to simulate human behaviour.
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5.3 Adding cognitions to behaviour 205
Key figures in the discovery that information processing can be thought of as device-independent
representations consisting of binary units (bits) to which Boolean operations are applied:
● George Boole: British mathematician (1815–1864) who developed Boolean algebra consisting of binary
digits and the logical operations AND, OR, NOT and XOR.
● Alfred Whitehead and Bertrand Russell: British-American mathematician (1861–1947) and British
philosopher (1872–1970) who in 1910–1913 published a series of books showing that the roots of
mathematics lie in logic.
● Alan Turing: British mathematician (1912–1954) who proved that any machine working on the basis of
Boolean algebra is able to perform any mathematical and logical operation (Turing machine).
● Claude Shannon (1916–2001): American engineer called ‘the father of information theory’, who showed
that all information can be represented in binary code and that the application of Boolean algebra can
construct and resolve any relationship.
● Warren McCulloch (1899–1969): American neurophysiologist, famous for his suggestion that the brain can
be seen as a Turing machine. Started neural network research.
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206 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
The potential of information feedback can easily be illustrated by the role of a ther-
mostat in a heating system: when the temperature is below the indicated level, it sends
a signal to switch on the boiler; when the temperature is above the indicated level, it
sends a signal to switch off the boiler. From the outside it looks as if the thermostat
has a purpose (to keep the temperature in the room at a certain level). However, all
that is happening is an automatic information-processing mechanism on the basis of
information feedback.
Although informational feedback did not solve the whole homunculus problem
(who sets the end-state?), it drastically increased the similarity between man and
machine. It allowed psychologists to tackle information-processing issues without
being attacked for describing a system that required a homunculus to keep an eye on
the goal and to decide which action to take.
Simulation of human thinking
Computers provided psychologists with a second tool: they could start to simulate the
hypothesised psychological processes in computer programs, with the ideal being a com-
Turing test puter program that would pass the Turing test. This is a test described by Alan Turing
test described by Alan and involves a human interacting from a distance with another human and a machine.
Turing, which involves a When the human can no longer decide which of the two partners is the machine, then
human interacting with
a machine and another
the machine has passed the Turing test. That is, its performance has reached the human
human without being level. (Incidentally, for a machine to pass the test, it would sometimes have to deliberately
able to discriminate the introduce an error to confuse the interrogator; otherwise, its superior performance – for
machine from the human; instance in calculations – would easily betray the machine.) The comparison of human
machines that pass the
Turing test are seen as and computer functioning gave rise to a new research field, artificial intelligence (AI).
the goal of artificial
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5.3 Adding cognitions to behaviour 207
Interim summary
The existence of computers provided psychologists with a new metaphor to understand the
mind and the nature of their own research.
● The computer made it easier to understand how an organism can seem to be goal-
directed, without there being a homunculus who sets the goals and checks the progress.
● Computers allowed psychologists to simulate human functioning (artificial intelligence).
● Computers needed programmers who dealt with the information processing,
independently of the ways in which the processes were carried out in the machine.
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208 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
rate of about one stimulus per second (precursors of this discovery can already be
found in the works of Wundt, James, Ebbinghaus, Jacobs and Binet). This finding was
the first empirical evidence that the human mind could be considered as a computer
with a limited ‘working memory’. Psychologists were particularly sensitive to this
argument, because in the 1950s the central processing units of the available comput-
ers were very limited, so that only simple operations could be performed. Each time
the capacity of the central processing unit was increased, the performance of the
computer became much better and more complex operations could be handled. So,
the thought of the human brain as a computer with a limited capacity had a strong
appeal to psychologists and provided them with new ideas of how to investigate the
human mind.
Interim summary
Major steps in the emergence of cognitive psychology:
● Miller’s 1956 article on the limits of short-term memory, showing that the human brain
could be conceptualised as a computer with a limited capacity.
● Neisser’s 1967 book Cognitive Psychology: review of the evidence and important for
establishing the name.
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5.3 Adding cognitions to behaviour 209
Figures behind the cognitive revolution
● Norbert Wiener: American mathematician (1894–1964) who documented the importance of information
feedback in information processing systems.
● Karl Lashley: American behaviourist (1890–1958), who was one of the first to realise that psychological
processes could not be described by a chain of S-R connections. (Also known for his work on brain
● Herbert Simon (1916–2001) and Alan Newell (1927–1992): American political scientist and computer
scientist who pioneered the field of artificial intelligence. They were the first to show that computers could
be used for something other than number crunching (they created a general problem-solver program).
● Noam Chomsky: American linguist (born in 1928) who showed that an S-R chain (Markov chain) is
incapable of producing human-like language.
● George A. Miller: American psychologist (1920–2012) who strongly promoted the cognitive revolution;
wrote an influential article on the limitations of short-term memory and was instrumental in translating
Chomsky’s insights to psychology.
● Donald Broadbent: British psychologist (1926–1993) working in the British (non-behaviourist) tradition,
who was one of the first to use flow diagrams to document the different transformations information
had to undergo from input to output. Very influential model of selective attention (filter theory), which
stimulated much early research.
● Ulric Neisser (1928–2012): wrote the first proper textbook on cognitive psychology.
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210 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
that can be invoked for the explanation of cognitive phenomena, ranging from visual
perception to story comprehension.
(Gardner, 1987: 383)
Mental representations not only became a layer different from the outside world and
the brain; psychologists also started to examine how information could be transformed
by means of algorithms. They spoke of information that was encoded, transformed,
integrated with previously stored information and, in turn, saved. This dynamic aspect
information processing of information handling was called information processing, and cognitive psycholo-
encoding mental gists started to make models of how this processing could be achieved (i.e. which
representations, procedures or routines were involved). Two approaches were taken.
transforming them by
means of algorithms,
The first approach was to make use of information-processing diagrams, so-called
and integrating them boxes-and-arrows-diagrams. In these diagrams, the boxes stood for (temporary) stores
with existing knowledge; of information, and the arrows for cognitive processes that transformed that informa-
forms the core of cognitive tion (one of the first influential examples being a flowchart created by the British
Researcher Donald Broadbent in 1958, to illustrate how selective attention worked).
boxes-and-arrows Broadbent’s model included several components. First, it assumed that all stimuli
diagram were briefly stored in a short-term store. Due to capacity limitations, not all of these
flowchart outlining the stimuli could be further processed; a choice had to be made. This was done by a selec-
different information
stores (boxes)
tive filter. The selected information was further processed on the basis of past experi-
and information ences and, if necessary, the filter was directed to a different sensory channel (e.g. when
transformations (arrows) the information was no longer interesting enough).
involved in the execution The second approach taken by cognitive psychologists was to write a computer
of a particular task with
observable input and
program that actually performed the various transformations assumed to occur. In the
output; used by cognitive case of Broadbent’s model, for instance, one would try to make a computer program
psychologists to detail the that responded in the same way as humans do to multiple, competing input streams.
information-processing This approach was much more demanding, but at the same time much more insight-
involved in the task
ful. Boxes-and-arrows models were an interesting starting point but left unspecified
much of how the information was stored and transformed. They were similar to an
engineer’s drawing plans, not to a functioning machine.
By trying to implement the various routines and procedures, psychologists had to
be much more specific about the precise mechanisms involved, and the model guaran-
teed that the proposed solution worked as predicted (e.g. would Broadbent’s boxes-
and-arrows model really work if you tried to implement it in a computer, and would
it perform the same as humans?). This was the challenge artificial intelligence tried to
meet. Another term that is often used for this approach is the building of
computational model computational models, computer models that resemble human performance.
computer program
simulating the human
information processing More complex procedures were needed than foreseen and top-down
assumed to be involved processes had to be introduced
in the execution of a
particular task; requires While trying to make their computer programs work, psychologists were soon
researchers to be much confronted by the fact that they had seriously underestimated the complexity of the
more precise about what is
going on than in a boxes- information processing involved. This became particularly clear in language under-
and-arrows diagram standing. For instance, many cognitive psychologists and computer scientists assumed
that one of the first straightforward applications of artificial intelligence would be
the automatic translation of texts. After all, if you feed a computer with English
sentences, a dictionary and a grammar, it must not be too difficult to turn them into
correct sentences in whatever other language you choose. However, this turned out
not to be the case.
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5.3 Adding cognitions to behaviour 211
One problem faced by researchers was that the meaning of words often depends
on the meaning of the surrounding words (their context). Many words have more
than one meaning and use (e.g. bank, coach, swallow) and the meanings of synonyms
often differ slightly (e.g. believe, think), so that they are not completely interchange-
able. Another problem was that it is often difficult to compute the syntactic structure
of sentences and that ambiguities frequently have to be solved on the basis of the
plausibility of the different interpretations. To correctly interpret the sentence ‘John
saw the mountains flying to New York’, you must know that John can fly but the
mountains cannot.
It soon became clear to everyone involved in machine translation that humans add
a lot of background information to the language input they receive, in order to come
to the correct interpretation. As long as the computational models were not able to do
the same, the quality of the translation remained appalling for all but the simplest sen-
tences. This was a far cry from the conviction in the early days that human knowledge
was nothing but associations between elementary sensations (shared by empiricists,
structuralists and behaviourists).
One of the new elements the cognitive psychologists had to introduce in their
top-down process information-processing models was the existence of top-down processes. These refer
process by which to the fact that information from higher processing stages is fed back to previous
information from a processing stages and influences processing at these stages. Information in the human
higher processing stage
is fed back to previous mind does not flow unidirectionally from the input to the output (bottom-up), but
processing stages and requires multiple interactions between the different processing components to solve
influences the processing ambiguities and direct the interpretation in the right direction. Needless to say, the
at these stages; found top-down processes were inspired by the information-feedback mechanisms discovered
to be a helpful (and even
essential) element in many during World War II (see above).
computational models Incidentally, the extent of the challenge faced by cognitive psychologists and
computer scientists to build machine translators can be gauged by looking at the
quality of current-day software (more than 50 years after the introduction of cog-
nitive psychology and artificial intelligence). What happens if we enter a sentence
with a few ambiguities into such a program, translate it in another language and
then back to English? Will the program pass the Turing test? Below, you can find
out what happened when we asked Google Language Tools in 2019 to translate an
English sentence into a few other languages and then back to English (translate.
Original sentence: ‘I believe the coach on the bank should be moved.’
Back translation from Arabic: ‘I think the coach should be transferred to the bank.’
Back translation from German: ‘I think the trainer on the bank should be moved.’
Back translation from Korean: ‘I think I should move the coach of the bank.’
Back translation from Spanish: ‘I think the coach at the bank should be moved.’
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212 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
Participants did not have to name ‘as many letters as they had seen’, but they got a
tone immediately after the brief stimulus display, telling them which line they had to
report. If the tone was high, they had to report the top row; if it was medium they
had to report the middle row; and if it was low they had to report the bottom row.
With this technique Sperling observed that participants could report each of the rows
requested, as was predicted by Broadbent’s model with its full information storage for
a brief period of time. To further test the latter part of the model, Sperling introduced
a short time delay between the display of the stimulus and the presentation of the tone.
As predicted, he noticed that the ability of the participants to report the letters sharply
declined as the time between the display and the tone increased. Within a second all
memory traces in the visual store were lost.
Sperling’s research illustrates how cognitive psychologists combined the various
advances made in the first half of the twentieth century to identify and examine cogni-
tive functioning in a much more refined and convincing way. At last, it became possible
to look into the functioning of the mind on the basis of the performance of partici-
pants under highly controlled circumstances. In the next chapter we will see how this
research was supplemented by increasingly sophisticated techniques to directly look
at the brain during various tasks.
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5.4 Focus on: Has behaviourism been replaced by cognitive psychology? 213
Interim summary
Specific features of cognitive psychology are:
● The acceptance of a separate level of mental representations, to which transformation
algorithms apply.
● Information processing on the mental representations captured by boxes-and-arrows
diagrams and computational models.
● Models designed to lead to predictions that can be verified in experiments making use of
performance measures.
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214 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
published in the heyday of behaviourism. For instance, this is what the director of a
major British psychology institute, Kenneth Craik, wrote in 1943 about the function
of the mind:
If the organism carries a small-scale model of external reality and its own possible
actions within its head, it is able to try out various alternatives, conclude which is the
best of them, react to future situations before they arise, utilize the knowledge of past
events in dealing with the present and future, and in every way react to a much fuller,
safer and more competent manner to emergencies which face it.
(Craik, 1943; as cited in Mandler, 2007: 169)
Craik’s text clearly is a cognitive text, despite the fact that it was published more than
five years before the ‘seminal’ 1948 workshop described above. Many similar non-
behaviourist writings can be found in other parts of Europe and Canada, where the
texts of the Gestalt psychologists were read and commented. A case can even be made
that the escape of the Gestalt psychologists from Germany to the USA in the wake of
World War II was one of the factors contributing to the growth of cognitive psychology
in the USA (see Mandler (2007) for a discussion of this possibility).
Even in the USA in the heyday of behaviourism there were many examples of
research that did not fit well within the strong behaviourist claims. We already men-
tioned Tolman, who was very interested in the writings of the Gestalt psychologists
and went to study in Germany. Another example was J. Ridley Stroop, who in 1935
published his article on the Stroop effect, which has since become one of the main
techniques used in cognitive psychology. Similarly, there is little evidence for strong
behaviourist research traditions in developmental or social psychology. Here, behav-
iourists had an impact through their methodological innovations much more than by
their theoretical views.
Continuity despite the ‘cognitive revolution’
Very much the same story can be written about the cognitive revolution. In many
fields and universities it did not have to ‘replace’ behaviourism, as behaviourism
was not a dominant force there. At the same time, in the research traditions where
the behaviourist approach had proven fruitful, researchers felt little need to replace
their theories founded on observable behaviour by new ones built on hypothetical
cognitions. This was the case for the psychology of learning based on operant and
classical conditioning. Here many authors felt that cognitive theories risked throw-
ing the field back to the pre-Thorndike years of anthropomorphic interpretation.
According to them, behaviouristic methodology has strengths that must not be lost
in the ‘cognitive revolution’.
Chiesa (1994) lists the following elements radical behaviourism still has to offer to
1. Cognitive psychology sees humans too much as ‘agents’ of the behaviour, rather
than as ‘hosts’. As a result, cognitive psychologists tend to overlook the fact that
much behaviour is the result of environmental factors. Cognitive psychologists
think too much in terms of causes and effects, whereas behaviourists see behaviour
as the tuning of an organism to correlations that are present in the environment.
The host/agent distinction is important: if the person is the agent of creation, then
the person must be assessed and investigated; if the person is treated as a host of the
combined factors of their experiences and circumstances, then it is their experiences
and circumstances that need to be investigated.
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 214 16/09/2020 16:33
5.4 Focus on: Has behaviourism been replaced by cognitive psychology? 215
For the reasons just outlined, there are still psychological researchers who place
themselves firmly within the behaviourist tradition and who are convinced that the
negative way in which behaviourism is depicted in mainstream psychology is to the
detriment of psychological research rather than to its advancement. They point out,
for instance, that the description of Tolman’s research on the cognitive map is heavily
biased in textbooks and presented as definite evidence against Skinner’s views, whereas
in reality the true findings can be accounted for within the radical behaviourist frame-
work (e.g. Jensen, 2006).
Current research on structuralist and functionalist questions
We could go even further and ask ourselves whether the research favoured by struc-
turalists and functionalists really has been ‘defeated’ by behaviourism and cognitive
psychology. Are there no psychologists interested in consciousness and the usefulness
of introspection for its study any more? Are there no more psychologists interested
in evolutionary theory and the way in which human behaviour has been shaped by
survival advantages? As it happens, both traditions are still very active research topics.
Researchers are still tackling the questions of what consciousness is and what can be
concluded from introspection (e.g., Casali et al., 2013; Chalmers 2018; Eccles & Arsal
2017; Fox, Ericsson & Best 2011; Locke, 2009). There is even a journal entirely devoted
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 215 16/09/2020 16:33
216 Chapter 5 Strengthening the scientific standing of psychology
to these topics, the Journal of Consciousness Studies, addressing issues such as ‘How
does the mind relate to the brain?’, ‘Can computers ever be conscious?’ and ‘What do
we mean by subjectivity and the self?’. Similarly, the way in which evolution has shaped
human behaviour is a very active research theme again, as we will see in Chapter 13,
with its own name: ‘evolutionary psychology’ (Buss, 2019). Although none of these
researchers would call themselves structuralists or functionalists, they continue the
type of research that was central to these schools.
All in all, the above examples illustrate once more that although the idea of revolu-
tions, such as the behaviourist and cognitive revolution, is appealing and eye-opening,
it is good to keep in mind that this term belies the breadth of reality and that there
has been more continuity and knowledge accumulation in psychological research
than is suggested by words such as ‘revolution’ and ‘schools’. These words hide the
fact that scientific research can be done in different ways, which are not necessarily
incompatible but may reinforce and correct each other. For instance, we saw that radi-
cal behaviourism favours a strong inductive approach (from data to theory), whereas
cognitive psychology believes more in the hypothetico-deductive approach (the postu-
lation of hypotheses, which are tested empirically). This is one of the big conceptual
issues in psychological research, which will recur several times in later chapters, where
we will see that radical behaviourism is not the only approach questioning cognitive
psychology’s reliance on hypothesis testing.
Interim summary
● Behaviourism and cognitive psychology are often depicted as revolutions that radically
altered psychological research.
● This is only true to some extent, because neither behaviourism nor cognitive psychology
has been all-encompassing. This view also hides the fact that various approaches in
psychology are not entirely incompatible with each other and represent different ideas of
how scientific research should be done.
Recommended literature
We relied heavily on the original resources that are freely contain a discussion about the rise of behaviourism in
available on the internet (in particular at psychclassics. addition to the start of cognitive psychology. Also worth-
yorku.ca and books.google.com). Two other very useful while reading is Green and Cautin (2017) who review the
sources are: Baars, B.J. (1986) The Cognitive Revolution history of the American Psychological Association up to
in Psychology (New York: Guilford Press) and Gardner, H. 2017. For the rest, all the history books recommended in
(1987) The Mind’s New Science: A History of the Cog- Chapter 4 contain chapters on behaviourism and cognitive
nitive Revolution (New York: Basic Books). These books psychology.
M05 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 216 16/09/2020 16:33
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History of Psychology, 8: 403–34. The World Today, 12: 421–6 (available at psychclassics.
Skinner, B.F. (1974) About Behaviorism. New York: Knopf. yorku.ca).
Sokal, M.M. (2006) ‘The origins of the new psychology Watson, J.B. (1913) ‘Psychology as the behaviorist views
in the United States’, Physis: Rivista Internazionale di it’. Psychological Review, 20: 158–77 (available at psych-
Storia della Scienza, 43: 273–300. classics.yorku.ca).
Sperling, G. (1960) ‘The information available in brief Watson, J.B. & Rayner, R. (1920) ‘Conditioned emotional
visual presentations’. Psychological Monographs, reactions’. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3: 1–14
74: 1–29. (available at psychclassics.yorku.ca).
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6 The input from brain research
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220 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
Questions to consider
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6.1 Ideas in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece 221
wall and are carried by the bloodstream to the sites where they settle and mature
into cysticerci. The process can take place anywhere in the body but it is more
prevalent in the subcutaneous tissue, muscle and the central nervous system.
This process takes approximately two months. Epilepsy is the most common
presentation of neurocysticercosis (cysticercosis in the brain); psychosis may be
seen in up to 5 per cent of patients affected.
(based on Mahajan et al., 2004)
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222 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
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6.1 Ideas in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece 223
Edwin Smith papyrus The Edwin Smith papyrus, as the manuscript became known, illustrates how physi-
papyrus from Ancient cians treating wounded soldiers quite early became convinced of the importance of
Egypt that contains
the head (brain) in controlling behaviour.
short descriptions of the
symptoms and treatment
of different forms of brain
Beliefs in the wider society
injury; named after the The existence of the Edwin Smith papyrus did not imply that the knowledge contained
person who bought the in it was widespread. As a matter of fact, in Ancient Egypt most scholars were con-
papyrus in Egypt and had
it analysed
vinced that the heart was the seat of the soul. This can easily be concluded from the
finding that many efforts were made to conserve the heart (and other internal organs)
at mummification, whereas the brain was picked out through the nostrils by means
of hooks. As Gross (1998: 7) concluded: ‘Dead Pharaohs were prepared for their next
life with everything but a brain.’
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224 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
Table 6.1 Aristotle’s arguments for the heart as the centre of sensation and movement
Heart Brain
1. Affected by emotion. 1. Not affected.
2. All animals have a heart. 2. Only vertebrates and cephalopods have
one, and yet other animals have
3. Source of blood which is necessary for 3. Bloodless and therefore without sensation.
4. Warm, characteristic of higher life. 4. Cold.
5. Connected with all the sense organs and 5. Not connected with the sense organs or the
muscles, via the blood vessels. connection is irrelevant.
6. Essential for life. 6. Not so.
7. Formed first, and last to stop working. 7. Formed second.
8. Sensitive. 8. Insensitive: if the brain of a living animal is
laid bare, it may be cut without any signs of
9. In a central location, appropriate for its 9. Not so.
central role.
Source: Gross (1998) Brain, Vision, Memory: Tales in the History of Neuroscience. Table from p. 21. Copyright © Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, by permission of the MIT Press.
sensation and movement control came when Galen (c. 130–c. 200 CE), six centuries
after Aristotle, started to experiment on animals. In one of his experiments Galen
found that a pig stopped squealing, but kept breathing, immediately after he severed
nerves in the throat, thus demonstrating that the voice came from the brain and not
from the heart. This finding was subsequently repeated in several more experiments
of a similar nature. Galen also dissected brains and published drawings of them.
For a long time, researchers were puzzled about the poor quality of these drawings,
until it was realised that they were based on ox brains, which Galen resized to fit
into a human skull.
Another problem Galen had to solve was how the brain communicated with the
rest of the body. The heart was connected to all parts of the body through the blood
in the veins, but how did the brain communicate? It was known that white cables –
animal spirits nerves – connected the brain with the body, but there did not seem to be any liquid
spirits that were thought flowing through them.
by Galen to travel over It is important to understand that Galen, in line with thinkers before him, did not
the nerves between the think the brain itself was important for reason or emotion but for the soul residing
ventricles in the brain and inside the brain. The soul lived in the solid parts and produced and stored animal
the body
spirits in the apertures in the middle of the brain, called the ventricles. By means of
ventricles these spirits the soul communicated with the rest of the body. The spirits travelled
apertures in the middle between the soul and the organs via the nerves, which were assumed to be hollow
of the brain, which for a tubes. Because of the higher importance attached to the ventricles, they were depicted
long time were thought
with much more accuracy and detail in Galen’s plates than the brain itself. The con-
to contain perceptions,
memories and thoughts; volutions on the surface of the brain were drawn like intestines rather than the way
seat of the animal spirits they really looked.
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6.1 Ideas in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece 225
Interim summary
● The Edwin Smith papyrus illustrates that practising physicians rapidly made a link
between injuries to the brain and mental and behavioural consequences.
● In the Ancient Egyptian and Greek societies at large, however, the link between the heart and
intelligence was stronger (e.g. mummification, Aristotle; but see Hippocrates and Plato).
● Galen’s experiments clearly established the primacy of the brain and the nerves, rather
than the heart and the veins, for the control of movement (e.g. in the squealing of pigs).
● Galen thought that the soul was located in the solid parts of the brain and commanded animal
spirits in the ventricles, which travelled through the nerves to the body parts to be influenced.
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226 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
● Established the primacy of the brain for sensation and movement. Located the
soul in the solid parts of the brain and animal spirits in the ventricles. The animal
spirits travelled to the body via the nerves.
● Wrote extensively, so that he is a link with the medical knowledge of Ancient
● Works translated in Arabic in the ninth century and in Latin in the sixteenth
century (by Vesalius). Legacy continued until the eighteenth/nineteenth
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6.2 Further insights into the anatomy and functioning of the nervous system in the Renaissance 227
(a) (b)
Figure 6.3 The three ventricles of the brain as depicted by (a) Gregor Reisch in 1503 and (b) Leonardo da Vinci
around 1490.
Source: (a) Granger Historical Picture Archive/Alamy Stock Photo; (b) Fratelli Alinari IDEA S.p.A./Corbis Historical/Getty Images.
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228 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
A problem with the new view, however, was that the brain seemed to be numb.
How then could it be involved in sensation and movement? If you exposed the
grey matter and touched it, the animal did not seem to be disturbed. However, if
you touched the white matter or went into the ventricles, the animal screamed,
sometimes showed involuntary movements, and often died. This point against
the involvement of the grey matter was strongly made, for instance, by the influ-
ential German/Swiss anatomist Albrecht von Haller in a series of book volumes
around 1750.
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6.2 Further insights into the anatomy and functioning of the nervous system in the Renaissance 229
Figure 6.4 Drawing from Descartes illustrating the withdrawal reflex when a foot risks
being burnt by the fire.
Notice that there is only one nerve tract, carrying the sensory signal to the brain and bringing the
motor command back.
Source: World History Archive/Alamy Stock Photo.
he ascribed to ‘sympathy’ between the various body parts, so that one could respond
sympathetically to another’s distress. This view still has an impact on our language,
because a part of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system became known as the
sympathetic nervous system.
René Descartes was interested in reflexive movements as well, because they fitted
within his mechanistic view of the body (Chapter 2). He discussed the idea in 1633
(Figure 6.4) and argued that a reflex consisted of a sensory impression which rushed to
the brain and subsequently was reflected back (as in a mirror) into a motor command
to bring about the required action. The event occurred unconsciously, independently
of the will.
In 1784 the Czech physiologist Jiří Procháska published a book in which he argued
that reflexes were not controlled by the brain but involved the spinal cord and the
structures just above it. As we will see below, this was the start of one of the great
breakthroughs of the nineteenth century.
A proposed treatment for brain injury
It is important to remember that the greater insights into the workings of the nervous
system for a long time did not lead to improvements in the treatment of brain injuries,
as is exemplified by the following remedy recommended in the seventeenth century to
the Archduchess of Austria, who suffered from an apoplexy (stroke):
A most secret and certain remedy against the apoplexy is to take a lion’s dung, pow-
dered, two parts, pour spirit of wine till it be covered three fingers breath, let them stand
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230 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
in a vial stopped three days. Strain it and keep it for use. Then take a crow, not quite
pinfeathered, and a young turtle, burn them apart in an oven, powder them, pour on the
above said spirit of wine, let them stand in infusion for three days. Then take berries of
a linden tree, an ounce and a half. Let them be steeped in the aforesaid spirit, then add
as much of the best wine and six ounces of sugar candy, boil them in a pot till the sugar
be melted. Put it up. Let the patient take a spoonful of it in wine, often in a day, for a
whole month. In the paroxysm give a spoonful with Aqua Tiliae, and with the same
water, rub the forehead, neck, temples and nostrils.
(Bonnet, 1684; as cited in Prins & Bastiaanse, 2006: 772)
Interim summary
Advances in the understanding of the brain in the Renaissance and the seventeenth and eight-
eenth centuries:
● In the Renaissance, Vesalius and peers followed Galen’s belief that the soul was located
in the solid parts of the brain and commanded animal spirits that resided in the
ventricles and travelled through the nerves to the other body parts.
● There was also a renewed interest in the behavioural consequences of brain injury.
● In the seventeenth–eighteenth centuries there was a gradually increasing focus on
the brain itself. A distinction was made between the grey and the white matter in the
cerebral hemispheres.
● There was also growing interest in the reflex, as a type of response that seemed to escape
voluntary control.
● The new insights did not (yet) lead to improved treatment.
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6.3 The breakthroughs of the nineteenth century 231
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232 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
reflex arc and physiologist Marshall Hall (1790–1857). He introduced the notion of the reflex
notion introduced in the arc to refer to the mechanisms involved in involuntary movements elicited by sensory
nineteenth century to
stimuli (Figure 6.5). Hall profited from the discovery made shortly before that there
describe the processes
underlying a reflex: exist two different types of nerves: one set that carries information from the senses
a signal is picked up to the spinal cord and the brain (afferent nerves), and another set that carries motor
by sensory receptors, information from the brain and the spinal cord to the muscles (efferent nerves). Previ-
transmitted to the spinal
cord through an afferent
ously it had been thought that the nerves worked in both directions (see Descartes’
nerve, transferred to drawing in Figure 6.4).
interneurons, which Hall further extended the reflex concept from a simple physiological phenomenon
activate motor neurons to a biological principle that formed one of the pillars of nervous activity. He insisted
that send a motor
command over an efferent
that all muscular function other than that owing to volition, respiration, cardiac activ-
nerve to initiate the ity and irritability depended on reflexes controlled by the spinal cord. In the first
withdrawal movement decades of the twentieth century the British physiologist Charles Scott Sherrington
would describe the precise mechanisms of the spinal reflex, for which he was awarded
the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1932.
Nerve cord
SY1 A.C.
Figure 6.5 Diagram of a reflex arc as seen in the early twentieth century.
Signals are picked up by a sensory nerve-cell, travel along a ‘sensatory’ nerve-fibre to the nerve
cord (or spinal cord). There the signal is transmitted to a communicating nerve-cell, from which
it activates a motor nerve-cell. Next, it travels over the motor nerve-fibre to the muscle, and
finally initiates the reflex reaction. Notice that the distinction between the afferent sensory
nerve-fibre and the efferent motor nerve-fibre was not known until the early 1800s. Before,
scientists thought there was only one fibre in which the signals travelled back and forth (see
Figure 6.4).
Source: Thomson (1922).
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6.3 The breakthroughs of the nineteenth century 233
James himself did not go as far as to accept that all thoughts consisted of reflexes, because
in his view this would be incompatible with the existence of human consciousness and
free will (see Chapter 7), but the excerpt clearly shows that from the very beginning of
American psychology the reflex arc was considered as a model of brain functioning.
A similar ambivalence towards the reflex arc is apparent in John Dewey’s 1896 article
‘The reflex arc concept in psychology’ published in the Psychological Review. In this
article Dewey criticised the reflex concept as too elementaristic and mechanistic, but
he proposed a version that remained quite close to the original (in Dewey’s version
the stimulus and the response mutually influenced each other). As we saw in Chap-
ter 5, none of James’s or Dewey’s hesitations were shared by Watson when he intro-
duced behaviourism as the science of the S-R reflex arc, or by Skinner in his radical
brain equipotentiality
theory Localisation of brain functions
theory saying that all
parts of the brain have The brain equipotentiality theory
equal significance and Another major discussion taking place in the nineteenth century was whether differ-
are involved in each task;
first thought to apply to ent psychological functions were localised in different parts of the brain or whether
the complete brain; since the whole brain was involved in all of them. Before, it had been widely assumed that
the nineteenth century the brain was a single organ, without further subdivisions (although a few scattered
limited to the cerebral
reports can be found of physicians who noticed that certain symptoms were more
likely after some brain injuries than after others).
localisation theory The view that the brain functions as a whole with all parts having an equal sig-
theory saying that brain nificance is known as the brain equipotentiality theory. A series of findings in the
processes are localised,
meaning that only part
nineteenth century convinced an increasing number of investigators that this theory
of the brain underlies a was wrong and had to be replaced by the localisation theory, which states that mental
particular mental function functions are localised in specific parts of the brain. Proponents of the localisation
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234 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
theory were hampered because their opponents constantly associated them with the
phrenologists Franz Joseph Gall (1758–1828) and Johann Spurzheim (1776–1832; see
Chapter 5). In this section, we review some of the early evidence for brain localisation;
later we will describe more recent evidence on the basis of brain imaging techniques.
Language production is controlled by the front parts of the brain
In 1825 the French professor of clinical medicine and a student of Gall, Jean-Baptiste
Bouillaud, presented evidence which according to him proved that speech was con-
trolled by the left and right frontal parts of the brain (Figure 6.6). In a paper read to his
colleagues he reviewed the data from 14 autopsies. Eight patients with speech problems
all had lesions in the frontal lobes of the brain, whereas these lobes appeared to be
intact in the six other patients without speech disorder. In 1848, he presented a large
number of new cases to support his theory.
Bouillaud’s message was strongly opposed by his fellow countryman, Marie Jean
Pierre Flourens, who was one of the great brain physiologists of his time. On the
basis of ablation and stimulation studies, Flourens agreed that the big structures of
the nervous system had divergent functions. For instance, he concluded that the spinal
cord was vital for the conduction of brain signals, that the cerebellum was involved
in movement, and that a structure above the spinal cord – the medulla – was vital
for vegetative functioning (when this structure was severed, the animal died at once).
Finally, he argued that perception, memory and will were controlled by the cerebral
hemispheres. Importantly, however, he strongly defended the equipotentiality of the
cerebral hemispheres. These consisted of a single organ. If a small part of them was
removed, there was no isolated function lost (as long as the lesion was not too large,
so that the remaining tissue could take over).
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6.3 The breakthroughs of the nineteenth century 235
A similar stance about the equipotentiality of the cerebral hemispheres was taken
by the German physiologist, Johannes Peter Müller, who wrote that:
the mind is a substance independent of the brain and hence . . . a change in the struc-
ture of the brain cannot produce a change in the mental principle itself, but can only
modify its actions . . . The loss of portions of the cerebral substance . . . cannot deprive
the mind of certain masses of ideas, but diminishes the brightness and clearness of
conceptions generally.
(Müller, 1838; as cited in Tizard, 1959: 134)
Source: The assessment of aphasia and related disorders, Lea and Febiger (Goodglass, H. and Kaplan, E.
1983), from Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, 3rd Edition (BDAE-3) with Kaplan, E. and Barresi, B.,
2001, Austin, TX: Copyright 2001 by PRO-ED, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
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236 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
speech problem had just died. The autopsy showed widespread damage to his left
frontal lobe. In subsequent years, Broca provided more cases showing the importance
of the frontal lobes for language production. In 1865, he went further and claimed
that only a region in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere was involved. This region
has since been called Broca’s area (Figure 6.7).
Language understanding and the posterior part of the brain
Stimulated by Broca’s findings, the German-Polish physician Karl Wernicke in 1874
presented evidence that language problems could also occur after damage to the rear
part of the left hemisphere (Figure 6.8). These problems, however, had nothing to do
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6.3 The breakthroughs of the nineteenth century 237
with speaking, but rather with the understanding of language. The patients at first
sight gave the impression of fluent speakers, until you tried to make sense of what they
were saying; there was no meaning in their language.
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238 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
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6.3 The breakthroughs of the nineteenth century 239
Figure 6.9 Staining techniques used to discover the basic structure of neurons.
After he was able to stain nerve cells, Golgi discovered that the grey matter of the brain consisted
of a network of branches and globules. Golgi was convinced that the network formed a single unit;
Ramón y Cajal argued that it consisted of separate neurons communicating with each other.
Source: Photo Researchers/Science History Images/Alamy Stock Photo.
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240 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
would take nearly half a century before it became generally accepted that the network
neuron was composed of individual cells, called neurons, which communicated with each
brain cell; basic unit of the other without being attached to one another (Shepherd, 1991). An important name
nervous system; contains in this development was the Spanish researcher Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Golgi and
a cell body, dendrites and
an axon Ramón y Cajal would share the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1906.
After he was able to stain nerve cells, Golgi discovered that the grey matter of the
brain consisted of a network of branches and globules. Golgi was convinced that the
network formed a single unit; Ramón y Cajal argued that it consisted of separate
neurons communicating with each other.
Once it was accepted that the nervous system consisted of billions of independent
neurons, the next challenge was to explain how they stored and exchanged information.
Remember that for centuries the natural philosophers had been mystified by how the
nerves were able to transmit information from and to the brain (soul). First they thought
that animal spirits rushed through hollow tubes, and when this was no longer tenable,
they proposed brain fluids. However, the latter explanation had difficulty accounting for
the speed of neural transmission (which easily exceeds 100 km per hour). In addition,
there was the problem that no-one was able to show the presence of fluid in the nerves.
Electricity within neurons
A new idea emerging at the end of the eighteenth century was that communication in the
nervous system might resemble the transmission of electrical signals. Around 1650 the first
electricity generator was built, followed in 1745 by the first usable device to store electric-
ity, the so-called Leyden jar (invented in the Dutch University of Leyden, hence the name).
With the help of a generator and a Leyden jar, scientists could study the characteristics of
electrical currents. Physiologists were struck by the similarities between electrical signals
and what happened in the nerves (a signal was transmitted at a high speed and at the end
made something happen). Could it be that brain activity was electrical activity?
The first to find clear empirical evidence for the involvement of electricity in the
nervous system was the Italian physician Luigi Galvani. In 1786, while operating
on frogs, he noticed that a dissected leg of a frog contracted each time his assistant
touched a bare nerve with his scalpel and the electricity generator nearby produced a
spark. Galvani decided to test the phenomenon more in detail and in 1791 published a
text on his findings. Although in hindsight he misinterpreted quite a lot of findings, it
was undeniable that body movement could be generated by an electric current applied
to a nerve. This is how a colleague described the reception of Galvani’s findings:
The storm among physicists, physiologists and physicians, which the appearance of the
commentary created, can only be compared to the one that appeared on the political
horizon of Europe at that time [1791]. It can be said that wherever frogs were to be found,
and where two different kinds of metal could be procured, everyone wished to see the
mutilated limbs of frogs re-animated in this remarkable manner; the physiologists believed
that at last the dream handed down from their ancestors of a vital power was within their
grasp; the physicians, whom Galvani somewhat thoughtlessly encouraged to attempt the
treatment of all manner of nervous disorders, such as sciatica, tetanus, and epilepsy, began
to believe that no cure was impossible, and it was considered certain that in the future no
one in a trance could be buried alive, provided only that he were galvanized!
(du Bois-Reymond, 1848; as translated by Clarke & Jacyna, 1987: 169)
The next question, of course, was how the brain could generate electricity. In the
worst-case scenario, all Galvani had shown was that a frog’s leg contracted if you
sent electricity through it. He had not shown that brain signals were electrical signals,
a criticism made most poignantly by Galvani’s Italian colleague Alessandro Volta
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6.3 The breakthroughs of the nineteenth century 241
(as part of his endeavour to refute that Galvani stumbled across the first battery, a
device to produce electricity on the basis of chemical reactions). It would take another
50 years before Emil du Bois-Reymond, a Prussian physicist with Swiss roots, would
make enough headway to establish convincingly that nerve signals indeed involved
electricity. He was able to do so with the use of electric fishes (fishes that are capable
of discharging electricity on prey and predators) and much improved techniques to
measure small electrical signals.
Another question was whether nerves were like real electrical wires or whether the
electrical signal generated was based on chemical processes within the nerve. Were the
nerves simple, passive transmitters of electrical signals generated in the brain or did
they actively continue a chemical process initiated at the level of the brain (or the spi-
nal cord)? This was the background against which von Helmholtz in 1852 decided to
measure the speed of signal transmission in the nerve. If nerves were like electric wires,
the signal speed should be astronomically high (close to the speed of light). Alterna-
tively, if the signal was based on chemical processes, as von Helmholtz assumed, it
would be much slower. As we saw in Chapter 3, the latter was the case: the speed of the
nerves in the leg of a frog was only some 30 metres per second (or 108 km per hour).
In the twentieth century, the exact mechanisms of signal transmission in the nerves
would be unravelled (Figure 6.10), largely based on the neurons of the giant squid,
which were so big that they could be seen with the naked eye.
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242 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
Interim summary
Five big breakthroughs in the nineteenth century
● Understanding that the spinal cord was an integral part of the central nervous system
and was involved in the control of many bodily functions.
● Discovery that many processes in the central nervous system were reflexes that did not
need voluntary initiation; question to what extent higher cognitive functions could be
considered as reflexes as well (e.g. Pavlov, behaviourism).
● Intense discussions between proponents of brain equipotentiality and adherents of brain
localisation; initially the former were dominant; increasingly, however, evidence for the
latter position was found.
● Discovery that the brain consisted of a network of individual neurons that communicated
with each another; required good microscopes and techniques to stain neurons.
● Discovery that the neurons store and transfer information by means of electro-chemical
signals; electrical information mainly involved in intra-cell communication, chemical
information transfer important for communication between neurons.
Understanding the workings of the nervous system
● Galen (c. 130–c. 200): ventricles and animal spirits; legacy until well into the eighteenth century.
● Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564): translated Galen’s anatomical works in Latin and extended them by new
dissections, including on humans.
● René Descartes (1596–1650): proposed the idea of automatic, reflexive reactions that did not involve the
● Thomas Willis (1621–1675): published an influential atlas of the brain in which he attached more
importance to the solid brain parts.
● Luigi Galvani (1737–1798): discovered that electricity is involved in signal transmission in the nerves.
● Jiř í Procháska (1749–1820): importance of the spinal cord and the subcortical structures for the control of
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6.4 The emergence of neuropsychology in the twentieth century 243
● Franz Joseph Gall (1758–1828) and Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776–1832): proposed idea of localisation
of functions in the brain, against the equipotentiality idea. Nowadays mostly associated with phrenology.
● Marshall Hall (1790–1857): stressed the importance of reflexive actions and initiated the term ‘reflex arc’.
● Marie Jean Pierre Flourens (1794–1867) and Johannes Peter Müller (1801–1858): strong defenders of
the brain equipotentiality theory on the basis of empirical studies.
● Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud (1796–1881): localisation of language in the frontal lobes; first empirical
evidence for localisation of function in the brain.
● Paul Broca (1824–1880): localisation of speech in the left frontal lobe.
● Camillo Golgi (1843–1926): staining technique that made neurons visible.
● Carl Wernicke (1848–1905): localisation of language understanding in the rear part of the left hemisphere.
● Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852–1934): established the neuron doctrine, which says that the brain consists
of individual neurons that communicate with each other.
● Charles Scott Sherrington (1857–1952): described the mechanisms of the spinal reflex.
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244 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
Wound. – There was a small penetrating wound from which softened brain extruded,
immediately to the right of the middle line of the skull and 1 inch (2–5 cm) above the
inion. A radiograph revealed much depressed bone, but no foreign body. An operation
was performed next day, and several fragments of bone as well as clots and pulped brain
tissue were removed from the occipital pole. The recovery was rapid and uneventful.
His visual fields were taken by a perimeter and a screen scotometer six days after the
infliction of the wound, and again a week later. There was then a large left homonymous
paracentral scotoma to an object 7mm2 which reached the fixation point and extended
outwards from it to about 25. Its mesial border coincided with the vertical above the
fixation point, but receded from it below this. Peripheral vision was unaffected, and the
colour fields were normal in the right halves, but there was no perception of either red
or green to the left of the middle line (Figure 6.11).
(Holmes, 1918: 354–5)
Figure 6.11 The first figure given in Holmes (1918) about the consequences of gunshot
The soldier got a shrapnel ball at the back of the head (exact position in the lower part of the
figure). As a result, he lost vision in the left half of his central visual field (the black areas in the
upper figures, representing vision in the left and the right eye).
Source: Holmes (1918) ‘Disturbances of vision by cerebral lesions’, British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2: 355, at www.
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6.4 The emergence of neuropsychology in the twentieth century 245
revealed that similar cases had been described by French, British and German neurolo-
gists in the second half of the nineteenth century (Ellis & Florence, 1990). The follow-
ing text summarises Bodamer’s (1947) description of one case.
A 24-year old soldier (S) was admitted to hospital with brain injuries on 11 Sep-
tember 1944, after receiving a shrapnel ball at the back of the head (exact position in
the lower part of the figure). Initially, the soldier was completely blind for a number
of weeks. Gradually, his sight began to return, in clearly defined stages, but he had
completely lost all colour vision – he could see only light and dark, and black and
white. S reported difficulties with objects for some time, although he slowly started
to know them once again. Eventually he only made mistakes on seeing an object for
the first time after his injury.
Additionally, S had a problem recognizing faces and expressions. He knew that a
face was a face (as distinguished from another object), but could not say who the face
belonged to. He could identify the various features of the face, but not their expres-
sions – all faces seemed equally ‘tasteless’ and ‘sober’ to him.
On 25 November S was asked to look at himself in the mirror. He initially mistook
his image for a picture, but then corrected himself. He stared at himself for some time
as if he was viewing a totally new and strange object before reporting that he could
see a face and describing its various features. On 30 December S was shown a picture
of a shaggy-haired dog and he identified it as a human with ‘funny’ hair.
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246 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
The second reason why neuropsychologists felt dissatisfaction was that the results of
the examinations rarely went beyond a list of symptoms displayed by various patients
(case studies). There was little theory behind the enterprise, little effort to link the vari-
ous findings and draw implications for normal, healthy functioning. What neuropsy-
chology had to do, the dissenters argued, was to use observations from patients with
brain damage to test and amend the information-processing models proposed by the
cognitive psychologists (Chapter 5). Instead of looking for anatomical localisations,
neuropsychologists should investigate the functional implications of injuries: which
cognitive processes were affected by the brain damage?
A new name
To emphasise the difference between the new type of research and the traditional
cognitive neuropsychological approach, a new name was coined: cognitive neuropsychology. It
neuropsychology referred to research dealing with the consequences of brain injuries for the information-
part of neuropsychology processing models proposed by the cognitive psychologists. This is how one of the
aimed at understanding
and treating the
textbooks described the need for cognitive neuropsychology:
behavioural consequences For 100 years, it has been well known that the study of the cognitive problems of patients
of brain damage within the
information processing
suffering from neurological diseases can produce strikingly counterintuitive observa-
models proposed by tions . . . However, in general, neuropsychology has had little impact on the study of
cognitive psychologists normal function.
With any knowledge of the history of clinical neuropsychology, it is easy to understand
why this neglect occurred. The standard of description of the psychological impairments
of patients was low, often being little more than the bald statement of the clinical opinion
of the investigator. There was frequently a dramatic contrast between the vagueness of the
psychological account of the disorder and the precision with which anatomical investiga-
tion of the lesion that had given rise to it was carried out post-mortem.
(Shallice, 1988: 3)
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6.4 The emergence of neuropsychology in the twentieth century 247
Figure 6.12 Figure illustrating the distinction between the logogen and the cognitive
system made by Morton and Patterson (1980).
According to Morton and Patterson, a distinction had to be made between processing the word
forms and processing the word meanings. To read the written word TOUGH, first the sequence of
letters must be recognised as a known word form (this happens in the visual logogen system). Only
then can the meaning of the word become activated in the cognitive system.
Source: Based on Morton and Patterson (1980).
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248 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
TOUGH / t V f/
Visual Acoustic
Analysis Analysis
Output Logogens
Deep dyslexia patient may read
aloud the word “tough” as
Conversion RESPONSE “strong”, but would repeat it
Figure 6.13 Morton and Patterson’s (1980) full model and explanation of deep dyslexia.
In this model for the naming of spoken and written words, three different logogens are dis-
tinguished, together with a grapheme phoneme conversion system for the naming of unknown
words and non-words. For a normal reader, there are three routes to name a written word. For a
patient with deep dyslexia, two of these routes are severed and the only remaining route is the
one via the cognitive system. This route gives rise to the semantically related errors observed in
these patients.
Source: Based on Morton and Patterson (1980).
allowed readers to name non-words, such as dom and pham. The second route con-
sisted of a direct connection between the visual logogen system and the output logogen
system. The existence of such a route predicted that there would be patients who were
able to name words with irregular pronunciations (e.g. yacht, pint) without knowing
their meaning. Such patients have subsequently been described (see Coltheart, 2004).
Finally, the third route to pronounce written words was one via the visual logogen
system, through the cognitive system, to the output logogen system. In this route, the
visual logogen activated its meaning, and on the basis of this meaning candidate output
logogens were activated.
According to Morton and Patterson (1980), the third route was the origin of the
semantically related errors observed in deep-dyslexia patients. In these patients the
grapheme phoneme conversion route and the direct route between the visual logogen
system and the output logogen system were severed (Figure 6.13). All they had left was
the route mediated by the cognitive system. Because this route was not very accurate,
they failed to read a lot of words altogether and other words gave rise to semanti-
cally related responses. For instance, the input word storm activated the meanings
associated with storms and tempests, but these meanings were not specific enough
to activate the correct output logogen storm and instead a related word (thunder)
was activated.
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6.4 The emergence of neuropsychology in the twentieth century 249
A workshop on deep dyslexia held in Cambridge UK in 1978 was a significant event in the
development of twentieth-century cognitive neuropsychology. In this photo you see (from
left to right) the following workshop participants: A. Marcel, T. Shallice, N. Kapur, E. Saffran,
J. Morton, L. Bogyo, O. Marin, M. Schwartz, A. Allport, E. Andreewsky, K. Patterson, S. Sasanuma,
M. Coltheart, F. Newcombe and J. Marshall. Other participants not in the photo were E. Warrington
and G. Deloche.
Interim summary
● Examination of bullet wounds in the World Wars provided physicians with more detailed
knowledge about the behavioural consequences of brain injuries. Two famous examples
were the partial loss of vision after gunshot wounds above the neck, and the inability to
recognise faces (prosopagnosia).
● Research and treatment of the consequences of brain damage were increasingly taken
over by psychologists, who called themselves neuropsychologists.
● In the 1970s and 1980s a number of neuropsychologists started to study the implications
of brain damage for the information-processing models proposed by cognitive
psychologists; this was the start of cognitive neuropsychology.
● One of the first topics addressed by the new approach was deep dyslexia.
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250 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
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6.5 Brain imaging and the turn to neuroscience 251
at rest with their eyes closed. As soon as the person opened their eyes or was touched
on the skin, the regular signal disappeared and was replaced by smaller and faster
oscillations, which disappeared again when the person closed their eyes and returned
to rest (Figure 6.14).
Berger called the printout of the electrical brain activity as a function of time an
EEG electroencephalogram, better known under its abbreviation EEG. He further called
electroencephalogram: the slow, regular waves at rest alpha waves, and the fast, irregular waves under situa-
outcome of measurement tions of alertness beta waves. These waves are the result of the firing of millions of
of electrical brain activity
by means of sensors
neurons underneath the skull. If the neurons fire at a slow pace in synchrony, the waves
placed on the scalp; are large; if they fire rapidly and independently, the waves become small and fast. The
routinely used in hospitals former is the case under rest conditions, the latter under conditions of information
for the detection of processing and alertness.
One of the first applications of the EEG measurement was the demonstration that
epileptic seizures involved uncontrolled electrical discharges (Figure 6.15). Another
application was the discovery of different sleep stages.
Event Related Potentials and magnetoencephalography
As the accuracy of the EEG recordings grew, two further applications became available.
The first was the measurement of changes in the electrical signal as a function of spe-
cific stimuli. In this type of research, two types of stimuli are presented repeatedly and
Event Related Potential researchers examine in what respects the brain response to one type of stimulus differs
(ERP) from that to the other. This research is called Event Related Potential (ERP) research,
signal obtained by
averaging the EEG
because the electrical responses to individual events are registered and compared.
signals to stimuli that Figure 6.16 illustrates the ERP technique. The left part shows the EEG recordings
are repeated a number of on trials when nothing was presented; the right part shows the recordings on trials
times; allows researchers when an auditory click was presented. When the average is calculated across different
to look for differences in
the signal as a function
trials, a smooth curve is obtained with peaks and troughs. This is the ERP signal. It
of characteristics of the can be used to determine how fast the brain responds to various types of signals and
stimulus how the response differs as a function of the stimulus.
M06 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 251 16/09/2020 19:58
252 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
The second new use of EEG recordings was the fact that one could try to local-
ise the source of the electrical signal. In a recording up to 128 different electrodes
are placed on the head. Not all of these electrodes return an equally strong signal.
Depending on the distribution of signals, it is possible to have an estimate of the part
of the brain that was at the origin of the signal. Unfortunately, because of the limit
M06 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 252 16/09/2020 19:58
6.5 Brain imaging and the turn to neuroscience 253
to the number of electrodes that can be placed on the head (and because of the small
errors involved in the placement itself), localisation on the basis of EEG recordings is
not very accurate.
A much better resolution can be obtained if, instead of measuring the electrical
activity on the scalp, researchers measure the magnetic field around the head. The
electrical signals in the brain produce magnetic fields, which can be picked up by
magneto- sensitive sensors. This forms the basis of magnetoencephalography (MEG), a tech-
encephalography (MEG) nique which is still in its early stages but which is expected to have a very significant
measurement of the impact.
electrical brain activity by
means of measurement
of the magnetic field Measuring blood flow in the brain
around the head; is one
of the most promising Brain activity is very energy demanding. It is estimated that the brain requires some
brain imaging techniques, 20% of the blood and 25% of the oxygen in the body to function properly. A short
because it has the
potential of both a high interruption in the blood flow to the brain results in massive and irreversible damage.
temporal and spatial By looking at the blood flow it is thus possible to know which brain regions are par-
resolution ticularly active during a task.
An MEG unit
Source: AMELIE-BENOIST/BSIP/BSIP SA/Alamy Stock Photo.
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254 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
An fMRI scanner.
Source: Raimund Koch/The Image Bank/Getty Images.
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6.5 Brain imaging and the turn to neuroscience 255
(e.g. S). Given that this task deals with word generation, we can assume that Broca’s
area will be involved (Figure 6.7). In addition, we can assume that for the majority
of people the area will be in the left hemisphere. However, for some people it will be
in the right hemisphere. The latter is more likely in left-handed people than in right-
handed people, as it is known from neuropsychological research that some 10–25%
of left-handers have their speech area in the right hemisphere compared with fewer
than 5% of the right-handers.
The upper part of Figure 6.17 displays the fMRI output of four participants who
showed the typical pattern of brain activity in the word-generation task; they had their
language production neatly lateralised to the left hemisphere. The lower part of the
figure shows the data of two left-handers, who turned out to rely on their right hemi-
sphere for word generation. So, the localisation of Broca’s area can easily be picked
up with an fMRI scanner and the word generation task.
Figure 6.17 fMRI signal of people generating words that start with a particular letter.
The upper part shows the brain activity in the majority of people; the lower part shows the activity
in people with right-brain dominance. The left side in each part gives a view from behind, the right
side a view from above.
Source: Hunter et al. (2008). ‘Visual half-field experiments are a good measure of cerebral language dominance if used
properly: Evidence from fMRI‘, Neuropsychologia, 1, 316–25. With permission from Elsevier.
M06 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 255 16/09/2020 19:58
256 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
TMS is delivered by a coil. The resulting electric current briefly interferes with the activity of the
neurons underneath the coil.
Source: AMELIE-BENOIST/BSIP/BSIP SA/Alamy Stock Photo.
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6.5 Brain imaging and the turn to neuroscience 257
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258 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
14 15
18 21 13 21 18 18 12 12
31 11 11
35 34 35 20 20 19 8 10 11 10 10
19 20 19 5 5 5
17 27 30 27 11 17 7 4 4 4
12 22 12 9 1 6 3
9 21 31 2514 1425 31 21 9 3 3
7 7
6 6
2 2
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6.5 Brain imaging and the turn to neuroscience 259
Figure 6.19 Localisation of social cognition functions on the basis of brain imaging studies.
For instance, the regions numbered 6 are the ones that are particularly active when people reflect about themselves.
Kihlstrom (2007) wondered how much more informative this picture is than Spurzheim’s picture shown in Figure 6.18.
Source: Lieberman (2007). Reproduced with permission.
Third, on the basis of brain imaging data it is now recognised that, although the
brain is compartmentalised into regions with specialised functions (as defended by the
localisers), all tasks (even the simplest) require the interaction of several areas distrib-
uted over distant parts of the brain (see Figures 7.3 and 7.5 for examples). This too was
not realised before the start of cognitive neuroscience. In addition, although brain areas
are specialised, they are involved in several tasks with different stimuli. For instance,
Broca’s area is involved not only in speech production but also in language understand-
ing and music perception, possibly because it plays a role in grammar processing.
The overlap of functions in brain areas and the cooperation of different, distant
parts of the brain were not known in the traditional localisation theories or indeed in
the early days of cognitive neuroscience. These are genuine insights resulting from brain
imaging studies. It might even be argued that the discussion about equipotentiality vs.
localisation has been settled to a large extent by these two findings. Different parts of
the brain are indeed specialised in the processing of different types of information, but
task performance requires extensive interactions between various areas all over the cer-
ebral hemispheres. There is also evidence that the extent of a brain region is not fixed
but depends on practice. For instance, music-related brain areas are substantially more
developed in professional musicians than in non-musicians (Peretz & Zatorre, 2005).
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260 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
Finally, cognitive neuroscience after 2010 increasingly moved from blob spotting
to signal identification. The goal here is to present a number of stimulus types and
derive the stimulus type from the brain activity pattern through a procedure known
as multi-voxel pattern analysis (Norman et al., 2006). These new approaches may
provide the means to diagnose the nature of stored knowledge in the brain, potentially
providing a means to test cognitive theories quantitatively. As we will see in Chapter 7,
the discussion between cognitive psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists about
the value of cognitive neuroscience research is more than a simple methodological
squabble. It touches upon an essential assumption underlying cognitive psychology
research, namely the idea that information processing forms a realm independent of
the machinery upon which it is realised (remember from Chapter 5 how the computer
metaphor gave cognitive psychologists the idea of hardware-independent cognitive
representations). If one accepts hardware-independent information processing, try-
ing to understand the human mind by localising the brain parts involved is like trying
to understand computer software by examining the electronic parts implicated. This
critique addresses one of the core conceptual issues in psychology, namely the question
of how the mind and the brain are related to each other. In the next chapter, we review
the various positions about this issue, at the end of which we will return to the debate
between the cognitive neuropsychologists and cognitive neuroscientists.
Interim summary
Advances in studies of the working brain
● Single-cell recording allows researchers to find out to which type of information
individual neurons respond; it is an invasive technique, however.
● EEG recordings allow researchers to pick up the summed electrical activity of groups of
cells non-invasively. They allow researchers to detect cases of epilepsy and to discover
different stages in sleep.
● ERP studies are based on EEG recordings and allow researchers to find out how the brain
response changes as a function of different types of stimuli.
● MEG scanning also measures the electrical activity of groups of neurons and allows
researchers to add localisation to the ERP studies.
● PET scanning allows researchers to see which brain areas require extra blood during the
performance of tasks by tracing a radioactive substance injected into the blood.
● fMRI scanning also allows researchers to localise brain activity on the basis of oxygen
use. Produces more detailed images than PET and does not require an injection of
substance into the participants.
● TMS allows researchers to interfere briefly with the activity of a small region of the grey
matter and to examine the effects of this interference on the time needed to complete
M06 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 260 16/09/2020 19:59
6.6 Focus on: Can delusions be investigated with the cognitive neuropsychological approach? 261
a particular task. Makes it possible to ascertain that the brain region is crucial for
● The above techniques have allowed researchers to measure brain activity while
participants are performing mental tasks. This created a new research field, known as
cognitive neuroscience.
● Not everyone is convinced that brain imaging techniques allow researchers to examine
the detailed cognitive processes involved in correct task performance.
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262 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
prisons. It soon turned out that Mme M. had a long history of mental problems. In
1906, after the death of her twins, she had delusions of grandeur, thinking she was the
illegitimate daughter of an extremely wealthy man from South America. In 1914, she
suddenly stopped recognising her daughter and was convinced that the child had been
replaced by a double. She also thought that her husband in reality might be a look-alike.
Instead of being helped to free her children, Mme M. was brought to a psychiatric
emergency clinic and from there to a psychiatric institute. She was taken into care by a
psychiatrist called Joseph Capgras (1873–1950). He was a famous French psychiatrist,
specialising in delusions. So, none of the beliefs of grandeur and persecution really
surprised him (as indicated above, they are quite common among psychotic patients).
However, he was struck by the strength of this woman’s conviction that her child and
her husband had been replaced by imposters. She still recognised them, but they did
not feel ‘real’ to her. They had lost all their warmth and familiarity, hence her convic-
tion that they were look-alikes and that her real relatives had been kidnapped (and
maybe killed). In 1923 Capgras wrote an article on this delusion, together with his
collaborator Reboul-Lachau.
M06 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 262 16/09/2020 19:59
6.6 Focus on: Can delusions be investigated with the cognitive neuropsychological approach? 263
now uncomfortable. He still insists that his real wife died in the accident and he success-
fully sued the driver of the other vehicle for the distress caused. In court a consultant
psychiatrist explained that Mr D. was suffering from Capgras delusion.
(Ellis & Lewis, 2001: 149)
Apart from the Capgras delusion, the man did not seem to have other symptoms of
an underlying Freudian conflict.
The Capgras delusion further attracted interest because cognitive models of face
processing had pointed to the conclusion that face recognition involved two different
routes. This conclusion was based on neuropsychological research of prosopagnosia
(see above). Bauer (1984) showed pictures of famous people and family members to a
39-year-old male college graduate who had been involved in a serious motorcycle acci-
dent, leaving him unable to recognise faces, including his own. On each trial of Bauer’s
experiment, a picture was shown and five names were read to the patient. The patient
had to indicate which of the names represented the picture. At the same time, his skin
conductance was measured. This is a variable that is influenced by the autonomous
(i.e. involuntary) nervous system and that in people without face-processing difficulties
shows an increased activity when a familiar person is encountered.
As expected, the patient was unable to match the names to the faces. However, on many
trials the skin conductance response increased when in the series of names the correct
name was mentioned. So, it seemed as if the patient (on an unconscious, emotion related
level) did recognise the face. Bauer’s finding was subsequently repeated in several other
experiments: individuals with prosopagnosia do not recognise faces consciously, but show
an unconscious emotional reaction when they are confronted with a familiar face.
Relating the prosopagnosia findings to the Capgras delusion, Ellis and Young (1990)
put forward the hypothesis that what might be happening in the Capgras delusion is
that the unconscious, emotion-based, face processing route has been severed. Such a
disconnection would result in the patients still recognising the person at a conscious,
rational level but failing to experience the emotional response associated with the
person (Figure 6.20). To test the hypothesis, Ellis et al. (1997) measured the skin con-
ductance of five patients with Capgras delusion and five control patients to known
and unknown faces. As expected, the control patients showed enhanced skin conduct-
ance responses when a known face was presented than when an unknown face was
presented, but the Capgras patients did not, giving credence to the hypothesis.
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264 Chapter 6 The input from brain research
Structural Speech
encoding codes
Face response
recognition units
Person Skin
Name Name response
identity conductance
production retrieval to familiar
nodes response
Figure 6.20 A cognitive model to explain face recognition and the occurrence of
prosopagnosia and Capgras delusion.
There are two routes in which faces are recognised: one leads to the conscious recognition of the
person (via a person identity node) and one leads to an unconscious emotional response (an affec-
tive response). A disruption in the first route (A) leads to prosopagnosia; a disruption in the second
route (B) leads to a Capgras delusion.
Source: Based on Ellis and Lewis (2001).
Interim summary
Cognitive neuropsychiatry
● Cognitive neuropsychiatry states that symptoms of mental disorders (such as delusions)
can be understood as the result of errors in the cognitive information-processing model
that accounts for normal psychological functioning.
● The Capgras delusion refers to a situation in which a person still recognises close
relatives, but is convinced that they have been replaced by look-alikes.
● The Freudian interpretation of the delusion refers to conflicting feelings towards the
relatives, which result in a dissociation between the absent loved persons and the
present hated look-alikes.
● Cognitive neuropsychiatry argues that the condition results from blocked information
transfer in an unconscious, emotion-related processing route that under normal
circumstances elicits an emotional response each time we encounter a familiar person.
As a result, the relatives feel strange, even though we recognise them.
M06 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 264 16/09/2020 19:59
References 265
Recommended literature
Most handbooks of neuropsychology contain a chapter Ellis, A.W. & Young, A.W. (1988) Human Cognitive Neu-
on the history of the discipline. In addition, an increasing ropsychology (Hove, UK: Psychology Press). However,
number of the original publications are becoming avail- in more recent years, the term ‘cognitive neuropsychol-
able on the internet. Interesting books on the history of ogy’ seems to have merged with the more general term
neurophysiology are Finger, S. (1994) Origins of Neuro- ‘neuropsychology’. A classic textbook here is Kolb, B. &
science: A History of Explorations into Brain Function Whishaw, I.Q. (2015) Fundamentals of Human Neuropsy-
(Oxford: Oxford University Press), Gross, C.G. (1998) chology (7th Edition) (Macmillan). Good books about
Brain, Vision, Memory: Tales in the History of Neurosci- cognitive neuroscience are Gazzaniga, M.S. (2019) Cogni-
ence (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press) and Clarke, E. & tive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind (5th Edition)
Jacyna, L.S. (1987) Nineteenth-Century Origins of Neuro- (New York: W.W. Norton & Co.) and Ward, J. (2019). The
scientific Concepts (Berkeley, CA: University of California Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience (4th edition)
Press). A classic textbook of cognitive neuropsychology is (Hove, UK: Psychology Press).
Andrewes, D.G. (2002) Neuropsychology: From Theory to (2006). Ontregelde geesten. Groningen: Historische
Practice. Hove: Psychology Press. Uitgeverij.)
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tion’. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19: 1373–87. Brain and Language, 45: 560–71.
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7 The mind–brain problem, free
will and consciousness
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268 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
Questions to consider
The Astonishing Hypothesis is that ‘You,’ your joys and your sorrows, your
memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will,
are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their
associated molecules. As Lewis Carroll’s Alice might have phrased it: ‘You’re
nothing but a pack of neurons.’
(Crick, 1995: 3)
The above citation comes from a book by the British scientist and co-discoverer of
the structure of DNA, Francis Crick (1916–2004). In this book Crick argued that the
spectacular advance of modern science made the concepts of the soul and conscious-
ness redundant. In his view, we should no longer be satisfied with the religious guesses
of yesterday, however charming they may be.
self The present chapter also deals with the question of how we can reconcile the
the feeling of being an biological workings of the brain with the feeling we all have of being more than a mere
individual with private pack of nerve cells. Throughout history, humans have been impressed by their ability
experiences, feelings and
beliefs, who interacts in a
to reflect about themselves and the world around them. Asked what they consider to
coherent and purposeful be the essence of their life, most people refer to their self, the feeling they have of being
way with the environment an individual with private experiences, feelings and beliefs, who interacts in a coherent
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Introduction 269
and purposeful way with the environment. The existence of such a feeling begs the
question, where does the self come from? What gives us the power to experience
ourselves as consistent entities with goals and values? Even stronger, what gives us the
power to think, to have a mind? This is arguably the biggest conceptual issue in
psychology. How do the brain and the mind relate to each other? This issue is known
mind–brain problem as the mind–brain problem.
issue of how the mind Three different views of the interaction between mind and brain will be discussed
is related to the brain; in the sections below. The first is the oldest and intuitively the most appealing. It says
three main views:
dualism, materialism and
that the mind (or the soul) is something independent of the body. This view is called
functionalism dualism. The second approach states that the mind is nothing but a by-product of the
biological processes taking place in a particular brain. This view is called materialism.
Finally, the third approach says that the mind is indeed realised in a brain, but that it
could be copied to any other brain, just like information on a computer can be copied
to other machines. This is the functionalist view.
After a discussion of the three views, we will continue with a review of present-
day research about consciousness and end by looking at the evidence suggesting that
unconscious processing is the automatic pilot that guides us through life.
As with all the topics in this book, we can only paint the broad brushstrokes of
what are much richer themes with heated discussions (albeit more among philosophers
of the mind than among psychologists). We have made a selection of the big historical
developments and the contemporary ideas that have particular appeal to psychologists,
accepting that for many of the players involved this may do injustice to the richness of
their proposals. Indeed, reading a book on philosophy of mind sometimes looks like
opening a catalogue of-isms (substance dualism, property dualism, epiphenomenalism,
philosophical behaviourism, methodological behaviourism, physicalism, eliminativ-
ism, fictionalism, computationalism, . . .). We have opted to keep these -isms to a bare
minimum, because it is our experience that they are powerful magnets for exam ques-
tions and, as a result, tend to draw attention to the details of the discussions rather
than to the main themes.
Interim summary
● The mind–brain problem refers to the relationship between the mind and brain.
● Three main approaches are discussed in this chapter:
– dualism: mind and brain are two independent entities
– materialism: the mind is a by-product of the biological workings of the brain
– functionalism: the mind is realised in the brain, but the information can be copied to
another machine with the same structure.
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270 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
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7.1 Dualism: the mind is independent of the brain 271
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272 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
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7.1 Dualism: the mind is independent of the brain 273
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274 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
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7.1 Dualism: the mind is independent of the brain 275
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276 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
realisation that it was possible to make living (organic) matter out of non-living
(inorganic) components. This finding was reported in 1828 by the German chemist
Friedrich Wöhler, who synthesised urea (an organic substance found in urine) from
the inorganic compounds potassium cyanate and ammonium sulphate. Suddenly it
became clear that the distinction between organic and inorganic matter was not as
sharp as had always been assumed. The main difference turned out to be the central
role of the chemical element carbon in organic material.
Wöhler’s finding was but the first in a long series of discoveries that disentangled
the essence of living matter. Another important insight was that all living things
were composed of cells that grew out of previous cells. This discovery was made
possible by the invention and optimisation of the microscope. Once the cell was
isolated as the basic unit, researchers started to unravel the processes taking place in
it. Among other things, they discovered that the instructions to build the cell were
stored in the DNA of the cell nucleus and that DNA consisted of a sequence of four
bases. Currently researchers think they are on the brink of creating a new life form
by inserting a newly designed sequence of DNA bases into the nucleus of existing
cells. They are adamant that the resulting organism will be a living organism, capable
of reproducing itself.
Given that mysteries like phlogiston and the vital force in the end turned out to be
chemical and biological processes that could be manipulated, an increasing number
of scholars began to claim that something similar would happen to the mind. Once all
the brain processes were understood, what humans experienced as their mind would
simply turn out to be a by-product of the working brain, just as fire was a by-product
of certain chemical reactions and the vital force was a consequence of a particular
arrangement of molecules. At some point it would be discovered what biochemical
processes were involved in the human mind and the mystery would be solved. This
belief gave rise to materialism, which we discuss in the next section.
Interim summary
● The mind refers to a person’s faculties to perceive, feel, think, remember and want.
● In religions the mind is often equated with an immaterial, divine soul. This is an example
of dualism. A similar view was defended by Descartes and, therefore, in philosophy is
often called Cartesian dualism.
● Dualism is an intuitively attractive model of the mind–brain relationship because it gives
humans free will (i.e. control over their actions and decisions) and it readily accounts
for the existence of consciousness in humans. The latter refers to the rich and coherent,
private, first-person experience people have about themselves and the world around
● Dualism does have problems explaining how an immaterial mind can influence the
body, and how it is possible that so much information processing in humans occurs
unconsciously. It also does not agree with a scientific world view, where there is no place
for mysterious and animistic substances.
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7.2 Materialism: the mind is the brain 277
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278 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
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7.2 Materialism: the mind is the brain 279
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280 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
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7.3 Operational computers: the new eye-opener leading to functionalism 281
At the same time, another type of machine turned out to be much more successful.
This consisted of rather simple computers (Turing machines) that were able to store
information in binary code (memory units turned on or off) and that could execute
algorithms on this information on the basis of sequences of instructions given. In
addition, the instructions could be run on each and every computer compatible with
them, indicating that there was a distinction between the machine (the hardware) and
the information processed by the machine (the software). This was an important eye-
opener, giving rise to functionalism.
Interim summary
● Materialism holds that there is no distinction between the mind and the brain, and that
the mind is a direct consequence of the brain in operation. To make the distinction with
functionalism clear, we take this to imply that the mind is linked to the specific brain in
which it has been realised.
● According to the strongest versions of materialism, there is no consciousness or free will.
Consciousness is an illusion, a form of folk psychology, and humans are comparable to
robots or machines. According to Dawkins, humans are the slaves of their genes.
● A first problem with materialism was that it seemed unable to account for the identity
problem: how can different exposures to the same event be experienced as the same
if they are not encoded similarly? A second problem was that attempts to simulate the
human mind as a by-product of biological or mechanical processes were not successful,
whereas computers running sequences of instructions on stored information started to
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282 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
Functionalism in philosophy
functionalism The conclusion that not the exact implementation but the functional organisation
in the philosophy of mind determines the nature of the information gave rise to a school in philosophy called
is the doctrine that what functionalism (also sometimes called machine functionalism), not to be confused with
makes something a mental
state of a particular type
functionalism in psychology (Chapter 4). Just as functionalists in psychology around
does not depend on its 1900 studied the functions of the mind rather than the nature of the mind, so
internal constitution, functionalists in philosophy from the 1970s onwards examined the functions of infor-
but rather on the way it mation, rather than the precise ways in which the information was realised. Function-
functions; predicts that
the mind can be copied
alism is officially neutral between materialism and dualism, but materialists often
onto another Turing ‘claim’ functionalism because they argue that information can only be realised in
machine physical states (Levin, 2018).
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7.3 Operational computers: the new eye-opener leading to functionalism 283
This is how one of the most famous proponents, the American philosopher Jerry
Fodor, summarised the movement:
In the past 15 years a philosophy of mind called functionalism that is neither dualist nor
materialist has emerged from philosophical reflection on developments in artificial intel-
ligence, computational theory, linguistics, cybernetics and psychology. All these fields,
which are collectively known as the cognitive sciences, have in common a certain level
of abstraction and a concern with systems that process information. Functionalism,
which seeks to provide a philosophical account of this level of abstraction, recognizes
the possibility that systems as diverse as human beings, calculating machines and dis-
embodied spirits could all have mental states. In the functionalist view the psychology
of a system depends not on the stuff it is made of (living cells, metal or spiritual energy)
but on how the stuff is put together.
(Fodor, 1981: 124)
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284 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
most outspoken scholars defending this position is the Canadian psychologist Keith
Stanovich in his book The Robot’s Rebellion: Finding Meaning in the Age of Darwin.
This is his view:
People who do not like the idea of genetic determinism do in fact have an escape route.
However, the escape route is not to be found in denying the known facts about the
heritability of human behavioral traits, or in denying their evolutionary origins . . .
The first step in conceptualizing the escape route involves focusing on the startling
fact . . . that the interests of replicators [genes] and vehicles [survival machines] do not
always coincide. When a conflict occurs, short-leashed response systems will prime the
response that serves the genes’ interests (replication) rather than those of the vehicle.
However, as humans, we are concerned with our own personal interests, not those of
the subpersonal organic replicators that are our genes. The presence of our analytic
processing systems makes it possible to install the mental software . . . that maximizes
the fulfillment of our own interests as people. This mindware ensures a mental set to
give primacy to the person’s fulfillment (to side in favor of the vehicle and against the
replicators when their interests do not coincide). That mental set is the proclivity for
rational thought.
(Stanovich, 2004: 81–2)
In other words, the fact that humans can encode, store, retrieve and manipulate infor-
mation enables them to pursue intentions that need not coincide with those of the
genes. As Stanovich sees it, the robots have a potential to rebel, if they are willing to
use rational thought aimed at their own personal interests.
Not everybody is convinced, however, that information is liberating humankind.
Dawkins (1976) was probably the first person to spot that information shows many
similarities with DNA molecules. According to him, DNA need not be the only rep-
licator in the universe. There may be others, which also work on the principles of
variation (the introduction of spontaneous small changes when existing material is
copied), selection (of the changes that fit well within the environment) and replication
(of the successful variations).
Dawkins argues that the build-up of information by humans fulfils all the principles
of Darwinism. A few variations find a storage facility and a way to get copied. During
the copying small changes are introduced. Many of these changes are uninteresting
and fail to be reproduced. However, the few ideas that fit well in the environment copy
themselves copiously and spread throughout the territory. Dawkins calls the individual
meme ideas that make up information and try to replicate themselves, memes.
information unit Although Dawkins did not write this explicitly, the picture of memes he paints is
proposed by Dawkins not one of a medium that liberates people, but rather one of a medium that also uses
that reproduces itself
according to the principles
humans as ‘survival machines’. So, it might be that humans are not only ‘programmed’
of the evolutionary theory to spread genes, but also to spread information in the form of memes. The main
(variation, selection and difference between genes and memes at present is that the former have managed to
replication) harness many organisms, so that they can survive the extinction of a species, whereas
the latter (still) largely depend on the human race for their growth and distribution.
Such a view would predict that memes will push for the development of forms of
information multiplication other than humans (e.g. by means of computers, robots
and neural networks).
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7.3 Operational computers: the new eye-opener leading to functionalism 285
Needless to say, the above ideas find fruitful soil in science fiction (which to some
extent can be compared with thought experiments, as we have seen in the example
of Parfit). You may have recognised the theme of the Terminator film trilogy in the
previous paragraph: intelligent machines taking over from humans and starting to
produce/control information. Similarly, it is not so difficult to take the teleportation
example a few steps further on the basis of what we have seen. Let us suppose that
teleportation does not require that the very same participles disassembled at the point
of departure are reinstated at the destination location but that other particles with
similar features would do just as well (computer technology allows that). Then, we
would not only be able to teleport a person, but also to telecopy them. And if we can
do that once, then in principle we can repeat it indefinitely (as long as we have the
resources to make the particles). Each copy would have the same information and
thus would start off with the same mind. Furthermore, nothing requires the tissue
to be biological tissue. If we manage to assemble a silicone network with the same
layout as the human brain, then in principle it should be possible to copy human
knowledge onto that network. An interesting question at this point is whether such a
network also would inherit the human mind, complete with consciousness and (the
illusion of) free will.
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286 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
What we can do (increasingly often and increasingly well) is localize in space a portion
of the tissue that seems differently associated with mental events. What we can do is
correlate a person’s thinking of this or that with localized brain activity . . . But this does
not show that the brain is thinking, reflecting or ruminating; it shows that such-and-such
parts of person’s cortex are active when the person is thinking, reflecting or ruminating.
(Miller, 2010: 727)
The fact that cognitive neuroscience has tremendously expanded since its beginnings
in the 1990s, according to the critics, is not due to the theoretical progress made by
the new approach but to the appeal pictures of brain activity have for humans (read-
ers, researchers, reviewers, assessors). People tend to see pictures of brain activity as
more informative than they really are (Fernandez-Duque, 2017). Skolnick-Weisberg
and colleagues (2008), for example, observed that pictures of brain activity made naive
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7.3 Operational computers: the new eye-opener leading to functionalism 287
adults and students of a neuroscience course less critical about weak explanations of
a phenomenon. Similarly, McCabe and Castel (2008) reported that an article of brain
imaging results was rated as more convincing by undergraduate students when it was
accompanied by a brain image, even when the article included a paragraph with scath-
ing criticism from another researcher.
Beck (2010) listed the following reasons for the non-scientific appeal of brain
1. Brain imaging pictures afford a simple message: brain area X is responsible for this
particular complicated psychological or social phenomenon.
2. Reductionist, biological explanations have extra appeal, because they seem to give
a definite and scientific account (they address the basis of the behaviour). People
have greater confidence in a biological marker of a behavioural phenomenon than
in the phenomenon itself. Watching a brain area light up when chocolate cravers
see chocolate seems to be more convincing than hearing the people talk about their
irresistible cravings.
3. Part of the appeal of biological explanations is that people tend to confuse them
with innateness, thinking that brain activity is the outcome of fixed, innate wiring
rather than the result of a learning process.
4. Brain imaging pictures hide the complicated comparisons and statistical analyses
needed to come to the image. They create an illusion of a direct snapshot of the
brain in action.
As Beck (2010: 763) wrote: ‘It is worth pointing out that the construction of the
colorful images we see in journals and magazines is considerably more complicated,
and considerably more processed, than the photo-like quality of the images might
lead one to believe.’ Indeed, brain imaging research has been accused of too rapidly
accepting associations between brain activity and psychological processing, leading to
so-called voodoo correlations. Vul and colleagues (2009) showed that cognitive neuro-
science studies of emotion, personality and social cognition frequently report correla-
tions between brain activation and personality measures higher than can be expected
on theoretical grounds, and they argued that these were due to statistical artefacts.
According to the critics of cognitive neuroscience, the contribution of the new
techniques for psychological understanding will turn out to be very limited, because
what matters are the computational and algorithmic levels of information processing,
not the implementation level. Given the incompatibility of the basic tenet of cognitive
neuroscience with the prevailing functionalist framework used by cognitive (neuro)
psychologists, it is perhaps surprising to see that cognitive neuroscience has been so
successful in the past decades (including the retraining of many cognitive neuropsy-
chologists). Cognitive neuroscientists argue this is because the brain is a much more
varied device than present-day computers. Brain activity for various tasks constrain
cognitive theories in ways that cannot be addressed by traditional behavioural experi-
ments. As a result, differences in brain functioning can be used to gain insights in the
ongoing information processing. Henson (2005) argued that, in particular, function-
to-structure deductions are compelling. According to him, if two conditions produce
qualitatively different patterns of activity over the brain, then it can safely be con-
cluded that these conditions differ in at least one function. Less convincing evidence
comes from structure-to-function inductions, which involve the claim that if two func-
tions activate the same brain regions they must involve the same functions.
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288 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
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7.3 Operational computers: the new eye-opener leading to functionalism 289
from the syntactic combination of abstract, amodal symbols that are arbitrarily
related to what they signify.
The solution to the symbol grounding problem has been sought in the interactions
humans have with the world through their bodies. These interactions provide humans
with sensory and motor representations in which symbols can be grounded. Vincent-
Lamarre et al. (2016) estimated that 1–5% of the words in a dictionary cannot be
defined on the basis of other words and require grounding in the external world.
According to Anderson (2003) the importance of the interactions with the sur-
roundings was overlooked when Descartes associated the human mind with what sets
humans apart from the rest of the universe, including animals. As a result, the day-to-
day physical interactions with the world became excluded from what constituted the
embodied cognition human mind. The alternative is embodied cognition, the conviction that the interac-
the conviction that the tions between the human body and the environment form the grounding of human
interactions between cognition.
the human body and the
environment form the
Anderson (2003) lists four sources of embodied information:
grounding (meaning) of 1. The human physiology. Humans can do some actions in some situations, but oth-
human cognition
ers not, because of bodily limitations. As Glenberg and Robertson (2000) argued,
confronted with the same challenge (e.g. crossing a river) effective actions are quite
different for a mole, a bird and a human. Similarly, grown-ups can use a chair to
fend off an aggressive dog, whereas toddlers cannot.
2. Evolutionary history. Not all actions are equally effective for survival and repro-
duction. By natural selection, the meaning of a particular situation for a particular
animal becomes associated with a set of actions that enhance successful coping
with the situation.
3. Practical activities during reasoning. Very often, when confronted with a problem,
humans do not keep on reasoning until they have found the best solution. They try
out various actions that seem sensible to bring the solution closer. This constant
interaction between action and thinking grounds cognitive representations.
4. Socio-cultural situatedness. For humans (and presumably other higher mammals),
the actions allowed by objects depend on the social context. Whereas a chair invites
sitting on it, this is not true for a chair in a museum or the throne of a king (or a
tribal chief). Living in a group strongly constrains the type of actions that can be
performed, and it is important to make use of this information.
The symbol grounding problem and the existence of embodied cognition have confronted
scholars with the fact that the human mind is more than a simple Turing machine.
Knowledge in the real world is not completely independent of the substrate on which it
is realised, because such knowledge is not agile enough to function in the world. Instead,
the human mind is shaped intimately by the underlying body and its interactions with the
physical world. On the other hand, Louwerse (2018) argued that symbolic cognition and
embodied cognition need not be mutually exclusive. According to him, as a child grows,
embodied cognition gets encapsulated in symbolic cognition (words referring to words)
and language users rely on language statistics for most of their cognitive processes also
those involving perceptual and motor information, because symbolic cognition is faster
and less memory demanding. As such, language can be considered a disruptive cognitive
technology expanding human conceptual reach (Dove, 2018).
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290 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
Interim summary
● Computer science has shown that information may transcend the medium on which it is
realised. It can be copied from one Turing machine to another.
● This insight provides a solution to the identity problem, the fact that it is unlikely that
two identical thoughts are physiologically realised in exactly the same way.
● This insight also led to functionalism in the philosophy of mind, the conviction that
philosophers of mind had to investigate the functions of information, and not the precise
ways in which the information was realised in the brain.
● Functionalism (and materialism) can explain how the mind is not lost in the thought
experiment of teleportation, unlike dualism.
● Some authors see the fact that information is a realm separate from the machine upon
which it is implemented as a way in which humans can reclaim their free will; others claim
it simply implies that humans are not only slaves of their genes but also slaves of the
information realm (composed of memes).
● Cognitive psychology and cognitive neuropsychology were realisations of functionalism
in psychological research. They are currently questioned by the rapid expansion of
cognitive neuroscience, which postulates a closer link between information processing
and brain functioning. A further challenge for functionalism lies in the fact that digital
computers cannot survive independently because they rely on humans for symbol
grounding and to remain functional in a changing environment. This suggests that the
human mind is more intimately connected to the brain and body upon which it is realised
than is postulated by functionalism.
7.4 Consciousness
As we saw in the previous section, since the 1940s the comparison of human and com-
puter functioning has played a main role in the philosophy of mind. For instance, func-
tionalism claimed to have demystified the human mind as nothing but a by-product
of information stored and manipulated in a Turing machine. Others doubt whether
the real mystery has been solved yet, and point to the continuing differences between
information processing in computers and in humans (such as symbol grounding and
embodied cognition).
A central theme in these discussions is that of consciousness: humans are thought to
be ‘conscious’ of their information processing in ways computers are not. Because of
its importance, we devote a separate section to this concept, starting with the question
of what scholars understand by ‘consciousness’.
Block (1995) called it a mongrel concept, because the same word is used to refer to
different aspects. This leads to contradictions and misunderstandings:
We reason about ‘consciousness’ using some premises that apply to one of the phenomena
that fall under ‘consciousness’, other premises that apply to other ‘consciousnesses’ and
we end up with trouble. There are many parallels in the history of science. Aristotle used
‘velocity’ sometimes to mean average velocity and sometimes to mean instantaneous
velocity; his failure to see the distinction caused confusion . . .
(Block, 1995: 227)
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7.4 Consciousness 291
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292 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
Percentage chosen
(50% correct)
50 Guessing
Recognised Preferred
Shortly after the study by Kunst-Wilson and Zajonc (1980), Marcel (1983) presented
evidence that cognitive processing could be unconscious as well. He made use of a
technique known as semantic priming. In this technique two stimuli are presented
immediately after one another: the prime and the target. The usual finding is that the
target is recognised faster when it succeeds a semantically related prime than when
it succeeds an unrelated, neutral prime. So, the target word boy is recognised faster
after the prime word girl than after the prime word goal. In Marcel’s experiments,
target word recognition time was measured by means of a lexical decision task. In
this task participants have to decide on each trial whether a presented string of letters
is a word (e.g. boy) or not (e.g. doy). The target stimuli (both words and non-words)
were preceded by primes to which the participants did not have to respond. In a first
condition, Marcel presented the primes long enough for them to be clearly visible.
In this condition, as expected he found a nice semantic priming effect (left part of
Figure 7.2). That is, participants indicated faster that boy was an existing English
word if it had been preceded by the prime girl than if it had been preceded by the
prime goal. In a second condition, Marcel limited the presentation time of the primes
to a few milliseconds, so that participants could no longer see them consciously. Still
he found a priming effect that was nearly as strong as the effect with the clearly vis-
ible primes (right part of Figure 7.2). This indicated that the prime word did not have
to be perceived consciously in order to be processed and to influence the subsequent
recognition of the target word.
Marcel’s pioneering work has been followed by thousands of experiments showing
visual information processing of primes participants were not aware of. The easiest
way to make primes ‘invisible’ is to present them between other stimuli, so-called
masks. In a typical experiment, the prime would be preceded by a meaningless string
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7.4 Consciousness 293
(in milliseconds)
Prime clearly Prime not
visible perceptible
of letters or symbols (e.g., RPSDT or #&<=@) and followed by the target word.
masked priming Because the surrounding stimuli mask the prime, the technique is called masked priming.
experimental technique to If you are somewhat familiar with psychological research, you will not be surprised to
investigate unconscious hear that a lively debate exists about the extent to which masked primes really are
information processing,
consisting of briefly unconscious (e.g., Holender, 1986; Greenwald et al., 1996; Merikle et al., 2001; Peters
presenting a prime et al., 2017; Heyman et al., 2019).
between a forward
meaningless mask and a Implicit memory
subsequent target, and
Other strong evidence for unconscious processing in humans comes from research on
examining the effect
of the prime on the implicit learning and implicit memory (e.g. Schacter, 1987). Traditionally, memory
processing of the target studies relied on conscious recollection of information presented before. This research
showed strong individual differences and confirmed that some individuals were unable
to learn and remember new information. These were patients suffering from amnesia.
Gradually, however, it was discovered that, although amnesic patients could not con-
sciously recollect information, they often showed performance benefits of informa-
tion presented before, when they were not asked to remember the recently presented
information but invited to perform a task that was related to the previously presented
The first experimental demonstration of implicit learning and retention of infor-
mation was published by Milner (1962) who examined the famous amnesic patient
H.M. (1926–2008). After an operation to treat epilepsy, H.M. lost all ability to
learn new information (e.g. Corkin, 2002). The psychologist examining him, Brenda
Milner, tried out all types of tests with no avail, until she examined whether H.M.
could learn new actions. She asked H.M. to copy a star while watching his hand in
a mirror, which is a very demanding task (try it out using the star shown overleaf!).
H.M. was asked to do this three days in a row. Although on the second and the third
days he did not remember having done the task before, his performance improved
day after day.
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294 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
Further strong evidence for the existence of implicit memory came from research
by Warrington and Weiskrantz in the 1960s and 1970s (e.g. Warrington & Weisk-
rantz, 1978). They also investigated amnesic patients, but looked at tasks other
than motor learning. One of these tasks involved patients learning a list of words.
Sometime later they were asked to recall the words or to try to fill in the missing
parts in word fragments, such as ‘_ss_ss__’. The patients could not consciously
recall any word from the list, but they were more likely to successfully complete
the fragment if the word had been part of the previously learned list (assassin)
than if it had not.
Schacter (1987: 502) noted that, although the evidence with amnesic patients put
implicit memory on the map, writings about ‘unconscious memory’ are much older.
He identified Leibniz as the first person to realise the importance of memory without
awareness. Indeed, Leibniz wrote in 1704 that: ‘. . . often we have an extraordinary
facility for conceiving certain things, because we formerly conceived them, without
remembering them’. Another early scholar pointing to the existence of memory traces
without awareness was the French philosopher Maine de Biran (1766–1824). In 1804
he published a treatise (with the translated title The Influence of Habit on the Faculty
of Thinking), in which he pointed to the importance of habits in human thought and
behaviour. According to Maine de Biran, after sufficient repetition habits are executed
automatically and unconsciously without awareness of the acts themselves or of the
episodes in which they were learned. These habits were stored in dedicated memories:
a mechanical memory for repeated movements, and a sensitive memory for repeated
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7.4 Consciousness 295
by telling the experimenter at what position the light had been at the moment they
made their decision. Libet measured two extra things: (1) the time at which the move-
ment was initiated, and (2) the electrical brain activity of the participants. The latter
was registered because it had been shown in the 1960s that voluntary movements are
preceded by a readiness-potential in the brain, a change in the EEG signal very similar
to the Event Related Potentials discussed in Chapter 6 (Figure 6.16).
What everyone expected would happen was that the participants would first
decide to make a movement, then after some delay would show a readiness-potential
in their EEG, and after some more delay would initiate the movement. However,
this was not what Libet observed. His data clearly showed that the brain signalled
its readiness for the response (as seen by the onset of the readiness-potential) well
before the participant had the conscious impression of starting the movement!
Rather than consciousness deciding it would make a movement, it looked as if con-
sciousness was informed by the brain that a movement was about to be initiated.
Later studies have confirmed Libet’s findings and suggested that the time estimates
may even be too conservative. Using fMRI, Soon and colleagues (2008) were able
to predict upcoming ‘voluntary’ responses by brain activity up to 10 seconds before
the actual movement.
What Libet’s (1985) experiment and subsequent replications suggested, was that
under the conditions tested, consciousness did not control the initiation of the move-
ment, as the participants thought, but that it was notified by the unconscious part of
the brain when everything was ready for a movement. In other words, there was no
free will involved in the initiation of the movement. In a later publication Libet (1999)
conceded that free will might still play a role, because it could stop a programmed
movement once it was ready to be launched.
Wegner (2004) was more critical about the involvement of free will in the control
of actions. According to him, our feeling of doing things is an ‘illusion of conscious
will’. What happens is that the human mind is programmed to attribute actions to its
own initiative as soon as three conditions are met:
1. a thought appears in consciousness just prior to an action,
2. the thought is consistent with the action, and
3. there is no salient alternative cause of the action.
As soon as these three conditions are met, the conscious human mind will claim
authorship for the action, even though in reality unconscious processes were the ori-
gin both of the action and the thought.
A completely different explanation was put forward by Schurger et al. (2012).
They questioned the assumption that the readiness potential signalled the intention
to make an action. According to them, the participants were instructed to respond
as soon as they felt an urge. In the motor cortex activity goes up and down at ran-
dom like in all systems with noise. When the activity reaches a certain threshold,
the participant feels an urge to respond. However, there is no ‘intention’ of the
brain to make the activity go up; it just happens by coincidence. So, the readiness
potential that Libet observed 1 s before conscious awareness of a movement was not
an indication of an unconscious brain decision to make a response, but a random
increase in brain activity. Subsequent research has confirmed and extended Schurger
et al.’s (2012) interpretation. A good summary is given by Brass et al. (2019), who
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296 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
concluded that Libet-style tasks captured everyone’s attention because they suggested
that unconscious processes determine our decisions, but eventually turned out to be
a false trail, because they do not pose a serious challenge to the human intuition of
free will.
The global workspace model
Since the seminal studies discussed above, many more instances of unconscious
processing have been documented, to such an extent that unconscious information
processing nowadays is generally accepted in cognitive psychology. This should not
surprise us. Unconscious information processing is a mystery within a dualist vision,
where the conscious human mind controls everything, but is perfectly acceptable
within a materialistic or functionalistic view. There is nothing untoward in sense recep-
tors that fire automatically when they are activated by an appropriate stimulus, or in
motor neurons that are mobilised for an upcoming movement. There is also nothing
strange in signals being passed through the various nerves and brain centres and acti-
vating representations that are related to the original stimulus. What is difficult to
explain within materialism and functionalism is why this processing from a certain
point onward gives rise to a conscious experience of the event. So, with respect to
Marcel’s experiment there is no problem explaining how briefly presented primes are
processed by the brain. What is more difficult to grasp, however, is why from a certain
presentation time onward, the participant has a clear, conscious, vivid image of the
word that is presented.
A metaphor that is increasingly used within cognitive psychology to understand the
role of consciousness is that of a theatre (e.g. Baars, 1997). According to this meta-
phor, the brain can be compared to a big theatre where many processes are needed
in the background for the play to take place (preparation of the decors, costumes,
new players ready to come on stage, etc.). These processes work to a large extent
independently, but they need to be informed about what is going on in the play, in
order to synchronise their activities with those of the central event. This is the role
of consciousness: making information available to the global workspace, so that the
activities of the automatic processes can be tuned to each other.
The French neuroscientist Dehaene and his colleagues (2001) presented brain imag-
global workspace model ing evidence for the global workspace model. They measured brain activity to visual
model that explains the stimuli that were presented either too briefly to be consciously perceptible or long
role of consciousness enough to be clearly visible. When the stimuli were presented below the consciousness
by analogy to a theatre:
consciousness is meant to threshold, some activity was noticed in areas at the back of the brain that are normally
make some information associated with object and word recognition (Figure 7.3a). However, as soon as the
available to the whole participants started to see the words consciously, a large network distributed all over
brain (i.e. the play),
the brain became active (Figure 7.3b), making the stimulus available everywhere in the
so that the various
background processes can cerebral hemispheres.
align their functioning to Lamme (2006) argued that sensory information is brought into consciousness by
what is going on centrally means of a continuous exchange of information between different brain areas. Incom-
ing information not only activates bottom-up processes from the perceptual input
regions to the higher cortical regions but also activates top-down processes back from
the higher cortical areas to the perceptual input areas. This sustained information
exchange between brain areas allows the organism to become aware of the stimu-
lus. The bottom-up processes only allow the organism to respond automatically to a
stimulus, without being conscious of the stimulus.
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7.4 Consciousness 297
Figure 7.3 Brain activity for unconscious and conscious visible stimuli.
(a) Brain activity (measured with fMRI) when stimuli are presented too briefly to be consciously
perceptible; the activity is largely limited to those brain areas that are responsible for visual object
(b) Brain activity when the stimuli are clearly visible; now the object recognition areas are
supplemented by activity in a large network that is distributed all over the cerebral hemispheres.
Source: Based on Dehaene et al. (2001).
This is how Lamme described the process related to the perception of visual stimuli:
When a new image hits the retina, it is processed through successive levels of visual
cortex, by means of feedforward connections, working at an astonishing speed . . . Thus,
the feedforward sweep enables a rapid extraction of complex and meaningful features
from the visual scene, and lays down potential motor responses to act on the incoming
Are we conscious of the features extracted by the feedforward sweep? Do we see a face
when a face-selective neuron becomes active? It seems not. Many studies, in both humans
and monkeys, indicate that no matter what area of the brain is reached by the feedforward
sweep, this in itself is not producing (reportable) conscious experience. What seems neces-
sary for conscious experience is that neurons in visual areas engage in so-called recurrent
(or re-entrant or resonant) processing, where high- and low-level areas interact. This
would enable the widespread exchange of information between areas processing different
attributes of the visual scene, and thus support perceptual grouping.
(Lamme, 2006: 495–7)
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298 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
aiming at instant gratification of its sexual and aggressive desires without regard
for social or ethical considerations, which constantly tries to control humans and
has to be restrained by the ego. Another reason why people did not like the idea
of unconscious processing was that several urban legends existed about the pow-
ers of unconscious information processing. One of these legends was that it is
possible to manipulate people’s actions through subliminal advertising. Another
was that unconscious messages, intermixed in music or sea sounds, can be used
to heal. Still another was that hidden backward messages in songs can take con-
trol of the listeners and, for instance, incite them to commit murder or suicide.
Psychologists have been unable to find empirical support for any of the above
strong claims (see Greenwald, 1992; Loftus & Klinger, 1992; Mayer & Merck-
elbach, 1999; Kreiner et al., 2003). For instance, Greenwald et al. (1991) exam-
ined the effects of ‘subliminal messages’ (i.e. messages below the consciousness
threshold) in records that otherwise sounded like normal soothing sounds.
According to the makers, some records were good for improving memory; oth-
ers were good for improving self-esteem. Greenwald et al. gave half of their
participants a record to improve their memory and half a record to increase their
self-esteem (this was clearly indicated on the record). Participants listened for a
month at least once a day to the records. At the end of the study, they completed
questionnaires about their memory performance and their self-esteem (they had
done the same at the beginning of the study).
As predicted by the makers of the tapes, the participants who had listened to
the self-esteem enhancing records reported higher self-esteem, and the partici-
pants who had listened to the memory enhancing records reported better mem-
ory skills. However, unknown to the participants, Greenwald et al. had changed
the labels of half of the records, so that half of the participants who thought they
were listening to self-esteem enhancing messages actually heard memory enhanc-
ing messages. Similarly, half of the participants who thought they were listening
to memory enhancing messages were really exposed to self-esteem enhancing
messages. Greenwald et al. found no difference whatsoever between the type of
the actual records used; they only obtained an effect of the type of message the
participants thought they had been listening to. On the basis of these findings,
Greenwald et al. concluded that the positive effects participants reported were
due to a placebo effect (participants expected to do better after the treatment),
and not to the actual ‘messages’ they had been hearing. This finding agrees with
the limited results of therapies based on subliminal messages.
What is possible, is to affect the processing of a target stimulus by a previously
presented prime of which the person is not aware (e.g., Marcel, 1983; Heyman
et al., 2019). For some time, it also looked possible to subtly increase the
activation of certain goals and feelings with subliminal primes, but much of
this research has now been discredited (Chapter 11; see also O’Donnell, 2018;
Rabagliati et al., 2018; Lodder et al., 2019). As a result, there is very little robust
evidence for real-life impact of unconsciously presented stimuli.
In addition, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is nothing peculiar to
unconscious processing. Every time an unconscious effect is found, exactly the
same effect is obtained when participants perceive the information consciously.
The pattern is one of strong effects with clearly perceptible stimuli and gradually
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7.4 Consciousness 299
decreasing effects as the stimuli become more difficult to perceive (Avneon &
Lamy, 2018; Lohse & Overgaard, 2019; Schimmack, 2020). Indeed, the discus-
sion always centres on the questions whether the effect is still significant at the
awareness threshold and whether the awareness threshold was measured well.
The similarity between conscious and unconscious priming is in line with the
conjecture of the global workspace model that unconscious processing is the
same type of information processing as conscious processing. It is processing
that happens in the background, assists adequate performance, and enters con-
sciousness when important enough. There is no evidence, however, that it has
dangerous, mythical powers.
The sole deviation between unconscious and conscious processing we are
aware of is that you can prime the target word frog with the word towed
(a homophone of toad, which is a word associated with frog) but only when the
prime is not clearly visible. When the prime is visible, the priming disappears
(Lukatela & Turvey, 1994; Drieghe & Brysbaert, 2002). However, there is nothing
dangerous or mythical about this finding. As a matter of fact, it is quite well in
line with predictions of current models of visual word recognition.
Phenomenological consciousness
Phenomenological consciousness refers to the fact that conscious human experiences
possess subjective qualities that defy description. Conscious experiences have elements
that escape formal report and make it impossible to fully communicate them to others.
Authors have proposed various thought experiments to illustrate what they mean by
this. Two famous thought experiments are those of the Chinese room and Mary.
The Chinese room and Mary thought experiments
Chinese room The Chinese room thought experiment was conceived by the American philosopher
thought experiment John Searle (1980) to illustrate the difference between information processing in com-
proposed by Searle to puters and in humans (recall that functionalists see them as the same). Suppose you
illustrate the difference
between information
don’t know any Chinese and you are locked up in a room where you regularly receive
processing in humans and a Chinese character through a slot and have to supply another character in return. In
information processing in order for you to be able to select the right answer, you have a book full of rules that,
computers for each character you receive, tells you which character to return. Gradually you
become more and more practised in the task, so that you can return the required char-
acter rapidly. Also, now and then you receive a batch of additional rules, which allow
you to process a larger number of symbols. Could we then say that you have come to
master Chinese, because you are able always to provide the right answer to each ques-
tion you get (and hence would be able to fool a Chinese speaker in a Turing test; see
Chapter 5)?
Another thought experiment to illustrate the difference between information pro-
cessing in computers and the human mind is the Mary thought experiment, proposed
by the Australian philosopher Frank Jackson:
Mary is a brilliant scientist who is, for whatever reason, forced to investigate the world
from a black and white room via a black and white television monitor. She specializes
in the neurophysiology of vision and acquires, let us suppose, all the physical informa-
tion there is to obtain about what goes on when we see ripe tomatoes, or the sky, and
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300 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
use terms like ‘red’, ‘blue’, and so on. She discovers, for example, just which wavelength
combinations from the sky stimulate the retina, and exactly how this produces via the
central nervous system the contraction of the vocal chords and expulsion of air from
the lungs that results in the uttering of the sentence ‘The sky is blue’ . . .
What will happen when Mary is released from her black and white room or is given
a color television monitor? Will she learn anything or not? It seems just obvious that
she will learn something about the world and our visual experience of it. But then it is
inescapable that her previous knowledge was incomplete. But she had all the physical
information. Ergo there is more to have than that . . .
(Jackson, 1982: 130)
Searle and Jackson proposed their thought experiments to make clear that the opera-
tions of a computer do not by themselves lead to the experience of consciousness as we
humans know it. A processing entirely based on the application of rules (algorithms)
on shapes (symbols) stays devoid of meaning. It resembles a language with words and
syntactic rules, but without meaning (semantics).
The absence of meaning in computer processing is very unlike human thinking,
where the symbols have extensive and rich meanings, grounded in the interactions with
the world. When we read about a tree, we have a rich image of what this word stands
for, where we can expect to find it, what characteristics it has, what actions it affords,
qualia and so on. Philosophers refer to these quality-feelings of conscious thoughts as qualia.
qualities of conscious Block (2004) defined qualia as follows:
thoughts that give the
thoughts a rich and vivid Qualia include the ways things look, sound and smell, the way it feels to have a pain,
meaning, grounded in and more generally, what it’s like to have experiential mental states. . . . Qualia are
interactions with the experiential properties of sensations, feelings, perceptions and, more controversially,
thoughts and desires as well.
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7.4 Consciousness 301
the same way as we do, but it would lack the qualia that make up our phenomenal
world. When it is stabbed, it would show the same overt reactions as we do (groan,
grimace, try to defend itself), but it would feel no pain. We could even imagine a zom-
bie world, a world physically identical to ours, but in which there are no phenomeno-
logical experiences.
The fact that we can imagine a world that is physically and functionally identical
to ours, but lacks phenomenological consciousness, Chalmers argues, means that we
cannot reduce consciousness to functionalism. Consciousness is something more, and
hard problem trying to grasp this something is what Chalmers calls the hard problem. According to
name given by Chalmers Chalmers, trying to explain why we have phenomenological experiences with qualia
to refer to the difficulty is the problem cognitive psychologists skirt when they draw their flow diagrams, write
of explaining in what
respects consciousness
their computational models, or talk about access consciousness. They limit their
is more than accounted efforts to the so-called easy problems of detailing the processes and functions of cogni-
for on the basis of tive functioning, without worrying about what makes our minds different from those
functionalism of zombies.
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302 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
Figure 7.4 Schematic illustration of the cortical systems for language and action.
These regions not only involve Broca’s area (Figure 6.7) and Wernicke’s area (Figure 6.8), but also brain regions that are
active when respectively a leg movement is made (‘kick’), a hand movement is made (‘pick’), or a tongue movement is made
(‘lick’). This suggests that the motor information related to the actions becomes co-activated as part of the meaning of the
word. This may provide an explanation of why conscious experiences are characterised by qualia.
Source: Adapted from Pulvermüller, F. (2005) ‘Brain mechanisms linking language and action‘, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6, (7), July, 576–82, Fig. 1.
Schematic illustration of the cortical systems for language and action.
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7.4 Consciousness 303
According to some authors, bodily grounding is involved not only in the under-
standing of words closely related to human interactions with the environment. Lakoff
and Johnson (1980, 1999) argued that a lot of human thinking is metaphorical think-
ing, in which the knowledge of one (grounded) domain is mapped onto another
domain in such a way that the new domain inherits the complete inferential structure
of the source domain. Lakoff and Johnson (1980) give the example of ‘an argument’,
which according to them is understood through the metaphor of war. As a result, all
thinking about arguments is imbued with knowledge of wars (and fighting). This is
how Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 4) formulated their insight:
It is important to see that we don’t just talk about arguments in terms of war. We can
actually win or lose arguments. We see the person we are arguing with as an opponent.
We attack his positions and defend our own. We gain and lose ground. We plan and use
strategies. If we find a position indefensible, we can abandon it and take a new line of
attack . . . It is in this sense that the Argument is War metaphor is one that we live by in
this culture; it structures the actions we perform in arguing.
Similarly, Miles and colleagues (2010) argued that the human capacity to subjectively
travel through time can be understood by a metaphorical ‘arrow of time’ integrat-
ing temporal and spatial information (past = back, future = forward). They asked
participants to describe a typical day of their life four years ago and to describe
how a typical day in their life would look like four years in the future. Meanwhile
the posture of the participants, who were standing, was measured. In line with their
expectations on the basis of embodied cognition, the authors reported that the par-
ticipants were leaning more forward when describing the future than when describing
the past.
The idea of embodied cognition as the default mode of thinking has also been
criticised, however. Miller et al. (2018) provided EEG evidence that activation of
the motor cortex is not essential for understanding action verbs. The EEG results
replicated previous findings that the EEG signal differs for hand versus foot move-
ments, but failed to provide evidence for a difference in signal between understanding
hand-versus foot-associated words. Similarly, Ostarek et al. (2019) found no evidence
of visual noise on the understanding of spoken sentences referring to visual objects,
even though the visual noise was shown to interfere with basic visual processing
(and arguably visual simulation). Humphries et al. (2019) found no evidence that
patients with Parkinson’s disease had difficulties understanding sentences with action
words, even though their disease interfered with the simulation of actions. Clearly,
the degree of bodily involvement in language understanding still is a matter of huge
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304 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
Block (1995) called consciousness a mongrel concept, because it conflates aspects that
are to be kept separate. Dehaene et al. (2017) added self-monitoring as a third, distinct
element of consciousness. Self-monitoring refers to a cognitive system that is able to
monitor its own processing and obtain information about itself.
Awake humans know a lot about themselves, including such diverse information
as the layout and position of their body, whether they know or perceive something,
or whether they just made an error. When making a decision, people feel more or less
confident about their choice. Almost anytime the brain perceives or decides, it also
estimates its degree of confidence. Similarly, learning is accompanied by a quantita-
tive sense of confidence; humans evaluate how much trust they have in what they have
learned and use it to weigh past knowledge versus present evidence. They also often
perceive errors they have made, even when they can no longer correct them. This
becomes clear in the fact that people typically slow down and become more cautious
after making an error (Dutilh et al., 2012).
In addition to monitoring the quality of sensory and memory representations, the
human brain distinguishes self-generated vs. externally driven representations, an impor-
tant skill for systems that can generate information themselves. Indeed, hallucinations in
schizophrenia have been attributed to a failure to distinguish whether sensory activity is
generated by oneself or by the external world (Ćurčić-Blake et al., 2018).
According to Dehaene et al. (2017) self-monitoring is largely orthogonal to access
consciousness and phenomenological consciousness. Self-monitoring can exist for
unreportable stimuli, as observed in automatic typing, where people slow down after
a typing mistake, even when they fail to consciously notice the error (Logan, 2018).
On the other hand, false memories can enter phenomenological consciousness appar-
ently escaping self-monitoring. Because of the independence, endowing machines with
self-monitoring would require different implementations than giving them access con-
sciousness or phenomenological consciousness.
Interim summary
● Information as currently implemented in computers does not seem to possess the
phenomenological richness of human consciousness. Block proposed to make a
distinction between access consciousness and phenomenological consciousness.
Dehaene et al. additionally distinguish self-monitoring.
● There is a lot of empirical evidence that processing is going on in humans without them
being consciously aware of it. We discussed the phenomena of masked priming, implicit
memory, and Libet’s experiment on the voluntary initiation of movement (although the
importance of the last one has been questioned).
● Unconscious processing strongly resembles conscious processing; the main differences
seem to be that it is less rich and integrated than conscious processing and that humans
cannot deliberately act on it.
● A model of access consciousness is the global workspace model, which compares the
human mind to a theatre. A lot of activity is going on behind the scenes, but the activity
on the scene must be visible to all, in order to synchronise the various activities. This is
the function of consciousness.
M07 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 304 16/09/2020 16:59
7.5 Focus on: How to assess consciousness in comatose patients? 305
M07 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 305 16/09/2020 16:59
306 Chapter 7 The mind–brain problem, free will and consciousness
less severe than coma. The diagnosis is made when spontaneous eye-opening happens
despite the continued absence of any discernible evidence of language comprehension,
verbal or gestural communication, or reproducible purposeful behavioural responses
to visual, auditory, tactile or noxious stimuli. Minimally conscious state is a condition
of severely altered consciousness characterized by minimal but definite behavioural
evidence of self or environmental awareness. It usually exists as a transitional state
reflecting improvement in consciousness following coma or vegetative state.
Much information about information processing during consciousness disor-
ders has been obtained from brain imaging studies. This research has indicated that
patients regularly respond more to stimulation than expected on the basis of their
clinical diagnosis (Schnakers et al., 2009). Using fMRI, Owen and colleagues (2006)
showed preserved conscious awareness in a patient fulfilling all criteria for vegetative
state. When asked to imagine playing tennis or moving around her home, the patient
activated cortical visuospatial and motoric areas in a manner indistinguishable from
that of healthy volunteers.
Needless to say, such findings raise serious ethical issues about the diagnosis and
treatment of comatose patients. Brain imaging assessment has become standard in
developed countries after the publication of the work of Owen et al. (2006). The find-
ings also illustrate that brain processes happen at different levels of awareness and
that more information processing may occur than suggested by clinical assessment.
Interim summary
● There is much variation in brain processes in patients who at first sight seem to have
lost consciousness. The variation goes from full consciousness (locked-in syndrome)
to virtually no response in deep coma (when sometimes a life support machine must be
used because heart and lungs no longer function autonomously).
● Brain imaging studies sometimes suggest more information processing taking place than
expected on the basis of clinical diagnosis.
Recommended literature
The argument in the first three sections of this chapter has & Velmans, M. (Eds.) (2017) The Blackwell Companion to
been inspired by the line of thought developed in Lyons, W. Consciousness (John Wiley & Sons Ltd). If you are inter-
(2001) Matters of the Mind (New York: Routledge). If you ested in free will, an interesting read is Kane, R. (2005)
are interested in a broader review of philosophy of mind, A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will (Oxford:
a good introduction is Ravenscroft, I. (2005) Philosophy Oxford University Press). This book contains many coun-
of Mind: A Beginner’s Guide (Oxford: Oxford University terintuitive, thought-provoking ideas that unfortunately
Press). An interesting book on consciousness is Schneider, S. were too detailed for the present chapter.
M07 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 306 16/09/2020 16:59
References 307
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1. Reductionism is typically understood as reduction to be expressed in a single scientific language is a form
the physical or material (the fundamental reductive of reductionism as well. This is the reason why, for
base). However, this need not be the case, as reduc- instance, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy does
tion could be to any base. For instance, Carnap’s not have an entry for reductionism but one for scientific
(1934) statement that all empirical statements can reduction.
M07 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 310 16/09/2020 16:59
How did psychology affect
everyday life?
The history of applied psychology
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 311 14/09/2020 19:42
312 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
Questions to consider
What every educator, every jail-warden, every doctor, every clergyman, every
asylum-superintendent, asks of psychology is practical rules. Such men care little
or nothing about the ultimate philosophical grounds of mental phenomena, but
they do care immensely about improving the ideas, dispositions, and conduct of
the particular individuals in their charge.
(James, 1892: 148)
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 312 14/09/2020 19:42
8.1 Changes in the treatment of mental health problems 313
Another way of looking at the history of psychology is to see what impact it has
had on society. In his book Modernizing the Mind: Psychological Knowledge and the
Remaking of Society, the American sociologist Steven C. Ward (2002) argues that the
discipline of psychology, over the course of the twentieth century, grew from a mar-
ginal academic field to a discipline that has done more than any other to transform
the routines and experiences of everyday life. In his own words:
Today, psychological knowledge is present in such diverse places as the discourse
of TV talk shows, the organization and production in factories and the self-esteem
workshops in public schools. Its practitioners and representatives are found not only
at traditional centers of knowledge production, such as universities and research lab-
oratories, but also in courtrooms, at disaster scenes, in advertising agencies, in sports
training camps and corporate education centers. In fact, it can be argued that psycho-
logical knowledge is so pervasive that to think and feel in the early twenty-first century
inevitably means utilizing and activating its terminology, classifications and modes of
(Ward, 2002: 1)
A similar conclusion was reached by the Dutch authors Jansz and Van Drunen (2004).
Both they and Ward talked about the psychologisation of society to refer to the grow-
ing impact of psychological theories and findings on everyday life in our society. We
will discuss the socio-political issues of this psychologisation in Chapter 14. Here we
deal with the knowledge itself. What did psychology have to offer?
A noteworthy observation is that most of psychology’s influences on society have to
do with applied aspects of psychological knowledge, the application of psychological
knowledge and research methods to solve problems in other areas. This is interesting
applied psychology because for a long time applied psychology hardly figured in the history books of
the application of psychology, as if it were a branch of secondary importance (see our discussion of the
psychological knowledge schools of psychology in Chapter 4). Applied psychology is rapidly expanding nowa-
and research methods to
solve practical problems days (e.g. in the areas of health, sport, law, business management and product design).
However, as in the other chapters, we must limit our coverage. Only three areas with
histories going back to the late nineteenth century will be discussed. First, we review
the developments in clinical psychology. Next, we discuss why psychological testing
became so popular, and we end by tracing the history of the psychology of work and
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 313 14/09/2020 19:42
314 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 314 14/09/2020 19:42
8.1 Changes in the treatment of mental health problems 315
terms relating to quite disparate subjects . . . I have borrowed the word ‘clinical’ from
medicine, because it is the best term I can find to indicate the character of the method
which I deem necessary for this work.
(Witmer, 1907; as cited in McReynolds, 1987: 852)
The first clinical psychology centre in the UK was set up in 1920 in a private house in
Tavistock Square, London. It was named the Institute for Medical Psychology (later
renamed the Tavistock Clinic). This is how Wooldridge (1994: 140) described it:
The clinic, the first of its kind in the country, aimed at treating patients who suffered
from hysteria, abnormal fears and obsession, neurasthenia, and behaviour disorders. Its
general approach was eclectic, embracing all the known methods of psychotherapy, such
as various forms of suggestion, re-education and mental analysis, but it laid particular
emphasis on Freudian psychoanalysis.
As was the case for Witmer’s centre, the Tavistock Clinic had a particular interest in
child psychology. Its first patient was a child.
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 315 14/09/2020 19:42
316 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
There are various names which may be attached to such interviewing processes. They
may be termed treatment interviews, which is a simple and descriptive term. Most fre-
quently they are termed counseling, a word in increasingly common use, particularly
in educational circles. Or such contacts, with their curative and remedial aim, may be
classed as psychotherapy, the term most frequently used by social workers, psycholo-
gists, and psychiatrists in clinics. These terms will be used more or less interchangeably
in these chapters, and will be so used because they all seem to refer to the same basic
method – a series of direct contacts with the individual which aims to offer him assis-
tance in changing his attitudes and behavior.
In the light of the power struggle between psychiatrists and psychologists about the right
to give psychotherapy, it is interesting to see how cleverly Rogers downplayed the require-
ment of a medical degree for his ‘treatment interviews’. What characterised a good coun-
sellor in Rogers’s eyes was not knowledge of physical diseases and their cures, but:
● unconditional positive regard: the counsellor supports the client unconditionally
and non-judgementally,
● empathic understanding: the counsellor ensures that he/she understands the client’s
thoughts, feelings and meaning from the client’s point of view,
● congruence: the counsellor is genuine in his/her support and understanding, it is
not a mere implementation of a therapeutic technique.
● Rogers was also one of the founders of humanistic psychology in the 1950s, a movement that emphasised
the fact that humans are individuals, unique beings who should be recognised and treated as such by
mental health practitioners. The humanistic approach was presented as the third way, a counterweight
for psychoanalysis (which reduced humans to unconscious drives and wishes), and behaviourism (which
reduced persons to behaviours controlled by environmental contingencies).
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 316 14/09/2020 19:42
8.1 Changes in the treatment of mental health problems 317
As part of a wider cultural movement against the establishment in the 1960–1970s,
the treatment of patients in mental hospitals began to be questioned. It was seen not
only as ineffective, but also as dangerous and demeaning for the patients. In the previ-
ous decades, psychiatry had experimented with a number of controversial and inva-
sive biological treatments, such as lobotomy and electric shocks, which had adverse
Lobotomy consisted of cutting the nerve tracts between the frontal lobes and the
thalamus. It had been proposed by the Portuguese neurologist Egas Monitz as an
efficient treatment of violent behaviour and it was applied on a massive scale in the
USA (in 1949, Monitz received the Nobel Prize for the procedure). However, gradu-
ally it became clear that the procedure resulted in massive side-effects, as described
by Hoffman (1949):
These patients are not only no longer distressed by their mental conflicts but also seem
to have little capacity for any emotional experiences – pleasurable or otherwise. They
are described by the nurses and the doctors, over and over, as dull, apathetic, listless,
without drive or initiative, flat, lethargic, placid and unconcerned, childlike, docile,
needing pushing, passive, lacking in spontaneity, without aim or purpose, preoccupied
and dependent.
Electric shocks consisted of applying electrical shocks to the brain, resulting in a mas-
sive discharge of neurons. Although this procedure has been shown to be effective for
the treatment of otherwise incurable depression (Cleare et al., 2015), its use in mental
hospitals for a long time was much wider and without empirical support.
The use of electric shocks and lobotomy to subdue unruly psychiatric patients
became known to the public after the publication of the cult novel One Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey in 1962 (based on his experiences as an orderly at a
mental health institute). The novel was subsequently turned into an equally successful
play and film.
Lobotomy, electric shocks and other demeaning treatments (such as the use of
straitjackets and isolation cells to discipline patients) exposed psychiatry to anti-
antipsychiatry establishment protests in the 1960s–1970s. This resulted in the antipsychiatry
movement movement, a pressure group that called the usefulness of psychiatry into question.
a pressure group started in Psychiatry was not seen as a profession helping patients with mental health problems,
the 1960s that called into
question the usefulness of
but as a way of controlling patients and expelling them from society (see the discussion
the prevailing psychiatric of Foucault in Chapter 14). This criticism came not only from outside, but also from
treatments within universities, with publications by a number of psychiatrists who felt unhappy
with the prevailing treatments (Rissmiller & Rissmiller, 2006). For example, in 1960,
the American psychiatrist Thomas Szasz published The Myth of Mental Illness, in
which he argued that most psychiatric disorders were not incurable mental diseases,
but transient problems with life and difficulties fitting in with society. He argued that
this should be reflected in treatment. A similar case was made by the Scottish psychia-
trist Ronald Laing (e.g. Laing, 1960).
Another milestone in the realisation that the existing psychiatric institutions did not
help patients with mental problems came with the publication of the article ‘On being
sane in insane places’ in 1973 by the psychologist David Rosenhan. In this study, eight
healthy volunteers went to mental hospitals complaining that they heard voices saying
‘empty’, ‘hollow’ and ‘thud’. All ‘patients’ were admitted and essentially left to their
own devices. Even though the complaint about the voices was the only symptom ever
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318 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
mentioned and the pseudopatients immediately ceased simulating any more symptoms
of abnormality once they were admitted, they were institutionalised for between 7
and 52 days and eventually discharged with the diagnosis ‘schizophrenia in remission’
(meaning that they were thought to be schizophrenic, but at that moment did not
display symptoms). None of the staff noticed that the patients behaved ‘normally’,
although the nurses did mention in their reports that the patients’ behaviour was
exemplary (i.e. not disruptive). However, serious doubts have recently been raised
about these findings; these doubts are discussed later in this chapter.
On the basis of incidents like the ones just described, the antipsychiatry movement
contended that the treatment of mental disorders had to change. For a start, there
had to be much more respect for the rights and the dignity of the patients. Second,
hospitalisation had to be as short as possible and geared towards reintegration in soci-
ety. And, finally, many more initiatives had to be taken to prevent hospitalisation and
to treat people with mental problems outside clinics. All of these recommendations
went in the direction of the positions defended by clinical psychologists (e.g. Rogers’s
client-centred approach) and, as a result, improved the standing of clinical psycholo-
gists within mental health organisations.
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8.1 Changes in the treatment of mental health problems 319
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320 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
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8.2 Psychological testing 321
It does mean, however, that knowledge of basic psychological findings and psychological
vocabulary slowly but surely has become public property, as indicated by Ward (2002) at
the beginning of this chapter.
Interim summary
Twentieth-century changes in the treatment of mental health
● Before World War I psychologists were largely excluded from treatment; their main task
was administering psychological tests; there were a few university-related centres.
● Because of the increased need for advice and treatment during World War II,
psychologists became involved in treatment.
● After World War II, the position of psychologists in the treatment of mental disorders was
further strengthened by
– the antipsychiatry movement
– scientific research on the efficacy of psychotherapies
– the fact that psychiatrists became more involved with the prescription of psychoactive drugs
– the increase of social management and individualisation in society.
● Knowledge of psychology also became of public interest.
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322 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
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8.2 Psychological testing 323
reliability By reliability, psychologists mean that the assessment will be the same if it is repeated
in test research, the under unchanged circumstances. For instance, reliable scales imply that you get the
degree to which the same weight if you step on them twice with a few seconds in between or if you weigh
outcome of a test is
the same if the test is yourself on two different scales. Similarly, a reliable psychological assessment means
repeated under unchanged that you will get the same outcome if the assessment is repeated without any interven-
circumstances or if an tion or if the assessment is repeated by another professional.
equivalent test is used The reliability of a test can be measured by calculating the correlation between two
different measurements. For instance, a group of people is given a test twice with a few
weeks in between. Then, a mathematical formula is used to express the relationship
between the measures. This results in a correlation coefficient, which can in theory vary
from –1.00 (when the measurements are each other’s opposite), to 0.00 (when the two
measurements are not related to each other), to +1.00 (when the measurements indicate
the same ordering of participants). In practice, the correlation coefficient in reliability
research will be between 0.00 (a useless test) and +1.00 (a perfect test). This is illustrated
in Figure 8.1. Over the years, test construction has become so professionalised that only
test–retest correlation coefficients higher than +0.80 are still acceptable.
The concept of test reliability was introduced in 1904 by the British psychologist
Charles Spearman, shortly after his colleague Karl Pearson developed the first useful
technique to calculate correlations. Spearman’s work was picked up by the American
psychologist Edward L. Thorndike, who at that time was writing his highly influential
book An Introduction to the Theory of Mental and Social Measurements. From there
it spread rapidly throughout the group of psychologists interested in test construction.
A valid assessment means that the assessment measures what it claims to measure.
validity Validity implies reliability but goes beyond that. For instance, you can imagine that
in test research, the Byzantine physicians were quite reliable in establishing the colour of urine, but that very
degree to which a test often there was no correlation between the colour of the urine diagnosed and a person’s
measures what it claims to
measure; determined by
ailment. A similar situation would be present if you tried to predict people’s intelligence
correlating the test results by measuring the strength of their hand grip. Although you can get reliable measure-
with an external criterion ments of grip strength (which remain stable on repeated tests), knowing this value for a
particular person would tell you nothing about that person’s intelligence. People with a
strong hand grip can have low, average or high intelligence. Similarly, people with a weak
grip can have all possible levels of intelligence. So, knowledge about the grip strength of
a person gives you no information about the person’s intelligence. It is not a valid meas-
ure of intelligence. Indeed, as we saw in Chapter 4, many of the first attempts to measure
intelligence turned out to be invalid (see the efforts of Galton and Van Biervliet, and the
first attempts of Binet; also see Nicolas et al. (2014) for the English translation of an
article by Binet & Simon (1896) on the measurement of individual differences).
Validity concerns were present from the very beginning of test construction. For
instance, Binet and Simon (Chapter 4) made sure that the items of their intelligence
test could be answered by all children up to a certain age (and not, for example, by
5-year-olds but no longer by 11-year-olds). This age-differentiation criterion was based
on the assumption that intelligence increases with age through childhood and that
this should be reflected in the performance on the items. In addition, the scores on
the intelligence tests were compared with the judgements of teachers (or the school
results) to see whether they showed the expected relationship with school performance.
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324 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
Most of the early validation attempts were done in an unorganised way, however,
with every test constructor using his or her own home-made method. This changed
at the end of the 1940s when the American Psychological Association supported a
task force to streamline the various attempts and to write a proper manual on how to
establish the validity of psychological tests (which was published in 1954).
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8.2 Psychological testing 325
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A 33 46 6 56 26 32 12 38 23 22 22 9
B 36 50 43 17 51 47 38 20 38 55 39 9
C 53 10 6 21 16 9 20 2 57 28 1 26
D 44 25 13 48 7 8 43 11 17 12 20 9
E 54 41 33 19 28 48 8 10 56 8 19 26
F 18 13 13 8 11 15 15 31 32 18 25 9
G 33 2 13 16 28 46 19 32 55 4 16 9
H 13 40 6 24 51 49 10 52 54 29 21 53
I 2 36 6 23 11 7 23 17 6 5 6 9
J 43 11 13 11 37 40 36 46 25 15 29 1
Source: Hollingworth (1922: p. 65).
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326 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
an applicant is found whom all the judges tend to judge more or less favorably. Thus
applicant I may be said to be favorably rated, on the whole, although even here the posi-
tions assigned him range all the way from 2 to 36. . . .
When it is borne in mind that these judges were not casual people who were enlisted
in the investigation, but expert sales managers, experienced interviewers and direc-
tors of personnel, and that the position (salesmanship) for which they were rating the
applicants was precisely in the line of work in which they had developed expertness and
acquired positions of responsibility, the inference is clear. However much the interview
may be improved by better methods of inquiry and report, in its traditional form it is
highly unreliable. No better evidence is required than the spectacle of two different
expert interviewers, one rejecting an applicant as the most unsuitable of the group of
fifty-seven, another selecting him as the choice specimen of the lot.
(Hollingworth, 1922: 64–6)
Subsequent research confirmed Hollingworth’s finding about the low reliability
of unstructured interviews and extended it to validity issues. It has been shown over
and over again that on the basis of unstructured interviews there is little correlation
between scores given by personnel managers at job interviews and subsequent per-
formance levels (McDaniel et al., 1994); there is little correlation between how posi-
tively students are evaluated on university intake interviews and their subsequent exam
results (Hell et al., 2007); and there is little correlation between the impression inmates
make on probation panels and their subsequent risk of reoffending (Monahan, 1981).
Binet around 1900 already reported that teachers were not able to assess a pupil’s intel-
ligence on the basis of an interview (as mentioned in Hollingworth, 1922).
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8.2 Psychological testing 327
impression on the interviewer receive easier questions, with which they have more
chance of making a good impression, than candidates who make a less favourable first
impression. Other research has shown that candidates can improve the first impres-
sion they make by paying attention to their appearance and behaviour. One such
study is Rehman et al. (2005), in which patients in an accident and emergency unit
were shown a card with pictures of different physicians and asked who they wanted
to look after them. In fact, the same person was featured on each card, the only dif-
ference being in the clothes worn: for example, a formal suit, a white coat, surgical
scrubs or a nurse’s outfit. Eighty per cent of the patients questioned preferred to be
treated by the doctor in the white coat. This was particularly true when the pictures
were of female physicians. The phenomenon illustrated here is known as impression
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328 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
Standardised tests
A still better way to limit the influence of biasing factors was to develop and use
standardised standardised psychological tests. These were tests that psychologists had examined for
psychological test reliability and validity, for which they had information about the expected perfor-
test that psychologists mance, and which were administered in a uniform way (so that the performance was
have examined for
reliability and validity,
not affected by the test giver). Many of these insights were present in a rudimentary
for which they have form when psychologists started to develop their first tests at the beginning of the
information about the twentieth century, but required decades of test development and test research before
expected performance, they were fully understood and implemented. As a consequence, the quality of the
and which is administered
in a uniform way
tests improved throughout the twentieth century and in all likelihood will continue to
do so for some time to come (as psychologists are still working on further improve-
ments of many tests currently used). Below, we discuss the main developments in three
of the most frequently used standardised tests: intelligence tests, achievement tests and
personality tests.
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8.2 Psychological testing 329
who developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale in 1939. In this test he measured
at the same time so-called verbal intelligence and performance intelligence, the lat-
ter being measured with tasks such as picture completion, block design and matrix
reasoning. By comparing the verbal IQ with the performance IQ, psychologists
could see whether the test-taker had a particular weakness in language functions or
in performance functions. The distinction between verbal and performance intel-
ligence was retained in the later tests Wechsler developed for children and preschool
children, and encouraged the use of a larger diversity of tasks in other intelligence
tests as well.
Achievement tests
Quite soon (American) test developers saw that the approach of IQ tests could be
achievement test combined with that of traditional exams to make so-called standardised achievement
standardised test which tests. Seven years after Lewis Terman finished the Stanford–Binet Intelligence Test (the
measures the knowledge first truly standardised intelligence test in the USA, published in 1916), he was co-
of a particular topic or set
author of the Stanford Achievement Test. Achievement tests probed the participants’
of topics
knowledge of a preset series of topics, to measure the intellectual progress of the
participants and their suitability for intellectually demanding positions. To increase
their reliability, the tests mostly made use of multiple-choice questions (i.e. for each
question a limited number of possible answers is given and the candidate has to indi-
cate which one is correct).
Achievement tests rapidly conquered the educational system. They became the
instrument of choice to compare the performance of pupils. In many countries they
also started to play a role in the entrance to universities and government positions.
For instance, in the USA the scholastic aptitude test was introduced in 1926 and is
still administered (under a different name) to almost two million students every year.
These students see their university options affected by the results they obtain. Simi-
larly, future employees of the European Union have to pass an entry exam that largely
consists of an achievement test.
Achievement tests also became part of the quality control set up by political admin-
istrations. For instance, in 1989 the British government not only introduced minimum
standards of what had to be taught in primary and secondary schools in England and
Wales, it also introduced a system of nationwide achievement tests to assess pupils’
performance regularly in the different schools (the so-called Standard Attainment Tests
or SATs).
Sometimes, achievement tests are used to correct for biases in the educational sys-
tem. Kadmon and Kadmon (2016), for instance, describe how admission to under-
graduate medical training in Germany is partly based on top school-leaving grades
in secondary education and partly on an achievement test called the German Test for
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330 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
Medical Studies. The latter was added because admission by school-leaving grades
tended to result in homogeneous student bodies and to discriminate against multi-
ple groups of applicants including graduates from public schools, applicants from
socioeconomic and educationally deprived backgrounds and male school leavers. In
addition, school-leaving grades do not necessarily reflect non-cognitive qualities that
are important for patient-centred medical practice. In an evaluation of the system,
Kadmon and Kadmon (2016) reported that scores on the German Test for Medical
Studies predicted academic performance and continuity of studies better than school-
leaving grade average.
Achievement tests are also used to compare whole nations. Table 8.2 shows the
results of one such evaluation, looking at science education in different countries. All
participants sat the same science achievement test and, on the basis of their results,
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8.2 Psychological testing 331
average scores per country were calculated. Each time the results of such a compari-
son are published, they are followed by lengthy discussions in governments and in
the media about the relative position of their own country and what can be done to
improve it (or retain it).
Personality tests
personality test Personality tests are another widely used type of test. They are meant to probe rela-
test to measure relatively tively stable and distinctive patterns of behaviour that characterise individuals and
stable and distinctive their reactions to the environment.
patterns of behaviour that
characterise individuals The Woodworth Personal Data Sheet
and their reactions to the
environment One of the first personality tests was the Woodworth Personal Data Sheet, published
by Robert S. Woodworth in 1920 to identify soldiers who would be susceptible to shell-
shock (remember that this became a problem in World War I). The test consisted of
116 questions, including:
● Does the sight of blood make you sick or dizzy?
● Are you happy most of the time?
● Do you sometimes wish you had never been born?
● Do you drink whisky every day?
● Do you wet the bed at night?
There were two features of Woodworth’s questionnaire that soon turned out to need
improvement. First, the questions were mainly based on Woodworth’s clinical judge-
ment without properly testing whether they did indeed make a distinction between sol-
diers who would develop shell-shock and those who would not (although Woodworth
did reject questions that in a pre-test had been endorsed by 25% or more of a normal
sample in the scored direction). The second feature was that the test started from the
assumption that participants would answer all questions honestly, even though the
available response alternatives often differed in social desirability.
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332 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
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8.2 Psychological testing 333
The validation efforts and the measures to come to grips with the social desirability
problem illustrate why psychological tests are more than simply ‘collecting a few ques-
tions’ and why they are capable of returning more information than can be obtained
on the basis of a simple interview.
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334 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
Since 1980, a large number of personality questionnaires have been developed based on
this categorisation (which can easily be remembered by using the acronym OCEAN). For
instance, in personnel selection it has repeatedly been found that employees who score
low on conscientiousness (‘I rarely plan my work’, ‘I tend not to be very organised’, ‘I
rarely check the quality of my work’) do not get the best appraisals from their supervisors.
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8.2 Psychological testing 335
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336 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
the twentieth century personality theories were about what defined humans in general
(e.g. Freud’s and Rogers’s theories), towards the end of the century research became
dominated by individual differences, as measured by ability and personality tests.
An intriguing question is why Western society has become increasingly individual-
ised and whether such a shift is true for other cultures as well. In addition to the views
presented in Chapter 3, another possibility was raised by Kagitcibasi (2002). Accord-
ing to her, researchers in the 1970s thought collectivism depended on the fear parents
had that their children would not take care of them in their old age. As a result, chil-
dren were not encouraged to show initiative and independence. They were expected to
obey their parents and stay in close contact with them. However, after the welfare state
became established, the elderly were able to rely less on their children, for example
because they received a retirement pension. Consequently, the younger generation was
given more freedom and was able to become more autonomous and to optimise their
individual potential. This tendency may have been reinforced by the dominance of the
countries where the individualisation happened first (the UK, the USA).
Interim summary
Psychological testing
● Psychologists needed reliable and valid assessments. These were not provided by
unstructured interviews, due to problems with first impressions and the implicit
personality theories people have.
● Standardised tests were proposed as an alternative. These tests were administered to a
test group in a uniform way, so that the users knew how new test-takers scored relative
to the test group. In addition, the reliability and validity became empirically verified.
● IQ tests allowed psychologists to assess an individual’s intellectual potential.
Achievement tests allowed them to test the acquired knowledge about a particular topic
in a reliable and valid way.
● Good personality tests required empirical validation (i.e. they had to go beyond face
validity) and measures to tackle the problem of social desirability.
● In the non-pathological range, most personality tests are self-report questionnaires
that measure traits. At the moment most researchers believe that the personality can be
described accurately on the basis of five traits (the Big Five). Previously, Cattell defended
a minimum of 16 and Eysenck a minimum of 3.
● Tests have become popular partly because of the increased individualisation of society.
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8.3 The psychology of work and organisation 337
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338 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
industrial psychology jobs in isolation, if they were paid enough. This formed the foundation for the first
first theory about how views of work and organisation, usually indicated with the name industrial
work should be organised;
strongly influenced
by Taylor’s scientific
management: employees
were the hands of the
The Hawthorne studies and the human relations movement
company that would Between 1924 and 1932 a number of studies were run at the Hawthorne plant
accept any work if
remunerated enough;
of the Western Electric Company near Chicago, which would have a profound
tasks had to be made influence on the psychology of work and organisation. They started off as techni-
simple so that everyone cal optimisation studies, fully in line with the prevailing scientific management
could do them without approach. One of the factors the researchers examined was the lighting level for
much practice
the assemblage of telephone relays. Another study looked at the effect of changes
in working hours.
Although the studies were not particularly well designed or well performed
(Adair, 1984; Kompier, 2006; also see below), they led one of the researchers, Elton
Mayo, to draw a very far-reaching conclusion. On the basis of the studies, Mayo
(1945) decided that it was not so much the physical circumstances or the pay that
determined productivity, but the extent to which the workers found themselves val-
ued and esteemed. The various changes the authors introduced had a limited impact,
while at the same time the employees involved in the studies outperformed their
colleagues. On the basis of these findings, Mayo concluded that performance was
higher because the participants knew they were part of a study and because they
had a say in the course of the study.
Mayo used the findings in the Hawthorne plant to argue that industrial psychology
was wrong in its emphasis on the physical environment and pay. What counted in the
workplace were an employee’s social relations and the fact he/she belonged to a group.
Informal groups in a company had a strong influence on the workers’ well-being and
productivity, and good companies looked after these groups. This was the start of the
human relations human relations movement. Companies were encouraged to acknowledge the human-
movement ity of their employees (rather than seeing them as disposable equipment) and make
second main theory of how them feel part of a social organisation (e.g. by supporting informal group
work should be organised;
stressed the humanity
of the employees and The human relations movement also pointed to the importance of the ways in
the importance of social which supervisors interacted with their subordinates. They took inspiration from Kurt
relations Lewin’s research on attitude changes in youth groups (e.g. Lewin et al., 1939). In par-
ticular, Lewin had looked at the consequences of three types of leadership: autocratic
(imposing commands), democratic (leading through negotiations), and laissez-faire
(giving no leadership). Lewin and his colleagues concluded that there was more origi-
nality, group-mindedness and friendliness in the democratic groups, whereas there
was more aggression, hostility, scapegoating and discontent in the laissez-faire and
autocratic groups. This message agreed with the wider change that was taking place
in Western culture from a ‘command society’ to a ‘negotiating society’ (Van Drunen
et al., 2004: 157).
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8.3 The psychology of work and organisation 339
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340 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
Source: Adapted from Trist, E. (1981) ‘The evolution of socio-technical systems – A conceptual framework and an action
research program’, Toronto, Canada: Ontario Ministry of Labour, Ontario Quality of Working Life Centre, Occ. paper 2.
Copyright © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 1981.
Weisbord (1985) published a table that nicely summarises the changes between
industrial psychology and human resource management (Table 8.3). With some exag-
geration, this table can be considered as the legacy of what the psychology of work
and organisation achieved in the twentieth century.
Interim summary
The psychology of work and organisation
● At the beginning of the twentieth century, industrial psychology was under the influence
of scientific management which considered workers as dispensable ‘hands of the
factory’, motivated solely by money to address physiological needs.
● Based on the Hawthorne studies, Mayo pointed to the importance of social and
psychological factors for the well-being and motivation of employees. This was the start
of the human relations movement (e.g. the importance of democratic leadership).
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8.4 Focus on: The lure of idealising classic studies 341
● In the 1980s, human resource management stressed that the employees were the
central asset of a company. Workers should not be controlled but given autonomy and
responsibility so that they come to self-discipline. Work is no longer a chore, but an
opportunity that can help self-actualisation.
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342 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
● Two operators had initially been selected because they were ‘thoroughly experi-
enced’ and ‘willing and cooperative’ and not soon to be married; next, these two
operators invited the three other operators.
● The two independent variables (rest pauses and duration of work) were manipu-
lated in a very complicated order, depending on unmotivated decisions by the exper-
imenters and influenced by economic circumstances (e.g. breaks were introduced in
period 4, removed in period 12, and then reinstated); in addition, at a certain point
in time an additional variable was introduced, consisting of a piecework system
based on the average output of the experimental group and not, as before, on the
output of the entire department.
● No control group was established.
● At the beginning of period 8 (January 1928) operators 1a and 2a were removed from
the experimental group because they were too busy ‘talking and fooling’.
The last event in particular illustrates how differently the study was reported by Mayo
than it was perceived by those participating in it. Whereas the researcher involved
wrote that an obstructive minority had been rejected, Mayo noted that operators 1a
and 2a ‘dropped out’ and were ‘permitted to withdraw’. There is good evidence that
the former was the correct interpretation, because Mayo himself had previously writ-
ten of operator 2a in a letter: ‘One girl, formerly in the test group, was reported to have
“gone Bolshevik” and had been dropped.’ Although the two girls had been warned
repeatedly and threatened with disciplinary action, they ‘did not display that whole-
hearted cooperation desired by the investigators’ (as cited in Kompier, 2006: 404).
The above problems are only part of those identified by Kompier. His list made up
several pages, making him conclude that the scientific worth of the studies was next to
nil and that their impact was solely due to the myth Mayo managed to spread. If the
studies were submitted to a journal nowadays, they would be rejected outright because
of the many methodological flaws.
Why did the low quality of the Hawthorne studies not prevent
them from being taught to students?
Another issue Kompier pondered is why these studies keep being cited and praised in
introductory books, despite the fact that the devastating methodological problems
have been described many times before. He suggested five reasons:
1. The story is too good not to be true. The story that employees worked harder
because they received human attention is too seductive not to include in an intro-
ductory psychology book. In this respect, the Hawthorne effect resembles an urban
legend. Once you have heard the story, you never forget it.
2. The original researchers published biased and selective reports; later generations
simply referred to them without checking the evidence. A lot of scientific writing is
based on secondary sources. Once a ‘good story’ gets into the literature, it is likely
to be quoted without consultation of the original sources (which sometimes are
difficult to get hold of, especially if they are old studies).
3. The underlying message is correct. The Hawthorne studies also keep being cited
because the basic message of the human relations movement – that social and psy-
chological factors are important in the workspace – was correct. The Hawthorne
studies should not have been used to promote the human relations movement (and
certainly no longer can be, now that we know what really happened!), but this
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8.4 Focus on: The lure of idealising classic studies 343
does not detract from the message of the human relations movement that scientific
management was flawed in its conceptions of workers’ motivation. As such, the
Hawthorne message seems to have been ‘confirmed’ by the subsequent findings and
4. The story is good for psychologists. The Hawthorne message (attention and social
influences are important on the work floor; supervisors should learn social skills)
suits the psychologists’ interests. Therefore, they love to teach the story to students.
5. The story is also good for management. Finally, Mayo’s message that social factors
prevail over the physical environment was also good news for the management
level. The roles of management are to ensure worker productivity and to control
the social processes in the factory, and Mayo reassured the managers that these
are indeed important responsibilities. As a result, the Hawthorne studies became
included in management books as well.
Because of the above features, a second take-home message of the Hawthorne studies
is that you must remain sceptical when you read a glowing text about a ‘classic’ study
that without a shred of doubt seemed to prove a particular point or theory. Writers of
scientific textbooks have a tendency to idealise ‘old’ studies that became turning points
in history. They want to present a straightforward and convincing story and as a result
are not sufficiently critical when it comes to describing the classics.
Other examples of idealised reporting of ‘classic’ studies
We wish we could tell you that the Hawthorne studies are a one-off as far as idealised
reporting is concerned, but it is becoming clear that such reporting is widespread (e.g.,
Jarrett, 2008; Ferguson et al., 2018). Further examples in psychology are the ways in
which introductory books write about Rayner and Watson’s classic study on the con-
ditioning of fear in Little Albert (Albert was not so easy to condition and was also
less afraid of other furry things than often reported; Harris, 1979; Griggs, 2015a), the
case study of the murder of Kitty Genovese (there were not 38 witnesses who saw the
murder happen and who could have intervened; Manning et al., 2007), the first study
‘showing’ a positive effect of psychotherapy on the survival rates of cancer patients
(the effect could not be replicated; Coyne & Palmer, 2007), the influence of the number
of words for ‘snow’ on the perception of the colour white in Eskimos (no such study
took place; Martin, 1986), the apparatus used by Pavlov in his salivation experiments
with dogs (Pavlov rarely used a bell [it scared the dogs] and the picture usually given
to illustrate Pavlov’s dog shows apparatus used by someone else; Goodwin, 1991),
the remarkable case study of what happened to Phineas Gage after his frontal lobes
were pierced by a rod (there is actually very little known of what happened to him;
Kotowicz, 2007), and the baffling rate of conformity in Asch’s social pressure experi-
ments (the majority of participants did not conform to the group pressure; Griggs,
2015b). Allchin (2003) reported similar biases in the reporting of studies in biology
and medicine (see also Dufour & Carroll, 2013; Martins, 2018; Sapir, 2019 for more
recent examples).
There is even evidence that authors of some classic studies have embellished the
evidence to make their case stronger (very much like Mayo did with the Hawthorne
data). When Cahalan (2019) searched for the volunteers who took part in the
Rosenhan (1973) undercover study of mental institutions, she could only find two par-
ticipants, who it turned out had a rather good time at their institution (Abbott, 2019).
It also appears that Rosenhan’s extensive archive did not back up the claims that he
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 343 14/09/2020 19:42
344 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
made in the classic article very well. Similar questions have been raised about the
Stanford Prison Experiment. This is how the impact of the experiment is usually
To show that normal people could behave in pathological ways even without the exter-
nal pressure of an experimenter authority, my colleagues and I put college students in a
simulated prison setting and observed the power of roles, rules, and expectations. Young
men selected because they were normal on all the psychological dimensions we meas-
ured (many of them were avowed pacifists) became hostile and sadistic, verbally and
physically abusing others – if they enacted the randomly assigned role of all-powerful
mock guards. Those randomly assigned to be mock prisoners suffered emotional break-
downs, irrational thinking, and behaved self-destructively— despite their constitutional
stability and normalcy. This planned 2-week simulation had to be ended after 6 days
because the inhumanity of the ‘evil situation’ had totally dominated the humanity of
the ‘good’ participants.
(Zimbardo, 1983, as cited in Le Texier, 2019)
Le Texier (2019) reported the outcome of an audit he did on the archives of the
experiment and interviews he had with 15 of the participants. His findings raised
many criticisms, including the presence of demand characteristics, biased and incom-
plete collection of data, the extent to which the real Stanford Prison Experiment
drew on a prison exercise devised and conducted by students in one of Zimbardo’s
classes three months earlier, the fact that the guards received precise instructions
regarding the treatment of the prisoners, the fact that the guards were not told they
were subjects, and the fact that participants were almost never completely immersed
by the situation.
Given the above examples, it is important to keep in mind that scientific issues have
rarely been settled by a single study and that the so-called ‘classics’ are often idealised
pseudohistory of crystallisations and hindsight reinterpretations on the basis of much additional research
science (see also our discussion of Mendel’s findings in Chapter 1). Sometimes it is better not to
text that looks like a see textbook descriptions of classic studies as reports of what actually happened but as
history of science, but portrayals of ‘what ought to have happened’ given what we know (believe) now.
that contains systematic
errors because of a desire The danger of establishing a pseudohistory of science
to present the research
as more impressive and Allchin (2004) is less lenient in his appraisal of idealised classic studies in introductory
important than it was and books. He calls them examples of a pseudohistory of science. Although the heroic
to depict the scientist stories of the discoveries are meant to convey enthusiasm for science and are based
as a genius who has to
battle against the lack
on historical events, they are flawed and promote false ideas about how science works
of understanding and (such as: science is faultless, science is entirely fact-driven, discoveries come out of the
appreciation by the peers blue and are met with disbelief, big discoveries are simple findings).
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 344 14/09/2020 19:42
8.4 Focus on: The lure of idealising classic studies 345
Figure 8.3 Warning signs identified by Allchin (2004) that may help you to identify
andavoid pseudohistory.
Source: Adapted from Allchin (2004).
Interim summary
The weak methodology of the Hawthorne studies
● The Hawthorne studies were not well done, because many aspects were changed
simultaneously, so that the authors could not conclude for sure which factor was the
origin of the effects they observed.
● Still, strong conclusions were drawn on the basis of the findings.
● These conclusions have been perpetuated in textbooks, because:
– writers do not read the original sources (certainly if these are difficult to obtain)
– the story is too good not to be true
– the basic message of the human relations movement was correct
– the story strengthened the positions of psychologists and managers.
● The idealised depiction of the Hawthorne studies is an example of the pseudohistory of
science, an attempt to excite enthusiasm for science by narrating simplified and heroic
stories that promote false ideas of how science works.
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 345 14/09/2020 19:42
346 Chapter 8 How did psychology affect everyday life?
Recommended literature
The present chapter was inspired by three books: Jansz, J. your country. For the UK this can be Rogers, A. & Pilgrim, D.
& Van Drunen, P. (Eds.), (2004) A Social History of Psy- (2001) Mental Health Policy in Britain: A Critical Introduction
chology (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing); Ward, S.C. (2002) (2nd Edition) (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan). If you are
Modernizing the Mind: Psychological Knowledge and the interested in test research, two good books are Gregory, R.J.
Remaking of Society (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers); (2014) Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Appli-
and Hanson, F.A. (1993) Testing Testing: Social Conse- cations (7th Edition) (Boston: Pearson Education); and
quences of the Examined Life (Berkeley: University of Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2017) Psychological Testing:
California Press). Principles, Applications, and Issues (9th Edition) (Belmont,
If you are interested in the history of clinical psychology, a CA: Thomson Wadsworth). A good book on the history
good book is Reisman, J.M. (1991) A History of Clinical Psy- of work and organisational psychology is Koppes, L.L.
chology (2nd Edition) (London: Taylor & Francis). Also try (Ed.). (2007) Historical Perspectives in Industrial and Organ-
to find a text on the history of the mental health services in izational Psychology (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates).
Abbott, A. (2019) ‘On the troubling trail of psychiatry’s psychotherapy promotes the survival of cancer patients’.
pseudopatients stunt’. Nature, 574: 622–23. The European Health Psychologist, 9: 46–9.
Abma, R. (2004) ‘Madness and mental health.’ In J. Jansz Dougherty, T.W., Turban, D.B. & Callender, J.C. (1994)
& P. van Drunen (Eds.), A Social History of Psychology, ‘Confirming first impression in the employment inter-
pp. 93–128. Oxford: Blackwell. view: A field study of interviewer behavior’. Journal of
Adair, J.G. (1984) ‘The Hawthorne effect: A reconsidera- Applied Psychology, 79: 659–65.
tion of the methodological artifact’, Journal of Applied Dufour, H.D. & Carroll, S.B. (2013) ‘History: Great myths
Psychology, 69: 334–45. die hard’. Nature News, 502: 32–3.
Allchin, D. (2003) ‘Scientific myth-conceptions’. Science Eagly, A.H., Ashmore, R.D., Makhijani, M.G. & Longo, L.C.
Education, 87: 329–51. (1991) ‘What is beautiful is good, but . . . : A meta-ana-
Allchin, D. (2004) ‘Pseudohistory and pseudoscience’. Sci- lytic review of research on the physical attractiveness
ence & Education, 13: 179–95. stereotype’. Psychological Bulletin, 110: 109–28.
Allport, G.W. & Odbert, H.S. (1936) ‘Trait-names, a Eysenck, H.J. (1952/1992) ‘The effects of psychotherapy:
psycho-lexical study’. Psychological Monographs, 47(1). An evaluation’. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 16:
Barrick, M.R., Shaffer, J.A. & DeGrassi, S.W. (2009) ‘What 319–24. Reprinted in Journal of Consulting and Clinical
you see may not be what you get: Relationships among Psychology, 60: 659–63.
self-presentation tactics and ratings of interview and Eysenck, H.J. (1976) ‘Learning theory model of neurosis:
job performance’. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94: New approach’. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 14:
1394–411. 251–67.
Cahalan, S. (2019) The Great Pretender: The Undercover Eysenck, H.J. & Eysenck, M.W. (1975) Manual of the
Mission That Changed Our Understanding of Madness. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. San Diego: Educa-
New York: Grand Central Publishing. tional and Industrial Testing Service.
Cattell, R.B. (1956) ‘Validation and intensification of the Eysenck, H.J., Eysenck, S.B.G. & Barrett, P. (1985) ‘A
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire’. Journal of revised version of the psychoticism scale’. Personality
Clinical Psychology, 12: 205–14. and Individual Differences, 6: 21–9.
Cleare, A., Pariante, C.M. & Young, A.H., . . . (2015) Ferguson, C.J., Brown, J.M. & Torres, A.V. (2018) ‘Edu-
‘Evidence-based guidelines for treating depressive disor- cation or indoctrination? The accuracy of introductory
ders with antidepressants: A revision of the 2008 British psychology textbooks in covering controversial topics
Association for Psychopharmacology guidelines’. Jour- and urban legends about psychology’. Current Psychol-
nal of Psychopharmacology, 29: 459–525. ogy, 37: 574–82.
Coyne, J.C. & Palmer, S.C. (2007) ‘Does anyone read Foucault, M. (1976) Surveiller et Punir: Naissance de la Prison.
the classic studies they cite? Reflections on claims that Paris: Gallimard. [English translation: Foucault, M.
M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 346 14/09/2020 19:42
References 347
(1979) Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Kagitcibasi, C. (2002). ‘A model of family change in cul-
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sonality”: The big-five factor structure’. Journal of Per- Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2005) Psychological Test-
sonality and Social Psychology, 59: 1216–29. ing: Principles, Applications, and Issues (6th Edition).
Goodwin, C.J. (1991) ‘Misportraying Pavlov’s apparatus’. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
The American Journal of Psychology, 104: 135–41. Kompier, M.A.J. (2006) ‘The “Hawthorne effect” is a
Griggs, R.A. (2015a) ‘Psychology’s Lost Boy: Will the Real myth, but what keeps the story going?’. Scandinavian
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42: 14–18. Kotowicz, Z. (2007) ‘The strange case of Phineas Gage’,
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M08 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 348 14/09/2020 19:42
9 What is science?
9.1 Thoughts about information acquisition from Ancient Greece to the end of the
nineteenth century
Thoughts before the scientific revolution
Interaction between theory and experiment: the scientific revolution
Probabilistic reasoning and the ascent of hypotheses
Theories influence observations
Idealisation of scientific knowledge
9.2 The first twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: observation, induction and
Philosophy of science and the demarcation of science
Logical positivism
Problems with the verification criterion
Positivism as naive idolatry of science?
9.3 The second twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: falsification
Preliminary: perception is more than sensing stimuli
Popper: falsification instead of verification
Implications of Popper’s proposals for science’s status
Sophisticated falsificationism
9.4 Science is a succession of paradigms
The general layout of Kuhn’s theory
On the relativity of paradigms and the science wars
9.5 The pragmatic alternative
Peirce and pragmatism
Why pragmatism was overlooked for a long time in the philosophy of science
Renewed interest in pragmatism
9.6 Focus on: How to respond to scientific findings?
Two extreme views of the status of science
In search of middle ground
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 349 14/09/2020 19:44
350 Chapter 9 What is science?
Questions to consider
. . . scientists are human beings, and are subject to very human flaws. Most nota-
bly, they’re subject to bias, and a strong aversion to having their cherished theo-
ries proved wrong. . . . Even the strongest critics of science need themselves to
be criticised; those who raise the biggest questions about the way we do research
need themselves to be questioned. Healthy science needs a whole community of
sceptics, all constantly arguing with one another – and it helps if they’re willing
to admit their own mistakes. Who watches the watchmen in science? The answer
is, or at least should be: all of us.
(Stuart Ritchie, (June 29, 2020) ‘There should never be
heroes in science’ UnHerd.
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 350 14/09/2020 19:44
Introduction 351
In previous chapters we described the growth of the scientific approach. The time has
come to analyse what science stands for. Does science always have the final word or is
it fallible? Do we have to slavishly follow the white coats?
As we saw in Chapter 2, the idea of infallible scientific knowledge was promoted by
scientists and positivists at the end of the nineteenth century in their competition with
the humanities (cf. the two cultures). Science had proven its worth by producing ‘such
a wonderful revolution in human affairs’ (Draper, 1847) and had to be the driver of all
future progress. Because science was based on observation and experiment, rather than
opinion and dogma, its conclusions were safe and trustworthy. This contrasted with
‘the little advance in knowledge produced for two thousand years by the mathemati-
cians and metaphysicians of the humanities’ (Draper, 1847).
Upon further scrutiny, science’s claim of superiority was based on four principles
(Gauch, 2003):
1. Realism. There is a physical world with independent objects, which can be under-
stood by human intellect.
2. Objectivity. Knowledge of the physical reality does not depend on the observer.
Consequently, ‘objective’ agreement among people is possible, irrespective of their
worldviews. Science aims to uncover this knowledge so that it becomes public,
verifiable and useable.
3. Truth. Scientific statements are true when they correspond to the physical reality.
4. Rationality. Truth is guaranteed because scientific statements are based on sound
method. Scientific statements are not arbitrary guesses, but justified conclusions
grounded on convincing evidence and good reasoning, and expressed with the right
level of confidence.
Given the importance of the scientific method for the guarantee of truth, it is perhaps
surprising that few researchers seem to know the specifics of the method. Indeed, the
Nobel laureate and biologist Peter Medawar (1969) described how many successful sci-
entists tend to show an expression of both solemnity and shifty-eyedness when asked
to describe what their scientific method is: solemn, because they feel they ought to give
a weighty answer, shifty-eyed because they have no clue about what to say. According
to Medawar this may be because working scientists are too preoccupied with doing
research to have time to contemplate how they do it. Apprentices simply take over the
methods of their masters, without giving them much thought. As we will see in this
chapter, another reason why scientists are not overly knowledgeable of their research
method may be that the advanced writings on this topic tend to be much less reassuring
than the message conveyed to the public.
We start this chapter with a recapitulation of the main developments before the
twentieth century (see also Chapters 1 to 3). Then we discuss the attempts of the
logical positivists at the beginning of the twentieth century to define the specificity of
science (as opposed to philosophy and pseudo-science). In the third section we describe
how these views were criticised in the middle of the twentieth century and how it was
accepted that scientific research proceeds more by venturing possibly wrong ideas,
which are subsequently tested. Next, we review evidence showing that research is
influenced by the social norms of the research community and how these norms may
change. We end with the pragmatic proposal that currently is gaining currency, and
with the implications this has for our attitude towards science.
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 351 14/09/2020 19:44
352 Chapter 9 What is science?
You will notice that in this chapter we include very few psychology examples.
This is deliberate, because we want to discuss the ideas about the so-called hard
sciences (e.g. physics, astronomy, chemistry) before we apply them to psychology (see
Chapters 10–11). Also, remember that in Chapter 2 we asked you to write down your
ideas about science and the scientific method. This is the right time to dig up that sheet
of paper and see how far your intuitions got you!
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 352 14/09/2020 19:44
9.1 Thoughts about information acquisition from Ancient Greece to the end of the nineteenth century 353
For Augustine, the foremost standard of rationality and truth was not Euclid’s
geometry. Rather, it was Christian theology, revealed by God in the Holy Scripture.
Theology had the benefit of revelation from God, the All-Knowing Knower. Accord-
ingly, theology replaced geometry as queen of the sciences and the standard of truth.
But Augustine’s view of how humans acquire even ordinary scientific knowledge relied
heavily on divine illumination . . . His theory of divine illumination claimed that what-
ever one held to be true . . . one knew as such because God’s light, the light of Truth,
shone upon the mind.
According to Augustine true knowledge was knowledge based on God’s revela-
tions. Augustine’s writings would remain dominant until well into the seventeenth
century. They were first questioned by a group of scholars at the Universities of Paris
and Oxford in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, but this group had little influ-
ence outside the academic world of their universities (see the ‘Focus on’ section of
Chapter 2).
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 353 14/09/2020 19:44
354 Chapter 9 What is science?
could easily relate to, because they depended on reason and imagination rather than
on the use of unknown equipment.
Thought experiments were experiments his readers could easily relate to, because
they depended on reason and imagination rather than on the use of unknown equip-
ment. By using these experiments convincingly and cleverly, Galilei was able to widen
the concept and scope of experience without having to compromise on validity. This
brought to light important and universal facts about motion which had been previ-
ously unknown, which could be discovered by using common experience and simple
reasoning. It is a well-known fact, for example, that even heavy objects travel slowly
when they first begin falling. And we know this from our everyday experience: think,
for example, about driving a tent peg into the ground using a heavy mallet. It would
take rather a long time to secure your peg if you lifted the mallet just a few inches
into the air. And this is because, despite its weight, it is travelling only slowly when it
comes to hit the peg. By simply lifting the mallet higher in the air, you achieve much
more power. This thought experiment shows us that all heavy objects must therefore
travel slowly when they first begin falling – a conclusion we can draw without needing
to perform an actual experiment.
Galilei may have derived his law of motion from real experiments, but he did not
use them to convince his readers, because he did not consider them as decisive and he
knew that his audience would not buy them either. True knowledge was knowledge
resonating with human understanding (i.e. demonstrated knowledge).
Bacon: induction
In Chapter 2 we saw how Francis Bacon promoted the use of systematic observation
and inductive reasoning as the road to new knowledge (Bacon, 1620). Instead of
demonstrated knowledge or divinely revealed knowledge, an inductionist approach
had to be followed. Particularly relevant for the present discussion is how Bacon
thought research should start off. When investigating a new topic, Bacon recom-
mended beginning with the collection of a large number of facts in a mechani-
cal way, without theoretical prejudice, and to put them into tables for a better
. . . after having collected and prepared an abundance and store of natural history, . . . still
the understanding is as incapable of acting on such materials of itself, with the aid of
memory alone, . . . [W]e put its forces in due order and array, by means of proper and
well arranged, and, as it were, living tables of discovery of these matters, which are
the subject of investigation, and the mind then apply itself to the ready prepared and
digested aid which such tables afford.
(Bacon, 1620: Aphorisms, CI–CII)
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 354 14/09/2020 19:44
9.1 Thoughts about information acquisition from Ancient Greece to the end of the nineteenth century 355
When deriving conclusions from the tables, Bacon warned readers not to jump to
Nor can we suffer the understanding to jump and fly from particulars to remote and
most general axioms . . . , and thus prove and make out their intermediate axioms
according to the supposed unshaken truth of the former. This, however, has always been
done to the present time from the natural bent of the understanding, educated too, and
accustomed to this very method, by the syllogistic mode of demonstration. But we can
then only augur well for the sciences, when the assent shall proceed by a true scale and
successive steps, without interruption or breach, from particulars to the lesser axioms,
thence to the intermediate . . . , and lastly, to the most general.
(Aphorism, CIV)
Bacon also warned readers not to search exclusively for positive evidence, but to make
use of three types of tables. The first comprised of ‘Essence and Presence’, all instances
in which the phenomenon under investigation was present. The second table contained
‘Deviation or Absence in Proximity’. It provided a list of instances matched to the first
table in which the phenomenon was absent, even though the circumstances were very
similar. By putting the second table next to the first, one could see which instances
were critical for the phenomenon. For instance, Bacon noticed that whereas the rays
of the sun contain heat, the same was not true for the rays of the moon. On the basis
of these matched instances, he concluded that light was not critical for heat. Finally,
Bacon advised to make a third table of ‘Degrees or Comparison’, including instances
in which the phenomenon was present in different degrees. This again allowed search-
ing for critical characteristics.
In forming axioms, we must invent a different form of induction from that hitherto in
use . . . The induction which proceeds by simple enumeration is puerile, leads to uncer-
tain conclusions, and is exposed to danger from one contradictory instance, deciding
generally from too small a number of facts, and those only the most obvious. But a
really useful induction for the discovery and demonstration of the arts and sciences,
should separate nature by proper rejections and exclusions, and then conclude for the
affirmative, after collecting a sufficient number of negatives.
(Aphorism, CV)
When an examination was done this way (a large-scale, exploratory collection of
facts, followed by careful tabulation and by inductive reasoning on the basis of posi-
tive, negative and degree instances), Bacon was adamant that it would lead to true,
scientific information about the world.
Bacon’s recommendations were later ridiculed by von Liebig (1863), who claimed he
knew of no successful researcher working in such an imagination-less way. What was
the point of fact collection if there was no question or goal behind it? In von Liebig’s
view there was as much similarity between Bacon’s proposals and true scientific
research as between the noise produced by a child striking on a drum and real music.
Science started from the researcher’s imagination, not from blind data collection. In
Bacon’s defence, it should be recalled that Bacon’s full views of the scientific method
were much richer and closer to von Liebig’s (as we saw in Chapter 2). The first phase of
exploratory data collection and tabulation only led to what Bacon called the rudiments
of interpretation or the first vintage. Once this vintage was collected, researchers were
urged to verify their interpretations by means of further, targeted experimental histo-
ries. Indeed, in some of his writings Bacon noted that truth could not be obtained by
simply observing Nature; it had to be extracted from her.
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356 Chapter 9 What is science?
Arguably the greatest scientist of the scientific revolution (certainly in Anglo-Saxon
writings) is Isaac Newton. As Newton devoted some paragraphs to the scientific
method, it is interesting to have a look at them. What did the master recommend? As
it happens, his advice was deeply ambivalent about the roles of theory and observa-
tion (Gower, 1997), to such an extent that it can be used as an illustration of both
Aristotle’s deductive approach and Bacon’s inductive approach. This can be seen in
the following two excerpts:
. . . for by the propositions mathematically demonstrated in the former Books, in the
third I derive from the celestial phenomena the forces of gravity with which bodies tend
to the sun and the several planets. Then from these forces, by other propositions which
are also mathematical, I deduce the motions of the planets, the comets, the moon, and
the sea. I wish we could derive the rest of the phenomena of Nature by the same kind
of reasoning . . .
In experimental philosophy we are to look upon propositions inferred by general induc-
tion from phenomena as accurately or very nearly true, notwithstanding any contrary
hypotheses that may be imagined, till such time as other phenomena occur, by which
they may either be made more accurate, or liable to exceptions.
These are two excerpts from the Principia Mathematica, in which Newton proposed
his laws of physics. The first excerpt was part of the original 1687 edition; the second
excerpt was added in the third, 1726 edition of the book (Gower, 1997). In the 40 years
in between, Newton seems to have shifted his preference from deduction (mainly
emphasised when he formulated the laws of physics) to induction (particularly impor-
tant in his works on the diffraction of light and the nature of colour, as published in
his 1704 book Opticks).
A further puzzling paragraph in the Principia is the following:
But hitherto I have not been able to discover the cause of those properties of gravity
from phenomena, and I frame no hypothesis; for whatever is not deduced from the
phenomena is to be called an hypothesis; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical or
physical, whether of occult qualities or mechanical, have no place in experimental phi-
losophy. In this philosophy particular propositions are inferred from the phenomena,
and afterwards rendered general by induction.
This paragraph deals with the thorniest issue of Newton’s laws of physics. Newton
had proposed mathematical equations describing and predicting the movements in the
Universe, but in doing so, he had accepted phenomena he could not explain (gravity,
forces having an impact on distant object such as planets). Newton was heavily
criticised for this, among others by Leibniz (1646–1716), who objected that the conclu-
sion of every body being attracted to every other body by gravitational force was not
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9.1 Thoughts about information acquisition from Ancient Greece to the end of the nineteenth century 357
‘deduced from the phenomena’, as Newton claimed, but postulated. Indeed, Newton
(and Galilei before him) had significantly redefined the nature of science. Whereas
for Aristotle and his followers science was about finding (final) causes, Newton was
satisfied with a mere mathematical description of observations even if the equations
included ill-defined variables.
Another reason why Newton wrote the passage about hypotheses may have been
in response to the many remarks made by other men of science about possible alter-
native ‘hypotheses’ for the phenomena he described (Cajori, 1934). Indeed, Newton
was extremely sensitive to criticism and resented having to enter into discussion about
matters he considered beyond doubt. This is how (Cajori, 1934: 671) summarised his
interpretation of Newton’s passage:
‘I frame no hypotheses’ . . . is . . . an expression frequently quoted to indicate [New-
ton’s] contempt for reckless speculation and his absolute reliance upon observation and
experiment. No doubt readers of Newton’s Principia, of his early published papers on
light, and of his Opticks, will be puzzled by this absolute declaration, . . . for surely
Newton himself framed many hypotheses – as many, perhaps, as any other scientist of
note. How is this statement of his position to be reconciled with his actual practice?
. . . An examination of the various passages in Newton’s writings, relating to the use
of hypotheses, discloses the rule that experimental facts must invariably take precedence
over any hypothesis in conflict with them. Secondly, hypotheses which seem incapable
of verification by experiment are to be viewed with suspicion. In any event, one should
observe the distinction between exact experimental results and mere suggestions derived
from hypotheses.
Gower (1997: 79) came to a similar conclusion about the essence of Newton’s scientific
method. He saw Newton’s main achievement regarding the scientific method as having
identified a method that allowed for emphasis on the use of mathematical results and
experimental evidence. He called his method ‘deduction from the phenomena’ in the
Principia and ‘experimental philosophy’ in the Optiks, but the fundamental features
amounted to the same thing. The method used deductive reasoning from basic prin-
ciples, and these principles were established by induction.
So, in Newton’s eyes the scientific method was not so different from Aristotle’s
demonstrations based on deduction, except for the fact that the first principles had to
be based on observation, experimentation and inductive reasoning (i.e. Phenomena),
rather than on self-evident axioms. Indeed, reading the preface to the Principia from
this point of view shows how much Newton saw science as the application of deduc-
tion (mathematics) to matters of practical certainty as revealed through observation
and experiment:
The ancients considered mechanics in a twofold respect; as rational, which proceeds
accurately by demonstration, and practical. To practical mechanics all the manual arts
belong, from which mechanics took its name. But as artificers do not work with perfect
accuracy, it comes to pass that mechanics is so distinguished from geometry that what
is perfectly accurate is called geometrical; what is less so, is called mechanical. However,
the errors are not in the art, but in the artificers. He that works with less accuracy is
an imperfect mechanic; and if any could work with perfect accuracy, he would be the
most perfect mechanic of all, for the description of right lines and circles, upon which
geometry is founded, belongs to mechanics. Geometry does not teach us to draw these
lines, but requires them to be drawn, for it requires that the learner should first be taught
to describe these accurately before he enters upon geometry, then it shows how by these
operations problems may be solved. To describe right lines and circles are problems,
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358 Chapter 9 What is science?
but not geometrical problems. The solution of these problems is required by mechan-
ics, and by geometry the use of them, when so solved, is shown; and it is the glory of
geometry that from those few principles, brought from without, it is able to produce
so many things. Therefore geometry is founded in mechanical practice, and is nothing
but that part of universal mechanics which accurately proposes and demonstrates the
art of measuring.
(Newton, 1687, Principia)
Inductive reasoning
● Is a form of reasoning in which likely conclusions are drawn on the basis of a series of convergent
● The conclusion is not necessarily true. As a matter of fact, certainly in the beginning conclusions are often
guesses that turn out to be wrong and have to be replaced.
● Is mostly used:
– to generalise from a limited number of observations to a general conclusion (e.g. concluding that
sparrows are brown on the basis of the sparrows we have seen thus far)
– to detect correlations between events (e.g. noticing that there are more sparrows in the garden after we
put food in the feeder)
– to make causal inferences (e.g. concluding that there are more sparrows in the garden after we put food
in the feeder, because the sparrows are hungry and want to get some of the food).
● Is used in daily life to bring order to our many experiences by noticing the similarities and correlations
between events, so that general principles can be formulated and mechanisms hypothesised about how
these principles operate (see the sparrow example above).
● Is the type of reasoning stressed in empiricism, according to which knowledge is achieved on the basis of
experiences and observations.
● Is used in science to work out explanations for observed phenomena (reasoning from effects to causes).
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9.1 Thoughts about information acquisition from Ancient Greece to the end of the nineteenth century 359
Definition of probability
Induction did not lead to necessary truths but to ‘highly probable conclusions’. This,
of course, required a definition of probability. Two definitions were proposed. The
first involved mathematics and derived from an analysis of betting games. When a
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360 Chapter 9 What is science?
It soon became clear that the mathematical treatment of probability did not solve
all problems, because it required researchers to enter subjective estimates into the
equations. For instance, Bayes’ theorem required researchers to have information
about the a priori probability of the theory and the observed phenomenon in gen-
eral. This information was not provided by the theorem but had to be ‘estimated’ by
the researcher. Because of this prerequisite, a second definition of probability gained
prominence. It said that in practice the probability of a scientific theory depended on
the researcher’s degree of belief in the theory. At the end of the day, the main criterion
defining the probability of a scientific theory was how certain scientists felt about it.
According to Gower (1997) this definition was first raised by the French polymath Jean
d’Alembert (1717–1783). Shapin (1996: 94) observed that because of this definition
science was infused by social class. Certainly for the early men of science in Britain,
only gentlemen were trustworthy enough to do research.
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362 Chapter 9 What is science?
The person credited with the insight that observation and theory influence each other
is Whewell, who we just met. His text On the Fundamental Antithesis of Philosophy
(1844) began by summarising the classical distinction between deductive reasoning
leading to necessary truths and inductive reasoning resulting in truths from experience.
Necessary truths are established, as has already been said, by demonstration, proceed-
ing from definitions and axioms, according to exact and rigorous inferences of reason.
Truths of experience are collected from what we see, also according to inferences of
reason, but proceeding in a less exact and rigorous mode of proof. The former depend
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9.1 Thoughts about information acquisition from Ancient Greece to the end of the nineteenth century 363
upon the relations of the ideas which we have in our minds: the latter depend upon the
appearances or phenomena, which present themselves to our senses. Necessary truths
are formed from our thoughts, the elements of the world within us; experiential truths
are collected from things, the elements of the world without us. The truths of experi-
ence, as they appear to us in the external world, we call Facts; and when we are able to
find among our ideas a train which will conform themselves to the apparent facts, we
call this a Theory.
(paragraph 6)
Whewell called the distinction between thoughts and things, theory and fact ‘the
fundamental antithesis of philosophy’:
This distinction and opposition, thus expressed in various forms; as Necessary and
Experiential Truth, Ideas and Senses, Thoughts and Things, Theory and Fact, may be
termed the Fundamental Antithesis of Philosophy; for almost all the discussions of
philosophers have been employed in asserting or denying, explaining or obscuring this
(paragraph 7)
Then Whewell gave his reasons for why he thought the fundamental antithesis of
philosophy was wrong:
We can have no knowledge without the union, no philosophy without the separation,
of the two elements. We can have no knowledge, except we have both impressions on
our senses from the world without, and thoughts from our minds within . . . The two
elements, sensations and ideas, are both requisite to the existence of our knowledge, as
both matter and form are requisite to the existence of a body. . . .
But though philosophy considers these elements of knowledge separately, they can-
not really be separated, any more than can matter and form. We cannot exhibit mat-
ter without form, or form without matter; and just as little can we exhibit sensations
without ideas, or ideas without sensations; . . .
(paragraphs 8 & 9)
Because fact and theory could not be separated, Whewell argued that it was an illusion
to think they referred to neatly distinguished entities:
Not only cannot these elements be separately exhibited, but they cannot be separately
conceived and described. The description of them must always imply their relation; and the
names by which they are denoted will consequently always bear a relative significance. And
thus the terms which denote the fundamental antithesis of philosophy cannot be applied
absolutely and exclusively in any case. We may illustrate this by a consideration of some
of the common modes of expressing the antithesis of which we speak. The terms Theory
and Fact are often emphatically used as opposed to each other: and they are rightly so used.
But yet it is impossible to say absolutely in any case, this is a Fact and not a Theory; this
is a Theory and not a Fact, meaning by Theory, true Theory. Is it a fact or a theory that
the stars appear to revolve round the pole? Is it a fact or a theory that the earth is a globe
revolving round its axis? Is it a fact or a theory that the earth revolves round the sun? Is it
a fact or a theory that the sun attracts the earth? Is it a fact or a theory that a loadstone
attracts a needle? In all these cases, some persons would answer one way and some persons
another. . . . We see then, that in these cases we cannot apply absolutely and exclusively
either of the terms, Fact or Theory. Theory and Fact are the elements which correspond
to our Ideas and our Senses. The Facts are facts so far as the Ideas have been combined
with the sensations and absorbed in them: the Theories are Theories so far as the Ideas are
kept distinct from the sensations, and so far as it is considered as still a question whether
they can be made to agree with them. A true Theory is a fact, a Fact is a familiar theory.
(paragraph 10)
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364 Chapter 9 What is science?
Much less known is that the founder of positivism August Comte also acknowledged
the influence of theory on observation. This is what he wrote in his Cours de Philoso-
phie Positive:
All good intellects have repeated, since Bacon’s time, that there can be no real knowledge
but that which is based on observed facts. This is incontestable, in our present advanced
stage . . . If it is true that every theory must be based upon observed facts, it is equally
true that facts can not be observed without the guidance of some theory. Without such
guidance, our facts would be desultory and fruitless; we could not retain them: for the
most part we could not even perceive them.
(Comte, 1830: 8–9; as translated by Martineau, 1858)
Interim summary
Thoughts before the twentieth century
● To a great extent, the rise of the scientific approach can be summarised as a shift in
balance from deductive reasoning to inductive reasoning. Before the scientific revolution
it was generally accepted that only deductive reasoning led to necessary truth (Plato,
● The men of science at first tried to convince their audience that the new way of thinking
was very close to traditional deductive reasoning and demonstration (Galilei, early
● Gradually natural philosophers started to argue that inductive reasoning could lead to
conclusions as probable as truth, when facts were collected in large numbers and without
prejudice, when effects could be replicated, and when theories led to new verifiable
predictions (Bacon, Huygens, Newton in his later years, Bayes, Laplace, Herschel).
● Whewell and Comte further pointed out that there is no clear distinction between
observation and idea, between fact and theory. They are closely interconnected and
influenced by the other.
● As a result of the successes of science, most of the initial doubts about whether inductive
reasoning could lead to true conclusions were swept under the carpet towards the end of
the nineteenth century.
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9.2 The first twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: observation, induction and verification 365
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366 Chapter 9 What is science?
and meaning. The first meetings of the group were largely devoted to a discussion of
Wittgenstein’s book Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (first published under a different
title in German in 1921; English translation 1922). In this book Wittgenstein argued
that language had a logical structure, which limited what could be said and thought
about the world. He further claimed that language was a faithful depiction of physical
reality and, therefore, that the physical reality could be known by analysing the logical
structure of language. Given that the Vienna Circle wanted to demarcate the meaning
of the concept ‘science’, this seemed to be an interesting starting point. What set
science apart from other ways of knowledge acquisition and generation? Which set of
criteria could distinguish science from non-science (such as religion, voodoo,
astrology), so that the scientific standing of new disciplines could be appraised and
advice be given to those disciplines about how to become more ‘scientific’? Could the
definition of science be made universal (i.e. hold for all sciences) and ahistorical (i.e.
applicable to all times)?
The 1929 manifesto
The outcome of the discussions was a manifesto published in 1929: Wissenschaftliche
Weltauffassung. Der Wiener Kreis [The Scientific Conception of the World. The Vienna
Circle]. The following conclusions could be distilled from the text (and were further
refined in later publications by various members):
1. Truth divides into two types: empirical truths and logical truths.
2. Empirical truths make claims about the world and are established through empirical
verification (observation and experiment).
3. Logical truths are based on deductive logic and are influenced by linguistic
4. Statements not belonging to one of the categories above are meaningless.
It is easy to see how the manifesto built on existing ideas (the distinction between
induction and deduction, the need for empirical verification) and entered new ones
(the influence of language). The most partisan part arguably was the last declaration,
that propositions not based on empirical verification or deductive reasoning were
meaningless (i.e. could not be decided as true or false). These included large parts of
the humanities (religion, metaphysics, arts, . . . ).
According to the logical positivists, science proceeded by means of a cycle consist-
ing of observation, induction and verification. The first step was careful observation
of what happened. The next step of the scientific cycle was the translation of indi-
vidual observations into general conclusions on the basis of inductive reasoning. The
ideal here was the formulation of a mathematical law, as had been done by Newton
for physics. Such a mathematical law made it possible to have a detailed understanding
of what was going on. Finally, the general conclusion (or scientific law) based on
observation and induction had to be verified. In particular, the last step, empirical
verification, was seen as the demarcation criterion of science: a statement was scien-
verificationism tific if and only if it could be verified as true or false through objective, value-free
adherence to the principle observation. This criterion became known as the verification principle and its require-
that a proposition is
meaningful only if it can ment for valid knowledge as verificationism.
be verified as true or false; Next to induction, the logical positivists also accepted deductive reasoning as a
with respect to science way of making meaningful statements. However, this type of reasoning could only be
states that a proposition is
scientific only if it can be
used to deduce conclusions from what was already known; it did not generate new
verified through objective, knowledge. If the reasoning resulted in new knowledge, the ensuing statement had to
value-free observation be verified anew.
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368 Chapter 9 What is science?
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370 Chapter 9 What is science?
source of inspiration for the Vienna Circle. In this book Wittgenstein argued that
language was a faithful depiction of the state of affairs in the world and so the world
could be known by analysing the logical structure of language. By analysing the mean-
ing of the words and their interrelations, one could get insights into the physical reality.
However, the impossibility of conclusively defining science made Wittgenstein real-
ise that the same was true for many other words in the language. Try to find a set of
criteria that fully define the words ‘games’ (including mind games), ‘sports’, and their
distinction. Wittgenstein understood that, except for artificial categories made by man
or society (e.g. ‘king’ or ‘bachelor’), words only loosely referred to the entities they
represented. They did not fully define them (as also exemplified by the fuzzy boundary
between ‘observable’ and ‘non-observable’ we saw above). The meaning of words was
determined by their use in a social context, which Wittgenstein called language games.
As a result, the meaning of words depended on the circumstances in which they were
used. They did not have fixed meanings, objectively depicting the physical reality, as
Wittgenstein originally thought.These insights were posthumously published in Witt-
genstein’s book Philosophical Investigations (1953). The transition from the Tractatus
to the Investigations is testimony of the deep changes epistemology went through in
the first half of the twentieth century.
Interim summary
Logical positivism
● Logical positivism tried to reconcile the practical success of sciences with the
methodological concerns formulated by philosophers.
● It tried to define demarcation criteria for science that would be universal and
ahistorical, and that could be applied to other knowledge areas.
● The movement found prominence with the publication of the 1929 manifesto of the
Vienna Circle.
● The most important demarcation criterion put forward for empirical truths was empirical
● Almost immediately, however, the criterion met with a series of objections:
– verification does not solve the induction problem
– scientific theories are full of variables that cannot be observed directly
– there are no demarcation criteria that unambiguously define ‘observable’
– sometimes things are not observable until one knows how to search for them
– verifiable observations do not guarantee a correct understanding.
● Because of the many criticisms, logical positivism failed, which gave positivism a negative
connotation of naive belief in the power and the truthfulness of scientific research.
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9.3 The second twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: falsification 371
Figure 9.1 An illustration of the fragmented reality researchers are confronted with when
they observe facts.
Source: Edith Brysbaert.
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372 Chapter 9 What is science?
Figure 9.2 An illustration of how a general theory of a phenomenon may alter the way in
which scientists are able to examine the ‘facts’ (blobs).
Source: Edith Brysbaert.
other of their findings, although there is no real need to do so, as both phenomena
are thought to be independent.
Now suppose someone comes along with a theory of what the overall framework
might be, how the different components fit within a larger organisation, as shown
in Figure 9.2. At that moment, the situation alters dramatically for the scientists.
Although the facts are still the same, they suddenly have a completely different mean-
ing, because they are part of a much wider organisation.
A theory changes the perception of the facts
What Figure 9.2 illustrates is that the understanding of a scientific phenomenon
involves more than simply sensing the isolated facts. It involves an element of interpre-
tation to understand what the different facts mean and how they relate to each other.
Once such an interpretation has been found, the meaning of the originally observed
facts changes spectacularly. Look back at Figure 9.1: is it possible for you now not to
see the girl any more, and to see the figure as you saw it at first?
If you think the situation depicted in the Figures 9.1 and 9.2 is exaggerated, just
think of the efforts astronomers had to make in order to come up with a model of
the universe that would explain the observable movements of the Sun, the Moon, the
planets and the stars! Also think of how the perception of the world changed, once
it was realised that the Earth was not flat but round. Or how the field of chemistry
changed, once the periodic table was discovered.
A theory enables scientists to focus on the important facts
Theories change the perception of the facts and also allow scientists to search in more
directed ways. They help to sort through the avalanche of facts, deciding which facts
are important and which are not. Figure 9.2, for instance, shows that not all blobs are
equally important for the overall interpretation and, therefore, a better understanding
of some blobs is more crucial than the understanding of others.
Without a theory, scientists do not know which observations are important and
which are not. For instance, in the nineteenth century much energy was invested
in determining the exact weights of the chemical elements. This was done because
researchers believed that the relative weights of the elements would provide them with
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9.3 The second twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: falsification 373
information about the structure of the elements. In particular, scientists had observed
that the weights of the chemical elements tended to be multiples of the weight of
hydrogen, the lightest element. Therefore, they hypothesised that all matter consisted
of combinations of hydrogen atoms (for example, oxygen was about eight times heav-
ier than hydrogen, suggesting that oxygen consisted of eight hydrogen atoms). Once
it was realised that the different chemical elements have their own composition, it
became clear that their relative weights were not at all important and researchers could
drop this particular line of investigation.
The above examples illustrate just how difficult it is to maintain that facts are per-
ceived prior to and independently of background knowledge (theory). What humans
observe depends on what they know (or think they know). The more observers know
about a particular phenomenon, the richer their perceptions. Botanists see more in
meadows and marshlands than people without knowledge of plants; radiologists see
more in X-rays than people without such training. The same is true for scientists, as
became known in the nineteenth century. The impact of theory on observation was
downplayed by the positivists, but taken up again by Popper.
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374 Chapter 9 What is science?
In later writings Popper pointed to the need not only for falsifiability, but also for a
commitment by the proponents to put their ideas to the test effectively. Many state-
ments in psychoanalysis and astrology could in principle be put to the falsification test
but Popper saw little enthusiasm in their advocates to do so. All they tried to do was
find evidence in favour of their statements.
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376 Chapter 9 What is science?
Figure 9.4b Changes in star positions during the eclipse in 1922 in Australia.
How the position of the stars, as viewed from Earth, differs on the day of a solar eclipse and on a
comparison night. The eclipsed Sun is represented by the circle in the middle of the diagram. Stars
too close to the Sun cannot be seen because of the corona. The recorded displacements of the other
stars are represented by lines. The differences observed were only predicted by Einstein’s relativity
theory. Therefore it was a strong test of the theory, as the chances of the theory being falsified
were much higher than its chances of being confirmed.
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9.3 The second twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: falsification 377
Eddington had hoped for (Coles, 2001), they still convinced nearly all researchers
involved that the data were in agreement with Einstein’s predictions and significantly
different from what was predicted by Newtonian physics. There was a significant dif-
ference between the perceived location of the stars during the eclipse and the perceived
location without the interfering sun. In addition, the magnitude of the deviation was
within measurement error of the deviation predicted by Einstein.
This, Popper argued, was science at its best: an extremely falsifiable theory was put
to the test. There were hundreds of reasons to expect no difference in the perceived
location of the stars at the time of the eclipse and at the time of the reference meas-
urement; there was only one reason to expect the predicted difference, namely that
Einstein’s theory and his calculations were right. Without Einstein’s theory the odds
of finding the expected deviation were next to nil.
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378 Chapter 9 What is science?
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9.3 The second twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: falsification 379
As you can imagine, Wason did not observe many participants using falsification
(only 21% found the correct rule). The majority of participants started from the
theory ‘add 2 to each number’ and asked questions to verify this theory, such as ‘is 1,
3, 5 a valid sequence?’ and ‘is 14, 16, 18 a valid sequence?’. In other words, the partici-
pants asked questions to which they expected a yes answer. They did not ask questions
that would have required the experimenter to say no. The tendency people have to
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380 Chapter 9 What is science?
search for evidence that confirms their opinions is known in psychology as the
confirmation bias confirmation bias. Notice how this bias prevented the participants from finding the
tendency people have correct rule. After a few trials they said they knew the answer and that it was ‘add 2
to search for evidence to the previous number’ (because all the evidence they had gathered was in line with
that confirms their
opinion; goes against
this rule).
Sophisticated falsificationism
Do not give in too easily
Popper’s approach was soon perceived by the philosophers of science as more fruitful
to the understanding of scientific progress than logical positivism. However, it had
its problems too. In particular the idea that theories should be rejected as soon as
they were falsified did not seem to be in line with the way in which scientists worked.
Scientists did not throw away a theory as soon as some data contradicted it. First,
they investigated whether the data were sound, so that they did not reject a theory
on flawed grounds. Second, if they were convinced of the soundness of the evidence,
they examined whether the theory could be amended so that it incorporated the new
finding. Most of the time theories contain several variables that can be adapted to
accommodate a deviating finding.
A particularly compelling example of how a deviating observation may lead to
a modification of the existing theory concerns the problems the motion of Uranus
caused for Newton’s laws of physics. In the nineteenth century it became undeniable
that Uranus’s path deviated too much from Newton’s laws to be acceptable. Accord-
ing to falsificationism, this should have been the signal to give up the theory and look
for something new. An alternative, however, was proposed by Leverrier in France and
Adams in the UK. They put forward the suggestion that Newton’s laws could be saved
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9.3 The second twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: falsification 381
if there was another planet in the neighbourhood of Uranus that influenced its orbit.
The astronomers started to calculate where the new planet should be and how big it
should be. On the basis of these calculations it was possible to inspect the designated
part of the sky more thoroughly. This eventually led to the discovery of Neptune.
Episodes like the one above illustrate that science is more than simply rejecting fal-
sified bold conjectures and replacing them with equally bold alternative conjectures.
Often it is better to adapt an existing, good theory so that it is no longer contradicted
by the available empirical evidence. If scientists had always given up their theories
as soon as they were confronted with some negative evidence, they arguably would
have none left! Even Popper eventually agreed that scientists should not give up their
theories too easily:
I have always stressed the need for some dogmatism: the dogmatic scientist has an
important role to play. If we give into criticism too easily, we shall never find out where
the real power of our theories lies.
(Popper, 1970: 55)
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382 Chapter 9 What is science?
hitherto unknown planet p´ which perturbs the path of p. He calculates the mass,
orbit, etc., of this hypothetical planet and then asks an experimental astronomer to
test his hypothesis. The planet p´ is so small that even the biggest available telescopes
cannot possibly observe it: the experimental astronomer applies for a research grant
to build yet a bigger one. In three years’ time the new telescope is ready. Were the
unknown planet p´; to be discovered, it would be hailed as a new victory of Newtonian
science. But it is not. Does our scientist abandon Newton’s theory and his idea of the
perturbing planet? No. He suggests that a cloud of cosmic dust hides the planet from us.
He calculates the location and properties of this cloud and asks for a research grant . . .
(Lakatos, 1970: 100–1)
Measuring skulls
If the above hypothetical example looks far-fetched to you, see what happened when
the great nineteenth-century French scholar Paul Broca (see Chapter 6) encountered
data that did not agree with his ideas. Broca was heavily involved in attempts to inves-
tigate whether the major differences observed in the brains of people were associated
with individual differences in functioning. (The brains of individuals differ as much in
their appearance as, for instance, faces. Brain imagers who work with a limited num-
ber of patients know after some time who a particular brain image is from by simply
looking at it, just as we can identify people by looking at their faces.)
One rather straightforward and generally accepted hypothesis was that there would
be a positive correlation between the size of a brain and the intelligence of the person:
the larger the brain, the more intelligent the person. And indeed the pattern of care-
fully measured specimens initially seemed to bear out the prediction. For instance,
an analysis of brains of high-performing individuals showed that famous people like
Cromwell, Byron and Cuvier had brains weighing more than 1,800 g, well above the
male average. Other measurements showed that males had larger brains than females,
that adult people had larger brains than the elderly, and that Europeans had larger
brains than natives from Africa and America (you can find a review of these findings
in the first volume of the Journal de Médecine Mentale (1861), in an article entitled
‘Du volume et de la forme du cerveau’).
However, in 1862 Broca was given a collection of 60 skulls excavated from a cem-
etery in a poor Basque village in Spain. As can be seen in Figure 9.5, the highly
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9.3 The second twentieth-century attempt at demarcation: falsification 383
unexpected finding was that these people had consistently larger brains than the
Parisians! Here is how Broca responded to this finding (translated from Broca,
1863: 11–13):
The average skull capacity of the Basque people is . . . larger than that of the total group
of the Parisians. Only inferior to the skulls from the Morgue, it surpasses . . . the capac-
ity of the skulls of the aristocrats from the Middle Ages . . . and even that of the skulls
of the bourgeoisie from the nineteenth century.
What could be the reasons for this unexpected result? The skulls in all samples have
been collected without selection, so that the relative proportion of skulls of the two
sexes should be more or less the same in all samples. A comparison of the Parisian
samples has shown the influence of the social class on the volume of the head. The skull
of a modern bourgeois is more voluminous than that of a proletarian; it is also more
voluminous than that of an aristocrat from the Middle Ages; this would establish that
in the same race, the progress in civilization, comfort and education coincides with a
growth of the brain. But this evidently cannot be the reason of the great capacity of
the skulls in the Basque people. Those skulls come from a poor village cemetery, from
a backward and ignorant populace that vegetated in the darkness . . .
The substantial capacity of the skulls is, therefore, a natural characteristic of this
race. However, M. Broca is far from concluding on the basis of this that the Basque
people would be more intelligent than the people from Paris. As a matter of fact, the
intelligence does not depend solely on the volume of the encephalon; it also depends on
the relative development of the different regions of the brain. The brains of the Basque
people are, on average, larger than ours; but this would only be an indication of superi-
ority if they had the same shape, if, for instance, the frontal region were in absolute or
in relative terms as developed as ours. So, M. Broca has measured separately the main
parts of the head, and he has discovered that the anterior skull is, in absolute terms,
smaller in Basque people than in Parisian people. It is the considerable development of
the occipital region that gives the Basque skulls their big capacity. (italics in original)
So, rather than giving up his theory in the face of falsifying evidence, Broca introduced
a modification to salvage the theory: the Basque people had larger skulls, not because
they were more intelligent (or because intelligence was not correlated with brain size),
but because the brain parts unrelated to intelligence were larger. Notice that this modi-
fication would have been acceptable for Popper as it was based on empirical evidence
and increased the falsifiability of the theory. All that was needed was to set up a study
to test the new claim (which, as far as we know, never happened).
It is important to realise that Broca is by no means an exception. Everyone reading
primary scientific literature (i.e. original research reports) will be familiar with this
type of wriggling by authors who are confronted with evidence that does not fit their
theory, and who propose all types of modifications without testing them.
Why researchers do not like to give up theories
The reason why scientists in general do not like to give up their theories is not so much
that they have to admit they were wrong (although this is sometimes a problem for the
researcher who initially proposed the theory), but that rejecting a theory means the
scientists have to start all over again. They have to search for a new, plausible theory
that explains everything the previous theory explained plus the novel, contradictory
finding. This, arguably, is one of the hardest challenges in science.
Remember the Wason task we discussed above. There we said that: ‘If partici-
pants thoroughly tried to falsify each rule they came up with and if at some point
they generated the correct rule, they were bound to find the solution.’ The condition
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384 Chapter 9 What is science?
in italics is the bottleneck: someone has to come up with the correct idea, before
falsificationism leads to progress. Falsificationism by itself does not lead to the
correct explanation; it only eliminates wrong ideas. As long as no-one ventures
the right interpretation, falsificationism is a dead end. This is what Einstein meant
when he wrote: ‘A theory can be proved by an experiment; but no path leads from
experiment to the birth of a theory’ (as cited in Andrews, 1987: 264). For that
reason, scientists need convincing evidence before they are willing to give up their
favourite theories.
Although Popper’s insights of falsificationism and the unacceptability of ad hoc
modifications were important steps forward, they did not explain why most of the
time researchers tend to cling on to their theories in the light of counter-evidence and
why at other times they are willing to give up a theory in search for a new conjecture.
A model that does a better job in this respect was proposed in the 1960s by Thomas
Interim summary
Popper’s falsification alternative to logical positivism
● Science is better considered as the formulation of theories (on the basis of inductive
reasoning and educated guessing) that scientists subsequently try to falsify by deriving
hypotheses which are put to the falsification test; this is the hypothetico-deductive
● There is no guarantee that an initially proposed theory is correct; therefore, science
proceeds by trial and error.
● Science differs from non-science because (1) the theories can be falsified and (2) there
is a willingness to do so.
● Falsification is a better criterion than verification. It is not possible to use observation
to prove a theory, but it is possible to use observation to falsify one.
● The more falsifiable a theory is (depending on its level of detail and scope), the better
the theory is.
● Falsification is counterintuitive because people have a bias towards trying to confirm
their opinions rather than trying to reject them.
● Limitations of falsificationism:
– Popper’s insistence on replacing falsified theories by bold alternatives as soon as they
are contradicted by empirical observations does not agree with scientific practice and
would also seem to be too radical.
– When researchers are confronted with conflicting evidence, they first try to modify the
existing theory so that it can account for the contradictory finding.
– According to Popper, modifications are acceptable as long as they do not make the
theory less falsifiable; otherwise, they are unacceptable ad hoc modifications.
– Problem: researchers regularly propose modifications they do not test and that are
not taken up by other researchers. Is this still science?
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9.4 Science is a succession of paradigms 385
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386 Chapter 9 What is science?
Normal science
Once the researchers share a paradigm, the discipline finds itself doing normal science.
This involves attempts to falsify the theory, to see how strong the theory is. If there
is a consistent deviation between the theory and a line of findings, a modification
or extension is introduced to capture the intractable fact without changing the core
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9.4 Science is a succession of paradigms 387
of the paradigm (as indicated above). Although there is no explicit ban, researchers
are not expected by their colleagues to question the paradigm and to come up with
incommensurable, bold conjectures. If they do so, they will find themselves ostracised,
which will result in difficulties in obtaining money for their research and having their
papers published.
Kuhn also called the stage of normal science ‘puzzle-solving’, because researchers
work on familiar topics using well-known techniques and practices. They have con-
fidence that they will be able to solve the puzzle using the available tools. They are
guided (governed) by the rules of the paradigm.
Crisis and revolution
Inevitably, according to Kuhn, the phase of normal science will yield results that
cannot be accounted for by the paradigm. At first, these findings are seen as anomalies,
unexplained observations, rather than falsifications, and researchers will question the
quality of the findings or look for ways in which they can be explained with the use of
modifications to the existing theory. Again, inevitably (in Kuhn’s view) the anomalies
will multiply and become more severe. They will require an increased use of ad hoc
modifications and changes to the theory that other researchers do not find interesting
enough to test (like Broca’s proposal about the magnitude of the different brain regions).
Because of the proliferation of ill-substantiated modifications, the original framework
will become increasingly incoherent and cluttered, resulting in a state of affairs very
similar to the pre-science situation. Scientific progress stalls and confidence in the para-
digm is undermined. In Kuhn’s term, the discipline finds itself in a state of crisis.
At the time of a crisis, a scientific discipline is more open to bold, alternative con-
jectures that question the core of the paradigm. These alternatives must provide the
same level of detail and falsifiability as the existing paradigm and, in addition, provide
a better interpretation for the deviating findings. In particular, scientists are looking
for a conjecture that allows the discipline to make progress again, to yield new predic-
tions that can be falsified and stand the test.
A particularly interesting distinction in this respect was introduced by the Hungarian
born mathematician, Imre Lakatos (1970). He called a paradigm that does not allow
its adherents to make new predictions and that requires a growing number of post hoc
degenerative research modifications to explain conflicting findings, a degenerative research programme. In
programme contrast, a paradigm that allows the formulation of novel, hitherto unexpected facts
notion introduced by he labelled a progressive research programme. Dienes (2008: 48) used the following
Lakatos to indicate a
paradigm that does not
colourful description to illustrate the difference between the two types of programmes:
allow researchers to make ‘In a progressive programme, theory keeps ahead of the data; in a degenerating pro-
new predictions and that gramme, theory lags behind the data, desperately trying to adjust itself to keep up.’
requires an increasing Kuhn called the replacement of a paradigm in crisis by an incompatible, new para-
number of ad hoc
modifications to account digm that makes new predictions and that repeatedly stands the falsification test, a
for the empirical findings scientific revolution. During a scientific revolution, a paradigm shift takes place, in
which the old paradigm (the degenerative research programme) is replaced by a new
progressive research
paradigm (the progressive research programme). This is a time of intense scientific
progress. Suddenly, a lot of facts which were previously not understood start to make
notion introduced by
Lakatos to indicate a sense. It is a time of enormous scientific excitement (because of the major break-
paradigm that allows throughs that are made in rapid succession), unlike the everyday ebb and flow that
researchers to make new, characterises normal science.
hitherto unexpected
predictions that can be
To give you an idea of what happens during a scientific revolution, have a look at
tested empirically Figure 9.9. It contains the same facts as Figures 9.7 and 9.8. However, because of the
shift in paradigm, the meaning of the facts has changed emphatically. What researchers
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388 Chapter 9 What is science?
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9.4 Science is a succession of paradigms 389
Centre of orbit
Actual path of
planet (dotted line)
Figure 9.10 The use of epicycles to explain the movement of a planet around the Sun in
Copernicus’s model of the universe.
To approach the observed path of the planet, Copernicus had to assume (1) that the Sun was not at
the centre of the orbit of the planet, and (2) that the planet not only moved in a circle around the
Sun, but in addition in a circle around the first circle, a so-called epicycle. Because in some cases
the predictions still did not fully match the observations, a further epicycle on the first epicycle
was required.
have to be newly found as a result of the crisis, or they are based on a search through
the archives for ideas that for a long time have been overlooked (because they were not
in line with the then prevailing paradigm).
Still related to scientific revolutions, it is important to keep in mind that they consist
of a paradigm shift, a shift of the theoretical backbone of a discipline. A scientific
revolution means that many existing research topics lose their appeal (either because
their mystery has been solved or because it becomes clear that the research on them
was misguided). They are replaced by new topics that follow from the novel paradigm
and that often require different research methods. When only a minor part of the para-
digm needs to be replaced by an alternative explanation, Kuhn did not consider this
to be a revolution. Others, however, have been less restrictive in their use of the word
paradigm (see, for instance, Chapter 12, where the opening quote talks of a ‘paradigm
war’ in psychology). In particular psychology seems to have been quite generous with
the term, using it for nearly every major change in theory and approach, making the
anthropologist Geertz (2000) jest that in psychology paradigm shifts come along not
by the century but by the decade or even by the month (Driver-Linn 2003).
x x
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390 Chapter 9 What is science?
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9.4 Science is a succession of paradigms 391
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392 Chapter 9 What is science?
Kuhn’s analysis of research paradigms reinvigorated the debate in the second half
of the twentieth century. Whereas scientists claimed they were discovering the physical
reality (realism), Kuhn’s scrutiny suggested that all they were doing was creating a set
of stories about their perceptions (idealism), shrouded in a secretive language (jargon)
and adorned with an unjustified air of objectivity, which in a hundred years’ time would
be looked upon as another outmoded paradigm based on wrong assumptions. After all,
there were plenty of examples of superseded scientific ‘facts’ that in the past had been
defended with the same zeal as contemporary scientists push their new ‘data’. Nothing
guaranteed that the prevailing paradigms in the different sciences were the right ones.
Kuhn’s theory predicted they are not (and never will be). Or as Feyerabend (1975) put it
in his anarchistic theory of knowledge: scientific claims may be no different from other
kinds of opinions, such as those provided by ancient myths or religions. Science has no
inherent authority and the respect for science in current Western society is nothing more
than the reverence people in the Middle Ages felt for the Catholic Church.
The science wars
Events culminated in a frontal attack against science by a number of philosophers and
postmodernist sociologists, who are referred to as postmodernists (although several names are used
in the philosophy of in the literature, referring to different positions taken). Postmodernism refers to a
science, someone who general cultural movement adopting a sceptical attitude to many of the principles and
questions the special
status of science and sees assumptions that underpinned modernity, such as uncritical belief in the benefits of
scientific explanations as capitalism, science and technology, which replaced the traditional ways of life (Sim,
stories told by a particular 1998). Important names of postmodernists in the philosophy of science are the
group of scientists Austrian-British philosopher Paul Feyerabend (1924–1994) and the French philoso-
phers Jean-François Lyotard (1924–1998), Michel Foucault (1926–1984) and Bruno
Latour (born in 1947). They particularly called into question the claim of realism on
which science was based.
According to the postmodernists, the analyses of Popper and in particular Kuhn
showed that scientific knowledge had less to do with realism than with the opinions
shared by the group of scientists. According to them, so-called scientific knowledge
social construction was a social construction by the scientific community, affected by their language and
notion used by culture. The truth of scientific statements did not depend on how well the statements
postmodernists to indicate represented reality, but on how coherent they were with the rest of the paradigm shared
that scientific knowledge
is not objective knowledge by the group. Scientific knowledge was not superior to other types of knowledge;
discovering the workings scientists had simply managed to acquire a lot of power in Western society by forming
of an external reality, but alliances with other strong groups, and they had been able to impose their views on
a story told by a particular other segments of society (see also Chapter 14).
scientific community on
the basis of its language The ensuing debate between scientists and postmodernists is sometimes referred to
and culture in the philosophy of science as the science wars (which is a good term to use to search
for further information on the internet), although very few scientists seem to be aware
science wars
of these wars (in line with their general indifference towards the efforts to define the
notion used by the
postmodernists to refer to essence of the scientific method, as we saw at the beginning of this chapter). For them,
their attacks against the the scientific achievements of the past 400 years are so overwhelming that it is incon-
special status of science ceivable that anyone would doubt them. As Sokal (1996) wrote, paraphrasing the
and their unmasking of eighteenth-century philosopher David Hume: ‘anyone who believes the laws of physics
scientific knowledge as a
social construction are mere social conventions is invited to try transgressing those conventions from the
windows of my apartment. (I live on the twenty-first floor.)’
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9.4 Science is a succession of paradigms 393
Interim summary
Kuhn’s theory
● A discipline needs a general theory to become scientific (otherwise it is a pre-science).
This theory forms a paradigm against which observations are made, questions posed and
answers interpreted.
● During periods of normal science, scientists solve puzzles within the existing paradigm.
They defend the paradigm and ostracise colleagues who question it. Modifications of the
theory in the light of contradictory findings must stay within the paradigm. Otherwise
the finding is an unexplained anomaly.
● During a period of normal science, anomalies accumulate and modifications become
increasingly ad hoc. This triggers a crisis.
● During a crisis, scientists are more open to an alternative, incommensurable theory, if
the latter provides the same level of explanation and in addition allows the formulation
of new predictions that stand the falsification test. If such an alternative is found, a
paradigm shift takes place, which Kuhn calls a scientific revolution.
● Because of these scientific revolutions, scientific progress is not steady and cumulative.
During the revolution progress is very fast; at the end of a period of normal science,
progress is very slow or non-existent.
● The cycle of periods of normal science followed by scientific revolutions is
● Paradigm shifts in Kuhn’s theory do not imply that the old paradigm is replaced by a
better one; it is just replaced by another one.
● This means that all scientific knowledge is relative and time-dependent, because it is
based on a paradigm that is bound to be replaced in the future.
● The awareness that scientific knowledge is relative has elicited strong criticism
from the postmodernists. In their view science is in no way superior to other types
of knowledge, because it consists of social constructions made up by the scientists.
Scientists have more power because they have formed strong alliances with other
powerful groups.
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394 Chapter 9 What is science?
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9.5 The pragmatic alternative 395
3. The a priori method. People use their own reason and logic to reach conclusions.
This includes deductive reasoning, but also the type of knowledge that is important
in disciplines such as art history, literary criticism, philosophy and theology, where
people express opinions and theories without feeling a need to verify them empiri-
cally. This type of knowledge also includes intuitive knowledge (defined as hunches
people have about what may work in a particular situation without knowing the
reasoning that resulted in the hunch).
According to Peirce, there was no clear difference between the scientific method
and the three other methods of knowledge acquisition. All knowledge that helped to
cope with the world was useful, wherever it came from (science, tradition, religion,
Another reason it took a long time for Peirce’s views to have a real impact on the
philosophy of science was that they seemed less coherent and watertight than the
usual writings on logic and epistemology. For instance, pragmatism’s definition of
truth (‘what works’) seemed to be much weaker than the traditional definitions based
on logic. Indeed, in response to the criticism he received, in 1905 Peirce to some extent
distanced himself from his earlier views. Peirce’s impact was further compromised
because for most of his life he was not connected to a university (he actually had a
rather tragic life, which can easily be researched on the internet). His influence was
mainly due to a friend of his, William James (yes, him!), and a PhD student he had
during a short stint at Johns Hopkins University, John Dewey. Both men were more
effective in the launch of functionalist psychology in the USA than in the launch of
pragmatism in the philosophy of science, even though towards the ends of their lives
they identified themselves predominantly with the latter. In addition, the three pro-
ponents did not have exactly the same ideas of what pragmatism was, making the
message less straightforward and convincing than it could have been.
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396 Chapter 9 What is science?
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9.6 Focus on: How to respond to scientific findings? 397
Interim summary
● A strong component of the discussion within the philosophy of science is the extent
to which human perception and understanding correspond to a physical reality. This is
known as the realism vs. idealism debate.
● Another view is that knowledge of reality is derived from successfully coping with the
world. Ideas that work are retained; ideas that do not make a practical difference get
lost. This is the pragmatic view.
● The pragmatic view has been ignored for a long time, because it does not give a special
status to scientific knowledge, but currently seems to be gaining momentum.
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398 Chapter 9 What is science?
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9.6 Focus on: How to respond to scientific findings? 399
There is no fail-safe advice to be given about how to avoid misleading scientific claims.
One helpful rule of thumb is to look at the time period since the claim has been
introduced and the amount of research that has gone into it thus far. Most people are
particularly impressed by the latest research, but in general this is the most risky part
of science. The more falsification tests a statement has passed, the surer we can be of
its validity (always keeping in mind that it is impossible to achieve 100% certainty). In
this respect, researchers talk about the importance of converging evidence, evidence
from a long series of different falsification attempts, each aimed at a potential weak-
ness of the statement.
Of all the research that is done and the theoretical modifications that are intro-
duced, only a fraction survives the first 10 years. Although some of the forgotten
ideas may later turn out to be missed critical insights (like Kepler’s), the vast majority
are overlooked because they were false starts or simply not important enough. The
short life span of many newly proposed scientific ideas is also the reason why scien-
tific textbooks and lectures should not be limited to the research of the last few years
(Sternberg, 1999). They should first of all pay attention to the well-established, ‘classic’
findings and interpretations.
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400 Chapter 9 What is science?
Interim summary
● The strong relative view of scientific knowledge is based on the assumption that the
perception of facts is fully dependent on the perceiver’s background knowledge.
● If one accepts that the perception of facts has an objective component, grounded in
reality, then the constant coupling of ideas to observations by means of verification and
falsification is a guarantee that the ideas will not be completely in contradiction with the
reality as it can be observed.
● The observation that science proceeds by trial and error and happens within a paradigm
that may turn out to be wrong should warn people always to remain critical about
scientific claims. A helpful rule of thumb in this respect is to always look at how many
falsification tests the claim has stood.
Recommended literature
An interesting introduction to the philosophy of science Gower, B. (1997) Scientific Method: An Historical and
is Chalmers, A.F. (2013) What is This Thing called Philosophical Introduction (London: Routledge) gives par-
Science? (4th Edition) (McGraw-Hill Education). Gauch, ticularly useful information about developments before the
H.G. (2003) Scientific Method in Practice (Cambridge: twentieth century.
Cambridge University Press) is another remarkable book,
Dienes, Z. (2008) Understanding Psychology as a Science:
because it has been written by a scientist taking the
An Introduction to Scientific and Statistical Inference
postmodernists’ criticisms seriously and examining the
(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan) provides information
consequences for science education.
particularly related to psychology.
Allchin, D. (2002) ‘To err and win a Nobel Prize: Paul Carnap, R. (1966) Philosophical Foundations of Physics:
Boyer, ATP synthase and the emergence of bioenerget- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science. New
ics’. Journal of the History of Biology, 35: 149–72. York: Basic Books.
Andrews, R. (1987) The Routledge Dictionary of Quota- Chalmers, A.F. (1999) What is This Thing called Science?
tions. London: Routledge. (3rd Edition). Maidenhead, UK: Open University
Bacon, F. (1620) Novum Organum Scientiarum. Available Press.
on books.google.co.uk. Coles, N.A., Larsen, J.T. & Lench, H.C. (2019) ‘A meta-
Bem, S. & Looren de Jong, H. (2006) Theoretical Issues in analysis of the facial feedback literature: Effects of facial
Psychology: An Introduction. London: Sage Publications. feedback on emotional experience are small and vari-
Birnbaum, L.C. (1955) ‘Behaviorism in the 1920s’. able’. Psychological Bulletin, 145: 610–51.
American Quarterly, 7: 15–30. Coles, P. (2001) ‘Einstein, Eddington and the 1919 eclipse’.
Bridgman, P.W. (1927) The Logic of Modern Physics. Historical Development of Modern Cosmology, ASP
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Conference Series, 252.
Broca, P. (1863) ‘Sur les caractères des cranes basques’. Dienes, Z. (2008) Understanding Psychology as a Science:
Extrait des Bulletins de la Société d’anthropologie de An Introduction to Scientific and Statistical Inference.
Paris. At books.google.com. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cajori, F. (ed.) (1934) Sir Isaac Newton’s Mathematical Draper, J.W. (1847) A Textbook on Natural Philosophy for
Principles of Natural Philosophy and his System of the the use of Schools and Colleges. New York: Harper &
World. Berkeley: University of California Press. Brothers.
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 400 14/09/2020 19:44
Notes 401
Driver-Linn, E. (2003) ‘Where is psychology going? Struc- McComas, W.F. (Ed.) (1998) The Nature of Science
tural fault lines revealed by psychologists’ use of Kuhn’. in Science Education. Dortrecht: Kluwer Academic
American Psychologist, 58: 269–78. Publishers.
Feyerabend, P.K. (1975/1993) Against Method: Outline of Medawar, P.B. (1969) Induction and Intuition in Scientific
an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge. London: New Left Thought. London: Methuen. As cited in R. Rosenthal &
Books. R.L. Rosnow (2008). Essentials of Behavioral Research:
Fisher, G.H. (1968) ‘Ambiguity of form – old and new’. Methods and Data Analysis (3rd Edition). Boston:
Perception & Psychophysics, 4: 189–92. McGraw-Hill.
Gauch, H.G. (2003) Scientific Method in Practice. Cam- Peirce, C.S. (1877) ‘The fixation of belief’. Popular Science
bridge: Cambridge University Press. Monthly, 12 (November): 1–15.
Geertz, C. (2000) Available Light: Anthropological Reflec- Popper, K.R. (1970) ‘Normal science and its dangers.’
tions on Philosophical Topics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton In I. Lakatos & A. Musgrave (Eds.), Criticism and
University Press. Growth of Knowledge. New York: Cambridge Uni-
Gilles, D. (1996) Artificial Intelligence and Scientific versity Press.
Method. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Rochberg-Halton, E. (1987) ‘Why pragmatism now?’ Soci-
Gonon, F., Konsman, J. P., Cohen, D. & Boraud, T. (2012) ological Theory, 5: 194–200.
‘Why most biomedical findings echoed by newspapers Shapin, S. (1996) The Scientific Revolution. Chicago: Uni-
turn out to be false: The case of attention deficit hyper- versity of Chicago Press.
activity disorder’. PloS One, 7: e44275. Sim, S. (Ed.) (1998) The Routledge Companion to Post-
Gould, S.J. (1996) The Mismeasure of Man (2nd Edition). modernism (2nd Edition). London: Routledge.
New York: Norton & Company. Sokal, A.D. (1996) ‘A physicist experiments with cultural
Gower, B. (1997) Scientific Method: An Historical and studies’. Lingua Franca, May/June, 62–4. (Also available
Philosophical Introduction. London: Routledge. at www.physics.nyu.edu/sokal.)
Herschel, J.F.W. (1831) A Preliminary Discourse on the Sternberg, R.J. (1999) ‘Twenty tips for teaching intro-
Study of Natural Philosophy. London. ductory psychology.’ In B. Perlman, L.I. McCann
Ioannidis, J.P.A. (2005) ‘Contradicted and initially stronger & S.H. McFadden (Eds.), Lessons Learned: Practi-
effects in highly cited clinical research’. Journal of the cal Advice for the Teaching of Psychology (vol. 1),
American Medical Association, 294: 218–28. pp 99–104. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Kuhn, T.S. (1962/1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolu- Society.
tions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Taleb, N.N. (2007) The Black Swan: The Impact of the
Lakatos, I. (1970) ‘Falsification and the methodology of sci- Highly Improbable. New York: Random House.
entific research programs.’ In I. Lakatos & A. Musgrave Talisse, R.B. & Aikin, S.F. (Eds.) (2011) The Pragmatism
(Eds.), Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. New Reader: From Peirce to the Present. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
York: Cambridge University Press. University Press.
Liebig, J. von (1863) Ueber Francis Bacon von Verulam und Vazire, S. (2020) ‘A toast to the error detectors: Let 2020 be
die Methode der Naturforschung. Munich. the year in which we value those who ensure that science
Lilienfeld, S.O., Lynn, S.J., Ruscio, J. & Beyerstein, is self-correcting’. Nature, 577, 9.
B.L. (2010) 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Wason, P.C. (1960) ‘On the failure to eliminate hypotheses
Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about Human in a conceptual task’. Quarterly Journal of Experimen-
Behaviour. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. tal Psychology, 12: 129–40.
Martineau, H. (1858) The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Wittgenstein, L. (1953) Philosophical Investigations (trans.
Compte. New York: Calvin Blanchard. G.E.M. Anscombe). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
1. In 1659 Christiaan Huygens formulated a law of 2. Notice the references to Aristotle’s Organum and
centripetal force, which formed the basis of Newton’s Bacon’s Novum Organum.
second law of motion. In 1657 he also published what
is considered the first mathematical textbook on
probabilistic reasoning in games of chance.
M09 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 401 14/09/2020 19:44
10 Is psychology a science?
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Introduction 403
Questions to consider
On various internet sites you can find the story ‘How to identify professors’.
Below we give an abbreviated version.
Chemistry professor: Wears a white lab coat. This may actually be clean but
does not have to be. Physical chemistry professors have a brand new coat that
has never been in the lab; polymer chemists have strange glop on their coat, and
freshman chemistry professors have acid holes.
Physics professor: Wears blue jeans and a flannel shirt. May sometimes forget
to wear shirt altogether. If a professor is wearing blue jeans and suspenders, ten
to one he is a physicist. Physics profs often have German accents, but this is not
a distinguishing characteristic.
Biology professor: Sometimes wears a lab coat, though usually this is the sign
of a biochemist. Marine biologists walk around in hip boots for no explainable
reason, even in the middle of winter. They are apt to wear grey slacks and smell
like fish, as opposed to most biologists, who smell strongly of formalin. Micro-
biology instructors go around in spotless white coats, refuse to drink beer on
tap, and wipe all their silverware before using it.
Psychology Professor: Psychologists are not real scientists, and can be eas-
ily identified by their screams of protest whenever anyone questions whether
psychology is a science. Psychologists have beady little eyes and don’t laugh at
jokes about psychology. If you are not sure whether a person is a scientist or a
comparative religion instructor, he is probably a psychologist.
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404 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Funny stories like the one above reflect (and reinforce) stereotypes but often include
a true core. In Chapter 5 we saw how behaviourists and cognitive psychologists strug-
gled to have their investigations acknowledged as scientific research. And presently
many introductory classes to psychology still start by stressing that psychology is
a true science (as if, otherwise, students might finish their course without properly
realising this). So, why do academic psychologists feel the need to emphasise that
psychology is a science and why does the public at large have a problem believing
this? In what respects does psychology resemble and differ from physics, chemistry
and biology?
Now that we have seen what science is (Chapter 9), we can address the question to
what extent psychology is a science. We start by reviewing the reasons why psychology
is claimed to be science. Then, we discuss the reasons why people do not perceive it as
such. We end with a discussion of the movements in psychology that have criticised
the exclusive reliance on scientific research methods, and ask whether this implies that
the history of psychology ought to be given by neutral historians.
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10.1 Reasons why psychology is claimed to be a science 405
A nice example of how the new, scientific method was promoted can be found in
the book Psychology, published by John Dewey in 1887. In this book, Dewey stated
that psychological investigation had languished for too long under the metaphysical
philosophy associated with the American mental philosophers and that it was time
psychology had a treatment of its own. In his own words, ‘how shall we make our
psychology scientific and up to the times, free from metaphysics – which, however
good in its place, is out of place in a psychology? (Dewey, 1887: iv).
The adherence to the scientific method was further communicated by putting the
start of the discipline at 1879, the year when the first scientific laboratory of psychol-
ogy was established by Wundt in Leipzig. As we saw in Chapter 4, the teaching of
psychology was considerably older.
Consequences for the psychology curriculum
Because psychology was promoted on the basis of its long past and its sound method,
both ‘history of psychology’ and ‘research methods’ were major components of the
curriculum. Students were taught how to run proper studies in laboratories and had to
buy syllabuses or books on research methods. Similarly, students had to study the his-
tory of psychology. Shortly after 1910, the first textbooks on the history of psychology
appeared, the best known of which is that of Baldwin, published in 1913 (which you
can find on the internet). Remember this was only some 20 years after the foundation
of the very first psychology laboratory in the USA! Little surprise, then, that these his-
tory books hardly dealt with the new discipline. They were reviews of person-related
ideas and insights from philosophy and religion, which were rephrased as precursors
of psychological thought. These books were self-legitimisation as much as essential
stepping stones for a good psychology education.
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406 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
The founders of psychology claimed that a similar feat would be achieved by psy-
chologists if they were given the means to start the scientific study of the human mind
(Chapters 3–5). Although few people spontaneously associated the study of mental life
with scientific research (certainly not in the nineteenth century!), the first academic
psychologists maintained that there was nothing inherent in the subject matter that
prevented it from being studied using the scientific method.
Because of its emphasis on method in the definition of science, academic psychology
invested heavily in developing appropriate research designs and analysis techniques.
It is not a coincidence that since the beginning of the twentieth century psychologists
have been at the forefront of investigations into increasingly powerful research designs
and statistical analyses of complicated datasets. Psychologists had to be the top of
the class as far as research methods and statistics were concerned! Even recently, this
was apparent when psychological researchers in the 1990s started to collaborate with
their medical colleagues in cognitive neuroscience. A recurrent complaint among the
psychologists (although rarely recorded on paper) was the low level of methodological
sophistication in their medical collaborators, making the findings vulnerable to a long
line of validity threats.
It has long been argued that psychology has overplayed the role of research meth-
ods at the expense of theory building (see Chapter 9 for the importance of theories
in science). This was the conclusion the eminent American psychologist Sigmund
Koch (he would later become its president) drew after he was asked by the American
Psychological Association to analyse the status of psychology in the mid-twentieth
Ever since its stipulation into existence as an independent science, psychology has been
far more concerned with being a science than with courageous and self-determining
confrontation with its historically constituted subject matter. Its history has been largely
a matter of emulating the methods, forms, symbols of the established sciences, espe-
cially physics.
(Koch, 1961: 629–30)
A similar criticism can be heard from Noam Chomsky, the linguist who in the 1960s
formulated a theory of language processing that would form the inspiration for thou-
sands of scientific studies in cognitive psychology (see Chapter 5):
Take the phrase ‘behavioral sciences.’ It’s a very curious phrase. I mean it’s a bit like call-
ing the natural sciences ‘meter-reading sciences.’ In fact a physicist’s data often consists
of things like meter readings, but nobody calls physics ‘meter-reading science.’ Similarly,
the data of a psychologist is behavior in a broad sense. But to call a field ‘behavioral
science’ is to say it’s a science of behavior in the sense in which physics is a science of
meter reading.
(Chomsky, in Baars, 1986: 346–7)
This was also the conclusion Baars himself reached:
Almost every mature science shows a tension between experimentalists and theoreti-
cians. Experimental scientists often complain that the theoreticians ignore inconvenient
evidence, whereas theoreticians tend to believe that experimentalists cannot see the
larger picture. This tension can be healthy and creative, providing that there is also
good communication . . .
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10.1 Reasons why psychology is claimed to be a science 407
But in psychology, only one-half of this dialectic existed. There simply was no cred-
ible theory. In the absence of accepted theory, it was never clear which experiments had
important implications.
(Baars, 1986: 161–2)
The problem has not been solved in recent years, as can be concluded from the fol-
lowing excerpt (Borsboom, 2013):
Scientific theories are perhaps the most bizarre entities that the scientific imagination
has produced. They have incredible properties that, if we weren’t so familiar with them,
would do pretty well in a Harry Potter novel. For instance, scientific theories allow you
to work out, on a piece of paper, what would happen to stuff in conditions that aren’t
actually realized. So you can figure out whether an imaginary bridge will stand or col-
lapse in imaginary conditions. You can do this by simply just feeding some imaginary
quantities that your imaginary bridge would have (like its mass and dimensions) to a
scientific theory (say, Newton’s) and out comes a prediction on what will happen. In
the more impressive cases, the predictions are so good that you can actually design the
entire bridge on paper, then build it according to specifications (by systematically map-
ping empirical objects to theoretical terms), and then the bridge will do precisely what
the theory says it should do. No surprises.
That’s how they put a man on the moon and that’s how they make the computer
screen you’re now looking at. It’s all done in theory before it’s done for real, and
that’s what makes it possible to construct complicated but functional pieces of
equipment. . . .
A good scientific theory allows you to [sic] infer what would happen to things in cer-
tain situations without creating the situations. Thus, scientific theories are crystal balls
that actually work. For this reason, some philosophers of science have suggested that
scientific theories should be interpreted as inference tickets. Once you’ve got the ticket,
you get to sidestep all the tedious empirical work. Which is great, because empirical
work is, well, tedious. Scientific theories are thus exquisitely suited to the needs of
lazy people.
My field – psychology – unfortunately does not afford much of a lazy life. We don’t
have theories that can offer predictions sufficiently precise to intervene in the world
with appreciable certainty. That’s why there exists no such thing as a psychological
engineer. And that’s why there are fields of theoretical physics, theoretical biology, and
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408 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
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10.1 Reasons why psychology is claimed to be a science 409
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410 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
comprising an element of relativity (due to the paradigm on which they are based), but it
must be possible for others to repeat them if they follow the instructions.
The findings are stated in such a way that they are interpreted in the same way by dif-
ferent readers. As you may have noticed from some of the quotations in the present
book, this requirement was not always met in philosophical writings (cf. the interpre-
tation problems related to Plato, Aristotle and even Wundt).
Science, again much more than any other method of information generation, stresses
the importance of prediction. It is not enough to explain phenomena post hoc (after
they have happened); a scientist must be able to predict what will happen in the future
(under well-controlled circumstances). Such prediction enables control of the event.
Knowledge is revisable
Scientific knowledge is open, and can be revised at all times. As we saw in Chapter 9,
trying to falsify existing convictions is central to science, to make sure that no wrong
beliefs are perpetuated. Knowledge is not person-bound. Opinions are not held on to
because of the person who formulated them. They are adhered to because they are
not contradicted by the available evidence. This does not mean that all revisions hap-
pen instantaneously (remember the fate of anomalies in periods of normal science;
Chapter 9), but knowledge that consistently fails to pass the falsification test will
eventually lead to a revision of the theory, even if that includes a paradigm shift.
Comparison with pseudoscience
Another way to illustrate the importance of the scientific method for psychology
pseudoscience researchers is to compare it with the methods prevalent in pseudoscience, a branch of
branch of knowledge that knowledge that pretends to be scientific but violates the scientific method on essential
pretends to be scientific aspects, such as:
but that violates the
scientific method on 1. the use of vague, exaggerated or untestable claims,
essential aspects, such as
lack of openness to testing 2. a tendency to invoke ad hoc hypotheses as a means to immunise claims from
by others and reliance on falsification,
confirmation rather than
falsification 3. personalisation of issues (intuitions of leaders rather than data),
4. over-reliance on confirmation rather than falsification,
5. excessive reliance on anecdotal and testimonial evidence to substantiate claims,
6. lack of openness to testing by other experts and scrutiny by peer review,
7. a tendency to place the burden of proof on sceptics, not proponents, of claims,
8. failure to connect with the existing scientific knowledge (sometimes replaced by an
accusation of being excluded),
9. use of misleading language (e.g. maintaining ideas that are known to be false).
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10.1 Reasons why psychology is claimed to be a science 411
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412 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
A particularly interesting feature that comes out of Boyack et al.’s (2005) analysis
is that psychology does not form an isolated island only referring to itself. As a matter
of fact, it is one of the seven major areas of research (next to maths, physics, chemis-
try, earth sciences, medicine and social sciences), forming a hub for a series of other
disciplines related to human functioning, with strong links to two other major areas
(medicine and social sciences). This agrees with the claim that psychological research
is well-embedded within the sciences.
Interim summary
Reasons why psychology is seen as a science
● The founders have defined psychology as the study of the human mind with the scientific
● They further argued that whether or not a discipline is a science depends on the research
methods used and not on the topic investigated: psychology used the scientific method
and, therefore, was a science.
● The scientific method has proven to be a fruitful approach and is fully integrated within
mainstream psychological research.
● Psychological research is fully integrated within other scientific research. It is one of the
seven major areas with strong links to two other major areas. It forms a hub for a series
of less central sciences related to human functioning.
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10.2 Reasons why psychology is not seen as a science 413
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414 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Figure 10.1 Examples of teachers’ sketches of scientists, revealing the stereotypical views
people have about these individuals.
Source: McDuffie (2001)
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10.2 Reasons why psychology is not seen as a science 415
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416 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
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10.2 Reasons why psychology is not seen as a science 417
each approach meets different needs in the population, an idea we will return to in
Chapter 14.
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418 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
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10.2 Reasons why psychology is not seen as a science 419
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420 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Figure 10.2 Difference in expertise between expert and average person. Medicine
When people are asked how much more expertise a college professor or licensed professional
has relative to an average person, they make a distinction between the so-called ‘hard sciences’
(chemistry, medicine, physics, biology) and the ‘soft’ social sciences (psychology, sociology,
Source: Janda et al. (1998), ‘Attitudes towards psychology relative to other disciplines’, Professional Psychology: Research
and Practice, 29, 140–43.
A negative consequence is that the public in general does not believe psycholo-
gists have much specialised knowledge. Psychological findings that are too difficult to
understand are not ‘real’ psychology, and findings that do not agree with the general
opinion are likely to be wrong. For instance, Janda et al. (1998) asked a representative
sample of 100 residents of Virginia (USA) how large the difference was between what
an expert (i.e. a college professor or a licensed professional) knows about his or her
field and how much an average person knows about the field. Seven disciplines were
examined: biology, chemistry, economics, medicine, psychology, physics and sociology.
Figure 10.2 shows the findings. From these, it is clear that the natural sciences (chemis-
try, medicine, physics, biology) are perceived as having much more expert knowledge
than the social sciences (psychology, sociology, economics).
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10.2 Reasons why psychology is not seen as a science 421
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422 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Lombrozo (2018) argued that the judgements about the scope of science have implica-
tions for science education, policy, and the public reception of psychological science.
According to hermeneutic psychologists, they also pose limits to what scientific psy-
chology can contribute to the understanding of the human mind.
Because the tension between the experimental and the hermeneutic approach has
been a central issue throughout the history of psychology, we will devote the rest of
this chapter and the next chapter to it. First, in this chapter we give a short review
of the hermeneutic approach. Then, in Chapter 11, we have a look at the methods
proposed by both traditions.
Interim summary
Reasons why psychology is not seen as a science
● The stereotypical view people have of a psychologist is that of a clinical psychologist
treating patients. This view does not overlap with the stereotypical view people have of a
scientist as a loner who is obsessed with his work and which he studies in an uncreative
way, making use of instruments.
● Professional psychologists largely outnumber psychology researchers, and they are users
of scientific knowledge rather than creators of such knowledge. There is even evidence
that many practitioners return to their intuition once they have finished their studies.
● People are convinced that they have as much knowledge about psychological issues as
psychologists, or at least that they can keep up with psychologists as long as they pay
attention to the psychological research that is described in the media.
● Next to the mainstream scientific tradition in academic psychology, there is a hermeneutic
approach that is more in agreement with the public’s view of psychology as non-scientific.
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10.3 The critique of scientific psychology 423
person by an analysis of his or her personal and socio-cultural history. The main
research method here was understanding, in the same way as a historian tries to under-
stand what happened in the past. According to Dilthey, the human mind should be
understood, not explained.
The four elements of Dilthey’s approach
There were four main elements in Dilthey’s approach. First, psychology should be
content-based. It should not focus on how the brain functions (the form), but on what
the mind comprises (the meaning structure of the person). Because psychology was
based on understanding the content of the mind, Dilthey argued, it belonged to the
Geisteswissenschaften, together with history, political science, law, theory, literature
and art.
Second, Dilthey argued that the subject matter of psychology was the human expe-
rience in its totality, including cognition (thoughts), emotion, and volition (motivation
to act). Psychology should not aim at dissecting the human mind but at describing the
complete mind with its constant interplay of cognition, emotion and volition.
The third element was that a person’s life was embedded in a context. A person
could not be studied in isolation, but had to be seen in his/her socio-cultural and
historical context. A similar remark was made by Karl Marx (1818–1883), who urged
philosophers and psychologists to study the mind of the individual as part of a society,
instead of focusing on abstract individuals apart from history and society.
Finally, the natural-scientific research method with its experimentation and bias
towards measurement could never grasp the totality of the mental life within its con-
text. Therefore, the appropriate method for psychology was understanding. Dilthey
distinguished three different levels of understanding:
1. elementary forms of understanding used to solve the simple problems of life,
2. empathy through which an observer can re-experience someone else’s experiences,
3. the hermeneutic level of understanding, by which an observed person can be better
understood than the person understands him/herself.
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424 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Related schools
In the twentieth century, Freud’s ideas inspired a series of other theorists to come up
with alternative theories of what constitutes the core of the human mind and how it
develops over time. The best known are:
● Carl Jung (1875–1961) He made a distinction between the personal unconscious
(forgotten and repressed contents of the individual’s mental life) and the collective
unconscious (acts and images shared by all human beings or by a particular culture;
manifest themselves in archetypes – e.g. the archetype of an old, wise man with a
white beard). Jung also distinguished several personality types and introduced the
characteristic of extroversion versus introversion.
● Alfred Adler (1870–1937) He argued that the most important motive for a human
being was a feeling of inferiority, originating from the sense of dependence and
helplessness felt by infants. The feeling of inferiority resulted in a striving for supe-
riority and perfection.
● Erik Erikson (1902–1994) Erikson is best known for his theory of developmental
stages. According to this theory the human life comprised eight stages (infant, tod-
dler, preschooler, school-age child, adolescent, young adult, middle adult, old adult)
in each of which a new psychosocial crisis had to be solved (e.g. gaining trust in
infancy). If the crisis was solved well, it resulted in a psychosocial virtue (e.g. hope
and faith in infancy). If the crisis was not solved well, it resulted in maladaptation
and malignancy (e.g. withdrawal of the infant).
● John Bowlby (1907–1990) He is known for his attachment theory, which states that
infants seek proximity to a limited number of familiar people (in particular his/her
mother) and use these people for comfort in stressful times and as a secure basis for
exploration of the environment. Secure attachment is only possible if the adults are
sensitive and responsive to the child’s communications; it is also adversely affected
by an abrupt and long-lasting separation. The quality of the emotional attachment
formed in infancy has a lasting influence on the person’s later emotional and social
development. Bowlby supported falsification tests of his theory, in particular via
a long-term collaboration with Mary Ainsworth, who devised the ‘strange situa-
tion’ test (in which the caregiver temporarily had to leave the child in an unfamiliar
environment) to measure the attachment style of the child.
In the second half of the twentieth century, psychoanalysis placed increasing emphasis
on the functioning of the ego (dealing with the unconscious drives from the id) and
the relations with others, past and present. The former is known as ego psychology
and was inspired by Erikson’s work. The latter is called object relations and developed
partly out of Bowlby’s findings.
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10.3 The critique of scientific psychology 425
understand the client, but this was done without interpretation on the basis of psycho-
analytic theory. Viewed within Dilthey’s scheme of understanding, Rogers emphasised
the empathic form of understanding, whereas Freud chose the hermeneutic level. The
therapist in Rogers’s view had to share the client’s experiences but not interpret them;
his/her role was supportive rather than enlightening.
Just like Bowlby, Rogers combined the hermeneutic approach with the natural-
science approach when he insisted that the efficacy of his therapy be tested (see also
Eysenck’s research in Chapter 8). In 1954, he co-edited a book (Rogers & Dymond,
1954) in which the results of a four-year programme on the efficacy of the client-
centred therapy were examined. In the words of a reviewer:
Changes in the clients during therapy were measured not against some abstractly defined
global criterion or index of success of failure; instead, objective measures were used that
would detect changes in certain specific personality variables that could be predicted from
the theories of Rogers and operationally defined. These were: changes in self-perception,
changes in the total personality make-up as determined by the TAT test, changes in the
client’s attitude toward others, and changes in scores on an emotional maturity scale.
(Hulett, 1955: 369)
The APA thanked Rogers for this initiative by bestowing on him one of its first
Distinguished Scientific Contribution Awards in 1956.
Rogers was, together with Abraham Maslow (1908–1970), one of the founders of
humanistic psychology humanistic psychology in the 1950s. This movement was promoted as the ‘third force’,
psychological movement because it offered an alternative to psychoanalysis and behaviourism. In 1966, Maslow
promoted by Rogers and published a book, Psychology of Science, in which he detailed what he thought was
Maslow as a reaction
against psychoanalysis wrong with a psychology exclusively built on the ‘classic’ scientific method.
and behaviourism; Maslow began as a laboratory experimentalist, comfortably embedded in the ‘sci-
stressed that people entific orthodoxy’. Like many of his contemporaries, he was brought into the field
are human, inherently of psychology having been influenced by John B. Watson’s ‘optimistic’ Psychologies
positive, endowed with
free will and living within (1925), feeling that the programmatic nature of the writings showed a clear path
a socio-cultural context ahead. But, as a psychotherapist or father, dealing with ‘whole persons’, he found
that this scientific psychology proved of little use.
On the basis of his experiences, Maslow stressed the need for a new type of sci-
ence, which was not based exclusively on Descartes’ mechanistic world view (in which
everything is interpreted as a machine). This does not mean that Maslow rejected the
scientific approach of psychology (as is sometimes assumed). He wanted the approach
to be more inclusive. This is expressed most clearly in the preface to one of his main
publications (Maslow, 1966). Here, Maslow not only wrote of the dangers of the
‘denial of human values’ and ‘amoral technologizing’ in science. He also warned of the
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426 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
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10.3 The critique of scientific psychology 427
could be argued that the direct impact of experimental psychology on everyday life
is limited because many human choices and interactions are centred on values rather
than facts.
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428 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
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10.3 The critique of scientific psychology 429
Psychologists who nowadays are asked to give advice about masturbation are as much
influenced by the prevailing morals about sexuality as their colleagues were in the
early 1900s. According to the postmodernists, the same is true for advice on autism,
ADHD, OCD, global warming, smacking children, testing children from an early age,
and so on.
Critical psychology
The latest development within the hermeneutic approach has been the emergence of
critical psychology a number of positions that became known as critical psychology (or rather critical
movement in psychology psychologies, as the different positions do not see themselves as fully compatible; Teo,
that criticises mainstream 2005). Critical psychology is based on the following tenets (e.g. Fox et al., 2009;
psychology for failing
to understand that
Newness & Golding, 2017).
knowledge does not
refer to an outside Idealism instead of realism
reality (idealism), that
scientific knowledge is not As we saw in Chapters 3 and 9, there are two opposing views in philosophy about the
cumulative but consists nature of human knowledge. On the one hand, there is realism, saying that knowledge
of social constructions, corresponds to reality, which must be discovered; its truth depends on the correspond-
and that psychological
ence with the real world. On the other hand, there is idealism, saying that knowledge is
theories and claims have
an impact on the world in a social construction, which does not necessarily correspond to an outside world; the
which people live truth of statements depends on their coherence with the rest of knowledge. Critical
psychologists argue that scientific psychology (which they usually call ‘mainstream
psychology’) wrongly believes in realism. According to them, human language does
not represent things in the world but is meant to facilitate social interaction. For the
same reason, mainstream psychology is wrong in the emphasis it puts on the individual
in isolation; what matters is the person as a social being.
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430 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
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10.3 The critique of scientific psychology 431
Ever since psychology carved itself a niche in the world of science, there has been the
feeling that the scientific method does not provide all the information psychologists
need. This has been felt in applied contexts, but also in academic psychology. Remem-
ber from Chapter 4 that Wundt had already made a distinction between three research
methods: experimental methods, introspection and the historical method. Only the
first one qualified as scientific according to the behaviourists.
A similar ambiguity towards experimental psychology can be found in James
and his successor at Harvard University, Hugo Münsterberg, who published a
textbook in 1915 under the title Psychology: General and Applied. In this book,
Münsterberg drew a distinction between causal psychology (the natural-scientific
approach) and purposive psychology (the hermeneutic approach), which he saw
as complementary:
[In the causal psychology] we shall resolve the personality into the elementary bits of
psychical atoms and shall bring every will act into a closed system of causes and effects.
But in the purposive part we shall show with the same consistency the true inner unity
of the self and the ultimate freedom of the responsible personality. Those two accounts
do not exclude each other; they supplement each other, they support each other, they
demand each other.
(as cited in Cahan & White, 1992)
Also, nowadays introductory textbooks of psychology include a discussion of ideas
from the hermeneutic tradition, even though in the introduction they define psychol-
ogy as a scientific discipline.
Although it is fair to say that the natural-scientific and the hermeneutic approaches
in general have not been comfortable with each other, there have been many
attempts to find common ground and to see how each could strengthen the other.
Unfortunately, those attempts have not been very fruitful, possibly because the two
traditions represent the two opposing cultures: science vs. humanities (Chapter 2).
For the science-oriented psychologist, the fact that not everything can be addressed
with the scientific method is an indication that the available scientific tools are not
yet powerful enough or that it is not yet known how to measure certain phenomena
properly. For the humanities-oriented psychologist, the fact that not everything can
be addressed with the scientific method is a sign that the scientific rationalisation of
life and the depiction of the world as a soulless machine miss the most fundamental
aspect of (human) life.
On the other hand, there is evidence that the two approaches inspire each other
indirectly, through their respective influences on society and because psychologists
unconscious plagiarism study both traditions in their education. The psychoanalyst Bornstein (2005) calls
term used by Bornstein to this type of implicit influence unconscious plagiarism. Table 10.1 lists some of the
indicate how the scientific terms used in cognitive psychology that according to Bornstein have such an over-
and the hermeneutic lap with Freudian ideas that they have to be inspired by them. An influence the
approach in psychology
other way round is the growing discussion within psychoanalysis about the desir-
have influenced each other
without the proponents ability of empirical research on the psychoanalytic tenets (e.g. Luyten et al., 2006;
being aware of it Chiesa, 2010).
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432 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Interim summary
The critique of experimental psychology
● Dilthey: psychology belongs to the Geisteswissenschaften (mental sciences) because:
– it deals with the content of the human mind,
– it describes the human experience in its totality (including cognition, emotion and
– it sees a person’s life within its context,
– only the method of understanding can study the full human experience (different
levels of understanding).
● Psychoanalysis used the hermeneutic approach because it tried to understand the
content of the human mind through interpretation on the basis of the psychoanalytic
● The client-centred approach also stressed the importance of understanding the other in
psychotherapeutic relations; in this tradition, however, understanding was defined as
empathy and not as an interpretation within a theoretical framework.
● Allport criticised experimental psychology because it ignored individual differences.
● In the natural-scientific approach the interesting research questions are too much
defined as a function of what can be examined with the scientific method.
● Experimental psychology is partly the result of the dominance of white Western males in
psychological research. Gave rise to feminist and postcolonial psychology.
● The natural-scientific approach ignores the fact that all knowledge is relative, depending
on the prevailing research paradigm and influences from society.
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10.4 Focus on: Can the history of psychology be taught by psychologists? 433
Vested interests
The advantage of independent history teachers is that they are not associated with
one particular approach. A danger associated with psychology teachers is that they
may be biased (implicitly or explicitly) towards their own stance. For instance, the
fact that this book has been written by two cognitive psychologists could make read-
ers expect that:
● mainstream psychology will be described in a positive way,
● the scientific approach will be presented positively,
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434 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
● psychological knowledge will be seen as cumulative (we know more now than we
ever did before),
● there will be more detailed information about the natural-scientific approach than
about the other approaches, and
● there will be a bias towards academic research at the expense of applied
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10.4 Focus on: Can the history of psychology be taught by psychologists? 435
Lovett (2006) argued that many historians exaggerate the differences between the old
and new history of psychology and uncritically accept that the old history was bad
and the new good. He presented five questions to the new historians.
1. Is the new history not an example of claiming that we now know more than before
(i.e., one of the main criticisms against old history)? Do new historians not assume
that older histories and historians were, at best, necessary stepping stones toward
the current, better way to do history of psychology?
2. If historians assume that the history of psychology is capable of progressing, how
can they maintain that no progress is made in science? This requires an extreme
interpretation of Kuhn’s theory as an endless succession of interchangeable para-
digms without headway.
3. If the only purpose of a history course is to question the achievements of scien-
tists (including psychologists), what place does the new history have in the field
of psychology? Isn’t the function of a history course to help students make con-
nections between different psychologists, contradictory theories, and disparate
areas by showing how these differences are related to each other in historical
4. Is it possible (and desirable) to teach the history of psychology without reference
to the contemporary state? Isn’t it so that the students’ cultural environments (e.g.,
where they live, how they were raised) place significant constraints on their under-
standing of the world?
5. Out of thousands of psychologists, who should we decide to emphasize in the his-
tory? Can we exclude the names generally considered (for wrong or right reasons)
as impactful in the history of science and psychology? If we teach an alternative
course (excluding the usual Great White Men), to what extent does this risk to
turn our course into a hagiography of Great Overlooked Individuals motivated by
a contemporary political agenda?
Because the old and new histories of psychology have positive and negative features,
Lovett (2006) argued that there was a place for both in a history course. If you are
interested in subsequent responses to Lovett’s article, you may want to have a look at
Brock (2017) and Lovett (2017).
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436 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Kagan (2009) also concluded that the social sciences have failed to become a
bridge between the natural sciences and humanities, but he argued that they have
become a separate, third culture, with their own language and assumptions, further
fractioning the cultural landscape and hindering communication between the vari-
ous groups.
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References 437
Interim summary
● Each history is relative and conveys only part of the rich raw material that is available.
● In the history of psychology a distinction is often made between the traditional
approach (largely seen as a legitimisation of the current state of affairs) and the new
approach (more critical, has an eye for the relativity of knowledge, tries to expose the
assumptions that gave rise to current opinions).
● An extra problem is that book authors and lecturers may have vested interests, which
bias the coverage of the history.
● The history described in the present book is not the history of psychology. It is only one
of the possible stories, which we hope will not be perceived as being too biased.
Recommended literature
The scientific tradition in psychology is well described in For the material on hermeneutic and critical psychol-
the first chapters of most research books in psychology. We ogy, we found valuable information in Teo, T. (2005)
in particular used Christensen, L.B. (2004) Experimental The Critique of Psychology: From Kant to PostColo-
Methodology (9th Edition) (Boston: Pearson Education) nial Theory (New York: Springer Science); in Gross, R.
and Rosenthal, R. & Rosnow, R.L. (2008) Essentials of (2003) Themes, Issues and Debates in Psychology (2nd
Behavioral Research: Methods and Data Analysis (3rd Edi- Edition) (Abingdon: Hodder Arnold); and in Fox, D.,
tion) (Boston: McGraw-Hill). Prilleltensky, I. & Austin, S. (Eds.) (2009) Critical Psy-
A good article on the public’s views of psychology is chology: An Introduction (2nd Edition) (Los Angeles:
Lilienfeld (2012) listed in the References. Sage Publications).
Achterhuis, H. (1979) De Markt van Welzijn en Geluk [The Borsboom, D. (2013) ‘Theoretical amnesia’ (20 Novem-
Market of Well-Being and Happiness]. The Netherlands: ber). Blog available at: http://osc.centerforopenscience.
Uitgeverij Ambo. org/2013/11/20/theoretical-amnesia/.
Allport, G.W. (1947) ‘Scientific models and human morals’. Boyack, K.W., Klavans, R. & Börner, K. (2005) ‘Mapping
Psychological Review, 54: 182–92. the backbone of science’. Scientometrics, 64: 351–74.
Anderson, S. (1992) A-Morphous Morphology. Cam- Breeuwsma, G. (2008) ‘Het vergeten weten: De teloorgang
bridge, UK: Cambridge University Press Baars, B.J. van klassiekers in the psychologie’ [Forgotten knowl-
(1986) The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology. New edge: The decline of classics in psychology]. De Psy-
York: Guilford Press. choloog, 43: 202–9.
Baker, T.B., McFall, R.M. & Shoham, V. (2009) ‘Cur- Briner, R.B. & Rousseau, D.M. (2011) ‘Evidence-based
rent status and future prospects of clinical psychology: I–O psychology: Not there yet’. Industrial and Organi-
Toward a scientifically principled approach to mental zational Psychology, 4: 3–22.
and behavioral health care’. Psychological Science in the Brock, A.C. (2017) ‘The new history of psychology: Some
Public Interest, 9: 67–103. (different) answers to Lovett’s five questions’. History of
Barrow, R. (2000) ‘Determining stereotypical images of Psychology, 20: 195–217.
psychologists: the Draw A Psychologist Checklist’. Col- Cacioppo, J.T. & Freberg, L.A. (2013) Discovering
lege Student Journal, 34: 123–33. Psychology: The Science of the Mind. Boston, MA:
Bornstein, R.F. (2005) ‘Reconnecting psychoanalysis to Cengage.
mainstream psychology: Challenges and opportunities’. Cahan, E.D. & White, S.H. (1992) ‘Proposals for a second
Psychoanalytic Psychology, 22: 323–40. psychology’. American Psychologist, 47: 224–35.
M10 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 437 16/09/2020 19:56
438 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Carless, S.A., Rasiah, J. & Irmer B.E. (2009) ‘Discrepancy Gill, C. (2018) ‘Don’t know, don’t care: An exploration
between human resource research and practice: Com- of evidence based knowledge and practice in human
parison of industrial/organisational psychologists and resource management’. Human Resource Management
human re-source practitioners’ beliefs’. Australian Psy- Review, 28: 103–15.
chologist, 44: 105–11. Gottlieb, S. & Lombrozo, T. (2018) ‘Can science explain
Cautin, R. L. (2009) ‘The founding of the association for the human mind? Intuitive judgments about the limits of
psychological science: Part 2. The tipping point and science’. Psychological Science, 29: 121–30.
early years’. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4: Green, C. (2013) ‘Psychology is . . . A Google Auto-
224–35. complete Adventure’ (5 December). Blog avail-
Chiesa, M. (2010) ‘Research and psychoanalysis: Still time able at https://ahp.apps01.yorku.ca/2013/12/
to bridge the great divide?’. Psychoanalytic Psychology, psychology-is-a-google-autocomplete-adventure/
27: 99–114. Gross, R. (2003) Themes, Issues and Debates in Psychology
Christidou, V., Bonoti, F. & Kontopoulou, A. (2016) ‘Amer- (2nd Edition). Abingdon, UK: Hodder Arnold.
ican and Greek children’s visual images of scientists’. Hartwig, S.G. (2002) ‘Surveying psychologists’ public
Science & Education, 25: 497–522. image with drawings of a “typical” psychologist’. South
Cummings, N.A. & O’Donohue, W.T. (2008) Eleven Blun- Pacific Journal of Psychology, 14: 69–75.
ders that Crippled Psychotherapy in America. New York: Haynes, R. (2003) ‘From alchemy to artificial intelligence:
Routledge. Stereotypes of the scientist in Western literature’. Public
Dawes, R.B. (1994) House of Cards: Psychology and Psy- Understanding of Science, 12: 243–53.
chotherapy Built on Myth. New York: The Free Press. Hulett, J.E. (1955) ‘Book review of Psychotherapy and
Devine, P. G. (1989) ‘Stereotypes and prejudice: Their auto- Personality Change: Coordinated Research Studies in
matic and controlled components’. Journal of Personal- the Client-Centered Approach, by Carl R. Rogers and
ity and Social Psychology, 56: 5–18. Rosalind F. Dymond’. American Sociological Review,
Dewey, J. (1887) Psychology. New York: Harper & 20: 369–70.
Brothers. Janda, L.H., England, K., Lovejoy, D. & Drury, K. (1998)
Dewsbury, D. A. & Bolles, R. C. (1995) ‘The founding ‘Attitudes toward psychology relative to other disci-
of the Psychonomic Society’. Psychonomic Bulletin & plines’. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice,
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References 439
against human error’. Journal of School Psychology, Richards, G. (2002) Putting Psychology in its Place: A Criti-
50: 7–36. cal Historical Overview. London: Routledge.
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440 Chapter 10 Is psychology a science?
Wahl, O., Reiss, M. & Thompson, C. A. (2018) ‘Film psy- K-12 teachers’ perceptions of engineers and familiar-
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Ward, S.C. (2002) Modernizing the Mind: Psychological Knowl- Zeldow, P.B. (2009) ‘In defense of clinical judgment,
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Roberts, C. (2006) ‘Development of a survey to assess 1–10.
1. Anderson’s (1992) appreciation was about linguistics and to extend its membership internationally and foster the
not psychology. goals of academic psychologists and researchers across
2. In 2006, APS was rebranded as the Association for Psy- the globe.
chological Science to reflect the organization’s ambition
M10 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 440 16/09/2020 19:56
11 Psychology and open science
Twenty-first-century developments
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 441 16/09/2020 17:00
442 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
Questions to consider
Arguably, scientific psychology had its best time at the end of the twentieth century and
in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The number of publications expanded
radically, and they gained an increasing presence in the most prestigious journals. There
was the flourishing new field of cognitive neuroscience. In the USA, 1990–1999 was des-
ignated ‘the decade of the brain’ as part of a larger effort to enhance public awareness
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 442 16/09/2020 17:00
Introduction 443
of the benefits to be derived from brain research. In other countries too, psychology
was becoming a respected science, prominently featuring in newspapers and magazines.
Psychology researchers were particularly interested in results showing that people
do not know the true origins of their behaviour, as this demonstrated that psychologi-
cal research goes beyond merely confirming human intuitions. One example was the
development of the implicit association test (Greenwald, McGhee & Schwartz, 1998),
showing that people have an unconscious attraction to members of their own group,
whereas they tend to avoid members of other groups unconsciously. The latter finding
was particularly important, because it suggested that people have an automatic racial
bias. Similar conclusions were reached on the basis of brain imaging research, with
numerous studies suggesting that people have an unconscious preference for their own
group, which must be overcome by deliberate reasoning (Eberhardt, 2005).
During this period, the field of social psychology became particularly interested in the
extent to which social attitudes are activated automatically and influence behaviour. In
an influential set of studies reported by Bargh, Chen and Burrows (1996), participants
were asked to solve scrambled sentences and were subsequently timed covertly as they
walked from the experiment room to the elevator at the end of the corridor. Some of the
participants were asked to solve sentences referring to elderly people (lived, lady, Florida,
old, in, the), whereas others were asked to unscramble control sentences not referring to
old people (lived, mechanic, New York, thirsty, in, the). Bargh et al. (1996) reported that
participants who had been exposed to words referring to old people walked more slowly
to the elevator than participants exposed to the neutral, control words. They interpreted
this as evidence that the sentence words had automatically primed the social stereotype
of ‘old people’, which subsequently influenced the participants’ behaviour. The use of
rigorous statistical tests made the argument of automatic, unconscious social priming
credible, even if it contradicted the longstanding belief that humans consciously control
their behaviour (see discussion of free will in Chapter 7).
Reliance on experiments and statistics freed psychologists from the limits of intro-
spection, so that they could expose the true origins of human behaviour. Table 11.1
lists a number of other, counterintuitive findings reported between 1990 and 2009.
Because of the wide-ranging implications, the findings rapidly found their way into
psychology textbooks and the public at large.
The time of grace was not to last, however. Towards 2010, dark clouds were gather-
ing on the horizon, both for psychology and for science in general.
Finding Source
Verbalising previously seen visual stimuli impairs subsequent Schooler & Engstler-
visual recognition of the stimuli. Schooler (1990)
Priming participants with the stereotype of professors or Dijksterhuis & van
the trait ‘intelligent’ enhances their performance on a scale Knippenberg (1998)
measuring general knowledge.
Suppressing forbidden thoughts leads to a tendency to give up Muraven et al. (1998)
quickly on unsolvable anagrams.
People understand time by relying on spatial relationships. Boroditsky (2000)
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444 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
Finding Source
When people are confronted with betrayal in close relationships, Finkel et al. (2002)
commitment promotes forgiveness.
Men are more distressed by a partner’s sexual infidelity, whereas Shackelford et al. (2004)
women are more distressed by a partner’s emotional infidelity.
Participants primed with money prefer to play alone, work Vohs et al. (2006)
alone, and put more physical distance between themselves and
a new acquaintance. They are less likely to help others.
After physically cleansing themselves after experiencing Schnall et al. (2008)
disgust, participants find certain moral actions to be less
wrong than do participants who have not been exposed to a
cleanliness manipulation.
Posing in high-power nonverbal displays leads to elevations in Carney et al. (2010)
testosterone, decreases in cortisol, and increased feelings of
power and tolerance for risk.
Imagining intergroup contact can improve attitudes held toward Husnu & Crisp (2010)
a range of social groups.
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11.1 Replication crisis 445
response. Such degree of precision is very rare in psychology and not documented for
the questionnaire and the fMRI protocol used by Eisenberger et al (2003). Vul et al.
(2009) wondered how it was possible that such correlations were regularly obtained
and published in the neuroscience literature.
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446 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
In total, nine similar experiments were run. All but one provided ‘statistically
significant’ evidence for precognition. As is usual in scientific journals, Bem’s manuscript
was evaluated by reviewers and the journal editor, to see whether the findings were
convincing and interesting enough to communicate to the scientific community. Having
passed that hurdle, the manuscript was published, so that other researchers could sink
their teeth into it. Was there really evidence for extrasensory perception?
Concerns about the veracity of some published findings got extra ammunition when it
became clear that a number of results were not obtained by adhering to the scientific
method but by fabricating data that sounded plausible given the existing literature.
The watershed moment was when a renowned social psychologist in the Nether-
lands, Diederik Stapel, was accused of fraud. In August 2011, after months of hand-
wringing, three young researchers decided they could no longer keep silent about the
research practices in their lab and went to the Head of Department. Some suspicious
elements of the research environment were that an unknown research assistant would
enter the data collected by the students in a spreadsheet for statistical analysis or that
they would get data already collected by their supervisor. When this happened, the
data were invariably in line with the hypotheses set out beforehand.
The concerns and evidence were convincing enough to install committees at the
various universities Stapel had worked at (Levelt, Noort & Drenth, 2012). These came
to the conclusion that he had engaged in fraudulent research practices. Ultimately,
Stapel confessed and 58 papers were retracted.
The effect of the fraud on scientific psychologists was raw. It became clear that some
of the published literature was motivated not by researchers wanting to know the truth
but by people motivated to advance their university careers. This shock was felt most
acutely by scientists who built on the findings of social psychology to spell out the
consequences for everyday decision making. One of them was Daniel Kahneman, who
had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2002 and had written a hugely
popular book on decision making, strongly featuring the impact of unconscious social
influences (Kahneman, 2011).
In 2012, Kahneman published an open email, directly challenging (social) psycholo-
gists to weed out the bad apples from the literature of surprising, counterintuitive find-
ings, so that readers could regain trust in the ‘facts’ produced by scientific psychology.
In Kahneman’s (2012) own words:
. . . your field is now the poster child for doubts about the integrity of psychological
research. Your problem is not with the few people who have actively challenged the valid-
ity of some priming results. It is with the much larger population of colleagues who in
the past accepted your surprising results as facts when they were published. These people
have now attached a question mark to the field, and it is your responsibility to remove it.
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11.1 Replication crisis 447
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448 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
to detect a genuine effect. This level of power is unrealistic and not a good allocation of
resources. Most of the time, researchers aim for 80% power. To increase the value of
the reproducibility project, the numbers of participants were augmented, so that 90%
power could be expected if the original effect size was reliable. Thus, any replication
success between 72% and 90% could be defended (.72 being equal to .8 * .9). Unfor-
tunately, this was not what the researchers found: only 36 of the 100 effects were repli-
cated and the reproducibility rate was lower for social psychology topics (25%) than for
cognitive psychology topics (50%). Thus, the study largely confirmed the doubts about
replication crisis replicability in psychological research, contributing to the so-called replication crisis.
a crisis of confidence
in scientific research, Other large-scale replication attempts
because many published The findings of the Open Science Collaboration (2015) were not the only ones. Nosek
findings cannot be
repeated if studies are and Lakens (2014) edited a special journal issue with replications of 14 surprising find-
rerun, questioning the ings in social psychology. A re-analysis by Marsman et al. (2017) indicated that only
reliability of scientific seven of 60 effects tested provided non-anecdotal support against the null-hypothesis
(i.e., in favour of the effect originally claimed). Claims that failed to replicate, were:
● When people meet someone new, the first impression of warmth is more impor-
tant than the first impression of competence.
● Couples who experience interference in their romantic relationship by their par-
ents, show an increase in love over a six-month period.
● Students prefer a pen that is shown together with liked music over a pen that is
shown with unliked music.
● Recalling unethical behaviour leads participants to see a room as darker and to
desire more light-emitting products (e.g., a flashlight) compared to recalling ethical
● Telling participants they have a lucky golf ball improves their performance on a
10-shot golf task relative to controls who were not told the story.
● Physical exposure to physically warm objects induces greater prosocial responding
than exposure to cold objects.
Camerer et al. (2018) replicated 21 psychology studies published between 2010 and
2015 in the journals Nature and Science and reported more encouraging results. The
replications followed analysis plans reviewed by the original authors and that were pre-
registered prior to the replications. The replications were high powered, with sample
sizes about five times higher than in the original studies. The authors reproduced the
effect of the original study in 13 of the 21 studies (62%). Effects that were replicated
● People can reliably discriminate bodies in winning and losing positions even if the
face is not shown.
● The likelihood of choosing a charity is higher when potential donors know that
the overhead is already paid for than when the donors pay for overhead themselves.
● Retrieval practice leads to participants recalling more information in a memory
test one week later than in a control condition of concept-mapping.
● Participants automatically project beliefs to agents and store them according to
their own understanding of the environment.
● Repeatedly imagining eating a food subsequently reduces the actual consumption
of that food.
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11.1 Replication crisis 449
● An external activity from a list (e.g. watching television or reading a book) for 12
minutes is rated as more enjoyable than a 12 minute ‘thinking period’ giving the
participants the opportunity to think of whatever they want.
Interestingly, the effects obtained in the successful replications of Camerer et al. (2018)
were only half as large as the effects reported in the original studies. This is in line with
the other replication studies (e.g. Klein et al., 2018a): most successful replications have
a smaller difference between conditions than initially reported. We will return to this
observation later in the chapter and discuss its cause.
Reproducibility in other sciences
Psychology was not the only research area in which researchers sought to determine
the replication rate of published findings. For example, Prinz et al. (2011) pointed to
the low success rate of translating laboratory cancer findings to clinical applications.
They argued that part of the problem was that many findings published in scientific
journals could not be reproduced. The authors collected data on 67 projects trying to
reproduce laboratory findings that looked sufficiently promising to invest money in.
Even when a lenient criterion was used, only 25% of the findings could be reproduced.
A similar message was conveyed by Begley and Ellis (2012) from another biotechnol-
ogy firm, which tried to confirm 53 interest-raising landmark studies. To the firm’s
disappointment, only in 6 cases (11%) could the finding be reproduced.
To get a view of the reproducibility problem in other research areas, the journal
Nature sent out a survey (Baker, 2016) asking researchers whether they ever failed to
reproduce a finding. After analysis of the 1,576 responses, it became clear that failure
to reproduce previous findings is quite a common experience, as shown in Figure 11.1.
More than 70% of researchers said they tried and failed to reproduce at least one
experiment published by someone else. They also regularly failed to replicate their
own experiments.
Figure 11.1 Percentage of researchers in a survey indicating that they tried to reproduce
previous results and failed.
Source: Adapted from Baker (2016).
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450 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
Figure 11.2 Estimates given by researchers in different fields about how many of the
experiments in the literature they think would reproduce if repeated.
Source: Adapted from Baker (2016).
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11.1 Replication crisis 451
Doyen et al. (2012) redid the Bargh et al. study in which participants were primed
with the stereotype of old people. To be sure that they would not miss anything inter-
esting, the authors increased the number of participants from 30 to 120. Other than
that difference, they followed the procedure of Bargh et al. (1996) as closely as pos-
sible. Still, they failed to observe an effect of old-age priming on walking speed. Their
conclusion was supported by Pashler et al. (2011) who had also failed to replicate
the original result (but had not published it). Subsequently, several other researchers
reported failures to reproduce similar social priming findings published by Bargh and
colleagues (e.g. Pashler et al., 2012; Shanks et al., 2013; see https://curatescience.org/
app/replications for a list of replication attempts and their outcomes).
Robinson (2011) was the first to report that he could not replicate one of Bem’s
(2011) nine experiments. Subsequently, Wagenmakers et al. (2012) failed to replicate
the 53.1% precognition effect for erotic photos reported above. In their replication
attempt, both erotic and neutral photographs were selected on half of the trials. Galak
et al. (2012) also failed to replicate two experiments described by Bem (2011), even
though they ran seven studies with more than 3,000 participants. Ritchie et al. (2012)
reported three more failures to replicate.
Bem responded to the critics by publishing an analysis of 90 experiments (involv-
ing more than 12,000 participants), which resulted in an effect half the size of the one
reported by Bem (2011) but which was still reliable when analysed statistically (Bem
et al., 2016). On the basis of this evidence, Bem asserted that there was scientific evi-
dence for precognition (see also Cardeña, 2018), whereas others were adamant that
the evidence was nothing but researcher bias (Reber & Alcock, 2019; Lakens, 2015).
The disagreement about the findings of Bargh et al. (1996) and Bem (2011) raised
much bigger questions about psychological science in general. Why was it so difficult to
replicate a large proportion of published findings; and what should be done about it?
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452 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
The second assumption is that a falsification of the null-hypothesis proves that the
alternative hypothesis (of a priming effect) is true. The third assumption is that noth-
ing in the experiment other than the priming words could have caused the results.
There was no problem with the internal validity of the experiment (there were no
confounding variables overlooked). A fourth assumption is that a one-second longer
walking time in the corridor translates to other behaviours in social contexts (i.e., the
finding can be generalised).
The problem with the first two assumptions is that a statistical test does not
‘prove’ anything. It does not prove that the null-hypothesis is false and, therefore,
that the alternative hypothesis must be true. All a statistical test says is how sur-
prised the researcher can be about the findings. The smaller p, the more surprising
the data are if the effect does not exist in reality. At the same time, the researcher
must keep in mind that a single small p-value may be a fluke effect due to the fact
that a small number of random observations can produce results far away from the
overall average.
To illustrate the value of p, let us look at a better known analogy: lottery. Lotter-
ies have low chances of winning, so that on average there are only a few winners per
week, even though millions play the game. Now suppose a new lottery shop opens
(equivalent to an experiment being run). It is perfectly possible that in the first week
after opening a customer wins the jackpot. Does this mean that the shop is an unex-
pectedly interesting place to buy lottery tickets? Not necessarily. The chances of win-
ning depend largely on luck. If the winning were due to luck, chances that the shop
will have a second winner in the following weeks are as low as the chances of every
other shop (i.e., almost nil). Only when the shop starts turning out a winner week
after week (or even month after month) is there a reason to suspect something peculiar
may be going on.
The same is true for scientists who find p 6 .05. It could be that they have found
something interesting, but it could also be that they were ‘lucky’. The only difference is
that the scientists’ chances of ‘winning’ based on luck are not one per several million,
but one out of 20 (5% or even more as we will see below). This is the first reason why
many effects observed in a single experiment fail to replicate. They were fluke find-
ings due to randomness, not something that exists at the population level, hence the
need for replication. If a finding is genuine, it will replicate. Not always, but regularly
enough to convince even the hardest sceptic that there is something there. In contrast,
a fluke effect at p 6 .05 is not expected to replicate more than 5% of the time.
Thus, researchers (and society) should be very careful interpreting p 6 .05 as evi-
dence for a true effect. To be fair to Bargh et al. (1996), they did run a replication
study with another group of 15 participants who were primed with words referring to
the elderly stereotype, and 15 participants who saw control words. In this study too,
the statistical analysis revealed that the participants in the elderly priming condition
had a slower walking pace compared to the participants in the neutral priming condi-
tion (8.20 seconds vs. 7.23 seconds; t(28) = 2.16, p 6 .05). Chances of twice in a row
observing a significant effect at p 6 .05 if the effect does not exist, are .05 * .05 or a
quarter of 1%.
Replications by the same researchers are good (even needed to have faith in a find-
ing), but are limited because the researchers may unintentionally do something specific,
so that the effect can only be observed under the circumstances created by the research
group. For instance, Doyen et al. (2012) did not like the fact that the participants in the
study of Bargh et al. (1996) were timed by a confederate of the experimenter. Doyen
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11.1 Replication crisis 453
and colleagues preferred the timing to happen automatically on the basis of a system
with invisible infrared beams at the beginning and the end of the corridor, so that
the expectations of the person timing could not affect the results. Indeed, in a second
experiment, Doyen et al. (2012) showed that expectations could lead to the results
reported by Bargh et al. when the participants were timed by a human observer who
knew about the priming hypothesis. This example illustrates why replications by other
research groups are important.
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454 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
Could something like the scenario above have happened in the scientific literature
of the early twenty-first century? As Chambers (2017) remarked, we would rightly be
upset if we heard that a researcher dropped 50% of the participants from an analysis
because they did not show the expected effect. Similarly, we would be upset if we heard
that a researcher ran five experiments on a particular topic and only published the
one experiment with a significant (p 6 .05) effect. However, apparently it was normal
practice for journals to accept manuscripts describing significant new findings but
reject subsequent failures to replicate.
If failed replications do not get published, the only resource left for researchers
to know about them are informal contacts, for instance chats at conferences where
‘unsuccessful attempts by students’ are mentioned. This is suboptimal for two rea-
sons. First, it leaves the official scientific literature tainted. Second, it gives advantage
to well-connected researchers who have information about the red herrings and false
trails. The public at large and researchers with fewer connections are kept in the dark.
The observation that failed replications have a hard time getting published is called
file drawer problem the file drawer problem. This is a term coined by Rosenthal (1979) and refers to the
issue that the scientific fact that the published scientific literature may be a biased reflection of what is found
literature badly represents in the lab, because only statistical significant findings get published. The annoying
the research done because
experiments that do null-effects that do not fit the narrative are left in the drawers of the researchers.
not find significant
differences are less likely The danger of conceptual replications
to get published Because direct replications did not advance a researcher’s career, researchers in the
conceptual replication beginning of the twenty-first century had a preference for so-called conceptual
replication in which an replications. These are studies in which a previously established effect is re-examined
effect is investigated but in a different way. Conceptual replications of the Bargh et al. (1996) study could
differently from the
original study; is good to be studies using another manipulation (e.g., priming students with words related to
examine the generality of money or success) and/or another dependent variable (another behaviour expected
a finding, but can magnify to be influenced by the social priming). Such conceptual replications are important,
biases in the scientific
because they establish the generality of the finding.
literature if combined with
the file drawer problem However, conceptual replications are dangerous in an environment with a file
drawer problem. Failed conceptual replications do not really question the original
finding; they only add some limiting conditions to that finding. In contrast, successful
replications get published and add further weight to the original finding. This need not
be a problem, as long as the successful conceptual replications outnumber the failed
replications, but it does lead to a skewed literature when failures are more common
than successes, as may have happened with the unconscious social priming literature
(Chambers, 2017; Kahneman, 2012; Shanks, 2017).
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11.1 Replication crisis 455
Misusing statistics
In the previous section we saw how misunderstanding statistics can lead to a biased
literature in a research environment with selective publication and a file drawer prob-
lem. We also discussed how a criterion of p 6 .05 results in 5% chance of a statisti-
cally significant effect being observed in a study that does not exist in reality. If all
published effects were false positives in psychology, we would expect to find 19 failed
(unpublished) studies for every successful (published) study. Given that most research-
ers are conscientious people trying to discover the truth, you would expect them to
notice such a worrying pattern of abundant failures. The vast majority of researchers
will happily tell you that their success rate is much higher, probably more than 70%.
So, either these researchers are examining real effects, or they are (unintentionally)
misusing statistics.
In-depth studies have revealed that many researchers are misusing statistics by
questionable research resorting to so-called questionable research practices. In hindsight, the danger of such
practices misuses should have been obvious from the start. Imagine you are a researcher and
research practices you predict a clear difference between two conditions. You run an experiment, analyse
undermining the
statistical conclusions
the data, and observe that the prediction is confirmed. In that situation, you will
that can be drawn from savour the moment of glory and start writing a manuscript. Now suppose that your
a study; usually increase prediction is not confirmed. Either you find no difference between the conditions or
the chances of finding a you find a difference in the opposite direction. Chances are high that after your initial
predicted effect
surprise and disappointment you will have a second look at your data, to make sure
that everything was done correctly. Unfortunately, because a second check only hap-
pens after failure, all you are doing is increasing your chances of finding the significant
effect you expected. If you only ‘correct’ non-significant findings, chances of obtaining
a false significant effect become larger than 5% (assuming an initial criterion of
p 6 .05 was used). The practice of manipulating data in order to produce a desired
p-hacking p-value is called p-hacking (Simonsohn et al. 2014). Let’s have a look at some p-hacking
manipulating data in practices.
order to obtain a desired
(significant) p-value
Dropping data of bad participants
Everyone who ever ran a study with people will tell you stories about individual dif-
ferences in motivation, certainly when the study is run with students who have to
take part because of course requirements or who want to earn a little extra money.
Some participants enter the lab in the morning after a night of partying and drinking.
Others do not listen to instructions and randomly or wrongly press buttons. Nearly
all participants tend to keep a close eye on their smartphone and are annoyed if they
are asked to switch it off.
Inattentive participants add noise to the data and it is generally accepted to exclude
such participants from the analyses. However, to do so properly requires that the
participants are dropped before any analysis starts and are immediately replaced by
better participants, so that the exclusion of participants does not contaminate the
findings. Unfortunately, this is not what happens in most labs. Often, the data of all
participants are included in the initial analysis and bad data are excluded only when
they turn out to be ‘weird’ in the analysis (a term often used here is that of ‘statistical
outlier’, referring to an observation that is not expected given the other observations).
Weird data are usually detected in a critical analysis and as a result are more likely
to be noticed when the data are not in line with the initial hypothesis. This in effect
increases the false detection rate to more than 5%.
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456 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
Sample size
–0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Effect size
Figure 11.3 This picture describes the outcome of 2,000 experiments trying to estimate
a typical standardised effect size in psychology (d = .4) in a within-participants design
with participants taking part in both conditions. Each symbol describes the outcome of
a single study. It shows how large the effect was in the study and how many participants
took part in the study (ranging from 5 to 150). + signs indicate experiments with a
statistically significant finding (p 6 .05); o signs indicate experiments that failed to
reach significance.
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11.1 Replication crisis 457
ranges from -0.5 to +1.1, so that the value obtained in a single experiment is rather
uninformative about the effect size at the population level.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of psychology studies testing the effect shown in
Figure 11.3 include only 30 and fewer participants (certainly before 2010), because
many authors do not understand the importance of testing enough participants
(Dumas-Mallet et al., 2017). Even worse, some authors interpreted the pattern in
Figure 11.3 as a licence for the following questionable research practice: Start with a
small number of participants, say five. After testing the first cohort, have a peek at the
data to see whether continuation is worthwhile. If the data do not look promising,
abort. If the effect is significant already, stop and publish. If the effect is going in the
right direction but not yet significant, continue adding participants until the effect
becomes significant (or is unlikely to become significant in the near future).
This research practice spread very rapidly among labs, because it seemed to opti-
mise the use of limited resources. What authors did not realise (or did not care about),
was that such an asymmetric approach (only continue when p is still larger than .05)
actually increases the chances of obtaining fluke findings. Strube (2006) showed that
if a researcher is willing to go up to 100 participants, but starts to peek at the data
after 5 participants and subsequently tracks the p-value after each new participant, the
study does not have a 5% chance of producing an erroneous effect but 33% chance!
That is, researchers using this strategy obtain a ‘significant’ p 6 .05 effect in one out
of three experiments, even though the effect does not exist. No wonder psychologists
had the impression that they could easily replicate their own previous findings, even
for effects that do not exist in reality.
Testing several dependent variables and reporting the one
that turns out significant
Another way of increasing the chances to find a ‘statistically significant’ effect is to
use more than one dependent variable. The more dependent variables you have, the
higher the chance one of them has p 6 .05 (even if no effects exist at the population
level). So, you can use percentage of correct responses, reaction time, reaction time
divided by percentage correct, log transformation of reaction times, log transforma-
tion of reaction times divided by percentage correct, inverse transformation of reac-
tion times, inverse transformation of reaction times divided by percentage correct
responses, arcsin transformation of percentage correct, and so on. Because the extra
dependent variables are tried out only when the first fails, this practice again increases
the chances of getting a ‘statistically significant’ result.
Vul et al. (2009) discovered another practice of trying out many dependent vari-
ables to find ‘strong’ effects. Remember these were the authors who were concerned
about the many unbelievably high correlations reported between brain activity and
behaviour in cognitive neuroscience. They contacted the authors of such publications
and asked them how they had obtained the correlations. Very often the following
strategy was mentioned. In brain imaging studies the brain is divided in so-called data
analysis voxels. These are small virtual cubes filling the entire volume of the brain.
Depending on the quality of the MRI scanner, the number of voxels can be anything
between 20,000 and a million. Usually, not all possible voxels are taken into account
in a brain analysis, but only those in a certain region of interest based on previous
research (e.g., the frontal lobes or the anterior cingulate cortex). Even then, the num-
ber of voxels amounts to several thousand. Now, it turned out that many researchers
simply reported the voxel with the highest correlation to the behaviour that had to be
predicted. So, from several thousand possible dependent variables they selected the one
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458 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
with the highest correlation. This would be more or less the same as running 1,000s
of experiments with 5 participants like in Figure 11.3 and only reporting the one with
the highest effect size (d = +1.1).
The strategy Vul et al. discovered can only be defended if the researchers can guar-
antee that exactly the same voxel will return the same high value in a new study, either
with the same participants or with different participants. This is clearly something the
authors cannot guarantee (and most certainly did not investigate). Let’s consider this
strategy with an analogy. Suppose you are asked to throw darts at a board and are not
very good at it. However, you are given 1,000 trials to hit the bull’s eye and only the
best trial is used as a measure of your darts skills. Unless you are a really bad darts
player, your best throw is likely to be very close to the bull’s eye (or even in it) on one
of those 1,000 trials. However, this does not mean that your best trial was the one in
which you performed at your peak level (you were just lucky), nor does it guarantee
that your next throw will be equally good (quite on the contrary!). Proper assessment
of a good player consists of showing that the player consistently hits the bull’s eye (or
very close to it), not that they had one random good throw out of a thousand.
The same is true for activity in brain imaging voxels. There is a lot of noise in the
activity. Most of the time the noise dampens the correlation between the activity level
and the behaviour you want to predict, but now and then by pure chance the noise is
aligned with the behavioural responses and you obtain a high correlation. If you were
to repeat the same study with the same participants, chances of finding a similarly high
correlation in exactly the same voxel are next to zero. However, in all likelihood you
would find another, random voxel with a high correlation. This type of cherry picking
resembles a situation in which someone is asked to throw a dart and then the board is
hung such that the dart is exactly in the bull’s eye (Figure 11.4). Vul et al. (2009) called
such correlations voodoo correlations, because they only exist in an imaginary world.
Figure 11.4 Misuse of statistics can give you (and your audience) the illusion that you
found something important, whereas in truth your finding was a fluke. Chances of data
that cannot be replicated increase if you first collect many observations and then limit the
analysis to the few that look ‘promising’.
Source: Wagenmakers et al. (2015)
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11.1 Replication crisis 459
Adding covariates
If the effect goes in the right direction, but is not significant, something else that can
be tried is to add one or two covariates to the study. Covariates are characteristics of
the participants that were not controlled, but that could have an effect on the depend-
ent variable and, hence, that could ‘mask’ the effect in your study. For instance, you
could add gender as a covariate, not because you expect a difference between males
and females but because it may catch some noise in your data, so that the critical
effect becomes significant. If this does not work or is not sufficient, you can try to
find another covariate and add it to the analysis. Drop covariates that do not bring the
p-value closer to .05 and retain the ones that do. Again this asymmetric strategy of
getting p below the .05 threshold, will increase the chances of something ‘significant’
being published that is a fluke finding.
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460 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
Table 11.2 Percentage of psychology researchers admitting they used one of the
questionable research practices
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11.1 Replication crisis 461
Everyone knew it was wrong, but they thought it was wrong the way it is wrong to jay-
walk. We decided to write [the Simmons et al. (2011) paper] when simulations revealed
that it was wrong the way it is wrong to rob a bank.
(Simmons et al., 2018, p. 255)
There are reasons for optimism. Psychologists were not only criticised most harshly in
the replication crisis, they were also at the forefront to rectify the problem. Table 11.3
shows the editorial Vazire (2016) wrote when she became editor-in-chief of Social
Psychological and Personality Science (SPPS), one of the main journals in social
psychology. As you can see, it includes various initiatives to reduce the impact of
questionable research practices.
Psychology researchers were also strongly represented in the open science movement
(see next section), meant to dramatically increase the transparency of studies by giving
Table 11.3 New editorial policies introduced by Vazire (2016) to improve the quality of
research in social psychology
Aims Implementation
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462 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
free access to stimulus materials, data, and computer programs written to analyse the
data. If researchers disclose the various steps they take (also about data exclusion),
peers can evaluate the solidity of the findings. If adherence to full disclosure is part
of the regular submission process, researchers know they are crossing a red line when
they use questionable research practices.
Registration of a study before it is actually run is another way to curb use of ques-
tionable research practices. Chambers (2013) argued that many problems are due to
the fact that editors and reviewers do not like to publish studies that fail to find a pre-
dicted effect, because such findings lack the excitement of novel, ‘significant’ findings.
Consequently, editors and reviewers search for reasons to reject the submission. One
way to counter this tendency is not to ask editors and reviewers to judge the research
when the data are known but before the data are collected. Editors and reviewers
receive a manuscript, detailing the issue and why it is important, how it will be exam-
ined, how the data will be analysed, and which conclusions will be drawn in the case
of a positive or negative result. At this stage the paper is evaluated on its potential to
answer the question (and if needed suggestions for further improvement are made).
If the proposed plan is thought to be sufficiently interesting and rigorous, the manu-
script is accepted under the condition that the authors stick to the proposed research
plan. Whether or not the data show a significant difference between the conditions is
irrelevant for publication. The only things that are important are whether the research
question is interesting and whether the research was done properly. Needless to say, the
authors give full access to their data and analysis programs.
registered report Chambers (2013) called this new type of study a registered report and convinced
a type of research article many journals to accept them as a submission type. In a first analysis, Schäfer and
that is evaluated by Schwarz (2019) reported that registered reports indeed lead to more publications with
scientific journals before
the data are collected;
failures to find the predicted effect and to more publications with smaller effect sizes
goal is to make the than a reference sample without preregistration.
evaluation independent Better teaching of research methods and statistics is another way in which the errors
of the obtained results of the past can be corrected. For instance, methodologists have suggested that we get
and solely dependent on
the research question, the rid of traditional significance tests because they lead to misunderstanding and misuse.
research design, and the A better approach would be to use Bayesian statistics, which are intuitively easier to
proposed analyses understand because they give information about the relative likelihood of the alterna-
tive hypothesis and the null hypothesis (e.g., Rouder et al., 2009; Etz & Vandekerckhove,
Bayesian statistics
data analysis that deviates
2018; Kruschke & Liddell, 2018). To help researchers, software packages have been
from the traditional developed to make Bayesian analyses as easy as traditional hypothesis testing (Rouder
hypothesis testing with et al., 2017; Wagenmakers et al., 2018).
p-values; estimates the A final way in which psychology researchers can improve their record now that
relative probabilities
of the null hypothesis
they are aware of bad research practices is to embrace replication of critical findings,
and the alternative preferentially by means of registered reports. Indeed, a call has been launched to retest
hypothesis; is hoped all classic textbook findings and to decide whether they are large enough to have real-
to correct existing life implications. Although it may be difficult to conclude that an effect does not exist
misunderstandings of
statistics at all (remember the discussion about whether Bem’s finding of an EPS effect can be
replicated), powerful replications by several labs are able to indicate whether an effect
is consistent and large enough to receive attention (e.g., be included in a textbook).
Zwaan et al. (2018), for instance, reported that they successfully replicated nine basic
effects in cognitive psychology: the Simon task on spatial compatibility, the flanker
task on response inhibition, a motor priming task, the spacing effect in learning, the
making of false memories, the serial position effect in short-term memory, associa-
tive priming in word recognition, the frequency effect in word recognition, and shape
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 462 16/09/2020 17:00
11.1 Replication crisis 463
simulation while reading sentences. Brederoo et al. (2019) replicated six basic findings
in laterality research (right visual field advantage for the recognition of words and
local information, left visual field advantage for the recognition of faces, emotions,
global information and the distribution of attention), but failed to replicate five other
predicted effects (processing of high and low spatial frequencies, categorical percep-
tion of colour and shape oddballs, judgements of categorical and coordinate spatial
relations). In personality psychology, Soto (2019) ran a preregistered, high-powered
study on 78 predicted correlations between personality traits and life outcomes. He
obtained statistically significant correlations in the expected direction for 87% of the
replication attempts.
Despite the positive developments, many researchers are pessimistic about psychol-
ogy’s potential to improve its record. For one, although the replication crisis has
received considerable attention, only a few hundred researchers are genuinely promot-
ing positive change. The vast majority of editors and reviewers continue processing
articles as they did before. One reason is that editors and reviewers, confronted with
tens of thousands of submissions per year, do not have the time, the resources or the
expertise to scrutinise and coach each and every manuscript as required for a true
policy change. At best, they introduce some cosmetic changes, such as requesting a
minimal number of participants, making the data available in a publicly accessible
repository, and adding the new Bayesian tests to the manuscript. In general (though
not always) editors also feel more obliged to publish replication failures in order to
pottery barn rule preserve the self-correcting nature of science. Srivastava (2012) proposed the pottery
in science is the moral barn rule, according to which a journal that has published a study becomes responsible
obligation of a scientific for publishing direct replications of the study, particularly when such replications are
journal to publish a failure
to replicate a finding problematic: ‘you break it, you fix it’. Although these are all good steps, it is to be
previously published in feared that they are only scratching the surface.
the journal
Another concern is that many authors hesitate to share their data and analysis pro-
grams and, if they do so, store them in such a sloppy way that it becomes next to
impossible for others to scrutinise or use them (Houtkoop et al., 2018). Vanpaemel et
al. (2015) reported that psychology researchers in the middle of the replication crisis
were not more likely than before to give access to their data (see also Stodden et al.,
2018). Raw data were requested from 394 papers published in journals of the American
Psychological Association. The authors found that only 38% of the researchers sent
their data (mostly after reminders), a number in line with estimates of the willingness
to share data in psychology before the replication crisis.
It is also important to recognise that registered reports rapidly become suboptimal
if they are not closely scrutinised by reviewers. Claesen et al. (2019) analysed all articles
published in Psychological Science from 2015 to 2017 with a badge of preregistration.
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464 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
They assessed the adherence to the corresponding preregistration plans, and observed
deviations from the plan in each study. In all but one study, at least one of the devia-
tions was not fully disclosed.
Finally, researchers are wary that a focus on transparency and preregistration
solves one problem at the expense of the other shortcomings of psychology research,
because it entrenches psychological research in its current exclusive focus on empirical,
Popperian falsification. Many researchers are focused on statistical testing of bold
new hypotheses in binary yes/no terms. However, scientific inference is the process
of developing better theories, and statistical inference is but one small element in
that endeavour (Borsboom, 2013; Szollosi et al., 2019). Findings are more likely to be
unreliable when they are not connected to a coherent theory. Indeed, Oberauer and
Lewandowsky (2019, p. 1596) argued: ‘A worrying number of psychological findings
are not replicable. Diagnoses of the causes of this “replication crisis’’, and recommen-
dations to address it, have nearly exclusively focused on methods of data collection,
analysis, and reporting. We argue that a further cause of poor replicability is the often
weak logical link between theories and their empirical tests.’
The phenomenon of unconscious social priming (Chapter 7) provides a good example
of this problem. In addition to the methodological problems we have identified, it can
be argued that researchers never explained how a small priming effect of a few milli-
seconds in stimulus perception could have substantial social consequences. The effect
was hypothesised, demonstrated in bold experiments, and left for others to explain.
The same is true with Bem’s findings on precognition: statistical significance was all
that mattered. Understanding the phenomenon within a coherent theoretical framework
incorporating the laws of physics was of minor importance (Reber & Alcock, 2019).
Interim summary
● Psychologists published ever bolder claims about human functioning, such as the existence
of social priming and extrasensory perception, based on experimental evidence.
● This, together with similar strong claims in medical research, triggered an examination
of the replicability of the findings, which turned out to be wanting. Shortly after 2010,
this resulted in the replication crisis.
● The following factors were unearthed as contributing to the replication crisis:
– Misinterpreting statistical significance as proof that the alternative hypothesis is true.
– Publication bias making it difficult for unsuccessful replications to be published (file
drawer problem and issue with conceptual replications that are only published when
they reinforce the original finding).
– The use of questionable research practices, giving the illusion of statistical
significance even though no difference exists between the conditions. Such research
practices, collectively known as p-hacking, consist of (1) dropping data from bad
participants, (2) running extra participants to increase the chances of statistical
significance, (3) trying out several dependent variables, and (4) post hoc adding
variables to a design.
● Some authors think we have overcome the replication crisis, because (1) we have identified
the problems, (2) we can improve transparency and disclosure of data and analysis
techniques, (3) we can require researchers to preregister their studies as registered reports,
(4) we now have better Bayesian statistics, and (5) we know the value of replications.
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11.2 Call for open science 465
● Other authors are more pessimistic about whether psychology can improve its scientific
record, because (1) the problems are known already for a long time, (2) editors and
reviewers only introduce some cosmetic changes, (3) even with data storage and
preregistration psychologists continue to make the same research mistakes, and (4)
everything is focused on transparent statistical testing, not on the fact that science
involves more than statistical tests.
Creating repositories
Shortly after the start of the replication crisis a group of psychologists gathered, not
only to initiate the first large-scale replication attempt, but also to establish a centre
that would make transparent science easy. In 2013, the Center for Open Science was
founded in the US with the explicit aim to increase openness, integrity, and reproduc-
ibility in scientific research. One of its most impactful activities was the creation of a
stable environment to develop research projects that afterwards could be made public
with a simple click. The infrastructure was called the Open Science Framework
repository (https://osf.io/). It was an example of a repository, a digital centre on which data could
in science is a location be stored and managed.
where data and analysis The idea behind the Open Science Framework was that collaborators need shared
programs are stored, so
that others can retrieve
infrastructure anyway. Usually, this is some university server or the hard disk of one
them (typically on the group member (e.g., a PhD student). By giving free storage space to groups, projects
internet) could be developed as usual. An advantage was that all members of the group had
access to the space, so that everyone could survey the information and contribute to
it. The repository made it possible to include everything related to a study, such as the
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466 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
stimulus materials used, the protocols given to the participants, the raw data gathered
(in anonymised form), the computer programs used for analysis, and the final report
that was written. Once the project was finished (e.g., published or abandoned because
people had moved on), all information could be made available to the wide world by
a simple mouse click. If the research group had made an effort to document their files
well, other users could pick up where the group left off.
An additional feature that was incorporated was the possibility to preregister stud-
ies and have the registrations time-stamped. In that way, researchers could document
of the evolution of their thinking and make clear that they had done everything to
avoid questionable research practices.
The Open Science Framework was not the only initiative. Many universities set up
repositories for their researchers, as it became clear that they had responsibilities for
the research published under their name. The same was true for journals, which made
it easier for articles to include files with supplementary materials, including stimuli,
raw data, and analysis programs (although the maximal size of these files usually was
limited). Finally, there were existing repositories that became used for open science,
such as github (https://github.com/).
A manifesto
In order to increase awareness of the new insights, a group of researchers (connected to
Transparency and the Center for Open Science) published the Transparency and Openness Promotion
Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines (Nosek et al., 2015; Table 11.4), describing the extent to which journals
(TOP) guidelines
adhered to the standards of open and reproducible science. There were eight standards,
list of criteria written by
advocates of open science
each with four levels of adherence. The lowest level, Level 0, was considered to be unac-
describing the extent to ceptable for scientific journals. The highest level was the ideal of fully open research,
which journals adhere to with strict imposition and policing of the guidelines, which the authors acknowledged
the standards of open and could be too demanding for researchers. Journals were asked to publicly state their stance
reproducible science
with respect to each of the eight standards, so that they could be evaluated on them.
Table 11.4 The Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines published by Nosek et al. (2015) to induce
journals to be clear about the level of transparency and openness they adhered to with respect to eight standards.
Summary of the eight standards and three levels of the TOP guidelines
Levels 1 to 3 are increasingly stringent for each standard. Level 0 offers a comparison that does not meet the standard.
Citation standards Journal encourages Journal describes Article provides Article is not published
citation of data, code citation of data in appropriate citation until appropriate
and materials – or says guidelines to authors for data and materials citation for data and
nothing. with clear rules and used, consistent materials is provided
examples. with journal’s author that follows journal’s
guidelines. author guidelines.
Data transparency Journal encourages Article states whether Data must be Data must be posted to
data sharing – or says data are available and, posted to a trusted a trusted repository,
nothing. if so, where to access repository. Exceptions and reported analyses
them. must be identified at will be reproduced
article submission. independently before
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 466 16/09/2020 17:00
11.2 Call for open science 467
Analytic methods Journal encourages Article states whether Code must be Code must be
(code) transparency code sharing – or says code is available and, posted to a trusted posted to a trusted
nothing. if so, where to access repository. Exceptions repository, and
them. must be identified at reported analyses
article submission. will be reproduced
independently before
Research materials Journal encourages Article states whether Materials must be Materials must be
transparency materials sharing – or materials are available posted to a trusted posted to a trusted
says nothing and, if so, where to repository. Exceptions repository, and
access them. must be identified at reported analyses
article submission. will be reproduced
independently before
Design and analysis Journal encourages Journal articulates Journal requires Journal requires
transparency design and analysis design transparency adherence to and enforces
transparency or says standards. design transparency adherence to
nothing. standards for review design transparency
and publication. standards for review
and publication.
Preregistration of Journal says nothing. Journal encourages Journal encourages Journal requires
studies preregistration of preregistration of preregistration of
studies and provides studies and provides studies and provides
link in article to link in article link and badge in
preregistration if it and certification article to meeting
exists. of meeting requirements.
badge requirements.
Preregistration of Journal says nothing. Journal encourages Journal encourages Journal requires
analysis plans preanalysis plans preanalysis plans preregistration of
and provides link in and provides studies with analysis
article to registered link in article plans and provides
analysis plan if it and certification link and badge in
exists. of meeting and article to meeting
registered analysis requirements.
plan badge
Replication Journal discourages Journal encourages Journal encourages Journal uses
submission of submission of submission of Registered Reports as
replication studies – replication studies. replication studies a submission option
or says nothing. and conducts blind for replication studies
review of results. with peer review
before observing the
study outcomes.
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468 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 468 16/09/2020 17:00
11.2 Call for open science 469
researchers feel less need to cross-check them. Nuijten et al. (2016) analysed over
250,000 p-values reported in eight major psychology journals between 1985 and 2013.
They found that half of all published papers contained at least one p-value that was
inconsistent with its test statistic and degrees of freedom reported. One in eight
papers contained a grossly inconsistent p-value that could affect the statistical con-
clusion. Most of these errors resulted in statistics mistakenly reported as significant
rather than statistics mistakenly reported as non-significant, in line with the bias to
report significant results in the scientific literature. A limitation of Nuijten et al.’s
(2016) analysis was that they did not pick up errors due to inappropriate analyses
with correctly reported p-values.
Even when no errors are made, reanalysis of existing datasets is interesting,
because the conclusions may depend on the type of analysis used. This is because
many differences between conditions in psychology are small and ambiguous to
interpret, certainly when they are part of interactions. Silberzahn et al. (2018) gave
a dataset to 29 teams involving 61 data analysts to address the question whether soc-
cer referees are more likely to give red cards to dark-skin players than to light-skin
players. The data were obtained from a company for sports statistics and contained
demographic information on all soccer players (N = 2,053) who played in the first
male divisions of England, Germany, France, and Spain in the 2012–2013 season. In
addition, the dataset contained information about the interactions of those players
with all referees (N = 3,147) whom they encountered (with a total of 146,028 data
lines). The dependent variable was the number of red cards given to each player by
each referee.
Analytic approaches varied widely across the teams. In the end, 20 of the teams
(69%) concluded that there was a statistically significant effect (dark skinned players
were more likely to receive a red card), whereas 9 teams (31%) concluded that there
was no evidence for such effect. Neither analysts’ prior beliefs about the effect nor
their level of expertise explained the variation in outcomes. Peer ratings of the quality
of the analyses did not account for the variability either.
The findings of Silberzahn et al. (2018) show the extent to which conclusions can
be analysis-dependent and how defensible, yet subjective, analytic choices may
influence research conclusions. The only way to find out the solidity of published
results is to have access to the raw data, so that researchers can try out various
analysis techniques. Along the same lines, Steegen et al. (2016) recommended that
researchers perform a multiverse analysis instead of a single analysis. A multiverse
analysis involves performing and reporting analyses across a large set of reasonable
scenarios, so that the solidity of a conclusion can be established. Having access to
raw data also allows researchers to address new questions and to try out newly
secondary data analysis developed analysis techniques with the existing data. This is called secondary data
reanalysis of existing data analysis.
to address new research An example of a dataset that has been made available for secondary data analysis
is the English Lexicon Project. Balota et al. (2007) noticed that researchers interested
in visual word recognition often ran experiments with 100 or so words, to see whether
one or the other word feature speeded up or slowed down recognition. This made
them decide that it would be interesting to collect processing times for 40,000 English
words, so that individual researcher no longer had to run their own small study, but
could test out their ideas on the big dataset. Ten years later, the English Lexicon Pro-
ject has been used in hundreds of studies, many on topics that were not foreseen by
the original authors.
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470 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
Big data
Building datasets and performing secondary analyses on them is part of the big
Big data data movement that characterised early twenty-first-century science. Big data refers
collection and use of large to the collection and mining of large-volume, complex, growing datasets, coming
datasets for secondary from multiple, independent sources (Wu et al., 2014). This became possible with
data analysis
the rapid development of computer networking and data storage in a common
Bello-Orgaz et al. (2016) discerned the following five characteristics of big data (all
starting with the letter V):
● Volume: refers to the large amount of data, usually gathered from many sources.
● Velocity: refers to the speed of data changes. The contents are constantly updated
and extended through the absorption of new datasets. This creates a need for
algorithms and methods to adequately process, track, and analyse the evolving
● Variety: refers to the different types of data collected from various autonomous
sources that are brought together.
● Value: refers to the fact that the information is often valuable and sensitive, which
creates challenges, for instance related to privacy and ownership.
● Veracity: refers to the correctness and accuracy of the information. This requires
policies guaranteeing data quality, data governance, and metadata management.
Although good technical and mathematical skills help dealing with big data, Chen
and Wojcik (2016) pointed out that such skills are often not needed because providers
developed tools that make big data research accessible to researchers in a broad range
of fields.
Interim summary
● The replication crisis led to a call for more transparency, openness and resource sharing
in science, summarised under the name ‘open science’.
● A first achievement was the creation of repositories that made transparency, openness
and resource sharing easy and part of everyday lab life, not something researchers had
to do extra when the research project was finished.
● A second achievement was the publication of the TOP guidelines, to raise awareness of
the open science ideals with journal editors and reviewers.
● Open science is needed, because errors in data analysis are likely and because
conclusions sometimes critically depend on the type of analysis used.
● Open science also makes it easy to run novel analyses on existing datasets and address
new questions. This is called secondary data analysis.
● Open science makes the accumulation of information from various sources possible,
resulting in big datasets that can be mined. This type of research is called big data
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11.3 An evolving publication culture 471
Publish or perish
The increase in publications from 1960 to 2018 was due partly to the growing number of
researchers (in particular outside the English-speaking parts of the world). However,
another contributing factor was that individual researchers became evaluated on their out-
put. At each moment of hiring or promotion, candidates have to compete with each other,
and the number of publications became an increasingly important criterion. Whereas in
1960 a person could be appointed as assistant professor with one or two publications, by
2018 the number required was on average ten (Graber et al., 2007; Warren, 2019). In cogni-
tive psychology it was even closer to 20 (Pennycook & Thompson, 2018). Promotion to
associate professor required another ten publications. The fact that researchers had to
publish or perish publish in order to succeed in academic life became known as publish or perish.
refers to the practice in
academia that a person
will not be appointed or Journal impact factors
promoted unless they
have a strong portfolio of
One problem with number of publications as the sole indicator of merit is that not all
scientific publications publications have the same weight. Some journals are more widely distributed than
others and are more prestigious (e.g., publish articles from better known scientists).
Indeed, the focus on publication numbers had the unintended consequence that many
new journals were created in the twentieth century often with small numbers of read-
ers and with little impact. Björk et al. (2009) estimated that the number of scientific
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Figure 11.5 Number of entries included in one of biggest the databases of journal articles (Web of Science)
from 1960 to 2018. It is important to take into account that years of rapid increase are due partly to the
inclusion of new databases (e.g. of non-English publications).
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472 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
journals with quality control (peer review) had increased between 2001 and 2006 from
16,000 to almost 24,000. In 2019, the institute referred to in Figure 11.5 (Web of Sci-
ence) covered 21,000 journals and book series in its core collection, and another 13,000
in its extended collection.
Because of the many journals with unequal impact, researchers (and university
administrators) tried to differentiate them on quality grounds. One criterion was
whether the journal evaluated the quality of submissions by means of peer review
peer review before publication. Peer review refers to the fact that a manuscript is evaluated on its
in science is the quality by other expert researchers to make sure that it fulfils the criteria of good
evaluation of scientific science (for reviews, see Spier, 2002; Jana, 2019). Only journals with peer review
work by research
colleagues (peers) to
qualified. Another criterion was whether the journal was included in databases such
decide whether the work as the Web of Science. This led to consensus lists of ‘good’ journals. For instance, the
is good enough to be Australian Research Council in 2019 collected the ERA 2018 Journal List, which was
published (or financed in used to evaluate research in Australia.
case of grant applications)
Even after application of the above criteria, journals differed in prestige. Therefore,
the research community was open to more refined measures.
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 472 16/09/2020 17:00
11.3 An evolving publication culture 473
Table 11.5 Top five and bottom five journals in one of the first rankings of psychology journals based on the
journal science citation index
of Experimental Medicine had a much higher impact factor (11.874) than the best
psychology journal, Psychological Review (4.156; as shown in Table 11.5).
Researchers became evaluated not only on the number of papers they published,
but also on the impact factor and the ranking of the journal in which the articles were
published. In some systems, the quality of research was even more important than the
quantity. For instance, the United Kingdom regularly evaluates research at its universi-
ties. This is done by asking researchers to submit their four or five best articles in the
preceding years. Needless to say, such articles make not such a good impression when
they come from journals with a low impact factor.
Unwanted consequences of the journal impact factor
Journal impact factors offered an objective (quantitative) criterion to judge research
quality. As a result, they rapidly gained currency in all types of research evaluation.
However, it gradually became clear that they had negative consequences as well.
A first consequence was that it considerably increased the power of Garfield’s com-
pany. For journals it became vital to be included in the list. Otherwise, they were
considered second rank and failed to attract good papers. In addition, it became para-
mount that all articles were included in the list. So, rather than Garfield’s company
having to chase journal contents, publishers felt compelled to submit the information
themselves to the company, to avoid being dropped from the list or losing precious
citations to the articles in the first two years after publication. Because of the power the
journal impact factors gave and the monopoly developed by Garfield, other companies
became interested in publishing their own measures. The two best known are Scopus
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474 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
CiteScore, compiled by Elsevier (one of the big publishers of scientific journals), and
Google Scholar Metrics, developed by the internet company Google.
A second consequence of the journal impact factor was that it further cemented
the dominance of research published in English. Because the Institute for Scientific
Information was an American company, it had a bias to publications in English and to
journals published in English-speaking countries. This, for instance, was a problem for
researchers investigating other languages than English or topics specific to non-English
countries. Gradually, their research seemed to lose ‘impact’.
A third consequence was that books became less important than journal articles,
because there was no objective way to assess the impact of books. This was particu-
larly problematic for the humanities, where book publications traditionally had a
larger weight than journal articles. This put them at a disadvantage to the natural
sciences with their well-established networks of journals.
A fourth consequence was that the impact factor became a serious issue for sci-
entific journals. Editors and editorial boards were judged on how much the impact
factor had increased or decreased during their term. As a result, editors were incen-
tivised to try to increase the impact factor of their journal. One way of doing so
was by encouraging authors of new papers to cite recent papers from the journal.
Another was to write editorials in which the achievements of the preceding year(s)
were reviewed (in that way increasing the impact factor by a full unit). Such practices
were curtailed when the Web of Science started to exclude journals with too many
self-citations. Another incentive was to publish and promote articles with sensational
findings, thereby initiating and aggravating the replication crisis. It arguably also led
to rejection of less sensational papers, such as replications of previous research.
The problems were further exacerbated because the calculation of journal impact
factors was not transparent (and still is not). The commercial company calculat-
ing them could decide at its own discretion to include or exclude certain types of
journal publications (editorials, comments, letters to the editor, corrections, book
reviews, . . . ), which could have a big influence on the impact factor and which could
be gamed (e.g. by eliciting comments to target articles if they were not counted in the
impact factor, or by dropping book reviews).
Misinterpreting journal impact factors
Journal impact factors were also misinterpreted. For a start, an impact factor up to
three digits precision was meaningless, as most journals did not publish a thousand
articles per year. One digit precision or even integer numbers would have been better,
but then of course it was no longer possible to finely rank order all journals in a cat-
egory. Most categories (including psychology) would have but a few levels: 0, 1, 2, and 3.
Taking the mean number of citations per journal was also wrong because the dis-
tribution of citations is not symmetric. Many articles get 0 or 1 citations in the two
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 474 16/09/2020 17:00
11.3 An evolving publication culture 475
subsequent years and one article with 100 citations can lift the impact factor by 1 or 2
depending on how many articles are published in the journal. A median impact factor
would have been more justifiable, but then most journals in psychology would have
had an impact factor of 1 to 3.
Arguably the worst misunderstanding was that a journal’s impact factor was an
indication of an individual article’s worth. Many articles published in high impact
journals get 0 or 1 citations in the next two years (certainly if self-citations by the
authors are excluded), just like most articles published in low impact journals. Con-
versely, papers published in specialised, low-impact journals sometimes changed
research fundamentally. So, a journal’s impact factor said little about the impact of a
single paper. The only thing the impact factor said was that a researcher managed to
publish in a journal with a high impact factor (and arguably high prestige).
A movement to get rid of journal impact factors
Because journal impact factors were being considered inappropriately in academic
decisions such as promotion, many researchers started to object to them. In 2012, this
Declaration on Research led to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) by the Ameri-
Assessment (DORA) can Society for Cell Biology.
declaration that asks The declaration argued that the outputs from scientific research are varied, and
science funders and
evaluators to look at the
that they need to be evaluated wisely. It then discussed the problems with journal
quality of the research impact factors and offered a number of recommendations aimed at funding agencies,
itself (proposed and academic institutions, journals, organisations that supplied metrics, and individual
completed) rather than at researchers. The following themes ran through the recommendations:
the prestige of the outlets
in which the research is ● Outputs other than journal articles are important in assessing research effective-
ness and will grow in importance in the future, given the opportunities provided
by online publication and data use.
● The use of journal-based metrics, such as journal impact factors, must be elimi-
nated in funding, appointment, and promotion considerations.
● Research output must be evaluated on its own merits rather than on the basis of
the journal in which the research is published.
● Institutions and funding agencies must be explicit about the criteria used to reach
decisions, clearly highlighting, especially for early-stage investigators, that the sci-
entific content of a paper is much more important than publication metrics or the
identity of the journal in which it was published.
The declaration was subsequently signed by over 1,500 organisations and 15,000 indi-
vidual researchers.
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476 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 476 16/09/2020 17:00
11.3 An evolving publication culture 477
Of the 86 electronic journals, Crawford found that 49 survived six years (57%),
half of them with a small but steady flow of manuscripts, and half with substantial
numbers of refereed articles. When we rechecked Crawford’s list in December 2019,
34 of the 49 journals were still running, although one had changed to a subscription
journal with a commercial publisher.
open access journal Freely available journals on the internet became known as open access journals.
journal that can be The challenges for open access journals were (and still are):
consulted without paying
a subscription or fees for ● Having a server on which the journal is hosted.
reading articles (usually
● Having a submission portal to which authors can submit manuscripts and which
via internet)
can be used by reviewers for their evaluations.
● Checking accepted manuscripts for editorial errors (the reference list is notorious
in this respect).
● Standardising the lay-out of accepted manuscripts.
● Making sure that the journal contents are covered by various archives and search
databases, so that the contents can be found.
● Trying to get an impact factor for the journal.
● Securing the continuation of the journal when the founders leave.
Because of the costs involved in managing open access journals, many of these jour-
article processing nals were compelled to ask an article processing charge (APC) from their authors. That
charge (APC) is, the authors had to pay a charge to make their article available. In return, the journal
price asked by open access promised that the article would remain freely available for the foreseeable future.
scientific journals to
process a manuscript and
A feature of subscription journals is that readers have to pay to get access to the con-
publish it in the journal tents. The articles are behind a paywall, which in practice means that only researchers
at (rich) universities can read them. Open access journals wanted to change this prac-
tice and stressed the importance of free and universal access to knowledge. Rather
than making money out of readers, researchers were asked to pay for the costs of
making the information available and maintaining it. Ideally, researchers could pay
with money saved because journal subscriptions would no longer be needed. Instead
of paying subscription fees to commercial publishing companies, the money would be
used to make information freely available to everyone.
Laakso et al. (2011) documented the open access publishing till 2009. In that period
of time, the number of open access journals increased at a faster rate than the number
of journals in total. Laakso et al. estimated that in 2009 the share of articles in open
access journals was 7.7%. At the end of 2019, the Directory of Open Access Jour-
nals (https://doaj.org/) tracked 14,000 open access journals with 4.5 million articles
in total.
The open access movement got a strong impetus when the European Union decided
in 2016 that all research funded by the Union should be open access by 2020 (Schiltz,
2018). It was concluded that science, as an institution of organised criticism, could
only function properly if research results were made openly available to the commu-
nity so that they could be submitted to the scrutiny of other researchers. Publication
paywalls were withholding a substantial amount of research from a large proportion
of the scientific community and from society as a whole. This hindered the scientific
enterprise in its very foundations and hampered uptake by society. Therefore, the
European Union decided that its grants would include money for researchers to pay
for article processing charges and grantees were expected to publish their findings
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478 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
The open-access movement stated that scientific information should be free for
everyone and that this could be achieved by redirecting money from journal subscrip-
tion fees to production costs for individual articles, which could then be made avail-
able at no extra cost. This posed a threat for the existing publishers with their income
from journal fees, but also created new opportunities. If researchers were encouraged
to pay for open access, a new business model offered itself: one in which publishers
made money by producing open-access articles.
Two big initiatives were started almost simultaneously. One was the creation of the
journal Plos One in the US (first articles published in 2006), the other was the establish-
ment of the Frontiers journals series in Switzerland (starting in 2007). Plos One was a
general journal covering all subjects; Frontiers initiated journals in all fields that had
potential (e.g., a specific journal Frontiers in Psychology was set up). Both initiatives
had the same aim: make all reliable scientific findings available to everyone. Two aspects
were of importance. First, authors would pay for the articles rather than readers. Sec-
ond, the journals would publish much more than was done before. Every well-run study
would be published, independent of its theoretical impact. Editors and reviewers were
instructed that methodological soundness was the only criterion to be used. As we have
seen above, rejection rates of 70–95% were normal in established scientific journals.
Only some of these were due to bad data. Many more were rejected because the findings
were considered not to be sufficiently interesting to spend journal space (money) on.
Such an approach made sense in a world of expensive hardcopy journals, but not in a
digital world with cheap and near infinite memory space. In such a world, it was more
important to make all good information available and let readers decide what was valu-
able instead of editors and reviewers. The approach was reinforced when the replication
crisis burst onto the scene and exposed the poor practices of some of the traditional
journals. Indeed, many of the papers triggering doubts about the soundness of the
existing scientific literature were published in Plos One and in the Frontiers journals.
Plos One and the Frontiers journals addressed a pressing need, because the number
of articles they published rose rapidly. Plos One went from a few hundred in 2006 to a
maximum of over 30,000 in 2013. The Frontiers series together published over 29,000
articles in 2018. To compare, few traditional journals in psychology publish over 200
articles per year; many publish less than 50. Part of the success of Plos One and the
Frontiers series was that their journal impact factors could compete with those of the
traditional journals, arguably because free access meant that more researchers could
read and cite the articles.
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11.3 An evolving publication culture 479
The success of Plos One and Frontiers encouraged other publishers to follow suit
(Martín-Martín et al. 2018; Piwowar et al. 2018). Arguably the most spectacular new
mega-journal mega-journal was Scientific Reports, published by one of the big commercial publish-
large-volume, peer- ers (Springer). It started in 2011 and in 2016 overtook Plos One as the largest scientific
reviewed academic journal in the world. In 2018 it had already published 18,000 articles (Plos One still
open access journal
designed to make more had over 17,000). In addition to the mega-journals, a series of new publication com-
scientific findings panies took off, specialising in open access journals, which made their services avail-
available by focusing on able to societies and research groups wanting to start their own open-access journal.
methodological rigour
rather than theoretical
contribution; has a large
remit, so that articles What do you think?
on many topics can be
included. According to some proponents of the open access movement, scientists have made
a mistake by supporting non-academic companies, because they invested in the
creation of companies that are more interested in increasing their costs and profits
than in making scientific findings available. This became clear in the rapid rise of
article processing charges. Whereas $1,000 was a typical charge in the early years,
by 2020 $2,000 was more typical. Companies said the rise was unavoidable because
the model was not sustainable otherwise. For instance, the company behind Plos
One reported a substantial operational loss in 2019. At first sight, this looks like a
genuine problem, because the company is a not-for-profit organisation that is not
trying to make money for shareholders. However, the company seems to have many
costs that do not agree with the open science movements. Its headquarters are
in one of the most expensive parts of the world (San Francisco) and it has a large
management board that is paid very handsomely (much more than researchers).
Is there a way to couple the efficiency of commercial companies with the idealism
of scientists without prices spiralling out of control?
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480 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
total budget did not increase and the APC costs were subtracted from the money
available for research grants (Pinfield et al., 2016).
In this environment, new publishers began to see an opportunity to turn open sci-
ence into a profit. Many of these new publishers shared the ideals of open science (and
indeed were founded by researchers who had left university), but some simply saw an
easy way to make money. All they had to do was to convince gullible researchers to
pay larger APCs than needed for the production of articles. Websites were created,
volunteer researchers invited to form editorial boards, and emails sent to researchers
for manuscripts. As the goal was profit maximisation, submissions were rarely rejected
and quality control was minimal or absent.
predatory journal The situation got so bad that this type of publishing received its own name, preda-
scientific journal that tory journals. The name was coined by a librarian from the University of Colorado,
gives the impression Beall, who was inundated with questions from academics about which new, open-
of being genuine
(peer-reviewed, with
access journals were good to publish in. Beall started a list of journals using exploita-
mechanisms of error tive business models that involved charging APCs to authors without checking articles
control, promise of for quality and legitimacy. He called the journals predatory because they tried to trick
longevity) without academics into publishing with them by disguising themselves as legitimate journals
adhering to the standards;
tries to lure scientists to idealistic about the open science movement and offering the services expected from
pay APCs for very limited scientific journals. Beall’s list was often consulted until he was forced to take it offline
service in 2017 after legal threats by some of the companies involved.
As we will see in Chapter 14, a way to test the quality of a scientific journal is to
submit a manuscript with unacceptable contents. If such a manuscript is accepted for
publication, quality control cannot be strict. Several scientists sent dodgy papers to
suspected journals (e.g., Martin & Martin, 2016) and, as feared, were able to get their
articles accepted for publication after payment of an APC. Less expected was that
some of these journals were run by well-established publishers, who apparently saw
their new open-access mega-journal as a profitable garbage caterer.
Particularly interesting for psychologists is a study of McKay and Coltheart (2017).
They started with the observation that it had become very common for academics to
receive invitations from unfamiliar sources to attend conferences, submit papers, and
join editorial boards. To push the test to the limit, they ‘wrote’ a one-page manuscript
with an algorithm that generated syntactically correct but surreal sentences. The first
few sentences of the manuscript seemed relevant to the title but the paper then quickly
deteriorated into a sequence of sentences that no one could possibly believe was seri-
ous. The title of the paper was ‘Addictive impairment in Pratiques de publication: A
surrealist analysis’. The first paragraph started with the sentences: ‘One of the aims
of cognitive neuropsychiatry is to develop a model of the processes underlying normal
belief generation and decision-making, and to explain addictive disorders in terms of
impairments to processes implicated in this model of normal functioning. Cognitive
neuropsychiatry can be viewed, in this sense, as a branch of cognitive neuropsychol-
ogy, a field that investigates disordered cognition as a means of learning more about
normal cognition.’ However, then it continued as follows: ‘Of course, neither cogni-
tive neuropsychiatry nor cognitive neuropsychology is remotely informative when it
comes to breaking the ice with buxom grapefruits. When pondering three-in-a-bed
romps with broken mules, therefore, one must refrain, at all costs, from driving a
manic-depressive lemon-squeezer through ham.’ The gibberish continued up to the
end, including an acknowledgement that read as follows: ‘This research was supported
by the Flattened Hedgehog Foundation (FHF) grant no. 62247. Thanks to Raven Black
for helpful suggestions.’
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11.4 Focus on: Is scientific progress slowing down? 481
McKay and Coltheart (2017) submitted the ‘paper’ to the 10 journals that had
contacted either of them on the days between 21 June and 1 July 2017 inviting them to
submit a paper. After receiving the manuscript, all 10 journals responded and informed
the authors that their manuscript was sent out for review (even though it was rub-
bish and should have been rejected by the editor). McKay and Coltheart did not hear
anything further from four publishers, arguably because they saw the problem. Of
the others, two tentatively accepted the paper pending minor revision and four fully
accepted it for publication pending APC payment. This indeed was taking science to
a new low level, which we will return to in Chapter 14.
Interim summary
● There has been an explosive growth of scientific papers in the past 100 years, because
more researchers were hired and because researchers were increasingly motivated to
publish more (publish or perish).
● In addition to the number of publications, the quality of journals that scientists
published became important. The quality has been estimated on the basis of the average
number of citations in a specified period (journal impact factor).
● Reliance on journal impact factors had growing negative side-effects and led to the San
Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, calling for an assessment of an article’s
individual merit rather than looking at the average impact of the journal.
● Commercial publishers took over scientific journals from learned societies and research
groups and asked increasingly higher subscription fees, even though the production costs
went down. This led to a call for open access journals, first by individuals and small research
groups, then by main funders such as the European Union and the British research councils.
● Because open access journals do not have an income from subscriptions, researchers
have to pay an article processing charge (APC) to get their article published, creating a
new business model.
● The business model of APCs led to the rise of mega-journals covering the entire spectrum
of scientific research and publishing thousands of articles per year. It also led to predatory
journals, which try to make researchers pay for publications without offering the usual
services and guarantees. The established publishers also tried to profit from the new
situation by starting their own open-access mega-journals and offering open access in
their subscription journals (hybrid model). The latter created a situation of double dipping.
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482 Chapter 11 Psychology and open science
The hypothesis that scientific ideas are getting increasingly hard to find is the sub-
ject of a working paper by four economists (Bloom, Jones, Van Reenen & Webb, 2019).
They argue that the long-run growth rate is the product of two terms: the effective
number of researchers and their research productivity. Bloom et al. present a wide
range of evidence from various sources showing that the research efforts in the past
decades have risen substantially but that research productivity has decreased steadily.
The growth still observed results from increases in research effort that offset the declin-
ing productivity. A similar observation was made by Kander et al. (2019), who focused
on Sweden and Finland. Although, the number of innovations between 1970 and 2012
was relatively stable in Sweden and increased in Finland, the ratio of innovations to
the money spent decreased over time. This can be seen, for instance, in the fact that
author lists of scientific papers become increasingly long.
Others present a more nuanced image. First, there are country differences. Evidence
for a slow-down is strongest in the USA. Other countries, like China and India, are
experiencing a big increase. Second, the evidence also seems to differ between research
topics. Evidence for stagnation is stronger in physics than in biology or technology.
Indeed, growth in a particular sector depends much on completely new breakthrough
discoveries and technologies (Betz, 2018). Examples of such past breakthrough discov-
eries are: the development of the steam engine, emergence of railways, steel and heavy
engineering, electricity, the automobile, the emergence of telecommunication and IT.
Betz (2018) mentioned the following areas for possible breakthroughs in the com-
ing decades:
● Artificial intelligence with the possibility of new knowledge generation
● Synthetic biology, allowing manipulation and engineering of all organisms
(including humans)
● Nanotechnology (e.g., the use of nano-robotics in medicine)
● Nuclear and quantum physics with new ground-breaking insights on matter and
the universe.
Surprisingly (and disappointingly), Betz (2018) only mentioned one possible breakthrough
in psychology: the discovery of parapsychology, referring to the findings of Bem (!),
in line with the difficulty psychology has to be seen as a science (Chapters 10 and 14).
Recommended literature
Replication crisis Munafo et al. (2017), who published a manifesto for reproduc-
Chambers’ (2017) book The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology ible science. Much is also to be found on the internet. Engber
is a good start. Two journal articles to start with are Shrout (2017) gives an inside story of how Bem’s findings were a trig-
and Rodgers (2018) and Nelson et al. (2018), both published ger of the replication crisis. Fidler and Wilcox (2018) discuss
in the Annual Review of Psychology. Another useful read is the issues related to the reproducibility of scientific results.
M11 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 482 16/09/2020 17:00
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488 Chapter 00 Chapter title goes here
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 488 14/09/2020 19:47
Introduction 489
Questions to consider
In Chapter 10 we saw that psychology can be divided into two research lines. On
the one hand, there is the mainstream, natural-science oriented approach, on which
psychology as an academic discipline was founded. On the other hand, there is the
hermeneutic alternative, which argues that the scientific method is unsuitable to study
mental life, because the method of the natural sciences makes it impossible to access
the richness of the human experience. As the quote above shows, this discussion is
not limited to psychology, but can be found in all human and social sciences (e.g.
education, social work, management, sport, health, . . .).
In recent years, the discussion has crystallised into the question to what extent the
traditional quantitative methods should be supplemented (or replaced) by qualitative
research methods. In the quote at the opening of this chapter this is referred to as the
‘paradigm war’. Below we will have a look at the various positions and see whether the
situation is indeed as grave as suggested in the citation. First, we discuss the essence
of the quantitative and the qualitative methods.
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490 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 490 14/09/2020 19:47
12.1 The essence of quantitative research 491
fallible perceptions and opinions, meaning that they can be a source of bias (confound)
or randomness (noise). A biased researcher is a researcher who consistently obtains
‘evidence’ other people cannot find. This usually consists of evidence in line with the
researcher’s convictions (see Chapter 11 on the replication crisis). A random researcher
is a researcher who in a study obtains evidence no-one else (including the researcher
him/herself) can replicate, because it was a fluke.
To protect themselves against biases and noise, quantitative researchers make
use of standardised measurements and instruments. For instance, they will make
use of generally accepted questionnaires to measure aspects of people and they
will analyse the data with generally accepted statistical tests. In this way, they have
more certainty that the findings they obtain can be replicated by others using the
same methods.
Progress through falsification
One final feature of the quantitative research approach is that researchers continuously
evaluate the truth of their conclusions, theories, hypotheses and instruments. This is
part of the falsification element in scientific research. Researchers constantly try to
prove each other wrong, which often bewilders non-scientific spectators who cannot
understand why scientists rarely seem to agree with one another. As a rule of thumb,
an effect will only be accepted as ‘probably true’ when there is a great deal of converg-
ing evidence for it, coming from different measurements and falsification attempts
(also see the need for replication in Chapter 11 and the social forces preventing these
efforts from being published).
Now that we have seen the assumptions underlying quantitative research methods,
we can have a closer look at the various techniques that are available. These are usu-
ally divided into three broad orientations (e.g. Rosenthal & Rosnow, 2008): descriptive
research, relational research and experimental research.
Descriptive research
Observation of numerical data
In descriptive research, the focus is on observation, a careful charting of the situation.
As we have seen several times in this book, detailed observation is the start of scientific
research. Certainly with respect to psychology, this is not a platitude. Just think of
how long philosophers thought they could study human functioning without looking
at what people were actually doing. The same is true for many everyday conversa-
tions, in which people vent opinions based on their hunches. How often do you hear
someone say they cannot discuss a particular psychological topic (e.g. the influence of
divorce on the well-being of children) because they would first need to have a look at
the empirical evidence?
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 491 14/09/2020 19:47
492 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
Typical for quantitative research is that the data are gathered in a numerical form,
either by collecting measurements or by counting frequencies of occurrence. Quan-
titative researchers will not observe ‘violence’, but will measure aspects of violence
(e.g. the number of incidents reported to the police, the number of incidents reported
in diaries or interviews, the amount of violence as rated by participants on a Likert
scale, etc.). In Chapter 5, we called this the requirement of operational definitions. In
addition, before researchers collect data, they have a good idea of how they will ana-
lyse them: what types of measurements they will obtain and what types of statistics
they can apply to summarise and evaluate the data (a feature given extra emphasis in
registered reports discussed in Chapter 11).
Large samples and a few data points per participant
Although this is not an absolute rule, the vast majority of descriptive quantitative stud-
ies involve the collection of a limited amount of data from a reasonably large group
of participants. There are two main reasons why researchers want to include large
groups in their studies. The first is that the larger the sample examined, the more rep-
resentative it becomes of the population (i.e. the more it resembles the population). As
indicated above, quantitative researchers usually want to generalise their findings from
the sample studied to the population, so that universal conclusions can be reached.
Although quantity is only one aspect of representativeness, it is an important one and
one that is taught to all psychology students.
The second reason why descriptive quantitative studies usually involve many par-
ticipants is that large numbers of observations yield more precise statistics. In all
likelihood, the mean of a sample is closer to the population mean when it is based
on a large sample than when it is based on a small sample. When social services want
to know how many teenagers are unhappy, they will feel more confident about an
estimate if it is based on a sample of 1,000 respondents than if it is based on a sample
of 20 respondents, even when every precaution has been taken to make both samples
equally representative. The reason why the mean of 1,000 observations is more reliable
than the mean of 20 observations is that the former is likely to be very much the same
if the study were repeated with another sample of the same size, whereas there can be
a serious difference in estimates based on two different samples of 20 participants only.
Descriptive research usually is only the first step of a quantitative research pro-
gramme, because researchers want to know what caused the data they observe. How
did the figures come about? To discover cause–effect relations, a first move is to find
out which events (variables) are related. If a survey indicates that 15% of the teenag-
ers call themselves unhappy, the logical next question is which variables are related to
being (un)happy. Do teenagers who call themselves unhappy have less money to spend
than teenagers who call themselves happy? Are they less supported by their parents?
Do they have fewer friends? This is addressed in relational research.
Relational research
The way to find out whether two variables are related according to quantitative
psychologists is to collect measures of both variables and to correlate them. There are
various statistical techniques to calculate a coefficient that indicates how closely two
variables co-vary. These techniques not only provide information about whether or
not two variables are correlated, but also provide information about how strong the
correlation is (see Chapter 8).
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 492 14/09/2020 19:47
12.1 The essence of quantitative research 493
9497 Cigarette smokers
80 76 Non-smokers
60 58
20 18
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Age (years)
Figure 12.1 The negative correlation between smoking and age at death.
In this study, a cohort of male British medical doctors was followed from the age of 35 years on. The
graph shows the survival rate for smokers and non-smokers. Of the smokers, 58% were still alive at
the age of 70, against 76% of the non-smokers. (dashed vertical line)
Source: Adapted from British Medical Journal, ‘Mortality in relation to smoking: 50 years observations on male British
doctors’, Doll, R., Peter, R., Boreham, J. and Sutherland, I., Vol. 328, pp. 1519–28, BMJ Publishing Group.
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 493 14/09/2020 19:47
494 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
detected in quantitative data, but people are prone to believing in them because the
meanings of the variables are associated: slowness seems to go along with caution and
speed with impulsivity. In general, people are prone to illusory correlations when two
variables overlap in meaning (e.g. red hair and hot temper) or when the correlation is
good for the self-esteem (e.g. members of one’s own group are perceived as more
interesting than members of other groups).
Factor analysis
Statistical correlations are interesting not only because they allow researchers to assess
the relationship between two variables, but also because they make it possible to inves-
tigate the pattern of correlations between any number of variables. A statistical tech-
nique often used in this respect is factor analysis. We will illustrate the technique with
a small example. Suppose you want to know what the correlations are between the
marks psychology students obtain in their exams in statistics, research methods, social
psychology, and historical and conceptual issues. Are students who are good at stats
also good at the three other courses? Or is it the case that someone who gets a high
mark on stats obtains a relatively low mark on historical and conceptual issues? Or
could it be that the courses are not related to each other, and that knowing the stats
score of a student does not help you to make a better prediction about their score on
historical and conceptual issues?
To find out, you collect the exam marks of all students at a particular university
and you calculate the correlations between the various scores. Suppose Table 12.1
summarises your findings.
In this figure you see an interesting pattern of findings. There is a high positive
correlation (0.80) between the exam marks of statistics and research methods, and
between social psychology and historical and conceptual issues. In contrast, there are
no correlations between statistics and research methods on the one hand and social
psychology and historical and conceptual issues on the other hand. This means, for
instance, that a student who scores high on the stats exam in all likelihood will also
have a high mark on the research methods exam, and can have a high, medium or
low score on social psychology and historical and conceptual issues. Such a pattern
Table 12.1 Fictitious example of correlations between exam marks of four courses in a
psychology degree
In this table you see that there is a high correlation (0.80) between the exam marks of
statistics and research methods, and between social psychology and historical and conceptual
issues. In contrast, there are no correlations between statistics and research methods on the
one hand and social psychology and historical and conceptual issues on the other hand. This
suggests that the exam scores are determined by two independent factors: one for statistics
and research methods and one for social psychology and historical and conceptual issues.
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 494 14/09/2020 19:47
12.1 The essence of quantitative research 495
suggests that the exam scores are determined by two independent factors: one for
statistics and research methods and one for social psychology and historical and con-
ceptual issues.
Now suppose that your correlations looked as shown in Table 12.2. Here you see
that there are high positive correlations between all courses. A student who scores
highly in the statistics exam also on average scores highly in the three other exams,
and a student who scores low in one exam scores low in the other exams as well. This
is not in line with the idea that there are two factors underlying the scores. Rather, all
scores seem to be due to a single factor, which we could call an intelligence/motivation
factor: students who score high on this factor get good marks in all exams, students
who score low on this factor score low in all exams.
Factor analysis is a statistical technique calculating how many factors are needed
to account for the correlations between the variables measured and how these vari-
ables relate to the factors. For instance, for the data of Table 12.1 it would extract two
factors, one with statistics and research methods loading on it, and one with social
psychology and historical and conceptual issues loading it. For Table 12.2 it would
return one factor on which all courses load.
Experimental research
Correlations do not allow researchers to be sure about causes
Relational research makes it possible for quantitative researchers to assess which variables
are related and which are not, but does not allow them to be certain about the origin of
the correlation (i.e. the underlying cause–effect relation). For instance, several studies
have shown that there is a negative correlation between the presence of children and
marital satisfaction: couples with children show less marital satisfaction than couples
without children (e.g., van Scheppingen et al., 2018). Although it is tempting to conclude
from this correlation that the presence of children does decrease the degree of marital
satisfaction experienced by parents (i.e. the children are the cause of the decrease in
satisfaction), there is nothing in the correlation itself that allows the researchers to draw
this conclusion. There could be tens of other reasons why couples with children rate their
marital satisfaction lower than couples without children. Maybe couples without children
split up sooner, so that the remaining ones score high on satisfaction? Or it might be that
couples who score high on satisfaction do not feel a need for children? Or that people
who enjoy their job score high on marital satisfaction and do not feel a need for children?
Table 12.2 Another fictitious example of correlations between the exam marks of four
courses in a psychology degree
In this table you see that there are high correlations (0.80) between all four exams. This
suggests that the exam scores are determined by a single factor.
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496 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 496 14/09/2020 19:47
12.1 The essence of quantitative research 497
is good for studying. In addition, when you come to think of it, there are other pos-
sible confounding variables in the design. Maybe the first group consisted of more
motivated participants than the second. Could there be a difference between people
who take part in a morning experiment and people who take part in an afternoon
To address the criticism of possible confounds, experimental psychologists
introduce an increasing number of controls (e.g. by testing both groups at the same
time, by testing four groups on two different days with the availability of tea counter-
balanced over the days, and by randomly allocating the participants over conditions).
Unfortunately, each control adds an extra constraint to the situation and puts the
testing into an increasingly artificial setting. To counter this problem, quantitative
researchers usually run several experiments on the same topic (involving different
manipulations, measurements and controls) and look for converging evidence across
studies (but see Chapter 11 for social factors interfering with the self-correcting
nature of science).
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 497 14/09/2020 19:47
498 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
Follow-up studies
Case-control studies
Cross-sectional surveys
Case reports
M12 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 498 14/09/2020 19:47
12.1 The essence of quantitative research 499
sample of participants, the conclusions are stable. As part of the research inspired
by the replication crisis, it has become clear, however, that meta-analysis tends to
give overestimates of effect sizes because of publication bias against null findings
(Kvarven et al., 2019).
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500 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
factors could turn into confounding variables, good researchers are taught to act as
uninvolved, dispassionate observers.
This is how one critic summarised the way in which participants are treated in
quantitative research:
In the first half of the twentieth century the investigative practice of American
psychology came to rely increasingly on the construction of ‘collective subjects’
for the generation of its knowledge products . . . Three types of these artificial
collectivities were distinguished: those that were the result of averaging the perfor-
mance of individuals subjected to similar experimental conditions, those that were
constituted from scores obtained by means of some psychometric testing instru-
ment, and those that were produced by subjecting groups of individuals to different
treatment conditions.
(Danziger, 1990: 113)
The lack of interest in the person behind the participant is of particular concern when
the research concerns real-life situations (e.g. the psychology of health), because in
these situations psychologists can learn a lot by listening to the experiences and opin-
ions of the people involved (practitioners, patients, support staff, relatives).
Research is too much driven by what can be measured numerically and
tested experimentally
Because quantitative analyses require the data to be represented as numbers, quantita-
tive psychologists have a bias to limit their research to topics that can easily be measured.
quantitative imperative According to the hermeneutic critique, this has resulted in the quantitative imperative,
a bias only to find the conviction that you cannot know what you cannot measure.
measurable topics Furthermore, because experiments provide the strongest information within the
interesting because
quantitative research quantitative paradigm, much research has been geared towards questions that can
methods require be addressed experimentally. The aspects of mental life that cannot be captured by
numerical data numbers and that cannot be manipulated in an experiment have been considered of
secondary importance.
The falsification test lends itself better to destroying ideas than to finding
practical solutions to specific problems
Another limitation of quantitative research is that the falsification test, on which the
method rests, is primarily geared towards erasing wrong theories rather than gener-
ating new ones. It is much easier to set up an experiment showing that someone is
wrong than to come up with a new theory that is worthwhile. As a result, it is not
unusual to see theories that have been discredited for some time still being ‘rejected’
on a regular basis in scientific journals, just because it is so easy to set up an experi-
ment to disprove them.
The negative tone underlying falsification tests can easily be illustrated by com-
paring the ways in which automatic speech recognition (speech recognition by com-
puters) has been approached by quantitative psychologists and engineers. Table 12.3
summarises the differences as perceived by one of the players (Ward, 1998). While the
psychologists tried to solve the problem by generating and testing general theories of
how humans (and by extension machines) function and spent a lot of time showing
each other that their respective theories and ideas were wrong (as indicated by falsi-
fication tests), the engineers concentrated on the problem at hand and searched for
concrete steps that would bring the solution closer. The psychologists were looking for
the truth, the engineers searched for algorithms that would improve the performance
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12.1 The essence of quantitative research 501
Table 12.3 Differences between the quantitative and the pragmatic approaches
Some differences between the quantitative psychological approach and the pragmatic
engineering approach.
of the machine. Ward noticed that over a period of 40 years the latter, pragmatic
approach resulted in significantly more progress.
The above example is not meant to question the value of the falsification test for
scientific progress (Chapter 9). However, it does remind us that falsification only leads
to progress when there are worthwhile proposals to be tested. An exclusive reliance
on the falsification test involves the danger that more knowledge is gathered about
what is not ‘true’ than about what works. Falsification tests without equally strong
efforts to try to understand what is going on, risk ending up in a situation where rival
views are more interested in showing each other they are wrong than in contemplating
whether the resulting discussion brings the solution any closer. An illustrative book in
this respect is Eysenck and Keane (2020), because for each topic it nicely summarises
the different points of view and the evidence against them.
Interim summary
The essence of quantitative research
● Quantitative research methods refer to research methods based on quantifiable data and
the following assumptions:
– there is an objective reality to be discovered
– the main aim of scientific research is to find universal cause–effect relations
– to do this, one has to rely on the hypothetico-deductive method and avoid confounds
and sources of noise.
● A distinction can be made between descriptive, relational and experimental research:
– descriptive research: trying to express variables in numbers, usually involves a few
measures from a large group of participants
– relational research: searching for statistical correlations in order to understand
relationships between variables; use of factor analysis to find the structure in
datasets with many variables
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502 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 503
Attempts to control the situation make the setting artificial and impoverished
According to qualitative psychologists, quantitative researchers are misguided in their
attempts to try to measure ‘reality’ in unbiased ways. The attempts to control for con-
founding variables and noise do not help to make the ‘real world’ visible, but turn the
environment into an artificial setting that robs the participants of their usual ways of
interacting and coping in meaningful situations. For instance, when Milgram (1963;
Chapter 7) saw participants punish other humans with increasingly harmful electrical
shocks in his experiments, he did not observe ‘true’ obedience, but participants press-
ing buttons in one particular social environment that was perceived and interpreted
by the participants in ways unknown to Milgram.
Similarly, the attempts to restrict and streamline the interactions between the
researcher and the participants do not in the first place increase the chances of mak-
ing the ‘true’ world visible, but seriously limit the information the researcher can get
from the study. Rather than being an uninvolved, distant observer, the investigator
should become an active participant and listen to what the participant has to say. He
or she should not be guided by fear of drawing wrong conclusions but by a construc-
tive desire to understand the meaning of what is going on.
Qualitative researchers acknowledge that the approach they promote entails the
danger of the conclusions being influenced by the researcher, but argue that:
1. This danger is offset by the expected gains due to an understanding of the situation.
2. All conclusions, even those reached on the basis of quantitative research and falsi-
fication tests, are relative (because they depend on the prevailing paradigm).
3. The most obvious biases can be avoided by being aware of them and by doing the
analysis in such a way that it can be repeated and checked by others.
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504 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
variables that need to be scored and that constrain the outcome of the study. Instead,
the researcher approaches the situation open-mindedly and sees what comes out. This
is how Willig described the essence of the qualitative methodology:
Qualitative researchers tend to be concerned with meaning. That is, they are interested
in how people make sense of the world and how they experience events. They aim to
understand ‘what it is like’ to experience particular conditions (e.g. what it means and
how it feels to live with chronic illness or to be unemployed) and how people manage
certain situations (e.g. how people negotiate family life or relations with work col-
leagues). Qualitative researchers tend, therefore, to be concerned with the quality and
texture of experience, rather than with the identification of cause–effect relationships.
They do not tend to work with ‘variables’ that are defined by the researcher before the
research process begins. This is because qualitative researchers tend to be interested in
the meanings attributed to events by the research participants themselves. Using pre-
conceived ‘variables’ would lead to the imposition of the researcher’s meanings and it
would preclude the identification of respondents’ own ways of making sense of the
phenomenon under investigation.
(Willig, 2008: 8–9)
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 505
situation, rather than always homing in on a single detail. Instead of constantly using
deductive reasoning, psychologists should pay more attention to inductive reasoning
(i.e. reasoning from fact to theory, in which one tries to draw adequate conclusions on
the basis of a series of convergent observations). The advice of qualitative psycholo-
gists to start an investigation by looking at the complete situation with an open mind
bracketing and freeing themselves from their preconceptions is called bracketing (cf. Lemon &
requirement in qualitative Taylor, 1997).
research to look at a
phenomenon with an open Qualitative research is evidence-based
mind and to free oneself
from preconceptions The above characteristics do not mean that data are less important for qualitative than
for quantitative researchers. In qualitative research, too, a study depends on collecting
and analysing empirical findings. In addition, these data must be gathered and made
available in such a way that the conclusions can be verified by others. It is not the case
that qualitative research is based on the researcher’s intuitions and opinions. The main
difference in data with quantitative research is that the findings typically are not coded
in a numerical format. They comprise an organised set of verbal statements that in the
researcher’s eyes summarises the examined situation. Below we will see three examples
of such analysis.
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506 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
The raw materials of semi-structured interviews usually consist of auditory or visual
recordings. These have to be transcribed in written form, so that they can easily be
referred to. By making use of standardised codes, the transcription not only contains
what was said, but also the non-verbal signals, such as hesitations, gestures and into-
nations. This part of the research is usually very time-intensive, but ensures the easy
availability of the raw materials.
After the transcription, the written records are numbered. The text is torn apart
into its constituent parts, which are numbered. Usually, the numbering is very detailed,
going down to the level of individual sentences and even single phrases. Before research-
ers start doing this, it is recommended that they go through the texts/interviews a few
times, so that they have a good feel of the topics that are covered.
Data analysis
In a qualitative analysis the investigator rewrites the raw materials as a flow chart of
core ideas, based on multiple close readings and guided by the questions emphasised
by the different approaches (see below). The analysis requires an adequate classifica-
tion of the various statements into a number of (recurring) themes and clear ideas of
how the components are interconnected. The researcher tries to encompass the data
as comprehensively and systematically as possible. The analysis keeps cycling through
the materials, until saturation is reached. All the time the researcher remains careful
not to overlook elements or to bias the interpretation towards a preconceived theory.
Software programs are available to number and rephrase the various statements and
integrate them within the coding scheme. Afterwards, the outcome can be discussed
with the participants, to make sure that it is a good representation of what was covered
(Thomas, 2017).
In the remainder of this section, we discuss the three main approaches used in
qualitative research (see Willig & Rogers (2017) and Flick (2018) for further details
and more techniques). They include grounded theory, interpretative phenomenological
analysis (IPA) and discourse analysis.
Grounded theory
grounded theory Grounded theory is the oldest of the techniques described here. It is based on the book
qualitative research Discovery of Grounded Theory (1967) by the Chicago sociologists Glaser and Strauss.
method that tries to Its name derives from the explicit goal of coming to theoretical insights that are
understand what is going
on in a particular situation grounded in the data. Glaser and Strauss wrote their book as a reaction to the then
and which, on the basis of dominant sociological approach of formulating large, abstract theories without much
a qualitative analysis and empirical input.
induction, tries to come In a grounded theory analysis, the investigator rewrites the raw materials on the
to a theoretical insight
grounded in the data basis of questions such as ‘What is going on here?’, ‘What are the main problems of the
participants?’, ‘How do they try to solve them?’ On the basis of these questions, the
participants’ answers are recoded into a sequence of themes, which are then grouped
into higher-order categories. According to Glaser and Strauss (1967) this makes it pos-
sible for a theory to emerge from the data through inductive reasoning.
The best way to get a feeling for what is going on in a grounded theory analysis is
to look at a case study. The example we describe uses a grounded theory analysis to
find out why students procrastinate.
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 507
The purpose of the present research was to construct a grounded theory of procrastination on the basis of
college students’ reports about their own procrastination. We did so for several reasons. One is that there
is relatively little research on procrastination, even though it is a commonly occurring phenomenon among
college students. Second, most of the existing research has reported correlations between self-reported
procrastinatory behavior and academic outcomes, such as grades and study time. We hoped to expand on
this research by providing a more in-depth descriptive account of academic procrastination. Third, and most
important to us, there is no existing theory or process model of procrastination. We conducted the present
research to examine the process by which procrastination occurs and to propose a preliminary paradigm
model . . . that can be tested in future research.
(Schraw, 2007:12–13)
The study involved 67 students over a total of four phases (Table 12.4). In the first phase a combination of
focus groups and semi-structured interviews was used to identify the themes students found important with
respect to procrastination. The general instructions were:
I’m going to ask you about academic procrastination. I’m interested in how you define it, factors that affect
whether you procrastinate, and whether there are positive or negative consequences. I have a structured
interview with some follow-up probes after each question. Please take your time when responding and focus
on your own procrastination behavior rather than other students. If you would like to return to a point that
you discussed earlier, feel free to do so.
Answers were sought for the following open-ended questions:
1. How would you describe academic procrastination?
2. What do you do when you procrastinate?
3. Are there situations where you are most likely to procrastinate?
4. How do you cope when you do procrastinate?
5. What are some of the positive and negative consequences of procrastination?
Table 12.5 lists the 33 codes that were extracted from phase 1, together with the five categories in which
they were classified. In phase 2 structured in-depth interviews were held with students to get a better
understanding of each of the five categories. On the basis of these interviews, the structure was refined by
inserting macrothemes between the categories and the initial codes (now reduced to 29 themes). Phase 3
was used to further check and polish the structure distilled from phase 2 by means of a new set of structured
interviews. Table 12.6 shows the structure resulting from phases 2 and 3.
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508 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
In phase 4, 11 new students were interviewed individually and asked to respond to the model as displayed
in Table 12.6. This step helped to ensure, according to the authors, that the final model was fully saturated,
dependable and credible.
On the basis of the model in Table 12.6, Schraw et al. (2007) distilled six emergent principles that affected
students’ procrastination:
1. Minimum time: students have busy lives with the following sequence of priorities: personal relationships,
work and study. The amount of study time is minimised to maximise the time available for friends and work.
Procrastination enables students to delay as much study as possible until the last weeks of the semester. This
is done more to safeguard personal time than to avoid failure or indulge laziness.
2. Optimum efficiency: a concentrated effort late in the semester increases productivity, creativity and quality
of work, and reduces wasted time due to boredom and false starts.
3. Peak affective experience: working hard towards a deadline creates a state of ‘flow’ by increasing motivation
and eliminating distractions.
4. Early assessment of work requirements: procrastination is often the result of planning. Students at the begin-
ning of term gauge the efforts that will be needed for a particular course and adapt to them. As a result,
procrastination tends to increase as students become senior, because they can better assess the demands of
the courses.
5. Open escape routes: students protect themselves against the negative psychological consequences of procras-
tination by engaging in three self-handicapping thoughts: (1) it is a necessary evil, (2) I am satisfied with a
B rather than an A, and (3) I learn the big ideas and forget the rest.
6. Rewards: there are rewards associated with procrastination, such as more rapid feedback, and the sudden and
intense release of stress once the deadline is met.
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 509
Table 12.5 Codes extracted from phase 1 in the Schraw et al. (2007) study
Category Code
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510 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
Schraw et al. (2007) stressed that their conclusions, which deviated substantially from the available
conclusions on the basis of quantitative, correlational research, were interpretative in nature and required
further investigation.
Phenomenological analysis
Unease with grounded theory
Although grounded theory was warmly received by the hermeneutically oriented psy-
chologists, it soon turned out to have limitations. The first was that grounded theory
largely assumed the existence of an objective reality that was there to be discovered.
In this respect, grounded theory stayed close to mainstream psychology based on
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 511
quantitative research. The findings that emerged from a grounded theory analysis
were meant to describe ‘reality’.
A second problem was that grounded theory stressed the importance of induc-
tive reasoning (from data to theory) and verification (up to the saturation point).
As you may remember from Chapter 9, these were exactly the criteria identified by
the logical positivists for good scientific research. Scientists had to begin with care-
ful observations, from which theories would emerge, and the truth of theories could
be established by means of empirical verification. Given that these tenets of logical
positivism were completely overthrown by the twentieth-century philosophy of sci-
ence, they are shaky foundations for good research. Even Glaser and Strauss in later
writings disagreed as to what extent a grounded theory analysis could be completely
theory-neutral, with Strauss being less convinced that data could be gathered and
analysed adequately without making use of some pre-existing theoretical framework.
One way in which grounded theory has responded to this criticism was by accepting
that the outcome of an analysis is not a description of reality, but a social construc-
tion by the researcher (see Willig, 2008). Other researchers, however, sought a more
radical alternative.
A final problem with grounded theory for psychological research was that it did not
take into account the fact that the data provided by the participants actually comprised
their perceptions and interpretations of what was happening. In this respect, it became
clear that grounded theory had found its origin in sociology where the research topics
may be less dependent on the participants’ views than in psychology.
Inspiration from Husserl
To address the problems with grounded theory, hermeneutically inspired psycholo-
gists stressed that the primary aim of qualitative research was to examine what reality
looked like for the participants, leaving open the question whether in psychology there
is something of an objective, person-independent reality.
A main source of inspiration came from the phenomenology of the Austrian-
German philosopher Edmund Husserl (1859–1938). Husserl’s phenomenology stressed
that psychology should be a reflective study of consciousness as experienced from the
first-person point of view. With respect to mainstream psychological research, Hus-
serl warned that it had turned away from the concrete human experience too rapidly.
Psychology had been too eager to study the ‘objective reality’, rather than the world as
perceived by people. By developing abstract and unexamined concepts to describe this
‘reality’, psychological research risked addressing spurious issues because the concepts
they used were not properly grounded in experience. In Husserl’s eyes it was much bet-
ter for psychology to return to the experience itself. The human experience was not in
the first place a matter of lawful responses to events in the environment, but a system
of interrelated meanings, which Husserl called a Gestalt or Lebenswelt (‘lifeworld’;
see also Ashworth 2003).
Husserl’s views gave rise to the so-called phenomenological analysis in qualitative
interpretative research. A widely used variant of such analysis in psychology is the interpretative
phenomenological phenomenological analysis (IPA) (Smith, 1996; Smith, 2008), which we will use in the
analysis rest of our discussion.
qualitative research
method in psychology How does IPA work?
that tries to understand
how a phenomenon is IPA resembles very much the analysis in grounded theory (cf. Willig, 2008: 72–3).
experienced by the people Both proceed by systematically going through the transcriptions identifying themes
involved that can be clustered into higher-order categories, which capture the essence of the
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512 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
phenomenon under investigation. They are both based on a limited number of single-
case studies which are combined to get a more complete picture.
The main difference between IPA and grounded theory is that IPA is centred on how
participants make sense of their personal and social world. It attempts to explore the
personal experience and is concerned with the participant’s personal account, not with
an understanding of the phenomenon itself. Therefore, guiding questions are ‘How is
this perceived by the participant?’, ‘What meaning does the participant attach to this
event?’ and ‘How does the participant make sense of this situation?’
In addition, IPA acknowledges the input from the researcher, who tries to make
sense of the participants trying to make sense of their world. Possible guiding ques-
tions in this respect are ‘What is the person trying to achieve here?’ and ‘Is something
leaking out here that was not intended?’ The researcher’s involvement does not mean
that the researcher is allowed to introduce obvious biases. As a matter of fact, as in
all other qualitative methods, investigators are advised to bracket as much as pos-
sible and to approach the new situation open-mindedly. However, because this is not
totally possible, IPA accepts that some form of meta-interpretation on the part of the
researcher is inevitable.
Reid et al. (2005: 20) identified the following key elements of IPA:
● It is an inductive approach going from data to understanding (i.e. it is ‘bottom-up’
rather than ‘top-down’). It does not test hypotheses, and prior assumptions are avoided.
● IPA aims to capture and explore the meanings that participants assign to their expe-
riences. Participants are experts on their own experiences and can offer researchers
an understanding of their thoughts and feelings.
● Researchers reduce the complexity of the raw data through rigorous and systematic
● The analysis is primarily focused on what is specific for the phenomenon studied (cf.
the ideographic approach), although it usually also attempts to take into account
what is shared by the various participants in the study (i.e. it includes an element
of the nomothetic approach).
● The resulting analysis is interpretative (i.e. it does not have the status of fact).
● A successful analysis is transparent (grounded in the data of the study) and plausi-
ble (to the participants, co-analysts and readers).
● Researchers should reflect upon their role in the process.
To give you a clearer picture of what IPA involves, we again include a case study, this
time on how the chronic fatigue syndrome is experienced by patients. Chronic fatigue
syndrome refers to a condition in which people feel constantly tired without a physical
cause that can be treated.
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 513
Transcripts were analysed manually for recurrent themes using IPA. When the same themes appeared in at
least half of the transcripts, they were categorised as being recurrent (i.e. offered some scope for nomothetic
conclusions). Analysis was centred on capturing the meaning of the phenomenon to the participant, taking
into account the inevitability of the researchers’ interpretative engagement with the transcripts.
Three recurrent, interrelated themes were identified:
1. Identity crisis, agency and embodiment. This theme comprised a feeling of personal loss characterised by pro-
found diminishing personal control and agency, as exemplified by the following statement: ‘CFS is a dictator.
It dictates my everyday life. It determines what I can and cannot do. It controls my body and my mind and
every part of my being.’
2. Scepticism and the self. This theme referred to difficulties in social interactions because of scepticism in the
wider society. It is exemplified in the following excerpt: ‘Well, people thought you were a malingerer . . .
That you were “at it” and there was this idea that you were just lazy’. This led to a sense of crisis of the self:
‘I started to think to myself “Am I just making this up? Is it all in my head?”.’
3. Acceptance, adjustment and coping. This theme referred to the attempts made by the patients towards
acceptance, adjustment and coping with their situation, as shown in the following statement: ‘It’s all about
accepting the illness and learning to deal with it. Accepting it stops you from feeling down in the dumps and
it helps you just to take each day as it comes. That helps a lot. You know that you’re going to have good days
and bad days and that people don’t understand what you have, you’ve just got to get through it.’
Discourse analysis
The linguistic turn in the philosophy of science and in critical psychology
discourse analysis The final qualitative analysis we discuss is discourse analysis. This analysis investigates
qualitative research the ways in which language constructs social reality. It is a direct consequence of the
method that aims to linguistic turn in the philosophy of science and in critical psychology, which claims
discover how social
relations between people that reality is nothing but a social construction based on language and culture (Chap-
are determined by the ters 9 and 10). In this view, language is the only topic worth investigating because it
language they use makes the world in which humans live.
According to Alvesson (2000) the linguistic turn in postmodernist writings influ-
enced the development of qualitative research in three ways:
1. Researchers turned their attention from reality to language and examined the pos-
sibilities and impossibilities language brought with it.
2. Researchers became particularly interested in language use in real-world or natu-
rally occurring settings (as opposed to artificial, research-related settings).
3. Finally, there was an enhanced reflexivity on the part of the researchers regarding
their own language use. Research reports were no longer seen as dispassionate,
transparent accounts of social reality, but as stylised, rhetorical and constructed
accounts intended to have an impact.
How are relations between people determined by the language they use, and
how do people try to achieve goals by means of their language?
As was the case for grounded analysis and phenomenological analysis, there are several
variants of discourse analysis (see e.g. Willig & Rogers, 2017; Flick, 2018). They all try to
determine how participants use discursive resources and what effects this has. How do par-
ticipants use language to manage social interactions? How do they use language to achieve
objectives? In which roles are participants pushed by the language they use and how does
this relate to the power balance between them? What can be said by whom, where and when?
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514 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 515
that their knowledge was more limited than expected from their role, as can be seen in
the following comment: ‘What I would really like to have – and I know these exist, so I
guess it’s mainly my own fault that I don’t have it, honestly – is the accepted age-based
normal range for PSA [prostate specific antigen testing], and secondly, the likelihood
of prostate cancer based on PSA reading and age’ (Starks & Trinidad, 2007: 1378).
[Notice how the GP in this statement tried to affirm his/her role as expert diagnostician,
evidence-based scientist and advisor, even in the light of faltering knowledge.]
By analysing the communication between doctors and patients, the discourse analysis
aimed to discover what these individuals did while they were communicating, how they cre-
ated a common reality by means of language, and how their communication coordinated
their activities. According to Starks and Trinidad, such an analysis can be used to shed light
on why GPs fail to give enough information for patients to make an informed decision.
Table 12.7 summarises the specificities of the three different approaches for the
study of Starks and Trinidad.
Table 12.7 Informed Decision Making (IDM) as seen through the different approaches
A comparison of three qualitative research approaches to the question of how general
practitioners (GPs) discuss prostate cancer screening with their average-risk patients.
Question How does IDM about What is the experience of What are the conversations
posed prostate cancer GPs discussing prostate used in IDM, and how
screening occur cancer screening with do they shape the roles
between GPs and their their patients? in the doctor–patient
patients at average risk? relationship?
Purpose of To develop GP training To understand the To understand the reasons
question and education about experience of GPs during for incomplete or limited
how to discuss prostate decision making with uptake of IDM by GPs
cancer screening patients at times of
clinical uncertainty
Source: Adapted from Starks and Trinidad (2007).
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516 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
on and helps find ways to cope with the situation. Similarly, a company consulting a
psychologist about a publicity campaign is more interested in what would work than
in hearing what would be ineffective.
Stratton (1997) described how his group became involved in research, paid for by
British Airways, into the needs of long-haul air passengers. The research was one of the
studies the company repeatedly ran to discover what its customers wanted, so that they
could not only improve their service, but also knew how best to advertise and whether
there was scope for ‘new product development’, finding a market for something that did
not yet exist. Stratton argued that the last two goals in particular could not easily be stud-
ied using quantitative research and would profit from an in-depth qualitative approach.
Generation of new ideas and elaboration of theories
Because qualitative studies involve intensive investigations, they are particularly well
suited for finding new ideas. Quantitative studies, in which a specific hypothesis is
tested, constrain the situation to such an extent that only a yes/no answer is expected.
This type of study is perfect for the deductive part of the hypothetico-deductive
method, but does not provide much inspiration for the theory-building part. A quali-
tative study like Schraw et al.’s (2007) on procrastination in students can result in a
series of new ideas to be tested. In the same vein, a qualitative study can lead to an
extensive elaboration of a theory if it shows that the existing quantitative research has
measured only a small part of a much wider phenomenon.
An interesting analogy in this respect was reported by Vandenbroucke (2008). He
noticed that the hierarchy of evidence in medical science (Figure 12.2) was a hierarchy
to decide whether a treatment or pathogen had the expected effect (i.e. to evaluate a
hypothesis). When it came to discovery of new facts or explanations, the hierarchy
actually had to be inverted. A new discovery was least likely on the basis of a meta-
analysis and most probable as part of a case report.
More perceptive to the needs of the participants
Because qualitative researchers want to understand events as they are perceived by
the participants, they will have a much better feeling for the participants’ needs. This
decreases the risk of advice that is perceived as unhelpful by the participants. Given that
science proceeds by trial and error (see Chapters 9–11), a potentially erroneous inter-
vention is extra painful if it has not been experienced as helpful by the persons involved.
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12.2 The essence of qualitative research 517
experiences in the chronic fatigue syndrome interesting and decide to repeat Dickson
et al. (2008). Should they then start from the findings of Dickson et al. or should they
bracket themselves and start from scratch? Furthermore, if they find deviating results,
what conclusions are they to draw? That their study differed from the original one
and that both conclusions have equal value, given that they were never meant to be
nomothetic? Suppose 50 groups of researchers ran a study equal to Dickson et al.’s.
Who would be able to make sense of the various differences reported by the different
groups? Or would that be a pointless question, given that each study was ideographic
and not meant to be compared with the others?
Qualitative methods are based on introspection
The reason why qualitative methods create difficulties in deciding between competing
conclusions is that in the end they go back to introspective opinions, formulated by
participants (in face-to-face interviews or in focus groups) and interpreted by research-
ers. In the absence of an external criterion, it is impossible to decide between conflict-
ing opinions of people.
When evaluating the conclusions of introspective research (both qualitative and
quantitative), it may be good to keep in mind that introspection still has the same pre-
carious status it had in the early days of psychology (Chapters 4 and 5). People have
no knowledge of many things they do and factors that influence them (Chapter 7).
In addition, a century of psychological research has shown that even if people have
strong opinions, they do not always agree with their actions. This is not the place
to go into this literature, but the quotes below may be a good reminder of what is
at issue (they also contain pointers for those who want to explore this literature in
more depth).
Recent developments in the behavioral-, cognitive- and neurosciences indicate that,
more often than not, we act in an automatic and unaware fashion, making up reasons
only as we go along . . . We are not directly aware of what drives our actions but infer
reasons on the basis of a priori causal theories, confabulating them if we cannot find
reasonable explanations . . . So many causal factors escape consciousness that confabu-
lation seems to be the rule rather than the exception . . . Even our moral judgments seem
to be based on intuitions that are not, or are only partially, accessible to introspection.
The reasons we come up with to justify these judgments are post hoc rationalizations
that had no role in their generation . . .
(Sie & Wouters, 2008: 3)
. . . contrary to lay perceptions and many researchers’ beliefs, the self is not always
more accurate than others are, and others often provide valuable information that is
not captured by self-ratings. The fact that there were . . . behaviors that others predicted
better than the self and that other-ratings added incremental validity to self-ratings for
many of the behaviors should cause researchers to carefully consider the limitations
of self-reports and the usefulness of obtaining multiple perspectives on what a person
is like.
(Vazire & Mehl, 2008: 1212)
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518 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
Interim summary
The essence of qualitative research
● Qualitative research methods are directed at understanding phenomena in their
historical and socio-cultural context. They are based on the following assumptions:
– in psychology there is little or no evidence for a reality outside people’s perception and
– attempts to control the situation make the setting artificial and no longer meaningful
– researchers must immerse themselves in the situation so that they can understand the
meaning of the situation
– qualitative research is in the first place meant to understand specific situations
(ideographic), not to come to general rules (nomothetic)
– induction is more important than deduction; the researcher must approach the
situation open-mindedly and accept input from the participants
– qualitative research must remain evidence-based, starting from a careful and
verifiable collection of data.
● Data collection usually occurs by means of semi-structured interviews with a limited
number of participants; increasingly also focus groups are used.
● The data need to be transcribed and analysed up to saturation along the lines proposed
by the qualitative method that is used.
● Three methods were described:
– grounded theory: introduced by sociologists, tries to understand the phenomenon
– interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA): inspired by phenomenology
(Husserl), tries to understand the ways in which the phenomenon is perceived and
experienced by the participants
– discourse analysis: inspired by postmodernism, tries to understand how language
constructs human interactions.
● Strengths:
– directly focused on understanding situations and solving problems
– generation of new ideas and elaboration of theories
– more attention to the participants’ needs.
● Weaknesses:
– based on induction and verification
– no external criterion to decide between theories
– based on introspection (with the risk of participants confabulating)
– input from the researcher may be a problem in high-stake situations.
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12.3 How do quantitative and qualitative research methods relate to each other? 519
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520 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
have one set of lecturers explaining to students how to study psychology scientifically,
and another set of lecturers telling the same students that when studying people, the
methods of science are no use. It won’t work, and psychology departments won’t
(Morgan, 1998: 481–2)
Another argument against qualitative research methods is that they reject the existence
of an objective reality, which is the raison d’être of science.
I began this debate by suggesting that qualitative psychologists pose a threat to tradi-
tional notions of psychology as a science. The problem is not that they use single case
studies; it is not that they may find no use for statistics; it is not even that they reject the
goal of quantitative laws. The real problem is that they reject the notion of something
‘out there’ which can be studied objectively.
(Morgan, 1998: 488)
A final criticism heard from proponents of the quantitative research methods is that
qualitative research methods do not provide researchers with new information and
devalue psychological research to pop psychology. Again, Morgan (1998) phrased this
most cogently:
[They seem] to be making the claim that the aim of psychology should be to
understand people, and that one can only understand people by forming social rela-
tionships with them, to which scientific objectivity is a barrier. To this one could
reply that we have been forming social relationships with one another for some half
a million years, and have indeed got to understand one another quite well at a certain
level as a result.
But it is unlikely that qualitative psychology will improve this intuitive understanding
unless it brings some new technique to the job, and I have yet to be convinced that the
techniques go beyond those of good investigative journalism. ‘Forming relationships’
with people is the job of everyone; I see no reason to pay researchers to do it. Something
a bit different is expected from scientists.
(Morgan, 1998: 482)
After reading a sample of 89 sources trying to define the distinctive feature of quali-
tative research, Aspers and Corte (2019) admitted that the outcome was vague and
contradictory, even though every source agreed that qualitative research went beyond
journalism. This encouraged the authors to formulate their own definition (p. 139):
‘We define qualitative research as an iterative process in which improved understanding
to the scientific community is achieved by making new significant distinctions resulting
from getting closer to the phenomenon studied.’
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12.3 How do quantitative and qualitative research methods relate to each other? 521
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522 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
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12.3 How do quantitative and qualitative research methods relate to each other? 523
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524 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
Finally, the claim that quantitative psychology is only interested in behaviour is over-
stated. Some qualitative psychologists have the tendency to equate quantitative research
with the collection of numbers in artificial, impoverished and restrained situations that
no longer have a meaning for the participants. Usually this is connected to problems
with external validity (the degree to which the findings of a study can be generalised
to other participants, measurements and contexts) and ecological validity (the degree
to which findings in laboratory studies can be generalised to the real world). Most of
the time, however, this criticism is not substantiated. It is presented as a truism, some-
thing that can be taken for granted. However, a search through the literature does not
reveal a string of publications showing that quantitative psychology findings deviate
consistently from the way people live in real life. As a matter of fact, there is a rather
substantial literature indicating that findings in laboratories are similar to those from
field studies (Anderson et al., 1999; Mitchell, 2012) and that quantitative data based on
standardised tests for some topics predict performance better than clinical judgement
based on interviews (Meehl, 1954; Grove et al., 2000: Chapter 8).
A particularly instructive case in this respect was published by Van Strien and Dane
(2001). They described a personnel recruitment and selection agency in the mid-twentieth
century that operated on the basis of the then dominant phenomenological psychology in
the Netherlands (van Hezewijk & Stam, 2008). This phenomenological psychology was
promoted by the physiologist and psychologist Frederik Buytendijk and maintained that
humans could not be understood by means of standardised tests and techniques. Such
understanding required a ‘meeting of minds’, a personal relationship between a ‘you’ and
‘me’. Observations could only result in information after they had been contemplated and
understood by the interviewer. Consequently, the bureau recruited personnel on the basis
of a day’s meeting of minds including the contemplation and understanding of in-depth
interviews and observed behaviours on home-made tasks. The agency was one of the
leading consultants in the Netherlands, until a collaborator started to analyse the recom-
mendations and correlated them with outcome measures obtained from the companies
that had taken on the personnel. The result was a disappointing correlation of +0.15
(Modderaar, 1966), hardly better than if the agency had tossed a coin to decide which
candidates could be employed (in which case one would expect a correlation of 0.00).
This example illustrates that having the intention to talk about meaningful situ-
ations by itself is no guarantee that the outcome will be more useful than numbers
obtained under more constrained circumstances (see also Kausel et al., 2016). An inter-
esting development in this respect will be to see whether findings based on current-day
qualitative methods (such as grounded theory, IPA or discourse analysis) do better than
the hermeneutic attempts of the past.
Qualitative research is more than a chat with participants
Qualitative research is also often misrepresented in texts that question its usefulness. The
most common misunderstanding is probably that qualitative methods involve nothing but a
few interviews with people, after which the interviewer writes down his or her impressions.
As we have indicated above, data collection in qualitative research methods is as rigorous
as in quantitative research. The transcripts must be made available to everyone who wants
to verify the outcome of the analysis. In addition, researchers are taught to be careful not
to let their views bias the interview or the interpretation, and to incorporate controls to
increase the validity of the findings. These include the following checks (cf. Silverman, 2005):
1. Representativeness. Researchers must provide the criteria they used for their data
analysis, so that the representativeness of the reported instances can be gauged.
2. Confirmability. Would someone else come to the same conclusions on the basis of
an equivalent data analysis?
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12.3 How do quantitative and qualitative research methods relate to each other? 525
3. Credibility. Do the conclusions sound credible to the participants involved in the study?
4. Comparison of situations that differ on one critical aspect. Another way to check
the validity of conclusions is to compare the data with those of similar cases that
deviate in a critical aspect. Silverman (2005: 212–14), for instance, described a quali-
tative study that investigated what happened to Down’s syndrome children in a
heart hospital. In order to make sure that the study really addressed the concerns
of those children, a comparison was made with consultations at the same clinic
involving children without the syndrome.
5. Alternative explanations. Could the data be explained differently?
6. Refutability. Is there evidence that refutes the conclusions? This principle very much
resembles the falsification test in quantitative psychology.
Personally, when preparing this chapter, we were struck by the many similarities
between what qualitative researchers do and what quantitative researchers do in a
literature review. In both cases researchers:
● Try to leave their preconceptions behind and look with an open mind at the docu-
ments available.
● Start by reading through the various documents to get a feeling for the main themes
and their connections.
● On the basis of several close re-readings, build up and refine a coding scheme that
adequately summarises the various statements, always making reference to the
original materials so that colleagues can check the conclusions.
● Look up extra sources in case of doubt, ambiguity or possible new leads.
● Make sure that no issues have been overlooked.
● Try to reach conclusions that go beyond the obvious but increase the understanding
of the phenomenon and/or provide ideas for further exploration.
● Have the credibility of the synopsis checked by getting reviews from experienced people.
● Accept that the end product is to some extent influenced by the creator and limited
in the degree to which the conclusions can be generalised.
The only difference is that in a literature review the raw materials are journal arti-
cles and book chapters, whereas in qualitative research one is dealing with transcripts
of human interactions. So, if quantitative researchers question the value of qualitative
methods, they also question the value of their own literature reviews that try to bring
order to the many scattered findings and conjectures about a particular topic.
Weaknesses in quantitative research that can be addressed by the qualitative
If one accepts that there is no inherent incompatibility between quantitative and quali-
tative research (remember that not everybody does so!), it becomes worthwhile to
search for ways in which one method can compensate for weaknesses in the other. As
we have seen above, three weaknesses of quantitative psychology are (1) not enough
interest in the participants, (2) research is too much driven by what can be measured
and tested experimentally, and (3) too much focus on falsification at the expense of a
pragmatic solution to the problem at hand. It is not so difficult to see how a qualita-
tive approach can be fruitful here: (1) participants are the centre of focus in qualita-
tive research, (2) qualitative research deals primarily with variables that are hard to
quantify and that cannot be manipulated, and (3) given the correspondence between
a qualitative analysis and the traditional literature review, one can see how the former
can be used successfully for theory building and the solution of practical problems.
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526 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
Interim summary
How do quantitative and qualitative research methods relate to each
● Some psychologists (both quantitative and qualitative) see them as incompatible and
argue that psychology must make a choice:
– the underlying philosophies (positivism vs. postmodernism) are mutually exclusive
– attempts to combine both approaches are disguised attempts to improve the standing
of the natural-science oriented research line or the hermeneutics oriented research
line at the expense of the other.
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12.4 Focus on: Is too much respect for the philosophy of science bad for morale? 527
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528 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
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12.4 Focus on: Is too much respect for the philosophy of science bad for morale? 529
quality rather than a strict adherence to methodology. So, in the editorial of a main-
stream, quantitative journal we read that:
A former editor of the journal, Endel Tulving, recently recounted a rule he set for
reviewing: Ask yourself, ‘What did I learn from reading this paper? Was it worth learn-
ing?’ If you get a positive response, accept; if not, reject. Tulving thought his admonition
had little impact. I’m happy to contradict him. Most reviewers, most of the time, take
the message to heart.
(Bock, 2008: 2)
Similarly, in a text describing the worth of qualitative research we read that:
The decisive criterion by which any piece of research must be judged is, arguably, its
impact and utility. It is not sufficient to develop a sensitive, thorough and plausible
analysis, if the ideas propounded by the researcher have no influence on the beliefs or
actions of anyone else.
(Yardley, 2000: 223)
The fact that the impact of a new insight depends more on the degree to which it is
judged interesting by the readers than on the degree to which it followed the recommen-
dations of philosophy of science can also be seen in the list of psychologists with the
highest impact. In a review of the most eminent psychologists of the twentieth century
(Haggbloom et al., 2002), the top positions were taken by respectively Skinner, Piaget,
Freud, Bandura, Festinger and Rogers. Of these, at least three (Piaget, Freud and Rogers)
would be classified as qualitative researchers in present-day terms. They did not come
to their theories on the basis of rigid adherence to the hypothetico-deductive method,
but on the basis of trying to understand their own functioning and that of a few others.
Their ideas survived not because they were ‘scientifically sound’ or ‘obviously true’, but
because a lot of people found them interesting and inspiring. So, the ultimate criterion
of scientific development may not be whether scientists did ‘proper science’ (according
to philosophy of science) but whether their findings were perceived as relevant for the
research community and society at large (i.e. fitted within the prevailing environment).
Needless to say, such a conclusion is nauseatingly ironic for psychologists. You
may remember that this was exactly the advice given by Peirce and the first American
psychologists, William James and John Dewey, when they founded American function-
alism. In particular, James urged psychologists to aim for research that had practical
relevance. The pragmatic criterion has been ignored by the philosophers of science
(and the psychologists who listened to them) for most of the twentieth century, because
it did not allow them to demarcate science from other ways of knowledge acquisition,
but it may come to the foreground now as a result of the deadlock between realism
and idealism (Chapter 9).
Interim summary
Is philosophy of science useful for psychology?
● Psychology has tried to follow the directives from philosophers of science on how to do
‘proper’ science, but has been confronted with changing and at times conflicting advice.
● The problem may be that philosophy of science in vain tries to distil a limited set of rules
that would govern a process which is not deterministic.
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530 Chapter 12 The contribution of quantitative and qualitative research methods
● An alternative view that may be more in line with the stochastic nature of scientific
discovery is the evolutionary account. According to this model, the rise and fall of
scientific ideas follow Darwinian principles of random variation and natural selection.
● Because natural selection depends on the fit of an idea in the environment and because
science depends on the wider culture to be financed, the ultimate criterion determining
whether an idea will survive may be whether society at large finds the idea interesting
and useful.
● This may entail a return to the pragmatic criterion put forward by James and Dewey at
the beginning of psychology.
Recommended literature
Information about both quantitative and qualitative The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology
research methods can be found in Howitt, D. and Cramer, D. (Sage Publications) and Flick, U. (2018) An Introduction to
(2016) Research Methods in Psychology (5th Edition) Pear- Qualitative Research (6th Edition) (Sage Publications).
son Education.
Further information about qualitative research methods
can be found in Willig, C. & Rogers, W. S. (eds.) (2017)
Aegisdottir, S., White, M., Spengler, P.M., Mangherman, A.S. Campbell, D.T. (1960) ‘Blind variation and selective reten-
et al. (2006) ‘The meta-analysis of clinical judgment pro- tion in creative thought as in other knowledge processes’.
ject: Fifty-six years of accumulated research on clinical Psychological Review, 67: 380–400.
versus statistical prediction’. Counseling Psychologist, Cuccaro-Alamin, S., Foust, R., Vaithianathan, R. &
34: 341–82. Putnam-Hornstein, E. (2017) ‘Risk assessment and
Alvesson, M. (2000) ‘Taking the linguistic turn in organiza- decision making in child protective services: Predictive
tional research’. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, risk modeling in context’. Children and Youth Services
36: 136–58. Review, 79: 291–98.
Anderson, C.A., Lindsay, J.J. & Bushman, B.J. (1999) Danziger, K. (1990) Constructing the Subject: Historical
‘Research in the psychological laboratory: Truth or Origins of Psychological Research. Cambridge: Cam-
triviality?’ Current Directions in Psychological Science, bridge University Press.
8: 3–9. Dickson, A., Knussen, C. & Flowers, P. (2008) ‘“That was
Ashworth, P. (2003) ‘The origins of qualitative psychology’. my old life; it’s almost like a past-life now”: Identity crisis,
In J.A. Smith (Ed.), Qualitative Psychology: A Practical loss and adjustment amongst people living with Chronic
Guide to Research Methods, pp. 4–24. London: Sage. Fatigue Syndrome’. Psychology & Health, 23: 459–76.
Aspers, P. & Corte, U. (2019) ‘What is qualitative in quali- Doll, R., Peto, R., Boreham, J. & Sutherland, I. (2004)
tative research?’ Qualitative Sociology, 42: 139–60. ‘Mortality in relation to smoking: 50 years’ observations
Bock, K. (2008) Editorial. Journal of Memory and on male British doctors’. British Medical Journal, 328:
Language, 58: 1–2. 1519–28.
Borsboom, D. & Mellenbergh, G.J. (2004) ‘Why psycho- Eysenck, M.W. & Keane, M.T. (2020) Cognitive
metrics is not pathological: A comment on Michell’. Psychology: A Student’s Handbook (8th Edition). Hove:
Theory & Psychology, 14: 105–20. Psychology Press.
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Smith, J.A. (Ed.) (2008) Qualitative Psychology: A Practi- [Three-Quarters of a Century of Psychotechnics in the
cal Guide to Research Methods (2nd Edition). London: Netherlands: The Magic of Testing]. Assen: Koninklijke
Sage Publications. Van Gorcum.
Smith, M.B. (1994) ‘Selfhood at risk: Postmodern perils Vazire, S. & Mehl, M.R. (2008) ‘Knowing me, knowing
and the perils of postmodernism’. American Psycholo- you: the accuracy and unique predictive validity of self-
gist, 49: 405–11. ratings and other-ratings of daily behavior’. Journal of
Starks, H. & Trinidad, S.B. (2007) ‘Choose your method: Personality and Social Psychology, 95: 1202–16.
A comparison of phenomenology, discourse analysis, Ward, N. (1998) ‘Artificial intelligence and other
and grounded theory’. Qualitative Health Research, 17: approaches to speech understanding: Reflections on
1372–80. methodology’. Journal of Experimental and Theoreti-
Stevenson, C. & Cooper, N. (1997) ‘Qualitative and quan- cal Artificial Intelligence, 10: 487–93.
titative research’. The Psychologist, 4: 159–60. Willig, C. (2008) Introducing Qualitative Research in Psy-
Stratton, P. (1997) ‘Attributional coding of interview data: chology. Maidenhead, UK: McGraw-Hill/Open Univer-
Meeting the needs of long-haul passengers’. In N. Hayes sity Press.
(ed.), Doing Qualitative Analysis in Psychology, pp. 115–42. Willig, C. & Rogers, W.S. (Eds.) (2017) The SAGE Hand-
Hove: Psychology Press. book of Qualitative Research in Psychology. Sage
Sullivan, C. & Forrester, M.A. (eds.) (2018) Doing Quali- Publications.
tative Research in Psychology: A Practical Guide (2nd Yardley, L. (2000) ‘Dilemmas in qualitative health research’,
Edition). Sage Publications Limited. Psychology and Health, 15: 215–28.
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The precarious balance between
biological, psychological and social
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534 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Questions to consider
For far too long, behavioral genetics and socialization theory have been viewed
as necessarily in opposition to one another. Researchers in both ‘camps’ have
very rarely referred to studies from the other ‘camp’, other than to attack their
concepts and findings. The result has been much fruitless dispute and serious
misunderstandings of what each body of research has to contribute.
(Rutter, 2006: vi)
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13.1 What drives people? McDougall and his critics 535
most two, as in the extract that opened this chapter), which they claim has not been
given the full weight it deserves. So, throughout the history of psychology there have
been psychologists stressing that the biological component of mental functioning is
underestimated. Similarly, there have been psychologists emphasising that cognitive pro-
cesses are the main forces behind human behaviour, both normal and abnormal, and
that these processes overrule the biological and social constraints. Finally, there have
been psychologists arguing that the social situation is a much stronger determinant of
human behaviour than the opinions an individual has or the traits an individual inherits.
Because of the enduring quarrel between the three groups of researchers, the balance
between biological, psychological and social forces is continuously shifting (hence the title
of the chapter: ‘the precarious balance’). At different times and within different branches
of psychology, each group of variables has been given primacy. Sometimes the biological
variables are on the winning side; then the psychological factors are in the spotlight; and
finally there are epochs in which the social influences are centre stage. Some of the shifts
follow cyclic movements with one group of variables getting most attention at one time,
followed by a countermovement pointing to one of the other groups, again followed by
a counter-movement returning to the initial bias, and so on.
In this chapter we will review the arguments of the three groups, so that you have
greater context to draw from when you read books or articles by individual authors.
We start with a historical example, before we have a look at the current situation. In
that way, we hope to make clear that the discussion is not new, but has existed from
the beginning of psychology.
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536 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Reactions to McDougall
Woodworth (1948) describes the responses to McDougall’s book. At first, they were
largely positive. The book was a source of inspiration for the creation of social psychol-
ogy as a separate branch of psychological research, rather than as part of sociology.
The social sciences also took inspiration from the book, trying to show how a society
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13.1 What drives people? McDougall and his critics 537
emerged as a means to meet the instinctive demands of individuals, and how the instinc-
tive cravings of individuals could be adapted to fit into an industrialised society.
Soon, however, McDougall’s doctrine of instincts ran into what Woodworth called
the ‘professional bias of sociologists’. This is how he described the evolution:
With their eyes fixed on the social group as the important object of study, [the sociolo-
gists] were less impressed with the natural demands of the individual than with another
line of facts suggesting that the individual was molded by society. The individual derives
his language, his manners and customs, and to a large extent his beliefs from the social
environment . . . While to the psychologist it may be self-evident that society is com-
posed of individuals and must meet their demands, to the sociologist the main fact is
that society is there before any given individual and imposes on him its demands and
standards. We behave alike and ‘behave like human beings,’ not in the main because of
our instincts, but because of the culture we all receive.
(Woodworth, 1948: 223)
The sociological critique to McDougall reached its height in 1924 when Luther
L. Bernard published a book entitled Instinct, a Study of Social Psychology, in which
he rejected instincts as the basis of human behaviour. He pointed out that no two psy-
chologists agreed on the list of instincts and that instincts referred to complex activities
that differed from culture to culture. Bernard argued, for instance, that a mother’s care
of her baby was not instinctive mothering behaviour but a complex activity taught by
people in the environment. In his view, the highly artificial environment humankind
had developed in the twentieth century was not primarily motivated by a desire to
meet an individual’s biological needs. Rather, the opposite was true: society expected
individuals to adapt themselves to existing customs and institutions.
Behaviourists also attacked McDougall’s theory because they saw the instincts as
too broad, unlikely to be a driving force throughout a person’s life, and improbable
as an explanation of complex patterns of human behaviour. How could complex
behaviours be the result of inheritance? This, for instance, is what John Watson had
to say about instincts:
The behaviorist has found by his study that most of the things we see the adult doing are
really learned. We used to think that a lot of them were instinctive, that is ‘unlearned.’
But we are now almost at the point of throwing away the word ‘instinct.’ Still there are
a lot of things we do that we do not have to learn – to perspire, to breathe, to have our
heart beat, to have digestion take place, to have our eyes turn toward a source of light,
to have our pupils contract, to show a fear response when a loud sound is given. Let us
keep as our second classification then ‘learned responses,’ and make it include all of the
our complicated habits and all of our conditioned responses; and ‘unlearned’ responses,
and mean by that all of the things that we do in earliest infancy before the processes of
conditioning and habit formation get the upper hand.
(Watson, 1925: 15)
In Watson’s eyes instincts were limited to the biological functions that were present
at birth; all other behaviour was acquired through conditioning and habit formation.
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538 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
predominantly biological view: motivations were based on innate instincts. This was
questioned by the behaviourists, who emphasised that psychological processes (learn-
ing) should carry more weight. They also included socio-cultural influences (e.g. other
people as the source of reinforcement and punishment), but these influences did not
figure strongly in their thinking (as most of their theories were about the performance
of individuals). Finally, the sociologists pointed to the importance of socio-cultural
norms and expectations in human behaviour, at the expense of biological and psy-
chological factors. As we will see in the following sections, the discussion about the
relative weights of the different types of influence is still very much alive today.
Interim summary
● According to the biopsychosocial model, psychology has to take into account biological,
psychological and socio-cultural factors if it wants to understand a topic fully.
● McDougall argued at the beginning of the twentieth century that humans are motivated
by innate drives (instincts or propensities), which become modified and grouped into
sentiments as a result of experience.
● At first, the reactions to McDougall’s book were positive, but soon sociologists criticised
it because it overlooked the social factors in human behaviour. At the same time,
behaviourists criticised it because in their view behaviour was learned, not innate.
● McDougall’s book and the reactions it provoked are typical of the constant discussion in
psychology about the relative importance of biological, psychological and socio-cultural
influences on human behaviour.
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13.2 The biological perspective 539
evolutionary theory started to have an impact (Chapter 3; see also McDougall above).
However, within psychology the ascent of the biological perspective was blocked by
the advent of behaviourism, which stressed the importance of learning.
Currently the biological perspective is gaining rapidly in power. Arguably its impact
has never been as strong as now. Four main developments have led to this state of
affairs: the discovery of psychoactive medication, the finding of a hereditary compo-
nent in many psychological functions, the observation that certain types of human
behaviour can be understood from an evolutionary point of view, and recent advances
in neuroscience. Given that the last development has been dealt with extensively in
Chapter 6, we discuss only the first three here.
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540 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Another condition that was thought to have a strong psychological component but
over time shifted to a biological treatment is that of stomach and intestinal ulcers.
For a long time, it was thought that lifestyle factors, in particular psychological stress,
caused ulcers. As part of his research on the biological reactions to stress, the endo-
crinologist Hans Selye (1907–1982) noticed that rats he put under duress developed
ulcers. For him, this seemed to agree with the correlation physicians observed between
stress and stomach ulcers in humans. Consequently, the proposed treatment of ulcers
primarily included attempts to diminish the patient’s stress.
In 1982, however, two Australian scientists, Robin Warren and Barry Marshall,
discovered the presence of a new type of bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, as the cause
of stomach and intestinal ulcers in the majority of patients. Warren and Marshall
subsequently demonstrated that ulcers could be induced by injection of the bacteria
into the stomach and could be cured with a treatment of antibiotics. In 2005, they were
awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their discoveries.
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13.2 The biological perspective 541
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542 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
The message was picked up by a group of psychologists and translated into a new
evolutionary psychology research area, evolutionary psychology, which attempts to explain mental and psycho-
approach in psychology logical traits as a result of the ‘struggle for life’. This was not a new perspective (see
that aims to understand the functionalists in Chapter 4 and McDougall above), but the advances in evolution-
human behaviour on the
basis of natural selection ary theory and the degree of knowledge available at the end of the twentieth century
and the evolutionary allowed the supporters to go well beyond what was achieved before. We summarise
theory here some of the most important claims and findings.
Long-term partner selection
In order to pass on one’s genes, it is important to choose a mate who not only produces
viable offspring but also is willing to invest in the offspring until they can reproduce
themselves. Humans in the past who were discerning in this respect have multiplied
their genes; the others not. Buss (2004: 109) mentions the following features, which
help to increase the chances of viable offspring:
● choose a mate who is able to invest,
● choose a mate who is willing to invest,
● choose a mate who is able to protect the children,
● choose a mate who will help raise the children,
● select a mate who is compatible with yourself,
● select a mate who is healthy.
Because humans for the most part of their history were hunter-gatherers with a clear
division of labour between the sexes (men = hunting and achieving wealth and power
in the group, women = bearing and raising children, gathering fruit and vegetables),
the selection criteria for successful reproduction differed for men and women. For men
the most important selection criteria were:
● identify a woman with high fertility and reproductive value (young, healthy,
● identify a woman who will stay loyal to you, so that you are not raising another
man’s children.
For women the following have been the most important criteria:
● make sure the man has the resources to raise the children or is likely to acquire them,
● make sure the man will commit himself to you and your children,
● make sure the man can protect you and your children (i.e. is healthy and has
sufficient status in the group).
Buss (1989) noticed that these indeed were the main criteria men and women used to
find a long-term partner in all 37 cultures he investigated. Men were particularly look-
ing for youth, attractiveness (as an indicator of health) and signs of loyalty. Women
were more interested in wealth, status, power and commitment. Buss further noted
that any uncertainty a man has about the paternity of the children he is raising will
lead to sexual jealousy in men, because husbands who in the past guarded their wives
had more chances of passing on their genes than husbands who did not care. Other
authors, however, have found less convincing evidence for these claims (Buller, 2005;
Richardson, 2007).
In 1972, after comparing mate selection in different species, Robert Trivers noticed
another regularity. He observed that in general the gender investing more in the
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13.2 The biological perspective 543
upbringing of children is more discriminating about mating than the gender investing
parental investment less. He called this the parental investment theory. For instance, among the Mormon
theory crickets, where the males produce large, nutritious spermatophores at a considerable
hypothesis in evolutionary cost, the females compete with each other for access to the males, who then select
psychology holding that
which females they want.
the gender investing the
most in the upbringing In most other species, where the females bear the larger brunt of gestation and
of offspring is more feeding, the roles are reversed: females are more selective and prudent with whom
discriminating about they will mate than males. According to Trivers, the parental investment theory also
applies to humans. He further noticed that species in which the offspring requires a lot
of care are likely to be monogamous (with the male and the female staying together),
whereas species in which the offspring requires little effort are usually characterised
by polygyny (in which a relatively small number of males impregnate the females).
Polygyny is present among nearly all mammal species. Monogamy is widespread
among birds and humans.
Inclusive fitness
William D. Hamilton (1964) launched a second idea that would be of importance to
inclusive fitness evolutionary psychology. He argued that individuals are not only motivated to promote
hypothesis in evolutionary
their own genes, but also to help individuals with shared genes. The higher the genetic
psychology that behaviour
is motivated not only overlap, the more likely the support. Trivers called this inclusive fitness. It refers to the
by the organism’s own likelihood of passing on genes not only by direct reproduction but also by helping rela-
survival but also by the tives to produce offspring. So, it is the sum of an individual’s own reproductive success
survival of organisms that
are genetically related;
(the classical fitness in Darwin’s theory) plus the effects of the individual’s actions on
the motivation depends on the reproductive success of his or her next of kin (Buss, 2004). Inclusive fitness enables
the degree of relatedness evolutionary psychologists to understand altruistic behaviour. A parent who dies to
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544 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
save their child increases their inclusive fitness, especially if the parent is unlikely to
have more children.
Inclusive fitness makes a number of interesting predictions, which have been borne
out by the data (Buss, 2004; but also see Buller, 2005). One of them is that the prob-
ability of a human helping someone else depends on their genetic similarity. Another
is that step-parents will be more likely to abuse and kill children than biological par-
ents. The reason for this is the conflict that exists between the child, who is motivated
to profit as much as possible from the parent, and the parent who is motivated to
reproduce their own genes. In the case of biological children, inclusive fitness forms a
counterweight which is absent in step-parents. Similarly, inclusive fitness predicts that
parents will be more likely to kill their children when they themselves still have good
chances of reproduction than when such chances are absent.
Inclusive fitness also explains why individuals will protect their next of kin (their
own group) in case of danger. This is not only true in war and conflict. Van Vugt et al.
(2007) showed that it is also true in a virtual world. Male students were more likely to
cooperate with their own group in an internet game, when there was perceived competi-
tion from a rival group at another university than when there was no such competition.
Cooperative alliances
Another question evolutionists have considered is what implications the struggle for
life has for alliances between individuals who do not share many genes. At first sight,
one would expect the struggle to result in selfishness. After all, individuals who con-
stantly help others at the expense of their own reproduction fail to pass on their
genes. In contrast, those who make sure they always get as much as possible out of
the others are able to have many offspring and to multiply their genes. However, such
a view overlooks the fact that most of the time individuals obtain more when they
cooperate. Trivers (1971) called this reciprocal altruism, cooperation between two or
more individuals for mutual benefit. As long as the individuals cooperate, the gains
accrue. When one of them cheats and takes advantage of the others’ cooperation, the
gains for that person increase rapidly at the expense of the others. How to make sure,
then, that the cheaters do not get the upper hand in a group?
With the use of computer simulations Axelrod and Hamilton (1981; see also Bear &
tit-for-tat strategy Rand 2016)) showed that a simple but very efficient strategy is the so-called tit-for-tat
strategy proposed in strategy. It consists of two simple rules:
evolutionary psychology
to explain how 1. start by cooperating,
evolutionarily motivated
individuals cooperate
2. thereafter, do the same as the other does (i.e. if they cooperate, continue cooperat-
in situations of mutual ing; if they refuse to cooperate, refuse as well).
dependency and benefit
The strategy basically means that individuals will tend to cooperate when they
encounter someone else for the first time, but will refuse to cooperate as soon as the
other does not reciprocate. This refusal will continue until the other breaks the spell
and offers collaboration. As long as individuals act according to the tit-for-tat strat-
egy, they maximise their long-term profit (although there always will be the tempta-
tion of big short-term gains, offset by the prospect of possible ostracism). According
to evolutionary psychologists, individuals who followed the tit-for-tat strategy had a
higher overall reproduction rate and, therefore, became more and more frequent in
subsequent generations. Hence, many social interactions in current society can be
understood on the basis of this strategy.
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13.2 The biological perspective 545
Innate knowledge
Evolutionary theory also provides an answer to a question that has vexed philosophy
since the invention of empiricism, namely how the mind can absorb and structure
empirical facts when it starts off as a blank slate. To translate this into a contemporary
problem: why do human babies after a few years fluently understand human speech,
whereas thus far it has proven impossible to implement such a feat on a computer?
The computational power of computers easily outperforms that of the human brain.
Still this is not enough to turn the blank slate of the computer into a talking machine.
The cause probably is that the human brain processes speech information in a way we
have not worked out yet. As a result, we don’t yet know how to program a computer so
that it learns like a human. However, this begs the question: how is the brain capable
of doing so?
The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804; see also Chapter 3) was the
first to realise this. He argued that the only way in which the soul could absorb and
structure empirical information was not by being a blank slate but by being an entity
that from the onset imposed some organisation on the incoming information. Kant
postulated ‘innate categories’ (e.g. of time, space and causality) as the foundation of
such organisation. In his view, humans were able to perceive cause–effect relations
because they had an innate category for them.
A frustrating aspect of Kant’s theory was that he referred to divine or metaphysical
input to explain the origin of the innate information. Evolutionary theory provides
a scientifically more appealing answer. Just as the eye evolved to respond to certain
electromagnetic rays emitted by the environment, so did the brain evolve to respond
to certain stimuli emanating from the surroundings. Genes that caused a defence reac-
tion upon seeing a snake or upon hearing a sudden loud noise increased the chances
of survival and hence of reproduction. So, after they emerged, they were likely to stay
and to pervade the species. Similarly, genes that increased the amount of information
the brain could pick up from the environment resulted in a survival advantage and
were likely to be passed on, once they had appeared on the basis of random variation.
Eventually, this process of random variation and natural selection led to the brains we
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546 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
currently have, made in such a way that they are able to rapidly tune in to important
signals in the surroundings and to learn from them. The learning component will be
discussed in the next section.
Interim summary
The biological perspective
● According to the biological perspective, mental life is primarily determined by the
biological processes in the brain.
● Four developments have increased the impact of the biological perspective in recent
– the discovery of psychoactive medication
– the finding of a hereditary component in many psychological functions
– the observation that certain types of human behaviours can be understood from an
evolutionary point of view (partner selection, inclusive fitness, cooperation, innate
– advances in neuroscience.
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13.3 The psychological perspective 547
Innate odours and survival
It is not difficult to find evidence for biological influences on olfaction. In line with
evolutionary theory, researchers have found that some responses to odours are innate
(e.g. Kobayakawa et al., 2007). From their first contact rodents are repulsed by the
odours of spoiled food and by odorants associated with predators (e.g. the scent
secreted by the anal gland of a fox). In contrast, they show instinctive attraction
towards food smells and odours associated with their own species (e.g. the urine of
females). Similarly, there is some evidence that people can detect happiness and fear
in a person’s body odour (de Groot & Smeets, 2017).
At the same time, research on olfaction has provided some of the strongest evi-
dence concerning the influences of learning and cognition on human behaviour. People
respond differently to odours as a consequence of their learning histories and as a
function of what they think the origin of the smell is.
Odours and associative learning
Odours that have been associated with negative events become conditioned stimuli
that evoke an avoidance response; odours associated with positive events elicit an
approach response. This is nicely illustrated by a study of Li et al. (2008). Partici-
pants smelled sets of three bottles (two containing the same odorant, one containing a
barely distinguishable different odorant). At first, participants could not discriminate
between the odours. However, after one of the odorants had repeatedly been paired
with electrical shocks, participants’ ability to discriminate the smells improved dra-
matically. Also their neural processing of the smells, as assessed with fMRI, changed.
Associations between odours and feelings or cognitions are capitalised upon by the
fragrance industry, which aims to influence people’s moods and buying behaviour with
odours (cf. Chebat & Michon, 2003). For instance, Spangenberg et al. (2006) observed
that customers had a more favourable impression of a shop and bought more when the
scent in the shop was congruent with the clothing sold (vanilla for women and rose
maroc for men) than when it was not (see also Roschk et al., 2017 for a meta-analysis
of the atmospheric effects of music, scent, and colour).
Odours and labelling
Interestingly, people’s responses to odours do not require a lengthy learning process.
Simply labelling an odour already has a strong impact (Piqueras-Fiszman & Spence,
2015). Djordjevic et al. (2008) asked participants to rate the pleasantness of an odour.
Participants were presented with a total of 15 odours under three conditions: same
odours were presented at different times with a positive, negative or neutral name. For
example, in the positive name condition, participants were told for one of the odours
that it came from parmesan cheese, in the negative name condition they were told that
the same odour came from dry vomit, and in the neutral name position that it came
from odour thirty-two. Figure 13.1 shows the dramatic differences in experience these
labels induced. In another study, De Araujo et al. (2005) reported that a label (ched-
dar cheese vs. body odour) not only had an impact on the subjective ratings of the
participants but also on their brain responses as measured with fMRI.
The fact that simple sensory responses to odours so strongly depend on the way in
which they are interpreted shows the impact of psychological factors on human func-
tioning. In addition, responses to odours are not the only emotional responses subject
to cognitive control. There is a considerable literature on how emotional responses to
a wide variety of stimuli are influenced by cognitive processes (e.g. Dixon et al., 2017).
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548 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Dry vomit
Odour thirty-two
Parmesan cheese
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
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13.3 The psychological perspective 549
3. helplessness, defined as the tendency to view all attempts to try to manage pain as
In contrast, four psychological factors have been described that decrease the impact
of pain on a person’s functioning:
1. self-efficacy, defined as the person’s confidence in his/her ability to find a way to
deal with the pain,
2. pain coping strategies, defined as the variety of strategies used to deal with the pain,
3. readiness to change, defined as the willingness to take an active role in learning to
manage the pain,
4. acceptance, defined as an active willingness to engage in meaningful activities in
life regardless of the experience of pain; this is particularly needed in situations of
persistent pain that cannot be controlled.
As a result of these findings, it is becoming clear that the treatment of chronic pain
requires as much psychological help as biological interventions to decrease the impact
of the pain signal. This is another argument in favour of the importance of psychologi-
cal factors in human functioning. Even a biological process such as pain perception is
more than a mere physiological registration of a biological change.
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550 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
the brain and should be treated with medication. The psychological perspective main-
tains that medication is only indicated in the most severe cases (when the patients are
too depressed to work on their problems) and that nothing much will change as long
as patients do not alter their irrational and maladaptive thoughts. The latter is the
explicit goal of the cognitive therapies of Ellis and Beck, but is also implicitly present
in all other forms of psychotherapy.
An interesting study comparing the biological and the psychological approach was
run at the outpatient psychiatric clinics of the University of Pennsylvania and Vander-
bilt University (DeRubeis et al., 2005; Hollon et al., 2005). Patients were divided into
three matched groups: the first group received medication; the second, cognitive psy-
chotherapy. The third group was a placebo group that was treated in exactly the same
way as the medication group, except for the fact that there was no active substance in
the pills. For all patients, the severity of their depression was assessed bi-weekly by
independent assessors (who were blind to the treatment condition). Figure 13.2a shows
the improvement of the three groups over the first eight weeks. As in the other studies
published on this topic, the improvement was three-quarters due to a placebo effect
and one-quarter due to the treatment used (see also Wampold et al., 2005; Kirsch et al.,
2008; Cuijpers et al., 2014). As for the treatment, no difference was observed between
psychotherapy and medication.
The patients in the medication group and the psychotherapy group received treat-
ment for 16 weeks and were subsequently followed for a year to see what happened to
them. The patients in the medication condition were divided into two groups: one half
was gradually placed on a placebo treatment, and the other half continued with the
active substance. The patients in the cognitive therapy condition stopped their therapy
and were allowed a maximum of three booster sessions when they felt a need for them.
Each patient was seen once a month by an independent assessor who decided whether
the treatment was still working or whether the patient had relapsed and needed more
intensive therapy. Figure 13.2b shows the percentage of patients who stayed healthy
for 12 months in the different conditions. Of the group that received medication fol-
lowed by a placebo, 76% relapsed, against 24% of the patients who had been given
psychotherapy. The group of patients who continued their medication fell between both
groups, partly because a number of patients stopped taking their pills.
The above study is representative of the other studies on the treatment of depression:
more than half of the improvement is due to a placebo effect and when patients on pills
stop taking their medication, there is a high percentage of relapse. Both findings point
to the importance of the psychological perspective in explaining and treating depres-
sion. The placebo effect is understandable in terms of cognitions (patients have renewed
hope and force to tackle their problems) and the risk of relapse upon termination of
medication is in line with the claim that persons remain vulnerable as long as they do
not improve their irrational and maladaptive thoughts (Brouwer et al., 2019).
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13.3 The psychological perspective 551
Depression score
% Participants staying well
Figure 13.2 (a) Decrease of depression scores as a function of time in therapy and
treatment group.
All three conditions show an improvement, including the placebo condition, but the improvement was
bigger in the two treatment conditions. The differences started to become visible after four weeks.
(b) Percentage of patients who stay well in the year after the treatment.
Patients in the medication condition put on a placebo pill relapsed in 76% of cases (i.e. only 24%
stayed well). Of the patients in the cognitive therapy condition 76% stayed well; of the patients
who continued to receive medication less than 60% stayed well. Part of this figure was due to
participants who stopped taking their medication.
Social cognition
The importance of the implicit personality theory
The power of psychological processes is also exemplified by the way in which our
perceptions of others influence our interactions with them. We have seen how the implicit
personality theory governs our first impressions (Chapter 8). The implicit personality
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552 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
theory refers to the network of associations each person has about the correlations between
various personal characteristics. They include characteristics related to the appearance of
people (e.g. the presence of glasses, the clothes worn), information related to them (e.g.
their name), the way they talk and behave, and the groups they belong to. All these factors
determine the impression people will make on us and the way we will interact with them.
For instance, we are more likely to initiate contact with people who resemble us than
with people who are different from us, a phenomenon called the similarity-attraction
hypothesis. Nass and colleagues (1995) showed that this bias even works in interac-
tions with computers. On the basis of a questionnaire they distinguished between a
group of dominant college students and a group of submissive students. The students
had to interact with a computer to solve problems. Half the students worked with
a ‘dominant’ computer, called Max, who used strong language consisting of asser-
tions and commands (e.g. ‘You should definitely rate the flashlight higher. It is your
only reliable night-signalling device.’). The other half interacted with a ‘submissive’
computer, Linus, who used weaker language consisting of questions and suggestions
(e.g. ‘Perhaps the flashlight should be rated higher? It may be your only reliable night-
signalling device.’). After the task the participants were asked to indicate how much
they appreciated the help from the computer. The computer received higher ratings
when its personality matched that of the participant; it was also judged to be more
competent. Along the same lines, Carolus et al. (2019) reported that people evaluate
politely responding smartphones better than impolite smartphones.
Interim summary
The psychological perspective
● According to the psychological perspective, mental life (both normal and abnormal) is
primarily determined by psychological processes. We have seen three examples of this:
– the importance of learning and cognition in perception (olfaction)
– the importance of cognitive modulation in pain perception
– the role of irrational and maladaptive thoughts in depression.
● Psychological processes are also important in social interactions (social cognition).
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13.4 The socio-cultural perspective 553
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554 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
helped to produce more desirable individuals and get rid of the unwelcome elements.
Originating in Britain with Francis Galton, eugenics would quickly capture the USA
(Chapter 4) and be put into practice. It is estimated that tens of thousands of people
in the USA and Germany were sterilised against their will in the 1930s on the basis of
the eugenic principle (Rutter, 2006: 8).
Appalled by these excesses and influenced by the behaviourist manifesto that all
behaviour is learned behaviour, psychologists would start to examine how human
functioning was influenced by the presence of others. They became known as social
psychologists. Below we list some of their main findings and tenets.
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13.4 The socio-cultural perspective 555
1. Power distance: the extent to which the less powerful members (also in the family)
accept and expect that power is distributed unequally; how much they are willing
to honour the more powerful and show respect to them.
2. Individualism vs. collectivism: the degree to which individuals are integrated in
groups. On the individualist side we have societies in which individuals primarily
look after their own development. On the collectivist side, we have societies in which
individuals primarily look at the interests of the group(s) to which they belong.
3. Masculinity vs. femininity: whether the values of the culture (in particular those for
men) are biased towards assertive and competitive or towards modest and caring.
On the masculine side of the dimension, there usually is a large gap between men’s
and women’s values.
4. Uncertainty avoidance: the degree to which the society tolerates uncertainty. It
indicates the extent to which individuals feel comfortable in unstructured, novel
situations. Uncertainty avoiding cultures highly value traditions with strict laws
and rules; they also prefer superiors from within their own cultures. Uncertainty
accepting cultures are more tolerant of opinions different from those they are used
to; they have fewer rules and more easily accept superiors from abroad.
Table 13.2 lists the values of the four dimensions for some countries. Go to https://
geerthofstede.com/ to find them for other countries. According to the social perspec-
tive, these values will have strong effects on how the individuals in different societies
Table 13.2 Degree to which different countries display differences in power, stress
individualism, stress masculinity and uncertainty avoidance
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556 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Table 13.3 The combined effects of nature and nurture on the IQ scores of adopted children
This table shows that both heredity and environment have a substantial effect on the IQ scores
of children who are adopted before the age of 6 months.
Adoption family
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13.4 The socio-cultural perspective 557
and cannot afford schooling for their children. In such a society, the environment (i.e.
the socioeconomic status of the parents) will have much more impact than the genes of
the parents. That is, there will be a high correlation between the intelligence of the chil-
dren and the socioeconomic status of their parents, and a low correlation between the
intelligence of the children and environment-free intelligence measures of the parents.
Now imagine a society in which each child has access to exactly the same type of good
education, and where each child is supported to attain his or her full potential. In such
a society, the intelligence differences between the children will have a low correlation
with the socioeconomic status of their parents (the environment) but will have a high
correlation with the genetic intelligence of the parents.
The above situation leads to a counterintuitive paradox in the nature–nurture
debate. It is the following: The more a society tries to give each child proper educa-
tion, the higher the variance explained by heredity will be and the more it will look
as if the environment has little impact on intelligence. A corollary of the paradox is
that heredity estimates for intelligence may be higher in high socioeconomic groups
(that all try to secure good education for their children) than in low socioeconomic
groups (where means and motivation to secure good education differ more). Evidence
for the corollary seems stronger in the USA than in Europe and Australia, suggesting
that education differs more as a function of socioeconomic status in the USA (Tucker-
Drob & Bates, 2016).
It is good to keep the above paradox in mind if in the future you read articles
about the relative impact of genes and environment. A low correlation between
intelligence and environment does not necessarily mean that the environment has
no influence on intelligence; it may also mean that society has managed to wipe out
the impact of the parents’ socioeconomic status by providing first-class education
to all the children. A similar paradox applies to all topics that form the subject of
a nature–nurture debate.
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558 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
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13.4 The socio-cultural perspective 559
. . . science must be understood as a social phenomenon, a gutsy, human enterprise, not
the work of robots programmed to collect pure information . . . Science, since people
must do it, is a socially embedded activity.
(Gould, 1996: 53)
According to Gould, social embeddedness is particularly true for a discipline like
psychology, because:
. . . some topics are invested with enormous social importance but blessed with very
little reliable information. When the ratio of data to social impact is so low, a history of
scientific attitudes may be little more than an oblique record of social change.
(Gould, 1996: 54)
An argument in favour of this view is that psychological research knows a good deal
of faddism: research issues come, are popular for some time, and go without leaving
a trace. As noticed by Hunt (2005):
mainstream experimental research in psychology can appear curiously faddish. Research
central to one decade is all but gone from leading journals in the next, replaced by topics
often entirely independent and noncumulative . . . Further, and in marked contrast to the
usual energization of research in the physical sciences resulting from consensual resolu-
tion of major debates, in psychology research topics often seem to disappear precisely
after research consensus has been reached.
(Hunt, 2005: 360)
According to critical psychologists, social factors will (co-)determine which view
psychologists promote. There is some evidence for this. For instance, Gould (1996)
noticed that biological factors in intelligence research tend to come to the fore each
time there is a political turn to the right with promises of fewer taxes and fewer social
services. Such a political shift is usually justified by a rhetoric stressing that people
are born into their social classes because of their genetic endowment. Consequently,
there is little point in helping those in the lower classes. In contrast, social factors in
psychological theories are dominant when there is a massive economic expansion and
upward social mobility (as in the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century, and
Europe and the USA after World War II).
According to critical psychologists, social factors are also involved in the popularity
of evolutionary psychology. The argument is that evolutionary psychology has many
followers, not because the evidence for it is stronger or scientifically more convincing,
but because social factors make psychologists more inclined to adopt this view. The fol-
lowing social reasons have been mentioned (Gould & Lewontin, 1979; Fausto-Sterling
et al., 1997; Buller, 2005; Jackson & Rees, 2007):
● evolutionary psychology is popular because it focuses on the origin and history
of humankind, which easily catches people’s interest (e.g. it is the theme of most
popular science books),
● the focus on sex and reproduction has a strong appeal, certainly when the individual
organism is seen as unconsciously engaged in strategies to maximise its opportunity
to mate and to ensure survival of its offspring,
● the main principles of evolutionary psychology are simple ‘just-so stories’ that can
be understood without much effort,
● evolutionary psychology has benefited from attracting a highly talented group of
popular-science writers,
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560 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Interim summary
The socio-cultural perspective
● First accentuated by sociologists (nineteenth century, Comte).
● Ambivalent relationship with evolutionary theory:
– on the one hand, evolutionary theory provides interesting ideas
– on the other hand, evolutionary theory gives rise to claims sociologists do not believe
in (social Darwinism, eugenics).
● The influence of socio-cultural factors is due to the learning of cultural differences:
– observational learning (form of associative learning)
– according to Hofstede, cultures differ on four dimensions (power distance,
individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance).
● Nature–nurture debate: to what extent are individual differences in processing due to
genes and to environment?
– intelligence: adoption study showing impact of both
– genes and environment are not each other’s opposite; both influences are probabilistic
(i.e. increase or decrease likelihoods) and interact with each other.
● Socio-cultural factors also play a role in research and are emphasised in critical
psychology, in particular with respect to the ways in which socio-cultural factors
influence the hypotheses researchers are interested in.
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13.5 Focus on: Why are people aggressive? 561
has gained considerably in strength, under the influence of brain imaging techniques,
evolutionary psychology, and the biological treatment of mental disorders. A look
at the past suggests that this surge in biological interest is likely to be followed by a
rebound of the psychological and/or the social perspective at some point in the future.
So far we have illustrated the three perspectives with different topics. However, it
is also possible (and instructive) to illustrate them with respect to the same topic. For
instance, why are people aggressive? Why do they enforce harm on others who try
to escape this? (For reviews, see Geen, 2001; Dishion et al., 2011; Allen et al., 2018.)
Biological factors
The death drive in Freud’s theory
One of the first explicit theories about aggression was presented by Freud. In some
of his later writings he saw humans as motivated by two innate drives: eros and a
death drive (Todestrieb, later called thanatos). Eros was geared towards pleasure and
the preservation of life; the death drive was directed towards destruction. The latter
resulted in aggression and the refusal of pleasure. Both drives accumulated over time
and needed to be discharged periodically, giving rise to a catharsis. As a result, both
pleasure-seeking and aggression were inherent features of humans.
Lorenz’s evolutionary theory
The idea of aggression as an innate feature, a drive, was also put forward by the Aus-
trian animal researcher, Konrad Lorenz (1903–1989), and integrated within an evolu-
tionary perspective. According to him, aggression was essential for the survival of the
fittest because fighting for mates ensured that the offspring came from the strongest
exemplars. Another advantage was that chased-off animals increased the dispersion
of the species. Aggression built up over time and fired off whenever an appropriate
stimulus was encountered. The resulting violence freed the energy, which was followed
by a new accumulation.
Evidence for a biological component
Evidence for a biological contribution can be found in the fact that humans show indi-
vidual differences in their degree of aggressiveness and that these differences are to a
considerable extent inherited. As shown in Table 13.1, heredity is estimated to account
for ≈ 40 of the variance in aggression encountered in humans. Other evidence for a
biological contribution comes from the critical role of the limbic system in the regula-
tion of aggression. This is an evolutionarily old part of the brain that is also involved
in the regulation of emotions. An imbalance in the chemical substances that regulate
the communication in this part of the brain results in an increased degree of aggres-
sion. A final biological factor is the availability of the male hormone testosterone.
Males commit more violent crimes than females (Archer, 2019). At first, the impact of
testosterone seemed to be confirmed in studies with transsexuals. In Van Goozen et al.
(1995) female-to-male transsexuals reported a surge of aggressive feelings when they
were injected with testosterone as part of their gender-changing treatment. However,
this finding was not replicated in a later, much larger group (Defreyne et al., 2019).
Implications for treatment
Knowing about biological risk factors increases the possibility of medical treatment.
At the same time, an exclusive reliance on the biological component drastically reduces
the range of treatments, because the biological perspective does not offer much more
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562 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
than medicines to influence the communication in the limbic system and to lower the
availability of testosterone in individuals with a high genetic risk. It also supplies tests
to assess who has an enhanced risk, so that they can be watched. For the others, Freud
and Lorenz recommended hard work and competitive sports to channel the aggressive
energy towards more acceptable outlets.
Psychological factors
Learning aggressive behaviour
The psychological perspective stresses the importance of learning, perception and
interpretation in aggression. Individuals who are reinforced for aggressive behaviour
will increase it; individuals who are not reinforced (or punished) will decrease it. Pat-
terson (1982), for instance, described circumstances in which children learn to behave
aggressively, either because this leads to positive results or because it stops negative
situations (which may happen, for instance, when a child notices that he is no longer
bullied when he responds aggressively). According to the psychological perspective,
much aggression (theft, fraud, extortion) is not elicited by aggression-provoking stim-
uli, as Freud and Lorenz claimed, but is due to the profit the perpetrator expects to
extract from it (see Dishion et al., 2011 for a review).
Aggression is learned not only on the basis of one’s own experiences, but also on
the basis of what is observed in others. This may be one of the reasons why individu-
als who as children suffered from domestic violence are more likely to continue this
behaviour in their new families (Copp et al., 2019), thus continuing a familial cycle of
violence. Keil et al. (2019) mentioned a second route through which maltreated chil-
dren may be particularly vulnerable to show aggressive behaviour later. They observed
that participants aged 9–16 years with histories of maltreatment actually contributed
more resources to a public good during peer interaction than their non-maltreated
counterparts. The authors hypothesised that maltreatment may engender a hyper-
cooperative strategy to minimise the odds of hostility and preserve positive interaction
during initial encounters. This, however, comes at the cost of potential exploitation
by others and may lead to subsequent aggression.
Evidence suggests that prosocial behaviour is also learned. Van Hoorn et al. (2016)
examined the influence of peers on prosocial behaviour in 12- to 16-year-old adoles-
cents. They utilised a public goods game in which participants made decisions about
the allocation of coins between themselves and the group. Participants received manip-
ulated peer feedback on a subset of decisions. Results indicated a significant interac-
tion between feedback condition (prosocial, antisocial, or no feedback) and allocation
choices. Prosocial behaviour increased after prosocial feedback and decreased after
antisocial feedback. The authors argued that their findings supported the idea that
peer influence creates not only vulnerabilities, but also opportunities for healthy
prosocial development and social adjustment learning.
The importance of a person’s perceptions and interpretations
There is also good evidence that aggressive people have different perceptions and inter-
pretations than less aggressive individuals. They perceive more events as threatening,
insulting or provocative. Dodge and Coie (1987) gave a review of the attributions that
are likely to provoke aggression. An aggressive response is more likely:
● when a social situation is perceived as intentional rather than accidental,
● when a social situation is perceived as foreseeable rather than unforeseeable,
● when a social situation is perceived as freely chosen by the other rather than constrained.
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13.5 Focus on: Why are people aggressive? 563
Social factors
Evidence for a social contribution
Because of the learning mentioned above, children who grow up in a social group with
a high level of violence will be exposed to more aggression-related learning than chil-
dren who grow up in more serene circumstances. An interesting study in this respect
was published by Bohman (1996), who examined adopted children in Sweden. For each
child, Bohman had information about the antisocial behaviour in the biological and
the adoptive parents, and records about whether or not the children as adults got into
trouble with the police. Table 13.4 lists the results.
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564 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
When both the genes and the environment were aggression-free, only 3% of the
adopted children got into trouble with the police by the time they were adults. Violence
in the biological parents increased the percentage to 12%; violence in the adoption
family to 7%. However, the strongest effect was seen when both the biological and the
adoption parents were prone to antisocial behaviour. Then, 40% of the children were
known to the police for troublesome behaviour (which, incidentally, is an example of
the interactions between genes and environment discussed above; they can reinforce
each other).
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13.5 Focus on: Why are people aggressive? 565
Interim summary
Why are people aggressive?
● Biological contributions:
– evolutionary advantage of aggressiveness
– individual differences that to a large extent are inherited
– chemical imbalances in the limbic system
– impact of testosterone
– points to a medical treatment (also preventive).
● Psychological contributions:
– learning aggressive behaviour on the basis of observational learning and operant
conditioning (positive results or the termination of a negative situation)
– biases in the perception, so that more social situations are seen as provocative
– limited social skills, so that there is no other response than a violent one
– points to the importance of teaching new perceptions and responses in the treatment
of aggression.
● Social contributions:
– degree to which the environment exposes children to aggression-related learning
– interacts with the person’s vulnerability (diathesis–stress model)
– series of other violence-provoking features in the environment
– aggressive individuals seek the company of gang members who reinforce their
– points to the need to change social influences in the treatment of aggression.
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566 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Recommended literature
A good book about evolutionary psychology is Buss, D.M. A good book about learning and conditioning is Bouton,
(2019) Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the M.E. (2016) Learning and Behavior: A Contemporary Synthe-
Mind (6th Edition) (Boston: Pearson Education). At the sis (2nd Edition) (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates Inc.).
same time, it may be interesting to read a more critical eval- An interesting book about the social and cultural influ-
uation, such as Buller, D.J. (2005) Adapting Minds: Evo- ences on human behaviour is Matsumoto, D. and Juang, L.
lutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human (2016) Culture and Psychology (6th Edition) (London:
Nature (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Wadsworth Publishing).
Allen, J.J., Anderson, C.A. & Bushman, B.J. (2018) ‘The Chebat, J.C. & Michon, R. (2003) ‘Impact of ambient
general aggression model’. Current Opinion in Psychol- odors on mall shoppers’ emotions, cognition, and spend-
ogy, 19: 75–80. ing: A test of competitive causal theories’. Journal of
Archer, J. (2019) ‘The reality and evolutionary significance Business Research, 56: 529–39.
of human psychological sex differences’. Biological Copp, J.E., Giordano, P.C., Longmore, M.A. & Manning,
Reviews, 94: 1381–1415. W.D. (2019) ‘The development of attitudes toward inti-
Axelrod, R. & Hamilton, W.D. (1981) ‘The evolution of mate partner violence: An examination of key correlates
cooperation’. Science, 211: 1390–6. among a sample of young adults’. Journal of Interper-
Bear, A. & Rand, D.G. (2016) ‘Intuition, deliberation, sonal Violence, 34: 1357–87.
and the evolution of cooperation’. Proceedings of the Cuijpers, P., Turner, E.H., Mohr, D.C., Hofmann, S.G.,
National Academy of Sciences, 113: 936–41. Andersson, G., Berking, M. & Coyne, J. (2014) ‘Com-
Bernard, L.L. (1924) Instinct: A Study of Social Psychol- parison of psychotherapies for adult depression to pill
ogy. New York: Henry Holt & Co. placebo control groups: a meta-analysis’. Psychological
Bohman, M. (1996) ‘Predisposition to criminality: Swed- Medicine, 44: 685–95.
ish adoption studies in retrospect.’ In G.R. Bock & Czajkowski, N., Aggen, S.H., Krueger, R.F., Kendler, K.S.,
J.A. Goode (Eds.), Genetics of Criminal and Antisocial Neale, M.C., Knudsen, G.P., . . . & Reichborn-
Behaviour, pp. 99–114. Chichester: Wiley. Kjennerud, T. (2018) ‘A twin study of normative person-
Brouwer, M.E., Williams, A.D., Kennis, M., Fu, Z., ality and DSM-IV personality disorder criterion counts:
Klein, N.S., Cuijpers, P. & Bockting, C.L. (2019) ‘Psy- evidence for separate genetic influences’. American Jour-
chological theories of depressive relapse and recurrence: nal of Psychiatry, 175: 649–56.
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568 Chapter 13 The precarious balance between biological, psychological and social influences
Li, W., Howard, J.D., Parrish, T.B. & Gottfried, J.A. (2008) Røysamb, E., Nes, R.B., Czajkowski, N.O. & Vassend, O.
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OR: Castalia. Swagerman, S.C., Van Bergen, E., Dolan, C., de Geus, E.J.,
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controls’. Psychological Medicine, 49: 1166–73. tion’. In B. Campbell (Ed.), Sexual Selection and the
Piqueras-Fiszman, B. & Spence, C. (2015) ‘Sensory Descent of Man: 1871–1971, pp. 136–79. Chicago:
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theoretical accounts’. Food Quality and Preference, 40: national differences in gene × socioeconomic status
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(2016) ‘Top 10 replicated findings from behavioral van Bergen, E., van Zuijen, T., Bishop, D. & de Jong, P.F.
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Psychological Bulletin, 139: 901–16. Frijda, N.H. et al. (1995) ‘Gender differences in behav-
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dapted Psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. neuroendocrinology, 20: 343–63.
Ritzer, G. & Goodman, D.J. (2004) Modern Sociological van Hoorn, J., van Dijk, E., Meuwese, R., Rieffe, C. &
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Roschk, H., Loureiro, S.M.C. & Breitsohl, J. (2017) in adolescence’. Journal of Research on Adolescence,
‘Calibrating 30 years of experimental research: a meta- 26: 90–100.
analysis of the atmospheric effects of music, scent, and Van Vugt, M., De Cremer, D. & Janssen, D.P. (2007) ‘Gen-
color’. Journal of Retailing, 93: 228–40. der differences in cooperation and competition: The
M13 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 568 16/09/2020 17:03
Note 569
male-warrior hypothesis’. Psychological Science, 18: and antisocial personality problems in childhood, ado-
19–23. lescence, and adulthood’. European Child & Adolescent
Wampold, B.E., Minami, T., Tierney, S.C., Baskin, T.W. Psychiatry, 27: 1123–32.
et al. (2005) ‘The placebo is powerful: Estimating pla- Wilson, E.O. (1975) Sociobiology: The New Synthesis.
cebo effects in medicine and psychotherapy for rand- Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
omized clinical trials’. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Woodworth, R.S. (1948) Contemporary Schools of Psy-
61: 835–54. chology (Revised Edition). New York: The Ronald Press.
Watson, J.B. (1925) Behaviorism. New York: People’s Insti- Zimmermann, L.K. (2017) ‘Preschoolers’ perceptions of
tute Publishing Company. (Reprinted in 1997 by Transac- gendered toy commercials in the US’. Journal of Chil-
tion Publishers.) dren and Media, 11: 119–31.
Wesseldijk, L.W., Bartels, M., Vink, J.M., van Beijsterveldt, Zubin, J. & Spring, B. (1977) ‘Vulnerability: A new view
C.E., Ligthart, L., Boomsma, D.I. & Middeldorp, C.M. of schizophrenia’. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 86:
(2018) ‘Genetic and environmental influences on conduct 103–26.
1. For the sake of historical accuracy, it must be noted that time; it is a name that was given later to refer to this line
the term ‘social Darwinism’ was rarely used in Spencer s of thought.
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14 Psychology and society
The socio-political side
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Introduction 571
Questions to consider
In the previous chapters we saw how psychology has developed and how it has been
affected by a number of basic questions (conceptual issues). In this final chapter we
look at the ways in which psychology and society have influenced each other. Psychol-
ogy would not be around if society had not felt a need for this type of knowledge,
and the Western world would look different without psychology. In the first part of
the chapter we review a number of ways in which psychology has been influenced by
socio-political tendencies in society. In the second part we see how psychology has
changed society and has influenced the ways in which people perceive each other and
interact with one another. This chapter focuses on the criticisms levied against psychol-
ogy, which may not always be the nicest reading if you are an aspiring psychologist,
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572 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
but which is essential to fully understand psychology’s perceived role in society. The
‘focus on’ section examines to what extent psychology has been able to remove the
stigma of mental disorders.
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 573
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574 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 575
Metaphors have played a role in other areas of psychology as well (Leary, 1995).
For instance, when psychodynamic therapists attempt to relieve the pressure built up
in a patient, they are following Freud’s metaphor of the mind as a hydraulic device.
More generally, Gentner and Grudin (1985) argued that psychologists have used
four types of metaphors:
1. the mind as an animal (e.g. ideas struggle or compete with each other),
2. the mind as a neural system (e.g. ideas are inhibited; disturbance of thought arises
because of over-excitation in the brain),
3. the mind as a spatial container (e.g. memories that are in the background, fear that
inundates the sympathetic nervous system),
4. the mind as a mechanical or computational system (e.g. serial, iterative operations
going on in the brain).
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576 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 577
started under the direction of Robert M. Yerkes in 1917 (with the help of Goddard
and Terman) and published in 1921.
The philosophy of the American tests, however, was not to identify children at risk
so that they could receive extra help. The aim was to optimise the organisation of
society by testing which children were intelligent enough for various types of school-
ing, and which adults were intelligent enough for various types of employment. For
instance, in 1923, Terman (together with Yerkes and Thorndike) advertised a group
of national intelligence tests on the basis of the Stanford–Binet and the Army Tests,
to be used in schools for Grades 3–8. This is what the advert said:
The direct result of the application of the army testing methods to school needs . . . the
tests have been selected from a large group of tests after a try-out and a careful analysis
by a statistical staff. The two scales prepared consist of five tests each (with practical
exercises) and either may be administered in thirty minutes. They are simple in applica-
tion, reliable, and immediately useful in classifying children in Grades 3 to 8 with respect
to intellectual ability. Scoring is unusually simple.
(Terman, as cited in Gould, 1996: 208–9)
As for the test’s use with employees, Terman wrote in 1916:
Industrial concerns doubtless suffer enormous losses from the employment of persons
whose mental ability is not equal to the tasks they are expected to perform . . . Any
business employing as many as 500 or 1000 workers, as, for example, a large depart-
ment store, could save in this way several times the salary of a well-trained psychologist.
(Terman, as cited in Gould, 1996: 211)
More generally, within the American socio-political context, Binet and Simon’s prin-
ciples became translated into the following tenets:
1. The various tasks identified by Binet and Simon and further extended by other
researchers, all measure one single capacity, called ‘general intelligence’.
2. The amount of intelligence in a person can be expressed by a single number
(called IQ).
3. Individuals can be ranked linearly according to their IQ. This is true over the whole
range of intelligences, not just in the subnormal range.
4. The IQ refers to an inborn quality, inherited from the previous generations.
5. A person’s IQ is stable and permanent; that is, it will not change noticeably by a
programme of social and educational intervention.
6. The IQ of a person correlates not only with the type of tasks the person can do,
but also with his or her moral reasoning.
As for the latter claim, Goddard wrote in 1919:
The intelligence controls the emotions and the emotions are controlled in proportion
to the degree of intelligence . . . It follows that if there is little intelligence the emotions
will be uncontrollable and whether they be strong or weak will result in actions that are
unregulated, uncontrolled and, as experience proves, usually undesirable.
(Goddard, as cited in Gould, 1996: 190–1)
Given that black Americans on average scored substantially below white Americans,
the IQ findings also had sweeping racial implications, as can be seen in the following
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578 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
excerpt from Terman (1916). It is part of a chapter in which Terman discussed the
findings about people with IQ scores between 70 and 80 (i.e. the feeble-minded):
Among laboring men and servant girls there are thousands like them . . . The tests have
told the truth. These boys are ineducable beyond the merest rudiments of training.
No amount of school instruction will ever make them intelligent voters or capable
citizens . . . They represent the level of intelligence which is very, very common among
Spanish-Indian and Mexican families of the Southwest and also among negroes. Their
dullness seems to be racial, or at least inherent in the family stocks from which they
came. The fact that one meets this type with such extraordinary frequency among Indi-
ans, Mexicans, and negroes suggests quite forcibly that the whole question of racial
differences in mental traits will have to be taken up anew and by experimental meth-
ods . . . Children of this group should be segregated in special classes and be given
instruction which is concrete and practical. They cannot master abstractions, but they
can often be made efficient workers, able to look out for themselves. There is no pos-
sibility at present of convincing society that they should not be allowed to reproduce,
although from a eugenic point of view they constitute a grave problem because of their
unusually prolific breeding.
(Terman, as cited in Gould, 1996: 220–1)
When reading the above excerpts, it is important to keep in mind that the change in
tone from the French to the American approach was not due to an increase in scientific
knowledge in the first decades of the twentieth century. It was virtually all to do with
differences in the socio-political climate between France and the USA. Many Ameri-
cans were convinced that the white race was far superior to Native Americans and
black people. They also had a much more competitive and individualistic approach to
the organisation of the state.
Even measurements and data are not safe in the light of strong socio-political
opinions: Gould vs. Morton
One objection scientists usually make to the criticism that their statements may be
socio-politically biased is that their conclusions are based on sound empirical evidence
(Chapters 9 and 10). Gould (1996) devoted a large part of his book to showing how
easily ‘objective’ findings can be distorted by the researchers’ expectations (see also
Chapter 11). Of the many examples he gave, we only mention the case of Samuel
George Morton (1799–1851). Morton was an American physician and natural scien-
tist, who was famous for his skull collection. In 1839, he published a volume on the
brain sizes of Americans from different descent. As can be seen in Table 14.1, Morton’s
table clearly ‘proved’ that the mean skull size of white people (of Caucasian origin)
was larger than that of Native Americans and black people.
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 579
From the lower cranial capacity of Native Americans (and the other races), Morton
drew sweeping conclusions, such as: ‘the benevolent mind may regret the inaptitude of
the Indian for civilization’ and ‘[Indians, i.e. Native Americans] are not only averse to
the restraints of education, but for the most part are incapable of a continued process
of reasoning on abstract subjects’ (as cited in Gould, 1996: 88–9). Throughout the
nineteenth and the first part of the twentieth century, Morton’s data were used as the
decisive argument for race differences in intelligence.
Interestingly, Morton not only provided a summary table, but full information on
each and every skull in his collection. Gould set out to re-analyse these data. His find-
ings were:
1. The 144 skulls of the Native Americans belonged to many different groups, which
differed in cranial capacity. Morton’s sample was strongly biased towards the Inca
Peruvians, who had smaller brains than the others but also smaller statures (just
like with the other body parts, the size of the brain depends on the overall stature
of a person). There were three skulls of Iroquois, who had brain sizes very close to
those of the Caucasians.
2. Morton excluded the skulls of the Hindus from his Caucasian sample, because they
were deemed ‘too small to be acceptable’.
3. Morton measured the cranial capacity by pouring mustard seed in the skulls and
measuring the amount that was required. This worked reasonably well, except for
two problems. The first was that the seed was a bit sticky and sometimes did not fill
cavities completely. The second was that mustard seed can be compressed. Because
of these drawbacks, Morton later decided to redo his analyses with lead shot.
However, he never published a clear summary table of these data. When Gould did
so more than a century later, he found that the Caucasian cranial capacity stayed
at 87 in3, but that of the Native Americans increased to 86 in3 and that of Africans
to 83 in3. According to Gould, Morton had more rigorously shaken and pressed the
mustard seeds for his Caucasian skulls than for the other skulls.
When Gould corrected for the various biases, his estimates almost wiped out the
racial differences in skull sizes as reported by Morton (the same was true for the
other data reported by Morton in later publications on a total of 623 skulls). Gould
thought it unlikely that manifest fraud was involved. Otherwise, Morton would never
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580 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
have published a full account of his raw materials. What probably happened was that
Morton happily accepted the data that were in line with his expectations, whereas he
double-checked and ‘corrected’ the data he did not understand. The end result was a
set of ‘scientific’ measures that seemed to ‘prove beyond doubt’ the existence of racial
differences in skull sizes (and, hence, intelligence) and that other researchers copied
because it agreed with their beliefs.
There was a further interesting (and ironic) twist in the Gould vs. Morton dispute
when Lewis et al. (2011) not only re-analysed the numbers used by Morton and Gould,
but in addition redid the cranial measurements for 308 of Morton’s skulls (something
which Gould had not done). What they observed was that Morton’s measurements
were surprisingly accurate and that the few deviations between the initial measure-
ments and the new measurements were not racially biased but randomly distributed.
As it happened, Gould’s ‘corrections’ to Morton’s initial data were more systematic
and theory-driven, making Lewis et al., (2011) conclude that Morton’s description of
the data was closer to the findings than Gould’s. In their own words:
Samuel George Morton, in the hands of Stephen Jay Gould, has served for 30 years as
a textbook example of scientific misconduct. . . . The Morton case was used by Gould
as the main support for his contention that ‘unconscious or dimly perceived finagling is
probably endemic in science, since scientists are human beings rooted in cultural con-
texts, not automatons directed toward external truth’. . . . This view has since achieved
substantial popularity in ‘science studies’. . . . But our results falsify Gould’s hypoth-
esis that Morton manipulated his data to conform with his a priori views. The data
on cranial capacity gathered by Morton are generally reliable, and he reported them
fully. Overall, we find that Morton’s initial reputation as the objectivist of his era was
(Lewis et al., 2011: 5–6)
Whichever will turn out to be the correct assessment of Morton’s figures (see also
Weisberg, 2014; Kaplan et al., 2015), the observation that the same data set can lead to
different conclusions is a useful reminder of the fact that data collection and analysis
involve selection and interpretation (Silberzahn et al., 2018; Starns et al., 2019), which
make scientific conclusions open to socio-political influences.
Money and Ehrhardt (1972): the trainability of gender identity
Socio-political biases in scientific conclusions are not limited to the biological perspec-
tive. The 1960s and 1970s were a time during which the social perspective dominated.
The economy expanded rapidly, technological advances were breathtaking, and there
was general optimism in American society. Suddenly it did not seem improbable that
further gains could be made by improving the education system and providing bet-
ter services to those in need. Maybe there was more merit in the social powers than
initially acknowledged by Goddard and Terman in the heydays of eugenics? (Gould
(1996) describes how these geneticists recanted some of their views towards the end
of their careers.)
Within this period, it was not surprising to see a book appear in which it was
claimed that a person’s gender identity was strongly influenced by education (Money &
Ehrhardt, 1972). A baby boy turned into a man, not only because of his Y-chromosome
but also because of the way in which he was reared. The same was true for a baby
girl. Again the conclusion was backed with ‘sound’ empirical evidence. A particularly
revealing case in this respect was that of identical male twins, of whom one had his
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 581
penis severed aged 8 months during a medical operation. The penis eventually was
removed and replaced by a vulva, and the parents were advised to raise the boy as a
girl. Money and Ehrhardt concluded that after these simple changes the boy happily
grew up as a girl, proving that gender identity was not primarily due to genes, but to
the ways in which education depended on the anatomical differences with which boys
and girls were born.
Money and Ehrhardt’s finding was seized upon by textbook authors who presented
it as the decisive evidence for the power of social factors in mental and social life. How-
ever, with the growth of the biological perspective towards the end of the twentieth
century, the case was revisited and found to have been misrepresented (Diamond &
Sigmundson, 1997). Brenda (previously Bruce) Reimer did not remember her child-
hood as a happy one. From the beginning she had difficulties with the fact that her
parents treated her as a girl. She walked like a boy, fought with other boys, and had
to change schools a few times because of bullying and behaviour problems. The crisis
reached its peak when at puberty she had to take hormones and needed-another opera-
tion to continue her female development. In the end, at the age of 14 she was told the
truth about what had happened, and she experienced this as a huge relief. Later she
had a sex change operation and became David, a name chosen for its analogy with
the fight between David and Goliath. He married a single mother with three children
and was happy with his renewed role. In the end, however, the story took a tragic turn.
David’s twin brother (who had mental health problems) committed suicide in 2002.
Shortly afterwards, David lost his job and savings, and was told by his wife that she
wanted to end their marriage. In 2004, he committed suicide as well.
By that time, David’s case had become famous again, because it had been seized
upon by a journalist first to write a story in Rolling Stone magazine (in 1997), and
later to publish a book (in 2000), followed by an acclaimed BBC Horizon documentary
(also in 2000). In line with the changed social climate, the case was now presented as
evidence against the social perspective and in favour of a strict biological interpreta-
tion of the development of gender identity. To redress the balance, it may be good to
know that one sister of a pair of monozygotic twins in The Netherlands at the age
of 17 decided to change into a man, which felt like a liberation after a lifetime in the
wrong body (Decates, 2019). Clearly, the genome is not the only influence on gender
identity, in line with what was covered in Chapter 13.
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582 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
Teo (2005) acknowledges that blatant scientific racism, as found in the texts of God-
dard and Terman, is no longer present in the current literature. However, in his view
this does not preclude psychologists from still being influenced by the in-group bias,
the belief that one’s own group is superior in knowledge and skills to other groups.
This bias shows itself in the fact that other groups are no longer explicitly denigrated,
but they are ignored. Scientists from non-dominant groups find it harder to get their
manuscripts accepted for publication and, if they do manage this, very few colleagues
from the dominant group take notice of their articles. Teo calls this ‘hidden colonial
hidden racism thinking’ or hidden racism. As he writes:
advancing one’s own race
by non-conspicuous biases I suggest that most contemporary psychologists view scientific racism and blatant racial
against other groups prejudices and actions as aberrations of the discipline’s past. However, from a post-
(usually by ignoring their colonial perspective the major problem nowadays is not scientific racism . . . but hidden
contribution) colonial thinking. Hidden colonial thinking in psychology, as hidden culture-centrism in
general, expresses itself in terms of exclusion or disregard of non-Western psychologies.
(Teo, 2005: 166)
As a result, psychological research in all countries is dominated by what is thought to
be interesting in the Anglo-Saxon world, as was observed by Gulerce (2006: 76) for
Turkish psychology:
The interpellation and normalization of American psychology is so strong in Turkish
society . . . that Turkish psychologists do not get to study systematically and think
about the long historical period prior to the common celebratory historical marker of
the establishment of a Western chair of experimental psychology at a Turkish univer-
sity. Furthermore, Turkish psychology is even more ahistorical, acultural, and asocial
than American psychology, so that even the very idea of critical and cultural history
of psychology in Turkey seems oxymoronic, as a good example of overidentification.
A similar criticism was raised by Rogers and Pilgrim (2005) and Watters (2010)
about the treatment of mental health problems. They argue that currently a universal
treatment based on Western research and values is being promoted throughout the
world, irrespective of the cultural, social or economic context of the people involved
(see also below).
Along the same lines, Gillborn (2016) argued that the avoidance of explicit refer-
ence to race in twenty-first century intelligence research should not be mistaken for
an absence of racialised thinking. Given that the biological origin of intelligence is
getting ever more attention (Chapter 13), group differences tend to be seen as genetic
differences, even if race is never mentioned. Gillborn feared that the new softly-softly
version of hereditarianism may be more dangerous than the earlier outspoken version.
Gender equality is another example of hidden social biases. Whereas around
80% of psychology undergraduates are women, at many places they form less than
20% of senior positions (full professors, university authorities). They are also vastly
underrepresented in positions of power within the discipline; for example, as journal
editors or as leaders of psychological societies. Often, this disparity is ascribed to
historical inequalities (that are only being addressed now), or to women’s lifestyle
choices (prioritising child rearing over career goals). However, as in other sciences
(e.g. Moss-Racusin et al., 2012), implicit biases are also easily detected. For instance,
many learned societies organise conferences to present the newest findings, and they
invite featured speakers thought to be conducting the most interesting research. This is
also the case for the Psychonomic Society, an international organisation of psychology
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 583
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584 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
all official institutions introduced measures to ensure that no research could be car-
ethical code of conduct ried out under their responsibility without proper ethical controls. Ethical codes of
protocol that includes conduct were established and individual applications were checked to make sure they
all the ethics-related adhered to the code.
conditions to which a
study must adhere
A typical example is the Code of Human Research Ethics established by The Brit-
ish Psychological Society, which can be downloaded from their website www.bps.org.
uk. It contains, among others, the following requirements for research with human
1. Ethical approval for all research. All research requires ethical approval by an inde-
pendent body. This body makes sure that the research proposal adheres to the code.
2. Protection of participants. This not only involves protection from possible harm,
but also preservation of the dignity and rights of the participants, and safeguards
to ensure anonymity and confidentiality. Protection also requires competent
3. Informed consent. No research on a person may be carried out without the
informed, free, express, specific and documented consent of the person. If the
research cannot be done without concealing its true purpose, the ethics committee
will make sure that the deception involved does not prevent the participants from
giving informed consent.
4. No coercion. No participant should feel coerced to take part in a particular study.
5. The right to withdraw. Participants have the right to withdraw from any given
research if they no longer feel comfortable. They can do so at any time without
penalty and without providing a reason. Participants can also require that their
data be withdrawn from the study.
6. Anonymity and confidentiality. Participants must be assured that all information
they give will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and that their anonymity
will be respected at all times unless otherwise determined by the law. Procedures
for data storage must conform to the Data Protection Act.
7. Appropriate exclusion criteria. Researchers must make clear which participants
cannot take part in the study (e.g. on the grounds of a pre-existing condition).
These criteria must not involve arbitrary discrimination.
8. Monitoring. Researchers are obliged to monitor ongoing research for adverse
effects on participants and to stop the research if there is cause for concern.
9. Duty of care. There is a duty of care on researchers to respect the knowledge of
their participants and to ameliorate any adverse effects of their study. This involves
the need for a debriefing at the end of the experiment. The debriefing consists of
an explanation of the goals and the procedures of the study to the participants; it
must also correct any form of deception that may have been included in the study.
10. Additional safeguards for research with vulnerable populations. Vulnerable popu-
lations include schoolchildren under the age of 18, people with learning or com-
munication difficulties, patients, people in custody and probation, and people
engaged in illegal activities. No research on these populations can be done without
the additional written consent of the people responsible for them.
11. Appropriate supervision. Student investigators must be under the supervision of
a member of academic staff and must be made aware of the relevant guidelines
and of the need to observe them.
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 585
Codes of conduct are not only for those doing research. Similar codes have been
established by professional societies to regulate the interactions between psychologists
and clients. For instance, the British Psychological Society has a Code of Ethics and
Conduct based on the following four domains of responsibility: respect, competence,
responsibility and integrity. Each domain involves a number of values and is further
defined by a set of standards (for further information, see the British Psychological
Society, 2018).
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586 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
Because of the above requirements, scientific knowledge is among the most trustwor-
thy we have (though not fail-safe, as we have seen). Therefore, it is increasingly relied
upon in Western society to make important decisions and to settle disagreements
(e.g. in court). This brings us to a rather paradoxical situation: even though we are
becoming increasingly aware of the relativity of scientific knowledge, we neverthe-
less rely more and more on it to make decisions, simply because the alternatives
are more questionable. Although intelligence tests and achievement tests have their
disadvantages, it is more acceptable to be excluded from a university on the basis
of an achievement test taken by everyone, than on the basis of the whim of a single
person deciding about the entry (e.g. Sackett et al., 2009). Students who have reason
to believe the test was biased against them can search in the scientific literature for
evidence to back their suspicion and can use this in their dispute. Similarly, groups
that have good reason to question the usefulness of a test can campaign for another
admission procedure (e.g. one no longer involving the initial selection of students) or
for the use of another, better test.
On balance, the rising reliance on scientifically gathered evidence has been benefi-
cial for psychologists, as their expertise has increasingly been called upon in situations
that could give rise to appeals (Chapter 8). This led, for instance, to an explosion in
the use of tests and psychological assessments in the judiciary system. An increasing
number of verdicts are based on documented evidence by independent assessors rather
than on subjective judgement alone.
Bringing psychology students back into line
A surprising (and depressing) observation is how little seems to have changed in soci-
ety’s views and expectations of psychology in the last century, despite the large num-
bers of students taught on the subject (Chapter 10; see also below). Reasoning fallacies
that have been discovered almost 50 years ago are as much present in current student
populations as they were before their discovery (as every lecturer of an introductory
course of psychology can tell). Similarly, the popular image of psychology and psy-
chologists does not seem to be markedly different now than it was 100 years ago. As
if all psychology courses were in vain!
A cynical view of education was put forward by Dore (1976, 1997). According to
him, the goal of education is not to teach students valuable knowledge and skills, but
to limit access to highly desired positions with limited employment. So, engineering
studies include substantial maths, not because an engineer needs all of this training
for the job but because it is a powerful selection mechanism. Similarly, degree courses
in psychology are not meant to teach students necessary skills but to limit access to a
coveted profession. As soon as the degree is obtained, students are allowed to forget
everything they learned during their degree (including statistics and research methods),
and take up the position of psychologist as seen by society at large (and learned on
the job).
There is evidence that many practising psychologists see their degree as a rite of
passage and are not overly influenced in their work by what they were taught. This has
been reported for clinical psychologists (Murphy Paul, 2005; Stewart & Chambless,
2007; Lilienfeld, 2010; Stewart et al., 2012; Vollmer et al., 2013; Gyani et al., 2014),
industrial-organisational psychologists (Briner et al., 2011; Bartlett & Francis-Smythe,
2016), and school psychologists (Murphy Paul, 2005; Lilienfeld et al., 2012; Pasquinelli,
2012; Dekker et al., 2012). There is also the troubling observation that psychology
practitioners do not seem to learn much from their experience once the studies are
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 587
over, given that experienced therapists do not obtain better results than therapists just
finishing their studies (Spengler et al., 2009; Vollmer et al., 2013; Tracey et al., 2014;
Mason et al., 2016; Schulte-Mecklenbeck et al., 2017). In this respect, psychologists
may take some comfort from knowing that the same is true for medical practitioners.
Jena et al. (2018) reported lower mortality rates due to heart failure or cardiac arrest
when patients were admitted to hospital during cardiology meetings (when the senior
cardiologists were absent) than on non-meeting days.
The observation that psychology practitioners (just like many other practitioners)
happily forget most of what they were taught during their studies and perpetuate exist-
ing customs and traditions is a clear example of how society moulds psychology (and
psychologists). Shah et al. (2017) tried to understand why it is so difficult for people
to use the scientific method. They ventured five reasons:
1. We are influenced too much by anecdotes.
2. We overestimate our comprehension of science.
3. Our prior beliefs have a strong influence.
4. We are affected too much by graphs, formulas and meaningless neuroscience.
5. A lot of our reasoning is motivated reasoning (reasoning inspired by a desire to
arrive at a specific conclusion).
A sixth variable impeding the use of the scientific method is the fact that the conse-
quences of our errors are sometimes minimal for our own functioning and that in such
situations we rarely seek feedback about the quality of our actions and decisions. As
a result, we can remain blissfully unaware of how bad we are. According to Hogarth
(2005) and Kardes (2006) we only develop good intuitions about what works and what
not, when we get frequent, rapid, unambiguous feedback. When there is no feedback,
we must rely on science.
A seventh consideration is that the incremental improvement due to scientific
knowledge is often limited. Although applying scientific knowledge has a statistically
significant effect on performance, the practical improvement may remain small. For
instance, in Chapter 8 we discussed how personnel selection improves considerably
when IQ tests, structured interviews and personality tests are used. However, extra
gain from more tests is often small (e.g., Mussel, 2012; Sackett et al., 2017).
In addition, there is the knowledge that new scientific insights regularly turn out to
be wrong (Chapter 11), and there has been some research suggesting that intuitive deci-
sions are better than analytical, scientific thinking (Wilson & Schooler, 1991; Ambady
et al., 2006; Kahneman, 2011). Such research may suggest that it is not so important for
practitioners to draw on scientific knowledge. However, as we have seen in Chapter 11,
much of the evidence for the superiority of unconscious thinking has recently been
called into question (also see Nieuwenstein et al., 2015; Vadillo et al., 2015).
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588 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 589
Within Foucault’s world view, the primary role of psychologists is to help with the
surveillance of mental health patients, students, employees and everyone else they are
asked to assess and advise. The main task of psychologists is not to help clients, but to
keep them in line with the prevailing social organisation. Baritz (1960), for instance,
showed how psychologists and other social scientists nearly always chose the side of
employers and not that of employees. He called them “servants of power” (see also Brief
2000). This explains (part of) the popularity of psychologists’ tests. As Hanson wrote:
What is unique about [medical and psychological] testing is that it has brought knowl-
edge, control, and the social definition of the person to a new level of perfection and
totality. Never before has any society deployed such a rich and ingenious panoply of
dedicated techniques to scan, weigh, peruse, probe, and record the minutiae of its mem-
bers’ personal traits and life experiences. Never before has science, with all the power
and prestige that have come to be associated with it, been brought so fully to bear on the
problem of generating, storing, and retrieving precise knowledge about so many facets
of the human individual. As a result of so much testing, it is certainly fair to say that
more knowledge has been accumulated about individuals in contemporary society than
at any previous time in history. This knowledge is used to control the behavior of indi-
viduals and also to characterize them in terms of their achievements and talents, their
physical and mental characteristics, their normalities and abnormalities as measured
along innumerable dimensions, many of which were not even recognized a century ago.
(Hanson, 1993: 5)
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590 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
Corporate interests
Though personality tests were developed by psychologists, their most enthusiastic
proponents are often non-psychologists (Murphy Paul, 2005). Publishing companies
frequently see the commissioning of popular psychological tests as a means of increas-
ing revenue. These publishing companies then advertise use of the tests in a variety of
settings (e.g. assessment of disorders, tests of wellbeing in schools, personnel selec-
tion in businesses). Similarly, though psychologists may be best equipped to use and
interpret these tests, most often these tests are administered by non-psychologists who
have received limited psychological training (Murphy Paul, 2005). There is a demand in
society to gain quantitative measures of aspects of personality, and for the companies
pushing use of these tests, sales are more important than whimsical demands from
academic psychologists, such as reliability and validity (Chapter 8).
In the twentieth century universities became commercially oriented too. Members
of staff were encouraged to take patents and to commercialise the products they devel-
oped, so that the university could profit from the income. A consequence is that an
increasing number of tests and assessment protocols are locked behind a paywall. A
similar story can be told about textbook publishers, which value sales more than dis-
tribution of knowledge. Other examples of corporate interests are the use of psycho-
logical research techniques to profile personalities of users of online social networks
(Back et al., 2010) and to sell them for profit (Isaak & Hanna, 2018), and the alleged
use of conditioning techniques to keep people hooked on their smartphones (Haynes,
2018; Stolzhoff, 2018).
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 591
It can be argued that the status of pseudoscience has grown because of the post-
modernist claim that science is nothing but a social construction by the community
of scientists (see the ‘science wars’ in Chapter 9). Because postmodernists deny the
objectiveness of scientific knowledge, they no longer make a distinction between
evidence-based statements and made-up statements. The dangers of this attitude
were illustrated by the American physicist Alan Sokal in 1996 when he submitted a
manuscript for a special issue of the postmodernist journal Social Text devoted to
the science wars. The manuscript, entitled ‘Transgressing the boundaries: Toward a
transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity’, defended an extreme form of cog-
nitive relativism. It claimed that there was no external world, whose properties were
‘independent of any individual human being and indeed of humanity as a whole’. As
a result, it arrived at the conclusion that mathematical and physical notions such as
Euclid’s p (used for calculating the area and the circumference of a circle), formerly
thought to be constant and universal, should be seen in their ‘ineluctable historicity’.
The manuscript was accepted for publication without the need for any major revi-
sion, and published (Sokal, 1996a). Sokal immediately wrote an accompanying article,
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592 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
in which he revealed the parody and showed how unfounded and nonsensical his claims
were (Sokal, 1996b). The original manuscript had been written with such leaps of
logic ‘that any competent physicist or mathematician (or undergraduate physics or
math major) would realize that it is a spoof’ (Sokal, 1996b: 62). The fact that the
paper was nevertheless published in a leading humanist journal showed how close the
postmodernist view of science had come to pseudoscience (or any of the other words
mentioned above), as can be seen in the following excerpts from Sokal:
to test the prevailing intellectual standards, I decided to try a modest (though admit-
tedly uncontrolled) experiment: Would a leading North American journal of cultural
studies . . . publish an article liberally salted with nonsense if (a) it sounded good and
(b) it flattered the editors’ ideological preconceptions?
The results of my little experiment demonstrate, at the very least, that some fashion-
able sectors of the American academic Left have been getting intellectually lazy. The
editors of Social Text liked my article because they liked its conclusion: that ‘the content
and methodology of postmodern science provide powerful intellectual support for the
progressive political project.’ They apparently felt no need to analyse the quality of the
evidence, the cogency of the arguments, or even the relevance of the arguments to the
purported conclusion.
(Sokal, 1996b: 62)
In a later publication with the physicist, Jean Bricmont, Sokal stepped up his criti-
cism. Sokal and Bricmont (1997) accused the postmodernists of abusing concepts and
terminology coming from mathematics and physics by:
● referring to scientific theories about which they have, at best, an exceedingly hazy
understanding; scientific terminology is used without bothering about what the
words actually mean,
● importing concepts from the natural sciences without the slightest conceptual or
empirical justification,
● displaying a superficial erudition by shamelessly throwing around technical terms
in a context where they are completely irrelevant, with the sole goal to impress and
intimidate the non-scientist reader.
Although Sokal’s initiative had a strong impact, it did not stop the publication of
unsubstantiated claims in academic journals. Between 2017 and 2018, Boghossian,
Lindsay and Pluckrose submitted a series of hoax articles to journals of gender and
social studies to test the quality of peer review (one of them was called ‘The concep-
tual penis as a social construct’). Several of the articles got accepted. Perhaps as a sign
of the changed times, the authors not only received praise (as Sokal did), but were also
criticised for misusing the publication system (as you can easily find on the internet).
One of the authors even got investigated for misconduct by their university. As we saw
in Chapter 11, the situation has not improved with the rise of predatory journals will-
ing to publish anything for an article processing charge. McKay and Coltheart (2017)
got an article accepted that did not pretend to make a coherent story.
Postmodernist revisions may also have costs for psychology. ‘Freeing psychology
from its shackles of methods and theories’ (Forshaw, 2007) may be appealing (e.g.
to students taking their exams), but is unlikely to improve the quality of the services
psychologists provide (APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice, 2006).
There is no evidence that untrained managers are able to select personnel as well as
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14.1 Ways in which society has influenced psychology 593
qualified psychologists (quite on the contrary, as we have seen in Chapters 8 and 12)
and the thought of having untutored people give therapy simply on the basis of their
own intuitions and whims is not particularly reassuring either. There is a good deal of
evidence that bona fide treatments (i.e. treatments based on therapies that have been
validated and accepted in mainstream psychology) are better than non-bona fide treat-
ments (Wampold et al., 2002; see also Messer, 2004; Brouwer et al., 2019). Indeed, in
most countries the main problem is not that existing psychologists are abusing their
powers (although individual cases exist) but to protect clients from bogus therapists.
Although scepticism of overdrawn scientific claims is healthy (Chapters 9 and 11), it
may be good to keep in mind that a number of people are willing to assume scientific
credentials (and the accompanying status in contemporary society) without the cor-
responding knowledge, training or ethics.
The misuse of psychological knowledge in times of war
An even more worrying concern is that psychological knowledge may be misused
against people by psychologists themselves. An alleged example of such exploitation
is the use of interrogation techniques based on learned helplessness in war prisoners
(for a review, see Mayer, 2008). Research in the 1960s suggested that subjecting dogs
to a series of electric shocks from which they could not escape destroyed them emo-
tionally, so that they no longer tried to escape when, later, there was the possibility
to do so. This research on learned helplessness was important for the understanding
of feelings of depression in individuals who no longer had control of their situation.
Gradually it also became incorporated in the training of soldiers, to warn them in
case they were captured.
At some point, however, according to Mayer the knowledge was reverse-engineered
(by CIA psychologists) and used against so-called ‘enemy combatants’ in the American
War on Terror. Although the charge provoked a sturdy response from the American
Psychological Association, which issued a resolution reaffirming its position against
torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of enemy combatants, con-
cerns have been raised that the APA response was not fast enough and lacked the
authority to prevent similar events in the future (e.g. Welch, 2009). At least, the inci-
dent was a wake-up call that psychology is not immune to abuse of its knowledge and
that psychologists may be actively involved in such mistreatment.
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594 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
that psychologists have not played their cards well in the power games so far. They
point to the following ‘blunders’ that have been made:
1. Psychologists have not been able to convince society that they have specific, worth-
while knowledge. In particular, they have failed to show that higher-level study (e.g.
a master’s or PhD in clinical psychology) add further benefits.
2. Psychology has failed to form a proper alliance with medicine. There should be a
psychologist in every primary care setting. The fact that this is not the case is due
to the resistance of psychologists to the medical profession and to the fact that
psychologists are single-minded about what treatment they are willing to offer (e.g.
50-minute therapy sessions). The consequence is that functions psychologists should
have (support, counselling, encouraging people to engage in health-improving activ-
ities, making sure patients adhere to their treatments, etc.) are taken up by nurses.
3. Psychology has failed to form a proper alliance with religion. Thus, its standing
within church-related social and health services is compromised.
4. Academic and professional psychologists have failed to form a proper alliance, sup-
porting and improving each other. As a result, education is less than optimal and
practitioners have not been helped by academics to carve their niches.
5. Psychologists have a disparaging attitude to and poor knowledge of money and
economics, and as a result, they undersell themselves.
According to Cummings and O’Donohue (2008), psychologists must get their act
together if they want to have real standing in society. Currently they punch below
their weight.
An interesting contrast is that between psychology departments and business
schools. Psychologists are increasingly employed in business schools, management
schools and departments of economics, because they have the knowledge and tools
to understand behaviour. These schools and departments see industrial and organisa-
tional psychology as valuable targets to increase their market share, and thus confer
considerable value and social status on those with expertise in these fields.
Interim summary
The ways in which society has influenced psychology
● A first factor in the growth of psychology was the decline of the impact of religion and
the increase of scientific thinking in Western society.
● Society also provided topics and metaphors to the psychological researchers. Metaphors
are analogies that help psychologists to better understand the phenomena they are
investigating (e.g. the mind as a computer).
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 595
● Because science is a social enterprise, socio-political values have influenced the ideas
psychologists put forward and the theories they examined. We illustrated this with the
different views on intelligence testing and the changing roles of social and biological
factors in gender identity.
● Society also influences the daily practice of psychologists. For instance, it has led to
more interest in ethical issues and to an increased use of psychological tests in courts.
● According to sociologists, psychologists have been used in the power games
that are going on in society. Foucault argued that psychologists were used for
the surveillance of various groups. Psychology’s findings have also been used by
companies and pseudo-scientists, who freely combined evidence-based statements with
made-up claims.
● Furthermore, there is the concern that psychological knowledge may be misused against
people (e.g. prisoners). Finally, some authors argue that psychologists have not played
their cards well in the power games so far, so that their standing in society is lower than
it could be.
In this section we will discuss ways in which psychology is thought to have influenced
(Western) society. In particular, we will focus on the critiques raised against psychol-
ogy, as these tend to be covered less well in traditional psychology courses and help you
to better understand the perceived role of psychologists in present-day life.
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596 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
over time, whereas emotional ties have grown in importance. The sociologist Steven
Ward (2002), who critically reviewed the development of psychology, used the word in
psychologisation a slightly different way. In his view, psychologisation refers to the growing impact of
word used with two psychology on society. This is how he started his final chapter, entitled ‘The psycholo-
different meanings gization of the United States’:
referring to: (1) the fact
that emotional ties and Throughout this book I have tried to illustrate how over the course of the last century
personal well-being have psychological categories and practices became ‘naturalized.’ As this happened, psychol-
become important in
primary social relations,
ogy, like other naturalized ideas and categories, ‘disappeared into infrastructure, into
or (2) the growing impact habit, into the taken for granted’ . . .
of psychology on the way Psychology’s presence in schools, workplaces and homes is now an ordinary and
people see themselves and seemingly indispensable feature of the cultural landscape. As a result of its presence
interact with others we are now aware that there are children with varying IQ levels, that motivation can
be enhanced through certain psychological techniques, that healthy marriages neces-
sitate open communication, that people have certain psychological needs that require
fulfillment, that aptitude can be gauged through psychological measurements and that
self-esteem determines how we interact with others . . . As a result of this naturalization
process, psychology is now ‘part of the order of the universe’.
(Ward, 2002: 217)
A definition similar to Ward’s was used by Gulerce (2006), who argued that psycholo-
gisation is not limited to the Western world, but is becoming a global phenomenon. It
is also the definition we will use in this chapter. In the sections below we review some
more examples of the ways in which psychology has influenced society.
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 597
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598 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
4. An exposition of ideas scale: the subject is given 5 minutes to read a page of text and
30 minutes to present a clear and accurate written account of it, including original
examples and applications. A possible example of such a text is a page from the
French philosopher Rousseau describing his distinction between self-love (amour
de soi) and selfishness (amour propre).
5. A small-talk scale: evaluates the subject’s ability to carry on an interesting conversa-
tion with someone he/she has never met.
6. A bullshitting scale: evaluates the subject’s skill at participating in a discussion with
two other people on a topic about which he/she knows nothing.
7. A follow-the-directions scale: the subject is told once, at the speed of ordinary
conversation, to do a task that consists of six distinct steps and is evaluated on how
well the task is accomplished.
8. The adult sports scale: measures the subject’s ability to play golf or tennis.
9. The SES scale: is a rating of the subject according to the parental socioeconomic
Hanson argued that if this scale (which he purposely called the nitwit scale) had
attained the same status as Binet and Simon’s, then this is how intelligence would
have been defined by society. The resulting nitwit score would have indicated whether
a student was given entry to various schools and universities, whether they would be
given particular jobs, and how much on average they would earn. As a result, people
would see the nitwit score as an indication of a unitary trait, representing the worth of
a person. A further exciting development would be a distinction between culture-free
nitwit tests (measuring a person’s potential and making it possible for psychologists
to measure the heredity of the trait) and nitwit achievement tests (making it possible
to assess how well students master nitwit).
Society adapts to the label
Hanson further argued that once a psychological label has become reality, society
starts to adapt itself to the new measure, thereby further increasing the reality of
the concept. With respect to the New Intelligence Test, Hanson mused how parents
would agonise whether their children are nitwitty enough, how they could be helped
to attain their maximum nitwit potential, and how to make sure that children do not
underestimate the importance of doing well on nitwit tests. As Hanson wrote:
They would review arithmetic and algebra, they would master techniques for remem-
bering the names of strangers, they would practice bullshitting, they would take golf
and tennis lessons, they would groom themselves to appear more likable on first sight.
High school and college curricula would shift in the direction of more training in the
areas covered by the NIT (if they did not, irate parents would demand to know why
their children were not being taught something useful).
(Hanson, 1993: 280)
A complete industry of nitwit study guides and training courses would become avail-
able, supervised by nitwit specialists and also seized upon by pseudo-psychologists,
who would try to make a good living out of it (possibly helped by their high scores on
the scales of first impression, small-talk and bullshitting).
This, Hanson argued, is what has happened to the IQ test and the derived achieve-
ment tests. They have become all-pervasive in Western society without anybody
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 599
knowing what they were measuring and whether they really mattered. However, as a
result of society’s eagerness to adapt, year after year the test is becoming more ines-
capable, because it measures one of the most important aspects of Western society.
Greenfield (1998) listed three ways in which Western views of intelligence reflect
choices that could have been different:
● Intelligence is more about understanding the physical world rather than the social
● Intelligence is more about thinking for yourself rather than thinking for the group
you belong to.
● Intelligence is about being able to respond fast.
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600 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
of the compulsory education introduced in one country after the other. As Ward
With such a rapid expansion, educators yearned to obtain professional status, public
respect and a means for managing the onslaught of new students. Psychologists were
in the unique position of being able to offer assistance in all three of these objectives.
(Ward, 2002: 60)
Psychologists, eager to prove their usefulness, swiftly became involved in educa-
tional matters. Already in 1892, William James had given a series of public lectures to
teachers. He was soon followed by Stanley Hall and, above all, by Edward Thorndike,
who in 1906 published The Principles of Teaching based on Psychology and in 1910
founded the Journal of Educational Psychology. Rapidly, psychologists and teachers
agreed that psychology was a core component of a teacher’s qualification. In addition,
psychology started to introduce its intelligence tests in schools and began to lobby for
school counsellors. As Ward (2002) noted, schools were the first arena in which society
was psychologised.
Advising parents
From its stronghold in schools, it was a small step to raid the fledgling literature of
parenting. Psychologists became involved in manuals about how to raise children. The
pioneer here was Stanley Hall, who published widely about adolescents (Chapter 10).
Another well-known psychologist venturing into the domain was the behaviourist
John Watson, who urged parents to raise children according to behaviourist principles
(Chapter 9). The end result was that new mothers felt less and less secure in relying on
the advice of their own mothers, but took for granted that they needed ‘expert’ advice
is order to properly educate their children. Just a quick trip to your local bookshop
will reveal that there has been no slow-down in the publication of parenting manuals
based on psychological (or pseudo-psychological) thinking.
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 601
new needs. They are not in the first place concerned with helping people, but with
trying to make individuals dependent on their services. The following quote is typical
of Illich’s approach:
Intensive education turns autodidacts into unemployables, intensive agriculture destroys
the subsistence farmer, and the deployment of police undermines the community’s self-
control. The malignant spread of medicine has comparable results: it turns mutual care
and self-medication into misdemeanors or felonies.
(Illich, 1976: 42)
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602 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
Date tubercle bacillus
Start of BCG
expectancy that have occurred. A vast amount of contemporary clinical care is inciden-
tal to the curing of disease, but the damage done by medicine to the health of individu-
als and populations is very significant. These facts are obvious, well documented, and
well repressed.
(Illich, 1976: 14–15)
Arguably, Illich’s criticisms are nowhere more relevant than with respect to antidepres-
sants. Since their discovery in the 1950s, sales have increased to such an extent that
currently 10% of the adult population is estimated to have taken them at least once.
Prescription was encouraged by the strong, helpful effect reported. Only later did it
become clear that most of the effect was due to a placebo effect and that the same dif-
ference was obtained when people took pills without the critical substance affecting
neurotransmitters in the brain (Kirsch & Sapirstein, 1999). At present there is discus-
sion whether there is any therapeutic effect of antidepressants left beyond the placebo
effect (de Vries et al., 2018; Ormel et al., 2020), making some economists wonder to
what extent they still qualify as medicine or whether they should be considered con-
sumer goods (Katolik & Oswald, 2017).
A contributor to the success of antidepressants were the many marketing campaigns
set up by pharmaceutical firms, making depression sound like a rather common event
(a cold) that could easily be cured with pills. In the next section, we take a close look
at how these campaigns evolved in Japan.
Marketing depression in Japan
The journalist Ethan Watters (2010: Chapter 4) documents how pharmaceutical com-
panies, in line with Illich’s analysis, promoted antidepressants in Japan in the early
2000s. The use of these drugs was much lower in Japan than in Western countries,
despite comparable living standards. To understand this difference, a group of psy-
chiatrists, psychologists and anthropologists specialising in health-related cultural
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 603
differences was convened. At this conference it became clear that the American
definition of depression was not universal. Many cultures did not share the American
willingness to express distressful emotions and feelings to strangers and did not con-
sider these as a health care issue. Rather they saw ‘depression-related’ symptoms as
signs of social, spiritual or moral discord, which had to be sorted out through conver-
sations with family members, community elders or spiritual leaders. As a result, they
were unlikely to go to a physician asking for drugs to treat the condition.
Specifically with respect to Japanese people, it became clear that sad feelings for
them were more related to others than the Western inward definition based on internal
emotional states. The Japanese word for depression referred to a rare, severe condi-
tion thought to be inborn and incurable. As a result, Japanese psychiatrists felt little
affinity with many Western writings about depression. The only equivalent they could
think of was the term melancholic personality type introduced in the 1960s by a Ger-
man professor. This term had caught on in Japan because its definition was close to
a personality style well-known and respected in Japan: someone who was serious,
diligent, thoughtful and concerned about the welfare of others, and who could become
overwhelmed with sadness when upheaval threatened that welfare.
Adverts were launched alluding to the melancholic personality type (with its posi-
tive connotations of being sensitive to the welfare of others and to discord within
the family or group). The adverts also compared depressive feelings to a ‘cold of the
soul’, suggesting that it could happen to everyone and that it was perfectly treatable
with drugs. Gradually, these messages were picked up by newspapers and magazines
and, as hoped, the sales of antidepressants started to increase. At last, the Japanese
population was convinced of the existence of ‘depression’ as defined in the Western
world (in particular, by pharmaceutical companies).
The extension to psychology
Creating needs is not limited to the medical profession and pharmaceutical compa-
nies. According to sociologists, very much the same is true for psychologists. To them
the extension is obvious: psychologists are not in the first place interested in helping
people, but in creating needs so that they can expand their industry. This thinking can
be found in several places, for instance in the following quote:
In recent times, we have witnessed a marked rise in the discovery of numerous psy-
chopathologies and syndromes. A wide variety of psychological difficulties and prob-
lems are now recognized as constituting identifiable symptoms or characteristics of
syndromes previously unheard of. PreMenstrual Syndrome (PMS), battered woman
syndrome, and attention-deficit disorder are just some of the disorders lately ‘discov-
ered’ and offered up for public attention. Alongside this increase in the discovery and
categorization of these types of problems is a parallel rise in the provision of counselling
and therapy. Of course, if these syndromes are indeed unmitigated discoveries, the rise
in therapy provision is an unambiguous blessing. However, it can be argued that the
therapy industry, like any other, creates as well as serves a need.
(Burr & Butt, 2000: 186)
Another author very critical of the contribution of psychological therapy is the
British sociologist Frank Furedi (e.g. Furedi, 2004). In his view, normal everyday wor-
ries are given unnecessary psychological labels and put in line for psychological and
medical treatment. A therapeutic ethos is pervading society, which can be summarised
as follows. Currently people are exposed to much more stress than before. Only the
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604 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
strongest can withstand such stress without therapeutic help. Most individuals are bio-
logically and psychologically vulnerable to developing some form of mental disorder.
Help should primarily be geared towards the individual, to make them biologically
and psychologically stronger by means of drugs and psychotherapy. People are told to
avoid stressful situations and to expect severe emotional distress otherwise:
The expansion of therapeutic intervention into all areas of society has been remarkable.
Even institutions which explicitly depend on the spirit of stoicism and sacrifice, such as
the military, police and emergency services are now plagued with problems of emotion.
It is often claimed that police and emergency personnel are particularly susceptible to
stress-related illnesses, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The very con-
duct of war is regularly portrayed through the language of mental illness.
(Furedi, 2004: 11)
The outcome of the therapeutic ethos is not, according to Furedi, that people feel
better and stronger (as psychologists want them to believe) but weaker and anxious,
dependent on psychology’s services. The ethos is not making individuals more resil-
ient, but installs in them maladaptive schemas and makes them prone to rumination (in
line with suggestions made by Ellis, Beck and Nolen-Hoeksema; Chapter 13). People
are taught to expect stress from all possible changes and to feel bad about it.
Ecclestone and Hayes (2009) argue that the same therapeutic ethos has pervaded
(British) education. Education no longer is an enterprise in which young and energetic
pupils are taught useful skills and knowledge by confident teachers. Instead, it has
turned into a system of ‘therapeutic education’ in which cautious, hesitant adults try
to guide vulnerable, at-risk children who are on the verge of losing their self-esteem.
The bad feelings expected to result from school and life experiences are dealt with
by forcing pupils into an endless series of therapeutic activities based on disclosing
emotions to others (peers, teachers, tutors, counsellors and therapists). Challenges
and transitions are no longer seen as opportunities but as sources of stress for which
pupils need emotional support and guidance, even those who on the surface do not
‘seem’ to need help.
The end result, according to Eccleston and Hayes, is not that children feel happier
and more resilient but turn into anxious and self-preoccupied individuals, afraid of
taking initiative and devoid of proper subject knowledge, because ‘teachers are also
required to surrender their subject authority and to reveal their own uncertainties:
indeed, too much commitment to subjects is now seen as “dysfunctional”’ (2009: 80).
After having described the effects of therapeutic education in primary and second-
ary school, this is how Ecclestone and Hayes (2009: 87–89) depict students’ entry into
the ‘therapeutic university’:
Students once went to school. They did not go there to receive therapy but went in
the hope of receiving something called ‘an education’. As we have shown in previous
chapters, they will increasingly have experienced training in therapeutic activities. More
and more young people are therefore increasingly likely to come to university with the
expectations that reflect their therapeutic education. . . .
Once, the experience of going to university was worthwhile precisely because of
opportunities for new and challenging ideas, while the practical and personal challenges
of moving away from home were insignificant in the excitement of facing intellectual
challenge. Now, far from being a relief, these challenges make students anxious.
Even if students do not come with parents holding their hands, paid professionals
are there to act in loco parentis. Supporting students has now become a major focus of
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 605
university work. There are transitional support groups and processes, explicit counsel-
ling to deal with personal problems, and courses to help students cope with examination
stress. . . .
Even if students leave their parents and their new professional parents behind and
are ready for an intellectual challenge, they will learn that academic life is fraught with
dangers that could affect their emotional health and well-being. Their first week will be
spent on ‘Induction’ courses designed by administrators, student services and academics
that will be about advice and support and little else. The assumption of such courses is
that young people are increasingly unable to cope with the changes involved in leaving
home and going to university.
The outcome of the therapeutic academic education for Eccleston and Hayes (2009:
104) has been more beneficial for psychologists than for students and lecturers. Univer-
sities no longer produce academics who are natural critics with confident, independent
minds, but socially passive individuals with threatened selves. Lecturers are told no
longer to consider courses as intellectual opportunities for students, but as possible
stress generators that must be delivered carefully and cautiously. The only ones to
profit from this situation are the psychologists and social workers who are called upon
in ever increasing numbers to ‘help’ students cope with the stress, to ‘support’ staff
and administrators trying to manage the torrent of emotional turmoil, and to evaluate
the progress thus far.
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606 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
was provided. Discussion groups and play groups (for the children) were organised
amidst the rubble to relieve and neutralise the horrors gone through. Apart from ques-
tions about whether there is something like a genuine PTSD for natural disasters (the
term was coined after the Vietnam War) and how effective psychotherapeutic help is
for such a condition, Watters noted how little these initiatives struck a chord with the
locals and how, immediately following the disaster, many reporters and medical staff
arriving in aid convoys were confused, even worried, when locals did not behave in the
way they had expected them to. A counsellor interviewed on the BBC, for example,
worried that the local children seemed more interested in getting back to school than
discussing their tsunami experience. She thought them ‘clearly in denial’, assuming
that their denial would have incurable consequences later on if not addressed at once.
In the same vein, reporters from CNN were amazed when Sri Lankan refugees chose
to leave the camps in their thousands just a few days after the disaster, seemingly pre-
ferring a return to their ruined villages (Watters, 2010: 77).
The mental health professionals disagreed with the locals on another aspect. Many
victims of the disaster sought meaning and sense in religion and superstition. These
too were interpreted as examples of denial and problem avoidance (as if the Enlight-
enment never took place).
The discrepancies between the health professionals and the locals made Watters
(2010: 106) conclude that, despite the best of intentions, humanitarian efforts often
include a form of mass indoctrination. In order to receive help, people first have to
be ‘educated’ about the expected and appropriate reactions to a disaster, and the
‘proper’ ways of dealing with it. In this way, Watters (2010: 4) argued, aid workers
spread Western ideas about mental health around the world as rapidly as ‘fast food
and rap music’.
Imposing Western views can be defended if they help people more than the existing
beliefs. However, Watters doubted this was the case. By promoting the view that all
responsibility for making sense of the world and dealing with adversity lay within the
individual, Western psychologists deprive victims of the beliefs and narratives within
their culture that may help them to understand their suffering. By denying the value
of traditional cultural and religious beliefs, Western psychologists risk taking away
from the victims the very places where they can find comfort, understanding and the
strength to carry on. Imagine, Watters wrote, if people from Mozambique flew over
to the United States after 9/11 and started telling traumatised survivors they needed to
follow a series of rituals in order to detach themselves from their deceased loved ones.
How helpful would that be for the victims?
Psychologists are not politically neutral
A number of authors have argued that psychologists within the Western world are
not politically neutral. For instance, the American lawyer and psychologist Richard
Redding (2001) observed that although psychologists celebrate diversity, recognise
the value and legitimacy of diverse beliefs and by their own admission strive to be
inclusive, conservatives are a vastly underrepresented and marginalised minority
in psychology (see Table 14.2 for ways in which conservative and liberal views dif-
fer). In an analysis of two social journals, Redding found that only 1 in 30 articles
reflected conservative values; the others all advanced liberal themes and policies (see
also Inbar & Lammers, 2012; Eitan et al., 2018). Similarly, he noticed that in Amer-
ica, psychology departments rank fifth in the percentage of staff who call themselves
politically liberal.
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 607
Table 14.2 Some differences between conservative (right-wing) and liberal (left-wing) world views
Conservative Liberal
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608 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
Psychology increases the weight of science in the competition with the humanities
In Chapter 10 and the present chapter, we saw that a considerable segment of academic
psychologists view themselves as humanists, and that many psychology practitioners
discard their scientific knowledge on completion of their studies. However, it cannot
be denied that mainstream psychology has chosen the side of science in the two cul-
tures’ competition. Indeed, the raison d’être for psychology as a separate branch of
knowledge was the scientific study of the human mind (Chapters 4 and 5).
As a result, psychology as a discipline has largely promoted the virtues of the sci-
entific approach and downplayed the contribution of the humanities. Indeed, some
psychologists have been among the most ardent promoters of the positivist movement,
praising the progress of science as opposed to the standstill of humanist knowledge,
as can be seen in the following citation:
Greek physics and biology are now of historical interest only (no modern physicist or
biologist would turn to Aristotle for help), but the dialogues of Plato are still assigned
to students and cited as if they threw light on human behavior. Aristotle could not have
understood a page of modern physics or biology, but Socrates and his friends would
have little trouble in following most current discussions of human affairs. And as to
technology, we have made immense strides in controlling the physical and biological
worlds, but our practices in government, education, and much of economics, though
adapted to very different conditions, have not greatly improved.
(Skinner, 1971: 11)
Similarly, many psychology researchers in their communication with the general public
stress the superiority of their findings relative to common knowledge, because their
findings are based on scientific evidence. In doing so, they use the positivistic discourse
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14.2 Ways in which psychology has influenced society 609
about scientific evidence (always correct and trustworthy) rather than the more cor-
rect Popperian or Kuhnian interpretation (Chapter 9). They most certainly are not
referring to Feyerabend’s (1975) recommendation that politicians must not be replaced
by scientists, because the latter are too often carried away by their latest theories and
hypotheses (which still have to be slaughtered by their peers or by a paradigm shift).
Psychologists are not neutral to religion
Authors who point to the liberal and scientific biases of psychologists also raise the
issue of the consequences this has for psychologists’ views about religion, which in
general tend to be rather sceptical. This is how Cummings and O’Donohue (2008:
196) phrased it:
It never ceases to amaze me how many prominent, virulently antireligious psychologists
I meet; it is also obvious that negative attitudes toward religion have become politically
correct in psychology. . . . Unfortunately, this has damaged the APA’s credibility as a
scientific/professional body. It is increasingly viewed as just another political advocacy
group that speaks from ideology rather than science.
As we saw above, Watters (2010), in a very different context, also noticed that few
psychologists are able to see religion as a source giving meaning to life and adversity.
Even if psychologists do not talk openly about their religious views, in subtle ways
their attitudes impose values on the people they work with.
Interim summary
Critical views about the ways in which psychology has
influenced society
● Psychology has contributed to the psychologisation of society. This word refers to two
phenomena: first, to the fact that individuals have become seen as persons with their
own thoughts and emotions, second, to the growing impact of psychology on the way
people interact.
● Labels introduced by psychology have become social realities, because they influenced
the way people saw themselves and others, and because society adapted itself to the new
labels, despite the fact that they were to some extent arbitrary.
● Psychologists have tried to increase their power by making alliances with established
groups, such as the natural sciences, and by extending their reach to new, upcoming
groups (e.g. educationists).
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610 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
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14.3 Focus on: To what extent have psychologists been able to change the negative image of mental disorders? 611
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612 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
When Link et al. (1999) asked their questions about willingness to interact with
Mary, the answers they got shifted towards the alternative ‘rather not’ (mean score of
2.75), indicating that the participants preferred to keep their distance from Mary. Simi-
lar data were found for alcohol dependence (2.85), major depressive disorder (2.54)
and cocaine dependence (3.20). On the basis of their findings, the authors concluded
that the situation at the end of the twentieth century was still very much as Star had
described it nearly half a century before:
Mental illness is a very threatening, fearful thing and not an idea to be entertained
lightly about anyone. Emotionally, it represents to people a loss of what they consider
to be the distinctively human qualities of rationality and free will, and there is kind of a
horror in dehumanization. As both our data and other studies make clear, mental illness
is something that people want to keep as far from themselves as possible.
(Star, 1950, as cited in Link et al., 1999: 1331)
stigma Many studies have since confirmed that mental health problems carry a stigma,
attribute that is deeply defined by Goffman (1963) as an attribute that is deeply discrediting and that reduces
discrediting and that the bearer from a whole and usual person to a tainted, discounted one (Link et al.,
reduces the bearer to a
tainted and discounted
2004; Wood et al., 2014; Ahmed et al., 2019). To some extent this is surprising, given
person that the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in the Western world is estimated at
more than 40% (Kessler et al., 2005; Merikangas et al., 2010), meaning that nearly half
the population at some point in their life may be diagnosed with a mental disorder,
for which they are likely to seek help. The most prevalent disorders are major depres-
sive disorder (17%), alcohol abuse (13%), specific phobias (12%) and social phobia
(12%). The persistent stigma shows that, whatever influence psychology has on society,
at present it is not enough to counterbalance the deep negative attitude the public has
towards individuals with mental problems.
Mechanisms behind the negative image
To understand why mental health problems continue to carry such a stigma in our
society despite the meagre empirical evidence for it, we need to know what mecha-
nisms underlie it. For instance, we could follow Foucault’s argument that mad people
have been singled out by society as outcasts, to make everyone else feel better and as a
surveillance threat (‘if you don’t behave well, you will end up in the group of the mad’).
In that case, the conclusion would have to be that no matter how much effort psycholo-
gists put into the case, it will be wasted energy. The group of the mad is needed for the
other groups to feel better, and if the madness stigma were to disappear, a replacement
group would have to be found.
Another view is that the stigma of mental illness is a social stereotype, due to the
fact that the public has little veridical information about mental illnesses. There is
considerable evidence for this. For instance, the public makes few distinctions between
the different types of disorders and their impact on a person’s life. When Angermeyer
and Matschinger (2005) phoned a representative sample of 1,000 Germans to ask what
a bipolar disorder was and gave four response alternatives, only 5% of the group knew
the disorder referred to a mental health problem. The majority of the interviewees
(61%) thought it had to do with global warming and the melting of the ice at the
North and the South Poles.
A second finding is that few people indicate that they have direct experience with
mental health patients (which incidentally suggests how much mental health problems
are hidden). Most information seems to come from the media, in particular television
M14 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 612 16/09/2020 19:55
14.3 Focus on: To what extent have psychologists been able to change the negative image of mental disorders? 613
and newspapers. They seem to be the major sources of the negative image, because they
portray people with mental health problems as devoid of interesting attributes, severely
affected and above all as dangerous (Stuart, 2006; Nairn, 2007; Ross et al., 2019). It
starts as early as children’s cartoons (Wilson et al., 2000), where characters with mental
illnesses serve comic roles or act as evil villains, and where commonly occurring terms
such as ‘crazy’, ‘mad’ and ‘losing your mind’ consistently denote loss of control.
Prime television series and films also portray people with mental health problems
as dangerous individuals. Of the 20 characters Wilson et al. (1999) randomly selected,
15 were portrayed as violent, unpredictable, unproductive, asocial, incompetent and
unreliable. Corrigan et al. (2005) analysed American newspapers. Of the articles refer-
ring to mental health problems, 39% contained an association with violence. These
usually figured on the front pages of tabloids (e.g. when a murder had been committed
by someone who had been treated by the mental health services). The ones that gave
a more representative picture were usually in the scientific sections of the more seri-
ous newspapers. Vengut Climent (2018) reported similar findings in other countries.
Nairn and Coverdale (2005) further observed that most articles relating to mental
health problems were stories about people and not stories of people: there were few
first-person stories based on the experiences and the perspectives of persons with men-
tal health problems themselves. In a survey of more than 5,000 respondents, Anger-
meyer et al. (2005) observed that the stigma of mental illness was particularly strong
among those who watched a lot of television and read tabloid newspapers.
This is how the mother of a son with schizophrenia experienced it:
Just look how often and in what sort of magazines you can read something about choles-
terol, for instance. Even in the tabloid press, and so often that you’re getting sick and tired
of it! And when you want to know something about a mental disorder, you only hear about
it when a patient has committed a crime, and that’s all. And this is a really big mistake!
(Schulze & Angermeyer 2003: 306)
According to Link et al. (1999) the association in the media between mental health prob-
lems and danger is by far the strongest reason why the public wants to keep its distance
from individuals with a mental illness. The fact that mental illnesses are so often associ-
ated with violence in the media means that even new patients themselves are scared of
others on their first admissions. This is what a psychiatrist reported in her daily practice:
Or what you see in crime series on TV. It seems there is a particular trend at the moment.
Nearly every week, one of the perpetrators portrayed in these films ends up in a psychiat-
ric hospital, because he’s committed a horrific crime. And this shapes the public image,
also among the patients. They’re afraid they might find themselves attacking someone one
day, and they’d rather not stay at the hospital because they’re scared of the other patients.
(Schulze & Angermeyer, 2003: 305)
Finally, there are suggestions that the way people treat those with poor mental health
has a significant influence on the outcomes of those individuals. This is how the Amer-
ican anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann (2007) described it:
The primary conclusion of the ethnographic research on subjects with schizophrenia
is that the daily experience of survival with serious psychotic illness is one of repeated
social failure . . .
You would expect individuals to experience social defeat when they have an encounter
with another person who demeans them, humiliates them, subordinates them . . . Social
defeat is not so much an idea that someone holds but a human encounter—an important
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614 Chapter 14 Psychology and society
distinction, because to alter individuals’ ideas you can use psychotherapy, but to alter
their encounters, you must change their social world.
(Luhrmann, 2007: 149, 151–2)
Luhrmann (2007) described how a considerable percentage of patients diagnosed
with schizophrenia end up being homeless and dependent on charity. In her view, the
reaction ex-patients receive from others is one of the reasons why the prospects of
recovery are lower in Western countries than in Africa and India, where the extended
family remains more involved in the treatment, where individuals do not have to be
primary breadwinners or caretakers to be useful members of a household, and where
fewer jobs are in fast-paced, high people-contact settings.
More importantly for our present discussion, however, is that all this research seems to
have little impact on the responses people with mental illnesses get from the public. This
brings us back to the original question of the section: how much of psychologisation is due
to psychologists and how much to popular (mis)understanding of psychological findings?
Interim summary
To what extent is the psychologisation of society steered
by psychologists?
● There is a discrepancy between the degree to which Western society has become
psychologised and the impact of psychologists.
● This is because the psychologisation of society is driven to a larger extent by the popular
image of psychology than by what happens in psychological research itself.
M14 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 614 16/09/2020 19:55
References 615
● Knowledge of psychology is largely driven by the media, which often brings a simplified
and sensationalised story in line with popular beliefs and social biases. An example is the
depiction of people with mental disorders and the consequences this has for the ways in
which these persons are treated.
● The discrepancy between what psychology is and what the public thinks of it arguably
confronts us with the biggest conceptual issue of this book: do psychology studies
matter? Do they make a difference to those who research them?
Recommended literature
The influence of the socio-political context on psychol- The Globalization of the American Psyche (New York:
ogy (in particular intelligence testing) is well described in Free Press).
Gould, S.J. (1996) The Mismeasure of Man (New York:
For the ways in which social groups try to increase their
W.W. Norton & Co.).
power, see in particular Illich, I. (1976) Limits to Medicine –
Good examples of the influences of psychology on society Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health (London:
are Ward, S.C. (2002) Modernizing the Mind: Psychologi- Marion Boyars Publishers).
cal Knowledge and the Remaking of Society (Westport,
Finally, for those who wonder whether at the end of the day
CT: Praeger), Hanson, F.A. (1993) Testing Testing: Social
psychology still has something to offer, we recommend any
Consequences of the Examined Life (Berkeley: University
good introductory textbook of psychology, to offset the
of California Press), and Watters, E. (2010) Crazy Like Us:
sometimes critical tone used here.
Ahmed, S., Birtel, M.D., Pyle, M. & Morrison, A.P. (2019) Baritz, L. (1960) The Servants of Power: A History of the
‘Stigma towards psychosis: Cross-cultural differences Use of Social Science in American Industry. New York:
in prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination in White John Wiley.
British and South Asians’. Journal of Community & Bartlett, D. & Francis-Smythe, J. (2016) ‘Bridging the
Applied Social Psychology. Advance publication avail- divide in work and organizational psychology: Evidence
able at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ from practice’. European Journal of Work and Organi-
casp.2437. zational Psychology, 25: 615–30.
Ambady, N., Krabbenhoft, M.A. & Hogan, D. (2006) ‘The Beeber, L.S. (2018) ‘Disentangling mental illness and vio-
30-sec sale: Using thin slice judgments to evaluate sales lence’. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Asso-
effectiveness’. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16: ciation, 24: 360–62.
4–13. Blech, J. (2006) Inventing Disease and Pushing Pills: Phar-
Angermeyer, M.C., Dietrich, S., Potl, D. & Matschinger, maceutical Companies and the Medicalisation of Nor-
H. (2005) ‘Media consumption and desire for social mal Life. London: Routledge.
distance towards people with schizophrenia’. European Boghossian, P. & Lindsay, J. (2017) ‘The conceptual penis
Psychiatry, 20: 246–50. as a social construct: A Sokal-style hoax on gender
APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-based Practice studies’. Skeptic. Available at https://www.skeptic.com/
(2006) ‘Evidence-based practice in psychology’. Ameri- reading_room/conceptual-penis-social-contruct-sokal-
can Psychologist, 61: 271–85. style-hoax-on-gender-studies/.
Back, M.D., Stopfer, J.M., Vazire, S., Gaddis, S., Schmukle, Boring, E.G. (1923) ‘Intelligence as the tests test it’. New
S.C., Egloff, B. & Gosling, S.D. (2010) ‘Facebook profiles Republic, 6 June, 35–7.
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M14 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27958.indd 620 16/09/2020 19:55
We have come to the end of our journey through the historical and conceptual issues
in psychology. We hope you enjoyed it and found it intellectually stimulating. We
have tried to strike a fair balance between two types of approaches that prevail in
the literature. On the one hand, there are the celebratory reviews of psychology’s
achievements exalting the many precious gifts psychology has bestowed on society;
on the other hand, there are the hypercritical reviews calling into question everything
psychologists feel proud of and leaving students bewildered and depressed at the end
of the reading.
For the record, we authors are both happy with our careers in psychology and
never regretted our choice. However, this does not take away from the fact that from
time to time it is good to stand back and take a critical look at what we are doing.
We are very well aware that similar reviews could be written about all the other
academic disciplines. The fact that they do not seem to feel the same urge to put
themselves into perspective may be seen as an illustration of a masochistic tendency
in psychologists, although we ourselves tend to perceive it as an indication that
psychologists are interested in all types of human functioning, including their own.
We hope you will find the outcome of our enterprise helpful and inspiring for the
continuation of your career!
Z01 Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology 27959.indd 621 14/09/2020 19:50
access consciousness: access conscious information can Bayesian statistics: data analysis that deviates from the
be reported by the patient, used for reasoning and acted traditional hypothesis testing with p-values; estimates
upon intentionally. the relative probabilities of the null hypothesis and the
alternative hypothesis; is hoped to correct existing misun-
achievement test: standardised test which measures the
derstandings of statistics
knowledge of a particular topic or set of topics.
behaviourism: movement in psychology arguing that
ad hoc modifications: modifications to a theory that
observable behaviours are the most important aspect of
according to Popper make the theory less falsifiable;
human functioning to be understood; denies to various
decrease the scientific value of the theory.
extents the relevance of information processing going on
Age of Enlightenment: name given to the Western philosophy in the mind; particularly strong in the USA in the first half
and cultural life of the eighteenth century, in which autono- of the twentieth century.
mous thinking and observation became advocated as the pri-
Big data: collection and use of large datasets for second-
mary sources of knowledge, rather than reliance on authority.
ary data analysis.
algorithm: list of instructions that converts a given input,
biopsychosocial model: model according to which the
via a fully defined series of intermediate steps, into the
understanding of medical and psychological phenomena
desired output.
requires attention to biological, psychological as well as
animal spirits: spirits that were thought by Galen to travel over socio-cultural factors.
the nerves between the ventricles in the brain and the body.
boxes-and-arrows diagram: flowchart outlining the
animism: explanation of the workings of the world and different information stores (boxes) and information
the universe by means of spirits with humanlike charac- transformations (arrows) involved in the execution of a
teristics. particular task with observable input and output; used by
cognitive psychologists to detail the information process-
anthropomorphic interpretation: interpreting behaviour
ing involved in the task.
of non-human living creatures by attributing human
motives and human-like intelligence to them. bracketing: requirement in qualitative research to look
at a phenomenon with an open mind and to free oneself
antipsychiatry movement: a pressure group starting in the
from preconceptions.
1960s that called into question the usefulness of the pre-
vailing psychiatric treatments. brain equipotentiality theory: theory saying that all parts
of the brain have equal significance and are involved in
applied psychology: the application of psychological knowl-
each task; first thought to apply to the complete brain;
edge and research methods to solve practical problems.
since the nineteenth century limited to the cerebral hemi-
article processing charge (APC): price asked by open spheres.
access scientific journals to process a manuscript and pub-
case study: within medicine and clinical psychology, the
lish it in the journal.
intensive study of an individual patient within the context
asylum: name given to the institutions for the insane of his/her own world and relations, to understand and
established from the sixteenth century on; first modelled help the individual patient.
after prisons, later after hospitals for chronic patients.
Chinese room: thought experiment proposed by Searle to
authenticity test: test to determine whether a person is who illustrate the difference between information processing in
he/she pretends to be and to ascertain guilt or innocence. humans and information processing in computers.
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Glossary 623
classical conditioning: form of learning discovered by correspondence theory of truth: a statement is true when
Pavlov in which an association is made between two it corresponds with reality. Assumes that there is a physi-
events in the environment; usually studied with a stimulus cal reality which has priority and which the human mind
that elicits a reflex-like response (e.g. food in mouth S tries to understand. First formulated by Aristotle.
salivation) to which a second, initially neutral stimulus is
critical psychology: movement in psychology that criticises
mainstream psychology for failing to understand that
clinical psychology: branch of psychology applying psy- knowledge does not refer to an outside reality (idealism),
chological knowledge to the assessment and treatment of that scientific knowledge is not cumulative but consists of
mental disorders. social constructions, and that psychological theories and
claims have an impact on the world in which people live.
cognitive neuropsychiatry: subfield that tries to under-
stand consequences of mental disorders in terms of Dark Ages: name given in the Renaissance to the Middle
breakdowns in the cognitive models of normal psycholog- Ages, to refer to the lack of independent and scientific
ical functioning. thinking in that age.
cognitive neuropsychology: part of neuropsychology Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA): decla-
aimed at understanding and treating the behavioural ration that asks science funders and evaluators to look
consequences of brain damage within the information at the quality of the research itself (proposed and com-
processing models proposed by cognitive psychologists. pleted) rather than at the prestige of the outlets in which
the research is published.
cognitive neuroscience: the scientific study of the biolog-
ical mechanisms underlying cognition; largely based on deductive reasoning: form of reasoning in which one
brain imaging techniques, TMS and the measurement of starts from a number of indisputable premises (known
electrical activity. statements), from which new, true conclusions can be
drawn if the rules of logic are followed.
cognitive psychology: movement in psychology arguing
that observable behaviours are the result of information degenerative research programme: notion introduced
processing in the mind; started in the 1950s and currently by Lakatos to indicate a paradigm that does not allow
the dominant form of mainstream psychology. researchers to make new predictions and that requires an
increasing number of ad hoc modifications to account for
comparative psychology: study of behaviour of animals, the empirical findings.
usually with the intention to shed light on human func-
tioning within the framework of the evolutionary theory. demarcation: setting and marking the boundaries of a
concept; used, for instance, in the philosophy of science to
computational model: computer program simulating the denote attempts to define the specificity of science.
human information processing assumed to be involved in
the execution of a particular task; requires researchers to diagnostic tests: tests to determine which condition a
be much more precise about of what going on than in a person has.
boxes-and-arrows model. diathesis–stress model: model claiming that the likelihood
conceptual replication: replication in which an effect is of a person having a disorder depends on the vulnerability
investigated differently from the original study; is good of the person (diathesis) and the amount of stress experi-
to examine the generality of a finding, but can magnify enced by the person.
biases in the scientific literature if combined with the file discourse analysis: qualitative research method that aims
drawer problem. to discover how social relations between people are deter-
confirmation bias: tendency people have to search for mined by the language they use.
evidence that confirms their opinion; goes against falsi- double dipping: practice in science in which journals make
ficationism. money both by journal subscriptions and by article fees
for open access.
confounding variable: variable that was not taken into
account in the study and that may be the origin of the dualism: view of the mind–body relation according to
effect observed. which the mind is immaterial and completely indepen-
dent of the body; central within religions and also in
consciousness: word referring to the private, first-person
Descartes’ philosophy.
experiences an individual lives through; contains all the
mental states a person is aware of; part of the mind that Edwin Smith papyrus: papyrus from Ancient Egypt that
can be examined with introspection. contains short descriptions of the symptoms and treatment
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624 Glossary
of different forms of brain injury; named after the person that do not find significant differences are less likely to get
who bought the papyrus in Egypt and had it analysed. published.
EEG: electroencephalogram: outcome of measurement fMRI: brain imaging technique based on the measurement
of electrical brain activity by means of sensors placed on of blood with oxygen vs. blood without oxygen; currently
the scalp; routinely used in hospitals for the detection of the most popular imaging technique because of its high
epilepsy. spatial resolution (allows good localisation); has rather
low temporal resolution (cannot trace what is happening
efficacy of therapies: measure to indicate how much
at a speed of hundreds of registrations per second)
improvement a therapy brings to patients.
focus group: technique in which a group of participants
embodied cognition: the conviction that the interactions
freely discuss a limited set of questions.
between the human body and the environment form the
grounding (meaning) of human cognition. folk psychology: collection of beliefs lay people have
about psychological functioning; no efforts made to ver-
empiricism: view according to which knowledge is obtained
ify them empirically or to check them for their internal
by means of perceptual experiences; usually involves idea
of associations between ideas to combine the individual
perceptions; also emphasis on inductive reasoning. free will: situation in which individuals can choose their
course of action from a number of alternatives; choice is
epistemology: branch of philosophy concerned with the
the outcome of an informed deliberation.
nature of knowledge.
functionalism: name given to an approach in early
ethical code of conduct: protocol that includes all the
American psychology research, that examined the prac-
ethics-related conditions to which a study must adhere.
tical functions of the human mind inspired by the evolu-
eugenics: social philosophy claiming that the fate of a nation tionary theory.
can be improved by selective breeding of the inhabitants.
functionalism: in philosophy, view about the relationship
Event Related Potential (ERP): signal obtained by averag- between the mind and brain that considers the mind
ing the EEG signals to stimuli that are repeated a number as a separate layer of information implemented on a
of times; allows researchers to look for differences in the Turing machine; predicts that the mind can be copied
signal as a function of characteristics of the stimulus. onto another Turing machine.
evolutionary psychology: approach in psychology that gate control theory of pain: theory of pain perception
aims to understand human behaviour on the basis of nat- which assumes that the nerve signals carrying the pain
ural selection and the evolutionary theory. message have to pass through a gate before they reach
the brain; at this gate the signals can be made stronger or
experimental history: method introduced by Bacon in
which the natural philosopher extracts the truth from
Nature by active manipulation and examining the conse- geocentric model: model of the universe in which the
quences of the intervention. Earth is at the centre; was dominant until the seventeenth
face validity: estimating the validity of a test by estimating
to what extent the items of the test agree with one’s own Gestalt psychology: group of psychologists who argued
beliefs; is not evidence-based. that the human mind could not be understood by break-
ing down the experiences into their constituting ele-
falsificationism: view within the philosophy of science
ments; perception is more than the sensation of stimuli, it
that statements are scientific only if they can be falsified
involves organisation.
global workspace model: model that explains the role of
feminist psychology: movement in psychology aimed at
consciousness by analogy to a theatre: consciousness is
understanding women; is particularly concerned with the
meant to make some information available to the whole
way in which women are treated in mainstream psychology
brain (i.e. the play), so that the various background processes
Fertile Crescent: region in the Middle East with a high can align their functioning to what is going on centrally.
level of civilisation around 3,000 BCE; included the Ancient
grounded theory: qualitative research method that tries to
Mesopotamian and the Ancient Egyptian civilisations.
understand what is going on in a particular situation and
file drawer problem: issue that the scientific literature which, on the basis of a qualitative analysis and induction,
badly represents the research done because experiments tries to come to a theoretical insight grounded in the data.
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Glossary 625
hard problem: name given by Chalmers to refer to the ing; the prediction is subsequently put to a falsification
difficulty of explaining in what respects consciousness is test, which provides new observational data for further
more than accounted for on the basis of functionalism. theorising.
HARKing: an example of a questionable research practice idealism: view within philosophy that human knowledge
in which an unexpected significant finding in a statistical is a construction of the mind and does not necessarily
analysis is presented as an effect that was the focus of the correspond to an outside world; the truth of knowledge
research and, therefore, addresses an important theoreti- depends on the coherence with rest of the knowledge in
cal question (hypothesising after the results are known). the social group.
heliocentric model: model of the universe in which the ideographic approach: the conclusions of a study stay
Sun is at the centre. limited to the phenomenon under study.
hermeneutics: approach in psychology according to which identity problem: the difficulty the materialistic theory
the task of the psychologist is to interpret and understand of the mind–brain relationship has to explain how two
persons on the basis of their personal and socio-cultural events can be experienced as the same despite the fact that
history. their realisation in the brain differs.
hidden racism: advancing one’s own race by non--con- illusory correlation: perception of a correlation between
spicuous biases against other groups (usually by ignoring events for which no independent evidence can be found.
their contribution).
implicit personality theory: mixture of stereotypes and
historical method: one of the three research methods individuating information about the associations of per-
introduced by Wundt; consists of studying the human son characteristics that people use to make predictions
mind by investigating the products of human cultures; about how others will behave in social relations.
according to Wundt particularly well suited to investigate
inclusive fitness: hypothesis in evolutionary psychology
the ‘higher’ functions of the mind.
that behaviour is motivated not only by the organism’s
homunculus: word (meaning ‘little man’) used to refer to own survival but also by the survival of organisms that are
the difficulty of explaining goal-oriented behaviour with- genetically related; the motivation depends on the degree
out making use of an ultimate intelligent (human-like) of relatedness.
control centre.
individualisation: trend in a society towards looser social
humanistic psychology: psychological movement pro- relations and a greater focus by individuals on themselves
moted by Rogers and Maslow as a reaction against psy- than on the groups they belong to.
choanalysis and behaviourism; stressed that people are
inductive reasoning: form of reasoning in which one starts
human, inherently positive, endowed with free will and
from observations and tries to reach general conclusions
living within a socio-cultural context.
on the basis of convergences in the observations; is needed
humanities: academic disciplines that continued the tra- in science to turn observed phenomena into scientific
ditional study of the ancient classics, increasingly sup- laws; no guarantee that the conclusions are true.
plemented with teachings of contemporary literature and
industrial psychology: first theory about how work should
be organised; strongly influenced by Taylor’s scientific
human relations movement: second main theory of how management: employees were the hands of the company
work should be organised; stressed the humanity of the that would accept any work if remunerated enough; tasks
employees and the importance of social relations. had to be made simple so that everyone could do them
without much practice.
human resource management: third main theory of how
work should be organised; stressed the desire for self- industrial revolution: name to refer to the socioeconomic
actualisation in employees; employees will perform best if and cultural changes in the nineteenth century caused by
given autonomy and authority. the invention of machines; involved, among other things,
the replacement of the labour of peasants and craftsmen
hypothetico-deductive method: model introduced by
by mass production in factories and the resulting massive
Popper to understand the scientific method; on the basis
relocation from the countryside to the towns.
of observation, induction and educated guesswork, a
theory of a phenomenon is formulated; the correctness information feedback: mechanism in which the current
of the theory is evaluated by the formulation of a testable performance level is compared to the desired end-state and
prediction (hypothesis) on the basis of deductive reason- the discrepancy is used to bring the performance closer to
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626 Glossary
the end-state aimed for; important for psychology because promising brain imaging techniques, because it has the
it explained a great deal of goal-directed behaviour that potential of both a high temporal and spatial resolution.
previously seemed to require a homunculus explanation.
masked priming: experimental technique to investigate
information processing: encoding mental representations, unconscious information processing, consisting of briefly
transforming them by means of algorithms, and inte- presenting a prime between a forward meaningless mask
grating them with existing knowledge; forms the core of and a subsequent target, and examining the effect of the
cognitive psychology. prime on the processing of the target.
informed consent: central principle in ethics, saying that materialism: view about the relationship between the mind
people can only take part in a study after they have been and brain that considers the mind as the brain in operation.
informed of what will be involved and after they have
explicitly and voluntarily agreed to participate. Matthew effect: the tendency to give more credit to well-
known scientists than they deserve; increases the perceived
instinct: innate and fixed response that is automatically impact of these scientists.
elicited by an appropriate stimulus; used around the turn
of the twentieth century to explain motivation. mechanistic view: world view according to which every-
thing in the material universe can be understood as a
instrumental conditioning: name introduced by Thorndike complicated machine; discards the notion that things have
to refer to learning on the basis of the law of effect; called goals and intentions as assumed by the animistic view;
operant conditioning by Skinner. identified with Descartes.
interpretative phenomenological analysis: qualitative mega-journal: large-volume, peer-reviewed academic
research method in psychology that tries to under- open access journal designed to make more scientific find-
stand how a phenomenon is experienced by the people ings available by focusing on methodological rigour rather
involved. than theoretical contribution; has a large remit, so that
introspection: research method in psychology consisting articles on many topics can be included.
of a person looking inward and reporting what he/she is meme: information unit proposed by Dawkins that repro-
experiencing; usually done under controlled circumstances. duces itself according to the principles of the evolutionary
IQ test: test which is supposed to measure the intelligence theory (variation, selection and replication).
of a person; focuses on learning potential; results cor- mental chronometry: using reaction times to measure the
relate with school performance and suitability for intellec- time needed for various mental tasks; on the basis of a
tually demanding occupations. comparison of different tasks, models of the mental pro-
journal impact factor: number that estimates the impact a cesses involved in the tasks are postulated.
journal has on a research area; based on the average number mental representation: information pattern in the mind
of citations to articles in the journal in subsequent years. representing knowledge obtained through observation or
law of effect: behavioural law introduced by Thorndike to the application of an algorithm; forms a realm separate
refer to the fact that behaviours followed by positive con- from the brain and could in principle be copied to another
sequences are strengthened and more likely to be repeated. brain (or in a more extreme version, to a Turing machine).
localisation theory: theory saying that brain processes are metaphor: in science, stands for an analogy from another
localised, meaning that only part of the brain underlies a area that helps to map a new, complex problem by making
particular mental function. reference to a better understood phenomenon.
logical positivism: philosophical movement in the first methodolatry or methodologism: tendency to see meth-
half of the twentieth century, claiming that philosophy odological rigour as the only requirement for scientific
should stop thinking about metaphysics, and instead try research, at the expense of theory formation.
to understand the essence of the scientific approach; cen- mind: aggregate of faculties humans (and animals) have
tral tenet was the verification principle. to perceive, feel, think, remember and want.
logograph: a sign representing a spoken word, which no mind-brain problem: issue of how the mind is related to
longer has a physical resemblance to the word’s meaning. the brain; three main views: dualism, materialism and
magnetoencephalography (MEG): measurement of the
electrical brain activity by means of measurement of natural selection: process in Darwin’s evolutionary the-
the magnetic field around the head; is one of the most ory by which the environment results in the continuation
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Glossary 627
and multiplication of organisms with certain genetic paradigm: notion introduced by Kuhn to refer to the fact
features and hinders the reproduction of organisms with that scientists share a set of common views of what the
other genetic features; the first type of features are called discipline is about and how problems must be investi-
favourable (within the prevailing environment), the sec- gated.
ond type unfavourable.
parental investment theory: hypothesis in evolutionary
nature–nurture debate: discussion about the respective psychology holding that the gender investing the most in
contributions of genes and environment in the develop- the upbringing of offspring is more discriminating about
ment of (human) qualities. mating.
neurologist: name used at the end of the nineteenth cen- peer review: in science is the evaluation of scientific work
tury by physicians who were interested in the treatment of by research colleagues (peers) to decide whether the work is
milder forms of mental problems outside the asylum; the good enough to be published (or financed in case of grant
term was later used to refer to specialists of the nervous applications).
system, when the original neurologists merged with the
personality test: test to measure relatively stable and dis-
psychiatrists and took up the latter’s name.
tinctive patterns of behaviour that characterise individu-
neuron: brain cell; basic unit of the nervous system; con- als and their reactions to the environment.
tains a cell body, dendrites and an axon.
personality trait: basic dimension used to describe differ-
neuropsychology: branch of psychological research and ences in personality between people; is often bipolar with
practice that looks at the relationship between brain and opposites at the extremes (e.g. introvert vs. extrovert).
behaviour; research traditionally focused on understand- phenomenological consciousness: refers to the fact that
ing the consequences of brain damage and localising the human experiences possess subjective qualities that seem
affected tissue; practice aimed at assessing the behavioural to defy description; experiences have a meaning that goes
and mental consequences of the injury and administering beyond formal report (semantics instead of syntax).
the rehabilitation programme.
philosophy: critical reflection on the universe and human
neurotransmitter: chemical substance used to commu- functioning; started in Ancient Greece.
nicate between neurons; is released from the synapse
when a signal arrives through the axon; can be affected philosophy of science: branch of philosophy that studies
by drugs. the foundations of scientific research, to better under-
stand the position of scientific research relative to other
nomothetic approach: a study is run in search for univer- forms of information acquisition and generation.
sal principles that exceed the confines of the study.
phlogiston: substance that was believed to make materials
non-invasive techniques: methods in neuroscience that flammable before the chemical processes of combustion
allow the study of the workings of the brain without sur- were understood.
gery or the use of irreversible interventions.
phonogram: a sign that represents a sound or a syllable of
observational learning: learning as a result of observing spoken language; forms the basis of writing systems.
others performing actions and being rewarded or pun-
ished. phrenology: view that mental functions are localised in
the brain and that the capacity of a function corresponds
open access journal: journal that can be consulted with- to the size of the brain part devoted to it; gave rise to per-
out paying a subscription or fees for reading articles (usu- sonality assessment by means of analysing bumps on the
ally via internet). skull; initiated by Gall and Spurzheim at the beginning of
the nineteenth century.
open science: science practice where all relevant infor-
mation is made easily available, so that other researchers physiognomy: belief that the personality of an individual
can check the findings and integrate them in their own can be deduced from their appearance, in particular from
research. the shape of the head and the face.
operational definition: definition of a variable in terms of pictogram: an information-conveying sign that consists of a
how the variable has been measured; allows description of picture resembling the person, animal or object it represents.
the variable in quantitative form.
place coding system: system in which the meaning of a
p-hacking: manipulating data in order to obtain a desired sign not only depends on its form but also on its position
(significant) p-value. in a string; is used for instance in Arabic numerals.
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628 Glossary
positivism: view that authentic knowledge can only be psychoactive drugs: medicines prescribed for mental dis-
obtained by means of the scientific method; saw religion orders.
and philosophy as inferior forms of explanation.
psychoanalysis: name given to Freud’s theory and therapy.
positron emission tomography (PET): brain imaging
technique based on measurement of radioactive tracer psychological treatment: treatment of mental health prob-
injected into the bloodstream. lems consisting of conversations between the patient and
the therapist; initiated by Freud as an alternative to the
postcolonial psychology: movement in psychology prevailing medical and educational treatments.
addressing the issues of racism and the ways in which
dominant groups treat other groups. psychologisation: word used with two different meanings
referring to: (1) the fact that emotional ties and personal
postmodernist: in the philosophy of science, someone well-being become important in primary social relations,
who questions the special status of science and sees sci- or (2) the growing impact of psychology on the way peo-
entific explanations as stories told by a particular group ple see themselves and interact with others.
of scientists.
psychophysics: part of psychological research dealing
pottery barn rule: in science is the moral obligation of a
with the relationship between physical stimuli and the
scientific journal to publish a failure to replicate a finding
corresponding sensation.
previously published in the journal
publish or perish: refers to the practice in academia that
pragmatism: view within philosophy that human knowl-
a person will not be appointed or promoted unless they
edge is information about how to cope with the world;
have a strong portfolio of scientific publications.
the truth of knowledge depends on the success one has in
engaging with the world, on what works. purposive behaviourism: version of behaviourism,
predatory journal: scientific journal that gives the impres- defended by Tolman, which saw behaviour as goal-related
sion of being genuine (peer-reviewed, with mechanisms of (means to an end); agreed with other behaviourists that
error control, promise of longevity) without adhering to psychology should be based on observable behaviour.
the standards; tries to lure scientists to pay APCs for very qualia: qualities of conscious thoughts that give the
limited service. thoughts a rich and vivid meaning, grounded in the inter-
preliterate civilisation: civilisation before writing was actions with the world.
invented. qualifying test: test to find the best person for a task.
Principia Mathematica: book in which Newton presented
qualitative research methods: research methods based on
his laws of physics (1687); considered to be the primary
understanding phenomena in their historical and socio-
reason for the increased status of science.
cultural context; are associated with the hermeneutic
progressive research programme: notion introduced by approach based on understanding the meaning of a situa-
Lakatos to indicate a paradigm that allows researchers tion.
to make new, hitherto unexpected predictions that can be
tested empirically. quantitative imperative: a bias only to find measurable
topics interesting because quantitative research methods
Protestant Reformation: movement against the Roman require numerical data.
Catholic Church, which was important for the development
of science, because it emphasised the need for education, quantitative research methods: research methods based on
critical thinking, hard work and worldly success. quantifiable data; are associated with the natural-science
approach based on the hypothetico-deductive model.
pseudohistory of science: text that looks like a history
of science, but that contains systematic errors because questionable research practices: research practices under-
of a desire to present the research as more impressive mining the statistical conclusions that can be drawn from
and important than it was and to depict the scientist as a a study; usually increase the chances of finding a pre-
genius who has to battle against the lack of understanding dicted effect
and appreciation by the peers.
radical behaviourism: strong version of behaviourism,
pseudoscience: branch of knowledge that pretends to be defended by Skinner, which denies the relevance of infor-
scientific but violates the scientific method on essential mation processing in the mind and holds that all human
aspects, such as lack of openness to testing by others and behaviour can be understood on the basis of S-R associ-
reliance on confirmation rather than falsification. ations.
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Glossary 629
rationalism: view according to which knowledge is science wars: notion used by the postmodernists to refer to
obtained by means of reasoning; usually through deduc- their attacks against the special status of science and their
tive reasoning on the basis of innate knowledge. unmasking of scientific knowledge as a social construction.
realism: view within philosophy that human knowledge scientific revolution: name given to a series of discoveries
tries to reveal real properties of the outside world; the in the seventeenth century, involving Galilei, Descartes and
truth of knowledge is determined by the correspondence Newton, that enhanced the status of science in society.
of the knowledge with the real world.
secondary data analysis: reanalysis of existing data to
reflex arc: notion introduced in the nineteenth century address new research questions.
to describe the processes underlying a reflex: a signal is self: the feeling of being an individual with private experi-
picked up by sensory receptors, transmitted to the spinal ences, feelings and beliefs, who interacts in a coherent and
cord through an afferent nerve, transferred to interneu- purposeful way with the environment.
rons, which activate motor neurons that send a motor
command over an efferent nerve to initiate the withdrawal semi-structured interview: interview in which each inter-
movement. viewee gets a small set of core questions, but for the rest
is encouraged to speak freely; achieved by making use of
registered report: a type of research article that is evaluated open-ended, non-directive questions.
by scientific journals before the data are collected; goal
is to make the evaluation independent of the obtained shell-shock: anxiety response on battlefield that prevents
results and solely dependent on the research question, the soldiers from functioning properly; was one of the first
research design, and the proposed analyses topics addressed by applied psychology.
reliability: in test research, the degree to which the social construction: notion used by postmodernists to
outcome of a test is the same if the test is repeated under indicate that scientific knowledge is not objective knowl-
unchanged circumstances or if an equivalent test is used. edge discovering the workings of an external reality, but
a story told by a particular scientific community on the
Renaissance: cultural movement from the fourteenth to basis of their language and culture.
the seventeenth century based on a rediscovery and imita-
tion of the classical Greek and Roman civilisations. social Darwinism: belief in Victorian England and the
USA that progress in a society could be made by allowing
Romantic movement: movement in the late 1700s to early the strong members to flourish and the weak members
1800s that reacted against the mechanistic world view to die.
and the emphasis on reason preached by Enlightenment;
it saw the universe as a changing organism and stressed social desirability: bias people have to present themselves
everything that deviated from rationalism: the individual, in a manner they think will be viewed favourably by others.
the irrational, the imaginative, the emotional, the natural social management: management and control of deviant
and the transcendental. individuals and individuals in need by official social services.
replicability: the probability of obtaining the same finding spiritualism: belief that the spirits of the dead can he
when a scientific study is rerun (in the same way). contacted by mediums; flourished in English-speaking
replication crisis: a crisis of confidence in scientific countries at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning
research, because many published findings cannot be of the twentieth century.
repeated if studies are rerun, questioning the reliability of standardised psychological test: test that psychologists
scientific findings. have examined for reliability and validity, for which they
have information about the expected performance, and
repository: in science is a location where data and analysis
which is administered in a uniform way.
programs are stored, so that others can retrieve them (typ-
ically on the internet). stigma: attribute that is deeply discrediting and that
reduces the bearer to a tainted and discounted person.
scepticism: philosophical view that does not deny the exis-
tence of a physical reality, but denies that humans can have structuralism: name given by Titchener to his approach to
reliable knowledge of it; first formulated by Pyrrho of Ellis. psychology, consisting of trying to discover the structure
of the human mind by means of introspection.
scholastic method: study method in which students
unquestioningly memorise and recite texts that are structured interview: interview in which all interviewees
thought to convey unchanging truths. receive the same set of questions.
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630 Glossary
survival of the fittest: term introduced by Herbert Spencer unconscious plagiarism: term used by Bornstein to indi-
to describe the outcome of natural selection: only organ- cate how the scientific and the hermeneutic approach in
isms that fit within the environment and can produce psychology have influenced each other without the propo-
viable offspring survive. nents being aware of it.
syllogism: argument consisting of three propositions: the validity: in test research, the degree to which a test mea-
major premise, the minor premise, and the conclusion. sures what it claims to measure; determined by correlating
The goal of logic is to determine which syllogisms lead to the test results with an external criterion.
valid conclusions and which do not.
ventricles: apertures in the middle of the brain, which for
symbol grounding problem: the finding that representa- a long time were thought to contain perceptions, memo-
tions (symbols) used in computations require a reference ries and thoughts; seat of the animal spirits.
to some external reality in order to get meaning.
verification: principle that up to the 1950s formed the core
The Origin of Species: book by Charles Darwin (1859) in of the scientific method: a proposition was meaningful
which he presented the evolutionary theory. (scientific) if its truth could he empirically verified.
thought experiment: hypothetical scenario that helps with verificationism: adherence to the principle that a proposi-
the understanding of a philosophical argument. tion is meaningful only if it can be verified as true or false;
tit-for-tat strategy: strategy proposed in evolutionary psy- with respect to science states that a proposition is scien-
chology to explain how evolutionarily motivated individuals tific only if it can be verified through objective, value-free
cooperate in situations of mutual dependency and benefit. observation.
top-down process: process by which information from a vital force: animistic substance thought to be present in
higher processing stage is fed back to previous processing living matter before the chemical and biological differ-
stages and influences the processing at these stages; found ences between living and non-living matter were under-
to be a helpful (and even essential) element in many com- stood.
putational models. welfare state: socio-political system in which individuals
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): stimulation insure themselves against setbacks via taxes, which are
of a brain region by means of a coil placed on the head; used by the state to provide welfare services.
allows temporary interference with the processing of a Würzburg school: group of psychologists at the University
small part of the brain. of Würzburg who used introspection as the research
Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guide- method, but came to different conclusions from those
lines: list of criteria written by advocates of open science of Wundt and Titchener; in particular they claimed that
describing the extent to which journals adhere to the stan- many thought processes were not available to introspec-
dards of open and reproducible science. tion (imageless thoughts).
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cessing of more complex machines operating according to covery did not originate from a single genius, but from a
these principles. much wider development leading to the discovery.
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a human interacting with a machine and another human posed by Chalmers to illustrate that consciousness is more
without being able to discriminate the machine from the than the working of the brain or the implementation of
human; machines that pass the Turing test are seen as the information on a Turing machine because it involves a
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References to Figures will contain the letter ‘f’ following the page number; references to
Tables will be followed by the letter ‘t’.
a priori method 395 American War of Independence (1775–1783)
Abele-Brehm, A.E. 468 73, 78
access consciousness 291–299 Ancient Egyptians 221–223
global workplace model 296–297, 624 Ancient Greeks borrowing from 15
implicit memory 293–294 calendar 14
initiation of movement 294–296 diagnostic tests 322
masked priming 291–293, 626 Fertile Crescent 13
achievement tests 328–335, 622 hieroglyphics 4
in China 331–332 written language, origins 4
see also intelligence tests see also Ancient Egyptians
ad hoc modifications 381, 622 Ancient Greeks 5, 15–24
Adair, J.G. 341 assimilation of culture by the Romans
Adam and Eve 69 24–25
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity brain research 223–224
Disorder) 540–541 calculation abilities 11–13
Adler, A. 424 diminishing knowledge of Greek
adoption, nature–nurture debate 556 language 29
Age of Enlightenment 74, 622 and discovery of knowledge 71
aggression 560–565 enrichment from civilisations 60–61
biological factors 561–562 inclusion of texts in Western curricula 31
diathesis–stress model 564, 623 knowledge acquisition 352–353
environmental factors 564 numbers, representing 9
evidence 561, 563–564 philosophical studies of the mind 91
importance of perceptions and philosophy, start of 16
interpretations 562–563 preservation of legacy by Byzantine
learning aggressive behaviour 562 Empire 27
psychological factors 562–563 schools, foundation of 22
social factors 563–565 Socratic disputations 60
treatment implications 561–562, 563, 565 see also Aristotle; Plato; Socrates
Aikin, S.F., The Pragmatism Reader 395 Anderson, M.L. 289
Ainsworth, M. 424 Angermeyer, M.C. 612, 613
alchemy 67 animal magnetism 146, 185
Alexander the Great 23 animal research 187–192
Alexandria 23–24 evolutionary theory 187
algorithm 206, 493, 622 rat experiments, reinforcement theory
Allchin, D. 343, 345 200–201
Allen, J.J. 563 Thorndike’s puzzle box 188–190
Allport, G. 333, 334, 335, 426 trying to understand animal’s mind
Alvesson, M. 513 187–188
American Psychological Association (APA) animal spirits 224, 622
173, 179, 181, 182, 314, 324, 404, 419, animism 2, 53, 622
463, 472, 502, 593 anthropomorphic interpretation 188, 622
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Index 669
Descartes, René 59, 61, 64, 68, 77, 81, 92, 96, putting consciousness at the centre of
106, 159, 270, 283, 388 human functioning 271–272
and brain research 229, 242 in religion and traditional philosophy 270
and dualism 270, 273 unconscious control processes, existence
‘I think, therefore I am’ 68 of 273–275
Le Monde 53 Duhem, Pierre 29
philosophy of man 53–54, 55 Dupuy, J.P. 280, 281
descriptive research 491–492 Duyme, M. 556
deterministic processes 523
deviating observations 21, 65 Earth
Dewey, J. 233, 395, 529 Aristotle on 32, 35
Psychology 405 axioms 18, 19
diagnostic tests 322, 623 as centre of the universe 45–46
diathesis–stress model 564, 623 orbiting the Sun 55, 56f, 155
Dickson, A. 517 see also geocentric model; heliocentric
Diderot, D. 97–98 model
Dienes, Z. 387 Ebbinghaus, H. 208, 404
Dilthey, W. 422–423, 425 Ebbinghaus illusion 142f
dilution problem 113 Ecclestone, K. 604, 605, 610
discipline 588–589 Eddington, A.S. 376
discourse analysis 513–515, 623 Edwin Smith papyrus 221–223, 225, 623–624
compared with grounded theory and EEG (electroencephalogram) 250–251, 252f,
phenomenological analysis 253, 295, 303, 539, 624
514–515 efficacy of therapies 318, 624
Dixon, E.T. 166 Egypt see Ancient Egyptians
Djordjevic, J. 547 Ehrhardt, A. 580–581
DNA 276 Einstein, A. 377
Dodge, K.A. 562 relativity theory 57, 376
Donders, F.C. 110–111, 117, 129, 182 Eisenberger, N.I. 444, 445
DORA see Declaration on Research electric shocks 317
Assessment (DORA), San Francisco electroencephalogram see EEG
Dore, R. 586 (electroencephalogram)
double dipping 479, 623 elements 18–19
Dougherty, T.W. 326–327 eliminative materialism 278
Douglass, W. 121 Eling, P. 238
Doyen, S. 451, 452–453 Ellis, A. 549, 550
Draper, J.W. 75, 77 Ellis, H.D. 262–263
History of the Conflict Between Religion Ellis, L.M. 449
and Science 78 embodied cognition 289, 303, 624
dream analysis, manifest versus latent and qualia 302–303
message distinction 156 Emmanuel Movement 428
du Bois-Reymond, E. 240, 241 empirical psychology 97
dualism 53, 270–276 empiricism 92, 93, 100, 624
Cartesian 270 logical 365
defining 269, 270, 623 Encyclopaedia Britannica 98
disappearance of mystery forces in science Endersby, J., A Guinea Pig’s History of
275–276 Biology 39
in early psychology and lay thinking Engel, G.L. 534
271–272 English East India Company 331
and free will 272 English Lexicon Project 469
interaction 273 Enlightenment
monads 273–274 Age of Enlightenment 74, 622
problems with 273–276 in Germany 96, 127, 128
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674 Index
interpretative phenomenological analysis journals 77, 172, 287, 447, 454, 471, 472
(IPA) 506, 511–513, 626 citation rates 472
see also phenomenological analysis; electronic 477
phenomenological consciousness individual journals
interrogation techniques 593 Frontiers 478, 479
interviews Journal of Consciousness Studies 216
semi-structured 629 Journal of Educational Psychology 600
structured 629 Journal of Experimental Medicine
structured versus unstructured 327–328 472–473
unstructured 325–327 Journal of Religious Psychology 572
introspection Neuropsychologia 245
defining 97, 626 Philosophical Studies 131
evolutionary psychology 144–145 Philosophical Transactions 476
experimental psychology 134–135 Plus One 478, 479
French psychology 144, 145 Psychological Review 181, 192, 194,
James on 138 195, 233, 473
and objective method 145 Psychological Science 463
psychoanalysis 156–157 Science 368–369
qualitative research methods 517 Social Psychological and Personality
Ioannidis, J.P. 447, 451, 558 Science (SPPS) 461
IQ test see intelligence tests low impact 475
irrational thoughts, in depression 549 mega-journals 478–479, 626
Islam, geocentric model, adopting 47 neuropsychology 245
open access 476–477, 479, 480, 627
Jackson, F. 299–300 peer reviewed 472
Jacobs, J. 168, 208 predatory 479–481, 628
Jacyna, L.S. 231, 240 prestigious 4, 69, 472
James, W. 136, 141, 143, 145, 156, 164, 185, psychology 411, 469, 472, 572
208, 312, 395, 431, 529, 572, 600, 622 see also individual journals above
Principles of Psychology 137–140, 172, ranking 472, 473t, 474
180, 183, 188, 233 scientific 159, 411, 446, 447, 449, 462, 466,
research methods 138–139 474, 476, 478, 480
see also experimental psychology; traditional 478
Titchener, Edward Bradford; Wundt, see also journal impact factors
Wilhelm Julian calendar 45
Janda, L.H. 420 Jung, C. 424, 572
Janet, P. 148, 155 Jupiter 18, 45, 46, 47
Jansz, J. 313, 320
Japan, depression in 602–603 Kadmon, G. 329–330
Jenkin, F. 113 Kadmon, M. 329–330
Jewish-Catholic religion 69, 74 Kagan, J. 72, 436, 573
Johansson, G. 141 Kagitcibasi, C. 336
John, L.K. 459 Kahneman, D. 446
Johnson, B. 339 Kalmijn, M. 595
Johnson, M. 303 Kander, A. 482
Jones, S. 114 Kant, I. 96, 99, 134, 394
Journal Citation Reports 472 Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of
journal impact factors 471–475, 626 View 101, 274
journal rankings 472–473 and dualism 274
misinterpreting 474–475 on innate knowledge 545–546
movement to eliminate 475 Metaphysical Foundations of Natural
unwanted consequences 473–474 Science 98
see also open access journals philosophical studies 94–95, 98–99
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690 Index
survival of the fittest 113, 547, 630 Psychology: General and Applied
syllogism 20, 630 (Münsterberg) 431
symbol grounding problem 288–289, 630 Psychology of Science (Maslow) 425
synapse 242 The Senses and the Intellect (Bain)
synthesis 173 104–105
Szasz, T., The Myth of Mental Illness 317 Teacher’s Handbook of Psychology
(Sully) 164
Tait, W. 77 A Textbook in Psychology (Herbart) 102
Taleb, N.N. 62 Treatise on Madness (Battie) 154
Talisse, R.B., The Pragmatism Reader 395 The Origin of Species 630
tallies, numbers 8 theoretical knowledge 63, 64
Tavistock Clinic, London 315 Aristotle 18–19
Taylor, F.W. 338 thesis 173
Teigen, K.H. 523 Thorndike, E.L. 140, 191, 554, 572
telecopying 285 An Introduction to the Theory of Mental
telescope 49, 59, 109 and Social Measurements 323
Tempier, Etienne 32 Principles of Teaching based on
tenacity, method of 394 Psychology 600
Terman, L. 329, 576, 577, 578, 580, 581, 582 puzzle box experiment 188–190
Tetens, J.N. 99 thought experiments 283, 630
textbooks 101–105 of Galileo Galilei 353–354
Analytic Psychology (Stout) 169 Mary thought experiment 299–300
Anthropologie in Pragmatischer Hinsicht zombie thought experiment 300–301, 630
(Kant) 101 Titchener, E.B. 140–141, 143, 162, 172, 193,
Cognitive Psychology (Neisser) 208 277
Contemporary Schools of Psychology tit-for-tat strategy 544, 630
(Woodworth) 173 Tolman, E.C. 195, 199–202, 205, 215
Discipline and Punish (Foucault) 588 top-down processes 211, 630
Elements of Mental Philosophy (Upham) transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
102–103 256–257, 630
Emotions and the Will (Bain) 105 Transparency and Openness Promotion
English Contemporary Psychology (Ribot) (TOP) 466–467t, 630
144 trial and error 377
On the Fundamental Antithesis of Trinidad, S.B. 514, 515
Philosophy (Whewell) 362 Trivers, R. 542–543, 545
German Contemporary Psychology Trivium 120
(Ribot) 144 truth 351, 359, 395
A History of Experimental Psychology correspondence theory of 623
(Boring) 173 Tufail, Ibn 92
An Introduction to Social Psychology Tulving, E. 529
(McDonald) 535 Turing, A. 203, 205, 282
An Introduction to the Theory of Turing machine 203, 281, 282, 290, 630
Mental and Social Measurements Turing test 206, 211, 299, 630
(Thorndike) 323 twin experiments 540
Limits to Medicine (Illich) 601 Tylor, E.B. 2–3
Madness and Civilisation
(Foucault) 589 ulcers, medication for 540
Manual of Psychology (Stout) 169 uncertainty avoidance 555
Outlines of Psychology (Külpe) 135 unconscious control processes, existence of
Principia Mathematica (Newton) 55, 57, 273–275
69, 83, 92, 196, 356, 628 unconscious plagiarism 431, 630
Principles of Psychology (James) 137–140, unconscious processing 297–299
172, 183, 188, 233 unconscious social priming 464
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189 × 246 SPINE: 35.9 FLAPS: 0
you from ancient Greece to modern day debates, stopping off at important developments
in psychology, philosophy and science along the way.
Key features:
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and contemporary themes. IN PSYCHOLOGY
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misconceptions in psychology.
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NEW! Every chapter has been updated to reflect the newest findings
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have not stood up to replication tests.
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