22.22 Providing and mixing integral crystalline admixture for waterproofing treatment Providing and mixing integral crystalline admixture KIM (Krystol KIM ( Krystol Internal New and During
to RCC structures like basement raft, retaining walls, reservior, sewage & water Internal Membrane) for waterproofing treatment to RCC structures like Membrane) (For construction i.e before
treatment plant, tunnels / subway and bridge deck etc.. at the time of Rafts, Retaining Walls etc. into the drum of the ready-mix truck in application please casting of the slab
transporting of concrete into the drum of the ready-mix truck using integral powder form, using integral crystalline admixture @ 0.80% by weight of refer technical data
crystalline admixture @0.80% (minimum) to the weight of cement content per cement content per cubic meter of concrete or minimum of 03 Kgs per sheet)
cubic meter of concrete) or higher as recommended by the manufacturer's cubic meter of concrete, whichever is higher. The material shall meet
specification in reinforced cement concrete at site of work. The material shall the requirements as specified in ACI-212-3R-2010 i.e. by reducing
meet the requirements as specified in ACI-212-3R-2010 i.e. by reducing permeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control
permeability of concrete by more than 90%, compared with control concrete as concrete as per DIN 1048 Part 5 & resistant to 16 bars hydrostatic
per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar hydrostatic pressure. The crystalline pressure. The crystalline admixture shall be capable of self-sealing of
admixture shall be capable of self-healing of cracks up to width of 0.50mm. The cracks up to a width of 0.5 mm by forming insoluble microscopic needle
work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of shaped crystals when reacts with un-hydrated cement particle and
the engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry guarantee for 10 moisture. The crystalline admixture must demonstrate minimum
years against any leakage. reduction of 25% in shrinkage cracks as compared to control concrete.
The crystalline admixture must conform to BIS standards - "Made in
India". The Material shall be manufactured in ISO Certified
Manufacturing Unit in india. The Company specializing in production of
the crystalline products as specified, should have minimum 20 years of
experience in india. The crystalline material shall be procured from CE
approved manufacturing unit. The admixture should not contains
sterates and should be hydrophilic in nature. The work shall be carried
out all complete as per Manufacturer specification.
22.22A Providing and applying fibre reinforced elastomeric Liquid waterproofing Providing and applying Roof Guard ( a TPE) waterproofing with a Roof gardi (For New and Post
membrane with resilient acrylic polymers having Sun reflectivity Index( SRI) of elongation of 440% to be applied in 3 coats including Primer coat , application please construction after 28
105 on top of concrete roof in three coats @ 10.76 litre/ 10 Sqm. One coat of Applying 1st coat of primer by mixing 25% water and 75% roofguardi by refer technical data days of casting i.e. on
Self priming of elastomeric waterproofing liquid ( dilution with water in the volume and allowing to dry. Applying of second coat of acrylic coating sheet) the cured slab. From
ration of 3:1) and two coats of undiluted elastomeric waterproofing liquid( dry by mixing 5% water and 95% roof gard i by volume. Laying and fixing positive side.
film thickness of complete application /system not be less than 500 microns). fibre mixig and applying third coat of Acrylic coating by mixing 5%
The operation shall be carried out after scrapping and proper cleaning of water and 95% roofgardi. The coating once dried coating will have over
surface to remove loose particles with wire brushes, complet in all respect as 440% elongation. Put 120 Gsm Geotextile after testing ( 72 hours ) to
per direction of Engineer-in Charge. whole surface .
Note: We recommend plaster of 50 mm for protection & slope. Cost of
protection plaster is not included.
22.23 Providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in nature for Providing and applying integral crystalline slurry of hydrophilic in Krystol T1&T2 (For New and Post
waterproofing treatment to the RCC structures like retaining walls of the nature for waterproofing treatment to the RCC structures prepared by application please construction after 28
basement, water tanks, Roof Slabs Podium, reservior, sewage & water mixing in the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 parts integral crystalline slurry : 2 parts refer technical data days of casting i.e. on
treatment plant, tunnels / subway and bridge deck etc., prepared by mixing in water) with the help of synthetic fiber brush. The material shall reduce sheet) the cured slab. From
the ratio of 5 : 2 (5 parts integral crystalline slurry : 2 parts water) for vertical the permeability of concrete by more than 90% compared with control positive or from
surfaces and 3 : 1 (3 parts integral crystalline slurry : 1 part water) for horizontal concrete as per DIN 1048 Part 5. The crystalline slurry shall be capable negative side.
surfaces and applying the same from negative (internal) side with the help of of self-sealing of cracks up to a width of 0.5 mm by forming needle
synthetic fiber brush. The material shall meet the requirements as specified in shaped crystals when reacts with unhydrated cement and moisture.
ACI-212-3R-2010 i.e by reducing permeability of concrete by more than 90% The crystalline admixture must conform to BIS standards - "Made in
compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 bar India". The Material shall be manufactured in ISO Certified
hydrostatic pressure on negative side. The crystalline Slurry shall be capable of Manufacturing Unit in india. The Company specializing in production of
self-healing of cracks up to a minimum width of 0.50mm. The work shall be the crystalline products as specified, should have minimum 20 years of
carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the engineer-in- experience in india. The crystalline material shall be procured from CE
charge. The product performance shall carry guarantee for 10 years against any approved manufacturing unit. The admixture should not contains
leakage sterates and should be hydrophilic in nature. The work shall be carried
out all complete as per Manufacturer specification.
22.23.1 For vertical surface two coats @0.70 kg per sqm per coat Krystol T1 & T2 in 2
Coats from negative
side (For application
please refer technical
data sheet)
22.23.2 For horizontal surface one coat @1.10 kg per sqm. Krystol T1 in single
coat from positive
side (For application
please refer technical
data sheet)
22.24 Providing and mixing integral crystalline (Dry Shake) of hydrophilic in nature for Providing and applying dry shake crystalline waterproofing (Krystol Krystol Broadcast During Construction
waterproofing treatment to RCC structures like basement raft, foundation slab, broadcast) for waterproofing treatment to RCC structures like Rafts etc.
sewage & water treatment plant slab, wherehouses floor, parking structures & Evenly sprinkled on the green concrete in powder form and to be
water tank base slab etc.. sprinkled @0.60 Kg / sqm. or higher as Sandwiched between the raft after laying 10% thickness of raft @ 1kg
recommended by the manufacturer's specification over the lean cement per sqm or as recommended by manufacturer. The material shall meet
concrete of above sited structures. The material shall meet the requirements as the requirements by reducing permeability of concrete by more than
specified in ACI-212-3R-2010 i.e. by reducing permeability of concrete by more 90% compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 Part 5 & resistant
than 85%, compared with control concrete as per DIN 1048 and resistant to 16 to high hydrostatic pressure. The crystalline material shall be capable of
bar hydrostatic pressure on negative side. The crystalline dryshake shall be self-sealing of cracks up to a width of 0.5 mm by forming insoluble
capable of self-healing of cracks up to width of 0.50mm. The work shall be microscopic needle shaped crystals when reacts with un-hydrated
carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the engineer-in- cement particle and moisture. The Material shall be manufactured in
charge. The product performance shall carry guarantee for 10 years against any ISO Certified Manufacturing Unit in india. The Company specializing in
leakage. production of the crystalline products as specified, should have
minimum 20 years of experience in india. The admixture should not
contains sterates and should be hydrophilic in nature. The work shall be
carried out all complete as per Manufacturer specification.
22.25 Providing and applying crystalline mortar by mixing in the ratio of 4.5 : 1 (4.5 Providing and applying construction joint treatment with Krystol Krystol Waterstop (Post constructions.)
parts crystalline mortar : 1 part water) for the treatment of faulty construction waterstop grout (4.5 parts of powder to 1 part of water by volume) Grout (For Cold joints, crack
joints, cracks, tie rod holes and spalled & honeycombed surface of RCC cementitious based crystalline construction joint treatment inside a U application please repair
underground structures like basement, water tanks, bridge deck etc. to ensure shaped 20mm wide and 20-25mm deep cut grove over concrete surface refer technical data
water tightness. The crystallie mortar shall conform to the EN 1504-3 having having the following properties Bulk density 1.40 g/cm3, pH 12 (when sheet)
compressive strength Class R4 (≥45 MPa)& adhesive bond strenght Class R3 mixed with water) and compressive strength of 40 Mpa (7 days) ASTM
(≥1.5 MPa). The work shall be carried out all complete as per specification and C 109.
the direction of the engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry
guarantee for 10 years against any leakage.
22.25.1 For sealing cracks and faulty construction joints, routed out/making U -shape For sealing of cracks, faulty construction joints:- Krystol Waterstop Post
groove size 25x25mm and then primed the area with integral crystalline slurry Providing and applying construction joint treatment with Krystol Grout (For constructions.Cold
@0.05kg/running meter and while the surface is tacky filled the groove upto waterstop grout (4.5 parts of powder to 1 part of water by volume) application please joints, crack repair
surface with crystalline mortar @1.50kg/running meter. Once crystalline mortar cementitious based crystalline construction joint treatment inside a U refer technical data
is touch dry then finally applied two coats of integral crystalline slurry shaped 20mm wide and 20-25mm deep cut grove over concrete surface sheet)
@0.05kg/running meter per coat. having the following properties Bulk density 1.40 g/cm3, pH 12 (when
mixed with water) and compressive strength of 40 Mpa (7 days) ASTM
C 109.
22.25.2 For patching of tie rod holes, prepared tie rod hole surface and then primed the Treatment of Tie hole points- Krystol Waterstop Post construction :-Tie
area with integral crystalline slurry @0.070kg/sqm and while the surface is Providing and applying Krystol waterstop grout (4.5 parts of powder to Grout (For rod holes treatment
tacky repair and then filled the tie rod holes with crystalline [email protected] 1 part of water by volume) cementitous based crystalline mortar / application please
per hole. The crystalline mortar should be tightly rodded into tie rod holes or grout treatment inside a cut of 25mm x 25mm x 25mm deep cut grove refer technical data
packed tightly (For 25x25x25 mm tie rod hole, use 0.040kg to fill the hole). over concrete surface having the following properties Bulk density 1.40 sheet)
g/cm3, pH 12 (when mixed with water) and compressive strength of
40Mpa (7 days)-Astm C 109.
22.26 Providing and applying of swellable type water stop tape, 19mm x 25mm thick Providing and applying Synthetic Rubber based Krytonite Swelling Krytonite Swelling During Constrution
in linear meter (expansive nature) for construction joints treatment of RCC Waterstop tape, 20mm x 5mm thick for construction joints treatment waterstop along with Construction joints or
structure such as raft slab, retaining walls, water storage tank and at the of RCC structure such as retaining walls and at the junctions of raft slab Krytonite swelling Cold joints
junctions of raft slab with the retaining walls etc.. After cleaning the surface, with the retaining walls etc. After cleaning the surface, one coat of adhesive (For
one coat of required primer for swellable water stop tape shall be applied required adhesive for swellable water stop shall be applied throughout application please
throughout the length of the joint @3.78 litre per 240 running meter. Over the the length of the joint. Over the primed surface Krytonite Swelling refer technical data
primed surface swellable type water stop tape shall be placed. The work shall Waterstop shall be placed. The waterstop conforms to the following sheet)
be carried out all complete as per specification and the direction of the swelling properties: Swelling percentage of swelling waterstop in clear
engineer-in-charge. The product performance shall carry guarantee for 10 years water 1000%, concrete water 800% & salt water 300%. The work shall
against any leakage be carried out all complete as per manufacturer specification.