Expo 1 Module 4 Support Pack

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Year 7 French

On Va En Ville!
Learn these places in town. You will be tested on them in the next lesson.

1) Look, cover, say and check. Cover the English phrases and look at the French phrases. Can you
remember what they are? Do this several times until you have remembered them all. This may take a
long time, but keep going – it will get easier!

2) RACAWAC ! (Read And Cover And Write And Check) When you have remembered most of them,
test yourself. Cover the English phrases, look at the French phrases and write the English in the box
in pencil. Check your answers. If you got an answer right, tick the I know it! box. If you didn’t get it
right, rub out your answer and learn it again. Keep going until you have ticked all the I know it

3) Take a break! It is important to take a break and test yourself again later. You may find you have
forgotten some, so try again. This time it won’t take you as long to learn them!

Places in Town – Les Endroits En Ville

English French English I know it!

there is/are il y a
a café un café
a cinema un cinéma
a market un marché
a museum un musée
a newsagent un tabac
a hotel un hôtel
a hospital un hôpital
a church une église
a post office une poste
a bank une banque
a station une gare
some shops des magasins

Which are the hardest ones to remember ? Make a note of them below:
Write a paragraph about your town. There are some phrases in the box to help you.

j’habite à I live in il y a there is/are

dans in un café a café
ma ville my town un cinéma a cinema
mon village my village un marché a market
il y a there is/are un musée a museum
il n’y a pas de* there isn’t/aren’t any un tabac a newsagent
des some un hôtel a hotel
nous avons we have un hôpital a hospital
on a we have une église a church
beaucoup de* lots of une poste a post office
ici here une banque a bank
un ou deux one or two une gare a station
mais but des magasins some shops
et and
aussi also
*after "de" you must miss out un/une/des

To ask for directions you will need to know You will also need to use the correct word for “the”
these four phrases
le – for a singular masculine word
excusez-moi – excuse me la – for a singular feminine word
où est… – where is… les – for a plural* word (masculine or feminine)
où sont… – where are…
s’il vous plait. – please *when there is more than one thing

camping (m) campsite

bibliothèque (f) library
bowling (m) bowling alley
parc (m) park
magasin de vélos (m) bicycle shop
collège (m) high school
piscine (f) pool
magasin (m) shop

Is it le, la or les? Fill in the correct word for “the.”

Don’t forget to check if the words are plural! (Look for an ‘s’)

Le camping
Les__ campings
_____ bowling
_____ magasins
_____ piscine
_____ parc
_____ bibliothèque

Ask for directions to these places. Don’t forget to say “Excusez-moi” (or you can say “Pardon”).

e.g.) The campsite__Excusez-moi, où est le camping, s’il vous plaît  ?_______________

1) The pool ___________________________________________________________

2) The library _________________________________________________________

3) The shops __________________________________________________________

4) The bowling alley_______________________________________________________

5) The school ___________________________________________________________

Make a poster advertising your town in French. Do your draft version in the box below, and when you are
pleased with it, do a neat version on a separate sheet of plain paper. Don’t use English words (although you can
use the names of towns) and try and stick to simple French phrases that you have learned in class. Look back in
this booklet for useful phrases. There are also some extra phrases in the table below:

Welcome to Bienvenue à It’s… cest

Come to Venez à …excellent …excellent
The best town La meilleure ville …fantastic …fantastique
The most beautiful town La plus belle ville …interesting …intéressant
…in the UK du Royaume Uni and et
…in England de l’Angleterre also aussi
…in Europe de l’Europe for example par exemple
…in the world du monde first of all d’abord
There is/are Il y a then puis
lots of things beaucoup de choses finally finalement
…to do à faire
…for children pour les enfants
… for teenagers pour les ados
… for adults pour les adultes
Write seven sentences about Marc’s week. You can make it up, but say something different for every day.
Use the grid to help you.

Lundi Marc va au… stade avec des copains

(Monday) (Marc is going) (to the..) (stadium) (with some friends)

Mardi fast-food avec Sandrine

(Tuesday) (burger bar) (with Sandrine)

Mercredi supermarché avec Fabrice

(Wednesday) (supermarket) (with Fabrice)
à l’ hôpital
Jeudi (to the..) (hospital) avec son frère
(Thursday) à la piscine (with his brother)
(to the..) (pool)
Vendredi avec sa sœur
(Friday) fête foraine (with his sister)
Samedi aux magasins avec ses parents
(Saturday) (to the..) (shops) (with his parents)


1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________
Learn the verb aller by heart. Use RACAWAC (Read And Cover And Write And Check) to help you.

French English French English

to go aller
I go/I’m going je vais
you go/you are going tu vas
he goes/ he is going il va
she goes / she is going elle va
one goes/ one is going on va
we go / we are going nous allons
you go (plural)/you are going vous allez
they go / they are going ils vont
they go (f)/ they are going elles vont

Translation practice.

French English
Je vais au parc ___________ to the park
J’aime aller au fast-food I like _______ to the burger bar
Ils vont au stade They are ________ to the stadium
Tu ____ au cinéma You are going to the _______
________ _______ à l’hôpital We are going to the hospital
____ ______ à l’église le dimanche They (f) go to the church on Sundays
On va au supermarché
Nous allons à la patinoire
Ils vont au magasin
Elles vont aux magasins

Je vais

 Il va
Tu vas
Elle va On va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils vont Elles vont
Prepare to perform a role play in French with a partner. You will have to say it from memory.

Here is an example of what you could do:

On va au bowling demain. Tu
viens ?
Ah non. C ‘est ennuyeux. Demain je
vais à la fête foraine. Tu viens ?

Ah non. Je déteste ça.

C’est affreux !  Par
contre, samedi je vais
Ah oui, j’aime bien ça.
aux magasins. Tu viens ?

We’re going On va Yes Oui

I’m going Je vais No Non
to the cinema au cinéma I quite like J’aime bien
to the bowling alley au bowling I hate Je déteste
to the stadium au stade I love J’adore
to the park au parc that ça
to the pool à la piscine I don’t mind ça m’est égal
to the library à la bibliothèque I don’t know je ne sais pas
to the fair à la fête foraine if you want si tu veux
are you coming ? tu viens ? it’s boring c’est ennuyeux
tomorrow demain it’s awful c’est affreux
this morning ce matin it’s rubbish c’est nul
this afternoon cet après-midi OK d’accord
this evening ce soir good idea bonne idée
(on) Saturday samedi however par contre

Create your own snack bar menu. Use the space below to create a draft, and then when you are pleased with
your work, make a neat version on a separate sheet of paper. Don’t forget to include prices in Euros (€). One
euro is worth about 70 pence.

drinks les boissons snacks les snacks

an orange juice un jus d’orange a cheese sandwich un sandwich au fromage
a strawberry milkshake un milkshake à la fraise a ham sandwich un sandwich au jambon
a chocolate milkshake un milkshake au chocolat a strawberry ice cream une glace à la fraise
a hot chocolate un chocolat chaud a chocolate ice cream une glace au chocolat
a tea un thé a vanilla ice cream une glace à la vanille
a coffee un café a portion of chips une portion de frites
a fanta un fanta a slice of pizza une tranche de pizza
a lemonade une limonade a hamburger un hamburger
an orangina un orangina a hotdog un hot-dog
a diet coke un coca
a coke un coca light
Mini test

Answer these questions in French. You can invent the answers, but make sure they make sense.

Question Answer
Est-ce qu’il y a un cinéma à
Birmingham ?
Où est le parc ?

Où vas-tu ?

On va au cinéma. Tu viens ?

Write these places in English

un marché
un café
une gare
des magasins

Write these places in French

a bank
the campsite
the pool
the bowling alley

Draw the correct arrows()

à gauche
à droite
tout droit

Translate these text messages:

Je suis à la
bibliothèque. Les
devoirs ! Philippe

Je suis à l’hôpital
avec Luc. Abdoul

Je suis au centre
commercial. Maman

Il est 16h30. Je
suis au bowling avec
mes parents. Lucie
Independent Research

Use books or the internet to find out the following information.

1. How many people live in Paris?


2. If you take the Eurostar train to Paris, at which station do you arrive?

3. Where in France is Paris?


4. What is the name of the river that runs through Paris?


5. What is the name of the road that goes around Paris?


Now find out five more facts about Paris.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________

Where can I find the information?

● Go to your local library and find tourist guides to France and Paris.
Access the internet and do a Google search for “Paris facts” “Paris tourist information” or “Paris
information”. Make sure that the websites you find are reputable.

I got my information from:

What can you do in
French now that you
couldn’t do at the
beginning of the Module?

What have you found


What have you found


What did you enjoy?

What didn’t you enjoy?

Have you ever forgotten

to do your French

Have you ever forgotten

to bring the right

Have you behaved well in

every lesson?

Are you pleased with the

progress you have made?

Is there anything else you

would like to say?

Teacher’s comment

Target for Next Module

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