Realization of Anatta
Realization of Anatta
Realization of Anatta
(Realisation of Anatta)
After attaining the self-enlightenment, Buddha preached the first discourse, turning the wheel of Dhamma, (Dhamma SekkyaTite) and the second discourse, Anatta Lakkhana tote to the five Bhikkhus along with millions of Brahmas. At the end of the second discourse the five Bhikkhus and million of Brahmas attained the Arahatship. That was why Anatta Lakkhana Tote is important in determining whether one has attain Sotapanna, Sedagami, Anangami or the Arahatship. It is said that perception of Anatta (No-Self) is a critical test to use on all of us of us striving towards liberation. According to the law of the characteristic of Anatta (No-Self) , it is said that being who cannot rid of ones own identity, like I did this, I did that and I accomplished that and I was once a King, etcs, are those who have not realize the law of the characteristic Anatta, (no-self,) no self identity, living with sakkaya-ditthi - self identity in all of the existences. Thus, Buddha said, attachment will produce sakkaya-ditthi self identifier. It is important to realize that there is no-self (Anatta) and be rid of Sakkaya Ditthi in order that we could advance to a higher plane of existence. The moment we could realize Anatta,( no-self,) (no identifier to oneself), then, your past akusala kamma will disappear; thus, ceases the sakkaya-ditthi (the self identifier). One then could advance to a higher plane of existence/ Thus, no matter where we are reborn, in whatever abode of existence, we must live with a realization of the characteristics of Anatta no self. Thus if one can clearly perceive the characteristic of anatta, one attains the stage of the knowledge of sotapatti magga (path of the streamwinner) . To him, there is no sakkaya-ditthi (personality belief). This is one of the important criteria in the attainment of on the path of the stream.
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Human beings, devas, and Brahmas, however, who well perceive the characteristic of anatta, and their mental make-up cease to commit the duccarita and other akusala kamma even in their dreams from the moment they get rid of sakkaya-ditthi, although they may continue to journey through the samsara for many more existences and many more world-cycles to come. From the day they are free from sakkaya-ditthi and until the final existence when they attain Nibbana, they remain within the fold of the Buddha Sasana permanently and continuously during successive existences and successive world-cycles. For them they no longer will have any existence or any world where the Buddha Sasana has disappeared.
Sakkaya-ditthi: Self-identification view, the view that mistakenly identifies any of the khandha as "self"; the first of the ten fetters (samyojana). Abandonment of sakkaya-ditthi is one of the hallmarks of stream-entry.
Being with the thought of - 'It is kamma I have committed. It is my kamma'. Because of this forcible possessive act that kamma is obliged to produce its resultants. To this extent are worldlings possessing sakkaya-ditthi . It is the same in the case of the remaining akusala kamma. It is because of the forcible possessive act of sakkaya-ditthi that akusala kamma accompanied beings throughout samsara, wherever they may be reborn, and produces resultants. Beings find that they cannot discard their akusala kamma even while they are being oppressed by their resultants and are thereby in the process of suffering great privations. These beings regard such akusala kamma as 'akusala kamma I have committed', and thus take possession of them even though they may be in the process of suffering in hell through the resultants produced by the kamma. Because beings cannot discard or relinquish such akusala kamma, these kamma cannot help but produce resultants. These kamma continue to produce resultants such that these beings are unable to achieve their release from the hell existences. To this extent is sakkaya-ditthi profoundly evil and erroneous.
Tanha develops an attachment for all the phenomena in the three spheres of existence in the form 'It is my property'. Mana develops an attachment, for them in the form 'It is I'. In the case of beings possessing sakkaya-ditthi, tanha and mana follow the lead given by sakkaya-ditthi. In the case of a stream-winner, once-returner or non-returner who has rid himself of sakkaya-ditthi, tanha and mana cease to exist in him. Thus, akusala kamma totally ceases with the disappearance of sakkaya-ditthi. That, is the essence of Anatta Lakkhana Tote. Source -
Reference - Realization of Anattanisamsa by The Venerable Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw,Agga Mahapandita D. Litt. (Being an extract from Anatta Dipani, translated by U Sein Nyo Tun, I.C.S. Retd.)
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Dhamma Dana
I will present the Dhammapada Verse to illustrate how Anatta plays an important role in ones life career through the Samsara.
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Knowing this, the Buddha, by supernormal power, showed Nanda, the beautiful female devas of the Tavatimsa world who were far prettier than Princess Janapadakalyani. He promised to get them for Nanda, if the latter strove hard in the practice of the Dhamma. Other bhikkhus ridiculed Nanda by saying that he was like a hireling who practiced the Dhamma for the sake of beautiful women, etc. Nanda felt very much tormented and ashamed. So, in seclusion, he tried very hard in the practice of the Dhamma and eventually attained arahatship. As an arahat his mind was totally released from all attachments, and the Buddha was also released from his promise to Nanda. All this had been fore seen by the Buddha right from the very beginning. Other bhikkhus, having known that Nanda was not happy in the life of a bhikkhu, again asked him how he was faring. When he answered that he had no more attachments to the life of a householder, they thought Nanda was not speaking the truth. So they informed the Buddha about the matter, at the same time expressing their doubts. The Buddha then explained to them that, previously, the nature of Nanda was like that of an ill-roofed house, but now, it had grown to be like a well-roofed one. Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:
Verse 13: Just as rain penetrates a badly-roofed house, so also, passion (raga) penetrates a mind not cultivated in Tranquility and Insight Development (Samatha and Vipassana). Verse 14. Just as rain cannot penetrate a well-roofed house, so also, passion (raga) cannot penetrate a mind well-cultivated in Tranquility and Insight Development (Samatha and Vipassana). * Sakadagami Fruition: Sakadagami Phala, 'fruit or 'fruition'. This immediately follows Sakadagami Magga, which is the second Magga or the second stage of Enlightenment attained by one who has practiced Insight Meditation. Ananta Metta Maung Paw
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