MEH EOI B1 Wordlist U2

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Unit 2 Wordlist Macmillan English Hub B1  

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Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA) Definition Sample sentence
Collocations: making big decisions
lose heart phrase luːz hɑː(r)t luz hɑrt to stop believing that you He never lost heart,
can succeed even though his rival was
way ahead.
make the break/ phrase meɪk ðə breɪk/ to make a decision to I decided to make the
change tʃeɪndʒ change something in your break and buy my
life, usually something own place.
make a decision phrase meɪk ə dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n a choice that you make The committee should
after thinking carefully make a decision later
this week.
put a plan into phrase pʊt ə plæn ɪnˈtuː pʊt ə plæn ɪnˈtu to start using an idea We are ready to put our
action ˈækʃ(ə)n ˈækʃ(ə)n to succeed in doing plan into action.
set short-term phrase set ʃɔː(r)t tɜː(r)m set ʃɔrt tɜrm ænd to decide what you want to It’s important to set short-
and long-term ænd lɒŋ tɜː(r)m lɔŋ tɜrm ɡoʊls achieve in the near future term and long-term
goals ɡəʊls and for the future generally goals for your career.
stay motivated phrase steɪ ˈməʊtɪˌveɪtɪd steɪ ˈmoʊtɪˌveɪtəd to keep enthusiastic and Athletes must stay
determined to achieve motivated in order to
success reach the top.
take the next phrase teɪk ðə nekst step to perform a particular They decided to take the
step action, usually something next step and get married.
turn a dream phrase tɜː(r)n ə driːm ɪnˈtuː tɜrn ə drim ɪnˈtu ə to make something happen She turned her dream of
into reality ə riˈæləti riˈæləti that you have always living in Paris into a reality.
hoped for
work towards a phrase wɜː(r)k təˈwɔː(r)dz ə wɜrk təˈwɔrdz ə to do things that help you Daniel is working towards
goal ɡəʊl ɡoʊl to make progress towards his goal of becoming
something that you want to a chef.
Dependent prepositions (verb/adjective + for/of )
ask for phrasal ɑːsk fɔː æsk fɔr to speak or write to You could ask for part-
verb someone because you time work.
want them to give you
aware of phrasal əˈweər ɒv əˈwer ɑv knowing about a situation We are aware of this
verb or a fact problem.
look for phrasal lʊk fɔː lʊk fɔr to hope to get something Mike is looking for work.
verb that you want or need
prepare for phrasal prɪˈpeə fɔː prɪˈper fɔr to make plans for a future Mary is prepared for
verb event so that you will be retirement.
ready for it
proud of phrasal praʊd ɒv praʊd ɑv feeling happy about He was very proud of
verb your achievements, your himself for winning.
possessions, or people who
you are connected with
suitable for phrasal ˈsuːtəb(ə)l fɔː ˈsutəbəl fɔr right for a particular The film wasn’t suitable
verb purpose, person, or for a younger person.
typical of phrasal ˈtɪpɪk(ə)l ɒv ˈtɪpɪk(ə)l ɑv used for saying that The story is typical of this
verb someone is behaving in newspaper.
the way that they usually
work for phrasal wɜː(r)k fɔː wɜrk fɔr to have a job, usually one Sara could work for a café.
verb that you are paid to do

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Unit 2 Wordlist Macmillan English Hub B1  

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (USA) Definition Sample sentence
Problems and solutions
agree on phrasal əˈɡriː ɒn əˈɡri ɑn to have the same opinion The committee members
verb as somebody else about all agree on the need for
something more information.
analyse verb ˈænəlaɪz to study or examine You need the ability to
something in detail in order analyse and evaluate
to understand or explain it information.
cause verb kɔːz kɔz an event, thing, or person The major cause of these
that makes something accidents is drivers going
happen too fast.
come up with phrasal kʌm ʌp wɪð to think of something such Is that the best you can
verb as an idea or a plan come up with?
deal with phrasal diːl wɪð dil wɪð to take action to do The government must now
verb something, especially to deal with the problem of
solve a problem high unemployment.
solve verb sɒlv sɑlv to find a solution to We can help you solve
something that is causing your financial problems.
suggest verb səˈdʒest səɡˈdʒest to offer an idea or a plan for The report suggested
someone to consider various ways in which the
service could be improved.

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