7 Key Issues and Problems of Philippine Education in Curriculum
7 Key Issues and Problems of Philippine Education in Curriculum
7 Key Issues and Problems of Philippine Education in Curriculum
4 years, 2 months ago
Across the years our educational system has been rocked by controversies which have remained
unabated up to this day. Amidst the welter of issues, two of them have managed to stand out in
importance: quality and relevance. The major difficulty in education in the Philippines is the
short-sighted policy of sacrificing the quality and quantity of education for reasons of economy.
The key issues and problems in Philippine education which need further debate and depth
analysis as well as immediate resolution include the following:
It is uncommon to hear college teachers decry the quality of students that come to them. They
lament the students’ inability to construct a correct sentence, much less a paragraph. Private
schools have been assailed as profit-making institutions turning out half-baked graduates who
later become part of the nation’s educated unemployed. All these are indications of the poor
quality of education.
There are multiple factors which have led to low educational standards. Studies and fact-finding
commissions have shown that the deteriorating quality of education is due to the low government
budget for education; poor quality of teachers; poor management of schools; poor school
facilities such as laboratory and library facilities; poor learning environment; the content of the
curriculum; inadequate books and science equipment; the poor method of instruction; shortages
of classrooms; and others.
Since 1960, elementary enrolment has been expanding at the rapid rate of 4% a year owing to
increase in the number of children and in the enrolment ratio.
The shortages of classrooms and textbooks are particularly severe. The nationwide classroom
shortage is estimated to be 40,000 and the DECS (now DepEd) operates two shifts in many
schools. The textbook problem is even more serious. A survey done in preparation for a World
Bank education loan found that the pupil-textbook ration in the public elementary schools is 10:1
and 79% of the textbooks are more than 5 years old. This situation has persisted for many years.
Other teaching tools, such as science materials, teaching devices and audio-visual aids, are also
in short supply. Perennial graft and corruption in the acquisition of books and in the construction
of school buildings has often been reported. This situation handicaps the teaching staff in their
Teaching has often been referred to as the “most notable of all professions.” To many teachers,
however, the noble image of their profession has been transformed into an illusion. Over the last
three decades, we have come to think of the Filipino teachers as overworked and underpaid
The fact that teachers are paid subsistence wages is only half of their sad story. Their daily bout
with dilapidated classrooms, overcrowded classes, and lack of teaching materials, among others,
make the teachers hardly rewarded work even more difficult.
Aside from classroom instructions, teachers perform a host of backbreaking and time-consuming
jobs unrelated to the teaching function. The National Research and Development Center for
Teacher Education under the DECS listed 76 extracurricular activities performed by public
school teachers. Such activities include Operation Timbang, census taking, tax consciousness
drive, Clean and Green Drive, Alay-Tanim, Alay-Lakad, fund raising campaigns, lining the
streets to welcome foreign dignitaries, etc. To do all these, teachers are forced to work two or
three hours overtime everyday. They also have to report during weekends and holidays and even
during their yearly vacation time.
The bilingual policy in education aims to develop a Filipino who is proficient in both English
and Filipino. For the past 20 years, since the DECS adopted the bilingual policy, Tagalog-based
Pilipino has been used to teach over half of the subjects in the elementary and secondary
curriculum of both public and private schools. Mathematics and the natural sciences continue to
be taught in English. Despite the findings of the Ateneo Social Weather Survey that 92% of
Filipinos already speak and understand Tagalog, many provinces north and south of Metro
Manila still encounter problems with the language. This is unfortunate because Pilipino is used
in nationally conducted exams and tests. While the bilingual policy is a law which not even the
Secretary of Education can change, it has become a growing concern that many students are
deficient in communication skills.
6. Mismatch
The major problem of the tertiary level is the large proportion of the so called “mismatch”
between training and actual jobs, as well as the existence of a large group of educated
unemployed or underemployed. The literature points out that this could be the result of a rational
response to a dual labor market where one sector is import-substituting and highly-protected with
low wages. Graduates may choose to “wait it out” until a job opportunity in the high paying
sector comes.
To address this problem, it is suggested that leaders in business and industry should be actively
involved in higher education. Furthermore, a selective admission policy should be carried out;
that is, mechanisms should be installed to reduce enrolment in oversubscribed programs and
promote enrolment in undersubscribed ones.
It is in the educational sector where the concept of globalization is further refined and
disseminated. It comes in varied forms as “global competitiveness,” “the information highway,”
“the Third Wave Theory,” “post modern society,” “the end of history,” and “borderless
The so-called Philippines 2000 was launched by the Philippine government to promote “global
competitiveness,” Philippine Education 2000 carried it to effect through training of more skilled
workers and surplus Filipino human power for foreign corporations to reduce their cost of
The Philippines, including its educational sector, is controlled by US monopoly capital through
loan politics. This task is accomplished by the IMF, the World Bank and a consortium of
transnational banks, called the Paris Club, supervised by the WB. The structural adjustments as
basis for the grants of loans, basically require liberalization, deregulation and privatization in a
recipient country.
The WB-IMF and the Ford Foundation have earmarked $400M for Philippine education. These
loans financed the Educational Development Project (EDPITAF) in 1972; the Presidential
Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE) in 1969; the Program for Decentralized
Educational Development (PRODED) in 1981-1989. As pointed out by many critics, “the
massive penetration of WB-IMF loans into the Philippine Educational System has opened it wide
to official and systematic foreign control, the perpetuation of US and other foreign economic
interest, and to maximize the efficiency of exploiting Philippine natural resources and skilled
A number of studies and fact-finding commissions such as the Sibayan and Gonzales Evaluation
(1988), the Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE, 1969), and the
Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM, 1991-1992) have pointed out that the
problems of Philippine education are the problems of quality and political will.
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The NCF contains policy statements for learning and teaching for each key stage in
terms of objectives, outcomes and assessments standards. The National Curriculum
Frame work comprises Subject Statements, each containing a definition, purpose, scope,
educational and career links, learning outcomes, assessment standards and subject
competence descriptions per grade, content and contexts for attaining the assessment
As Asebiomo (2009) has said, “no matter how well formulated a curriculum may be, its
effective implementation is a sine qua non toward achieving the desired goals of
education”. Therefore the effectiveness of the new curriculum depends on the
effectiveness of implementation.
Curriculum implementation involves the daily classroom activities that the teacher is
involved in, that monitor students’ progress and evaluate the performance of the
students. Teachers are responsible for implementing the newly introduced curriculum
and deciding if it is having the desired effect on students learning. According to Forbes
and Davis(2010),to perform the assigned tasks teachers rely upon the curriculum
materials, the teaching methodology, content knowledge of the curriculum and their
Ornstein & Hunkins(2004) has said “ Learning is influence by teachers” . This shows how
important teachers are to the process of curriculum implementation. Therefore ,it is
important for the teachers to understand the content included in the curriculum and to
know the best practices in its delivery to the students.
The National Curriculum Frame Work gives guidance to the teachers on what they must
teach to the targeted learners. In this instance, Grades 1 to 3 (key stage one) learners are
the target group.
The primary purpose of the National Curriculum for key stage one, which comprises of
Grades 1-3 is, “to create a love for learning and to provide a foundation of skills for
lifelong learning.” (NCF, 2014. page -23) The curriculum also aims to provide a basis for
further studies in Higher Education, to lay a foundation for future careers, and to
develop learners who are productive and responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
This study looks at the factors which make implementation of the New curriculum,
which was introduced in 2014 by Maldives government (National Curriculum Frame
work ) a challenge for the teachers of key stage one of Lh .Atoll education centre.
Curriculum Development began in 1976, while Teacher Training began in 1977. A new
national curriculum for primary and middle schools was designed and introduced in
1984 which incorporated Environmental Studies, Science, Dhivehi language,
Mathematics, English language, Fine Arts, Physical Education and Calligraphy.
In Maldivian context, most of the assessments are carried out in the form of Assessment
of learning (AOL) in which written tests are given. They often test memory more than
understanding and encourage surface learning but not a complete picture of a student’s
performance and lack feedback (Murphy, 2009). In addition to this, it avoids the failed
students and they are not given an opportunity to succeed. This can be tackled by
giving clear guidance and practice to the students to use self and peer assessment
procedures especially for the lower grades. Also, peer assessment works best when
students are asked to provide formative and qualitative feedback rather than simply
grading or giving a score to peers since this often makes students uncomfortable (Price,
Pierson and Light. 2011).
According to Rose (2008) education should prepare learners for life after school,
allowing them on completion of their basic education to function and compete in the
work environment, preparing them to join the work force
Therefore to avoid such things, the Education system of Maldives has undergone a
dynamic transitional period.
Curriculum developers have designed programs in the new curriculum focusing on the
national level, which might be suitable for all the regions of Maldives. Various academic
and non-academic activities are organized in schools. For the students who might not
be academically successful, they have the potential to participate in other activities such
as sports and clubs to exercise their capability. The aim of these activities is to deviate
their attention from the negative impact they might come across through the society
and at their home. Furthermore, vocational programs such as Polytechnic, BTEC, STVET
are introduced to students.
According to Alade(2011), the main reason for the failure of the well formulated
curriculum is the lack of understanding about the changes by both the experts outside
the schools and teachers inside the school system . Therefore, successful
implementation of curriculum requires understanding the roles and the responsibilities
of individuals in the school system.
At Lh. Atoll Education Centre, most primary teachers have been trained in Dhivehi
medium. Moreover, many do not feel competent enough to teach about. Thus, is often
not covered very well in practice despite the development of National curriculum in
The global study carried out by the UNESCO (2006), whose findings state that
curriculum is under-utilised due to teachers in competence on curriculum due to lack of
training on curriculum and discomfort in using sensitive materials.
Therefore the aim of this study is to investigate the factors which make the
implementation of New Curriculum in the mentioned school a challenge for teachers.
Therefore, to achieve the vision of the curriculum, it is a must for the teachers to fulfil
their roles effectively. To carry out the roles effectively, the teachers must have the
required knowledge and skills. Teachers need to be familiar with the design and the
underlying principles of the curriculum. There should be a well-developed procedure for
professional development programmes, monitoring and evaluating the work of the
teachers especially during the implementation.
The successful implementation of the New curriculum depends how prepared the
teachers are. The teachers are the key players in making the classroom learning as
outcome-based learning.
Currently, some of the teachers in the selected school are contract teachers who were
not trained or not have attended any orientation programmes. In addition, some of the
local teachers who are currently employed as primary teachers are not oriented on the
implementation of the NCF and most of them are trained in Dhivehi medium. Therefore
those teachers did not want to accept the New Curriculum.
Therefore, I believe that it is really essential to investigate the factors which make the
implementation of new curriculum a challenge.
Through the qualitative research design to explore factors which exist in making the
curriculum implementation as challenge, I believe the research will reveal some
necessary information for school leaders, policy makers and teacher educators about the
process of curriculum implementation. The recommendations included in the plan
generated from this research can be used to assist other school teachers who are
experiencing similar circumstance.
The study provides an understanding of the NCF and the challenges laid upon it,
especially with regard to key stage one and how those challenges are handled by
The study explores experiences of key stage one teachers of Lh. Atoll Education centre
in the process of newly introduced curriculum implementation and the factors that make
it a challenge for the teachers in the process and also their opinion with regard to the
coping of those affected factors.
The study increases knowledge with regard to National Curriculum and its
implementation. Also it helps understand the actual causes of the challenges.
According to Bruner’s theory (1966), what is taught should be kept with the learners’
cognitive structures and understanding. As far as possible, new materials should have a
bearing on what learners already know. Following the Bruner’s theory, the teacher
should present specific information to the learners with a problem; thereafter, s/he
should play the role of facilitator in an inductive inquiry process, starting with and
continuing with step-by-step discovery.
Therefore, this study will help teachers bringing a shift in teaching methods: in order to
make the new curriculum relevant, content which should be taught should relate to the
immediate environment of the learners. At the same time the study will guide the
teachers to overcome the doubts and understating to face the enormous challenges in
implementing the new curriculum.
Planning the research and preparing tools and instrument for collecting data for the
research are solely the responsibility of the researcher. Obtaining permission from
higher authority to conduct the research and to get access to the teachers as
participants of the research also lies on researchers head. Collecting data, analysing and
reporting the findings will be done by the researcher.
The result and the findings of this study completely depend on the response from
participants. The chance of misleading the interpretation of the data will not occur in
this study because the researcher herself collects the data by interacting with the
The study accomplishes by answering the research question; that is, “What are the factor
that make implementation of the new curriculum a challenge for key stage teachers of
Lh. Atoll education centre?”
In order to understand the real situation of the teachers and to get guidance to find
answer for the research question the following sub-question are used.
How teachers have adopted to the curriculum changes along with the methods they
employed to deal with the changes brought to the teaching curriculum?
Were the teachers workload increased due to the changes to the curriculum?
How do the teachers get the access to the needed resources for implementation of the
new curriculum?
Were the teachers provided with the necessary training and resources for the
implementation of the new curriculum successfully?
How often do they attend professional development programs in relation to curriculum
The research focused on the implementation of the NCF to Key stage one in the Lh.
Atoll Education Centre. For this reason the research is confined to only those teachers
who teach in this particular school.
The main purpose of the research is to determine challenges facing teachers in
implementing the NCF for key stage one students of a particular school. However, the
study had certain limitations. The research is limited to Lh. Atoll Education Centre
because the researcher is familiar with the teachers as she resided and worked in the
school. Limited resources, time and financial constraints restricted the researcher to
study one school in the Atoll. Because the study choice fell on a qualitative research
approach based in one school with interviews conducted with the participants and an
observation. The study is designed to be exploratory and descriptive in nature.
In the process of educational research, ethic plays a very important role because it
involves people. According to Wellington (2000,p.56) the ethical protocols for every
aspect of the research must be clear. Obtaining informed consent is necessary so that all
interviewees know what the research is about and what is involved in being a
The study is to find out the factors which make the implementation of the new
curriculum a challenge for Key Stage One teachers’ of Lh. Atoll education Centre. The
aims of the new curriculum for key stage one are, providing a basis for continuing
learning, to lay a foundation for future careers, and to develop learners who are
productive and responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
The very next chapter, chapter two, focused on the available literature which are related
to the topic. This chapter includes the theoretical and conceptual frame work of the
Chapter three, Research Methodology follows the research design, discussing the
techniques of data collection. The data collection techniques, Semi-structured interview
and classroom observations are discussed in detail in the chapter.
Later, Chapter four includes presentation of the data generated in the forms of
participants’ narratives.
Chapter five provides discussion on the data analysis and findings of the study
Chapter six comprises the conclusion and recommendation that emerged from the
According to Rockler-Gladen(2008) literature provides precious and vital information on
a relevant topic. It reviews theoretical foundations, which are important to s specific
subject, and gives significant summery and assessment. This means the literature review
should provide different opinion of available information. Randolf (2009:2 ) shares a
similar view, stating that literature review is “ information analysis and synthesis focusing
on findings and not simply bibliographic citation, summarizing the substance of the
literature and drawing conclusion from it.”
The main focus of this study is to find out the factors which make implementation of a
new curriculum a challenge for teachers of Lh. Atoll Education Centre.
Therefore, here the literature review focuses on the previous studies conducted by
researchers internationally to find out about the factors which make implementation of
a new curriculum a challenge for teachers.
The literature that are available at present show that a significant amount of studies had
been conducted on the educational changes and the affecting factors that make the
change possible or impossible . According to Waugh and Punch (1987) and Newton
(1990) educational change is multidimensional and complex process. Therefore, it can
be said that it is a system of varying activities involved in translating curriculum design
in to classroom activities and changing pupil’s attitude to accept and get involved in
these activities .However, as curriculum implementers, teachers faced many barriers
which hinder the successful implementation of the new curriculum.
Bennie and Newstead( 1994:4) feel that introducing Outcome-Based Curriculum has lot
of demands on teachers.
In the Maldives and some other countries like South Africa Australia, teachers previously
concentrated on classroom teaching but due to the change brought to the curriculum,
they are loaded with non-teaching duties like attending meetings and co-curricular
activities. Therefore the increased duties affect implementation of the curriculum and
make it challenging.
In the research which was conducted in Australia by Dixon Scot and Dixon(2008), it has
been mentioned that teachers were affected by time. Teachers almost stop doing any
research to add content and make their lesson interesting; hence lack of time was
affecting factors for the teachers in implementing a curriculum effectively. Furthermore
in the same research they have said that teachers are unable to produce work of high
quality and improve their teaching and produce professional material due to the non-
formal activities.
The statement made Okello and Kagoire( 1996) shows that quality and quantity of the
staff to meet the expectations of pupils and the society are weaknesses in implementing
a curriculum . Teachers are the most important human resources in curriculum
implementation since they are the ones who adopt and implement the ideas and
aspirations of the designers. This suggests that success of the curriculum depends on
the teachers. Appropriate supply of trained teachers is therefore, is a factor that makes
the implementation of the curriculum a challenge for the teachers.
The above reference made it evident that the following are the factors which make the
implementation of the new curriculum a challenge for teachers in most of the countries.
According to Tamir (2004) the curriculum implementation is the process of placing ideas
and materials into practice. Ornstein & Hunkins,( 2004) state that, Curriculum
implementation is one of the six phases involved in the curriculum development
process. Implementation is an interaction process between those who have created the
program and those who are charged with delivering it
Based on the above statement made by Tamir (2004) and the reviewed dependable
literature for this study, it clearly indicated that the factors which make implementation
of a new curriculum a challenge for teachers, can divided into three broad categories.
Those are:
1. Factors which have direct relation on the process of implementing a curriculum ; such as
teachers’ heavy workload, teachers’ inadequate understanding of the reform, readiness
of teacher for the change,
2. Factors which are mostly related to the Procedure of the curriculum implementation or
System related factors such as formulating policies related to curriculum, communicating
the change with the stakeholders, producing necessary learning materials,
3. Factors related to the production of the curriculum or Student related such as content of
the curriculum, readiness of the students for the change.
The curriculum provides direction for classroom instruction, but does not consist of a series
of lesson plans. It is the teachers’ privilege and responsibility to interpret and translate the
curriculum document in terms of her own and her students’ experience. (p. 13)
Since objectives of the study are to examine factors which make implementation of the
new curriculum a challenge for teachers’ of one particular school, the researcher focuses
only on factors which align with process of curriculum implementation: that is teacher
related factors.
The teacher is the most crucial factor in the process of the curriculum implementation.
They bring their expertise, knowledge and experience to the classroom teaching. There
is the existence of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors that can hinder curriculum change
by teachers. These extrinsic factors identified are adequacy of resources, time, school
ethos and professional support. The intrinsic factors are professional knowledge,
professional adequacy and professional interest and motivation.
For the purpose of examining the factors which make implementation of new curriculum
a challenge for key stage one teachers’ of Lh. Atoll Education Centre, the Instructional
Theory which was advocated by Bruner (1966) is applied and the researcher
incorporates information derived from the existing literature to establish a theoretical
frame work for conducting the study.
Bruner’s (1966) Instructional Theory has direct implication on the factors which affect
teachers in curriculum implementation. According to the Instructional Theory, the
instruction must be clear and facilitate the learning process.
Oliver and Venter (2003:190) are of the opinion that previously teachers had
homogenous learners in their class, now they teach more heterogeneous group. This
means that leaners of different abilities, backgrounds and ethical are placed in one class
and the teacher has to spend more time with the weak pupils. So the time they spend
on is affecting them. Dixon Scott and Dixtion (2008) carried out a research in Australia,
in which they mentioned that lack of time was the worst problem in putting curriculum
in practice. It is because this does not do any research to add to content and makes the
lesson more interesting. (Scot and Dixon : 2008)
The two researchers , Nwikina and Nwanekezi cited in Osagie and Okafo(2012)
concluded that teachers’ workload was one of the factors that inhibits learners’
academic achievement. So it shows that the increase of work load has negative impact
on curriculum implementation.
Therefore, it can be said that there is a global agreement about the significance of
teachers who are well trained produces high standard result.
According to Lombard (2002:Xviii) many studies had been carried out in America
regarding professional development of teachers and the results have shown that
learners show better results when they were taught by teachers who are on continuous
development programmes.
In this chapter a series of aspects relating to research process is discussed. It is the
narrative of the research method employed, the sampling procedure, how the
researcher gained access to the to the research site, the method of collecting data and
how the ethical issues are addressed.
In choosing a research method, the researcher must be aware of the difference between
a qualitative research and quantitative research. This research used qualitative
methodological approach in the practice of semi- open face to face interview and
Gay and Airasian (2003) have said the “educational research is the systematic application
of family of methods employed to provide trustworthy information about educational
problems ,issues and topics.” (p.3)
According to Yin (20107, p, 34), a research methodology or design is essentially the logic
that links the data to be collected and the conclusion to be drawn to the initial research
Since the selection of research approach is influenced by the study being undertaken,
the philosophical framework and conceptual assumption of the study fall under the
qualitative approach.
From the two research methods, quantitative and qualitative, qualitative research
approach has been chosen for this study. The narrative inquiry approach is utilised
concentrating on narrating the real classroom experience of teachers, allowing an
understanding of the challenges they faced due to the changes to the curriculum.
According to Clandinin & Conneelly (2002) the narrative inquiry is the approach which
allows theresearcher to hear the stories of experiences. The reason for choosing the
narrative inquiry as method depends on the nature of this study.
The aim of the study is to find out the factors which make the implementation of new
curriculum a challenge for a set of teachers. The chosen method, Narrative inquiry
approach encourages and allows teachers to communicate their stories about the
factors in their point of view.
Bruner (1986) claimed that narrative knowledge (that is, knowledge derived from stories)
was as essential as paradigmatic knowledge (knowledge gained from science) in
enabling people to make sense of the world.
“Change is a journey, not a blue print” (Fullan,1993,p:24) adds to this the fact the
researcher is dealing with mix of people interacting in a given place and time at various
stage of dealing with change which feeds and influences further change. Therefore as
researcher, I found that the relevant rhetorical framework that best fits for this study is
narrative, with a qualitative approach. As Lucas (1997) has stated, a narrative may, thus,
be ‘any extended segment of talk in which an interviewee is telling a story’. However,
narrative analysis can be applied to any form of textual data, such as those provided by
diaries, journals, or written accounts of critical incidents, in addition to data generated
from interviews
Therefore, through the qualitative method the objectives can be achieved. According to
Ross (1999), qualitative approaches to research are based on “world view” which is
holistic and has the beliefs like;
– Reality based upon perceptions that are different for each person and change over
Since the study is to determine and distinguish reason of significant happenings from
teachers point of view, the researcher asked lots of open-ended questions which
permitted the participants to air their views on the challenges facing them with changes
to the curriculum.
Denscombe (2003:267) states that qualitative research gains its uniqueness through the
approach to the collection and analysis of data
The sampling method used for this study is purposive sampling. In this sampling
method elements are chosen based on purpose of the study. According to Ploeg (1999)
purposive sampling decisions organises the selection of the participants, settings, events
and activities for data collection. McMillan and Schumacher (2001:433) explain that
purposeful sampling is a plan to choose a small group of people who have the essential
information and appropriate facts. In the situation of this study, the teachers of the
selected school are those affected by curriculum changes and the associated challenges.
Choosing Purposive sampling allows the researcher to choose the participants according
to the information and knowledge they possess. Therefore, for the study participants are
carefully selected.
Prior to beginning the study, approval was attained from the Maldives National
University. Only after receiving formal approval from university my interviewing and
observation in the school could begin.
Since one particular school was selected to carry out the study, that is Lh. Atoll
education Centre, initially a letter is sent to the principal (Appendix—–) requesting
permission to conduct the interview and observation. After granting permission from
the principal in written form (Appendix——-) a letter is sent to teachers of key stage one
(Appendix——) asking to attend a meeting .
In the very first meeting with participants, the relevant information is explained and
communicated. Information regarding the research project, the topic and the reason for
the research are relayed. After getting verbal approval of willingness to be involved in
the interview, each participant is given a set of questions that is to be asked in the
interview and a “Consent Form’ (Appendix—) so that they could go through and have
clear understanding of it prior to my arrival to conduct the interview. According to
Almadhour (2010:30), participants may observe that an inversion of privacy is
happening, and may sometimes be ashamed or embarrassed and may also have to give
information that they did not intend to. Therefore the participants have to be purely
voluntary and complete description of the anticipation of the research is clearly outlined.
Each participant has to sign the ‘Consent Form’ (Appendix—) before the interview
began. Venue for interviews is chosen carefully so that the participants would feel
comfortable and the discussion would remain confidential. Time is given for the
interviewees to ask any questions and at the end participants are asked if they wish to
make any further comments.
It is the responsibility of the researcher to keep the whole process extremely private and
confidential. No one has the right to get access to any information collected during the
interview and observation process.
The population for the study includes all the teachers who were teaching to key stage
one of the selected school that is 10 in number and the leading teacher of those
particular grades.
Sub-questions which help to manipulate answer for the overarching question are:
How have teachers adopted to the curriculum changes along with the methods they
employed to deal with the changes brought to the teaching curriculum?
Were the teachers workload increased due to the changes to the curriculum?
How do the teachers get the access to the needed resources for implementation of the
new curriculum?
Were the teachers provided the necessary training and resources for the implementation
of the new curriculum successfully?
How often do they attend professional development programs in relation to curriculum
Punch (2005) stated that interviews are one of the most essential ways of gathering data
for qualitative research. Mothata (2000:89), Henning et al (2005:53) and Walliman
(2001:240) concur that interviews are essential data gathering tools and techniques. If
the interview instrument is used correctly and accurately, the information obtained from
the interviewee should be precise and indicate sincerity. The main purpose of an
interview is to figure out what is “in and on someone else’s mind” (Patton,1990:278).
The researcher requests interviewees’ permission to use a voice record during the
interview. The voice recording ensures that all the data are captured correctly. The
researcher presents individually the transcripts of the teachers’ responses in the
interview. Participants are asked to check and ensure all the information are correctly
The observations that are done by the researcher while they were in the classroom are
used to validate and support what is mentioned in the interviews. Prior to observing the
participant in the classroom, the researcher made telephone calls to check when she
could visit the participant. The visits are based on observation schedule to avoid
interruption of smooth running of the teachers scheduled work.
The researcher may notice what the participant says, and what happens in reality may
differ. Observation as a method of data collection offers a reality check. Due to time
constraints observation at school was conducted just once, which was pre-arranged with
the participant.
In this research, the observations are done on the field with notes being taken that are
The validity and reliability is not a very important issue in qualitative research. This
research addressed the concern of trustworthiness by looking at what Guba (1981)
mentions as the criteria vital to ensuring that qualitative research is trustworthy.
The research method used in this research was well documented in the literature. The
researcher is well known by school management and the participants with whom she
worked. However, the finding of the dissertation is no way partial. Participants are
informed that they can withdraw from the study at any time. Only the participants who
have shown interest in taking part are included. Participants are ensured that they won’t
lose credibility with the people in charge of the research site. Iterative questioning i.e.
probes and re-articulated certain questions are used. Intercalation with colleagues is
made throughout the study.
Member check
It is always important in qualitative research that whether the data are correct in all
respect. This is guaranteed in the research by asking the participants to read the
information they shared and checking the data to see if it is constructed correctly and
allowing them to validate the information.
Adequate information about the data are communicated allowing the reader to have a
good understanding and to make evaluation and comparison. The name of the school
where the research is conducted and the number of participants involved are
mentioned. Data collection techniques and the research procedure are discussed in
Dependability goes repeatability — if the study is replicated with the same participants
in the same environment, with the same techniques, will it yield the same result?
Credibility and dependability are closely correlated.
The result is related to information given by the participants, not the researcher.
As Mertens (2005) states, ethics need to be a fundamental part of the complete research
package and not just added on. Ethical consideration cannot be an additional extra one
because for research to be truly ethical those consideration need to be built in from the
whole process.
Since the study is a qualitative research, it involved several steps: the identification of
the research population, selection of the sample, procedure of gaining consent, data
collection instrument, data collection. This chapter explains how the steps were followed
in order to get the answer for the research question and to achieve the objectives of the
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