Electribe PG E4

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1. PATTERN PARAMETERS................................................. 3
2. PART PARAMETERS......................................................... 4
3. STEP EDIT........................................................................... 5
4. PART UTILITY.................................................................... 5
5. GLOBAL PARAMETERS.................................................. 6
6. DATA UTILITY................................................................... 8
7. EVENT REC/PLAY............................................................. 8
8. Appendix............................................................................. 9
Shortcut list.......................................................................... 9
OSC Type List................................................................... 10
Modulation Type List...................................................... 13
Filter Type List.................................................................. 14
Scale List............................................................................ 14
MFX Type List................................................................... 15
IFX Type List..................................................................... 15
Groove Type List.............................................................. 15
Pattern List......................................................................... 16
Parameter Guide
Thank you for purchasing the Korg electribe music production station. To ensure trouble-free enjoyment please read the included owner’s
manual carefully and use the product as directed.
TIP This document contains information about all of the electribe’s parameters. Refer to this guide when you want to learn more about a
specific parameter.

1. PATTERN PARAMETERS CHORD SET................................................................................. [1...5]

Controls the density of the chord that's produced when you strike a
These parameters are for pattern-related settings. The settings are trigger pad in chord scale mode.
saved independently for each pattern.
TIP The range depends on the scale that's selected.
BPM................................................................................ [20.0...300.0]
GATE ARP.................................................................................. [1...50]
Specifies the tempo (BPM). Turn the VALUE knob to change the
Selects the pattern type for the gate arpeggiator.
tempo in steps of 1. By holding down the SHIFT button and turning
the VALUE knob you can adjust the value in steps of 0.1 ALTERNATE 13-14................................................................. [Off, On]
TIP By tapping the Tap button you can use the tap tempo function Enables alternate operation for triggering two parts. For example, by
to specify the BPM. assigning hi-hat close to part 13 and open to part 14, and then
turning ALTERNATE 13-14 On, you can prevent those two parts
SWING..........................................................................[-50%...+50%] from playing simultaneously, ensuring that your performance will
Shifts the note-on timing of the even-numbered steps as a percentage sound natural.
ALTERNATE 15-16................................................................. [Off, On]
TIP If you set Last Step to an odd number or use an MFX type (Seq → see ALTERNATE 13-14
Reverse, Seq Doubler, Odd Stepper, Even Stepper) that con-
trols the sequencer, this parameter may shift the timing of CHAIN TO........................................................................ [Off, 1... 250]
odd-numbered rather than even-numbered steps. When the currently-selected pattern has finished playing, the
TIP A setting of "+33%" results in timing that is close to a perfect pattern specified using the CHAIN TO parameter will automatically
shuffle. begin to play. If this parameter is set to “Off,” the current pattern
will continue to play.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
TIP The Global Parameter CHAIN MODE must be set to ON for
the CHAIN TO and CHAIN REPEAT parameters to have any
effect. (→p.7 CHAIN MODE)

SWING –50 –25 +25 +50 CHAIN REPEAT.......................................................................... [1...64]

This specifies the number of times that the current pattern will play
BEAT ..................................................................... [16, 32, 8Tri, 16Tri] before advancing to the pattern specified by the CHAIN TO param-
Specifies the beat (time signature) of the pattern. eter.

TIP If this is set to 8Tri or 16Tri, trigger pads 13–16 of the Step TIP If CHAIN TO is set to Off, CHAIN REPEAT will have no effect.
Jump function are assigned to steps 1–4 of the next measure.
About the chain function
LENGTH...................................................................................... [1...4] The CHAIN TO and CHAIN REPEAT parameters allow you to use
Specifies the length of the pattern. multiple pattern to create and playback a song. For example, if you
set the Pattern 1 CHAIN TO parameter to Pattern 2 (value of 2) and
PATTERN LEVEL......................................................................[0...127] the Pattern 1 CHAIN REPEAT parameter to a value of 2 (and set
Adjusts the volume of the entire pattern. the Pattern 2 CHAIN TO parameter to Off), the patterns will play
as shown below.
MFX TYPE................................................................................[01...32]
Selects the type of master effect. Refer to the MFX Type List for 001 001 002
details of the available effect types. Pattern 1 Pattern 1 Pattern 2
TIP Depending on the effect type, the motion sequence function CHAIN REPEAT: 2 CHAIN REPEAT: 2 CHAIN REPEAT: --

might be unavailable in some cases. Refer to the master effect list.

Now, change the Pattern 2 CHAIN TO parameter to Pattern 3
Clear MFX Motion (value of 3) and the Pattern 2 CHAIN REPEAT parameter to a
Erases the master effect's motion sequence that was recorded in the value of 1. Next, set the CHAIN TO parameter of Pattern 3 to
pattern. Pattern 1 (value of 1) and the CHAIN REPEAT parameter of
Pattern 3 to a value of 1. The patterns will play in a loop, as shown.
Specifies the key (root note) that is the basis of the scale you selected 001 001 002 003
for the SCALE parameter. Pattern 1 Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3
Specifies the scale that is assigned to the touch pad and trigger pads.
Refer to the Scale List for details of the available scale types.

2. PART PARAMETERS MOTION SEQ.......................................... [Off, Smooth, Trigger Hold]
Specifies how motion sequence will work for the selected part.
These parameters are for part settings. The settings are saved Off: The recorded motion sequence is disabled.
independently for each part. Smooth: Knob movements are fluid, creating smooth change in
the sound.
LAST STEP................................................................................. [1...16]
Trigger Hold: The knob values in the motion sequence are held
Normally you'll use a setting of 16. Select a different setting if you
from the moment that the part is played.
want to create a pattern that has an irregular time signature. For
example to create a part that has 11 beats per measure, set the last TIP MFX motion sequences use the Smooth setting.
step to 11 so that one length will be a part equivalent to 11 steps.
TRG.PAD VELOCITY............................................................... [Off, On]
TIP Last Step is a function that is specific to this unit; if you are Enables or disables trigger pad velocity sensitivity.
synchronizing the performance with an external sequencer or
with a different model of electribe, the portion of the irregular SCALE MODE......................................................................... [Off, On]
time signature will not synchronize. Specifies whether the pitch will follow when you change the Scale
TIP If you specify a Last Step that is shorter than the original and Key.
number of steps, any note data located in the shortened To make the pitch follow correctly, turn this On before you record
portion is preserved but is not played. that part's performance.

TIP If Beat is set to 8Tri or 16Tri, the maximum number of steps is

12. If you specify any value above this, the setting will be 12.
TIP When you use the Step Jump function, step numbers 1 and
following of the next measure are successively assigned to the
trigger pads of numbers above the last step.

GROOVE TYPE................................... [01 Conga1...25 Decrescendo]

Selects the type of Groove. The Groove function lets you modify
rhythmically precise sequence data by applying a sense of groove
that reproduces the feel of timing with which certain typical instru-
ments are played, or the rhythmic feel of the song. For details on the
available groove types, refer to the Grove Type List.

GROOVE DEPTH.....................................................................[0...127]
Adjusts the depth of the Groove effect.

VOICE ASSIGN...................................[Mono1, Mono2, Poly1, Poly2]

Specifies the polyphony of the selected part.
Mono1: The part plays monophonically (single notes).
If you continue holding down the first trigger pad, the second
and subsequent notes do not retrigger the EG. Use this setting
when playing legato. However, retriggering will occur when a
one-shot sample is sounded.
Mono2: The part plays monophonically (single notes).
The EG is retriggered each time you press the trigger pad.
Poly1: The part can play chords that share a single EG, filter,
amp, and insert effect (pseudo-polyphonic). A maximum of four
voices can be sounded. The EG is not retriggered until you
release all trigger pads. However, retriggering will occur when a
one-shot sample is sounded.
Poly2: The part can play chords that share a single EG, filter,
amp, and insert effect (pseudo-polyphonic). A maximum of four
voices can be sounded. The EG is retriggered each time you
press the trigger pad to play a note.

PART PRIORITY............................................................[Normal, High]

Specifies the order of note priority for the selected part.
If the pattern playback contains numerous overlapping notes, there
may be cases in which a currently-sounding note is stopped before a
new note is sounded. By setting the PART PRIORITY parameter to
High, you can make it less likely that notes of that part will be
turned off. However, the effectiveness of this setting is decreased if
you select the High setting for multiple parts. Use discretion when
choosing the part(s) that use the High setting.
TIP The effectiveness of this parameter is reduced if you set
multiple parts to High, so you should be selective about the
parts for which you specify High priority.

To create a more elaborate pattern, you can edit individual steps of a
pattern that you’ve recorded or a pattern that’s saved in the elec- COPY PART
tribe. This lets you copy the sound and sequence data (including the
You can readjust the note number or modify the gate time. motion sequence) of the currently selected part to another part.
A phrase pattern consists of the following four types of data. TIP If this copy operation would result in more than 24 motion
This data can be individually edited for each step. sequences, the motion sequence is not copied.
Trigger: Whether a note is sounded at that step
Note number: The pitch that is sounded COPY PART SOUND
Gate time: How long it is sounded This lets you copy only the sound data of the currently selected part
Velocity: How strongly it is sounded to another part.
If you want to save a pattern that you've edited, you must TIP Step data and motion sequence data is not copied.
write it before selecting another pattern or turning off the
This lets you delete the sequence data (trigger, note number, gate
STEP NUMBER ............................................................... [1.01... 4.16] time) of the selected part.
Selects the step that you'll edit. When you press a trigger pad to
specify a step directly, the trigger on/off status also changes. CLEAR MOTION
This step that's selected for editing is called the "target step." Turn Deletes the motion sequence data of the selected part.
the VALUE knob to select the target step.
At this time the step key corresponding to the target step will light.
If the pattern length is 2 or greater, you can also specify it by press-
ing a step button. If you press the trigger pad of an empty target
step, note number C4 is entered.
TIP You can edit up to step 4.16. The maximum number of steps
that are actually played depends on the length, beat, and last
step settings.
TIP To change the target step by units of a Length, hold down the
Shift key and turn the VALUE knob.

NOTE ............................................................................[---, C-1...G 09]

Specifies the note number of the target step. You can record up to
four note numbers in each target step.
You can change this in steps of an octave by holding down the
SHIFT key and turning the VALUE knob.
You can also change the target step by pressing a trigger pad.
TIP If the display indicates "NOTE" pressing a step button does not
change the trigger on/off setting.
TIP Even if you change the note number of a step whose trigger is
off, that step does not produce sound until you turn the trigger

GATE TIME ...................................................................... [ 00...96, TIE]

This is the gate time length of each step. For example, if the gate time
is "96," the duration of the note is exactly as long as a single step.
TIP If you specify "TIE," the oscillator, EG, and modulation are not
retriggered if the next step has the same note.
TIP If the display indicates "GATE TIME," pressing a step key does
not change the trigger on/off setting.
TIP Even if you change the gate time of a step whose trigger is off,
that step does not produce sound until you turn the trigger on.

Specifies the strength of the note.

5. GLOBAL PARAMETERS MIDI SEND FILTER.................................[Off, Short, Short+Program]
Specifies which MIDI messages are not transmitted.
These parameters are settings for the entire electribe. OFF: All messages are transmitted.
TIP Global parameters are saved automatically when you turn off Short: Short messages (Note On/Off, Control Change) are not
the power. You can also save the settings by pressing the Write transmitted.
button while editing global parameters. Short + Program: Short messages and program change mes-
sages are not transmitted.
TRIGGER MODE...................................... [Normal, Seq 1st, Seq Play]
Specifies what happens when you strike a trigger pad in Trigger SYNC POLARITY.......................................................................[Hi, Lo]
mode. Specifies the polarity of the Sync trigger signal when synchronizing
Normal: The C4 note is sounded. the performance with a device connected to the Sync jack.
Seq 1st: The first note recorded in the part is sounded. If not
even one note is recorded, the C4 note is sounded. SYNC UNIT................................................................[1 Step, 2 Steps]
Seq Play: The sequence recorded in the part plays while you Specifies the cycle of the synchronization signal that is output from
hold down the trigger pad. the Sync Out jack to advance the step, relative to the synchronization
signal received at the Sync In jack.
VELOCITY CURVE..........................[Heavy, Normal, Light, Const96] 1 step: When a sync signal is input, the electribe advances by
Selects how the volume and tone respond to the trigger pad velocity one step. A sync signal is output at each step.
(the force of your strike). 2 steps: When a sync signal is input, the electribe advances by
Heavy: Heavy response. This curve lets you obtain an effect two steps. A sync signal is output at every two steps.
when you play strongly.
Normal: Normal response. METRONOME........................................ [Off, Rec 0, Rec 1, Rec 2, On]
Light: Light response. This curve lets you obtain an effect Specifies the setting of the metronome function. The metronome is
without having to play strongly. convenient when you’re using realtime recording to create a pattern.
Const96: The velocity value will always be 96. The metronome sounds at quarter-note timing. If this setting is On,
the metronome always sounds during recording.
CLOCK MODE....................................................................................... If this is Off, the metronome does not sound. If this is set to Rec 0,
.......... [Internal, Auto, External USB, External MIDI, External Sync] Rec 1, or Rec 2, the metronome sounds only during recording. With
Selects the clock to which the electribe’s tempo is synchronized. the Rec 0 setting, there is no pre-count.
If you select an external clock, the electribe’s sequencer and other
tempo-synchronized settings (such as Delay Time) are all synchro- TEMPO LOCK.........................................................................[Off , On]
nized to the external device. If this is On, the current tempo setting is locked. The tempo will not
Internal: The electribe’s internal clock is the basis for synchroni- change even if you switch to a pattern that has a different tempo.
zation. Choose this setting if you’re using the electribe by itself,
KNOB MODE............................................[Jump, Catch, Value Scale]
or if you’re using the electribe as the master device that controls
Specifies what happens when the knob position does not match the
other synchronized devices.
actual value of the parameter.
Auto: If MIDI clock data from an external MIDI device con-
Jump: When you turn a knob, the parameter value jumps to the
nected to the MIDI IN connector (or USB connector) is received,
value indicated by the knob. This is a good setting to use when
the electribe automatically operates as with the “External MIDI”
you’re editing, since it’s easy to detect the result of turning the
or “External USB” setting. If there is no input, the electribe
operates as with the “Internal” setting. If clock data is received
Catch: When you turn a knob, the parameter value does not
from a device connected to the Sync In jack, the electribe oper-
start changing until the knob reaches the actual value of the
ates as with the “External Sync” setting.
parameter This is a good setting to use when you’re performing,
TIP The order of priority for the selected signal is External USB,
since it prevents the sound from changing suddenly.
External MIDI, and then External Sync.
Value Scale: When you turn a knob, the parameter value
External USB: The electribe synchronizes to MIDI clock data
increases or decreases in a relative way, in the direction that you
from a PC connected to the USB connector.
turned the knob. When the knob reaches its full extent in either
External MIDI: The electribe synchronizes to MIDI clock data
direction, the parameter value also reaches its maximum or
from an external MIDI device connected to the MIDI IN connec-
minimum; once the knob and parameter value are matched, the
knob and parameter values change in tandem.
External Sync: The electribe synchronizes to clock data from a
device connected to the Sync In jack.
TIP For details on synchronization-related settings for your
external MIDI device or for a device connected to the Sync
jack, refer to the owner’s manual of your device.

GLOBAL MIDI CH.................................................................. [01…16]

Specifies the MIDI channel of the electribe.
If you want to transmit or receive program changes or system
exclusive messages, set the MIDI channel to match the MIDI channel
of the connected MIDI device.

MIDI RECEIVE FILTER............................[Off, Short, Short+Program]

Specifies which MIDI messages are not received.
OFF: All messages are received.
Short: Short messages (Note On/Off, Control Change) are not
Short + Program: Short messages and program change mes-
sages are not received.

POWER SAVE MODE...................................... [Disable, Auto, Enable]
If the parameter value does not change
Enables or disables power save mode. When you use the electribe on
Sometimes, the parameter value might not change when you turn batteries, it operates in power save mode; the display backlight and
the knob to left or right. LEDs are dimmed.
In this case, the KNOB MODE is set to “Catch.” With the “Catch” Disable: Power save mode is disabled.
setting, the value does not change until the knob position matches Auto: Power save mode is enabled when using the electribe on
the actual value of the parameter that you’re editing (the value batteries, and disabled when using it with the AC adapter.
shown in the main display). Enable: Power save mode is enabled at all times.
With the “Catch” setting, the knob and value change in tandem
TIP If the display backlight is dim, the screen might appear to
only after the knob position has reached the actual value; this
flicker depending on the surrounding lighting conditions.
prevents the sound from changing in an unnaturally sudden way.
With the “Jump” setting, moving the knob causes the actual value PTN. CHANGE LOCK.............................................................. [Off, On]
to change immediately to the position of the knob. Limits how the VALUE knob will change patterns in the pattern
select screen.
Suppose that you've turned a knob to edit a certain parameter, Off: The pattern changes when you operate the VALUE knob.
and the knob is in the position shown.
On: The pattern changes when you operate the VALUE knob
Suppose that you switch programs, and the actual value of the while holding down the Shift button.
parameter assigned to the knob is now at the position indicated by
the triangle in the illustration. CHAIN MODE......................................................................... [Off, On]
The parameter value will not change until you turn the knob to that Turning this parameter On enables the CHAIN MODE.
If this parameter is set to Off, the individual CHAIN TO and CHAIN
Once the knob has reached the position that corresponding to the REPEAT parameters of each Pattern will have no effect.
actual value, the parameter value and the knob position will be
linked, and the value will change as you turn the knob. XY CALIBRATION
Calibrates the operating range of the touch pad.
Following the procedure described in the display, touch the lower
TOUCH SCALE RANGE...............................[1 Oct, 2 Oct, 3 Oct, 4 Oct] left and upper right corners of the touch pad to specify the operable
Specifies the pitch range that is assigned to the touch pad when region.
using the touch scale function.
TIP To change the pitch range, press the Keyboard button and then
press a step button.

LCD CONTRAST....................................................................... [1…25]

Adjusts the contrast of the text in the display.

AUDIO IN THRU..................................................................... [Off, On]

Specifies whether input from the Audio In jack is output from the
Audio Out L/R jacks.

BATTERY TYPE............................................................. [Ni-MH, Alkali]

Specifies the type of batteries that are being used.
Ni-MH: Choose this setting if you’re using nickel-metal hydride
Alkali: Choose this setting if you’re using alkaline batteries.

AUTO POWER OFF.................................................. [Disable, 4 hours]

Specifies whether the power automatically turns off when no knobs
or buttons have been operated for a certain length of time. With the
factory settings, this is set to “4 hours.”
Disable: The auto power-off function is disabled. The power
does not turn off automatically.
4 hours: If four hours elapses without any of the electribe’s
buttons, knobs, or trigger pad being operated, the power turns
off automatically.
TIP Even if a pattern is playing continuously, the power turns off
automatically if absolutely no operation has been performed
for the specified time. Choose the “Disable” setting if you don’t
want the power to turn off automatically.

6. DATA UTILITY SELECT START........................................................................ [1...64]
Specifies the starting number of the range of pattern sets that
These functions let you write data to or read data from a memory you want to export.
card, update the system, or return the instrument to the factory-set
state. SELECT END........................................................................... [1...64]
Specifies the ending number of the range of pattern sets that you
EXPORT PATTERN want to export.
This function exports the currently selected pattern to the memory
card. SELECT TYPE.............................. [Ableton Live Set, WAV File Only]
The file is exported in the format of KORG\electribe\[pattern Selects the file format that is exported. (→see “EXPORT AU-
number]_[pattern name].e2pat. If an identically-named file already DIO”)
exists, it is overwritten.
TIP If an identically-named file already exists, it is overwritten.
Using this function, you can export individual audio files for each
TIP If the pattern is being edited, the edited form of the pattern is pattern contained in the song or pattern sequence created using the
exported even if you have not yet pressed the Write button to CHAIN TO and CHAIN REPEAT parameters, beginning with the
save it. currently selected pattern. The files are exported to the memory card
in the KORG/electribe/Chain_From_[pattern number] Project folder.
This function exports all patterns and global parameters to the TIP When exporting, the playback of each pattern is exported only
memory card as a single file. The exported file is KORG\electribe\ once, regardless of the CHAIN REPEAT parameter setting.
electribe_allpattern.e2allpat on the memory card. If an identically- TIP Even if the CHAIN TO parameter creates an unending play-
named file already exists, it is overwritten. back loop, each pattern is exported only once.
Example: When repeating Patterns 1→2→1→2→1... Pattern 1
IMPORT PATTERN and Pattern 2 are exported only once, as individual files each
This function imports a pattern file (.e2pat file) that was exported by containing one loop of playback.
the EXPORT PATTERN function.
SELECT TYPE.............................. [Ableton Live Set, WAV File Only]
SELECT SOURCE..........................................................[Card, Sync In] Selects the file format that is exported. (→ see “EXPORT AU-
Selects the import source. You can select either the memory card DIO”)
or data input from the Sync In jack. If importing from the
memory card, specify an .e2pat format file. CARD FORMAT
This function formats (initializes) the memory card and creates the
IMPORT ALL PATTERN folders that are needed by the electribe.
From the memory card, this function imports all patterns and global
parameters contained in an .e2allpat file that was exported by the FACTORY RESET
EXPORT ALL PATTERN function. Returns all settings of the electribe to their factory-set state.


This function initializes all data of the currently selected pattern. Updates the system software of the electribe. Obtain the update file
Each part’s sound data and sequence data including motion se- from the Korg website, use your computer to copy it to the specified
quence data, as well as the tempo, length, and beat are reset to the folder of a memory card, insert the memory card into the electribe,
initial state. and then execute this function.

This function exports the currently selected pattern to the memory
These functions let you record a performance that uses several
card as WAV files.
patterns, or a performance that includes knob or trigger pad opera-
The files are exported to the KORG\electribe\[pattern number]_
tions during the performance.
[pattern name] Project\Audio folder of the memory card.
TIP The EVENT REC/PLAY functions are available if the CLOCK
SELECT TYPE............................... [Ableton Live Set, WAV File Only] MODE is set to Internal.
Selects the file format that is exported.
Ableton Live Set: In addition to the WAV files, an Ableton live EVENT RECORDER
project file (.als file) is also exported. When you record using the Event Recorder, the data is written to the
If there are more than nine parts in which the trigger is turned KORG\electribe folder as a file named e_[number].e2ev.
on for any step, a separate Lite.als file for Ableton Live Lite is TIP There can be a maximum of 100 files.
also exported.
TIP: The .als file for Ableton Live Lite is a project file containing EVENT PLAYER
up to eight parts in which a trigger-on has been recorded, Open Player
starting with part 1. Selects an e2ev file recorded by the Event Recorder.
WAV File Only:  Only WAV files are exported. An Ableton Live Enter: Start Play: Press the Enter button to start playback.
project file is not exported.


Using this function, patterns that are registered as a pattern set can
be exported as WAV files.
Specify the range of set numbers for which patterns registered as a
pattern set are exported as WAV files.
The files are exported to the KORG\electribe\PatternSet Project\
Audio folder of the memory card.

8. Appendix
Shortcut list
The following table lists the functions that you can access by operating a knob or button while holding down the Shift button.
Section Button/knob name Function when operated while holding down the Shift button
5. Transport Play/Pause button Play from beginning of pattern
TAP button Show the BPM setting page
6. Touch pad Master Fx button Show the MFX TYPEe setting page
Gate Arp button Show the GATE ARP setting page
Touch Scale button Show the SCALE setting page
7. Common Value knob Select the pattern number in steps of 10
Write button Show the pattern rename page
< button * Cancel the most recent single operation.
8. Edit Oscillator knob Select by jumping to each category
Pitch/Glide knob Show the Glide page of the edit menu
Modulation knob Change the waveform while keeping the modulation destination
10. Part edit Part Mute button Defeat muting for all parts
11. Pad mode Chord button Show the Chord Set setting page
12. Trigger pads Trigger pad 1 Show the SWING setting page
Trigger pad 2 Show the LENGTH setting page
Trigger pad 3 Show the CLEAR MFX MOTION page
Trigger pad 4 Show the KEY setting page
Trigger pad 5 Show the SCALE setting page
Trigger pad 6 Show the GATE ARP setting page
Trigger pad 7 Show the LAST STEP setting page
Trigger pad 8 Show the GROOVE TYPE setting page
Trigger pad 9 Show the GROOVE DEPTH setting page
Trigger pad 10 Show the MOTION SEQ setting page
Trigger pad 11 Show the TRG. PAD VELOCITY setting page
Trigger pad 12 Show the STEP EDIT page
Trigger pad 13 Show the COPY PART page
Trigger pad 14 Show the CLEAR SEQUENCE page
Trigger pad 15 Show the CLEAR MOTION page
Trigger pad 16 Show the METRONOME setting page

* Supported in system ver.2.00 and later

1 2 3 7 8

6 9


OSC Type List No.
65 Hefty Snare 131 NineClose1 HiHat
No. Name Category
66 Goodie Snare 132 NineOpen1 HiHat
1 SubBeef Kick
67 Steady Snare 133 NineClose2 HiHat
2 Lazy Kick
68 Tech Snare 134 NineOpen2 HiHat
3 Echoes Kick
69 Lay Snare 135 EightClose1 HiHat
4 Lay Kick
70 LoNine Snare 136 EightOpen1 HiHat
5 Hardstyle Kick
71 HiNine Snare 137 EightOpen2 HiHat
6 Hardcore Kick
72 CompNine Snare 138 CompClose HiHat
7 Southpaw Kick
73 PureEight Snare 139 CompOpen HiHat
8 8BitGrime Kick
74 BodyEight Snare 140 EastClose HiHat
9 Noiz Kick
75 TrapEight Snare 141 EastOpen HiHat
10 HiKnock Kick
76 Shortate Snare 142 DDD1Close HiHat
11 LoKnock Kick
77 LeanSnare Snare 143 DDD1Open HiHat
12 Tronica Kick
78 Seventy Snare 144 WarmClose HiHat
13 HiClicky Kick
79 DDD1 Snare 145 WarmOpen HiHat
14 LoClicky Kick
80 Nuxx Snare 146 ZeeClose HiHat
15 Subsonic Kick
81 Oldie Snare 147 ZeeOpen HiHat
16 Threed Kick
82 Bigger Snare 148 RoomyClose HiHat
17 Lololow Kick
83 80'sR&B1 Snare 149 RoomyOpen HiHat
18 Risky Kick
84 80'sR&B2 Snare 150 RockClose HiHat
19 ShortBoom Kick
85 Jazz1 Snare 151 RockOpen HiHat
20 AttackEight Kick
86 Jazz2 Snare 152 JazzClose HiHat
21 PureEight Kick
87 Snappy Snare 153 JazzOpen HiHat
22 UltraEight Kick
88 Ambee Snare 154 HoppyClose HiHat
23 SnipEight Kick
89 Verdy Snare 155 HoppyOpen HiHat
24 ShortNine Kick
90 Tubeverb Snare 156 PhaseClose HiHat
25 PureNine Kick
91 Open1 Snare 157 PhaseOpen HiHat
26 BoostNine Kick
92 Open2 Snare 158 NuHopClose HiHat
27 Harder Kick
93 Oldskool Snare 159 NuHopOpen HiHat
28 BitBreak Kick
94 Hoppy Snare 160 RightClose HiHat
29 Finger Kick
95 Ringy Snare 161 RightOpen HiHat
30 Filthy Kick
96 OldBreaks Snare 162 NoizClose HiHat
31 Visual Kick
97 Piccolo Snare 163 NoizOpen HiHat
32 Breaker Kick
98 Jungla Snare 164 GranClose HiHat
33 Urban Kick
99 EastCoast Snare 165 GranOpen HiHat
34 Roomy Kick
100 D'n'B Snare 166 Ambi HiHat
35 Studio Kick
101 Ambig Snare 167 Crackle HiHat
36 Twinkling Kick
102 Juggler Snare 168 Hippy HiHat
37 Hippy Kick
103 DoncaMatic Snare 169 Pump HiHat
38 Ringy Kick
104 Whip Snare 170 Voice1 HiHat
39 Womp Kick
105 Arcade Snare 171 Voice2 HiHat
40 Hip Kick
106 RimVox Snare 172 Reverse HiHat
41 Jungle Kick
107 Parched Snare 173 NineCym Cymbal
42 EastCoast Kick
108 Rimmy Snare 174 HiCymbal Cymbal
43 Jazz Kick
109 AmbiRim Snare 175 DoncaMatic Cymbal
44 Rock Kick
110 SnareVox Snare 176 EastCoast Cymbal
45 Warm Kick
111 Waffle Snare 177 Rock Cymbal
46 Breaks Kick
112 Blast Snare 178 Synth Cymbal
47 80'sR&B1 Kick
113 Reverse1 Snare 179 WhiteNoiz Cymbal
48 80'sR&B2 Kick
114 Reverse2 Snare 180 RevCrash Cymbal
49 80'sR&B3 Kick
115 PureEight Clap 181 NineRide Cymbal
50 DDD1 Kick
116 AmbEight Clap 182 JazzRide1 Cymbal
51 DoncaMatic Kick
117 DirtySouth Clap 183 JazzRide2 Cymbal
52 BeatVox1 Kick
118 PureNine Clap 184 RockRide Cymbal
53 BeatVox2 Kick
119 Mixed Clap 185 ZeeRide Cymbal
54 BeatVox3 Kick
120 Trap Clap 186 RevRide Cymbal
55 Reverse1 Kick
121 Small Clap 187 Real Hi Tom
56 Reverse2 Kick
122 Clapper Clap 188 Real MidHi Tom
57 Aftertaste Snare
123 Doubler Clap 189 Real MidLo Tom
58 Sharp Snare
124 EastCoast Clap 190 Real Lo Tom
59 Toofer Snare
125 Liteclap Clap 191 Driven Tom
60 Clpsnr Snare
126 DDD1 Clap 192 Zee Hi Tom
61 Bosh Snare
127 Crispy Clap 193 Zee Lo Tom
62 Wide Snare
128 B.Boy Clap 194 OldSkool Tom
63 BreaksLofi Snare
129 Crumbles Clap 195 Crunchy Tom
No. Name Category No. Name Category No. Name Category
196 E.Tom Tom 262 Nahh Voice 328 PULSE Synth
197 Synth Hi1 Tom 263 Ahaa.. Voice 329 TRIANGLE Synth
198 Synth Mid1 Tom 264 Haa Voice 330 SINE Synth
199 Synth Lo1 Tom 265 Baaa Voice 331 DUAL-SAW Synth
200 Synth Hi2 Tom 266 Grun Voice 332 DUAL-SQU Synth
201 Synth Lo2 Tom 267 Ahaaw Voice 333 DUAL-TRI Synth
202 TomEight Tom 268 Paa Voice 334 DUAL-SINE Synth
203 Conga1 Percussion 269 Hey Voice 335 OCT-SAW Synth
204 Conga2 Percussion 270 Doh Voice 336 OCT-SQU Synth
205 Conga3 Percussion 271 GlitchEey Voice 337 OCT-TRI Synth
206 Conga4 Percussion 272 BotVox1 Voice 338 OCT-SINE Synth
207 Conga5 Percussion 273 BotVox2 Voice 339 UNI-SAW Synth
208 Bongo1 Percussion 274 NoizyVox Synth FX 340 UNI-SQU Synth
209 Bongo2 Percussion 275 Noiser Synth FX 341 UNI-TRI Synth
210 Bongo3 Percussion 276 Botox Synth FX 342 UNI-SINE Synth
211 Bongo4 Percussion 277 ShockSonar Synth FX 343 SYNC-SAW Synth
212 Bongo5 Percussion 278 Quark Synth FX 344 SYNC-SQU Synth
213 Bongo6 Percussion 279 ebPerc Synth FX 345 SYNC-TRI Synth
214 Djembe1 Percussion 280 Needle Synth FX 346 SYNC-SINE Synth
215 Djembe2 Percussion 281 SqueakyBum Synth FX 347 CHIP-TRI 1 Synth
216 Djembe3 Percussion 282 SynSiren Synth FX 348 CHIP-TRI 2 Synth
217 Djembe4 Percussion 283 Bubble Synth FX 349 CHIP-PULSE Synth
218 Darbuka1 Percussion 284 Burp Synth FX 350 CHIP-NOISE Synth
219 Darbuka2 Percussion 285 Lux Synth FX 351 RING-SAW Synth
220 Darbuka3 Percussion 286 Squirt Synth FX 352 RING-SQU Synth
221 Darbuka4 Percussion 287 Degraded Synth FX 353 RING-TRI Synth
222 Timbales Hi Percussion 288 Flyby Synth FX 354 RING-SINE Synth
223 Timbales Lo Percussion 289 SonicDrop Synth FX 355 X-SAW 1 Synth
224 CowBell1 Percussion 290 LoZap Synth FX 356 X-SAW 2 Synth
225 CowBell2 Percussion 291 SubBang Synth FX 357 X-SQUARE 1 Synth
226 CowBell3 Percussion 292 Stabium Synth Hit 358 X-SQUARE 2 Synth
227 Tambourine1 Percussion 293 Futurize Synth Hit 359 X-TRI 1 Synth
228 Tambourine2 Percussion 294 LilChord Synth Hit 360 X-TRI 2 Synth
229 Clave Percussion 295 Ploinky Synth Hit 361 X-SINE 1 Synth
230 Guiro Percussion 296 Strippa Synth Hit 362 X-SINE 2 Synth
231 Cabasa Percussion 297 BigChords Synth Hit 363 VPM-SAW Synth
232 Shaker Percussion 298 StarBurst Synth Hit 364 VPM-SQUARE Synth
233 WaveDrum1 Percussion 299 WishWash Synth Hit 365 VPM-TRI Synth
234 WaveDrum2 Percussion 300 BangPop Synth Hit 366 VPM-SINE 1 Synth
235 WaveDrum3 Percussion 301 RegulatePop Synth Hit 367 VPM-SINE 2 Synth
236 WaveDrum4 Percussion 302 TigerPad Synth Hit 368 VPM-SINE 3 Synth
237 WaveDrum5 Percussion 303 LofiSynth Synth Hit 369 VPM-SINE 4 Synth
238 WaveDrum6 Percussion 304 BlastBass Synth Hit 370 SYN-SINE 1 Synth
239 WaveDrum7 Percussion 305 BenderBass Synth Hit 371 SYN-SINE 2 Synth
240 WaveDrum8 Percussion 306 RockHit1 Synth Hit 372 SYN-SINE 3 Synth
241 ShakerHit Percussion 307 RockHit2 Synth Hit 373 SYN-SINE 4 Synth
242 RimPerc Percussion 308 FormantBass Synth Hit 374 SYN-SINE 5 Synth
243 Wavestation Percussion 309 SynGrowl Synth Hit 375 SYN-SINE 6 Synth
244 RimNine Percussion 310 BrassHit1 Inst.Hit 376 SYN-SINE 7 Synth
245 RimEight Percussion 311 BrassHit2 Inst.Hit 377 HPF NOISE Synth
246 SynthShake Percussion 312 StringsHit1 Inst.Hit 378 LPF NOISE Synth
247 CowbellEight Percussion 313 StringsHit2 Inst.Hit 379 LOFI NOISE Synth
248 DoncaCongaS Percussion 314 BadOrch Inst.Hit 380 RES NOISE Synth
249 DoncaCongaL Percussion 315 CarmOrch Inst.Hit 381 M1 Piano Instrument
250 DoncaMaracas Percussion 316 Sho2DOrch Inst.Hit 382 E.P.Roads Instrument
251 DoncaClaves Percussion 317 V2Orch Inst.Hit 383 E.P.Wurly Instrument
252 DoncaW.block Percussion 318 Suspended Inst.Hit 384 Clav Instrument
253 Synthclave Percussion 319 Jazz Inst.Hit 385 M1 Organ Instrument
254 ClickRoll Percussion 320 Jazzy Inst.Hit 386 Brass Ens. Instrument
255 GlitchDmg Percussion 321 Hop Inst.Hit 387 Tenor Sax Instrument
256 MouthPop Percussion 322 OldBrass Inst.Hit 388 Alto Sax Instrument
257 Droplet Percussion 323 Record Inst.Hit 389 Strings Ens. Instrument
258 Rave Voice 324 Rave Inst.Hit 390 Strings Pizz Instrument
259 Whoo Voice 325 Oldie Inst.Hit 391 Vox Pop Ah Instrument
260 Ohooo Voice 326 SAW Synth 392 Vox Pad Instrument
261 ComOn Voice 327 BOOST-SAW Synth
No. Name Category
393 Vox Helium Instrument
394 A.Bass Instrument
395 E.Bass Finger Instrument
396 E.Bass Pick Instrument
397 E.Bass Slap Instrument
398 E.Bass Dist. Instrument
399 A.Guitar Instrument
400 E.Guitar1 Instrument
401 E.Guitar2 Instrument
402 Kalimba Instrument
403 Metal Bell Instrument
404 GamelanWave Instrument
405 Bell1 Instrument
406 Bell2 Instrument
407 Bell3 Instrument
408 Bell4 Instrument
409 Audio In Audio In


Modulation Type List
No. Name Modulation Source Modulation Destination BPM Sync Key Sync
1 EG+ Filter AD Envelope (positive) Filter Cutoff
2 EG+ Pitch AD Envelope (positive) Oscillator Pitch
3 EG+ OSC AD Envelope (positive) Oscillator Edit
4 EG+ Level AD Envelope (positive) Amp Level
5 EG+ Pan AD Envelope (positive) Pan
6 EG+ IFX AD Envelope (positive) IFX Edit
7 EG+ BPM Filter AD Envelope (positive) Filter Cutoff ○
8 EG+ BPM Pitch AD Envelope (positive) Oscillator Pitch ○
9 EG+ BPM OSC AD Envelope (positive) Oscillator Edit ○
10 EG+ BPM Level AD Envelope (positive) Amp Level ○
11 EG+ BPM Pan AD Envelope (positive) Pan ○
12 EG+ BPM IFX AD Envelope (positive) IFX Edit ○
13 EG- Filter AD Envelope (negative) Filter Cutoff
14 EG- Pitch AD Envelope (negative) Oscillator Pitch
15 EG- OSC AD Envelope (negative) Oscillator Edit
16 EG- Level AD Envelope (negative) Amp Level
17 EG- Pan AD Envelope (negative) Pan
18 EG- IFX AD Envelope (negative) IFX Edit
19 EG- BPM Filter AD Envelope (negative) Filter Cutoff ○
20 EG- BPM Pitch AD Envelope (negative) Oscillator Pitch ○
21 EG- BPM OSC AD Envelope (negative) Oscillator Edit ○
22 EG- BPM Level AD Envelope (negative) Amp Level ○
23 EG- BPM Pan AD Envelope (negative) Pan ○
24 EG- BPM IFX AD Envelope (negative) IFX Edit ○
25 LFOTri Filter LFO (triangle) Filter Cutoff
26 LFOTri Pitch LFO (triangle) Oscillator Pitch
27 LFOTri OSC LFO (triangle) Oscillator Edit
28 LFOTri Level LFO (triangle) Amp Level
29 LFOTri Pan LFO (triangle) Pan
30 LFOTri IFX LFO (triangle) IFX Edit
31 LFOTriB Filter LFO (triangle) Filter Cutoff ○ ○
32 LFOTriB Pitch LFO (triangle) Oscillator Pitch ○ ○
33 LFOTriB OSC LFO (triangle) Oscillator Edit ○ ○
34 LFOTriB Level LFO (triangle) Amp Level ○ ○
35 LFOTriB Pan LFO (triangle) Pan ○ ○
36 LFOTriB IFX LFO (triangle) IFX Edit ○ ○
37 SawUpB Filter LFO (up-saw) Filter Cutoff ○ ○
38 SawUpB Pitch LFO (up-saw) Oscillator Pitch ○ ○
39 SawUpB OSC LFO (up-saw) Oscillator Edit ○ ○
40 SawUpB Level LFO (up-saw) Amp Level ○ ○
41 SawUpB Pan LFO (up-saw) Pan ○ ○
42 SawUpB IFX LFO (up-saw) IFX Edit ○ ○
43 SawDwnB Filter LFO (down-saw) Filter Cutoff ○ ○
44 SawDwnB Pitch LFO (down-saw) Oscillator Pitch ○ ○
45 SawDwnB OSC LFO (down-saw) Oscillator Edit ○ ○
46 SawDwnB Level LFO (down-saw) Amp Level ○ ○
47 SawDwnB Pan LFO (down-saw) Pan ○ ○
48 SawDwnB IFX LFO (down-saw) IFX Edit ○ ○
49 SquUpB Filter LFO (up-square) Filter Cutoff ○ ○
50 SquUpB Pitch LFO (up-square) Oscillator Pitch ○ ○
51 SquUpB OSC LFO (up-square) Oscillator Edit ○ ○
52 SquUpB Level LFO (up-square) Amp Level ○ ○
53 SquUpB Pan LFO (up-square) Pan ○ ○
54 SquUpB IFX LFO (up-square) IFX Edit ○ ○
55 SquDwnB Filter LFO (down-square) Filter Cutoff ○ ○
56 SquDwnB Pitch LFO (down-square) Oscillator Pitch ○ ○
57 SquDwnB OSC LFO (down-square) Oscillator Edit ○ ○
58 SquDwnB Level LFO (down-square) Amp Level ○ ○
59 SquDwnB Pan LFO (down-square) Pan ○ ○
60 SquDwnB IFX LFO (down-square) IFX Edit ○ ○
61 S&HBPM Filter LFO (sample & hold) Filter Cutoff ○
62 S&HBPM Pitch LFO (sample & hold) Oscillator Pitch ○
63 S&HBPM OSC LFO (sample & hold) Oscillator Edit ○
64 S&HBPM Level LFO (sample & hold) Amp Level ○

No. Name Modulation Source Modulation Destination BPM Sync Key Sync
65 S&HBPM Pan LFO (sample & hold) Pan ○
66 S&HBPM IFX LFO (sample & hold) IFX Edit ○
67 Random Filter LFO (random) Filter Cutoff
68 Random Pitch LFO (random) Oscillator Pitch
69 Random OSC LFO (random) Oscillator Edit
70 Random Level LFO (random) Amp Level
71 Random Pan LFO (random) Pan
72 Random IFX LFO (random) IFX Edit

Filter Type List

2 electribe LPF electribe HPF electribe BPF
6 OB LPF Acid HPF Acid BPF
7 Acid LPF

Scale List
Scale Name Scale [Key C]
1 Chromatic C, D♭, D, E♭, E, F, G♭, G, A♭, A, B♭, B
2 Ionian C, D, E, F, G, A, B
3 Dorian C, D, E♭, F, G, A, B♭
4 Phrygian C, D♭, E♭, F, G, A♭, B♭
5 Lydian C, D, E, F♯, G, A, B
6 Mixolydian C, D, E, F, G, A, B♭
7 Aeolian C, D, E♭, F, G, A♭, B♭
8 Locrian C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, A♭, B♭
9 Harm (Harmonic) minor C, D, E♭, F, G, A♭, B
10 Melo (Melodic) minor C, D, E♭, F, G, A, B
11 Major Blues C, D, E♭, E, G, A
12 minor Blues C, E♭, F, G♭, G, B♭
13 Diminished C, D, E♭, F, F♯, G♯, A, B
14 Com.Dim (Combination Diminished) C, D♭, E♭, E, F♯, G, A, B♭
15 Major Penta (Pentatonic) C, D, E, G, A
16 minor Penta (Pentatonic) C, E♭, F, G, B♭
17 Raga 1 (Bhairav) C, D♭, E, F, G, A♭, B
18 Raga 2 (Gamanasrama) C, D♭, E, F♯, G, A, B
19 Raga 3 (Todi) C, D♭, E♭, F♯, G, A♭, B
20 Arabic C, D, E, F, G♭, A♭, B♭
21 Spanish C, D♭, E♭, E, F, G, A♭, B♭
22 Gypsy C, D, E♭, F♯, G, A♭, B
23 Egyptian C, D, F, G, B♭
24 Hawaiian C, D, E♭, G, A
25 Pelog C, D♭, E♭, G, A♭
26 Japanese C, D♭, F, G, A♭
27 Ryuku C, E, F, G, B
28 Chinese C, E, F♯, G, B
29 Bass Line C, G, B♭
30 Whole Tone C, D, E, G♭, A♭, B♭
31 minor 3rd C, E♭, G♭, A
32 Major 3rd C, E, A♭
33 4th Interval C, F, B♭
34 5th Interval C, G
35 Octave C

MFX Type List IFX Type List
No. Name No. Name
1 Mod Delay 1 Punch
2 Tape Delay 2 Overdrive
3 High Pass Delay 3 Distortion
4 Hall Reverb 4 Decimator
5 Room Reverb 5 Bit Crusher
6 Wet Reverb 6 Ring Modulator
7 Looper 7 Sustainer
8 Pitch Looper 8 Limiter
9 Step Shifter 9 Low EQ
10 Slicer 10 Mid EQ
11 Jag Filter 11 High EQ
12 Grain Shifter 12 Radio EQ
13 Vinyl Break 13 Exciter
14 Seq Reverse * 14 Low Pass Filter
15 Seq Doubler * 15 High Pass Filter
16 Odd Stepper * 16 Band Plus Filter
17 Even Stepper * 17 Talk Filter
18 Low Pass Filter 18 Delay 1/4
19 High Pass Filter 19 Delay 3/16
20 Band Plus Filter 20 Delay 1/8
21 Touch Wah 21 Delay 1/16
22 Tube EQ 22 Roller 1/32
23 Decimator 23 One Delay
24 Distortion 24 Short Delay
25 Compressor 25 Ring Delay 1
26 Limiter 26 Ring Delay 2
27 Chorus 27 Chorus
28 XY Flanger 28 Flanger LFO
29 LFO Flanger 29 Flanger +
30 XY Phaser 30 Flanger -
31 LFO Phaser 31 Phaser LFO 1
32 Auto Pan 32 Phaser LFO 2
33 Phaser Manual
* Motion sequence is not available. 34 Tremolo
35 Off Beater
36 Pumper
37 Repeater
38 Slicer

Groove Type List

No Name
1 Conga 1
2 Conga 2
3 Conga 3
4 Bongo 1
5 Bongo 2
6 Bongo 3
7 Cabasa 1
8 Cabasa 2
9 Claves 1
10 Claves 2
11 Cowbell 1
12 Agogo 1
13 Agogo 2
14 Tambourine
15 Off Beat
16 On Beat
17 Push 5&13
18 Pull 5&13
19 Oval Groove
20 Laidback
21 Rushbeat
22 The One
23 Synchopation
24 Crescendo
25 Decrescendo

Pattern List No.
Pattern Name
Transform 1
No. Pattern Name Author BPM 66 Transform 2 mryat 115.0
1 Magician 1 James Sajeva 134.0
67 Transform 3 mryat 115.0
2 Magician 2 James Sajeva 134.0
68 Plutonic KORG Inc. 124.0
3 Magician 3 James Sajeva 134.0
69 WarDance 1 Shrike 135.0
4 Magician 4 James Sajeva 134.0
70 WarDance 2 Shrike 135.0
5 Chip Boy 1 KORG Inc. 126.0
71 WarDance 3 Shrike 135.0
6 Chip Boy 2 KORG Inc. 126.0
72 SwordDancing 1 mryat 128.0
7 Chip Boy 3 KORG Inc. 126.0
73 SwordDancing 2 mryat 128.0
8 Chip Boy 4 KORG Inc. 126.0
74 Fragrance 1 KORG Inc. 120.0
9 Swinger 1 KORG Inc. 126.0
75 Fragrance 2 KORG Inc. 120.0
10 Swinger 2 KORG Inc. 126.0
76 Fragrance 3 KORG Inc. 120.0
11 Swinger 3 KORG Inc. 126.0
77 Deviance 1 James Sajeva 132.2
12 Trap Clap 1 James Sajeva 139.2
78 Deviance 2 James Sajeva 132.2
13 Trap Clap 2 James Sajeva 139.2
79 Deviance 3 James Sajeva 132.2
14 Trap Clap 3 James Sajeva 139.2
80 Deviance 4 James Sajeva 132.2
15 Trap Clap 4 James Sajeva 139.2
81 DirtyDove 1 Shrike 128.0
16 NightRace mryat 170.0
82 DirtyDove 2 Shrike 128.0
17 LaserGun mryat 111.5
83 Night Dance 1 KORG Inc. 129.0
18 TrickySlippy 1 mryat 103.0
84 Night Dance 2 KORG Inc. 129.0
19 TrickySlippy 2 mryat 103.0
85 Night Dance 3 KORG Inc. 129.0
20 TrickySlippy 3 mryat 103.0
86 It's Hard Francis Preve 120.0
21 Footwerker 1 KORG Inc. 170.0
87 Uranus 1 KORG Inc. 126.0
22 Footwerker 2 KORG Inc. 170.0
88 Uranus 2 KORG Inc. 126.0
23 Footwerker 3 KORG Inc. 170.0
89 Basement 1 KORG Inc. 124.0
24 Footwerker 4 KORG Inc. 170.0
90 Basement 2 KORG Inc. 124.0
25 Footwerker 5 KORG Inc. 170.0
91 Basement 3 KORG Inc. 124.0
26 Jumpup 1 Mistabishi 86.0
92 Night Bird 1 KORG Inc. 123.0
27 Jumpup 2 Mistabishi 86.0
93 Night Bird 2 KORG Inc. 123.0
28 Jumpup 3 Mistabishi 172.0
94 Tao Francis Preve 123.0
29 Jumpup 4 Mistabishi 172.0
95 Italo 1 Mistabishi 89.3
30 LemonTop 1 Shrike 124.0
96 Italo 2 Mistabishi 89.3
31 LemonTop 2 Shrike 124.0
97 Italo 3 Mistabishi 89.3
32 Fluid Sharooz 120.0
98 Lantana 1 Sharooz 120.0
33 Acid Reign Sharooz 123.0
99 Lantana 2 Sharooz 120.0
34 Hypstar Francis Preve 120.0
100 Imaginarium 1 Sharooz 120.0
35 Volcano 1 KORG Inc. 135.0
101 Imaginarium 2 Sharooz 120.0
36 Volcano 2 KORG Inc. 135.0
102 Schadenfraud Sharooz 118.0
37 Volcano 3 KORG Inc. 135.0
103 Krome 1 Sharooz 112.0
38 Volcano 4 KORG Inc. 135.0
104 Krome 2 Sharooz 112.0
39 Traveller 1 Mistabishi 87.0
105 Panorama Sharooz 121.0
40 Traveller 2 Mistabishi 87.0
106 Phlow Sharooz 122.0
41 Traveller 3 Mistabishi 87.0
107 Odysseus 1 Sharooz 118.0
42 Traveller 4 Mistabishi 87.0
108 Odysseus 2 Sharooz 118.0
43 Traveller 5 Mistabishi 87.0
109 Odysseus 3 Sharooz 118.0
110 Kwerky Francis Preve 110.0
45 8BIT SHOOT KORG Inc. 135.0
111 Far Away 1 KORG Inc. 134.0
46 8BIT RPG KORG Inc. 77.1
112 Far Away 2 KORG Inc. 134.0
47 Thunder 1 mryat 123.0
113 Legends 1 KORG Inc. 135.0
48 Thunder 2 mryat 123.0
114 Legends 2 KORG Inc. 135.0
49 Thunder 3 mryat 123.0
115 Legends 3 KORG Inc. 135.0
50 Jacqueline 1 KORG Inc. 130.0
116 Legends 4 KORG Inc. 135.0
51 Jacqueline 2 KORG Inc. 130.0
117 Body Blow 1 KORG Inc. 132.0
52 Jacqueline 3 KORG Inc. 127.0
118 Body Blow 2 KORG Inc. 132.0
53 Jacqueline 4 KORG Inc. 127.0
119 Body Blow 3 KORG Inc. 132.0
54 3Steppin 1 James Sajeva 135.1
120 RetroJammin 1 James Sajeva 138.6
55 3Steppin 2 James Sajeva 135.1
121 RetroJammin 2 James Sajeva 138.6
56 3Steppin 3 James Sajeva 135.1
122 RetroJammin 3 James Sajeva 138.6
57 3Steppin 4 James Sajeva 135.1
123 SpairTheAir 1 KORG Inc. 127.0
58 Remember 1 James Sajeva 127.4
124 SpairTheAir 2 KORG Inc. 127.0
59 Remember 2 James Sajeva 127.4
125 SpairTheAir 3 KORG Inc. 127.0
60 Remember 3 James Sajeva 127.4
126 Be Happy KORG Inc. 114.0
61 Remember 4 James Sajeva 127.4
127 JaxMan 1 KORG Inc. 125.0
62 Altocumulus 1 KORG Inc. 106.0
128 JaxMan 2 KORG Inc. 125.0
63 Altocumulus 2 KORG Inc. 106.0
129 JaxMan 3 KORG Inc. 125.0
64 RockMeNow mryat 128.0
130 JaxMan 4 KORG Inc. 125.0
No. Pattern Name Author BPM No. Pattern Name Author BPM
131 OpenCar 1 mryat 120.0 197 HipHop Template KORG Inc. 140.0
132 OpenCar 2 mryat 120.0 198 ClassicTemplate KORG Inc. 110.0
133 OpenCar 3 mryat 120.0 199 Drum Template KORG Inc. 120.0
134 Toolshed 1 Francis Preve 120.0 200 8BIT TEMPLATE KORG Inc. 100.0
135 Toolshed 2 Francis Preve 120.0 201 Init Pattern - 120.0
136 Mansion 1 Francis Preve 117.0 202 Init Pattern - 120.0
137 Mansion 2 Francis Preve 117.0 203 Init Pattern - 120.0
138 Flipflop 1 KORG Inc. 123.0 204 Init Pattern - 120.0
139 Flipflop 2 KORG Inc. 123.0 205 Init Pattern - 120.0
140 Techstep 1 Mistabishi 85.0 206 Init Pattern - 120.0
141 Techstep 2 Mistabishi 170.0 207 Init Pattern - 120.0
142 Techstep 3 Mistabishi 170.0 208 Init Pattern - 120.0
143 Techstep 4 Mistabishi 170.0 209 Init Pattern - 120.0
144 Neuro 1 Mistabishi 170.9 210 Init Pattern - 120.0
145 Neuro 2 Mistabishi 170.9 211 Init Pattern - 120.0
146 Neuro 3 Mistabishi 170.9 212 Init Pattern - 120.0
147 Neurofunk 1 Mistabishi 172.0 213 Init Pattern - 120.0
148 Neurofunk 2 Mistabishi 172.0 214 Init Pattern - 120.0
149 Neurofunk 3 Mistabishi 172.0 215 Init Pattern - 120.0
150 Jungle 1 Mistabishi 42.5 216 Init Pattern - 120.0
151 Jungle 2 Mistabishi 170.0 217 Init Pattern - 120.0
152 Jungle 3 Mistabishi 170.0 218 Init Pattern - 120.0
153 Jungle 4 Mistabishi 170.0 219 Init Pattern - 120.0
154 Finalist mryat 115.0 220 Init Pattern - 120.0
155 Scooba 1 Shrike 174.0 221 Init Pattern - 120.0
156 Scooba 2 Shrike 174.0 222 Init Pattern - 120.0
157 Scooba 3 Shrike 174.0 223 Init Pattern - 120.0
158 Surfchord KORG Inc. 120.0 224 Init Pattern - 120.0
159 AgainstAllOdds1 Shrike 144.0 225 Init Pattern - 120.0
160 AgainstAllOdds2 Shrike 144.0 226 Init Pattern - 120.0
161 AgainstAllOdds3 Shrike 144.0 227 Init Pattern - 120.0
162 AgainstAllOdds4 Shrike 144.0 228 Init Pattern - 120.0
163 Cygnus 1 KORG Inc. 136.0 229 Init Pattern - 120.0
164 Cygnus 2 KORG Inc. 136.0 230 Init Pattern - 120.0
165 Sirius 1 KORG Inc. 162.0 231 Init Pattern - 120.0
166 Sirius 2 KORG Inc. 162.0 232 Init Pattern - 120.0
167 OctopusAlien mryat 180.0 233 Init Pattern - 120.0
168 Debris 1 KORG Inc. 110.0 234 Init Pattern - 120.0
169 Debris 2 KORG Inc. 110.0 235 Init Pattern - 120.0
170 CoffeeEffect mryat 110.0 236 Init Pattern - 120.0
171 300Miles 1 Shrike 102.0 237 Init Pattern - 120.0
172 300Miles 2 Shrike 102.0 238 Init Pattern - 120.0
173 300Miles 3 Shrike 102.0 239 Init Pattern - 120.0
174 300Miles 4 Shrike 102.0 240 Init Pattern - 120.0
175 Abyss 1 Shrike 140.0 241 Init Pattern - 120.0
176 Abyss 2 Shrike 140.0 242 Init Pattern - 120.0
177 Abyss 3 Shrike 140.0 243 Init Pattern - 120.0
178 CiriusSkit 1 Shrike 135.0 244 Init Pattern - 120.0
179 CiriusSkit 2 Shrike 135.0 245 Init Pattern - 120.0
180 Skarab 1 Shrike 140.0 246 Init Pattern - 120.0
181 Skarab 2 Shrike 140.0 247 Init Pattern - 120.0
182 Skarab 3 Shrike 140.0 248 Init Pattern - 120.0
183 Chillwave 1 Mistabishi 87.8 249 Init Pattern - 120.0
184 Chillwave 2 Mistabishi 87.8 250 Init Pattern - 120.0
185 Chillwave 3 Mistabishi 87.8
All Patterns —© 2014 KORG INC. All rights reserved.
186 Chillwave 4 Mistabishi 87.8
187 Chillwave 5 Mistabishi 87.8
Credits (alphabetical)
188 Viburnum Francis Preve 100.0
Francis Preve http://www.francispreve.com
189 Taikotune Francis Preve 85.0
Mistabishi http://www.facebook.com/mistabishi
190 Recife 1 KORG Inc. 111.1
mryat http://www.youtube.com/user/mryat
191 Recife 2 KORG Inc. 111.1
192 YourCradle mryat 81.0
Sharooz http://www.soundcloud.com/sharooz
193 SwimDream KORG Inc. 88.0
194 Techno Template KORG Inc. 128.0 Shrike http://soundcloud.com/shrike
195 House Template KORG Inc. 120.0
196 DubstepTemplate KORG Inc. 140.0

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