Sampling and The Amount of Testing of Hydraulic Cement: Standard Practice For

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This standard outlines procedures for sampling and testing hydraulic cement. It describes sampling methods, acceptable ranges for properties like alkali content and strength, and establishes critical and control limits.

This standard covers procedures for sampling and testing hydraulic cement after manufacturing to ensure it meets requirements before being offered for sale.

Several ASTM testing standards are referenced, including methods for chemical analysis, fineness, setting time, strength development, and potential reactivity with aggregates.

This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C183/C183M − 16

Standard Practice for

Sampling and the Amount of Testing of Hydraulic Cement1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C183/C183M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope C114 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic

1.1 This practice covers procedures for sampling and for the Cement
amount of testing of hydraulic cement after it has been C115 Test Method for Fineness of Portland Cement by the
manufactured and is ready to be offered for sale. Turbidimeter
C150/C150M Specification for Portland Cement
1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units C151/C151M Test Method for Autoclave Expansion of Hy-
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in
draulic Cement
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each
C157/C157M Test Method for Length Change of Hardened
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining
Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
C185 Test Method for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement
with the standard. Values in SI units [or inch-pound units] shall
be obtained by measurement in SI units [or inch-pound units]
or by appropriate conversion, using the Rules for Conversion C186 Test Method for Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic
and Rounding given in Standard IEEE/ASTM SI 10, Values are Cement
stated in only SI units when inch-pound units are not used in C191 Test Methods for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement
practice by Vicat Needle
C204 Test Methods for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by
1.3 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes Air-Permeability Apparatus
which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes C227 Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of
(excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar-Bar Method)
requirements of the standard.
C266 Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic-Cement
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the Paste by Gillmore Needles
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the C430 Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 45-µm (No. 325) Sieve
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- C451 Test Method for Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. (Paste Method)
C452/C452M Test Method for Potential Expansion of
2. Referenced Documents Portland-Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 C595/C595M Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
C10/C10M Specification for Natural Cement C806 Test Method for Restrained Expansion of Expansive
C91/C91M Specification for Masonry Cement Cement Mortar
C109/C109M Test Method for Compressive Strength of C807 Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement
Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Mortar by Modified Vicat Needle
Specimens) C845/C845M Specification for Expansive Hydraulic Ce-
C1012/C1012M Test Method for Length Change of
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C01 on Cement and Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Exposed to a Sulfate Solution
is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C01.95 on Coordination of Standards.
Current edition approved Oct. 15, 2016. Published October 2015. Originally
C1038/C1038M Test Method for Expansion of Hydraulic
approved in 1944. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as C183/C183M – 15. Cement Mortar Bars Stored in Water
DOI: 10.1520/C0183_C0183M-16. C1157/C1157M Performance Specification for Hydraulic
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Cement
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on C1328/C1328M Specification for Plastic (Stucco) Cement
the ASTM website. C1329/C1329M Specification for Mortar Cement

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C183/C183M − 16
C1357 Test Methods for Evaluating Masonry Bond Strength 4.4 are applicable. Not much cement is sold on the basis of
(Withdrawn 2016)3 such sampling and testing. A useful discussion of sampling and
C1506 Test Method for Water Retention of Hydraulic testing cement is contained in ACI 225.1R.
Cement-Based Mortars and Plasters 4.4 The procedures covered in this practice should be done
E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test by or for purchasers of hydraulic cement who are using a code
Sieves or specification that requires sampling and testing to determine
IEEE/ASTM SI 10 Standard for Use of the International if the samples conform to the relevant acceptance specifica-
System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System tions. The testing is done using specified methods to determine
2.2 ACI Standard: whether the samples yield test results that conform to the
225.1R Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydraulic Ce- specification, and the tests serve as a basis for acceptance or
ments4 rejection of the lot of material sampled.
3. Terminology 4.5 It is neither intended nor required that all cements be
tested using all the test methods referenced in Section 2.
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 lot (of cement), n—specific quantity of cement offered 5. Kinds and Size of Samples and by Whom Taken
for inspection at any one time. A lot may be one or more 5.1 A cement sample secured during transfer to bulk
storage bins filled consecutively. A lot may also be the contents storage, from bulk storage, or from a bulk shipment in one
of one or more transport units representing cement drawn from operation, shall be termed a “grab sample.” A sample obtained
the same storage bin. during a 10 min interval using an automatic sampling device
3.1.2 reduced testing rate, n—test program that provides for that continuously samples a cement stream may also be termed
the testing of only two samples from any given lot of samples a grab sample. Grab samples taken at prescribed intervals over
obtained and prepared for testing at the normal rate as a period of time may be combined to form a “composite
described herein. The program utilizes probability factors and sample’’ representative of the cement produced during that
is so designed that when results from the two samples fulfill the period of time.
requirements of the program it may be said with 95 % 5.2 All samples, whether grab or composite, shall have a
confidence that less than 5 % of the samples would be outside mass of at least 5 kg [10 lb].
the specification limits.
5.3 The purchaser may designate a representative to super-
4. Significance and Use vise the sampling, packing, and shipping of samples when it is
4.1 The sampling procedures described are intended for use so specified in the purchase contract.
in the procurement of samples of hydraulic cement after it has 5.4 Package the samples in moisture-proof, airtight contain-
been manufactured and is ready to be offered for sale. They are ers numbered consecutively in the order in which the samples
not intended as sampling procedures for quality control pur- are taken. The purchase contract shall state who will pay for the
poses during manufacturing. The testing procedures outlined costs of sampling, packaging, shipping, and testing the
cover the amount of testing to be done and provide guidance samples.
for reporting on conformance or non-conformance of cements NOTE 1—Polyvinyl chloride sample containers, upon occasion, have
with requirements of purchase specifications. been found to affect the air-entraining potential of a cement sample. The
4.2 This practice is referenced as the procedure for sampling same problem might be experienced with containers made from other
natural cement (Specification C10/C10M), masonry cement
(Specification C91/C91M), portland cement (Specification 6. Testing-Time Requirements for Completion of Tests
C150/C150M), blended hydraulic cement (Specification C595/ 6.1 When tests of hydraulic cement are made at a laboratory
C595M), expansive hydraulic cement (Specification C845/ other than that of the cement manufacturer, the cement sam-
C845M), hydraulic cement based on a performance specifica- pling schedule, sample transportation time, and sample testing
tion (Specification C1157/C1157M), plastic stucco cement schedule must be coordinated among the purchaser, the
(Specification C1328/C1328M), and mortar cement (Specifi- manufacturer, and the testing laboratory so that the tests results
cation C1329/C1329M), and will be available when required.
4.3 Most building codes and construction specifications 6.2 The manufacturer of the cement shall make the cement
require that hydraulic cement to be used in the work meet the available to be sampled for testing early enough before the time
applicable requirements of the relevant purchase specifications, the test results are needed so that at least the applicable time
such as Specifications C10/C10M, C91/C91M, C150/C150M, intervals listed in 6.3 exist.
C595/C595M, C1157/C1157M, C1328/C1328M, C1329/
C1329M, or C845/C845M. If the code or specification requires 6.3 When this has been done, the testing laboratory shall
sampling of the manufactured cement, the provisions given in provide test results not later than the indicated number of days
after sampling:
Test Methods Time Interval, days
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on C109/C109M (1 day results), C114, C115, C151/C151M, 8
Detailed requirements for this sieve are given in Specification E11. C185, C191, C204, C451, C266

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C109/C109M (3 day results) 10 each 90 Mg [100 tons] of cement or fraction thereof, but take
C109/C109M and C186 (7 day results) 14 not less than two samples. Consider cement represented by
C227, C452/C452M, and C1012/C1012M 21
(14 day results) such samples as a lot, and test the samples in accordance with
C109/C109M and C186 (28 day results) 35 the procedure outlined in the section on Amount of Testing.
C157/C157M (34 day results) 41
C227 (56 day results) 63 7.2 Protection of Samples—As samples are taken, place
C227 (91 day results) 98 them directly in moisture-proof airtight containers to avoid
7. Sampling moisture absorption and aeration of the sample. If the samples
are placed in cans, fill the can completely and immediately
7.1 The cement may be sampled by any of the applicable seal. Use moisture-proof multiple-wall paper bags or plastic
methods described in this section. bags if they are strong enough to avoid breakage, and if they
7.1.1 Delivering to Bulk Storage and Transfer Sampling— can be sealed immediately after filling in such a manner as to
Sample cement while the cement is being transferred. Take one eliminate excess air in the sample and avoid moisture absorp-
grab sample from the transfer stream for each 360 Mg tion and aeration of the sample. Samples shall be treated as
[400 tons] of cement, or fraction thereof, but take no less than described in the section on Preparation of Sample.
two grab samples and combine them to produce a composite
8. Preparation of Sample
7.1.2 Other Sampling Methods—When the above sampling
method is not applicable, samples may, when authorized by the 8.1 Before testing, pass each sample through an 850 µm
purchaser, be taken by one of the following methods: (No. 20) sieve,6 or any other sieve having approximately the From Bulk Storage at Points of Discharge— same size openings, in order to mix the sample, break up
Withdraw cement from the discharge openings in a steady lumps, and remove foreign material. Do not include the foreign
stream until sampling is completed. If a high circular silo is materials and hardened lumps that do not break up on sieving
being sampled, take all samples from one opening. If the or brushing in the sample to be tested. Store the cement in
quantity of the cement in the bin exceeds 1100 Mg [1200 tons] airtight moisture-proof containers to prevent aeration or ab-
when low rectangular bins are being sampled, discharge sorption of moisture prior to test.
openings employed in the sampling shall be such that for no
opening shall the number of samples represent more than one 9. Amount of Testing
half the contents of the bin or more than 1800 Mg [2000 tons].
When sampling bulk storage at points of discharge, while the 9.1 General—When required, the purchaser shall specify
cement is flowing through the openings, take samples at such the amount of testing for the following specification specific
intervals so that at least two grab samples shall be secured for requirements:
each 360 Mg [400 tons] in the bin or silo. 9.1.1 Heat of hydration (Test Method C186) for optional From Bulk Storage and Bulk Shipment by Means of limits specified in Specifications C150/C150M, C595/C595M
Slotted Tube Sampler—Obtain sample using a tube sampler and C1157/C1157M;
designed for cohesive and semi-cohesive powders and de- 9.1.2 Alkali reactivity (Test Method C227) for optional
signed for the depth of the cement to be sampled. An example limits specified in Specifications C595/C595M and C1157/
of just one type is shown in Fig. 1. Take samples from C1157M;
well-distributed points and various depths of the cement so that 9.1.3 Sulfate resistance (Test Method C1012/C1012M) for
the samples taken will represent the cement involved. optional limits specified in Specifications C595/C595M and From Packaged Cement by Means of Tube C1157/C1157M;
Sampler—Sample package cement using a tube sampler de- 9.1.4 Potential Expansion of Portland-Cement Mortars Ex-
signed for cohesive and semi-cohesive powders and able to posed to Sulfate (Test Method C452/C452M) for optional
sample packaged cement from the valve of the cement bag. An
limits specified in Specification C150/C150M;
example of just one type is shown in Fig. 1. Take one sample
from a bag in each 4.5 Mg [5 tons] or fraction thereof. 9.1.5 Expansion of Hydraulic Cement Mortar Bars Stored in From Bulk Shipment of Car or Truck: Water (Test Method C1038/C1038M) for limits specified in
(a) Single Shipment—If only one car or truck is being Specifications C150/C150M, C595/C595M and C1157/
loaded and the loading is continuous and all from the same C1157M;
source, take a 5 kg [10-lb] sample. If not continuous or 9.1.6 Early Stiffening of Hydraulic Cement (Paste Method)
unknown, combine five or more portions from different points (Test Method C451) for optional limits specified in Specifica-
in the load to form the test sample. tion C150/C150M and C1157/C1157M;
(b) Multiple Shipments—When the shipment consists of 9.1.7 Fineness of Hydraulic Cement by the 45 um (No. 325
several cars or trucks loaded from the same source and on the Sieve (Test Method C430) for limits specified in Specifications
same day, sample the shipment at the rate of one sample for C91/C91M, C1328/C1328M, and C1329/C1329M;

FIG. 1 Example of Tube Sampler for Cement

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C183/C183M − 16
9.1.8 Water Retention of Hydraulic Cement-Based Mortars at the normal rate. If the testing is to be done at the reduced
and Plasters (Test Method C1506) for limits specified in rate, mix the drawn markers and draw two to select the
Specification C91/C91M, C1328/C1328M, and C1329/ numbers of the samples to be tested.
C1329M; 9.5 Establishing a Quality History and Control Charts:
9.1.9 Evaluating Masonry Bond Strength (Test Method 9.5.1 Quality History—The quality history shall represent
C1357) for limits specified in Specification C1329/C1329M; cement from the same source as the cement to be tested, and
9.1.10 Restrained Expansion of Expansive Cement Mortar shall be based on data not more than two years old. There shall
(Test Method C806) for limits specified in Specification be available test results for not less than 40 test samples
C845/C845M; and representing not less than seven lots of cement. The test
9.1.11 Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement Mortar by samples shall conform to the applicable provisions of this
Modified Vicat Needle (Test Method C807) for limits specified practice. A pair shall be two test samples from the same lot, in
in Specification C845/C845M. numerical sequence. Several pairs from the same lot may be
9.1.12 Make all other tests on individual grab or composite used where available. The number of paired samples represent-
samples chosen as specified herein under Selection of Samples ing a large lot may be reduced as follows: From the consecu-
for Testing. Do only those tests required by the applicable tively numbered group of tested samples representing the entire
specification. lot, select a subgroup by some random method. List the
9.2 Normal Testing—Determine the number of samples to numbers identifying the subgroup in numerical sequence, and
be tested in accordance with Table 1. The normal testing rate pair in the order of listing. Compute the range (difference
shall be used under the following conditions: between the test results of a pair) for each pair of test results.
9.2.1 Before the quality history has been established, Total the ranges and divide their sum by the total number of
9.2.2 When no samples from a particular mill have been ranges used to obtain the average range, r̄ . Compute the
tested within a year, average range, r̄ , for each included physical and chemical
9.2.3 When the quality history is based entirely on data property limited by specification requirements.
more than two years old, and 9.5.2 Critical Limit—Calculate the critical limit, C, for each
9.2.4 When it is deemed necessary to recalculate the critical included physical and chemical property limited by a specifi-
limit because of indicated lack of control as shown by the cation requirement. First, multiply the average range, r̄ , by the
control chart of the range. probability factor, 2.49, this will yield a number that for
NOTE 2—Random grab samples taken at inappropriate times, such as convenience is called d. If the requirement has a maximum
immediately following the repair or adjustment of manufacturing specification limit, obtain C by subtracting d from the specifi-
equipment, or from inappropriate places, such as from the top surface of cation limit and, if a minimum, add d to the specification limit.
the material in a car, will not suitably reflect the properties of a cement,
and therefore should not be used as the basis for acceptance or rejection
Maintain quality history charts.
of a lot of cement. NOTE 4—Improved estimates of the range r̄, and consequently of C,
will result if the test results are not rounded. For example, the test result
9.3 Reduced Testing—After the quality history has been of 21.78 % for SiO2 is preferred to the rounded value of 21.8 %. For the
established, test at the reduced testing rate. If the results of fineness, the calculated value of 324.3 is preferred to the rounded value of
these tests are within the critical range, make additional tests 324.
(total equal to the number of tests at the normal rate as shown 9.5.3 Control Chart of the Range—Maintain a control chart
in Table 1). of the range to indicate when the critical limit needs to be
NOTE 3—When the quality history indicates that the results for a given
recomputed. Multiply the average range, r̄ , as obtained in
requirement will probably be within the critical range, and substantial 9.5.2, by the probability factor 3.267 to obtain the upper
delay in completion of the tests would result from making additional tests control limit for the range between each consecutive pair of test
(for example, compressive strength), it may be desirable to make the tests results. The horizontal scale of the chart will be successive
at the normal rate, rather than the reduced testing rate. groups of two, and the vertical scale will be the range. Where
9.4 Selection of Samples for Testing—Take samples to be the range chart indicates lack of control (points beyond the
tested from each lot by some random method. The following upper control limit), the critical limit, C, may need to be
method is suggested: Place a group of consecutively numbered recalculated. Consider the occurrence of two consecutive
markers equal to the number of samples in a container and mix, points beyond the upper control limit for the range, or the
then draw one marker at a time from the container until the occurrence of three points beyond the upper control limit in
number drawn is equal to the number of samples to be tested any series of five consecutive points cause to recalculate the
critical limit. Where it becomes necessary to recalculate the
critical limit, discontinue reduced testing until a new quality
TABLE 1 Number of Samples for Test history has been established.
Lot Size—Number of Number of Tests NOTE 5—The appendix contains both examples of the calculation of r̄,
Samples Normal Rate Reduced Rate d, as shown in Table X1.1, and of quality history and control charts as
2 2 2
shown in Figs. X1.1 and X1.2. The specification limits used in these
3 3 2 examples are hypothetical.
4 to 10 4 2 9.5.4 When the hydraulic cement sampled is to conform to
11 to 20 6 2
Over 20 8 2 Specification C150/C150M, and the manufacturer has chosen
the cement SO3 option as described in Specification C150/

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C183/C183M − 16
C150M Table 1 footnote D, the critical limit described in 10. Noncompliance and Retest
Subsection 9.5.2 using the specification limit for SO3 is not 10.1 If any test result fails to meet the specification
applicable. Subsections 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 dealing with the calcu- requirement, the lot of cement shall not be reported as not
lation of critical limit are not required for SO3 in this case. complying with the specification unless noncompliance is
9.5.5 When the hydraulic cement sampled is to conform to confirmed by retest as described in 10.2.
Specification C595/C595M, and the manufacturer has chosen
the cement SO3 content option as described in Specification 10.2 A retest is considered to be an additional test of a
C595/C595M Table 1 footnote B, the critical limit described in certain property that is made when the initial test of that
Subsection 9.5.2 using the specification limit for SO3 is not property produces a result not complying with the specification
applicable. Subsections 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 dealing with the calcu- requirements. A retest may consist of either a single determi-
lation of critical limit are not required for SO3 in this case. nation or a set of replicate determinations.
9.6 Reporting for Normal Testing—When the testing is done 10.3 Retests shall be conducted in accordance with the
at the normal testing rate, report the cement as complying with provisions, if given, of the applicable specification. If no
the specification if it meets the specification requirements, and provisions are given, the following procedure shall be used:
report it as failing to meet the specification requirements if it 10.3.1 Make the retest on a portion of the same sample as
does not meet each of the requirements as specified. was used for the initial test. Use referee methods whenever
they are provided for determination of the property requiring
9.7 Reporting for Reduced Testing—When the testing is retest and in such case use only the results obtained by referee
done at the reduced testing rate, report the cement as comply- methods. The retest shall consist of the same number of
ing with the specification if the average of the test results is determinations required for the initial test, or, if a within-
further from the specified limit than the critical limit. If the laboratory precision statement is given which is based on a
average of the results for one or more requirements are specified number of replicates (that is, duplicate or triplicate
between the critical limit and the specification limit, test determinations), the number of replicates used as the basis of
additional samples (total equal to the number of tests at the such precision statement. If two or more determinations are
normal rate) for that requirement, and if on completion of the required, the value reported shall be the average of all results
additional tests, all of the results meet the specified require- that are within the limits of precision of the method at the 95 %
ments report the cement as complying with the specification. confidence level, as stated in the applicable specification or as
Report the cement as failing to meet the specification require- generally recognized.
ments if any test result does not conform to the respective
requirements. 11. Keywords
9.8 When a cement is reported as failing to meet the 11.1 hydraulic cement; sampling; testing
specification requirements, state in the report which require-
ment the cement failed and the applicable limit.

For additional useful information on the details of cement tests methods, references may be made to the “Manual of
Cement Testing” which appears in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.01.

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(Nonmandatory Information)

FIG. X1.1 Quality History Chart

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FIG. X1.2 Quality History Chart

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C183/C183M − 16
TABLE X1.1 Test Data, Type I Low-Alkali CementA
7-day Strength
Lot Sample Alka- Average of 3 Range
Range % Specimens
No. No. lies %
MPa [psi] MPa [psi]
88 1 0.58 35.5 [5150]
13 0.61 0.03 37.0 [5358] 1.44 [208]
17 0.57 32.2 [4675]
21 0.55 0.02 33.1 [4800] 0.86 [125]
91 1 0.55 32.0 [4633]
5 0.55 0.00 33.9 [4917] 1.95 [283]
13 0.57 34.3 [4975]
21 0.54 0.03 35.2 [5108] 0.92 [133]
98 5 0.55 33.8 [4896]
13 0.56 0.01 34.2 [4957] 0.42 [61]
17 0.56 35.4 [5133]
21 0.56 0.00 36.3 [5267] 0.92 [133]
106 5 0.42 35.6 [5158]
13 0.45 0.03 34.1 [4950] 1.44 [208]
17 0.47 33.3 [4832]
21 0.39 0.08 32.6 [4728] 0.72 [104]
107 4 0.47 34.1 [4938]
8 0.46 0.01 34.8 [5042] 0.72 [104]
12 0.40 32.3 [4683]
20 0.41 0.01 33.7 [4892] 1.44 [208]
111 4 0.45 36.1 [5233]
8 0.44 0.01 36.9 [5350] 0.80 [117]
12 0.41 35.6 [5163]
20 0.40 0.01 36.2 [5246] 0.57 [83]
112 3 0.45 36.8 [5333]
7 0.48 0.03 34.2 [4958] 2.59 [375]
15 0.48 34.5 [4996]
19 0.49 0.01 35.3 [5113] 0.80 [117]
113 2 0.49 34.0 [4937]
15 0.46 0.03 33.1 [4803] 0.92 [133]
20 0.47 34.4 [4994]
24 0.49 0.02 34.0 [4925] 0.48 [69]
120 1 0.46 32.5 [4717]
6 0.46 0.00 33.2 [4814] 0.67 [98]
11 0.46 32.2 [4675]
21 0.46 0.00 33.2 [4808] 0.92 [133]
123 6 0.46 36.6 [5304]
11 0.45 0.01 36.3 [5267] 0.26 [38]
21 0.44 35.3 [5117]
26 0.44 0.00 35.8 [5196] 0.55 [79]
Total 40 0.34 19.39 2811
Calculation of Critical Limit and Control Limit
Alkalies Strength Strength
MPa psi
Specification limit 0.60 30.0 [4350]
r̄ 0.017 0.969 [141]
d = 2.49 r̄ 0.042 2.413 [350]
Critical limit (0.60 − 0.042) (30 + 2.4) [(4350 + 350)]
0.558 32.4 [4700]
3.267 r̄ 0.0555 3.17 [459]
Control limit 0.056 3.2 [459]

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Oct 12 13:35:54 EDT 2018
Downloaded/printed by
Rodrigo Garay (NULL) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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