Vogelle S1600-3i
Vogelle S1600-3i
Vogelle S1600-3i
Universal Class
SUPER 1600-3i
Tracked Paver
SUPER 1600-3i
A compact powerhouse, more manœuvrable The SUPER 1600-3i naturally also includes all
and versatile than its predecessor, the new the “Dash 3” features. For instance, the VÖGELE
SUPER 1600-3i is simply unbeatable. This typical EcoPlus package reduces fuel consumption and
member of the Universal Class handles pave noise emissions significantly. In addition, VÖGELE‘s
widths up to 7.5m* with ease. It owes its ErgoPlus operating system has been supplemented
excellent manœuvrability to its high-quality with many ergonomic and functional features:
drive components as well as its extremely ErgoPlus 3 is now equipped with a particularly
compact design. large colour display in the paver operator‘s console,
ensuring brilliant readability even in poor lighting
This paver is powerful, reliable and efficient, conditions.
even when operating under extremely cramped
and complicated job site conditions. The AutoSet Plus, the PaveDock sprung push-rollers
and the PaveDock Assistant features additionally
simplify working with this compact powerhouse.
*Pave widths of 7m and 7.5m are possible with extra equipment (available upon request).
The highlights
of the
SUPER 1600-3i
Tracked Universal Class Powerful and economical The VÖGELE EcoPlus Optimum feeding with mix ErgoPlus 3 operating Screeds to meet all needs:
paver with a large range drive concept, even when low-emissions package thanks to the large material system with numerous option to combine the tracked
of applications and pave operating at full load in any significantly reduces fuel hopper, PaveDock sprung convenient and automatic paver with the AB 500 and
widths up to 7.5m* climate zone consumption and noise push-rollers and PaveDock functions AB 600 Extending Screeds
levels Assistant communication
*Pave widths of 7m and 7.5m are possible with extra equipment (available upon request).
drive concept
VÖGELE‘s modern drive concept is perfectly Delivering a powerful drive when maximum Low input, maximum output — all drive Intelligent engine management with ECO mode
adapted to the large range of different uses performance is called for, this Universal Class components operate with maximum efficiency, and the VÖGELE EcoPlus low-emissions package
of the SUPER 1600-3i. paver is exceedingly economical in everyday from the diesel engine to the hydraulic system. ensure low diesel consumption and low-noise
operation. operation.
Three main components define the power unit range, significantly extending the service life
of a SUPER 1600-3i: its modern, liquid-cooled of both the diesel engine and the hydraulic oil.
diesel engine, a splitter gearbox flanged directly A further advantage is that the machine can
to the engine and a large cooler assembly. operate without difficulty in all climate regions
The driving force in this power pack from
VÖGELE is its diesel engine. The four-cylinder All hydraulic consumers are directly supplied Hydraulic oil cooler
engine delivers 116kW at 2,000rpm. Yet the with hydraulic oil via the splitter gearbox.
fuel-saving ECO mode is sufficient for many Hydraulic pumps and valves are centrally located,
applications. And even then, the SUPER 1600-3i making them optimally accessible for servicing.
still has a full 106kW at its disposal. Moreover, Even the powerful generator for screed heating
the machine generates even less noise when is flanged directly onto the splitter gearbox,
running at just 1,700rpm. making it completely maintenance-free.
The large cooler assembly is made up of three parts. It ensures that engine coolant, charge air
and hydraulic oil are maintained at the optimum temperature.
Machines with the suffix ”i“ in Powerful diesel engine develops 116kW
their product designation are not only at just 2,000rpm.
economical, but also extremely clean.
ECO mode for paver operation with
106kW at 1,700rpm is perfectly adequate
The ”i“ stands for ”intelligent emission
for numerous applications. It cuts operating
control“ and is found in the type names
costs and allows superquiet operation.
of all machines from the WIRTGEN
GROUP equipped with the latest engine A powerful, air-cooled generator with
technology. These engines comply with direct drive ensures rapid, uniform heating
the strict requirements of the current of the screed.
exhaust emissions legislation.
The power unit of the SUPER 1600-3i with diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
for exhaust gas after-treatment complies with the strict requirements of European exhaust emissions standard
Stage 4 and US EPA standard Tier 4f.
It goes without saying that our road pavers That doesn’t just result in considerable savings The technical innovations
drive concept
conform to the applicable emissions directives, for the contractor – it is good news for the
but we like to go much further. That’s why the environment, too. That’s because every litre of fuel Splitter gearbox with ability to disengage hydraulic
machine concept of the “Dash 3” generation uses saved reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. pumps
environmentally friendly innovations in machine 01
technology, resulting in lower consumption, lower When the paver is stationary, all the hydraulic pumps
emissions and lower costs. needed for “traction”, “conveyors and augers” and
“compaction” are disengaged automatically. The result?
€ 25% fuel saving
Lower fuel consumption.
One of these innovations is the VÖGELE EcoPlus
low-emissions package. Fuel savings of up to 25%
25% less CO2 emitted €
can be achieved with VÖGELE EcoPlus, depending
on the application and capacity utilization of the
paver. Lower noise emissions
Controlled hydraulic oil temperature circuit
Variable-speed fan
Precision on tracks
High-quality separate hydraulic drives Since the traction drive units are directly integrated
drive concept
are essential components of the VÖGELE into the sprockets of the crawler tracks, engine
drive concept. They allow our pavers to operate output is translated into pave speed without any
outstandingly and therefore extremely loss of power.
The hydraulic systems for the traction Positive tracking when moving straight and
drive, conveyors and augers as well as the accurate cornering due to separate drive and
compacting systems all operate in separate electronic control provided for each crawler
closed circuits for maximum efficiency. track.
Material management
A continuous flow of mix is key to ensuring All our development efforts focus on simple PaveDock Assistant from VÖGELE is an
uninterrupted and high-quality paving. That is operation and the best possible overview for innovative solution for standardizing and
why we attach such importance to professional the paving team. simplifying communication between the
material management when designing our paver operator and driver of the feed vehicle
pavers. during the feed with mix.
Material management
SUPER 1600-3i with mix is a clean, safe and (option), the mix inside the material hopper is the SUPER 1600-3i provides for an optimal for conveyors and augers are installed
swift process. directed right onto the conveyors and the entire head of material in front of the screed achieving high laydown rates up to 600t/h.
mix properly conveyed in front of the screed. in every paving situation.
Material management
Dock: Lorry drives up to the paver Stop: Lorry must halt. Raise dump box:
and docks. It has docked. Lorry raises the dump box.
Paver is moving:
Lower dump box: Drive off:
Symbol can appear together
Lorry lowers the dump box. Lorry drives away from the paver.
with all symbols.
PaveDock Assistant is the communication system As an alternative to the oscillating push-rollers, Together with the PaveDock Assistant, the
between the paver operator and the driver of VÖGELE also supply PaveDock sprung sprung push-rollers maximize process safety
the feed vehicle. It allows particularly fast and push-rollers. These absorb jolts by the feed during transfer of the mix: a sensor installed
Stop Dock Raise dump box
reliable transfer of mix to the paver. Signal lights vehicle even more effectively and reliably, in the sprung push-rollers indicates whenever
on the paver and the associated controls on thus ensuring that they are not transmitted a feed vehicle has docked onto the paver.
the paver operator‘s ErgoPlus 3 console are key to the finished pavement. The signal lights automatically and directly
components. indicate the stop signal. The feed vehicle driver
can thus react immediately.
The paver has two sets of signal lights, mounted
on the right and left of the hardtop. With these
lights, the paver operator can give the driver of
the feed vehicle unmistakable signals, indicating
what needs to be done (e.g. reverse, stop,
dump mix). Having two lights, each in an elevated Lower dump box Drive off
position, ensures that all signals are clearly visible
to the feed vehicle driver from all angles of
SUPER 1800-3i
efficiency, convenience and quality of key job reliably readies the machine for travel on the job automate routine tasks, allowing work processes
site processes. AutoSet Plus has two handy site, or for transport. Pressing the button again to be carried out more quickly and with greater
automatic functions. returns it to the previously stored working position. control. This in turn means that construction
projects can be completed faster and more
The Repositioning and Transport function greatly The Paving Programs function allows the reliably.
facilitates the continuation of work when moving operating personnel to save the configured
the paver on the job site from one work section machine parameters and store these as a paving
1 // AutoSet Plus —
to another, or after the paver has been transported. program in the menu. This program can then
Repositioning function
be called up and used whenever needed.
Fast and safe repositioning
of the paver on the job site.
2 // AutoSet Plus —
Paving Programs function
Automated configuration
of the paver.
Reproducible quality.
AutoSet Plus
AutoSet Plus is especially helpful when the
machine frequently has to be moved on the 1 2
job site.
1. The AutoSet Plus Repositioning function The automatic Paving Programs function allows He also enters the amount of crown and the
is activated just by pushing the “Execute” the operating personnel to store their own paving screed temperature. The program is completed
button. 5 6 programs. All key parameters for paving a specific with additional information on the material being
2. Raise/lower screed. layer (example: base course of asphaltic concrete, used, the layer thickness and the pave width.
3. Lock/unlock screed. 18cm thick) can thus be saved.
4. Screed tow point rams in transport The stored paving programs can subsequently
position/at last set value. On the display of his console, the paver operator be selected and used at any time via the menu.
saves the values set for the compacting systems In the event of a repeat situation, this ensures
5. Raise/lower augers.
(tamper and vibrator speed), height of the augers, that work is carried out with exactly the same
6. Conveyor movement reversible
position of the tow point rams, pressure for settings while maintaining a consistent quality.
for a short time.
Screed Assist and the pave speed in his program.
7. Raise/lower deflectors in front
of the crawler tracks.
8. Raise hopper front.
7 8
ErgoPlus 3
machine and construction project.
On the following pages example illustrations will provide you with more detailed information on the
extensive functions of the ErgoPlus 3 operating concept. ErgoPlus 3 encompasses the operator’s stand,
the paver operator’s console and screed consoles and Niveltronic Plus, the System for Automated Grade
and Slope Control.
ErgoPlus 3
“Full control for the machine operator!”
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SUPER 1600-3i
The paver operator‘s ErgoPlus 3 console The paver operator‘s console is extremely clear
and has been designed according to practical
On the ErgoPlus 3 console, all push-buttons are
easily identifiable by touch even when wearing
Module 1:
Module 2:
Conveyors and augers, traction
principles. All functions are combined into logical work gloves. Once a button is pressed, off you
Module 3: Material hopper and steering
groups, so that the operator finds each function go thanks to the “Touch and Work” principle.
exactly where he would expect it to be. This means that a function is executed directly — Module 4: Display for monitoring and adjustment of basic settings
ErgoPlus 3
No-load function
Reversing conveyor movement The high-contrast colour display provides for brilliant readability even in poor
lighting conditions. Vital information is shown on menu level 1, such as the
In order to avoid mix dropping from the conveyors positions of the screed tow point rams or the material level in the conveyor
during a move of the paver on the job site, conveyor tunnel. Further paver functions such as speeds of tamper and vibrators
movement can be reversed at the push of a button. or feed rate of the augers can easily be set up via the display, too. And the
Reverse movement, transferring mix from the rear display gives access to machine-related information such as fuel consumption
of the conveyor tunnel back inside, takes place for or service hours.
a short time only and stops automatically.
With the AutoSet Plus Repositioning function, the paver is quickly and safely With the PaveDock Assistant signal lights,
prepared for a move on the job site at the push of a button. After the move, the paver operator can give the driver of the
all paver components are reset to their previous working positions, simply feed vehicle unmistakable signals, indicating
by pressing the button again. This ensures that no settings are lost when what needs to be done (e.g. reverse, stop,
changing between “Pave” and “Job Site” modes. AutoSet Plus also effectively dump mix). The lights are conveniently activated
prevents damage during transport. directly from the paver operator’s ErgoPlus 3
Choice of operating modes for the paver Choice of engine speed ranges
All the main paving and machine functions can be controlled directly by For the engine, there is a choice of three modes to select from: MIN, ECO and
individual push-buttons on the paver operator’s ErgoPlus 3 console. MAX. To switch modes for engine rpm, all the operator needs to do is press the
By pressing the arrow buttons, up or down, the operator changes modes arrow buttons, up or down. In ECO mode, the engine delivers sufficient power
in the following order: “Neutral“, “Job Site“, “Positioning“ and “Pave“. An LED for a great number of paving applications. Operating in ECO mode reduces
indicates the mode selected. noise emissions and fuel consumption considerably.
Glarefree backlighting comes on automatically This button switches Screed Assist on (LED lights up) or off. Screed Assist
as darkness sets in so that the paver operator pressure and balance can be set via the display. Screed Assist is active only
can also work safely on night-time jobs. when the screed is floating.
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SUPER 1600-3i
ErgoPlus 3
for high-quality road construction. are clearly arranged.
The screed console is designed in keeping with the conditions prevailing on the job site.
Push-buttons are provided for the frequently used functions operated from the screed console.
These are watertight and enclosed in palpably raised rings, so that they are identifiable blindfold
simply by touch even when wearing work gloves. Important paver and screed data can be called
up and adjusted from the screed console, too.
The display of the screed console allows the screed operator to control and monitor both
the left and the right side of the screed. Machine-related parameters such as tamper speed
or conveyor speed can be adjusted conveniently via the display panel of the screed console.
The clear menu structure, combined with easily understandable, self-explanatory symbols
neutral in language, makes operating the display panel both simple and safe.
The crown can be conveniently adjusted at the press of a button on the screed operator‘s console.
When pressing the “plus” or “minus” keys, the set crown value is shown on the display.
The screed width can be effortlessly adjusted by means of the SmartWheel. This is done
in two speeds: slow, for precise control e.g. along an edge, or fast, for rapid extension or
retraction of the screed.
ErgoPlus 3
on many years of experience in grade and slope parks, roundabouts or highways need to be built
control technology. Easy operation, precision or rehabilitated, VÖGELE offer the right sensor
and reliability are its hallmarks, ensuring perfect for every job site situation.
mastery of all grade and slope control jobs.
Sensors can be changed quickly and easily, for
This fully integrated system is optimally adapted Niveltronic Plus automatically detects which sensor
to the machine technology of the SUPER pavers. is connected, thus simplifying the configuration
All wiring and connections, for instance, are process for the user.
integrated into the tractor unit and screed,
effectively eliminating all risk of damage to these
The value (in cm) displays the height The value (in cm) displays the height
of the tow point ram on the left-hand side. of the tow point ram on the right-hand side.
2. 4. 6. 8.
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SUPER 1600-3i
Screed options
for all paving
For the SUPER 1600-3i, VÖGELE offer two screed
options, both of them perfectly capable of achieving
excellent pavement quality. The nature of your paving
operations primarily determines which option is best
suited to your needs.
AB 500 TV Built up to maximum pave width Pave widths
Infinitely variable range from 2.55m to 5m
Larger widths through the addition of bolt-on
extensions up to a maximum of 7.5m*
Compacting systems
AB 500 TV with tamper and vibrators
Compacting systems
AB 600 TV with tamper and vibrators
*Pave widths of 7m and 7.5m are possible with extra equipment (available upon request).
Dimensions in mm
4405 2550
5685 3265
Engine 4-cylinder diesel engine, liquid-cooled Crawler tracks provided with rubber pads Conveyors 2, with replaceable feeder bars, AB 500 basic width 2.55m
Manufacturer Cummins Ground contact 2,410 x 305mm conveyor movement reversible for a short time infinitely variable range 2.55m to 5m
Type QSB4.5-C155 Track tension adjuster spring assembly Drive separate hydraulic drive provided maximum width 7.5m*
Output Track roller lubrication lifetime for each conveyor AB 600 basic width 3m
Nominal 116kW at 2,000rpm (according to DIN) Traction drive separate hydraulic drive and electronic control Speed up to 33m/min., infinitely variable infinitely variable range 3m to 6m
ECO mode 106kW at 1,700rpm provided for each crawler track (manual or automatic) maximum width 7.5m*
Exhaust emissions Speeds Augers 2, with replaceable auger blades, Screed version TV
standard EU Stage 4, US EPA Tier 4f Paving up to 24m/min., infinitely variable auger rotation reversible Layer thickness up to 30cm
Exhaust gas after-treatment DOC, SCR Travel up to 4.5km/h, infinitely variable Diameter 400mm Screed heating electric by heating rods
Emission data Drive separate hydraulic drive provided Power supply three-phase A.C. generator
Sound power level ≤107 dB(A) (2000/14/CE and DIN EN 500-6) Material hopper for each auger
Daily noise exposure level >80 dB(A) (DIN EN 500-6) Speed up to 84 rpm, infinitely variable Dimensions (transport) and weight
Hopper capacity 13t
Fuel tank 220 litres (manual or automatic)
Width 3,265mm Length tractor unit and screed
Height infinitely variable by 15cm, hydraulic,
Feed height 615mm (bottom of material hopper) AB 500/600 TV 5.69m
lowest position 10cm above the ground
Push-rollers Weight tractor unit with screed
Lubrication automatic centralized lubrication system with
Standard oscillating AB 500 TV pave widths up to 5m 18.1t
electrically driven grease pump
Position can be displaced forwards by 75mm or 150mm
Option sprung (PaveDock)
Joseph-Vögele-Str. 1 T: +49 621 / 81 05 0
67075 Ludwigshafen · Germany F: +49 621 / 81 05 461
www.voegele.info marketing@voegele.info
PaveDock Assistant, AutoSet, AutoSet Plus, AutoSet Basic, ErgoBasic and VÖGELE-EcoPlus are registered Community Trademarks of JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, Ludwigshafen/Rhein,
Germany. PCC is a registered German Trademark of JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany. ERGOPLUS, NAVITRONIC Plus, NAVITRONIC BASIC, NIVELTRONIC Plus,
SprayJet, VISION, VÖGELE, VÖGELE PowerFeeder, PaveDock, PaveDock Assistant, AutoSet, AutoSet Plus, AutoSet Basic and VÖGELE-EcoPlus are trademarks registered in the US Patent
and Trademark Office to JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany. Legally binding claims cannot be derived from written information or pictures contained in this brochure.
Pictures may include optional extras. We reserve the right to make technical or design alterations.
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