FCNP Jannefer

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Health Problem

1. Diarrhe a as a health deficit

Family Nursing Problem

Goal of Care
After nursing interventi on, the 9 monthold daughter will be relieved from diarrhea.

Objectiv es of Care
After nursing interventi on, the family will be able to apply therapeu tic measures to manage diarrhea of their daughter.

Intervention Measures
1. Discuss with the parents the nature, signs and symptoms and complicati ons of dehydratio n and the proper care needed. 2. Discuss with the parents possible ways of providing treatment of diarrhea and prevention of dehydratio n utilizing low-cost supplies (e.g., ORS preparatio

Method of FNC
y y Hom e visit Clinic visit

Resources Required

1. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to a 9 month old daughter due to: a. Lack of knowledge about the condition; b. Inadequate knowledge of the nature and extent of nursing ca re needed; c. Inadequate family resources for care specifically: y financial resources y physical resources (i.e., water supply facility)

Material resource:  Visual aids  ORS supplies Time and effort of the nurse and the family Expenses for teaching aids, ORS supplies and transportation of the nurse.

n using sal t, sugar and water). 3. Demonstra te to mother or father the preparatio n of ORS and its application or use. 4. Discuss to mother or father the proper methods of sterilizing water (e.g., 2 minutes after boiling). 5. Emphasize the importanc e of personal hygiene and proper hand washing in

the prevention of contamina tion and transfer of microorga nisms to other members of the family.

Health Problem
1. Lack of immuni zation as a health threat

Family Nursing Problem

1. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action on the health threat due to failure to comprehend the nature of the problem. 2. Failure to utilize community resources for health ca re due to: a. Lack of knowledge of community resources; b. Failure to perceive the benefits of health care.

Goal of Care
After nursing intervention s, the two daughters will have their immunizatio n appropriate for their age.

Objectives of Care
After nursing intervention s, the family will bring their children to the health center for their immunizatio n.

Intervention Measures
1. Discuss with the parents the nature of the problem and its possible complica tions or effects on the growth and dev elopeme nt of a child. 2. Discuss with the parents the benefits and advantag e of heving a complet e immuniz ation as well as

Method of FNC
y y Home visit Clinic visit

Resources Required
y Material resource:  Visual aids, syringe, vaccine Time and effort of the nurse and the family. Expenses for teaching aids and transportation of the nurse and the family.

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its disadvan tages if not fully utilized. 3. Discuss with the parents other commun ity resource s such as health center and encourag e them to avail its services.

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