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Submitted to


(Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India)


Soil- Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems Department of Mining Engineering College of Engineering Anna University, Chennai 600 025, India Dr. K. Srinivas, Professor Dr. K.V. Shanker, Professor & Head Mr. P. Balamadeswaran, Lecturer

Name and Address of Principal Implementing Agency Name of Project Leader / Co-ordinator Name of Co-Investigators

: :

1.0 INTRODUCTION After air, water and food, minerals are the essential requirement of mankind. As minerals are not uniformly distributed throughout the world, all nations are not equally bestowed with the mineral wealth. Minerals contribute substantially to the industrial growth and economy of man kind in general and any country in particular. Most of the rich inland mineral resources (known and explored) are fast depleting as population and per-capita mineral consumption are continuously increasing with the industrial development and quality of life of people. Hence, the dependence, of the man kind, on the deep sea bed mineral resources will become inevitable in the years to come. Therefore, Deep-sea mining has attracted the attention of several research groups world over during the recent times. The research is still in experimental stage and commercial exploitation of these deep sea bed minerals is not yet a reality because of the several unanswered technical and environment related questions. Hence there is every need for substantial research to find solutions to these questions.

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 The undersea sulphur rich Polymetallic sulphide deposits indicate that, these are produced in underwater volcanic regions by "black smokers." These black smokers are formed when sea water seeps into the porous sea bottom, gets heated by volcanic activity and re-emerges through vents carrying dissolved minerals. When the hot water hits the cold sea floor water, the minerals precipitate, creating chimneylike towers called black smokers. Over a period of time, these towers collapse and accumulate to form ore deposits, some of which are rich in Manganese, Copper, Cobalt, Nickel, Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Platinum, etc. Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) along with other organisations {such as Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) have identified numerous sites rich in manganese nodules, cobalt-rich manganese crusts and Polymetallic massive sulphides at the deep sea beds in the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of twelve SOPAC countries and concluded that the mineral resources of the sea bed are tremendous. They estimated the above deposits to be about- 200 million tonnes in the Central Cook Waters; 200 million tonnes in the three seamount selected Marshall Waters and 500 thousand tonnes around the triple junction of the North Fiji Basin. Availability of these mineral resources prompt development of suitable mining technology to exploit the resources. To accomplish this challenging objective and make deep sea bed mining sustainable and economically viable, we have to identify the technical and environmental problems that are likely to be encountered and find cheaper and practical solutions to the same. This is certainly difficult and not an easy task. However, clear definition of the problems and attacking the same in a logical sequence with dedication and perseverance will certainly facilitate accomplishing the objectives. The well known and thoroughly understood inland mining technology and tools and equipments with suitable modifications can be adopted for deep ocean mining for development of deep sea mining systems. At present the focus in India is to mine polymetallic nodules from the soft deep ocean floor having shear strength 25 kPa and for a depth of 5000 m. In the future the activities will be broadened to mining of polymetallic sulphides and cobalt rich manganese crust on hard (2-30 MPa) sea floors. The involvement of land based mining and related engineers in the estimationof forces acting on different devices simulating deep sea mining conditions
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 will provide directions in the development of efficient collectors suitable for various deep sea bed conditions. Such studies will also provide inputs on prediction of life of various components considering wear, fatigue etc. in the deep oceans. Soil-machine interaction studies in the areas of polymetallic nodule collection with emphasis on finding out the various mechanisms and resisting & assisting forces that are likely to be encountered during collection of manganese nodules has been proposed for this first phase of research. The project also aims at developing a platform for deep sea mining research in Anna University with partial funding from the University. The expertise and facilities available with the University in the fields of Mining Machinery, Rock Mechanics, Mining Economics etc will be useful for their Research project and also for carrying out further research in the future. 2.0 NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL STATUS ON POLYMETALLIC NODULES 2.1. NATIONAL The Department of Ocean Development, Government of India took initiative towards the development and use of marine non-living resources for the socioeconomic benefit of the society. As a result, Indian Oceanographic Vessel R.V.Gaveshni collected the first sample of polymetallic nodules from the Indian Ocean in 1981. India was also registered as first Pioneer Investor in August, 1987 along with Japan, France and the Soviet Union (now Russia). India has surveyed an area of nearly 4 million sq km in the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB). This resulted in the identification of two mine sites, each 150,000 sq km area with equal commercial grade (Cu+Ni+Co wt%) and abundance (kg/sq m) of nodules by Preparatory Commission (PREPCOM) for the International Sea Bed Authority (ISBA), in Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) as shown in Fig.1. However, one of the mine site of 150, 000 sq km has been allotted to India and as per the condition of the ISBA, 50 % of the remaining area has been relinquished to this body. India is the only country allocated a mine site in Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) while all others are in Pacific Ocean. Polymetallic nodules are Fe-Mn oxide deposits, which are usually in potato shape, porous, black earthy colour with size ranging from 2 to 10 cm in diameter. Normally, nodules occur at nearly 4 to 5 km depth in the deep oceans and they take
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 one million year to grow to one millimetre. Polymetallic nodules from Indian mines were earlier collected using the conventional dredging systems. Later, a remotely operated underwater mining system with collector module, lifting module and instrumentation & control systems was designed and developed in 1990 at the Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI) Durgapur. This has been initiated to test the concepts and to generate some of the basic data and to understand the functional and operational needs of the system and its sub-systems.

Fig. 1 Area allotted to India for Polymetallic Nodules Exploration and Exploitation in Indian Ocean
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 This underwater mining system as shown in Fig.2, with a capacity of 100 tonnes/day, a remotely operable crawler based collector module, a bucket-in-pipe based lifting module and control module with required instrumentation was developed and tested in the field. Here, the performance of the sub systems was also evaluated on land and subsequently on-shore shallow test basin. In addition, various basic concepts of nodule mining were also studied at laboratory extensively. After evaluating the field and laboratory results, a mining system module consisting of the components such as a crawler vehicle, a mechanical screw type collecting head, a bucket elevator, a crusher and a pump was developed. Here, a continuous chain-bucket assembly passing over two pulleys was the main component of the system. Entanglement of the buckets was avoided by running them through two vertical pipes. In 1993, CMERI started the development of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) for visual inspection of selected areas, remote cleaning using water jets, mapping and photo documentation of marine growth, detection and measurement of cracks in the sea bed, corrosion damage & denting of the mining system, etc. After successful completion of further tests at deep waters, it is planned to modify this ROV to support the proposed shallow bed mining system development.

1 Mining vessel; 2 Buoyant elements; 3 Lifting pipe/ Flexible Riser; 4 Buffer; 5 Flexible pipe; 6 Self-propelled collector

Fig.2 Concept of Polymetallic Nodule Mining System

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 In 1996, India reoriented its polymetallic nodule development programmes to establish the technologies in a phased manner with the initial efforts to demonstrate shallow bed mining in Indian sea bed up to 500 m depth. For the mining technology demonstration in Indian sea, the required offshore infrastructure (ships, launching systems, dynamic positioning systems) has been established at National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai in India. Facilities for assembly and integration of mining machinery, hyperbaric testing of components and subsystems and other essential testing facilities have been established. This institute has integrated, tested and evaluated the performance of an underwater mining system with a crawler based mining machine and flexible riser system initially at 410 m water depth (Deepak et al, 2001) and later with an enhanced system using a dynamically positioned vessel at more than 500 m depth (Deepak et al, 2007). Development of the complex deep sea mining technology from 5000- 6000 m depth is planned in different phases in a progressive manner through multi-institutional participation keeping in mind intermediate applications and spin off benefits of developed technologies.(Muthunayagam, 1999). 2.2 INTERNATIONAL China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association (COMRA) was established and registered in 1991 to coordinate the activities of deep sea bed exploration and exploitation in China. It was allotted an area of 150, 000 km2 in the Pacific region. COMRA has studied and tested the technology and equipment of collecting and hoisting the deep-sea polymetallic nodules and the remote measuring & controlling system during the "8th Five Year" (1991-1995) and "9th Five Year" (1996-2000) plan. It has developed a hydraulic principle-based hybrid nodule collector which was simple in structure, reliable in operation, high in collecting rate. It is suitable to move on the soft sediments of the sea floor. A number of ways of hoisting the nodules have also been studied. Remote measurement and control of the collector, real-time data collecting and processing of the hoisting system have been developed. After completing the comprehensive test of the whole system at a depth of 150 m in the first half of 2001, COMRA is currently working on the following objectives:

2.2.1. CHINA

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 1. To develop 6000 m submarine manned vehicle; 2. To fulfil the sea-trial of the mining system of the polymetallic nodule; 3. To carry out study on the technology of processing and utilizing deep sea resources including gene resources of deep-sea organisms. For accomplishing the above work, a new laboratory for the miner test and a new installation for the lifting test were built up in 2006. The laboratory consists of a basin (50505m), a workshop, global positioning system and data collecting system. The research work done in China involves participation of many universities like Central South University, Changsha, Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Changsha etc. 2.2.2. KOREA Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI) was established in 1973 to perform basic and applied research to promote the efficient use of coastal and ocean resources in the Koreas seas and the open oceans of South Pacific region. However, a full scale exploration for sea-bed mineral resources was instituted in 1992. The prospective 150,000 km2 mining area within the ClarionClipperton Fracture Zone was allocated to Korea in 1994, and the 75,000 km2 exclusive exploration area was ultimately determined in 2002. In 2007, using accumulated nodule and environmental data, a 40,000 km2 priority mining area was selected and a basic environmental map was made for the area. The Deep-sea Resources Research Division has also completed an on-site test of the 6000 m deep-sea camera system equipped with deep tow side scan sonar that was developed using own technology. The camera system employs an optical communication system that allows clearer images of deep-sea beds. Research and development of deep seabed mining system is being done at Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Daejeon (KORDI). A deep sea bed mining vehicle has been developed and shallow water testing is planned in 2009. Facilities for In addition, an on-site test of a 30 m scale lifting pumping system for Manganese nodules was successfully completed by Korea Institute for Geo-resources and Mining (KIGAM), Daejeon. The research and development activities are supported by Universities like University of Hanyang, Seoul, Hongik University, Chungnam National University and Sungkyunkwan University. Facilities for study of pick up
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 devices (hydraulic) and mining vehicle test bay with bentonite bed for simulating the deep sea bed have been developed. 2.2.3. GLOBAL STATUS After 1960, exploration and exploitation of marine deposits was systematically growing, more and more diverse resources being retrieved from increasingly greater depths, at increasingly longer distances from the shore. The group of deep-sea polymetallic resources, encompassing polymetallic sulphide ores as well as deepsea nodules and cobalt-rich crusts, was intensively studied. Predominantly the important minerals which are possessing high concentrations in sulphide and manganese oxide ores are studied for their commercial viability. The comparison between the estimated magnitude of the deep-sea deposits of those metals and their terrestrial resources shows the first, particularly those of Mn, Ni, Mo, Co and Ag to be several times higher than the other metals such as Au, Cu, Zn and Pt. The U.S.based industrial consortia were then most active in R & D in the '70s. The earliest R & D, some with at-sea tests, has been conducted by 4 international consortia or groups composed of companies from the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Japan and France. However, information about the technologies from these efforts has scarcely been made available in the public domain, and some technologies may have already become outdated. Efforts were not continued by these consortia as they found that some of the laws subsequently enforced by the International Seabed Authority were not favourable to them (Handschuh, 2001). In 1987, based on the new international legal order and in accordance with the principles and procedures of application and claim registration, the pioneer investor status was granted to Deep Ocean Resources Development Company (DORD), acting on behalf of the government of Japan; IFREMER/AFERNOD, acting on behalf of the government of France; YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA, acting on behalf of the government of the Soviet Union (and later on behalf of the government of Russia), and Department of Ocean Development acting on behalf of the government of India. The remaining investors registered their claims within the Clarion-Clipperton field in the Pacific, such area housing also claims of a number of consortia, the socalled potential investors: Ocean Mining Associates (OMA), Ocean Mining Incorporation (OMI), and Lockheed Martin System Co. Incorporation (LMS),
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 representing interests of developed western countries. In 1990 and 1991, the pioneer investors status was granted to COMRA (acting on behalf of the government of China) and to Inter Ocean Metal (IOM), respectively, their claim areas being situated in the Clarion - Clipperton field. The similar status was also granted to KORDI, acting on behalf of the government of Republic of Korea, in 1994. During XI International Seabed Authority Annual Session in 2005, the Germany registered their claim area in western part of Clarion - Clipperton ore field (German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources). In addition to the registered pioneer areas assigned to the pioneer investors, the Clarion-Clipperton field encompasses also mineable areas under the United Nations jurisdiction. Since 1994, after the Convention on the Law of the Sea Treats Mineral Resources on the sea floor and in the subsoil thereof in the high seas had entered into force, activities of the registered pioneer investors within the so-called International Seabed Area have been coordinated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA). India, Japan, Korea, and China are currently active in their national deepocean mining program. Japan's R & D program started in 1981, but the at-sea test plan has been delayed for many years. An at-sea test of a subsystem has been carried out on a seamount in the Pacific in 1997. The details of the tests were not published . 3.0 NEED FOR PROPOSED STUDY India is not endowed with all the requisite mineral resources inland to continuously meet the present and future defence and other requirements of the nation especially in metals like Cobalt and Nickel to a great extent and Copper and Manganese to some extent. It is, therefore, imperative to achieve the best use of available mineral resources through scientific methods of mining, beneficiation and economic utilisation. In addition, attempts should always be made to ensure indigenous availability of basic and strategic minerals to avoid disruption of core industrial production in times of international strife. This directs us in favour of exploration and exploitation of rich mineral resource from sea bed by ocean mining. Field experimentation of deep sea mining has been started in the site allotted to India by PREPCOM for the ISBA in CIOB. Continuous mining concept by using surface vessel, riser systems (rigid pipe or flexible riser), buffer, flexible conduit and
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 self-propelled seafloor miner seems to be most prospective technology for commercial production of polymetallic nodules in the first instance. A self-propelled seafloor collector is a prerequisite for realization of continuous nodules from 5,000 m water depth. To make this mining economically viable, design of reliable and highly efficient deep sea bed collector which can be operated precisely is essential. This collector should also consume low specific energy to make deep sea bed mining economically viable without bogging down at the soft sea floor. The collector should be capable of being put into action on varying sea floor conditions viz. various strength & other properties of sea floor, depth of water, gradient of the sea floor, density of occurrence of nodules (abundance), size & density of the nodules, etc. This depends on the type and other design & operating parameters of the collector. The influencing operating and design parameters of the collector respectively are speed of the vehicle, speed of the mining device, tine angle, depth of penetration, pitch, gap between the tines of the collector, number of strokes per unit time, etc. In summary, efficient and environmental friendly deep sea bed mining requires a detailed study on the collector and ground interaction, the force required to be applied under varying conditions based on the resistances required to be overcome while operating the mining vehicle and selection of the optimum operating parameters. This project is aimed at studying the above parameters /to facilitate efficient design of deep sea bed collectors life of the components based on wear, fatigue, etc. An experimental set up with handling facilities will be developed for the studies. New pick up methods will also be evaluated and realised based on interaction with NIOT and studies can be done for forces acting on the system and pick up efficiency. 4.0 OBJECTIVES & SCOPE Mineral deposits that are located mostly on or under the deep seabed are to be excavated in the years to come to meet the overall mineral demand. The deposits of consolidated minerals in nodules, vein, tabular, or massive form, which may extend for considerable depth into the bedrock, also exist at some areas. However, the mining system used will depend largely on the properties of the sea bed & its gradient, mode of occurrence of the deposit, ease with which the material may be

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 excavated and removed from its surrounding environment, concentration, the water depth and the ocean climate in the area of operations. The Project aims at systematic and scientific investigation of influence of the properties of the sea bed, depth of water, gradient of the sea floor, density of occurrence of nodules (abundance), size & density of the nodules, etc. operating parameters on the operation of the deep sea bed collector. This objective would be achieved by studying the ground and mining vehicle interaction by analytical methods, scaled model studies and numerical modelling. It also aims at determination of optimum operating parameters for maximizing the efficiency of the collector in different soil conditions studying the interaction of soil-collector and Hydrodynamic resistances encountered during mining operations. 5.0 MISSION AND VISION FOR RESEARCH AND ESTABLISHMENT OF FACILITIES 5.1 Mission To carryout basic and applied research in the area of Deep Sea Mining Technology and to develop facilities and expertise in this area by establishing a state-of-the-art laboratory. These studies will provide necessary inputs relating to various forces acting and flow rates required for the design and analysis of wear & fatigue of deep sea mining components. 5.2 Vision 1. To establish an advanced Research Laboratory in the area of deep sea mining to facilitate carrying out continuous Research and Development activities on various aspects of it including design of mining systems (encompassing the other sub systems) which will have less impact on ocean environment and to ultimately culminate in establishing a Centre of Advanced Studies to facilitate carrying out basic and applied research in comprehensive Deep Sea Mining Technology. 2. To establish contacts with various research groups, working on deep sea mining, located world over and to share, augment and develop new and appropriate technology in the field of deep sea mining. 3. To develop expertise in deep sea mining by utilising the available land based mining expertise in the department in the fields of rock mechanics, mining machinery, mine economics, mine environment and other
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 associated fields. The persons associated with the project in the long run will be allied in development of systems for deep sea mining and various inter-related processes to scientifically exploit the deep sea bed mineral resources and there by help in the economic growth of the country. 4. To equip the sea bed mining industry of the present and future by providing practical exposure to the students of mining engineering. 5. Based on the requirements, establish a integrated deep-sea vehicle test basin in the future (as shown in Fig. 7) 6. Help in developing appropriate statute for deep sea mining. 6.0 METHODOLOGY 6.1 Development of Test Facilities Laboratory test facilities will be developed and established to simulate and carryout scale model studies by simulating varying deep sea bed conditions to study the influences of various aspects of collector-ground interaction under varying hydrodynamic conditions along with different operating parameters to improve the overall efficiency of collector. An acrylic test tank of 12 X 2 x 3 m (L X B x H), to simulate varying deep sea bed conditions, would be designed, fabricated and established. This tank will have all facilities like Bentonite handling and mixing devices. A steel structured track for the movement of the collector will be provided along the tank. This tank will be projecting one meter above the ground and the remaining two meters will be below the ground level. An inspection pit will be provided along the full length (on one side) of the acrylic tank to facilitate physical observation and recording of the operation of the collector in the tank. This tank will be based in a temporary laboratory building provided with an Electric Overhead Travelling (EOT) crane of 5.0 t capacity. The forces required to be applied, based on the collector and ground interaction under varying ground conditions by varying the operating parameters like speed of the movement of the collector, digging angle, digging depth, inclination of the ground, depth of water, nodule concentration (abundance), density & size of the nodules, design of the collector like efficiency (gap between the tines of the collector), number of strokes per unit time, etc would be assessed. These aspects also would be studied by numerical simulation for comparison and modification.

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 6.2 Details of Experimental Investigations The laboratory studies consist of Scaled Model Studies and Computer Modelling. 6.2.1. Scaled model studies The important design aspects of the collector are studied, in detail, through laboratory scale model tests. Using the laws of similitude, scaled models will be designed. Assembly and fabrication of the various elements of the setup will be carried out at the University under the guidance of NIOT. The objective of these designs will be: To establish the soil testing facility to determine various Physico-mechanical properties of sea bed on which performance of the pick up device depends. To generate soil conditions similar to those existing in the sea-bed. To study the design aspects of the collector. To determine the influence of various operating parameters on the efficiency of the collector and specific energy consumption. To establish optimum operating parameters for different types of collectors. To propose the most efficient collector for various soil conditions and water depth by studying the resistances offered while operating the collector. To test the pick up device assembly in the identical under water soil conditions by a proto type collector (Fig. 3a & 3b) To validate the design proposed using the computational and experimental investigations of soil - tool interaction studies.

Fig. 3.a Mechanical tined Pick Up Device

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Fig. 3.b Hydraulic Pick up Devices 6.2.2. Computer modelling This involves generation of computer models for various pick up device setup configurations, simulating the soil conditions, modelling the collector and understanding the effect of the soil condition on the pick up device performance under varying operating conditions as it varies with soil characteristics during the operation at the sea bed. 7.0 DETAILS OF BUDGET Details of the budget are given under eight headings, namely Equipment, Manpower, Laboratory space, Furniture; Books, Journals, Training & Travel; Consumables, Contingencies and Institutional Overhead Charges.

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 7.1.
S. No. I.

Description and technical specifications Quantity Name and address of the supplier To be fabricated/procured based on tenders Indigenous or imported Approx. cost Foreign Exchange Component Remarks

Instruments and Devices i (a) Test tank with structural frame, top rails, Carriage, Motors, Variable Speed Controls etc. (b) Bentonite mixing machine, Bentonite handling devices, Hoppers for storage of Nodules etc. (c) Control Room with control panel and facility for electronics storage iv Deep sea bed Collector and its accessories to be supplied by NIOT* v vi vi i vi ii ix x xi xi i xi ii Pump, Sump, Valves, Piping installations, Miscellaneous. Load Cells / Torque Transducers Balances and Other instruments. Underwater Speed Sensors and Stop Watches Flow meters Underwater Cameras along with Pan & Tilt devices HID lamps / HMI lamps (24,000 lumens) Travelling Microscope Software for Statistically Designed Experiments, Resistance studies 1 ,, Indigenous 0 Nil 1 Indigenous 25.00 Nil For simulating field conditions in the laboratory and carrying out lab. Tests and experimentations. To simulate different deep sea bed conditions in the laboratory and conducting tests. For data acquisition and control For carrying out laboratory experiments by simulating deep sea bed conditions to study the interaction between the collector and the deep sea bed of different properties. To store the required water, fill the test tank, empty it, etc. To measure the load applied on the deep sea bed by the collector. To weigh the amount of nodules collected per unit time and measure the efficiency of the collector under different deep sea bed conditions. To measure the speed of the collector To measure the flow of the collected slurry by the collector. To record the facts while excavating under water from two different directions. To increase visibility of the collector operation for recording with the cameras. To measure the wear of the collector bucket blade / teeth.
For numerical simulation of the under water collector and ground interaction and to design various influencing parameters.

1 Set








--4 1 set

,, ,, ,,

Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous

30.00 5.00 3.00

Nil Nil Nil

2 sets 2 2 sets 2 1 2

,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Imported Imported Indigenous

1.00 2.00 3.00 12.00 4.00 30.00

Nil Nil Nil 12.00 4.00 Nil

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

Design, Data Acquisition and Control, .


Equipment and instruments to measure various Physico-Mechanical properties of sea bed material 1 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . To determine Direct Shear Apparatus Servo Controlled Triaxial Apparatus Block Vibrator Consolidation Apparatus Pressure plate extractor Infra red moisture metre Flame Photometer pH meter Electrical Conductivity Meter Miscellaneous equipment 1 1 1 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, 1 ,, Indigenous Nil --Indigenous Nil Indigenous Nil Indigenous Indigenous 45.00 Nil Nil Indigenous Nil Indigenous Nil M/s AIMIL/equivalent ,, Indigenous Nil Indigenous Indigenous Nil Nil Shear strength Triaxial strength and calculate shear strength Consolidation of sample - doExtract moisture from the sample Measure moisture content Chemical analysis Measure pH of sample Measure Electrical conductivity of sample



Data Acquisition Systems Hardware & Software (including Computers, field laptops), Printers / Supporting Peripherals and Accessories Electrical Over Head Mobile crane (hoist system over the tank)

--1 Total


Indigenous Indigenous

6.00 12.00 190

Nil Nil 16.00

For carrying out numerical Simulation and other design works, Preparation of the reports, publications, field visits, etc. For handling the machines on the deep sea bed simulator tank

To be supplied by NIOT

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 7.2. MANPOWER (Salaries)

(Rupees in Lakhs) Amount (Man Months) Year I 1. Research Officer B.E in Mining, Mechanical or Civil Engg. (@ Rs. 20,000 PM per person during I year, Rs. 22,000 PM during II year and Rs. 24,000 PM) Mechanic ITI Mechanic/Fitter (@ RS. 10,000 PM during I year, Rs. 11,000 PM during II year and Rs. 12,000 PM) Laboratory Higher Secondary assistant / Certificate Attendar (@ RS. 8,000 PM per person during I year, Rs. 9,000 PM during II year and Rs. 10,000 PM) Total II III Total One each for conducting the field & laboratory work and Numerical Simulation, Literature Review, Visits to other Institutions, Purchase, Maintenance of records and registers, accounts, etc. To carry out the fabrication work in the laboratory, installation, operation and maintenance of equipment

S. No.



No. of Persons


4.80 (24)

5.28 (24)

5.76 (24)

15.84 (72)


1.20 (12)

1.32 (12)

1.44 (12)

3.96 (36)


1.92 (24)

2.16 (24)

2.40 (24)

6.48 (72)

To help in installing the equipment, carryout manual unskilled work, filling the tanks, emptying them, etc.

7.92 (60)

8.76 (60)

9.60 (60)

26.28 (180)

7.3 Underwater Excavation Simulation Laboratory Building*

(Rupees in Lakhs)

Sl. No. 1.

Description Excavator-Soil Interaction Simulation Laboratory (Industrial RCC / Shield Shed) Instrumentation and numerical simulation cubicles including stores Electrical and plumbing works along with lighting & air-conditioning Total

Size (L X W X H) in m 18.2 X 10 x 7.0

Floor Area m2 182

Remarks Cost To provide temporary shelter to the experimental setup from the weather and to accommodate the instruments and equipment required for the project


5 X 10 X 3.5






The detailed drawings are given in Fig.5 a & 5 b

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 7.4.
Sl. No.

Work Benches/ Furniture

(Rupees in Lakhs)

Description of the furniture


1. Work benches and other furniture for the labs. including tables and chairs 2.25 2. Storage cabinets for tools, books & Journals 0.75 Total 3.00


Books, Journals, Models, Training & Travel

(Rupees in Lakhs)

Description Books, Journals, Educational CDs & Models, Training and Travel

Year II

Total III


Books, Journals, CDs & Models for literature survey and acquiring latest information, Training of staff, Attending 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 seminars, symposia, workshops, field visits, literature collection, interaction with experts, inviting experts, attending short term courses, etc.

Sl. No.

(Rupees in Lakhs)

Items Equipment and instrument spares Temporary storage devices like pen drives, CDs, etc. Bentonite Toner cartridges Stationery Lubricants Tools Miscellaneous items Total

Year II











Sl. No. 1. 2. 3.

(Rupees in Lakhs)

Items Phone charges Postage & courier charges Xerox and documentation charges

I 2.0

Year II 2.0

III 2.0

Total 6.00

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Employment of additional manpower for installation, etc Servicing of equipment Preparation of reports, typing, printing, binding, etc. Training and attending short term courses Conducting Workshops Miscellaneous and sundry expenses Total





7.8. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Total Budget of the Project

(Rupees in Lakhs)


Equipment --Manpower (Salaries) 8.76 Temporary Laboratory Building --Work Benches / Furniture --Books, Journals, Models, Training & 5.00 5.00 5.00 Travel Consumables 15.00 5.00 5.00 Contingencies 2.00 2.00 2.00 Total 297.92 20.76 21.60 Institutional Overhead Charges @ 15% 44.688 3.114 3.240 of the cost of the project GRAND TOTAL 342.608 23.874 24.84

I 190.00 7.92 75.00 3.00

Year II

III --9.60 -----

Total 190.00 26.28 75.00 3.00 15.00 25.00 6.00 340.28 51.042 391.322


Contingencies, Rs.6, 1.533% Consumables, Rs.25, 6.389% Books, Journals, Models Training & Travel, Rs.15, 3.833% Institutional Over head Charges, Rs. 51.042, 13.043% Equipment, Rs.190 48.553% Equipment Manpow er (Salaries) Lab. Shed Books, Journals, Travel Work Benches / Furniture, Rs. 3, 0676% Consumables Contingencies Institute Overhead Lab. Shed, Rs. 75 19.165% Manpow er (Salaries), Rs. 26.28, 6.715% Work Benches / Furniture Rupees in Lakhs

Fig. 4 Distribution of various costs involved in the Project

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Fig. 5 a. Proposed laboratory shed Plan & Side View

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Fig. 5 b. Proposed laboratory 3 D View

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


8.0 8.1

TIME FRAME & MILESTONES Organisation of Work Elements 1. Advertisement, selection and recruitment of project staff i.e. project officers, unskilled labour and mechanic. 2. Literature review from libraries of various research organisations and educational institutions and internet. 3. 4. Consultations with the experts in the area of research. Collection of data relating to existing ocean mining technologies, mining nodule collectors, pick up devices, etc. for studying the performance of the mining system available at different soil conditions. 5. Identification of the suppliers and purchase of equipment, consumables and software following the university procedures. 6. 7. 8. Identification of design parameters from the data collected Generation of Computer models. Simulation of soil conditions and modelling the nodule collector / pick up device using Design Software. 9. 10. 11. 12. Determination of design parameters of the Nodule Collector and its components using Design Software. Determination of performance of pick up device using the scaled model testing facility for various soil conditions. Analysis of design aspects of collector assembly. Studying the soil-pick up device interaction and resistances offered to operation of the collector under varying ground conditions. 13. Influence of various operating parameters on the soil-pick up device interaction. 14. Correlation of the results obtained in the laboratory by FEM.

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

8.2 Bar Chart indicating the duration and timing of various activities of the project
I 1 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 . 1 1
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Activity 2

Duration (Years) II III Duration in Quarters 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Literature Review

Collection of field data on existing mining technologies, mining nodule collectors, pick up devices, etc

Selection and Recruitment of staff

Identification of equipment

Identification of software

Purchase of equipment

Purchase of Consumables

Purchase of Software

Identification of design parameters

Generation of Computer models

Preparation of Testing facilities (like construction of the shed, etc) Phase -I

1 2 . 1 3 . 1 4 . 1 5 . 1 6 . 1 7 . 1 8 . 1 9 . 2 0 . Studying the soil-pick up device interaction and resistances offered to operation of the collector under varying ground conditions Determination of performance of pick up device using the collector testing facility for various soil conditions in lab by scaled model studies Assembly of components of the scaled model in the Laboratory Fabrication of components of the scaled model Fine tuning of design parameters of the Nodule Collector and its components based on numerical simulation Studying the soil-pick up device interaction and resistances offered to operation of the collector under varying ground conditions Determination of Performance of pickup device using the collector testing facility for various soil conditions by numerical simulation Simulation of soil conditions and modelling the mining nodule collector / pick up device using Design Software Preparation of Testing facilities (like assembling of equipment, etc) Phase -II

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

2 1 . 2 2 . 2 3 . 2 4 . 2 5 . Preparation and submission of final report Conducting workshop to disseminate the knowledge acquired in the research Analysis and correlation of the results Studying the influence of various operating parameters on the soil-pick up device interaction by on parameter at a time by Scaled Model Studies Studying the influence of various operating parameters on the soil-pick up device interaction by on parameter at a time by Numerical Simulation


PERT Chart Indicating the Critical Path(s)

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Fig. 6 PERT Chart Indicating the Critical Path(s)

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 9. PROPOSED PROJECT IN FUTURE The Department of Mining Engineering of Anna University Chennai proposes to get associated with NIOT in the land based testing activities of the prototype of integrated deep sea-bed Vehicle also in the future. To carry out such integrated tests, a Deep sea-bed Vehicle Test basin as shown in Fig.7 will be required. Such facilities are available in China and Korea and it would become essential to develop one in the long run for India also. The location of the facility can be at Anna University Chennai if there are limitations in realizing the facility at NIOT due to space restrictions. 10. CONCLUSIONS The proposed study would help in having clear understanding of the ground and deep sea bed miner (collector) interactions under varying depth, ground conditions and operating parameters which helps in designing an efficient deep sea bed pick up device. The project is also aimed at studying the influence of operating parameters like speed of the vehicle, speed of the buckets, bucket pitch, tine angle, depth of penetration, pitch, gap between the tines of collector, number of strokes per unit time, angle of nodule injection, and nodule injection velocity, etc on the efficiency of the pick up device and also in selecting the optimum operating parameters to facilitate improved efficiency at least specific energy consumption. The involvement of land based mining and related engineers in the estimation of forces acting on different devices simulating deep sea mining conditions will provide directions in the development of efficient collectors suitable for various deep sea bed conditions. The above study will also provide inputs on prediction of life of various components considering wear, fatigue etc. in the deep oceans. The project also crates a platform for carrying out continuous research (basic and applied) in the field of deep sea bed mining technology and in developing human resources for deep sea bed mining incessantly.

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Fig. 7. Deep-seabed Vehicle Test Basin (Future Vision) adjacent to proposed laboratory

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


11. REFERENCES 1. Deepak, C.R., Shajahan, M.A, Atmanand, M.A, Annamalai, K, Jeyamani, R, Ravindran, M, Schulte, E, Panthel, J, Grebe, H, Schwarz, W, (2001), Developmental tests on the underwater mining system using flexible riser concept, Proceedings of 4th Ocean Mining Symposium of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Szczecin, Poland, pp.94-98. 2. Deepak, C.R, Ramji, S, Ramesh, N.R, Babu, S.M, Raju Abraham, Shajahan, M.A, and Atmanand, M.A, (2007), Development and Testing of Underwater Mining Systems for Longterm Operations using Flexible Riser Concept, Proceedings of 7th Ocean Mining Symposium of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Lisbon, Portugal, pp.166-170. 3. Handschuh, R, Panthel, J, Grebe, H, Schulte, E, Wenzlawski, B, Schwarz, W, Atmanand, M.A, Jeyamani, R, Shajahan, M.A, Deepak, C.R., and Ravindran, M, (2001), Innovative Deep Ocean Mining Concept based on Flexible Riser and Self-Propelled Mining Machines, Proceedings of 4th Ocean Mining Symposium of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Szczecin, Poland, pp.99-107. 4. Muthunayagam, A.E, (1999), Indian Polymetallic Nodule Mining Programme, Proceedings of 4th Ocean Mining Symposium of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Goa, India, pp.1-5.

(P. Balamadeswaran) Co-Investigator

(K.V.Shanker) Co-Investigator

(K.Srinivas) Investigator

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 PROFILE OF DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, GUINDY ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI 600 025. A. Institute Profile Covering its Name, Location, Nature/Area of Operation, Past Experience, Available Key Personnel Along with their CVs. Profile of the Institution


Anna University is an affiliating type of technical University established in the year 1987. It has four constituent Institutions and more than 100 self financing Engineering Colleges affiliated to it. More than 210 years old world renowned Guindy Engineering College is a constituent Institute of the University. The University is offering 38 Undergraduate and 85 Post Graduate programmes in addition to the M.S (By Research), M-Phil and Doctoral Programmes in the constituent Institutions. It is the largest technical University in the world. The Department of Mining Engineering forms part of the Guindy Engineering College. This Department is manned by highly qualified, most experienced, dedicated and sincere teaching staff who have handled many research and consultancy projects. The laboratories of the University have state-of-the-art equipment. The University Grants Commission has accredited Anna University with FIVE STAR status, which is the highest rating. Guindy Engineering College is one of the top 10 Engineering Colleges in India. Anna University has also earned International recognition in many areas. The University is a pioneer in helping the industry by taking up many research and consultancy projects and providing solution to their day-to-day problems. 2. Nature of Operations Teaching and Research to produce the most competent Human Resources to meet the present and future technological challenges of the Country and to develop knowledge based society. 3. Available Key Persons i. Dr. K. V. Shanker, Professor & Head ii. Dr. K. Srinivas, Professor iii. Dr. L. Ajay Kumar, Professor iv. Mr. P. Balamadeswaran, Lecturer v. Mr. D. Edwin Davidraj, Lecturer
The curriculum vitae of the investigators is given in Annexure - III
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 4. Past experience The Department of Mining Engineering is carrying out substantial Research and Consultancy work to address the real-time problems of the industry. The details of the same are given in Annexure-I & II respectively. B. Infrastructural resources available and R&D set-up, manufacturing up, etc. set-

The Infrastructural facilities available at Anna University in general and Department of Mining Engineering in particular are given hereunder. The institution is having almost all branches of engineering with state of the art equipment and experienced and competent faculty members to assist the present research group in various fields to augment its capabilities. The institution is located in a Metropolitan City and has access to facilities like good market (for procurement of components and devices including electronic components), fabrication facilities and other specialized and rare facilities. 1. The Department of Mining Engineering The Department of Mining Engineering is one of the best Undergraduate Departments in the country with facilities on par with any national and international Mining Engineering Departments. The Department of Mining Engineering is manned with qualified, experienced, sincere, hard working and result oriented faculty in the fields of Rock Mechanics & Ground Control, Mine Ventilation and Environment, Mine Safety, Coal Mining, Mining Machinery, Surface and Underground Mining, etc. The department is equipped with many latest equipment. Important ones are indicated here under. 1. Universal Testing Machine 40 t capacity. 2. Servo-Controlled Compression Testing Machine 300 t capacity 3. Triaxial Cell with Lateral Pressure System. 4. Vibration Monitoring Systems. 5. Creep Rig. 6. Rock Bolt Test Setup. 7. Total Station 8. Global Positioning System (GPS) 9. ADINA Finite Element Software
Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems
By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

21 10. Data-Mine Software. 11. Sound Level Meter. 12. Personal Dust Sampler 13. High Volume Air sampler 14. Weather Station. 15. Gas Chromatograph. 16. Multi-gas Detector. 17. Various Mineral Processing Equipment ***** *** *

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.



S. No. 1.


Coordinators K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas L. Ajay Kumar K.V. Shanker Dr. K. Srinivas L. Ajay Kumar K.V. Shanker K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas K. V. Shanker K. Srinivas L. Ajay Kumar


Year 1991 1993 1994 1996

Modernisation of Rock Mechanics and Mineral Processing Laboratory Modernisation of Mine 2. Planning and Mine Environment Laboratory Development of Mine Safety 3. Engineering Laboratory Prediction and Analysis of 4. Subsidence using Finite Element Method Standardisation of Rock Mass Properties for Indian Coal 5. Measure Rocks for Numerical Modelling Open Pit Mine Design by 6. Artificial Intelligence Technique Correlation between Fracture Pattern of Magnesite 7. Occurrence of Salem District, T.N. Efficacy of Rock Bolt Support in Underground Fire Zones 8. and Water Bearing Excavations Integrated Mine Operation Management 9. System for a Large Opencast Coal Mine High resolution seismic monitoring for early detection 10. and analysis of slope failures in opencast mines Total







L. Ajay Kumar


UGC Ministry of Coal & SCCL Ministry of Coal & SCCL Ministry of Coal & SCCL


K. Srinivas K.V. Shanker



L. Ajay Kumar



L. Ajay Kumar

124.30 313.60


Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


S. No. Title 1 Geotechnical Investigations of . Keerapakkam Government Quarry 2 Ore Reserve Estimation and . Preparation of Mining Plan 3 Subsidence Analysis over . Longwall Panel No.1 of PVK No.5 Incline, Kothagudem Area 4 Strata Monitoring Studies in . Longwall Panel in No.5B Gate Roadways at Jawahar Khani No.5 Incline, Yellandu area of SCCL 5 Strata Monitoring Studies in . Longwall Panel No.7 of GDK No.9 Incline of RG-II Area 6 Strata Monitoring of Longwall . Panel No. 12 of GDK 10A Incline 7 Subsidence Prediction under The . Railway Track and PWD Road while Extracting the Underlying Coal Seams Adopting Stowing in Board and Pillar Panels at KK-2 Incline, Mandamarri 8 EIA and EMP Opencast Project . 9 EIA and EMP Opencast Project . 1 EIA and EMP of Srirampur OC-II , 0 SCCL . 1 EIA and EMP of Indaram OCI , 1 SCCL . 1 EIA and EMP of Sravanapalli OCP, 2 SCCL . 1 EIA and EMP of Chennur OCP , 3 SCCL Coordinators K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas K. Srinivas K.V. Shanker K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas K.V.Shanker K. Srinivas K. Srinivas K.V. Shanker K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas Funding Agency M/S SRC Pvt. Ltd. M/s Gem Graphites Ltd. SCCL Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) 0.69 1.96 0.97 Year of Award 2004 2004 2004





4.89 3.84

2004 2004

K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas




L. Ajay Kumar L. Ajay Kumar L. Ajay Kumar L. Ajay Kumar

Dalmia Magnesite Ltd. TANMAG Ltd.. SCCL

2.20 4.00

2004 2004






L. Ajay Kumar L. Ajay Kumar


12.50 12.50

2005 2005

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


1 Strata Monitoring by Instrumentation 4 in Conventional Depillaring with . Caving in B-12 Board and Pillar Panel of MK-4 Incline, SCCL 1 Strata Monitoring by Instrumentation 5 in Conventional Depillaring with . Caving in g-12 Bord and Pillar Panel of MK - 4 Incline, SCCL

K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas




K.V. Shanker K. Srinivas




S. No.

Title 1 Strata Monitoring by Instrumentation 6 in Conventional Depillaring with . Caving in 6S-I Bord and Pillar Panel of SRP - 1 Incline, SCCL 1 Strata Monitoring by Instrumentation 7 in Conventional Depillaring with . Caving in No. 53 A&B Bord and Pillar Panel of KK - 5 Incline, SCCL 1 Strata Monitoring by Instrumentation 8 in Conventional Depillaring with . Caving in PK - 2 Incline, SCCL 1 Strata Monitoring by Instrumentation 9 in Conventional Depillaring with . Caving in PK - 1 Incline, SCCLO 2 Study of Ventilation Network at GDK 0 No. 5 incline, SCCL . 2 Study on Impact of Deep Hole 1 Blasting Induced Vibrations on the . Proposed Water Dams in GDK-9 Incline , SCCL 2 Readjustment of stresses in the roof 2 strata during depillaring in SF-2 panel . of No. 2 seam 9thick seam) of P. K. No. 2 Incine, Manguru Total

Coordinators K.V.Shanker K. Srinivas K.V.Shanker K. Srinivas K.V.Shanker K. Srinivas K.V.Shanker K. Srinivas K. Srinivas K.V.Shanker R. K. Jade M. K. Jain K. Srinivas K.V.Shanker K. Srinivas K.V.Shanker

Funding Agency SCCL

Amount (Rs. in Lakhs) 5.68

Year of Award 2005

















7.83 132.95


Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.



1. 2. 3.

Name Fathers Name Address for communication

: : :

Telephone No. (with STD Code) : E-mail Fax. No. 4. 5.

Degree Ph.D. M.Tech. B.E.

: :

Dr. Srinivas, K. K.L. Narayana Murthy Professor Department of Mining Engineering Anna University Chennai Pin code 600 025. Office 044-2220 3117 2220 3286 Residence 044-2443 0227 dr_k_srinivas@hotmail.com 044-2230 0040 08.06.1957, 52 years

Date of Birth & Age Details of qualifications

Branch / Specialisation Mining Engineering (Rock Mechanics) Mine Planning and Mechanisation Mining Year 1998 1990 1979

Institution where studied Institute of Technology Kothagudem School of Mines - do -

University / Board Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 221 005 Osmania University Kothagudem Khammam (dist.), A.P. - do -


Details of experience
Post held Professor Assistant Professor Sr. Lecturer Period of Service From To 18.02.2005 29.12.2000 09.10.1998 Till date 17.02.2005 28.12.2000 Y 4 4 2 Duration M D 3 2 2 0 20 19

Name & address of the Institution / Organisation Department of Mining Engineering, Anna University Department of Mining Engineering, Anna University Department of Mining Engineering, Anna University

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

Department of Mining Engineering, Anna University The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd. The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd. The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd.

Lecturer Senior Under Manager Under Manager Mining Graduate Trainee Total

08.02.1990 26.04.1988 25.05.1981 19.07.1979

08.10.1998 04.02.1990 25.04.1988 24.05.1981

8 1 6 1 29

0 9 11 10 2

01 09 01 05 25

7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13.

Publications No. of books published Membership in Prof. Societies Research Projects Consultancy projects Design and Development of Equipment, Instruments and Working Models

: : : : : :

17 2 (Edited two seminar proceedings) 5 3 37 10


Development of New Techniques :

I hereby declare that all the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature Place : Date : Chennai 16.07.2009

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


BIO-DATA OF DR. K. V. SHANKER 1. 2. Name in full Present post held : : K. V. Shanker Professor & Head Department of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Email 3. 4. 5. 6. Date of Birth and Age Highest Qualification : : : Chennai600025. dr_k_v_shanker@hotmail.com 01.07.1957 Ph.D. 27.08.1987 : 51 years

Date of award of Ph.D. : Degree Professional Qualifications :


Institution Banaras Hindu University Banaras Hindu University Osmania University Board of Intermediate Education

Address Dept. of Mining Engg., B.H.U. Varanasi Dept. of Mining Engg., B.H.U. Varanasi Kothagudem School of Mines Kothagudem507 101 Govt. Junior College for Boys,

Year of Passing 1987 1982

Degree Obtained Ph. D. M. Tech.

Area of Specialisation Rock Mechanics Mine Planning

Class obtained and rank if any 74.5% First Class 75.25% First class with Distinction 60.4% First Class

1. 2.

3. 4.

1980 1975

B.E. Intermediate

Mining Engineering Maths Physics Chemistry

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

Nampalli, Hyderabad

7. Professional Experience
Period To Name of the post & Institution Professor/ Anna University Professor & Head / Anna University Professor/ Anna University Asst. Professor/ Anna University Lecturer, B.H.U.

S. No.



Nature of Duties Teaching, Research & Consultancy, Purchase of Equip., Establishment of labs, Student Affairs, Administration Teaching, Research & Consultancy, Administration Teaching, Research & Consultancy, Purchase of Equipment, Establishment of laboratories Student Affairs, Administration Teaching, Research & Consultancy


Till date

7 years & 1 months

2 3

25.3.1999 9.10.1998

31.3.2002 24.3.1999

3 years 6 months 9 years & 9 months 6 years

3. 4.

3.2.1989 1.2.1983

8.10.1998 1.1.1989


Publications (a) International Conferences/Seminars/ Symposia (b) National Conferences/Seminars/ Symposia Consultancy Projects handled

: :

11 34


10. 11. 12.

Membership of Professional Organisations Guest Lectures Delivered M.S. by Research guidance

16 9 1 (one student has completed M.S. by Research)

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

13. Ph. D. Guidance

1 (one students has registered and doing Ph D)

I herewith declare that all the statements made above and information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : Chennai Date : 16.07.2009 Signature


1. 2. 3.

Name Fathers Name Address for communication

: : :

P. Balamadeswaran Shri. O. Periyasamy Lecturer Department of Mining Engineering Anna University Chennai Pin code 600 025. Office 044-2502 3286 044-2220 3117 Fax 044-2230 0040 balamadeswaranp@hotmail.com 30.07.1970, 38 years

Telephone No. (with STD Code) : E-mail 4. 5.

Degree M.Tech. B.E.

: :

Date of Birth & Age Details of qualifications

Branch / Specialisation Mining Engineering / Opencast Mining Mining Year 2004 1991

Institution where studied Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai -600 025.

University / Board Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Anna University, Chennai 600 025

6. Details of experience
Name & address of the Institution / Organisation Department of Mining Engineering, Anna University M/s. Dempo & Co (P) Limited, Goa M/s. Kalimantan Energi Lestori, Indonesia M/s. KSG Engineers Limited, Chennai Post held Lecturer Mines Manager Project Manager Project Manager Period of Service From To 27.12.2007 12.08.2006 28.12.2005 15.10.2004 Till date 20.12.2007 30.06.2006 30.11.2005 Y 1 1 0 1 Duration M D 4 4 6 1 22 8 1 15

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

M/s. Tamilnadu Industrial Explosives Limited, Vellore M/s. Hindustan Copper Limited, Malanjkhand, Madhya Pradesh M/s. Hindustan Copper Limited, Malanjkhand, Madhya Pradesh M/s. Hindustan Copper Limited, Malanjkhand, Madhya Pradesh

Area Sales Manager Asst. Manager (Mines) Senior Mining Engineer Graduate Engineer Trainee (Mining) Total

27.01.1998 26.11.1996 21.10.1992 08.10.1991

15.02.2002 20.01.1998 25.11.1996 20.10.1992

4 1 4 1 14

0 1 1 0 8

19 24 4 12 15

7. . 8.

Membership in Prof. Societies Publications (a) International Conferences/Seminars/ Symposia (b) National Conferences/Seminars/ Symposia (c) National Journals Membership in Prof. Societies Languages known Research Projects Consultancy projects

: : : : : : : :

3 1 9 8 3 Nil 1

9. 10. 11. 12.

I hereby declare that all the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature Place : Chennai Date : 16.07.2009

Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.


Soil-Machine Interaction Studies on Deep Sea-bed Polymetallic Nodule Mining Systems

By K. Srinivas, K.V. Shanker & P. Balamadeswaran, Dept. of Mining Engg., Anna Univ., Chennai-25.

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