Accessibility MAS RULE
Accessibility MAS RULE
Accessibility MAS RULE
rule: image-alt MAS 1.1.1 - Non-Text Content 3
rule: listitem 1
Element: Text 1
rule: scrollable-region- 1
TabStops MAS 2.1.1 – Keyboard ; 31
MAS 2.1.2 – No Keyboard Trap
rule: aria-input-field- 1
aria-allowed-attr WCAG 4.1.2 2
Low Vision users may loose some information At 400% Zooming "Billing Profile" page is not
and may not understand if the page is not completely visible. Content is overlapping
completely visible at 400% Zooming. and loss of information is there
Users with low vision or having dyslexia who On applying text spacing content under "Tax
applies text spacing will not be able to read the ID" and "Tax ID Type" gets overlapped.
lines if content gets overlapped
Users who use the application with browser At 125% and above browser zoom the
zoom will miss the content, if controls and controls in the top navigation bar are
content are not available at 125% and above missing
browser zoom
Keyboard only users will have difficulty if there is -Keyboard trap observed at "calendar"
a keyboard trap observed at a control. User which is associated with Date Range label
should not be stuck at any point while navigating
through controls, user should be able to move to
next calendar control using tab or arrow keys
Ensures every ARIA input field has an accessible <span title="" class="k-widget k-
name (aria-input-field-name) dropdowntree" unselectable="on"
role="listbox" aria-haspopup="true" aria-
expanded="false" tabindex="1" aria-
disabled="false" style="width: 100%;
background-color: rgb(242, 242, 242);" data-
<span unselectable="on" class="k-select"
aria-label="select"><span class="k-icon k-i-
<span title="AllTransactionsScopeTitle"
class="k-widget k-dropdowntree"
unselectable="on" role="listbox" aria-
haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"
style="" tabindex="1" aria-disabled="false"
Screen Reader
rule: listitem
Element: Text
rule: color-contrast
rule: scrollable-region-focusable
rule: aria-input-field-name
1 Ensures <li> elements are used semantically (listitem)
1 Users with motor disability will face the issue as, they are
unable to see the controls "Requests", "Support",
"Feedback", "Profile", "More Options" buttons in
1 Ensures each page has at least one mechanism for a user to bypass navigation a
1 Low Vision users and Keyboard only users will have
difficulty in accessing and tracking the exact focus if
Focus order is not correct
- When we enter invalid Account Id, Narrator is
not announcing error suggestion message of
Account Id.
- Heading level is not provided for feedback
<li class="dropdown">
-Visible headings should be provided with
proper heading tags. "Customer Details", "Credit
Limit Details", "Tax Details" and "Policies"
headings should be given with h3 tags
<input kendo-date-picker=""
id="startDatePicker" k-format="'MMM dd,
yyyy'" k-ng-
e" k-on-change="$ctrl.startChange()" data-
role="datepicker" type="text" class="k-input"
role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-
autocomplete="off" aria-disabled="false"
style="width: 100%;">
User is not able to view the "Requests",
"Support", "Feedback", "Profile", "More
Options" buttons in Orientation.
1. Visually Impaired Users will not able to see
the Feedback Rating in High contrast Black and
White mode
2. Controls in the top navigation bar (versions,
notifications, support, feedback etc.) and Search
icon are not visible in High contrast white mode
3. User is not able to visually differentiate
between already added columns and not added
columns in high contrast black and high contrast
white mode
4.Search Icon is not having sufficient contrast to
visible in High Contrast Black mode in Requests
5.Search Icon is not having sufficient contrast to
visible in High Contrast Black mode in
Subscription+Usage Page
6. In high contrast mode, keyboard focus
should visible for site menu tabs when we
navigate through site menu tabs.
- The Keyboard focus is not going to the
Account Id under Menu .
<div class="pie-legend-container" ng-
- Unable to access "Dunning Events" grid section
using keyboard
-Keyboard trap observed at "calendar" which is
associated with Date Range label
Heading level is not provided for "Account
Identification", "Customer Profile", "Account
Information" and "Tax Information" under
account page.
Focus is not visible on "Refresh" button in Billing
profile page.
When we navigate the Site Menu Buttons ,they
are automatically selected and opened without
using "Enter" or "Space Key".
<button ng-show="!$ctrl.hideDefaultButton"
class="c-button dialog-trigger ng-binding"
type="button" data-js-dialog-
<span id="close-blade-label"
Dev Fixes
Fix ONE of the following:
- Element does not have an alt attribute
- aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
- aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or
references elements that are empty
- Element has no title attribute
All the content and controls should be clearly visible when user zooms the page