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Maths Activity Class 12

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1)To demonstrate a function which is not one one but is

onto (Activity 3)
2) To draw the graph of Sin -1 x, using the graph of Sin x
and demonstrate the concept of mirror reflection (about
the line y = x). (Activity 5 )
3) To find analytically the limit of a function f(x) at x=c
and also to check the continuity of a function at that
point. (Activity 9 )
4) To establish a relationship between common logarithm
(to the base 10) and natural logarithm (to the base e) of
the number x. (Activity 8)
5) To understand the concepts of increasing and
decreasing functions (Activity 13 )
General Instructions
* Make a Maths practical note- book (not spiral note- book)
and cover it with brown paper and put a sticker with your
name, class, section and roll no.
* All graphs and figures are on the left side of the page and
following to be written in the given order on right side of the
1. Objective
2. Material Required
3. Procedure /Method (Demonstration is not required)
4. Observation
* Index to be maintained properly.
* Students should be prepared for the viva at the end of the
Maths Activity performed by student
and record keeping 5 Marks

Assessment of activity 3 marks

Viva- voce 2marks

DATE: 15.06.21 ACTIVITY 1
To demonstrate a function which is not one-
one but is onto.
Cardboard, nails, strings, adhesive and
plastic strips.
1. Paste a plastic strip on the left hand side of
the cardboard and fix three nails
on it as shown in the Fig.3.1. Name the nails on
the strip as 1, 2 and 3.
2. Paste another strip on the right hand side of
the cardboard and fix two nails in
the plastic strip as shown in Fig.3.2. Name the
nails on the strip as a and b.
3. Join nails on the left strip to the nails on the
right strip as shown in Fig. 3.3.
1. The image of the element 1 of X in Y is __________.
The image of the element 2 of X in Y is __________.
The image of the element 3 of X in Y is __________.
So, Fig 3.3 represents a __________ .
2. Every element in X has a _________ image in Y. So, the function
is_________(one-one/not one-one).
3. The pre-image of each element of Y in X _________ (exists/does
not exist).
So, the function is ________ (onto/not onto).
This activity can be used to demonstrate the concept of one-one and
onto function.
Date:28.06.21 ACTIVITY II
To draw the graph of sin x -1 , using the graph of
sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror
reflection (about the line y = x).
Cardboard, white chart paper, ruler, coloured
pens, adhesive, pencil ,eraser, cutter, nails and thin
1. Take a cardboard of suitable dimensions, say, 30 cm × 30
2. On the cardboard, paste a white chart paper of size 25 cm
× 25 cm (say).
3. On the paper, draw two lines, perpendicular to each
other and name them XꞌOX and YOY ꞌas rectangular axes
[see Fig].
Graduate the axes approximately as shown in Fig. 5.1 by
taking unit on
X-axis = 1.25 times the unit of Y-axis.
5. Mark approximately the points (π/6,sin π/6) ,(π/4,sin π/4)
…. (π/2 , sin π/2) in the coordinate plane and at each
point fix a nail.
6. Repeat the above process on the other side of the x-axis, Marking
the points ( -π/6,sin - π/6) ,(-π/4,sin -π/4)…. (-π/2 , sin -π/2)
approximately and fix nails
on these points as N ꞌ1 ,N ꞌ2 ,N ꞌ3 and N ꞌ4 . Also fix a nail at O.
7. Join the nails with the help of a tight wire on both sides of x-axis to
get the graph of sin x from (-π/2 to π/2 )
8. Draw the graph of the line y = x (by plotting the points (1,1), (2, 2),
(3, 3), ...etc. and fixing a wire on these points).
9. From the nails N 1, N 2 ,N 3 ,N 4 draw perpendicular on the line y =
x and produce these lines such that length of perpendicular on both
sides of the line y = x are equal. At these points fix nails,I1 ,I2 ,I3,I4.
10. Repeat the above activity on the other side of X- axis and fix nails
at I ꞌ1 , ,I ꞌ2 ,I ꞌ3 and I ꞌ4 .
11. Join the nails on both sides of the line y = x by a tight wire that
will show the graph of y = sin -1 x .
The image of point N 1 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image of point N 2 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image of point N 3 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image of point N 4 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image of point N ꞌ1 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image point of Nꞌ2 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image point of Nꞌ3 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image point of N ꞌ4 in the mirror (the line y = x) is _________.
The image of the graph of sin x in y = x is the graph of _________, and
the image of the graph of sin -1 x in y = x is the graph of ____
Similar activity can be performed for drawing the graphs of cos -1 x ,
tan -1 x , etc.
Date : 12.07.21
Activity III
To find analytically the limit of a function f (x) at x = c
and also to check the continuity of the function at that
Paper, pencil, calculator.
1. Consider the function given by
2.Take some points on the left and some points on
the right side of c (= 4)which are very near to c.
3. Find the corresponding values of f (x) for each of
the points considered instep 2 above.
4. Record the values of points on the left and right
side of c as x and the corresponding values of f (x)
in a form of a table.
This activity is useful in understanding the concept of limit and
continuity of a function at a point.
Date : 22.07.21
To establish a relationship between common
logarithm (to the base 10) and natural logarithm
(to the base e) of the number x.
Hardboard, white sheet, graph paper, pencil,
scale, log tables or calculator (graphic/scientific)
1. Paste a graph paper on a white sheet and fix the sheet on
the hardboard.
2. Find some ordered pairs satisfying the function
y = log10x. Using log tables/
calculator and draw the graph of the function on the graph
paper (see Fig.)
3. Similarly, draw the graph of y’ = log ex on the same graph
paper as shown in the figure (using log table/calculator).
This activity is useful in converting log of a number in one given base to log of
that number in another base.
Date : 05.08.21
Activity V
To understand the concepts of decreasing and
increasing functions.
Pieces of wire of different lengths, piece of
plywood of suitable size, white paper, adhesive,
geometry box, trigonometric tables.
1. Take a piece of plywood of a convenient size and
paste a white paper on it.
2. Take two pieces of wires of length say 20 cm
each and fix them on the white paper to represent
x-axis and y-axis.
3. Take two more pieces of wire each of suitable
length and bend them in the
shape of curves representing two functions and fix
them on the paper as shown in the Fig
Take two straight wires each of suitable length for
the purpose of showing tangents to the curves at
different points on them.
1. α 1 = _______ , > 90° α 2 = _______ > _______,
α 3 = _______> _______,
tan α 1 = _______, (negative) tan α 2 = _______, ( _______ ),
tan α 3 =_______, ( _______).
Thus the function is _______.
2. β 1 = _______< 90°, β 2 = _______, < _______,
β 3 = _______ , < _______
tan β 1 = _______ , (positive), tan β 2 = _______, ( _______ ),
tan β 3 =_______( _______ ).
Thus, the function is _______.
This activity may be useful in explaining the concepts of decreasing and
increasing functions.

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