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Equipment Cost No.

Pumps $ 88,059.03 8
Heaters $ 44,180,417.15 13
Coolers $ 93,427,527.95 14
Heat Excgangers $ 800,966.64 4
Separators $ 773,370.73 5
Crude Tower $ 1,290,100.00 1
Vacuum Distillation Unit $ 813,000.00 1
Abs + Main Fractionator $ 946,000.00 4
Debutanizer $ 6,003,410.00 1
FCC $ 202,078,244.85 1
Visbreaker $ 98,858,600.80 1
Hydrtreating $ 10,071,764.94 1
Storage Tanks $ 4,523,931.03 18
Compressor $ 5,244,655.96 4
Cooling Tower $ 420,000.00 14
$ 469,520,049.08
$ 1,432,036,149.69 64

Total Revenues $ 4,710,459,114.38

Equipment Erection and Installation 0.4 $ 187,808,019.63
Piping 0.7 $ 328,664,034.35
Instrumentation 0.2 $ 93,904,009.82
Electrical 0.1 $ 46,952,004.91
Bulidings, Process 0.15 $ 70,428,007.36
Land 0.15 $ 70,428,007.36
Storages 0.15 $ 70,428,007.36
Site Development 0.05 $ 23,476,002.45
Ancillary Buildings 0.15 $ 70,428,007.36
$ 962,516,100.61

Fixed Annual Costs

Labour $ 1,176,000.00 Process Unit
Supervision $ 176,400.00 Atm Tower
Maintenance $ 81,597,419.81 Vacuum unit
Insurance $ 23,313,548.52 Visbreaker
Taxes $ 23,313,548.52 Hydrotreating
Overheads $ 49,769,891.89 FCC
Patents and Royalties $ 69,940,645.55 Gas Plant
Administration $ 44,100.00
Operating Supplies $ 815,974.20
$ 250,147,528.48

Variable Annual Costs

Materials $ 4,015,000,000.00
Catalyst $ 107,282,000.00
Fuel $ 58,335,494.82
Cooling Utility $ 130,708.68
Hydrogen Utility $ 28,161,043.56
Electricity $ 5,255,737.65
Steam Balance $ 762,936.47
$ 4,214,927,921.18
Total Annual Costs $ 4,465,075,449.66
Yearly Salary

Total Wages
Weekday Weekend Weekday Weekend
No. of Operators No. of Shifts No of Operators No of Shifts Tine For Shifts Tine For Shifts
2 3 1 3 40 16
2 3 1 3 40 16
4 3 2 3 40 16
4 3 2 3 40 16
2 3 1 3 40 16
4 3 2 3 40 16

Operating Labour Costs

- No. of pieces equipment - 76
- Number of work weeks - 50 (yearly)
- Shift - 8 hours, 5 shifts
- Therefore, eachs operator has - 250 shifts/yr
- there 1086 shifts/yr
- each operator has 4.3 shifts per year
- Number of operators - 𝑁_𝑂𝐿=(6.29+31.7𝑃^2+0.23 𝑁_𝑛𝑝 )^0.5
= 4.8




Weekday Operators 21 Weekend 15

shifts 3 shifts 3
duration 8 duration 8
daily operators 63 daily operators 45
daily houlrs 504 daily houlrs 360
Weekly duration 5 Weekly duration 2
Weekly Hours 2520 Weekly Hours 720
Yearly Hours 126000 Yearly Hours 36000

6.39269406392694 805479.4521 345205.479

$ 1,150,684.93
Week Day Wage Weekend Wage Weekday Labour Weekend Labour
20 30 4800 1440
20 30 4800 1440
20 30 9600 2880
20 30 9600 2880
20 30 4800 1440
20 30 9600 2880
total yearly 15768000 4730400

Total Labour $ 20,498,400.00


Average sal per yr $ 56,000.00

(online source) US
21 $ 1,176,000.00
Equipment Costs + Setup $ 1,432,036,149.69
Ctm $ 1,689,802,656.63
Fixed Cgr $ 2,119,413,501.54
Working Capital % 10%
Working Capital $ 211,941,350.15
Total Capital Investment $ 2,331,354,851.69

Product Plant Capacity

Gasoline 22520500 barrels/yr
Diesel 1520225 barrels/yr
LPG 665760 barrels/yr
Cost Factor 0.66747572815534
Kerosene* 7449650 barrels/yr
LPG* 9307500 barrels/yr
Naphtha* 1731466.56 ton/yr
Gas Oil* 12410000 barrels/yr
Bitumen* 411720 ton/yr
Coke* 771152.1732 ton/yr

Fixed Annual Costs $ 250,147,528.48

Variable Annual Costs $ 4,214,927,921.18
Total Annual Costs $ 4,465,075,449.66

Depreciation $ 141,294,233.44
Years 15
Tax rate 50%
Discount rate 7%

Year 1 2

FCI 1,165,677,425.85 1,165,677,425.85

Working Capital 211,941,350.15
Forecast Sales % 0% 0%
Annual Sales Income 0.00 0.00
Annual Expenses 0.00 0.00
Annual Income 0.00 0.00
Depreciation 0.00 0.00
Net profit before taxes 0.00 0.00
Taxes 0.00 0.00
Net Profit after taxes 0.00 0.00
Net cash flow 1,165,677,425.85 1,377,618,776.00
Cumulative cash flow 1,165,677,425.85 2,543,296,201.84
Discounted Cash Flow 1,091,969,485.57 1,208,908,095.58
CDCF 1,091,969,485.57 2,300,877,581.15

IRR 8%
NPV $210,412,435.31

Return on Investment 5%

Comparison of Cumulative Cash Flows


Cumulative Cash Flow, $

Undiscounted Cash Flow
0.00 Discounted Cash Flow
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


Time Period, years
Selling Price Sales
82.4 $ 1,855,689,200.00
88.2 $ 134,083,845.00
126 $ 83,885,760.00

73.9229368932 $ 550,700,006.83
84.10 $ 782,778,822.82
404.4902912621 $ 700,361,413.17
58.871359223301 $ 730,593,567.96
220.2669902913 $ 90,688,325.24
36.71116504854 $ 28,309,894.71
$ 4,957,090,835.72

3 4 5 6 7

75% 95% 100% 100% 100%

3,717,818,126.79 4,709,236,293.93 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72
3,348,806,587.24 4,241,821,677.18 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
369,011,539.54 467,414,616.76 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06
141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44
227,717,306.11 326,120,383.32 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62
113,858,653.05 163,060,191.66 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31
113,858,653.05 163,060,191.66 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31
255,152,886.49 304,354,425.10 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75
2,288,143,315.35 1,983,788,890.26 1,667,134,080.51 1,350,479,270.76 1,033,824,461.02
209,747,520.07 234,373,273.39 228,426,597.34 213,982,760.98 200,452,235.11
2,091,130,061.09 1,856,756,787.69 1,628,330,190.35 1,414,347,429.37 1,213,895,194.26

Cumulative Cash Flow


ash Flows 500,000,000.00

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Undiscounted Cash Flow
Discounted Cash Flow
18 2,500,000,000.00
8 9 10 11 12 13

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72
4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06
141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44
350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62
175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31
175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31
316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75
717,169,651.27 400,514,841.52 83,860,031.77 232,794,777.97 549,449,587.72 866,104,397.47
187,777,269.42 175,903,765.27 164,781,044.75 154,361,634.42 144,601,062.69 135,457,669.97
1,026,117,924.84 850,214,159.57 685,433,114.83 531,071,480.40 386,470,417.71 251,012,747.75

ash Flow

8 10 12 14 16
14 15 16 17

100% 100% 100% 100%

4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72 4,957,090,835.72
4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06 492,015,386.06
141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44
350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62 350,721,152.62
175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31
175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31 175,360,576.31
316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75 316,654,809.75
1,182,759,207.22 1,499,414,016.96 1,816,068,826.71 2,132,723,636.46
126,892,430.88 118,868,787.71 111,352,494.34 104,311,470.11
124,120,316.86 5,251,529.15 106,100,965.20 210,412,435.31
Equipment Cost
Pumps $ 88,059.03
Heaters $ 44,180,417.15
Coolers $ 88,626,087.93
Heat Excgangers $ 800,966.64
Separators $ 773,370.73
Crude Tower $ 1,290,100.00
Vacuum Distillation Unit $ 813,000.00
Abs + Main Fractionator $ 946,000.00
Debutanizer $ 6,003,410.00
FCC $ 202,078,244.85
Visbreaker $ 98,858,600.80
Hydrtreating $ 10,071,764.94
Storage Tanks $ 4,523,931.03
Compressor $ 5,244,655.96
$ 464,298,609.06

$ 1,416,110,757.63

Total Revenues $ 4,710,459,114.38

Equipment Erection and Installation 0.4 $ 185,719,443.62
Piping 0.7 $ 325,009,026.34
Instrumentation 0.2 $ 92,859,721.81
Electrical 0.1 $ 46,429,860.91
Bulidings, Process 0.15 $ 69,644,791.36
Land 0.15 $ 69,644,791.36
Storages 0.15 $ 69,644,791.36
Site Development 0.05 $ 23,214,930.45
Ancillary Buildings 0.15 $ 69,644,791.36
$ 951,812,148.57

Fixed Annual Costs

Labour $ 20,498,400.00
Supervision $ 3,074,760.00
Maintenance $ 81,597,419.81
Insurance $ 23,313,548.52
Taxes $ 23,313,548.52
Overheads $ 63,102,347.89
Patents and Royalties $ 69,940,645.55
Administration $ 768,690.00
Operating Supplies $ 815,974.20
$ 286,425,334.48

Materials $ 3,650,000,000.00
Catalyst $ 107,282,000.00
Fuel $ 1,652,328.33
Cooling Utility $ 557,889.98
Electricity $ 36,790,163.54
$ 3,796,282,381.85

Total Annual Costs $ 4,082,707,716.33

Equipment Costs $ 1,432,036,149.69
Ctm $ 1,689,802,656.63
Fixed Cgr $ 2,119,413,501.54
Working Capital % 10%
Working Capital $ 211,941,350.15
Fixed Capital Investment $ 2,331,354,851.69

Product Plant Capacity

Gasoline 22520500 barrels/yr
Diesel 1520225 barrels/yr
LPG 665760 barrels/yr
Cost Factor 0.606796116504854
Kerosene* 7449650 barrels/yr
LPG* 9307500 barrels/yr
Naphtha* 1731466.56 ton/yr
Gas Oil* 12410000 barrels/yr
Bitumen* 4.12E+05 ton/yr
Coke* 771152.1732 ton/yr

Fixed Annual Costs $ 250,147,528.48

Variable Annual Costs $ 4,214,927,921.18
Total Annual Costs $ 4,465,075,449.66

Depreciation $ 105,970,675.08
Years 20
Tax rate 35%
Discount rate 15%

Year 1 2

FCI 1,165,677,425.85 1,165,677,425.85

Working Capital 211,941,350.15
Forecast Sales % 0% 0%
Annual Sales Income 0.00 0.00
Annual Expenses 0.00 0.00
Annual Income 0.00 0.00
Depreciation 0.00 0.00
Net profit before taxes 0.00 0.00
Taxes 0.00 0.00
Net Profit after taxes 0.00 0.00
Net cash flow 1,165,677,425.85 1,377,618,776.00
Cumulative cash flow 1,165,677,425.85 2,543,296,201.84
Discounted Cash Flow 1,013,632,544.21 1,041,677,713.42
CDCF 1,013,632,544.21 2,055,310,257.63
IRR 6%
NPV ($952,088,216.06)
Selling Price Sales
82.4 $ 1,948,473,660.00
88.2 $ 134,083,845.00
126 $ 83,885,760.00

67.20266990291 $ 500,636,369.84
76.46 $ 711,617,111.65
367.7184466019 $ 636,692,193.79
53.51941747573 $ 664,175,970.87
200.2427184466 $ 82,443,932.04
33.373786407767 $ 25,736,267.92
$ 4,787,745,111.11

3 4 5 6 7

75% 95% 100% 100% 100%

3,590,808,833.33 4,548,357,855.55 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11
3,348,806,587.24 4,241,821,677.18 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
242,002,246.09 306,536,178.38 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45
105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08
136,031,571.01 200,565,503.30 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37
47,611,049.85 70,197,926.15 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23
88,420,521.16 130,367,577.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14
194,391,196.23 236,338,252.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22
2,348,905,005.61 2,112,566,753.39 1,865,741,737.17 1,618,916,720.95 1,372,091,704.74
127,815,366.96 135,127,162.77 122,715,655.75 106,709,265.87 92,790,665.98
1,927,494,890.67 1,792,367,727.90 1,669,652,072.15 1,562,942,806.28 1,470,152,140.30
Cummulative Cash Flow


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16





8 9 10 11 12 13

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11
4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45
105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08
216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37
75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23
140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14
246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22
1,125,266,688.52 878,441,672.30 631,616,656.08 384,791,639.86 137,966,623.64 108,858,392.57
80,687,535.63 70,163,074.46 61,011,369.10 53,053,364.43 46,133,360.38 40,115,965.54
1,389,464,604.67 1,319,301,530.21 1,258,290,161.11 1,205,236,796.68 1,159,103,436.30 1,118,987,470.76
Cash Flow

8 10 12 14 16
14 15 16 17 18 19

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11 4,787,745,111.11
4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45 322,669,661.45
105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08 105,970,675.08
216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37 216,698,986.37
75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23 75,844,645.23
140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14 140,854,341.14
246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22 246,825,016.22
355,683,408.79 602,508,425.01 849,333,441.23 1,096,158,457.45 1,342,983,473.66 1,589,808,489.88
34,883,448.30 30,333,433.30 26,376,898.53 22,936,433.50 19,944,724.78 17,343,238.94
1,084,104,022.46 1,053,770,589.15 1,027,393,690.63 1,004,457,257.13 984,512,532.35 967,169,293.40

Vary Gasoline Price
5 12% $355,138,754.59 8
4 12% $301,575,653.20 8
3 13% $248,012,555.82 8
2 13% $194,449,450.43 8
Reduction 1 14% $140,886,349.04 8
Actual 0 14% $87,323,247.66 8
1 15% $33,760,146.27 8
2 15% $19,802,955.12 7
3 16% $73,366,056.50 7
4 16% $126,929,157.89 7
Increase 5 16% $180,492,259.27 7
Vary Crude Cost
5 19% $484,184,726.98 6
4 18% $378,830,166.50 6
3 17% $273,475,606.02 7
2 16% $168,121,045.53 7
Reduction 1 16% $62,766,485.05 7
Actual 0 15% $42,588,075.44 7
1 14% $147,942,635.92 8
2 13% $253,297,196.40 8
3 12% $358,651,756.89 8
4 11% $464,006,317.37 9
Increase 5 10% $569,360,877.85 9
Equipment Costs + Setup $ 1,432,036,149.69
Ctm $ 1,689,802,656.63
Fixed Cgr $ 2,119,413,501.54
Working Capital % 10%
Working Capital $ 211,941,350.15
Fixed Capital Investment $ 2,331,354,851.69

Product Plant Capacity

Gasoline 22520500 barrels/yr
Diesel 1520225 barrels/yr
LPG 665760 barrels/yr
Cost Factor 0.606796116504854
Kerosene* 7449650 barrels/yr
LPG* 9307500 barrels/yr
Naphtha* 1731466.56 ton/yr
Gas Oil* 12410000 barrels/yr
Bitumen* 4.12E+05 ton/yr
Coke* 771152.1732 ton/yr

Fixed Annual Costs $ 250,147,528.48

Variable Annual Costs $ 4,214,927,921.18
Total Annual Costs $ 4,465,075,449.66

Depreciation $ 141,294,233.44
Years 15
Tax rate 50%
Discount rate 7%

Year 1 2

FCI 1,165,677,425.85 1,165,677,425.85

Working Capital 211,941,350.15
Forecast Sales % 0% 0%
Annual Sales Income 0.00 0.00
Annual Expenses 0.00 0.00
Annual Income 0.00 0.00
Depreciation 0.00 0.00
Net profit before taxes 0.00 0.00
Taxes 0.00 0.00
Net Profit after taxes 0.00 0.00
Net cash flow 1,165,677,425.85 1,377,618,776.00
Cumulative cash flow 1,165,677,425.85 2,543,296,201.84
Discounted Cash Flow 1,091,969,485.57 1,208,908,095.58
CDCF 1,091,969,485.57 2,300,877,581.15
IRR -1%
NPV ($948,287,940.58)
Selling Price Sales
82.4 $ 1,855,689,200.00
88.2 $ 134,083,845.00
126 $ 83,885,760.00

67.20266990291 $ 500,636,369.84
76.46 $ 711,617,111.65
367.7184466019 $ 636,692,193.79
53.51941747573 $ 664,175,970.87
200.2427184466 $ 82,443,932.04
33.373786407767 $ 25,736,267.92
$ 4,694,960,651.11

3 4 5 6 7

75% 95% 100% 100% 100%

3,521,220,488.33 4,460,212,618.55 4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11
3,348,806,587.24 4,241,821,677.18 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
172,413,901.09 218,390,941.38 229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45
141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44
31,119,667.65 77,096,707.94 88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01
15,559,833.83 38,548,353.97 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01
15,559,833.83 38,548,353.97 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01
156,854,067.26 179,842,587.41 185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44
2,386,442,134.58 2,206,599,547.18 2,021,009,829.74 1,835,420,112.29 1,649,830,394.85
128,941,326.41 138,490,826.58 133,879,626.50 125,414,170.02 117,484,000.02
2,171,936,254.75 2,033,445,428.16 1,899,565,801.67 1,774,151,631.65 1,656,667,631.63
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

500,000,000.00 Cummulative Cash Flow


Cash Flows



Number Of Years
8 9 10 11 12 13

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11
4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45
141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44
88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01
44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01
44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01
185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44
1,464,240,677.41 1,278,650,959.97 1,093,061,242.53 907,471,525.08 721,881,807.64 536,292,090.20
110,055,269.34 103,096,271.04 96,577,303.08 90,470,541.53 84,749,921.81 79,391,027.46
1,546,612,362.29 1,443,516,091.25 1,346,938,788.16 1,256,468,246.63 1,171,718,324.82 1,092,327,297.36
4 6 8 10 12 14 16
mulative Cash Flow

Number Of Years
14 15

100% 100%
4,694,960,651.11 4,694,960,651.11
4,465,075,449.66 4,465,075,449.66
229,885,201.45 229,885,201.45
141,294,233.44 141,294,233.44
88,590,968.01 88,590,968.01
44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01
44,295,484.01 44,295,484.01
185,589,717.44 185,589,717.44
350,702,372.76 165,112,655.32
74,370,985.91 69,668,370.87
1,017,956,311.46 948,287,940.58

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