Tle Agri-Afa Grade6 Module9 Week9 11pages Ito Yun
Tle Agri-Afa Grade6 Module9 Week9 11pages Ito Yun
Tle Agri-Afa Grade6 Module9 Week9 11pages Ito Yun
Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 2 – Module 9 - Week9
Marketing of Animal/Fish Raised
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Manages marketing of animal/fish raised
Discusses indicators for harvesting/capturing
Demonstrate skill in harvesting/capturing animal/fish
Prepares marketing strategy by asking help from others or using the internet
Markets animals/fish harvested/captured
Computes the income earned from marketed products (Gross Sale – Expenses = Net
Prepares plans for expansion of animal – raising venture
Technology and Livelihood Education – 6
Quarter 2 – Module 9 Title: Marketing of Animal/Fish Raised
First Edition, 2020
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Multiple Choice:
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheets.
1. This kind of fish can be harvested after three to four months of feeding.
A. tilapia B. bangus C. carp D. catfish
2.The most common types of fish pen in an inland fish pen. A large area is excavated
to create a pool of water where fish can be grown. It is a
A. concrete tank C. fish cage
B. dug-out/excavated enclosure D. plastic tanks
3. You can sell animal or fish by products directly from your farm. This is a very
convenient way to generate income since there is no extra cost for rent. All your selling
transactions can be done within your farm.
A. Direct from sales C. Farm to market
B. livestock D. Restaurant
5. This is an outline of the day to day operations of your farm. What gets done, how it
is done, when it is done, who does it production cycle). It is very important to keep a
record of your daily operations and processes that you can use as reference in the
A. monitoring C. execution of the business plan
B. developing the marketing plan D. planning for operation
Looking Back
Brief Introduction
Marketing the farm produce
Here are some ways to market your farm produce:
3. Farm to market
Some farming families or entrepreneurs also have meat shop or fish stall in the
nearby wet market to sell their own animal products.
4. Restaurants
One possible livestock client can be the nearby restaurants in your area. You
could establish “suki” system.
Example computation for the income of a backyard piggery doing a grow out
Assuming that there is an existing small piggery in your backyard and you
bought (10) two-month old piglets at 3,500.00 each which you intend to grow and sell
after four months. In cases where no infrastructure has been built yet, construction
cost (labor and materials) or rent of facilities should be taken into consideration.
10 piglets at 3,500.00
Cost of feeds 1,000/head/month (x 4 months)
A six-month old pig ready for selling (averages of 90kg assuming price per kilo is
(3,500.00/piglet) x (10 heads) = 35,000.00 (cost to buy piglets)
(1,000 food allowance/head/month) x (10 heads) x (4 months) – 40,000.00 (cost of
food forn10 growing pigs)
(90 kg ideal selling weight at 6 months old) x (120.00/kilo of live pig) – 10,800.00
(selling price of each pig after the 4 –month growing period)
10,800.00/head x 10 heads = 108,000.00
108,000.00 (selling price of 10 pigs grown after 4 months)
35,000.00 (cost of 10 heads of pig as starter)
40,000.00 (cost of food for 4 months)
33,000.00 (income in 4 months or 8,250.00 per month)
With the assumption that labor is free since work is done by members of the family
Date Item/s Quantity Amount Remarks
Make sure to keep your record book updated. List down expense items as they
are incurred so you will not forget them. Be specific in listing down items. Keep receipts
and file them in a folder or envelope.
Activity 1.1
Title of Activity: Methods of Harvesting Fish
Objective: To illustrate the different methods of harvesting fis
Group Activities
The class will be divided into 4 groups.
I have here 4 envelopes. Each envelope has paper in which the activity that
each group will do. The activities are as follows.
A. Discussion of methods in harvesting fish
B. Illustrations of the different methods in harvesting fish.
C. Demonstration of methods of harvesting fish
D. Demonstration of methods of harvesting fish
Critical Thinking
1. Do you know now how to harvest fish?
2. What are the methods in harvesting fish?
Activity 1.2
Title of Activity – Marketing Strategies
Objective: To prepare marketing strategy by asking help from others or using an
Group Activities
The class will be divided into two group.
Group 1 – Role play the strategies of selling a particular animal or fish product
Group 2 – Create amazing flyers and posters for marketing fish products
Each group will present their outputs for 5 minutes only. Let the learners have
freedom during the presentation
1.What four – legged animal or fish would you like to raise and market?
2.What marketing strategy or method will you use in selling this animal and why?
Activity 1.3
Title of Activity – Computes the income earned from marketed products
Objective: To compute the income earned from marketed products
Instructions: Group Activity
Form group of threes. Create an advertisement in marketing pork/beef and some by –
products. The advertisement is for online selling. Make it catchy, attractive and enticing
to be effective. Present this in class for evaluation.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. If you are to establish your own animal and fish raising business, what would you
be and why?
2. What would be the possible expenses of it?
Activity 1.4
Title of Activity – Conduct SWOT Analysis to develop strong business strategy
of students
Objective: To conduct SWOT Analysis to develop strong business strategy of
Instructions: Group Activity
1. Do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis.
What are your strengths?
What do you think are your weaknesses?
Are there opportunities you should look into?
What potential threats should you be aware of?
Prepare your SWOT analysis table following the sample below.
Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats
2. Form groups of eights or tens. Draw lots to determine who will do the following:
a. 1.Interviewing persons of authority or experts on animal raising
b. 2.Reading journals or magazines on animal – raising
c. 3.Checking proper location or space for the chosen animal/s
d. 4.Ascertaining sufficient
Let’s Remember
Due to the wide coverage of the internet, aside from placing advertisements on
different websites, you could also use social media to market your animal and fish farm
products and services.
The animal raising or fish farming industry can lead to different entrepreneurial
endeavors ranging from the sale of live animals and fish to the production of by –
products including meat.
Multiple Choice.
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheets.
1. You can sell animal or fish by products directly from your farm. This is a very
convenient way to generate income since there is no extra cost for rent. All your selling
transactions can be done within your farm.
A. Direct from sales C. Farm to market
B. Farmers market/livestock D. Restaurant
2. A Lopez piggery earned P5,470,568.00 in 27 branches in Manila and 2,005,971.00
in 161 branches the provinces. Combining the 2 amounts what was the average
income per branch from the piggery?
A. 7,476,539 B. 6,473,553.5 C.188 D. 13,950,092
3. This is an outline of the day to day operations of your farm. What gets done, how it
is done, when it is done, who does it production cycle). It is very important to keep a
record of your daily operations and processes that you can use as reference in the
A. monitoring C. execution of the business plan
B. developing the marketing plan D. planning for operation
4. This kind of fish can be harvested after three to four months of feeding.
A. bangus B. carp C. catfish D. tilapia
5.The most common types of fish pen in an inland fish pen. A large area is excavated
to create a pool of water where fish can be grown. It is a _________.
A. concrete tank C. fish cage
B. dug-out/excavated enclosure D. plastic tanks
Answer Card
5. D 5. B
4. B 4. D
3. A 2. A
2. A 2. D
1. B 1. B
Learning and Living in the 21st Century for Grade 6 pp. 309 – 315
The Basics of Better Family Living by Gloria A. Peralta, et al pp. 53 - 59
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